361 Standard and 48 Extra (1001 – 1048) Acupuncture points: Nr. Code PinYin Char. Meaning Location 1 LU1 Zhongfu 中府 Central Treasury In the lateral part of the 1st intercostal space, near the coracoid process, 6 cun lateral to the midline of the chest 2 LU2 Yunmen 雲門 Cloud Gate In the infra clavicular fossa, 6 cun lateral to the midline of the chest 3 LU3 Tianfu 天府 Heavenly Storehouse 3 cun below the anterior axillary fold at the lateral border of the biceps brachii muscle 4 LU4 Xiabai 俠白 Guarding White One cun below Tianfu at the lateral border of the biceps brachii muscle 5 LU5 Chize 尺澤 Cubit (12', Elbow) Marsh At the elbow crease, on the radial side of the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle 6 LU6 Kongzui 孔最 Collection Orifice 7 cun above Taiyuan (the distance from Taiyuan to Chize is 12 cun) 7 LU7 Lieque 列缺 Broken Sequence 1.5 cun above the most distal transverse crease of the wrist, above the styloid process of the radius 8 LU8 Jingqu 經渠 Channel Ditch One cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, (Taiyuan), on the lateral border of the radial artery 9 LU9 Taiyuan 太淵 Supreme Abyss On the most distal transverse crease of the wrist, on the lateral border of the radial artery 10 LU10 Yuji 魚際 Fish Border On the palmer surface at the middle of the first metacarpal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin 11 LU11 Shaoshang 少商 Lesser Shang About 0.1 cun behind the vallum unguis on the radial side of the thumb 12 LI1 Shangyang 商陽 Extreme yang About 0.1 cun behind the corner of the vallum unguis on the radial side of the index finger 13 LI2 Erjian 二間 Second Space On the dorsum of the hand, at the radial side of the distal end of the index finger 14 LI3 Sanjian 三間 Third Space On the dorsum of the hand, at the radial side of the proximal part of the second metacarpal bone, the fist being lightly closed 15 LI4 Hegu 合谷 Union Valley Over the dorsum of the hand, between the first and second metacarpal bones, on the protuberance of the muscle on the radial side, in the middle of the second metacarpal bone 16 LI5 Yangxi 陽谿 Yang Ravine Over the wrist joint, in the depression between the tendons of the extensor pollicis brevis muscle and extensor pollicis longus muscle 17 LI6 Pianli 偏歷 Veering Passageway 3 cun above Yangxi (The distance from Yangxi to Quchi is 12 cun) 18 LI7 Wenliu 溫溜 Warm Dwelling 5 cun above Yangxi 19 LI8 Xialian 下廉 Lower Ridge 4 cun below Quchi 20 LI9 Shanglian 上廉 Upper Ridge 3 cun below Quchi 21 LI10 ShouSanli 手三里 Forearm Three Li 2 cun below Quchi 22 LI11 Quchi 曲池 Bend Pool At the external end of the elbow transverse crease, when the elbow is flexed 23 LI12 Zhouliao 肘髎 Elbow Bone- Orifice Or: Zhoujiao. One cun above the external part of Quchi, beside the humerus. 24 LI13 Shouwuli 手五里 Hand Five Li 3 cun above Quchi 25 LI14 Binao 臂臑 Shoulder Bone 7 cun above Quchi, at the insertion of the deltoid muscle 26 LI15 Jianyu 肩髃 Great Bone At the antero-inferior part of the acromion, where a depression is formed when the arm is raised 27 LI16 Jugu 巨骨 Heavenly Tripod At the depression between the acromial end of the clavicle and the upper part of the spine of the scapula 28 LI17 Tianding 天鼎 Protuberance Assistant Above the supraclavicular fossa at the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and between the midpoint of Neck-Futu and the sternal end of clavicle 29 LI18 Futu 扶突 Water point 3 cun laterally from the middle of the laryngeal prominence, just between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and between the midpoint of Neck-Futu and the sternal end of clavicle 30 LI19 Kouheliao 口禾髎 Grain Bone- Orifice Or: Hejiao. 0.5 cun by the side of Shuigou-DM26 below the lateral margin of the nostril. 31 LI20 Yingxiang 迎香 Welcome Fragrance 0.5 cun from the midpoint of the outer side of the alanasi, in the nasolabial sulcus. 32 ST1 Chengqi 承泣 Contain Tears In between the eyeball and the inferior border of orbit, with the eyes looking straight ahead 33 ST2 Sibai 四白 Four Whites At the depression over the infra-orbital foramen

361 Standard and 48 Extra (1001 – 1048) Acupuncture points361 Standard and 48 Extra (1001 – 1048) Acupuncture points: Nr. Code PinYin Char. Meaning Location 1 LU1 Zhongfu 中府

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  • 361 Standard and 48 Extra (1001 – 1048) Acupuncture points:

    Nr. Code PinYin Char. Meaning Location

    1 LU1 Zhongfu 中府 Central Treasury In the lateral part of the 1st intercostal space, near the coracoid process, 6 cun lateral to the midline of the chest 2 LU2 Yunmen 雲門 Cloud Gate In the infra clavicular fossa, 6 cun lateral to the midline of the chest

    3 LU3 Tianfu 天府 Heavenly Storehouse

    3 cun below the anterior axillary fold at the lateral border of the biceps brachii muscle

    4 LU4 Xiabai 俠白 Guarding White One cun below Tianfu at the lateral border of the biceps brachii muscle

    5 LU5 Chize 尺澤 Cubit (12', Elbow) Marsh

    At the elbow crease, on the radial side of the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle

    6 LU6 Kongzui 孔最 Collection Orifice

    7 cun above Taiyuan (the distance from Taiyuan to Chize is 12 cun)

    7 LU7 Lieque 列缺 Broken Sequence 1.5 cun above the most distal transverse crease of the wrist, above the styloid process of the radius

    8 LU8 Jingqu 經渠 Channel Ditch One cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, (Taiyuan), on the lateral border of the radial artery 9 LU9 Taiyuan 太淵 Supreme Abyss On the most distal transverse crease of the wrist, on the lateral border of the radial artery

    10 LU10 Yuji 魚際 Fish Border On the palmer surface at the middle of the first metacarpal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin 11 LU11 Shaoshang 少商 Lesser Shang About 0.1 cun behind the vallum unguis on the radial side of the thumb

    12 LI1 Shangyang 商陽 Extreme yang About 0.1 cun behind the corner of the vallum unguis on the radial side of the index finger

    13 LI2 Erjian 二間 Second Space On the dorsum of the hand, at the radial side of the distal end of the index finger

    14 LI3 Sanjian 三間 Third Space On the dorsum of the hand, at the radial side of the proximal part of the second metacarpal bone, the fist being lightly closed

    15 LI4 Hegu 合谷 Union Valley Over the dorsum of the hand, between the first and second metacarpal bones, on the protuberance of the muscle on the radial side, in the middle of the second metacarpal bone

    16 LI5 Yangxi 陽谿 Yang Ravine Over the wrist joint, in the depression between the tendons of the extensor pollicis brevis muscle and extensor pollicis longus muscle

    17 LI6 Pianli 偏歷 Veering Passageway

    3 cun above Yangxi (The distance from Yangxi to Quchi is 12 cun)

    18 LI7 Wenliu 溫溜 Warm Dwelling 5 cun above Yangxi

    19 LI8 Xialian 下廉 Lower Ridge 4 cun below Quchi

    20 LI9 Shanglian 上廉 Upper Ridge 3 cun below Quchi

    21 LI10 ShouSanli 手三里 Forearm Three Li

    2 cun below Quchi

    22 LI11 Quchi 曲池 Bend Pool At the external end of the elbow transverse crease, when the elbow is flexed

    23 LI12 Zhouliao 肘髎 Elbow Bone-Orifice Or: Zhoujiao. One cun above the external part of Quchi, beside the humerus.

    24 LI13 Shouwuli 手五里 Hand Five Li 3 cun above Quchi

    25 LI14 Binao 臂臑 Shoulder Bone 7 cun above Quchi, at the insertion of the deltoid muscle

    26 LI15 Jianyu 肩髃 Great Bone At the antero-inferior part of the acromion, where a depression is formed when the arm is raised

    27 LI16 Jugu 巨骨 Heavenly Tripod At the depression between the acromial end of the clavicle and the upper part of the spine of the scapula

    28 LI17 Tianding 天鼎 Protuberance Assistant Above the supraclavicular fossa at the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and between the midpoint of Neck-Futu and the sternal end of clavicle

    29 LI18 Futu 扶突 Water point 3 cun laterally from the middle of the laryngeal prominence, just between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and between the midpoint of Neck-Futu and the sternal end of clavicle

    30 LI19 Kouheliao 口禾髎 Grain Bone-Orifice

    Or: Hejiao. 0.5 cun by the side of Shuigou-DM26 below the lateral margin of the nostril.

    31 LI20 Yingxiang 迎香 Welcome Fragrance 0.5 cun from the midpoint of the outer side of the alanasi, in the nasolabial sulcus.

    32 ST1 Chengqi 承泣 Contain Tears In between the eyeball and the inferior border of orbit, with the eyes looking straight ahead

    33 ST2 Sibai 四白 Four Whites At the depression over the infra-orbital foramen

  • 34 ST3 Juliao 巨髎 Great Bone-Orifice

    Or: Jujiao. Directly below the middle of the eye, at a level with the inferior border of the ala of the nose.

    35 ST4 Dicang 地倉 Earth Granary 0.4 cun from the angle of the mouth, inside the nasolabial sulcus

    36 ST5 Daying 大迎 Great Reception In front of the angle of the mandible on the anterior border of the masseteric muscle, behind the facial artery

    37 ST6 Jiache 頰車 Jaw Chariot (Jawbone) Over the masseteric muscle anterior and superior to the angle of the mandible

    38 ST7 Xiaguan 下關 Below the Joint In the depression between the inferior border of the zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch 39 ST8 Touwei 頭維 Head Corner 0.5 cun within the natural line of the hair in front of the temple

    40 ST9 Renying 人迎 Man's Prognosis By the side of the laryngeal prominence behind the carotid artery (Great caution needed)

    41 ST10 Shuitu 水突 Water Prominence At the midway between Renying and Qishe

    42 ST11 Qishe 氣舍 Qi Abode The superior border of the medial end of the clavicle, in between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle 43 ST12 Quepen 缺盆 Empty Basin Middle of the superior border of the clavicle, vertically above the nipple

    44 ST13 Qihu 氣戸 Qi Door In between the first rib and the middle of the inferior border of the clavicle (Deep insertion should be avoided for all points over the thorax) 45 ST14 Kufang 庫房 Storeroom Under the first rib on the mammillary line

    46 ST15 Wuyi 屋翳 House Canopy (Roof)

    Under the second rib on the mammillary line

    47 ST16 Yingchuang 膺窗 Breast Window Under the third rib on the mammillary line

    48 ST17 Ruzhong 乳中 Breast Centre (nipple)

    Middle of the nipple (No acupuncture or moxibustion is allowed)

    49 ST18 Rugen 乳根 Breast Root Directly below the nipple in 5th intercostal space (Deep insertion is forbidden)

    50 ST19 Burong 不容 Not Contained 6 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Juque-RM14

    51 ST20 Chengman 承滿 Support Fullness 5 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Shangwan-RM13

    52 ST21 Liangmen 梁門 Beam Gate 4 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Zhongwan-RM12

    53 ST22 Guanmen 關門 Pass Gate 3 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Jiannli-RM11

    54 ST23 Taiyi 太乙 Supreme Unity 2 cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Xiawan-RM10

    55 ST24 Huaroumen 滑肉門 Slippery Flesh Gate

    One cun above the umbilicus, and 2 cun at the side of the Shuifen-RM9

    56 ST25 Tianshu 天樞 Heavenly Pivot 2 cun beside the umbilicus, in the rectus abdominis muscle

    57 ST26 Wailing 外陵 Outer Mound 1 cun below Tianshu

    58 ST27 Daju 大巨 Great Gigantic 2 cun below Tianshu

    59 ST28 Shuidao 水道 Water Way 3 cun below Tianshu

    60 ST29 Guilai 歸來 Return & Arrive 4 cun below Tianshu

    61 ST30 Qichong 氣衝 Qi Surging 5 cun below Tianshu in the inguinal region

    62 ST31 Biguan 髀關 Thigh Joint Right below the anterior superior spine of the ilium, in the depression level to the perineum and on the lateral side of the sartorius muscle, when the thigh is flexed

    63 ST32 Futu 伏兎 Crouching Rabbit 6 cun above the upper margin of the patella, along the line of the lateral margin of the patella to the anterior superior iliac spine (From the tip of greater trochanter to the middle of the knee is 19 cun)

    64 ST33 Yinshi 陰市 Yin Market 3 cun above the patella, along it’s lateral margin

    65 ST34 Liangqiu 梁丘 Beam Hill 2 cun above the patella, along it’s lateral margin

    66 ST35 Dubi 犢鼻 Calf's Nose In the depression of the lateral part of the patella ligament, when the knee is bent

    67 ST36 Zusanli 足三里 Foot Three Li 3 cun below Dubi, one finger breath from the anterior crest of the tibia

    68 ST37 Shangjuxu 上巨虛 Upper Great Hollow Or:巨虛上廉-Juxu shanglian 6 cun below Dubi, one finger breath from the anterior crest of the tibia

    69 ST38 Tiaokou 條口 Ribbon Opening 8 cun below Dubi, one finger breath from the anterior crest of the tibia

    70 ST39 Xiajuxu 下巨虛 Lower Great Hollow Or:巨虛下廉-Juxu xialian 9 cun above the anterior part of the lateral malleolus, one finger beside Tiaokou

  • 71 ST40 Fenglong 豐隆 Bountiful Bulge 8 cun above the anterior part of the lateral malleolus, one finger beside Tiaokou

    72 ST41 Jiexi 解谿 Divide Ravine Over the dorsum of the foot, right in the center of the cruriate crural ligament, between the tendons of the extensor hallucis longus and the extensor digitorum longus 73 ST42 Chongyang 衝陽 Surging Yang On the hump of the dorsum of the foot, by the side of the dorsalis pedis artery

    74 ST43 Xiangu 陷谷 Sunken Valley Between the second and third metatarsal bones

    75 ST44 Neiting 内庭 Inner Court In the web between the second and third toes

    76 ST45 Lidui 厲兌 Severe mouth About 0.1 cun from the lateral side of the corner of the vallum unguis of the second toe

    77 SP1 Yinbai 隱白 Hidden White About 0.1 cun from the lateral side of the corner of the vallum unguis of the second toe

    78 SP2 Dadu 大都 Great Metropolis On the medial side of the proximal end of the proximal phalange of the big toe, at the junction of the red and white skin

    79 SP3 Taibai 太白 Supreme White On the medial side of the distal end of the metatarsal bone of the big toe, at the junction of the red and white skin

    80 SP4 Gongsun 公孫 Yellow Emperor One cun behind the proximal end of the proximal phalange on the medial side of the foot. At the antero-inferior border of the distal end the first metatarsal bone. Lying on the junction of the red and white skin.

    81 SP5 Shangqiu 商丘 High Hill In the depression at the anterior part under the medial malleolus.

    82 SP6 Sanyinjiao 三陰交 Three Yin Intersection 3 cin above the apex of the medial malleolus, behind the tibia (From the medial malleolus to Yinlingquan is 13 cun).

    83 SP7 Lougu 漏谷 Leaking Valley 6 cun above the apex of the radial malleolus, behind the tibia

    84 SP8 Diji 地機 Earth's Crux 3 cun below Yinlingquan, behind the tibia

    85 SP9 Yinlingquan 陰陵泉 Yin Mound Spring Under the medial condyle of the tibia, on the medial side below the knee, on a level with Yanglingquan-GB34

    86 SP10 Xuehai 血海 Blood Sea 2 cun above the medial border of the patella over the protuberance of the medial thigh, when the knee is bent (From the upper border of the patella to the level of the superior border of the pubic bone is 18 cun)

    87 SP11 Jimen 箕門 Winnower Gate 6 cun above Xuehai on the medial side of the sartorius muscle beside the femoral artery

    88 SP12 Chongmen 衝門 Surging Gate Lateral to the inguen, 3.5 cun beside Qugu-RM2, on the lateral of the femoral artery

    89 SP13 Fushe 府舍 Bowel Abode 0.7 cun above Chongmen and 4 cun below Daheng, 4 cun lateral to the abdominal midline

    90 SP14 Fujie 腹結 Abdominal Bind 1.3 cun below Daheng

    91 SP15 Daheng 大横 Great Horizontal 4 cun beside the umbilicus, along the lateral side of the rectus abdominis muscle

    92 SP16 Fu’ai 腹哀 Abdomen Lament 3 cun above Taheng on a level with Jianli-RM11

    93 SP17 Shidou 食竇 Food Orifice Or: 命關-Mingguan. 6 cun from the midsternal line, at the 5th intercostal space.

    94 SP18 Tianxi 天谿 Heavenly Ravine 6 cun from the midsternal line, at the 4th intercostal space

    95 SP19 Xiongxiang 胸鄉 Chest Village 6 cun from the midsternal line, at the 3d intercostal space

    96 SP20 Zhourong 周榮 All-Round Flourishing 6 cun from the midsternal line, at the second intercostal space

    97 SP21 Dabao 大包 Great Embracement 3 cun below Yuanye-GB22 on the midaxillary line

    98 HT1 Jiquan 極泉 Highest Spring Tip of the armpit, on the medial side of the axillary artery

    99 HT2 Qinglingquan 青靈泉 Cyan Spirit 3 cun above Shaohai

    100 HT3 Shaohai 少海 Lesser Sea At the medial end of the elbow crease, when the elbow is flexed

    101 HT4 Lingdao 靈道 Spirit Pathway 1.5 cun above Shenmen (The distance from Shaohai to Shenmen is 12 cun)

    102 HT5 Tongli 通里 Connecting Li One cun above Shenmen

    103 HT6 Yinxi 陰郄 Yin Cleft 0.5 cun above Shenmen

    104 HT7 Shenmen 神門 Spirit Gate Or: 兑冲-Duichong. Along the most distal skin crease of the wrist, on the radial side of the flexor carpiulnaris muscle.

    105 HT8 Shaofu 少府 Lesser Mansion A point between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, which when the fist is clenched, the tip of the little finger touched 106 HT9 Shaochong 少衝 Lesser Surge About 0.1 cun behind the corner of the vallum unguis on the radial side of the little finger

    107 SI1 Shaoze 少澤 Lesser Marsh About 0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the vallum unguis on the ulnar side of the little finger

  • 108 SI2 Qiangu 前谷 Front Valley On the ulnar side of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger

    109 SI3 Houxi 後谿 Back Xi-Cleft


    On the ulnar side proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger. The Point is located at the end of the transverse crease of the palm, lying on the red and white skin, when the first is slightly clenched

    110 SI4 Wangu 腕骨 Wrist Bone On the ulnar side of the palm, between the base of the 5th metacarpal bone and the hamate bone. The Point is located at the junction of red and white skin

    111 SI5 Yanggu 陽谷 Yang Valley On the ulnar side of the ulnocarpal joint, between the styloid process of the ulna and the triquetral bone

    112 SI6 Yangliao 養老 Nursing the Aged

    This point is located along the seam on the radial side of the distal head of the ulna, with the palm of the hand faces to the breast

    113 SI7 Zhizheng 支正 Branch to the Correct On the ulnar side, 5 cun above Yanggu (From Yanggu to Xiaohai is 12 cun)

    114 SI8 Xiaohai 小海 Small Sea In the fossa between the ulnar olecranon and medial epicondyle of the humerus, when the elbow is bent

    115 SI9 Jianzhen 肩貞 Shoulder True One cun above the end of posterior axillary fold, at the infero-posterior part of the shoulder joint 116 SI10 Naoshu 臑兪 Upper Arm Point Above Jianzhen, in the depression below spine of the scapula

    117 SI11 Tianzong 天宗 Heavenly Gathering

    Level with the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra, in the infra-spinatus fossa

    118 SI12 Bingfeng 秉風 Grasping the Wind Middle of supraspinatus fossa, directly above Tianzhong

    119 SI13 Quyuan 曲垣 Crooked Wall Medial side of the supraspinatus fossa

    120 SI14 Jianwaishu 肩外兪 Shoulder Outer Shu

    3 cun lateral to Taodao-DM13 below the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra

    121 SI15 Jianzhongshu 肩中兪 Shoulder Centre Point 2 cun lateral to Dazhui-DM14

    122 SI16 Tianchuang 天窗 Heavenly Window Level with the laryngeal prominence at the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

    123 SI17 Tianrong 天容 Heavenly Container At the posterior border of the angle of the mandible, in the depression of the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

    124 SI18 Quanliao 颧髎 Cheek Bone-Orifice Or: Quanjiao. Directly below the external canthus on the lower border of the zygomatic bone

    125 SI19 Tinggong 聽宮 Hearing Palace In between the middle of the tragus and the mandibular joint, where a depression is formed when the mouth is opened 126 BL1 Jingming 睛明 Eye-Pupil Bright About 0.1 cun superior to the inner canthus

    127 BL2 Cuanzhu 攢竹 Bamboo Gathering

    At the medial end of the eyebrow

    128 BL3 Meichong 眉衝 Eyebrow Ascension

    Within the natural line of the hair, right above the medial end of the eyebrow and midway between Shenting-DM24 and Qucha-BL4

    129 BL4 Qucha 曲差 Bent Deviation Or: 鼻冲-Bichong. 0.5 cun within the natural line of the hair, 1/3 the distance, medially from Shenting-DM24 to Touwei-ST8.

    130 BL5 Wuchu 五處 Fifth Place About one cun above the natural line of the hair, right above Qucha

    131 BL6 Chengguang 承光 Support Light 1.5 cun behind Wuchu

    132 BL7 Tongtian 通天 Connecting Heaven

    1.5 cun behind Chengguang

    133 BL8 Luoque 絡卻 Connecting Vessel Retreats

    1.5 cun behind Tongtian

    134 BL9 Yuzhen 玉枕 Jade Pillow On the lateral part of the upper margin of the external occipital protuberance and opposite Tianchu down below, 1.3 cun lateral to Naohu-DM17

    135 BL10 Tianzhu 天柱 Heavenly Pillar Right on the natural line of the hair at the back of the head, on the lateral part of the margin of the trapezius muscle, 1.3 cun lateral to Yamen-DM15

    136 BL11 Dazhu 大杼 Great Shuttle 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spine of the first thoracic vertebra (From the median line to the medial border of the scapula is 3 cun) 137 BL12 Fengmen 風門 Wind Gate 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spine of the second thoracic vertebra

    138 BL13 Feishu 肺兪 Lung Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra and on a level with the spine of the scapula 139 BL14 Jueyinshu 厥陰兪 Jueyin (PC) Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra

    140 BL15 Xinshu 心兪 Heart Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra

    141 BL16 Dushu 督兪 Governing Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra

  • 142 BL17 Geshu 膈兪 Diaphragm Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra, level with the inferior angle of the scapula 143 BL18 Ganshu 肝兪 Liver Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra

    144 BL19 Danshu 膽兪 Gallbladder Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra

    145 BL20 Pishu 脾兪 Spleen Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra

    146 BL21 Weishu 胃兪 Stomach Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra

    147 BL22 Sanjiaoshu 三焦兪 Triple Burner Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra

    148 BL23 Shenshu 腎兪 Kidney Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra

    149 BL24 Qihaishu 氣海兪 Qi Sea Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the third lumbar vertebra

    150 BL25 Dachangshu 大腸兪 Large Intestine Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra

    151 BL26 Guanyuanshu 關元兪 Pass Origin Shu 1.5 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebra

    152 BL27 Xiaochangshu 小腸兪 Small Intestine Shu 1.5 cun beside the first sacral vertebra, just level with the 1st posterior sacral foramen

    153 BL28 Pangguangshu 膀胱兪 Urinary Bladder Shu 1.5 cun beside the second sacral vertebra, just level with the 2nd posterior sacral foramen

    154 BL29 Zhonglushu 中膂兪 Central Backbone Shu 1.5 cun beside the third sacral vertebra, just level with the 3rd posterior sacral foramen

    155 BL30 Baihuanshu 白環兪 White Ring Shu 1.5 cun beside the hiatus sacralis

    156 BL31 Shangliao 上髎 Upper Bone-Orifice Or: Shangjiao. On the first posterior sacral foramen and about midway between the posterior superior iliac spine and the median line.

    157 BL32 Ciliao 次髎 Second Bone-Orifice Or: Cijiao. On the second posterior sacral foramen and midway between the lower part of the posterior superior iliac spine and the median line.

    158 BL33 Zhongliao 中髎 Central Bone-Orifice Or: Zhongjiao. On the 3rd posterior sacral foramen.

    159 BL34 Xialiao 下髎 Lower Bone-Orifice

    Or: Xiajiao. On the 4th posterior sacral foramen.

    160 BL35 Huiyang 會陽 Meeting of Yang 0.5 cun lateral to the median line, on a level with the upper border of the coccyx

    161 BL36 Chengfu 承扶 Support & Assist Or: 肉郄-Rouxi. In the middle of the gluteal sulcus.

    162 BL37 Yinmen 殷門 Abundance Gate 6 cun below Chengfu, and in the center of the back of the thigh

    163 BL38 Fuxi 浮郄 Superficial Cleft On the lateral side of the popliteal fossa, and one cun above Weiyang

    164 BL39 Weiyang 委陽 Bend Yang On the lateral side of the popliteal fossa, along the inner margin of the biceps femoris muscle 165 BL40 Weizhong 委中 Bend Centre Right in the middle of the popliteal fossa

    166 BL41 Fufen 附分 Attached Branch 3 cun beside the lower border of the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra

    167 BL42 Pohu 魄戸 Po (Spirit of LU) Door 3 cun beside the lower border of the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebral

    168 BL43 Gaohuang(shu) 膏肓兪 Gao Huang (Diaphragm Vitals) Shu

    In the depression between the vertebra and the scapula, 3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra

    169 BL44 Shentang 神堂 Spirit (Spirit of HT) Hall

    3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra

    170 BL45 Yixi 譩譆 Sighing Giggling 3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra

    171 BL46 Geguan 膈關 Diaphragm Pass 3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra

    172 BL47 Hunmen 魂門 Hun (Spirit of LV) Gate

    3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra

    173 BL48 Yanggang 陽綱 Yang Headrope 3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra

    174 BL49 Yishe 意舎 Reflection

    (Spirit of SP) Abode

    3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra

    175 BL50 Weicang 胃倉 Stomach Granary 3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra

    176 BL51 Huangmen 肓門 Vitals Gate 3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra

  • 177 BL52 Zhishi 志室 Will (Spirit of KI) Chamber

    3 cun beside the lower end of the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra

    178 BL53 Baohuang 胞肓 Bladder Membrane

    3 cun beside the middle line of the second sacral vertebra, level to the 2nd sacral posterior foramen

    179 BL54 Zhibian 秩邊 Sequential Border

    In the depression, 3 cun beside the hiatus sacralis

    180 BL55 Heyang 合陽 Union of Yang 2 cun below Weichung (From Weizhong-BL40 to Kunlun is 16 cun)

    181 BL56 Chengjin 承筋 Support Sinews Midway between Heyang and Chengshan, 5 cun below Weizhong-BL40

    182 BL57 Chengshan 承山 Support Mountain

    Or: 肉住-Rouzhu. Below the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle, midway between Weizhong-BL40 and the upper border of the calcaneum.

    183 BL58 Feiyang 飛陽 Taking Flight Or: 蕨阳-Jueyang. 7 cun above Kunlun, at the lateral side of the gastrocnemius muscle.

    184 BL59 Fuyang 跗陽 Instep Yang 3 cun above Kunlun

    185 BL60 Kunlun 崑崙 Kunlun Mountains In the depression in front of the tendo calcaneus behind the lateral malleolus

    186 BL61 Pucan 僕參 Subservient Visitor Directly below Kunlun, lateral to calcaneum, at the junction of the red and white skin

    187 BL62 Shenmai 申脈 Extending Vessel Or: Shenmo. In the depression below the lateral malleolus

    188 BL63 Jinmen 金門 Metal Gate Anterior and inferior to Shenmo, in the depression on the lower border of the cuboid bone

    189 BL64 Jinggu 京骨 Capital Bone On the inferior part of the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin

    190 BL65 Shugu 束骨 Bundle Bone On the posterior lateral part of the head of the 5th metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin

    191 BL66 Zutonggu 足通谷 Foot Connecting Passage

    In the depression on the anterior lateral part of the 5th metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin

    192 BL67 Zhiyin 至陰 Reaching Yin, Extremity of Yin

    About 0.1 cun behind the lateral corner of the vallum unguis of the little toe

    193 KI1 Yongquan 湧泉 Gushing Spring One-third the distance from the center to the front of the sole, in the depression which is present when the toes are flexed

    194 KI2 Rangu 然谷 Blazing Valley Or: 龍(龙)泉-Longquan. In the depression on the inferior border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone, at the junction of the red and white skin.

    195 KI3 Taixi 太谿 Supreme Ravine In the depression between the up of medial malleolus and tendo calcaneus

    196 KI4 Dazhong 大鐘 Great Goblet In the postero-inferior part of Taixi, in front of the tendo calcaneus, and above the calcaneus

    197 KI5 Shuiquan 水泉 Water Spring One cun below Taixi, on the medial border of the calcaneus

    198 KI6 Zhaohai 照海 Shining Sea In the depression directly below the medial malleolus

    199 KI7 Fuliu 復溜 Recover Flow 2 cun above the posterior side of the medial malleolus, anterior to the tendo calcaneus

    200 KI8 Jiaoxin 交信 Intersection Reach 0.5 cun in front of Fuliu and just behind the medial border of the tibia

    201 KI9 Zhubin 築賓 Guest House 5 cun above the posterior side of the medial malleolus, below the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle

    202 KI10 Yingu 陰谷 Yin Valley At the medial side of the popliteal fossa, in between the semitendinosus muscle and the semimembranosus muscle, when the knee is flexed

    203 KI11 Henggu 横骨 Transverse Bone (Pubis)

    5 cun below the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Qugu-RM2

    204 KI12 Dahe 大赫 Great Manifestation

    Or: 阴关-Yinguan. 4 cun below the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Zhongji-RM3.

    205 KI13 Qixue 氣穴 Qi Orifice 3 cun below the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Guanyuan-RM4

    206 KI14 Siman 四滿 Fourfold Fullness 2 cun below the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Shimen-RM5

    207 KI15 Zhongzhu 中注 Central Flow One cun below the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Yinjiao-RM7

    208 KI16 Huangshu 肓兪 Vitals Shu 0.5 cun beside the umbilicus

    209 KI17 Shangqu 商曲 High Bend 2 cun above the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Xiawan-RM10

    210 KI18 Shiguan 石關 Stone Pass

    (Food/Intestine Gate)

    3 cun above the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Jianli-RM11

    211 KI19 Yindu 陰都 Yin Metropolis 4 cun above the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Zhongwan-RM12

  • 212 KI20 Futonggu 腹通谷 Connecting Valley

    5 cun above the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Shangwan-RM13

    213 KI21 Youmen 幽門 Dark Gate 6 cun above the umbilicus and 0.5 cun from Juque-RM14

    214 KI22 Bulang 歩廊 Corridor Walk 2 cun from Zhongting-RM16, in the 6th intercostal space

    215 KI23 Shenfeng 神封 Spirit Seal 2 cun from Danzhong-RM17, in the 5th intercostal space

    216 KI24 Lingxu 靈墟 Spirit Ruins Or: 灵墙-Lingqiang. 2 cun from Yutang-RM18, in the 4th intercostal space.

    217 KI25 Shencang 神藏 Spirit Storehouse 2 cun from Zigong-RM19, in the third intercostal space

    218 KI26 Yuzhong 彧中 Lively Centre 2 cun from Huagai-RM20, in the second intercostal space

    219 KI27 Shufu 兪府 Shu

    (Transporting Point) Mansion

    2 cun from Xuanji-RM21, in the first intercostal space

    220 PC1 Tianchi 天池 Heavenly Pool One cun lateral to the nipple, over the 4th intercostal space

    221 PC2 Tianquan 天泉 Heavenly Spring 2 cun below the end of the anterior axilla between the two heads of the biceps brachii muscle 222 PC3 Quze 曲澤 Bend Marsh Along the elbow crease at the ulnar side of the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle

    223 PC4 Ximen 郄門 Xi- Cleft Gate 5 cun above Daling (Quze is 12 cun from Daling)

    224 PC5 Jianshi 間使 Intermediary Courier 3 cun above Daling in between the two tendons of the palmaris longus muscle and flexor carpi radialis muscle

    225 PC6 Neiguan 内關 Inner Pass 2 cun above Daling in between the two tendons of the palmaris longus muscle and flexor carpiradialis muscle

    226 PC7 Daling 大陵 Great Mound Middle of the most distal transverse crease of the wrist in between the two tendons of the palmaris longus muscle and flexor carpiradialis muscle

    227 PC8 Laogong 勞宮 Work Palace Or: 掌中-Zhangzhong. A point between the second and third metacarpal bones, which the tip of the middle finger touches when the fist is clenched.

    228 PC9 Zhongchong 中衝 Central Hub At the tip of the middle finger

    229 SJ1 Guanchong 關衝 Passage Hub-Thoroughfare About 0.1 cun from the corner of the vallum unguis on the ulnar side of the ring finger

    230 SJ2 Yemen 液門 Humour Gate In the web at the junction of the red and white skin, between the ring finger and little finger.

    231 SJ3 Zhongzhu 中渚 Central Islet Between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, about one cun from Yemen

    232 SJ4 Yangchi 陽池 Yang Pool Middle of the skin crease on the back of the wrist, at the ulnar side of the extensor digitorum communis muscle 233 SJ5 Waiguan 外關 Outer Pass 2 cun above the skin crease on the back of the wrist, between the ulnar and radius

    234 SJ6 Zhigou 支溝 Branch Ditch Or: 飞虎-Feihu. 3 cun above the transverse crease on the back of the wrist, between the ulnar and radius.

    235 SJ7 Huizong 會宗 Convergence & Gathering 3 cun above the transverse crease on the back of the wrist, on the ulnar side of Zhigou, at the radial border of the ulnar bone

    236 SJ8 Sanyangluo 三陽絡 Three Yang Connection Or: 通门-Tongmen. 4 cun above the transverse crease on the back of the wrist.

    237 SJ9 Sidu 四瀆 Four Rivers 5 cun below the olecranon, between the ulnar radius

    238 SJ10 Tianjing 天井 Heavenly Well In the depression cun behind the upper part of the olecranon, when the elbow is slightly flexed 239 SJ11 Qinglengyuan 清冷淵 Clear Cold Abyss Or: 清冷泉-Qinglengquan. One cun above Tianjing.

    240 SJ12 Xiaoluo 消濼 Dispersing Riverbed

    Between Qinglengyuan and Naohui

    241 SJ13 Naohui 臑會 Upper Arm Convergence

    3 cun below Jianliao, just below the deltoid muscle

    242 SJ14 Jianliao 肩髎 Shoulder Bone-Orifice

    Or: Jianjiao. At the postero-inferior side of the acromion, posterior to Jianyu-LI15.

    243 SJ15 Tianliao 天髎 Heavenly Bone-Orifice Or: Tianjiao. Over the superior angle of the scapula, between Jianjing-GB21 and Quyuan-SI13.

    244 SJ16 Tianyou 天牖 Heavenly Window Level of the angle of the mandible, on the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle near the natural line of the hair

    245 SJ17 Yifeng 翳風 Shielded from Wind Behind the lobule of the auricle, in the depression between the mastoid process and the mandible

    246 SJ18 Chimai 瘈脈 Spasm Vessel Or: Jimo, Jimai, Chimo. On the root of the auricle, 1/3 the distance from Yifeng to Jiaosun.

  • 247 SJ19 Luxi 顱息 Skull Rest On the root of the auricle, 2/3 the distance from Yifeng to Jiaosun

    248 SJ20 Jiaosun 角孫 Angle Vertex On the natural line of the hair, above the apex auriculae

    249 SJ21 Ermen 耳門 Ear Gate At the front of the tuberculum supratragicum, near the margin of the bone, where a depression is formed when the mouth is opened

    250 SJ22 Heliao 和髎 Harmony Bone-Orifice

    Or: Hejiao. At a level with the upper margin of the root of the auricle along the superficial temporal artery

    251 SJ23 Sizhukong 絲竹空 Silk Bamboo Orifice

    At the lateral end of the eyebrow

    252 GB1 Tongziliao 瞳子髎 Pupil (in the) Bone-Orifice

    .Or: Tongzijiao. 0.5 cun lateral to the external canthus

    253 GB2 Tinghui 聽會 Hearing Convergence On the posterior margin of the condyloid process of the mandible, in front of the incisura intertragicia, where a depression is formed when the mouth is wide open

    254 GB3 Shangguan 上關 Upper Gate On the anterior part of the ear and the upper margin of the zygomatic arch, right above Xiaguan-ST7

    255 GB4 Hanyan 頷厭 Forehead Fullness

    Within the temple, at the junction of upper 1/4 and lower 3/4 of the distand between Touwei –ST8 and Quepen-ST12

    256 GB5 Xuanlu 懸顱 Suspended Skull Within the margin of the temple, midway between Touwei-ST8 and Quepen-ST12

    257 GB6 Xuanli 懸釐 Suspended Tuft At the junction of upper 3/4 and lower 1/4 of the distand between Touwei-ST8 and Quepen-ST12

    258 GB7 Qubin 曲鬢 Bend of the

    Temporal Hairline

    In the temple on a level with the apex of ear, and about one cun in front of Jiaosun-SJ20

    259 GB8 Shuaigu 率谷 Leading Valley Or: Erjian-HN6. Above the apex of the auricula and 1.5 cun above the natural line of the hair. 260 GB9 Tianchong 天衝 Heavenly Hub On the postero-superior part of the auricula about 0.5 cun behind Shuaigu

    261 GB10 Fubai 浮白 Floating White Behind the ear, on the postero-superior part of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, midway between Tianchong and Head-Qiaoyin

    262 GB11 Touqiaoyin 頭竅陰 Head Portal Yin On the posterior part of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, midway between Fubai and Head-Wangu

    263 GB12 Wangu 完骨 Completion Bone In the depression at the lower postero-inferior part of the mastoid process of the temporal bone

    264 GB13 Benshen 本神 Root Spirit On the lateral part of the forehead, 0.5 cun within the natural line of the hair, 1/3 the distance, laterally, from Shenting-DM24 to Touwei-ST8 265 GB14 Yangbai 陽白 Yang White One cun above the middle of the eyebrow, in the depression on the superciliary arch

    266 GB15 Toulinqi 頭臨泣 Head

    Overlooking Tears

    0.5 cun within the natural line of the hair, midway, between Shenting-DM24 and Touwei

    267 GB16 Muchuang 目窗 Eye Window One cun behind Head-Linqi

    268 GB17 Zhengying 正営 Upright Construction

    One cun behind Muchuang

    269 GB18 Chengling 承靈 Support Spirit 1.5 cun behind Zhengying

    270 GB19 Naokong 腦空 Brain Hollow Laterally to the external occipital protuberance. 2.25 cun level with Naohu-DM17, and above Fengchi.

    271 GB20 Fengchi 風池 Wind Pool Below the occipital bone, in the depression on the outer part of the trapezius muscle, on a level with Fengfu-DM16

    272 GB21 Jianjing 肩井 Shoulder Well On the hump of the shoulder, midway between Dazhui-DM14 and the acromion (Deep insertion prohibited)

    273 GB22 Yuanye 淵腋 Armpit Abyss Or: 腋门-Yemen. 3 cun below the axilla, in the 4th intercostal space on the midaxillary line.

    274 GB23 Zhejin 輒筋 Sinew Seat One cun in front of Yuanye in 4th intercostal space, level to nipple

    275 GB24 Riyue 日月 Sun & Moon 1.5 cun directly below Qimen-LR14, in the 7th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the midline of the abdomen

    276 GB25 Jingmen 京門 Capital Gate On the antero-inferior side anterior extremity of the 12th rib (1.8 cun behind Zhangmen-LR13)

    277 GB26 Daimai 帶脈 Girdling Vessel On the same level as the umbilicus, right on the midaxillary line (1.8 cun below Zhangmen-LR13) 278 GB27 Wushu 五樞 Fifth Pivot In front of the anterior superior iliac spine, on the same level as Guanyuan-RM4

    279 GB28 Weidao 維道 Linking Path On antero-inferior part of the anterior superior iliac spine and 0.5 cun right below Wushu

  • 280 GB29 Juliao 居髎 Squatting Bone-Orifice

    Or: Jujiao. On the iliac side between the anterior superior iliac spine and the greater trochanter of the femur.

    281 GB30 Huantiao 環跳 Ring of Jumping

    (Hip Joint)

    Or: 髀枢-Bishu. On the postero-superior side of the greater trochanter, at the junction of lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of the distance between the greater trochanter of the femur and the sacral hiatus.

    282 GB31 Fengshi 風市 Wind Market On the lateral part of the thigh, 7 cun above the popliteal transverse crease (From the tip of the greater trochanter to the popliteal transverse crease is 19 cun) 283 GB32 Zhongdu 中瀆 Central River 5 cun above the popliteal transverse crease and 2 cun below Fengshi

    284 GB33 Xiyangguan 膝陽関 Knee Yang Joint 3 cun above Yanglingquan, in the depression above the lateral condyle of the femur

    285 GB34 Yanglingquan 陽陵泉 Yang Mound Spring

    On the antero-inferior part of the capitulum of the fibula, 2 cun below the knee

    286 GB35 Yangjiao 陽交 Yang Intersection 7 cun above the lateral malleolus, behind the fibula (From the lower border of the patella to the lateral malleolus is 16 cun)

    287 GB36 Waiqiu 外丘 Outer Hill 7 cun above the lateral malleolus, in front of the fibula (Midway between Yanglingquan and lateral malleolus) 288 GB37 Guangming 光明 Light Bright 5 cun above the lateral malleolus, in front of the fibula

    289 GB38 Yangfu 陽輔 Yang Assistance 4 cun above the lateral malleolus, in front of the fibula

    290 GB39 Xuanzhong 懸鐘 Suspended Bell 3 cun above the lateral malleolus

    291 GB40 Qiuxu 丘墟 Hill Ruins In the depression on the antero-inferior part of the lateral malleolus

    292 GB41 Zulinqi 足臨泣 Foot Overlooking Tears

    Between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, 1.5 cun behind Xiaxi

    293 GB42 Diwuhui 地五會 Earth Fivefold Convergence Between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun front of Foot-Linqi

    294 GB43 Xiaxi 俠谿 Pinched Ravine Behind the margin of the wed between the 4th toe and the little toe

    295 GB44 Zuqiaoyin 足竅陰 Foot Portal Yin About 0.1 cun behind the lateral corner of the vallum unguis of the 4th toe

    296 LR1 Dadun 大敦 Great Pile On the lateral side of the distal phalange of the big toe, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the vallum unguis 297 LR2 Xingjian 行間 Moving Between Behind the margin of the wed of the big toe and the second toe

    298 LR3 Taichong 太衝 Supreme Surge On the depression distal to junction of the first and second metatarsal bones

    299 LR4 Zhongfeng 中封 Central Mound One cun anterior from the medial malleolus in between the tendon of the extensor hallucis longus muscle and the tibialis anterior muscle 300 LR5 Ligou 蠡溝 Woodworm Canal 5 cun above the medial malleolus on the medial border of the tibia

    301 LR6 Zhongdu 中都 Central Metropolis 7 cun above the medial malleolus beside the tibia

    302 LR7 Xiguan 膝關 Knee Joint One cun posterior to Yinlingquan-SP9, postero-inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia

    303 LR8 Ququan 曲泉 Bend Spring At the medial end of the knee crease, in front of the semimembranosus muscle behind the lower end of the femur

    304 LR9 Yinbao 陰包 Yin Bladder Or: 陰胞-Yinbao. 4 cun above the medial epicondyle of the femur, in between the sartorius muscle and vastus medialis muscle.

    305 LR10 Zuwuli 足五里 Foot Five Li On the medial side of the thigh, lateral to the adductor muscles, 3 cun below Qichong-ST30

    306 LR11 Yinlian 陰廉 Yin Corner 2 cun below Qichong-ST30, on the medial side of the thigh

    307 LR12 Jimai 急脈 Urgent Pulse Or: Jimo. 2.5 cun laterally from the center of the symphysis pubis, the infero-lateral part of the tuberculum of the pubic bone.

    308 LR13 Zhangmen 章門 Camphorwood Gate

    Below the end of the 11th rib where it meets the midaxillary line

    309 LR14 Qimen 期門 Cycle (Qi-Cycle) Gate

    Or: 肝募-Ganmu. In the 6th intercostal space, 2 ribs below the nipple.

    310 DM1 Changqiang 長强 Long Strong At between the tip of the coccyx and the anus

    311 DM2 Yaoshu 腰兪 Lower Back Shu In the middle of the sacral hiatus

    312 DM3 Yaoyangguan 腰陽關 Lower Back Yang Joint

    Below the spinous of the 4th lumbar vertebra

    313 DM4 Mingmen 命門 Life Gate Below the spinous of the 2nd lumbar vertebra

    314 DM5 Xuanshu 懸樞 Suspended Pivot Below the spinous of the 1st lumbar vertebra

    315 DM6 Jizhong 脊中 Spinal Centre Below the spinous of the 11th thoracic vertebra

  • 316 DM7 Zhongshu 中樞 Central Pivot Below the spinous of the 10th thoracic vertebra

    317 DM8 Jinsuo 筋縮 Sinew Contraction Below the spinous of the 9th thoracic vertebra

    318 DM9 Zhiyang 至陽 Extremity of Yang

    Below the spinous of the 7th thoracic vertebra

    319 DM10 Lingtai 靈臺 Spirit Tower Below the spinous of the 6th thoracic vertebra

    320 DM11 Shendao 神道 Spirit Path Below the spinous of the 5th thoracic vertebra

    321 DM12 Shenzhu 身柱 Body Pillar Below the spinous of the 3rd thoracic vertebra

    322 DM13 Taodao 陶道 Kiln Path Below the spinous of the 1st thoracic vertebra

    323 DM14 Dazhui 大椎 Great Hammer (Vertebra T1) Or: 百劳-Bailao. Between the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra and that of the 1st thoracic vertebra.

    324 DM15 Yamen 瘂門 Mute's Gate Above 0.5 cun of middle of the natural line of the hair at the head

    325 DM16 Fengfu 風府 Wind Mansion One cun above the middle of the natural line of the hair at the back of the head, in the depression below the occipital protuberance, 0.5 cun above yamen 326 DM17 Naohu 腦戸 Brain Door 1.5 cun after Fengfu

    327 DM18 Qiangjian 强間 Unyielding Space 1.5 cun before Naohu

    328 DM19 Houding 後頂 Behind the Vertex

    1.5 cun before Qiangjian

    329 DM20 Baihui 百會 Hundred Convergences 5 cun before the middle of the natural line of the hair, 1.5 cun before Houding

    330 DM21 Qianding 前頂 Before Vertex 1.5 cun before Baihui

    331 DM22 Xinhui 顖會 Fontanel Meeting

    1.5 cun before Qianding

    332 DM23 Shangxing 上星 Upper Star One cun above the middle of the natural line of the hair on the forehead

    333 DM24 Shenting 神庭 Spirit Court 0.5 cun behind the middle of the natural line of the hair on the forehead.

    334 DM25 Suliao 素髎 White Bone-Orifice

    Or: Sujiao, 面王-Mianwang. The tip of the nose.

    335 DM26 Shuigou 水溝 Water Through Or: 人中-renzhong. At the junction of the upper 1/3 and lower 2/3 of the philtrum.

    336 DM27 Duiduan 兌端 Mouth Extremity The tip of the philtrum

    337 DM28 Yinjiao 齦交 Gum Intersection Midpoint between the inner surface of the upper lip and the upper gums

    338 RM1 Huiyin 會陰 Meeting of Yin Midway between the anus and the scrotum of posterior commissure of vulva

    339 RM2 Qugu 曲骨 Curved Bone 5 cun below the umbilicus

    340 RM3 Zhongji 中極 Central Pole Or: 膀胱募-pangguangmu. 4 cun below the umbilicus.

    341 RM4 Guanyuan 關元 Pass Origin 3 cun below the umbilicus

    342 RM5 Shimen 石門 Stone Gate 2 cun below the umbilicus

    343 RM6 Qihai 氣海 Qi Sea 1.5 cun below the umbilicus

    344 RM7 Yinjiao 陰交 Yin Intersection 1 cun below the umbilicus

    345 RM8 Shenque 神闕 Spirit Gate, Navel Centre Or: 脐中-Qizhong. The center of the umbilicus.

    346 RM9 Shuifen 水分 Water Divide One cun above the umbilicus

    347 RM10 Xiawan 下脘 Lower Venter 2 cun above the umbilicus

    348 RM11 Jianli 建里 Interior Strengthening 3 cun above the umbilicus

    349 RM12 Zhongwan 中脘 Central Venter Or: 胃募-Weimu. 4 cun above the umbilicus, between the umbilicus and the costophrenic angle.

    350 RM13 Shangwan 上脘 Upper Venter 5 cun above the umbilicus

    351 RM14 Juque 巨闕 Great Tower Gate Or: 心募-xinmu. One cun below Jiuwei, 6 cun above the umbilicus.

    352 RM15 Jiuwei 鳩尾 Turtledove Tail Along the median line, below the xiphoid process, 7 cun above the umbilicus

    353 RM16 Zhongting 中庭 Centre Palace Along the median line, and level with the 5th intercostal space

  • 354 RM17 Shanzhong 膻中 Chest Centre Or: Tanzhong. Level with the 4th intercostal space and midway between the nipples.

    355 RM18 Yutang 玉堂 Jade Hall Along the median line, and on a level with the 3rd intercostal space

    356 RM19 Zigong 紫宮 Purple Palace Along the medial line, and on a level with the 2nd intercostal space

    357 RM20 Huagai 華蓋 Florid Canopy One cun below Xuanji, and on a level with the 1st intercostal space

    358 RM21 Xuanji 璇璣 Jade Pearl, Turning Pivot

    One cun below Tiantu, on the manubrium sterni

    359 RM22 Tiantu 天突 Heavenly Chimney Middle of the depression above the suprasternal notch, the needle being inserted downward alongside the trachea

    360 RM23 Lianquan 廉泉 Ridge Spring Middle of the lower border of the body of the hyoid bone above the laryngeal prominence

    361 RM24 Chengjiang 承漿 Sauce Receptacle Middle of the mentolabial groove

    1001 HN1 Sishencong 四神聪 Four Intelligences One cun in front, behind, left, and right of the Baihui-DM20. There are 4 points at all.

    1002 HN2 Dangyang 当阳 Facing Sun One cun within the natural line of the hair, directly above the pupil, while the patient looking straight ahead 1003 HN3 Yintang 印堂 Seal Hall At the midway of the medial ends of the eyebrows

    1004 HN4 Yuyao 鱼腰 Fish Loins At the midpoint of the eyebrow

    1005 HN5 Taiyang 太阳 Supreme Yang Above one finger behind the lateral end of the eyebrow and the outer canthus

    1006 HN6 Erjian 耳尖 Ear Tip At the apex of the auricle, when the ear is folded

    1007 HN7 Qiuhou 球后 Pupils Behind At the junction of lateral 1/4 and medial 3/4 of the inferior border of orbit

    1008 HN8 Shangyingxiang 上迎香 Above LI20 (Welcome Fragrance)

    Below the nose bone, in the depression of the upper end of the nasolabial sutcus

    1009 HN9 Neiyingxiang 内迎香 Internal LI20

    (Welcome Fragrance)

    At the upper end of the nostrils

    1010 HN10 Juquan 聚泉 Great Spring At the center of the tongue

    1011 HN11 Haiquan 海泉 Sea-like Spring Open the mouth and roll the tongue, on the lingual frenulum

    1012 HN12 Jinjin 金津 Gold Fluid On the vein at the left side of the frenulum of the tongue

    1013 HN13 Yuye 玉液 Jade Fluid On the vein at the right side of the frenulum of the tongue

    1014 HN14 Yiming 翳明 Shielding Brightness One cun behind the point Yifeng-SJ17

    1015 HN15 Jingbailao 颈百劳 Neck Hundred Labour One cun lateral to the middle line of the back, 2 cun above the point Dazhui-DM14

    1016 CA1 Zigong 子宫 Uterus, Womb 3 cun lateral to the point Zhongji-RM3

    1017 B1 Dingchuan 定喘 Stop Wheezing, Soothing Asthma 0.5 cun lateral to the point Dazhui-DM14

    1018 B2 Jiaji 夹脊 Paravertebral 0.5 cun beside the lower border of each spinous process from the 1st thoracic vertebra to the 5th lumbar vertebra. One point at each left and right side of the vertebra. There are 34 points altogether.

    1019 B3 Weiwanxiashu 胃脘

    下俞 Stomach's Comfort

    1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of spinous process of the 8th thoracic vertebra. Another saying asserts that, there are three points, which also include one below the lower border of the spinous process of the 8th thoracic vertebra apart from two lateral ones.

    1020 B4 Pigen 痞根 Obstruction Root

    3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra

    1021 B5 Xiajishu 下志室 Lower Level Hollow?

    Below the spinous process of the 3rd lumbar vertebra

    1022 B6 Yaoyi 腰宜 Lower Back Propriety

    3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra

    1023 B7 Yaoyan 腰眼 Lower Back Orifice

    In the depression, 4 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra

    1024 B8 Shiqizhui 十七椎 17 Vertebrae Below Below the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebra

    1025 B9 Yaoqi 腰奇 Lower Back 'Miscellany' 2 cun above the tip of the coccyx

    1026 UE1 Zhoujian 肘尖 Elbow's Tip At the apex of the ulnar olecranon

  • 1027 UE2 Erbai 二白 Two Whites 4 cun above the palmar transverse crease of the wrist, at the both side of the tendon of flexor carpiradialis muscle. One point is at the ulnar side of the tendon and the other one is at the radial side of the tendon.

    1028 UE3 Zhongquan 中泉 Central Spring? On the back of the wrist, in the depression between the points Yangxi-LI5 and Yangchi-SJ14

    1029 UE4 Zhongkui 中魁 Central Eminence In the midpoint of the transverse crease of the proximal phalangeal joint of the middle finger. At the dorsum of the hand.

    1030 UE5 Dagukong 大骨空 Great Bone Cavity On the midpoint of the transverse creases of phalangeal joint of the thumb. At the dorsum of the hand.

    1031 UE6 Xiaogukong 小骨空 Little Bone Cavity On the midpoint of the transverse crease of the proximal phalangeal joint of the small finger. At the dorsum of the hand.

    1032 UE7 Yaotongdian 腰痛点 Lower Back (Loin

    & Leg) Connecting Point

    At the dorsum of the hand, on the radial side and ulnar side of the tendon of the extensor digitorum communis muscle. One cun before the transverse crease of the wrist. There are two points of each hand.

    1033 UE8 Wailaogong 外劳宫 Outer PC08 (Work Palace)

    At the dorsum of the hand, between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpo-phalangeal joint.

    1034 UE9 Baxie 八邪 Eight Evils 0.5 cun proximal to the web margin, between the fingers from 1st to 5th, on the dorsum of the hand. There are 8 points at both hands.

    1035 UE10 Sifeng 四缝 Four Seams At the palmar surface, on the midpoint of the transverse creases of the proximal phalangeal joint of the index, middle, ring, and small fingers. Each hand has 4 points and both have 8 points.

    1036 UE11 Shixuan 十宣 Ten Proclamations At the tip of each finger, about 0.1 cun behind the nail. There are ten points at both hands.

    1037 LE1 Kuangu 髋骨 Patella Bone? Hip Bone? 1.5 cun bilateral to the point Liangqiu-ST34. Each side has two points and both have four points at all.

    1038 LE2 Heding 鹤顶 Crane's Top In the depression of the middle of the upper border of the patella

    1039 LE3 Baichongwo 百虫窝 Hundred Nest of Insects ? One cun above the point Xuehai-SP10

    1040 LE4 Neixiyan 内膝眼 Inner knee eyes In the depression interior to the patella ligament

    1041 LE5 Xiyan 膝眼 Knee Eyes In the depression bilateral to the patella ligament. Each knee has 2 points and both have 4 points at all. 1042 LE6 Dannang 胆囊 Gallbladder Point 1~2 cun down to the point Yanglingquan-GB34

    1043 LE7 Lanwei 阑尾 Gut Tail (Appendix) 1.5~2 cun down to the point Zusanli-ST36

    1044 LE8 Neihuaijian 内踝尖 Internal Malleolus Apex At the apex of the medial malleolus

    1045 LE9 Waihuaijian 外踝尖 External Malleolus Apex At the apex of the lateral malleolus

    1046 LE10 Bafeng 八风 Eight Winds 0.5 cun proximal to the web margin between the five toes on the dorsum of the foot. There are 8 points at both feet.

    1047 LE11 Duyin 独阴 Single Yin At the sole surface, on the midpoint of the transverse crease of the distal phalangeal joint of 2nd toe 1048 LE12 Qidian 气端 Qi Extremity At the tip of each toe, above 0.1 cun to the nail. There are 10 points at both feet.