7/23/2019 3204 2 Hunger and Malnutrition http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/3204-2-hunger-and-malnutrition 1/18 Hunger and Malnutrition George Norton Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech Copyright 2009 International Agricultural Development and Trade  AAEC 3204

3204 2 Hunger and Malnutrition

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Hunger and


George Norton

Agricultural and Applied


Virginia Tech

Copyright 2009

International Agricultural Development and Trade

 AAEC 3204

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• Discuss world food situationand nutrition issues–Types of hunger and their effects

–Consider how hunger is measured

– Identify causes of hunger

– Indicate potential solutions to hungerproblems

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"aor types o# hunger$

Famine (short term)

Chronic (8million people)

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Chronic undernourishment(19992001!



!sia and "acific #$ %%

&ub'&aharan !frica #8

*atin !merica + Caribbean # %

,ear -ast and ,. !frica # /#

Countries in transition(-. -urope and Central


 8 /

!ll regions #0 8%

%ource& 'ood and Agriculture rgani)ation o* the +# ('A! in 2004 

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IFPRI 2020

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E##ects o# %unger 

Child in ,iger

Child in India

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the shortage of food1

or the imbalance of calories andprotein in the diet1

&hich is more se!ere

in most de!eloping countries' 

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Dail, calorie availa$ilit, per capita 

&ource2 3orld 4an5

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"eople a**ected $, "reventa$le

-alnutrition .orld/ide 



due to



Prevalence of


Group most


"rotein andenergy 6nderweight #%77 Children

"rotein and



growth #877 Children

Iron !nemia 777-9ery age and


;itamin ! 4lindness%7 '


-9ery age and


Iodine 4rain damage %77

-9ery age and


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%o( is nutritional ade)uacy


• !nthropometric  measurements

• Food balance sheets• Dietary sur9eys• !ggregate statistics

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*ood +alance heet

• ("roduction + &toc5s + Imports –-:ports – !nimal feed – 3aste) <

Food a9ailable for people

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&hat are some principal

causes o# hunger and


Child in -thiopia

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&hat are some principal causes

o# hunger and malnutrition$

• Low income

• Diseases and parasites

• Poor nutritional

 practices• Seasonal nature of


• Political problems

•  Natural disasters• Low agricultural


• !ransportation problems

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"wners#ip of productive assets



Primar #ealt# care$

sanitar conditions

%oo&ing tec#nolog

and education

Household food


Individualnutrient intake

Intra-householdfood distribution

Infections anddiseases



-eterminants o# indi!idual nutritional status.

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%o( does en!ironmental

degradation contribute to hunger

and malnutrition$

=ow does hunger andmalnutrition contribute to

en9ironmental degradation1

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olutions to hunger and

malnutrition problems

• Income increases

• !gricultural


• "opulation growthrate decline

• =ealthimpro9ements

• Food inter9ention– &ubsidies

– Fortification

– Targeted feedingprograms

• Internationalsolutions– Debt relief 

– "rice stabili>ation

– Foreign aid

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/# (e ate less meat (ould that

help the nutritional situation in

de!eloping countries$

;ery little if any.The principalproblem is lac5 ofincome to buyfood

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• Chronic hunger is the mostper9asi9e problem '' million

• -ffects are particularly hard onchildren

• Causes are many and solutions are

the sub?ect of this course