4-H UPDATE Midway District 4-H Newsletter 4- H Newsletter February 2019 “A leader is someone who knows where he or she is going and is able to take others with them.” Mary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products. In the process of wring a book to help women in business— in the late 1950s, she realized that her book was a business plan for her ideal company. One month before the launch of Beauty by Mary Kay, her husband passed away unexpectedly. She and her children made the decision to move forward and Mary Kay Cosmecs was started in 1963. She worked diligently to keep the focus of her company on quality— both product and personnel, and to provide opportunies for women. She was well ahead of her me! I appreciate her vision and dedicaon to details. She was well known for making connecons with people which enabled her to share opportunies for confidence building, independence, and goal seng. She certainly dealt with adversity and challenges but kept her sights on posive interacons with others. Do you know where you are going? Do you know who the mentors and influencers are that impact your journey? These can be both posive and negave so be sure you look for good ones! Be sure to BE a good one for those around you. Life is a Grand Adventure—Make every day count! Midway District 4-H Program represents Ellsworth and Russell area 4-H Clubs ELLSWORTH OFFICE 210 N. Kansas Ave Ellsworth, KS 67439 (785)472-4442 RUSSELL OFFICE 309 S. Fossil Ave Russell, KS 67665 (785)483-3157 MIDWAY DISTRICT STAFF Michelle Beran 4-H Youth Development [email protected] Mallory Hudson 4-H Program Assistant [email protected] Clinton Laflin Livestock [email protected] Jessica Kootz Family and Consumer Sciences [email protected] Elizabeth George Office Professional Ellsworth Office [email protected] Sheila Thacker Office Professional Russell Office [email protected] K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperave Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, as amended. Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperang, John D. Floros, Director.

4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products

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Page 1: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products

4-H UPDATE Midway District 4-H Newsletter4-H Newsletter February 2019

“A leader is someone who knows where he or she is going and is able

to take others with them.” Mary Kay Ash

I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay

Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later,

Stanley Home Products. In the process of writing a book to help

women in business— in the late 1950s, she realized that her book was

a business plan for her ideal company. One month before the launch

of Beauty by Mary Kay, her husband passed away unexpectedly. She

and her children made the decision to move forward and Mary Kay

Cosmetics was started in 1963.

She worked diligently to keep the focus of her company on quality—

both product and personnel, and to provide opportunities for women.

She was well ahead of her time! I appreciate her vision and dedication

to details. She was well known for making connections with people

which enabled her to share opportunities for confidence building,

independence, and goal setting. She certainly dealt with adversity and

challenges but kept her sights on positive interactions with others.

Do you know where you are going? Do you know who the mentors

and influencers are that impact your journey? These can be both

positive and negative so be sure you look for good ones! Be sure to BE

a good one for those around you.

Life is a Grand Adventure—Make every day count!

Midway District 4-H Program

represents Ellsworth

and Russell area 4-H Clubs


210 N. Kansas Ave

Ellsworth, KS 67439



309 S. Fossil Ave

Russell, KS 67665



Michelle Beran

4-H Youth Development

[email protected]

Mallory Hudson

4-H Program Assistant

[email protected]

Clinton Laflin


[email protected]

Jessica Kootz

Family and Consumer Sciences

[email protected]

Elizabeth George

Office Professional

Ellsworth Office

[email protected]

Sheila Thacker

Office Professional

Russell Office

[email protected]

K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, as amended.

Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating, John D. Floros, Director.

Page 2: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products

2018-19 EW County

4-H Council Officers:

President: Rachel Sebesta

Vice Pres: Sydney Wilson

Secretary: Rebekah Vague

Treasurer: Teagon Nienke

Reporter: Kason LaMont


4-H Council Meeting

Feb. 11 at 6:30 pm

Be prepared for these

meetings with officer and

committee reports!


ECFA Board Meeting

Feb. 4 at 6:30pm


Junior Leaders

Feb 4 @ 4pm

Ellsworth Fire


Join our Leadership

Road Trip!


2019 Fair Packets

For the 2019 Ellsworth County Fair, we will NOT

be preparing packets for 4-H families. All

needed documents, including instructions for

Fair Entry, will be posted on the Midway

Extension District website and the link will be

included in a future newsletter.

4-H Enrollment Fees

We have several members who are still in a Pending status with 4-H

Online as payment has not been received by the State 4-H Office. If you

have completed enrollment and don’t show that your payment has

cleared, please contact us to resolve as this may impact a 4-H members

ability to participate.

Be sure to check out the Fair Book Changes on Page 9!

Page 3: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products

2018-19 RS County

4-H Council Officers:

President: Lauren Myers

Vice Pres: Gracie Karst

Secretary: Grace Lumpkins

Treasurer: Braden Mai

Reporter: Rhett Pospichal


4-H Council Meeting

March 11 at 7:00pm

Be prepared for these

meetings with officer and

committee reports!


Russell Fair Board


Feb 11 at 7:00


4-H Junior Leaders

DATE @ 5:30


Be sure to check out the Fair Book Changes on Page 10!

Wolf Creek Valley 4-H members spent time at their December meeting

by writing Christmas cards to service members and caroling! They also

recently attended the FHSU men’s basketball game.

Page 4: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products


On Friday, December 28th the Jr. Leaders held their annual Lock-In at the Russell County 4-H Building. The evening

started with guest speakers Jeff and Andrew Ochampaugh talking about opportunities in agriculture. They discussed a

variety of career options that are currently developing and the prospect of returning to rural America following col-

lege. They also discussed how much agriculture has changed in the last 30 years and how technology plays such a cru-

cial role in any farm operation.

The group then enjoyed an Italian themed dinner including lasagna, chicken alfredo and all the fixings.

A short meeting was held to discuss the upcoming soup supper to be held at Russell High School on January 4. Tiffinie

Mai reviewed with each family what their obligation was and made sure all facets of the fundraiser were taken care.

The group also voted to pay outstanding bills. Aundrea Haberer then led the members in a community service project

of putting together birthday cake packages to donate to the Russell Food Pantry.

The remainder of the evening was spent playing games, making a drink run to Sonic and having a gift exchange. A fun

time was had by all.

If you have Club News

that you would like to

share, please forward to

Michelle & we’ll publish

on this page as space


Trying Tommies 4-H Club members

braving the cold before the Jam the

Gym with the Wildcat Women!

Ash Creek 4-H Club members

cheering at the Jam the Gym with

the Wildcat Women!

Page 5: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products

Many of the events and paperwork—most definitely the paperwork—for 4-H can be

overwhelming for new 4-H families! This page will be used to highlight things that may

be helpful to know in regard to upcoming events, deadlines, and necessary documents.


Spring weigh-ins are quickly approaching for our 4-H families in livestock projects. You have probably seen the term “tagging request” floating around and are wondering what this is, if it is necessary, if you need to fill one out, and how you do this. A “tagging request” is only necessary if you will be unable to attend the designated tagging and weigh in dates for each species. For beef, this is February 23rd and for Sheep and Goats, this is April 27th. Swine do not have an official weigh-in so all swine participants will need to turn in a small animal tagging request. You should plan to attend the weigh-ins on these dates, but if you find that you absolutely cannot you will need to submit a tagging request by the tagging request deadline. These can be submitted through a google docs form found on the Midway District website, Beef: https://www.midway.k-state.edu/4-h/events/index.html?id=28272&start=2019-02-08 Small Animal: https://www.midway.k-state.edu/4-h/events/index.html?id=28306&start=2019-04-12 If you do have to submit a tagging request, Michelle will contact you to work out a time for your animal to be tagged. Animals that are tagged via tagging request, and not on the designated weigh in/tagging day will not be eligible for Rate of Gain competitions. The Deadlines for the tagging requests are February 8th for beef and April 12th for small animals. As a reminder, please have exact change when you are paying for your livestock tags whether it is on the designated weigh in and tagging date or via a date you set up with Michelle when submitting your tagging request. Cattle tags are $3.50 and small animal tags are $2.75.

Page 6: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products


4-H Update Important Dates/

Deadlines (Calendar)


Check Club Mailbox at Ext Office

Report from 4-H Council Meetings

Provide any leadership changes to

Extension Office ASAP

Update Volunteer Renewal



4-H members ask a friend to attend

a 4-H meeting with them

Encourage current 4-H members to

review and complete applications for

KYLF, Citizenship In Action,

Citizenship Washington Focus

Remind all 4-H members and

parents who volunteer to enroll via

4-H Online!

The Extension Office has a copy of

the Cloverbud handbook for each

club—please provide this resource

to your club Cloverbud leader.

Invite non 4-H families to

attend 4-H events.

Provide officer and clubs leadership

updates as soon as possible to the

Extension Office

****Organizational Leaders

Zoom Conference Meeting—

March 6 at 12:15****


Supportive adults help youth discover what they are learning as part of their

experiences and to pursue deeper understanding to apply what was learned in other

life situations. 4-H uses the Experiential Learning model to do this.

1) Experience—The hands-on action providing an opportunity to experiment with

new ideas and interests

2) Share—Adults can promote discussion by asking questions such as What did you

do? What was your goal for this project/activity when you began? What did you

do to plan for this project/activity? What did you learn doing this project/

activity? What did you learn about yourself? How did you share your project/

activity with others?

3) Process—Adults help youth identify the life skill in the project/activity by asking

questions such as How did you make your decisions? How did others help you?

What made this a good project/activity? What problems came up and how did

you handle them?

4) Generalize—Identify how to use what has been learned in real life by asking

questions to transition the experience to the skill being practiced. Good ques-

tions include What key points did you learn? How is this life skill important to

you? Why is it important to have plenty of information before making decisions?

5) Apply—Adults help youth show that they have gained knowledge and practiced

life skills rather than solely focusing on the subject matter. Good questions in-

clude How do you think the project/activity relates to your everyday life? What

have you learned about yourself? Others? How can you use these skills in differ-

ent situations.

One of my favorite moments from one of the fairs was when a judge asked a 4-H

member what he had learned, he replied “I know I don’t like this project!” That is

VERY fair and he had certainly learned about that species and himself!

As a club or project leader as well as an involved parent, YOU have the opportunity

to impact your own youth and many others around them!

Material from Essential Elements of 4-H Youth Development Programs, National 4-H


Page 7: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products


FEBRUARY 1—Deadline for Citizenship in Action registration

1—State Horse Judging Contest and Equinefest registration Deadline

8—Beef Tagging Requests due (this is for 4-H members who are unable to attend weigh-in

and need to make alternate arrangements)

11— Club Day Entry Deadline

17-19—Citizenship In Action, Topeka

18—Midway District Offices Closed

22—State Horse Judging Contest and Equinefest

23—Beef weigh-in

24—Midway District 4-H Club Day

MARCH 8—Regional Club Day

9—KSU Junior Producer Swine Day

9—Riley County Invitational 4-H Dog Bowl

9—NW SpaceTech Day, Hays

13—Fiber Arts Day, Great Bend

16—Judges Training, Great Bend

21— Afternoon YQCA Session

23—NW 4-H Super Saturday

25—Evening YQCA Session

30—KSU Junior Producer Meat Goat Day

APRIL 1—Russell County 4-H Development fund scholarships due

12—Small Animal Tagging Requests Due ( this is for 4-H members who are unable to attend

weigh-in and need to make alternate arrangements)

15—Discovery Days registration deadline

27—Small Animal Tagging/Weigh in

Upcoming Events—Be sure to regularly check the Midway District website for upcoming shows

and clinics! We receive notifications about many different opportunities and make every attempt

to keep this current. http://www.midway.k-state.edu/area-shows/index.html

Page 8: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products


Midway District Club Day

Club Day will be held February 24 for all 4-H members who are enrolled by December 3, 2018. Club Day is a great opportunity to practice communication skills, show off your talent, and work together with your club to present a skit, gavel games, or a model meeting. A great resource can be found at http://www.midway.k-state.edu/4-h/resources/docs/Talks-Demos-Club%20Day%20Website%20Handbook.pdf **A Club Day Update will be sent the week prior to Club Day with schedules and events.**

Registration for the YQCA classes is located

at: https://yqca.learngrow.io/Account/Login

You MUST use your 4-H Online sign-in for the

Extension Office to access your records.

Completion of YQCA is required to sell an

animal (including poultry and rabbits)

through the county fair premium auction and

to show animals at the Kansas State Fair and

Kansas Junior Livestock Show.

Please consider this an important

educational aspect of livestock projects.

Kansas Wildlife Habitat Education Program

The Kansas WHEP (Wildlife Habitat Education Program)

contest will be held May 2 in Manhattan.

Today’s students are our future land stewards. Students

in WHEP have a greater understanding of the value of

land and how it can be managed to benefit many wildlife

and fish species. When they join the work force, former

WHEP participants can apply their WHEP skills and

knowledge to create better habitat for wildlife and fish,

no matter what professional field they have chosen.

If you are interested in participating in the state contest,

check out the link https://www.whep.org/ and the

manual for the Great Plains Grasslands—Tallgrass/Mixed

Prairie ecoregion at https://www.whep.org/national-


Engineering Extension to Host Youth Competition in Wind Energy

Kansas Energy Program within K-State Engineering is hosting the ultimate wind energy learning experi-

ence, where teams of students design, build and test their own wind turbines in a 48" x 48" wind tunnel

at a wind speed of approximately 3.5 m/s. There are two divisions - 4-8 grade and 9-12 grade. Any stu-

dent group is welcome to participate, including, but not limited to public school, homeschool, 4-H, after-

school clubs, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts.

We are excited to announce details of the 2019 Kansas KidWind Challenge. Please take a look at the de-

tails below and check out additional information on our website at www.kansasenergyprogram.org. We

are expanding the Challenge to include four regional and one statewide KidWind Challenge.

Page 9: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products

2019 Ellsworth Fair Book Changes – approved by Midway Extension Board 1.10.19

Added specifics about late entries Late entries will not be accepted after July 15th for all areas except for Fashion Revue, no late entries will be

accepted for Fashion Revue. Added YQCA Requirement Language

All 4-H members participating in the Livestock Premium Sale MUST have a YQCA certification number on file prior to July 1 of the current year. (added to General Rules)

Added the barn sleepover entry deadline 4-H requires at least 1 adult sponsor for each 5 kids staying at the barn. Chaperones MUST be a 4-H registered volunteer. A consent form must be signed and returned to the Extension Office by July 10th, NO EXCEPTIONS

before youth will be allowed to stay. Updated Life Skills Judging and Livestock judging rules: Life Skills Judging Contest SPECIAL RULES: To qualify for a state judging contest: Highest scoring individuals of the Senior Division in three (3) contests will represent Ellsworth County. State Judging Contest Team: will consist of four (4) senior division (ages 14 and older) individuals. Livestock Judging Contest Open to all current 4-H members. Removed Adults and FFA as these would be Open Class and under the direction of ECFA

Corrected Sheep Scrapie Tag rule

All sheep must have scrapies tag present before they may be exhibited at the fair. (corrected from “intact male or female” to include all)

Corrected Goat Scrapie Tag rule All goats must have a scrapies tag present before they may be exhibited at the fair. (added this language) Updated Fashion Revue language All garments must be displayed at the Fair or ribbon money will be withheld. (changed from Champion and Reserve Champion buymanship must be displayed)

Added KSF Photography rules about appropriate subjects and railways Appropriate photo subject matter: Photographic subject matter is expected to follow 4-H standards. For a sense of prohibited subject matter, review the Kansas 4-H member Code of Conduct; in general, if it is not allowable at a 4-H event, it is not allowable in a 4-H photograph at the State Fair. Photos with live subject(s) on railroad right away or taken from railroad right of way property will not be displayed in Kansas 4-H Photography and will be disqualified and not judged Add KSF visual arts rule about weapons not being eligible for judging Firearms and weapons are not eligible exhibits. (Added to match KSF rules) Remove Ultrasound Contest; replace with Carcass Contest only

Page 10: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products

2019 Russell Fairbook Updates – approved by Midway District Extension Board 1.10.19

Add language about food safety Refer to K-State Research and Extension Publication Food Safety Guidelines for Fair Exhibits, for information to help you make informed, safe food exhibit decisions. Added Language about YQCA requirements Any 4-H’er selling (previous said “exhibiting”) livestock at the Russell County Free Fair Premium Auction will have completed Youth Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) annual certification by July 1st of the current year via Midway District Extension Office on-site classes or online. This includes beef, sheep, goats, swine, rabbits, and poultry. If a certification is number is not on file prior to July 1 of the current year, exhibitors will not be able to participate in the Livestock Sale. Removed “calves will be tattooed at first weigh-in” Added KSF Rule about weapons not being eligible Visual arts entries Firearms and Weapons are not eligible exhibits Added KSF Rule about appropriate subject matter and railways Appropriate photo subject matter: Photographic subject matter is expected to follow 4-H standards. For a sense of prohibited subject matter, review the Kansas 4-H Member Code of Conduct; in general, if it is not allowable at a 4-H event, it is not allowable in a 4-H photograph. Photos with live subject(s) on railroad right away or taken from railroad right of way property will not be displayed in Kansas 4-H Photography and will be disqualified and not judged. Swine Pens – allow bedding (same as other species)

Page 11: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products

EXTRA Events & Happenings

Midway District Livestock Agent, Clinton Laflin,

is working to put together some livestock

judging practices and coordinate trips for

livestock judging.

Save the Date—March 23

Northwest 4-H Judging is a statewide 4-H and FFA

event that was held March 23, 2019. Youth take part

in Crops, Entomology, Horticulture, Life Skills,

Livestock and Photography contests.

Here's the flier. There are also project workshops and

a 4-H Volunteer Gathering. Don't miss out on all of

the great learning opportunities that Super Saturday

has to offer!!

Save the Date—March 13

Fiber Arts Day in Great Bend! More details

to follow!

Riley County 4-H Invitational Dog Bowl

What: The Riley County 4-H Kennel Club is

hosting an invitational Dog Quiz Bowl for Children Ages 7-18

When: March 9th, 2019 – Check in starts at

8:30 am – the first round of competition

starts at 9:00 am

Where: Pottorf Hall – Manhattan, KS

Registration: Registration closes on March

1st. The number of teams may be limited

and priority will be given on the order in which registrations are received. Registration

forms should be emailed to ot-

[email protected]|

Entry Fee: $5 per team. Checks should be

made out to: Riley County 4H Kennel Club

and paid during Check In on March 9th.

Rules & Registration Form

Have you ever thought about volunteering as

a 4-H or Open Class Judge?

Be watching for upcoming judges’ training on

March 16 in many project areas! We will post

more information as the Extension Office

becomes aware of additional details.

Page 12: 4-H UPDATEMary Kay Ash I love this quote! For any who don’t know her background, Mary Kay Ash started in sales at a young age first by selling books and, later, Stanley Home Products

Get Connected!





If you would prefer receiving the newsletter via mail (in addition to the email and posted version),

call the Extension Office at 785-483-3157 and we will add you to the mailing list.