Theoryshare Cable Modem Modification Guide Version 8.4 Written By Monkeywrencher Disclaimer: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. FAQs Read First: 1. What cable modem models can be modified? While other models may be uncapped Theoryshare supports only the Motorola Surfboard SB3100 - SB5100 Models excluding VOIP models and the SB4220. The SB4100 and SB4200 can easily be modifed using netbooting with the uncap kit. The SB3100 can also be modified through software but its more difficult. The SB5100 can be modified but you must solder an adapter to the modem motherboard in order to change the firmware or perform any modifications. More details can be found in the Theoryshare forums reguarding the 5100 and a modification kit is available here: http://www.theoryshare.com/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/ product_id,13/category_id,1/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/ A new section has been added to this kit with instructions for the modification of the SB5100. 2. Is this process illegal? Generally, modifying a device that you purchased is not illegal, or using our devices on a network that you own or have permission, is not illegal. There are many restrictions to doing so, and every country is different. Theoryshare takes no responsibilty for user actions. 3. Can I steal service with your products/software? While under certain circumstances products sold or distributed through Theoryshare may be used to steal service, Theoryshare does not condone cable theft and no support will be given to any user wishing to steal service. 4. I am having trouble with this process is there a easier way to uncap my connection? Yes. If you are having problems with this process you can purchase a pre-modified modem from Theoryshare which is ready out of the box or you may sent your surfboard into be modified. Pre-Modified modems will work on any Docsis network. You can visit

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Cable Modem Modification How To

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Theoryshare Cable Modem Modification GuideVersion 8.4

Written By Monkeywrencher



FAQs Read First:

1. What cable modem models can be modified?

While other models may be uncapped Theoryshare supports only the Motorola Surfboard SB3100 - SB5100 Models excluding VOIP models and the SB4220. The SB4100 and SB4200 can easily be modifed using netbooting with the uncap kit. The SB3100 can also be modified through software but its more difficult. The SB5100 can be modified but you must solder an adapter to the modem motherboard in order to change the firmware or perform any modifications. More details can be found in the Theoryshare forums reguarding the 5100 and a modification kit is available here: http://www.theoryshare.com/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,13/category_id,1/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/ A new section has been added to this kit with instructions for the modification of the SB5100.

2. Is this process illegal?

Generally, modifying a device that you purchased is not illegal, or using our devices on a network that you own or have permission, is not illegal. There are many restrictions to doing so, and every country is different. Theoryshare takes no responsibilty for user actions.

3. Can I steal service with your products/software?

While under certain circumstances products sold or distributed through Theoryshare may be used to steal service, Theoryshare does not condone cable theft and no support will be given to any user wishing to steal service.

4. I am having trouble with this process is there a easier way to uncap my connection?

Yes. If you are having problems with this process you can purchase a pre-modified modem from Theoryshare which is ready out of the box or you may sent your surfboard into be modified. Pre-Modified modems will work on any Docsis network. You can visit

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the store here: http://www.theoryshare.com/component/option,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,1/Itemid,26/

5.I am having trouble with this process but I would like to continue, but need support.

Visit our free support forums at http://www.theoryshare.com


Basically the point of this process is to increase the speed of your cable modem using modified firmware or by using a special program to change the config file your modem boots with. The prior is the preferred method, both methods will work only on Motorola Surfboard cable modems SB4200 and earlier. Firmware modification is compatible with SB4100 and SB4200 modems. Firmware modification is also possible on the SB5100 however it requires you make a special cable which you solder to the modem's motherboard. Alternatively a upgrade kit made by Theoryshare with all of the needed components is available here: http://www.theoryshare.com/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,13/category_id,1/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/ The schematics for this cable can be found in the forums at http://www.theoryshare.com if you generally have problems with computers or you just want a easy way to get uncapped visit the Theoryshare store: http://www.theoryshare.com/component/option,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,1/Itemid,26/ Pre-modified modems start at just $45

Below is a description written by one user about uncapping, premods and what modification its all about:

What is Cable Modem Modification, Uncapping, and What are Premods Tell me More

Written by Shifter

Improving your speed is a definite given. Right now, I'm subscribed to the 4000/384, but I sniffed out a config file with speeds of 8800/1000. That's what I'm running at right now. There are lots of hard to find configs out there, but a 3rd party sniffer or the built in sniffer can find them if you let it go for awhile. Depending on your isp, you could sniff out 16000/2000. It all comes down to what the isp has to offer. Some people are lucky enough to still be able to get their modem to bypass the tftp server and take a modified config file from a spoofed server set up on their system. That is very rare today, but those that can do it are able to set their upload/download to custom values.

As far as getting caught, your isp has ways of finding out who's using their bandwidth, but it costs more money and takes time to do so. In most cases, and because you are not

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disrupting the network, it's not worth their time/money. Plus, you are flying under the radar.

In the few, public cases that individuals have been caught, they were totally abusing the bandwidth. Like leaving Bit Torrent or other file sharing programs running at full speed indefinitely. Red flags will fly if an unknown source is downloading several TeraBytes a month as well as uploading countless Gigabytes. Not to mention the server type, FTP setups that were being utilized. The entire situation was ugly.

Cable internet is a shared connection. Killing the bandwidth causes problems for other users on the node.

I've yet to read a post from someone here at Theoryshare regarding their isp watching them or sending out any letters. That's because we go about our internet business as usual. These people, myself included, enjoy the faster speeds and use close to the same amount of bandwidth as before. It's not planned or anything. I just continue with my normal activities.

My speeds are just faster.

Currently, the Surfboard series modems (SB3100 - SB4200) are able to be uncapped without any need of cables. Just download the Uncapping Kit and follow the steps. That's it.

The SB5100 took quite some time to exploit. Finally, this year, it became an option. In order to uncap the SB5100, you will need a blackcat cable. This cable will need to be soldered on to specific points inside the modem. You will then need the flash software to get it going.

Written by Shifter

For more information, help and updates, visit http://www.theoryshare.com if you do not have a Surfboard Modem, or find this process is too hard for you to complete; pre-modified modems are for sale at http://www.theoryshare.com which include the modem pre-modified with firmware and support. Also support forums FAQs and P2P support are available.

Before Continuing Read the Following:

Some things to know before using this guide – Make sure you understand these:

1. This process is real and can increase the speeds you get from your cable service.

2. This guide may not work with all modems it is currently only known to work with surfboard modems but may work with others.

3. No matter how much you uncap you can be caught JUST AS EASILY use at your own

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4. Don't be disappointed if this does not work for you certain configurations with your modem or isp may prevent you from properly performing this process yourself.

5. We CANNOT help you if you do NOT have a Surfboard modem.

6. Finally please read through all of the documentation before asking me or anyone else for support thank you.

7. Every Step must be followed exactly as stated, in exact order. Deviation will result in FAILURE.

There are 2 good ways to Uncap the first is to use hacked firmware the second is using DHCP Force. Both methods will work on Surfboard 3100/4100/4200 cable modems but

DHCP force has been reported to work on many modems despite it was designed only for Motorolas so if this doesn't work it probably can't be done with your modem.

Uncapping With Hacked Firmware MOTOROLA SB410X/SB4200 ONLY IF YOU HAVE A SB5100/5101 USE

THE SB5100/5101 SECTION BELOWIf you have not read all the information prior to this please do so now. If you ignore

this warning you will most likely have problems when you continue.

FIRST THIS WILL ONLY WORK WITH SUFBOARD SB4100,SB4101, and SB4200 Modems. It will not work with any other modems. For the SB3100 you must use the Alternate method for loading firmware. IF YOU ARE ON A EURODOCSIS SYSTEM THIS PROCESS WILL WORK WITH ONLY THE 3100, 4200 AND YOU WILL NEED TO FOLLOW STEP 4B.

If you have trouble with this process help/support forums are available at http://www.theoryshare.com

STEP 1: Go to your modem config page and reset all defaults then unplug your modem from power and coax. DO NOT REBOOT YOUR MODEM only reset all defaults it will not take as long as it says.

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STEP 2 :

Go to network settings in control panel and change your network settings.

Change your network settings to the following:




DNS: Leave blank

Once finished Disable then Enable your network interface.


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Open NetBoot and verify the boxes 'Enable FTP Server', “Reset Modem Before Booting” and “Auto IP” are checked. Now plug your modem in to POWER ONLY. Then after about 1 minute, press boot over network. Your modem should reset then begin a power up DO NOT reset your modem this may take a minute or two. Once Netboot shows that the FTP Client has been disconnected your modem is finished net booting and you may go on to the next step. DO NOT CLOSE SBRIDER


Before Net Boot

After Successful Net Boot

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STEP 4: After your modem has been net booted return to your cable modem config page and go to the hack tab. Scroll down to “Upgrade Firmware” Proceed to upgrade your firmware with the firmware corresponding to your cable modem in the Firmware folder. Fiberware firmware is for advanced users only and is not recommended for general use. At this point your modem will begin upgrading DO NOT unplug your modem or change pages on your browser until your modem reboots this in rare cases may take up to 5 minutes. Once your modem has rebooted return to the config page and verify that the firmware has been updated by seeing if the hack tab is available. If so you may plug your modem back into coax and go on at this stage the firmware is permanently loaded and no further action is required to make it stay on the modem.

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Once this upgrade is finished you may change your IP back to normal and you can access the internet and the hacked firmware.

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Step 4B: EURO DOCSIS WORK AROUND: -NEWIf you are on a Euro Docsis System you need to follow this step otherwise proceed to step 5.

Step 1: Open a command line (Start run cmd.exe) or open your favorite telnet client. At the command line type: telnet

Step 2:Stop the scanning task, type BroadcomDebugMode(1); and hit enter.Step 3:Create an instance of the CmApi (which has your config in it): pCmApi=Instance__5CmApi() and then get a copy of your config: pCfg=GetCmConfig(pCmApi);

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Step 4:Change the Frequency plan by running SetFreqPlanType(pCmApi,0x1);

*Note, the flag at the end of this command sets the scan table:

Scan Table

North America

Europe China Japan

Flag 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3

Step 5:With the instance of your modified class, save it to the Cable modem using this command: SetCmConfig(pCmApi,pCfg);

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Step 6:Reboot the modem and go to: you did everything right (and the shell did not crash) it should be changed. If the shell did crash, unplug the modem for 30 seconds and try it again


All Cable Modems use config files that control your modem’s speed, importance and a few other parameters. Each time your modem boots it automatically downloads a config file chosen by your isp. To uncap you must identify a config file which has faster speeds than the one you are currently using.

The Hackware firmware that you have just loaded includes a config file sniffer under the sniffer tab. At this point the easiest route to take is to leave the modem on for a few hours then check back to see if your config list has been updated. Often config names are quite obvious as to what speed they will give you because of their name. If the config file

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names you have are not easy to understand you may have to try a few. If the configs do not have anything in common and there are a large number of them you are on a dynamic config system and perform a method known as mac cloning visit http://www.theoryshare.com for more details. If you find a config you want to try simply go back to the hack page and enter the name of the config you want to load and save the change. Reboot the modem and look at the max download/upload speed listed in the hack page this tells you how fast the config is if you do not know.

If you have Trouble Finding Configs or Simply want to find more use the method below:

Open the SNMPCfg Admin Program locate the ip address range near the bottom. Then for the first # in the range put your hfc ip address listed in the DHCP Force Application. For the second value put a address considerably higher but no to much higher. EX. --> is a reasonable value. --> is not. Play around with this application to find a range that will best suit you. After the info has been entered use the mass get function to retrieve the config names. Then press the + next to the names to get a ip address list. Put one of the addresses from each config into the step 1 program to find out which config is the fastest in many cases this is not necessary however because the configs are named like BANNED.cm, BRONZE.cm, GOLD.cm, PLATINUM.cm in which case knowing which is the fastest does not require a technical solution.

If the configs do not list you will need to retrieve your current config an explanation for this can be found in the archive this was distributed in.

After you have retrieved the config open it with Config Edit and locate your community string. It should be a line something like this

snmp_mib_object = string "YHaPLFR8";

Enter this string into SNMPCfg to find the config names. After you have found the config names. You can set you modem to download it when it boots using the config boot command. If your isp uses dynamic configs (each modem gets a unique config) you will need to use the following oids Download: or Upload: in SNMPcfg then once you find a faster modem find its

mac address and clone it. This is not difficult and there are many 3rd party programs that can help you with this. Refer to the firmware command list for all functions.

Note that the SB3100 uses a different hacked firmware than the SB4XXX Series all of its functions can be accessed by going to this same firmware can be used on the SB4XXX series but it is not recommended. You can find the 4XXX images and many others here: http://thescentoflove.com/test

Alternate Update Method:

Open CMfirm for CM address go to and then to addresses. Use your HFC ip address. Leave community string alone for firmware server enter your public ip

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address. For firmware file select the correct update file for your modem this will be a .hex.bin.

If the update will not go through it is because of 1 of 2 things either your firmware version is higher than SB3100-3.2.15-SCM00-NOSHELL for the SB3100 or SB4200/4100- for the 4100/4200.

The other is that you must discover your read/write community string. Follow the config file retrival tutorial and open the config. Inside the config look for a item like this:

snmp_mib_object = string "YHaPLFR8";

in this case YhaPLFR8 is the community string. Once this is done run the firmware update.

If this method still does not work because you have a high firmware version like 4.4.2 or 3.1.17 then use the 2 modem downgrade method you can use either 2 of your own modems or you can get a person locally on the same isp to help you.

Once the new firmware is loaded on the modem you will need to tell your modem to boot a faster config file.

Uncapping using DHCP ForceStep By Step

1. Find the MAC Address of your cable modem this is usually found on a sticker on the cable modem or in the documentation which came with it. Open the DHCP force application put the modem's mac address and use the discover function. Then write down the values that are provided in the boxes. Another useful place to modem information for surfboard is the modem's web page which can be found at While other modems may have similar web pages I do not know how to locate them.

2. Open the SNMPCfg Admin Program locate the ip address range near the bottom. Then for the first # in the range put your hfc ip address listed in the DHCP Force Application. For the second value put a address considerably higher but no to much higher. EX. --> is a reasonable value. --> is not. Play around with this application to find a range that will best suit you. After the info has been entered use the mass get function to retrieve the config names. Then press the + next to the names to get a ip address list. Put one of the addresses from each config into the step 1 program to find out which config is the fastest in many cases this is not necessary however because the configs are named like BANNED.cm, BRONZE.cm, GOLD.cm, PLATINUM.cm in which case knowing which is the fastest does not require a technical solution. If the configs do not list you will need to retrieve your current config an explanation for this can be found in the archive this was distributed in. After you have retrieved the config open it with Config Edit and locate your community string. Enter this string into SNMPCfg to find the config names and then later also modify this parameter in DHCP Force.

3. Open the DHCP Force Application, before you can try to uncap you must first disable the media sense option. This can be found under the DHCP menu. Once media sense

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is disabled you will most likely have to restart your computer. After your computer is restarted open the DHCP Force application again enter your modem's MAC Address and use the discover function. This time after the discover finishes change the config file name to the name of the faster config you found using SNMPCfg admin. Click the start button in DHCP Force then reboot your cable modem. The easiest way to do this is to unplug it and then plug it back in. Wait until the modem is fully booted up then stop the DHCP Force and try to get online. Do not reboot your modem again however because this will set your modem back to its original settings. If all went well you should be on at a faster speed now.

SB5100 Modification 1. In order to modify your SB5100 you must first build a JTAG Cable to solder to your modem. Schematics for this cable are shown below:

2. Install the flashing software from the SB5100 folder on your computer.

3. Connect the blackcat cable you have built to your modem's motherboard. In order to do this you must solder a 10 pin DIP header to your modem's JTAG interface, on a SB5100 there is only 1 possible location for this header to be placed. If you see 14 holes do not attempt this modification you have a SB5120. If you have had trouble building the cable, you can purchase a kit here: http://www.theoryshare.com/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,13/category_id,1/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/

4. Install the flashing software from the SB5100 folder on your computer, in order to use this software you must also have installed Microsoft .net framework.

5. Install firmware, to do this follow the instructions in the readme file inside the firmware version of your choice. 1.06 RC4 is the recommended firmware, because of its known stability, if you need docsis 2.0 compatibility you must use X2.

6. Follow the 5100 guide listed here: http://www.theoryshare.com/content/view/23/30/

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SB5101 ModificationNewly available firmware now makes modification of the SB5101 possible, to learn this modification download the seperate SB5101 kit from http://www.theoryshare.com

If you need help visit the free support forums at: http://www.theoryshare.com

Also at Theoryshare you will find pre-modified modems for sale if you do not have a surfboard 4100/4200 and a flashing service if you have trouble or are unable to flash your modem.

You can contact us at [email protected]

If this guide has been helpful to you please consider purchasing a product from Theoryshare to help keep the website running and to make it better.

Thanks for the Fibercoax Group and the TCNISO for software used in this kit. Hackware firmware written by Kuyza, SB5100 Firmware written by FERCSA