High Magic Practical Applications of the Ancient Wisdom written by Andras M. Nagy Published by the Ancient Wisdom Publications www.andras-nagy.com 1


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High Magic

Practical Applications of the Ancient Wisdom

written by Andras M. Nagy

Published by the Ancient Wisdom Publicationswww.andras-nagy.com


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Foreword ............................................................. 3 a Brief History of Magic ....................................... 7 The Foundation of Magic ..................................... 16 The Left versus the Right-hand Path ................... 25 Amulets and Talismans ....................................... 37 Natural Magic ...................................................... 70 Astral Travel ........................................................ 78 Healing ................................................................ 85 The Magic in Numbers ........................................ 91 Mental Magic ....................................................... 97 The Nine Unknown Men ..................................... 104 Appendix A Numbers from 0 to 9 ........................ 109 Appendix B Karma and Reincarnation ................. 112


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High Magic is a form of magical practice, a way of life, not an endorsement of using hallucinogens or potent herbs for experimental, mind expanding "trips".

I wrote this book because there is precious little information on High magic which is the most powerful and benign form of doing miracles.

First of all, the power of all magic, left-hand, right-hand, light or dark, it all comes from the same place; some would have you believe that the origin of dark magic is Satan, but it is simply not true. Satan, as the word had originated from the planet Saturn, but that is all there is to it.

The source of magic is not the Devil nor it is an anthromorphic, "personal" God, the real source is alive within all of us, and it is the slice of the divine, the essence of the infinite.

Much that is written on the subject of magical phenomena is over hyped, regurgitated version of the old books of Tantric texts, Enochian, Chaos or Sex magic, or the published material is either on Wicca or Shamanism with some new age spirituality mixed in.

My main concern with most magic books is that most of them look at the world as something that you need to control. For example when we get into mixing drops of your blood with clay in order to charge the sympathetic actor alas perform some charm then you are going in a wrong direction, on the wrong path. True high magic is in harmony with Mother Earth, all the elements, the people and all devic entities. Gaining sexual gratification via charms is not beneficial, harmony is.

Of course, sex sells, it is hard to find a person who will come out and say no to sex. He will be


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laughed upon and ostracized... however in my book I braved this trend, henceforth the reader will find very little material of these practices. I do not hold negative opinion on these other practices but I am here to offer something fresh, something safer and proven.

In reality, true, high magic is the practical application of the Ancient Wisdom. In my research and practice I followed no school, coven or religious philosophy. I felt that there was a great need for a comprehensive and updated book on true men-made phenomena of the supernatural. In this book you might find the phenomena a little more mundane and down to earth, yet the purpose of this book is to teach the reader every technique and craft that can create true miracles in his life.

In this book I will not attempt to explain phenomena, using science or pseudoscience. I write on subjects that I have experienced to be true. I simply state; there are immeasurable energies (vibrations) that exist, yet scientifically not quantifiable using current technologies. These vibrations are the foundations and the cornerstone of all invisible phenomena, such as the aura, astral body etc. Words, numbers, colors, sounds all vibrate and have impact upon our mind and spirit.

Some people who have well developed inner sight - the third eye center is opened, hence they can see the auras and other glyphs of energies most cannot.

The practice of high magic is life affirming and quite liberating. It confirms the existence of a higher power and also re-affirms our constant connection to this power.

I found that spirituality alone is not as sought after subject as certain practical applications of consciousness. Men seek tangible, useful ideas that can help them coping and managing in our


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increasingly challenging environment. Achieving god's consciousness is a noble goal, however it is not as easy as practicing magic. We have anchors that keep us connected to this realm, certain desires and wishes will keep us from achieving enlightenment yet while we are struggling to overcome these, we can reinforce our faith by practicing magic.

The reader will note that conclusion of this book are very often in contrast of the commonly accepted theory and conclusion of the mainstream media. I will cite sources that place the framework of this book into historical context yet there will be very little supporting literature to back up what is said in this book. This is mainly because the facts about nature's laws and convectional "wisdom" have very little in common. Most of the ideas and facts were of my own findings and there is very little information out there to support what this book states. To some people this is a warning sign to others it is the sign of a genuine and unique material.

I have been studying and practicing the Ancient Wisdom initially under the tutelage of my teacher and lately on my own. According to my teacher who was clairaudient and clairvoyant my spiritual origins were from the Sirius star system, the dog star. This makes me feel real old.

I first became interested in magic after reading the book from Paramhansa Yogananda, the Autobiography of a Yogi. In his book the author describes the perfume saint, a reclusive yogi who produced any fragrance the audience requested. I have noticed the innocent nature of the magic. Loftier, more selfish goals might not work with the practitioner who practices the right-hand path. Yogonanda's impression on magic was not complimentary, he sought it as distraction from enlightenment which is, in his opinion our ultimate


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goal and birthright. I am partially in agreement with Yogonanda.

Focusing on ones effort to perform a phenomena is seemingly an idle and useless pursuit. On the other hand what about the countess observers to whom this phenomena might germinate something. It maybe a trigger to something bigger, in which case you, the magician, are serving a higher purpose .

Yes, reading this book the ultimate goal should be enlightenment not showing off your supernatural skills but learning certain skills is empowering and beneficial and would get you well on the path of your ultimate goal which is oneness with god, the ultimate magic trick.


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a Brief History of Magic

"Man is arrogant in proportion of his ignorance. "Edward-Bullwer Lytton

Men have always strived to control nature and the elements. The earliest shamans, before the existence of any organized religion's sought to heal the sick and get rain when the crops needed or otherwise render weather more favorable to their pursuits and lifestyle.

These holy men had the luxury of ignore hunting or fighting parties, they did not need to toil the land, their needs were met by the community. So they had the time and luxury to spend all their time with contemplative pursuits. This was a luxury then as it is undoubtedly a luxury today.

Those who followed and learned the tenets of the Ancient Wisdom, eventually also mastered the practice right-hand magic.

This usually consisted of communicating and working with the elements and elementaries. Certain men who were open minded and intelligent found out that most things that were important and elusive were not always visible and more often than not were out of their control. With respect and careful cajoling the holy men learned to coexist and harness the elements via their spirit proxies. The key word was always respect and coexistence.

These early holy men were not anointed by any power-structure or leader. They existed at the side of the head of the tribe offering guidance and fortune telling, healing and rainmaking among other things. These men eventually learned which herbs were beneficial and which were poison, how to protect their own from the hostility of others while offering useful and practical guidance to the


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members of the tribe and its leader.As tribal life became more structured and earth

became more populous these scattered tribes eventually morphed into kingdoms or principalities. What commonality existed in most of these early human societies were the benign nature of the ruler. The rulers, while wielded ultimate power and control over their subjects were often benign and held the welfare and prosperity of their people to a high regard.

As the role of the ultimate ruler was handed down from generations to generations, quite often the royal family had connections to the higher worlds and higher beings. They were the extended arm of the white brotherhood that existed since the dawn of times. The intermediaries between the royal family and the white brotherhood were always the magician, the consigliere, the seer and advisor to the king and his family.

At times, the dark forces gained access to a member of the royal family and by brewing ill content and animosity among brothers and sisters they instigated kin against kin, son against the father. Unspeakable acts were done between the royal families in vying for power and wealth, but more often than not the dark forces were behind the scene controlling the events and their main purpose was to hinder and interrupt the hierarchy of the light.

The most famous magician was Merlin, from the Anglo tradition of King Arthur.

Merlin first appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, written around 1136, and is based on an amalgamation of previous historical and legendary figures depicting the relationship between the royal family and the holy-man who advises the family, tells the fortune and guides the monarchy through tick and thin.


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Often the royalty itself practiced magic and the Ancient Wisdom. In the case of Cleopatra1 she sidestepped the intermediary and as the priestess of Philae2, she acted as ruler and sorceress as one. She managed to beguile two Roman leaders3 to keep Egypt independent and free from foreign rule.

History portrayed her as enchantress and manipulator of men but the little known facts that the history books failed to catch on was her intimate knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom and magic. She was well versed in the Egyptian and Hellenistic mysteries and very popular among her people.

Cleopatra's father Auletes was a direct descendant of Alexander the Great's general, Ptolemy I Soter, son of Arsinoe and Lacus, both of Macedonian heritage.

As such, Cleopatra's background was the Greek spoken by the Hellenic aristocracy, though she was known to be the first ruler of the dynasty to learn Egyptian. She also adopted common Egyptian beliefs and practices. Her patron goddess was Isis, and thus, during her reign, it was believed that she was the re-incarnation and embodiment of the goddess of wisdom.

Christianity and the decline of the Roman Empire slowly forced magic underground. Anyone with a whiff of alchemy, natural science like astronomy, that the church disapproved was in grave danger. The church considered Gnosis of transcendental god, science, the dark arts and the Ancient Wisdom in the same category. Dangerous and forbidden. Anyone who wanted to learn or see more was labeled a witch and had to confess under torture.

Notable exception to this was the mysterious Dr. Dee, who was Queen Elizabeth’s court astrologer 1 Cleopatra VII Philopator2 an island in the Nile Riverand the previous site of an Egyptian temple complex in southern Egypt3 Julius Caesar and Mark Antony (after Caesar's death)


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and the occult architect of the British Empire. Dr. John Dee commingled the worlds

of science and magic just as they were becoming distinguishable.

One of the most learned men of his age, he had been invited to lecture on advanced algebra at the University of Paris while still in his early twenties. Dee however devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.

Contemporary Magicians

It is not easy to compile a list of names worth mentioning in modern western occult practice in the same book that mentions Count St. Germain but we will try exactly that.

Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers

Samuel Liddell (or Liddel) "MacGregor" Mathers, born as Samuel Liddell (January, 1854 – November, 1918), was a famous magician and one of the most influential figures in modern Occultism. He is primarily known as one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a ceremonial magic order whose offshoots still exist today.

Arthur Edward Waite

Arthur Edward Waite (October 2, 1857 - May 19, 1942) was an occultist and co-creator of the popular and widely used Rider-Waite Tarot deck and author of its companion volume, the Pictorial Key to the Tarot. This was notable for being one of the first decks to illustrate all 78 cards fully, as opposed to the 22 major arcana.

Waite was a prolific author with many of his 10

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works being well received in academic circles. He wrote occult texts on subjects including divination, Rosicrucian's, freemasonry, black and ceremonial magic, Kabbalism and alchemy; he also translated and reissued several important mystical and alchemical works. His works on the Holy Grail, influenced by his friendship with Arthur Machen, were particularly notable. A number of his volumes remain in print, The Book of Ceremonial Magic, The Holy Kabbalah, and New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry having seen reprints in recent years.

Austin Osman Spare

Austin Osman Spare was an artist, philosopher and occult magician. Like Aleister Crowley with whom he had a brief association, Spare was a genius in his own time unappreciated and vilified by a society that could little understand him. His was the inspiration that led to the formation of the 'Illuminates of Thanateros' (IOT) in England in the late 1970’s and the practice of what is now known as Chaos Magic.

Franz Bardon

Franz Bardon (December 1, 1909 – July 10, 1958). Czech occultist best known for his three volumes on Hermetic magic. These volumes are Initiation Into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation and The Key to the True Quabbalah. Additionally there was a fourth work attributed to him by the title of Frabato the Magician, supposed to be a fictional autobiography, though the factuality of its contents and its authorship are questionable.

The story is set in Dresden, Germany, in the early 1930s, it chronicles Frabato's magical battles with the members of a powerful and dangerous


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black lodge, his escape from Germany during the final desperate days of the Weimar Republic, and the beginning of the spiritual mission which was to culminate in Franz Bardon's classic books on Hermetic magic. More than an occult novel, Frabato the Magician is itself a work of magic which illuminates Bardon's other books as well as providing a revealing look into the dark occult forces which lay behind the rise of the Third Reich.

Bardon's books are most notable for their simplicity, their relatively small theoretical sections, and heavy emphasis on practice with many exercises. People in the "trade' consider him to have written the best training programs of any magician of the 20th century. They were written with the intention of allowing students who wished to practice magic the means to do so if they could not study under a teacher, a path which Bardon recommended.

Eliphas Levi

Eliphas Levi (the pen name of Abbé Louis Constant, 1810-1875), was a French occultist who is credited for reviving interest in magic in the 19th century.

His first and probably most important work was The Dogma and Ritual of High Magic which was the inspiration of the book you are reading.

It was followed by A History of Magic, Transcendental Magic, The Key of Great Mysteries, and others. Levi believed in the existence of a universal 'secret doctrine' of magic throughout history, everywhere in the world.

Levi wrote that he was influenced by an earlier writer and occultist Francis Barrett. In turn he had influenced another writer and occultist Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, with whom he visited in London in


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1861. Bulwer-Lytton wrote The Last Days of Pompeii and other occult books helping to make magic fashionable to the last of the 19th century. They both became members of an occult group, which perhaps Bulwer-Lytton may have organized, that studied scrying, magic, astrology, and mesmerism. In his popularity Levi drew a strong following, influencing others to write their own books.

Around the turn of the century several prominent esoteric personalities were ascendant, mainly in the United Kingdom.

One such person was Israel Regardie; once a personal secretary and disciple of Aleister Crowley, Regardie broke their relationship and became involved with the order of Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Left-hand magic became synonymous with the nefarious rise of the Third Reich.

The connection between Nazism and the occult have been meticulously examined and exploited. The earliest and most notable was the book titled The Morning of the Magicians was first published as Le Matin des magiciens. Written by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier in 1960. This book started the subsequent research of the occult connection of Nazism and occult magic. While the The Morning of the Magicians became a best seller in France, the wild ideas and outrageous claims, notably the conspiracy theories and linking the Nazi party with the Vril4, drew criticism and negative reviews.

The positive aspects of the book was that it paved the way for honest journalism and research that we now accept as historical facts.

4 Vril is a substance described in Edward Bulwer-Lytton's 1871 novel The Coming Race, which was later reprinted as Vril: The Power of the Coming Race


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There was one documentary, Hitler's Search for the Holy Grail, includes footage from the 1939 German expedition to Tibet. The documentary describes it as "the most ambitious expedition" of the SS.

The renowned Oxford historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's seminal work The Occult Roots of Nazism describes Hitler's inner circle as occultists who perverted the Ancient Wisdom and turned it upside down. Hitler has his own dark guru who used the ancient symbols but he carefully changed them to gain the support from the dark forces. Fore example the most famous symbol of Nazism, the ancient Tibetan Swastika was changed.

Amusingly, despite the vehement denial from the seculars the existence of the supernatural powers, during World War II British Intelligence, in fact, invited many occultists into its ranks because it needed their specialist knowledge and skills.

Cecil Williamson was the founder of both the Witchcraft Research Center which was a part of MI6's war against Nazi Germany, and the Museum of Witchcraft.

In addition the assistant director of Naval Intelligence during the war was Lt. Commander Ian Fleming RN, best known later as a thriller writer and the creator of the famous fictional spy James Bond 007. Fleming was also interested in astrology and numerology and he was a friend of the notorious magician Aleister Crowley, who had worked for MI6 during World War I and in the 1920s and 1930s spying on Germans with shared occult interests.

If you consider the facts about the meteoric rise and military successes of the Third Reich, the numerous unsuccessful attempts on Hitler's life there could be very little doubt in one's mind on some supernatural support. The English, at least


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took this seriously.With the help of unseen and tireless work of the

White Brotherhood, the good guys won. Most historians agree and acknowledge how close it was, especially in the context of the recent discoveries of the advent of German rocket technologies and German efforts of harnessing and weaponizing the power of the atom.

In contemporary times magic and the ancient wisdom became very popular. Most of the classic books were republished new ones were written saying much the same as the ancient texts except using more contemporary phrases and linguistics.

The Law of Attraction and the other books on the power of the mind5 were dug up and romanticized. Oprah, the patron saint of writers and New Age aficionados, helped to commercialize much of the ideas and concepts that relate to magic. Most of that material is incomplete and hence inaccurate, by focusing on form rather than the deep source of magic residing in all of us.

5 the New Thought movement


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The Foundation of Magic

"The motivating power, then, in all magical operations, is the trained will of the magician. All adjuncts of Ceremonial Magic - lights, colours, circles, triangles, perfumes - are merely aids to concentrate the will of the magician into a blazing stream of pure energy." Francis King, Ritual Magic in England

Real magic is often seemingly mundane and ambiguous. The biggest talent of the magician is to perform magic and make it look like luck or happenstance.

There is an old saying about the most cunning trick the devil ever achieved was to promulgate the widespread belief the he did not exist. Of course there is no devil, but there are the dark forces, entities on the lower realms and of course there is Lucifer but that is all there is to it.

Similarly, the real magician, especially one who follows the right-hand path, has no intention of becoming famous or even to show off his talent. There are rare exceptions to this like Uri Geller who can bend metal forks with the power of his mind. Others have no power to do such feats but they are masters of hypnosis, even on the scale of an auditorium full of people.

While it is true that that which is known as "magic" has always been mixed up with a mass of credulity, superstition, and meaningless forms and ceremonies and even frauds and charlatans, the close student will see that these anomalies and appendages necessarily arose from the superstitions of the mass of the people, and to the various forms of primitive religions that the simple people had fostered during the procession of the centuries and ages.

The magicians were nearly always priests in the 16

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old days, that being the only career open to them, and one that enabled them to erect the barrier of primitive religious rites between their wisdom and the ignorance of the masses.

To understand magic, is to gain fundamental insight to what reality and real is. If you think our very existence is reality, I am here to burst your bubble. Nothing we see or hear is real, it is the result of our perception and the illusion of the mind.

To put it in another word, all experiences are in the realm of the subject-object problem, a longstanding philosophical issue, is concerned with the analysis of human experience, and of what within experience is "subjective" and what is "objective". The subject-object problem is twofold: firstly, there is the question of "what" do we know, and very recently this could be called the "Matrix" question, i.e., "How do we know we are not living in a "matrix"?

The second problem is that of "how" do we know what we know? Surely, are person with a mental disease has a sense of reality that is quite different from the norm. How do we know who is right?

Therefore in the absolute esoteric sense, all that we know and think as real, is in fact an illusion. Precisely because it is observed by limited faculties i.e. the subject-object human brain and secondly, all that we think of real is finite and perishable. One second it exist then it is gone. Is that real for you? The second might last a few million light years but that is only quibbling over time.

Our universe is finite, all within the universe is finite. We are, as mortals, and naturally are finite, we all die one day. Nothing is real except Infinity, i.e. God.

Therefore working with this illusion as a magician must be quite easy - all matter vibrates and moves


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around in a varying speed. Nothing is solid, at the sub atomic level - an atom is mostly empty space. All is malleable and can be controlled as all is the creation of our mind. The workings of the universe as we know it, are the result of our super conscious, the collective mind. The Universe is emanated from Infinity i.e. God having all the innate divine characteristics present but in some ways only a mirror image of the "real thing".

What makes things feel solid when in fact everything is space?

To understand why my hand did not stick to my keyboard as I was typing this chapter, you have to understand why and how atoms combine.

Each atom has electrons revolving around it. The number varies depending on the element. There are different levels of electrons, too. The inner most level can only contain up to two electrons, all of the other levels can contain up to 8. Some of them are positively charged some of the negatively, hence repel each other offering the illusion of solid state.

If our reality is a dream, i.e. an illusion then it must be concluded that altering this dream must be relatively easy and without technical difficulties. It is all doable.

The biggest obstacle for any person who wishes to become a magician is the first step of understanding the mechanics and the background of reality, and our mind. To accept fully this paradigm is not easy. Even at the point of accepting the premise of this many subconsciously fail to believe it fully and integrate this truth into his conscious and subconscious mind. This can take time.

The second idea in understanding of magic is the knowledge and acceptance of our septenary


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existence. We have access to these seven levels, at all times, only one level of this seven is on this physical, material plane. The rest is invisible to the human eye.

• Realm of God. (Infinity) 7th • Realm of Virgin Spirits. (angels) 6th • Realm of Divine Spirit. (higher beings,

Mahatmas) 5th• Realm of Life Spirit. (This is the Chi, Life force,

prana etc.)• Realm of Thought. 3rd• Desire Realm. (Where we spend time between

incarnations, Astral) 2nd• Physical Realm. 1st

There are different names and even different numbers of these levels are described in various teachings. Since demarcation is not very strong between these levels, it is best not to quibble with Sanskrit names and numbers. I have tried to present the best description of these levels to a novice.

We are simultaneously exist on all seven levels but awareness of the higher levels is blocked by our limited mind. After all we purportedly use 10-20-percent mind capacity and our centers are usually closed/blocked. These centers are also exist in seven and correspond to our seven levels of being. There are 3-lower centers and 3-higher centers and there in the middle is the heart center.

At the two highest levels of Realms, the quantum mechanics and molecular physics do not apply, the vibration level of this existence is so high that it renders normal physics useless, the laws of these simply do not apply. At this level we are One, this explains how remote healing can be performed by a Healer or .


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Since time and space no longer forming obstacles while acting on these levels, all contact and knowledge is possible of the seemingly separated fragmented "others" on the lower planes.

Using a top/down approach a Healer can heal the "other" person's astral body first which facilitates overall healing for the physical body.


It is little known esoteric fact that spirit and matter are conditions of each other. Essentially there are the same. Spirit is refined matter and matter is denser form of spirit, their difference exists only in their vibratory rate. You can think of this as water and ice paradigm. Ice is water, with a denser form.

Hence at the two higher realms the differentiation of spirit and matter are hardly distinguishable. In our polarized universe, matter represents the feminine -matter (mother) and sprit the masculine - spirit(father).

The Source of Magic

The strongest kind of magic comes from our higher self. This is why what I practice is called the "High" Magic. When one trains/operates at this level nothing is impossible.

To achieve this power the aspirant need to seriously work at several facets;

1. Natural cultivation of the opening of the centers

2. Reach to the two highest levels, if that is not immediately possible reach to as high-self as possible while vacating the lower-


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self.3. Focus the mind and build a strong, visual


Lets talk a little more about these centers and why they are there. The centers all connected and the source of their origin is the hara center, this exists about two inches below the navel, it is the origin of life as you were connected to your mother via the umbilical cord for nine months. The work hara is known in Japan, when the Japanese wish to extinguish life, the take a small knife and plunge it into the hara center, killing the life-source instantly.

All vital energies, the prana, life force, the chi (or qi) surges through these centers. This energy can also be the source of miracles and the supernatural, the lack of this life force will make you ill and perish, abundance of this will make you live as long as you wish.

You of course cannot force or manipulate these centers to open. They will open in harmony when they - you are ready, not before. Forcing your centers to open prematurely can only cause chaos, calamity and disaster. Usually, this ends in madness, or a mental breakdown for the aspirant and the result usually is permanent. Certain amulet's can help strengthening ones Chi and that in turn can help with the centers but that is the extent one can proactively help. Meditation and service are the keys, do that and eventually when you are ready the centers will open.

Does this mean that you cannot perform magic before your centers fully open? Of course not. There are techniques and exercises that can help your mental strength and will.

For example, learning methods developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov, can lead to more efficient and creative ways if utilizing your mental faculties, using suggestions and the


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power of the subconscious mind. These techniques will be further discussed in this book under the chapter the Mental Magic.


Magic ceremonies were always used to facilitate the mental transformation of the Shaman or magician Priest to a higher more potent level at which he could perform his mission. Actually the early Greek theatre and other ritualistic performance were similar and they even drew in the spectators by feeding on their collective consciousness.

We can all learn to communicate with our higher self and that is how dowsing or pendulum magic works.

Divination using a pendulum is also a very useful art, as the answers invariably will come from the higher-self therefore should be reliable and trustworthy information.

The pendulum can be used for choosing between alternatives in a relatively wide range of areas. To get an answer from the pendulum, simply ask any yes/no question about a specific thing that you feel uncertain about, but only in areas where you have the power to make the decision. The pendulum is typically used over a guide, a sheet of paper, having a Yes or No, written on.

Here are some typical areas where the pendulum can be used to good advantage:

• Making a choice. (Do I want to have this week-end trip or rather I should stay home?)

• Figuring out what is best to do. (Would it be better to keep my present work or look for a


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new position?)• Figuring out how you really feel about

something. (Do I want a family in the near future?)

• Becoming more aware of the inner thoughts and desires of a person close to you.

• Determining your probability of success in a situation.(Do I have what it takes to complete this competition?)

• Finding the cause of physical symptoms. (Is my red meat diet causing my mood-swings?)

• Determining what foods or vitamins to take. (Would it be good for me to double my Vitamin D intake?)

• Determining what is causing an allergic reaction. (Am I allergic to the cat?)

• Prospecting for water, oil, treasure. (Is there a silver coin buried over here?)6

Things that can cause an incorrect response from the pendulum:

• Inaccurate phrasing the question: The most important thing is how you phrase the question. For example, don't just ask, "Is this water good for me"?" Be more accurate: Good in what way? The bread may have both good and bad aspects. For example, you may be extremely hungry, so the bread is good for nourishment your body, but the bread could made of tainted grain and later give you food-poisoning. So state the question precisely such as "Will this bread serve my highest and greatest good?"

• Asking questions that are too general: Don't ask general questions such

6 this is also called dowsing.


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as "Is Steven healthy?" Rather ask specific questions such as "Is Steven's smoking causing him health problems?"

• Being tired.• Forcing the situation. Using the pendulum

even though the time or circumstances are not right.

• Being off Center: Feeling mentally or emotionally out of balance. You need to be in the right frame of mind.

• Focusing too heavily on the pendulum itself, and not enough on the information inside you.

• Being too close to high frequency electrical equipment (being in the close vicinity of a TV or computer screen).


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The Left versus the Right-hand Path

"There are two forces, each having seven streams, and they again seven times seven, and so on downward unto an infinity of numbers.They are right and left, hand positive and negative, light and darkness, good and evil. Each has many names and many attributes,and in the ultimate the two are one; though not yet, nor for many eons, is their oneness manifested, and until then they are opposites.Their oneness is an occult secret, difficult to understand, and it is madness for the choosers of the left hand force to meditate their treacheries when the star of the right hand force is in the ascendant." from Talbot Mundy's Queen Cleopatra

When embarking on the esoteric path, the aspirant eventually must decide between the left or the right hand practice. This choice is not always conscious but rather it will reflect the ambitions and motivations of the aspirant. Why is he seeking special wisdom? Is it for alchemy, for self-gratification or the betterment of mankind? Is it about control and domination of others? The aspirant can deny being on the left-hand path and vehemently favor the right-hand practice but the real litmus test he might fail the test.

There is no way to fake motivation. The real thoughts and hidden agendas will surface by actions. There is no going around this. The truth always comes to the surface. The saying goes; "...by their fruits you shall recognize them..."7

Usually practitioners of the left-hand are rather

7 Matthew 7:16


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benign and harmless. There are always games played for control, money and power. Money and sex are ingredients of the left-hand path.

Perfect example of this was Aleister Crowley. A brilliant and learned man of the occult and magic he is considered, by a BBC poll as being the seventy-third greatest Briton of all time.

Practitioners of the right-hand do not usually achieve fame and wealth. They toil in the shadows and the world is usually an obstacle for them. They would never get on Oprah. The world, as it is today is controlled by the left-hand forces, this is precisely why the state of affairs are the way they are.

On the other hand the white magicians do get help and they are seldom in the want - "Your needs will be met" as the old saying promises, and relax, it shall be so.

As benign, as some of the left-hand practitioners are, occasionally there are exceptions. For example, the seduction of the German people by Adolph Hitler and the resulting death and carnage was far from benign.

One of Hitler's dark guru was Guido von List, "the reader of the runes" founder of the Ariosophical Society. List was also the author of Das Geheimnis der Runen (The Secret of the Runes).Guido von List was strongly influenced by Madame Blavatsky, which he blended with his own racial religious beliefs, founded upon Germanic paganism. List misinterpreted Blavatsky terms of seven root races of man and based on Blavatsky's book, the Secret Doctrine and other Germanic legends he formed his racial superiority theories of the German people.

The other, with even more direct impact on the Third Reich was Karl Maria Wiligut. Wiligut, who was also called "Himmler's Rasputin" because in


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Spring 1935 Wiligut was transferred to Berlin to serve on Himmler's personal staff.

Usually the ceremonial magician will attempt to evoke beings to help them do his bidding, but often the evocation fails or backfires. Still, the dark forces use the power of the mind as their weapon but their motivation is quite different. The methodologies are different, attracting followers, disciples is mush easier for those who follow the left-hand ways, since their main object is control, power, money and accomplishments of material in nature, most men will easily relate.

Nature spirits, also known as elementals usually abide in trees, rivers, plants, bogs, mountains, and minerals. They attached themselves to practically every natural thing. The Chinese, for example, believe that they watch over the rice, silk, roads, gateways, and other things.

High magic allows for asking the guidance of the elementals, these are the Gnomes, living in caves and mountains. Sylphs appear as butterflies, undines as waves, and salamanders as lizard-like creatures that frolic in flames.

Acts that might disturb these creatures are not advised, whenever the magician encroaches upon the territories of the elementals he must first ask for permission and exercise caution thereon. When the balance is kept and harmony is assured by maintaining respectful relationship with the rulers of the four elements, the magician can proceed with whatever task at hand. Help will be given, but fool heartedness and arrogance is usually detrimental.

The best description of evocation and magical ceremonies can be found by reading the ancient story of Abramelin, the Egyptian magician. The story revolves around the autobiography of Abraham of Worms, it describes his travel from Germany to Egypt and his obtaining


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Abramelin's magical and Kabbalistic secrets. The book's aim to teach all Abraham knows of

magic to his son Lamech. The book's several transactions from German are the basis of what modern occultists call the Abramelin operation, in which the operator must undertake a several months long, ritualistic purifying and cleansing acts in perfect isolation. The ultimate aim of this is to meet the operator's guardian angel.

All of the German texts describe a duration for the operation at least eighteen months before any divine contact is made. In the Mathers translation, the initial phase of working the system lasts only six months.

After the aspirant has made contact with the guardian angel, the magician must evoke the twelve Kings and Dukes of Hell and gain control over them hence removing their negative influence from his life. In addition, these spirits deliver a number of familiar spirits along with a set of magical word-square talismans.

As the result the practitioner is promised the ability to find buried treasure, cast love charms, the ability of magical flight, and the secret of invisibility. Magic squares feature prominently in the instructions for carrying out these operations, as does a recipe for an anointing oil (taken from Exodus 30), popularly used by ceremonial magicians under the name "Abramelin Oil". There are also several further tools - such as a holy Lamp, a Wand made of an almond branch, a recipe for incense known today as "Abramelin Incense",8

various Robes, a square or seven-sided plate of silver or (bees) wax, etc.

Because the Abramelin operation involves

8 This is in some cases identical to the Holy anointing oil described in Exodus 30:22-25


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evocation of demons, it is in its entirety not something I would recommend, especially if the actual meeting of the guardian angel is in question. The danger in this business is our ability to project events especially when we wish something very much.

Reportedly, the British occultist Aleister Crowley had attempted the operation on several occasions with questionable success. One time he had visions of a high being but afterwards he lacked the usual advertised powers of treasure-finding, invisibility, flight, and love-drawing. His reported hashish use during and before the operation might have clouded this or perhaps he encountered something entirely different.

How many people were successful in this operation? There is another person, who is unlike Crowley, is still alive today. His name is William Bloom, and he wrote an interesting book on his experiences and trials he had encountered in North Africa. His book is titled "The Sacred Magician", it is out of print today.9

Personally, since the text's primary focus is upon the invocation of the guardian angel, I have been reluctant to dismiss it as dark magic and I have extensively studied the operation and recommend the reader to do the same for its research and reference value.

My main interest in the works of Abraham of Worms is the word squares. Word squares relate to numerology and talisman magic, which I have reoccurring interest. I personally do not believe the operation would ever work as written.

Let me share an occult secret with the reader according to the Ancient Wisdom. This is about the nature and existence of this Guardian Angel. This spirit guide is not an angel in the true sense of the 9 That which was a reprint of the earlier book of the same name by the pseudonymous "Georges Chevalier".


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seven Archangels and high beings mentioned in the Bible,10 despite the common misconception.

All incarnated humans have a guardian at their disposal and this guardian sprit is always at hand to help us achieve what we desire, it is our invisible helper. There is a catch however, this spirit is there to help in good and bad deeds, it asks no questions, it will help us unconditionally no matter what the goal and destination may be. It is amoral and truly and frighteningly open minded. It can be used for good as it can be used for bad.

This unlimited creativity and freedom of choice we have inherited from the infinite divine, but this is a double edged sword and can and will cut both ways.

Know this and your shall have an advantage over those who still take the good book too literally and will labor for months on the Abramelin operation.

Black Magic

Eliphas Levi, in his formidable piece, Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie, writes about black magic: " IN BLACK MAGIC, THE DEVIL IS THE GREAT MAGICAL AGENT EMPLOYED FOR EVIL PURPOSES BY A PERVERSE WILL."

This is misleading on many fronts, the name "devil", of course is Lucifer, the fallen angel, the term "devil" is a catchall phrase that has no philosophical basis. It stands for ignorance, darkness and misuse of great powers. In that context the quote is right. However, there is no entity such as the "devil", it is Lucifer, it has always been Lucifer, and he has no ill will or particular

10 Behold, I send an Angel before you, to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have

prepared. Beware of Him, and obey His voice; provoke Him not, for He will not pardon thy transgressions; for My Name is in Him. But, if thou shalt indeed obey His voice, and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy unto your enemies, and an adversary unto your adversaries. [Exodus 23: 20-23]


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nefarious intention, other than keeping the human race from awakening and keep us in darkness. His main weapon is individualism, ego and control of one another, all embedded, deeply in human nature. Billions of people are happy unknowing collaborators, toiling in careers, accumulating material things, mistreating others and going to wars.

There are "dark centers" around the world where teaching high magic is and exercise in futility. It is useless for a magician on the right-hand path to dwell in such a place. The concentrated energies of all the dark practitioners are way too strong in these places. These centers of darkness are concentrated urban places such as San Francisco and London.

Centers of the "light" are New York and Los Angeles and perhaps in New Orleans, especially for their creative energies, partially overriding the existing dark ones. It is well advised for a novice, practicing magician to avoid large urban centers with their problems created by the vortex of negative energies, urban blight and other social ills.

In purposeful black ceremonies when anyone invokes the "devil" with intentional ceremonies, the Lucifer or his myriads of "agents" come and is seen. Much earthly pleasures, wealth and opportunities will suddenly present themselves to the magician. It is precisely the danger and temptation, the ease and speed at which help is given. As the woman is quoted in the play Bell, Book and Candle 11, "The white ones do it for others, we do it for ourseves".

According to Levi, using magic to gain love is automatically nefarious and dark. He writes about this in chapter sixteen under the name,

11 Bell, Book and Candle: A Comedy in Three Acts by John Van Druten


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bewitchment. This is because any material gain, other than for day-to-day survival is essentially dark magic. Voodoo is not dark because its name, it is only dark when practiced like most people practice it, to harm someone as tit for tat, in petty human squabble, love wooing or other petty and selfish reasons. Even the group energies of the dark, Voodoo priests and their followers are enough to be dangerous to the uninitiated.

My former teacher was an associate of Manly Palmer Hall in the 50's and 60's in Los Angeles. He told us many interesting stories of Hall, whom he loved and admired. Towards the end of his life Hall decided to go to Haiti to learn more about Voodoo.

Many people warned him about the dangers and pitfalls might be coming from taking such a trip. Sadly, he did not listen. Right after the trip, he contacted the dreaded disease of elephantiasis, a mysterious and untreatable disease. His lower body grew so obese that he needed a special lift to get him in and out of his car.

The Grey Eminence

"The Grey Eminence" may have double meaning and connotation, but in this context, it is used for those who work against the "light" unknowingly. The emphasis is based on ignorance and fear. The forces of the Dark, knowingly latch on to these human follies and work them against the Hierarchy.

Lets take the example of Rasputin, who was a holy men, albeit unusual in appearance and mannerism, a powerful "wizard", a healer and possessor of the most enigmatic personality. Rising from a simple pheasant stock, this Russian monk became the personal confidant of the Tsaritsa Alexandra (wife of the Tsar Nicholas II), was of German descent.


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While fascinated by him, the Saint Petersburg elite did not widely accept Rasputin: he did not fit in with the royal family, and he and the Russian Orthodox Church had a very tense relationship. The Holy Synod frequently attacked Rasputin, accusing him of a variety of immoral or evil practices, which is typical of pattern of the Grey Eminence.

During World War I, Rasputin to show his loyalty to Russia Rasputin expressed his interest in going to the front to bless the troops early in the war, the Commander-in-Chief, Grand Duke Nicholas, promised to hang him if he dared to show up there.

While Tsar Nicholas II was away at the front, Rasputin's influence over Tsaritsa Alexandra increased immensely. He soon became her confidant and personal adviser, and also convinced her to fill some governmental offices with his own handpicked candidates. This was all in order to create a more enlightened Russia but the Hierarchy is not always successful, usually the failure originates from the character defect or flaw in the operator, in this case Rasputin, but the exact reasoning of the outcome is only speculation. I personally suspect his weakness for alcohol and drugs were somehow connected to his ultimate downfall.

The legends surrounding the death of Rasputin are perhaps even more mysterious and bizarre than his life. According to Greg King's 1996 book The Man Who Killed Rasputin, a previous attempt on Rasputin's life had failed: Rasputin was visiting his wife and children in Pokrovskoye, his hometown along in Siberia. On June 29, 1914, he was attacked suddenly by Khionia Guseva, a former prostitute who had become a disciple of the monk Iliodor12.

12 he had a fallout with Rasputin.


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Guseva thrust a knife into Rasputin's abdomen, and his entrails hung out of what seemed like a mortal wound. Convinced of her success, Guseva supposedly screamed, "I have killed the antichrist!" Rasputin recovered. It was said of his survival that "the soul of this cursed muzhik13 was sewn on his body." His daughter, Maria, observed in her memoirs that he was never the same man after that: he seemed to tire more easily and frequently took opium for pain relief.

The murder of Rasputin has become a legend, precisely because his unnatural death or in fact clinging to life was a phenomena that historians and medical science cannot explain even today.

On December 16, 1916, having decided that Rasputin's influence over the Tsaritsa had made him a threat to the empire, a group of nobles led by Prince Felix Yusupov and the Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich and the right-wing politician Vladimir Purishkevich apparently lured Rasputin to the Yusupovs' Moika Palace ,

The group led him down to the cellar, where they served him cakes and red wine laced with a massive amount of cyanide. According to legend, Rasputin was unaffected, although Vasily Maklakov had supplied enough poison to kill five men.

Determined to finish the job, Prince Yusupov became anxious about the possibility that Rasputin might live until the morning, leaving the conspirators no time to conceal his body. Yusupov ran upstairs to consult the others and then came back down to shoot Rasputin through the back with a revolver. Rasputin fell, and the company left the palace for a while. Yusupov, who had left without a coat, decided to return to get one, and while at the

13 refers to a Russian peasant.


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palace, he went to check on the body. Suddenly, Rasputin opened his eyes and lunged

at Yusupov. He grabbed Yusupov, ominously whispered in his ear, "you bad boy," and attempted to strangle him. At that moment, however, the other conspirators arrived and fired at Rasputin. After being hit three times in the back, he fell once more. As they got closer to his body, they found that, remarkably, he was still alive, struggling to get up. They clubbed him into submission, After binding his body and wrapping him in a carpet, they threw him into the icy Neva River. He broke out of his bonds and the carpet wrapping him, but drowned in the river.

Three days later, Rasputin's body, poisoned, shot four times, badly beaten, and drowned, was recovered from the river. An autopsy established that the cause of death was drowning. His arms were found in an upright position, as if he had tried to claw his way out from under the ice. It was found that he had indeed been poisoned, and that the poison alone should have been enough to kill him. There is a report that after his body was recovered, water was found in the lungs, supporting the idea that he was still alive before submersion into the partially frozen river.

The story of the life and death of Rasputin demonstrate with glowing accuracy the power of the mind, in the form of mesmerism, animal magnetism and the shadowy power of the Grey Eminence that unwittingly serve the Dark Brotherhood.

Even today's popular media has hard time deciding if Rasputin was a positive or negative personality? The popular media has made several attempts to "resurrect him" in fictional characters. Never mind the horrific murder in political disguise would naturally render him to be the victim, The first film made about him is titled as, Rasputin, the


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Black Monk, premiered in October 1917. Do you see? The dark forces at work again, even after Rasputin's death.

It is important to remember that the Grey Eminence always works in groups14, if there is one found out, rest assured that there are a couple of more in the background. Their work is not always as sinister as murder, it is usually the more mundane character assassination in form of slander, negative propaganda and influence peddling. This is precisely why the striving and efforts put forth of the right-hand is usually not popular or well known.

14 usually in threes


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Amulets and Talismans

Ancient in their existence and crossing over eras, cultures and continents; amulets are meant to ward off unwanted spirit entities or demons while the Talisman is to conjure up something for the owner. The power of the talisman is the combination of positive energies stored up within and the faith and belief system of the owner. For the most effective talismans or amulet's both ingredient should exist to have the strongest effect.

While not too many people associate the Christian cross with the esoteric and occult, for some, the purpose of the cross for some is protection from evil. Vampire movies and other lore has shown us the beneficial properties of silver and the holly cross. This chapter is to introduce to you the usefulness and creativity behind amulets and talismans, using magic squares, numerological information to create your own personal talismans.

Writing about amulet's and talismans could easily fill a book in itself, we are going to limit ourselves to the highlights of the subjects visiting dynasties from the ancient times and revisiting some of their lore.

There is no time or dynasty in recorded human history that is so intertwined with powerful magic than the Ancient Egyptian dynasties, which lasted at least six thousand years and according to some historians perhaps more.

The civilization of Ancient Egypt lasted longer than the entire span of what we have come to accept as 'recorded history: over three thousand years. During this vast span of time, the Ancient Egyptians developed a myriads of esoteric practices, of which, the true purpose and meaning


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are still being unraveled. This rich tradition was mostly unknown until the early nineteenth century, when the Egyptian language was finally deciphered.

The scarab is one of the more recognized magical object from the Egyptian period, it symbolizes the sun, setting and rising from the scarab beetle rolling its spherical balls. As amulet, the scarab represents resurrection and eternal life. The force behind it's power is the god Kephra.

"Hail unto thee who art Khephra in Thy hiding,

even unto Thee who art Khephra in Thy silence,

who travellest over the heavens in Thy bark

at the Midnight Hour of the Sun.

Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow,

and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm.

Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Evening."

From Liber Resh vel Helios15

The ankh cross is also a powerful Egyptian symbol of life and immortality. Since the loop of the ankh resembles of a key, this amulet is sometimes referred as the "Key of Life".

15 Liber Resh vel Helios, is written by Aleister Crowley, comprises four daily adorations to the Sun, to be

performed at dawn, noon, sunset, and midnight. The general object is to focus the conscious mind on the center of our solar system.


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Figure 1 Egyptian Ankh

The ankh is also referred to as Crux Ansata and it is worn to bring knowledge, power and abundance.

The swastika is a fascinating symbol, usually associated with Tibet. Interestingly the swastika was also found among the artifacts from prehistoric Mexico as well as Scotland, where the Newton Stone that displays a swastika and inscription in an alien alphabet that had befuddled scientist and novices alike.

There is an ongoing controversy of the two kinds of swastika's the arm pointing to right hand and the other, where the arm pointing to the left hand kind. Both were found in ancient art and it is a mistake to think that the one adopted by the Nazi party is automatically nefarious and filled with ill omen. When people say that Hitler and his occult, inner circle has taken powerful symbols and "turned them upside down", using them to unleash unspeakable horrors and mayhem, their words should not be taken literally.


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It does not matter which swastika or pentagram you look at, the form is not what's important. The desire and thoughts that inspire the user of these symbols determine their ultimate servitude. Hitler could have adopted the other kind of swastika for the Third Reich and his reign would have still been the synonym of Evil.

In the Middle East, the symbol of the human hand is a popular amulet to ward off evil, derived probably from the human gesture of raising the hand in a protective way.

This is the Hand of Fatima, and its original name is the hamsa (or khamsa). It is often incorporated in jewelry and wall hangings, as a defense against the evil eye. It is believed to originate in ancient practices associated with Phoenician origin.

Figure 2 Khamsa (Fatima's hand) used as a pendant

The pentagram is also achieved world popularity as a magical symbol, amulet or traditional lore, associated with the Jewish tradition, from the time


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of king Solomon but originated much before. One of the well known pentagram is interlaced, upright one, which is the Eliphas Levi's Pentagram, figure of the microcosm, the magical formula of Man. in Figure 3. (from Levi, Eliphas (1855) Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie.)

Figure 3 Eliphas Levi's Pentagram, figure of the microcosm, the magical formula of Man.

Talismans and amulets should be constructed with pointed purpose and intent, while the magician's consciousness under influence of the Universal Life Force. Attuned and concentrated will working through the amulet makers higher-self facilitates channeling spiritual forces into matter. This branch of magic is called enchantment, making the maker of the talisman the enchanter. The process of imbuing matter with spiritual life is called consecration.

Talismans are often natural objects, for example; the rabbit's foot is the natural catalyst of the owner's psyche to ward off ill luck.


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Consideration must be given to the material of which the talisman would be constructed.

Since everything in this universe vibrates there is nothing such as "dead matter", only gradations of liveliness and consciousness. Every particle of the consecrated matter would have with its own particular nature, quality and vibration effects other particles in its vicinity.

The magical design may consist of sigils, magic squares, symbols, glyphs, sacred characters and images. In addition, as we noted in Francis Barrett's the Magus inscription of prayers can also be included on the talisman.

Symbols and images stimulate the right hemisphere of the human brain, the side associated with creative, subconscious and magical aspect of man.

During the consecration ritual the magician invokes the appropriate forces that would aid him with the manifestation of his will. The forces conjured up by the mage during the consecration ritual include; cosmic rays, elements, thoughtforms and prana, the ultimate life force.16

Before attempting any talisman making, the magician must purify his body and thoughts through seven days of fasting.

Important elements of making a functional talisman;

• Will. The magician must focus his will upon the task. Without accessing the higher-self through sheer determination and willpower, nothing magical will happen.

• Visualization, in practical application of the Ancient Wisdom, the power to visualize is essential for the aspirant to learn. Clearer

16 In Vedantic philosophy, prana is the notion of a vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and vital energy, comparable to the Chinese notion of Qi.


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the visual image of the desired effect more certain that the desired magical transformation will take place.

• Selection of the material and time and place of consecration. For example; if the magician wishes to imbued the talisman with all the powers of archangel Gabriel, the material selected should be silver and the day of consecration should be Monday and anointing of the talisman would be performed with Jasmine.

Invocation for Sunday (SOL) Come, Heavenly Spirits who have the effulgent rays of the Sun, Luminous Spirits who are ready to obey the power of the great Tetragrammaton, come and assist me in the operation that I am making under the auspices of the Grand Light of Day which the Eternal Creator hath formed for the use of universal nature. I invoke you for these purposes. Be favorable and auspicious to what I shall ask in the Name of Amioram, Adonai, Sabaoth.

Invocation for Monday (MOON) Haste ye Sublime and Intelligent Genii who are obedient to the Sovereign Arcana, come and assist me in the operation that I undertake under the auspices of the Grand Luminary of the Night. I invoke you to this end and implore you to be favorable and hear my entreaties in the Name of Him Who commands the spirits of the Four Quarters of the Universal Mansions: Inhabit, Bileth, Mizabu, Abinzaba.

Invocation for Tuesday (MARS) Come Children of the Red Genii who have executed the order of the Sovereign Master of the Universe upon the armies of the rash Sennacherib, come and assist me in the operation that I undertake under the auspices of the third brilliant luminary of the


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firmament; be favorable to my entreaties in the Name of Adonay Sabaoth.

Invocation of Wednesday (MERCURY) Run to me with speed, come to me ye Spirits of Mercury who preside over the operation of this day, hear favorably the present invocation that I make to you under the Divine Names of Venoel, Uranel, be kind and ready to second my undertakings. Render them efficacious.

Invocation for Thursday (JUPITER)Come speedily ye Olepid Spirits who preside

over the operation of this day. Come, Incomprehensible Zebarel and all your legions, haste to my assistance and be propitious to my undertakings, be kind and refuse me not your powerful aid and assistance.

Invocation for Friday (VENUS) Come on the wings of the wind, ye happy Genii who preside over the workings of the heart. Come in the Name of the Great Tetragrammaton; hear favorably the Invocation that I make this day, destined to the wonder of love. Be ready to lend me your assistance to succeed in what I have undertaken under the hope that youwill be favorable to me.

Invocation for Saturday (SATURN)Come out of your gloomy solitude ye

Saturnine spirits, come with your cohort, come with diligence to the place where I am going to begin my operation under your auspices; be attentive to my labors and contribute your assistance that it


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may rebound to the honor and glory of the Highest.17

AGRIMONYConnected to the planet Jupiter and the element of air, Agrimony has a unique ability to assist the user in releasing fear. It is also used for protection.Traditional Uses:

• Sew into a white cloth and carry to deflect negativity.

• To release fear(s):• Carry in charm bag alone or with Angelica (or

other appropriate herb).• Burn on charcoal to remove negativity and

fear vibrations from any location.• To release your fear(s) conscious or

unconscious, burn on charcoal or make into tea and add a small amount to your ritual bath.

ALTHEAConnected to the element of water, Althea is used for protection and to enhance psychic powers. It is known to be a spirit pulling herb--place it on the altar to bring good spirits to help with your ritual.Uses as talisman:

• For protection, burn on charcoal or carry in a white pouch inscribed with this rune.

• To enhance psychic powers, burn on charcoal.

• Place on altar to attract good spirits during ritual.

• Burn on charcoal to attract good spirits.




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This masculine herb, also known as Masterwort, is connected to the Sun and the element of fire. Known to be a protective plant, it is sometimes used in protection and exorcism incenses. It is also used for luck and to promote healing.Uses as talisman:

• For luck, place in small green pouch (or wrap in green fabric) and carry in your pocket.

• Sprinkle in each of the four corners of the house for protection against negativity.

• To promote healing, burn on charcoal alone or with other healing herbs such as sandalwood, elder, frankincense, myrrh, vervain or yerba santa.

ASH BARKA well known druid magical tree, the Ash is part of the sacred trio "by oak, by ash and by thorn" of ancient British legend. This powerful tree is used for protection, and to attract prosperity, and love.Uses as talisman:

• Place in a white pouch inscribed with a protection symbol and wear as protection from the negativity of others.

• Place in the four corners of the house for protection.

• Burn at Yule to attract prosperity in the coming year.

• Place in a green pouch inscribed with a (love attracting) rune to attract the opposite sex.

BALM OF GILEADConnected to the planet Venus and the element of water, Balm of Gilead is used to promote healing and protection.Uses as talisman:


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• Sew into a red pouch and carry to attract a new love or to soothe a broken heart.

• Sew into blue pouch and carry with you to promote healing.

• Sew into a white pouch and carry with you to promote protection.

BENZOINConnected to the Sun and the element of air, Benzoin is used for purification and to attract abundance.Uses as talisman:

• For purification, burn alone or add to other purifying herbs such as sage, frankincense and myrrh.

• Combine with cinnamon and basil and burn on charcoal to attract customers to your business.

• To attract abundance, combine with other prosperity herbs (such as Cedar, Irish Moss, Mint, High John, Sassafras, etc.) and place in a green pouch inscribed (if possible) with A prosperity rune. Wear or carry with you.

BIRCHThis "Lady of the Woods" was considered by the Druids to be a sacred tree. She is closely connected to Venus and the element of water. She brings the influence of love, purification, and protection, and is the wood of choice when working with runes. Its been known to be used for protection against lightning andwarding off the evil eye when you hang a red ribbon of the stem of the birch.Uses as talisman:

• To attract love, carve with love attracting runes (or write with red ink) Burn or toss into


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a running river (or stream, etc.). For best results, do this on a Friday.

• To remove negativity from people or animals, gently tap them with a piece of birch.

• Carve with protection runes and place in the home or carry for protection.

• Tie a stem of birch with a red ribbon to ward off negativity.

BLACK COHOSHThis masculine herb, also known as Black Snake Root, is used to attract love, to dispel negativity and to gain courage.Uses as talisman:

• To attract love, add to two other love herbs such as rose, lavender, Tonka, trillium, & vervain and sew into a red pouch. If possible, inscribed with love symbols. Wear near your heart.

• Carry in a dark red pouch to strengthen courage.

• Steep in boiling water, strain, and sprinkle infusion around room to dispel negativity.

BLESSED THISTLEAlso known as Holy Thistle, this Druid sacred herb is commonly used for protection and purification.Uses as talisman:

• Carry or wear around neck (sewn into or put into a white pouch) as a protective amulet and to give you strength.

• Add to bath (tied up in white muslin) for purification purposes.

• Sew into white pouch and hang anywhere (house, car) for protective purposes.

• Place in room (in a bowl) to fortify and revitalize all who are near it.


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BLOOD ROOTConnected to the planet Mars and the element of fire; Blood Root is used to promote love and protection and is also used for purification.Uses as talisman:

• Sew into a red cloth inscribed with a love attracting rune and carry to draw love to you.

• Sew into a white cloth inscribed with a protection rune and carry to ward off negativity

• Place above doorways and on window sills for home protection.

CEDARAlso known as the Tree of Life, this Druid sacred tree is used for purification, abundance, and protection.Uses as talisman:

• When burned, cedar smoke helps to purify an area by helping to release and remove negative emotions (and energies) from people and places. The smoke also helps to alleviate nightmares

• Place in your wallet or purse to attract money. You may also burn it for the same purpose.

• Hang in home (in white pouch) to protect home from lightning strikes and negative energies.

CELANDINEConnected to the Sun and the element of fire, Celandine is used for protection, legal difficulties, and depression.Uses as talisman:


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• Sew into a pink cloth inscribed with a healing rune and carry to alleviate depression and promote happiness.

• Sew into a white cloth and carry for protection

• Wear to court to promote a positive legal outcome.

CINQUEFOILConnected to the planet Jupiter and the element of fire, Cinquefoil is used to promote abundance, protection, and restful sleep.Uses as talisman:

• Place in a white bag or pouch and hang over door or on the bed for protection.

• To promote abundance, mix with equal parts of cinnamon, cloves and Tonka beans and place in a purple pouch or bag. Carry with you. Do this on a Thursday during the waxing (between new and full) moon for best results.

• Place under pillow to dream of your future mate.

• Hang over your bed to promote restful sleep.

COMFREYConnected to the planet Saturn and the element of water, Comfrey is most often used to insure safe travel and to attract prosperity.Uses as talisman:

• Place in a white bag inscribed with a protection rune and wear or carry to insure safe travel. If possible, add a small piece of rowan to the bag.

• Place in luggage to safeguard it during travel.• Place in a green bag inscribed with a

prosperity symbol and carry to attract prosperity.


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DEVIL'S SHOESTRINGKnown as an herb with "staying power", the legendary Devil's Shoestring is used for protection, power, money and luck.Uses as talisman:

• Place in a red amulet bag and wear (especially at night) for protection.

• Cut into 1-2" pieces and place in small jar filled with a mixture of spirits of camphor and whisky. Whenever you need power of any kind, remove a piece from the jar and rub between your hands. The root can then be carried for luck, i.e. a gambler's talisman. It can also be carried to help with employment, and can be placed in your wallet or cash register, etc. to draw money to you.

DRAGON'S BLOODThis palm tree resin has become a favorite among many folk magicians. Connected to the planet Mars and the element of fire, dragon's blood is used to promote love, protection and power.Uses as talisman:

• Add to any incense to increase its power.• Burn (on charcoal) to attract love and to

bring a wandering lover back to you.• For powerful protection, carry on you and/or

sprinkle into all four corners of the house. Burn (on charcoal) to purge the area of all negativity.

• Sew into a purple pouch and wear to promote personal power.

• Place under bed to help alleviate impotency.

ELDERStrongly connected to the Great Goddess, this druid sacred tree is often a refuge for faeries and


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other woodland folk. It was highly regarded by the Celts for its powers to protect, manifest wishes and help induce sleep.Uses as talisman:

• Sew into a white cloth, inscribe with a protection rune and hang above entrance ways (doors, windows) for house protection. Carry with you for personal protection and safety.

• Place under your pillow to help dispel insomnia.

• To manifest a wish: Focus on your intent and write it on a piece of paper. Scatter Elder on the paper and the four corners of the room. Place paper and any Elder that has fallen on it in a pouch and wear until wish manifests.

ELECAMPANEConnected to the planet Mercury and the element of air, Elecampane is used for love, protection, and for increasing psychic powers.Uses as talisman:

• Sew into a pink cloth inscribed with a love attracting rune and carry to attract love.

• Sew into a white cloth inscribed with a protection symbol and carry for protection.

• Smolder on charcoal to increase your psychic abilities.

FLAXConnected to the planet Mars and the element of fire; Flax is used to promote prosperity, healing, and psychic powers and is also used for protection.Uses as talisman:

• For prosperity, place a few seeds in your wallet, purse, etc. Repeat daily.


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• Sew into a green pouch, inscribed with a prosperity rune, and carry to attract abundance.

• Mix with other healing herbs, sew into a blue cloth and carry with you or hang in the home to promote healing.

FRANKINCENSE & MYRRHOften used together, Frankincense and Myrrh have had a long tradition of religious usage. When combined, these two are considered to be a great purifier, a protector, and an aid to spiritual growth and meditation.Uses as talisman:

• Burn to cleanse and purify an area. Can be used when moving into new home to remove previous occupant's vibrations.

• Wear in white pouch around your neck for protection.

• Sew into white pouch and hang anywhere (a doorway, window, and car) for protection.

• Burn as an aid to meditation and spiritual growth.

FUMITORYConnected to the planet Saturn and the element of earth, Fumitory is most often used to for purification, protection and to attract money.Uses as talisman:

• Place in a white bag inscribed with a protection rune and wear or carry for protection.

• Burn over charcoal to purify an area, remove negativity and banish evil spirits and spells.

• Steep in boiling water, strain, and sprinkle infusion around your home weekly to attract money to you quickly.


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GALANGALThis masculine herb, also known as Low John the Conqueror, is connected to the planet Mars and the element of fire. It is used to promote abundance, protection, good health, lust, and psychic powers.Uses as talisman:

• To promote abundance, place in a leather pouch along with a silver coin (or coins). Inscribe a prosperity rune on the pouch or draw rune onto a piece of green paper and place inside of pouch.

• Carry or wear (in white pouch) for protection, luck, and good health.

• Carry to promote lust, and /or grind into small pieces (as close to powder as possible) and sprinkle around the house.

• Sew into a purple pouch and wear to increase psychic powers.

GUM ARABICConnected to the Sun and the element of air, Gum Arabic is most often used for purification and spirituality.Uses as talisman:

• For purification and positive energy, burn alone (on charcoal).

• For a great universal incense, combine with Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood and Rosemary. Burn on charcoal.

HAWTHORNThis Druid sacred tree, closely connected to the planet Mars and the element of fire, brings the influence of happiness, fertility, and protection.Uses as talisman:


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• To promote and happiness and alleviate depression, sew into a blue cloth and wear or hang in the home.

• To protect your home (especially from lightning and storms) place in a white pouch inscribed with a protection rune and hang from a high point in your home.

• For fertility, place in a cup along while visualizing your desired outcome. Leave for 3 days during waxing moon (between new and full moon). After 3 days, bury in earth or sew into green pouch and carry with you.

HIGH JOHN THE CONQUERORConnected to the planet Mars and the element of fire; High John is used to promote abundance, love, success and happiness.

Uses as talisman:High John can be used simply by empowering it with your desire (abundance, love, success, and to alleviate depression) and wearing it or carrying it with you. You may also do the following:

• To promote abundance: place a few drops of patchouli or mint oil onto the root and sew into a green pouch. If possible place an abundance symbol inside the pouch. Wear or carry with you.

• To promote love: place a few drops of either rose, or rosemary oil onto the root and sew into a pink pouch. Wear or carry with you.

HORSE CHESTNUTAlso known as a buckeye, Horse Chestnut is connected to the planet Jupiter and the element of fire. Use this powerful nut to manifest success and prosperity and to alleviate pain.Uses as talisman:


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• For prosperity, wrap paper money around a horse chestnut, place in a green pouch and carry with you.

• Carry to alleviate pain from arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism.

• Inscribe with a success symbol and carry for success in all things.

HYSSOPHyssop is considered one of the most powerful purification herbs. Use it for purification and protection.Uses as talisman:

• Steep in boiling water. Sprinkle throughout house to purify. Sprinkle also on objects and people for purification purposes.

• Add to bath (tied up in muslin bag) for purification and protection.

• Sew into white pouch and wear to dispel negativity.

• Sew into a white pouch and hang in the home to remove negativity


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PEONY ROOTConnected to the planet Saturn and the element of water, Comfrey is most often used to insure safe travel and to attract prosperity.Uses as talisman:

• Place in a white bag inscribed with a protection rune and wear or carry to insure safe travel. If possible, add a small piece of rowan to the bag.

• Place in luggage to safeguard it during travel.• Place in a green bag inscribed with an

abundance rune and carry to attract prosperity

ROWANConsidered sacred by the druids (Celtic priests), twigs of this very magical tree are used for healing, protection, success and psychic power.Uses as talisman:

• Carry pieces of bark to aid in healing. May also be added to other healing herbs and worn or carried in blue pouch for healing purposes.

• For protection, tie two twigs together with red yarn/thread to make a cross. Carry with you to protect yourself or hang in home (or place in window) to protect home.

• Carry with you as good luck/success amulet or to increase your psychic powers.

RUEConnected to the planet Mars and the element of fire, Rue is used to promote healing, to attract love and money and to strengthen willpower. It is also used for protection and to dispel negative energy.Uses as talisman:


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• Powerful when burned as an incense--burn (on charcoal) to strengthen your willpower, to draw money, to dispel negativity and to promote healing.

• Burn to attract the right lover and to clear your mind of illusions regarding a lover.

• Sew into white pouch and hang in doorway for protection.

• Wear around the neck in a white pouch to promote healing and prevent illness. Inscribe pouch healing symbol.

SAGESage has long been considered an herb of wisdom (hence the phrase, "sage advice"). Along with wisdom,sage is often used to promote health, abundance and protection.Uses as talisman:

• Steep in boiling water. Sprinkle throughout house to increase wisdom of occupants. Add to bath for clarity and wisdom as well.

• Crush the leaves between your fingers while visualizing money coming into your life.

• Sew into white pouch and wear to dispel negativity and promote health.

• Sew into a purple pouch and carry to obtain wisdom about a particular matter.

ST. JOHN'S WORTThis druid sacred herb is considered to be one of the most protective herbs. Worn into battle by the Celts for invincibility, it is also used for health, love and strength.Uses as talisman:

• Wear around neck (sewn into or put into a pouch) to attract love.


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• Wear around neck as above for protection against fevers.

• Sew into white pouch and hang anywhere (doorway, window, and car) for protective purposes.

• Burn to banish negative energies.• Wear to make you strong and invincible in

battles of all kinds.

SANDALWOODThis small, feminine tree, a native of India, is connected to the Moon and the element of water. It is used to promote spirituality, protection and purification, and manifesting one's desires (wishes).Uses as talisman:

• Combine with lavender or frankincense and burn on charcoal at the full moon to connect with spirits.

• Wear (in white pouch) for protection and to increase spiritual awareness.

• Burn in room to remove negativity.• To help you manifest your desire; write your

wish on a slip of paper, add small amount of sandalwood, fold 3 times and burn while saying "Adonai, Elohim, Elohim, Adonai."

• Burn to aid in meditation and in connecting with your spiritual self.

SASSAFRASConnected to the planet Jupiter and the element of fire, it is most often used for healing and to attract money.Uses as talisman:

• Burn as incense to attract money. May also be placed in wallet or cash register for the same purpose.


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• Combine with other healing herbs (such as Angelica, Rue, Rosemary, Mint, etc.) and place in a blue pouch inscribed with a healing rune. Wear or carry with you.

• Steep in boiling water, strain, and sprinkle infusion around your home to attract money to you.

SOLOMON'S SEALConnected to the planet Saturn and the element of water, Solomon's Seal is used for protection and to remove negativity.Uses as talisman:

• Steep in boiling water and sprinkle cooled infusion around area to remove negativity.

• Place in four corners of house for protection.• Burn as incense when wishing visual contact

with spirits.


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TANSYConnected to the planet Venus and the element of water, Tansy is used to promote health and longevity.Uses as talisman:

• Sew into a blue cloth and inscribe with a healing rune or symbol. Carry or wear to promote healing.

• Sew into a purple cloth and carry for longevity.

• Place into your shoe to heal persistent illness.

TONKA BEANThe fragrant Tonka Bean has long been considered a powerful way to attract love and abundance.Caution: This bean is poisonous--keep out of reach of children and do not eat!Uses as talisman:

• To attract love, simply carry in pocket or wear in pouch.

• To ward off negativity, beans may be strung on a necklace or bracelet and worn.

• To attract abundance, carry or wear in pouch (preferably green).

• To receive that which you desire, hold bean in your hand and visualize what you want. Afterwards, toss bean into running water.

TRILLIUMAlso known as "Beth Root," Trillium is connected to the planet Venus and the element of water. This powerful plant is used to attract luck and money as well as love to its wearer.Uses as talisman:

• Carry in wallet or purse to attract money. Can also be sewn into a green pouch inscribed


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with a prosperity symbol to draw money to you.

• Hold or carry in your pocket for luck.• To attract love, place in a red pouch inscribed

a love symbol Wear around neck, near the heart.

• Roll between your palms to activate while thinking of the one you wish to attract to you.

VALERIAN ROOTConnected to the planet Venus and the element of water, Valerian Root is used to attract love and is also used for protection and to aid in sleep.Uses as talisman:

• To attract love, carry with you. May also be sewn into a red cloth which is inscribed with a love symbol and worn around the neck. Note--root is very strong smelling!

• Sew into a white cloth inscribed with a protection rune and hang in the home for protection.

• Place in a pillow for help in falling asleep

VERTIVERTConnected to the planet Venus and the element of earth, Vetivert is used to promote abundance, love, and physical attractiveness.Uses as talisman:

• Place in cash register to increase business or carry in wallet to promote abundance.

• Add to bath water to increase physical attractiveness.

• Sew into red pouch and carry to attract love.• Carry to attract good luck.



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Known as the holy herb of the druids, Vervain was one of the three most sacred herbs. Because of its many uses, it was also known as the enchanter's herb. Considered a powerful cleanser and purifier, it is also used for love and abundance.Uses as talisman:

• Steep in water and use as a spray or on a washcloth to remove negativity and calm emotions.

• Steep as above and wear on body to attract a lover.

• Carry or wear around neck as a personal safety amulet.

• Place or sew into a green pouch to increase abundance. Place a small amount in wallet for same purpose.

WILLOWThis druid sacred tree is also known as the "Tree of Enchantment." Associated with the element of water and the moon, this tree exudes feminine energy and is often used for love, protection, and healing.Uses as talisman:

• To attract love, carve on a Friday with 3 love runes and carry with you:

• To protect yourself, carry with you or hang in home (or place in window) to protect home.

• Carry pieces of bark to aid in healing. May also be added to other healing herbs and worn or carried in blue pouch for healing purposes.

• To summon spirits, mix bark shavings with sandalwood and burn outside during the waning (between the full and new) moon.



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This druid sacred herb was highly regarded by the Celts for its ability to dispel nightmares, evil spirits, and depression. Considered to be highly protective, it was also used for purification purposes.Uses as talisman:

• To halt nightmares, sew herb into a small pillow and place under your regular pillow.

• Scatter near doors and windows to form a protective barrier against negativity.

• Burn in a Midsummer bonfire and jump through smoke to purify mind, body, and spirit.

• Wear on the body for strength and for success when looking for a mate.

WOODRUFFAlso known as the Master of the Woods, this druid sacred herb was used to promote new beginnings, victory and protection. Was added to wine at the time of Beltane as a symbol of new beginnings.Uses as talisman:

• Carry or wear in pouch around neck when you wish to change the course of your life (especially in spring).

• Burn to clear away the drabness of winter.• Carry or wear in green pouch to attract

money and abundance.• Sew into leather pouch for protection against

all negativity.• Carry or wear in pouch to achieve victory.

WORMWOODConnected to the planet Mars and the element of fire, Wormwood is used to promote love, psychism, and protection.Uses as talisman:


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• Burn as an incense and/or wear to promote psychic powers.

• Sew into white pouch and hang in car for protection from accidents.

• Sew into red pouch and carry to attract love.• Place under bed to attract love.

YARROWA favorite among many, Yarrow is most often used for attracting love and friendship, psychism, andcourage.Uses as talisman:

• Steep in boiling water. Drink to improve your psychic powers.

• Hold in your hand to assuage fears and summon courage.

• Sew into white pouch and wear for protection.

• Sew into a pink pouch and wear near heart (around neck is best) to attract love and friendship.


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YERBA SANTAThis plant is used to promote spirituality, healing, psychism, and protection.Uses as talisman:

• Carry in purple pouch to promote psychic powers or spiritual strength.

• Sew into white pouch and wear for protection.

• 3 Sew into blue pouch and wear around your neck to promote healing and for protection from illness.

• Steep in boiling water, strain and add water to bath to increase attractiveness.

Example of Sigil Construction

On the back of the Great Tortoise which the Emperor Yu found on the banks of the Yellow River after the great flood of 2348 B.C., there was a square of numbers which is now known as the Lo Shu Square.

The magic square of Saturn is a table of the numbers one through nine, arranged in such a way that all rows add to 15. The seal is created by tracing the numbers in the square in order.


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Table of Saturn :-

The Seal of Saturn is a magical symbol representing the Intelligence of the planet Saturn.

The points of the sigil correspond with the numbers of the magic square, starting at the square 1, proceeding to square 2, and 3...and so on.

A different version of talisman construction can be found in detail in Richard Webster's book, Numerology Magic. These personal magic squares based on individual birth-dates are called yantras18. These highly personalized talismans are held to embody the energetic signatures of You.

18 Yantra (यनत) is the Sanskrit word for "instrument" or "machine"


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Lets look at JFK (President Kennedy) who had the date of birth on May 29, 1917.

May (5)29 = 2+9=111917=1+9+1+7=27=9 This Number goes

into square D.

17 (last 2 digits from the year) will go into square C

11 (number derived from the day (29) goes into square B

5 (derived from May) goes into square A


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We can see that the rest of the square, besides the first row are based on a simple algorithm including the first four numbers and adding or subtracting numbers from it.

Since I am lazy, I like to program these into a spreadsheet and then I can use it for the computing different birth date based yantras. As an exercise you should complete the square and check it, the sum of numbers of each row and column should add up to be the same.

After finishing the personal square you might wish to create a sigil from it as well. Using silver as material for sigil (magic square) jewelry is quite advantageous, price of silver is lower than gold and the silver is better material for esoteric, magical jewelry than gold.

Warning, the manufacturer of such jewelry should be a trusted, trained magician, not just anybody.


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Natural Magic

The concept of elements, exist in the East as much as in the West. The East calls the elements Tattwas, according to them the whole Universe is elaborated with the ethereal matter, the Akasha.

The aether disarranges itself into seven different modalities. When these modalities condense, then they give form to all that is.

The element of fire, named Agni, in Sanskrit is quite impressive and perhaps the earliest source of clairvoyant visions. Men had these visions from the bonfire when men still lived in caves and hunted and gathered.

In the Christian Bible, Moses encountered God in the form of a burning bush. The illusory nature of the fire, after it appears from lightning or a men-made process and then disappearing when it died out, aroused men's curiosity. Where did the fire come from? Where did it go, afterwards?

Salamanders live within the fire (Tejas Tattwa), their physical bodies are the roots, plants, and vegetables influenced by the fire sign.

Since few people have open fire in the house, candles are useful substitutes to represent Agni, the fire in your day-to-day life.

Candle magic is one custom coming from the lore of fire worshipping. It should be preformed with high quality19, colored candles and it is said that you should burn a candle as the last thing you do before retiring at night.

Cleansing before is strongly advised; you do not wish to carry your day-to-day impurities into this ceremony. Add a hand full of sea salt to re-charge your energies. Light a few candles, turn off the light

19 beeswax candles are more expensive but preferred for this as they are natural


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and relax. Void your mind of the garbage you have picked up through out the day. Visualize the water washing away all the negativity. It is very important to have a proper mindset prior to any magical ceremony. Also, clean the candle, remove all the negative energies that the candle has picked up along the way. Candles, as with all magical tools, needs to be as free of psychic debris as possible.

Before you start burning the candle, it is recommended that you anoint the candle with scented oil. This is to attach your thoughts to the candle and dedicate it for the magical purpose you desire. The candle should be brand new, never used before.

You should also write down your wish onto a piece of paper. You should have a dedicated candle holder for ceremonial or magical purpose only, do not use it for other mundane uses.

Anointing the candle is performed by rubbing it with the oil, starting at the middle working your way up and down while focusing on the desire you wish to achieve. To send something away from you...you would rub the oil from the middle of the candle out to the end, similarity to get something to you, you would rub the oil from the middle towards you. Do not make a back and forth motion as it will not work. Use the remaining oil from your fingers onto your forehead (third eye) and on your heart center.

Put the piece of paper you wrote on, and after cleaning the candle, place it in the holder, and light it.

Now, while the candle is burning breathe deeply in and out, and start by concentrating your thoughts upon your desire. Above all, make an effort to visualize your desire but forming a mental picture of the outcome. This visual image should be clear for as long as you are able to keep it that way. Doubts should be ejected from your thinking.


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• White: purity, spirituality and peace. In some cultures it is the color of death and mourning.

• Red: health, energy, strength, sexual potency, courage and the masculine principle in Nature.

• Pink: romantic love, affection and friendship.• Yellow: intellect, the powers of the creative

imagination, memory, communication and mental agility.

• Green: abundance, fertility, good luck and harmony.

• Blue: healing, truth, inspiration, higher wisdom, occult power and psychic protection, understanding, good health and the feminine principle in Nature.

• Purple: success in financial affairs, psychic ability of a highly-developed form, idealism and spiritual power.

• Gold: attracts positive influences and it's connected with justice and work related matters.

• Silver: clairvoyance, astral energies, also the faculty of far memory and remembering past lives.

If you are just starting to experiment with candle magic, the first trial may not work. Do not get discouraged, wait a little and try again. Remember, your thoughts and visualization coupled with the element of fire will determine the outcome. If things do not work out it is very likely caused by a karmic baggage, you or the subject of your magic might carry.

Water is the symbol of cleansing and rejuvenation. We all have heard of places where spring water has special healing powers. Water is a passive, feminine element.


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Listening to the sound of spring water gushing from the ground or the ocean waves beating against the shores can put us in a state of borderline trans. Water can also simulate weightlessness and put us back into the primordial times.

The elemental weapon of water, as used in ceremonial magic, is the cup. The archangel of water is Gabriel, the angel is Taliahad, the ruler is Tharsis, the king is Nichsa, and the water elementals, are called Undines, and Nereids. The physical form of these elementals are the plants influenced by the sign of Water (Apas Tattwa).

The elemental weapon of air is the dagger. The archangel of air is Raphael, the angel is Chassan, the ruler is Aral, the king is Paralda, and the air elementals are called sylphs, whose physical bodies are the plants under the influence of the sign of Air (Vayu Tattwa).

Air, according to the Indian yogi philosophy, is associated with breathing, a function that carries life giving oxygen into the vital parts of our body.

It is the magician's goal to live in harmony with the elementals, ask for their help, when needed and thank them in gratitude when, help is given.

You can foster the abundant energies of Earth; early in the morning, when you walk outside, barefoot on the grass still wet from mildew. It is a fantastic feeling, you should try.

Inquire of the earth, the air, and the water, of the secrets they hold for you. The development of your inner senses will enable you to do this.

Animal Worship

In The Golden Bough, Professor Frazer showed that the pig was worshipped because it was at one


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time a sacred animal identified with Osiris. Once a year, according to Herodotus, pigs were

sacrificed in Egypt to the moon and to Osiris. The moon pig was eaten, but the pigs offered to Osiris were slain in front of house doors and given back to the swineherds from whom they were purchased.

Similarly in Egypt the frog, the crocodile, the cat and the snake was also taboo. Even a Roman soldier was once mobbed and slain because he killed a household cat.

In Ireland the cat deity was the god Cairbre cinn cait, "of the cat's head". He was a god of the Fir Bolg, the enemies of the Gaulish Danann people.

Some animals displayed uncanny sensitivity before some natural disaster struck. This was observed time after time. This extra sensory perception gave a lore to animals and offered them protected status.

In 1922, Copiapo, Chile, hundreds of cats deserted the town shortly before an earthquake hit the town causing extensive damage.

A similar event took place a year later in Tokyo, Japan. People observed the peculiar restlessness of dogs. They howled, barked incessantly and suddenly they were gone. They disappeared shortly before a devastating earthquake hit the city, killing thousands of people.

More inscrutable the animals were - more magical lore they were associated with. Cats and owls were given special attention from the early days and witches were not only kept them as pets but on occasion, they were able to transform themselves into these creatures at will.

The Mystic Cat


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"I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." Hippolyte Taine

The start of documented cat "cultus" begun when the Egyptians started identifying the lions that roamed around their land with the Sun. They believed that at sunset, Ra, the Sun God, would die and descend through the underworld in the West, to be born again in the East, at sunrise. During the night, however Ra was always in great danger, as his enemies, headed by the great serpent Apophis would not hesitate to attack him, thus putting the whole Universe in danger.

However, the lions would look unto the setting sun, and keep its rays in their eyes, for they, like all domestic felines, have eyes that reflect in the dark. With that fire burning in their eyes, the lions would go forth and kill the serpents of the night.

When the domestic cat was bred in the temples of the Ancient Egyptians, cat worship had reached it height; anybody who killed a cat, even accidentally, was put to death, and when a cat died, the owners used to shave off their eyebrows as a sign of mourning.

And there is the legend of the Sacred Cat of Burma. The storey takes place in a temple built on the sides of Mount Lugh, in Burma. The temple housed the golden image of the Goddess Tsun Kyan-Kse.

Mun-Ha, the head monk always used to meditate in front of the Goddess with the sapphire eyes. The Goddess Tsun Kyan-Kse made sure that the followers would be reborn as an animal for the duration of a life, after which the soul would be in the "special place", beyond illusion, shining with a golden aura.

As the full moon shone, one night, Mun-Ha


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entered a transcendental state which was so deep that he felt no pain when Siamese invaders murdered him. Sinh, the cat placed his gentle paws on the monk's robes. Facing the Goddess, the cat's fur became gold, like the golden statue before him, and his eyes became the beautiful blue shining eyes of the Goddess. His legs, his tail, his ears and his face became a velvety rich brown. His paws, which were gently laid on his master's body became a purest white, the traditional look of a siamese cat.

Cats are considered to be very clean animals. The Prophet Mohammed is said to have kept cats himself, and popular legend tells that one time, the Prophet had to respect the call to prayer, but his cat was sleeping on the sleeve of his robe. Rather than awake the cat, the Prophet simply tore his sleeve, and went of to prayer.

Felines have been the subject of many strange lore. One of these lore is from, at the time of the great Biblical flood.

Noah took pairs of rats and mice on the Ark, however, the rodents multiplied very quickly and the Ark was, after a while, infested by rodents. Noah had a little talk with the lion, who as king of the beasts, naturally had a solution. The lion sneezed and from his nostrils, a pair of ready made fuzzy, domestic cats came out, who instantly set to work, having a natural instinct for being hunters of vermin.

With the advent of the dark ages and dogmatic, fear based autocratic powers bestowed upon the church, the fortune of cats had turned from high to low.

Pope Gregory IX denounced black cats as evil in his 1233 Papal Bull 'Vox in Rama' and this unfortunately launched the extermination of many cats. Thousands of cats were burned alive in the


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cause of searching out the devil. Tales of these witches' cats turning into mice, dogs, bats and all sorts of creatures flourished during the Middle Ages.

Another instance of the oppression of cats was in the downfall of the Knights Templar. Under torture, the Knights Templar were forced to confess to heresy, questioning Christ's divinity and, in some instances, the worship of cats.

The mass destruction of the cat in Medieval Europe was not without karmic consequences, with their natural enemy on the decline, rats multiplied without any control. This eventually caused mayhem and disease. The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe's population, reducing the world's population from an estimated 450 million to between 350 and 375 million by the year 1400.

I love and cherish cats. The personality of the cat, maintaining total independence from the "owner" while being completely domesticated is a mystical and strange phenomena. A cat, representing nature, at its most mysterious and natural setting, in your very own living space, is wonderful. Cats seldom need company and they spend lots of their time on the Astral plane, while sleeping. Cat lovers do not need the "power-trip" from controlling their pets as sometimes dog owners do, so I also relate to other cat fanciers for this very reason.


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Astral Travel

The term Astral Travel is a known dissociative phenomena, many of which are referred to by various terms, such as out-of-body experience. The term out-of-body experience is accurate to the extent that it describes the sensation felt by a person experiencing the phenomenon.

It is widely believed that up to the quarter of human population has experienced Astral Travel during a dream state, without consciously knowing that such event ever took place.

It is not wise to desire to leave your body until you achieved insight and clear vision of the third eye. This is an intense experience and can be dangerous. For example out of body flight can be exhilarating but when it is actually sleepwalking, it could result injury or death.

Indirectly Experimenting with Astral Travel

Soon after waking from sleep, stay motionless and eyes closed. Observe the blank space behind the eyes for a few seconds and try to locate discernable pictures, images, or symbols. If nothing appears during this exercise, the technique should be substituted. If something appears, continue to passively observe the images. The images will become increasingly realistic, literally overshadowing the practitioner. Do not purposefully examine the details of the image, because it might vanish or change. The image should be deeply experienced, taking everything in. Observe the images as long as the quality and realism increases. Doing so yields two possible results: you become part of the surroundings, and has achieved the exercise, or the image becomes


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borderline or absolutely realistic, and separation from the physical body is hence commencing.

As an alternate experiment you could attempt to move a part of the body for a few seconds, but without using any muscles. This exercise should also be attempted after waking from a restful sleep. While practicing phantom movement, strong vibrations may occur, at which time, separation may be attempted. Sensations of sounds often come about, allowing the opportunity to practice inner listening, which can lead to separation as well.

Inner Listening

Soon after waking from sleep, remain still, eyes closed. Attempt to listen to noise in your head. Do this for few seconds without moving and without opening your eyes. If nothing happens during this period of time, switch to another technique. If any sounds like buzzing, humming, hissing, whistling, or melodies occur, listen attentively. After a while the sound will increase in volume. Listen in as long as there is some dynamism in the volume of the sound. When the sound stops, or the noise becomes loud enough, separation may be attempted.


Immediately after waking from sleep, remain motionless, eyes closed. Imagine the physical body is swirling along an axis for a few seconds. If nothing happens, try another technique. If any vibrations occur during swirling or the movement suddenly feels realistic, then continue the swirling technique as long as there is progress in the sensation’s development. There are several possible outcomes when swirling is practiced. The


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imagined swirling is replaced by a very real sensation of rotating along an imagined axis. When this occurs, you may easily leave the body. The other outcome is the sudden presence of strong vibrations or loud sounds, amid which separation is possible. During swirling, separation has been known to spontaneously commence.

The above techniques can be attempted spontaneously, at will, without the stated, sleeping-awakening step. The best time of attempting these techniques is during the night, when you are awakened from deep sleep. It is advisable to do something for at least ten minutes and then commence with the techniques. Alternatively these can be attempted right before you go to bed.


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Maintaining the Phenomena

After separation from the physical body occurs at different gradation to which that experience manifest. At first, the level of separation may be superficial and light. As several repeat attempts of separation would commence, it will become clear that certain techniques could be employed to deepen the separation.

One of such technique is touching everything that comes in your way. This should be done quickly with feeling the shapes and texture of the objects, never staying with one object for long and constantly searching new items. This should only be done after complete separation or the exercise will quickly cease to progress.

The other deepening technique can be attempted only when vision is achieved, at this point, visually examine objects, their patters, shapes and forms, no more than for one second at the time.

Performing the simultaneous touching and visual examination of objects would be the preferred technique.

It is common for a novice to be stricken by insurmountable fear that causes paralysis. There is only one way to gradually overcome this; each time you enter the Astral plane, an attempt should be made to go a step further than the previous time. For example, in spite of feeling terrified, you should try to experience something new at each attempt. Then, after incremental steps toward experiencing the harmlessness of the astral travel, productive, calming sensation would arrive.

Experience shows that at least one-third of initial Astral travel attempts, you are faced with a degree of fear that forces your return to the body. Occasionally, even experienced Astral travelers


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face situations that require an abrupt return to wakefulness. This poses a number of concerns.

Occasionally, after reentering the body, you suddenly realize that physical functionality has ceased due to the onset of sleep paralysis. During sleep paralysis, it is impossible to scream, call for help, or even move a finger. In the majority of cases, it is also impossible to open the eyes.

In Astral Travel the practitioner could very well encounter living entities; there are couple of key points must be made about this.

One is, no response for attempted communication and the other is abrupt termination of the "trip". In order to avoid any of the pitfalls mentioned, you should practice the techniques above to maintain the phenomena. The shock of the first encounter causes the phenomena to cease or not function the way you wish.

Distant Travel and Passing Through Walls

Instant dislocation, far travel is the bonus of any Astral "trip", as well as passing through closed doors and walls.

"If you concentrate on the physical sensations associated with passing through any obstacle too much, it is likely to get stuck. You may even experience the feeling of obstructed breathing when this happens. At such a time it is necessary to return to the body." writes Michael Raduga, who teaches out-of-body travel in Russia and on the Internet.

Detailed, step-by-step instructions can be found on YouTube and reading his book, School of Out-of-Body Travel: A Practical Guidebook, which in my opinion is the best training on this aspect of magic.

There are myriads of books and "experts" on out-82

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of-body experience, but as M. Raduga states, there is no describing this experience. Only your own experimentation and eventual successful "trip" have any meaning. There are many writers and so-called experts who, from judging their material never had this experience. Raduga and his team have the total number of recorded, verifiable "trips" exceeding one thousand, at the writing of this book, perhaps a great deal more. I refer to Raduga as teacher of this phenomena as my own experience is limited to hundreds of "trips" in my childhood, experience that has been faded away with the corrosive effect of time.

But aside of these techniques in my opinion the best way to achieve astral travel is through a rigorous meditative practice. Leaving the physical body is the whole idea of meditation.

There is one technique that works for me that I will share with you. There are many others and you should pick one that you are most comfortable with.

Sit upright in comfortable position, then take a representation of God in your head and meditate on it. You can use an abstract image like a flame burning, or the Sun, also a statue, painting or drawing would do. Some people use an image of the Buddha, but you can use Mohammed, Jesus, Krishna or whatever you wish. One you have chosen this image you must visualize it to the most minute detail, once you grasp the image you should hold it, and next try to mentally pull it towards you, towards the third eye, and right through it. If you do this properly you will exit your body through your head which is the accepted way. This is why Buddhist monks shave their head. If this does not work, try other meditation techniques but give them some time. Practice a little every day.

Astral Travel is not to be confused with the 83

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sensation what some call Samadhi, an also a dissociative consciousness, an experience that, if anything can, alone trumps Astral Travel.

Samadhi is the state of consciousness induced by complete meditation, a non-dualistic state of consciousness in which the consciousness of the experiencing subject becomes one with the experienced object.

Ramakrishna describes his first Samadhi20, at the age of six: while walking along the paddy fields, a flock of white cranes flying against a backdrop of dark thunder clouds caught his vision. He reportedly became so absorbed by this scene that he lost outward consciousness and experienced indescribable joy in that state. It is said that during this one has 360-degree vision and indescribable sensation.

20 samadhi is the state of consciousness induced by complete meditation.


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Nature cures, not the physician - Hippocrates

We live in an age and society where seemingly easy solutions tempt us every which way we look. For health, losing weight, sleeping and love making there is a pill to take. We do not need to make an effort, or monitor our lifestyle, the adds say, only take a small pill. The side affects are garbled fast since they ad makers do not wish us to listen to the myriads of side effects of their wonder pills.

It is clear that health cannot be considered without looking at lifestyle habits. This is called a holistic approach. It is also must be said that natural homeopathic compounds, herbs or natural medicine contains similar chemical compound as modern medicine. Therefore the side effects and negative impact on the body would be similar to taking drugs. Perhaps this analogy is and overstatement when we consider the tremendous brew of psychotropic drugs and their unknown side effects and dangers.

Most of the herbal or vitamin based remedies were with us for thousands of years, so any ill, side effects are known. For example for lowering blood pressure taking Niacin is a natural remedy. It works and the ill effects of Niacin are known while the ill effects of the latest blood pressure medicine is can only be speculated upon.

Illnesses can be characterized into two groups, Karmic illness or illnesses caused by degradation of the mind and body due to long neglect and stress. Illness, whether it is based on Karma or lifestyle is manifested by the lack of prana21, Chi, in plain English, Life Force.

21 Prana (पाण, prāṇa) is the Sanskrit for "vital life"


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Healing is the greatest magic one can perform. This is precisely why so few can do it effectively. The good news is certain amount of healing can be initiated by you. The first step is understanding the cause of illnesses, the impact of stress and worry upon you and willingness to take certain steps to correct what is correctible.

The ancient healing arts none were more profound as the Essenes, this is what Gerald Massey said about them in one of his lectures:

"The Essenes were healers, not because they were the workers of mythical miracles like Jesus, but because they were profound students of Nature's secret powers; because they weremasters of the science of mental medicine, consciously able to draw on the spirit-world for healing influences!

They had discovered that health was infectious as well as disease, and that the capacity for receiving and giving, as a medium of the higher life, depended on conditions that could be cultivated in this life. Hence the stress they laid on personal purity and its eight stages of attainment. They were healers by virtue of the Christ within. Again, we learn from pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite, that the name of healer, i.e., the "Essene" or

Therapeut, whom Eusebius calls the Curate, was employed in the early Church to denote the perfected Adept, who had attained the highest standing, just as it was with the earlier Essenes. The current expression,--"A Cure of Souls," or a "Curacy," still shows the Christian line of descent from the pre-Christian healers."


We are what we eat. I am sure most of us have 86

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heard this axiom but getting the gravity of it to make lasting changes had not reached all of us. I am sure being a militant vegan is self-serving to some people but you do not need to be a vegan or only eat raw food. It is enough to be mindful and eat right, in moderation. Eat small portions and if you must eat more often, do so in smaller portions. This way your stomach will remain small and unstretched.

Eat food that is home made and natural. Eat fruits, vegetables, legumes and anything you fancy as long as it has no additives and preservatives. If you must eat meat, eat white meat or fish. Avoid red meat as much as possible.

Garlic, onions and fish oil are of special healing qualities. So is tea, especially green tea. Coffee is to be avoided only because it is inefficient to provide the energy boost, but if you must drink coffee only in the morning. Coffee gives a high for a relatively short period of a time and you get a downswing very soon, whereby you wish to drink more coffee, except it has less and less effect on you. Tea provides a better high and for longer period of time. Tea also contains anti-oxidants.

Alcohol and drugs are not to be consumed. We all hear that small amount of alcohol, especially red wine can be of medicinal value, but what you gain, you would lose by it's detrimental effect it has on your prana22, even in a small amount.

Mental Healing

There can be metal (physic) healing performed on two levels;

one the most rare and powerful, which is when the healer magician imbues his abundant prana to

22 life-force


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the sick person. This is done by a very special person who is usually most clairvoyant and can see auras. He can see the person's karmic past on his aura and will not even attempt physic healing, if the illness is incurable i.e. of karmic origin. This kind of healing is very hard on the healer and it usually is detrimental to his health by depleting his own life-force.

The other more mundane healing is when the healer opens the mind of the sick person and suggests the true nature of his illness, many times that alone is enough to embark upon a nurturing and slow progress of improvement. If the person wants to be whole, he can, as long as his negative thought patterns changes and his total belief system and will-power supports this.

Research shows that even in modern medicine some patients get well and some won't. It usually is determined by the attitude and forceful desire to get better by the patient. Some fight on and some give up.

William Attkinson put it quite eloquently in his magnum opus, Mind-Power: The Secret Of Mental Magic.

"Every cell has its share of mind, and science shows us that each cell can and does live its life as a separate entity, always, however, subordinate to the whole system of cells, and the mind controlling it. And the mind in each cell, or system of cells, may be reached by the positive mind of a person, when properly applied.

In order to fully grasp the significance of this statement, you must remember that every organ, part, bone, nerve, vessel, tissue and everything else in your body, is built up of cells which have formed certain combinations. There are individual cells in your blood and other parts of the body; and


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there are cell communities in your body, which perform certain functions and which you call "my liver"; "my heart"; "my stomach"; "my kidneys," etc., etc. And there is mind in every one of them. And the mind in every cell, and in every organ may be reached by Mind-Power applied by the mind of oneself or another person."23

Amber and Tibetan Musk Oil

Amber and musk oil, both have been on the forefront of the magical, nature made substances that naturally enhances the physic energy, prana or chi of the body. Amber is an ancient resin (not sap) crystallized and it contains stored up energies of the sun. The magical properties of amber can be demonstrated by rubbing it with fur, it will develop a static electrical field which will attract light objects such as feather and dust.

The Pure Tibetan musk or Pure Tibetan mochus(musk) elixir is of a dark purple color, dry, smooth to the touch, and bitter in taste.

The drop of musk will distinctly scent millions of cubic feet of air without any appreciable loss of weight, and its scent is not only more penetrating but more persistent than that of any other known substance.

The best quality available is Tibetan (tonkin) musk, it is very rare and difficult to find, while Carbadine musk from Russian and Chinese Himalayan regions are considered lesser quality.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, musk is affiliated with the Heart and Spleen meridians.

In aromatherapy, Musk is among the scents and vibrations that attracts the most attention. It connects to the highest valued consciousness, the scent has an archetypal appeal to the deepest level

23 Chapter XXV. Mental Therapeutics (isbn 978-1-4536-5847-5)


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of our psyche.


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The Magic in Numbers

“Nomes est Oman.”Roman proverb (The Name is the Destiny)

The Doctrine of Correspondences is at the root of all occult interpretation, via our human presentation of the Universal Law which binds the Microcosm to the Macrocosm as an effect to its antecedent cause.

The mystic, the poet and the creative artist are all unconscious interpreters of this universal law. They have in some degree the universal sense by which their souls are rendered responsive to the pulsations of Nature’s own rhythm. The clairvoyant , the diviner and the seer are in even closer touch with the Great Life, while they have less conscious enjoyment of that intimacy.

Others who would reach to the heart of things by a clear and conscious intellection, understanding what they see, analyzing and interpreting what they feel. These are the true wizards, the true masters of the secret knowledge.

What divination is not able to predict? No existing form of divination is able to predict someone's death, as well as there is no form of divination that is suitable to predict the end of the world. If someone claims that he can do this, run, do not walk to the nearest exit.

The forefront of all divination art has always been Astrology. Tycho Brahe24 used a phrase to summarize his studies in astrology: suspiciendo despicio, "by looking up I see downward".

The connection between celestial order and terrestrial dynamics was explored first by Isaac

24 Tycho was well known in his lifetime as an astronomer and alchemist.


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Newton with his development of a universal theory of gravitation, claims that the gravitational effects of the celestial bodies are what accounts for astrological generalizations are the basis of astrological divination. There is more to this. Science has not reached the adequate level in refined measurements of cosmic rays to explain and understand the force of the heavenly bodies on us.

Occult magicians, after reaching a certain level and insight, will stop feeling the effects of the stars; in fact they can have impact, limited as it may be, on the stars, if they wish.

Advanced adepts of alchemy will often experience a karmic spiritual birth25 months before their actual conception takes place. This is why astrological charts do not always work for old souls or magicians. Prenatal astrology has attempted to overcome this problem, however as exact date and time must be known to graft an accurate astrological chart, prenatal astrology is not exact enough. Also, prenatal astrology will look at embryonic existence instead of birth, but that will not alleviate the problem stemming from of spiritual, karmic birth which comes even before embryonic state.

More exact divination art is numerology, often relegated as "second cousin" of the more established and popular art of astrology. Numerology is closely related to the Kabbala and numerical associations to letters, which the Hebrew alphabet is perfectly suited for.

Numerology presupposes that we humans evolve by reincarnating into the physical plane over and over again. It also accepts that Karma as accumulation of our deeds and attributes is a

25 The sprit can hover over the womb long before the actual conception.


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lesson to all to learn and evolve. Our new incarnation, our new life is staged already in our prior life by our thoughts and deeds. Indeed the country and family we born into is direct result of our individual Karmic account.

Our birth is not the first time our spirit enters to the realm of the physical existence and our death is not the last incarnation. This is very important to grasp when one studies Numerology.

Our birth event in a certain snapshot in time and space has special significance. This is a cosmic barcode of time and space where the physical Universe is conditioned for accepting us in the new incarnation. This date is a date of our birth. It is part of the two pronged events coupled with our naming that will give us the roadmap to our life. The attributes and characteristics that we are and in fact who we perceive ourselves hinge upon this two events.

Now let’s talk about naming. Shakespeare said “A Rose is a rose no matter what you name it”. Yet, the paradox is that Rose is the most perfect sound to describe the sublime beauty of that flower.

It is alleged that if a child is not named at birth he/she will whiter away and die. I am not sure of the accuracy of this but I am sure with not naming something we inherently deny our attention and love and then the premise will come true.

One thing is very important, naming a child carefully and with love usually comes from our higher self. Parents agonize over the name of the newborn and this concern is not without merit. Bad naming and bad childrearing could result self-doubt, development issues and eventually a change of a name.

According to the Pythagorean numerology, each letter in the modern alphabet has an associated number.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A B C D E F G H IJ K* L M N O P Q R

S T U V* W X Y


Figure 4 the Pythagorean matrix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A B C D E U O FI K G M H V Z PJ R L T N WQ S XY

Figure 5 the Chaldean matrix


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Chaldean numerology was originally developed in Ancient Babylon26, and combines Kabbalistic name interpretation with aspects of astrology. The 9 is considered holy and therefore is kept apart from other vibrations, except when it results as the sum of vibrations for example numbers derived from the first and last name.

The Life Path number (as calculated using the

Pythagorean system)

The Life Path, as is the case with all numbers derived from your date of birth, has to do with the momentum, the direction, of your life. The Life Path is a cycle. (Example deleted to protect privacy)

How to Find Your Personality number

Add only the consonants of each name and reduce to a single-digit.

Next, add the resulting numbers and reduce to a single-digit.A N D R A S M I K L O S N A G Y

5 4 9 1 4 2 3 6. 1 5 7

5+4+9+1=19 4+2+3+1=10 5+7=12

1+9=10/1 10/1 1+2=3=1+1+3=5

HEART'S DESIRE NUMBER (sometimes called "Soul Urge")Your Heart's Desire is derived from the vowels of your name.The vowels are A, E, I, O, and U. All other letters are consonants, except, in some cases, the letter Y.26 modern day Iraq


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A N D R A S M I K L O S N A G Y1 1 9 6 1 7 1+1=2 9+6=15

1+7=8 2 15/6 8


The interpretation of these numbers as whole is the task of a skilled numerologist. This chapter's goal to give the reader a taste and the rationale of why and how this all works, not to teach it in detail.


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Mental Magic

"When you have reached a point at which you cannot see more, You must remember that there may be a point beyond this at which you can see everything." Mehmet Karagoz

The cosmogony legend according to the ancient wisdom says that the Archangels created the planets and all there is from pure concentrated thought. If these high beings used the sheer power of their mind to make all there is, then it is conceivable that our mind is also capable of miracles.

Scientist researching the human brain and its capacity and their conclusion is that we use our mind not nearly its full power. Autistic savants have demonstrated super human capabilities in certain faculties.

Some scientists, like Allan Snyder of the University of Sydney and director of Centre for the Mind, believe that the potential to express multiple super-abilities is a universal trait, but is obscured by the normal functioning intellect, it is also believed that damage to the brain has somehow disrupted "normal" functioning and therefore allows the brain to manifest certain supernatural skills and abilities.

There are three main aspects of using our mind for the purpose of magic. All these will be examined in detail below;

• Projecting, focusing something desirable in order to make this happen.

• Interacting with others and the self, using suggestions or self-hypnosis.

• Mindfulness where we are constantly


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monitoring our own thoughts, eliminating negativity, impurity and fostering positive, wholesome thoughts.

When we focus and concentrate on an outcome, and we do it properly and with perseverance that outcome is most certain to materialize unless there are karmic hindrances. Let me elaborate on this using my own life experience.

For ten years, I have played poker in high hopes that I could make a little money when I get older to supplement my income and enhance my social life. I have studied, practiced for years. Early on I lost money and I considered it "tuition fee", but as time went by I had noticed something; perhaps I was not a great player but most certainly the most unlucky.

Of course, there were times when things worked out in my favor but overall I was jinxed. Later, after I've met my teacher and asked to have insight into this lost, ten years, it was revealed to me that in my past life, I had made my living cheating in cards in the Old West. Clearly, there was some negative Karma27 in my karmic account. I have realized that there was no way I would be able to become a positive expectation poker player.

There is just too much uncertainty in poker depending on seemingly random outcome we refer to as luck. It is a hard business for people with normal karmic past, but someone like me, it was impossible.

The producers of the DVD, the Secret and other sensationalistic publications about the "law of attraction" will not tell you this. Of course in normal circumstances the law will work, it always has and always will, but why not tell the whole story?

The danger is that people attempting to follow

27 see Appendix B for details on Karma and Reincarnation


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some variation of the Secret, and run into similar problem as I had, would lose faith in something that is an Universal Law.

Even when there is no karmic hindrance, practicing the Law of Attraction would have certain side effects and consequences which is not discussed adequately in any literature I have seen so far. This is called the "reverse blow", it is like a boomerang thrown, upon conjuring up something, often there are consequences unforeseen.

You see, the Cosmos is not an ATM machine to get things we idly desire. One woman reported that using the Law of Attraction, in which she meditated and focused on getting a mink coat she always wanted.

When she finally received the coat, hence her projection resulted in positive outcome, her husband received a transfer to Egypt and in a few months she was touring the Giza and her new mink coat was in storage. This is the ironical "reverse blow".

Does this mean we should not use the Secret at all? Of course not. Understanding the Secret and all it's ramifications is the Holy Grail, the long sought "philosopher's stone", men sought and died for since the dawn of times. Of course men always thought that this magical stone was an artifact, a magical object, never realizing that the "philosopher's stone" was always right in front of them, in their head, unseen and unknown, but always there. Fully accepting that the "philosopher's stone", is in fact, our own mind's power is first step in understanding and practicing high magic.

This book refers to the term "luck" in many places, but clarification of using the work "luck" is in order.

"Luck" implies that events occur in random and there is a chaos - it says things just happen to you.


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If you believe in nature and life and in larger, the Universe as a orderly system where everything is choreographed to perfection you would hard time believing in luck.

”Lady Luck is a Fickle Bitch and her name is Karma." 28

Why are some people lucky while others cannot win for losing? There are neither lucky people nor unlucky people; it is their thinking or karmic fate that we must examine.

There are no accidents and happenstances. Everything is fixed by either karmic law or by thought forms manifesting in a positive or negative way.

It is written “…and it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail...” this would imply that nothing just happens to you by accident. Everything is choreographed to perfection by thought power and the Law of Karma, the cause and effect.

This is the Cosmic Law of thought vibrations attracting each other. Good and positive thoughts attract similar, positive thoughts. You could think of the Human mind as a radio. If it is tuned properly it receives positive and affirming thoughts of the myriad of thoughts in the ether.

Thoughts create vortexes, which are group of thoughts of a similar pitch. When people gamble in the stock market or casino, they are filled with fear and greed. These thoughts are not wholesome or positive. At the same time, uncertainty and self-doubt are ever present in the mind of the average gambler. These groups of thoughts act as a repeater or enhancer to the thought of the

28 Anonymous


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individual. Everything is connected and naturally our thoughts affect others and we get feedback from a great "ocean of thoughts" according to the quality of our thinking.

Our mind has the capacity to manifest ANYTHING. A powerful mind is a powerful tool and a feeble mind is not using its full capacity. The good news is that we all have the ability to train our mind to be powerful so we can conjure up anything we want as long as it does not interfere with our Karma.

All the above mental magic is indirect manifestation of the magician's mind and imagination. However there is a more direct way to control our environment.

The Direct Magnetism

When two people meet at the first time, despite the demure or actions of either of them, rest assured there is a mental battle taking place between the two. There is a pecking order and it must be determined who is the leader and who is the follower. No matter if these two are both women or men, or a men meet a women, there is always challenge in the air.

Whether in the form of personal magnetism, or the subtle disarming charm of one mind over an other - that form of mental force that influences as if by an irresistible persona; that bewitches, allures, charms, enchants, attracts; or in what has been called fascination, one person has it and the other lacks.

We all have the capacity, the potential for this but unfortunately this is not taught in schools and very seldom taught effectively even by masters.

We see on both sides of the sexes, men or women who seem to exert a wonderful and mysterious mental influence upon others. We


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experience that when some people enter a room, they bring with them an indefinable influence that becomes apparent to all. Some call it a presence some have other words but it all comes down to this fact - some persons attract - others repel.

The phenomena of the manifestations of New Thought under the name of this chapter - "Mental Magic," the use of the term being justified by the following facts: The word "Magic" was derived from the Persian word "mag," meaning "a priest." The Persian priests were "wonder-workers, " or " magicians".

The latter word being derived from the word "Magi," the name of the hereditary caste of priests of ancient Persia and Medea. This Magian order, or esoteric cult of the Zoroastrian priesthood, represented the center of ancient occultism at that period of the world's history, and its influence was felt in all parts of the world, and continues down to this time. So highly were its members respected and considered, that the term "Wise Men," and "Magi" were synonymous with the "Three Wise Men" mentioned as appearing at the birth of Christ.

Indirect Mental Magic

Indirect mental operation is when we do not interact with a group or individual. We act in the background and attempt to conjure up something for others, this is called Indirect Metal Magic. Doing this operation for yourself is ok, when you must have something to do your work or to facilitate basic needs or protect you from harm of others. Of course basic needs and wants are often ambiguous and the line for some people is hard to draw. Conjuring up the lotto ticket is usually not part of a need but it is a want, no matter how you try to rationalize it.


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When we desire to manifest something we must carefully craft a mental image of the desired object or person. The mental image is more than a thought vibration, it must be a clear image as if it existed NOW, not in the future. Idle thought fragments are not enough. You must visualize it as if it was right in front of you.

During the visualization phase you must be void of all negative emotions and thoughts. Doubt and fear are your biggest obstacles.

Fear is very damaging as it is expectation in a negative way. As positive expectations are beneficial and in fact the engine of manifesting, fear is the dissolution of what was possible.

Whenever you catch yourself in fear of something you must instantly reverse gear and summon courage. You can self-hypnotize courage and verbal affirmations are helpful. But instead of saying: "I am not afraid" you should say "I am full of courage, nothing bad can happen to me."

Doubt comes in when you question your own abilities and the comforting presence and help of the Hierarchy. Whatever you doubt will cease to exist for you. This is how powerful the metal matrix, we call reality is. Getting it back is often impossible. But do not worry you will always have a second chance in another life.


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The Nine Unknown Men

The rationale behind the White Brotherhood also known as the Hierarchy is that even the most powerful magician has someone to answer to or to put it more precisely, there is always someone who knows more. The Hierarchy is not a rigid organization whereby they would have a top down command structure. Control of others is a taboo for those who follow the right-hand path.

The hierarchy, may never in your lifetime interact with you but it is always arrogant and simple minded to think that you are alone on the top, no matter what achievements you have made.

It is also said that if you for some reason you had found out that the person you just met is part of the hierarchy he would simply vanish, you would not have a chance to quiz him or otherwise make inquiries. The members of the hierarchy are not to show off, they are not to get on TV shows and you would never know if you just met one.

The legend of a secret brotherhood goes back to the time of the Emperor Ashoka, who reigned in India from 273 B.C.

It was said that the Emperor Ashoka, aware of the horrors of war, deemed that men never to put their intelligence to evil uses. During his reign, natural science, past and present, was vowed to secrecy.

For the next 2,000 years, all researches, ranging from the structure of matter to the techniques employed in collective psychology, were to be hidden behind the mystical mask of a people commonly believed to be exclusively concerned with ecstasy and supernatural phenomena. Ashoka founded the most powerful secret society on earth: that of the


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Nine Unknown Men. The Nine Unknown Men was popularized for the

first time in 1927 in a book by Talbot Mundy who for twenty-five years was a member of the British police force in India. His book is half-fiction, half scientific inquiry. The Nine apparently developed and used a coded language, and each of them was in possession of a book that was constantly being rewritten and containing a detailed account of some science.

The first of these books is said to have been devoted to the technique of propaganda and psychological warfare. "The most dangerous of all sciences," wrote Mundy, "is that of molding mass opinion, because it would enable anyone to govern the whole world."

The second book was on physiology. It explained, among other things, how it is possible to kill a man by touching him, death being caused by a reversal of the nerve-impulse. It is said that Judo is a result of "leakages" from this book.

The third volume was a study on microbiology, and dealt especially with protective colloids.

The fourth was concerned with alchemy29. There is a legend that in times of drought temples and religious relief organizations received large quantities of fine gold from a secret source.

The fifth book contains a study of all means of communication, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial.

The sixth book expounds the secrets of gravitation.

29 transmutation of metals


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The seventh book contains the most exhaustive cosmogony known to humanity.

The eighth book deals with light.

The ninth book, on sociology, gives the rules for the evolution of societies, and means of foretelling their decline.

Avoiding all forms of religious, social or political attachments, deliberately and perfectly concealed from the public eye, the Nine were the incarnation of the ideal man of knowledge, serenely aloof, but conscious of his moral obligations.

Having the power to mold the destiny of the human race, but refraining from its exercise, this secret society is the finest tribute imaginable to freedom of the most exalted kind. Looking down from the mountaintop of their hidden glory, these Nine Unknown Men watched civilizations being born, destroyed and re-born again, tolerant rather than indifferent, and ready to come to the rescue but always observing that rule of silence that is the mark of human greatness.

The individuals - we do not know if indeed they are only nine30, that comprises the Hierarchy are sentinel beings, sometimes also referred as Mahatmas. Mahatma is a Sanskrit word meaning great soul. These Mahatmas are members of our own evolutionary group, not visitors from the celestial spheres.

They are supermen only in that they have attained knowledge of the laws of the Universe and mastery over its forces with which we are still struggling. They are not Gods come down to earth,

30 The Rosicrucian's believe of twelve Elder Brothers, gathered around a thirteenth who is the invisible Head.


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but earthly mortals risen to the status of Christ, the greatest magician, ever known.

The Hierarchy asks us no reverence, neither worship; they demand no allegiance but we can offer our help to them voluntarily.

The Hierarchy are our "Elder Brothers," not distant deities; They are not our Masters in the sense of holding lordship over us; they are the "Masters of Wisdom and Compassion." Moved by an infinite sympathy with the whole human race they have renounced their right to go forward to more splendid conquests in the evolution of their own, by staying here to help mankind.

The accomplishments and abilities of these high souls should be inspiration to all of us in showing that the ultimate goal is attainable to every person who strives to achieve spiritual perfection. It is theoretically possible for a person to become a Mahatma in one incarnation but that is synonymous of shooting perfect golf in every attempt for that lifetime. To put it in other words, it is not easy. Paradoxically, the very notion one of aspiring to become a Mahatma would preclude the person from attaining it. So to achieve the highest magic we should void ourselves of human desires and attachments as much as possible.

Finally, it behooves us to question whether magic should be approached as a solitary or as a group pursuit. This is a question that is hard to answer. I must point out certain facts; your personality, the existence of a superb group in the vicinity of where you live will and some other factors will help you in deciding this. This chapter's main message is to point out to our reader; you are never alone.

However, there is strength and advantage in being a member of a magical group and even in communal living. The advantage is being in a group


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that the positive vibration of the aggregate individuals of the group are like an amplifier of physic energy. Thoughts and thought vibrations are contagious and magnified in strength when more than one individual is present, any novice can greatly benefit just by hanging out in a highly charged positive group.

So if you find a group that matches your preferred style like the "hand in glove", and the group has a leader who is highly advanced and willing to take you, you should ask to join. Be extra careful, however that you do not alter your desired style and practice just to be part of a mediocre group, or god forbid one that's goals and pursuits would categorize them as dark.


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Appendix A Numbers from 0 to 9

In describing the generic nature of the numbers, 0-9, I am going to interject certain elements like (water earth, fire) and astrology into the cauldron. Keep in mind that in numerology numbers are described in a certain context for example describing of the meaning of the Life Path number. This is a generic archetypical description.

0Zero represents the monad, the indivisible unit.

On the mundane plane it is the macrocosm of the whole universe or the microcosm of the smallest self-contained sub-atomic particle. Zero is the cosmic or Orphic egg. It is also the Buddhist void.

1One is the beginning, the creation, the unity. The

sun has always been associated with the number one as a symbol of life and wholeness.

Astrologically the One is connected to Sun. Aries (cardinal Fire) sign is the first sign of the zodiac and hence related to the number one.

2 Traditionally the numeral two is associated

duality, separation, conflict and is a mythogem of the opposites: Sun and Moon, male and female, life and death, etc.

Astrologically the 2 is connected to Moon. The 2 is related to the sign of the Taurus, a fixed Earth sign.


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3The number three represents unity through

overcoming the duality of two by adding one. Jupiter is the planet of the 3 and the 3 is also related to Gemini which is a mutable Air sign.

4In contrast to three the number four is solidity of

the earth and the cube. The four cardinal points: east, west, north and south; and the four elements of air, earth, water and fire symbolize inner ordering related to psychic wholeness. The four quarters of the moon in their waxing and waning phases has always been a mythogem for the stages of birth, development, maturity and death.

Four’s planet is the Uranus and Cancer a cardinal water sign of the 4’s sign of the zodiac’s.

5The human microcosm or natural man equals

two arms, two legs and a head. Mercury and Leo (a fixed fire element) are connected to the 5.

6Six signifies love, beauty, romance, harmony,

balance between male and female principles. In Genesis it represents the six days of creation. The Planet of the six is the Venus while it is connected to the Virgo (mutable earth) element.

7Many mystical systems are based on the number

seven. The seven Chakras from India. The ancient number of the universe was the seven visible planets before the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Corresponding to this in alchemy, each


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of the seven planets is represented by a metal: sun=gold, moon=silver, Mercury= quicksilver, Venus=copper, Mars=iron, Jupiter=tin and Saturn=lead. The 7 is ruled by Neptune and it is the Libra sign. (the 7th sign of the zodiac)

8Eight is an infinity symbol. Also a symbol for the

worlds of the conscious, unconscious and the loop which flows back and forth between them. The eight spokes of the ancient wheel held the center and outer rim together.

The 8 is ruled by the Saturn and as the 8th zodiac is Scorpio (a fixed water element).

9Nine in numerology equals the end of a nine year

cycle. In human biology it symbolizes the nine month gestation of pregnancy. It can be a time to give birth or a return to a past cycle or pattern. The 9 is ruled by the planet Mars and connected the Sagittarius the 9th sign of the zodiac, this is a mutable fire sign.


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Appendix B Karma and Reincarnation

Many people are wondering why they are here. What is the purpose of their life? To fully understand this question we must also understand karma and reincarnation better. If you do not believe in karma and reincarnation stop reading this as it will be a waste of your time. To the millions of people who are somewhat familiar with the Law of Karma, that knowledge can be a basis of further understanding life’s mysteries and even get a glimpse of the meaning of life.

This cyclical nature of succession of lives is very much in line with the cyclical nature of time, seasons and lower forms of biological life. We see flowers bloom, whither away and bloom again. There is no reason to think that our path is any different.

Life as a whole is meant to be a lesson. What the lesson on hand is not apparent because most of us are unaware of past lives and deeds, but there is always an underlying theme. Our lives are only important in the way we interact and affect the lives of others. A good honorable life is filled with self-sacrifice and giving. Lacking these attributes gives a glimpse of certain shortcomings of the beholder. Most of us have lived thousands of lives, we have been black, white, Asian, men, woman. We have been murderers and spectators of murder.

Our evolutionary progress in the spiritual reams takes us through time and space, incarnating from body to body with some short interludes on the subtle plane. The ultimate purpose is to stop the cycle of the robotic repetition of the same mistakes and fall of the wheel of karma. This is the Buddhist


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terminology of Enlightenment.Imagine how the world would change if people

would realize the merit of karma and reincarnation and would not fear and dread death as much. Where do you think this stress and anxiety would be coming from then? People feel depressed out of control and helplessness. It is from ignorance in understanding death and dying.

Can thoughts be karmic? When considering that thoughts are the forbearers of actions it is definite that they have strong karmic charge. I am not talking about idle ideas or musings but deep and deliberate thought is almost always a precursor of some action.

Thoughts come alive after one conjures them and even in the event when the originator of the thought is not acting on them, someone ultimately will. You see thoughts group themselves into positive and negatively charged vortexes. These vortexes can influence feeble minded people and ultimately the negative thoughts of certain pitch can result in negative acts.

You see, even your negative thoughts can have karmic impact on you and others.

This is what the new thought movement with the Christian Science and New Thought movement resurrected at the turn of the century. These were of course known much before their time but on and off mankind forgot the weight and seriousness of how our thinking can influence us.

Now let’s get back to karma. It is important to know that besides individual karma, there is karma of a group of people and even a whole nation. The USA carries some positive and negative karma from the acts of her historical events. The idea of a nation of free men welcoming others openly is a magnificent deed and carries tremendous positive karmic charge. The founding fathers of the USA were High Souls.


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The symbol of the USA is an Eagle but the cosmic symbol is the Phoenix. This means no matter how bad things will get here and around the world, the USA shall rise from the ashes (like the phoenix). (see Manly Palmer Hall’s book – “The Secret Destiny of America“) And things will get worse before they will turn around. We are on a collision course with destiny ever since the Kennedy assassination. (a very bad karmic event) and the Vietnam War (cannot say which was worse), and now the Iraq and Afghanistan War) shall I go on?

It must be injected here that people in the military have no karmic debt to righteous acts during their service to their country. People and politicians who start wars carry the entire karmic debt of such an event.

Spiritual people on the path of the Light can ask the Hierarchy to speed up their karma hence facilitate their spiritual advancement on a “fast track” This can work in most cases except in some severe circumstance when a person does something horrendous which might have to be settled in a next life scenario.

Karmic scenarios could come back again and again into people’s lives through several lifetimes. People who abuse their kids or other people’s kids come back in a new incarnation and in turn they will be at the mercy of a foster parent or alcoholic mother or an abusive stepfather.

Giving a helping hand is mandatory, or else one suffers karmic retribution. Helping cannot be conditional and based on feelings, it must be offered when one is in dire need.

When something bad happens to me I always think hard and long to find the reason. The reason is not always obvious but there are times just like this that confirm to me as fact that everything I


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have learned and know is REAL.There is nobody “out to get you” and blaming

others is often a convenient excuse to sidetrack us from the real source to your troubles at times, but the buck stops with YOU.

We are overmedicated and anxious, when we should be aware and knowing that we actually are in control. Our daily acts and deeds will determine our next life as our current life is derived from our past lives and deeds. There is nobody out to get us but everything in the Universe is in constant action-reaction and the akashic records are kept in perfect tune. Everything works perfectly in harmony and we should never be afraid to die. Fear is nothing but a shadow of a bug on the sunlit wall.

Karma is life’s “cosmic bank account”. We accumulate good and bad karma with every deed and thought. Our karmic balance predetermines the condition we incarnate into. Be it our economic status, parents, race or environment, what we are born into is all set even before we were conceived, and… is choreographed to perfection.

Dharma is the all encompassing path of achievement that suits us for this incarnation. This is what we are to do in this life. However, get this, we are free to turn away and choose other purposes and vocations.

The storehouse of heaven is filled with unfulfilled prophecies because we always have the freedom to choose! The catch is fulfilling your Dharma will make you happy. Joseph Campbell knew this and advised all to “follow your bliss”. If you, for some reason are not following your bliss, you will eventually have to as you are prolonging the inevitable. In the next life you will face the same set of conditions as in the one where you went astray. In a sense, you can push the pause button


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on your own progress, however the next time; life’s lesson will be harder than the first.

Following our Dharma will lead us to life lessons and situations that we are to work out; hence we are fulfilling our purpose. Whether we pass the tests given to us is a whole different story.

Reincarnation is caused by our attachment, our zest for life that will pull us to transmigrate and come back again and again. This attachment can be anything. Even the love of God, can cause us to be pulled back again. Usually this attachment is something more mundane; sex, food, alcohol, drugs, money, power and countless other venues, some appearing benign others quite sinister.

It is said that Ramakrishna’s love for God, in reality his love for Samadhi, was his pull.

He was said to be intoxicated with his innate ability to enter Samadhi almost at will,

People told him to back off as moderation in all things is desirable. Ramakrishna said

“You are right maybe I am mad, too many men are mad for money, or fame, other are for power, but too few are mad for God”.

The life cycle of birth, death and rebirth is called the “wheel of karma”.

Note: Karma and reincarnation are the bus and the bus driver, nothing happens without one or the other. Karma is the Cosmic Law of cause and effect. You rob a bank, and then you might go to jail. This is instant karma. If you somehow escape punishment your next life you will be born into a circumstance to balance out this cosmic imbalance.

When a person loses all his attachments, and finally loses his attachment to the self, his ego, then and only then he will gain the final bliss and he will then fall off the wheel of karma.

You can read about reincarnation a million times, and it will be just words until you can remember


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past lives. Then and only then it will become reality and fact of spiritual live.

Incarnations alternate, one time you were a man and now perhaps you are a woman. This is precisely the reason we have no moral ground to look down on anyone who is perhaps in the shoe that we were, in perhaps a dozen lifetimes ago.

Personal traits are carried forward from lifetime to lifetime but we always get situated into life circumstances that will allow us to learn the specific life lesson that caused us to be here the first place. For example a person who was a professional musician might come back with some skills and affinity to music but his next life he will do something different. Certain ingrained traits will remain with us but sometime quite dormant in the subconscious.

All this information is carried in our Aura and the few and very special who might be around to read Auras, can instantly have the map of traits, and thousands of lives lived. A true Guru could do this but we have no Guru’s incarnated anymore.

Before a certain time an animal, for example a horse or a dog could perform a heroic act, like saving the life of a human by self sacrificing, (which is commonplace act among noble animals). At that point, this animal could incarnate into a human being. This went on for a long time in human history but that is no more.

Some people argued against reincarnation on the basis of total number of souls ever lived since the dawn of men would far outweigh the number of human beings on earth – currently six billion. There is an explanation to this and it is as follows;

Souls can incarnate to faraway star systems as easily as to earth, we cannot be Earth centric to detriment of the Universe. Some of the people who millions of years ago taught early men to skills of using fire or tools, were in fact beings incarnated


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from Stars like Sirius. These were advanced beings and they chose to be reincarnated into the primitive milieu of early men with the full knowledge of getting killed. They did not mind as their purpose was to serve and help. Thus after being brutally slain they were promptly reincarnated back and kept on.

Note: advanced souls can reincarnate or not depending on the need of some mission to be performed, here on Earth.

There is a dualism in some Karmic events. When Jesus was betrayed and subsequently

murdered there is an indication that this was a result of some past life deed that Jesus has done. Similarly the act of betrayal was a karmic act that Judas had done. We can say – it was a negative karmic act. So you see, there is a dualism in karma, and free will is a paradoxical factor. Had Judas not betray Jesus, there would have been a “plan B”, for his capture and nothing would have changed.

People often ask me, what reincarnates the spirit or the soul and what is the difference between these two, if any?

The answer is that the spirit is the “seed” of the individual soul. When reincarnation occurs, the soul moves on to Devachan31 and incarnates into a new individuality. There are no distinctive memories of the soul, but in the Spirit that is separate but one with it, lifetimes of information kept.

Finally, animals have group souls only.

31 It is regarded as the place where most souls go after death where desires are gratified, corresponding to the Christian belief in Heaven. However, Devachan is a temporary, intermediate state of being before the soul's eventual rebirth into the physical world.


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