30 DAY FAST TRACK WEEK ONE SUMMARY SLIDES w/ Supervising Coordinator Ryan Stack

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30 DAY FAST TRACK WEEK ONE SUMMARY SLIDES w/ Supervising Coordinator Ryan Stack www.thestackgrp.com Slide 2 Contact Information /ryanpstack @thestacklife Daily training periscopes @thestacklife [email protected] www.stackmeeton.com www.thestackgrp.com Slide 3 Before we start make sure you: - Watch intro to 30 day fast track - Identify Your WHY write it out - Identify Goals and Goal Mapping - Schedule NMTSS Events - Purchase tickets - Schedule personal events - COMMIT 100% for 30 DAYS - 100% Shopping Annuity Slide 4 DRILL #1 SOCIAL MEDIA BASICS www.theSTACKgrp.com Clean and update your social media accounts Focus for 30 days primarily on facebook Learn basics WHAT NOT TO DO Maximize your timeline Daily Posting Slide 5 BE YOU! MAX YOUR PROFILE BUILDS TRUST. BUILDS RAPPORT. BRAND YOURSELF. 80 (PERSONAL) 20 (BUSINESS) YOU ARE THE BRAND BRAND YOU PROFILE PIC YOUR PICTURE TIMELINE ATTRACTIVE IMPORTANT TO YOU PROFESSIONAL UPDATE PROFILE UP-TO-DATE EMAIL ETC 80/20 delete or add NOW! Slide 6 . DAILY POSTING rolling commercial of your life Post a min. of 2 to 3 times per day throughout the day 80/20 rule always Add tags (peoples names) that appear in pic or would like to see pic posts on their wall (occasionally) Think! Is this a accurate example of what matters to me? And is it inspiring, irritating and/or does it create curiosity? Add hashtag (#) to allow the possibility of other people to find your topic dont use many my advice is use 2 periodically. Slide 7 DRILL #2 NETWORKING www.theSTACKgrp.com NAMES LIST START CONVERSATIONS WARM UP PAST RELATIONSHIPS ADD NEW CONTACTS IDENTIFY TOP 10 OLD SCHOOL yup still do it! Slide 8 . FACEBOOK Click Friends List DONE! NAMES LIST Write all names down CROSS OFF SHOP.COM OWNERS! Identify best / closest contacts Beginning networking Slide 9 . CONTACT 5 PER DAY Warmest market to coldest Identify a person in your friends list and message them to start a conversation (pm). Spend no more than 1 to 2 minutes per message Keep it simple End in a question BE NORMAL ;) Slide 10 . KEEP LIST EVERY PERSON I MESSAGE I Need to have their name written down and a note that I contacted them. HIGHLIGHT your TOP 10 Contacts Slide 11 . NETWORKING RECAP: POST 2x3 Times Per Day (10 + posts per week) Draw out names list (facebook) eliminate SHOP.COM owners from list CONTACT 5 people per day (current friends list) = 25 per week (100 month) Add 2 new contacts per week = 10 new per week (40 month) WRITE ALL NAMES DOWN AND WHO WAS CONTACTED IDENTIFY TOP 10 as you make your contacts highlight to contact. Slide 12 DRILL #3 SHOPPING ANNUITY www.theSTACKgrp.com Presentation / Assessment / Declaration WEEKLY SHOPPING ON UNFRANCHISE 100% shopping through your site NO LEAKING VOLUME POST CREATIVELY & Post to your teams pages TRENDS TAKE ADVANTAGE! Slide 13 Complete the SHOPPING ANNUITY ASSESSMENT WITH YOUR TEAM! Download at: www.shoppingannuity.com www.shoppingannuity.com The Shopping Annuity Assessment will: Identify the products you could replace with the companys exclusive brands. Calculate the BV and Cashback Potential Slide 14 . SIGN THE DECLARATION & POST Slide 15 IMPORTANT SHOPPING ANNUITY IS DESIGNED TO FOCUS ON HIGHEST VOLUME MARGINS BV FIRST 80% IBV DIRECT 15% IBV PARTNER STORES 2- 6% Slide 16 . INDENTIFY YOUR BRANDS SHOP WEEKLY ON unfranchise.com Look through brands / shop.com site do Shopping Advisor! Make list of all items you run out of, need to order and new items you can add to your product line rather than competitor products Place a order EACH WEEK! Post testimonials as you get them (dont sell just info and intrigue) Post on your teams wall or email what you did why you did it benefits and how much volume that added! Slide 17 . SHOP only on SHOP.COM for everything! Buy in 2s or 3s Plan ahead for the week Find ways to save and stack deals to get higher volume Start with items you catch yourself buying weekly at stores! Utilize same day in store pick up to save if you get caught needing something the same day Max it out using SHOP.COM CC Slide 18 . BONUS POOL TARGET (500 BV / 100IBV) Think 125 BV per week and $250 shopping online average family Slide 19 . Shopping Annuity Drill RECAP MAKE THE SWITCH TO BV use Shopping Advisor/ List FB GROUP Maximize Your Shopping Annuity / Shopping Annuity IBV FIND COMMON ORDERED PRODUCTS (non-bv). I.E. Cat Food, Bread, Snacks, Drinks, Wine, etc Find a store to get high IBV for and make the purchase IDENTIFY PARTNERS TO BOOK APPOINTMENTS TO SHOW SHOPPING ANNUITY PRESENTATION & ASSESSMENT! COMPLETE AS MANY AS POSSIBLE- ASAP! Shop Weekly on UnFranchise & Daily on shop.com POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA and on YOUR TEAM PAGES share you stories! TRENDS HOLIDAYS ETC Slide 20 . *BONUS POOL DEADLINE* CURRENT BONUS POOL ENDS SEPTEMBER 30 th !!! GET IT DONE HIT IT! Slide 21 . TAKE ACTION Slide 22 DRILL #4 AUDIOS DAILY LEARNING www.theSTACKgrp.com 20 mins min listening per day Get paid to get audio! Listen while youre already busy (driving, mowing, watching) Slide 23 . AUDIO OF THE WEEK START WITH WHY BY SIMON SINEK FIND HOW TO GET THE HIGHEST IBV FOR THE PURCHASE USE SHOP.COM CC TAKE NOTES Its 4hrs 52 minss so 40 mins a day you would learn it in 7 days! JUST DO IT! Slide 24 REGISTER FOR ALL WEEKS: www.stackmeeton.com QUESTIONS: Please send all questions to me at [email protected] Well answer all questions possible during live and recorded sessions but the live session must end at 8:55pm ET so people can view the Web Volume Contest at 9pm ET Any questions we dont have time to answer, please sent to my email! Will post Replay same night! (usually 1hour After live recording) Slide 25 CONGRATS ON LEADING! LETS GET TO WORK! Slide 26 30 DAY FAST TRACK WEEK ONE RECAP!