3968 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 54, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2008 Optimal Throughput-Diversity-Delay Tradeoff in MIMO ARQ Block-Fading Channels Allen Chuang, Albert Guillén i Fàbregas, Member, IEEE, Lars K. Rasmussen, Senior Member, IEEE, and Iain B. Collings, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—In this paper, we consider an automatic-repeat-re- quest (ARQ) retransmission protocol signaling over a block-fading multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) channel. Unlike previous work, we allow for multiple fading blocks within each transmission (ARQ round), and we constrain the transmitter to fixed rate codes constructed over complex signal constellations. In particular, we examine the general case of average input-power-constrained con- stellations with a fixed signaling alphabet of finite cardinality. This scenario is a suitable model for practical wireless communications systems employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) techniques over a MIMO ARQ channel. Two cases of fading dynamics are considered, namely, short-term static fading where channel fading gains change randomly for each ARQ round, and long-term static fading where channel fading gains remain constant over all ARQ rounds pertaining to a given message. As our main result, we prove that for the block-fading MIMO ARQ channel with a fixed signaling alphabet satisfying a short-term power constraint, the optimal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ex- ponent is given by a modified Singleton bound, relating all the system parameters. To demonstrate the practical significance of the theoretical analysis, we present numerical results showing that practical Singleton-bound-achieving maximum distance separable codes achieve the optimal SNR exponent. Index Terms—Automatic-repeat-request (ARQ) retransmission protocols, block-fading channels, complex signal constellations, incremental redundancy coding, multiple-input–multiple output (MIMO) channels, throughput-diversity-delay tradeoff. Manuscript received January 20, 2007; revised October 29, 2007. Published August 27, 2008 (projected). This work was supported by the Australian Re- search Council under ARC Grants DP0558861 and RN0459498. The material in this paper was presented in part at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Chengdu, China, October 2006, and at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Nice, France, July 2007. A. Chuang was with the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W. 2006, Australia. He is now with Seeker Wireless, Gordon, N.S.W. 2072, Australia (e-mail: [email protected]). A. Guillén i Fàbregas was with the Institute for Telecommunications Re- search, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes S.A. 5095, Australia. He is now with the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cam- bridge CB2 1PZ, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected]). L. K. Rasmussen is with the Institute for Telecommunications Research, Uni- versity of South Australia, Mawson Lakes S.A. 5095, Australia (e-mail: Lars. [email protected]). I. B. Collings is with the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Centre, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Epping, N.S.W. 1710, Australia (e-mail: [email protected]). Communicated by A. J. Goldsmith, Associate Editor for Communications. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIT.2008.928264 I. INTRODUCTION P RACTICALITIES of current data communication sys- tems are driving the development of transmission schemes with multiple layers of coding, in combination with adaptive modulation. One of the most interesting such schemes is the overlay of automatic-repeat-request (ARQ) retransmission protocols, over the top of adaptive coding and modulation for multiple-input–mutliple-output/orthogonal frequency di- vision multiplexing (MIMO/OFDM) wireless links. In [1], the fundamental diversity-multiplexing-delay tradeoff was characterized for the MIMO ARQ channel, under the assump- tion that Gaussian-distributed input signals are used. A more general scenario based on resolution-constrained feedback was considered in [2], where the corresponding diversity-multi- plexing tradeoff was determined. The general formulation in [2] includes the results for 1-bit ARQ feedback as a particular instance. The definition of multiplexing gain, fundamental in the formulation presented in [1]–[3], relies on coding schemes with transmission rates that increase linearly with the logarithm of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Nonzero multiplexing gains can only be achieved with continuous input constellations or discrete constellations with cardinalities scaling with SNR. In contrast, from a practical perspective, it is desirable to operate at a fixed code rate and deal with small alphabet sizes; in this case, focusing on the rate-diversity tradeoff. In this paper, we consider an ARQ system signaling over a block-fading MIMO channel with transmit antennas, receive antennas, a maximum number of allowable ARQ rounds, fading blocks per ARQ round, and subject to a short-term average power constraint. The corresponding re- ceiver is able to generate 1-bit repeat requests, limited by the maximum number of allowable ARQ rounds, whenever an error is detected in the decoded message. As in [1], we consider two cases of fading statistics; for the short-term static fading case, the channel fading gains change randomly for each ARQ round, while for the long-term static fading case, the channel fading gains remain constant over all ARQ rounds pertaining to a given message, but change randomly for each message and corresponding suite of ARQ rounds. This transmission scenario is a suitable model for practical wireless communications systems employing OFDM modulation over a MIMO ARQ channel. The block-fading MIMO ARQ channel was considered in [1] for the case of (quasi-static fading), and the cor- responding optimal diversity-multiplexing-delay tradeoff was 0018-9448/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: CAMBRIDGE UNIV. Downloaded on October 6, 2008 at 6:35 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

3968 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY ......The main contribution of our work is to derive the optimal tradeoff between throughput, diversity gain, and delay of the block-fading

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Page 1: 3968 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY ......The main contribution of our work is to derive the optimal tradeoff between throughput, diversity gain, and delay of the block-fading


Optimal Throughput-Diversity-Delay Tradeoff inMIMO ARQ Block-Fading Channels

Allen Chuang, Albert Guillén i Fàbregas, Member, IEEE, Lars K. Rasmussen, Senior Member, IEEE, andIain B. Collings, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we consider an automatic-repeat-re-quest (ARQ) retransmission protocol signaling over a block-fadingmultiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) channel. Unlike previouswork, we allow for multiple fading blocks within each transmission(ARQ round), and we constrain the transmitter to fixed rate codesconstructed over complex signal constellations. In particular, weexamine the general case of average input-power-constrained con-stellations with a fixed signaling alphabet of finite cardinality. Thisscenario is a suitable model for practical wireless communicationssystems employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) techniques over a MIMO ARQ channel. Two cases offading dynamics are considered, namely, short-term static fadingwhere channel fading gains change randomly for each ARQ round,and long-term static fading where channel fading gains remainconstant over all ARQ rounds pertaining to a given message. Asour main result, we prove that for the block-fading MIMO ARQchannel with a fixed signaling alphabet satisfying a short-termpower constraint, the optimal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ex-ponent is given by a modified Singleton bound, relating all thesystem parameters. To demonstrate the practical significance ofthe theoretical analysis, we present numerical results showing thatpractical Singleton-bound-achieving maximum distance separablecodes achieve the optimal SNR exponent.

Index Terms—Automatic-repeat-request (ARQ) retransmissionprotocols, block-fading channels, complex signal constellations,incremental redundancy coding, multiple-input–multiple output(MIMO) channels, throughput-diversity-delay tradeoff.

Manuscript received January 20, 2007; revised October 29, 2007. PublishedAugust 27, 2008 (projected). This work was supported by the Australian Re-search Council under ARC Grants DP0558861 and RN0459498. The materialin this paper was presented in part at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop,Chengdu, China, October 2006, and at the IEEE International Symposium onInformation Theory, Nice, France, July 2007.

A. Chuang was with the School of Electrical and Information Engineering,University of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W. 2006, Australia. He is now with SeekerWireless, Gordon, N.S.W. 2072, Australia (e-mail: [email protected]).

A. Guillén i Fàbregas was with the Institute for Telecommunications Re-search, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes S.A. 5095, Australia. Heis now with the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cam-bridge CB2 1PZ, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected]).

L. K. Rasmussen is with the Institute for Telecommunications Research, Uni-versity of South Australia, Mawson Lakes S.A. 5095, Australia (e-mail: [email protected]).

I. B. Collings is with the Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) Centre, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO), Epping, N.S.W. 1710, Australia (e-mail: [email protected]).

Communicated by A. J. Goldsmith, Associate Editor for Communications.Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIT.2008.928264


P RACTICALITIES of current data communication sys-tems are driving the development of transmission schemes

with multiple layers of coding, in combination with adaptivemodulation. One of the most interesting such schemes is theoverlay of automatic-repeat-request (ARQ) retransmissionprotocols, over the top of adaptive coding and modulationfor multiple-input–mutliple-output/orthogonal frequency di-vision multiplexing (MIMO/OFDM) wireless links. In [1],the fundamental diversity-multiplexing-delay tradeoff wascharacterized for the MIMO ARQ channel, under the assump-tion that Gaussian-distributed input signals are used. A moregeneral scenario based on resolution-constrained feedback wasconsidered in [2], where the corresponding diversity-multi-plexing tradeoff was determined. The general formulation in[2] includes the results for 1-bit ARQ feedback as a particularinstance. The definition of multiplexing gain, fundamental inthe formulation presented in [1]–[3], relies on coding schemeswith transmission rates that increase linearly with the logarithmof the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Nonzero multiplexing gainscan only be achieved with continuous input constellations ordiscrete constellations with cardinalities scaling with SNR. Incontrast, from a practical perspective, it is desirable to operateat a fixed code rate and deal with small alphabet sizes; in thiscase, focusing on the rate-diversity tradeoff.

In this paper, we consider an ARQ system signaling over ablock-fading MIMO channel with transmit antennas,receive antennas, a maximum number of allowable ARQrounds, fading blocks per ARQ round, and subject to ashort-term average power constraint. The corresponding re-ceiver is able to generate 1-bit repeat requests, limited bythe maximum number of allowable ARQ rounds, whenever anerror is detected in the decoded message. As in [1], we considertwo cases of fading statistics; for the short-term static fadingcase, the channel fading gains change randomly for each ARQround, while for the long-term static fading case, the channelfading gains remain constant over all ARQ rounds pertainingto a given message, but change randomly for each message andcorresponding suite of ARQ rounds. This transmission scenariois a suitable model for practical wireless communicationssystems employing OFDM modulation over a MIMO ARQchannel.

The block-fading MIMO ARQ channel was considered in[1] for the case of (quasi-static fading), and the cor-responding optimal diversity-multiplexing-delay tradeoff was

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derived for both short-term static and long-term static channelfading statistics. It was further demonstrated that while the op-timal diversity gain is an increasing function of the maximumnumber of allowed ARQ rounds , the throughput of the systembecomes independent of for sufficiently large SNR, and is de-termined by the rate of a single ARQ round . In addition,it was proved in [4] that as both and grow large suchthat their ratio remains fixed, vanishing error probability can beachieved provided that , where denotes the ergodiccapacity of the channel. Furthermore, for any ratio strictly lessthan , a finite average delay (in terms of ARQ rounds) can beachieved.

In [5], the case of and (fixed delay and quasi-static fading) was considered, enforcing a more structured classof fixed-rate codes based on concatenated coded modulationschemes constructed from a given fixed and finite signal constel-lation with signal-space rotations. The corresponding rate-diver-sity tradeoff (zero multiplexing gain) was derived following theapproach in [6].

The main contribution of our work is to derive the optimaltradeoff between throughput, diversity gain, and delay of theblock-fading MIMO ARQ channel, enforcing a fixed signalingconstellation of finite cardinality that does not change with timeand/or the transmitted message. This constraint was also im-posed in [5], and is significantly stronger than the constraint ap-plied in [1]. Our main contribution is, therefore, an extension ofthe results in [1], using the approach in [5] as the class of codesconsidered has more structure and thus is more suited to prac-tical implementation. Conversely, our main contribution alsogeneralizes the result of [5] for the quasi-static MIMO channelto the block-fading MIMO ARQ channel, using the approachdeveloped in [1]. Furthermore, we generalize the results in [1]and [5], by allowing for multiple fading blocks within eachtransmission (ARQ round).

The throughput-diversity-delay tradeoff is captured by theSNR exponent (diversity gain) defined as

where denotes the probability that the transmitted mes-sage is decoded incorrectly as a function of the SNR . As ex-pected from the results in [6], the optimal SNR exponent derivedhere is given by a modified version of the Singleton bound [7],relating the cardinality of the signal constellation, the rate of asingle ARQ round , the maximum number of ARQ rounds

, and the number of fading blocks per ARQ round . Therelation to the Singleton bound naturally leads us to investi-gate the role of Singleton-bound-achieving maximum-distanceseparable (MDS) codes [6] for the block-fading MIMO ARQchannel. To demonstrate the practical implications of our re-sults, some examples are presented with corresponding errorrate and throughput performances for practical coding schemeswith iterative decoding. Our examples illustrate that the op-timal SNR exponent can be achieved with practical MDS codingschemes.

The following notation is used in this paper. Sets are denotedby calligraphic fonts with the complement denoted by super-script . The exponential equality indicates that

. The exponential inequality and aresimilarly defined. and denote componentwise inequality of

and , respectively. denotes the identity matrix, vector/ma-trix transpose is denoted by (e.g., ), and is the Frobe-nius norm. is the indicator function, and denotes thesmallest integer greater than , while denotes the largest in-teger less than or equal to .

This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we define thesystem model, and in Section III, we review relevant ARQ per-formance measures. In Section IV, we review the concepts of in-formation accumulation and outage probability, while the maintheorems of the paper, detailing the throughput-diversity-delaytradeoff, are presented in Section V. To demonstrate the prac-tical relevance of the results, numerical examples are includedin Section VI, showing that MDS codes achieve the tradeoff.Concluding remarks are summarized in Section VII, while thedetails of the proofs have been collected in the Appendix.


In this section, we describe the block-fading MIMO ARQchannel model and coded modulation schemes under consider-ation.

A. Channel Model

Consider a block-fading MIMO ARQ system withtransmit antennas and receive antennas. We investigatethe use of a simple stop-and-wait ARQ protocol where themaximum number of ARQ rounds is denoted by . Each ARQround consists of independent block-fading periods, each oflength (coherence time/bandwidth) in channel uses. Hence,each ARQ round spans channel uses. Fig. 1 shows theoverall system model. We write the received signal at the thblock and th ARQ round as


where , , anddenote the transmitted signal matrix, received signal

matrix, the noise matrix, and the channel fading gain matrix, re-spectively. The main difference with the model in [1] is that eachARQ round is allowed to have independent fading blocks,as opposed to a single one as in [1]. We defineas the vectors containing the transmitted symbols of each an-tenna at ARQ round , block , and time , which are such that

.Both the elements of the channel fading gain matrix and

the elements of the noise matrix are assumed indepen-dent identically distributed (i.i.d.) zero mean complex circularlysymmetric complex Gaussian with variance per di-mension. We assume perfect receiver-side channel state infor-mation (CSI), namely, the channel coefficients are assumed to beperfectly known to the receiver. The transmitter does not knowthe channel realization, but knows the channel statistics. We ob-tain the long-term static model of [1] by lettingfor all in (1), namely, all ARQ rounds undergo the sameMIMO block-fading channel. This models well a slowly varyingMIMO OFDM ARQ system with subcarriers or groups

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Fig. 1. MIMO ARQ system model. (a) Block diagram of ARQ. (b) Channel at ARQ round �. (c) Codeword structure.

of correlated subcarriers. On the other hand, when the matricesare i.i.d. from block to block and from ARQ round to ARQ

round, (1) corresponds to the short-term static model of [1]. Tokeep the presentation general, and since (1) encompasses both

models, we will index the channel matrices according to ARQround and block as in the short-term static model. We will out-line the changes for the long-term static model whenever nec-essary.

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Therefore, the channel model corresponding to ARQ roundbecomes



One channel use of the equivalent model (2) corresponds tochannel uses. In a similar way to the previous model, we definethe vectors for as

The receiver attempts to decode following the reception ofan ARQ round. If the received codeword can be decoded, thereceiver sends back a 1-bit acknowledgment signal to the trans-mitter via a zero-delay and error-free feedback link. The trans-mission of the current codeword ends immediately following theacknowledgment signal and the transmission of the next mes-sage in the queue starts. If an error is detected in the receivedcodeword before the th ARQ round, then the receiver requestsanother ARQ round by sending back a 1-bit negative acknowl-edgment along the perfect feedback path. However, a decisionmust be made at the end of the th ARQ round regardless ofwhether errors are detected. The ARQ acknowledgment feed-back can be interpreted as 1-bit CSI information of avail-able at the transmitter [1], [2]. In general, the optimal ARQ de-coder makes use of all available coded blocks and correspondingchannel state information up to the current ARQ round in thedecoding process. This leads to the concept of information ac-cumulation, where individual ARQ rounds are combined, alongwith any other side information. We hence introduce the ARQchannel model up to the th ARQ round, completely analogousto (1), but allowing for a more concise notation. In particular,we have that



That is, , , and are simply collections of the received,code, and noise matrices, respectively, available at the end of theth ARQ round, concatenated into block column matrices. The

new channel matrix is a block diagonal ma-trix with the diagonal blocks composed of the respective channelstate during each block-fading period up to ARQ round . In the

case of long-term static model, . Note

that a channel use of the equivalent model (3) corresponds tochannel uses of the real channel (1).

B. Encoding

In this section, we discuss the specific construction of thespace-time ARQ codewords. Consider a set of uniformly dis-tributed information messages . The information mes-sage to be transmitted is passed through a space-time codedmodulation encoder with codebook and coderate , where and

is the code rate of a single ARQ round. Therefore,and , where

is the set of possible information messages. We denote thecodeword corresponding to information message by .The rate codeword can be partitioned into a sequence ofspace-time coded matrices, denoted . Accordingto the previously described model, we have that

We consider a short-term average power constraint, namely,the transmitted codewords are normalized in energy such that

, where the average is over all codewords.Therefore, together with the model assumptions in the previoussection, in (1)–(3) represents the average SNR per receive an-tenna.

In this paper, we analyze space-time coded modulationschemes constructed over fixed discrete signal sets. In partic-ular, we consider that is obtained as the concatenation of aclassical coded modulation scheme constructedover a complex-plane signal set [8]with a unit rate linear dispersion space-time modulator [9].Let denote a codeword of of length and

the number of bits conveyed in one symbol of ,namely, . Because the linear dispersion space-timemodulator has unit rate, we have that .

To allow for a general case, we consider that the linear dis-persion space-time modulator spreads the symbols of overthe transmit antennas and the fading blocks. In particular,we consider that the codewords of , of lengthare partitioned into vectors of length each, denoted by

such that . For every, the vectors are multiplied by the unit rate

generator matrix of the linear dispersion space-time modulatorto form


where is the vector representation ofthe portion of codeword of transmitted at ARQ round .Without any loss in generality, we consider that is a rotationmatrix [10]–[13], i.e., is unitary [14]. Note that introduction

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of the linear dispersion space-time modulator rotation matrixincreases the decoding complexity compared to the unrotatedcase where . This is because now the components ofdepend on each other, since induces a change of the refer-ence axis for detection [10]–[13]. This implies that the detectionproblem is of dimension .

To allow for further flexibility, we consider the case wherethe linear dispersion space-time modulator spreads the symbolsof over the transmit antennas and a number

of fading blocks, such that

is an integer representing the number of rotations used in anARQ round. We refer to as the time-expansion factor of thecode construction. In this case, we have that the rotation matrix

becomes block-diagonal, namely


where is the rotation matrix of dimen-sion . According to (5), we can define

, such that . We define the multi-dimensional constellation as


Due to the block-diagonal structure of , the detection problemreduces to detection problems over each of dimension

. This formulation encompasses many cases of interest,as, for example, the unrotated case, for which , the generalthreaded algebraic space-time (TAST) modulation structure forMIMO block-fading channels [15], or perfect space-time mod-ulation [16]. As we will see in Section V, the parameter playsa key role in the reliability of the overall system. Intuitively,the larger is, the larger the space-time symbol spreading be-comes, and hence, the larger the diversity [15]. On the otherhand, using large implies larger decoding complexity, as thedetection problem is exponential in . Using the previous dis-cussion, we introduce the following equivalent channel matrix:


for . These matrices correspond to the channelsseen by rotation within ARQ round . The equivalent channeldefined by (7) induces the following channel model:


where , and are the corre-sponding input, output, and noise vectors. This model describesthe relationship between the output of one of the rotations of

the linear dispersion space-time modulator and the output of thechannel. One use of channel (8) corresponds to uses of thereal model (1).

C. Decoding

We will make use of the ARQ decoder proposed in [1], whichbehaves as a typical set decoder for the first ARQ roundand finally performs maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding at thelast ARQ round. The decoding function at ARQ round , for

, denoted , gives the followingoutput:

if is the unique codeword injointly typical with givenotherwise

(9)which implies that message index

whenever the received matrix can be decoded andwhenever errors are detected.


Following the approach in [1], we introduce a few perfor-mance metrics relevant to ARQ systems, namely, the error prob-ability, average latency, and throughput. For ease of notation, wedefine three relevant decoder events as follows. Let

denote the event of error detection up to and including ARQround ; let

denote the event of decoding a valid message at ARQ round ;and let

denote the event of a decoding error at ARQ round , given thatmessage was transmitted. Based on the events defined above,the probability of error is given by


where the expectation is with respect to the joint distributionof the fading gain matrix and received signal matrix. From theerror expression in (10), it is clear that the ARQ decoder suf-fers from undetected errors and ML decoding errors. Unde-tected errors occur during ARQ rounds andreflect the inability of the decoder to identify erroneous frames.ML decoding errors occur at the last ARQ round and reflect theinability of the decoder to resolve atypical channel and noise

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realizations. It was shown in [1] that the probability of unde-tected errors can be made arbitrarily small using appropriatecodebooks, leaving ML decoding errors to dominate the errorprobability. In terms of error probability, the effectiveness of anideal ARQ decoder is, therefore, almost exclusively limited bythe error probability at the last ARQ round.

The expected latency of the system is determined by theprobability of error detection [1], and it is given by


where is expressed in terms of number of ARQ rounds. Thecorresponding transmit throughput of the system in terms of theaverage effective code rate is simply obtained by


where is expressed in bits per channel use.1


In this section, we expand on the idea of mutual informationaccumulation in ARQ systems as well as introduce the com-monly used concept of information outage. This approach wasfirst put forward in [4], and again used in [1] to prove the con-verse.

The instantaneous input–output mutual information of thechannel (3) up to ARQ round , for the channel realization

can be written as [1], [4]



where is the instantaneous input–output mutual infor-mation corresponding to ARQ round . Following (14), we willrefer to as the accumulated mutual information up toARQ round [4]. The accumulated mutual informationmeasures the normalized mutual information between the accu-mulated received matrix and the coded blocks , given theinstantaneous channel state matrix . Because is a randommatrix, is a nonnegative random variable. Further, from(14), it is clear that the accumulated mutual information is anincreasing function of the ARQ round index , for a given real-ization of .

We define information outage as the event that occurs whenthe accumulated mutual information is below [1], namely


For any finite and , the channel defined in (3) is not in-formation stable and the channel capacity in the strict Shannon

1Note that our definition of transmit throughput here is purely a measure ofthe average code rate at the sender’s side, as it does not take into account whethermessages are correctly decoded at the receiver’s side.

sense is zero [17], because the probability of the outage eventis nonzero. The corresponding outage probability is defined as[18], [19]



As shown in the converse proof of Theorem 2 (see theAppendix) and also in [1], the occurrence of an outage eventinduces a frame error. This implies that the error probability islower bounded by the outage probability for sufficiently largeblock length .

The accumulated mutual information , and hence,the corresponding outage probability, depends on the SNR

and the input distribution with the constraint that. When no other constraints are imposed

on the input distribution, the input distribution that maxi-mizes , and therefore, minimizes , isthe Gaussian distribution, namely, the entries of are i.i.d.complex circularly symmetric random variables with zero meanand unit variance. This leads to [1]



In practice, Gaussian codebooks are not feasible, and we willresort to signal constellations with a fixed signaling alphabetthat does not change with time and/or the transmitted message.In this paper, we are mostly interested in studying the role of thefixed discrete nature of practical constellations, and the impactthis further system constraint has on the outage probability. Inparticular, we can write the mutual information for the schemedescribed in Section II-B as





is the input–output mutual information corresponding to the re-alization given in (7) of the channel describedin (8), assuming a uniform distribution over the mul-tidimensional constellation defined in (6). Because

, it is not difficult to show that (20) can be

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bounded as (23) shown at the bottom of the page. This relation-ship will prove useful in proving our main results.


In this section, we derive the optimal tradeoff betweenthroughput, diversity gain, and delay of ARQ schemes sig-naling over MIMO block-fading channels. In particular, weshow that the tradeoff highlights the roles of the complex-planesignal constellation through , the rate of a single ARQ round

, the maximum number of ARQ rounds , and the numberof fading blocks per ARQ round . As we will see, for largeSNR, the tradeoff expression highlights the role of the asymp-totic throughput through . Furthermore, the optimal tradeoffexpression includes the effect of the space-time spreadingdimension of the linear dispersion modulator, providing also areference of decoding complexity.

We now present the main results of this paper concerning theoptimal SNR exponent of ARQ systems.

Theorem 1: Consider the channel model (3) with inputconstellation satisfying the short-term average power constraint

. The optimal SNR exponent isgiven by

for short-term static fadingfor long-term static fading.


Proof: Theorem 1 follows immediately as a corollary of[1, Th. 2] after taking into account the introduction of in thesystem.

Theorem 1 states that Gaussian codes achieve maximal diver-sity gain for any positive rate. As we show in the following, thisis not the case with discrete signal constellations . In partic-ular, full diversity is achievable by discrete signal sets providedthe rates satisfy . However, to attain full diver-sity, we must restrict the signal constellations to certain proper-ties. In general, due to the discrete nature of these signal sets, atradeoff between rate, diversity and delay arises. This relation-ship is expressed in the next theorem.

Theorem 2: Consider the channel model (3) satisfying theshort-term average power constraint , withthe fixed discrete inputs described in Section II-B, using an un-derlying complex-plane constellation , with andtime-expansion factor . The optimal SNR exponent is thengiven by

for short-term static fading

for long-term static fading


Proof (Sketch): A sketch of the proof is provided here,with the technical details left to the Appendix. We first provethe converse and show that the diversity gain is upperbounded by (25). We can use Fano’s inequality to show that theoutage probability lower bounds the error proba-bility for a sufficiently large block length. Then, we boundthe maximum SNR exponent by considering the diversity gainof the outage probability. For large SNR, the instantaneous mu-tual information is either zero or bits per channel use, cor-responding to when the channel is in deep fade and when thechannel is not in deep fade, respectively [6]. Achievability isproved by bounding the error probability of the typical set de-coder [1] for ARQ rounds , and that of theML decoder at round , using the union Bhattacharyya bound[20] on a random coded modulation scheme over concate-nated with linear dispersion space-time modulation. For largeblock length such that , we obtain randomcoding exponents similar to those in [6]. For finite , the randomcoding exponents provided in the proof coincide with (25) overa range of rates that increases with . Finally, as , weshow that the SNR exponent of random codes is given by theSingleton bound for all values of where (25) is continuous.

Theorem 2 states that optimal diversity gain of andfor short- and long-term models, respectively, can also

be achieved by discrete signal sets coupled with linear disper-sion space-time modulators with constellation ,namely, space-time modulators that spread the symbols ofover the fading blocks at each ARQ round. Under this sce-nario,2 full diversity is maintained for all rates .However, as anticipated in Section II-B, there is one drawbackof practical concern, namely, complexity. To achieve full diver-sity, the linear dispersion space-time modulator needs to spreadthe symbols of over the blocks, which implies that the sizeof the constellation of each ARQ round is . Wemay, however, choose a modulator that spreads symbols overblocks where in order to reduce the complexity of theML decoder. In this case, there is a tradeoff between the param-eters of (25). This can be seen as a manifestation of the discretenature of the input constellation, which limits the performance

2Within our framework, it would also be possible to modulate over � �

� � �� periods in the short-term case, namely, spreading the modulationsymbols also across ARQ rounds and (25) would remain valid. In particular,letting � � ��, we could achieve full diversity over the full range of � ,namely, � � � � �� �, which is the same exponent of the Gaussian input.However, generalizing our model to this case would compress key concepts suchas information accumulation in a single formula, rather than the more naturalsum expression in (14). In particular, one could define the equivalent channelmodel up to round � as

� ���� � ��� ��� �

where ��� is the zero matrix, and obtain the result.


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of the outage probability at high SNR. Theorem 2 generalizesthe result of [5] for the quasi-static MIMO channel to the ARQblock-fading case.

The upper bound (25) is also applicable to any systems usingblock codes over independent block-fading periods. Thesignificance of the ARQ framework is that it provides a way ofachieving the optimal SNR exponent attained by a block codewith coded blocks, without always having to transmit all

code blocks. Indeed, following [1], observe that


On substitution of (26) into (12), we find


which shows that the transmit throughput is asymptoticallyequal to (because ), the rate of a singleARQ round. In other words, provided the SNR is sufficientlyhigh, ARQ systems, which send on average coded blockscan achieve the same diversity gain as that achieved by ablock code system, which sends coded blocks every time.This is because in the high SNR regime, most frames can bedecoded correctly with high probability based only on the firsttransmitted code block. ARQ retransmissions are used to cor-rect the rare errors, which occur almost exclusively wheneverthe channel is in outage. While the throughput isa function of at mid to low SNR, it converges towardindependent of at sufficiently high SNR. Because the optimaldiversity gain is an increasing function of , this behavior canbe exploited to increase reliability without suffering code ratelosses. However, as noted in [1], this behavior is exhibited onlyby decoders capable of near perfect error detection (PED).Therefore, the performance of practical error detection schemescan be expected to significantly influence the throughput ofARQ systems.

Because (27) relates the asymptotic throughput with thecoding parameter , the optimal SNR exponents given in(25) give the optimal throughput-diversity-delay tradeoff ofMIMO ARQ block-fading channels.3 Examining the optimalthroughput-diversity-delay tradeoff (25) in more detail, we firstnote that

is the code rate of a binary code, i.e., , as if thecoded modulation scheme was obtained itself as the con-

3We stress the fact that the coded modulation schemes considered in this paperhave a fixed rate, and therefore, zero multiplexing gain as defined in [1] and [3].However, it is not difficult to show that allowing � � � ��� � would imply theachievability of the diversity-multiplexing-delay tradeoff of [1].

catenation of a binary code of rate and length . Ex-pression (25) implies that the higher we set the target rate(equivalently, ), the lower the achievable diversity order is.In particular, uncoded sequences (i.e., ) such as thefull diversity modulations [16], [21] achieve optimal diversitygain of , while any code with nonzerowill achieve optimal diversity less than or equal toor in the short- and long-term static models, respec-tively. This is an intuitively satisfying result as and areprecisely the number of independent fading periods in the short-and long-term static models, respectively, each with inherent di-versity .

Considering the tradeoff function in (25) with varying , ,, and plotted against the rate of a single ARQ round ,

the impact of the system parameters can be visualized for bothshort- and long-term static fading models, respectively. Here,we are only presenting one such plot; however, we still discussobservations made for other cases. The omitted plots can befound in [22].

Fig. 2 illustrates the effect of the maximum number of al-lowed ARQ rounds on the diversity of the system. It is clearfrom the plot that in the short-term static case the effect of isto simply shift tradeoff curves upwards. This is intuitively sat-isfying, because each additional ARQ round represents incre-mental redundancy, which can be considered as a form of ad-vanced repetition coding. Each additional ARQ round contains

additional independent fading blocks, and hence, the diversitygain with ARQ rounds is simply the diversity gain withrounds plus . On the other hand, in the case of long-term staticfading, because the different ARQ rounds use the same channelrealization, larger implies a broader range of for whichmaximum diversity can be achieved.

Similarly, we examine the effect of the constellation sizeon the optimal diversity tradeoff function, and observe that thetradeoff curves for higher are strictly better than lower interms of achievable diversity gain. This implies that a high-ordermodulation scheme always outperform lower order modulationschemes in the limit of high SNR in terms of error rate perfor-mance, for any code rate. Alternatively, a system with highcan choose to operate at higher code rates than a low systemand still maintain the same diversity gain.

Considering the diversity tradeoff curve for different valuesof , we observe that systems with high values of are strictlybetter than systems with low (in terms of diversity gain).In addition, we notice that corresponds to the number of“steps” in the tradeoff function of (25). Systems with low valuesof maintain the same diversity gain over wider intervals ofrates than systems with high . Relatively, the penalty for usingcodes with high spectral efficiency is much higher for systemswith large (although these systems will still achieve higherdiversity gains than systems with low ).

Finally, for the impact of on the tradeoff curve, as antici-pated in Section II-B, we observe that the larger is, the largerthe optimal SNR exponent becomes. As increases, larger di-versity is maintained over a larger range of . A careful lookto (25) reveals that for , each ARQ round behaves as aMIMO block-fading channel with blocks, each withinherent diversity , reducing the number of steps of the

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Fig. 2. Optimal diversity tradeoff curve corresponding to � � �, � � �,� � � for a �� � MIMO channel.

tradeoff curve. Unfortunately, however, increasing impliesan exponential (in ) increase in the overall decoding com-plexity.

Remark 1: In [15] and [23], the authors examined the per-formance of codes over MIMO block-fading channels withoutARQ. Using the notation in this paper, the diversity gain based

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Fig. 3. Comparison of the optimal diversity tradeoff curve with (20) (dashed steps) for � � �, � � �, � � �, and � � �� � in a �� � MIMO channel.

Fig. 4. Block diagram of the concatenated MIMO ARQ architecture. The interleaver corresponding to ARQ round � and fading block � is denoted by � .

on the worst pairwise error rate performance was shown to beupper bounded by


The bound in (28) is based on the fact that the rank of a the code-word difference matrix of a given pairwise error event cannotbe larger than the minimum number of nonzero rows. The ap-plication of the Singleton bound [7] to the minimum numberof nonzero rows (interpreted as the Hamming distance of thecode) leads to the result shown in (28) [15], [23]–[25]. Becausethe bound (28) was derived for the non-ARQ case, we will com-pare it with our results by letting in (25). An importantassumption made in the derivation of (28) is that a signal con-stellation of cardinality is used for signaling at each transmitantenna. Under this assumption, the Singleton bound and the

rank criterion give rise to the pairwise error probability (PEP)diversity bound (28). In our case, we do not restrict the signalsout of each transmit antenna to belong to a constellation of size

, but rather allow for more freedom in the system by linearlymodulating (combining) -ary symbols of the fixedsignal constellation to be transmitted over channel uses,as shown in Section II-B. Fig. 3 compares the Singleton bound(28) with our main result (25). As we see, even in the case of

, our bound yields a larger exponent. This effect wasalso observed in [5] for the quasi-static MIMO channel.


Having established the main effects of each parameter in (25),we now consider the practical coding aspects of Theorem 2. Thediversity tradeoff function (25) can be viewed as a modified ver-sion of the Singleton bound [7] with the diversity gain corre-sponding to the Hamming distance of our code , viewed as a

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Fig. 5. FER with MDS convolutional code over a short-term static SISO channel corresponding to � � �,� � �, and � � ���.

code of length constructed over an alphabet of size. This is a useful interpretation and naturally leads us to

investigate the role of Singleton-bound-achieving MDS codes.The role of MDS codes as block codes in block-fading channelhas been examined extensively in [6] and [26]–[28].

In this section, we illustrate that the optimal SNR exponentshown in (25) can be achieved with practical MDS codingschemes. The block diagram of the concatenated MIMO ARQtransmitter structure considered in the numerical examples isshown in Fig. 4. A codeword of the MDS outer encoder is parti-tioned into blocks. Each such block is then passed througha pseudorandom interleaver, subsequently mapped onto a blockof complex symbols according to the signal constellation, andpassed through a linear dispersive modulator. In the ARQtransmitter, blocks of channel uses are transmitted ineach ARQ round. For simplicity, we make use of the MDSconvolutional codes presented in [26] to illustrate the practicalmeaning and importance of the diversity tradeoff curve.4 TheARQ decoder defined in Section II-C is impractical due to thecomplexity of the typical set decoder. Instead, we develop abounded-distance ARQ decoder and a suboptimal iterative aposteriori probability (APP)-based ARQ decoder, respectively,approximating the behavior of the typical set decoder.

For the numerical examples, we consider two systems. Thefirst system has a maximum number of ARQ rounds ofand , and is using the four-state outer convolu-tional code, while the second system has a maximum number

4The main goal of these examples is not to approach the outage probabilityof the channel, but rather to illustrate the meaning and significance of the re-sults presented in the previous section. If one wants to approach the outageprobability, more powerful codes should be employed. For details on outageapproaching code ensembles for single-input–single-output (SISO) and MIMOchannels, the reader is referred to [6], [29]–[31].

of ARQ rounds of and , and is using the four-state outer convolutional code. The rate of a singleARQ round is the same for both systems. The two sys-tems are investigated for both SISO and MIMO block-fadingchannels, subject to short-term static fading and long-term staticfading, respectively. Here, however, we only present the resultsfor short-term static fading. Additional results for the long-termfading case are reported in [22].

We first consider the use of a bounded-distance ARQ decoder.Define the set of messages , where the correspondingreceived codeword hypotheses , , are withina bounded distance from the received matrix

(29)where . For , the output of the bounded-distance ARQ decoder is then given by



Denoting the true message , the undetected error probabilityis bounded as




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Fig. 6. Average number of ARQ rounds for MDS convolutional codes over a short-term static SISO channel corresponding to � � �,� � �, and � � ���.

where follows from bounding the chi-squared distributionof with the Chernoff bound. Finally, lettingfor , we have


This result implies that arbitrarily low undetected error prob-ability can be achieved by the new decoder, at the cost ofadditional delay. In particular, should be chosen such that

to achieve the optimal ML exponent.

Fig. 5 illustrates the performance of the two ARQ systemsin the short-term SISO static channel. We choose the pseudo-random interleaver to be the trivial identity interleaver, i.e., nointerleaving is applied between the outer encoder and the innermodulator. The mapper over is set to be binary phase-shiftkeying (BPSK), the space-time modulation rotation matrix

, and channel uses. We apply the list Viterbi decoderproposed in [32] to implement the ARQ decoder outlined in (29)and (30). In particular, we choose to minimize thenumber of retransmissions.

Considering the system, the top three curves in Fig. 5show the corresponding outage probability, frame error rate(FER) with list decoding, and FER with PED. The FER curvesare parallel to the outage curve at high SNR, which showthat the convolutional MDS codes indeed achieve the optimaldiversity gain. The system corresponds to the bottomthree curves of Fig. 5, where again we see that the optimaldiversity gain is achieved by the MDS convolutional code.

Comparing the two ARQ systems, it is clear that significantperformance gains can be obtained at the expense of higher de-lays. At FER of , the gain of the system over the

system is already 5 dB. The performance gap increaseseven more dramatically at higher SNR.

Fig. 6 shows the average number of ARQ rounds of the twoARQ systems considered above. For each system, we plot theaverage number of ARQ rounds with PED, with the list de-coder and the lower bound given by (11), respectively. It is clearfrom the plot that at medium to low SNR, significant loss inthroughput is incurred by codes that do not approach the outageprobability limit, like convolutional code. Even more loss inthroughput is observed when list decoding is used as the errordetection mechanism.

Finally, note that the average ARQ round curves converge to-ward one at high SNR. This agrees with (27) and shows thatregardless of the maximum number of allowed ARQ rounds

, no spectral efficiency penalties are incurred at sufficientlyhigh SNR. In the limit of high SNR, the transmit throughput

.We now consider MIMO systems with and

using the four-state and convolutional codes,concatenated with the optimal linear dispersive modu-lator suggested in [15]. In this example, the channel coherencetime is channel uses and the mapper over is set to4-quadrature amplitude modulation (4QAM). In this case, thebounded-distance ARQ decoder in (30) also becomes imprac-tical, and we, therefore, resort to suboptimal iterative error de-tection and decoding schemes. As a benchmark, we consider aniterative scheme based on the full-complexity APP detector, re-cursively exchanging code symbol extrinsics with an outer APPdecoder, thus generating estimates of the information sequence.Applying the max-log APP detector in place of the full-com-plexity APP detector provides a low-complexity alternative. Forthe examples considered here, the full-complexity iterative de-coder is roughly twice as complex as the max-log APP alterna-tive. For the full-complexity iterative decoder, we only considerPED as the target benchmark, while for the max-log APP-based

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Fig. 7. FER with MDS convolutional code over a short-term static � � � MIMO channel corresponding to � � �, � � �, and � � ��. The thick solid linesare the lower outage probability bounds. For � � �, diamonds correspond to full-complexity APP detection with PED, while squares and crosses correspond tomax-log APP detection with PED and MinLLR, respectively. For � � �, pentagrams correspond to full-complexity APP detection with PED, while circles andasterisks correspond to max-log APP detection with PED and MinLLR, respectively.

iterative decoder, we consider PED as well as a nonideal errordetection scheme. At each ARQ round, we run the accumu-lated received signal through six iterations of the respective it-erative detection and decoding algorithms before examining thedecoder output.

In the nonideal error-detection case, errors are detected byexamining the soft output of the decoder at each ARQ round.Specifically, we use the minimum bit-reliability criterion [33],checking at the end of each ARQ decoding round whether theminimum bitwise log-likelihood ratio (LLR) of the informationsequence exceeds a threshold, i.e.,


where denotes the th element of the information LLR se-quence at the th ARQ round and denotes the length of theLLR vector. If (35) holds, decoding is considered successful,and the information sequence corresponding to the LLR vectoris delivered to the sink. The choice of affects both the av-erage latency as well as the error rate of the system. In general,choosing a high encourages the receiver to request additionalretransmissions, which in turn reduces the error rate. However,if is set too high, the system behaves as a block-coded systemand the spectral efficiency advantage of ARQ systems is not re-alized. Further, it is necessary to increase as a function of SNRto achieve error rate performance comparable to that of perfecterror detection. To this end, we adjust the threshold as


where we have lower bounded in order to encourage retrans-missions at low SNR. This choice of was found to perform

well when the growth parameter is carefully selected. In theexamples shown here, is determined experimentally.

Fig. 7 compares the error rate performance of thesystem and system under the short-term fading dynamics.For each system, we plot four curves, corresponding to the loweroutage probability bound, obtained by using (23), the PED per-formance for the two iterative decoders, as well as the minimumbit-reliability criterion (MinLLR) performance for the max-logAPP-based iterative decoder. In this case, we have and

for the MinLLR scheme when and , re-spectively. We notice that additional retransmissions lead to anappreciable decrease in error rates, and, equally important, theMinLLR criterion performs virtually as good as perfect errordetection. Also, we observe no appreciable loss in performanceof the max-log APP-based iterative decoder as compared to thefull-complexity case, confirming the use of the max-log APPapproximation is well justified.

Fig. 8 compares the average latency (measured in numberof ARQ rounds) of the two ARQ systems under the short-termfading scenario. Again, we plot four curves per system, corre-sponding to the lower bound of expected latency, using (23) and(11), as well as the PED and MinLLR performances. In this case,we observe that the cost of using the MinLLR criterion is mainlyan increase in latency, caused by requesting superfluous retrans-missions, and again there is no appreciable loss in performanceby applying the max-log APP approximation.


The focus of this paper is to derive the optimal tradeoff be-tween throughput, diversity gain, and delay for the block-fadingMIMO ARQ channel. We prove that for the block-fading

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Fig. 8. Average number of ARQ rounds for MDS convolutional codes over a short-term static ���MIMO channel corresponding to� � �,� � �, and � � ��.The thick solid lines are the lower bounds on expected latency. For � � �, diamonds correspond to full-complexity APP detection with PED, while squares andcrosses correspond to max-log APP detection with PED and MinLLR, respectively. For � � �, pentagrams correspond to full-complexity APP detection withPED, while circles and asterisks correspond to max-log APP detection with PED and MinLLR, respectively.

MIMO ARQ channel with input constellation satisfying ashort-term power constraint, the optimal SNR exponent isgiven by for short-term static fading and forlong-term static fading, which is achieved by Gaussian codesof any positive rate.

When the input signal constellations are constrained to be dis-crete, this is no longer the case. Due to the discrete nature ofthese signal sets, a tradeoff between rate, diversity, and delayarises. As our main result, we prove that for the block-fadingMIMO ARQ channel with discrete input signal constellation ofcardinality satisfying a short-term power constraint, theoptimal SNR exponent is given by a modified Singleton bound,relating all the system parameters. In particular, we show thatthe tradeoff highlights the roles of the complex-plane signal con-stellation through , the rate of a single ARQ round , themaximum number of ARQ rounds , and the number of fadingblocks per ARQ round . Furthermore, the optimal tradeoff ex-pression includes the effect of the space-time spreading dimen-sion of the linear dispersion modulator, providing also a ref-erence of decoding complexity.

Finally, we present numerical results demonstrating the prac-tical significance of the theoretical analysis, showing that prac-tical MDS codes achieve the optimal throughput-diversity-delaytradeoff.


In this Appendix, we show the details of the proof of The-orem 2. In particular, we detail the proof for the short-term staticmodel. The proof corresponding to the long-term static modelfollows exactly the same steps, and it is thus omitted.

A. Proof of Theorem 2: Converse

To prove Theorem 2, we first establish the converse and showthat the diversity gain is upper bounded by (25). We assume

throughout the analysis with no loss in generality.5

We start following the arguments in [1, App. I] and concludethat by Fano’s inequality, we can obtain a lower bound to theerror probability of the ARQ decoder at any ARQ round byusing an ML decoder that operates over the ARQ rounds.Therefore


where . Hence, for sufficiently large , wehave that [1], [3]


Therefore, it follows that we can upper bound the SNR exponentof the ARQ system by considering the outage probability up toARQ round .

Now, we study in more detail the properties ofwhen discrete signal constellations are used. In particular, werecall that (23) states that (39) shown at the top of the followingpage holds, and therefore, (40) and (41) also shown at the topof the following page hold, where

are the ordered eigenvalues of the

matrix corresponding to ARQround and fading block .

5If � � � , it suffices to replace ��� ��� ��� ��� by��� ��� ��� ��� in the computation of the input–output mutualinformation with Gaussian inputs and all the arguments still follow.

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We now characterize the behavior of the outage probability athigh SNR. Following [3], we define the SNR normalized eigen-values as


The joint probability distribution ofcan be described using a result in [3, Lemma 3]


where is a normalizing constant. Then, it follows that(44)–(46) shown at the bottom of the page hold. If we now define



(46) becomes

(49)where denotes componentwise inequality, i.e., ,

, for some , and is the all-one vector,because



This means that asymptotically for large SNR, when all the com-ponents of are larger or equal than one (deep fades), the mu-tual information tends to , and to , otherwise. Followingsimilar steps as in [3], we can write (51), shown at the bottomof the page, where the large SNR outage event is given by



and . Applying Varadhan’slemma [34], we have that


The infimum (54) is solved by considering two cases. If, then the infimum is satisfied by for all and ,

hence the diversity gain is zero. Alternatively, if ,then among all possible vectors , for and

, we need to have vectors equal to the all-ones





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vector , for some to satisfy the infimum. Thecondition to be met is written


which implies that to achieve the infimum, should be


Because , we upperbound the optimal SNR exponent as


which proves the desired converse result.

B. Proof of Theorem 2: Achievability

To prove the achievability of the upper bound on the SNRexponent in (57), we examine the average frame error rate ob-tained using random codes and the ARQ decoder described inSection II-C. This decoder behaves like a typical set decoder forARQ rounds , and as an ML decoder at round

[3]. Because the channel matrix encompasses the channelrealizations of all ARQ rounds, with a slight abuse of notation,we can express the error probability conditioned on the fadingrealization as


where all parameters are defined in Section III. As shown in [1]and [4, App. I], and sufficiently large , there existsa code for which the error probability corresponding to the first

rounds can be bounded as






is the error probability of an ML decoding error at the th ARQround. We could simply conclude the proof by following thesame arguments of the proof in [1, App. I], namely, using

to argue that (see [1, App. I] for details). How-ever, the specific analysis of the ML decoding error probabilityfor round using random codes encompasses the standardquasi-static and block-fading MIMO channels with no ARQ asspecial cases, and therefore, is of broader interest. Furthermore,conditions on the block length of optimal random codes aregiven.

We now characterize the behavior of for randomcodes constructed over , concatenated with random linear dis-persion space-time modulators described in Section II-B.

Following the steps of [5], we consider that the code-words of are generated with the uniform probability distri-bution over , namely,


Each codeword is partitioned into vectors, de-noted , where and ,such that . Now let


denote the set of orthogonal matrices of dimension. As outlined in Section II-B, the modulated signals are

given by


Then, if we define


where the operator formats vectorinto an matrix, we have that the portion of codewordtransmitted over ARQ round can be written as


Then, we have that the conditional pairwise error probability isgiven by



It follows from the structure of that



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If the elements of are drawn with the uniform probabilitydistribution, it follows from [35, Th. 1] that has full diversitywith probability one, namely, the matrices

have full rank. 6 We now apply the singularvalue decomposition (SVD) [14] to both channel and differencematrices



(72)and get (73)–(75) shown at the bottom of the page, where

is unitary. The diagonal matrices

and are composed of the singular values ofthe channel matrix and codeword differencematrix , respectively.As mentioned earlier, the matrices

have full rank with probability one, which

implies that the singular values in are all

6As it will be clear in the following, random rotations are not essential in theproof. It is sufficient to rely on the existence of a particular��� with full diversity[10]–[13], [15], [16], [21].

nonzero for , , and .If we now define





we can rewrite (75) as


Averaging (79) over the code ensemble, namely, , ,and , we get (80) shown at the bottom of the page. If wenow sum over the codewords, we have the union bound(81)–(84) shown at the bottom of the page, where we have de-fined the union bound exponent as (85) and (86) shown at the









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bottom of the page. Following similar arguments to those in [5]and [6], we use the dominated convergence theorem [36] to ob-tain that



since with probability one. For andlarge SNR, the union bound exponent can be lowerbounded by


Let now



Then, we can bound the overall error probability as


In a similar way to what is done in [6], we consider codes withblock length such that


That is, we consider sufficiently long codewords at large SNRsuch that the error probability is never dominated by the eventwhen two codewords coincide. Thus, we can write (94) shown

at the bottom of the page, and therefore, the random coding ex-ponent is lower bounded by




is the exponent for large enough codewords and



is the exponent that characterizes the finite block length.Following similar steps to those in the converse, the SNR ex-

ponent of the first component can be written as


Following similar arguments as in [6], we see that if, then the infimum (98) is given by





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Page 19: 3968 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY ......The main contribution of our work is to derive the optimal tradeoff between throughput, diversity gain, and delay of the block-fading


Otherwise, if , then the infimum is


The random coding SNR exponent lower bound can be tight-ened by letting . By collecting the results together, we seethat for sufficiently large , coincides with . In fact, oneobserves that for , the overall error probability is givenby the probability of the event , because the second integral in(94) vanishes. Hence, the diversity lower bound coincides withthe diversity upper bound (25) for all rates except at the discon-tinuities.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewersand the associate editor for valuable comments that helped im-proving the presentation of this paper.


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