3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

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Page 1: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

Brought to you by FULLY BOOKED TRADIES






Page 2: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer



2. INTRODUCTION – What This Report Is

And How It Will Help You

3. Why You Should Follow Up Your Potential


4. METHOD 1 – The Humble Text Message

5. METHOD 2 – Quick And Easy Emails

6. METHOD 3 – Going Out School, Letterbox



Page 3: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

Who is Eve John? How I can help you

Eve John is a tradies wife , mum of two kids, #1 Best Selling author and a multi awarded business women who has a passion for helping trade businesses grow through highly effective but simple to implement, marketing and sales systems. Whilst launching a range of trade products, now available world-wide, she spoke to hundreds of Australian tradies about their business and the problems they face. Eve has been able to solve the biggest issue many trade business owners have, converting quotes to sales and has successfully helped to grow her clients businesses. Her Australian innovation awarded system Fully Booked Tradie Quote Conversion System is helping Australian tradies make more money in their business. Unlike some marketers, who want you to spend all of your time online, making social media memes and having to learn about Google and other technologies, Eve creates a marketing and sales system that requires only minimal effort, as 90% of the work is already done. This paint by numbers systems is so easy to implement a first year apprentice can do it. She believes that if you have the right systems in place, follow an easy plan and are focused on your customers, there is no reason that you can’t grow your business no matter what trade or the location you are in. Eve has contributed too many magazines including, Australian Plumbing The Tradie, Plumbing Connection and Iron Man and herself and her businesses have been featured in The Sydney Morning Herald, Start Up Smart, Cosmopolitan and Woman’s Day.

Eve a regular at events and workshops At the launch of the trade products Meeting the infamous Arnie

Page 4: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

The first question I always get asked when people find out that I am a marketing strategist for tradies is ‘How can I follow up my potential clients without having to constantly call them and think that I am desperate?’

I know that many trade business owners do a quote for a job and then tend to hope for the best when it comes to winning the work.

It is really challenging to know when to follow up and what to say, especially with bigger jobs that can take a while for people to decide on making the investment.

You don’t want to spend time constantly on the phone following them up and you don’t want to make them avoiding your calls because you are coming a stalker, seemly desperate to get the work.

So like most trade business owners, you don’t actually follow up at all.

But would it surprise you to know that 50% of businesses have given up on the sale after one contact with a customer?

Or that 65% of your competitors have given up after a second contact with the customer.

Astonishingly, 89.8% of them have given up after only the forth contact with the customer.

Yes, nearly 90% of your competitors have given up on a customer after four contacts.


A customer will only buy from you when they feel like they can KNOW, LIKE & TRUST YOU

All the time that you put into going out and doing the quote, PLUS the potential revenue that you would have received from doing the work, all wasted because you didn’t follow up.

Well, the good news is it doesn’t have to be that way.

I am going to reveal to you 3 ways that you can follow up with you potential clients, that are simple, effective and quick to do, once you have them in place!

Let’s get started…

Page 5: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

Going out quoting

jobs is one of the

most expensive yet

important part of any

trade business but

converting those

quotes into sales

and jobs has been

hard, until now…

Page 6: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

It is a simple matter of changing from being an annoying pest to a helpful guest

by providing the potential client with information that they can use to help

them make the right decision for them.

Whilst also following them up and staying in continuous contact.

Making the logical decision of working with a business that they feel they know

more about and therefore can trust…


Page 7: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

So What Are The

3 Simple Methods?

Follow Up Method 1 –

The Humble Text Message

Follow Up Method 2 –

A Quick and Easy Email

Follow Up Method 3 –

Going Old School,

The Letter Box

Page 8: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

Follow Up Method 1 – The Humble Text Message

This is what my clients use when they are dropping off a quote.

Something really simple like this.

Clever isn’t it.

And we use it for three reasons;

1- They will look out for the quote whether in their email or letter box

2 - You have made another contact, which is more than 50% of your competitors have

3 - They will have your number on their phones already and won’t have to go and look for it

Go ahead, try it.

Just make the changes you need including, whether you are dropping off or emailing and make a note in your diary so that you do follow up with a call in three days, they will be expecting it.

Page 9: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

Follow Up Method 2 – A Quick and Easy Email

Now you don’t have to be a computer wiz to implement this.

It really is just a matter of cutting and pasting in some previously prepared information to the client.

I encourage my clients to use;

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer questions that potential customers may have AND use opportunity to sell yourself. You can have them as simple text or set up as an attachment.

Links to article that is relevant to what they client is interested in using your services for. Say for electricians it could be a reminder to check your smoke detectors, plumbers is might be about cleaning your heater before Winter to reduce the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Links to short videos. These could include before’s and after’s, videos of your FAQ’s, you demonstrating how to do some simple activities, or a video montage of photographs of your work. Using this you can get a double bite of the cherry as you can use it on your website, Facebook and YouTube. And because Google loves video it can help you rank higher in the search engines

Page 10: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

“ In the Secret Life of

Harry Houdini he

said of the secret to

success “Get good

at a few things then

get REALLY good at

marketing those few


Page 11: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

Follow Up Method 3 – Going Old School, The Mail Box

You have to admit, you hardly ever get anything in the post anymore.

Most letter boxes are uncluttered and you would be lucky to get 3 things a day and most of that would be bills that they charge you $2.50 for to send it to you.

So why not send something in the post, no one else is and that is an opportunity for you.

And although post stamps have gone up by 30c to $1 it is highly unlikely that you are going to be spending thousands on postage.

Frankly you should be willing to pay a dollar to get a client anyway!

You have already gone to the trouble of doing the quote, you may as well win the job and make some money!

Page 12: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

Here is a list of things that you can send to your

clients in the post: • A list of Frequently Asked Questions

• A photo of a project that you have just finished working on with a note

• A page of testimonials from your happy clients

• An article that has been written about you

• Your current newsletter

• A ‘Thank You’ card

• Postcard

• A lumpy mail letter (some information for them to read that has something else inside the envelope, like a tea bag)

Page 13: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

Thank You Card



FAQ Sheet Testimonial Sheet Article About You

Lumpy Mail Letter

Page 14: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

***PRO TIP***

Always send a handwritten envelope and a real stamp.

Most of us sort our mail over the bin and we will always open first what has more of a personal touch to it.

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Use each method once, add in 2 phone calls and you are ahead of your

competitors. Your client feels like they know you and you have become a

trusted source of information for them, all without being a pain in the behind

Page 16: 3 SIMPLE METHODS TO FOLLOW UP POTENTIAL CLIENTS, … · information to the client. I encourage my clients to use; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), with the answers. You get to answer

So now that you can see the full potential of

following up with out being a sleazy

salesman, here is your NEXT STEP

I know that some of you are looking for help right now so that you can apply a

better strategy for your business so, that you make more sales on your quotes

and stop wasting times doing quotes the ones you won’t win.

Let’s schedule an Profit Pipeline Audit to fill the gaps in your quote to sales


In this session we will fill the gaps in your quote to sales methods. Not only is

this valuable session FREE, it’ll be done over the phone so it doesn’t interrupt

your busy schedule.

In this session I’ll give you at least 3 marketing secrets that’ll BOOST the

responses of your customers to your quotes!

You’ll discover…

• The easiest types of follow ups YOU can automatically implement into your


• The 3 things to do to get your quotes at the top of the pile

• How to double or triple the responses you get from your quote

• Why quotes you hand out should ask for a response and how to quickly

build a relationship with your potential customers so they want to buy from


***As I am busy helping my paying clients,

I only have 5 available spots per month.

If you are not in the first 5, you will have to wait until the next month***


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There are no strings attached, no hidden agenda on my behalf.

I want to sincerely help you to increase your profits by employing street-

savvy marketing techniques.

So why would I just give you this valuable information?

Why give up 20 minutes of my time to help you make more money?

Well that’s an easy one to answer. I’m betting that once you see the power

and moneymaking potential of how you can now do quotes, you’ll want to

know more. You may even want me on board to improve your quoting

systems so you can turn more of your quotes into paying customers. So I’m

more than happy to give away 20 minutes of my time, because I know

many people will be so impressed with their results they’ll want more.

And remember, there are absolutely no conditions to this valuable offer. If I

improve your quoting systems and you make a heap more money and then

you don’t want me to do anything else, so be it! That’s your choice and

there’ll be no hard feelings on my behalf.

So, now your next step is easy…

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely

[email protected]

041 2255 810


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10 Word Email Template BONUS SECTION

Missed out on a stack of work because you ran out of time to follow up? Here is an 11 word email that can help you get back some of that work. I learnt this from the world leading marketing master Joe Polish. I used this back in November 2014 and it brought in $6,000 worth of business. Since then, I have had my clients using it.

Now I want you to use it too.

Here it is: Subject Line: <Their name>

Hi <insert prospects name>,

Still looking at getting your <INSERT THE SERVICE YOU QUOTED - bathroom, renovation, plastering, plumbing, electrical, fence> done?

<insert your first name>

Simple isn’t it.

10 Word Email Template Explained: You may be looking at the above email and thinking: “There’s no way that could work” “My client’s won’t respond to that” “People will think its spam”

These are NOT true.

And you know what, you will get people that will respond with a simple ‘NO’ but you just might have several that say ‘YES, I was just thinking about that’

So go try it.

It costs you nothing but 5 minutes to cut and paste it, add a name, email address and press send.

You have already put in the time to go out and quote the job!

Send it out and let me know how it goes.
