HAL Id: hal-01681124 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01681124 Submitted on 16 Dec 2020 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. 3D Orientation Estimation of Industrial Parts from 2D Images using Neural Networks Julien Langlois, Harold Mouchère, Nicolas Normand, Christian Viard-Gaudin To cite this version: Julien Langlois, Harold Mouchère, Nicolas Normand, Christian Viard-Gaudin. 3D Orientation Es- timation of Industrial Parts from 2D Images using Neural Networks. International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Jan 2018, Madeira, Portugal. hal-01681124

3D Orientation Estimation of Industrial Parts from 2D

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HAL Id: hal-01681124https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01681124

Submitted on 16 Dec 2020

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, estdestinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documentsscientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non,émanant des établissements d’enseignement et derecherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoirespublics ou privés.

3D Orientation Estimation of Industrial Parts from 2DImages using Neural Networks

Julien Langlois, Harold Mouchère, Nicolas Normand, Christian Viard-Gaudin

To cite this version:Julien Langlois, Harold Mouchère, Nicolas Normand, Christian Viard-Gaudin. 3D Orientation Es-timation of Industrial Parts from 2D Images using Neural Networks. International Conference onPattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Jan 2018, Madeira, Portugal. �hal-01681124�

Page 2: 3D Orientation Estimation of Industrial Parts from 2D

3D Orientation Estimation of Industrial Parts from 2D Images UsingNeural Networks

Julien Langlois1,2, Harold Mouchère1, Nicolas Normand1 and Christian Viard-Gaudin1

1University of Nantes, Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes UMR 6004, France2Multitude-Technologies a company of Wedo, France

[email protected], {harold.mouchere,nicolas.normand,christian.viard-gaudin}@univ-nantes.fr

Keywords: Neural networks, 3D pose estimation, 2D images, deep learning, quaternions, geodesic loss, rendered data,data augmentation.

Abstract: In this paper we propose a pose regression method employing a convolutional neural network (CNN) fed withsingle 2D images to estimate the 3D orientation of a specific industrial part. The network training datasetis generated by rendering pose-views from a textured CAD model to compensate for the lack of real imagesand their associated position label. Using several lighting conditions and material reflectances increases therobustness of the prediction and allows to anticipate challenging industrial situations. We show that using ageodesic loss function, the network is able to estimate a rendered view pose with a 5◦ accuracy while inferringfrom real images gives visually convincing results suitable for any pose refinement processes.


Pose estimation of objects has recently gained lots ofinterest in the literature for its wide application possi-bilities such as robotic grasping for bin picking. Nev-ertheless, this task remains challenging in the case ofindustrial parts, usually texture-less and not appropri-ate for key-points and local descriptors. Moreover,in a non-controlled and unfriendly industrial environ-ment many issues have to be tackled akin to low lu-minosity or cluttered scenes. To be embedded in a binpicking process, any pose estimation module requireshigh precision recognition while offering acceptableexecution speed not to penalize the following indus-trial treatments. It is even more arduous when the partneeds to be precisely placed on an assembly moduleafterwards.Estimating the position of any 3D objects in a scenehas gained interest in the past years thanks to neuralnetworks and their abilities to extract relevant featuresfor a given task. However, this task remains challeng-ing when handling industrial parts because of their of-ten black and glossy plastic material: in hostile plantconditions this material is known to constrain the pre-diction capabilities of image-based algorithms.Many works have been conducted with a depth infor-mation allowing algorithms to learn spatial features torecognize (Bo et al., 2012) or estimate the positions ofobjects within an image (Hodan et al., 2015) (Shot-

ton et al., 2013). In this paper we show that a simple2D information is enough to predict the rotations of apart given a certain confidence score using a CNN andquaternions. However, the training dataset creationbased on real images appears to be a painful process.Thereby, we also propose a dataset generation frame-work using rendered views from a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) model as a way to offset the lack ofreal images labeled with the accurate object position(Su et al., 2015). Using an alpha channel (trans-parency) offers the possibility to add backgrounds androtations without any image cropping. Scene param-eters (lightening, scale, reflectance...) must be deci-sive for a relevant feature learning to infer from realimages thus we choose them according to the part ap-pearances in real views (Mitash et al., 2017).When directly regressing the pose of an object, theEuclidean distance is often employed as a loss func-tion to approximate the distance between quater-nions (Melekhov et al., 2017) (Kendall et al., 2015)(Doumanoglou et al., 2016). In this paper we pro-pose a geodesic distance-based loss function usingthe quaternion properties. Operations of the quater-nion algebra are a combination of simple derivableoperators which can be used in a gradient-based back-propagation. We achieve to get a network which of-fers a great pose estimation with a low uncertaintyover the data. With a wide variety of scene param-eters, the network is able to estimate the pose of the

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object in a real image with a sufficient accuracy to befed into a pose refinement process.


2.1 Local Features Matching

Local features extraction has been widely studied inthe literature as it easily gives matching pair opportu-nities between two views. These features were firstconstructed from parametric shapes isolated withinthe image contours (Honda et al., 1995). The indus-trial parts need to have specific shape singularitiesto be properly localized, though. More recently, thewell known SIFT local descriptor was employed toget a pose description of an object (Lowe, 2004). In(Gordon and Lowe, 2004) a matching between the ex-tracted SIFT with the pose description of the objectis performed to get a camera pose estimation. Be-cause of the high dimension of the features vector,the SIFT severely impacts the algorithm computa-tion time. Later, the SURF local descriptors, fasterto extract, were introduced. However, they appear tobe less robust to rotation and image distorsion thanSIFT (Bay et al., 2008). To be computed, the localdescriptors often rely on the object texture, one el-ement absent from industrial parts. Moreover, theysuffer from high luminosity and contrast variationswhich make them improper to be used in a challeng-ing plant environment. Using the depth channel ofRGB-D images, (Lee et al., 2016) proposes an ICP al-gorithm fed with 3D SURF features and Closed LoopBoundaries (CLB) to estimate the pose of industrialobjects. However, the system can not deal with oc-clusions likely to happen inside a bin.

2.2 Template Matching

To tackle the issue of texture-less objects, templatematching methods are employed to assign more com-plex feature pairs from two different points of view.Prime works built an object descriptor composed ofdifferent templates hierarchically extracted from anobject point of view and later compared with an inputimage through a distance transform (Gavrila, 1998).To handle more degrees of freedom in the camerapose estimation, the recent machine learning tech-niques are used to learn the object templates andthe associated camera pose to infer the position andthen refine it using the distance transform. However,the algorithms still need a contour extraction pro-cess which is not suitable for low contrasted, noisy

or blurred images. In (Hinterstoisser et al., 2010) thediscretized gradient directions are used to build tem-plates compared with an object model through an en-ergy function robust to small distorsion and rotation.This method called LINE is yet not suitable for clut-tered background as it severely impacts the computedgradient. A similar technique is proposed in (Mujaet al., 2011). The arrival of low-cost RGB-D camerasled the templates to become multimodal. LINEMODpresented in (Hinterstoisser et al., 2011) uses a depthcanal in the object template among the gradient fromLINE to easily remove background side effects. Themethod is later integrated into Hough forests to im-prove the occlusion robustness (Tejani et al., 2014).To deal with more objects inside the database, (Hodanet al., 2015) proposes a sliding window algorithm ex-tracting relevant image areas to build candidate tem-plates. These templates are verified to get a rough3D pose estimation later refined with a stochastic op-timization procedure. The camera pose estimationproblem can be solved with template matching but re-mains constrained to RGB-D information to achieveacceptable results. In this paper we propose to use 2Dimages without depth information therefore not suit-able for this type of matching.

2.3 Features Matching from NeuralNetworks

Neural networks offer the ability to automatically ex-tract relevant features to perform a given task. Ina pose estimation problem they use convolutionalneural networks to compute object descriptors as adatabase prior to a kNN algorithm to find the closestcamera pose in the set (Wohlhart and Lepetit, 2015).The loss function is fed with a triplet formed withone sample from the training dataset and two othersrespectively close and far from the considered cam-era position. Forcing the similarity between featuresand estimated poses for two close points of view isalso employed in (Doumanoglou et al., 2016) with aSiamese neural network doing a real pose regression.Although these methods are quite appealing, they stilltake advantage of RGB-D modalities. In (Kendallet al., 2015) a deep CNN known as PoseNet basedon the GoogLeNet network is built to regress a 6Dcamera pose from a 2D image. Whereas slightly dif-ferent from our work for dealing with urban scenes,the work shows the continuous 3D space regressioncapability of a CNN in an end-to-end manner. Otherworks are using pre-trained CNN for object classifi-cation to estimate a view pose through SVMs. Thedepth channel of the RGB-D image is converted intoan RGB image to be fed into a CNN with relevant 3D

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features (Schwarz et al., 2015).


In this section we first define and transform the poseregression problem as a camera pose estimation prob-lem using a bounding sphere and quaternions. To gen-erate the pose views later fed into the CNN, a 3Dpipeline rendering a CAD model seen under severalscene atmosphere conditions is presented. Finally,the convolutional neural network which regresses thepose of the object is described from its architecture toits loss function based on the geodesic distance in thequaternions space.

3.1 Problem Definition

An object O is placed in a world scene with its frameposition PO = (xO,yO,zO) and orientation expressedas the Euler triplet RO = (φO,θO,ψO). The objec-tive is to retrieve the object orientation from a pointof view given by a fixed top camera. A trivial prob-lem shift is to consider a fixed object with a mo-bile camera encompassing the scene localized withRC =(φC,θC,ψC) lying on a bounding r-radius spherecentered on the object’s centroid (Figure 1). Usingthe convention Z−Y −Z for the Euler triplet allowsus to easily map the camera position according to thesphere azimuth and elevation. The third angle ψC isthen the camera plane rotation angle (Figure 2).













Figure 1: Top: The object O placed in the world scene andits CAD frame ( ~XO, ~YO, ~ZO) viewed from a fixed top-viewcamera. Bottom: Finding the O frame is equivalent to acamera frame (~XC, ~YC, ~ZC) evaluation problem in the scenewhen the object is fixed.











Figure 2: The camera is placed according to the(φC,θC,ψC) Euler’s triplet using the Z−Y −Z convention.

Any composition of rotations can be written asan axis-angle rotation according to the Euler’s rota-tion theorem. Following this equivalence, to avoidany gimbal locks and improve computation perfor-mances, the triplet RC is written as the quaternionqC = (wC, ~vC) according to the chosen Euler conven-tion, representing an axis-angle rotation with a vectorexpressed as an hypercomplex number. Any cameraorientation is now independent from the Euler’s con-vention used.Using a telecentric lens on the camera would allowus to estimate the position PO and orientation RO of apart without any perspective effect: two objects sim-ilarly orientated but widely separated in the worldscene would take the same shape in the top-view cam-era plane. The side effect is that different Z altitudeswould give identical zooms (subject to magnifying er-rors) thus misleading the frame position estimation(Figure 3). It means that the system still needs touse an entocentric lens to predict the r sphere radius.Knowing the object centroid in the image plan plusthe estimated r sphere radius is enough to obtain eachobject frame position PO among RC from our neuralnetwork prediction. The position estimation PO re-mains out of this paper scope yet so we suppose theradius r is known and we only use entocentric render-ing for the orientation estimation RC.

3.2 Pose Generation

The industrial parts inside a bin have many possibleposes as they can lie on each other. Thereby, creatinga training dataset of real images covering all possibil-ities is tedious and complex. Moreover, every pointof view will rely on a specific lightening conditionnot necessarily consistent with different bin-pickingmodule placements in a factory. In this work a CADmodel of the object is available so that a dataset can be

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generated during a rendering process. Using a virtualdataset has several advantages including the anticipa-tion of different atmosphere conditions, backgrounds,scene cluttering and occlusions happening in a non-favorable plant environment.

3.2.1 Camera Placement

A CAD model is placed on the center of a 3D sceneaccording to its frame then textured to reproduce theglossy black plastic material of the real part. Thecamera positions are evenly picked on an r radiussphere surface with a specified number of poses us-ing a golden spiral algorithm (Boucher, 2006). Thecamera frame is computed so that the ~Z axis is point-ing toward the scene center and the ~X axis remainshorizontal (meaning ψC = 0). This results in two an-gles φC and θC positioning and a camera plane rota-tion ψC. Notice that this third angle can be generatedby rotating the result image which can be done on thefly during the training phase thus reducing the datasetsize on the hard drive.

3.2.2 Scene Parameters

For each point of view, the lighting conditions as wellas the material reflectance are modified. This em-phasizes different areas of the part so that the neuralnetwork can learn different features from the trainingdataset (Figure 4). A relevant scene parameter rangecomes from the study of real images taken under sev-eral conditions as shown in Figure 5. However, thismight not always look realistic since the real materialhas no constant reflectance on its surface and it maycontains blur or timestamp prints as seen in the top-left image in Figure 5. Finally, to avoid any pixelationthe software antialiasing is applied and the image isgenerated with a size of 64× 64 pixels. This imageresolution is approximately the object bounding boxsize inside a bin rendered with an initial camera res-olution of 1600× 1200 pixels (which is an industrialstandard) at a working distance of 2 meters.

Figure 3: Same scene rendered with different camera lens.Left: entocentric lens rendering different altitude and per-spectives. Right: telecentric lens giving the same aspect forevery object including scale.

The scene background is set as an alpha channel (fulltransparency) to apply different backgrounds on thefly during the future training phase (Figure 8). Thebackground can be defined as a color or a texturepicked within high resolution samples showing mate-rial such as wood, plastic or metal as we don’t knowthe nature of the bin in advance. The RGB image withthe alpha channel leads to a 4-channels image laterflattened to grayscale during the training process.

3.3 Network Architecture

3.3.1 Architecture

To estimate the pose of a single part from an RGB im-age we use a CNN architecture composed of convo-lutional and fully connected layers. Our network canonly deal with a specified object but seen in differ-ent lighting conditions and with several backgrounds.In this case, using 2 convolutional layers is enoughto extract shape and reflection features. On the otherhand, relations between the extracted features and thequaternion are quite complex which basically leads touse at least one massive fully connected (FC) layer.Inspired by the recent work of (Wohlhart and Lep-etit, 2015), an efficient way to bypass such compu-tation time and memory consumption is presented in(Doumanoglou et al., 2016) using a Siamese archi-tecture forcing via the loss function a similarity be-tween features and pose estimations for similar sam-ples. From these works, we also use a last FC layerdescribed as the descriptor layer but we propose a net-work which has an increasing number of filters perlayer as we handle only one object and thus do notneed a sparse description of the part.In the following description, CONV (a,b) stands for aconvolution layer with b filters of size a×a, POOL(a)for a max pooling layer of size a×a and FC(a) for afully connected layer of a hidden neurons. This CNN

Figure 4: Effects of several lightening conditions in thescene and different object material reflectances on the ren-dered image.

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Figure 5: Relevant scene parameters can render realisticviews of the part. Left: the real image pose. Right: therendered approximated pose.

Imagegrayscale64× 64

96CONV11×11 PO

OL 384





Figure 6: The proposed convolutional neural network archi-tecture for quaternion regression.

is built as follows: CONV (11,96) − POOL(2) −CONV (5,384) − POOL(2) − FC(512) − FC(64) −FC(4). The network is fed with a 64× 64 grayscaleimage. All layers are using a ReLU activation func-tion while the output layer uses a tanh function as theprediction domain is [−1,1] which is suitable for thequaternion space. The images are normalized prior tothe input layer.

3.3.2 Loss Function

An object orientation RO can be described with an Eu-ler’s triplet (φO,θO,ψO). However when using uni-tary quaternions for rotations, RO can also be de-scribed by two quaternions : qO and−qO. Thus to es-timate the discrepancy between two poses, the usualL2 distance is not suitable since L2(qO,−qO) is notnull. Even if in the end of the learning process theprediction qP is getting close to the ground truth qTleading the L2 distance to be small, the network be-haviour in the beginning of the learning process is notclear. Moreover, using the L2 norm constrains the net-work to predict the exact same vector regardless ofthe quaternion geometric possibilities. For the quater-nions are lying on a 3-sphere, we build a loss com-puted with the geodesic distance θ between qT andthe normalized predicted quaternion q̂P to tackle thisissue (Huynh, 2009). Using the scalar product 〈.〉, we


〈qT , q̂P〉= cos(






With (1) we define the geodesic loss for the ith exam-ple in the dataset as:

LGi = 1−〈qTi , q̂Pi〉2 (2)

This loss is suitable for a gradient-based backpropa-gation for it is made with simple derivable operators.With this objective function, the network is able topredict the truth qT but also −qT . To properly usethis loss term, the predicted quaternion is manuallynormalized thus, the network does not tend naturallyto predict unitary quaternion (real rotations) when notfully converged. One simple way to force this is toadd a β weighted penalty when the prediction’s normdiffers from 1.

LNi = β(1−||qPi ||)2 (3)

The final loss is built with the geodesic error LGi (2)and normalization error LNi (3) mean over the samplesi among a L2 regularization term weighted by λ toprevent any overfitting:

L =1n



(LGi +LNi)+λ||w||22 (4)


In our experiments we used an industrial black plas-tic part generated by its CAD model. We first pro-duce the dataset for the neural network according toa certain number of evenly distributed positions on asphere under several scene parameters. During thetraining, we process each image to create differentbackgrounds and render the third angle.

4.1 Protocol

The training dataset is generated with 1000 evenlydistributed positions on the sphere, 3 material re-flectances and 2 orthographic camera lens scales toavoid overfitting leading to a training dataset of 6000images. With a number of 1000 positions, the averagegeodesic distance between two close samples is 6.3◦.The validation and test datasets are made with 1000random samples extracted from 10000 even positionson the sphere set with random light conditions and re-flectances for each one.The training is performed with minibatches contain-ing 100 samples. For each sample, a process canadd the third angle ψC by rotating the image plane

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qC RotC (φC,θC,0)



Figure 7: Quaternion modification when adding a third an-gle ψC.

and changing the associated quaternion. The quater-nion qC modification is however not straightforwardas it needs to first be converted into a rotation matrixRotC then to the corresponding Euler’s triplet usingthe proper convention. Once the third angle of thetriplet is modified, the new quaternion is computedand placed into the minibatch sample (Figure 7).A colored or textured background is then applied to

each image sample to remove the alpha channel. Theimage color channels do not provide relevant informa-tion as our parts are made of black plastic. Therebyeach image is flattened to obtain a grayscale picture.After the image process, the minibatches are normal-ized and zero-centered.In a first experiment, we only generate and estimatethe two first angles φC and θC. Learning the third an-gle requires a strong variability in the dataset so thatthe network needs lots of epochs to converge. Thethird angle ψC learning starts with widely separatedangles within the [−180◦,180◦[ angle space (a 90◦

step). Through the epochs, the step is reduced to fi-nally reach 10◦ (Figure 11).We introduce two metrics suitable for the angle es-

timation error. First, we retrieve the Euler’s tripletfrom the predicted quaternion using the rotation ma-

Batch (6000) Minibatch (100)

Sample i

Image Quaternion

Rotate ψC

Image’ Quaternion’




Sample’ i

Figure 8: Image processing during the minibatch creation:the third angle ψC is generated on the fly before the imageis flattened to obtain a gray level matrix.

trix. We define the angle error vector E = (Eφ,Eθ,Eψ)as the absolute difference between the angles pre-dicted and the ground truth. However, the error un-der each Euler’s axis does not represent how far theestimated pose if from the truth as they can be cumu-lated. Yet, we build a second metric G obtained withthe geodesic distance between the predicted and theground truth quaternion coming from (1).

G = |cos−1(2〈qP,qT 〉2−1)| (5)

The geodesic distance shows the smallest transforma-tion needed to align the prediction with the truth andcan be seen as a cumulative Euler angle error for eachsample. Thus it is expected to be higher than any com-ponents of E.For the training phase we use a Nesterov momentumbackpropagation with an initial learning rate of 0.001decreased through the epochs and a 0.9 momentum.The λ regularization weight is set to 0.001 as wellas β. The implementation is Python-based with aTheano+Lasagne framework. The training dataset isbuild with a Blender rendering pipeline and learnedon a Nvidia Tesla P100 in roughly 10 hours. Theparameters giving the best score for the validationdataset are kept for the test phase.

4.2 Results

Looking at the results in Table 1 we are able to es-timate both φC and θC with an average accuracy of3◦ when only the two first angles are learned with arandom background. The last estimated angle ψC canalso be retrieved for an unitary quaternion since it canrepresent any rotation composition. However we seethat the mean ψC value is high because no variabilityon it has been seen in the training dataset (Figure 9).As expected, the geodesic error is the highest becauseit represents an Euler angle cumulative error.When the third angle ψC is learned, we observe thatits distribution gets a larger prediction uncertaintythan in the two angles scenario but has a lower mean(Figure 10). With a 6◦ resolution for φC and θC and10◦ for ψC, the angle error medians are under 3◦

which shows that the network is performing the ex-pected regression task and do not tend to classify tothe nearest learned angle (Table 2). It is interesting

mean medianEφ 4.39◦ 2.0◦

Eθ 1.93◦ 1.46◦

Eψ 9.24◦ 1.52◦

G 3.3◦ 2.8◦

Table 1: Pose estimation angle error with a two angles train-ing.

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0 2 4 6 8 10


Angle error (◦)

Figure 9: Box-plot of the angle estimation errors with twoangles generated (ψC, θC).

to note that in a two angles learning scenario, the net-work converges really fast at 100 epochs under a 5◦

error whereas the three angles learning scenario needsmore than 1000 epochs (Figure 11). Some samplesare shown with the associated geodesic error in theFigure 12. The trained network has two max-poolinglayers (Figure 6) which are known to be invariant tosmall rotations. Despite their abilities to reduce thetraining time and complexity, they tend to constrainthe prediction capacities of the algorithm.When estimating the object pose from real images,the task remains challenging for we do not disposeany telecentric dataset. Only a small number of viewswith limited perspective effects can be fed into thenetwork. With an only rendered-based training, weare still able to estimate the pose of the object with avisually convincing precision (Figure 13). Even if wedo not have any ground truth information, the pose ofthe object inside the real image can be roughly esti-mated by the mean of a 3D modeler as in Figure 5.With this information, the average Euler’s angles er-ror reaches 22◦.


In this paper we proposed a convolutional neural net-work performing a 3D pose regression of a known ob-

mean medianEφ 6.46◦ 3.0◦

Eθ 2.8◦ 2.26◦

Eψ 6.56◦ 2.31◦

G 5.14◦ 4.61◦

Table 2: Pose estimation angle error with a three anglestraining.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Angle error (◦)

Figure 10: Box-plot of the angle estimation errors withthree angles generated (φC, θC,ψC).

ject in a scene. We showed that once the network haslearned from rendered data, it can infer from renderedimages the three Euler’s angles with a 5◦ accuracy de-spite the max-pooling layers dropping the third angleestimation performance.Inside a real industrial bin, the parts can lie on eachother so that severe occlusions are likely to happen.However, our network does not learn how to handlethese configurations. Some works already tackle thisissue with a loss function term handling an occlu-sion factor (Doumanoglou et al., 2016). In a futurework, occlusions are going to be taken into accountamong an instance segmentation algorithm also basedon a convolutional neural network to get an end-to-end learning process. When the network is fed withreal image containing small perspective effects, theestimated pose is visually convincing however the ac-curacy exceeds 22◦. There are several factors to betaken into account to outperform this score: a non-constant background luminosity, noise, perspectiveeffects and textured backgrounds. In a future work,

0 200 400 600 800 1,0005








r(◦ )

Figure 11: Geodesic error of test batch during the two (red)and three (blue) angles training phase. For the three anglestraining, the third angle steps are reduced at 200, 400, 700and 900 epochs.

Page 9: 3D Orientation Estimation of Industrial Parts from 2D

G = 2.62◦ G = 4.11◦ G = 2.75◦

G = 5.92◦ G = 2.29◦ G = 2.85◦

G = 2.85◦ G = 2.16◦

Figure 12: Estimating the object pose from rendered im-ages. Left: the truth image. Right: the rendered estimatedpose. The geodesic error is printed below.

Figure 13: Estimating the object pose from real images.Left: the real image. Right: the rendered estimated pose.The estimation average accuracy reaches 22◦.

we aim at learning perspective effects by associatingany quaternion estimations to the object (x,y) positionin the image plane.


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