31248795 Herbal Shampoo Market Plan

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  • 8/7/2019 31248795 Herbal Shampoo Market Plan



    Marketing Plan for an Herbal Shampoo to

    be launched in India

    Go Clean

    Presenting to you a totally new formulation

    which works both on your and scalp from

    the very first wash, washing away all the

    dandruff you are worried about so that u

    dont have to hesitate, every time u goout

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    Submitted by: Submitted to:

    Mr .Arshid Bashir Mr .krishan Gopal

    Regn.No. 10800195 Lect. LIM

    Sec: RT I801 LPU

    Roll no. B37



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  • 8/7/2019 31248795 Herbal Shampoo Market Plan




    With immense regard and respect in the honor of the Lovely

    Professional University, I am very grateful to it for providing me an

    opportunity to work.

    I am highly grateful to Mr. krishan sir , Lecturer LIM for the trust he has

    shown in me by allowing me to perform this study and under whose able

    guidance and direction , I was able to give shape to my report. His constant

    review and suggestions throughout the project are highly commendable.

    My heartful thanks to all my friends who in one way or other helped me in

    this project.


    Ten years ago, foreign consumer products were scarce in India and only available to the affluent.

    Import restrictions prevented or severely hindered foreign consumer goods from entrance to India.

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    With the economic liberalization that ensued, foreign brands are now prevalent across India

    (Luce, 2002). Today, multinational corporations view emerging markets such as India as prime

    opportunities for growth. According to Shanthi Kanaan, writer for The Hindu, rural markets are

    growing twice as fast as the urban markets (2001).

    With a rural population equal to just under 2.5 times the population of the entire United States as

    of the 2000 census, the potential consumer base is astounding. But generally speaking, success in

    Indias rural markets for multinational corporations has been mediocre at best. It is from these

    struggles and failures, however, that multinational corporations seeking to enter the rural Indian

    market can learn how to do so more wisely.

    Understand the Rural Market

    With a population already in excess of one billion people, India has caught the eye of

    multinational corporations across the globe as a place of opportunity for exploring new markets.

    While India has portions of their population that would be considered wealthy or middle class by

    Western standards, a much greater percentage of Indias population is low income. As a result,

    they spend money, live, and use products differently than the countries where most multinational

    corporations originate Rural areas, in particular, exemplify these differences. Understanding the

    characteristics that make the people and the market in rural India unique can help corporations to

    enter this market with success. The key characteristics define the term rural, determine the

    amount and flow of income, and determine the types of products

    and packages that are typically used in rural India.

    Rural Income

    With an average income equivalent to $42 per month ($504 dollars per year), rural Indians have a

    very low disposable income Most rural homes have minimal storage space and no refrigeration.

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    Very few people own or have access to cars. As a result, rural Indian purchasing habits tend to be

    of an earn today, spend today mentality. Rather than buying in bulk, which would mean paying

    more for a large quantity upfront, rural Indians tend to buy what they need for short segments of

    time . These factors result in consumers buying pro d u c t s locally, as well as on a daily basis.

    In addition to the fact that income levels are low, rural incomes also vary greatly depending on the

    monsoons. When a monsoon hits, this devastates the livelihood of most rural consumers because

    they are dependent on agricultural work for income. Corporations are also directly affected

    because this makes it difficult to predict demand.

    Tackle the Distribution Networks

    Distribution networks in emerging markets tend to be very unique and often times disjointed.

    India is no exception. Before a multinational corporation even considers entering Indias rural

    market, it is important to first get an understanding of the current distribution system

    characteristics as well as the ways that the system is likely to change over time In doing so, a

    company can assess whether or not accurate and timely product distribution can be achieved

    without first investing in the distribution networks. Some of the characteristics unique to rural

    Indias distribution networks include the modes of transportation used as well as the point of sale.

    Despite the challenges of the rural Indian distribution environment, there have been distribution

    successes from multinational corporations.

    Point of Sale

    The retail establishment where most rural consumers purchase their day-to-day goods is at a

    kirana or street shop. These small open stalls line the streets and are approximately the size of a

    living room. Consumers purchase everything from bananas to razors at a kirana. With over 2.5

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    million kiranas throughout Indias rural towns and villages, keeping store shelves stocked is one\

    of the main challenges to consumer goods manufacturers . In order to reach these local shops and

    establish a brand presence in them, companies need substantial amounts of working capital and a

    large committed sales force

    Modes of Transportation

    Over three million retail outlets in India are reached by companies that produce packaged goods.

    Methods of transportation used include camels, bull drawn carts, bicycles, trucks, and trains . In

    addition, poor roads and unreliable electricity are two additional obstacles common to the

    distribution networks in rural communities

    Though glass bottles are popular in India, breakage can be a serious problem when the glass is

    carried over bumpy roads in the back of a truck . Companies must be prepared to design packages

    for their products that will be capable of withstanding these types of conditions.

    Create the Packaging Solution

    When approaching the task of designing a package for the rural Indian market, all of the

    aforementioned factors must be considered. Multinational corporations that have been successful

    with marketing and packaging consumer products for rural India have taken time to research the

    target market. They built an insightful and unbiased understanding of the characteristics that make

    it unique (Prahalad and Lieberthal, 2003). As a result of this research, two of the most effective

    elements of a package designed for rural India include the size and visual communication.

    Material usage is also another important element for the packaging engineer to consider.

    Think Small

    Due to the fact that rural Indians have small disposable incomes and very little storage space, one

    of the most popular concepts to hit the rural market has been sachets. Sachets are plastic pouches

    that contain approximately 20 milliliters (.68 oz.) of product (Sachets were first introduced to

    India in the 1990s by an Indian company selling a 10-milliliter sachet of Velvette shampoo.

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    Before the sachet, shampoo in India was only available in larger bottles, therefore limiting its

    sales success among people with small incomes . Sachets meet the needs of the rural consumer in

    several ways. Sachets are inexpensive, they occupy a small amount of space, and they allow

    consumers to experiment with new products that they may never have tried before Coca-Cola is

    another company that has found success by thinking small. In a packaging change aimed directly

    at the rural and lower-income markets, Coca-Cola launched a new 200 mL (6.8 oz.) bottle for the

    equivalent of 10 cents in 2001 After introducing the smaller size bottle, sales increased 34 percent

    by the end of the first quarter in 2002 Packaging in smaller units clearly helps to increase the

    affordability of products for rural Indian consumers.

    Visual Communication

    The rural area is a market where large portions of the population are illiterate. So, when

    packaging consumer products for rural markets, companies must use prominent logo symbols and

    logo colors to assure that illiterate consumers will be able to recognize the products. Therefore,

    communicating brand values through the package rather than with words becomes essential.

    Emotional Surplus Identity (ESI) is a concept that that uses the shape, color, and content of a

    package to differentiate a brand in the eye of a consumer.

    By creating a bond with the consumer through the package, companies are able to establish a

    relationship that encourages repeat purchases. Loud, bright colors are typically used on packages

    to differentiate a product from the others on the shelf and to create a lasting impression in a

    consumers mind Another technique used by multinational corporations has been tailoring

    products, including changing brand names, to give them a rural image. In the eyes of the

    consumer, branded products are associated with quality and value. Nirma, the largest selling

    detergent in the world, found success in the rural Indian market by using un elaborate packaging

    to position their product as one that cleaned well yet was affordable . While this technique is not

    the most eye-catching, it allows rural Indian consumers to experience the benefits of a branded

    product without requiring elaborate or expensive packaging on the part of the multinational


    Material Usage

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    Cost is not only a factor that influences a consumers decision. Multinational corporations also

    address cost when evaluating various packaging options. For example, meeting the needs of

    consumers by packaging products in small quantities increases the packaging costs for a company

    in comparison to a large bottle of product. One way companies are able to keep the prices of

    sachet-type packages down is partially due to lower government duties on small packs. In some

    instances, it can actually be cheaper for a consumer to purchase sachets rather than a bottle of

    product. For example, a 100-milliliter (3.4 oz.) bottle of Pantene shampoo retails for 61 rupees

    whereas 100 milliliters worth of sachets sells for 40 rupees (88 cents).By thinking small, using

    pronounced colors and logos, and planning for material usage, multinationals can create packages

    that meet the needs of the rural Indian consumer.


    With an approximate population of 700 million people, the rural Indian market is important for

    multinational corporations to tap. Although rural Indians need to purchase consumer goods just as

    their Western counterparts do, rural Indian consumers have a different set of needs that must be

    met by both package and product. Spending time researching the rural Indian consumer as well as

    the market before diving in can help to prevent unnecessary struggles and failures. If the

    opportunity exists, partnering with an existing Indian company upon market entry can provide

    several key advantages to a company. Understanding the available distribution networks in rural

    India is crucial to making a successful entry into the rural Indian market. Packages need to be

    designed to withstand more distribution abuse due to poor roads and more primitive modes of

    transportation. Finally, when creating a package for rural India, small sizes allow consumers to try

    new products. It also caters to the fact that most rural Indians have low disposable incomes and

    little storage space at home. By applying these lessons that have been learned from multinational

    corporations in the past, the task of entering the rural Indian market should be promising.


    Lower literacy rates Seasonal demand Spurious goods Different from Urban market

    Lower per capita Income Many languages, Dialects Underdeveloped Lack of Physical


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    Infrastructure Rural Market

    Half the national income is generated in the Rural India.

    2/3rd of the population live here.

    A World Of Opportunities


    Production of the shamoos in india

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    Year Production (in units) in


    2004-2005 6.522005-2006 7.60

    2006-2007 10.78

    2007-2008 13.58

    2008-2009 17.22

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    Sales of the shampoo in the Indian market

    Year Total sales (in units) of

    two wheelers (in million)

    2004-2005 6.20

    2005-2006 7.05

    2006-2007 11.42

    2007-2008 7.86

    2008-2009 12.16

    Data regarding Arunachal pardesh : Source White

    book MarketingSample 2463000

    Estimated Individuals 24572

    House Hold Pattern

    House hold




    Row % Col%

    1-2 2561 10.4 4.6

    3-4 8266 33.6 4.9

    5-6 8379 34.1 4.3

    7-8 3781 15.4 4.4

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    9-10 9.7 3.7 3.1

    Rural consumption Pattern

    Sample 2463000

    Estimated Individuals 24572

    Rural Consumption Pattern year 2005

    purchase Individuals(000)

    Row % Col%

    Yes 7000 28.31 6.00

    No 17572 71.51 79.68

    Rural Consumption Pattern year 2009

    purchase Individuals(0


    Row % Col%

    Yes 11000 44.4 19.75

    No 13572 55.23 81.25

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    Rural Demographics Pattern year 2009

    Estimated Individuals(000)= 1753

    Total sample = 15291

    Age total Col % Row %

    12-14 1739 11.4 3

    15-19 2003 13.1 2.7

    20-29 3455 22.6 2.7

    30-39 3110 20.3 2.9

    40-49 2199 14.4 2.8

    +50 2786 18.2 2.5

    Total 100% 100%Loyalty Segmentation:

    Company High Risk Trapped Accessibl




    Hul 19 22 9 50

    P & G 26 18 8 48

    DABUR 19 26 9 47



    27 18 9 46

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    34 16 15 35

    Source: 2007-2008 BW Marketing Book .


    Safron herbal shampoo drink has potential for growth in the functional b shampoo industry.

    Functional shampoos are fortified with dietary supplements and herbal medicines. It is becoming

    a multi-billion dollar industry. Included in this industry are nutritional supplements, , herbal

    remedies, . The herbal segment is the specific focus of this analysis. In the following situational

    analysis the company, its product, customers and competitors are examined..


    Bargaining power of buyers

    The level of bargaining power differs among groups of buyers . The bottlers, distributors and

    retailers have significantly greater bargaining power than the end consumer does . large

    retailers , kiryana chains are able to extract from the soda manufactures through incentives such

    as volume base rebates , promotions and displays .These retailers are highly concentrated and

    can thus wield significant power.

    The bargaining power of buyers is high because of presence of substitutes from HUL . P&G

    other and High bargaining power because because of various competitors .

    Bargaining power of suppliers;- This assessment is really the mirror image of the buyer power

    analysis .The Bargaining power of suppliers is low as there are many suppliers .

    There are many substitutes of the product supplied .

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    Category rivalry;-

    There is category rivalory between HUL and P&G , Dabur . This rivalory leads to a pressure on

    prices and significant investments in advertising in an attempt to build and maintain brand

    loyality . An article from competitive media group reported advertising expenditures in 2008

    were 900 billion dollar.

    Thus HUL & P&G heatedly over prices, suppliers , spokespeople , retail space and mostly the

    taste buds from consumers.

    Threat of new entrants

    Given the growing interest in shampoo in rural India, it is only reasonable that many new players

    are trying to venture into this market. The heavy initial investment and difficulties in sourcing

    sufficient quantities and quality of coffee might prompt most new entrants to restrict themselves

    to small, regional chains. These companies could evolve strategies for maximizing operational

    efficiencies in their regions. This, coupled with very low switching costs for consumers, will

    upset existing caf chains.

    Meanwhile, international giants including are also evaluating prospects in India. Although

    capable of investing substantial capital, government regulation makes it mandatory for them to

    use the tie-up or mergers and acquisitions route to enter the Indian market. Unlike typical new

    entrants, these companies will arrive with considerable past experience in the industry, putting

    considerable pressure on existing chains.

    A third possibility is that of suppliers starting to integrate downwards in the value chain, to take

    advantage of economies of scope. Such a move would result in considerable cost savings and thus

    yield better margins

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    Competitors in the industry will be increasing advertising to distinguish their product from the

    rest. Marketing will be very competitive and Safron will need to find a way to distinguish its

    product from the others.

    Market Factors of Shampoo market

    Market size

    Indian Safron shampoomarket is still in its infancy due to the lack of awareness among the

    population. In value terms, the health food drink market is around Rs 1, 400 crore and in volume

    terms around 65,000 tonnes per annum.

    Market growth

    According to market research shampoo in rural is still at nascent at stage when compared to

    urban . however the Safron shampoo in india grew at 50% a year between 2002 and 2009 .on the

    back of an increasing modern retail stores, the the health drink market is expected to reach RS,

    1100 crore by 2010 youth

    Product Life cycle:

    Safron is currently in the introduction stage in india it is in Introductory stage Furthermore, cost

    management, product differentiation and marketing have become more important as growth slows

    and market share becomes the key determinant of profitability.

    Safron advantage in this area is mainly due to its establishment strong branding and it is now

    able to use this area of stable profitability

    Sales cyclcity;- Many categories experience substantial interlayer variation in demand .in

    shampoo segment same is the case . but it is less to some extent .

    Seasonality;- intra year cycles in sales is generally not viewed positive . shampoo segment the

    demand is more in summer as compared to winter .

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    Environmental Analysis Of shampoo

    REGULATORY FACTORS;-Government factors and other agencies have effect on category

    attractiveness through regulations . government has restricted the use of ingriedents coming from

    animals and other harmful chemicals like Acetate , acetic anhydride in india.

    Social factors ;- Trends in demographics , lifestyles , attitudes and personal values among thegeneral populations are of particular concern for consumer products and manufacturers . first,

    new , products have been developed to fit into todays lifestyles. Safron Safron will take this

    ALL into consideration.

    Political factors;- political factors play an important role in marketing planning of a product .

    for example . Marketing Safron in nagaland and arunachal pardesh however It cannot be

    marketing in naxalities areas , because they are not politically stable . it can result in lost of

    business , property , and risk of employees,

    Economic factors ;- economic factors also plays an very important . The financial impact of

    having foreign markets or producing in other countries can vary widely . when employment

    conditions are high like in America they have to pay more . GDP of a country also plays an

    very important role on product.

    Technological factors. Technological

    * Advanced in technology change product/packaging/flavors

    * Advance in science (add to Safron formula more safer /healthier)

    Advances in production technology (more efficient + better quality/ less staff required = cheaper

    for Safron = cheaper for customers)

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    Corporate Vision

    We shall achieve growth by continuously offering unique products and services that would give

    customers utmost satisfaction and thereby be a role model

    The Concept of Sachets

    Whatever I make, I want the coolies and rickshaw pullers to use . I want my product affordable

    to them

    Sachets are going to be the product of future

    I will introduced the sachet concept as he felt liquid can be packed well in sachets.

    Target Audience

    Lower Middle Class

    Semi Rural (Sec B2, C, D)

    Monthly household income of Rs 1500 3000

    Females and males in age group of 16 - plus


    Trial and free samples

    Ad Strategy based on the powerful appeal of cinema among common masses

    Innovative radio ads based on popular cinema dialogues, unlike plain radio jingles of


    Popular cine stars endorsed Chik Amala, Khushboo, Manorma and Charlie

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    Radio used as a sole mass advertising medium

    Annual ads spend about Rs 2 Lacs

    Cinema is the most cherished means of family entertainment and cine stars have cult following in

    Arunachal pardesh. Therefore the communication strategy was to leverage

    Multinational companies sold products in big bottles and not in sachets and they sold only from

    fancy stores.

    MNC did not look at the small kirana stores, nor did they look at the rural market.

    CHIK went to the rural areas of South India where people hardly used shampoo.

    Showed them how to use it, did live demonstration on a young


    Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL),

    Procter & Gamble Company (P&G)




    Indian shampoo market, where sachet (7 ml) format accounts for 75 per cent of the total sales,

    Chik has been bringing in 90 per cent of its sales in this format

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    Current Market Potential

    The awareness to use personal care products made from herbs and other natural ingredients

    is increasing. Many people prefer herbal product over synthetic chemical shampoo. The product

    has been traditionally made by our ancestors and was widely used before the advent of chemical /

    synthetics and is not a totally new product for Indian customers.

    Since the herbal shampoo industry is not fully developed in the country and over periods of

    time consumers have become aware of advantages of using shampoo made from herbals, there are

    great future prospects for saffron Herbals

    Unlike synthetic chemical shampoo there are absolutely no side effects from using herbal

    shampoo and Herbal shampoos generally attracts the customers, especially the fair sex .Hence

    there is growing demand for such an herbal product in urban and in semi urban areas.

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    Market Research

    1. Hair Care Facts

    The frequency of shampoo usage is very low. Most consumers use shampoo only once or

    twice in a week. In many cases, these products are used on special occasions such as weddings,

    parties etc

    Some customers use shampoo only to address a specific problem such as dandruff or when

    they need to condition their hair

    About 50% of consumers use ordinary toilet soaps to wash their hair

    About 15 % of consumers use toilet soaps as well as shampoo for cleaning their hair

    Brand loyalties in shampoo are not very strong. Consumers frequently look for a change,

    particularly in fragrance

    Consumers attribute lathering to the act of cleaning

    Major expectations from the product are improvement in texture and manageability,

    giving softness and bounce to hair, curing and avoiding damage to the hair

    An Indian needs more shampoo for a proper wash ( average 6 ml ) compared to 4 ml

    needed in Western countries as most Indian women have long hair

    Most consumers do not use shampoo daily

    Regular users would need smaller quantity of shampoo per bath. Hair tend to collect more

    dust due to dusty environment and oiling habits

    Southern market is predominantly a sachet market, accounting for 70 % of sachet volumes

    In Contrast, shampoo bottles are more popular in the Northern markets

    About 50 % of the shampoo bottles are sold in the Northern region alone

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    In the North, local brands such as Ayur have strong equities and these products being low

    priced dilute sachets USP of low price

    2. Market Size

    Size of shampoo market - 30 Cr

    Anti - Dandruff Shampoo - 20 % of above

    Sachet Sales - 70 % of above

    3. Shampoo Awareness

    Urban areas - 90 %, accounting for 80 % of shampoo sold in the country

    Rural areas - 80 %, accounting for 20 % of shampoo sold in the country

    4. Usage and Penetration

    Per Capita consumption of Shampoo in India - 13 ml

    All India Shampoo - 14 %

    Urban - 40 %

    Rural - 10 %

    5. Growth

    Average Growth over the last few yrs - > 20 %

    Expected Average growth over the next few yrs - 25 %

    6. Market size of Herbal Shampoo

    Only 13% of total shamp

    Opportunity and Issue Analysis

    Saffron . is aware that India has a very large population and Indians have more hair than natives

    of any other country. The consumption of synthetic shampoos is quite high in urban and semi

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    urban areas and the companys objective is to transform this demand of synthetic shampoos into

    the demand for herbal shampoos. However, there is always a threat from the existing niche

    players in the market, imitative future launches and substitutes. The key issues facing Alyaa

    Herbals are:

    i. Should it target only urban and sub urban areas or also include the rural areas?

    ii. Should it go for collaborating with some companies for producing bottles, transportation

    or do all the things on its own?

    iii. What should be the time to time strategies so as to gain a competitive advantage over



    Alyaa Herbals decided on the following specific objectives:

    Earn an Annual Rate of Return on Investment of 20 percent after taxes over the next five


    Achieve sales of about 20 million bottles (100 percent capacity utilization) in the first year

    of operation.

    Achieve 30 percent consolidated growth in next two years.

    Achieve the position of being a reliable and widely used herbal shampoo.

    Marketing strategy

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    i. Brand Name: safron

    ii. Punch Line: Quality Divine.

    iii. Quality: A very effective hair-strengthening and moisturizing shampoo, with refreshing

    herbal extracts, specially formulated to prevent hair loss and fight Dandruff. Hypoallergenic. No

    harmful chemicals

    iv. Key Ingredients: Fenugreek (for hair-strengthening and nourishing) and Neem(for killing

    germs) Extracts with Shikakai Granules(anti- Dandruff properties and mint(for Freshness).

    v. Safety: Completely Non- harmful. Safe to use on artificially colored or permed hair. Safe

    for daily use. Suitable for any person above 5 years of age.

    vi. Packing and Packaging:

    Packed in 7ml sachet, 35 ml, 100 ml and 200 ml plastic bottles.

    The 50 ml bottles will be the trial packs, which will be discontinued in the 3rd year of


    Pictures of the key ingredients will be displayed on the pack.

    Safety lock will be on the cap of the bottle to ensure the customer of non-adulteration.

    vii. Labeling: Labeling will include the following:

    Brief description of Quality

    Directions for use

    Key ingredients

    Safety Features

    Price, Quantity, Companys name, companys logo etc. Barcode

    Target Market: Targeted to the following:

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    Every person above 5 years of age.

    High income, upper middle and middle class of rural areas


    i. Pricing Strategy: Penetrative and Competitive pricing low price to attract more

    customers in comparison to the competitors.

    ii. Suggested Retail price:

    Quantity (in ml) Price (in Rs.)

    7 2.5

    35 17

    100 68

    200 120

    iii. Price Flexibility: Prices are Flexible to the market conditions and to the cost of

    manufacturing and also to the prices of competitive products.


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    1.Channel of distribution: Manufactured product will move through the following channel

    This channel of distribution has been adopted as the company is new to the country and

    distributing the product by ourselves may result in excessive cost to the company. So to avoid this

    problem the company will collaborate with a distributor (to be selected through the process of

    tender filling) and as the market is very large it has to go through the dealers, to ensure proper


    ii. Inventory Management: Production will be done on batch basis and when one batch will

    be under process and the raw material for the next batch is being fed, the raw material for the

    second consecutive batch will be procured. This will result in low storage cost and sufficient raw

    material for manufacturing

    iii. Warehousing: The manufactured product will be stored in the companys warehouse near

    its plant before dispatching it to the distributor.

    iv. Distribution Centers: Eight Distribution Centers in:

    a. North

    b. North East

    c. North West

    d. South

    e. South East

    f. South West

    g. East

    h. West

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    v. Transportation: Company will collaborate with a transportation Company (to be selected

    through the process of tender filling) to transport its goods from the plant to the warehouse and to

    the distributors place.


    Promotion Strategy: Following strategies will be used to promote the product:

    Push and Pull Strategies Push Strategy: we will be using push strategy to concentrate

    some of our marketing efforts on promoting our product to retailers to convince them to stock the

    product. A combination of promotional mix strategies will be used in this aimed at the retailer

    including personal selling, and direct mail, pushing the product onto the retailer.

    Pull Strategy: we will also be using pull strategy to promote our product amongst the targetmarket to create demand. Consumers will pull the product through the distribution channel

    forcing the wholesaler and retailer to stock it. This will be done through providing the customers

    with money off coupons or special offers.

    AIDA strategy The third strategy to promote our product will be the implementation of AIDA

    model which is

    Attention Interest Desire Action

    This can be illustrated briefly as grabbing the attention of the customer, then holding his interest,

    then making the product desirable to him and finally making him to purchase the product.

    AIDA is an acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This strategy can be made

    successful through effective advertisement, distribution of free samples etc.

    ii. Advertising: To create awareness about the product in the minds of the customers and to

    provoke their buying actions. Advertising will be done through the following mediums:

    i. T.V. spots

    ii. Magazines

    iii. Billboards

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    iv. Product packaging and inserts

    v. Posters and Flyers

    vi. In store displays

    vii. Distribution of free samples

    iii. Public Relations and Publicity: To be done through-

    i. Exclusives

    ii. Community involvement

    iii. Opinion pieces

    iv. Feature stories

    v. Social responsibility Activities

    iv. Personal Selling: Personal selling will be done only in Supermarkets and big stores, where

    a representative of the company will be made available to tell the customers and also help them

    about the benefits and the uses of the product and also what differentiates our product from others

    available products

    5. People

    The employees and the consumers are very important for the products development. They

    represent the image of the brand; it is for that the services have to be optimum. The employees

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    and more particularly the commercial people and the hostesses should be trained in order to know

    the product and to can sell it properly. Moreover, in the other hand, the clients are important

    because they passed a message to the potential clients. To allow this, the hostesses at the

    beginning and the employees after have to explain the quality, the taste of the product.

    6. Process

    We have seen that the selling process is vital in the decision making process. In the shops, the

    selling is making by the advice. The clients like to feel reassured in front of making process. So

    we conclude that one time per three months, commercials and hostesses will give advices to the

    consumers in order to make him more confident the product.

    7. Physical evidence

    The environment should be very clear, clean and attractive because the decision making process

    takes into account these elements. Moreover, in the shelves, the products should be stored

    correctly in order to attract the consumers. We have to ask to the staff that we need light in order

    to bring out the colors of the product. initiative which would cost near about Rs 5 lac


    It is more than a shampoo

    Rejuvenating hair

    Reason for choosing slogan:

    The slogan It is more than a shampoo indicates that the safroon is mere a tea but is

    something more than that giving more values and benefits than any other tea in the market.

    In the next line Rejuvenating hair here we exactly try to explain in one line what it is other

    than just a shampoo . Rejuvenating tells that its develop youthfulness upon regular consumption

    by slowing down the aging process of body.

    Rejuvenating hair clearly tells that it helps to revive the hair and clean the hair from inside with

    help of its medicinal properties extracted from various herbs which are ingredients of this




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    International packaging

    Affordable and reasonable price

    Have our own packaging plant


    Heavy capital will be required for promotion

    Consumers are brand loyal toward competitors product so we have to convince them.


    Increase usage

    Can introduce flavored shamppo

    People are switching from synthetic to hebal shampoo


    Competitors can come up with herbal shampoo and sachets

    Short Term Goals: Improve market presence by 20%

    Short-Term Objectives

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    1) Aggressive Marketing Strategy

    SAFRON can take advantage of the positive press on the health benefits of SAFRON to boost the

    sales . The company can use recent studies on the health benefits of SAFRON as the basis of its

    press releases and advertising campaigns.

    2) Improve Packaging Currently, the SAFRON will available in two sizes:

    the 5ml - and 10 ml. SAFRON other packaging sizes to ensure that consumers will have other

    choices and SAFRON will be easily and readily available to consumers.

    3) Improve Shelf Presence SAFRON can make a deal with retailers ensure retail shelf space

    and prominent positioning for SAFRON . Although an average shopper may not notice what

    brands are positioned in prominent places on shelves or how much room is allotted to eachmanufacturer, shelf space and positioning as make or break factors in introducing new


    Long-Term Goals: World Number One ready-to-use SAFRON

    Long-Term Objectives:

    4) Product Innovation Safron must continue its innovative research and development strategy

    to come up with new products. SAFRON has extensive research facilities on product

    improvement. The company can use its resources and professional expertise to come up with new

    flavors that will suit the continuous demand for healthy ready-to-use SAFRON .

    Monitoring And Controlling

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    Monitoring and controlling allows the business to check for variance in the budget and actual.

    This is important because it allows SAFRON to take the necessary\actions to meet the marketing

    objectives. There are three tools SAFRON WILL use to monitor the marketing plan of SAFRON.

    They are the following:

    i. Sales Analysis

    The sales analysis breaks down total business sales by market segments to identify strengths and

    weaknesses in the different areas of sales. Sellers of SAFRON products vary from major retail

    supermarkets to small corner stores. This gives the its products maximum exposure to customers

    at their convenience.

    ii. Market Share Analysis

    Market share analysis compares SAFRON business sales performance with that of its

    competitors .SAFRON looks to increase its market share by over 60%. With the changes

    SAFRON is currently undergoing, they aim to regain an iron fist control of the market. Target

    market various age groups and lifestyles from high school students too college , and male or


    Marketing Profitability Analysis

    This analysis looks at the cost side of marketing and the profitability of products, sales territories,

    market segments and sales people. There are three ratios to monitor marketing profitability; they

    are market research to sales, advertising to sales and sales representatives to sales. The results of

    these three tools can help SAFRON determine any emerging trends, such as the need for a

    different product. Comparing these results with actual results gives the business an idea on when

    to change.

    Support marketing activities

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    Budgeting and financial considerations

    After focussing over the budgeting two questions arise. First question is what should be the

    communication cost and second is what should be the media mix or the proportion of allocating

    budget in different tools of Integrated Marketing Communication.

    Communication mix

    All the allocation is based on the idea that dare to think out of box and make Safron - a world. So

    the budget would be allocated on the basis of IMC objectives which are always in line with the

    marketing objectives. So the budget allocation goes like this:










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    First of all marketing research wil be undertaken. Pre-advertisement perception of customers and

    then post-advertisement perception can be evaluated correctly. Also research will show the actual

    demands from potential customers and the points were the Safron is lacking-.

    For best advertising the main element of advertisement i.e. message research is also done whichwould be afterwards transferred to the advertising agency, who are

    a. Ogilvy and Mater

    b. J WalterThompson India

    c. FCB-Ulka Advertising ltd.

    d. Contract advertising India Ltd.

    The main element of decision ma- in advertising are what should be the production cost of

    production companies, what would be the site cost? What would be the agency commission/ fee?

    And what would be the travel expenses?

    Advertising channels will include TV (national & international), newspapers (local, national and

    international), website banners,

    The central theme of every TV ad would be luxurious life under the canopy of with highlighted

    scenaries and Safron services at effective description.

    Newspapers like Times of India in genera and magazines in particular would be used for print

    ads. They include outlook traveler, Safroniare india, SAFRON, FHRIA magazine, etc.

    The best domains of Safrons (websites) are targeted and the banners of Safron - are executed with

    continuation of worlds leading search engine GOOGLE.

    International personalities are also involved to endorse our Safron. Most famous Indian celebrities

    like Shah Rukh Khan, Amitab Bachan,

    Sales promotion

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    How to increase sales. . They have to sponsor contests at national level and simultaneously

    brochures plus informative material deliver to potential customers. Trade shows and exhibits will

    also help. Maintaining good relationship with the once visited customers and recording their bio-

    data will increase the chances of more customers in the next time. Customers who will get

    satisfied with each prospect of the Safron - will act as a good word of mouth so would our

    purpose accomplished.

    Direct Marketing

    Direct marketing will be the highest priority in IMC plan as it has been found by research that

    huge population of India has either no knowledge or has wrong knowledge herbal shampoo . So a

    well designed web site will provide all facts about Safron operated Safron particularly Safron -.

    Each and every aspect of Safron - will be available at single click and I am cent percent sure that

    after launching this (IMC) campaign the footfall will defiantly increase..

    Since I have allocated 0.5 crore rupees for direct marketing. It involves cost of banners and

    advertisements on the other websites which will give hostile invitation to the customers.


    Public relations

    This communication tool is most expensive incase of crises. For example the detection of pesto

    chemicals . So to retain the loyal customers in such case is really difficult so is maintaining too


    Same is the case with Safron and PR are nothing but what people carry in their mind

    (positioning). PR can be maintained by showing good relationship with neighboring environment

    and media as well. Govt. policies and procedures should be followed properly. Employee

    relations as well as corporate relations should go hand to hand. Similarly marketing public

    relations would be of great value for increasing sales.

    All the publications be it reports, brochures, magazine or press kit help in maintaining good PR.

    Special events and company sponsorship (discussed separately) also ad value to the goodwill of

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    product . Meetings plus social events will be used to promote PR relations in absence of strong

    HR department.

    After planning a good PR campaign its execution should be properly managed


    It is any reference obtained without paying for it say time over a TV channel or a write up on the

    web for the services rendered by the Safron -. Its advantages are the credibility factor and good

    publicity as well. In the area of below poverty-line living people, a good and healthy school

    would be opened as a part of companies CSR

    Promotional event for saffron launching:

    During one weekend in a big in famous village we will organize a big event. In the street, there

    will be hostesses with special clothes (king and queen clothes) who will distribute samples and

    cups with tea to offer the product to passer-by. They will distribute flyers

    There will be a show about the theme of green with flags of our brand. The artists will be

    dressed in clothes that are particular to that rural area and hold a speech about royalty. After

    the show, they will hand ut flyers the people can fill in so as to win the weekend trip to see a

    cricket match At the end of the event, it will have a drawing of lots. The winner will receive the

    present (tea boxes) via post way For the child, there will be inflatable game in castle shape to

    jump. The staff will keep an eye on the children while the parents take part in the competition

    -In the street there will be a lot of decoration of the brand image


    At the beginning, the strategy is to focus on the Internet, the radio and on daily local newspaper

    to reach a lot of customers. These media are noticed by a large target group which will help the

    firm to be known. After six months or one year, we will begin a campaign on television, in

    magazines and on airports.

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    1. Marketing Objective

    To offer consumer best health advantage through saffron .

    To establish as market leader in herbal shampoo

    To enable saffron to satisfy, fulfill the consumers personality & lifestyle

    To increase saffron popularity as an icon in Herbal shampoo product.

    The different managers should know the sales and marketing objectives of the firm in order to

    achieve these objectives.

    We are going to use the method SMART:

    Specific: The objectives have to be clear. For example, in each shop, the company of saffron

    must achieve the selling objectives. The turnover to reach will not be the same in the different

    shop because we make the selling objectives according to size of the shop, the frequentation, the

    type of the clients.

    Measurable: The company has to follow the different targets in the sales outlets and if each shop

    allowed to reach the objectives. To measure the sales we can calculate the sales by day in order to

    understand how the client bought the product. With these data we can improve the strategy and

    the sales. The commercials can ask to the supermarket to put the product in a different way or to

    make more promotion.

    Achievable: The targets have to be realist. At the beginning the turnover would grow slowly and

    after the promotion, it would have a faster expansion. If we reach to win clients from our main

    competitor (in a first time) and from the others tea brand (in a second time), the sales would grow

    increasingly. The firm should have a long terms vision and should be reactive in front of

    decisions or problems which can occur.

    Relevant: the objectives have to be founded on fact and not on suppositions. The firm has to

    respect its general strategy and its image. The firm should take into consideration the sales of its

    competitors in order to be based on relevant objectives.

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    Timed targeted: each objective should have a deadline. It can allow measuring the different sales

    of the day, of the week, of the month, according to these data, the firm can change the bjectives or

    makes promotion to reach these objectives.

    The objectives for the first year:

    4 % of the market share of Hindustan Unilever & P&G , the main competitor.

    2 % of the others shampoo competitors.

    We expect to hit 25% of Hindustan Unilever & P&G because it is our main competitor by

    converting their royal customers. With the strategy, the promotion 7 novelty of our brand we can

    expect to attain lots of customers. We look forward to hit 8% of other competitors To reach this

    objective we will make a lot of promotion in order to attract new clients, because we know thatthe population like and


    Alovera , shikakai

    Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate

    Sodium Lauryl Sulfate solution

    Citric Acid

    Cocamide DEA

    Cocamidopropyl betaine

    Fragrance, Dye, Preservative

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    Pricing strategies

    1. Low cost/ cheap products: This follows from the product strategy. The price can be kept low

    by low unit packagings, shampoo sachets, this is a common strategy widely adopted by many

    manufacturing and marketing concerns.

    2. Refill packs / Reusable packaging: In urban areas most of the shapoo segments are available.

    The containers can be put to multipurpose uses. Such measures can a significant impact in the

    rural market.

    For example, the rural people can efficiently reuse the plastic bottle of shampoo .

    4. Large volume-low margins (Rapid or slow penetration strategy): safrron have to focus on

    generating large volumes & not big profit margins on individual products. price their product at a

    level which can lead to good volumes,

    6. Low volume-low price strategy: This strategy of reducing prices by reducing the package size

    in order to make it appear more affordable, is delivering very good results for a large number of

    FMCG product categories, in the rural markets of India. In categories where maintaining the price

    point is extremely critical, this strategy is delivering very good results.

    7. Ensuring price compliance: Rural retailers, most of the times, charges more than the MRP.

    We will ensure price compliance either through promotional campaigns, as was done by Coca

    Cola, or by ensuring the availability of products at the retail outlets directly.

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    Distribution Strategy

    Many companies view the rural markets as great opportunity for expanding their sales but find

    distribution as a major problem. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to transplant strategieswhich work successfully in urban markets onto rural markets, namely, extensive retailing and

    sustained pull generation through mass media advertising.

    The road blocks to reach the rural customers are:

    Lack of adequate transport facilities.

    Large distances between villages.

    Lack of pucca roads connecting villages to nearest townships.

    Lack of proper retail outlets

    Lack of mass media infrastructure.

    The marketers were of the opinion that the villagers would come to nearby towns and buy the

    products that they want. What has been found is that if we have to serve the rural consumer we

    will have to take our products to him through the channels that he is using and some innovative

    ways of getting to him

    The following distribution strategies formulated for the rural category.

    1. Coverage of villages with 2000 and above population: Ideally, coverage of villages with up

    to 2000 and above population could be the break-even point for a distribution setup. By doing so

    the percentage of villages covered comes to only 10% of all the villages, but the rural population

    covered will be substantial, to the extent of about 40 to 45 percent. With a distribution network in

    about 55,000 villages, which have a population of 2000 persons & above each, one can cover

    about 25 crores rural consumers. This strategy is good to begin with & then subsequently, villages

    with lesser populations can be added.

    2. Segmentation: the number of villages in India is huge & it is not viable to contact & serve all

    villages directly. Therefore, companies or distributors can carefully examine the market potential

    of different villages & target the villages that can be served in a financially viable manner through

    an organized distribution effort.

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    3. Use of co-operative societies: There are over 3 lacks co-operative societies operating in rural

    areas for different purposes like marketing cooperatives, farmers service cooperatives and other

    multipurpose cooperatives. These cooperatives have an arrangement for centralized procurement

    and distribution through their respective state level federation. Such state level federation can be

    motivated to procure and distribute consumables items and low value durable items to the

    members to the society for serving to the rural consumers. Many of the societies extend credit to

    the members for purchases.

    4. Utilization of public distributory system: The PDS in the state is fairly well organized. The

    revamped PDS places more emphasis on reaching remote rural areas like the hills and tribals.

    The purpose of PDS is to make saffron shampoo to the consumers at a reasonable price

    5. Utilization of multipurpose distribution centers by petroleum/oil companies: In order to

    cater to the rural areas the petroleum/oil companies have evolved a concept of multipurpose

    distribution centers in rural areas. In addition to petrol/diesel, lubricants, these outlets also stock

    consumables agricultural inputs like fertilizers, pesticides and seeds. It is estimated that there are

    about 40 such outlets in operation in the state . The rural consumer who has tractors, oil-engine

    pump sets and mopeds frequent these outlets for their requirement. These outlets can be profitably

    utilized for selling consumables and durable items also.

    6.Distribution up to feeder markets/mandi towns: Keeping in view the hierarchy of markets

    for the rural consumers, the feeder markets and mandi towns offer excellent scope for

    distribution. The rural customers visit these towns at regular intervals not only for selling the

    agricultural produce but also for purchasing cloth, jewelry, hardware, radios, torch cells and other

    durables and consumer products. From the feeder markets and mandi towns the stockiest or

    wholesaler can arrange for distribution to the village shops in the interior places. This distribution

    can be done by mopeds, cycles, bullock-carts, camelbacks etc. depending upon the township.

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    7. Shandies/Haaths/Jathras/Melas: These are places where the rural consumers congregate as a

    rule. While shandies/heaths are held a particular day every week, Jathras and melas are held once

    or twice a year for longer durations. They are normally timed with religious festivals. Such places

    attract large number of itinerant merchants. Only temporary shops come up selling goods of all

    kinds. It can be beneficial for companies to organize sales of their product at such places.

    Promotion can be taken, as there will be ready captive audience. For convincing the

    manufacturing and marketing man with regard to the importance of these places from rural

    marketing point of view a visit to such places is necessary. It is estimated that over 100 are held

    in the state and the estimated attendance is about million rural consumers. Biggest fair Pushkar

    Mela is estimated to attract over 10 million people. There are 50 such big rural fairs held in

    various parts of state , which attract urbanite also like Mankanavillaku Periya Kirthigai

    9. Joint distribution by Non-competing Companies: As the cost of distributing the products in

    the rural market through distribution vans can be unviable for a single company, different non-

    competing companies can come together to jointly operate distribution vans for the rural market.

    This will enable them to share the cost of operating the van & on account of the sharing of the

    cost by four or five companies; the entire operation can become financially viable for all the

    players. We will coabrate with TATA and other non non competing companies

    10. Personal Selling Network: It is very successful distribution channel being developed bycompanies like HUL. It adds a personal touch to the marketing, as the salesmen are the resident of

    the village or community itself, making it easier to sell the product & maximise sales for the

    company. We will also follow the concept

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    The historically available people & places for distribution include: - Whole seller, Retailer, Vans,

    Weekly Haats, and Bazaars & Shadies.

    1. Wholesalers

    The Indian wholesaler is principally a Galla Kirana (food-grain) merchant who sustains the

    belief that business is speculative rather than distributive in character.

    He is a trader / commodity merchant rather than a distributor and therefore tends to support a

    brand during boom and withdraw support during slump.

    The reason for this speculative character and dormant role of wholesalers are:-

    Indian market was largely sellers market. There was no need for active sales growth.

    Companies laid more emphasis or retailers in urban areas, who are very large in number.

    As a result of retail based distribution was weakened.

    Rural markets were neglected by many. The occurrence of retail outlets was low.

    Therefore many companies were dependent on whole salers.

    The current need is to activate and develop wholesaler of the adjoining market as a

    distributor of products to rural retail outlets and build his loyalties to the company.

    2. Retailers

    There are different kinds of retailers.

    Shops within the village

    Shops located on the main road and not exactly within the village

    Kasba market or the tahsil market.

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    Village retailers have traditionally been among the most mobile of rural residents.


    He enjoys the confidence of the villagers.

    His views are accepted and followed by the rural people whose awareness and

    media exposure levels are low.

    (- The urban retailer is not trusted.

    - He is seen as a businessman with profit motto.

    - His view points are evaluated with other sources of information.)


    His role as influence leader is indisputable. From tender twig of neem to

    washing powder retailer testimony has been vital part of the product adoption


    The role of urban retailer is weak.

    The urban consumers have numerous sources of information.

    Although retailers opinion is sought it may not be 100% believed and



    In rural market retailers remains the deciding factor to sell particular brand.

    Retailers helps in identification and selection of brands, there is less influence

    of shelf displays and point of purchase promotion.

    Presence of spurious brands is an ample testimony to this view.

    (- The urban retailer has a limited role as a brand promoter.

    - He cannot directly, recommend the brand saffron .

    - He is to intelligently drive home his recommendations, as

    urban consumers do not trust him completely.

    - It is through shelf displays and incentive offers that he has to push the


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    3. Vans

    Mobile vans long since, have an important place in distribution and promotion of the

    products in villages.

    4. Weekly Haats, Bazaars, Shandies

    The haats are the oldest outlets to purchase household goods and for trade. These markets are

    very well organized with shopkeepers having pre-assigned spaces for them to sell their wares.

    A typical market is in an open field with ample space for displaying all sorts of goods. Its

    location changes every week. These markets have different names in different regions. But

    they are strikingly similar in what they sell. It is reported that there are, in all, about 47,000

    haats held throughout the country.

    Media Vehicles

    Through the rural markets offer big attractions to the marketers, one of the most important

    questions frequently asked is How do we reach the large rural population through different

    media and methods?

    Mass Media Local Media Personalized Media

    Radio Haats, Melas, Fairs Direct Communication

    Cinema Wall Paintings Dealers

    Press Hoardings Sales Persons

    TV Leaflets

    Video Vans

    Folk Media

    Animal Parade

    Transit Media


    Formal media

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    It includes Press and print, TV, Cinema, Radio, and Point of purchase and Outdoor advertisement.

    Reach of formal media is low in rural households (Print: 18%, TV: 27%, Cinema: 30%, and

    Radio: 37%) and therefore the marketer has to consider the following points:

    Newspapers and magazines:English newspapers and magazines have negligible circulation in rural areas. However local

    language newspapers and magazines are becoming popular among educated facilities in rural

    areas. Examples: Newspapers: Eenadu in A.P., Dina Thanthi in Tamil Nadu, Punjab Kesari in

    the North, Loksatta in Maharashtra and Tamil magazine Kumudam are very popular in rural



    It has made a great impact and large audience has been exposed to this medium. HLL has

    been using TV to communicate with the rural masses. Lifebuoy, Lux, Nihar oil etc are some

    of the products advertised via television. Regional TV channels have become very popular

    especially in regional states. Examples: SUN TV is very popular even in rural areas In

    Arunachal pardesh.


    Radio reaches large population in rural areas at a relatively low cost. Example: Colgate, Jyoti

    Labs, Zandu Balm, Zuari industries are some of the companies using radio communication

    programme. There are specific programmes for farmers like Farm and Home/Krishi Darshan in

    regional languages. The farmers have a habit of listening to regional news/agricultural news in the

    morning and the late evening. The advertisement has to be released during this time to get

    maximum coverage in rural areas. Another advantage is that the radio commercial can be

    prepared at short notice to meet the changing needs of the rural folk. Example: Release of a

    pesticide ad at the time of outbreak of a pest or disease in crops.


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    About 65% of the earnings from cinema are from rural markets. Film viewing habits is high in

    certain states like Arunachal Pradesh. Village theatres do roaring business during festivals by

    having four shows per day. The monthly charge for showing an ad film is within Rs.500.

    Local distributor or dealer who has good contacts with cinema houses in villages can easily

    monitor this activity. Examples: Films on products like Vicks, Lifebuoy and SPIC fertilizers

    are shown in rural cinema halls. Apart from films, Ad slides can also be screened in village


    Outdoor advertisements:

    This form of media, which includes signboards, wall painting, hoarding, tree boards, bus

    boards, dealer boards, product display boards etc, is cost effective in rural areas. Symbols,

    pictures and colours should be used in POPs meant for rural markets so that they can easily

    identify the products. Generally rural people prefer bright colours and the marketer should

    Utilize such cues.

    Point of purchase:

    Display of hangings, festoons and product packs in the shops will catch the attention of

    prospective buyers. However a clutter of such POP materials of competing companies will not

    have the desired effect and is to be avoided..

    Wall paintings:

    It is an effective and economical medium for communication in rural areas, since it stays there for

    a long time depending upon the weather conditions. The cost of painting one square foot area is

    just Rs.10. Retailers welcome painting of their shops so that the shop will look better. Walls of

    farm houses, shops and schools are ideal places for painting and the company need not have to

    pay any rent for the same. The walls have to be painted at least one or two feet from ground level.

    It is better to take permission of the owner. Very often the owner takes responsibility for taking

    care of the wall painting. Painting to be avoided during election time and rainy season. The matter

    should be in the form of pictures, slogans for catching the attention of people. Companies

    marketing TV, fans, branded coffee/tea, toothpaste, pesticides, fertilizers etc. use wall painting as

    promotion medium in rural areas.

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    Tree boards:

    These are painted boards of about two square feet in dimension having the picture or name or

    slogan of the product painted on it. The cost of such a painted board is about Rs.80. These boards

    are fixed to the trees on both sides of the village road at a height of about 10 feet from ground

    level. These boards attract the attention of slow moving vehicles like cycles, bullock carts andtractors and people walking on the road. Considering the poor condition of roads, even the buses

    move at slow speed through village road. Fertilizer and pesticide companies in rural areas

    extensively use tree boards. These are low priced promotion items and can be used by consumer

    goods companies too.

    Informal/Rural specific media

    These media with effective reach and personalized communication will help in realizing the

    promotional objectives. Companies to suit the specific requirements of rural communicationare using a variety of such media effectively and some of the more important media and

    methods are given below.

    Farm-to-Farm/House-to-House visit:

    Rural people prefer face-to-face communication and farm visits facilitate two-way

    communication. The advantage is that the sales person can understand the needs and wants of

    the rural customer by directly discussing with him and answer his queries on products and

    services. Potential customers in the village are identified and the companys/distributorsrepresentative makes farm-to-farm visits and highlight the benefits of the products. The

    person carries with him literature in local language and also samples of shampoo . The person

    does not sell the product but only promotes the use of the product. Very often the local dealer

    also joins the representative in making farm-to-farm visits. The dealer clarifies the terms and

    conditions of sale and also makes independent follow up visits for securing orders.

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    These are well-appreciated form of entertainment available to the village people. The folk

    dance Kuravan Kurathi is popular in Arunachal pardesh. The troupe consists of dancers,

    drummers and musicians and they move in a well-decorated van from one village to another

    village singing and dancing. In a day the troupe covers about 8-10 villages. As soon as the van

    reaches a village, film songs are played to attract the attention of the villages. This is followed

    by folk dances. Mike announcement is made about the companys products and leaflets are

    distributed. After the dance programme, queries, if any, about the products are answered by

    the sales person. Folk dance programme costs about Rs.5000 per day and therefore these

    programmes are conducted during the peak season in selected villages.

    Audio Visual Publicity Vans (AVP Vans):

    AV unit is one of the effective tools for rural communication. The van is a mobile promotion

    station having facilities for screening films slides and mike publicity. The sales person makes a

    brief talk about situation in the village, the products and the benefits. The ad film is screened

    along with some popular film shots and this continues for about 30 minutes. At the end of the film

    show, he distributes handbills and answers queries of the customers. The whole operation takes

    about 1-2 hours depending upon the products under promotion, number of participants in the

    meeting and time taken for question and answers. The vans move to the next village for the

    second show. The cost of running a fully equipped AVP unit is about Rs.4000 per day and AVP

    van operation has to be considered as an investment for business development in rural areas.

    Example: Companies such as HLL, Colgate, and Phillips have made effective use of AVP vans

    for popularizing their products in rural areas.

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    Product display contests:

    Package is an integral part of the product. Its main purpose is to protect the product during transit,

    to preserve the quality and to avoid any loss in quality and quantity. The main purpose of this

    contest is to remind the customer to buy the product as soon as he enters the shop. Another

    objective is to influence the dealer to stock the product and support the company in increasing the

    sales. The display contest has to be announced well in advance and promotional materials to be

    distributed to all the selected dealers in a geographical area. Prizes for best displays are

    announced to motivate the dealers; the contest lasts for about a month. A well-planned product

    display contest not only increases the involvement of dealers in the companys products but also

    increases the sales during the contest period. This is used for promoting consumer goods such as

    shampoos, soaps and toothpaste.

    Field demonstration:

    This is based on the extension principle seeing is believing and is one of the most effective

    methods to show the superiority of the companys products to the customers. A progressive

    farmer who is an opinion leader is selected and the demonstration is conducted in his field in the

    presence of a group of farmers in the village. The farmers observe the results in the field and the

    local dealer calls on them in their farms and persuades them to buy the particular brand of

    pesticide or fertilizer. Examples: a) by applying shampoo on school boy a and showing the rural


    Life-style marketing:

    Each rural market segment has certain special features i.e. they share common life-style traits.

    They include village sports, religious events, prominent personalities and role models. Examples:

    Texduring summer festivals in villages and Consumer goods saffron sponsoring Kabaddi.

    Choosing media vehicles

    The choice of different media vehicles for any market is based on an analysis of the standard

    features like: reach, frequency, cost & availability. Depending on the factor of reach & frequency,

    the different media can be classified into the following categories. This categorization can help

    the marketer to make a decision about which type of media would be more suitable to the product

    & the organization.

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    (a) High reach High frequency

    Jeep based advertising

    Wall painting

    Bus stand & bus panels



    Postal branding

    (b) Low reach High frequency

    Co-operative notice board

    Shop front painting

    Tin plating house

    Dealer boards

    Village boards

    Well tiles


    (c) High reach Low frequency

    Van based advertising

    Melas Direct to home

    Folklore group

    Exhibitions/created events

    (d) Low reach Low frequency

    Tin painting tree/shops


    Posters & banners



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    Financial Projection of shampoo