1 3 “Super Foods” That KILL Fat! Inside: The TRUTH about this once ‘Forbidden’ Fruit! Is it really bad for you? Or can it be one of the best fat burning foods you will ever eat? Shocking details inside! The amazing anti-aging oil ! In old, obese and sick people, levels of this essential oil are almost always shockingly low. But virtually anyone can naturally raise their levels and experience rapid-fat loss just by eating this one delicious food! The ancient Miracle Root proven by researches at Columbia University to incinerate calories and boost your fat-burning to its highest level, regardless of your age or fitness level!

3 “Super Foods” That KILL Fat! - The Proven Way To ... “Super Foods” That KILL Fat! ... something that loaded with fat if you are trying to lose weight? ... clock on TV, commercials

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3 “Super Foods” That KILL Fat!


The TRUTH about this once ‘Forbidden’ Fruit! Is it really bad for you? Or can it be one of the best fat burning foods you will ever eat? Shocking details inside!

The amazing anti-aging oil! In old, obese and sick people, levels of this essential

oil are almost always shockingly low. But virtually anyone can naturally raise their levels and experience rapid-fat loss just by eating this one delicious food!

The ancient Miracle Root proven by researches at Columbia University to

incinerate calories and boost your fat-burning to its highest level, regardless of your age or fitness level!


3 “Super Foods” That KILL Fat!

By Jake Hunter

Author of the top-selling online program The Original 4 Minute Abs™ Official Website: http://www.4minuteabs.com

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this report, website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your doctor, and is by no means considered professional medial advice. The information you are about to read should not be construed as any attempt to either prescribe or practice medicine. Only licensed doctors are allowed to do that. Neither should the instructions you are about to read be considered a cure for any type of acute or chronic health problem. You should always get advice from a fully licensed medical professional when making any decision regarding your health and diet. The author and/or authors of this report will use reasonable efforts to include up-to-date and accurate information, but make no representations, warranties, or assurances as to the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the information provided. The author of this report and any company distributing this report are not liable for any damages or injury resulting from your access to, or inability to access, the information in this report, or from you following any advice in this report.


My name is Jake Hunter and I’m the author of the top-selling book The Original 4 Minute Abs™ and editor of the Fit After 40™ newsletter.

When doing research for my book, I discovered several “super foods” that crank up your body’s natural ability to metabolize calories and virtually melt fat just by eating them!

Discoveries this exciting tend to go against what people have been conditioned to believe by the media, who are hell bent on making fat loss seem like a very complicated, extremely hard and in most cases an almost impossible task for the average person.

Which is simply UNTRUE. That’s why they relentlessly push every single worthless ‘fat loss’ pill, diet or exercise machine possible to capitalize on the $2 billion dollar a year weight loss industry.

Well, I’ve learned through countless fitness professionals, certified trainers, nutritionists and medical doctors – not to mention from my own trial and error and that of thousands of customers from all ages and all walks of life – that attaining great health, a fit body and a state of wellness isn’t a pie in the sky goal.

Every person deserves to feel as vibrant, young and healthy as possible – and they can do it using natural, delicious and filling foods that have ‘healing’ properties along with short, specific exercise methods that train the body to respond in the correct way.

I’ve dedicated my life to teaching these methods and as I learn more, I will teach those as well. Fitness, health and well-being is not a one-stop destination – it is an ongoing journey for everyone, and I am grateful you are on board with the rest of us who want to feel and look the best we possibly can!

In this report I’m going to go over my three favorite ‘super foods’ and tell you the reasons why they work so well, in an easy to understand way.

Let’s begin. The first ‘super food’ I want to talk about is…


Super Food #1: Avocados

If you are like most people, when you think of an avocado the first thing that comes to your mind is WHOA – those are high in fat!

You’re not alone. In fact, not that long ago dieticians had a nickname for this fruit… they called it the “butter pear” because one medium sized avocado contained nearly 25 grams of fat!

Now, why on earth would you want to eat something that loaded with fat if you are trying to lose weight?

Well for starters, there is no reason to be afraid of eating fats — just as long as they're the RIGHT fats! This is another media myth that skyrocketed in the 1980’s, with the introduction of fat-free everything and the incessant claims that ‘eating fat makes you fat’ was heard ‘round the clock on TV, commercials and on the radio. (Interesting how heart disease increased dramatically at the same time ‘low fat’ everything was being pushed onto the public…)

Yes, there are BAD fats (trans fats and hydrogenated fats) which are stuffed into processed and packaged foods. Those have been shown over and over again to not only be detrimental to your health but to also cause the body to gain and store fat. However, there are also GOOD fats which actually work with the body’s natural metabolic processes, aid in cellular health and believe it or not, actually keep you from getting fat.

For example, Oleic acid, a compound in avocados' healthy monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) can help you lose weight by altering the way your body uses sugar. In addition to that, avocados also contain a very unique and weight-loss friendly carbohydrate called mannoheptulose that has been shown to lower insulin secretion.

Now to understand what ‘lowering your insulin secretion’ means in terms of losing fat, we need to take a quick look at something called insulin resistance and why it’s the underlying cause of obesity.

In plain English: Your body uses the hormone insulin to pull sugar from your blood and into you cells so it can be used for energy. But, too much insulin


secreted over prolonged periods of time can cause your cells to not respond anymore (or become resistant.) When the cells in your body become resistant to insulin, you end up storing that sugar that should have been used for energy into fat. But with avocados, the high content of “healthy” fats and the presence of mannoheptulose can put the breaks on this problem and help you lose weight much quicker!

But as with anything – don’t go overboard. Remember, fat has twice the amount of calories of protein or carbs, so stick to a quarter or a half of an avocado. You can eat it by itself, use it as a salad ingredient or put it on your sandwich.

FREE RECEIPE! If you are into dips, a great way to get your fix of avocado is by making homemade guacamole. I got this recipe courtesy of Alton Brown at the Food

Network (http://www.foodnetwork.com):

Homemade Guacamole

3 Haas avocados, halved, seeded and peeled

1 lime, juiced

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

1/2 teaspoon cayenne

1/2 medium onion, diced

1/2 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced

2 Roma tomatoes, seeded and diced

1 tablespoon chopped cilantro

1 clove garlic, minced

Directions: In a large bowl place the scooped avocado pulp and lime juice, toss to coat. Drain, and reserve the lime juice, after all of the avocados have been coated. Using a potato masher add the salt, cumin, and cayenne and mash. Then, fold in the onions, jalapeno, tomatoes, cilantro, and garlic. Add 1 tablespoon of the reserved lime juice. Let sit at room temperature for 1 hour and then serve.


Super Food #2: Wild-Caught Salmon

Up your intake of fresh wild-caught salmon; it's a leaner choice than red meat and is chock-full of Omega 3 essential fats, EPA and DHA.

So what does this have to do with burning fat? Well, there are actually 3 reasons:

REASON #1: The Omega-3 fats in salmon allow your body to burn fat as fuel, even when your metabolism’s fat-burning ‘switch’ is turned off. This happens when you eat a meal that really high in carbs or – believe it or not – after a crazy intense workout.

REASON #2: Omega-3s really turn the dial on insulin sensitivity. The more sensitive you are to insulin, the less insulin you are going to produce after a meal. The less insulin produced after you eat means the less fat you are going to store.

REASON #3: Omega-3s accelerate the removal of adipose tissue (fat) and again, help lower insulin levels – which greatly improves your ability to burn fat quickly and efficiently.

But there IS a catch… some of you may have caught it just in the description. And that is that all salmon isn’t created equal. By that I mean if you want the most benefits of this “super food” – you’re going to have to spend the little bit of extra money and buy only wild-caught salmon.

Not only does wild caught taste SO much better (less fishy taste) but it is also not loaded with pesticides, dyes, mercury and antibiotics like farm-raised salmon is – making it a much healthier choice.

But biggest and most crucial benefit to eating wild-caught salmon verses to farmed salmon is wild-caught salmon is simply loaded with Omega-3s that support weight loss, heart health and metal clarity.

If you don’t have access to wild-caught salmon where you live, you can order it online by going to http://www.VitalChoice.com. These guys have the absolute best tasting wild-caught fish you will ever eat! Not to mention their salmon seasoning is off the charts! My 6-year-old finicky daughter actually


likes it and calls it one of her favorite foods… so for those of you with small kids, that tells you something!

Give Vital Choice a try and you will not be disappointed. They have a lot of interesting documentation about their fish and quality control methods. By the way… I have ZERO financial interest in recommending this company and I don’t get a single dime from them. I just love the quality of the products they offer and am a regular customer of theirs.


One of my favorite salmon dishes is old-fashioned grilled cedar plank salmon. Not only does this method take away in my opinion 99% of the natural “fishy” taste of salmon, but it’s also quick and easy!

All you need is nice piece of wild-caught salmon (I like Vital Choice’s 6oz King Salmon), a grill (I like wood natural charcoal), a cedar plank (you can

order them on Amazon) and salmon seasonings (I like Vital Choice’s salmon seasoning.)

Step 1: About 3 hours before you plan on grilling, soak your cedar planks in water. In other words, let them sit underwater for a few hours.

Step 2: Take the fish out of the package and run it under cold water for 10-20 seconds.

Step 3: Fire up the grill and let it get to around 400 degrees. Full disclosure: I’m not a chef, but I found cooking salmon at this temperature on the grill gives me a juicy, not slimy, salmon filet when it done.

Step 4: Take the planks out of the water and put the salmon filets on them. After you do that, coat the top of the fish with the juice of a fresh lemon followed by the salmon seasoning.

Step 5: Stick the cedar plank with the fish on it in the grill and close the lid, being careful you keep the temperature around 400 the whole time. Depending on how well-done you like it, you will grill the fish for 15-30 minutes. I like my fish a little more on the dry side, so I end up keeping in there for around 25 minutes. A good way to tell if it’s done is when the edges are brown and the fish will flake off easily with a fork.


Super Food #3: GINGER

Used since ancient times to help relieve upset stomach and digestive problems, consuming ginger can also aid in reducing inflammation, increase blood flow to muscles and even help alleviate chronic pain. Numerous studies also point to the effect ginger has on helping your body shed unwanted fat.

In fact, Nutritionists at Columbia University published a study in Metabolism that showed including ginger in your morning meal could help curb hunger and play a role in overall weight management. The researchers found approximately 43 more calories were burned after eating ginger (due to the thermic effect of food), as well as other measures.

Now, 43 calories may not seem like such a big deal, but just think if you did this for a week. That would save you over 300 calories in just 7 days. Now that’s certainly not enough calories to see a drastic reduction in weight. But by adding this simple trick to your daily routine will allow you to enjoy a couple slices of pizza or juicy cheeseburger without increasing your total calories for the week.

FREE Recipe!

Unfortunately, I don’t have any interesting recipes for ginger other than what I do. The problem is how I get my ginger fix isn’t necessarily something you may want to follow.

Let me explain… I’m not fan of vegetables. In fact, through my 20’s all the way up to my later 30’s I barely even ate them. Not good, considering the amazing health, longevity and anti-aging benefits vegetables provide the body. But, better late than never – and I decided it was time to up my intake of vegetables each day, so I concocted a drink I make each morning in my Vita-Mix blender that includes Kale, Cucumber, Carrot and little piece of fresh ginger (too spicy for me to put a lot in there).


The recipe is really easy and actually not exact at all: In your high-speed blender just throw a peeled whole cucumber, a whole carrot, two big fistfuls of kale and cube of ginger about the size of a thumbnail and blend. In about 15 seconds you will have a dark green “smoothie.”

Now I admit… this shake tastes anything but good. It actually took me a few days to be able to get it down with making a funny face. But I’ll you what: I’m glad I did. Even though its tastes pretty lousy, the instant surge of energy I get immediately after I drink it cannot even be described in words.

Needless to say, I do this every day and will probably do so for the rest of my life. Anyway, that’s how I get my ginger fix. If a swamp-green vegetable smoothie isn’t your thing, you always get your dose of ginger through teas or put into recipes that are available online.

So there you have it – The 3 “Super Foods” That KILL Fat!

I hope you enjoyed reading this report as much as I did writing it.

Before I wrap this up, I wanted to let you know that if you are interested in more cutting-edge weight loss strategies, new anti-aging breakthroughs and health and wellness secrets proven to work for hundreds of thousands of people (who certainly feel and look much younger than you’d ever imagine, without surgery!) make sure you check your inbox for your newest issue of your Fit After 40 newsletter.

Each and every issue will be jam-packed with real and actionable tips that have helped scores of people around the country build their best body ever at age 40+, without fad diets, starving themselves or long, grueling hours in the gym.

Believe me… you will NOT be disappointed!

Take care,

Jake Hunter http://www.4minuteabs.com