pg. 1 © Susan Browne angeleft.com 30 Days to Magnificent Abundance Angel EFT Module Four: Anchoring the vibration of Abundance

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30 Days to Magnificent Abundance

Angel EFT

Module Four: Anchoring the vibration of


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pg. 2 © Susan Browne angeleft.com

Contents Page

Introduction to Module Four……………………………………………….….pg 3

About this week’s recordings……………………………………………..pg 3

Abundance Consciousness……………………………………………..…pg 4

Abundant Home…………………………………………………………...pg 5

Decluttering makes way for abundance …………………………………..pg 6

Things I allow into my space……………………………………………...pg 8

Knowing your worth……………………………………………..………..pg 10

The Secrets of being a Super Attractor …………….………………….…pg 11

The Angels Are Always There ...................................................................pg 12

Angel Visualisation……………………………………………………….pg 13

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pg. 3 © Susan Browne angeleft.com

Introduction to Module Four

When we are in poverty consciousness, also called scarcity mind-set, we have a negative

closed view about abundance and we attract much less of the things we would like. This is

because of the law of attraction that states that like attracts like. We are affected by this law

in each and every day of our lives and our thoughts affect our experiences. How do we get

into this way of thinking? Messages we heard from well-meaning adults around us growing

up can permeate into our way of thinking, energies also transfer down the generations. These

can be cleared through intention, asking the angels and of course with Angel EFT. Also in the

media, and talk about recession and downturns in the economy can bring fearful thinking to

the fore around poverty and abundance blocks. We looked at this in the language of

abundance back in module one.

To get into the vibration of abundance we need to focus on what we are grateful for and the

blessings in our life, this will naturally expand our abundance. What abundance are you

already experiencing in your life? Money isn’t the only way we measure abundance, it could

be an abundance of friends, an abundance of free time, an abundance of trees, sand (like on

the beach), spirituality, books, fun, opportunities, love, friendship. Our universe is naturally

abundant and is always growing, new stars are being formed and life is expanding.

Other ways of expanding abundance in our lives are to make the very best of our living space,

our home is very connected too to our base chakra you might remember. The base chakra is

tied in with our feelings of security and shelter. If our home is not cosy or comfortable or if

things are not working properly we can get a blockage here. Decluttering and reorganising

can make an enormous change in our energy, as can what we allow into our space. The things

we have in our home have an energy. If we have things in our home which have negative

associations, they can pull down the vibration of our home. I have included some Angel EFT

work for this.

We will also look about how we see our worth, this can apply to those who charge for

products or services, those who work or those who help or care for others. If we see what we

do as having a high worth, we attract abundance. Being a super attractor means easily

attracting abundance in a flow or anchored state. If we are not already experiencing this, we

can transport ourselves into the future and ask our future self how they got there.

Finally, we look at how the angels can help us in all areas of our life for multiple blessings,

abundance and to help others.

About this week’s recordings

This week’s recordings look at clearing your physical space, valuing your worth, being a

super attractor and having really clear energy and working with angels on a day to day basis

with all aspects of your life as needed.

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1. Abundance Consciousness

Key Points:

1. Abundance consciousness is the opposite to poverty consciousness or scarcity mind-


2. When we can activate abundance consciousness in our being we easily attract

abundance, whereas scarcity mind-set repels abundance.

3. When you have a scarcity mind-set thought, notice it and try to reframe it, the more

you practise the easier it gets.

Angel EFT Round

• HC: Thank you angels of abundance

• TH: For helping me to see the abundance in my life

• TE: The abundance of this beautiful planet and universe

• EB: I know I am a part of this abundance

• SE: That it is there for me too

• UE: I choose to focus on the abundance all around me now

• UN: I love the feeling it brings

• CH: It is easy for me to detach or not participate in other people’s scarcity mind-set

• CB: And the more I practise the easier it gets

• Th: I am so loved and blessed

• If: Thank you for helping me to realise this in each moment

• Mf: I release any old mind-sets from my past

• Rf: With compassion and understanding

• Bf: It’s okay for me to change my mind

• Sh: I am an expert in training with my thoughts and experiences

• HC: Thank you angels of abundance

Three deep breaths, close your eyes, visualise the angels of abundance pouring light into

your thoughts and supporting your abundance consciousness












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2. Abundant Home

Key Points:

1. Our home is linked with the base chakra which is all about our feelings of safety and


2. Having a tidy, cosy home that you enjoy being in will help your abundance.

3. When things are broken, or if you have things in the home that bother you or that you

don’t like, or clutter this can negatively affect your abundance.

4. There is an angel assigned to buildings, including your home, you can work with this

angel to make your house lovely. I have also worked with Archangel Jophiel to bring

more beauty into the home.

5. If you are hoping to move you can still work on making your current living space

beautiful, in fact to do so may help you to attract the home you are seeking.

Angel EFT Round

• HC: Thank you Angel of my home and Archangel Jophiel

• TH: For helping me to create a wonderful home

• TE:. I invite beauty into my home now and am willing to co-create this

• EB: Thank you for helping me to get anything fixed that needs fixing

• SE: To replace what needs replacing

• UE: And to clear out what I no longer need

• UN: I invite angelic light and the qualities of harmony into my home

• CH: I ask that these qualities embrace all those living within the home

• CB: And that we all feel the blessings of this angelic light

• Th: Raising the frequency of my home

• If: I choose to make my home a place of abundance

• Mf: I am grateful for the shelter my home provides

• Rf: Thank you Archangel Jophiel for helping me to make the home wonderful

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• Bf: And thanking the angel of my home for helping me too

• Sh: I choose to embrace my wonderful home and really appreciate it

• HC: Thank you for these blessings

Three deep breaths, close your eyes and again visualise Archangel Jophiel lighting up

your home and helping you to make it really cosy and pleasant. See the angel of your

home bringing in even more light and blessings and supporting you in making happy













3. Decluttering makes way for abundance

Key Points:

1. The clutter that shows up in people’s lives includes physical clutter, hoarding but also

emotional clutter in the energy being.

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2. Clutter often shows up in both the physical and the emotional aspects.

3. Piles of mess and clutter are draining for us and have a negative charge.

4. When you declutter you make room for abundance and attract it.

5. Archangel Michael can help us to cut cords between us and our clutter

Angel EFT Round

• HC: Thank you Archangel Michael

• TH: For helping me to declutter my home

• TE: Sometimes it feels hard

• EB: To throw away things

• SE: Sometimes I don’t know what to do with stuff

• UE: And it feels too big a job to even start

• UN: But I’m asking for your courage

• CH: And your sword of light

• CB: To cut through any toxic cords I have with my stuff

• Th: It’s easy for me to declutter my home

• If: I can do it one stage at a time

• Mf: Thank you for the courage Archangel Michael

• Rf: To face those piles that I’ve been avoiding

• Bf: And I choose to cleanse and clear the energy of my home

• Sh: So I can attract the abundance that I desire

• HC: Three deep breaths, visualise Archangel Michael in your home, ask him to cut

any cords between you and stuff in your home, things you need to sort through. Do a

bit at a time, set an alarm for so many minutes.











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4. Things I allow into my space

Key Points:

1. Objects have an energy, and a vibration, and it is good to clear out things that aren’t

supporting a high frequency living space.

2. Sometimes this includes unwanted gifts that we may have received which can make

us feel that we need to hold onto the object. To do so though can clutter up the energy

of our space.

3. If there is something we don’t really like but we feel we just can’t get rid of we can

ask the angels to help us to know where to place it, and to clear the energy and revive

it. Sometimes an object has an association or memory tagged onto it, the angels can

clear this.

4. Likewise, when you buy someone a gift, ask the angels to guide you in picking

something that will be compatible with their energy if it is a keepsake or something

that is not perishable or disposable.

Angel EFT Round

• HC: Thank you Archangel Zadkiel

• TH: For helping me to have great discernment

• TE: About the things I allow in my space

• EB: I don’t want to have stuff in my home that drags me down

• SE: I want things to feel right

• UE: So thank you for helping me to clear out things that I don’t need

• UN: Or working on the energy of thigs I don’t like very much but feel I have to keep

• CH: Thank you violet flame

• CB: For helping me to cleanse and clear the energy of things I have in my space

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• Th: My space can be my home, workplace, vehicle or places I reside in

• If: Thank you Archangel Zadkiel

• Mf: For guiding me in knowing what feels right for me

• Rf: And knowing what to do about it

• Bf: Because I really want to do this for me

• Sh: As part of my abundance practise

• HC: Three deep breaths, imagine Archangel Zadkiel scanning with you around your

house and space, seeking out things that have a dense vibration, that don’t match

your vibration, bring in the violet flame to change the energy of the object and to

know what to do with it.












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5. Know Your Worth

Key Points:

1. Knowing we are worthy and knowing our worth, seeing the things we do in our life as


2. Many lightworkers find it hard to charge or place a low value on what they do, very

common but it can be overcome.

3. In your job do you feel worthy, does the job support your financial abundance?

4. If you dint work what value do you place on the things that you do.

5. Carers and caring types can often give to the point of martyrdom.

6. This sends the message that we are not worthy of abundance.

7. We can work with Archangel Metatron to get clear about our worth.

Angel EFT Round

• HC: Thank you Archangel Metatron

• TH: For helping me to know my worth

• TE: I choose to release any fears

• EB: About receiving or being appreciated

• SE: About people valuing what I do

• UE: I choose to really value what I do

• UN: Because I know when I do this I attract abundance

• CH: Choosing to happily attract abundance now

• CB: Thank you Archangel Metatron

• Th: For helping me to expand my worth

• If: To really know my worth

• Mf: And to really develop and nourish that

• Rf: Nurturing my potential

• Bf: honouring my talents

• Sh: So that I’m doing what I was put here to do on this planet

• HC: And receiving the abundance that I deserve

• Three deep breaths, Archangel Metatron places his sacred geometric shapes in and

around the aura, lighting up the aura expanding your self-worth and really allowing

you to know how valuable you are












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6. The Secrets of Being a Super Attractor

Key Points:

1. Super attractors find it really easy to manifest.

2. Think about what this looks like to you.

3. Imagine you could speak to your future self who is easily manifesting all they want

and is a ‘super attractor’ and ask them how they get there.

4. Changing the lens we look through.

5. To reach up out of a difficult day focus on what is already in abundance all around

you, what is there lots of?

Angel EFT Round

• HC: Thank you angels of abundance

• TH: For helping me to be a super attractor

• TE: I know now how I need to do this

• EB: Maybe I already am a super attractor

• SE: In which case I’d like you to remind me of that

• UE: I have super clear amazing energy

• UN: And I am magnet for all that wonderful abundance

• CH: My abundance can’t resist me

• CB: And I love this feeling

• Th: I love being a super attractor

• If: And I support myself when challenges arise

• Mf: It’s easy for me to get back into that vibration

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• Rf: Because I have all the tools now

• Bf: And I love being a super attractor

• Sh: And I am so grateful for all my successes already

• HC: Three deep breaths, visualise the angels of abundance, tune back into that image

of your future self as a super attractor, make it even bigger. See the energy around

you and how it would look to the angels, what colours are there? Really anchor that













7. The Angels Are Always There

Key Points:

1. Remember that no matter what experiences you are having the angels are always


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2. They will help with whatever you are working with or need help with.

3. Working with the angels for all areas of your life helps your abundance also.

Angel EFT Round

• HC: Angels I know you are always with me

• TH: And I choose to remember that in all aspects of my life

• TE: And I choose to remember to ask for your help

• EB: And I’m so grateful for all your ep already

• SE: I choose to remember to ask

• UE: And no matter what’s going on in my life

• UN: Or in the world in general

• CH: There’s always a spiritual perspective

• CB: Ad the angels can always help no matter what it is

• Th: Thank you angels

• If: For all your help in my life

• Mf: Thank you angels of abundance

• Rf: Thank you to all the angels that have helped me

• Bf: And I choose to work with you

• Sh: To help my life and for the benefit of all

• HC: Three deep breaths, imagine that there are a team of angels around you, your

guardian angel, the angels of abundance and the angels that support you and any

archangels. See them really celebrating for you and being delighted for your success.












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Angel Visualisation Module Four

In this week’s visualisation we work with our angelic team to bring more light into the

physical spaces we reside in such as the home and workplace and also in our relationships

with those nearest and dearest to us.




















