3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14

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  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft


    Where science and technology meet

    entrepreneurshiptobuild our tomorrow


  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    Hello Tomorrow in a Nutshell

    Our 2015 Edition

    Building Tomorrow Together


  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    We are a nonprot

    We help disrupti!etechnologiesturn into impact"ul prod

    We were "oundedin2011b !"T# HE$# $entrale# Agro# %ta( %)ien)e* +o alumni

    To a)hie,e that# we buil' a global# interdisciplinary# transgcommunitywhi)h gather* inno!ators# startups( corpora

    HE T!//W +/E%ENTAT"NHello Tomorrow in a Nut*hell

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    nowle'ge Te)hnolog

    We belie,e that 'i*rupti,e te)hnologie* )an ha,ea global impa)t ( *ol,e the worl'* maor i**ue*

    Howe,er# there i* a maor bottlene)4 in tran*&ormingthe*e te)hnologie* "nto impa)t&ul pro'u)t*

    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    5/ 6"%"NHello Tomorrow in a Nut*hell

    We nee' to thin4 out*i'e o& the bo7 through inter'i*)i

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14

    5/24Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    9 /emo,ing the barrier* between *)ientif):a)a'emi) fel'* an' )atal;ing *between )ommunitie*< re*ear)h# engineering# bu*ine**# 'e*ign# et).

    9 +la)ing problem-*ol,ing te)hnologie* at the heart o& the ,alue )reation )h

    9 +ro,i'ing training# fnan)ial *upport an' ,i*ibilit to oung )hange-ma4er*

    to *ol,e tomorrow* maor )hallenge* with te)hnologHello Tomorrow Non-proft

    5/ !"%%"N

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14

    6/24Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    5/ 2?10 /E$/D @"G5/E%

    >? amba**a'or*3? )ountrie*

    28 e,ent*

    European *)ale

    1#8?? att

    B? *pea4

    08C inter

    0?C wom

    1 &ull 'a2#??? appli)ant*

    1>?4 )a*h pri;e*

    8 tra)4*

    >? )ountrie*

    1? pre** arti)le*

    Hello Tomorrow in a Nut*hell

    8? ur member*

    ? partner*

    An "nter'i*)iplinar$ommunit


    A Global$ompetition


    An "nter$on&e


    H ll T i N t h ll

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14

    7/24Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    The Hello Tomorrow $hallenge gather* a pool o" change#ma$ers wh"eed the roots o" the nearly incoming "uture. Feing the witne** ogi,e* ou the &eeling that ou are tra,elling on a time-ma)hine.

    G-Therapeuti)*# 1??.??? Gran

    % totally uni&ue' breath#ta$ing e!ent# bringing together the mo*t ,i*oung entrepreneur* in maor te)hnologi)al 'i*)ipline* that will *hape thetomorrow "t wa* THE World Tech e!ent not to be mi**e' thi* ear./omain

    General +artner# +arte)h 6

    Hello Tomorrow was a great moment o" shared energy and disco

    talent* gathere' at HT$ ha,e 'emon*trate' their 'e*ire an' willingne**Europe a maor hub o& inno,ation an' )reati,it in the worl'. Fra,oA7elle

    %tate %e)retar &or "n

    5/ 2?10 /E$/D 5TE%Hello Tomorrow in a Nut*hell

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14

    8/24Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    Hello Tomorrow in a Nutshell

    Our 2015 Edition

    Building Tomorrow Together


  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    ur 2?18 E'ition

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14

    10/24Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    0? hub* in 2?10

    1?? hub* in 2?18

    Global $ro**-generation

    AN "NTE/D"%$"+"NA/J $!!5N"TJ=1ur 2?18 E'ition

    ur 2?18 E'ition

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14

    11/24Hello Tomorrow Non-proftHello Tomorrow Non-proft

    /ity Hub presentation

    AN "NTE/D"%$"+"NA/J $!!5N"TJ=1ur 2?18 E'ition

    $hange-ma4er* &rom all fel'* o& *)ien)e( 'iKerent ba)4groun'*# unior* ( *enior*

    our One /ity %m

    who )oor')))and the /ha

    "'eall orgeararoun' th

    Technology#drorganised regula

    FioTe)h NanoTe)h /oboTe)h $hemTe)h Aero*pa)e EnergTe)h Ar)hite)tTe Tele)omTe) AgriTe)h

    ))attended by Tomorrow))

    %)ienti*t* Entrepreneu $orporate le

    "n,e*tor* +oli) !a4e ournali*t*

    ur 2?18 E'ition

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    3ain competition "acts 4 gures

    A GFA $!+ET"T"N=2









  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    7roposed trac$s = $ey mar$ets

    Energ ( En,ironment @inan)e ( %e)urit @oo' ( Agri)ulture

    Clean energy creation

    solutions Recycling Energy storage Smart grid Etc.

    e-Security Cryptography Bitcoins Integrated financial

    solutions Etc.

    Food alternatives Nutriments ac!aging " coating Fertili#ers Etc.

    Bio $e %e Bio Etc

    "T ( Tele)om !anu&a)turing !aterial ( $on*tru)tion

    Information sharing

    technologies Connected domestic

    o&'ects Soft(are development Etc.


    hard(are ) ro&ots Intelligent production lines Integrated manufacturing

    solutions Etc.

    Construction $ining Ne( material applications Etc.

    Sm *u *ir Sp Etc






    A GFA $!+ET"T"N=2ur 2?18 E'ition

    ur 2?18 E'ition

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    A GFA $!+ET"T"N=2ur 2?18 E'ition

    ur 2?18 E'ition

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proftHello Tomorrow Non-proft

    Our 2015 edition will gather ,'000- participantso!er 2 days to build Tomorrow


    AN "NTE/NAT"NA $N@E/EN$E=3


    $ommunit+oli) ma4er* Lur member*Lournali*t* %tu'ent* $o

    ur 2?18 E'ition

    ur 2?18 E'ition

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    What it loo$s li$e

    A day ahead the conference, all

    ambassadors discovered places of

    innovation in Paris

    The night before, all stake-holders

    gathered around Axelle Lemaire at Palais

    de Tokyo

    The conference w

    'it! des "cien


    All day, prestigious speakers such as ()

    Liao or *) (an+i presented to the public

    #n parallel, semifinalist startups pitched in

    front of a crowded audience

    Partners semifin

    public around

    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    AN "NTE/NAT"NA $N@E/EN$E=3

    ur 2?18 E'ition

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    A crowded audience watched eagerly as

    finalists pitched at the end of the day

    emis .assabis, &/ of eepmind

    $ac0uired by 1oogle for 2344m gave a


    1-Therapeutics $

    of the day, walk

    A cocktail closed the event and allowed

    all participants to wind down network

    A great deal of attendees made it to

    Trabendo, a nearby club, afterwards

    The next day, 5k

    784 events org

    placeHello Tomorrow Non-proft

    AN "NTE/NAT"NA $N@E/EN$E=3What it loo$s li$e

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    Hello Tomorrow in a Nutshell

    Our 2015 Edition

    Building Tomorrow Together


    Fuil'ing Tomorrow Together

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    7residentMa,ier DuportetPhageX, PhD @MIT & INRIA

    3anaging >irectorFarthlm i**BCG, Rothschild,Bercy, IDEP




    3anager@ilippo Fian)o"!a#y, Geerali, E"CP

    Builder in8esidenceAOman !ouhalM$U$N$, %o!ai

    /ommunity3anagerPa4aria AntarUi'ail Roda(co, )EC


    Head o" /ommunityNa'ine Fongaert*TU Del+, airos

    Head o" /ompetition!i)hael !aru)aU" -stice, Peace Cor#s, .ale

    HC 6uppor%ean +atri)4 DAnthon $lerg$laire Eliot CoNi)ola* oubeGaan A'our

    Head o" /on"erenceA4pli Nor'orPhD @Istitt Crie, )ar!ard

    /omoenMIT, C

    5/TEA!g g

    Fuil'ing Tomorrow Together

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    Arnau' 'e la TourBCG, PhD @MiesParisTech

    $harle* /uelleETA%AB, Polytech

    Na'ine Fongaert*TU Del+t, airos

    Fra' +atter*on/aga

    !argau7 +elenBilder i Residece @)EC Da,i' Fou)ar' +lanelA#ril Iteratioal

    A4pli Nor'orPhD @Istitt Crie

    Farbara Fel,i*iEle#hats & *etres

    Lor'an !)/ae0cto12, "ta+ord, MIT

    Ale7i* Hou**ouEle#hats & *etres

    THE FA/D

    Fuil'ing Tomorrow Together

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    5/ +/E6"5%+A/TNE/%


    Fuil'ing Tomorrow Together

  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft


    Put a foot in the


    1 1et access to inspiring speakers,young leaders) 9each this innovativecommunity like never before

    Be a content

    creator in your field

    8 :ith the comannual conf


    Connect with

    disruptive startups

    6 reate a dirstartups by challenge

    Scout unreached


    4 :e provided new tools for you toaccess hard-to-reach tech innovations

    in your field

    Find amaing


    ! onnect and exchange with ama+ingtalents in your fields of interests


    more visibility

    # Leverage ounetwork of p

    maximal int

    Federate internal


    $ 1ather all thlinked to sta

    Build tomorrow

    with us

    % (e part of a fundamental movementthat is going to change society forever

    &evelop an

    intrapreneurial spirit

    ' "tart working with lean entrepreneursand encourage intrapreneurship

    Be associated

    with (ello )omorrow


  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft

    L"N TH"%A!AP"NG


  • 7/21/2019 3in1 Competition Conference Community- HelloTomorrow ENG Nov14


    Hello Tomorrow Non-proft



    Barthlmy Aiss# !anaging Dire)torbarthelem.4i**Rhello-tomorrow.org


    @uillaume Fandenesguillaume.,an'ene*)h