33. Letter to Townships With Contract, Insurance, Bond April 8, 2010

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  • 8/10/2019 33. Letter to Townships With Contract, Insurance, Bond April 8, 2010


    ,g GENI\ARos-03-012-11-OS


    Mr.BillWhite,CAOTownshipof Georgian BluffsRR 3, 177964 Grey Road 18OWENSOUND,ONN4K5N5

    Re: Contract Agreement,Performance Bond and InsuranceSeptage Biogas DigesterTownship of Georgian Bluffs

    Dear Mr. White:

    Please findenclosed the followingfor your informationregarding the septage biodigester:

    1. Signed copyof the Agreementbetween the Townshipof Georgian Bluffsownshipof Chatsworthand MapleReinders Constructors Ltd. forthe septage biodigester.

    2. Labour & Material Payment Bondin the amount of$1,651,328 - Travelers Guarantee Company ofCanada.

    3. Performance Bondin the amount of $3,308,655 - Travelers Guarantee Companyof Canada.4. Surety Rider No. I adjusting the Agreementdates - Travelers Guarantee Company ofCanada.5. Certificateof lnsurance fromMarshCanada Limitedndicatingthe lnsurance Company is Zurich

    lnsurance CompanyLtd.Thisprovides for$5,000,000 in Liability lnsuranceand $3,639,520forall risk insurance.lt should be noted that the all risk insuranceonlygoes to August19, 2010,whichis the date of SubstantialCompletion.

    6. Certificate ofClearance fromthe WorkplaceSafety lnsurance Board (WSIB).7. Declaration- OccupationalHealth and Safety Act (OHSA)that Maple ReindersConstructorsLtd.

    is in compliance withthe OccupationalHealth and Safety Act.

    I have sent the originals toyou for safe keeping and we have kept copies forthis office.

    By means of a copy of this letter, I am forwardinga copy of the signed agreement to Maple ReindersConstructorsLtd. andto the Townshipof Chatsworth.

    9,15 ThirdAvenue East, Suite 212,OwenSound, OntarioN4K 2K8Telephone: 519.376.7612 . Fax 519.376.8008 . www.genivar.com

  • 8/10/2019 33. Letter to Townships With Contract, Insurance, Bond April 8, 2010


    os-03-012-11-OSApril8,2010Mr. BillWhite,CAO page 2

    lfyou should have any questions withregard to this agreement, please contact me at this office.

    Yours truly,


    tu.n. Staughter, P. Eng.-Designated ConsultingEngineerSenior Water Resources EngineerMRS/dlwEncl.cc Mr. PaulKundraft,Maple ReindersConstructorsLtd.

    Mr. EricSlaa, Maple Reinders ConstructorsLtd.Mr. WillMoore,Clerk-CAO,Townshipof Chatsworth


  • 8/10/2019 33. Letter to Townships With Contract, Insurance, Bond April 8, 2010



    LABOUR&(Trustee Forml


    MATERIAL PAYMENTBONDStandard Constructon Documon

    ccDc 222 - 2002Bond Amount$1,651,328.00

    MAPLEREINDERSCONSTRUCTORSLTD.as Principal,hereinaftercalled the Principal, andTRAVELERSGUARANTEECOMPANYoF OANADAa corporationcreated and exisiingunder the lawsof CANADAand duly authozod to transact the business of Suretyshipin CANADAas Surety,hereinaftorcalled the Surety, are held and firmtybound unto TowNsHlpoF GEORGIANBLUFFS/TOWNSHIPOF CHATSWORTHas Obligee,hereinaftercalled the Obligee, in the amountofONE MILIION,SIXHUNDREDANDFIFTY.ONETHOUSAND,THREEHUNDREDANDTWENTY.EIGHTDOLLARS{$1,651,328.001 lawfulmoney of Canada, for the payment of which sum the Principalandth Surety bind themselves, thoirhirs, executors, administrators,succossors and assigns, jointlyandseverally.

    WHREAS,the Pdncipal has entered into a writtncontract wth theObligee, dated March 12, ZOIOfor PRoiEcT03-01 -GEoRGIANBLUFFSBloGAsin accordance with th conrract Documontssrbmitted,gnd which.are by reference made part hereof and are heeinafterreferred to as theontract.

    The Conditiorrof this obgationis such that, if tho Principalshall make payment to all Claimantsfor allabour and matera used o reasonably required for use in the performanceof the Contact,then thsobligationshall be nulland void;otherwiseit shall remain in fullforce and effect, sublect, however, tothe followngconditions:1' A Claimant tor tho pu.poso of lhb Eond s defined as one having a dlroct contraotwththo prncpal for labour, materal,

    or both, usod or reasonably required for use ln the performance of tho Conlract,labour and mateilal being construed tonclude that pan of water,. gas. pow6r, light,heat, oll,gasoline, tslophono service or rontalogupment dlrectlyapplicableto the Contract provdsd that a person, frm or corporationwho renisequipmont lo tho prncpgl to be used in tperformance of tho contrEctundo. a contract which provdes that all or any part ol the ront s to be applied towardothepurchaae price thereof, shall onlybe a clam8nt to the extontof the prevaiiingindustralrontal valuo oiiuch equlpment fothe perlod duting whch tho equipmont was used in tho potormance of the Cntact. The prevailinglndustrlalvaiue ofoquipment shall bs dotormnd,lnsofar as it s prsctcal to do so, by tho prsvalingratos in the eguljment marketplaco inwhch the workb takingplco.

    2' The Principaland the surety, heteby jontlyand severallyagree withtho Oblgoe, as Trustee, that every climantwho hasnot bon paid as providdfot undor the trms of ts contract with the Principil,before the expratonof a period ol nnoly(901 days eftor the date on whichthe last of such claimant's workor labour was done or performed or matralsworofurnished by such Cl8mant,may as a bnsflcryof the Irust hereln providod for, sue on ths Bond,prosocuto tho sut tofnl Judgmont for such sum ot aums as may bo Justly duo to such Clalmantunder tho terms of ts contract wththoPrincipaland havo xecution thareon. Provded that the Obligeeis not oblgodto do or tako any act, action or proceedngagainst the Surety on behalf of the claimante, or any of thom, to enforce te provsone of ihis Bond.t any act, acton oproceedng 8 takn sthor ln the name of the Oblgoor byjoningtho obligeeas a party to such proceeding, thon guchact, acton or proceeding, shsll be takon on the undorstandingand basls tht tho cl;m;nts,or any of thom; who taksuch act, acton or proceoding shall ndomnifyand savo harmioss the Obllgee against all cost8, chargoe and expenses orlabilteeincurred lhereon and any lose or damags resulting to ths obgeJby reason thereof. provididstllfurtherthat,subject to tho foregoing tetms and condtions. tho Clamants,or any of themmay use the name of the Obligoeto suo onand enforce the provisions of ths Bond.

    3' lt ls a conditon ptocedont to tho liabilityof tho Suroty undor this Eond that such Claimant shail havgvon wrttennotceas heroinafter set forlhto each of thoPrncipal, tho surety and the Oblgee,stsring wlthrubstantal accuracy the amountclaimed, and that such claimantshall havobrought suit or acton lnaccdance withthis Bond, s set out n sub-clausss3 (b) and 3 (c) below, Accordingly,no sut or action shallbe commencod hereunder by any Clamant:

    a) unless such notice shll be servsd by malinglhe game by registered mal to the principal, the Surety and lhObligoe,at any place where an officeie regularlymaintainod for th6transacton of businegs by such personsor 8erved in any manner in which legal procoss may be

    srved ln tho Provnco or Torltoryin whchth6subject mattor of th6Contract iE locatod, Such notice shall be given.

    ll in respect of any claimfor the amount or any portionthereol, requirod to be hold back from theClaimant by the Principal,under othorthe terms of th6Clamant's contract wlththe Prncpal, or underthg lien Legslaton applicableto thoClamanl's contract wththe Prncipal,whichever isthe gat6r.wilhinone hundrod and twonty(120) days after such Claimant should have been paid in lullunder theClaimant's contrsct with tho principal;

    iil ln respect of any claimothsr than for the holdback, of portionthereof, refered to abovo, urthinonohundred and twonty (120) days aftr tho date upon whch such Clamantdd, or performed, the last ofthe workor labouror furnished the lst of tho materials for whichsuch olam s made undor thoClaimant's contract wlththo p.lncipal;

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    Tho suiotyagros not to tako advantage of Artlclo 2365 of theClvtl Godsof the Provlncoof ouebec ln the ovont that, byan act or an omlsslon of a Clalmant, tho Surety can no longer besubrogated ln tho dghts, hypothec and prlvllegesof ealdClalmant.

    Anymatorlal change ln the contract between the Prnclpal and lhe Obllgeoshall not preJudlce tho rlghts ot lntorest of any

    Clalmant underthls Bond, who ls not lnst?umental lnblnglng about or has not caused such change.The .mountof thls Bond lhallbo reduced by, and to the extent ofany payment ot payments made ln good falth,and lnaccordance wlththe provlsons hereol, lncluslveof thopayment by lhe Surety of clalms made undor the appllcablellenleglsltlonor leglslatlonratlng to legal hypothecs, whether ornot such clalm lspresented under and agalnst thls Bond.

    The Surety shallnot be llable for a grotst 3um than the BondAmount.

    lNWITNESS WHEREOF,the Princpal andtho17,2010.

    SIGNEDANDSEALEDin the presence of

    EEIE c6p,,,^i2CdimCollcrulioltDcultCorirrnit

    sftsr tho explratlonol one (llyear lollowlng thedote on whlchths Prlnclpal ceasedworkon tho Contract,lncludlng work performed under the guaranloes provlded tn the Contract;

    othor than ln a Cout of competent lurlsdlctlonln lhe Provlnco orlenltoryln whlch theworkdegcdbed ln theContract ls to b9 lnstallod o dellveredas tho case may be and not elsewhee, and the partles hsreto a9t6o losubmlt to tho lursdlctlon ot such Coutt.

    Surety have Signed and Sealed thls Bond dated March

    Name of person signng


    ICCDC222 - 2002 hss been approved by the Surety AssoclstionotCanadal

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    MAPLEREINDERSCONSTRUCTORSLTD.as Principal,hereinaftercalled the Principal,and

    TRAVELERSGUARANTEECOMPANYOF CANADAa corporationcrsatod and oxstingunder the lawsof CANADAand duly authorized to transact the business of Suretyship in CANADAas Suroty,hereinafter called the surety, are held and firmlybound unto TowNsHlpoF GEORGIANBLUFFS/TOWNSHIPOF CHATSWORTHas Obligee,hereinaftercalled the Obligee, inthe amountofTHREEMILLION,THREEHUNDREDANDEGHTTHOUSAND,SIXHUNDREDANDFIFTY-FIVEDOLLARS($3,308,655.001 lawfulmoney of Canada, lor the payment of which sum the Principalandthe Surety bind themselvos, thor heirs, executors, administrators,successors and assigns, jointlyandseverally.

    WHEREAS,the Principalhas entsrod into a writtencontract with the Obligee, dated March12, 2O1Ofor PROJECT 03-01 - GEORGIANBLUFFS BIOGAShereinafterreferred to as tho Contract.

    The conditionof this obligationis such that f the Principalshall promptlyand faithfullyperformtheContract then this obligationshall be nulland void;otherwise it shall remain in fullforce and effect.whonever lho Principalshall be. and declaed by the Obligee to bo, n dofaultundor the contract. the Obllgeo havingperformed

    the Obligoo'soblgations throundor, tho Surety shallpromptly:1, romedy the defauh, or;2l complete the Contract n accordance wth its tgrms and conditionsor;3) obtan a bd or bids for submission to the Oblgoe for completlng hs Contract n accordance withits torms andcondilion3and upon dotorminationby the Obligee and the Surety ol th lowostresponsible biddor,arrsngo for aconltact botweon such bidder and the Oblgee and make availablo a8workprogros3os (ovonthough thero should boadofsult, ota 8ucces8on of dotaults, underthe contract or contracts of completlon, ananged undor thsparagraphlsufficienlfunds to pay to complete tho Principal'soblgationsln accordance wth thoterms and condtion3ol thsContrsctand to pay thos expensea incurred bytho Oblgoe as a result of the Prnclpal'sdofaultrolatlngdhoctlyto theperformance of th workundor tho Contract, losg the balanco of tho Contract prce; but notexceeding ths SondAmount.The balance of the Contract price is tho total amount payablo by the Obligeeto the Pincpalunder theContract, lese the amount properly paid by tho Oblgooto the pdncipal, or;4l pay the Oblgoe tho lesser of (1 I tho Bond Amount or (2) the ObliSee.s proposed cost of comploiion,lsss tho balancoof Contrsctprcs.

    It iE a condtonof ths bond that any sut or actlon mustbs commencsd bfore the expiration of two (2) years from th earliorof (1 l the date of Substantal Pertormance ol th Contract as dfned inthe llen legslatlon wherothe workunder the Contract ltakingplace, o., f no such defintionexists, the date whon the woki8 ready for use or s beng used lor the purpoae ntondod,or (2) tho dto on whch the Prncpal igdeclared n default by the Oblgeo.

    The Surety shallnot be liable for a goatr sum than tho Bond Amounl.

    No rightot actionshall accrue on thE 8ond, to or for the use of, any person or corporaton other thEnthe Obliges namedherginor thg helrs, executors, administtators or succegsos of tho Obligee.

    lNWITNESSWHEREOF, the Principal andthe Suretyhave Signed and Sealed this Bond dated March17, 2010.

    SIGNEDand SEALEDin the presence of

    Standrd Conaucton Documan

    ccDc 221 - 2002Bond Amount$3,308,655.00

    EEIE ce,6,or(CCDC221 - 2002 hs beon spprovd by tho SurEty Associton ofCsnadl

    Name of person signing

  • 8/10/2019 33. Letter to Townships With Contract, Insurance, Bond April 8, 2010


    DecunnroNOccupenoNALHenlrueruo Snrery Acr(OHsn)

    To be sworn by the Contractor

    f^ruef9Oy declare that.l/WE.arq.ncompliance withthe Occupational Heatth and Safety Actand furtherthat IM/Eare familiarwithand willcompiywithall regulationsof the Actimmediatelyn Ueginningtnwork.



    Company Name MapleRehderr ConslructorsLtd.

    MR1g '4fl

  • 8/10/2019 33. Letter to Townships With Contract, Insurance, Bond April 8, 2010


    ws ib L/25/2AL09:Ol:02AM PACE l/001 Fx Server

    CSBHCertificateof ClearanceCertiticatede dcharg

    The WorkplaceSafety and lnsuance Board {WSIB)hereby waves its rightsunder Section 141 ot theWorkplaceSafely and lnsuranceAct to hold thePrincipal, lhat is in a contracluolagrooment wilhthoContractor named, liable forany Seclion 141 liabilityof the Conlractortor premiums and lvie8of thWSIBowing now orwithin60 days fiomlhe date ofthis Certificate.

    Par la prseote, la Commlsslondo la scuttlptofassionrellet de l'assua,tce confe /es accldenlsdu travail (CSPAAT)renonce aux droitsqui luisontconfrs en varlu de [artlcbI 4l de la Lol surlascurit professionnelleea /'assurnc conlro lesacdents du travail etqui fautorisent lenirlentreprcneurprincipal,gui a srr une enorloconhacluellaavec l'ntrprcnurdont l nom liguresur la prsant cecat, responsable du palementde toule prme ou de loulesomme que I'enlleprcneuresl lenu de verser ld CSPAAT innddtement oudans /es 60 jours suvant la date indque sur cecertlical.

    CerlificaleNo. lNode cifrcal

    20i9314 4:l



    Validonly whensgrnd by an authorized Officer atthe WS|B.Non ved sans la slgnauro d'utt agent aulotis do / CSp/4f.

    ffiJE3:"i',t"fr?t%".,il;ii ??:i.,,



    conlraclDescrtion/Descrlondu contrat

    Contact the WSIBifyou que6ton th vlldity ofthle doumont.Voultlezconmuniquer avec la CSPAAT s vous doulez de ta vatdlt du prsenl documana,

    0r90c (07/08)

    AccounlN./Mde cornplo


    402:1099 NDUSTRTAC'ONSTR


  • 8/10/2019 33. Letter to Townships With Contract, Insurance, Bond April 8, 2010



    This certlflcteis lssued resardlngProject Name: 03-01 - Georgian BluffsBiogasProject Term: February 26,2010 to Augusr19,2010Project Cost: $3,639,520

    No. 2009-t24.REv-lCertificateof Insurance

    Dated: March24,2010Ths document srpersedes any certificatc previously issued under this number

    Thls.lsto cerllfytha-t_lhe Pollcy(loflnsurnce llsled blow ("Pollcy"or "Polcles")have been lssued to rhe Named lnsIred ldenfdbelowror lhepollcyperod(s) lndlcted'Thls certlflctle ls ssued as a mtter of lnformtlononlynd confers no rlghts upon the Certincste Holdernmed below other thsn those provlded by the Pollcy(ies).Notwllhsttndlngsny requlrement' trm or-condltl-onof-tnycontrrcaor sny other document wlthrespect lo rvhlchthis certiflcatemrybelssued or my perlaln, the lnsurance offordedby the Pollcy(les)ls-subJect t all the terms, condltlonsnd exclusions ofsrch pollcyllei,ihlscertlflc^ttedo-es.no-t.mend-,ertend or alter the cverage atioroa by re Poltcy(ies). Ltmtrishown re ;re;qr;;J;es;iici"robllgllonsofthe Named lnsured,Llmltsmay have been reduced slnce Pollcy effectlvedsae(s) s a result of clalmor clsms. '

    Named Insuredand Address:

    Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd.CiviUEnvironmentalDivislon2660 ArgentlaRd.Mlssissauga, ON LsN5V4


    Townshipof Georglan BluffsR.R. # 3, 17?964 Gray Rdt8Owen Sound, ON N4K5N5Townshipof Chatsworth316837 Highway6Chatsworth,ON NOH lGO

    Type(s) of Insurance Insurer(s) PolicyNumherl

    Effectlve/Exolrv Dtes

    Sums Insured Or Limitsof Llabllity


    Zurch Insunncc Company Ltd E833292 Oct01,2009 toOct 0l, 2010

    Aggrcgatcwrh mpt toProducts &ComplctcdOations

    s t,000,000

    nclusvc lmil,PropeyDmaoc and Brxlitv lnirrru

    s 1,000000

    GcncnlAecete L000.000AUTOMOBILE Zurich Insunncc Company Ltd 9999570 Ocr0,2009ro

    Oct 01, 2010nclusvc Lmir,PrcpcrtyDMe nd nodilvliil

    s 2.000.000

    UMBRELLA Zuricb Insuance Company Ltd 8832E3? Oct0,2009roOct 01. 2010

    lnclusiveLimit,PropcyDmo d Bdilvlnilil

    s 4,000,000

    PROPERTY BUILDERSRSK ZurichInsmncc CompmyLrd 8833295 Feb2,2010 roAug19,2010

    AllRsk of DirciPhysicalLos or Dma8c lncludngFlooded Eonhouke

    $ 3,639,520

    Addltlonalinformtlon:It is hereby understood.andgreed that the 'CertificateHolder'Torvnship ofGeorgian Bluffsand TownshipofChatsworth are added to thcCommercial^GeneralLiabilityand UmbrellaLiabilityPolicies as AdditionalInsuieds, but onlywithr.spect to liabilityarising out of rheoperations oftheNamed Insured.

    It is hereby ulde_stood and agrced that the 'CertificateHolder'Torvnship ofGeorgian Bluffsand TownshipofChatsworth are added to the'Broad Form'Builders Risk Policyas AdditionalInsureds withrespect t the captioned project.

    Marsh can providerenewing certificates ofinsurance after substantial performanceevidencing continuous insurancecoverage is inplace.

    Notice ofcancelltion:Should any ofthe, policies described herein be cancelled before the expirationdate thereof, the insure(s) affordingcoverage willendeavour to-mail.3Odays writtennotice to the certificateholder namdherein, but failureto mail suc iotice shail impos no obligationor liabilityofanykind upon the insurer(s) affordingcoverage, their agents or representatives, or the issuer ofthis certificate.

    Marsh Canada Limited70 UnivenityAvcnucSuire E00Toronto, ON M5J 2M4Telcphonc:41 6349-17Fax: [email protected]

    Mah Cmada


    Derck Soa