3 Toxic Texts You Should Never Send Your Ex.pdf

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Hey, it’s Mike Fiore…

Before you go any further, make sure you check out the “Relationship Roadmap” I gave you that explains exactly how the Text Your Ex Back system works. It lays out the steps of txb better than I ever could using plain old words, and will give you the foundation you need to really start moving forward with your ex… to have her wrap herself in your arms again, feeling incredible love and attraction towards you and wanting to be with you and only you forever.

The “Relationship Roadmap” gives you the bones of what you should text your ex (and when). In this short report we’re going to go over the three “Toxic” texts you should never send your ex, and what to do if you already acted like a “Text Terrorist” when you broke up.

If you’ve gone over the “Text Your Ex Back Roadmap”, you already know about the 30 day “No Contact Rule.” This is one of the hardest parts of the txb program, but it’s 100% vital to you getting your ex back. (The “No Contact” period starts from when you begin the program, not from the last time you saw your ex. Sucks, huh?) Like I said, it’s really hard but really powerful.

You need to take at least 30 days off to let things cool down, to give the initial sting of the breakup time to soften, to give her time to miss you, to take control of the relationship and (most importantly) to let that raw, horrible yearning you’re feeling right now abate.

Unfortunately, most folks don’t take any time off. They grab their cell phone the moment the “corpse” of their relationship is cold and send one (or all) of these “Toxic” texts that make it really hard to create a new, fantastic relationship with a woman.

Quick Note: If you’ve sent any of these texts, don’t feel bad or get discouraged. They’re natural responses, and anyone who has gone through a serious breakup knows exactly how easy it is to fall into the “if only I say this, she’ll come back” trap.

As much as we want to believe it, there is no “magic word” that will fix everything and erase all the pain and hardship that you and your ex have gone through. Breakups are hard, and healing them is even harder…

The Text Your Ex Back system is popular not because it’s easy – if fixing relationships was easy, there’d be no need for systems like this – it’s popular because it works. And if you’re serious about getting her back, you have to be willing to work. To be patient and follow the system.

And, as thousands of people who have used Text Your Ex Back can tell you, the rewards are worth the effort.

Alright, enough preamble. Let’s get to the “Toxic Texts” you should never send.

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“I’m SORRY! I’m SO SORRY! I know I messed up! I can change. Just give me one more chance. I’ll do

anything! I can’t live without you!”

If you’re like a lot of guys, the first text you sent to your ex was like this.

Begging to be taken back, taking 100% of the responsibility for the break-up, and trying to “pity” your ex into coming back.

Which will never work. Ever.

Why this Text is Toxic

Begging is insanely unattractive.

When you send “whipped puppy” texts, your ex might feel a number of things – guilt, frustration, pity, even petty satisfaction – but emotional attraction is not one of them.

If the breakup wasn’t your fault, you’re only hurting yourself with this text. You may have made the decision to break up because of something she did, but now you’re taking the blame for the whole situation. And if you do that, you’re changing the entire dynamic of your relationship – and “what you had” can never be yours again.

Even if the break up was your fault, the “whipped puppy” text is not a foundation to rebuild a relationship on. Because even if she did take you back after getting a text like this, you’d be in “the doghouse” for so long that you wouldn’t even have a relationship.

This text isn’t going to fix anything. It humiliates you, it turns her off, and it strips away your identity in the relationship.

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“You made me do it, you bitch! Who are you with right now? I hate you so much

for leaving me. You suck!!”

This one is really common after a couple drinks or if you’ve had a really tough day.

Just like sadness, anger is a very natural feeling to have after you’ve lost something you want, particularly something as important as your relationship. The idea of your woman with someone else can be overwhelming, and it’s normal to want to release that anxiety as anger.

Why this Text is Toxic

Most people (men and women) don’t love being attacked.

If you take out your frustrations on your ex, you’re going to drive her further away. She won’t want to be around you, and every angry or hurtful thing that you say is going to make her more and more sure that you’re not a person she wants to be with.

Jealousy, like anger, is a huge turn-off for women. If you’re constantly texting her trying to find out who she’s with – or even implying that she’s with another man – you’re painting a vivid, negative picture of yourself in her mind: the insecure, possessive ex.

It’s normal to stress over the idea of your woman with another guy – hell, it can be impossible not to think about it, like trying to stop humming a song that’s stuck in your head – and it’s normal to want to know…

But you don’t need to know – and texting her about it isn’t going to help you in any case. It won’t bring her back, and it won’t make you feel any better.

When you feel the urge to send a jealous or angry text, you have to take a time-out. Do some deep breathing and accept that you’re not doing yourself any favors. Distract yourself: call a few friends over, catch a movie, play some Xbox, anything to keep your mind occupied.

No matter what you decide to do, do not send that text. It can only make things worse.

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3. THE “WHY???”

“Just tell me what I did? Just tell me WHY we can’t be together anymore.

I just need an explanation. ANYTHING! WHY WON’T YOU TALK TO ME??”

Of course surprise breakups can happen – she goes out to buy groceries and just never comes home. In that situation, a curious text message is totally understandable (along with a few phone calls and a missing-persons report).

But that’s not the reason this version of the “WHY???” text gets sent. This is the pleading, heart-wrenching string of text-after-text, demanding a reason, any reason that would explain why you’re hurting so bad.

Of course, you know the reason – even if there wasn’t a specific event or fight that precipitated the breakup, you could feel it coming. Maybe you weren’t happy, maybe she wasn’t happy. Chances are, neither of you were entirely happy. In relationships that end after long stretches of unhappiness – when one of you finally decides that it’s time to walk away – it can be a shock, but it’s never really a surprise.

Why this Text is Toxic

Once again, begging isn’t sexy. This text takes all your power and attractiveness as a man away.

Just like the “Whipped Puppy”, the “WHY???” is born out of desperation, grief, and blinding pain. You’d do anything to get her back right this minute, if only you knew the magic words.

But – like I said earlier – there are no magic words. Anything you promise to do or change to get her back isn’t really you, it’s raw heartache. Under all the confusion, you already know why the relationship broke… what you really want to know is how to fix it.

And, as you know, fixing a relationship takes time and effort. Avalanches of desperate text messages are only going to make things harder to fix… maybe even impossible.

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SO WHAT TEXT SHOULD YOU SEND?Do any of these sound familiar? Have you maybe sent a few of these yourself?

Yeah, I know. A broken heart should be on the fda’s list of controlled substances. It makes people do crazy things.

So… the million-dollar question… what do you text instead?

The million-dollar answer: NOTHING.

Plain and simple, if you want to have any chance at all of getting her back in your life you have to spend a little time “cooling off.”

You have to work on yourself. Get “cool” with the breakup. You have to rebuild your self-esteem and your confidence.

And then – and only then – you start crawling your way back into her mind. Dropping little hints about what she’s missing, activating the jealousy center of her mind, and reminding her in subtle ways that you’re the only guy she’ll ever truly be happy with.

In my e-mail newsletter, we’ll talk a little more about how to plan out your comeback. We’ll touch on my “Across The Bow”, “Green Eyed Monster”, “Seduction”, and other texting techniques a bit later.

But if you want the real skinny on these techniques (and if you want to actually start the process that will have that woman crawling back into your arms and begging you never to let her go again) you should really invest in the Text Your Ex Back system while it’s still available at the discount rate.

If you haven’t watched my in-depth video explaining how Text Your Ex Back can help you, click the link below. If you have watched the video, click the link to place your order now.


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THE TEXT YOUR EX BACK GUARANTEEWill I guarantee that you’ll get your ex back using the system?


Text Your Ex Back works really well, but breakups are complicated.

Depending on why you broke up, what kind of relationship you had, and a thousand other factors unique to your situation, I can’t control whether you’ll live happily ever after or not.

You might end up like Fiona, who sent me this note after she used the program:

“Mike, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! It was SO hard to do the 30 days no

contact, but I did it. He tried to get in touch with me a few times but I

ignored him like you said and did the program. Then when I started

texting him I was in control. After my fifth text (the green eyed monster!)

he practically begged me to get coffee! We’ve been on two dates now

and it feels amazing. So much better than before. Thank you!”

Or you might end up like Robert:

“Mike, I really don’t know if I should thank you, man. I did TXB… at least

most of it. But while I was working the program I met a new girl who’s just

way hotter and just plain NICER than my ex. I don’t even think I WANT

my ex back anymore. But I never would have met this new girl without

doing what you told me to do. So thanks!”

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Or maybe you’ll end up like Kelly:

“Mike, you helped me let go of a relationship that I now realize I didn’t

really want. Thank you so much.”

So what is the Text Your Ex Back guarantee? What can I promise you?

The only thing I can guarantee is that if you grab the program and USE IT, the pain will stop.

It’s the most effective program of its kind, and even if you don’t get her back, you’ll get you back. You’ll get your confidence, your swagger, and your happiness back.

Work the steps, watch the videos, fill out the worksheets, listen to the interviews. If you’re not completely satisfied, then I don’t want your money. Just send me an e-mail and I’ll give you a full refund – no questions asked.

As I’ve said, there are no magic words or instant fixes. But with the right plan and a little time, you can get out from under this bitter cloud of pain and desperation.

You can be happy again. You deserve to be happy again.

By reading this report, you’ve already started down the right path. The next step is to click the link below and get more support from myself and the Text Your Ex Back community.

I look forward to seeing you in the members’ area.

— Michael Fiore


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EXTRASI love getting feedback from my readers. The best way to get in touch with me is on my facebook page (where, to be honest, I spend way too much time.) Drop by and say hi sometime…


(If you’re having a technical issue with one of my websites or products, please contact our awesome customer support diva Maggie any time at [email protected].)

I’ve been fortunate to be invited to appear in several television interviews, including The Rachael Ray Show. You can watch that clip and more here:


More Text Your Ex Back Resources

Text Your Ex Back Video Overview & Order Page


Text Your Ex Back Roadmap and Video Walkthrough


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Other Courses by Michael Fiore

Text the Romance Back · The 30-Day Digital Relationship Transformer


Text Your Wife Into Bed · Turning Your Wife on with the Push of a Button


Oral Fixation · Why She Hates Giving You Head & How to Get Her to Love It


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©2012 by Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, Inc. All rights reserved.

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No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by electronic or other means without prior written permission from the author. Email questions to [email protected].

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, Inc. individually or corporately, do not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting for the actions of any parties involved.