Contents 1. From the Desk of Dr. T. U. Sukumaran, IAP President 2011 ............................................. 2 2. From the Desk of Dr. Deepak Ugra, IAP President 2010 ................................................... 3 3. From the Desk of Dr. Rohit C. Agrawal, IAP President 2012 ............................................ 4 4. From the Desk of Dr. Rajeshwar Dayal, IAP Vice President 2011 ..................................... 5 5. Secretary Reports ........................................................................................................... 6 6. Report of Pedicon 2011, Jaipur ...................................................................................... 8 7. IAP Awards 2010 .......................................................................................................... 10 8. Report of 4 th IAP Pediatric Quiz for Post Graduates ....................................................... 13 9. Report of 23 rd IAP Pediatric Quiz for Undergraduates .................................................... 14 10. Highlights of IAP Action Plan 2011 ............................................................................... 15 11. Pedicon 2012 - Announcement ..................................................................................... 20 12. Call for Papers 2012 ..................................................................................................... 23 13. Call for Nominations for Late Dr. Shantilal C. Sheth Oration 2012 .................................. 24 14. Call for IAP Trainee Fellowships 2011 ........................................................................... 25 15. IAP Drug Formulary ...................................................................................................... 26 16. Bouquets ...................................................................................................................... 27 17. Almanac ....................................................................................................................... 29 18. Notice of IAP Election – 2012 ....................................................................................... 31 19. HODs to the Fore! ......................................................................................................... 38 20. IMS Act ......................................................................................................................... 43 21. Family Benefit Scheme of IAP ....................................................................................... 51 22. 5 Point Action Plan of CFSI Programme ........................................................................ 56 23. Twenty Milestones in Pediatrics .................................................................................... 57 24. IAP-NRP-FGM 2011 - All members, please participate! ................................................. 60 25. IAP Membership Form .................................................................................................. 61

3428 - IAP Bulletin Issue Jan-Mar 11iapindia.org/files/IAP ELECTION NOTICE 2012.pdfIAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011 3 Dear Fellow Academicians, It is a great pleasure to

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1IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011


1. From the Desk of Dr. T. U. Sukumaran, IAP President 2011 ............................................. 2

2. From the Desk of Dr. Deepak Ugra, IAP President 2010................................................... 3

3. From the Desk of Dr. Rohit C. Agrawal, IAP President 2012 ............................................ 4

4. From the Desk of Dr. Rajeshwar Dayal, IAP Vice President 2011 ..................................... 5

5. Secretary Reports ........................................................................................................... 6

6. Report of Pedicon 2011, Jaipur ...................................................................................... 8

7. IAP Awards 2010 .......................................................................................................... 10

8. Report of 4th IAP Pediatric Quiz for Post Graduates ....................................................... 13

9. Report of 23rd IAP Pediatric Quiz for Undergraduates .................................................... 14

10. Highlights of IAP Action Plan 2011 ............................................................................... 15

11. Pedicon 2012 - Announcement ..................................................................................... 20

12. Call for Papers 2012 ..................................................................................................... 23

13. Call for Nominations for Late Dr. Shantilal C. Sheth Oration 2012 .................................. 24

14. Call for IAP Trainee Fellowships 2011 ........................................................................... 25

15. IAP Drug Formulary ...................................................................................................... 26

16. Bouquets ...................................................................................................................... 27

17. Almanac ....................................................................................................................... 29

18. Notice of IAP Election – 2012 ....................................................................................... 31

19. HODs to the Fore! ......................................................................................................... 38

20. IMS Act ......................................................................................................................... 43

21. Family Benefit Scheme of IAP ....................................................................................... 51

22. 5 Point Action Plan of CFSI Programme ........................................................................ 56

23. Twenty Milestones in Pediatrics .................................................................................... 57

24. IAP-NRP-FGM 2011 - All members, please participate! ................................................. 60

25. IAP Membership Form .................................................................................................. 61

2 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

From the Desk of Dr. T. U. Sukumaran,IAP President 2011

Dear Academicians and friends,

I have great pleasure and privilege to write a message for

the first edition of academy today for 2011.This IAP year

started with a big bang by inaugurating the fantastic Pedicon

2011 at Jaipur, the pink city of India . About 7000

pediatricians and their family members participated in this

function .I thank one and all for your presence at Jaipur. Let

me, at the outset, congratulate all the members of the

organizing committee especially Dr Usha Acharya, the chief

convener, Dr BS Sharma, the organizing chairman, Dr Tarun

Patni, the dynamic organizing secretary for organizing such

a wonderful conference here. I once again thank all of you

for electing me as NP for the year 2011 and I assure that I

will uphold the ideals of this prestigious organization at all

levels. Most importantly I request your help and guidance

to implement IAP action plan for 2011 and make this IAP

year a memorable one. I would also like to congratulate our

IPP Dr Deepak Ugra, Dr Tanmay Amladi, Secretary General

and Dr Sailesh Gupta, the treasurer for their inspiring activity

during last IAP year and I wish Dr Deepak all the best. I

would also like to extend my hearty congratulations to Dr.

Rohit Agarwal, the national president elect 2011 and wish

him success. Coming to my action plans for 2011-

I. Training programme for Pediatric Education.

1. Faculty Training Programme

2. Art & Science of Paper writing

3. Revision of Undergraduate Teaching slides

4. Intensive Clinical Training Program for final year DNBand MD students

II. Workshops

Rational Antibiotic Therapy

Asthma training moudule, RTI Gem, ASOV

NRP, NSSK, ASK IAP, Comprehensive diarrheamanagement

III. Community Oriented Program

2. Anti Tobacco campaign for students

3. CFSI Program

IV. Publications

1. 5th edition of IAP text book of pediatrics.

2. CDs on clinical diagnosis.

3. Text book of clinical pediatric radiology

4. Text book on childhood disability

5. Text book of clinical pediatrics.

6. Revision of specialty series of books

V. Protocol Training

1. Allergic Rhinitis and Co morbidities Training

2. Poor scholastic performance

3. Neonatal hearing screening program

4. Growth monitoring, Developmental Assessment &Autism

VI. Conferences

Recent advances in Neonatology, Pediatrics andAdolescents at Kochi on 4th and 5th june2011.

VII. Overseas Programme-Inauguration of the IAP–UAEchapter at Dubai and an international CME at Dubai inApril 2011.

VIII. Adolescent counseling training program

IX. Family Benefit Scheme (FBS)-This is one of my dreamproject for the welfare of fellow pediatricians .Thisscheme will be launched in March 2011 and I requestall of you to become member of this scheme.

Working together works, now let us join our hands togetheras one to improve the health of Indian children


3IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Dear Fellow Academicians,

It is a great pleasure to write this message and reach you

through January-March issue of Academy Today. I sincerely

thank all of you, for giving me an opportunity to serve the

Academy as the National President, 2010. I feel very proud

to say that I have got tremendous support from all the

members from across the country.

I feel satisfied that the contribution of the team of 2010 in

child health related issues was visible. The team 2010 could

address problems related to Under 5 mortality through

programs on major contributors to Under 5 mortality in India

viz. RTI GEM, Comprehensive Diarrhoea Management

Program, NRP FGM, NSSK, Ask IAP, ASOV and revision of

SAM guidelines etc. I am extremely thankful to

Dr. Sukumaran for allowing these programs to continue in

the year 2011

The team took activities for people beyond its membership.

BLS program for paramedical personnel and lay persons

was launched in third quarter of the year. I wish the team all

the best to take it forward.

Parvarish, a TV program on parenting was very well

appreciated by masses across the country. To add to this

IAP came out with manual and module on Parenting. The

Parenting material is appreciated by all quarters of society.

I am happy that two of the publications viz. Nephrology

Book and PICU Protocols were released during Pedicon

From the Desk of Dr. Deepak Ugra,IAP President 2010

2011. Four more will be released mostly in first half of 2011

viz. Neonatology, NICU Protocols, Endocrinology and

Clinical Pediatrics.

Collaboration with other international associations has been

very successful. We have successfully organized MRCPCH

theory examinations and mock practical examinations in

India. We also had successful IAP AAP CME and IAP RCPCH


Each New Year brings fresh expectations and I am sure

we would be able to meet them working together with

the team selected by Dr. T.U. Sukumaran for IAP Action

Plan 2011.

The year 2011 has begun with the awesome “PEDICON

2011” at Jaipur. The venue with state of art facilities was

simply superb and the scientific programs were very well

crafted to the need of both practicing pediatricians and post

graduate students. I congratulate organizing team of Pedicon

2011 lead by Dr. B.S. Sharma and anchored by Dr. Tarun

Patni for meticulous planning and all hard work that has

gone in to make this event a grand success.

Let us all work with full dedication towards our Mission

Statement and IAP Action Plan 2011. I wish Dr. Sukumaran

all the best for a very fruitful 2011.

Let all of us take our Academy to the next level of Glory.

Jai Hind! Jai IAP!

4 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

From the Desk of Dr. Rohit C. Agrawal,IAP President 2012

Dear Fellow academician

Greetings from the President Elect with loads of wishes for

a happy, prosperous and joyous year ahead

At the outset let me profusely thank you all for getting me

elected to the coveted post of President Elect.

I must congratulate Dr. T U Sukumaran for taking over the

helm of affairs of this large and one of the most honored

academic societies in the medical world. His simplicity,

humbleness and academic wisdom will defiantly take IAP

to more academic heights. He has already unfolded many

activities under his presidential action plan which would

definitely be very useful for PGs, practicing and institutional


I must compliment Dr. Deepak Ugra the IPP for steering the

IAP with brilliance. Out of many programs under his

leadership the most memorable would be pedicon 2010

and “Parvarish” the tele show

Friends, IAP is not a union nor an association or even a

society; but it is an “Academy” i.e. a congress of

academicians’ congramulated for the cause of child health

with goals of persuasion of knowledge only. For me it is

“Mother Teacher” and we all should love and respect our

mother. Unfortunately in recent past it is being getting

embroiled in the political turbulence, legalities, tribunals and

court culture, which I am afraid if not curbed in the nib

would prove disastrous to our academy I request you all to

pledge to work pragmatically for positive and constructive

cause so that our IAP shines at the international arena.

I too have some good programs under my belt for you to

keep guessing till the next AT gets published. I can only

promise that I will strive hard–n-hard for the cause of IAP

and every child of the nation by reaching every unreached

pediatrician through academics-n-academics only. I pray

to almighty to keep our mother teacher IAP always blessed

5IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

From the Desk of Dr. Rajeshwar Dayal,IAP Vice President 2011


Dear Colleagues

Greetings from Agra, the city of The Taj!

I am most grateful to all of you, especially to the respected

members of the Executive Board and the Office Bearers of

the IAP, for electing me to this chair of Vice President.

I accept this responsibility with all humility.

Last year, while participating in the International Congress

of Pediatrics (IPA) at Johannesberg and the Asian Congress

of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ACPID) at Taipei, I was

delighted to note the respect which IAP enjoys in the

international community. With more than 18, 000 members,

I am confident that our scientific contributions can take IAP

to even greater heights. Towards achieving this goal, it is

important that emphasis be laid on clinical research. Even

without the backup of high tech. laboratories, we can

conduct clinical studies on the day to day problems that

we encounter, and present/ publish them.

May I request all branches/ chapters of IAP to organise

CMEs/workshops/symposia at the local level to update all

their members as it is less than 1/3rd of the total members

of IAP who are able to participate in the annual conference

(Pedicon) every year. Further, it is equally important that all

branches of IAP work closely with govt. agencies to reduce

morbidity and mortality of the diseases relevant to their

respective areas.

The MRCPCH examination has commenced in our

country due to the untiring efforts of our senior members.

I wish to request all post-graduates (whether they possess

an MD/DCH/DNB or not) to take this examination which is

internationally acclaimed and now available at our door


The IAP Action Plan2011 is indeed, very innovative. I appeal

to all members of IAP to contribute in its effective


Before I close, friends, I look forward to receiving your

valuable suggestions and guidance.

Once again, I would like to thank you for electing me as the

National Vice President for the year 2011.

6 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

The year 2010 has indeed been a milestone year for our

Indian Academy of Pediatrics.

It began on a very auspicious note with the signing of an

MoU for collaboration between the Royal College of

Physicians and Child Health and the IAP, under the aegis of

which, IAP and RCPCH joined hands in conducting the

MRCPCH exams in India. Part I was conducted successfully

in 2010 at 5 centers, namely, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata,

Mumbai and New Delhi several candidates appeared for

the exam. Part II exam is scheduled for and a mock clinical

exam with participation of potential examiners from India

and candidates who have already cleared the previous parts

was conducted successfully jointly by IAP and RCPCH at

the Leelavati hospital, Mumbai on 15th and 16th January

2011. This year we expect the exams to gather momentum

with many more centers par ticipating and many more

candidates appearing for the exam. Details of the exam and

about RCPCH are available on our website www.iapindia.org

and are being regularly updated by us. We have also

successfully conducted the 2nd joint IAP-RCPCH CME.

Our activities with the other International bodies have been

no less! With AAP we have been collaborating to create

regional trainers in NRP and we had a regional trainers’

training in NRP at Hyderabad during Pedicon 2010, where

107 trainers participated with faculty from AAP, LDSC and

IAP; the same was conducted again this year on 18th and

19th January. Meanwhile NRP training activities have been

going on in full swing in the public sector in coordination

with the local and central government bodies and the NRHM

departments all over the country, and in the private sector

in collaboration with M/s Johnson & Johnson; the NRP

activities have seen a sustained momentum thanks to the

tireless efforts of our past Presidents Dr Panna Choudhury

and Dr Naveen Thacker and continuous support of our

erstwhile Presidents in office. We also successfully

conducted the IAP AAP CME 2011, which was a grand

success and look forward to many more levels of

collaboration with AAP this year.

IAP also participated in the IPA MDG Champions Workshop

conducted by the International Pediatrics Association, in

Johannesburg, S. Africa, in August 2010. Subsequently,

IAP also celebrated the World Pneumonia Day on an

immense scale on 12th November 2010, under the directive

of IPA, with almost 40 branches from all over the country

participating and release of a poster depicting pneumonia

as an important silent killer in children, and more 35 press

reports in newspapers all over the country.

IAP conducted the district level Diarrhea Zinc workshops

jointly with UNICEF; all over the country in 2010. With

UNICEF, IAP also conducted its first National Consultative

Meeting on Severe Acute Malnutrition on 16th & 17th October

2010, after which draft guidelines are being reshaped for

IAP to come out with its final guidelines.

With WHO, IAP convened its first National Consultative

Meeting on preparation of an Essential Medicines List for

Children, to be submitted to the Govt. of India, on

17th October 2010. Office Bearers of about 15-20 pediatric

Subspecialties and State Branches par ticipated in this

meeting and subsequently IAP has submitted its technical

report to WHO; this work will be carried forward in 2011 till

IAP and WHO together prepare the final EMLc and submit

the recommendations to the Government for making

Essential Medicines available in all parts of the country in

the public and private sector and rational prescription


At the home front, the IAP Action Plan 2010 was in full

swing! We successfully conducted 31 RTI-GEM workshops

all over the country and also signed MoU’s for relaunching

two immensely successful ASKIAP program and the ASOV

program, and launching a new program - the

Comprehensive Diarrhea management Program. The unique

Your Secretary Reports…

7IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

and immensely successful program launched by our

President this year, was the TV program, Parvarish, on prime

time Zee TV, where IAP members and star personalities

from Bollywood sat down together and discussed vital child

rearing issues – the program was well received by parents

all across the country.

The National Consultative Meeting of preparation of IAP

Growth monitoring was successfully conducted in April

2010, with experts from all over India deliberating on various

aspects of preparation of reference standards of IAP for

growth and development of Indian children; the guidelines

are in the process of being given their final shape Likewise,

a National Consultative Meeting on Parenting was also

hosted at Bareilly earlier, last year, in which, experts on

Child and Adolescent Counseling came from all over India

to prepare a teaching module on Parenting Skills; a large

number of parents and teachers also participated in this

meeting and the Parenting module was posted to all

18,000+ IAP members with Annual Report PALS activities

continued in full swing as in the previous years, and two

new BLS course were formulated and field tested this year

– a BLS course for paramedical personnel and a BLS

course for lay persons; these were conducted at Jaipur

Pedicon 2011.

The college rounds, divisional rounds and zonal rounds of

the IAP UG Quiz and IAP PG Quiz were all successfully

conducted all over the country.

As in the previous years, IAP published two issues of our

in-house newsletter, IAP Bulletin, Academy Today, the Jan-

Mar 2010 issue and the Jul-Sep 2010 issue.

We added 752 new members to IAP this year bringing it to

a total of 18552 members.

The Central IAP conducted its two Executive Board meetings

successfully; the 1st meeting was held at Hyderabad during

Pedicon 2010 and the 2nd meeting was held Srinagar.

The IAP Pediatric Drug Formulary was send as

complimentary copies to all the member countries of IPA.

The Annual Report along with Parenting Module was sent

to all the members of IAP.

Hence the year 2010, was indeed a fruitful year which took

IAP ahead by leaps and bounds!

Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Hony. Secretary General (2010 – 2011)

Indian Academy of Pediatrics

8 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

48th National Conference of Indian Academy of


‘Life is a perennial search of truth’ – Yajur Veda

Dear Colleagues and Friends of the Indian Academy ofPediatrics,

The Team Pedicon 2011 expresses deep gratitude andthanks to all the members of IAP, Central Office Bearersand Executive Body, delegates and well wishers for being apart of the Mega Scientific event – the Pedicon 2011. Itwas our distinct privilege and honor to welcome you to the48th Annual National conference of the Indian Academy ofPediatrics held on January 19 th to 23rd 2011, at ourmagnificently vibrant Pink City – Jaipur.

With a sound backbone of right commitment and meticulousplanning and with our deep rooted Rajasthani tradition of“atithi devo bhava” (a guest is like God) our team Pedicon2011, firmly stands together to offer heartfelt thanks to allof you who have travelled far distances in the country andfrom overseas to make this conference a grand successby your gracious presence.

As pediatricians, we have a universal bond that unites us inimproving the health of children around the globe. Pedicon2011 earnestly endeavored to ensure that a galaxy ofnational and international experts provided newer insightsinto the ever expanding horizons of child care and also asuitable forum to share experiences, to exchange views, tohone one’s clinical skills and to learn new researchdimensions.

The mega meeting of the minds began on 19th January 2011with a 14 elaborative and educative workshops and 5 ToT’s.it was a desirous opportunity to interact with the best expertsin the different fields of pediatrics and to benefit from theirknowledge and experience. The workshops were wellattended with major emphasis on “hands on training”. On19th evening, the grand IAP Presidential Dinner was hostedamidst the royal ambience of Jai Mahal Palace.

20th January 2011, the day of distinctive CME’s on EssentialPediatrics, Advanced Pediatrics, IAP – AAP CME, IAP-RCPCH CME, was a kaleidoscope of thought provoking

concepts and ideas to rejuvenate our minds and to be atpar with the recent advances. Highly renowned luminariesfrom all fields related to child care illuminated variousaspects and trends in Pediatrics, updated our knowledgeand skills to help us to march ahead in synchronization withchanging times. The CME‘s attendance stood to nearly 3000delegates and 100% lecture by Guest faculty. The officialEB meeting was held in the Birla auditorium. It was followedby Inauguration ceremony which was witnessed by almost3500 delegates. The President IAP Dr. T U Sukumaran gavebrief outline of his plans for IAP in the year ahead.Aesthetically – clad FIAP Awardees were honored. Morecolour were added to the ceremony with the royal rajasthaniensemble of buggi – ride, military band orchestra, IAP Flaghoisting, Pedicon flag hoisting and a gala cultural night.

From 21st to 23rd January, the main conference was attendedby more than 5000 delegates and around 1800 co-delegates. The scientific programme went smoothly andtimely with impeccable audio visual and time managementunder the direct supervision of Chairman ScientificCommittee Dr. S. Sitaraman.

The Dr. Shantilal C Seth oration by Dr. MKC Nair, the Plenarysessions, the vaccine dialogue session, guest lectures,award papers, free papers, interactive sessions, debates,symposia, poster and oral presentations, the IAP UG quizand PG quiz were well attended. The faculty quality anddelegate response in near full halls were exemplary.

1st All India IAP golf tournament, marathon, various site –seeing tours and grand cultural eves added colours to thismega scientific annual event of IAP. The conference cameto an end with the Valedictory function on 23rd Januaryafternoon.

The overwhelming and enthusiastic response, the lastturnout of meritorious members and the memorablemoments will be forever treasured in the vast treasure- troveof our memory. I look back with nostalgia to all theexcitement and anticipation we experienced during thepreparation for the long awaited 19th to 23rd January 2011.The year was punctuated by many noteworthy events andeach day unfolded new vistas before us. As the day drewnearer the tension, the excitement and the work increased

Report of PEDICON 2011

9IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

and swept us of our feet like a tidal wave that approachesand carries away all along its path.

“Coming together is a beginning,

Keeping together is progress,

Working together is success”, with this motto the TeamPedicon 2011 worked ardently to match the activeparticipation of faculty and delegates with best possiblescientific content complimented with a state of art audio-visual system and delegate friendly conference environment.

We feel pleasure to inform you that this conference haswitnessed a record number of registered delegates.Organising an event of this magnitude is a learningexperience and our dedicated team has left no stoneunturned to make this mega scientific extravaganza a grand

success. In spite of our best efforts there may be incidencesof dissatisfaction. We request you to bear with them andkindly forgive us for our shortcomings.

“Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our livessublime,

And, departing, leave behind us, footprints on the sands oftime”. (Longfellow)

We hope that you enjoyed this high academic pursuitflavored with a fitting culinary and cultural feast and had amemorable sojourn with us.

For Team Pedicon 2011,Dr. Tarun Patni

Organising Secretary, Pedicon 2011

IAP Adolescent Health Chapter Research Awards – 2011

Respected IAP Members,

I am happy to inform you that the IAP Adolescent Health Chapter has instituted the following research awards –

For lead researcher less than 35 years of age

1 IAP Adolescent Health Chapter Research Award for Best Paper (Oral)

2 IAP Adolescent Health Chapter Research Award for Best Paper (Poster)

For lead researcher of 35 years (or more) of age

1 IAP Adolescent Health Chapter Research Award for Best Paper (Oral)

2 IAP Adolescent Health Chapter Research Award for Best Paper (Poster)

These awards will be given every year during the annual conference of the chapter. The application for theseawards should accompany 4 copies of “full paper” prepared according to the instructions for original research inIndian Pediatrics. The submitted paper should have not been published or presented earlier.

The paper for the awards of 2011 may be submitted to Dr. Harish K. Pemde, Secretary, IAP Adolescent HealthChapter, Department of Pediatrics, Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital, Bangla Sahib Marg, New Delhi – 110001.The last date of submission is 30 June 2011. The selected papers will have to be presented in ADOLESCON-2011in Kalicut on 17-18 Sep 2011.

I hope these awards will promote research on the issues related to adolescents and its documentation.

With sincere regards,Dr. C.P. Bansal,

Chairperson, IAP Adolescent Health Chapter

10 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

FIAP – 2010

• Dr. Imantaram Agrawalla

• Dr. Mahesh Baldwa

• Dr. Rajiv Kumar Bansal

• Dr. U S Jagadish Chandra

• Dr. Vithalrao P Dandge

• Dr. Nupur Ganguly

• Dr. D Gunasingh

• Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta

• Dr. Bir Prakash Jaiswal

• Dr. MP Jeyapaul

• Dr. Vasant M Khalatkar

• Dr. S Lakshminarayanan

• Dr. Sailesh Kumar Mathur

• Dr. John Matthai

• Dr. Niranjan Mohanty

• Dr. S Nagabhushana

• Dr. K Nedunchelian

• Dr. Rajniti Prasad

• Dr. Brij Bhushan Sahni

• Dr. Arun Kumar Shah

• Dr. Dheeraj Shah

• Dr. Anupam Sibal

• Dr. Sharad Thora

• Dr. Milind S Tullu

• Dr. AS Vasudev

Trainee Fellowship of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics

for the year 2010 has been awarded to:

Paid Trainee Fellowships

Dr. Vidushi Mahajan, Chandigarh in the field of PediatricGastroenterology and Pediatric Gastroendoscopy.

Unpaid Trainee Fellowship

Dr. Nibedita Mitra, Chennai in the field of Neonatology.

IAP Awards – 2010

Award Winning Research Papers 2010

Dr. S. S. Manchanda Neonatology Research Award


Rajiv Balan9/162 Shree Parleshwar CHS, Shahaje Raje Rd. Vile ParleEast, Mumbai 57Email: [email protected]

Dr. V. Balagopal Raju Endowment Award (1st Prize)


Vidushi Mahajan, Shiv Sajan SainiDepartment of Pediatrics, Government Medical College,Sector 32, Chandigarh.Email: [email protected]

Dr. V. Balagopal Raju Endowment Award (2nd Prize)


Aparna ChandrasekaranDepartment of Pediatrics, PGIMER, Chandigarh – 160012Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Dr. S. T. Achar Endowment Award


Surabhi Choudhary,Child Health, Christian Medical College, Vellore 632004Email: [email protected]

Dr. James Flett Endowment Award (1st Prize)


11IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011


Archana Kashyap

A-66/E, West Vinod Nagar, Delhi 110092

Email: [email protected]

Dr. James Flett Endowment Award (2nd Prize)


Vikas Jain, Pooja DewanDepartment of Pediatrics, University College of MedicalSciences & Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Dilshad Garden,Delhi-110095Email: [email protected]

Award Winning Poster Papers

1st Prize


Rajesh Kaul, Sanjeev Digra, Rekha Harish, Vishal R. Tandon,Zahid Gillani, Virender SinghDepartment of Pediatrics, Govt. Medical College, [email protected]

2nd Prize


Maj Ritesh, Wg Cdr V Venkateshwar, Col S Chatterjee,Col R GhulianiDepartment of Pediatrics, AFMC & CH (SC) [email protected]

3rd Prize


Kunwar Bharat, B.Mukherjee , Khalid Md. Saiffulah, RajivSharan, S.Nath .Depar tment of Paediatrics, Tata motors hospital,Jamshedpur [email protected]

Recipients of IAP Best Chapter Award Competition 2010

IAP Adolescent Health Chapter (1st Prize)

Recipients of IAP Best Branch Awards Competition 2010

IAP KERALA STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with > 250 members)

IAP GOA STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with < 250 members)

IAP MUMBAI BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & > 200 members)

IAP GWALIOR BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & 50-200 members)

IAP JALANDHAR BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: Without Medical College & 50-200 members)

IAP HASSAN BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & < 50 members)

IAP MADHYA KERALA BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: Without Medical College < 50 members)

Recipients of Best IAP Child & Adolescent Health Care

Week Celebration Awards Competition 2010

IAP KERALA STATE BRANCH (Special Prize)(Category: State with > 250 members)

IAP PUNJAB STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with > 250 members)

IAP TRIPURA STATE BRANCH (Special Prize)(Category: State with < 250 members)

IAP MANIPUR STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with < 250 members)

IAP MUMBAI BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & > 200 members)

IAP GWALIOR BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & 50-200 members)

IAP AMRAVATI BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & < 50 members)

12 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

IAP JALANDHAR BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: Without Medical College & 50-200 members)

Recipients of Best IAP ORS Week & ORS Day Celebration

Awards – 2010

IAP KERALA STATE BRANCH (Special Prize)(Category: State with > 250 members)

IAP PUNJAB STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with > 250 members)

IAP TRIPURA STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with < 250 members)

IAP MUMBAI BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & > 200 members)

IAP GWALIOR BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & 50-200 members)

IAP AMRAVATI BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & < 50 members)

IAP JALANDHAR BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: Without Medical College & 50-200 members)

IAP MADHYA KERALA BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: Without Medical College & < 50 members)

Recipients of Best IAP Teenage Day Celebration

Awards - 2010

IAP KERALA STATE BRANCH (Special Prize)(Category: State with > 250 members)

IAP PUNJAB STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with > 250 members)

IAP TRIPURA STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with < 250 members)

IAP MUMBAI BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & > 200 members)

IAP GWALIOR BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & 50-200 members)

IAP AMRAVATI BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & < 50 members)

IAP CUDDALORE DIST BRANCH (Special Prize)(Category: With Medical College & < 50 members)

IAP FARIDABAD BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: Without Medical College & 50-200 members)

IAP MADHYA KERALA BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: Without Medical College & < 50 members)

Recipients of Best IAP World Breastfeeding Week

Celebration Awards – 2010

IAP KERALA STATE BRANCH (Special Prize)(Category: State with > 250 members)

IAP PUNJAB STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with > 250 members)

IAP TRIPURA STATE BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: State with < 250 members)

IAP MUMBAI BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & > 200 members)

IAP GWALIOR BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & 50-200 members)

IAP CUDDALORE DIST BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: With Medical College & < 50 members)

IAP JALANDHAR BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: Without Medical College & 50-200 members)

IAP BARMER BRANCH (Special Prize)(Category: Without Medical College & < 50 members)

IAP MADHYA KERALA BRANCH (1st Prize)(Category: Without Medical College & < 50 members)

13IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Report of 4th IAP Pediatric Quizfor Post Graduates

Report of National round of 4th IAP PG Pediatric Quiz,

held on 23rd Jan. 2011, at PEDICON 2011, Jaipur

4th IAP postgraduate quiz was held on 23rd January 2011at 1.30 pm hall A at PEDICON 2011, Jaipur. It was attended by alarge number of delegates. There were a total of 5 teams, one from each zone- They were as follows:

Team Zone College name Participants

A WEST Armed Forces Medical College, Pune Dr. R. PraveenDr. Aradhna Dwivedi

B EAST Medical College Kolkata Dr. Souvik MitraDr. Mukut Banerjee

C SOUTH Dept. of Pediatrics Dr. Arun GopalakrishnanJIPMER, Pondicherry - 605006 Dr. Jai Kumar G. R.

D CENTRAL OMC Hyderabad Dr. SuhitaDr. Sireesha

E NORTH PGI, Chandigarh Dr. Aparna C.Dr. Rakesh Reddy

The Quiz Masters for the 4th PG IAP national round were Dr. Surekha Joshi, (Ex Professor & HOD Pediatrics, BYL Nairhospital, Mumbai. & National Co-ordinator PG QUIZ), Dr. Shailesh Gupta (Honorary Treasurer, IAP) was Joint-Nationalco-ordinator. Dr Rama was the Score Keeper and time keeping was done by Dr. Nisha. Dr. Manish and Dr. Vinay assisted forsmooth conduction of Quiz. There were total 7 rounds, as follows- case scenario (round I), followed by Neonatology (roundII), CVS & Intensive care (round-III), Visual round (round IV), Neurology (round V), Respiratory & GIT (round VI) & Rapid Fire(round VII). At the end of the final round of the quiz, the South Zone Team, from Dept. of Pediatrics JPIMER, Pondicherry, wonthe quiz with a score of 95 & the runner up were the Central Zone Team, from OMC Hyderabad with a score of 85.


Team Zone College name Participants Marks

A WEST Armed Forces Medical College, Dr. R. Praveen 60Pune Dr. Aradhna Dwivedi

B EAST Medical College, Kolkata Dr. Souvik Mitra 45Dr. Mukut Banerjee

C SOUTH Dept. of Pediatrics Dr. Arun Gopalakrishnan 95JIPMER, Pondicherry-605006 Dr. Jai Kumar G. R. WINNER

D CENTRAL OMC Hyderabad Dr. Suhita 85Dr. Sireesha RUNNER UP

E NORTH PGI, Chandigarh Dr. Aparna C. 70Dr. Rakesh Reddy

The winners and runners up were felicitated by IAP Dignitaries & all participants were given certificates. The session wasconducted in an informal atmosphere with much audience participation .

Dr. Surekha Joshi,National Quiz Coordinator

14 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Report of 23rd IAP Pediatric Quizfor Undergraduates

Report of the Final Round of 23rd IAP Pediatric Quiz

for Undergraduates held at Jaipur

The National Round of 23rd IAP Pediatric Quiz for Undergraduates was held on 22nd January 2011 at 1.30 pm in the mainhall (Hall A) of the B.M. Birla Science and Technology Centre at Jaipur at the PEDICON 2011 conference. It was attended bya large number of delegates including the Head of Departments and staff members of various institutions. Following werethe various zonal round winners who were participating in the National Round.

Team Zone Name of participants Place College Scores Final Result

A East 1. Ritesh Rout Cuttack SCB Medical College 70

2. Rajesh Das RUNNERS-UP

B South 1. Hemanth Kumar Mangalore Kasturba Medical College 552. Surakshith T.K.

C West 1. Chauhan Shamsher Singh G. Mumbai Grant Medical College 602. Gaurav Panday

D North 1. Shyam Sunder J. New Delhi All India Institute of 80

2. Sankalp Dudeja Medical Sciences WINNERS

The quiz started at 1.40 pm and the participating teams and the Quiz coordinators and organizers occupied the dias. Theproceedings were started by Dr. Sujata Kanhere, National Coordinator IAP UG Quiz, Professor, K.J. Somaiya MedicalCollege & Hospital, Mumbai and Dr Tanmay Amladi, Jt. National Coordinator IAP UG Quiz. The quiz masters were Dr. SujataKanhere and Dr. Tanmay Amladi. The score keeper was Dr Anurag Sarna and the timekeeper was Dr R. K. Gupta. The scorekeeping was supervised by Dr Rajpreet Soni and Dr. Tanmay Amladi.

The teams from North, East, West and South zone participated. They were allotted teams by picking up lots. The teamswere then asked to introduce themselves and this was followed by reading of the rules of the quiz.

There were 7 rounds, as follows - Round I, II, III and IV- were Mixed rounds, Round V was the Case Scenario round, RoundVI was the Visual round and Round VII was the Rapid Fire round. All the teams were well prepared and the competition washealthy.

The winners of the quiz were the team from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (Shyam Sundar J. &

Sankalp Dudeja) who won the quiz with a score of 80 and the runners up were from S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack

(Ritesh Rout & Rajesh Das) with a score of 70.

The winners and runners up were felicitated by Dr Sujata Kanhere, National Coordinator IAP UG Quiz, Professor, K.J.Somaiya Medical College & Hospital, Mumbai and Dr Tanmay Amladi, Hon Secretary General, IAP & Joint National CoordinatorIAP UG Quiz. All participants received cash prizes. All the cash prizes for the winners (Rs. 4000/- each), runners-up(Rs.2000/- each) and participants (Rs.1000/- each) were given by the central IAP office.

Dr. Sujata KanhereNational Coordinator IAP UG QuizProfessor & Head of Unit,Dept of Pediatrics,K.J. Somaiya Medical College & Hospital, Mumbai.

15IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Training Program for Pediatric Education

Faculty Training Program

Chairperson- Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

Convener - Dr. Santosh T. Soans

Chief Coordinator - Dr. Ashok Gupta (Jaipur)

Dr. Anju Aggarwal (New Delhi),

Dr. Raj Kumar Gupta (Jaipur),

Dr. A. Arumugam (Tirupati),

Dr. Utpal Kant Singh (Patna),

Dr. S Srinivasan (Pondicherry),

Dr. Sukanta Chatterjee (Kolkata),

Dr. Bakul Jayant Parekh (Mumbai)

Ex officio – Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Arts & Science of paper writing

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

Convener - Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Chief Coordinators - Dr. Piyush Gupta (New Delhi),

Dr. Praveen Kumar (New Delhi),

Dr. Daljit Singh (Ludhiana),

Dr. Karunakara B. P. (Bangalore),

Dr. P. Sudershan Reddy (Hyderabad),

Dr. C Jayakumar (Kottayam)

Undergraduate Teaching Slides

Advisers - Dr. Nitin K. Shah (Mumbai), Dr. K. Chandrasekaran(Chennai)

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

Convener and Editor in chief - Dr. Subramanya N. K.

Chief Coordinator - Dr. M. Indra Shekhar Rao (Hyderabad)

Joint Coordinator - Dr. Baldev S. Prajapati (Ahmedabad),

Members - Dr. Sutapa Ganguly (West Bengal),

Dr. K. Nedunchelian (Chennai)

Dr. Rhishikesh P. Thakre (Aurangabad)

Dr. O. Jose (Kerala)

Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta (Jammu)

Highlights of IAP Action Plan 2011

Dr. Devaraj V. Raichur (Hubli)

Intensive Clinical Training Program for DNB and Final

year MD Students

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

Convener - Dr. Tanmay Amladi

National Coordinator - Dr. D. Gunasingh (Chennai)

Joint Coordinator - Major K Nagaraju (Chennai)

Members - Dr. B. Shantaram Baliga (Mangalore), Dr. S.Sanjay (Hyderabad),

Dr. Sanjay K. Lalwani (Pune), Dr. A. Riyaz (Calicut), Dr. A.G. Shingwekar (Gwalior),

Dr. Jaydeeb Choudhury (Kolkota), Dr. Sanjay K Ghorpade(Satara)


Rational Antibiotic Therapy

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

Convener - Dr. Vijay N. Yewale (Mumbai)

National Coordinator – Dr. Satish V. Pandya (Vadodara)

Joint coordinators - Dr. P. N. N. Pisharody (Kerala)

Members - Dr. Varinder Singh, Dr. Suhas V. Prabhu, Dr. TanuSinghal, Dr. S. Balasubramanian, Dr. Ritabarata Kundu,Dr. Baldev S. Prajapati, Dr. Shyam Kukreja

Advisers - Dr. Y. K. Amdekar, Dr. T. Jacob John, Dr. Raju C.Shah

Community Oriented Program

Anti Tobacco Campaign for Students (under the auspices

of IPA- AAP global tobacco program)

IAP Task force on anti –tobacco 2011-15

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

IPA coordinator - Dr. Swati Y. Bhave

National IAP coordinator - Dr. S. S. Kamath

Zonal Coordinators-

North Zone - Dr. A. S. Vasudev (Delhi),

South Zone - Dr. K. M. Ganessan (Tamil Nadu)

16 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

East Zone - Dr. Gautam Ghosh (Kolkata)

West Zone - Dr. Yashwant Patil (Nagpur), Dr. Col. RakeshGupta- (Pune)

Central Zone - Dr. Suhas Dhonde (Gwalior)

Dr K. Jayoji Rao (Bangalore)


1) To train pediatricians in helping parents to understandimportance of second hand tobacco smoke and usingthe AAP module to assess and help parents to QUIT

2) To develop a CD create a awareness module of impactof tobacco on chilDr.en and teens for schools andcolleges .This will have sessions for one hour, two hourand three hour modules for workshops

3) To develop a CD create awareness module for parentsand other adults in the community This will havesessions for one hour, two hour and three hour modulesfor workshops.

Plan of action

Development of material: core committee Dr. T. U.Sukumaran, Dr. S. S. Kamath and Dr. Swati Y. Bhave

Research and multicentre data Creation of somequestionnaires for assessment of impact of tobacco inschools colleges and community

Circulation of material for suggestions to a expert group ontobacco (names to be decided)

Approval of the material by the zonal co-coordinators byorganizing a one or two day workshop

Creation of the CDS for distribution to all the IAP branchesand the Heads of Departments

Letters sent to all above with the President’s signature withthe CD instructions and plan of action of how to conductthe modules in schools, colleges and community.

Conduction of some workshops by the task force as modelworkshops

CFSI Program

How to make your school Child Friendly?

No Physical Punishment in School.

No Excess BaggageAdequate Number of ToiletsSafe and Proper Transportation to SchoolAdequate class Rooms and Play Grounds

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. SukumaranConvener - Dr. T. M. Ananda Kesavan (Kerala)Chief Coordinators - Dr. Arun Kumar Agrawal (UP),Joint National Coordinator- Dr. A. S. Vasudev

Members - Dr. Paleti Durga Prasad (Vijayawada),Dr. Vishwambhar P. Goswami (Indore), Dr. PrahaladKumar A. (Bangalore), Dr. Joginder Singh (Haryana),Dr. Ketankumar G. Bharadva (Surat), Dr. Rajendra V. Kulkarni(Nasik), Dr. Sunil K. Mehendiratta (Delhi), Dr. Nigam PrakashNarain (Patna), Dr. Savita Inamdar (Indore)


CDs on Clinical Diagnosis - Dr. S. Balasubramanian

Text Book of Clinical Pediatric Radiology Contributors

Prof. T.U. Sukumaran (Kottayam) – Editor-in-Chief

Dr. T. M. Ananda Kesavan (Trichur) - Editor

Dr. M. Zulfikar Ahamed (Trivandrum) - Member

Dr. G. Vijayalakshmi Gopalan (Chennai) - Member

Dr. Anoop Kumar Verma (Raipur) - Member

Dr. M. N. Venkiteswaran (Madurai) - Member

Dr. A. S. Vasudev (Delhi) - Member

Text Book on Childhood Disability

Chief Editor - Dr TU Sukkumaran

Editors - Dr. S. S. Kamath, Dr. Anju Aggarwal

IAP Textbook of Pediatrics, 5th Edition

Textbook of clinical pediatrics

Revision of specialty series

IAP Digest

Protocol Training

Allergic Rhinitis and Comorbidities Training Module

Advisers - Dr. Y. K. Amdekar (Mumbai), Dr. N Somu(Chennai), Dr. M. D. Shah (Mumbai), Dr. A. Balachadran(Chennai), Dr. Apurba Kumar Ghosh (Kolkata)

17IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

National Coordinator and Convener - Dr. H. Paramesh(Bangalore)

National Joint Coordinator - Major K. Nagaraju (Chennai)

Members - Dr. Bhagwan S. Sharma (Jaipur), Dr. Raj Tilak(Kanpur), Dr. Kali Kinkar Ghosh (Kolkota), Dr. M. Arif Ahmed(Hyderabad), Dr. D. Vijayasekaran (Chennai), Dr. SaileshG. Gupta (Mumbai)

Ex-officio-Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Poor Scholastic Performance Program

Adviser - Dr. Naveen Thacker

President IAP 2011 - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

Hon. Secretary General IAP - Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Chairperson - Dr. M. K. C. Nair

Co-chairperson - Dr. Madhuri Kulkarni

Convener - Dr. Jeeson C. Unni

Co-convener - Dr. Vibha Krishnamurthy

Scientific coordinator - Dr. Nandini Mundkur

School program coordinator-Dr. Radhakrishnan K

Zonal coordinators-

North - Dr. Kiran Aggarwal

Central - Dr. Hanumantha Rao

East - Dr. Pallab Chattopadhyay

West - Dr. Ketankumar G. Bharadva

South - Dr. T. P. Jayaraman

Core Committee - Dr. Pratibha Singhi, Dr. Chitra Shankar,Dr. Jacob Roy, Dr. Shabina Ahmed, Dr. M. C. Mathews,Dr. Samir H. Dalwai, Dr. Krishna Kumar, Mr. Ajit M.Sacheendran

Neonatal Hearing Screening Program

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

Convener - Dr. Tanmay Amladi

National Coordinator - Dr. Abraham K. Paul

Joint Coordinators - Dr. S. S. Kamath, Dr. Sameer H. Dalwai

Local Coordinator - Dr. S. P. Sethi (Jaipur)


North Zone

Dr. Chaya Prasad (Chandigarh)

Dr. S. Sitaraman (Jaipur)

Central Zone

Dr. Anand Prasad Balky (Andhra Pradesh)

Dr. Pradeep Dubey (Madhya Pradesh)

East Zone

Dr. Shabina Ahmed (Assam)

West Zone

Dr. Jayant S. Shastry (Gujarat)

Dr. Neeta Ajit Naik (Mumbai)

South Zone

Dr. T. P. Jayaraman (Kerala)

Dr. Chitra Shankar (Bangalore)


Dr. Pratibha Singhi, Dr. Nandini Mundkar, Dr. Hanumanta Rao,Dr. Jacob Roy, Dr. Vibha Krishnamurthy, Dr. Monica Juneja,Dr. S. Sitaraman, Dr. Nipun Kashyap, Dr. Priyanka Jain

Growth Monitoring, Developmental Assessment and


Advisors - Dr. Dilip Mukherjee, Dr. K. N. Agarwal, Dr. KshChourjit Singh

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

Convener - Dr. Jaydeb Ray, Dr. M. K. C. Nair, Dr. NandiniMundkur, Dr. Sukanta Chatterjee

Members - Dr. Anjana Amit Thadhani, Dr. Anju Seth,Dr. Jaydeep Choudhury, Dr. Madhuri Kulkarni, Dr. MonidipaBanerjee, Dr. Ranjana Chatterjee, Dr. S. N. Parida, Dr. ShabinaAhmed, Dr. Suchit S. Tamboli, Dr. Swapna Mittal, Dr. ZafarM. Meenai


National CME on recent advances in neonatology, pediatricsand adolescence - June 4th & 5th 2011

18 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Overseas Program-International CME at Dubai -Dr. SunnyKurian (Dubai)

Adolescent Counseling Training Program

Advisors - Dr. M. K. C. Nair, Dr. Paul Russel

Chairperson - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

Convener - Dr. Tanmay Amladi

National Coordinator - Dr. C. P. Bansal (Gwalior)

National Joint Coordinators - Dr. J. S. Tuteja (Indore),Dr. Harinder Singh (Ludhiana)

Members - Dr. Beena Johnson (SZ), Dr. Sukanta Chatterjee(EZ), Dr. T. Himabindu Singh (CZ), Dr. Harish Kumar Pemde(NZ), Dr. Rajiv Mohta (WZ)

IAP Family Benefits Scheme

Chairman - Dr. George F. Moolayil

Vice chairman - Dr. Atul Kumar Agarwal (CZ), Dr. Arup Roy(EZ),

Dr. Bipin V. Shah (WZ), Dr. Harinder Singh (NZ), Dr. DineshR. Shivara (SZ),

Hon. Secretary- Dr Ajoy Kumar (Hyderabad)

Hon. Joint Secretary & Treasurer

Executive Board Members

Advisory Committe-Local-5

National Advisory Committee

Dr. Deepak Ugra, Dr. Rohit C. Agrawal, Dr. A. Parthasarathy,Dr. Panna Choudhury, Dr. R. K. Agarwal,

Vigilance Officer - Dr. Dhananjay R. Shah,

Ex Officio Members - President IAP, President Elect IAP, VicePresident IAP, Hon. Secretary IAP, Hon. Treasurer IAP,Immediate Past Chairman 0f the scheme, ImmediateSecretary of the Scheme, President IAP , Hyderabad,Secretary IAP Hyderabad

State Representatives

Kerala - Dr. Remesh Kumar R., Dr. Jose Ouseph; Assam –Dr Helina Rehman, North Eastern States - Dr. C. M. Chhajer

Bihar - Dr. Arun Kumar Thakur; Chandigarh – Ashwani K.Sood, Chhattisgarh- Dr. Pradeep Sihare; Delhi - Dr. Sunil KMehendiratta; Gujarat - Dr. Satish V Pandya; Haryana - Dr.Joginder Singh; Jharkhand-Dr. Phalguni Chatterjee;Karnataka-Dr. Devaraj V. Raichur; Madhya Pradesh - Dr.Sharad Thora; Maharashtra - Dr. Vasant M. Khalatkar; Orissa- Dr. Gopabandhu Nanda; Punjab - Dr. Rajinder Gulati;Rajasthan - Dr. Munish Kumar Kakkar; Tamil Nadu - Dr.Somu Sivabalan; Uttar Pradesh - Dr. Rajashwar Dayal;Uttarakhand - Dr. Sudhir Kumar; West Bengal - Dr. ManjoriMitra



1. Dr Sudharshan Reddy

2. Dr Indrashekar Rao

3. Dr Arumugam

4. Dr Sanjay Srirampur

5. Dr P. Venkateshwara Rao

Executive Members from Hyderabad

1. Dr. C. Narashimha Reddy

2. Dr J. Venkateshwar Rao

3. Dr Krishna Murthy

4. Dr Arif Ahmed

5. Dr Yashowant Rao

Honorary Secretary

Dr Ajay KumarJoint Secretary cum Treasurer

Dr M SurendranathEx-Officio Members

Twin Cities AP State

President: Dr N Ravi Kumar, Dr V. R.N. Reddy

Secretary: Dr C. Nirmala, Dr Sailesh Mathur

Treasurer: Dr Altaf

19IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Asthma Training Module

Advisors – Dr. Y K Amdekar, Dr. R Khubchandani, Dr. HParamesh, Dr. Varinder Singh, Dr. G R Sethi, Dr. Swati Bhave

Chairperson – Dr. T U Sukumaran

Co-chairperson – Dr. Rohit C. Agrawal

National Conveners – Dr. Nagabhushana, Dr. Tanmay Amladi

National Coordinator – Dr. A. Balachandran

Jt. National Coordinators – Dr. Vijayasekaran, Dr. S. S.Kamath

Writing Committee – Dr. Gautam Ghosh, Dr. Gaurishankar(Chennai), Dr. N. K. Subramanya (Bangalore),Dr. Somshekhar (Bangalore), Dr. S Sanjay (Hyderabad),Dr. Rajeshwar Dayal (Agra), Dr. Indu Khosla (Mumbai),Dr. Devaraj V. Raichur (Dharwad)

RTI Gem Protocol

Chairpersons - Dr. T. U. Sukumaran, Dr. Rohit C. Agrawal

National Convener - Dr. Varinder Singh

National coordinator - Dr. Vijay N. Yewale

Joint National Coordinator - Dr. C. Jayakumar

Members - Dr Aswani kumar Sood, Dr Niranjan Mohanty,Dr Munish Kumar Kakkar, Dr. M. Arif Ahmed, Dr. SubramanyaN. K., Dr Gouri Shanker (Chennai)


Chairpersons - Dr. Naveen Thacker, Dr Panna Choudhuri

National Convener - Dr. Shyam Kurkreja.

National Coordinator - Dr. Atul Kumar Agarwal, Dr Pravin J.Metha

Joint National Coordinators - Dr Ajay Gambhir, Major K.Nagaraju.

Members - Dr. Digant Sashtri, Dr Arun Shah, Dr. S. S.Kamath, Dr. M. Indra Shekhar Rao, Dr Anju Aggarwal.


Chairperson – Dr. T. U. Sukumaran

National Coordinator – Dr. Bakul Parekh

Joint National Coordinator – Dr. Yashwant Patil (Nagpur)

Joint Coordinator – DR Tarun Patni

Convener – Dr. Baldev Prajapati

Joint Convener – Dr. Alok Gupta

Members – Dr Nigam P Narain, Dr Rekha Harish,Dr. Jayadeep Choudhary, Dr. R Remesh Kumar,Dr. Karunakara BP

20 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011



IAP Gurgaon, invites all fellow academicians to the conference, set to be held in the city of Gurgaon, in the state ofHaryana, the land of velour and bravery. This is the land where the epic battle of Mahabharata was fought as theDHARAM YUDH OF KURUKSHETRA and THE GITA was told to Arjun by none other than LORD KRISHNA himself.The city belongs to GURU DRONCHARYA and christened as GURUGRAM and today stands as the face of modernIndia. Having contributed to national pride during freedom struggle and in all subsequent wars, it is now set totickle the academic brains.

The theme of the conference is “nurture with care” centered around the girl child, to save her from neglect &apathy.

The conference will focus on take home messages, academic needs of post-graduate students, case/problembased sessions, debates over controversial issues, legal issues in pediatric practice and a special program on“pediatrician as entrepreneur”, to name a few.

The city boasts of being one of the richest city of India and a major revenue earner for the country. Not only doesit maintains its tag as the forerunner of development in India but also has become a hub of medical tourism. It hasa strong backbone of state of the art medical care which is supported by the latest in technological developmentsto attract the global clients.

The city itself has a lot to offer, and is buzzing with activities, be it the swanky malls or the IT boom, be it theautomobile industry or colorful cultural activities.

We assure that you will not run short of choices when it comes to academics or relaxation.

Warm traditional Haryanvi culture& hospitality awaits your arrival at GURGAON.

Organizing secretary Organizing chairperson TreasurerDr. M. P. Jain Dr. Ramesh Goyal Dr. Devesh Aggrawal

+91-88264-95300 +91-88264-95301 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Registration Fee

Category 1 Feb.11 15 May, 11 01 Aug., 11 01 Oct., 11

to 15 May, 11 to 31 July, 11 to 30 Sep., 11 to 30 Nov., 11

IAP Member Rs. 6500 Rs. 7500 Rs. 10000 Rs. 12000

Non-IAP Member Rs. 7500 Rs. 9000 Rs. 11000 Rs. 14000

*PG Student Rs. 4500 Rs. 5500 Rs. 7000 8500

*Sr. Citizen above 70 years Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00 Rs. 8500

SAARC Delegate Rs. 7500 Rs. 9000 Rs. 11000 Rs. 14000

*Sr. Citizen Between 65-70 years Rs. 4500 Rs. 6000 Rs. 7000 Rs. 8500

Foreign Delegate $ 700 $ 750 $ 850 $ 1000

Trade Delegate Rs. 8000 Rs. 10000 Rs. 12000 Rs. 15000

Retund on Cancellation 75% 50% 25% NIL


IAP 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 JANUARY, 2012

21IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

� Workshop Fee: Rs. 1000 each.

� Spot Registration: Rs. 1500 + Last Slab. Delegate kit can not be ensured.

� *Valid Certificate to be produced.

� Accommodation, Travel & Workshop details will follow the first brochure.

� DD to be made in favor of “Pedicon 2012”, payable at Gurgaon.

� Online Registration will be starting from March 1st ‘2011

� Registration can be paid through net banking to our account “Pedicon 2012”

Bank Account no - 02610020002973, Kotak Mahindra Bank, J.M.D. Regent Square, M.G. Road, Gurgaon.IFSC code KKBK0000261. Please send copy of transaction along with the registration form.

Conference Secretariat :Dr. M. P. JainOrganizing SecretaryNova Care Clinic, JacobpuraNew Railway Road, Gurgaon – 122001 (Haryana)Mobile - +91-88264-95303, +91-88264-95304E-mail - [email protected], [email protected] - www.pedicon2012.org

22 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

REGISTRATION FORM(Please fill the form in CAPITAL letters) only

Receipt No:

IAP Member No:

IAP Non-Member #PG Student *Sr. Member 65 to 70 Yrs Accompanying Delegate

SAARC/Foreign Delegate Trade Delegate *Sr. Member > 70 Yrs.

First Name: Surname:


Name of Institute:


City: State Pin: Country:

Jain / Vegetarian / Non-Vegetarian

Mobile: Telephone with STD Code

E-mail (in Capital Letters):

Accompanying Person Details: 1. 2.

3. 4.

CME - Yes / No Work Shop - Yes / No (Please add Rs 1000/- for Work Shop)

Total Amount: Amount (in Words)

Mode of Payment: Cash / DD / Credit Card / Debit Card

Please Note:

1. Payments from Indian delegates & foreign delegates will be accepted in INR & USD respectively

2. This member’s contribution includes Rs 1000/- for Central Indian Academy of Pediatrics corpus fund also

3. *Senior IAP Member above 70 year of age is exempted from Conference Registration till 30 September. Pleasesend valid age proof with CIAP number.

4. # Certificate of HOD to be sent along with Application.

Conference Secretariat:Dr. M. P. Jain

Organizing SecretaryNova Care Clinic, Jacobpura SignatureGurgaon -122001, (Haryana), IndiaEmail: [email protected]; Website: www.pedicon2012.org


IAP 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 JANUARY, 2012

23IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Call for ‘Free’ & ‘Award’ Papers

The Scientific Committee invites delegates who wish to givea presentation during the PEDICON 2012, the 49th NationalConference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, January19-22, 2012 at Gurgaon to submit the ‘Abstracts’ of theirscientific studies.

(A) Paper Category: Free Papers

The mode of presentation of free papers will be decided bythe scrutinizing committee from amongst the abstractsreceived and authors will be informed accordingly. Thepapers not taken for ‘Oral’ will be taken for ‘Poster’.

The text of the ‘Abstract’ should contain not more than 250words. It should be structured as far as possible in thefollowing manner (Except Case Reports): (a) Introduction(b) Aims & Objectives (c) Material & Methods (includingstatistical methods where relevant) (d) Results(e) Conclusions.


1. Abstracts can be submitted via email ID:

[email protected]

2. The deadline for sending in abstracts is 30th September

2011. This deadline will be strictly observed.

3. Abstracts or full papers sent by hardcopy will not beaccepted.

4. Please quote your Central IAP membership number

5. Please mention the category of paper according toSub-specialty given below:

� Adolescent Pediatrics (ADOL)

� Cardiology (CAR)

� Community Pediatrics (CP)

� Endocrinology (ENDO)

� Gastroenterology (GE)

� Genetics (GENE)

� Growth & Development (GD)

� Hematology – Oncology (HO)

� Infectious Diseases (ID)

� Intensive Care (IC)

� Neonatology (NEO)

� Nephrology (NEP)

AnnouncementCall for Papers 2012

� Neurology (NEU)

� Nutrition (NUT)

� Respiratory (RESP)

� Rheumatology (RHE)

� Tuberculosis (TB)

� Miscellaneous (MISC)

� Dr. S. T. Achar (STA)

� Dr. James Flett (JF)

� Dr. V. Balagopal Raju (VBR)

� Dr. S. S. Manchanda (SSM)

(B) Paper Category: Award Papers

(Mandatory: Read the award rules before submission ofyour paper, which may be obtained from the Central Officeon request. The papers not submitted as per award ruleswill be rejected.)

� Dr. S. T. Achar Endowment Award (One Prize) for thebest paper on “Pediatrics”.

� Dr. James Flett Endowment Award (Two Prizes) for thebest papers on “Social & Preventive Pediatrics”.

� Dr. S. S. Manchanda Neonatology Research Award(One Prize) for the best paper on “Neonatology”.

� Dr. V. Balagopal Raju Endowment Award (Two Prizes)for the best papers on “Child Health”.


1. The hard copy of the SUMMARY as well as FULL paperin 4 (FOUR COPIES) should be submitted to IndianAcademy of Pediatrics, Kailash Darshan, Near KennedyBridge, (Nana Chowk), Mumbai 400007 along with thedeclaration certificate as prescribed in the award rules.

2. The SUMMARY should not be more than 250 words.

3. The FULL award paper should be in the style of “IndianPediatrics”.

4. The title of the paper should be brief but adequatelydescriptive.

5. The text of the summary should be structured as far aspossible into the following manner (a) Introduction(b) Aims & Objectives (c) Materials & Methods(including statistical methods where relevant)(d) Results (e) Conclusions.

24 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

The last date for submission of award papers at the CentralIAP Office (Hard Copy) is 30th September 2011.

Notification of selection of Papers:

The Scientific Committee will review abstracts andnotification of acceptance / rejection will be sent to the firstauthors indicated in the papers, by 2nd week of December2011. Please contact the IAP office [email protected] if you do not hear by this time.


The Scientific Committee will consider abstracts for an ‘Oral’or ‘Poster’ presentation. All presentations must be in English.

Best poster awards:

All posters in the subspecialties mentioned in the list, willbe considered for the “Best Poster Awards”. Judging willbe based on scientific merit, visual presentation and thepotential significance of the clinical research. Detailedinstructions for poster paper presenters will be sent afterthe selection process is complete.


Authors who have been notified that their abstract isaccepted for oral or poster presentation will please notethat they ought to register for the PEDICON 2012, as perthe prevailing fees at the time of registration.

Publication of papers:

The papers that have been accepted for publication will bepublished in proceedings of PEDICON 2012. IAP holds allpublication rights including copyright unless otherwiseintimated to the authors by IAP in writing.

Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Hony. Secretary GeneralIndian Academy of PediatricsKailas Darshan, Kennedy BridgeNana Chowk, Mumbai-400007 (India)Email: [email protected]: http://www.iapindia.orgFax: (022) 23851713Telephones: (022) 23887906, 23887922, 23889565

Late Hony. Surg. Cmde. Dr. Shantilal C. Sheth

Oration at PEDICON 2012

Nominations of IAP members / Non-Members who have

excelled in the field of “Child Health & Care” including,

Community Pediatrics are invited by the Central IAP Office

for award of Late Hony. Surg. Cmde. Dr. Shantilal C. Sheth

Oration at the 49th National Conference of IAP to be held

from January 19-22, 2012 at Gurgaon (PEDICON 2012) .

The nomination should be duly proposed and seconded by

the IAP Members giving one page justification for the

nomination of the proposed person and should be submitted

along with a detailed biodata of the nominee in SIX COPIES.

The nominees should give a statement in writing along with

the nomination, duly signed by the nominee, stating that he

/ she has read the rules for award of Late Hony. Surg. Cmde.

Dr. Shantilal C. Sheth Oration and that the decision of the

committee appointed by the Executive Board of IAP for

award of this nomination will be accepted by him / her as

final and binding on him / her and shall not ask for disclosure

of marks of any nominee and / or nominations of other

nominees for the oration. The nomination without signed

statement of the nominee shall be considered as invalid

nomination. The last date for submission of nominations is

30th September 2011.

Traveling Fellowships Abroad

Members may kindly note that on communication with the

concerned colleges / institutions, we have learnt that the

following fellowships are not available to IAP members as

of now, for 2011

1) Royal Australasian College of Physicians

2) Malaysian Pediatric Association

3) Chinese Taipei Pediatric Association

Members are requested to visit www.iapindia.org regularly

for updates on this.

25IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Traveling / Research Fellowships in India

The application on prescribed form are invited from the

members of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics for award of

Trainee Fellowships for training in pediatric subspecialties.

Age No Bar. The IAP will sponsor the candidates to various

departments for training in India. The training shall be for a

period of 4/8 weeks. The IAP will be awarding the Trainee

Fellowships as follows:

� Dr. S. R. Amarnath Fellowship (2 of Rs.5000/- each)

� Bibi Sunder Kaur Fellowship (2 of Rs.5000/- each)

� IAP Fellowship (2 of Rs.5000/- each)

� Dr. K. Indirabai Fellowship (1 of Rs.5000/-)

� Non-paid fellowship (no restriction on number of

candidates or number of fellowships to be availed).

The application form can be obtained from the Central IAP

Office on request. The duly completed application should

be submitted along with detailed biodata of the applicant in

SIX COPIES to the Central IAP Office. The applicants should

give a statement in writing along with their application, duly

signed by the applicant, stating that he / she has read the

rules for selection of candidates for these traveling

fellowships and that the decision of the committee appointed

by the Executive Board of IAP with regards to selection of

IAP candidates for award of trainee fellowship, will be

accepted by him / her as final and binding on him / her and

shall not ask for disclosure of marks of other candidate for

the trainee fellowship. The application without signed

statement of the applicant shall be considered as invalid

application. The last date for submission of application is

30th August 2011.

Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Hony. Secretary General

ORS Day & ORS Week

It is proposed to celebrate “ORS DAY & ORS WEEK”during July 2011. You may select any suitable datesfor celebration of the week, which should essentiallyinclude 29th July 2011 as the “ORS DAY”. ORS Themeis “ORS aur zinc ka saath; de dast (diarrhea) ko

maat”. Please participate in a big way for making ita great event. The last date for submission of reportto the Central Office for award competition is30th August 2011. This report should be submittedin 5 (FIVE) copies on or before the last date.

World Breastfeeding Week

The World Breastfeeding Week will be celebrated

from August 1-7, 2011. The Theme for this year is

“Talk to me! Breastfeeding - a 3D Experience”.

The Central IAP invites entries for best world

breastfeeding week celebration award competition.

The report should be submitted in 5 (FIVE) copies

on or before 30th August 2011 to the Central Office.

Book on Adolescence

IAP Amravati Branch has published a book on ADOLESCENCE in Marathi and Braille, named “Hindla Tarunyacha”,edited by Dr. Jayant Pandharikar and Dr. Shripad Jahagirdar.

Enquiries to:Dr. Jayant PandharikarEmail: [email protected]

26 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

IAP Drug Formulary is 6 years old

The IAP Drug Formulary was officially released in 2005 atXXXXIInd IAP National Conference, PEDICON 2005, atKolkata and is now being used by over 4650 pediatriciansall over the country. The IAP Drug Formulary came intoexistence as IAP Presidential Action Plan 2004 of Dr M K CNair as a project of the then IAP Computer and MedicalElectronics Group (CMEG) – now IAP Computer and MedicalInformatics Chapter (CMIC) .

The Quarterly Web Update facility had made the contentsquite dynamic. It became the first and to date, the onlyFormulary to provide such a facility to its users. Changescould be made in the formulary as and when newdevelopments in pharmacology and pediatric therapeuticsbecame available. Users are sent an e newsletter as soonas the 3 monthly Web Update becomes ready for download.The December 2010 Web Update is the 20th and the latestWeb Update made available to the users.

We propose that along with the Quarterly Web Updates, anew edition of the book will be printed once in 3 years. TheIAP Drug Formulary 2009 - 2nd hard copy edition - hassold around 1500 copies since it was released at theXXXXVIIth National Conference of IAP - PEDICON 2010 inJanuary 2010 at Hyderabad. This book and the OnlineDesktop and PDA/mobile version of the IAP Drug Formulary,also released at Hyderabad, have made it a wholesomeproduct. All mobile and PDA users any where in the worldcan now download and browse through the contents of theformulary. We have now star ted selling the formularyabroad. Online purchase of the book and/or CD and theOnline Desktop and PDA/mobile version has also been madeavailable since Jan 2010.

The IAP Action Plan 2010 of our IAP President 2010 -Dr Deepak Ugra - ‘Going International’ - was a highlight ofIAP Drug Formulary activities for the year. The IAP Drug

Formulary 2009 (Book) and CD were sent 145 membercountries of the International Pediatric Association (IPA) and33 Executive Committee and Standing Committee membersof this organisation.

This year 2 new publications of the formulary - ‘IAP DrugFormulary - Infectious Disease Update 2011’ and ‘PocketDose Book of Medicines in Children and Adolescents’ weremade available.

The ‘IAP Drug Formulary - Infectious Disease Update 2011’contains the IAP Infectious Disease Chapter and IAP DrugFormulary’s updated recommendations in brief for the drugtreatment of 205 pediatric infectious diseases. It wascontributed by 30 experts and 10 core committee membersof IAP Infectious Disease Chapter. The contents of this bookare available in the Web Update 2010 (4) Edition 21.

The ‘Pocket Dose Book of Medicines in Children andAdolescents’ is a pocket sized addition to thearmamentarium of the IAP Drug Formulary which may becarried around at all times. It helps a clinician to make aquick search of IAP Drug Formulary recommended dosagesfor 615 drugs exclusively used in neonates, children andadolescents. Evidence based schedules for most pediatricillnesses are detailed for each drug where indicated.

The permanent office of the IAP Drug Formulary has beenfunctioning at Cochin since Jan 2010. Do visit our websitewww.iapdrugformulary.com and register there as soon asyou buy the IAP Drug Formulary.

We at the IAP and IAP CMIC are thankful to all for the supportand encouragement received for the IAP Drug Formulary.

For the Editorial Board of IAP Drug FormularyDr. Jeeson C Unni

Editor-in-chief,IAP Drug Formulary.

IAP Child & Adolescent Health Care Week

The branches are free to select their own week accordingto their convenience during the month of November2011. The week so selected for celebrating IAP Child &Adolescent Health Care Week should essentially include14 th November 2011. The Theme is “Adolescent

Immunization - Need of the Nation” The Central Officeinvites entries for best IAP Child & Adolescent HealthCare Week celebration award competition. The reportshould be submitted in 5 (FIVE) copies to the CentralOffice on or before 30th November 2011.

27IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Dr. R. K. Agarwal (Udaipur) was awarded the mostprestigious, “IMA Ranbaxy Oration Award” with roll ofdistinction, momento and Rs. 5000/- in cash for the year2010. He delivered his oration on “Under Five Child SurvivalStrategies in India” in 85th national conference ‘IMACON’on 28th December, 2010 at Jaipur.

Dr. Asha Benakappa (Bangalore) has been re-appointedfor another 2 years as WABA’s Health Care Practices TaskForce Member.

Dr. Pukhraj Bafna (Rajnandgaon) has conferredPadamshree Award 2010 by President of India.

Dr. Yashwant S. Chavan (Nanded) has been selected BestFellow Guide of 2010 in Pediatrics by the Governing Councilof ICMCH.

Dr. Shekhar Dabhadkar (Mahad) has been awarded Dr.Sureshchandra Nadkarni Mitramandal award for PublicHealth Education for 2009-2010 by IMA Maharashtra State.

Dr. M. M. A. Faridi (New Delhi) was invited by the UNICEFTimore-Leste as Consultant to Assist Ministry of PublicHealth, Government of Republic of Timor-Leste from 10th

July to 10th August 2010. He is successfully completedterms of references and trained Timores doctors and nursesin IYCF Counseling and carried our BFHI assessment oftwo Government teaching hospital as international expert.


Dr. B. B. Jha (Samastipur) has received D.S.C. in PediatricsMalnutrition from Victoria Global University. He has alsoreceived Indian Golden Personalities award and great Indiancitizen award 2011 from friendship forum of India. He hasbeen invited to attend International Congress of IndianCollege of Interventional Cardiology.

Dr. Neeraj Kumar (Chandigarh) has been awarded FICCIHealthcare Excellence Award – 2010 in the category of“Excellence in Patient Experience”.

Dr. N. Vijaya Kumar (Kochi) has been selected for “IMAspecial award to Eminent Medical Men for DistinguishedAchievement of Highest Order 2010 by IMA (HQS.)

Dr. S. N. Mothi (Mysore) has got a prestigious award fromRotary Mysore West as “MANAVA RATNA”

Dr. Narendra Rathi (Akola) has been conferred with bestresearch of the year award by Asian Pacific ResearchSociety, Denvar, Colorado, USA, for his research onidentification of Recketsial Disease (New Scoring System).

Dr. Milind Tullu (Mumbai) has been appointed as AsianEditor of Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care, Turkiye;Consulting Editor of Journal of Postgraduate Medicine;Member Editorial Board (Pediatric Section) of Al AmeenJournal of medical Sciences

Best IAP Branch Awards 2011

The Central IAP invites entries from IAP

Branches for Best Branch Awards competition

for the year 2011. The activity repor t in a

prescribed form (available from Central Office)

should be submitted Central IAP Office in FIVE

(5) copies on or before 30th November 2011.

Best IAP Chapter Awards 2011

The Central IAP invites entries from IAP Chapter

Awards competition for the year 2011. The

activity report in a prescribed form (available

from Central Office) should be submitted

Central IAP Office in FIVE (5) copies on or

before 30th November 2011.

28 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011


Dr. Pukhraj Bafna is a consultant pediatrician and Adolescent counselor. He is an eminent medical

scientist, an excellent medical researcher, a famous medical teacher, an innovative health

educationist, a national faculty trainer, a popular column writer, a devoted social worker, a renowned

health activist and an outstanding organizer. Dr. Bafna is widely recognized across the country for

his extensive and exhaustive work on Tribal child Health and Adolescent health.

Born on 12th January 1947, Dr. Bafna received his MBBS, DCH and MD in Pediatrics from NSB

Medical College, Jabalpur. He did his Ph.D from Jain Vishwa Bharti University, Ladnun on Efficacy of Yoga &

Preksha meditation on childhood and adolescent asthma. This is a pioneer work and of its own kind. He is a Fellow

of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, International college of Pediatrics and Academy of medical sciences.

Dr. Bafna’s book on “Status of Tribal Child Health in India” has depicted the picture of Tribal Child health in different

parts of the country with probable solutions. It has been duly recognized by CAB International UK- an Inter

governmental organization to dissiminate scientific knowledge world wide.

Dr. Bafna has visited & organized camps at far distant areas of Tribal Population for research and study and

organised national conference on Tribal Child Health. Dr. Bafna is rendering medical and social services for 132

Orphan children who lost their parents killed by naxalites in Tribal areas of Bastar in Salwajudoom.

Dr. Bafna is doing Operational research on Adolescent Health since last two decades. Uptil now more than 30000

Adolescent girls and boys have been interacted by Dr. Bafna through out the country. He has written many chapters

on Adolescent Health in different medical text books and National & International magazines. He has conducted

state, national and International seminars and training programmes on Adolescent care for doctors, educationists,

teachers and NGO’s in different corners of the country.

Dr. Bafna is the only Health column writer in India, writing every week since last 38 years continuously in daily

newspapers and magazines. His activities on health education includes conduction of more than 500 child health

camps, Prevention of blindness camps, Sickle cell anemia control camps etc.

Dr. Bafna is recipient of numerous prestigious awards and honours. He has been conferred National C.T Thakkar

Award by Indian Medical Association for community services in 1978, Mahaveer Mahatma Award by Oneness

Group of Times of India and Bhartiya Jain Sanghatna for humanitarian services in 2004. He won International

Presidents Gold medal Award by Lions Clubs International twice in 1986 & 1996. He received Becon International

Award for health awareness in 1986. He is recipient of Academic excellence award by Indian Academy of Pediatrics

C.G State in 2004, Samaj Ratna Award by Narayan Sewa Samiti Rajasthan in 2005, Samaj Gaurav Award by

Uvasagraham Nagpura 1999, Anvarat Sewa Award by Udayachal for prevention of blindness in 1990 and many

more. He has been honoured by vice chancellor of JVB University Rajasthan for promotion of science of living in

2003 and by health secretary Kerala Government through IAP for promotion of national child health. Dr. Bafna has

chaired innumerable sessions in many state, national & International medical, educational and social conferences.

He has been conferred the prestigious National “Padmashri Award” by the President of India this year.

29IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Gurgaon, March 26-27, 2011

CME on Pediatric Liver Disease

Enquiries to:Email: [email protected]: www.pediatriclivertransplantindia.com

Singapore, April 14-17, 2011

The ASEAN Paediatric Congress 2011

Enquiries to:Email: [email protected]: www.apc2011.com.sg

Tokyo (Japan), April 15-17, 2011

114th Annual Meeting of the Japan Pediatric Society

Enquiries to:Email: [email protected]: www.apcc.2011.org

Hyderabad, April 23-24, 2011

27th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of

Pernatology & Reproductive Biology on “Prevention &

Early Intervention”

Enquiries to:Email: [email protected]

Colorado (USA), April 30-May 3, 2011

7th Congress of Asian Society for Pediatric Research

Enquiries to:Website: www.aspr.jp/7th/

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), May 5-8, 2011

18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology

Enquiries to:Email: [email protected]: www.apcc2011.org

Bangkok (Thailand), May 19-20, 2011

Clinical Trial Forum Thailand 2011

Enquiries to:Nazmus SakibEmail: [email protected]


Darwin (Australia), May 22-25, 2011

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)


Enquiries to:Email: [email protected]: www.racp.edu.au

The Hague (Netherlands), June 7-11, 2011

29th Annual Meeting of the European Society for

Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Enquiries to:Website: www.kenes.com

The Netherlands, June 16-17, 2011

3rd European Conference on Injury Prevention and

Safety Promotion

Enquiries to:Email: [email protected]: www.eurosafe.eu.com

Calicut (Kerala), September 17-18, 2011

ADOLESCON 2011 (Annual Conference of Adolescent

Health Chapter of IAP)

Enquiries to:Dr. Beena JohnsonOrganizing SecretaryEmail: [email protected]

Chandigarh, October 1-3, 2011

20th National Conference of IAP Sub Chapter of

Pediatric Gastroenterology 2011

Enquiries to:Dr. B. R. ThapaEmail: [email protected]

New Delhi, October 6-9, 2011

International Asia Pacific Conference on Child Abuse &

Neglect (APCCAN)

Enquiries to:Dr. Rajeev SethEmail: [email protected]

30 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Bangkok (Thailand), October, 2011

9th International Congress of Tropical Pediatric

Enquiries to:Thailand Chapter of International Society of TropicalPediatricsFaculty of Tropical Medicine,Mahidol University, 420/6,Ratchawithi Road,Bangkok, 10400, Thailand.Tel: 660-235-49161Fax: 660-235-49163Details: Website: www.tropped.org

Melbourne (Australia), November 16-19, 2011

7th World Congress of the World Society for Pediatric

Infectious Diseases

Enquiries to:Email: [email protected]

Taipei (Taiwan), November 14-18, 2012

4th World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology,

Hepatology & Nutrition

Details: Website: http://www.wcpghan2012.com

Melbourne (Australia), August 24-29, 2013

27th International Pediatric Association Congress of


Enquiries to:Website: www.racp.edu.au

Resolution regarding Commercial Nutrition Supplements adopted in the Annual General

Body Meeting of Indian Academy of Pediatrics held on 21st January 2011 at Jaipur.

Recognizing that television and other advertising influences children’s consumption pattern, the Indian Academyof Pediatrics (IAP) resolves that it has strong objection to the advertisements of commercial nutrition supplementslike Pediasure and Complan with exaggerated claims of their nutritional, growth and other benefits and requests thecompanies to withdraw these advertisements with immediate effect.

Teenage Day

It has been decided to celebrate “TEENAGE DAY” on 1st August 2011. The report of “Teenage Day” celebration

should be submitted in 5 (FIVE) copies to the Central Office for award competition on or before 30th August 2011.

The Theme for Teenage Day 2011 is “Booze and Abuse - either lose them or lose yourself”

31IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Notice of IAP Election – 2012

“IAP ELECTION - 2012 SCHEDULE”(Subject to change under unforeseen circumstances)

Last date for filing nomination 30-06-2011

Scrutiny of nomination papers 02-07-2011

Last date for withdrawal of nomination 23-07-2011

Posting of ballot papers from 02-09-2011 to 17-09-2011

Last date for receipt of application

for duplicate ballot paper 22-10-2011

Last date for receipt of ballot papers including 11-11-2011 (before 5 pm)

duplicate ballot papers

Counting/declaration of results 13 & 14-11-2011

For Duplicate Ballots:

The members are required to make request for duplicate ballot papers by a hard copy of a letter and / or by

e-mail addressed to the IAP Chief Election Commissioner at [email protected]. The request for duplicate ballot

should be made by the voter himself/herself. For the year 2011, the request for duplicate vote can be made if a

voter does not receive the ballot papers by 10th October 2011. The last date for receipt of a request for duplicate

ballot paper is 22nd October 2011.

32 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

INDIAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICSCentral Secretariat: Kailas Darshan, Kennedy Bridge (Nana Chowk), Mumbai-400007.

Office of the IAP Election Commission 2012: Dr. Shrinath B. Mugali - The Chief Election Commissioner‘Sneh’ Children Hospital, Opp. Central Telegraph Office, Pinto Road, Hubli-580020 (Karnataka).

NOTICE OF IAP ELECTION – 2012*Date: 1st May, 2011

Nominations are invited for filling up the vacancies of the Office Bearers and the Members of the Executive Board of theIndian Academy of Pediatrics for the year 2012 from amongst the Fellow, Life and Ordinary Members of the Society.

Posts No. of Vacancies Term of Office

President-Elect One One Year

Secretary General One Two Years

Treasurer One Two Years



Andhra Pradesh THREE One Year

Assam ONE One Year

Arunachal Pradesh/ Sikkim/ Manipur/ Meghalaya / ONE One YearMizoram/ Tripura/ Nagaland

Bihar ONE One Year

Chandigarh/ Jammu & Kashmir/ Himachal Pradesh ONE One Year

Chhattisgarh ONE One Year

Delhi TWO One Year

Gujarat/ Daman/ Diu/ Dadra & Nagar Haveli TWO One Year

Haryana ONE One Year

Jharkhand ONE One Year

Karnataka THREE One Year

Kerala THREE One Year

Madhya Pradesh TWO One Year

Maharashtra/ Goa FIVE One Year

Orissa ONE One Year

Punjab ONE One Year

Rajasthan TWO One Year

Tamilnadu/ Pondicherry/ Andamans/ Nicobar/ Lakshadweep THREE One Year

Uttar Pradesh THREE One Year

Uttarakhand ONE One Year

West Bengal TWO One Year

33IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Only eligible Fellow/ Life/ Ordinary members of the Societywho have paid their annual subscription for the current year,shall be eligible to offer themselves as candidates forelection or to propose or second the candidature of anymember or to participate in voting at the election. Membersshould see that their subscriptions are first paid up beforethey offer themselves as candidates or propose or secondthe candidature of any member, as the case may be.

The eligible Fellow/ Life/ Ordinary Member contesting forthe post of President-Elect should have been a member ofthe Society for 10 complete years consecutively as on orbefore 1st January 2011 to be eligible to contest for theensuing election and should have served on the ExecutiveBoard or as Office Bearer or both for a period of 2 completeyears before contesting for the post of President-Elect.

A member contesting for the post of Secretary Generalshould have been a Fellow and/or Life and/or OrdinaryMember of the Society for 7 complete years consecutivelyas on or before 1st January 2011 and should have servedon the Executive Board for Two complete years to be eligibleto contest for the ensuing election.

A member contesting for the post of Treasurer should havebeen a Fellow and/or Life and/or Ordinary Member of theSociety for 5 complete years consecutively as on or before1st January 2011 and should have served on the ExecutiveBoard for One complete year to be eligible to contest forthe ensuing election

Further, it may be noted that for filling up the vacancies of theSecretary General and the Treasurer, only residents of Mumbai(Bombay) the place were the Central Office of the Society islocated could be nominated under the rules of the Society.

A member contesting for the membership of the ExecutiveBoard should have been a Fellow and/or Life and/or OrdinaryMember of the Society for 5 complete years consecutivelyas on or before 1st January to be eligible to contest for theensuing election. The term of the elected members to theExecutive Board shall be of a period of one year.

All eligible Fellow/ Life/ Ordinary members may nominate/vote for the post of President-Elect/ Secretary General/Treasurer. The eligible State Fellow/ Life/ Ordinary membersmay nominate/ vote for their respective State Executive BoardMember(s) for the stated number of vacancies to be filled-up.

Nominations shall be duly proposed and seconded byeligible Fellow and/or Life and/or Ordinary Members andconsented to by the candidates concerned. All the particularscontained in the Nomination form should be correctly filledup. A Form of Nomination Paper is printed herein.

The members may file as many nominations as they desire,however with payment made only once and the photo copyof the payment proof should be attached to all suchnominations. The name of the candidate should bementioned on the nomination as registered with IAP. Noother change in the name will be allowed. The nominationpapers will be scrutinized by the IAP Election Commissionto decide about its validity or otherwise. The geographicalState of the candidates will be determined as per the addressrecorded with the Central IAP as on date of notification ofIAP election. The candidates are required to give thefollowing declaration on the nomination form:

“I hereby declare that I consent to this nomination and

that the information given hereinabove is true and

correct to the best of my knowledge and belief”.

The Candidates as well as Proposers & Seconders of thenominations are required to give a self attested photo copyof their photo identity viz. PAN-Card/ Passport/ DrivingLicense/ IAP Identity Card (any one) along with thenominations. Only one of above four Valid photo-ids willbe accepted. Any other proof of photo-id will invalidatenomination or vote casted by a member.

Nomination Paper duly filled-in and addressed to The ChiefElection Commissioner at address given below should reachhis office NOT LATER THAN 5.00 P.M. ON 30TH JUNE 2011

along with the nomination fee.



The candidate is required to pay applicable ‘NominationFee’ as mentioned below:

• Nomination Fee for thepost of President-Elect Rs.5,000/-

34 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

• Nomination Fee for thepost of Secretary General Rs.4,000/-

• Nomination Fee for thepost of Treasurer Rs.4,000/-

• Nomination Fee for thepost of Executive Board Member Rs.2,000/-

The Nomination Fee should be paid by a crossed bank draft

drawn in favor of “Indian Academy of Pediatrics” payable atMumbai or by cash. The Nomination Fee should accompanythe Nomination Paper failing which the Nomination shall bedisqualified. The Nomination Fee is non-refundable.

IAP Election Commission will have no role in receiving orpublication of biodata of candidates. A candidate shouldapproach Hony. Secretary General, CIAP/ Editor of AcademyToday/ Editor for IAP Website for publication of biodata afterthe list of candidates is finalized by IAP ElectionCommission. Editor of Academy Today/ Website will decideabout format and size of biodata to be published as perguidelines set by Executive Board.

The Chief Election Commissioner shall publish on websiteand forward the list of validly nominated candidates forinformation to the contesting candidates as soon as thescrutiny of the Nomination Papers is over. Any validlynominated candidate not desiring to contest the electionmust send his written request to withdraw his nominationon or before the date of withdrawal (i.e. 23rd July 2011).

All the eligible members on IAP membership list as on 31st

March 2011 are eligible to cast their votes. Each voter shallbe entitled to cast one vote for each vacancy. Ballot paper/s must be accompanied by duly filled voter identificationslip and a self attested copy of Photo Identity viz PAN-card/Passport/ Driving License/ IAP Identity Card (any one) orsignature attested by a bank manager. Any ballot papercontaining more than the required number of votes or inany way disclosing the identity of the voter shall be invalid.

The Ballot Papers containing the names of the validly

nominated candidates except those who have withdrawnin time shall be posted to the members from 02-09-2011to 17-09-2011. Each member is required to send his/herballot papers by ordinary post in the “Business Reply

Envelope” (BRE) provided by the IAP Election

Commission or Speed Post or Registered Post. The ballotpapers sent by Hand Delivery or Courier or by bulk mail willbe considered as invalid.

The Ballot Papers duly marked and addressed to:




should reach his office NOT LATER THAN 5.00 P.M. ON

11th NOVEMBER 2011.

A list containing the names and addresses of Fellow, Life andOrdinary Members of the Society shall be supplied on requestat Rs.5000/- per copy. It may please be noted that the list ofmembers is no indication as to whether a particular memberis in arrears of his annual subscription for the current year.

An Ordinary member must pay his/ her subscription before30th June 2011 to be eligible to receive a ballot paper.

The Scrutinizing Committee shall scrutinize the Ballot Papersafter the last date fixed for the receipt of Ballot Papers andresults will be declared. All correspondence/ enquiries/queries should be addressed to the Dr. Shrinath B. Mugali,The Chief Election Commissioner, Indian Academy ofPediatrics, ‘Sneh’ Children Hospital, Opp. Central TelegraphOffice, Pinto Road, Hubli-580020 (Karnataka).

The request of a member for change of his/ her address inIAP records made on or before 31st March 2011 will beaccepted and will be considered as valid for the purpose ofIAP Election 2012, to the Hony. Secretary General of IndianAcademy of Pediatrics. Any change of address after thisdate will not be accepted for the purpose of IAP Election 2012.

Dr. Shrinath B. MugaliChief Election Commissioner

Dr. Mahesh Baldwa Dr. Ajay Gambhir Dr. George F. Moolayil Dr. Bharat ParekhMember Member Member Member

IAP ELECTION COMMISSIONEmail ID: [email protected]

35IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

INDIAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICSCentral Secretariat: Kailas Darshan, Kennedy Bridge (Nana Chowk), Mumbai-400007.

Office of the IAP Election Commission 2012: Dr. Shrinath B. Mugali - The Chief Election Commissioner

‘Sneh’ Children Hospital, Opp. Central Telegraph Office, Pinto Road, Hubli-580020 (Karnataka).



Name of the Office for which the Candidate is Nominated ....................................................................................................................

Name of the Candidate (in full) ..........................................................................................................................................................(As registered with IAP) (see Instructions)

Candidate’s Address ...........................................................................................................................................................................


........................................................................................................................ STATE ......................................................................

IAP Membership No. of the Candidate .................................................................................... since ...................................................

Telephones (STD CODE ................) (OFF) ................................................ (RESI) ...............................................................................

Mobile .................................... Fax .................................... Email: ......................................................................................................

Offices held by the candidates in Central IAP & Year(s) ........................................................................................................................

Name of the Proposer ........................................................................................................................................................................(As registered with IAP) (see Instructions)

Proposer’s Address ............................................................................................................................................................................

Membership No. of the Proposer .........................................................................................................................................................

Telephones (STD CODE ................) (OFF) ................................................ (RESI) ...............................................................................

Mobile .................................... Fax .................................... Email: ......................................................................................................

Proposer’s Signature & Date ...............................................................................................................................................................(see instructions)

Name of the Seconder .......................................................................................................................................................................(As registered with IAP) (see instructions)

Seconder’s Address ...........................................................................................................................................................................

Membership No. of the Seconder ........................................................................................................................................................

Telephones (STD CODE ................) (OFF) ................................................ (RESI) ...............................................................................

Mobile .................................... Fax .................................... Email: ......................................................................................................

Seconder’s Signature & Date ..............................................................................................................................................................(see instructions)


“I hereby declare that I consent to this nomination and that the information given hereinabove is true and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief”.



(Signature of the Candidate)(see instructions)

Inst. 1: Please enter name and address as on IAP Membership records for valid nomination.Inst. 2: Please attach self attested photo copy of Photo-ID (PAN Card or Passport or Driving License or IAP Identity Card)


36 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011


The candidates are requested to send their biodata/ message to Hony. Secretary General, Indian Academy of

Pediatrics, Kailas Darshan, Near Kennedy Bridge, Mumbai 400007 for putting it up on IAP Website latest by date of

withdrawal (i.e. 23rd July 2011). The same should be sent along with 2 passport size photographs. Biodata/

Message should preferably be sent by hard copy as well as email. Biodata/ Message should be restricted to

200 words for the post of Executive Board Member and 400 words for the post of Office Bearers. Any biodata/

message containing more than the required number of words may be truncated. Only those biodata/ messages

received in time shall be uploaded on IAP Website. Any biodata/ message received after the last date will not be

accepted. The authenticity of biodata will be moral responsibility of the candidate. The biodata/ message may or

may not be published in Academy Today.

Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Hony. Secretary General


The IAP Kutch, IAP COI and CHF have been working on development of system for disease surveillance for the

vaccine preventable disease in Kutch, Mumbai and India.

We have developed a web based and sms based disease reporting system for vaccine preventable diseases

in India.

IAP members can report diseases using either the sms service or the internet. The primary objective of the

project is to generate data on the disease burden of vaccine preventable diseases in India. It can also act as

Early Warning System

The purpose of the national vaccination programme is not merely to distribute vaccines but to prevent diseases at

the individual child level and control diseases at the community level. The national programme does not have

internal capacity to monitor the impact of vaccinations. A well planned vaccine-preventable diseases surveillance

project will fill that gap, at least in part, in one geographic community.

For details of how the system works and how a member can report a case, please visit www.idsurv.org

Vijay Yewale

Convener, IAP COI

37IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011


National CME Organized by Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) and Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics (IJPP)

at Chennai Trade Centre, Nandambakkam, Chennai On 12th June 2011

Delegate fee

Date IAP Members Post Graduates

Up to 31st May 2011 Rs.1000/- Rs.800/-

From 1st June, 2011 Rs.1250/- Rs.1000/-

(Delegate fee to be paid as Cash / Cheque / DD drawn in favour of “IAP-IJPP CME 2011”, payable at “Chennai”)

For further details contactDr. S.Thangavelu

Organizing Secretaries, IAP-IJPP CME 20111A, Block II, Krsna Apartments,50, Halls Road, Egmore,Chennai – 600 008. India.Phone: 044-28190032, 42052900E-mail: [email protected]


Subscription Tariff

Category Tariff from April 2011

Individual Annual Rs. 500/-

Ten years Rs.5000/-

Institution Annual Rs. 600/-

Ten years Rs.6000/-

Foreign Annual US $ 65

Send your subscription, only by crossed demand draft, drawn in favour of “INDIAN JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL

PEDIATRICS”, payable at “CHENNAI”.

For Further details contact

Dr. K.NEDUNCHELIAN,Editor-in-Chief, 1A, Block II, Krsna Apartments, 50, Halls Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008, Tamilnadu, India.Phone: 044-28190032, 42052900, Email: [email protected]

38 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

HODs to the Fore!

Dear Colleague:

I consider it a rare privilege that I

have been nominated as the National

Convener of the HOD Cell of IAP.

I am thankful to our new President

Dr. T. U. Sukumaran, Dr. Rajeshwar

Dayal, Chairman of HOD Cell and all the Executive Board

members for giving me this chance to serve you.

The opening up of the education sector has led to the

birth of innumerable new medical colleges all over the

country. As a result the number of HODs is increasing

in strength day by day and today HODs are in a powerful

position to make a solid impact in IAP Program.

Being in the heart of academics, HODs enjoy very high

credibility and the opportunities are immense for us to

mould the students, foster research and facilitate high

level professional interaction. These measures have the

potential to strengthen IAP at the core level. Hence the

need of the hour is to encourage greater interaction

between HODs of various colleges and increase

HOD involvement in IAP programmes and activities,

especially in state and national conferences.

For this purpose I propose to bring out an exclusive

newsletter meant for HODs where you can, express

your views and also learn about upcoming IAP

programmes. Yet another good idea would be to

establish an HOD e-mail group whereby we can keep

in constant touch with each other.

Our interaction could also take the form of exchanging

information regarding fellowship programmes, of

Pediatric specialties available at various centers for our

post graduates, MRCP training program and exams.

As IAP is proposing to have various disease registry

like Hyper tension registry obesity registry, and

Kawasaki registry, we HOD can help to collect the data.

We now have regular satellite-linked CMEs and HODs

are well advised to download the same and pass on the

benefit to post graduate students working in your sphere.

In conclusion, I once again appeal to all HODs to

strengthen IAP and lets take Academy to next level in

coming years.

With Best Wishes

Dr. Santhosh T. Soans

National Convener - IAP HOD Cell

HODs to the Fore!

Pediatric Palliative Care

Dear Fellow Academicians,

Dr. Raj Bhandari from Palliative Care Centre at Tata Memorial

Hospital is a pediatrician and he has collaborated with the

Palliative Care Center at Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel. Over

the last several years, his experience has ranged from

pediatric practice to consulting and implementing several

projects of UNICEF, WHO, BFHI, etc. He is currently the

Country Coordinator for the Child Pediatric Care project of

Indian Association of Palliative Care.

For this noble cause he has requested all our members to

fill-up the questionnaire on pediatric palliative care in their

own practice. Hereby, we are printing a small preamble for

the same and the questionnaire sent by him. We request all

our members to kindly spare few minutes to fill-up this

39IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

questionnaire and send it to Central IAP office. We will be

grateful if you can send it as early as possible.

Thanking you.

Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Hony. Secretary General

Indian Academy of Pediatrics


Several children in India suffer from incurable and debilitating

diseases. Apart from physical pain, these cause social,

emotional, financial and spiritual issues, both for the child

and his/her family.

Palliative care aims at diminishing the anguish of such

patients. It can improve the quality of life by employing

“Active total care”, treating pain and other symptoms and

offering social, emotional and spiritual support to children

and their families.

The Child Palliative Care Unit is an arm of the Indian

Association of Palliative Care, set up in 1994 in consultation

with WHO and GoI.

Our mission:

To assess needs of palliative care of pediatric patients with

HIV and other life-limiting diseases

1. To promote affordable and quality palliative care across

the country through networking and support to palliative

care institutions

2. To develop models of pediatric palliative care that are

suitable to the needs of the children. The models have

to be sustainable and adaptable to the indigenous


Pediatric palliative care: ACT now

Chintu’s 9-year long life was a nightmare. For him and

everyone around him. Apart from being an unaffordable

expense for his parents, the treatment was a lost hope for

his loved ones. They lived in fear, pain and angst. Chintu

was not the only such child in India with a life threatening

condition. There are several like him, whose families believe

that they are cursed for life. What do they do? They die

with pain. Should they?

Ask… as healthcare providers, let us ask ourselves

� Are we aware of the issues faced by such children and

their families- their suffering, needs and symptom


� Are we able to provide the best possible care for our

young patients when their condition is no longer


Know… what Pediatric palliative care is

Palliative care for children or Aggressive Comfort Treatment

(ACT) is the total care of the child’s body, mind and spirit,

and also involves giving support to the family.

It begins when illness is diagnosed, and continues

regardless of whether or not a child receives treatment

directed at the disease.

Effective palliative care requires a broad multidisciplinary

approach that includes the family and makes use of available

community resources; it can be successfully implemented

even if resources are limited.

It can be provided in tertiary care facilities, in community

health centres and even in children’s homes.

ACT proposes aggressive symptom management with

attention to psychosocial and spiritual needs. Allowing the

individual and family to have a voice in the dying process,

palliation is pursued just as aggressively as cure once was.

Learn… the basic components of ACT

• Respect for the Dignity of Patients and Families

• Access to Competent and Compassionate Palliative Care

• Support for the Professional Caregivers

• Improved Professional and Social Support for Pediatric

Palliative Care

40 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011



The Indian Association of Palliative Care is committed to improve the quality of care for children and adolescents with asevere life-limiting disease. In order to achieve a targeted and sensible improvement of care provision, information has tobe gathered about the present care situation. Your experiences and your point of view are the prerequisite for a furtherdevelopment of care delivery. We ensure you that the questionnaires will be dealt with confidentiality; data processing andanalysis will occur anonymously.

In the following questions, paediatric palliative care will be used in accordance with the WHO definition and refers to thecare for children and adolescents suffering from a life-limiting disease with the aim of improving their quality of life. Itbegins when illness is diagnosed, and continues regardless of whether or not a child receives treatment directed at thedisease. Palliative care can mean the accompaniment of a patient until the end of his life but is not restricted to this phase.

Date ID-Code

(for office use)

Prior experience with paediatric palliative care

1. Do you have experience with palliative care of a child or adolescent in your professional practice?

2. How many times has this occurred?

No - proceed to question 4. Yes - proceed to question 2.

once < 5 times 5 times

3. Please describe in short the child’s age, diagnosis/es and the duration of care

Disposition to provide paediatric palliative care

4. Would you generally be disposed to engage (further on) in this field of care, i.e. palliative care for children and adolescents?

5. Which kind of additional effort would you accept?

Yes, definitely Rather yes Rather not - proceed to question 6.

No, definitely not - proceed to question 6.

House calls to the child’s home No Yes,up to ______km

Prescription of morphine No Yes

Seek professional advice (consult colleagues) No Yes

Education & training (Be willing for CME/ short/long training programs) No Yes

Care for complex needs within your current practice in in-patient/outpatient settings No Yes

If yes, which type of education? How many hours per year?

Other (please specify): eg. Networking/ advocacy

41IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Barriers to the implementation

The following items refer to potential barriers that you perceive or have already experienced yourself with respect to theimplementation of paediatric palliative care. Please evaluate the extent to which each of these barriers - according to you -impedes the implementation of care delivery.

0 = does not present a barrier to me; 1 = minor barrier to the implementation of care; 5 = serious barrier to theimplementation of care

0 1 2 3 4 5

6. forms, applications, prescriptions for morphine/narcotics D D D D D D

7. Financial burden (lack of remuneration, settlement systems). D D D D D D

8. Time demand (travel, working hours, organisation of medical office). D D D D D D

9. Emotional burden. D D D D D D

10. Professional uncertainty with respect to diagnosis & prognosis. D D D D D D

11. Professional uncertainty with respect to appropriate medical care D D D D D D(interventions, medication, etc.).

12. Lack of Confidence in dealing with death and the dying. D D D D D D

13. Uncertainty of prognosis towards patient and family. D D D D D D

14. Uncertainty regarding the transition from curative to palliative. D D D D D D

15. Lacking continuity of contact due to temporary treatment of the child I D D D D D Dadolescent in specialist outpatient clinics I inpatient units.

16. Individual responsibility for want of exchange with a team. D D D D D D

17. Other (please specify): D D D D D D

Facilitations to the implementation

The following items refer to types of support that you appreciate as helpful with respect to the palliative care for childrenand adolescents. Please evaluate the extent to which each of these options - according to you - facilitates the implementationof care delivery.

0 = does not present a facilitation to me; 1 = minor facilitation to the implementation of care; 5 = enormous facilitationto the implementation of care

0 1 2 3 4 5

18. Availability of a consultant or consultation team to seek advice in case D D D D D Dof complicated problems.

19. Education & training in communication skills. D D D D D D

20. Understanding of Meaningfulness of end of life care. D D D D D D

21. Active reflection on dealing with death and dying. D D D D D D

22. Adequate remuneration. D D D D D D

23. Education & training in basic palliative care competence. D D D D D D

24. Availability of specialist supportive services in local proximity(e.g. paed. Nursing home care service, paed. volunteer, hospice service). D D D D D D

25. Opportunity of professional exchange (e.g. in a case conference). D D D D D D

26. 24-h on-call service, preferably provided by (please specify): D D D D D D

27. Other (please specify): D D D D D D

42 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

The general paediatrician’s role in the provision of paediatric palliative home care

The following items refer to the role and the tasks of the general paediatrician in his own practice within paediatric palliativecare. Please evaluate your level of agreement with the subsequent statements.

Work details:

Settled in own practice since (year)

Own Practice Hospital Govt Hospital Private

Number of patients per month

(rather) rural (rather) urban

Does your practice have a professional focus?

No Yes (please specify):

Are you engaged in professional policy work?

No Yes (please specify):


Contact number:


43IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods

(Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution)

Act, 1992 as Amended in 2003 (IMS Act)

Vide The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods

(Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 1992 No. 38 of 2003

NOTE - BPNI has put efforts to provide the complete text of the provisions of IMS Act 1992 and IMS Amendment

Act 2003 for better understanding of readers.

Dear Fellow Academicians,

There are lots of queries about whether a member can participate in an activity which is directly or indirectly sponsored bypharma or nutrition product promotion companies who come under the purview of IMS Act. For the guidance of all overmembers we are reproducing features of IMS Act so that it can help our members in deciding whether he or she canparticipate in a particular activity sponsored by these companies.

Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Hony. Secretary GeneralIndian Academy of Pediatrics


An Act to amend the Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding

Bottles and Infants Foods (Regulation of Production,

Supply and Distribution) Act, 1992. It provides for theregulation of production, supply and distribution of infantmilk substitutes, feeding bottles and infant foods with a viewto the protection and promotion of breastfeeding andensuring the proper use of infant foods and for mattersconnected therewith or incidental thereto.

Be it enacted by Parliament in the Fifty-four thYear oftheRepublic of India as follows: -

1. (1) This Act may be called the Infant Milk Substitutes,Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation ofProduction, Supply and Distribution) Act 1992, asamended in 2003 (IMS Act)

(2) It extends to the whole of India.

(3) It shall come into force on such date as the CentralGovernment may, by notification in the Official Gazette,appoint.

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(a) “advertisement” includes any notice, circular, label,wrapper or any other document or visible representation

or announcement made by means of any light, sound,smoke or gas or by means of electronic transmissionor by audio or visual transmission;

(b) “container” means a box, bottle, casket, tin, can,barrel, case, tube, receptacle, sack, wrapper or otherthing in which any infant milk substitute, feeding bottleor infant food is placed or packed for sale or distribution;

(c) “feeding bottle” means ant bottle or receptacle usedfor the purpose of feeding infant milk substitutes, andincludes a teat and a valve attached or capable of beingattached to such bottle or receptacle;

(d) “health care system” means an institution ororganisation engaged, either directly or indirectly, inhealth care for mothers, infants or pregnant women,and includes a health workers in private practice, apharmacy, drug store and any association of healthworkers;

(e) “health worker” means a person engaged in healthcare for mothers, infants or pregnant women;

(f) “infant food” means any food (by whatever namecalled) being marketed or otherwise represented as acomplement to mother’s milk to meet the growing

44 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

nutritional needs of the infant after the age of six monthsand up to the age of two years;

(g) “infant milk substitute” means any food beingmarketed or otherwise represented as a partial or totalreplacement for mother’s milk, for infant up to the ageof two years

(h) “label” means a display of written, marked, stamped,printed or graphed matter affixed to, or appearing upon,any container;

(i) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made underthis Act.

(j) “promotion” means to employ directly or indirectlyany method of encouraging any person to purchase oruse infant milk substitute, feeding bottle or infant food.

(2) Any reference in this Act to any other enactment orany provision thereof, shall, in relation to an area inwhich such enactment or such provision is not in force,be construed as a reference to the corresponding lawor the relevant provision of the corresponding law, ifany, in force in that area.

3. No person shall

(a) advertise, or take part in the publication of anyadvertisement, for the distribution, sale or supply ofinfant milk substitutes feeding bottles or infant foods; or

(b) give an impression or create a belief in any mannerthat feeding of infant milk substitutes and infant foodsare equivalent to, or better than, mother’s milk; or

(c) take part in the promotion of infant milk substitutes,feeding bottles or infant foods;

4. Noperson shall

(a) supply or distribute samples of infant milk substitutesor feeding bottles or infant foods gifts of utensils orother articles; or

(b) contact any pregnantwoman or the mother of aninfant; or

(c) offer inducement of any other kind,

for the purpose of promoting the use or sale of infant milksubstitutes or feeding bottles or infant foods.

5. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (4) ofsection 8, no person shall donate or distribute

(a) infant milk substitutes or feeding bottles or infantfoods to any other person except to an orphanage;

(b) any informational or educational equipment ormaterial relating to infant milk substitutes or feedingbottles or infant foods;

Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to thedonation or distribution, subject to such conditions andrestrictions as may be prescribed, of such equipment ormaterial through the health care system.

6. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of the Preventionof Food Adulteration Act, 1954 and the rules madethereunder, no person shall produce, supply or distributeany infant milk substitute or infant food unless everycontainer thereof or any label affixed thereto indicatesin a clear, conspicuous and in an easily readable andunderstandable manner, the words “important notice”in capital letters in such language as may be prescribedand indicating thereunder the following particulars inthe same language, namely:-

(a) a statement “mother’s milk is best for your baby”in capital letters;

(b) a statement that infant milk substitute or infant foodshould be used only on the advice of a healthworker asto the need for its use and the proper method of its use;

(c) a warning that infant milk substitute or infant foodis not the sole source of nourishment of an infant;

(d) the instructions for its appropriate preparation anda warning against the health hazards of its inappropriatepreparation;

(e) the ingredients used;

(f) the composition or analysis;

(g) the storage conditions required;

(h) the batch number, date of its manufacture and thedate before which it is to be consumed, taking intoaccount the climatic and storage conditions of thecountry;

(i) such other particulars as may be prescribed.

45IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

(2) No container or label referred to in sub-section (1)relating to infant milk substitute or infant food shall

(a) have pictures of an infant or awoman or both; or

(b) have pictures or other graphic material or phrasesdesigned to increase the saleability of infant milksubstitutes or infant food ; or

(c) use on it theword “humanised” or “maternalised”or any other similarword; or

(d) bear on it such other particulars as may be prescribed.

7. (1) Every educational or other material includingadvertisements or material relating to promotion ofinfant milk substitues, feeding bottles and infant foodswhether audio or visual, dealing with pre-natal or post-natal care or with the feeding of an infant and intendedto reach pregnantwomen or mothers of infants shallinclude clear information relating to

(a) the benefits and superiority of breastfeeding;

(b) the preparation for, and the continuance of,breastfeeding;

(c) the harmful effects on breast-feeding due to thepartial adoption of bottle feeding;

(d) the difficulties in reverting to breastfeeding of infantsafter a period of feeding by infant milk substitute;

(e) the financial and social implications in making useof infant milk substitutes and feeding bottles;

(f) the health hazards of improper use of infant milksubstitutes and feeding bottles; (fa) the date of printingand publication of such material and the name of theprinter and publisher;

(g) such other matters as may be prescribed.

(2) No material referred to in sub-section (1) shall beutilised to promote the use or sale of infant milksubstitutes or feeding bottles or infant foods.

8. (1) No person shall use any health care system for thedisplay of placards or posters relating to, or for thedistribution of, materials for the purpose of promotingthe use or sale of infant milk substitutes or feedingbottles or infant foods:

Provided that the provisions of this sub-section shall notapply to

(a) the donation or distribution of informational oreducational equipment or material made in accordancewith the proviso to clause (b) of section 5; and

(b) the dissemination of information to a health workerabout the scientific and factual matters relating to theuse of infant milk substitutes or feeding bottles or infantfoods along with the information specified in sub-section (1) of section 7.

(2) No person who produces, supplies, distributes orsells infant milk substitutes or feeding bottles or infantfoods shall make any payment to any person who worksin the health care system for the purpose of promotingthe use or sale of such substitutes or bottles or foods.

(3) No person, other than a health worker, shalldemonstrate feeding with infant milk substitutes or infantfoods to a mother of an infant or to any member of herfamily and such health worker shall also clearly explainto such mother or such other member the hazards ofimproper use of infant milk substitutes or feeding bottlesor infant foods.

(4) No person, other than an institution or organisation,engaged in health care for mothers, infants or pregnantwomen, shall distribute infant milk substitutes or feedingbottles to a mother who cannot resort to breastfeedingand who cannot afford to purchase infant milksubstitutes or feeding bottles.

(5) An orphanage may purchase infant milk substitutesor feeding bottles at a price lower than their sale pricefor the purpose of utilising them in the said orphanage.

Explanation - For the purposes of this sub-section, suchpurchases shall not amount to an inducement for promotingthe use or sale of infant milk substitutes or feeding bottles.

9. (1) No person who produces, supplies, distributes orsells infant milk substitutes or feeding bottles or infantfoods shall offer or give, directly or indirectly, anyfinancial inducements or gifts to a health worker or toany member of his family for the purpose of promotingthe use of such substitutes or bottles or foods.

(2) No producer, supplier or distributor referred to in

46 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

sub-section (1), shall offer or give any contribution orpecuniary benefit to a health worker or any associationof health workers, including funding of seminar,meeting, conferences, educational course, contest,fellowship, researchwork or sponsorship.

10. (1) No person who produces, supplies, distributes orsells infant milk substitutes or feeding bottles or infantfoods shall fix the remuneration of any of his employeesor give any commission to such employees on the basisof the volume of sale of such substitutes or bottles orfoods made by such employees.

(2) The employees of such person shall not performanyfunction which relates to educating a pregnantwomanor mother of an infant on pre-natal or post-natal care ofthe infant.

11. (1) No person shall sell or otherwise distribute any infantmilk substitute or infant food unless it conforms to thestandards, specified for such substitute or food underthe Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954, and therules made thereunder and the container thereof hasthe relevant Standard Mark specified by the Bureau ofIndia Standards established under section 3 of theBureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to indicate thatthe infant milk substitute or infant food conforms tosuch standards:

Provided that where no standards have been specified forany infant milk substitute or infant food under the Preventionof Food Adulteration Act, 1954, no person shall sell orotherwise distribute such substitute or food unless he hasobtained the approval of the Central Government in relationto such substitute or food and the label affixed to thecontainer thereof under the rules made under that Act.

(2) No person shall sell or otherwise distribute anyfeeding bottle unless it conforms to the Standard Markspecified by the Bureau of Indian Standards referred toin sub-section (1) for feeding bottles and such mark isaffixed on its container.

12. (1) Any food inspector appointed under section 9 ofthe Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954(hereinafter referred to as the food inspector) or anyofficer not belowthe rank of a Class I officer authorised

in this behalf by the State Government (hereinafterreferred to as the authorised officer) may, if he has anyreason to believe that any provision of section 6 orsection 11 has been or is being contravened, enter andsearch at any reasonable time any factory, building,business premises or any other place where any tradeor commerce in infant milk substitutes or feeding bottlesor infant foods is carried on or such substitutes orbottles or foods are produced, supplied or distributed.

(2) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure,1973, relating to searches and seizures shall, so far asmay be, apply to every search or seizure made underthis Act.

13. (1) If any food inspector or authorised officer has reasonto believe that in respect of any infant milk substitute orfeeding bottle or infant food or container thereof, theprovisions of this Act have been or are being contravened,he may seize such substitute or bottle or food or container.

(2) No such substitute or food or bottle or containershall be retained by any food inspector or authorisedofficer for a period exceeding ninety days from the dateof its seizure unless the approval of the District Judge,within the local limits of whose jurisdiction such seizurehas been made, has been obtained for such retention.

14. Any infant milk substitute or feeding bottle or infant foodor container thereof, in respect of which any provisionof this Act has been or is being contravened, shall beliable to confiscation:

Provided that where it is established to the satisfaction ofthe court adjudging the confiscation that the person inwhose possession, power or control any such substituteor bottle or food or container is found is not responsible forthe contravention of the provisions of this Act, the courtmay, instead of making an order for the confiscation of suchsubstitute or bottle or food or container, make such otherorder authorised by this Act against the person guilty of thebreach of the provisions of this Act as it may think fit.

15. (1) Whenever any confiscation is authorised by thisAct the cour t adjudging it may, subject to suchconditions as may be specified in the order adjudgingthe confiscation, give to the owner thereof an option topay in lieu of confiscation such cost not exceeding the

47IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

value of the infant milk substitute or feeding bottle orinfant food or container thereof in respect of which theconfiscation is authorised as the court thinks fit

(2) On payment of the cost ordered by the court theseized infant milk substitute or feeding bottle or infantfood or container shall be returned to the personfromwhomitwas seized on the condition that suchperson shall, before making any distribution, sale orsupply of such substitute or bottle or food or container,give effect to the provisions of this Act.

16. No confiscation made or cost ordered to be paid underthis Act shall prevent the infliction of any punishmentto which the person affected thereby is liable under theprovisions of this Act or under any other law.

17. Any confiscation may be adjudged or costs may beordered to be paid, -

(a) without any limit, by the principal civil court oforiginal jurisdiction within the local limits of whosejurisdiction such confiscation has been made or costshave been ordered to be paid, as the case may be;

(b) Subject to such limits as may be specified by theCentral Government in this behalf, by such other court,not below a civil court having pecuniary jurisdictionexceeding five thousand rupees, as the CentralGovernment may, by notification in the Official Gazette,authorise in this behalf.

18. (1) No order adjudicating confiscation or directingpayment of costs shall be made unless the owner ofthe infant milk substitute or feeding bottle or infant foodor container thereof has been given a notice in writinginforming him of the grounds on which it is proposedto confiscate such substitute or bottle or food orcontainer and giving him a reasonable opportunity ofmaking a representation in writing, within suchreasonable time as may be specified in the notice,against the confiscation and if he so desires, of beingheard in the matter:

Provided that where no such notice is given within a periodof ninety days from the date of the seizure of the infant milksubstitute or feeding bottle or infant food or container thereof,such substitute or bottle or food or container shall be

returned after the expiry of that period to the person fromwhose possession itwas seized.

(2) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (1), theprovisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, shall,so far as may be, apply to every proceeding referred toin sub-section (1).

19. (1) Any person aggrieved by any decision of the courtadjudicating a confiscation or ordering the payment ofcosts may prefer an appeal to the court to which anappeal lies from the decision of such court.

(2) The appellate court may, after giving the appellantan opportunity of being heard, pass such order as itthinks fit confirming, modifying or revising the decisionor order appealed against or may send back the casewith such directions as it may think fit for a freshdecision or adjudication, as the case may be, aftertaking additional evidence if necessary:

Provided that an order enhancing any fine in lieu ofconfiscation or for confiscating goods of greater value shallnot be made under this section unless the appellant hashad an opportunity of making a representation and if he sodesires of being heard in his defence.

(3) No further appeal shall lie against the order of thecourt made under sub-sector (2).

20. (1) Any person who contravenes the provisions ofsection 3,4,5,7,8,9,10 or sub-section (2) of section11 and the rules made under section 26 of the Actshall be punishable with imprisonment for atermwhichmay extend to three years, or with finewhichmay extend to five thousand rupees, or with both.

(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of section6 or sub-sector (1) of section 11 and the rules madeunder section 26 of the Act shall be punishable withimprisonment for a term which shall not be less than sixmonths but which may extend to three years and withfine which shall not be less than two thousand rupees.

Provided that the court may, for any adequate and specialreasons to be mentioned in the judgement, impose a sentenceof imprisonment for 44 Law 2, a term which shall not be lessthan three months but which may extend to two years andwith fine which shall not be less than one thousand rupees.

48 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

21. (1) Save as otherwise provided in section 173 of theCode of Criminal Procedure, 1973, no court shall takecognizance of any offence punishable under this Actexcept upon a complaint in writing made by

(a) a person authorised in this behalf under sub-section(1) of section 20 of the Prevention of Food AdulterationAct, 1954; or

(b) An officer not below the rank of a Class I officerauthorised in this behalf, by general or special order,by theGovernment; or

(c) a representative of such voluntary organisationengaged in the field of child welfare and developmentand child nutrition as the Government may, bynotification in the Official Gazette, authorise in thisbehalf.

(2) Where a complaint has been made by arepresentative of the voluntary organisation authorisedunder clause (c) of sub-section (1) and the court hasissued a summons or, as the case may be, a warrantunder sub-section (1) of section 204 of the Code ofCriminal Procedure, 1973, the Assistant PublicProsecutor for that court shall take charge of the caseand conduct the prosecution.

22. (1) Where an offence under this Act has been committedby a company, every person who, at the time the offencewas committed, was in charge of, and was responsibleto, the company for the conduct of the business of thecompany, as well as the company, shall be deemed tobe guilty of the offence and shall be liable to beproceeded against and punished accordingly:

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shallrender any such person liable to any punishment, if heproves that the offence was committed without hisknowledge or that he had exercised all due diligence toprevent the commission of such offence.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section(1), where any offence under this Act has beencommitted by a company and it is proved that theoffence has been committed with the consent orconnivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on thepart of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer

of the company, such director, manager, secretary orother officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of thatoffence and shall be liable to be proceeded against andpunished accordingly.

Explanation For the purposes of this section,

(a) “company” means any body corporate and includesa firm or other association of individuals; and

(b) “director”, in relation to a firm, means a partner inthe firm.

23. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code ofCriminal Procedure, 1973, an offence punishable underthis Act shall be

(a) bailable;

(b) cognizable.

24. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lieagainst the Central Government or any StateGovernment or any officer of the Central Governmentor a representative of such voluntary organisation whichis notified under clause of sub-section (1) of section21 for anything which is in good faith done or intendedto be done under this Act.

25. The provisions of this Act, or the rules made thereundershall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, thePrevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954, or the rulesmade thereunder.

26. (1) The Central Government may, by notification in theOfficial Gazette, make rules to carry out the provisionsof this Act.

(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generalityof the foregoing power, such rules may provide for allor any of the following matters, namely:-

(a) the conditions and restrictions subject to whicheducational equipment and other material may bedonated or distributed under the provision to clause(b) of section 5;

(b) the language in which the notice and otherparticulars shall be indicated under sub-section (1) ofsection 6;

49IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

(c) the particulars which are to be indicated underclause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 6;

(d) the particulars which a container or label shall notbear under clause (d) of sub-section (2) of section 6;

(e) the matters to be included in the information whichreaches pregnant women or mothers of infants underclause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 7;

(f) any other matter which is required to be, ormay be,prescribed.

(4) Every rule made under this Act shall be laid, assoon as may be after it is made, before each House ofParliament, while it is in section, for a total period ofthirty days which may be comprised in one session orin two or more successive sessions, and if, before theexpiry of the session immediately following the sessionor the successive sessions aforesaid, both Housesagree in making any modification in the rule or bothHouses agree that the rule should not be made, therule shall thereafter have effect only in such modifiedformor be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however,that any such modification or annulment shall be withoutprejudice to the validity of anything previously doneunder that rule.

“Companies covered under IMA Act…. Courtesy IYCF

Chapter of IAP”

Indian Academy of Pediatrics is committed to child healthand one of its many ways is breastfeeding protection andscientific propagation of infant and young child feeding. Itendorses the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milkSubstitutes and abides by Indian IMS Act. Under that contextwe strongly propagate that any individual / association /alike (including “health care organization” and “healthworker”) CAN NOT take sponsorship / favors / collaboratein direct / indirect way or be a part of such activity /transactions or get involved in direct / indirect promotionfrom / of the manufacturers / companies / traders / theirliaison / surveyors and alike who are dealing / concernedwith IMS Act.

According to the Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottlesand Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply andDistribution) Act, 1992 as Amended in 2003 (Act enactedby Indian parliament)

• “infant milk substitute” means any food being marketedor otherwise represented as a par tial or totalreplacement for mother’s milk, for infant up to the ageof two years

• “infant food” means any food (by whatever name called)being marketed or otherwise represented as acomplement to mother’s milk to meet the growingnutritional needs of the infant after the age of six monthsand up to the age of two years

• “feeding bottle” means any bottle or receptacle usedfor the purpose of feeding infant milk substitutes, andincludes a teat and a valve attached or capable of beingattached to such bottle or receptacle;

• “container” means a box, bottle, casket, tin, can, barrel,case, tube, receptacle, sack, wrapper or other thing inwhich any infant milk substitute, feeding bottle or infantfood is placed or packed for sale or distribution;

• “health care system” means an institution ororganization engaged, either directly or indirectly, inhealth care for mothers, infants or pregnant women,and includes a health workers in private practice, apharmacy, drug store and any association of healthworkers;

• “health worker” means a person engaged in health carefor mothers, infants or pregnant women;

The WHO Code specifically includes dummies and breastpumps also.

As per search on drug compendium like IDR and word ofmouth from colleagues, Raptakos, Nestle, Mead-Johnson,Wockhardt, Dalmia, and FDC are marketing productsincluded under the Act.

We interpret that the vision of the IMS Act also extrapolatesto any dairy also such as AMUL whose products are beingused by parents as IMS by themselves. Internationalmanufacturers, though not marketing IMS products in India,e.g. Heinz Nutrition, Abbott, Nutrition, Wyeth Nutrition butmarkets other nutrition products should also be a part ofthe list. Numico, Asda, Boots, Safeway, Morrisons,Sainsbury’s, Tesco have been found to violate the Code inother countries.

50 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Heume-Heesefue³ees DeefYe³eeve Hej [e@. ®evêneme Mecee& keÀer oes keÀefJeleeSWpeJeeye Jener,SkeÀ Yeer ye®®ee ígìe jnsiee peye lekeÀ,yeerceejer keÀe Keleje yevee jnsiee leye lekeÀ~FmeefueS ³es jeGv[ nes peye Yeer,efve³eefcele ìerkeÀekeÀjCe kesÀ yeeJepeto,ye®®es keÀes Heesefue³ees keÀer oJee efHeueeles jnW leye Yeer~nceejer Deesj ner Dee jns nQ Jes,Deefveces<e keÀes meeLe efueS yeeuekeÀveer ceW Keæ[e nBt ceQ~ìerkesÀ keÀer oes yeBto Gmes efHeueJee ueslee n@t,Fme Jeeos kesÀ meeLe efkeÀ,Deieues jeGv[ ceW mece³e Hej,yetLe Hej ner Deefveces<e keÀes meeLe ueskeÀj DeeT@iee ceQ~


otj meæ[keÀ kesÀ SkeÀ íesj HejosKelee nt@ SkeÀ vevnW ye®®es keÀes,ueæ[Keæ[e keÀj efiejles, efiejkeÀj GþlesDeewj efHeÀj efIemeì-efIemeì keÀj ®eueles~osKee veneR peelee cegPe mes ³en meye,Jen DeHebie nw, DeefYeMeHle~nervelee keÀe ³es DenmeemeGmekeÀe meoe Heeríe keÀjsiee,ceve ner ceve ³en Denmeeme efue³es,yesyeme Deewj uee®eejpeerJeve peerves kesÀ efueS efJeJeMe,


Heume-Heesefue³ees DeefYe³eevekeÀe oewj ®eue jne nwHenues efove yetLe Hej efìkesÀ'keÀer oes yeBto efHeueekeÀj,

otmejs, leermejs efove Iej-Iej Ietce jns nQ keÀe³e&keÀÊee&~ojJeepes Hej nesleer nw KeìKeì,SkeÀ efceefveì,³es lees Heume-Heesefue³ees Jeeues ner nQ~ef[yyee pees meeLe ceW nw ~nj yeej keÀer lejn Jes HetísbieskeÀesF& HeeB®e meeue keÀe ye®®ee lees veneR nw Iej ceW~mecePe cesb Deelee nw efkeÀJes oes yetbo oJee efHeuee³eWies~efHeuee-efHeuee keÀj GkeÀlee ie³es nQ ueesie,efHeÀj Yeer otmejer, leermejer cebefpeue ®eæ{keÀjDee³es Gve ueesieeW keÀesefvejeMe veneR keÀjles nQ ueesie~oes yetBo oJee efHeueJee uesles nQ~peeles mece³e Jes ueesie keÀnWies,Yew³ee, Deieues ceen keÀer HeÀueeb leejerKe keÀesyetLe Hej ner oJee efHeueJee ueWieslees yeæ[er cesnjyeeveer~keÀesF& Hetílee nwefHeueJeeveer nesieer ³es oJee keÀye lekeÀ?

Jen Iegì-Iegì keÀj efpe³esiee,Iegì-Iegì keÀj cejsiee~meceepe osiee Gmes SkeÀ yewmeeKeer Yeer,SkeÀ meceejesn ceW ì^eF&efmekeÀue Yeer, Deewj Mee³eoo³ee keÀjkesÀ Hesì Heeueves kesÀ efueS keÀesF& keÀece Yeer,Hej GmekesÀ efmemekeÀles Deblece&ve keÀer J³eLeekeÀes keÀewve yee@ì Hee³esiee ~Jen nw otmejeW keÀer o³ee Yejer ¢äer mes yeeefOele,menejs kesÀ efueS Gþles neLeGmes Deewj Yeer keÀj osles nQ J³eefLele~o³ee keÀer ³es YeerKe osves kesÀ DeueeJeekegÀí Deewj keÀerefpe³es~DeHeves ye®®es kesÀ mebHetCe& ìerkeÀekeÀjCeHej peesj oerefpe³es,keÀesF& Yeer veneR ®eensieeDeHeves ye®®es keÀes DeHebie yeveevee~lees efHeÀj DeeF&³es,nj ieueer, nj Menj, nj iee@Je ceW³es DeueKe peiee³eW, ³es mebkeÀuHe Gþe³eWefkeÀ DeHeves Heeb®e meeue lekeÀ kesÀ nj ye®®es keÀes,Heesefue³ees keÀer DeefleefjkeÌle KegjekeÀ DeJeM³e efHeuee³eWDeewj Fme lejn Heume-Heesefue³ees DeefYe³eeve keÀesHetCe& meHeÀue yevee³eW~DeHebielee kesÀ Fme DeefYeMeeHe keÀesmeoe kesÀ efueS efceìe³eW~meoe kesÀ efueS efceìe³eW~

From various website search is found a very big list offeeding bottle manufacturers in India: Sunbaby, SmallWander, Prama Exporters, Vaspar Packings Pvt. Ltd, LittleKids, Bonny Baby Care Products, Narula Enterprise, Little’s(India), Medela, HR2 EXIM, Nalini R Export Pvt. Ltd. BonasiBaby Care, Rm Industries, Born Babies, AdiyushKitchenwares, Sparshva, JL Morrison Industries, Morrisons,Sanskruti Baby Products Pct. Ltd, Bonne Care Pvt. Ltd.,Jeen Products, Opee Polypet Pvt. Ltd., Dalant Infant ProductsLtd., dock, Florite, Hello baby, Cameru, Me & Mummy,Bonsain.

In addition we would recommend excluding:

• Any company which procures personal data fromparents / health workers / health organizations andprovides this on to third parties, not in keeping withethical policy congruent to the vision of the Act.

• Any company which promotes the telephone “carelines/ helplines” of breast milk / infant food substitutemanufacturers in any of their activities.

We also strongly recommend our members to refrain fromdirectly or indirectly involving in activities by such abovedescribed companies and alike which are propagated to be“abiding by IMS Act”. Actually they work on the loop holesof the Act. We suggest them to kindly keep before theirconscience the spirit, vision and purpose of the IMS Act.Because this act is applicable to all citizens of India withoutreferring membership of any organization. The organizationsor academies are committed to it. Moreover this act iscognizable one.

Dr. R. K. Agarwal, ChairpersonDr. Ketan Bharadva, SecretaryDr. Satish Tiwari, Founder Secy, (IYCF Chapter of IAP)

51IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

The Indian Academy of Pediatrics during its 48th AnnualConference at Jaipur from 20th to 24th January 2011, ratifiedthe proposal of EBM Srinagar in its EBM & AGM as a IAPAction Plan 2011. The IAP has approved to implement a“Family Benefit Scheme” to provide financial help to thefamilies of the members in case of death of a member. FBSis for the Members, by the Members and of the Members,a mutually beneficial, compassionate and benevolentscheme, with Hyderabad as its Headquarters.


Must be a life member of Central IAP. Must not havecompleted 55 years of age, as on the date of payment ofthe relevant fees for enrolment in the Scheme.

Relaxation of 10 Years (i.e. Upto 65 years completion) willbe given for founder members who join during the first yearof inception.

Procedure of Enrolment:

IAP life members will have to apply in the prescribedapplication form which can be obtained from the Hon.Secretary of the Scheme / Hon. Secretary of the CentralIAP / concerned Local Branch, or downloadable from theproposed FBS Website.

The completed application form along with relevant fees ofRs.1800/- (Rupees One thousand eight hundred only) alongwith the necessary documents has to be submitted to theSecretary of the Scheme through the local IAP BranchSecretary.

Following is the breakup of the Joining Fee according to

the age Completed Years

25 to 30 Years – Rs.5000/-

Above 30 to 35 Years – Rs.7500/-

Above 35 to 40 Years – Rs.10000/-

Above 40 to 45 Years – Rs.12500/-

Above 45 to 55 Years – Rs.15000/-

The same rate of Rs.15000/- is applicable to those foundermembers that get the relaxation of 10 years for joining duringthe first year.

Family Benefit Scheme of IAP


Maintenance fees of Rs. 200 (Rupees two hundred only)per member per Fraternity Bill.

Caution deposit Rs.1500/- (Rupees one thousand fivehundred only) refundable at the time of cessation ofmembership on demise of the member or on voluntaryretirement from the scheme. Every member of the Schemeshall pay Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred only) each timetowards fraternity contribution in the event of death of amember which will be paid to the Nominee/s of the deceasedmember.

Privileges of Members:

The family of the deceased member Nominated by themember of the FBS will be entitled to the Death FraternityContribution (DFC).

Claims Procedure:

In the event of death of a member, the Nominee/s / LocalBranch Secretary(s) have to inform the same to theSecretary of the Scheme and ask for the claim form. Theclaim form duly filled in along with the Death Certificateand other relevant enclosures as mentioned in the claimform are to be sent to the Secretary of the Scheme.

Computation of Fraternity Contribution Benefit Payable:

The fraternity contribution is calculated according to themembership strength as on the 1st day of the month in whichthe death has occurred at the rate of Rs.300/- per memberplus the caution deposit of Rs.1500/- less dues of FraternityContribution, if any, from the member at the time of his/herdeath. For example if Members as on date are 3000, theamount will be 3000 x 300 = Rs 9 Lakhs.

The scheme is proposed to be launched by March-April2011 for All-India enrolment.

Dr Ajay Kumar


52 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011



APPLICATION FORM(Please fill all information in Capital letters)


M F dd mm yyyy























53IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011


Please Paste a Passport size photo



Member :

Nominee I :

Nominee II :

Nominee III :


A ratified Life Member of IAP qualified under the eligibility criteria shall apply on the prescribed application form along withthe following 6 (Six) documents as annexure. Application and other details of FBS IAP are available with the Hon. SecretaryFBS-IAP’s office and on the website www.fbsiap.in. The tariff now is as follows. Please print your address, names or writein clear capital letters to avoid spelling mistakes in communications.

Age in years Joining Fee Now Rs.

25 to 30 Years 5000

Above 30 to 35 Years 7500

Above 35 to 40 Years 10000

Above 40 to 45 Years 12500

Above 45 to 55 Years 15000

The same rate of Rs.15000/- (Rupees Fifteen thousand only) is applicable to those founder members that get the relaxationof 10 years for joining during the first year.

1. No application for membership will be accepted unless it is complete in all respects, accompaniedby Demand Draft for Rs.1900/- (Rupees one thousand nine hundred only) consisting of (Caution depositof Rs.1500/- and Administration Fee Rs.400/-) and the correct Joining fee as per the age of a member(For example if the members age is 27 years Total amount payable with application will be Rs.5000/-+ Rs.1900/- = Rs.6900/-) in favor of “Hon Secretary FBS IAP A/c. No SBH Hyderabad” or on any Bankin Hyderabad. An applicant becomes a regular member after verification of the complete application,credit of amount in the scheme's bank account and approval by Office of Hon. Secretary FBS-IAP.


Left Thumb








Photo Photo Photo

54 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

2. Proof of age (any one of the following self attested copy showing date of birth)

i. Driving License

ii. SSC Certificate/Transfer certificate.

iii. Passport

iv. Pan card

v. Service Register of Govt. Employee

3. Proof of IAP life membership: any one of the following self attested copy with Membership Number. (A provisionallyadmitted member of IAP becomes a regular member of FBS IAP after ratification of Life membership in IAP.)

i IAP Life membership certificate

ii. Life membership photo identity card

iii. Cover of Indian Pediatrics showing the Life membership Number.

iv. If none of the above are available, verification from the CIAP

4. A Voluntary Health Declaration is compulsory, to be submitted with the Application.

5. Name/s of the Nominee/s with their age, address (postal, e-mail), Tele No. and PAN No. on a separate paper.

6. Enclose 2 extra stamp size photos of the applicant and of the nominees.

Please follow all the following instructions carefully.

a). A Completed application along with all the above documents should be sent by post only to the following officeaddress:

“Dr. Ajoy Kumar, Hon Secretary FBS IAP,6-3-598/1, 1st Floor, Navata C astle,Venkatramana Colony, Khairatabad,Hyerabad – 500 004. A.P.”.Phone: +919848034599Fax: …………….Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

b). Submission of incomplete application form or any false information therein or in subsequent communications to theSociety will make a member liable for termination and not eligible for any benefit from the Society.

c). For regular dues and Updates on FBS IAP Log on to http://fbsiap.org or www.fbsiap.in or mail to [email protected] [email protected]

d). If you do not receive any reply or receipt within 15 days after sending your application please write a letter or give ae-mail or call to enquire. No cell messages please. You will get reply with in 24 hrs for your e-mail queries.

e). Please enquire for any dues to FBS IAP every March and September & pay in time so that you are an active member toenjoy all benefits avoiding suspension and termination of membership in FBS IAP.

55IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011




I, Dr ………………………………………………. Member of ……………………………………… Branch of IAP,

IAP Membership No. ……………….. applying for the membership of FBS of I.A.P. Central do hereby solemnly affirm and

declare to the best of my knowledge I am / am not suffering from any chronic disease(s) like diabetes / hypertension / heart

disease / cerebro-vascular accidents or cancer(s).

Witness: Signature of applicant

Name & address




Hon, Secretary

IAP ………………………….Branch

56 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

How to make your School Child Friendly ?

5 point action plan of CFSI programme

I. No Physical Punishment In School.

Physical punishment may actually do harm (eg: schoolphobia). The child may be punished by othernon-physical methods.

II. No Excess Baggage

Excessive baggage and weight lead to backache, neck pain,etc (School Bag Syndrome).

The school bag with contents should weigh less than 10%of the child’s body weight. Up to the 5th or 6th Standardthere may be some provision for keeping the books in theschool. For different terms we can use different notebooks.We can also attempt to have separate textbooks for eachterm. File system is another alternative method.

III. Adequate Number Of Toilets

There should be one urinal for 60 students and one latrinefor 100 students, with provision for separate latrines andtoilets for boys and girls.

IV. Safe And Proper Transportation To School

There should be provision for safe travel to and from school.Travel in two- or three-wheelers may be discouraged. Norshould there be an excess of children in the school vehicle.

V . Adequate Class Rooms and Play Grounds

The maximum number of students in a classroom shouldbe 40. The class room should have enough space (10 sq.feet/student or 400 sq.feet/classroom. The furniture shouldhave a proper back rest and facilities for desk work.

The Nursery and primary school should be in a single storiedbuilding. There should be varandhas for all school buildings.

There should be a minimum of 4 hours for sports andcultural activities. The school should have an adequateplayground (10 acres of land for a High School and5 acres for a Primary School)


1) Central Health Education Bureau(1965): Repor t ofseminar on School Health Services, New Delhi

5 Point Action Plan ofCFSI Programme

2) Proceedings of IAP National conferece,Chennai-2004:Child Friendly School Initiative by Dr. Savita Inamdar(Indore)

3) Park’s Textbook of Preventive Medicine by K. Park16th edn (2000), pp392-393

4) Learning without burden repor t of the nationaladvisory committee (Yashpal committee) http://www.educa t i on . n i c . i n / cd50yea r s / r / 2R / I 3 /2RI30201.htm

Child Friendly School Initiative (CSFI)Programme

Action Plan:


Preliminary training to 5-6 staff members/PTA membersfrom each school. Initially we are planning to implementthe programme in KG, LP and UP sections only. 5 steps ofCFSI programme will be discussed. What is CFSI, How toimplement it? What is the advantage for our children? Whatare the problem will meet during the implementation-all willbe discussed


Our team members will visit the schools in par ticularrevenue/education district. 1-2 school will be covered eachday. The 5 steps will explained to school authorizes andalso will explain how to fulfil all these criteria. We will giveour guide lines to the school and will give a time period of 3months. During this 3 months we will constantly in touchwith the school and watch the progress


Our team will revisit the school and check the progressthey made. Based on the criteria, we will declare theparticular school as the Child Friendly School.We awardthe CFSI Certificate to schools in a public function

Step IV

We have to follow up each and every school declared asthe child friendly School and have to see that whether theyare moving away from the 10 steps of CFSI programme

Dr. T. M. Ananda Kesavan(National Convenor, IAP CFSI Programme)E-mail: [email protected]

57IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Twenty Milestones in Pediatrics – speech given during the Plenary Session at Pedicon 2011

on 23rd January 2011 at Jaipur – Prof. Piyush Gupta, Professor of Pediatrics, and Editor-in-

Chief of Indian Pediatrics

Twenty Milestones in Pediatrics

58 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

59IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

60 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

Dear colleague,

IAP has launched Neonatal Resuscitation Program First

Golden Minute Project (NRP FGM) in 2009 to address high

neonatal mortality in India. NRP FGM has two components:

1. Basic Newborn Care and Resuscitation Program (BNCRP)

and 2. Advanced NRP

IAP plans to roll out of Basic Newborn Care and

Resuscitation Program (BNCRP) in private sector to train

2,00,000 health care providers in coming 3 yrs under an

academic grant from Johnson and Johnson India. At present

Advanced NRP is being run as self sponsored program.

The Government of India has launched Basic Newborn Care

and Resuscitation Program as Navjat Shishu Suraksha

Karyakram (NSSK) to reduce neonatal mortality. IAP is lead

agency to conduct training of trainers program for NSSK in

Govt sector. So far IAP has trained more than 2000 NSSK

trainers in Govt Sector

IAP has adopted the NSSK Training manual for conducting

Basic Newborn Care and Resuscitation Program (BNCRP)

in private sector with permission of Government of India,


NRP FGM is not a project but mission for IAP.

All Pediatricians, Obstetricians, Anesthetists, Medical

officers, Staff Nurses and paramedic staff in private hospitals

IAP-NRP-FGM 2011All members, please participate!

involved in any aspect of newborn care and neonatal

resuscitation can participate in Basic Newborn Care and

Resuscitation Program (BNCRP).

IAP will issue Certificate/Cards valid for two years to various

levels of Instructors and providers and arrange for

revalidation every two years

These courses teach a stepwise approach to basic neonatal

resuscitation and care of newborn at birth.

Your whole hearted support is crucial to make this mission

successful. Please ensure that this program is in your

respective branch & kindly participate in this program so

that every delivery is attended by a NRP trained person.

For more information please visit www.iapnrpfgm.org or

write to [email protected]

With Kind Regards,

Dr. T U Sukuraman

Dr. Panna Choudhury

Dr. Naveen Thacker

Dr. Deepak Ugra

Dr. Rohit Agarwal

Dr. Tanmay Amladi

Dr. Sailesh Gupta

Dr. C P Bansal

Dr. Vineet Saxena

61IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

IAP Membership Form

Name of the Applicant: .....................................................................................................................................................(Surname) (First Name) (Middle Name)

Date of Birth: .......................................................... Sex: Male / Female .........................................................................

Complete Postal Address for Communications from IAP Office:



State: ..................................................................... Nationality: .....................................................................................

Telephones (ISD CODE) .......................................... (CITY CODE) ..................................................................................

Resi: ....................................................... Off: .................................................... FAX: ..................................................

Mobile: ................................................................... Email ID: ........................................................................................

Medical / Pediatric Qualification Name of the University Qualifying Year

Degrees Registration No. & Registering Authority (e.g. MCI or State Medical Council): ....................................................


Name, and IAP membership no. of the Proposer : ............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................... Signature .........................................

Name, and IAP membership no. of the Proposer : ............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................... Signature .........................................

Place: ______________________Date : (Signature of the Applicant)

I am enclosing herewith photo copies of the following documents with this application:

1) Photo copies of the M.B.B.S. & Post Graduation Certificates as (as per degrees listed in your application).

2) Photo copies of the degrees registration certificates with State Medical Council OR Medical Council of India (as the case may be).

3) Certificate from the HOD stating that the applicant is a bonafide student of his/her Medical College (if the application is for “Student” Membership).

62 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011


Those who are interested in “IAP Identity Card” may fill-upthe format given below and mail it to the Central IAP Officealong with a remittance of Rs.100/- to be paid by a crossedDEMAND DRAFT ONLY drawn in favour of “Indian Academy

of Pediatrics” payable at Mumbai and your stamp sizephotograph (3x2.5 cms). Please note that the Identity Cardsare issued only to “Life and Associate Life” members ofthe IAP.


NAME: ...........................................................................

ADDRESS ......................................................................



IAP MEMBERSHIP NO ....................................................

Telephone (Off) ................... (Res) .................................

Mobile: .................................... Email ............................

Date of Birth ..................................................................

Blood Group ..................................................................

Allergies? ......................................................................

Emergency Medications? ...............................................


Doctor’s Name & Cell No. ..............................................


63IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011

The Society provides

• Facilities to Students, Scholars and Institutions for the studyof or Research in Pediatrics in any of its aspects by wayof scholarships, fellowships, grants, endowments, etc.

• Either through itself or in cooperation with other bodies orpersons fellowships, prizes, cer tificates, diplomas ofproficiency in the science of Pediatrics and conduct suchtests, examinations or other scrutiny as may be prescribedfrom time to time.

• Free of cost or at subsidized cost its official journals, books,periodicals or publications on pediatrics and allied subjectswhich the society thinks is desirable for the promotion ofits objects.

• Opportunity to its member to participate in Conferences,Lectures, Meetings, Seminars, Symposia, Workshops,Continuing Medical Education Programs, etc.

• Oppor tunity to become members of its Branches /Subspecialty Chapters / Groups / Cells / Committees.

Affiliations / Collaboration

The Society is affiliated to:

(i) International Pediatric Association (IPA)

(ii) International Society of Tropical Pediatrics (ISTP)

(iii) American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

(iv) Asian Pacific Pediatric Association (APPA)

(v) Asian Society for Pediatric Infectious Disease (ASPID)

(vi) Pediatric Association of SAARC (PAS)

(vii) Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH)

Membership Privileges

Categories of Membership

(1) Student Member: Applicant who has passed M.B.B.S. anddoing Post Graduation can enroll himself/herself at 50%of the prevailing rate of life membership at the time ofadmission and pay the balance 50% within 4 years orearlier. On making full payment, he/she will be entitled tochange the “Student” Membership category to either“Associate Life” or “Life” depending on the graduation /post graduation status.

(2) Associate OR Associate Life Member: Applicant who haspassed M.B.B.S. only, have an option to become AnnualMember i.e. “Associate” Member (renewable every year)OR “Associate Life” Member by paying life membershipamount in one lump sum.

(3) Ordinary OR Life Member: Applicant holding M.B.B.S.and Post Graduation (such as D.C.H., M.D. (Ped), D.N.B.(Ped) or any other degree recognized by the ExecutiveBoard of IAP as equivalent) are eligible to be “Ordinary”Member (renewable every year) OR “Life” Member bypaying life membership amount in one lump sum.

How to Apply for Membership

Application should be made in the prescribed form. Along withthe application for membership of IAP, photo copies of thefollowing documents should be submitted -

1) Photo copies of the M.B.B.S. & Post Graduation Certificatesas (as per degrees listed in your application).

2) Photo copies of the degrees registration certificates withState Medical Council OR Medical Council of India (asthe case may be).

3) Certificate from the HOD stating that the applicant is abonafide student of his/her Medical College (if theapplication is for “Student” Membership).

Membership Fee

The Membership Fee Structure is as follows:

Category of Admission Membership Fee Total AmountMembership Fee Payable

Student Rs.500/- Rs.5000/- (Total payable Rs.5500/- at the time of admission i.e. 50% of the Rs.10000/-(payable at current life membership amount and admission fee) and balance Rs.4500/-the time of on or before completion of 4 years of Student Membership).admission)

Associate Rs.500/- Rs. 1000/- Rs.1500/-

Associate Life Rs.500/- Rs. 9500/- Rs.10000/-

Ordinary Rs.500/- Rs. 1000/- Rs.1500/-

Life Rs.500/- Rs. 9500/- Rs.10000/-

The Membership Fee should be paid by a crossed bank draft drawn in favor of “INDIAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS” payable atMumbai. Add Rs 100/-, if IAP Photo Identity Card is desired.

64 IAP BULLETIN Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2011
