1 3rd Sunday in Lent March 8, 2015 Non Territorial Parish 4400 Shakertown Road Dayton, OH 45430-1057 Phone: (937) 429-0510 web site: www.qac-ohio.org Pastor: Rev. Tom Schroer, S.M. Pastoral Associate: Deacon Greg Cecere Liturgies are Interpreted for our deaf community members NOTE: Nursery Service available each Sunday in the vestibule! Contact Maggie Atkinson at [email protected] A Member of the Marianist Family We share this bread and cup.... ....and we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love, and to be the holy people God calls us to be. (QAC Vision Statement)

3rd Sunday in Lent March 8, 2015qac-ohio.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/3rd-Sunday-in-Lent-03082015.pdfMar 03, 2015  · their worthy, prophetic leader. Romans 5:1-2, 5-8: Being “justified”

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Page 1: 3rd Sunday in Lent March 8, 2015qac-ohio.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/3rd-Sunday-in-Lent-03082015.pdfMar 03, 2015  · their worthy, prophetic leader. Romans 5:1-2, 5-8: Being “justified”


3rd Sunday in Lent March 8, 2015

Non Territorial Parish 4400 Shakertown Road Dayton, OH 45430-1057 Phone: (937) 429-0510

web site: www.qac-ohio.org

Pastor: Rev. Tom Schroer, S.M. Pastoral Associate: Deacon Greg Cecere

Liturgies are Interpreted for our deaf community members

NOTE: Nursery Service available each Sunday in the vestibule! Contact Maggie Atkinson at [email protected]

A Member of the Marianist Family

We share this bread and cup.... ....and we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love, and to be the holy people God calls us to be.

(QAC Vision Statement)

Page 2: 3rd Sunday in Lent March 8, 2015qac-ohio.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/3rd-Sunday-in-Lent-03082015.pdfMar 03, 2015  · their worthy, prophetic leader. Romans 5:1-2, 5-8: Being “justified”


From a Marianist Community of student brothers open to visitors for Sunday Eucharist, Queen of Apostles Community emerged as a non-territorial parish on August 28, 1973.

Continuing in the tradition of the Marianist Charism, we come together each week as a family of Catholic, Christian believers, to worship our God in the Eucharist with song &

praise and to share in the breaking of the Bread. In so doing, we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love and to be the holy people God calls us to be.

If you are visiting and worshipping with us for the first time, we extend to you our warmest welcome. Our prayer is that your worship experience will be uplifting and Spirit filled.

We hope you will visit us often and worship with us!

(If you’d like more information about us or would like to join our Community, please fill out the form on the back cover and drop it in the collection basket!)

NOTE: If the form on the back is missing, email [email protected] with your name, phone number, address and we’ll contact you about joining us.

Marianist Doxology May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the

Immaculate Virgin Mary.


“THE SPIRIT” & SUNDAY HOMILIES ON LINE: Visit our QAC website at qac-ohio.org. On the main page, go to Our Community. There, you’ll find Homilies or The Spirit of QAC...just click on the item of interest.


3rd Sunday in Lent: “You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything…” (Exodus 20:4). How many “gods” do you put before God? “Idols” do not always take the shape of physical things, things we can touch and feel. Those are easy to recognize. Many times they take the form of things we cannot touch and are much harder to spot - pride, power, ego, comfort or health.

QAC Operating Income Report Note: Operating Income includes regular collection, rental, and interest income.

Actual Budget Difference February 2015 $ 13,699 $ 18,632 ($ 4,933) Year to Date $130,132 $149,057 ($ 18,925)

Our fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th. Thank you for your generosity!

Sunday Attendance (March 1st): 120

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3rd Sunday in Lent

Presider……………………. Fr. Tom Schroer Assisting............................. Liturgy Planners…………... Linda Folmar Music Director……………... Teesie Chandler Interpreter for the Deaf....... Susan Fraker

Exodus 17:3-7: Uncertain of Moses ’ leadership and quick to question whether or not the God who miraculously brought them out of Egypt would remain with them in the desert, the Israelites challenge Moses: “Why did you ever make us leave Egypt?” In their challenge, the relationship between Moses and God comes into focus. God answers Moses’ prayer. The Israelites were learning early in their forty-year journey to trust that God was in their midst and that Moses was their worthy, prophetic leader.

Romans 5:1-2, 5-8: Being “justified” means, for Paul, that when a person has faith in Christ, that person receives all of God’s graces that flow through Christ. Through faith in Christ, we are reconciled with God: we have “peace with God.”

John 4:5-42: The initial exchange between Jesus and the woman is tense as the woman challenges Jesus for even asking her a question, then accuses Jesus of dishonoring “our father Jacob.” Despite the tension, Jesus begins to reveal himself to the woman as “the living water.” As Jesus reveals what he knows about the woman, she initially identifies him as a prophet, since Jesus knew about her misconduct. But then Jesus reveals himself as the long-awaited Christ. The woman undergoes an honest conversion and expressed faith in Jesus as the Christ. And she brought the good news to her fellow Samaritans, inviting them to a similar encounter.

Ministers Taking Eucharist to Those Not With Us

Presider: Let us send these ministers to those who could not be with us.

Response: Receive the Body of Christ for the nourishment of those who are not here with us. Assure our friends of our prayers and blessings throughout the week.

Music: (Service Music): Gathering ................................. Enter the Journey ................................................. Bulletin, Pg 9 Penitential Rite ........................ SUNG (Mass of Christ the Savior) ................................ Handout Gloria ....................................... NONE Responsorial ............................ If Today You Hear Gods Voice (Psalm 116) ............. Gather 89 Gospel Acclamation ................. SUNG (Come now, O Word of God) .................... Bulletin, Pg 4 Gospel Response .................... “Glory and Praise to our Savior Jesus Christ!” Creed ....................................... Prayer of Belief—John Shea ................................ Bulletin, Pg 4 Universal Prayer ...................... Response: "Gracious God, give us what we need." Sign of Peace .......................... SUNG (Come now, O Word of God) .................... Bulletin, Pg 4 Preparation of the Table .......... Instrumental Holy, Holy ................................ SUNG (Mass of Christ the Savior) ................................ Handout Memorial Acclamation ............. SUNG (Mass of Christ the Savior) ................................ Handout Doxology/AMEN ...................... SUNG (Mass of Christ the Savior) ................................ Handout Lord’s Prayer ........................... SPOKEN Lamb of God ............................ SUNG (Mass of Christ the Savior) ................................ Handout Communion ............................. Come to the Water .................................................. Gather 502 Meditation ................................ Lord, Grant Us Peace ........................................................ Choir Sending Forth .......................... There is a River .................................................... Bulletin, Pg 5

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CELL PHONES: Out of respect for the liturgy, please turn off all cell phones. Many thanks!

Birthdays (Mar 8th-14th)

Mar 8th - Sophia Cobb, Jerry Weisbecker 9th - Matthew Brookey 10th - NONE LISTED 11th - Jessica Buescher 12th - Pat Rooney 13th - Quinton Evans, Adam Nickell 14th - NONE LISTED 15th - NONE LISTED


Mar 2nd - Pat & Jerry Reichard 9th - Mary Lou & Bill Meers 15th - Sara & Greg Repasy 16th - Susan & Dennis Hernit 20th - Mandy & Jeff Cowgill 22nd - Terri & Ron Blanken 27th - Marti & Tom Quakenbush

GOSPEL REPONSE Come Now, O Word of God

Fill our minds, that we may hear your wisdom; Touch our lips, that we may speak your truth;

Hold our hearts, that we may always follow you; Come now, O Word of God.


We believe that where people are gathered together in love, God is present and good things happen and life is full.

We believe that we are immersed in mystery, that our lives are more than they seem, that we belong to each other,

and to a universe of great creative energies whose source and destiny is God…… We believe that God is after us,

that God is calling to us from the depth of human life. We believe that God has risked Self and became man in Jesus.

In and with Jesus we believe that each of us is situated in the love of God and the patterns of our life will be the pattern of Jesus - through death to Resurrection.

We believe that the Spirit of Peace is present with us, the Church, as we gather to celebrate our common existence, the resurrection of Jesus, and the fidelity of God.

And most deeply we believe that in our struggle to love, we incarnate God in the world. And so aware of mystery and wonder, caught in friendship and laughter,

we become speechless before the joy in our hearts and celebrate the sacredness of life in the Eucharist. Amen.

SOUP SUPPER & RECONCILIATION SERVICE: Wednesday, Mar 18th, in Si Lounge. We begin at 6:00 PM with our Soup Supper, followed by Reconciliation with private confessions afterwards. Everyone is invited.

NOTE: We need some help with volunteers willing to bring soup and others to help clean up afterwards (clearing/wiping down tables and washing/storing dishes). This will make it much easier for all of us to be immersed in the Reconciliation experience. If you are willing to volunteer, please send an email to Deacon Greg at [email protected]. Thank you!

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Enter the Journey REFRAIN: Enter the journey. Come to the song. By God you are chosen, by name you are called To follow the vision, carry the cross. Enter the journey of faith as the fam'ly of God..

1. Enter the Journey, the way may be long. Enter the Journey, yet we are made strong. God’s Spirit will guide us, God’s gifts will unfold. Enter the Journey of Hope! 2. Enter the Journey, though lost and unsure. Enter the Journey, God’s Peace will be yours. And all who are thirsting be filled with Gods grace, Enter the Journey of Faith! 3. Enter the Journey, though dark is the way. Enter the Journey, do not be afraid. For God’s great compassion will give you new sight, Enter the Journey of light! 4. Enter the Journey, the old and the young. Enter the Journey, the kingdom is won, By faith now united, as servants we come , Enter the journey of love!

Used with permission

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EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TEAM #2: Ken Takacs (Captain), Carol Bourne, Bob Buescher, Charlette Buescher (nursery/Si Lounge), Joan Ivory, Barbara Morgan, Phyllis Sharp, Chris Sitko, Roger Stallkamp, Dick Firsdon, Carol Wieland, Mary Lou Kramer, Bill Fecher, Cathy Adler, Marilyn Nagle.

EUCHARISTIC BREAD BAKERS: Marty Stieger (Mar 8th), Dennis Folmar (Mar 15th), Bob Buescher (Mar 22nd), Chris Sitko (Mar 29th). To make the Eucharistic Bread or for info, call Ruby Bauer, 426-7260. Recipes furnished.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTER'S MEETING. We have rescheduled the Eucharistic Minister's meeting for Today, Mar 8th in the Chapel following Liturgy. LITURGY PLANNING MEETING: The liturgy planning meeting is Today, Mar 8th after mass in Si Lounge.

COMMUNITY MEETING: Tuesday, Mar 10th, 7:00 PM, Si Lounge Family Room. All QACers are encouraged to participate in guiding the direction of the community. Plan to attend!!!

THANK YOU!!! Although many of us couldn't make it to Mass last Sunday because of the snow, a small group of dedicated QACer’s led by Deacon Greg celebrated with 120+ people that included 82 teens plus their leaders from Bergamo.

CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) RICE BOWLS: The next stop on our CRS Rice Bowls journey is the African nation of Niger, where we are reminded that life’s joys and challenges are often seasonal. This week, we pray for people who struggle to feed their families during the hungry season—when food is in short supply—and we commit to acting for the common good.

DEACON GREG OFF TO WARMER CLIMATE: I will be Orlando, FL until Mar 18th. Kevin Skinner will do the bulletin, so please continue to send all bulletin announcements to [email protected].

NEW PARENTS POTLUCK: Open to anyone who is expecting, or has babies, toddlers and/or preschoolers. Please join us for The New Parent's Potluck, 6:00 PM, Wednesday, Mar 11th, Si Lounge. Plates/utensils provided. Bring your own beverages; Last Name A-B bring a dessert; C-S bring a Main Dish; T-Z bring a Side Dish or Salad. Questions? Contact Jackie Andrews, (937) 885-3631,or email [email protected].

ANNUAL SPAGHETTI DINNER & SILENT AUCTION: Saturday, Mar 21st. This event funds all of our youth projects for the year, including our meetings, summer service trips, retreats, and leadership training. Make your reservations for dinner in the vestibule, today!! This year we are focusing on gift baskets for the silent auction donations. If you would like to donate, have a question, or need an idea contact Maggie Atkinson ([email protected]), or Jack Simpson ([email protected]) for more information. Thanks in advance for all your donations.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED: Our Eucharistic Minister teams are in need of additional members. Team members volunteer one Sunday per month and also offer their time as needed. If you would consider becoming part of this ministry, your effort will be very much appreciated! Please contact Darlene Stout, 426-9524, [email protected] or Amie Herbert, [email protected].

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SENIORS CORNER (Chuck Bauer): Tuesday, Mar 17th: St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef & Cabbage Supper with Irish Soda Bread; Si Lounge, 5:00-11:00 PM. The rest of the night's affair has not yet been defined, but we will have a great time. Last year most of the participants just enjoyed friendly conservation with background music by the Celtic Woman. Sign up after Mass - Mar 8th & 15th - or call Chuck 426-7260. Also include if you plan to bring salad or dessert, (for singles) bread, pop, or snacks.

CATHOLIC MINISTRY APPEAL (CMA): Thank you to all who responded generously by making a pledge to the annual Catholic Ministries Appeal, helping our community work toward its goal and joining with the entire archdiocese to do great work in the Lord’s name. As of Feb 25th, QAC has pledged $4,075.00 toward our goal of $8,283.00. Last year’s pledge was $5,420.00. If you have not yet participated and wish to do so, pledge envelopes are available on the table in the vestibule. Thank you for your generousity to this very important appeal.

DUVET PROJECT NEEDS HELP!: The project of making items for the Kaseye Hospital in Malawi, Africa is off to a great start. We have 12 duvets completed and plan to have an additional 12 done by May. Our next dates to sew together will be Mar 11th (9:00am-4:00PM) and Mar 12th (4:00PM-??). If you can cut fabric, pin, use an iron, hand and/or machine sew, we would love to have you join us. We need at least three serger machines, three regular sewing machines, 2 steam irons, a gallon of distilled water, 2 ironing boards, lots of long quilting pins, and sharp sewing scissors. If you don't sew but would like to help, we can teach you. Making these duvets is not hard and is actually a great opportunity for learning some basic sewing fundamentals.

And thanks to everyone who has helped us begin this project and to those who helped obtain and donate fabric. We’ll need to purchase more fabric for backing, plus thread, needles, and snaps before Mar 11th. Monetary contributions would also be greatly appreciated. Please contact us if you can lend a helping hand or have any questions. All are welcome!

Elisabeth Hangartner ([email protected]) Marti Quakenbush([email protected])

ST. VINCENT DONATIONS: Bring any useable clothing to the chapel vestibule any Sunday or drop off in the marked cabinets in the hallway near the Teen Room. March request - pillow cases. Contact Margie/Tom Hudnell, [email protected], or 429-0320.

HONOR FLIGHT MAIL CALL: To ensure all WWII, Korean and Vietnam era veterans get a full pack of thank you letters during “Mail Call” on each Honor Flight this year, we’re providing envelopes and stationery in Si Lounge for anyone wishing to write a letter to a veteran. Information and material is located on a special ‘Honor Flight’ bulletin board outside the Family Room in Si Lounge. Please feel free to use this material or any card or letter you wish and you can leave them in the envelope attached to the bulletin board. Questions? Contact your QAC Honor Flight POCs, Kelley Cox ([email protected]) or Glenn Greet ([email protected]). Thanks for honoring these heroes!

NO BAPTISMS IN LENT: In the ancient tradition of the Church, the season of Lent is a special period for penance, prayer and fasting to prepare the unbaptized for baptism and deepen the conversion and renewal of those who are baptized. In keeping with this Lenten spirit, we will not celebrate baptisms between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Naturally, circumstance, such as the welfare of the child, health of the mother or other serious pastoral reason may dictate an exception.

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PASTORAL CONSULTATION: Opportunity for QAC members to meet with Fr. Tom to address spiritual concerns, personal or family issues, including crises or challenges in one’s life. NO FEE for this service. Please make appointments thru Deacon Greg, 429-0510.

TAKE A LITTLE TIME TO CONNECT: Life is busy and full of distractions - sometimes we need to interrupt the chaos with a quick dose of inspiration. As we prepare our hearts for Easter, take a little time to connect with God and others throughout your day. Strengthen your spirit and encourage the hearts of others with a quick message from God’s Word!


INTERFAITH FORUM OF GREATER DAYTON. You are invited to attend the Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton Social for an interesting and tasteful exploration of Meal Etiquette and Dietary Restrictions in Different Cultures and Faith Traditions on Thursday, Mar 12th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Location: Christ United Methodist Church, 3440 Shroyer Road in Foster Hall, located on north end of the third floor. If your family was originally from Russia, did they eat either Tyurya or Shchi? Was your family from Lombardy, Italy and did they serve risotto alla Milanese? What were some of the favorite dishes your family ate during a religious holiday? Did your family talk about special dishes from their country of origin? If so, what information would you like to share about these dishes? Please bring a dish to share from either your cultural or faith tradition and please come prepared to discuss the importance of this food and print a recipe to share. Please remember no shellfish or pork products. Katherine Cooper, Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton Publicity Chair.

LENTEN SACRIFICE IDEA!: We often think of our Lenten sacrifice as giving something up, but it can be a time to do something. Catch the Building Spirit is a group of Catholic/Presbyterian lay people who construct a Habitat for Humanity home every year in the Dayton area. In our 22nd year, donations of time, talent and financial support are always needed. This year, we begin construction on Memorial Day weekend and conclude with dedication in early September. For more info, contact Matt Borgert, (937) 428-5098. Please consider CtBS as a way to put your faith in action this Lent. Catchthebuildingspirit.org or follow us on Facebook.

AREA OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUR JOURNEY OF FAITH: St. Meinrad Archabbey (800-581-6905 or www.saintmeinrad.org)

Holy Week Retreat - Apr 1st-5th

“THE VISION OF POPE FRANCIS FOR THE CHURCH”: Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, SDB, chairman of the Council of Cardinals advising the Holy Father, will present a talk entitled: “The Vision of Pope Francis for the Church,” Wednesday, Mar 11th, 7:30 PM, Chapel of St. Gregory the Great at the Athenaeum of Ohio. The Honduran Cardinal is the featured speaker of the LeBlond Lecture series held annually at the Athenaeum, 6616 Beechmont Ave, Cincinnati. All are welcome! View live – www.athenaeum.edu. For more info, call 513-233-6152 or email [email protected].

LENTEN VESPERS & CHORAL CONCERT: Sunday, Mar 15th, 7:00 PM, chapel of Mount St. Mary's Seminary, 6616 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati. The service will be led by Fr. Rob Jack, a member of the faculty. A setting of the STABAT MATER by Agostino Staffani for choir and strings will be sung by the Athenaeum Chorale. The public is invited to attend. All are welcome.

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MARTHA DINNER: The Sisters of the Precious Blood will host a Martha Dinner for high school girls and young women, Mar 12th, Salem Heights, 4500 Denlinger Rd (GPS address). Doors open at 5:30 PM and the event runs from 6:00-8:00 PM. This is an opportunity to meet members of both monastic and apostolic religious communities, pray together and share a meal, and visit with other young women exploring a call to religious life. There is no cost. For more information or to register, contact Sr. Mary Yarger, (937) 999-8456 or email [email protected].

CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL’s 30th ANNUAL ALUMNI IRISH FISH FRY. All are welcome to join us in the Carroll cafeteria/gym on Friday, Mar 13th from 6:00 PM to midnight for delicious Icelandic Cod, games of chance, silent auction items, and live entertainment. The Richens/Timm Academy of Irish Dancers will be on stage at 7:00 PM. Order your $13 pre-sale tickets prior to Mar 12th and you will be entered into a drawing for a 51 inch Samsung TV. Tickets are available in Carroll’s main office or online at www.carrollhs.org/2015alumnifishfry. For more information, call 937- 253-8188, ext. 339.

LPMP INFORMATION MEETINGS FOR DAYTON LOCATION: The Lay Pastoral Ministry Program will offer the Non-Degreed Certificate Option in Dayton beginning in August 2015. The program is designed for busy adults with Saturday classes and flexible formation components. Learn about Sacred Scripture, Church Doctrine, Moral Issues, Catholic Social Teaching, the Life of Jesus, Evangelization, Church History and your own call to Discipleship. The integrated approach deepens your faith, expands your knowledge and develops your skills for service. Information Meetings are informal and open to the public. They will include an overview of courses and formation, program benefits, the fees and application process. Join Deacon Hal at the Pilarczyk Center, 1436 Needmore Rd, Dayton, Sunday, Mar 8th, 2:30 PM OR Saturday, Apr 11th, 10:00 AM. For information, call Deacon Hal at 419-305-5486 or email [email protected].

COME AND SEE WEEKEND!: The Sisters of the Precious Blood will host a Come and See weekend Apr 17th-19th for women ages 18-44 who are interested in religious life, Salem Heights, 4500 Denlinger Rd. (GPS address), Dayton. Topics include the vows, what life as a woman religious is about, the power of prayer and the reality of community in our life and ministry. Come and share with other women who are discerning life as a Sister of the Precious Blood. The registration deadline is Apr 13th. For more information contact Sr. Mary Yarger at 937-837-3302 or 937-999-8456 or by email at [email protected].

READY… AIM... A bishop, a priest, and a deacon, were about to be executed for preaching the Gospel in a foreign land. They bring out the bishop first and the guard shouts, “Ready… aim…” and suddenly the bishop yells, “EARTHQUAKE!” When everyone looks around, the bishop runs off. Next they bring out the priest. They guard shouts, “Ready… aim…” and suddenly the priest yells, “TORNADO!” When everyone ducks, the priest runs off. By then, of course, the deacon had it figured out. They bring him out and when the guard shouts, “Ready… aim…,” suddenly the deacon yells, “FIRE!” "

The Book of Catholic Jokes" by Deacon Tom Sheridan, with permission of ACTA Publications. Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

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BAPTISMS: Planning on having your baby baptized during Mass? Contact Judy Potter (426-7688), Liturgy Planning Coordinator. If after Mass, contact Deacon Greg (429-0510). Either MUST be accomplished AT LEAST 2 MONTHS before the baptism date. You must also attend a Baptism class (call Deacon Greg)... you don’t have to wait until your child is born to attend! If no reservations made one week prior, class is canceled.

Classes for 2015: Mar 15th Apr 19th May 17th Jun 21st Jul 19th Aug 16th Sep 20th Oct 18th Nov 22nd Dec 20th

NOTE: NO BAPTISMS during Lent or during Mass in Advent (before or after Mass in Advent is still your option)!

*** *** *** *** ***

MARIANIST L.I.F.E. (LIVING IN FAITH EXPERIENCE) NOTE: Snacks/Social 6:30-7:00 PM; Meeting/Prayer 7:00-9:15 PM, Si Lounge

(unless otherwise noted)

Mar 8th - Max and Leo planning Mar 15th - Isaac planning Mar 21st - Spaghetti dinner (1:00-10:00 PM) Mar 29th - TBD Apr 1st - Paperwork and funds due for summer programs Apr 5th - Spring retreat forms due Apr 10th - Spring Retreat at Camp Birch in Yellow Springs (Apr 10th-12th) Apr 19th - Simon planning Apr 26th - TBD May 3rd - Lee planning May 10th - Mother's Day - no meeting! May 17th - Megan planning May 24th - Memorial Day - no meeting! May 31st - TBD

Welcome to L.I.F.E.! Looking for a place where you can come, be yourself and feel connected with others and with God? Then look no further. Join us Sunday evenings, 6:30-7:00 PM, when we have social and snack time, and then from 7:00-9:15 PM, for our youth planned and implemented meetings. In Marianist L.I.F.E. we build a community, we share, we grow, we support one another on our faith journeys. Call Maggie Atkinson (258-3702), [email protected] for more info. Or better yet see what other L.I.F.E.rs have to say about it! Open to all 9th-12th graders!

NEXT WEEK: 4th Sunday of Lent (Year A) Presider: Fr Tom Schroer

1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-41 Visit: http://www.usccb.org/nab/


God’s commandments lead us on the path to life. What path will you choose to walk? Pray for wisdom. (Exodus 20:1-17)

Please pray for vocations to the lay ministries, priesthood, diaconate, dedicated religious life and dedicated single life.

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QAC INFORMATION PLEASE … .. Pastor/Priest Coordinator: Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M., [email protected] .. Pastoral Associate/Secretary: Deacon Greg Cecere (Office: 429-0510). Office Hours: Tues & Thurs (3:30-7:30 PM), Wed/Fri/Sat (8:00 AM-Noon) .. Adult Faith Enrichment (AFE): Kelly Bohrer, [email protected] .. Altar Server Coordinator: Sharon Herbert (256-6417) [email protected] .. Baptism Coordinator: Deacon Greg Cecere, [email protected] .. Communications Coordinator: Mary Rice (426-1941), [email protected] .. Community Coordinator: Ken Moran, [email protected] .. Community Ministry: Terri Blanken (723-0151 or 372-3014), [email protected] .. Crossroads: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected] .. Fellowship: Donut & Bagel Sunday - Marie Restivo, (320-5961), [email protected]. .. Hospitality: Marti Quakenbush (429-9224), [email protected] .. Director of Music: Teesie Chandler (305-7996), [email protected] .. Eucharistic Bread Baker Coordinator: Ruby Bauer (426-7260) .. Eucharistic Minister Coordinators: Darlene Stout (426-9524), [email protected], Amie Herbert, [email protected] .. Finance Coordinator: Tom McCrate (848-7712), [email protected] .. Futures Committee: Bob Brookey, [email protected] .. Interpreter Coordinator for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing: Michelle Petrie, (409-2992), [email protected] .. L.I.F.E. Group: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected] .. Liturgy Coordinator: Judy Potter (426-7688), [email protected] .. Membership: Marilyn Nagle, (298-8908), [email protected]; Joan Ivory (689-8259), [email protected], information/applications. .. Ministry of Consoling Coordinator: Steve Guilfoos, (429-4512), [email protected] .. QAC Office Phone & FAX: 429-0510/429-0881/Email: [email protected] .. QA Seniors: Ruby & Chuck Bauer (426-7260), [email protected] .. RE Coordinator: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected], Office Hours: Sun (7:30 AM-10:30 PM); Tues (8:00 AM-4:00 PM) .. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Ken Takacs, [email protected] .. Social Justice Coordinators: Chris Sitko (429-4173), Jack/Nimfa Simpson (372-2883) .. SPIRIT Newsletter: Chris Penick & Steve Nordmeyer, [email protected] .. Stewardship Committee: Kevin Skinner, 427-4507, [email protected] .. Youth Ministry Coordinator: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected] .. Web Master: Bill Perry (429-5807), [email protected] .. Weddings, Funerals, etc.: Deacon Greg Cecere (429-0510), [email protected]

SERVERS / GREETERS SCHEDULE Month Servers Greeters Mar 8th Amie Herbert & Sharon Herbert Gina & Glenn Greet 15th Marti & Tom Quakenbush Dan & Marilyn Nagle 22nd Drew Nanda & Brittany Nanda Pat Hale & Tim Connair 29th Isabella Greet & Sierra Groff Pat Huser & Don Rammel Apr 5th Evie Atkinson & Syd Atkinson Marie Restivo & Pat Weissgarber 12th Gina & Glenn Greet 19th Dan & Marilyn Nagle 26th Pat Hale & Tim Connair May 3rd Marie Restivo & Pat Weissgarber

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IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT QAC OR WANT TO JOIN OUR COMMUNITY, please give us your name, phone number and email address and we will contact you.

Name: Address: Phone: Email:

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ANNOUNCEMENTS - to be placed in Bulletin for the following:



ANNOUNCEMENT: Please run in Bulletin for these dates: You may email your announcement to Deacon Greg at [email protected]

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SI LOUNGE RESERVATION: Please reserve Si Lounge for the following:

Program/Date(s) Required:

Room(s) Needed/Times:

Contact Person/Phone Number:

Or call in your reservation to the QAC Office at 429-0510. If you have any questions, please call Deacon Greg on Tue/Thu, 3:30-7:30 PM, Wed/Fri or Sat, 8:00 AM-Noon at the QAC Office, 429-0510.