Official paper of the European Youth Parliament Georgia National Conference EYP TT MESSENGER

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Official paper of the European Youth Parliament Georgia National Conference



Dear delegates of EYP national selection conference


We are sure, that these 3 days of session have been amazing for all of you. We are delighted that you enjoyed Teambuilding, Committee Work, Eurodebate, Euroconcert, GA. That’s how the EYP works! But the most important point of EYP are you - delegates, with their unique ways of thinking- meeting, debating, eating, getting to know each other and understanding how to do the job together. Indeed, you clearly realize the responsibilities as future leaders - given by our country, what needs to approach to the problems with European values. So EYP for us is chance, opportunity. World is challenging us, EYP is responding.

Go ahead dear delegates, we can do it together.

We hope, that this small newspaper will be memorable for National Selection Conference and will be encouragement for further activities in EYP.




PS. It is 5 AM in the morning so please tolerate any mistakes we have.



At this point, you have have become a

hardcore name-gameplayer!

Welcome Teambuilding General Assembly

You have become an excellent speaker in your fancy outfit!

By now you did not mind yelling

'Alele Kitaponga'in a public square



-Hi Barbare! It’s NSC journo here. How do you like the session? -Hi! I think the session was really fantastic, well-organized and splendid. Main is that it’s not only my idea, but I’m sure every participant will leave the session with very special emotion and will always remember it. Weren’t you hungry as hell during the session? -No, no, no! Food was ok. My thanks to orga. Team to manage all these works, which was really difficult, I believe. -thanks from coffee addicted and creepy looking guys, so called organizers, but here is one question too: did you like playing games under the hinted sun? - Truly it was too hot outside, but games were really inspiring. The fact is that really made me glad was that everybody was with one spirit of EYP. -It sounds good, but let’s gossip together a little bit. Here we are only and no one can hear us: how do you like our session president?:) -he is really brilliant with his active and hard-working skills. -Ya, he’s very lovely, energetic and pimp too. But don’t you think that president of EYP Georgia is better, without glasses, of course? -oh, dear journo you are giving such difficult questions to me… really hard to say, can only mention my good feelings towards him. He is really, handsome no matter or without glasses. - ok, Who is the sexiest chair? -Teona, ever… -oh, my god, you like girls, right? -oh, that is real funny… among male chairs I would say Tornike… our dear president of the session. -ok, it seems that you really like EYP Georgia, but I doubt, that it is only because you want one place for Helsink International Session, right? -who doesn’t?!:) hahahahaha….:)))) now I’m as honest as I have never been. -Well, who is the funniest journo? -you are. -the loveliest? you are. the cleverest? you are. -the most boring? -you, you and you. -ya, sure. you won! the was the right answer. As you won, your interview will be published!!!!




National Selection Conference

Legal NoticeThe EYP GE can not be held responsible for any undesired



First ITRE for Georgia Actually, some delegates were forced to discuss this topic, but that’s OK At least they heard word LNG for the first time. EYP-Georgia got it first ITRE committee this year! First but not the last



“When it comes to the Session we are the best,

When it comes to the resolution we can suggest…


EYP Nana and Nana , nanananaa..”

This was the song of ENVI committee on Euroconcert. Let’s go back and see how everything started.

On June 26 Delegates of ENVI committee: Elene Murvanidze, Kristine Mergelashvili, Madonna Okhanashvili, Tazo Lezhava, Giorgi Kankia, shalva Merebashvili, Dato Chitaishvili, Keti Todria, Barbare takaishvili, Levan Xutsitshvili, Iema Zarnadze,khatia latsazbidze gathered around before the Public Scholl 51. They even couldn’t imagine , that persons who were standing next to them, were the delegates with whom the would have worked during the next 3 days.

At first when ENVI delegates went to “Vera Garden” and played “Alele kitabonga”, they found it quite strange and the first thought what came to their mind was: “Is the EYP kind of strange religion entity ?!?! oh.. my good” (Maybe they still think so, ha?)

The Committee Work was very interesting. At first the delegates were separated from each other, but they understood that for Committee work they had to come together. So they did, got closer and successfully adopted the resolution .

on June 27 the delegates finished the resolutions earlier then other committees and even had time to go to the park, have fun, enjoy the weather and write the song for Euroconcert be”fore it started. ( that’s how the idea came to be the participants of the Concert, they had spare time)

Chairs Nana & Nana

ENVI Committee had two kinds of Chairs EVIL an kind. Nana Kalandarishvili was very kind chair. She was very lovely, made the delegates to feel the EYP Spirit and helped them to come together. But then came evil side of the chair Nana Maisuradze (form “Populi” of course) who told delegates:

Nana says: “Guys do you want to play?”

Delegates: “nooo”

Nana: “OK. We are playing.”

She also made delegates to attend the Eurodebate, so the delegates called her Nana the Evil. But Actually after the tensing debates Nana the kind also became evil, as the delegates did not listen to each other and lovely chair made them to write Golden Rules again and made them to apologize before the each committee member.

Nana the evil also was the “cook” of the EYP. She was like “hamburgers here, pizzas there “
