32/M presenting with right flank pain Angelie P. Dugasan November 25, 2009

32/M presenting with right flank pain

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32/M presenting with right flank pain. Angelie P. Dugasan November 25, 2009. Patient Profile. 32 year-old, male Married Roman Catholic Jeepney driver From Tondo , Manila Nonhypertensive , nondiabetic , non-asthmatic. History of Present Illness. History of Present Illness. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 32/M presenting with right flank pain

32/M presenting with right flank pain

Angelie P. DugasanNovember 25, 2009

Page 2: 32/M presenting with right flank pain

Patient Profile

• 32 year-old, male• Married• Roman Catholic• Jeepney driver• From Tondo, Manila• Nonhypertensive, nondiabetic, non-asthmatic

Page 3: 32/M presenting with right flank pain

History of Present Illness

•(+) R flank pain described as on and off, colicky, non-radiating, 6-7/10 on VAS, resolved spontaneously •(+) fever Tmax of 38.9 OC, temporary lysis with Paracetamol 500mg/tab•(+) 2 episodes of vomiting of previously ingested food, non-bilious, non-bloody, amounting to ¼ cup/episode•(+) dysuria•(+) good appetite•(-) tea-colored urine•(-) chills•(-) diarrhea•(-) history of trauma•(-) consult was done

5 days PTC

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History of Present Illness

• (+) recurrence of R flank pain with the same characteristic but with increase in severity, 8/10 on VAS

• (+)recurrence of fever Tmax 38.7 OC

• (+) nausea• (+) decreased appetite• sought consult at private clinic

in Tondo, urinalysis was done which showed:

1 day PTC

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ValueCharacter Yellow, turbid

pH 6.0

CHO Negative

CHON Negative

WBC 8-10/hpf

RBC 4-5/hpf

Epith cells Negative

Bacteria Moderate

Casts/crystals Negative

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History of Present Illness

• Management at Tondo Clinic• A> Urinary Tract Infection• P> Cotrimoxazole

160/800mg/tab , 1 tab BID x 7 days• HNBB 10mg/tab for pain

• However, the patient took only the HNBB which afforded minimal relief of pain.

• Cotrimoxazole was not taken.

1 day PTC

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History of Present Illness

• persistence of symptoms hence patient decided to seek another consult at PGH-Ambulatory Clinic

Few hours PTC

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Review of Systems

(-) weight loss(-) anorexia(-) headache(-) chest pain(-) changes in bowel movement(-) melena(-) hematochezia(-) jaundice(-) bloatedness(-) muscle weakness

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Past Medical History

(-) Hypertension(-) Diabetes Mellitus(-) Bronchial Asthma(-) previous hospitalizations/surgeries(-) known allergies

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Tapang-Olivo Genogram

Legend: - Hypertension

Data taken on Nov. 18, 2009 by Int. Dugasan

Informant: the patient

60 59


2940 323436

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Personal and Social History

• (+) 3 pack year smoking history• Occasional alcoholic beverage drinker• Denies use of illicit drugs• High school graduate• Jeepney driver

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Physical Examination


VITAL SIGNS BP 120/80, HR 92, RR 22, T37.9 OC

HEENT pink conj, anicteric sclerae,(-) tonsillopharyngeal congestion, (-) cervical lymphadenopathies

CHEST & LUNGS equal chest expansion, clear breath sounds, (-) crackles/wheezes

CVS normal rate, regular rhythm, distinct heart sounds, (-) murmurs, (-) heaves/thrills

ABDOMEN soft, flabby, normoactive bowel sounds, nontender, (-) organomegaly, (+) CVA tenderness, R

EXTREMITIES pink nail beds, full equal pulses, (-) edema, (-) cyanosis

DRE good sphincter tone, intact rectal vault, (-) masses, (-) blood, (+) stool PER

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Acute Pyelonephritis T/C Urolithiasis

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Diagnotics: Urine GS/CS KUB Ultrasound

Therapeutics: Ofloxacin 400mg/tab, 1 tab every 12 hours for 14

days Diclofenac 25mg/ml apm – given IM, afforded relief of

pain, 2-3 on VAS Diclofenac 50mg/tab, 1 tab every 8 hours for pain, on full

stomach Paracetamol 500mg/tab, 1 tab every 4 hours for T >38.5


Increase oral fluid intake. Aggressive TSB for fever. Follow-up at OPD-FCM with lab results.

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Diagnostic Dilemma

Page 16: 32/M presenting with right flank pain

Diagnostic Dilemma

Population Adults with urolithiasisIntervention KUB ultrasoundControl Non-contrast helical CT ScanOutcome Sensitivity and Specificity in

detecting urolithiasisMethodology Cross-sectional Study

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Diagnostic Dilemma

Among adults with urolithiasis, is the sensitivity and specificity of KUB ultrasound comparable to that of non-contrast CT Scan in detecting stones, in a cross-sectional study?

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Pre-Test Probability

0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0

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Therapeutic Dilemma

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Therapeutic Dilemma

Population Adults with urolithiasisIntervention Anti-spasmodic (eg. Hyoscine

N-butyl Bromide)Control Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory

DrugsOutcome Reduction of pain as measured

using VASMethodology RCT

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Therapeutic Dilemma

In a RCT investigating adults with urolithiasis, what is more effective in reducing pain as measured by VAS, Anti-spasmodic or NSAIDs?