4£3££[ DECLASSIFIED k.' ., .. 2nd ;Battalion, 5th lIarines 1st I·Iarina Division (Rein) 11'1:IF FPO San Francisco, Califor.nia 96602 From: Connnanding Officer- To: C01!l!lland:ing General, 1st Nerine Division Via: Connnanding Office):" 5th llJarines Subj COIIlln::mdiChronology for 1)eriod 1"'30 1969 !b a) NCO P5750.5A ) PHii' PacO 5150,,8A c) DivO 5750.2C Enel: J( 1) 2nd Ba ttc.lion, 5th l"iarines Cornm!ind Chronology 005750 4 July 1969 OO\.{4-b1 1. In accordance with the "rovisions of references (a), (b) and (e) I enclosure (1) is hereby submitted. 3 ye.'.r intervals Dedussified after 12 years DOD DR 5200.10 .J:)Wal:iaP.u':'LJ _ •. .;., ,1',<: , Da::l.MSIFlliD AHEH i:L n: l,fiS 101> DIH S2C(l.lC 5TH' MARS&C FILES, - 69 447 • 1 :'. DECLASSIFIED F

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Page 1: 3/Gco/gc~ July



k.' ., ..


2nd ;Battalion, 5th lIarines 1st I·Iarina Division (Rein) 11'1:IF

FPO San Francisco, Califor.nia 96602

From: Connnanding Officer-To: C01!l!lland:ing General, 1st Nerine Division Via: Connnanding Office):" 5th llJarines

Subj ~ COIIlln::mdiChronology for 1)eriod 1"'30 Jl.l~e 1969


!ba) NCO P5750.5A

) PHii' PacO 5150,,8A c) DivO 5750.2C

Enel: J( 1) 2nd Ba ttc.lion, 5th l"iarines Cornm!ind Chronology

3/Gco/gc~ 005750 4 July 1969

~\ OO\.{4-b1

1. In accordance with the "rovisions of references (a), (b) and (e) I enclosure (1) is hereby submitted.

Do"'mgrD.ded~"t 3 ye.'.r intervals Dedussified after 12 years DOD DR 5200.10

.J:)Wal:iaP.u':'LJ _ •. .;., ,1',<: , .1I'.t~~AI..~

Da::l.MSIFlliD AHEH i:L n: l,fiS 101> DIH S2C(l.lC


- 69 447 • 1 :'. ~



Page 2: 3/Gco/gc~ July

1'f..RT I


BE.h']JQU.'UlTERS 2nd :Battalion, 5th Hari·:1E':S

1st E:a.rine Division (l1.ein) l!'HF FPO S~l Franoisoo, Califor~lia 96602

1 June to 30 June 1969







7 7

Page 3: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• 2nd Battalio!1, 5th l'Iarines

11&8 Com:nany

Company E

Compe,ny F

Compa:.1.Y G

Company H


LtCol J. H. EIOOIlrs . 1-30 June 1969

lstLt M. R. B;·l.GGS 1-30 June 1969

Ca "t J. L. lICCLUUG 1-30 June 1969

Ca 1)t R. :U. KDTGREY 1-30 Ju:n.e 1969

lstLt A. Rc FD.:1,YSOlT 1-30 June 1969

capt no \"l. I)001~M

1-30 JunG 1969

1-30 Jtme 1969, 2nd Battalion, 5th Narines proyided security fer r,ibe:>:ty Bridge arLO. Liberty Ro:?~o. in the eastern. part of Due Due Dis-G.'rict in t:le Quang lTam P;r:ov~~nce ItViT. -c _.'

Executive Officer

AdjutS,l1.t .

Assistant Adjutant

8-1 Officer

S-2 Officer

8-3 Officer

f1aj R. E. J.JomE 1-30 June 1969

lS'cLt J. F. SHEl!llIAlT 1-30 June 1969

2ndLt K. E. SHIPLEY JR. 1-30 June 1969

1stLt J. F. STIEEIIAH 1-30 Jw.e 1969

2ndLt T. F. IJ:,ru 1-30 June 1969

Haj :.\. L. V."..LLESE 1-;0 June 1969



.r EHCLOS1J1iE (1)

Page 4: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• ; \..1 J '~: _ ': .. J:.'~

S'!!'3A Offioer

S-4 Officer

8 .. 5 Officer

CornmuniCD.tions Officer

Supply Officer

Hotor Tr~ms?ort Officer

Air Liaison Officer

FOr\-lc,m Air CO!ltrol Officer

Hedical Officer

Assisto.nt l1eclical Officer


35 1,100

, lS'~Lt R. I,. ·.:'ETG 1-30 June 196 9

1stLt ll. J. ~A':J~Y 1-50 June 1969

2ndLt T. F. KLIE 1-30 June 1969

1stLt 1. G. SEILTON 1-30 June 1969

lstLt D. 'J. OLETIA~iT 1-30 June 1969

IstLt D. E. l:fliliTI:1 1-30 JU."l8 1969

Ca ot L. L. T:.::t-:,W l.i4JtL1.e 1959 lstLt T. Hv TiSTGULY 15-30 Ju.n.e 1969

lst1t V. V. cBEFORD 1-6 June 1969 1st1t T. Ir. T"'i1iG1EY 7-17 J1X.1.e 1969 lstLt J. 1"). '.jELLS 18-30 Ju.l1e 1969

Lt R. S. }IJ0CTOr; (US~n 1-30 June 1969

1t F. H. ilZYER (DSH) 1-30 June 1969

1t G. E. PO'iEL1 1-30 June 1969

3 54

5. 9ha.PJ.aii1.!., During tl18 month of June, the Cha')lcdn condu.cted 11 SundS3 Catholic sorvices \-rit~l 239 men in attend,"'.nce DJ1.d. 22 dc.ily Cdholic ·,lOl."'Shil) services uith 191 mell in o.ttGlud:::.nce. ile also conducted memorial services for Mo.rinos killed in action and visited 45 paticnts in hos1)itc.ls in DanMg. He handled 18 Red Cross cd~s 20nd oounselled ~5 lI..'1rinos. !:Ie arrL:l{Sed for 10 Protestant SlL."'1day servioes to be held. 220 men attei\ded t:18se services.


Page 5: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• "

, Pl\.l?T II

During the month of June, the Bc.ttclion oper~-ted with two com1J2.nies in the :immcdicte 0.1'00 of Liberty Bridge ~·.nd Liberty Roo.d north. Very li ttla enemy oontaot weB enoountered during the month. The mo.jority of tlle enemy sightings "Tere o.t long rc.nge nnd 81mm mono.ra, l06mmreooilless rifles, .50 co..liber machine guns , snipers c:.nd~.rtillery \-Tere the prim.';.ry me~lS of bringing tho enemy under fire.

During thG month, the permo.nent defonsive positions at Henderso1 Hill "jere abap.doned and the company now is billeted in the southern cantonment at Liberty Bridge. The daily road s1;re9'p found only t"10 large booby tra'iS on the road. A 250 pou...'1d and a 500 pound bomb ,.ere destroyed in place.

The Batta.lion suffered light ca.sua.l ties for the month "lith the majority of these caused by surprise f:iJ:'ing devices.



Page 6: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• r.AIlT III


1. Personnel and Administration. ---:--........... -~----~ .--............ _ ............. ,.- ' .. ~

a. S~~~ll". The B;".ttalion strength at the beginniDg or June was 35 officers and 1,131 enlisted.. At the end of the month, the st~llSth WoS

35 officers end 1,100 enlisted. The Batta.lion joined no officers and 135 enlisted men during the month. No ·of'ficel:S and 166 enlisted men were transferred. Casualties· sustained by the Battaliol1. during the month or June were as follO'tTs:

9 42 0 23 1 136

b. ll:!-.~o..lJ?1.~~....f_L_a)!.~~1l.d-.-9.Fd~. Currently, there are siX Marines coni'ined in the III Hi~ Brig. Two Special Courts-Hertial "!ere cOIlloleted during the month. There was one Artil!lle ~2 pre-trial investigation held. Among the JAG 11anua1 investigations were one accidental dee.th and one motor vehtole a.ccident completed with two accidental dischar,ges or .45 caliber pistols pending. .

o. .tQ.s_ta.J._!. Hail for the month or June was norm,,~.

d. il.I'Tams. There was one lTavy Achievement l·ledal received an.d nre­sented with a:ppr"o-priate ceremony during the month. Six atJaros were '1!e­addressed a.nd fon·w,rded to former members of this oommand. During this period, 39 U. S. avmxds for heroism and meritorious service were orocessed by the Battalion.

2. ~~~~1l2_~

a. El\~._ The Battalion continued to o')erate as bridge aGouri ty for Liberty Bridge and conduoted small squad and platoon size patrols in the 11.0. Contact "lith the enemy was light and we,s usually with small gro\.lQS and individuals. lT1 .. lIllerous sightings of enemy we:re made vri th no predominate direction of movement. On the night of 7 June 1969, 15 enemy .... Tere observed in the defensive ,nre at Phu Lac (6) and were taken under fire ,dth nega.tive results.

b. i.·leather. Tbe weather for the montll of: June was average. Tem­pera tures rang~ir~m D. high or 98 degrees to a low of' 82 degl:9Els. 3 .9 inches of rain W.?s :received during the month having no effect on onerations being conducted.



@([@~hJ~$~W~~@ !inm EECLOSUllE (1)

Page 7: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• • o. Terrc:in. 'I'crr:-:,in consisted of rice ')·',dc~:i.GS ldt:i. :'),i&:11 ground covered 'ofj. tI:;-tre-eiines F.nd ~1dergrowt:l sCicttered tiuoughout.

, .

a. .9j:'AaJlJ~§:i;J.o.~ The i'ollouing units ',Tere attached or dete.C~1ed from the Battalion during the month of Ju..l'le~

Comnaay F t 2nd 13& ttS,1i'J~l 1 to 141230IT June 1959.

Company G., .2nd 13a,tt$,1i:)n, to '~Gl~OP}~ ,q\liRe. 'i1i969.





O:'CO:" to

0::'00" tg.

5th I,IarLles from OlOOOlH

5t h M~"-:i:'i.'J:es froB OlOOOlTI

Compan;)r E, 211C: :Ge>;'i;a1i:)l1, 5th Nar",nes 01?COH tq 5th l1arines from 131600II to 271600H June 19$9 ..

Company IT, 2nd Battc.lioll, 5th lIax-ines OPCOlT to 5th Uarj.nes from 171430H to 271600H JUne 1969.

Company L, 3rd Battalion, 5th ?Iarines opeOE to 2nd Be;c-ce.1io'1, 5th I·rarines from 301000H to 302400H.

b'. .9.2.~r..~.:t:h.o.n?..!. During th'e month of June, the Ba·cl;aliJ:. provided security for Liberty Bridge, Liberty Iload a.~:d conducted Compe,ny size search and clear o-pe,:'ations ll1. present area of opera.tions.

(a) ~y_t.i.x.a.l_j\i.r. ,.S,u.'lP.or .t.~, Air BU, 'ort for t.:'.'-e Battalion totaled 212 sorties. or these, 143 were oO~1trolled by the Battalio:.1 FOl'Wam Air Controller, seven 'vere controlled by l.eria1 Observers a.ld 02 lvere 00:1 trolled by means of D.n A6A Beacon. Narine air su',"'lort delivec"ed 8. total of 456 tons of orru1&"lCe 011 enemy tt>rgets resulting in 130 structnres' '.d 127 bunkers d03troyed, 124 seoondary fires, 25 second:.I'IJ eX'}losions and one enemY killed.

(b) ~~.c.!?l? .. ·~e~r..S..)l':?l'.9..:r.:h A total of 52 medical evacu,c,tions ",ere completed. Of these, 17 were emergency, 14 were '')riority tud 21 were routine medical evo.c1..1.Ltions.

(2) Fir\!~j3t:t1J'p"o_~ During Ju..'1e, e1emen.ts from 2nd Batt, lion, 11 th Enrines' sU,»ported the Bo.ttalio:1 with B~ttery E firing t:l,e majority of the missions. Rounds expe:lded durins the mont): were ;,610 rotllds of 81mm morto.rs" 1,390 rounds of l05mm. and 165 rounds of 155mm .C'.rtillery. OveX'<111 o.rtillerJi SUl)pOn ,·ras good, but, again' there \-1':,8 0. delay f[;ctor of :::.bout 10 minutes in get'cirlg '~he first round out.

Il.. .During' t~10 month of June, 65 Harines \ofere ,l)l.'Ocessed through indoctrination trG.il'ling prior to their deployment to the field.



Page 8: 3/Gco/gc~ July


IE n • - t i"\'," "," ~.~ ',. ,. • b. Compal'JY E, 2nd But-calion, 5th i-Is.rines completed a siX day R.egimental refresher training course on 25 June 1969.

o. A ~efreshGr training program "TaS establislled. for the Battalion rear iJersonnel.

d. Division and higher level school training was as follows:

Division Leadership 6 Land-11ine Uarfare, Demolitions and

, Booby-Tmp Training 80 I Corps G-enere.tor School 1 Embarka;bion School 1 Kit Carson Soout Orientation

Course 1

During the monm of June, the Battalion rontinued to mainta.in security at Phu Lac_ (6). Resupply "'2.8 made by truck convoy returning to })alIeng from An IToa. There "lere no significant resur>ply problem.

The messhall at the Battalion rear had. no sic,'"Ylific8.n.t problems. T:le addi tion of two grease traps at Phu Lac (6) imprOTed sanitation oondi tiO~lS.

A 100kilo'YTatt generator a.t Phu Lac (6) was replaced by a 36 kilowatt generator. There are presently two 60 kilowatt generators at ~?hu Lao. O;le operates on the south side of the river and the other is used to help oarry some of the load. on the ;6 kilO1-1at-c generator.

There '-lere numerous fig.~ting bunk:ers constructed on the defensive peri­meter at JUl Hoa. There are two 10 feet by 24 feet b~~ers under construction to be used to house supply recome and equipment. There was ail. inc:ceasoo need for engineer items. for the improvement of the oantonme~t defenses.

6. P.1.lP'p'lZ!.

During the month of June, one 60mm mortar '-TaS coded out and a new one received. Three N-60 machine guns were also reoeived du.ring the month. Two.50 oaliber ms.chi.:l'leguna were loaned to the Battalj,on by 1st FSR to give the Battalion a total of' three at Liberty Bridge. The guns nre not rated by the BattaliOll but are necessary fOr bridge security. A total of ;00 hunting knives lIlere received. Two compressors were returned to the Battalion from lTaintena.nce Battalion to bring the Flames Section beok to operational readiness.

There were no significB.ntproblems encountered by motor transport. Quarteity preventive maintenance was performed on all vehicles required, and. five cracked windshields were replaced on five lU5lAl vehicles •. Driver's school was held 14 June with ten men bei~ issued licenses.

fID~©fL~.~~@ E1:mLOSUHE (1)


Page 9: 3/Gco/gc~ July


'.07% • e. '111edioal. ~..........--....,..

The Battalion Aid Station consisted of two medical offioers, one ohief patty officer and tI'1enty-one hospital corpsmen. A forward :BAS con­sisting of one medioal off'ioer c.nd three hospi tal oo~s~n oontinually supported. the Battalion Command Group in the field. Letter compr:~nieB were maintained at f'ive to eight hospital corpsmen.

Ten OO.ses of mdnria were treated for the Battalio':l at the Ba.ttalion Aid Station.

Eight ansee of' venereal diseD.Se were trea.ted 't,1.is month; all of' these were gonorrhea,

Three oases of animal bite were tre~ted during the month. Jl program of general immunization was oonducted on all :Ba-l:talion



Total number of patients seen 762 Ave~e number of patients seen per day 24

RQ..~t.ine J~9..al ~lain~

Gastroenteritis Dermatologioal Ear Disorders Orthopedio

30 103

37 58

Communications 1,<rere satisfactory during the month of June as radio transmissions inoluding the PRC-77 and KY·36 continued to be xeliable. PRC...aS.s ,.,exe issued nightly to t~e Battalion's defensive perimeter in An TIoa to supplement any oommunication difficulties. - ,


10. Civic Action • . 'P. ..~ __ .......

The Duy Xuyen-Distriot Advisor and District Chief' met with Lieutenant OolonelJ. H. IIIGGTITS, tIt,e Batt. lion Commander, to coordinate the plan"1ing of a Uew Life Hamlet to be bull t near Liberty Bridge. The X~eri Hoe. Village Chief oompleted a census of' 200 families whi.oh are to be moved into the new hamlet. Uaterial:is continuing to be stockpiled for the oonstrl.Ction of the hamlet.

Colonel HIoonT8 a.nd Sergeant Najor BUR.l(S had din.Yler with a family in Dai Loo Hamlet in joint oelebration ot a Vietnamese holiday* On 21 June, Colonel HIGGIl'TS hosted e. dinner for the Xuyen lIoa Village Chief, 1~ss1stant Chief end village elders •

.A County Fa.ir \'1a8 held aJld s.~oxima.tely 600 p9.:t'S01.1a were treated. The :F'air "n>duced 'hlO VC Chei.11 Roia. Sick call wa.s held. thxee times a week with aeven to twenty persQUG being tre'-.. ted eQ()h ~ sick calJ. W::LS held.



Page 10: 3/Gco/gc~ July



11.. ~c1t*q)..oJli.CA~ O.!:1.eA~'ttQ.M~.

Hand leaflets \-lare passed out to the people in Xuyen ltOaVills.ge during visits to strengthen the villagers aooeptanoe of Vietname~e govern­ment officials and deter oontaot with the VO. Reward leaflets w~ used and some ordnunce was turned. in •

.Air leaflet drops "ere used in the area as well as loudspeaker broadcasts. Three Vietnamese shops operated ",ithin the cantoQDl.ents of the Liberty

Bridge area and were regulated by the S-5. The messhalls he,ve civilian garbage service also oontrolled by the S·5.

12, i:~a:~:i.s,ta.c.s. o,fAuJ;mMtt .. 9.]1,4. .C.a~tlal..t:!,teJ' ...

". ~ 'iVl~ l{L~ . ,J va XIii. '" va POI'/ 1 VO.Reta£nees Z

1-1-14 rifle 1 AIC-47 rine 1 K-44 rifle 1

0., ~.2..obl T}:.a"M ~.E!lA Jl~o~.M ~t.;al

~ 500 pound bomb 1 i 250 pound bomb 1 1 155mm roUl'lds 2 1 3 l05mm rour~s 2 2 4;2 rounds 1 1 2 2.7), rounds 1 1 8lmm :co unds 3 ; 60mm rounds 3 :; 1-1-79 l'Ott.'1ds 1 1 J..i-26 gren&.des 9 4 1, Chioom grenades4 4 To~to cans 1 1 Other 9 8 'TOtal --,. ... ,~ .. ,'5 .. ~ .. - -'e--~'

d. Y.o..1l;A~c.~ tllfpl'lll8.il t, 'p?.0i5.r.9.JIJ. .S.~,a.I)'.!.

Total Piasters spent for the month of June $68,~OO

Ordnnnce and equipment turned in~



Page 11: 3/Gco/gc~ July



" . Total or4inAUL'~ 252 C-4, pounds 1 Composi tion :a, pounds 8 K-44 rifle 1 ~1:aga.zines,. assorted a

-10 ..


Page 12: 3/Gco/gc~ July


x sa? • -", ~.' 'l J. ' • • PART N


ITa:\} .tAU Sterf' Journal for period 1 June through 30 June 1969.

UO~©lM51"u~@ E!1'CLOO 1JRE. (1) ,


Page 13: 3/Gco/gc~ July


2nd Battalion. 5tl}Aarines S~?,.,. .~.. D,: 1 June 1<;69 SEA..'R.CH AN.D CLEFj.~ • . . : : '. Journal -'. .;. ',. > (DTG) FromQOOlH to .2.1.00H


~~.....-~-:::.1 __ ;-...JS'~-_3,- t.Jml..rne,l oTlened

~~ __ +-__ -+---::I'-4 __ !-=A=-=V-=·:,;;:e.;;:::t!=e;;.:;sr.;::~;,..~le, ~_~tteI!!pted to use a_

I '

ldetainee card as a pass to oross Liberty ~ridge~




TAB I:..


Page 14: 3/Gco/gc~ July



l-oo~o....;lH~I_---..;l ___ +-i _..;;;.S.~.1 '~.w ,ToUl:D$l opened, _' ____ -..,

l-.::;;J;w;w'5H~f~..;.2=---+-.::S:...-,,-3_.j;tA:;....::;S_g:U;;;;ad=-., on patrol r:t'Om_Comp~searched a ho2ich

r lat AT2Q2513 finding one Vietnamese identificatior

...... __ ....:: ___ ~ .. ___ i.j.:'!';.;;;_a.rd=...,;in:=.~a.!,h!Et._~t.!?L. 9a!.9-_s£.~Uo...§.:.2 rea~.

1810H!:5 8-3 iA Vietnamese boy turn~ .. 1n a 60mm morta.~ ro~d and

C' j 1\ l!on~_ ~~~- round to Company E at AT91.3513.· Results:

, I I : -I - Fe~ed.~~_19? Piast~ and. d~E :r.;>unds


~25H i· 4 ,,! s-:; ICompany E in night_defensive Vasi tia::~ at AT912513

iiI ~eard an c::nemy propag~nia broadcas!.. from. AT88551~. , ' , ' I . , i

t, I, I,'· ICompallY ~ called_in a~~lle>:y ~d 81II1II2"0.10 ... ,

! I L" t·OUlts: N_tive. '~, - -- !

2400H 5 __ ,- S,:,2... . ~Jourl1a.l closed _______ ~_~~

-!---~--•. ~--I- --_.,,_ .. ::....- -' -- -----"""-----;

: -----;t ..

I ,I I : . I -,,_·_--t- ---- .... -- --"-. -.----- -'--'-~'--. -_." -":",,,'--~--,i'

! ... ....,-, .. ~~f""";' -,.' """" ...... ' ----............ .-...:.:--.",....... ........... ', ................... ~.t:.",..-.' ' .0;0; •• ,..---.......... ---...... " ........ ·""",i:"":" ~,~" "~,,J. i ;

I I t---+---C._._L ___ = --"~ :- .:. :

I i ~--+-----!-----i------------t i



Page 15: 3/Gco/gc~ July

DECLASSIFIED l·!..-.,.·. ,,;,.\"l

~~ca:~~~hres,s";l .. "" Journal ~

DI :--:;.3_J;..;.un_e~1~96-..:9 __ _

(DTG) From OOOlH to .2400H ~ ~_.' • ,i .

IDTG !SER 1'1"0. i ORG I

OOOlH i 1 6-; I


I" _¥iffii Journal opened : I

09400 ! 2 I S-~ I

! "

...... ==-+-__ =---!o-=~~tAF·....I'D=Jl;;;::a.::lto=on r~ Compam G found one Qhicom S'renade I . ' I _.

1 ;

jWYw next to a paddy dike at AT9305'4. ResnJt8~'

iGrenad~JttroL~~a~ ___ .. ___ ._ i i I i

l200H! 3 i S-3 jCompan,y G completed swe~ing are§. at 4T-932.512._' , ! i

~"~ __ II-' __ '_--l-r_·!i..h .. ~~tive~~t. ~ .. _I S-~ :Journa.l_pl~_ .. ____ . __ • ______ ~ t ; ! ~. j. ..-rl----;------~-------- --------. ; I I


I I ! :

, I i l

1 t , .. -.----+-- -'----1 I l ~--+------- ---, --~ . I ' I L ! r----+---·-

I .--__+_- ------.-------- .--1


----+--,.-,- ------._---- _.- -- ---------~

i , , ~--~--~----~i~---------------------·--------~ ~-_io:_-. ...,. ....... ~ ......... -,-+I-...".......-- -..........,~ .. ,....,. ... ----.~.__"~--.-.


I I --;r---~t"j__,_-.. -.--.,- .. _- ... _" '--, -. ___ e_" ... '--.-,,---- - ---~...,

I ! i

i i . !-, , '. ,-.-.!.-----'-,+---, I' , ... ....,.,..,..--

1 ' ! ! II'

I i ~--~------I ! I ~--;---....... ---.~..-,.--------- •• *- . ..._-, .. -.._----_.-! .. I I I



Page 16: 3/Gco/gc~ July


2nd Battalion. -'5th~nes, s~3 SEARCHAND-CLEAR WI' ; Journal '~.'

_-, _ DI:. 4 June 1969

(DTG) Fro~ OOOlH to....;2~4:..;..OO.;.;H;;;...._~

IDTG iSER NO. : ORG t ,-,.1 - 'Il~CIDENTS

! i

OOOlRj 1 i S-3 ~lew JouJ.'nal opened ~--+----+------ . ...,....--, ...... T - i

0630H ! 2 _1 S-3 IA platoon on p.trol from Com:oany E found one booby

I I krapped M-79 round ~~. press~e aetonation~ ~ ~'--~I ____ ~! ______ +-~~ __ ~~--------~------------------~i

I I ~

! i 'esults: Round destroyed in J;llace. --+!-_-:I----+-I .--------- _ .. _- ---;

1125H i _~. i 6-3 jA Vietnamese woman ca~e_.~e ~atte.lio~~.~rd-I ' , i )

1-1 .... I" ~t,,~~927!127 and ~tated that her husband would

: ! (Oheiu Hoi if she could stay at the Landing Zone am , ~ --r---r-- Or !

~_ ' .. ! r,ait for him. Two hours later, her husb~ came,

! i ~alking in bringing with him one chicom and one:

t " ~-26 grenad~. R~ult~!. Cheiu H:1 :'d~':'j;y I '! lsent to ITT Rea.r. 1 , i j ,

[:2OOH-f 4.._r~2.._+'_---_-i--l_e-c-on-d-u-ct-ing...-;;:-a-county~ir ..!~._~9l35H!-~~ }-___ -+-__ --;.i ___ rage chief pomted out three £_le V,," suspe.ts, r i ___ ~(!§e 25, to~ompasv E .. _.!l~~~re anprehended &Of

i sent to 8-2 rear. 1---..... - ..... -4---4----------------------1',

1230H t 5 6-3 IA 75 year old male a.ttempting to cross ~rty Btidge was

I i 1

apprehended by the bridge guard from Compaz:w H. \

t ·--I:I----... ~~h;:.;e'--ma--l-e -:as id~~ified by th-e-V-i-ll~e chief as t ~! I ----·1··-· .. -~ .------~ ... -----.----- -...... r I I! -1'.,..J,---- Feing!...!C suspeot and was se2. to 6-2 rear. _ - 1

~~."i" 6 "I B-3 !C_ E conducted ~ coulilty fair and.medea. at !, . . : I I ! iAT914513. 300 civilians were treated by doctors!,

I' . i I 1--__ +-____ ..;. _____ . ~~~estioned b~~g and. r~'T~~presentatives. ~,

7 's-2 iA Vietnamese boy turned in one 60mm and one l05~ i ,

lround to COIDUa.n: E at ~9135l;. Results: Rewa~ed

! U605H

I I .. ! I ! •

PAGE NO • ....,L.


Page 17: 3/Gco/gc~ July



2nd BattalioX;\f 5th~es 5-3" SEARCH.AND CLEllR • '

DI: 4 June 1969

(DTG) E'xom. "?Om to •• 2400H Journal ..

PTG iSER NO., ORG I 'INCIDENTS -! '; I,'" J Child 200 piastres.

1640H! 8'ls-3 -~::Maxim on patrol f~m Company E detonated a

"'1---... ~~:I~-,--;-------+r-O-O-bY-·~PErl· M-26 Itre:1o.. With pzessure detona:on i '

1---,~---",,-----rI-~~~!.1' "!"'paddy d~~ AT9092!2.:_ ~!p-lts: ,

I )Two USMC VIlA Evac. __ . __

I W20~ li 9 ., I -'1:-3 _~n~!u'rom the Bat.talion Co_nd rost at AT927~27 -t __ ~l_ob_s_e_rv-_e_d, t!£.!C/~ A with weapons .~~ e~t ~~_

I ' ,I I

i :. ! lAT9345l5. Marines opened fire with seven rounds r : -I ~ lO6 .... and obs~rved enemy r.g!.. Results,_: _.~ l i i ~ VC/NVA KIA.

r-12-4-00-H-+I-I-O---rj' S-3 -"tu-=~osed .-

j I ! I --------~-... --.... -t-- --..;------- -'-'------_ .. _.--_.--i

-+--+-1 ---+'---I------------------.-·------t I- ---+1----~----.. -.-- -,--- ----'----t I i

! I I , r ~--if----i-l _ ...... ---.1 .. --... -.~ .-,---~ .... , ... --.----.- .. ------,j

Ii. i .. h---'---.t------,.------'-~--:-~~. . . , I ~----~~-------~I-----+i---------------------....---------~-------------~ Iii

L--t-----·---i-I ------.. -.;..;------.--------------~==~~~---.. -.---.--.. ~~~~~~==---i! I I



Page 18: 3/Gco/gc~ July




2nd Battali~n. 5thrneS S-3 SEARCH AtID CLEAR Journal .

. IlfCIDENTS ! - )

DI= 5 June 19§9

(DTG) From OOOim to_.2400H

OOOlH i 1 5-3 Vew Journal opene.d _ .. __________ _

! I ..,:O~)9~;1""'*" ~-+! --l2=---+~S..;;:.-3"___/A.~V:..;::i;;;:.et.:.:nam~ ese female child turned in om 60mm ! ,r . __ .--- -_. --

i,. ~._--~--.---4------F~:ll~~==·~t~i~o=n~r~o~un;.d~t~o-C~o~mp~=~~~E~a~t~AT~91~3~5~1~3~. __ ~

....... __ -+ ___ .;..-, __ -rn.;.;e:.;;s~u.l:;;;.;t;.;;s;..;.:_Rewarded child 100 piastres. ! I . ~- -.--.- - _ .. _- --~ I .

l200H 1 ._3 5-3 fompany E observed convoy moving south ~~~!!~_

t-:!,.' --I ___ --+r_a.!..~~iOE- AO. One vehicle detonate~ a large

-l ___ ;.;...co;;;m;:;;;mand/pressure-relee.se detonated mine. Result!;!:

~ I - ~~~ive.-· ---------..;

I 24QOH t 4 ljf 5-3 houmal closed , I - I ------:..--------.- - ---,-

. I ! I I Ii 11 -.--~ if,

~ I.-~---f------.-_" __ . __ . __ ----.--f

+---1----+---1-----.------------------1 ,---+---- ---.-i---- .. --..:-- _.- _.- -

~--~------~----~----------------------------------~ I

I !

I ; ~-__i-.---!---. ..,..;--.-----.---- .. -----.. ,-------1 L---~----~--__ ~---~---------__ ------__ ------~ I I



Page 19: 3/Gco/gc~ July


6 June 1969 2nd Battalion, 5t~nes S-3 SEARCH AND CLEAR •

D,: Journal



, ~ I I 1610B !

i I I




... • .j' -..:::.J .' ___ ~ • '-. • .' ~<'

.(DTG) From 000 . , . to • .2400H

the area. • Vill.e.e:er said that~?!..~ fled.!<> tq,e. i , I

l30utheast I

car;t'Y;ing_t~g~nd t:Q..~WIA.~~ ny

A :

lEl_captured ~ne female VC. Results: Three VC XI -~- I

_____ ~ one rem~.d!.ta.ine:~ ___ t

4 .. ,. S-3 ~ squad from Company E searcJ::ing a village at :

~16509 was approached by a male VO wh~ oallie i ,

Res: ultai ~P to _~_:Kit Carson Seout s.n~. 9I~iu._Hoiad .• ~ I . I I I i4 ~_;-,il' .,-----\--- _. __ .k)~_e_V_C .. Ch~~~h_TO_i_. ___ •..... -.-.- .. ---- _ :

12,4wH.. 5 ~:2_, burna.l closed, . . __ . _____ _

I I . ,

1 I I i [

'"""I ---+-----;.,---';------'------- ... --.. -.. -----4

~,--+---+, ---i-! ---------------i 1 I

PAGE NO • ....l-


Page 20: 3/Gco/gc~ July



2nd Ba.ttalion. 5t~es S-~ D,: 1 June 19\59


Journal -.


a..J.QJlrnl'll opened .. ___________ ---,

~~W_l-""--_l_li::~~a.t.:w~,n, 2_ 130.t1ii'l,jQD, 11 tb..&ripef! observed-, -. ro to 12 YC/WA within tbeir defensive wi r e end fhree

-F/N'{A on Jihe-.&i.n supply route souttLo.f'....Ll.le per1meter.

~AttehY D opened fire with aTM.I] anna,.. a.u:tomatic

ttl, j ~ -_I,. . -1------t.r~e1UlO:t!L..Q.Qmm, 8lmm and 105mm b,ehjye. Se",rcbed:

F~ at first ].j.gQt. Reru!ltgp C~f two'

~. I· . i ~angal~£P~dOS' satchel charges and sUcks

! I t ---r-b th~~.Chicom grenades, "--,

1·?4OOH t 2 t s-~ II~ourno~ go sed _]1' t I ~ I I

! I '-~' .- ---'-'--'--- --.-~-.~ ,

I I . - "- j

, t

r I ----, - -'- -'--- . i

I . -.

1 1 t


! !

I , I

I - --- ""' t I , , ! I i -+-!-t==r-~-~-'·-· -------·-----_·-_-.. ______ ..... 1

, I I r-~~I------ ~'----~----------------------------------------;l

! ---+1 i . ___ _

1---'-1----- I

r--4---~·--~I----------------------------~ i



Page 21: 3/Gco/gc~ July



2nd Ba.tta.lion. 5tlJ.la.rines B-3 SEARCH AND CLEAR.

Journal .

D. :--lao6I.....lL:Jtm,~e~1~9~69 __ _

(DTG) From OOOllI to 24COH


L ' . I 6 The tower wa:tch at the B~!ion Command Post i 10000 1

I I I I at AT926521 observed four to five vc/NVA. with I

'l I I ! -f..- wea.PQ~ ~t il.T928501. SunportB!lt.!:...rms we~ ca.ll~ , i I 1--_. -+-1 ----f,.~ _.- __ •. 1,.tl 'litL~s~j;~f .. ____ ._ .- - .,. ;

j I I ; . :

I' 2400Jir i ! ~~ " 7 -I--S.=3-'I.Jo~- closed

,--- I; -.-------------4 I ! i ! t 1---1----1

~--~~--_._I ; r'---'~

L---~--__ ~--~---------___ ------------------------~ I I i

PAGE 00_.3.-


Page 22: 3/Gco/gc~ July


2nd Battalion, 5t~rines S-3 .: f Jlllle 1969 SEARCH AND CLEAR '" I Journal . (DTG) From_OOOlH ~ • 2400H

! - I OOOlH i 1 -i--.§.=2. -t' New Joumal opened

".,. ! 06)00 t 2 8-3 I A squad froIl!.COmRa~E at Ar~1.4 obseped tm


I, I I--"-~' _._-+ ___ +1 ...lY,:.,l:C:4./1rl~A~W:L:!.:!·!:.lt~h ... p,/!.la~e",ks!:oe....2an:l;.!id~w~e<liia\,l,jD~QPSolo;!j. ~mollo!.lln .. ·n ... ~~nololoQ,...ro.l<t~h~a, ... t-..;: ........ _________ ....,......~ .• j AT82:4226 '-_ Th~. ~gqa.d 92?ened rj,~ n.ttu>~~:

! ! I r_r.1 i weapons at a *"~ ~I....9QQ meb..bJ3 8JJ.ubs.ene.d...D.ne It! [-i, - .. -.. f "!.'!'~..!!'l1,. _ArtmeI'Y_l!&§ called.:in yUh !Jllkooi,m

I ' _I--__ ~lr-"l.'e-=~ul ts~_ ResllJ:~i!L..Nemiye !

~OOH~. 2. 6-2! A sguad from ComO!,.IlY E at ~T894514obsexyed one:

j ! III I, VCm!..!!! th pack moving southw9§J; ~t AT88e5Q1-l

r' I f I

!. - I The s9.u~. eal1~a.rti!1er;y with WJkno~~~ I0200H I 4 .~~ rrom Co_ " at, ATB25515 2b~e~ ~ 'I -.-~-.--I to 2:; en"!!!'i cam~ l>&Oks_'l!2tl!l!! • .li"Q!lt!!~!jj;""'Li

.. L : I _ .ATBBl507. Artillery was ¢1~. was j

~ _ I - ____ ..Ye!!!cllea ,.;.tb.ll!'..!<',ti .. <!..>:!!§!!:t..~'I:.j~ __ "" ___ ..,

'11 Hi A I.farine froJtljfompa.n:y L. 3l."d.Battalion, 5th Ma;dnas . !

I I , .

e.(mrj~ f~r

~ . . I ' t • ~ 1I"'!!lJ> ~t AT909494 !WiLJle.tana.ted...an "~-~-t-I! ---+i------l-~-~~Q·Q.QJu ..1:tIJ.IWl~Ynding . ..&tine.a...£rom .Company E i

1 I 1 ~'"--_+-_-.~.~I.-_.~n the 1;IJmkQ. ResultsJ. One USHC RIA, I

~"--'-IIr-----+I-'--+ 'I ~ i:thb1&-Ae m USMC \iIA Evac and ODe I1'SlvTC VITA non-Evac. i , I ! I

12000. I 6 _I 5-, ;:4 Marine from Cnm;paw E dei:oD§ted 6 boob1 traPi¥

I ii p.---+----_---.llQ5mm...l:Qlmd with pmasure detonatjQP 'ocete(l ~ I j : i I

L. I "--

1 ! an OPen a;ma at ATB9Q50B. The MaI;jDe was carQ'irg i

j M,,:,79.rounds which exploded llpOn detonation. Results:

PAGE UO • .....lQ..


Page 23: 3/Gco/gc~ July



2nd. Battalion. 5t~1nes 8 .. 3 ':.',' '. :- . D.:_-'9 ....... Jun_e_l_9_6 .... 9_ SEARCH .AND CLEAR • -. " - .- ........ ,-. ..' Journal -. (DTG) From, OOOlH to ,2400H


-' i -----------\ i 1 1--1 ---I------i-C I

L .... -~--J----- .. -.-,~.-------! l I I

I I ! I-

, ~--'-I-I I j I ......


, I -


- ---~-

, __ -_, _ _ r _ _ ,_

, -.

--- ----~ ....

1 I I

i -:

~--~j-------~---+-----------~------------------.--------~ ..- - r

I I t-i --0-+-----,..--+----------- -------i L.----r-~--~----~----------------------.------------~ I i



Page 24: 3/Gco/gc~ July



2nd Battalion.. 5t~nes:;3-3 SEARCH AND CLEAR ..

D.: 10 Jum 1969

(DTG) From OOOlH to. 2400H Journal

! • ! . ,


ooom 1 1 i S-:':: Hew Journal o'Pened ,---:.;:::...!. -


t-0-.)7"",'O ... O=:,!E[-t'_=-2 _-+I __ ..::.S ..... -3"--!-A;::.....:V~i;;.et=~. ~ayp~ache~Ba.ttalion £o::::and ~.. I I

! i

I Post at AT926521 and Cheiu Hoiad. Results:

i One Chmeu Hoi. . ! -.--.------------! I

I 1700H! _ 3 S-3 i .An 8lmm mission was ~ired on suspec~ ene,mY_ I -t',. '~'-. -l-_'_--I.~_lJ9..=S~tiOP.S at AT944~? The tower watch dlserV'e~ ! on_9 VC/p-y A fa.l:.1.: Several minute~ter two vc/~

~. i. I d1!8ged the body ,i.nto a treeline. Results: On~

j. i ! VCmA KI!. ---.- - ---.~ 1 17J.5lI, 4 I S-~ I HeliC9J>t er.s re,B'!!pplyl.ng 3m Batt.lion~ 5th MatifOS

i ! .~dro e_d sppplies ·at AT~45502. A platoon Fro~_J. !. i I I I ~ I -.-.- - 6o!l!PaIll E retrieved the supE,lies and sent them j + ;-' I ~ to AnHoa. -------.-~--

rwOO!! I 5 f----~Uietnam~ !col: tum!,'! _~ !Vo ~:d.S ~ i I lone Chicom grenade to Company Eat AT913 513.- 1

l I Child was rewarded 400 Piastres.

I I I I 2400H I 6 5-3 I Jo~ .9'=-=l:.;:;o.::.sed=-____ _ I I I I -.-.~.-~.---......

~ -;!r----i-i -------1· -----~-.----... -_ .. ---... ----.- -.... ---~ -,' 1 ! ! 1 r--__ -+ ____ .1--_. ___ .-1---_. _________________ ----'1

I I , I !

I i I '--r--"-!-! -.------. L-. ~--~r_--r---------------------------~ !

. -. . .. ..--.----.-------4


PAGE NO • ..J£,.


Page 25: 3/Gco/gc~ July



2nd Battalion. 5t~es S ... ; SEARCH AND CLEAR. Jo~l ..

. DI: :(DTG) From .ooom


11 June 1969

to'. 2400H

• I ! ! : . ~oo..;..o...;;1lI~1_.,;;;1~_:-1--'S:;:"-....4i t New Joumal opened. . :

..-1l;:;l42H~+I_.:;.2_-+I_"::,s;,,,-,,"3~I~A:::...:. s;;.:;:90.::11--;;;:ad fI.'O.l! Comp!11Yl! at A~6 received,f.Q..ur

~. ! --+-I! __ --ioI~ro=und=S~_.'S:~ru.:;. pt::.:e~r:;...::;.£:i::::r~e:::.....::.f:::.:I.'O~m:;"""I40:::.;O~m~e;.::.te~rs:.:::...~no:::.:r:;.:t~h.:.:.we:::.:s=r..lt~a~. I--__ ~--_.;......,. __ _+! ...,:AT=· ;..<9.:;.28"",5",3:,;:::.8.!_ The ..§..ouad ~turned fiJ:!t . .!!i!h.J.Q6mm.....,

I i and 60mm mortars ~arche~...§:.~~ w:ltlL_'

t i

~ ... I ___ -I-__ -Io-:I: • ...;:;neJ:l'l:\ ... .t.!.ve. results. _

~ S-~ [ A=;~t_S.1l.0Y ~d in four 11::12. xp!j!!dsand;

!! I . r-._.' ..... __ ............ ..,., __ --+ .... £;;,;;O,.;;;E!. .. M-26 s:renade~ to Com:e§!:BY II at .AT9245i1•

,I I" I -1. ~d_~~ rewarded !,200 Piastr~s~ _ .. __ _

! j 2400H I ~ r S-;? I Journal C10Sed_---"1

1 I . _---i

! I : ~ +

J I . .. '. -- -1------- --"---'- --.~.-+

L I -1---=· - -- .-~--,- -,- -,--. I

I i

l . .. .

r . I \

! ! ! -- --- ---' ... t r

I i I I

~ -+----+1·····--·,· "--"'-- - .. ------ ..... -._._. ----.- - .. w. ___ -;!

I' IiI I-i ----+---l---· "+,----------- '. t----+--- I ! . 1--_-+ ____ 1

Ii --_ .. _----_._.-I I I

--------1 ~-+-----f---'-;-

L.--+---+-----i----------.--------\ I i --;

PAGE NO • ..ll-


Page 26: 3/Gco/gc~ July



2nd Battalion. 5t~rines 8-3 SEARCH lllYD CLEAR •

. . D,: 12 June 1969

(DTG) From .. ooour to ... 2400H Journal ~', .

OOOlH i 1 i S-3 +New JournaJ. opened.. .

I-.::iOa~l~O~H~:i-i -.:2=--+I_.!::s:';;;;-"'--~+I' .:!Wh~il~e=....:<;>n ro¥- swee})2-.!..AT918514, a. squad r~m~ !I f:.,

~' __ ~ ____ -+' ______ i~Co~'~m~p~&~Y~~G~f~oun~d~o=n~e~2~50~'~Po~wm==~W1~·th~~co~mm==a=nd=-__ ~,

t-----:~--..;......---+II' .:::.d_=-et.:..:o:.:na=-=t=i~~. _ Aeria._l_Obs~~e~::..~a. ...!~tnamese I

r-----;-- ___ . .1-1 __ -,i-:ruruu.::.:~ ng away from the same directio~ in_ wh.ich the ) 1

110000-- ;',. . ;', i f de~!!"tion wire led.! ,Resol to: Bomb was d •• tro~ed. S-I l A ~~_~_E?mpa;ny_.? ~etonate~.!>oOby :rapp~d

I,' ;1' I M-26 grenade with pressure detonation set in a. : r-- --+--_ .... ,---+ . ...;.=..,;;:..;;.. . -

I i I I pa.dd;r~~AT914514. Results; Two USMC vIlA llon-bao.

12~0IlI! i 4 8-3 I Jour.al,.21osed ----i ,! i ! I~: ---;r---I-----i---·--· ---- ---.------- ---'-1

I I--I-----li-I_ -~-::~~.===-----.--.--=---.--.====----.;: I- --+---- ---,1- ---.--.. -.- _ .. - -.- -----~-----; I I

-+-------r---------------------------------~ I' T I ;

r-----r-----~------~--------.--------........ -------------------~


• j

t I

I I j

~-.~i----~~ I i , - ...... ---!.~ -.--.~-.-.. _------, ... -...... - .. ----- -. 0-

I I ,

r----+----i--·-· ·t· -----I ,


Iii -----------------------------------~I ~--~----- \

I ; ! I --T'-'--' i ,---- .-._-... -------1

L.-----r--~------r_-------------------------------------~ I I ! I



Page 27: 3/Gco/gc~ July


2nd llattalio.,. 5t lJ.ilarlne,s s-~ . I' l5 June 1969 SEARCH AND CLEAR. .',' . Jou:rnal - ... :. :',.' '(DTG) From 000 to •. 240011

IOTG ;SER lifOel ORG I INCIDENTS i 1-0_OO.;..;;;llI~' -.-.;;;l-..:_-+-I--.;;S;..-:2..t:.. ~' New Journal opened . _-'--___ ' ____ -...,

...... ____ ~-----.-1-1 ___ S'-J-3~~A-l'_[a.r=ine in route to his night position detonu.ed

I I a 0-4 t;rpe boobl tra;p at AT907512. Result.: •

2030H 2

i i -- _.' I !

1--_-+-__ -.;..: ----+-1 ,:::.On;;:,;e:.....;:;US;.;.M:::.=-C .!fIA_ Evac_o __ _. ___ ._ i ! '

! :

l I

~ i S-9 I Journal closed ·.:;....--!!---..;;;..<:~i......,;;..;'..;.;;;;;;;=--""'~.;;.;;;..------------'---:

I .. !. --+!j ----+-- .. ------ ,------, --------: 2400H _2

: ! :,'

, --1-1---+'----,---. ------- ---'---. , ' I ; i i. I j- : . "-1-, ----i---- ---------'----,...--------1 i l

I --j-----------. II t 1

-_._._-----1 I 'I t --t----t-------.-.-----_ .. -;

j----------------I I r ! -----1- - ---- -,---

I I J-+-. : --i--i .-.. _ --: ~-:~--:: -=_ .. -~~ l ! i I I I 1 - .. --.,j--~.----------.-- i

! I!- ,+l------------......... ------~1. I I I I

I ! ~--+--~-+!----~----------.--------------~-------! IiI 1-1 --+---',--,-:---'-----... --.----- .,--.,--'----'----1

L---t-----+---;.---------------..: I I i

PAGE NO • ..lL


Page 28: 3/Gco/gc~ July



• • 2nd Be.tta.lion, 5th- lIarines Sw3 Date ~...l4.JM~ .J,9J>9

(D'I'G) From_WQ.lB_..,. toJ.4Q..QlI_ SEARCH AND CLEAR : j .,:' ,.,:; ,"J Journal

G:; irR :~O:'! --: . ORn-=--=~:)liCI1JliJ~:--------:--==~==:~~ ~QW _~ ,_u_ ~:2-t N~!_~~~_?jl!:l~ .. ,._. __ . __ ._ ' .. ~ __ .. , •. _. __ .~" .• _ ... ,j' i 0 OOH' 2 ! S-3 ! The flank: security f'or the road sweep f'ound ! ,.....'"--~~---..;..-.--....... ,------+-.. ,... ....... - ...... ...-.--.......... _ ...... _--......_----, .. ,-..,., ..... _,. __ .-"': iii ;

)._. -~-. ----- .. tone. bo9,?~j)!l..d.§~ ,E.,O~d with ~_~_~.x.:e .. '.'l L-- _1_._ . + located next to a padd~ dike at "m_2552?~ ~_~!'l~ ts: 'i ! '-- -_i ____ -tllJ!..."!l!Ldestro;red in ]!lace. --- '--"1 ; ,1200lI 1 3 l' .--B~ t 4. ~~E.aJ. ..9bserve~.~1:'ki~_~E..J;!l~_]3a~t.¥iop.. ~ I ~ f : i '-. ,~-+---l.~,-- ., __ ~_~!l~l!'Y~..9pe VYliY..4.111.?ytng. _~!l~.t!l~_s:t_~:t.~~J55~· . I l i i

I I . i ~_ .. _~_ ' "_.~ .. _ ... I ... ~ .. __ , __ .· .. ~_T!t~_!!-Q.~_:i;:ect.oo., !.D.t.~._~_£P .!!l.~.~P~.~. ,,!i~::S!l4ts:

I I ' ._._ .. _.. - .. __ ... ~ ... "" .. ,_~. __ ~. __ ~.~_J9m~ .. m.!_._ .... _ ..... ,~ ..... .... ~_~ .. , .... ", ........ " ... _~_ ... _.~ r-l£3.5Jt .j ___ __ ~.~_-2~~_~~~1!l1'~.;y_1I_.~:t .. :Af.'9.~5_<?8_JPE!P!l...2!!.eJ:~2~em~~. s~F~se : _" ___ .... ~~. __ .~ _____ .. _ --" ___ 1Ji~. "~!3Y~_~ .• ~_~~.s~lj;~.:._ ~_~~~ __ ~_d~~~!E~~~

~ 12.3.0!L._. JL. . ~ ... J3.~._~t~~e....t_<?y!:r."!.a..t~. ~~_ ~~~)~oa.t~.~_~0!l_..9~~~~ Rp.st ~

L.._____ _ __ "O_u" __ •• u __ ~._+~:t_ AJ9~}.2~2.7-2~~2:. ?-'_YC}I!~YJl. •. ~_V!?f!, ~ou~. ;a~_ I I •

~>---__ • _ .~ , _____ ~_. ~-22-4M3J-.~ An. ~lmrn..]!l;i.s~}?!ly~~_.!_~_ 2!: _:t~~~~

__ ____ __ --1 _ ~ __ -+ wi tp unJ<!>P."!'. ~lt~, . __ . _~ __ . _~ ___ . ____ . ___ -;

.J:..4..?9!C __ ,2..,.. --t . __ ~::-?..-.. .Q.O~SEL..E:...~t_~3225~O . . ~~~~_.!!.2.l>2.2EI . .:trep~4.. ~

.. ,-.-._.. -L._ E!gg?losiv~~e..tiZ..e.b..2E:.9 _ S!l __ ~-=:?§_~~!1~e and.J;ll~-1 ~ __ . __ ,_ .... ~, other So f'i~_...P9..und ~.M..c£.e!.ch:?-~~ .• __ l32_t!t_~!~_J



set with trill wire detonation. All ordna.nce wag . - .~ ... -..-.... -......... _- ............. ----.~-~-~


____ • _. ___ ~ _lY!!'.'!._'!.Ae-".LQ&~1;z,._.!l.e.'!.l!J..iS.L.Jl.ne !JllnJ. )l;~~.,. C

Evac. ; ................ -~~-......... -.... ---~-- .. -----~-,-- .......... ---... --"',-'", ....... - •.... ---..." ........... --........ -.-..... -"-1 1

~L_"_L __ ~~ ____ Ll9..~ __ Q.l.Q_a_~d __ • _____ .~ .. ____ ... ~ .. .--. _._. ~ ".·A ... _. A •• J


Page 29: 3/Gco/gc~ July



• • 2nd Battalion, 5tlrliarines 3-3·'::.J '<~"~ SEARCH AND CLEAR .. ', ,I.,,' . . 1" '.'


~TG . F-nt hO_.i_:-. --OP~-t.:~-=-'-~--:--IlfCjj)Ei-~i~·~-------'·h--~--'-.~=~~=~.~ I J . . l.. oqqY1f-~~ ._u_~~:i __ LNe\f~~~!._~~~E!(L ........ _ ..... _ .u.,.u .. _ .... _._.u_ ... J' : . I I I ~~0I!L 2. ~ __ ~S.-3 ._~_A...:etro1 f:r;om Cc?"ll!~_q_I!~ .. A1.2Q02Q6_QllJ~§~~~~~ ~ r i I : · .. ---- .. 1 one. VQ._'!.i~E!aJ!o.l1h_r..q!1J:lj,M from }'~ ±:;t.ght:\,.JJg .l!Ql.4 150 Mh

1----- ----1'--. r t met~rs a.way. The ~tro1 opened. fi~e..n:tlLsml..J;

:....-.___ _._~ __ . J~ .... --.--.. ~.t· 1!J .. !.~r!B_~d searched the area with 1!~ti'v:.e_rEtsuljs. , I ., !

.1050I!L 2 ";--..B~~~~~;:9m C0mi?~ <lx~.ll~.ll.t!i~_~m~.\[C_a.t. ~ l 1

.~.~- r'-l--· ____ ._. __ -1._~§..!:l..?223_~eI!._!1!.~z_Q.1!s~e.4. .. ~\I{l:)_ .• n:!~~~J.c ..... Q..n.EL~ th · , I 1 ---l-.. -.L __ -.- .. -l-'!.'!."~J-w.!!o_d,.et.o!!~t.~}Uc"'~.~.~"'O}!!!ti.o.l! .b.~O~Y L_ . ______ ~._ ......... _._ .. J _~.;:~.o..n.. . .§!Ad.e" .. ~~ .. _tAE!! .. ~.~~l:.·. __ ~.e .. E1.qll:8.~ ..• O.:P.~eq J.~re ; i : l-"-"~'-' 1-----... -- -·-·-~--~ .. - .. ~ll-.~tp..,.~~l:! .a.~;'!..§:~_~.~~9~t.t~~~~'1L~:!,..lJ.J~ ..... · I , !

: ..• ~ ... __ . ~ _________ .•.•. ____ ~~.~~.!._ ~f!J~_t:1.t.I:J.:. .. _,?:i.~e. .. ~~C.JfI.A Ev:a~_.~rt4._t~ree ., !

: : VC KIA. ;

[~~~- =:~=- ·=:~~~=1~~~~:~ :==:::: = :=~===:~=:~=J

=~-~ ·==--~~~~~::-~~t=~~~ -:-~~-. -~:~----~ =~:~-~---~~j 'I :

· ... -~- ·~·_i_'t.---.---.--.~-·-... -- -~-.~.----.-.- '-'"'T

1----+---------+--------.- -- -- -_ .. - ----- ... --1 l t , __ + ___ ,_~ ______ ,_ ._,--. ......... ~. "_. _._ ..... _.~ ...... __ -......io

~.-.. -.+----- ---~. -~. -----.................... _ ............ __ .-----_. __ .- ... --,._-_ •• - ..... < ... -.-............ ' .. "". ' ... _ •• "~

! -------------.,-...-..--.--.--.--.--.-~.- .-.-- ... -------,""--,- ... -..... -~


Page 30: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• • 2nd Battalion, 5tho }ia~rines 8-3 SEARCH AND CLEAR Journal ::rm l:O.i--OR(r'I---~'-ri:Ciiiliiliil' ,- _n"'" ----- ......... . ----.- ,._._- . ..- - . - .----~__4 iii .

~ --l~~t. u_A-:L_~ Jiew_.l2~~.~~~~~_ ..... --, .--~-. ~-~- , __ ._._._u .. _ ... -J ;, I I

[~tw+~~-2_ ~t-=~1aod _~:==~-~_=.==~::~~~ ~---.~---L--- I -~...... .--- --"1

~--+-- L -.~~t-·--~+ ----,--.---~ I • j

":"'---+---",!i-' - --..-...----~:...,--'--'"-. .:...-~.-.:....-------,,-.- .. --,. -_.- ". -i !

-+ ____ .J_ .... __ , ..... -----l-----____ ... __ .+ __ . __ ._ .•• _ ......... '-""_ --••. -.' ......... _-- ....,

j ! --. ~ .• _... . ..... - _ .•.•.• L_. ____ .. _ .•. ·_.1- -.... '--- .. -- --

io-- ....... >.--.. -----.. t

~=:=: .. :-~::: :~~-:~=J~::.=::-.::,:.: :~:~: ~:: :~:~.:: : : ~.: ::-~~:: !

-_ .. -==.', '~:::::~~:=:= ~:=:==:.~::: ::::=:= =::=:~. ::-- =:="=~~~=f:='~=:~: ~~:~::: :~>- ~ .~:::- .. ::~

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t ----t- ~--- ~.~ .. ---~,-... ~--... -.-1

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P.lGE TiO. 1B ~-


Page 31: 3/Gco/gc~ July



• • 2nd Batta.lion, 5th< Hannes S-3 ';"""" >',

"w,' ~ '\ ! I .. ~ .'


tDrr9 ., f~{nt.Fo "1-: ~ . _~-6i[G- '.r -:-..:=:----fITEimfi7.~iL:-'-- -----' .. --.~---==~=~~~~-~ 1: ,

I I ~ ! • ~--l.,-+ ___ • __ ~=.L-UeYL.J~l~.,9j)§]l~~ .... , .'" ._~ ..... _____ . _____ ~ ... ....i : ,I I I , 0800H 2 --l-_--.p.:.L_t4 Marine. en rout~ . .k..M ob..FI~'!'y"W.Jm..llP.§_t.tm:m£'lj

; I ; --+--~ _1 ______ .. j I!L boob'y_j;.:c1mlL~_§9JI!tlL~9.1ID.!Ll'dj;b_Ji..tiJ?.JiJ-'..l!. d~j;.o~

f..-...----.,'1---rl- u - I nation at AT924517. RespJ..tSi: ~. we.~_~~Ji;r.ofed


~,~--- '--··'·.s --.----tinPl~ge, --------1 210511 ~ 3 ~ •• _-B~~guap. at AT92Q511 eri_~tUQJn_.Jl..$ __ ~j .. :t;t!l_l

: ~ 1 ;

:~--- 'I~ _____ ""_' __ '" f~j::L.PJmljLa·p.~ .. JL.9Jl,§~g_~(!_tl1~~. yC)jFiA.~j;:tf3mp~ i! I : ;..., -,.~ t' "'-- --' .. --,--,--,- .. -,.-~_tQ- P!l!'y.Jl,Q.me~\! - !!D.q)J.~~i_JJLgm~.~~. ELJ;J'J:'919511"';

~~ --- --,~-~l~ .. ---... -~.l Th~§fL~,Q,_ 9R~!l~_Jj.]:~~ ~ !;!l. ~~n. ~§ .. {l.IlI;t ~we .QtJ

!'-' _.'_,_ • ___ ' •• ".' .".,_ .• , __ ~_. ___ j-:t!t~_M~~_'_ ~~,~,ll,!~?l_~Y~P.~E-E~-2..f'_ ~l!2.-.§l.!l~L;i,.lJ~~ til on I ; , I

; - __ , .. __ , -___ .. __ '. _-_ .. 0'_._ __ .9.Mlj,£l!~~,~ .In.!.N .. j1j,:!;lL~~.P.J.Q,Slj.~~,,.f;wQ., ~~ .. ~tlc.h~ . 1 ,

:;~~~-:~~~~ .. =~~~~~-rls':~:~:~~~~~~:~~=_-:: ~~§~~j J!jQQjL -<1. __ - ~-3 t~ . .lLQbS!rve.A..3Q-1P1!."!!l'...of_ ~w.-fJ"".hJl~ ____ .~ ___ ~_ _ ____ . ___ lint.Q_~Lrj.~OO~L.YilJ.~~_ ~t_A~9l45l.L __ ~_Q~t~+;

~---~--__ ___ _ • ___ • 4 _.0 __ a __ ~!~g~±!~al~9--j;1.la 1;" 1;1.l~. f~.M4_b ~~;re?-

0 .. 0 .. _._", __ --L_J~m the_~t~w~st~~Yl~: _.~.9r.!e _QiY~~ l . ___ ,_ ... __ Non-Eva,c. __ . ___ , ____ .. , __ ,0_,' .' __ '. __ • __ .... _._ '. ---I


Page 32: 3/Gco/gc~ July



e 2nd Batta.lion, 5ttrlIannes S ... '3 SEARCH AltD CLEAR


t.~r)R.l'O·r~ OIW . r=:-..=---iiiCillEi"\[: :::.--- -.~ .. ==:=~.::: ~~. : . _ . ....l.._. __ .,~§~-:.L.-t New_ Jo~.t.9.l!.e.!!~!._'d'_' ~_u_. _ .. __ >.4 •• , ••• --•• - •• • -1' i· I I · 0 OOH 2 -l_._J.::.L-Jltpa.d sweep n~.~.p..9,$}l!!-N-,.Q...r..Q.~ __ ~.1>1>_Q..P.Y_l

--40----.. {--- ._j tmpp.~9l>ico",J!."J'!!!O!lJ!..!Q..:I;l1...J; D-l! ~ l!.~;;P"".J'-i ~ ____ • I t small Pi!th a.t AT9l15Q§" • Resu;t_t...~.Lg~~e ~~.s~

I !

:...------ -- u .L---~-__T!!§,tmY-ed in 'Pla.O~. . --_.- ••• ---1 • .1S05H t 3 ~ .... §.i3 .... tA.·J3£lUJld. from Comi>an..v. G was lea.'yj,rllLlY.l..l>J?.13,t~.!!l"llt

!--_1---__ .~_-o_o-j-~9-~A51S wpen1.h~;Y •. _~9}lnd.:tYQ.P_t;)_oJ>Y...:t.1'~:nt~.9,_'§.1-Jnm! · I I I i

~_._ .. ___ .! .. , •.••. _.~.,.._._. ___ ~ .•. _J-r.9JlP.~..f.PAe_wl-:t1l . .P~.s_~_e_A~tt9na~t,;i9Jl_.A~. ~~ .. 9~el'

L. . .. ----- -.--~-. ~ Od' ."--.-~."-'11}'li 'l;,fLR~,~~~::-~1:!!!:,S,~.~!!j;9!l~;P~!' , .. ft~,~l1).~.L_ oj.' : i

j.-._--,- _. __ .0 .••. _ •. __ .. -,--.-lful~~~.~~- ~!,!3~!?.1ec!~J±LP~a.C~ ___ ~ •. __ ._ .. ~ f ! -, ?.@91L .~ _4..~ _____ .P:3~__ ~9~~L9~9J3f!)g. __ ._ ...... ~. __ ~ ....•. _-- .•... -._-------1

=~~~~~=~=. ~=~~=+==~==~~=~~:::: :~~:===~~~=~j :-..... ,------- ----,~ .--..----------!-..--.-...----~------------..- ...... -----......... ~-.-----..--------. ~ ...... ---- ... -.. ---------,_.j

I i ---.•.. ~ ---~'~f-- ~~--- --~!---~-~-- ._- ~-.-- ---0 - -- -. - •• -.-.- -'" .- •• - •• ~:

... --.... , .. ,-~ .. -- --- -..... ... .............. "" ....... - ... -- .... -_ . .....-..-_--.----- .. -- .... _---_ .. ..-.--.... .....--_. ~

--...... --~---.--------... ---.-.----- -,-_ .... _---, ---- --;

~ .--t-----r---'---+-----.,--.-.--- -- .... -.------~----.... ---~----+.---" .----.-..-----.. --.---,~ .. -----------..-.. ................ ---~ .. -.-~--.-.,-... ----,~ ... _--_._-, ... , ........ _ .. , .-

\ I

:.--.. '~ .. --.. ',--.--~.-,.- ·--~···--~--t·"':'~·'---·-·-~~--·----------.. -- .-... --.. - .......... --: r .~ .. --.• -. r----"" -'---t·---.--.-~--.------~.-... -.-----~., .. -.. -.. O_'_'~"_".'_--I , l __ ... _ .• _._ __. ___ L ______ ._. __ .... _. ______ ..... _ •. ___ -__ -_ . __ ._-- .. _'_" ... ~ ., ...• _- - - ...... -.• ~ .oJ

E:\.GE 1\0.~


Page 33: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• 2nd Battalion, 5tlrEarines 8-3 Da te ;_].9 ._J!1!l~~!969

(DTG) FroDl_0Q91!I_ ~ to~.40O!I_ SEARCH AND CLEAR


~ .. Fm. 1,~o'i~'"-ORGT-===--IITcD5EliTi~L-='-"---'~---'---:=~=~~.: ~.~ I l i ~Q9Y1+-~~-·t·,.~··~::2 .. _- t ¥~!-~~ .. ~P,~~~.", •. -- -- ..• - .... _ •..••. ---.~-- ...• -+' i ' I · q310H ~ 2 _---1~2_=2 __ ~~!!Panl G on ;'0a4_ ~~e.p.~ .. t .~m!!511_j'..9.w5l._ .. ~ b~~ : I I .

i . .~t-----'l~-.9E- the _ si§_~~ 9f_~!l2 road ~~ oof~~iry, _, __ ~ ~. __ . ---1_ IResUlts: Mine was destro~eU!Lp!!-~~! .. ___ . __ .-!

· I ! r2~45IL ~2. .. -.l-.S-1'--'-'T;.!I9,~- from com~anl G settp1s ~~a.!l QP s}.t~ i

" '~4' ~ . _________ ,a.t ~2l-~!1 fGung:.!~Qoby 1!;:§..P~dJ:1::2§ __ g:r:~~-fn-j . i

~ :! \ 1

'~'_'~Ii ----! ~~-... ---~ sig~ __ ~...Ji~ .. 2~!LJ!it~j~.:!..P...y:i. f_'f! ~ _JJ.~.§.\1l. '!;In .• Q~~e · I 1 i , j l. i • . J

~. - -____ .......... _ .t-,::-,,,-~,,-,,"-J!'l!-I? .. ~es~l-'2Y ed .. ~1?, _p+~<;.~.~ ____ •.•.•. _M .••• --0 .... " •••• ...:

~9~~~. -·~--·'i-.~~--.----J~-~3,~~~ .. ~~_~~~! .. f-~l!l_92P.l~~.G_!9~_~ .:Q<}EPy-l

L._ ... _.- -,;; .. _._ .. -·]"-'·-·-·-'~---1!·~~PE~~A!,g _ ;'!?~_.~'!'.~~2Q15H.L.Re_su! tSL._gq~!li i I

: ~4'~ __ -. - •• ___ - -~ ••• --~--4~~ .. ~~~~~Y.~4 .. ~_p~~g~! ........ __ ... , __ .... __ ., .. ___ .J · I '

~J.:4g~. ~. ?.... . .. ~.:2J •. _.~j!.1l.~~toJ~~._!'E?~ _ ~<?m.j)~.I!l ... ~ .C?I! _ ~~:r:~! .. ~t. ~~24121.2"":

L.. __ _ __ .. _. ___ ..... _~'l'!!1!ril"' .. L!~lU!L~ J!~ •. ~ .. ~Pm!!W<i'!<! .~L.,. ef~~E.~:'LQ~ul~E~.~t'! __ ~!<L~;'~ . ~;ue4 .. a.nd .... .J

. !.~re._g~)~p_ i t~ .. ~~! •. l!~~~ts: __ ~q1g .!C,J:.Q¥J,

ournal closed : •• _______ .. ._ _______ ......-. ••• ___ ........ __ ._ •• _ ........ __ , • .... _ __ , ~ •• _, ••• _ 4-...... __ ••• _


Page 34: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• 2nd Battalion, 5ttrEarines S-3 Date: 20 June 1969 .....- ............ , ......... -

y~~ AND CLEAR ;.: .. '(DTG) From ooom to 2AN\'R' --.,_'4' ..... ___ _ _-:t::'~~_

ilYro ·Effll'I;O:C:::-Orl(r=L-==-~iiTCfiEi~=:·'-· ... ~------.--.--.=.==~~._= ~ .. ~ i I . ; LqD2-11I __ .2.~~+~._s:]_l!E~!1_ Jo~1.~.E.p"~~ed ,_ ...... __ "'~_._~~u._~ ___ ._ M ••• j' ; . I : j • 1355H 2_~~ ___ ~-..3 __ ~~_A.-_ squa.;i !ro;n ComJ>~~!!.!E..~d....2..n~_b.2_~-_t~aJ>.E~j

i I : : .__ ±. __ .. _ .. j 155~~tilleg~.I?~._.!!t!t-.E~~~ __ !et0M-_t:i_OJl ~

~--. r -- i at AT91:4512~ . Results: Round_~~d_e~~X'?~d_~!l-i

~-T--L.-----r"=!~ ~- --......J 1230H t 2 l -S;l.--.. +f.~rip.!3.!..~m..E?Et1-BEl..!.._i!:l_~:'~_i!~ __ 1?!S_iY!:.O~~~

, . I l r .-----f----+---------i a~_.:4-~J25)1~_t.9.9lc....~ __ !:4.!t~~~E~~P~.~y~J_~~ _!l:'9~

~--+.-_ ... .1. -----.... i:::~:.;~~-e ~:. :~~~~-.~~~. ~-~~ _.1~, ~ .-~ ._-- ---~--........... -.---------.'1.-----.-.-.~.-- .... -... ~.- .• ---..... -'" ....... -... ---.-.......... '" -....... - .-- ..... --: ; 20:;OH 4 S-3 I Driving from the Battalion Command Post at : r-'~' -'.-.r-'.--.' .. ~ ··~·--.. ·-~-'~-1·-·---- .~-....... " .. _ .. --- .. ~.-.. -..... ~- .. ~.----~-----'-.... -' .. -.... ! ! 1 ; .. ~ .. ___ . _~.' ____ . . __ .. _._~ __ ~J.?)2~J .. ~~_ ~?~~.!.!_~.?~~~~~. ~eF!~~.-l · I :

[~~:~~ =":~~ .. ~:~:~~:~=i::~;:!.:~:~~!;~:~~~~~:~~=J ~_O¥~ =~-~I-:-~.- .. "r~l.~~~~~=--~:~:=:::=~: :.:=::1 ~-.. ~= ---.- +-- .. -_.--: .. --------. . . ..-._------,

- +----+-,---~I-----,-----... -----.-- ... - ----.-- ---- --t

~++_-.---t----.---.. ~-----.-.-. --.-- ".-.,-, -.. -........... ~.j > ,.. 1 ._~ ..... -...._ .... ~~-_,--+-----....... -,.---,-... -........ -.... ... __ ._ .... __ .__ . __ --.....io

~----+----.- .----. -.-t-.. -.----.---~.--------.-.-.----.- .. --- -_ .. - ................... ! · I


· i ( ... _-_ .• -- f-~------ .--.~.-.. ~-~ .. t_-'.-.. ------...... ---.-- ... ~.--- .. - .. --.. ----.-.-........... _;

f'-~- .--t--·---,------'-----·~-~· ... ---.. · .. ·-·-·-··-·--····-· .. -i ~. __ ._._ __. ___ ._1_. ____ '--__ .L .•. _. ____ -.-__ . _____ . __ -•. __ -... ~ ___ -___ ~ ..... -'--' ....... -...... J


Page 35: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• • ,\~' <

2nd BattalicrJ:Aith- lIarines S-'3' ~.ARCH AND

Date:&\ .J)¥l;~ .1.969

(DTG) From_0p..~_I!_ to~~QQ.IL_ Journal

:DTG: :':r~ER 1;0.;. ~-OOG-'---··-·~··-··-ilfc:bJEi;TS-'·- ''''''--''-'-''''-'-'-'--'~'''''", ..... ", .... -..... ---1.... ~.-.--. --- . .. __ ._-_.--l it;

~Q.oP.1H t _-1-.._~+4.34-}_ t N::r_.!2.~~_ . .?£~~ed ... _ . -- .. --- - ~.-.-.-' ... ~ .. ,.---.-.- ... J'

i Q?~~I.::2:t: __ ~f::::~::~:~~~!1::::~:·!!~~05 t=~~ .. t--_ j =~: C::.:::t~ t;~:C~~~~~~~:'l . t-- f '

.1030H ~ 3 ~ •• ...!:i. .. ~ i A.,y.l,a_~oon ~rom QO~.P~~.2!l..J2!L~E2!_.!l~~~.9..~~~~ I. , ;

'~u. t L __ ._._~_~l?~~_~..'L.4P .,j..9_..2Q_.!.q,.~_~h._ .P_~.o~~. JDPY.iFB. ~.l!s!.~t-1 , iii ;... ____ .1 ... ~_ ... __ .~_.~ ___ . ___ L~J_2.aJ9?. __ ~e. p_l_a.t.Ib.~l!.~1-)'_~ .. '!l_~P.P.O.r_~!~. _~~.s. ~nd

:.. .. _ ... __ ~ .......... J ."P.s."-'O"!'A..o.n!,. ~,,!,¥_b~~ .h~l!,~. :t!>!'?~ .. t.h ..... &~. i-. _ ._. ____ .•. ________ j_;e.!lUlot_S} __ .. Oft.e. Y.9~I?':~~ ____ . __ . __ . ___ .. __ .. _ .. ~ , : . ,

; ?-~.~~ _ . ...4.~ __ .. ~_-.?_. __ !,_y'1.a~.o5~.n .. !_~~£o.~:P.B:.I¥_ ~_o~_P!l:t.~} ... ~~ •AT9.1.§.2Q.l-!

~~ ___ "_'. ~ __ .... ~_~ .. ~ __ . _~.f~.b.~~..rv~.~P ... -t? ?5...Y~_~Y.:.~_ ~~s~ __ !!l.t .~5'1-§~? ___ ~

~ _. n _~ __ H~_~ ___ " .----t~~J,!\tro}__ ?pened_.!j_~ •. !.l.~ !3!D_a.;t;.~ ~~._a.nd_ ... --i ;..... __ . _ _'isn.iYoe.rs ~~~~~.~o."yC KIA. __ !t.~su1.~.s:....._ .. .....

Two VC KIA. ; _. _,,______ • ..-........... ___ • ....-- ._ ........ -foo. ___ •••• , • .-- _."_ ..... __ __~ __________ ...... ____ ._, .", _. >W, ___ ••• __ .. '" ... ___ ....... _ ...... ____ ""- .... , •• ___ .....-.. ... ..._.._ .......... ' ..................... _ '-;

~1:!.<?OH ___ ..5___ S-3 Snipers at AT936511 observed two groups of VC :

.... _+_.. --L" ·-·-"··-··--:;~~;-e~~~~~ at' ~~~;~~~~d~~2;~~~2. J~; ;

r~t- snipers c?'p"~ed f~_,!1! ~ ~~l~ __ a~~ !C.,g.1_~. £.ille

, . i- --- ----

~--.. -+----.--,---. VC KIA. . .. - .. ----'-.---...-... --......----.~.- .. --... ~--".-.... ~-.. -.-... , ... -.-. ' ..................... --.... -


~J:t.2_0.~.I __ ~6_. ___ ~.-3.,,~ __ . A s~~~.9omp!-Y2.~pat;:<?l:.~.~~.2.1.5...5AIJ'_~und ; .. ----. --"'1~ bool>L.t.~ed .!52",,-.J;l>."!!!L'!.i th.P-''!.s.s~. ~l!.t.ttion.

_ -.~ I Re~~.!,!>~~. dest"J'l..~ .. ~~l"!'.e·'_···_ .. i . _7~ .. L_S.3. ______ ,A . ..B.9..u!1'i .. lrQlll._Q9.!!l.Pfi.N.!t. .• iP. lYlittl!.sP. at_AT.9.3.552.4. __ i


Page 36: 3/Gco/gc~ July


2nd Battalion, 5th-Hannes 8-3 SEARCH AND CLEAR

Date ;.2.1_Jl!1l~ .19.§9

(DTG) From_.QQOl§; _ to.24.QQli_ Journal

[iifY: :: ·:r~Eit~-~~-6i:fG-'--"·---·-i1TC J])iiJiif"~----'--"-~-----~' ---- ..... -i --.~-----...-....,.------. ... , ..... _.. p'.' .-.. , .. ------ -----4 iii i I Ii. I. ;---_+ __ +_._._~ ___ +ObS~rve4J~5.Yg ~J!;~b .. "!~E!-119~~U~:9Il;'Q~QqiruL!.tlE}tt.~ I • I! . I . I ~~ .. ~~ .. ~. ~_~PQSi tion from thELIiMh~l!d .• ~'rl:le~amb.ush_op.ened.l ~ ii' ; ··1----···- .. 1fi:r;e ~!~ll.s1Tl2l4:! ... ~~_~_I;ill~t1.q-ftalJQD.S • and 1 ~~-. --1--- isearched the q,rea. findiDB' two iO.lUA.&nd..llUIllaxcuts

:..... .. __ . ~---1------- floqU!'&lB and d11!g merta. Re~ .... ----!!----...j.~_. . + •• fazr.l _~~q 4~~aineetis_ __ __:... ________ ._._ ......• _ ... ~ ~

I . .

'~OJLLL __ .~~l._._JJO~_Cl'lS~ ___ .~_ ... __ ...•... _ .. _ " •.. " _ .....•... _~~ j , I It' . i i ! i

[~~=I =-l=~=-~~l=:: ~-_~ ~- ~:: ::=:-:: ::~_ ~::: =_ -_~:~:~ r'-"'-'- f---._._-_ .... ~-.. ---.- j"'~'-- ." ... -... -......... _._ ... __ ._" .. _,- ""---'--"-"""-"'---'1 ; ~-.• - •. --.--.. -- •• -- .... - -_. __ . 1·· .. --'·· .. ····_ .. • "'" " .... --- .•.•. ,,--.~.- .... " .••. _,_ ........ -_ .• .,-_ ... -,-.... -.- .... -.~

"------ _. ---... ---.-.- ------1-- ----.-.-.---.-.- ----------- . -- --- ----.- _.- ----- -1 ~¥ .. - .•.•.• - .--. .• ---_ ..... r--_._- -···~·-·--i· .. ·-~-·-----~---- .... -- ,. '-".'" .', .. d. __ ..... _,,- .y. - _,"0 •. -i

L-.-,~ ----, .I-------t-----.. ---~-----'- .. -.-- .. ~--.-.. --.- ..... --.- .. -~-- ~ :=-~= ===-:~=~~:t~-~~:=--=:-:::~--=-=-=:=j


Page 37: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• • 2nd Battalion, 5th-lIarines 8-3 SEARCH AND CLEAn

Datee..E. ;r~_e. ):1.969

(IYrG) FroIll_.~?~.!lI __ to-1~OO1I_ Journal

-,-,',_._,-, --. -" "--'-1-"" -,--",---~ -.- ,-,- -" ,- -" ,--, " "--,-.'----," '. ," ",-,- .--,--~,---.,- _.",,---' ___ 'A, ,._, •• , ~ __ '_" ___ !'" '""_,_~._,_._ - _. __ ,_,," _,, __ ,~, _._"" _. _" .. ,~ ___ , ... _ .. _, - ,_," '.' .......

i "--~'1-~--~--~--'------"'-'-- '--'-~'---.. '- '0 ____ .. ~-"i

-~ .. -.--... -- -- .-+-' ...... ----- -- .-.. --.-- -......... - .. , ... __ .-- ...... "---.- ..... ~. ~ .. > ••• ~-"-- .. --.-1

... -... +-......-.--t-----..,..-.----~t_-----"L.----- ....... - ... -.-... ~- ___ " __ 4 __ ". ___ ._-;

j I ,

t· - --.- ---~-.......... ---+---~-.. -.-.... -- --- ~ ..... -.---".....,.-... --~ ._._~ ______ ......... _____ ........ ___ ... _ .. _._ ........ ____ ..... __ .• _ .. .._' •• _.,_ ... , ......... _ ~ ,a._.' .. _

~ ..• ----..................... _-.- _ .... '--•.. _ .... "'-"--~ ----------.......... -~ ... --.... ----~-"...-...... ..-....... ..-..._,-- --. ..... ---.-.


Page 38: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• 2nd Battalion, 5th-llarines s-j ,'" • Da.te;_.?~ .~~~.~69 (DTG) From-.J>9QlH __ to~.19..C!t ... _


~ . piB. '~;o.i------m1G-~'-'., ~---~-~--ITICiDElmS'''-'------'-----'--'-''''''~ i -------I-----r--~· ... _._-. - -.,-----. i

!-OOPJ.lI+....1.._.L ____ S:3 __ i~w_ J'O~_21t~l?.ed ..... _. __ ...• _. ____ . _____ u ,_ • .J' : . I ! I \ 0830H. ~ 2--+-.J:J--i-!. Squad on ;Paj;rol.&..AT.9j..4.5;L2..J.J:.OJll_Q.QP!pP.1lY_JLjf~S ; -- t -._.-. ~~_J:.i."!'. Ji!.:t~_ an>!'-l'1'll..J>lJ.t"""t;i,c_re.-f.---- _ l pQnB from 10 to 15 va in a tre~l1n.e_ ;re.S:t_At. ___ ---t :- ___ ~_ _ . _.~_+~~J.§. The SQuad ntumed fi~h. mlU ! ..... _--t- ~ - +~§ __ ~.n;Ll'Ij;!t 111) i.)J.p_ckiriK..!9.!"~~roJ:_jtlte __ J:P..AA. ~

.- u __ +--__ j ._,---J SW~.i!J'-..L-~~J'.Q~<LJn:!§J~p_n:t11._:taMjJ.5R $J;lp.Ppr..t_ j I! ~ , i! ! :

;....-,~ -t-'-'~""'-r-~'-~'- ._ .. ~J~!i~p:t.~Q._rQ.Ugp._ :tl.lf:'. {lJ:~_~_ Jijj~LP~@:Ii;iY~_~i3~l)._tS"'-1

:;;~L~~I:~~~~=~-1:::::~:~~:~;~;~':'~~~~'~:-~::~ ! -_... . .• -_. - ....... - . -~!l. f9~.~ .""9!>;Lj;!'.app-e!LW5l!!!l':"}'j;_i).J,!'JL~.J

I . : "" ~--- _... "~'-"'.-.... . •. - .. -.----.. --t~j;E_P_~_S~~~ ... 9-~:t.2~'1~l:.Q!L .•. _~~Jl!lJ.j;§_!.. ___ ~Q!l11fL.J~_~ ;

!. .. _ u__ __~" •. __ ... _ .• __ .•.• __ t~~~trole<tJ.!Ll?J.a.C~..! __ ..... _ ,~ ___ .. _, .. _ . __ , ___ .,_,_ "j

J!~00Jl.. .1.. . .1. _2:3.. . rg~...!'.. ~t_~.1'j;_fi1'.22a23§ •. ~_1!lLU!'U.!'9!!!:

-.-- -_ ..... __ ._0. I~~~~~~~U:~~::~~~. ~~:;H~::L~ .---.~-'" .-.-.• --. ...... --.- ........ '"._-- .--.~-,,~---.-~ ." .9 .... _.,~m._D_b,_11 .~1ldi

,._~_. __" ~lJ. a.pnLl>~:r;e~j;h~~~Q.w.q~l~\UlQhJ.w:r~

i----.~-- attack. Reflfi tSl-!legatj'1l.§L. _H _______ • __ -1 Journal closed _____ .~ .... _____ , ___ -1


Page 39: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• • 2nd Battalion, 5t~ Hannes 8-3 SEARCH .AND CLEAR Journal

, ..... · ....... -..-..-~-----------.------.....r .... ------------··· .. ~---...... · .. ·--"-- --.~.-- --- .. --~...-...-----.--.... ..-..... --.--' ... ~ .... < •• - .......... --

~lllY. ·ls.EILliO~.\ . ~ O@----r~ __ • IlTC]])m!~_4 ..-----'-1 1 1 :

~099J.H+-~.1:..-.u§.:-3- t New~~~?J: .. 9'p~_ed .. - ...•.. , .. : ..•. _ •• _._H._ . -.~' : 0930H 2 --I~_-.!:.?~_4~~!..quad from Com.p!tElL.§~.iJ!!.J~..bl1J1llJ.:t_A1..9.3]5Mr ; ! I '

! ~'_I~ ___ " ._! 0 en.~:£Lf~.j;Y9_yg~§F!'Yjp.g §]li2.1J,._~jl •••. Rei-hlts: ! !

=~=~ --=t~----[:-::; ri::: ~: o:~ c:::::::~~~~·: 0945IU- .3 ~ .~_ tJltrl~!'!- on.1:'Q~¢~p. ~ t ~j!J.5.2.Q3..L~p,gj.N!_eF~Lf9~

! ,j ; .

:-~-r--- I .. - . _~~_PJ291>L t~Wft5Q..O_J!9.!l:n.d,.p9.!li!:>_.V_i~!L 9PWW§PAL9,.ej;p-

~ ______ i •. ' .. & --j---_____ J~~:t~Q!!. ... _ .~~.§l.1~9.9:p~~~~§,_9J1~._V".Q.!1;i. tho .~?P9!l. J ;._.~ .. _ ~--~- .~ ._.--_ .. _--1 g~~j!lB. .. ~_rl.!l!1~!.! __ I~~!3p.!J;§I-=-_ ~9I]i1;>. 't1~~. 2- ~~i.:;:QJ:'~~ l-'_.'-"- --.... ·-·-··--~---iJ:!l_.p!.a..?~.!_ .... ~'" -.~ .. -.-... ~-.-.-,.-- -.. --~ .. -.--,--., .. ~, .. - ... ~ ! i , ;.L~291t ~_A.~_ .. ,_.§:-L~,_ .~1!_13~HJ3J:;L9~..9.Q~!19:.g;a:QJlP_~t.~j1.9.?Q,5..4@J)P§~IT~

. j :

~ _ •• - •••• h •• __ ._ --.----.. -.:....i~!l~-Y9LF!AY~~l;I.. P..9.9~_.§¢_11~!J.j)QM_~!:t~lllP1Mlg_~

~~ .. u~ ___ • __ • __ .• ~--,-_u~ __ i,~E£SS j;Q..~ __ Bver f~!!!..~1l~_.~~~h_.1£..t_4±'9A§544.f ... ,+,~e

• _. . !CO~!l-E4...Q!Q~~~1l§_1ir~_nt4..5Q .. ~~ill_~J:.1llli.9b1Pe-

. ______ ._ _ ___ a~_£.ag~<L§.~r_.I;l~;i.~~~LQ~_ botl:Ll>~~L9L:!;~

_____ ___ ........ _~ ..• ~_ Ely.~.E~~~E.l ts: . O:;te . YQ /tIT!J.!'!~_. ___ ~ __ • __ .~,_

. ?QQOH_+--.. ___ -+_:S::...: ... 2~ __ .... W=hi,::;;:1-e-'m:;;;;o ..... vE!g-12-~.~!ll'?Jl...mJ~,-§.Urr9.?555Q.~_~uad 1

from Com .aN_l.9.~~ j;~.YQ l!IT tj. ..?QQ_ID.~:!;~;"f!_lJ.prth I

at AT 0 42T T~.r}~w.YJ~\f.1th.iL~£11.~.~tl}!i~

, i --... --- .~-. ~····-·---t··-·-----·· ~ ... ~-- .. ~.-.~ .. -,,-. -... --.-.......... ---:

. -------+--------·t~·- 1-' . -.---~---.~--... --.-'-.... --.. -.- .'---"._--"'.'-1,!, I ! I .................. _..... .. .. __ .. .1._. __ ............ ·' ... _r ..... _'._~ ......... .... _." ........... ..,.'_, ........................... __ ...... __ .. , . ..,.... .... ,"'''' ......... , .......... ~- -. -,-,..,,~~.,. ... ..J


Page 40: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• • 2nd Battalion, 5th< IIatines 8-3 ])a te ~ 12 .. ~_~:. ~96 9

(DTG) From_9.?'<?~ __ to2~o..?_ SEARCH AND CLEAR


an 8lmm mission on the enemy and searched the ! ~-.-- .... ~ --....-..---•• --. & ...... ""--.-............. _. - ..... --..-. ...... ~ .... __ .... _, ___ ........... _" .... __ ., ........ " ....... ~ •• _ .... __ .................... ,~ •• O- ..... ' ........... - ........... -- .. '~ .. "1


}--. ___ ... -_____ __ ........ N.... . •. ~ ______ ....... area. fiming numeroui blood trai1s~ Results: : ..--------_ . ..--._ .... '_.- ...... --.. ......... --- .. _- .---.-~ ...... ---....... ---- ~---,,-----... _ ..... _ ...... ..-.. ! !

,; "- ..... -#-~ ..... ---... - --"'- _. ____ .............. __ •• .._ •• _ •• _______ ........ ~~~y.!y_~_~.~ .. _ "' __ . _______ . .6-__ ",," •• _._, •• -..._ •• ~. __ • __ .... _____ .... _ ..... ..-..... _ ••• ~.~. __ •• _ .... J I ' I i

~~~- =~=_ -=~~~-t~~~:~~~.o::!;!~:::~~:e;=;;~ Th~_ S9.~--2_P!!l_~....!_~~~,!E_~ll __ ~:r!Dsa~. ~~2~~ ic

weajl2!!.S_~l!i._~~~ .EI.?_~ .~~. ~_ tr~!:~~ .•• , ._~!lPEfrting

arms and fixed wing was directed on the treelin~, - ..... , ... -- .• .-,_..-... ..... -. .... --..... ~--... -.. ,- .... ~ .......... -*--,~-.-..--.. ...--.-- ." ................. -,---.... --.--....... ~ .. --... ~

__ . ___ .+ __ -!_~ ____ ~th:::;e::.!n~t:::h:;'e_!9.~. ~~!l-~~ed:nd ;;J~~~~~the ~~-1ind-i .

ing. t~~l>~t:U:.l':.~ _4a~~~~!II!D~!c13_. __ !ie!3l!!~s: ;~-'+1~-~-+-----~ ---.-_.. ~. __ ~ _____ -__ j.,";Ni:;,;:e:a.;;:a.::.t;;.iv.;..;e;;.;.=--___ ,_.~_.~ .• , .. _______ . ___ ----'

~J.A45J,£~ __ EJ:2.. __ - I


j .. -..... ,-.-~ .. ---

- I -_ ~--' ... ~--i~~ __ '?!--2..~K~:i!l.e._~:!!.~-}ll:Ji!~.t !'l~ •.. _--:

6 __ . s-?---t,-~~~~~-~-t .in.J."-":':1\-79_E'~_.~ __ ~'"

__ . __ .'. ________ -. iP..O~d!LoL~9E.Il1.?~~.~}~~.!3 •••.. !l.~S}l.J:. t~.~._ R.a.i~.-:tjl~_ .J P.i\GE 1iO. 28 ---


Page 41: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• . \ • 2nd Battalion, 5tlrlIarlnes S-3 j/r~L_~"" _ '.

Date~...£5. Jgp.~. ~.2.69

(mG) From_Q9Q1Jl ..... toJJiQ.QII __ SEARCH AND 0LE.Al1l


! --... ------ - .... - . ....-" ~ .. - ............ , ............ -,.,.-- --,'.-._--- .*" .... , ..... --,-.-~ ,,,~-,,,-,.,-----,,,,. ---~----- ... -~.-...... --,,. .... -- ..... ~

.. ~---.'"1-'----t-,---....... +- -----.. ~~.-.-..• - -,-- ~ •. ---.-.. --.- ~-1

i --+-----_ .. _----_._._-- -.-.- .. -..... - .. ----.. ' . --.~

~.,- ........... --. ---",..--_ .. -.. .. - .... -~-------.... --... -~-- .... --.-.-.~-......... -.. '~ --.- ................. " .. _" .... .... ,



-.-----,-~-...-.-.----.- .. ..-.. ....... -- "'- .. --' .---_ ....

---... ---~-... --.- .. ~t--~··---~· .~--- .. -~-----"'--.. -... --.-.... , ... -... -~ -+~---r·-·-----~·--··-·····-4·-·--·---··-·-··-i

.. ~, .... },. ........................ -~-._ ..... ; ........... ~ ... _.r .......... _.~ ___ .~, ......... -......... _ .......... '.-.. _,_' ............. ,~ ..... -- ....... ·._.·.v, ........ J

T).' GE ""0 2Q" ,l,d. Ii .~~


Page 42: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• , : ~ • 2nd. J3attalion, 5th- lIarines 8-3 I,' ! -,I :....: .~ ..; .:.:


~ ':':I~ER l~o.i--~ORG· " . ·-:-··:·--~-~~iTICjj)EliTl-'"- ~ ___ ~'_· __ ~_·.·N_··· _ ... J

fQOOlH r'~ :: 1: ~.J>:i.~1f~.~o~_~~~~~~_ ... - -.. ---•. _. --==:: -~. , 1430H I . 2 1-'~--L.-.-.~.! V}~~ese boy _,~~_~_.~~~.~~)E_,~E~~.~:P : I I, '

! '-, t--. -'-.'-C~_~~t~li9!' 9~~:~~£ro1;ll?~ a!..!~ . .2?35 ... 2?!. _!t~~ul ts:

\----.. -. I Child was ;:-ewaDied 1,009 Piastre~_ .•. , . ,~ --.. i p.5.2.5..1L ._~.l_'" n_ .§::2_-T~!.~!le from Dol!Psny G om pat!'2!...!.~ .. li!,90'5~6 P !

~ ~ ........... _ •• +P.~.~9~~~ed ~ b.ooby:~rapp!'a: ~~§_gr~~~~~~~~~~;'g ! i : :

- j --I _~_,_. ___ +l'i~!ooat_~Pad!lLdik~ .. -- Tll?_.~:".>o~ _~!'t~ J :' ___ ._._' _ ... ____ "_ . ___ , __ . _____ J}lt~_p!.8:~t.~~_e~~f.j;!3.: ._E~$~l.!y~.~ __ ..... ~_ .. _. ' .. -oj


J§O...Qll: .-..L", ,,~, .. ,E.::? .... ___ ~e !:~l~~~_C?~!~.f,l?~~~.~~. C?!l~_~.~,? -:t~.~. ?l~.9_J

~~-- ......... --~§_±-_._ ~~_Jl~:t:t~~~9~.gom!"!'!1fl_~~}lP_.~! •. ~3?12.?1.2~~~EY~

! ; ?OQQJJ, • _..5.. __

I i

C'_"' ___ '_' - .. ~~=:: -~~;~::-::::-:~~~::,-~~;~~~:t. i

Results<: Un.lalOWll. . ._------_. --: ...... ------.-----.---------'-.-.......... ~- --.----.-~----.... -.--.-- ..... ~ ---_ .... ; .~S:? __ ._ ...... Ac;., . ...;:sJluad ... !£.O~"Q~Ra~-Q-.~ .. ~lllP!l~~LA~~§..5~2."_)

~9~J.!~2P~. j.n.9?~.~:t..gle~.E2~ •. !~ .. ~ unknown source. A crater analysis team and an :

....... -&-.... --+----!r--~----+-":-=.::: .. =. ;;:..~--~---- .... -.-.-- --....... ----~-.. -.~ --,

---1---'· ,--.~ :-........ ---..-.

_..f==-::.:l:.;o:..::s:.;:iv:.:..;e_O~p.Ece ~!!!?.!.i !..i2.~ _y~~ !l~E~_~p"l~ to determine if'Jlle_:tyEEfl.~.~;'~~A~ <l.r. ~!le~.

The round came from a direction in which no -----------... ----... -~----,-.. --.-... ' .... ~~- ...... --.. ' ..... ' .. -_ ... -!

friendly units ~ located. Results.: One USl-lC: --........... ,...~----.--,.----.... -+ ............... -... -.--.. - .•. - ....... ~

i -------rIA .. a.'!!...()s..1l111~L ~!! . ..Iil .. !!.o ..... _. __ -- ... -- . --~, -1. S::-3~ Jo~~-:..£.l2PS .......... _~ .. ___ ._.~ .. _ .. _._ •. _.-_._--i

. . I .--.J._ .• __ ._.!._. _____ .. _. __ J ....... _ .. _____ ._ ...• ____ ... __ ' •.. __ ._ .. _ ... - .. ~ _. -._.~ ... _._ . ..i

P~\.GE riO • .1£L


Page 43: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• 2nd Batta.lion, 5th< lIatines 8-3 SEAROH AND OLEAR


~ ::':fji-m Eo.i -~ORIfT--.--~--·-TTIciDEiffu---··----·-----·-····-··- ~ ... --: i 1 ' i

-=i0- e. .~~ __ .~. - __ .. - , .. ._ ... _____ .~ ~ogopit·l-. -.--§~:?--t !f~!'. J9~J._. opell~ ... ~_ - ~---.--.-.. ---.-..... -.----..-- ... i'

173··5H 2L. S-3..---..:-~.!;.~~ine on ufttl'.'Q], t'~~.l1l~.ed..a...J t J I ;

: -- . -1 b9091. !Jl!1!1~.~JQ511!!lU'!).l!l!!..ldJiIl.Ill'I'.lIl!w:d.jleto4on 1-___ . _ jlooa,:ted. in, an opeJl$Area Pi a tm~. at ____ ~

!.... _____ u ._~_.~._-+AT..J92..421·· Resw.t@: Three ~li.IA..~.--. . ! 1 t_ i

1815lI-l- 3 ~. ~~ ... lThe ... J~~~t~lio!l Csmi1P~Jl~lJlL.U_~.921511obfU'};J.Y~ !. ,-- ,

L i lnine VC s' tl.· .&. ,'m9t:"552 m",_ j · f' . -_. i' ••• ___ --;_ .• __ :&..Q!'9~.P.8...s~.d~ly~]:'. ~-" .~j,.. w. . •..... .&.J.L;:..._ '""'

· I I ! I ~-_.~_ .. __ .. ___ J . __ . ____ .. _~~!!L{}-*91Ut9Pen~.1j.3-lfij;h . .8.lmJJl .. 106lJllll .. ani .. -l

L. -__ ... __ ._ ....... -.------l-".5Q.-9~1;!>.~~ .~QhW~~~ .. }1'§!J1.1:$; ... cm.e. Vs; •. E:.ll.J i~9~- _.4-... _.~_~:-2_. ____ tJ2~_.Q]..9~~~- ---.-----".--. -- ~---~-.----.. ~ · i

_______ ... ' __ ..-..............-.- ... ____ ............... ..., .. _ .~ .... _____ .~ ...... _.-. ... ~ .. ~ .............. _ .......... ---.-.. .. ~.~_ .... _ .................. ~ .. J I '

~~= . =:~~~~:~==~==~~~=~=:=:==~:::~~=~:j ___ . =~l=-t--_=~=--==-~===~:-.~::: ._-- - -- -1- ._- . ---.r--------...... , o. .... ,-.~..-----...- _ .... --........-......... . ----+-+----.. ---t--

_ ........... __ ~ __ +-_____ ~ ___ ...--.-... __ .4' __ .... __ .... _..-. ...... _ .............................. _,---+-

, _______ "-______ ._ .. , __ .,.. __ .-..-..4-'-__ -"_' __ ........;

. -r.----·--·~t··---

--~-.--.... ---!------_. _ ... ~~--..-- ..... --,- - .. -~ .......... -----.,-----~ ____ _...~. ___ . __ ......... _~...,._ .. _ .• _-.-.. ' ... _ .......... __ • ' .... ,a..- .•• _

~ ... ---- .. --------~ .......... -........ ---... ..--.---_ ........ ---- ... -.. -.---- ... ---~


-~~.- ~~-.... ~-~. -·t·~· .--~ .~-~~-.~--- .. ~ ... ----... -.- ... ,.-..... --~ ~~t--~~t·-·-,--~---- . ~--""-~-"-'--'~--'-'-~"-'1

L<4 ..... --._ ....... _ .. I __ .• ~.!. ___ .-.... ~ .. ,. __ ... -d!._~~~ ..... _ .• .......-........... __ ft ...... _ .... • ........ .-, .... ..,.., ....... __ .. '_-•• , ........... - .............. - ........ _..4 ... , .... ..-..• 1


Page 44: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• • 2nd Battalion, 5thc}Iarlnes S-; ])a te g -?~ .. J.WJ~ .3 • .969 SEARCH AND CLEAR


;W!i : :.: rsifiTO':i---oifcr'-~"';"-~-ITrcjj)EiTTif"'~ ~A_~_ .. ____ ... '·""'" .... , i i -,'-" _. 1-._°'.' .. - .. -. .F.. . . _ .... _._-_.---i ~OQpI j··L-t_~··§::2_~N~{_JO~}_!'11~~ .... _ .. ~ .. ~_., ___ ...... ---~ .. - .... J. , 0 l5H' 2 1-. ...!:?~-l.2~mpa.ny G on ro~._~!..!2~ ~a2J~Ey~=.aJ>p~.~_J

~_. i~-·~;:::·:~:; ::~:~~!.:~:;~rn ___ __ .. L-----t:!:"-~- .!T911500 and the other !'_~?!I!l2: Re.luts:

: . i O$,anee destroy,eci in:pla:oe and capture ot two ! • """'! " ... ----.- •• ~ •• :...,'.. p .'------ .. • • ., _ ... _ ........ ' ... _,-- ~--· .... -"'·' .. 1

i !enemy base plates. 1 , ~I----.-+,-. --.----:-.------.. ~.-. ----.-- ... ~-.~ ....... -.. -- ._ .................. _- -; I I I

~g~gOH 3. . I 8-3 . i A. pla.toon trom Company H on patrol found a boobjr

L-.-- .. = .. ~ ===J:;;~:;~~~~~;~~~~~.;;~.~;?~~ ~J . jditCh a.t llT882509. Results: Grenade was destr~Yed r·---.... · ..... ·.... -.'" .... - ... ----~--....- --"..-------... -.-...... -.......... 0 •• " ,.a .• _ .......... ..-. ___ ._v __ ,,_ ..... -_ ........ ______ ., .... __ ........... _ . ..-....

, ~ •• ~~~ .. __ •... ~_ .. , .• 1,E>·1'~~ , ... " - .•.• -•• ~ .••.... - •. ," .••. -. - ••. ~ ~ Qi3j)!L~~_'"__ 8-3 • A platoon from Company H on patrol at AT883512 ! . -~··----'~1-- -.--'-'_._"" ... _ ....... -- ... _ ..... " ........ -~-~. ---.-.. -.... "---'-~'i , found a booby. trapped sa~uine can packed with C~4 ~-,-... -.-. ---.... --... -'.---.... ----i-.. -------------....... -".--...... ~-... -...... - ... -.--...... --;

~_. . ____ .. ~wi~E ~rip -.!i~ ,de~:,~~~io~: __ Re~21~~~ .:_._9~_~.?: .....

• _._._ .... _ ._--+'Wa;:.;.;.;;:s .... ~es~E?l~~_ in _~~~~ : .. __ ...... ~_._ ... _ ........... , ..•. -1 A. }1arine from Company H detonated a booby trappea.

......... ' .... "-"'---....... ~-- .. , .. ~ .... , .. _ .... ,-..-._-------... .-.---_.,. '~

l05mm :round wi~h pressure detonation set in a : ....... -.... _ . ......--. ..... + ---.,...------r~--.---.~---.-.---- -,------------- --- -'"'1

--- .. -·~··~---t~!-l!~J..?2QO~~~~f~-=--2~.~~_!.a~. ~~~~~~~~:

·-+-~---t~ .. --- tin.P!!:~~---.-~_ .. _ .... M __ •• ------··· .. • .. ·4 ~.l_?::.,.!4~....L.-.!... __ L __ §..:2...~_J!.."~~!!.e_ f~~_"90~~!_?~_e~p..!l::~.~.!>~~!>L.~r~PBed


Page 45: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• 2nd 13e.ttalion, 5th-lIartnes 8-3 ])ate g -2.~ .<IW1~.1..26 9

(DTG) FroIll_Q.o.Q.3.4L .... to.1..49.Ql!._ SEA.."9.CH liND CLEAR


A~ ,: r~fm1Tc5':i----~icrT----~u~ iyrcmiiffif~-~~~---·-~···~u- .0' •. - •••••• 0 • "1 .........-...~. • •• . .. t..-.-------·, ..... • • -.-.. .. - _._., .. .-._-_._-.....-,

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Page 46: 3/Gco/gc~ July


2nd Battalion, 5tl:l'1I&es S-1 . ~ " • SEARCH .AND CLEAR .


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Page 47: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• • 2nd Battalion, 5th- lIatines S-3 Date~29. .J.~ .. ~9

(DTG) From._Dp.Q..:IJ! ..... to-?'4QQ.~ __ • SEARCH .AND CLEAR


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Page 48: 3/Gco/gc~ July


• • 2nd. Battalion, 5tl:rTlarines S-3 '\ ~. , . ,'. .~" , "'; , \".. I" Date :..3Q .• JW.f:l. )..999

SEARCH· Al'ID CLEAR Journal (DTG) FrolILQQQlH __ to.2.4Q.OlL_

r::rill. ;;O]=-.Ji!~ F=-~=':~flTC IDEi~ : . - .• - - . --' - --- -~=.:.=.:~~

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