[YOUTH STEROID EDUCATION] 2011 Jeremiah Aiken Brian Andreatta Sean Kloppenburg Tyson Reeves

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Jeremiah Aiken

Brian Andreatta

Sean Kloppenburg Tyson


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Youth  Steroid  Education   2011    

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A Rationale for the Youth Steroid Education: A program to decrease high school

power athlete’s steroid use with supplement education

Authors: Jeremiah Aiken Brian Andreatta

Sean Kloppenburg Tyson Reeves


According to a CDC youth risk behavior survey of 2009; 5.2% of high school

aged males nationwide have used steroids illegally (cdc.gov). The ingestion or injections

of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) have many side effects, especially when started at

such a young age. While an adolescent’s body is growing the improper introduction of

such large amounts of male hormones can cause irreversible changes such as stunted

growth, liver damage, malignant tumors and Peliosis hepatis, which is a potentially

deadly condition (Steroidabuse.com). Short-term effects of steroid use in adolescents can

include ruptured tendons and ligaments, thus ruining the chance at athletic success that

they were trying to achieve through steroids.

Solution/Why this will work:

The Youth Steroid Education consists of an educational plan that includes

educational seminars for the teen power sport athletes through the coaches and power

sport role models. The coaches will participate in an informational class on steroids with

testing before and after as an assessment but also as preparation for the required national

Youth Power Sport Steroid Certification (YPSSC).

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Through the educational plan there will be a successful reduction in illegal

steroid use for 15-19 year old male power athletes. This educational plan acknowledges

their ability to make informed decisions on the facts and dangers of youth steroid use.

Moreover this approach uses the respect held towards the coaches and fellow role model

power athletes to make lasting impressions which would far better influence the youth

power athlete’s actions compared to the representatives of the (Youth Steroid Education)

program. The educational plan also avoids unnecessary scare tactics that are an unreliable

method of prevention with teens. This is especially true with male power sport athletes

whom will respond more effectively from people they respect such as coaches and power

sport role models.

This educational plan also addresses the high school coaches by having a required

seminar on the dangers of youth steroid use. Here they would get the information to pass

on to their athletes and reduce the use of steroids in teens through education.

In its entirety, the educational plan is centered on the coaches and the power sport

role models. Coaches are able to help the power sport athletes avoid dangerous decisions

because of the leadership role that they embody. Power sport role models provide real

testimonials to their experiences as an athlete and their experience with steroids; this

naturally will provide the necessary relevance towards the high school power athletes to

remember and act on the information presented in the educational plan.

The surrounding community including parents will see the benefit of their

children getting valuable information from school, coaches, and responsible role models.

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Most importantly, the athletes will have the knowledge to make informed decisions and

understand the implications of youth steroid anabolic androgenic steroids use.

Youth Steroid Education will be successful because the athletes respect for both

the role models and coaches can be used through education to reduce the use of steroids

in teens. Moreover the coaches will now have adequate knowledge to see if their athletes

are under illegal steroid use which will further increase the effectiveness of the program.

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Http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/pubs/brochures/steroids/children/, School Officials.

"Steroid Statistics - Steroid Abuse .com." Steroid Abuse - Steroidabuse.com. Web. 15

Feb. 2011. <http://www.steroidabuse.com/steroid-statistics.html>.

Miller, Kathleen E., Grace M. Barnes, Donald F. Sabo, Merrill J. Melnick, and Michael

P. Farrell. "Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use and Other Adolescent Problem Behaviors:

Rethinking the Male Athlete Assumption." Sociological Perspectives 45.4 (2002).

JSTOR. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. <http://www.jstor.org/pss/10.1525/sop.2002.45.4.467>.

NCAA Public Home Page - NCAA.org. Web. 04 May 2011. <http://www.ncaa.org/>.

"Steroid Use in High Schools - Steroid Abuse .com." Steroid Abuse - Steroidabuse.com.

Association Against Steroid Abuse, 2007. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "YRBSS: Youth Risk Behavior

Surveillance System - DASH/HealthyYouth." Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention. 2009. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.


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The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS). Rep. CDC. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.







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Committee/Membership Rational

The committee:

Jeremiah Aiken, Brian Andreatta, Sean Kloppenburg, Tyson Reeves, volunteers,

steroid specialists, registered dietitians (RD), power sport specific coaches, and


Membership rational:

The Health Promotion specialists consisting of: Jeremiah Aiken, Brian Andreatta,

Sean Kloppenburg and Tyson Reeves are the programs “head staff” of which will oversee

the entire program. The Health Promotion specialists, volunteers, and steroid specialists

all make this program a reality. The RDs, power sport specific coaches, and physicians

will provide professional feedback and guidance to certain specifics aspects of the

program that pertain to their expertise for the head staff.

A more in depth rational for each committee member are as follows:

-­‐ Health Promotion specialists/volunteers/steroid specialists:

The health promotion specialists, volunteers and steroid specialists will

make the program a reality by physically going to the schools and teaching the

classes, conducting the seminars and providing teen power sport athlete

steroid information to the coaches and students during the seminars and


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-­‐ Power sport specific coach:

The power sport specific coach will talk about his knowledge and

experience with being a coach for power sport athletes as well as advise about

the athlete—coach relationship to the head staff.

-­‐ Registered Dietitian:

The RD will provide essential background knowledge on steroids and how

that plays into a teen power sport athlete’s diet which ultimately impacts the

athlete’s performance—the RD will fill the essential role of explaining how

power sport athletes can get performance through diet without using steroids.

-­‐ Physician:

The physician will be there for specific questions from parents, athletes,

coaches, and staff essential to health care aspects of teen power sport athletics

and youth steroid use—the physician will fill the essential role of advising and

providing another professional outlook on the Youth Steroid Education.

Including all of the tasks stated above the Health Promotion specialists,

volunteers, steroid specialists, RDs, power sport specific coaches and physicians will all

be there as a resource for the teen power sport athletes and their families for questions

and concerns. With this committee the Youth Steroid Education program will have

exercise specialists, nutritional specialists, general health specialists, and coaching

profession specialists to cover all bases within the program that are necessary.

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Goals and Objectives

Mission Statement: Youth Steroid Education is committed to the prevention of steroid

use in high school power athletes in Northern Colorado through the education of coaches

and athletes.

Main Goal:

Reduce steroid use in high school power athletes


1. Work to make the Youth Power Sport Steroid Certification (YPSSC) required

nationally for coaches. Date of completion—2/1/2016

2. Bring in two special speakers who have used steroids to talk to the coaches and

athletes and give their testimonials providing evidence of a reachable goal and a

role model figure. Including their appearance for the athletes during the education

sessions they will be available to coaches and athletes at two venues. Date of


3. Reduction in steroid use by high school power athletes according to the CDC

youth risk behavior survey. Date of completion—2/1/2018

Sub Goal 1:

Educate coaches about steroids


1. Educate the coaches on the types of steroids through an informational class with a

testing before and after. Date of completion—5/1/2015

2. Educate coaches on the risks of steroids through an informational class with a

testing before and after. Date of completion—5/1/2015

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3. Educate coaches on the signs of steroid use through an informational class with a

testing before and after. Date of completion—5/1/2015

4. Require the national certification for coaches providing a class seminar on

steroids. Date of completion—2/1/2016

Sub Goal 2:

Educate high school athletes about steroids


1. Educate the power athletes on the types of steroids through guest speakers and

coaches in an educational seminar. Non-binding knowledge test before and after.

Date of completion—8/1/2015

2. Educate power athletes on risks of steroids through guest speakers and coaches in

an educational seminar. Non-binding knowledge test before and after. Date of


3. Educate power athletes on the signs of steroid use through guest speakers and

coaches in an educational seminar. Non-binding knowledge test before and after.

Date of completion—8/1/2015

Needs Assessment

In order to diminish the use of steroids/PED’s we will focus primarily on

adolescent power sport athletes in high schools within the Northern Colorado region. The

greatest need of this population is education. Our program is based on the fact that

knowledge is power. If our program can reach out to this population at an early age,

showing the health risks of taking steroids, the signs of steroid use, and the differing

types of steroids, then they will ultimately know the implications of using steroids. The

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subgroup with the greatest need for this education is male adolescents. Male adolescent

power sport athletes are the subgroup most heavily pressured to take part in steroid use.

For a program like ours to work effectively we must choose the widest array of people to

reach in one setting, and this subsequently turns out to be males.

Our target population is geographically located in the Northern Colorado region.

Although education about steroids is known to some, little is being done to stop steroid

use/abuse in high schools around the nation, much less Northern Colorado. In fact, in

2003 six percent of 1,500 high school athletes admitted to using steroids. However, only

four percent of high schools in the entire United States actually test the student athletes

(USAToday, 2005). This shows that there is a need for change, and little has been done to

actually change it in the past.


What needs to change:

Though the use of steroids among high school athletes is currently only around

5% it has been steadily increasing over the past few decades (CDC.gov).This is a statistic

that needs to not only be halted, but diminished in order to insure fair competition and

more importantly the health of young athletes.

What level of prevention:

Initial development of this program will be restricted to Northern Colorado power

sport coaches. Over the next five years the goal is to have this program required

nationally for all high school coaches.

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What level of influence:

Adolescent athletes are most influenced by who they look up to, which in this

case are coaches, power sport role models, collegiate athletes, and steroid specialists. By

educating the coaches they in turn will educate their athletes, Youth Steroid Education

will also provide the coaches with access to current and ex-professional athletes who will

come in and speak to their athletes about the use and dangers of steroids, after

participating and passing our programs steroid courses and seminars (discussed below).


This program encompasses multiple health education strategies to accomplish our

goal of curbing steroid use in adolescent athletes. The incentive/disincentive strategy is

the most apparent; coaches and athletes will be informed of the health reasons to abstain

from the use of steroids as well as the benefits that can come from clean lifting or lifting

with the use of healthy, natural supplements. At the coaches level a health policy

enforcement strategy is in effect. This is the requirement of our adolescent steroid

use/abuse certification. By requiring this certification and working in coordination with

school districts and the NHSACA (National High School Athletic Coaches Association)

the necessity of obtaining this certification will be enforced. The strategy of health

communication will be used in this program as well in multiple mediums. Not only will

the coaches receive an oral presentation prior to their certification but they will also

receive printed material in the form of bi-monthly newsletters. Going further down the

line towards prevention, the athletes will receive oral communication from their coaches

as well as professional athletes whom they look up to and will have access to view the

newsletters online.

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Northern Colorado power sport coaches will be educated in many topics

associated with adolescent steroid use and abuse.

These topics will be:

• Different types of steroids and PED’s (performance enhancing drugs).

• Risks associated with adolescent use of steroids and PED’s.

• The signs of adolescent steroid use and abuse, both physiological and


In addition it will be a requirement for the coaches the seminar which will culminate

in a written exam. The first portion of the seminar will educate the coaches on the

differing types of steroids. The second portion will educate the coaches on the correlation

of health risks when taking steroids. The third portion will educate the coaches on the

signs of having an athlete experimenting with steroids or PED’s. All courses must be

taken and passed no later than May 1, 2015. The certification will be granted after all

seminars are taken, no later than February 2016.Within the seminars, high school coaches

will be further educated to the risks of steroid usage for their athletes. Question and

answer will be a large part of the seminar to discuss what supplements are recognized as

illegal and which ones are not, and any other questions the coaches may have at the time.

To further the programs validity and credibility, our program will hire a registered

dieticians (RD’s),Sport Specific Doctor, in case our staff cannot answer any of the

questions. . The following is a list of the illegal/legal supplements for high school athletes

participating in power sports.

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“ 2009-10 NCAA Banned Drugs

The NCAA bans the following classes of drugs:

a. Stimulants

b. Anabolic Agents

c. Alcohol and Beta Blockers (banned for rifle only)

d. Diuretics and Other Masking Agents

e. Street Drugs

f. Peptide Hormones and Analogues

g. Anti-estrogens

h. Beta-2 Agonists

Note: Any substance chemically related to these classes is also banned.

The institution and the student-athlete shall be held accountable for all drugs within the

banned drug class regardless of whether they have been specifically identified.

Drugs and Procedures Subject to Restrictions:

a. Blood Doping.

b. Local Anesthetics (under some conditions).

c. Manipulation of Urine Samples.

d. Beta-2 Agonists permitted only by prescription and inhalation.

e. Caffeine if concentrations in urine exceed 15 micrograms/ml.

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NCAA Nutritional/Dietary Supplements Warning:

Ø Before consuming any nutritional/dietary supplement product, review the

product and its label with your athletics department staff!

Dietary supplements are not well regulated and may cause a positive drug test result.

Student-athletes have tested positive and lost their eligibility using dietary supplements.

Many dietary supplements are contaminated with banned drugs not listed on the label.

Any product containing a dietary supplement ingredient is taken at your own risk.

It is your responsibility to check with athletics staff

before taking any substance. Some Examples of NCAA Banned Substances in each


NOTE: There is no complete list of banned drug examples!!

Check with your athletics department staff to review the label of any product, medication

or supplement before you consume it!


amphetamine (Adderall); caffeine (guarana); cocaine; ephedrine; fenfluramine (Fen);

methamphetamine; methylphenidate (Ritalin); phentermine (Phen); synephrine (bitter

orange); etc.

exceptions: phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine are not banned.

Anabolic Agents:

boldenone; clenbuterol; DHEA; nandrolone; stanozolol; testosterone; methasterone;

androstenedione; norandrostenedione; methandienone; etiocholanolone; trenbolone; etc.

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Alcohol and Beta Blockers (banned for rifle only):

alcohol; atenolol; metoprolol; nadolol; pindolol; propranolol; timolol; etc.

Diuretics and Other Masking Agents:

bumetanide; chlorothiazide; furosemide; hydrochlorothiazide; probenecid; spironolactone

(canrenone); triameterene; trichlormethiazide; etc.

Street Drugs:

heroin; marijuana; tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Peptide Hormones and Analogues:

human growth hormone (hGH); human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG); erythropoietin

(EPO); etc.

Anti-Estrogens :

anastrozole; clomiphene; tamoxifen; formestane; etc.

Beta-2 Agonists:

bambuterol; formoterol; salbutamol; salmeterol; etc.

Any substance that is chemically related to the class of banned drugs, unless

otherwise noted, is also banned!

NOTE: Information about ingredients in medications and nutritional/dietary supplements

can be obtained by contacting the Resource Exchange Center, REC, 877-202-0769 or

www.drugfreesport.com/rec password ncaa1, ncaa2 or ncaa3.

It is your responsibility to check with your athletics staff

before using any substance.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association

June 10, 2009 MEW” (NCAA.org)

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Legal Supplements for Non-Athletic Use:

Legal Steroids:










Oxodrol 12


Promagnon 25



Sostonol 250

Tren 13-Ethyl


(Legal Steroids, 2009)

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Illegal Supplements:

Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids:










Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

Desoxymethyltestosterone (DMT)

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)










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19-Norandrostenediol 19















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Tetrahydrogestrinone (THG)


(Anabolic Agents, 2009)

Peptide Hormones/ Growth Factors:

Human Growth Hormone

Animal Growth Hormones

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

Insulin Growth Factor (IGF-1)

Erythropoietin (EPO)

(USADA, 2011)

High school coaches that are involved in power sports will be required to obtain this

certification, and recertify every two years to stay up to date on advances in PED’s. After

a coach has received their certification they will have access to a variety of benefits to

help educate their athletes on the dangers of adolescent steroid use. Coaches will be able

to bring in past steroid users as well as professional athletes that student athletes will look

up to and respect. In addition a bi-monthly newsletter will be sent to all that have

received the certification. This newsletter will inform coaches of new information as well

as progressive techniques on prevention and advice on what supplements young athletes

should be taking.

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Student athletes will have the option to attend a seminar. Within the seminar student

athletes will learn about on the types of steroids, health risks of steroid usage, and the

signs of steroid use, by using role model testimonials by guest speakers and coaches.


Date: May 5, 2015

Time: 5:15 p.m.

1.) Educational video on steroid use/abuse in adolescent athletes.

2.) Question and Answer (with Health Nutritionist/Sport Specific Doctor present).

3.) Discussion of illegal/legal steroids for this age group.

4.) Short quiz on steroid usage, appropriate supplements, and how to promote a

change for adolescents who have been experimenting with steroids.

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many people the hardest thing to do is gain weight. They seemingly hit a “plateau” and cannot gain any more weight. Instead of looking to steroids, try protein supplements within an hour after working out. This will enable your muscles to use as much protein as possible in the rebuilding process. Another popular method is creatine usage. Creatine is found naturally in one’s body, but if taken in supplemental form, can dramatically increase muscle strength and growth. (Zazworskey, 2006)

For the past few decades there has been a preconceived notion that steroid use is mandatory in order to be a great athlete. Many high school adoles

cents have taken this to heart and have experimented with what could be very dangerous PED’s (Performance Enhancing Drugs). However this notion is not true. As in all things in life, there are always alternatives. According to Joe Zazworskey of Saint Joseph’s University any illegal or dangerous drug can be exchanged with a healthy counter-part. Ginseng, for example, can be used to delay fatigue, helping one lift for longer periods of time, or give one energy after a long day at work or school. For

High S cho o l Ath l e t e s : Hea l t h y Supp l emen t s


Youth Steroid Education 05-05-11 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

St e r o i d Us e In c r e a s e s i n Hi gh S ch o o l Ath l e t e s Steroid use by adolescent athletes is becoming one of the most alarming concerns for schools and families around the nation. According to reports by USAToday an estimated 5 to 11 percent of male high school athlete have used performance enhancing drugs, and this

statistic is on the rise. According to reports by the Center of Disease and Prevention high school steroid use “doubled from 1991 to 2003.” Out of 1,500 student athletes surveyed, 6 percent had experimented with steroids. Even though these numbers are high, less than 4 percent of

high schools actually test their athletes. Many coaches know that steroids are being used, and up until this program nothing has been done. There comes a point when coaches must realize the implications of turning their head to a potential danger to many adolescents. (USATODAY, 2005

Effects of Steroid Use: For Males •  Shrunken Testicles •  Reduced Sperm Count •  Infertility •  Baldness •  Increased Risk of

Prostate Cancer For Females •  Facial Hair •  Changes in Menstrual

Cycle •  Deepened Voice (NIDA)

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Marketing Plan

Target Market:

The primary target market of the Youth Steroid Education is coaches and athletes

and more specifically high school coaches and high school athletes. We can segment the

priority population into smaller groups by focusing on high school strength and

conditioning coaches and on high school athletes involved in power sports such as

football. This will be a social marketing plan as the goal of the program is to reduce the

incident rate of anabolic steroid use in high school power athletes.

Marketing Process:

1. There is no real information on how to market a program such as ours to high

school coaches and athletes as nothing like the Youth Power Sport Steroid Certification

(YPSSC) has ever been done. In order to reach these coaches and athletes with our

program and make them aware of it we will be providing educational seminars for

coaches and then in turn educational seminars will be provided for the student athletes

through high school coaches, ex-steroid users, and power sport role models.

2. The product of Youth Steroid Education is the hopeful reduction in illegal

steroid use for 15-19 year old male power athletes and educated high school coaches that

can mentor, guide, and lead their athletes down a healthy road and so they can tell if their

athletes are showing signs of taking illegal substances.

3. The communication flow between our program and the target population of

high school strength and conditioning coaches will mainly be through newsletters and ads

in local media outlets. Coaches tend to read local news papers and magazines so we will

focus on spreading the word about our program through these media outlets. We will also

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be marketing on internet websites that high school coaches frequent such as Rivals.com

and CHSAA.com. The ads on the internet will actually be more cost efficient so we will

utilize it over the print media outlets more often. Newsletters that go out to high schools

will be important as well as the staff of most schools read these. These would also be

more cost efficient as we would not have to pay a magazine or newspaper to put our

program ad inside. The ads for our program will only be delivered when the seminars and

clinics are approaching.

4. These seminars will be provided free of charge and the Youth Power Sport

Steroid Certification will be provided for a reasonable charge of $45. The seminars will

be in the second week of the fall term and the second week of the spring term at all local

high schools on Thursday at 5:15pm.

5. Because of the positive outcome of this program and the need to get the YPSSC

recertified every two years it will keep the coaches loyal and satisfied. The student

athletes will benefit greatly and become loyal to the program through the excellent

guidance of their coaches and through the special guest athletes we bring in to talk to

them each semester.

The 4 Ps – Marketing Mix:

Product: The product we are offering that will meet our customer’s needs is the

knowledge and ability to prevent steroid use in high school power athletes by educating

high school strength and conditioning coaches who in turn will educate their athletes. We

will provide the coaches and student athletes with a plethora of information regarding

anabolic steroids and its risks, and other illegal substances. Our program will be

providing the target population with the idea that anabolic steroid use among high school

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male athletes is more prevalent than the general public thinks and that they negatively

affect the athlete’s body and hurt the spirit of high school competition. We will be

providing newsletters and sponsored events with special guests who will give testimonies

to the student athletes. These events/seminars will be the focal point of our marketing

efforts as we will be trying to attract as many male high school power athletes to these

events and we think with their coaches and special guests we will attract good numbers.

Price: The only cost to the population besides the YPSSC fees for the coaches is

the price of the target population’s time. Their time will be well spent though and we do

not foresee this as an issue. The clients are high school coaches and athletes, the coaches

can easily pay their fees for the YPSSC and the rest of the program does not cost them

money. The demand for the program will grow once the program takes off because male

high school athlete’s use of steroids is higher than it should be and the need to reduce the

use of steroids amongst these athletes is of utmost importance.

Place: To make the seminars and the certification sites as accessible to our

population as possible they will both take place at local high schools. Since multiple

coaches will have to take the test to get the YPSSC the test site will be at a neutral school

site. For the seminars each high school in that particular district will have a seminar in the

school’s main auditorium.

Promotion: In order to increase and generate buzz about Youth Steroid

Education we will begin sending out newsletters to high schools and start advertising

electronically on the internet and in print media outlets. Our ads for our program will

really help persuade people that our program is worth their while because it will reveal

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startling statistics about steroid use among male high school students and will market the

YPSSC which will become required nationally by February of 2016.

Program Implementation

Phase 1: Adoption of the Program

The adoption of Youth Steroid Education will occur through our marketing plan

we have laid out.

Phase 2: Identifying and Prioritizing the Tasks to be Completed

Before we fully implement our program we have to accomplish all of our smaller

goals and tasks leading up to the actual intervention. Some of these tasks include

developing the program rationale, conducting the needs assessment, creating goals and

objectives, and the actual intervention. The tasks that would be essential to implementing

the program would be the marketing program and the pilot test program which will be

our first round of educational seminars. In order to make sure we are accomplishing these

tasks in a punctual manner we will utilize a task development time line. The TDTL will

be beneficial to us because we have a very specific timeline for our goals we have in

mind and it will help us stay organized and on track.

Phase 3: Establishing a System of Management

Our program will be managed by several people working fulltime including Sean

Kloppenburg, Jeremiah Aiken, Brian Andreatta and Tyson Reeves. Youth Steroid

Education is starting as a community-wide program and will grow to a nation-wide

program by February of 2016. Once Youth Steroid Education is nationally recognized

there will be many staff members involved. At this point in the implementation of the

program Sean is in charge of developing the program rationale, and developing the goals

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and objectives for the program, Brian is in managing the needs assessment and the

intervention, Jeremiah is developing and managing the marketing plan as well as the

implementation of the program, and Tyson is in charge of analyzing and evaluating the

program as a whole.

Phase 4: Putting the Plans into Action

When putting our program plan into action we will be using the inverted triangle

method that consists of the pilot, phase-in, and total program stages. This is the ideal

implementation model for us as we will be starting the program here in Fort Collins and

slowly grow state-wide and then nation-wide.

The pilot testing of Youth Steroid Education will be extremely crucial to our

success as we will be trying to identify any problems we might have with the program

and it will be crucial as we will be attempting to implement the intervention as planned,

seeing that it worked as planned, that we had all the resources we needed and that the

coaches who come to the pilot test will be able to evaluate our program for us and let us

know of any problems we can correct.

The Phasing-in stage of putting our plan into action will be by limiting the

number of coaches that we allow participating at the start of the program and slowly

adding coaches from other districts, counties, states and so forth. The first seminar will be

limited to 20 high school coaches and will expand each month we provide seminars by 10

coaches until we reach our limit for how many coaches can attend a seminar which is 50.

This will lead into the Total Implementation stage of our program. The program cannot

be fully implemented until we have phased it in to the point where we are at a state wide


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Phase 5: Ending or Sustaining a Program

Youth Steroid Education has big goals that will take some time to achieve and it

we aim to complete all of those goals by February 1, 2018. We will be working to make

the YPSSC required for all high school strength and conditioning coaches at a national

level by February 1, 2016. In order to achieve this goal we will be working to

institutionalize Youth Steroid Education and the YPSSC. By institutionalizing Youth

Steroid Education we will be sustaining the program for many years to come and

hopefully that will greatly decrease the use of anabolic steroids among our nation’s


Program Registration and Fee Collection

Youth Steroid Education does require a registration as does the test for the

YPSSC. In order for a coach to attend the program seminars and/or register for the

YPSSC exam they must register at least a week in advance. Registration forms will be

mailed out to all of the high schools in order to make this process as easy as possible and

also we will be providing online registration at our website: YouthSteroidEducation.org.

The YPSSC requires a reasonable $45 fee in order to take the exam to be certified.

Methods of payment that are accepted are cash, credit and debit card, and check

depending on if you register via mail, in person or do so online.

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This program’s evaluation will be performed with three methods. Both the

impact, outcome and summative, evaluation scenarios will be used, with the most weight

being placed upon the outcome evaluation.

Impact Evaluation

The first impact to be seen will be how quickly both coaches and administrators

accept this program and realize its benefits. The first year of certifications the feedback

from both the coaches being certified and the schools they work at will be of great

importance to understand what impact this certification has had on them and their

athletes. From their feedback the impact evaluation of this program can be assessed and

the approach may be modified and improved.

Outcome Evaluation

The ultimate goal of this program is to end steroid use among adolescents, though

this idea is highly utopian and unlikely, any decrease in steroid use will be seen as a

success. Yearly anonymous surveys of coaches, athletes and administration will take note

of how effective this program has been. The goal is that there is a decrease every year

among schools that have certified coaches in place as well as the increased number of

schools with certified coaches. Schools with and without certified coaches will be

surveyed so that for the initial years of this program there will be a control group to

compare against. A second goal being that all coaches at all schools be mandated to

obtain and maintain this programs certification.

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Summative Evaluation

The information gathered from the outcome evaluation will work as the base for

determining the results of the summative evaluation. The numbers and opinions drawn

from the surveys will tell us how effective this program has been year to year. These

yearly pools of knowledge will both enable us to continue to fund our program through

results as well as provide the opportunity to change and improve portions of the program

that could use help.


Throughout this program both athletes and coaches will be able to gain valuable

knowledge about the destructive effects of steroids on an adolescents mind and body.

Due to the strong relationship developed between coaches and athletes the knowledge

gained by those certified will be easily passed down to the program’s true target

audience, adolescent male athletes. With this knowledge young male athletes will be able

to make smart and healthy choices regarding their supplementation and diet. With the

spread of this program nationwide, starting in northern Colorado, steroid use will not

only decrease among youth but hopefully end all together.

This program will not be one to fade but be needed more and more as high school

sports become more competitive with young athletes striving for a better life through

collegiate and professional contracts. The intervention we have set up will be both a

moral and health leader among certifications for those involved in high school athletics.

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Works Cited

Legal Steroids. Supplement List. Copyright 2007-2009.


Anabolic Agents. List of Prohibited Substances. June 29, 2009.


USADA. Athlete Guide to the 2011Prohibited List. Copyright 2001-2011

USADA. <http://www.usada.org/prohibited-list/athlete-guide/>

Zazworskey, Joe. Steroids vs. Nutritional Supplements. The Hawk. 2006. College

Media Networks. < http://www.sjuhawknews.com/2.7313/steroids-vs-nutritional-


Livingstone, Seth. “Fight Against Steroids Gaining Muscle in High School

Athletics.”USATODAY. June 8, 2005. < http://www.usatoday.com/sports/preps/2005-06-


NIDA. “The Science Behind Drug Abuse.” Anabolic Steroids.Copyright

USA.gov. <http://teens.drugabuse.gov/facts/facts_ster1.php>