AUTUMN2011 119 Magazine exclusively for Camping Cheque Gold Card holders Come aboard for an unforgettable adventure take the highway to North Cape Make the most of the campsites opened during winter and get immersed into the traditional feasts of St Nicolas, Christmas and Epiphany in the four corners of Europe. Voyage in the Land of Volcanoes in a region of earth and fire D ESTINATION : A UVERGNE I N D EPTH : E ND - OF - YEAR FESTIVITIES T OUR OF N ORWAY – S WEDEN Camping Cheque : Smartphone Application Launch

3 Seasons Autumn 2011

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Camping Cheque en 3 Seasons Automn 2011

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Page 1: 3 Seasons Autumn 2011





9 Magazine exclusively for Camping Cheque Gold Card holders

Come aboard for an unforgettable adventure take the highway to North Cape

Make the most of the campsites opened duringwinter and get immersed into the traditional

feasts of St Nicolas, Christmasand Epiphany

in the four corners of Europe.

Voyage in the Land of Volcanoes in a region of earth and fire




Camping Cheque : Smartphone Application Launch

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Page 2: 3 Seasons Autumn 2011

CIRCUITIndian summer in the land ofthe midnight sunCountries of endless wilderness whereman has grown respecting the majesticnature: Sweden and Norway stretch over 14 million square km. This huge territoryis divided into a multitude of amazinglandscapes that send an invitation tocontemplation. In the North, in the lesspopulated area, awaits the North Cape:the Grail of the traveller, with its arcticlandscapes bathed in a surreal light. However, the Grail is only the ultimatereward of a journey already rich in pleasures.3 Seasons invites you to ride in ourfootsteps and attempt the adventure witha journey to the edge of northern Europe.

DESTINATIONAuvergne, soil of water and fire Those of us whose work requires traveling thousands of miles agree: Motorwaysare a wonderful invention. However, if they enable us to link two places far apartin just a few hours, it is sometimes at the detriment of the regions situated on thejourney. Thus, in seeking to reach the Mediterranean coast, one often merelydiscover the Auvergne as we observe a landscape from a train at high speed.And this is a shame. It is necessary to know how to leave the main roads and fromthe onslaught of this piece of France that modernity just travels through, withoutstopping. A region which, as an "old piece of furniture banished in a mansard, waspermeated with the smell of the attic, old time, and dream of smoke" as the writerAlexander.Vialatte1 described Auvergne.

SPECIAL REPORTJingle Bells...It is in December and January,when the days grow shorter,that Europe lights up withdecorations during the holidayseason. Christmas for some,St Nicolas or Epiphany forothers, from December 6 toJanuary 6, traditional festivalsenliven the calendar throughoutthe continent. The opportunityto take the motorhome out ofits over wintering to go andtaste the sweet pleasures ofGerman Christmas markets or tocelebrate the Epiphany on theshores of the Costa del Sol.3 Seasons offers an overview ofthe festivities and recommendsome places to stay.

Editorial 3Letters from our readers 4Important Datesin 2011 5Infos

Infos Campings 6Well-being 15Event

Wereldhavendagen 20Destination

L’Auvergne 22Circuit

Cap Nord 26City Break

Toulouse 32My campingcheque.com 38Smartphone Application 39Special Report

Jingle Bells... 40Rally Morocco 46Gold Card

Special Offers Leisures 48User guide 51Zoom

La Fage 18Camping de Wildhoeve 19Kawan Village Les Alizés 36Monte Holiday 37

3 Seasons n°119 - 2



40© visitdenmark.com / Cees van Roeden© Frithjof Fure / www.visitnorway.com

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It was better before… Not long ago, as I was taking a stepnearer to my 40th, I answered to some girl friend of mine, surprised by my age, thatwhat is important is to be young at heart. I think that I stopped counting the yearsafter university as I always felt like a teenager. At some point I felt surprised to be called“Mister” by young people who never saw “Raiders of the lost Ark” at the movie theatre.According to the chameleon technique, I always followed the fashion trend of theyoungest generations by playing video games with my niece or by following them atthe cinema to see the last opus of Harry Potter. But finally, age catch you up.

When my niece asked me if Strawberry Fields was the music of the advertisement ofa mobile operator, I could not contain a shriek before teaching her (as pedagogicallyand boringly as possible as I saw her face) who were The Beatles.

As I was trying to point out my explanation by « we have never made anything as wellas they did », I realized that I was almost turning 40 and that I was made for listeningthe Rolling Stones or David Bowie but not Rihanna or Lady Gaga. As I am trying toteach to my nieces that we have never made something better than Vertigo, from Al-fred Hitchcock or Sergeant Pepper, I have to admit that in some other cases; nostalgiahelps me defend other things. Those who have recently seen the achievement of thesportsmen of their younger years know what I mean. Compared to our actual athletes,the France-Brazil match of 1984, who made us dream at the time, is now closer to afriendly match between two district teams after a rough night on the 14th of July.

Regarding this subject the Camping Cheque network is always aiming to improve, just like the excellent restaurants, to which wededicate an article in this issue. With our coordinators, who travel all over Europe in order to supplement the guide 2012 with newaddresses, there is no chance for you to say « It was better before ».

Thomas Lambelin I Editor-in-Chief

In the same spirit, if I have

fantastic memories of my

camping vacations when I

was 10, I have to admit that

today’s campsite are a lot

more comfortable.

Camping Cheque Europe16 route de Louhans71330 Simard - FranceTéléphone : 0825 740 730 in France,00 333 59 59 03 59 outside France.Fax : +33 3 85 72 29 [email protected]

DirectorshipPresident : Simon Gil

Editorial StaffEditor-in-Chief:Thomas LambelinWriters and Translators:Jutta Wagner, Mattie Dijkstra, Camilla Dvinge, Stina Brandt Larsen, Camilla Bøggild, StephanSaint Martin, Emmanuelle Poughon,Hortense Grignac, Julie DucretGraphic Design:Nina Dutronc Auberger, SéverineLéglise, Rachel Ritter

Campsites Relations:Mattie Dijkstra (Benelux), EmmanuellePoughon (Spain - Portugal), ThierryAuvachey (Germany - Austria - Turkey), Grégory Derain (France),Jonathan Hopkins United Kingdom), Guy Boully (Italie - Switzerland - Greece - Scandinavia- Eastern Europe).

Distribution - Produc-tion - PublicationsDirector of Publications:Karim ZaïdiDistribution and Publicity:Julie Ducret, Anissa Mabed

Customer RelationsCustomer Relations:Michel SidotiGold Card Developer:Stephan Saint Martin

Camping Cheque UKSpelmonden Old OastGoudhurstKentTN17 1HETel. 01580 214 002Fax. 01580 214 [email protected]

Acknowledgements: CRT Auvergne, www.visitnorway.com,www.visitsweden.com, ww.visit-denmark.com, CDT de la Somme,Office de Tourisme de la ville deToulouse, DZT Images – Office deTourisme Allemand, CDT Alsace.

Cover:© Terje Rakke/Nordiclife/www.visitnorway.com











© Comité Régional de Développement Touristique d'Auvergne / MARTIN-Sébastien

Winter Magazine will

be edited in January

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Would you like to share stories of your experience using Camping Cheques? Or share anecdotes about

your holidays spent at one of the network's campsites? Do you have a comment about 3 Seasons Magazine?

Do you have a question to ask, or would you like to solicit advice of some kind? 3 Seasons is listening.

Send us your letters, all will be read, and some will be published.

SAS KAWAN GROUP3 Seasons / Courrier des lecteurs16 , rou te de Louhans71330 Simard - [email protected]

3 Seasons n°119 - 4

Send your letters to:


”How does it work with theloyalty points? How are theycredited and how is it possibleto use them? ”

3 Seasons / Camping Cheque answerWhen you pay with your Gold Card, loyaltypoints are automatically credited: 1 campingcheque = 1 point. You also benefit frombonuses: 6=7 and 11 = 14! For 6 cheques used,you will receive 7 loyalty points and for 11cheques used, you will receive 14 points!You can check your loyalty point balance whenyou get connected to your Gold Card accounton the Internet site campingcheque.comThen you have the possibility:- To transform your loyalty points onto reduc-tion for your next Gold Card subscription, andeven a free renewal of your subscription with70 points. - To “buy” some items in the Camping Chequestore, available on our Website.- To benefit from 1 free camping cheque with50 points. You can contact directly the CustomerRelation Department at the following number00 333 59 59 03 59.

Some campsites have askedme to pay a deposit when Ibooked a pitch. As a Gold Cardholder, and as such an electro-nic cheques user, I must paymy deposit with papercheques. This solution is notvery convenient and this doesnot give me the right numberof loyalty points I shouldreceive.

3 Seasons / Camping Cheque answerIn 2012, you will be allowed to pay yourdeposits with electronic camping cheques. Asa matter of fact, a simple programme will allowthe campsites to debit your Gold Card, from adistance and with your agreement, of thenumber of camping cheque necessary to paythe deposit. The loyalty points will be thencredited to your fidelity account.

”We have been using CampingCheque for several years now.We travel sometimes with ourgrandson and we pay directlythe extra charge to the campsite.However, is it possible to knowthe extra fees before leaving?”

3 Seasons / Camping Cheque answerNext year, on campingcheque.com, you willfind a price list of the entire campsite’s net-work. High season prices, extra person fees orother options proposed by the campsites willbe indicated on this page.

© auremar - Fot


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12 – 21 August MalagaFeria of Malagaprocessions, costumes, exotic kitchen orfireworks will be part of the programmeof these few days of the Feria. www.feria-de-malaga.es

24 August BuñolThe TomatinaA battle for big kids with 25 tonnes oftomatoes in the streets of Buñol, only40 kilometres from Valencia. www.latomatina.org

26 – 28 August ReadingReading Festival The oldest festival of pop music in theworld since 1961. Rock atmosphereguaranteed.www.readingfestival.com

28 August SpaBelgium Formula 1 Grand PrixThe racing circuit of Spa Francorchampsis one of the most famous of the Formula1 season.www.fia.com

31 – August – 11 septembre ParisJazz in La Villette10 days of concerts of jazz, funk andblues in the city of La Villette www.citedelamusique.fr

1st September AmalfiThe Byzantine New Year’s EveParades, medieval tournaments andcostumed shows to celebrate theByzantine New Year’s [email protected]

2 – 11 September DeauvilleFestival of the American cinemaA European look on the American cinemawith films projections and maybe achance to meet a star in the corner of astreet or jogging on the beach. www.festival-deauville.com

4 September VenetiaRegata StoricaAn old tradition of 500 years: dozens ofgondolas, on which Venetian peoplewith medieval costumes jump into a racein the city canals.

11 September MonzaItaly Formula 1 Grand Prix In Monza, at Ferrari’s home, the GrandPrix atmosphere is not exactly the sameas in other Grand Prix.www.monzanet.it

17 September – 3 October MunichOktoberfestThe Munich event, its famous Beer feast.www.muenchen.de

7 – 15 October Budapest Autumn FestivalEvery art is represented during this weekof festival: dance, music, exhibitions… www.festivalcity.hu

19 October – 21 November NormandyAutumn Festival in NormandyA large choice of concerts, shows,exhibitions dispatched all over the regionduring one month.www.automne-en-normandie.com

2 – 6 November LausanneFestival de jazz, Jazzonze+Little brother of the prestigiousMontreux Festival, this festival gathersfamous artists coming from all over theworld. www.jazzonzeplus.ch

6 November London – BrightonVeteran Car RunAn amazing race with vehicles datingfrom before 1905, worthy of the film ofBlake Edwards “The Great Race”. www.veterancarrun.com

8 – 11 December LyonFête des Lumières (Festival ofLights)Three days of night festivities withwonderful lighting effects which light upthe beautiful city of Lyon.www.fetedeslumieres.lyon.fr

In our calendar you'll find a selection of the events

that will be livening up 2011 in Europe, not far

from Camping Cheque campsites.

I m p o r t a n t D AT E S f o r 2 0 1 1

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I N F O S C a m p s i t e s

© www.visitdenmark.com - Nicolai Perjesi

This program of 4 days and 3 nights will allow one free day and oneday with a guided tour of the city of Copenhagen (coach excursion withthe visit of some of the most famous site of the town: The castle ofAmalienborg, the Little Mermaid, etc. and the visit of the harbour by boat).All of this supplemented by a welcome drink and a tea time moment(cake / coffee) on the campsite.

Three dates have been planned already (20th-23rd of October 2011, 19th-22nd

of April and 24th-27th of May 2012), you can choose to join this program inthe fall or in the spring. The price per person (for a 2-person crew) is 1950 DKK(nights included). For futher information, to get the detailed program or tobook your participation,you can get in touch with  [email protected]

EIf you compare it to Paris, London, Rome or Madrid, Copenhagen iscertainly not the most prestigious of the European capitals. Discret justlike the rest of its country, it is however a very beautiful town, rich ofcultural visits and of many parks and garden that invite you to wander.The Absalon campsite (p. 369 of 2011 Site Directory)sets up a programof various visits in this lovely city starting this autumn.

Absalon Campsite – Copenhagen (DK)

A stay in the Danish capital

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As a result of its location in northern continental Europe,we would sometimes tend to see Denmark as a peninsulaprolonging the German territory towards the sea It would bewrong. This small country (43,000 km2) has a culture of its veryown, looking more to its neighbors Sweden and Norway thantowards the south. Fully determined to show you the differentfaces of their country, several campsites in the network haveset up a rally of one week across the country.


In Autumn, come and discover Denmark


Camping Nordsø

This tour will take you through someof the most beautiful parts of thecountry: Jutland, Funen Island andeven Seeland. Your visits will beshared between unaccompanied visits(do not miss Odense, the birthplaceof HC Andersen) and guided tours.In Copenhagen, you will appreciatein particular a bus tour the mostbeautiful sites of the Danish capital,such as the Amalienborg Castle andthe Little Mermaid and a harbor tourby boat with English speaking guide.In your footsteps, you will be greetedby campsites Mitte (p. 374 of theguide 2011), Nordsø (p. 356), Bøsøre(p. 365) and Absalon (p. 369). Accordingto the program you will have theopportunity to enjoy a dinner, awelcome or departure drink, and

above all, enjoy excellent facilities(indoor pool area, sauna, spa, etc.)..If Denmark does not have the naturalattractions of its two great neighborsto the north, it hides in the heart ofbucolic landscapes where thousandsof miles of bike paths roam, manytreasures your guide will unwrap foryou in this circuit .

The fee for this rally is € 495 for two.It includes six nights, a guide (Englishand Danish) the entire time, the drinkson welcome and departure, a visit toCopenhagen (bus and boat), lunch inCopenhagen or dinner. Three dates areavailable: from 16th to 21st of October2011 (registration deadline September15th, 2011), from 15th to 20th of April2012 (registration no later than March15th, 2012) and 20th to 25th of May 2012

(registration no later than April 20th,

2012). To register or obtain a detailedprogram: [email protected].

Odense, the bir

th city of

HC Andersen

© www.visitdenmark.com - Roland Jung

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3 Seasons n°119 - 8

Kawan Village la Route Blanche – Normandie (F)

A new bar on the RoadThe Kawan Village la Route Blanche (p. 48 of guide 2011),located on the Normandy coast in Breville sur Mer, has a newbar. With a design in the colors of woodland, this bar has anatmosphere conducive to tasting a drink with friends or tomonitor the broadcasts of major sporting events on television.And to compensate for possible abuses related to the new bar,the site also has fitness equipment outdoors.

I N F O S C a m p s i t e s

Baie de Somme – Picardie (F)

The Bay of Somme, 10th Grand Site de FranceOn June 3, the Somme was awarded the classification of Grand Site de France. Aftersites as prestigious as the Pont du Gard and Mont St Michel, the Bay of Somme isthe 10th site to obtain this label.

The Grand Site de France label is a label created by the very demanding Ministry forEcology, awarded for a period of six years; it rewards the commitment of a site for therespect of the environment. So it is for "quality of management and welcoming ofthe public in accordance with the spirit of the places and a sustainable developmentapproach led for nearly 30 years," that the mixed union Somme Bay - Grand LittoralPicard has just had earned this label.

The Grand Site of the Somme Bay spreads across 17 200 hectares of land and sea with11 180 protected for their landscape value (Marquenterre classified sites, from the tipof the Cape and Hourdel Hornu). It is part of a vast area that stretches from the valleyof the Authie to that of the Bresle over nearly 70 km. White and gray dunes succeedone another with wet meadows, peat bogs, woods and water bodies that make upthe landscapes of beautiful changing colors according to time and marshes. .

To discover this site, you can stay at the Kawan Village la ferme des Aulnes (p. 33 of2011 Site Directory), Kawan Village le Val d'Authie (p. 34), Kawan Village le Ridin(p. 35) or at Val de Trie (p. 36).

© Alba Bayes

© Alba Bayes

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I N F O S C a m p s i t e s

The campsite Aiguille Creuse (p. 39 of the 2011Site Directory), located only a few kilometresaway from the famous cliffs of Etretat, hassheltered its swimming pool this winter. Thisbrand new indoor pool will be opened til the25th of September. Another reason to make youstay even more enjoyable on the campsiteideally situated for those who wish to visit theCoast of Albâtre.

L'Aiguille Creuse – Haute-Normandie (F)

A new indoor pool at theAiguille Creuse

Kawan Village le Bois Vert – Poitou-Charentes (F)

New Sanitary BlockThe campsite Le Bois Vert (p. 84 in Site Directory 2011) is now equipped with a brandnew sanitary block. This new block will be partly heated during the coldest monthsand besides family showers and baby showers, it has on offer a “special” room forcyclists. This room will be equipped with a refrigerator, a table, a micro-wave and somespace to park the bicycles.

3 Seasons n°119 - 9

ErratumLe camping Arnoutchot (p. 635 du guide2011) ne porte pas le bon numéro sur lacarte européenne Camping Cheque. Ilporte en effet le numéro 135 alors qu'ildevrait porter le numéro 635.

Le camping Beau Rivage Bellerive (p. 161du guide 2011) est mal positionné sur lacarte. Il devrait se situer à proximité deVichy alors que la carte le situe vers StNectaire.

Une erreur s'est glissée dans le guide surla page du camping DroomPark Schone-veld (p. 308 du guide 2011). L'offre GoldCard devrait mentionner : « réservationgratuite avec acompte » et non pas « ré-servation gratuite et sans acompte »comme indiqué dans le guide.

The campsite Les Terrasses Provençales(p. 224 on the guide 2011) proposesspecial offers 6=7 and 11=14, but onlyin pre-season. These offers are not validfrom 01/09 until 30/09/2011 as it wasalready indicated in the CampingCheque guide 2011.

In our last issue, we have presented thecampsite « La Petite Motte » situated inLa Grande Motte. An error has occurredin the article, the campsite does notpropose the special offer 6=7.

On the contrary of what is indicated inthe Dutch version of the guide, KawanVillage Club Lac de Bouzey, (p. 184 onthe guide 2011), proposes the specialoffer 2=3 from 01/10 until 31/12, andnot from 29/08 until 31/12.

In the document “Wellness” of our lastissue, the dates of acceptation of thecampsite Riva Bella Nature Resort &Spa are not correct (p.267 on the guide2011). Indeed, the campsite acceptsthe camping cheques from 19/01 until14/05 and from 19/09 until 19/12/2011.



Baby bath


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't Kuierpadtien – Drenthe (NL)

Opening of the High Rope Adventure Parkon the campsite ‘t KuierpadtienThe Dutch campsite, ‘t Kuierpadtien (p. 293 on the guide 2011), nestled on the banks ofa lake in the North of The Netherlands, has celebrated this year, its brand new adventurepark, called High Rope Adventure Parc. Ideal for active family vacations.

This park will delight the open-air sports lovers with several activities: climbing,Monkey Bridge, etc… Everything is set up at several metres high. With one specialattraction, the « Eagle flight », the longest zip wire of The Netherlands: 517 metres long.Sensations guaranteed, even for the most adepts of extreme sports.

Obviously, the park is declined in several difficulty levels with circuit supervised byinstructors and made for children from 4 years old.

This adventure park will complete the activity programme already proposed by thecampsite‘t Kuierpadtien: swimming-pool (indoor and outdoor), artificial ski slope,archery, mountain bike…

To get more information about the adventure park, you can contact the campsitedirectly: www.kuierpad.nl, tel.: +31 591 38 14 15

Kawan Village Camping l'Amfora – Costa Brava (ES)

New at the Amfora CampsiteThe Spanish campsite Amfora(p. 597 du guide 2011), a well-known address to theCamping Cheque customers, doesn’t cease to improve. This year, the campsitehas invested in wifi by satellite and has undertaken the renovation of its receptionand asphalting of the campsite alleys.

L'Estuaire – Poitou-Charentes (F)

Extension of theacceptation dates

The campsite l’Estuaire (p. 94 on the guide 2011),nestled in a nature environment, close to asmall harbour, has decided to extend its CampingCheque acceptation dates to welcome you duringall summer. No need to wait until August, 20th,you can now visit this campsite and its wild liferegion, especially appreciated by ornithologists.

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The Randstad is the conurbation whichbrings together the cities of Utrecht,Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam.At the heart of this vast urban area lies thepretty town of Delft and Kawan VillageDelftse Hout (p. 305 of the guide 2011).Enjoy your stay in this campsite inOctober and visit the regional markets ofRandstadwhich are held on October 8th,

2011 in the small town of Den Hoorn.On this market, where everything canbe eaten, you can discover a flock ofregional products. All complemented bylive entertainment. This market, which isthe fifth edition, is increasingly popular, soit is advisable to arrive by bicycle, whichfacilitates access.

't Kuierpadtien – Drenthe (NL)

Summer Camp in 't KuierpadtienThe Dutch campsite,’t Kuierpadtien (p. 293on the guide 2011), accepts campingcheques until July, 16th and from August,8th. Nevertheless, in order to extend yoursummer vacations, a Camping Cheque“special extension” has been set up. A siteof 40 pitches, exclusively dedicated toCamping Cheque customers, will beopen from 09/07 until 21/08. This secondcampsite will propose a programme of

activities, specially made for CampingCheque customers. During this period,the Camping tariff does not include theenvironment tax and the dog. And last butnot least, the campsite also offers a 25%discount on the accropark (see article inthe columns “info”), for the whole family.It is necessary to book on site.

I N F O S C a m p s i t e s

3 Seasons n°119 - 11

In brief

The polish campsite Morski nr 21 (p. 422of guide 2011) has changed its websiteaddress. From now on you can get furtherdetails of this campsite at this address:www.camping21.pl

Due to technical reasons, the campsitela Yole (p. 86 du guide 2011), in Vendéewill have to shut its doors on the 24/09and not on the29/09/2011 as announcedpreviously.

The Kawan Village le Bois Vert (p. 84 ofguide 2011) has equipped the whole ofthe campsite with wifi. This service comesat an extra charge (7€ per day to 25€ forthe whole week unlimited).

Kawan Village Delftse Hout – Zuid-Holland (NL)

The regional market of Randstad

© www.holland.com

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With its Indoor Waterpark complex,its bowling, its electric boats, its sportsfields or the fishing pond, camping DeSchatberg (p. 313 of the guide 2011),located in the southeast of the Netherlands,was already a destination for activeholidays. It is even more so today withits new wakeboard course.

Wakeboarding is a variant of waters-kiing with one ski (the equivalent ofsnowboarding on snow). Attached to acable, up to 11 "wake boarders" aretowed at 30 km / h on the water alonga path of 780 meters. Before venturing

out on a board to sample the joys ofskiing it does, however, require trainingwith an instructor. The equipment canbe rented on site.

For futher information on the campsite’sCable Park, you can get in touch directlywith De Schatberg : www.schatberg.nl,tel. : +31 774 67 77 77.

De Schatberg – Limburg (NL)

« Cablepark » on the De Schatberg campsite

Kawan Village le Mas de Reilhe – Languedoc-Roussillon

Heated Swimming Pool Since the beginning of the season, the campsite le Mas de Reilhe (p. 149in Site Directory 2011) offers, to its customers, a heated pool kept at25°C. Another way to discover, in low season, the region of Nîmes, theCevennes and the Camargue: Pont du Gard, Cirque of Navacelle, AiguesMortes…

Gulperberg – Zuid Limburg (NL)

Special rate for golfers in theLimburg regionThe campsite Gulperberg (p. 312 on the guide 2011), in theSouth of the Netherlands between Maastricht and Aix la Chapelle,is situated only 3 kilometres from the very nice golf course of HetRijk van Margraten (18 holes and 9 holes, by 3). Thanks to thecampsite Gulperberg, the golf lovers will have the possibility topractice their swing at a special rate of 50€/day, and 55€/weekend.

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© fotolia.com / Sculpies

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Camping le Lidon – Poitou-Charentes (F)

Campsite at the heart of the MaraisPoitevinThe campsite Le Lidon (p. 85 on the guide 2011) invites you todiscover the Regional Parc of Marais Poitevin, often littleknown. As a matter of fact, this small area of France offersverdant landscapes, adorned with streams, giving its nicknameof “Green Venetia”. And if you wish to leave the green for theblue of the Atlantic Ocean, for a day, La Rochelle, Rochefort orRoyan are just close by. Please notice that in our last issue,a small error has been detected in the article about Le Lidon.We associated this campsite to Indigo, but it is not part of thisnetwork anymore.

The Kawan Village le Val d’Authie (p. 34 on the guide2011), situated in the Bay of Somme, offers, from nowon, a Wi-Fi connection extended to the whole campsite.This service comes at an extra charge but it is alsopossible to get connected for free at the campsite’sreception, during its opening time.

Kawan Village le Val d'Authie – Picardie (F)

Wifi on the campsite

Camping Monte Holiday – Madrid (ES)

A swimming-pool accessibleto everybodyThe Spanish campsite Monte Holiday (p. 582 on the guide2011) has just installed a lift in the swimming-pool in orderto give the access to everybody, including people withdisability. This lift will strengthen the efforts made by thecampsite, for several years, to ease the access to people withdisability: access ramp at the reception or the bar-restaurant,adapted sanitary etc.

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3 Seasons n°119 - 13

Recreatiecentrum de Noordduinen – Zuid-Holland (NL)

Fish tasting in KatwijkThe history of the city of Katwijk aan Zee has always been linked to fishingand fish. To celebrate this relationship, on September 2nd and 3rd, the city organizes« Visculinair Katwijk ». In the picturesque atmosphere of Andreasplain Square,boarded with charming cottages, the most famous restaurants will hold stands whereit will be possible to taste different dishes made of fish from Katwijk and its region.To participate in this event, you can stay on the campsite Recreatiecentrum of Noordduinen –p. 304 on the guide 2011).

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© Jonas Bendiksen / Magnum Photos pour National Geographic.Bangladesh : Contre vents et marées #15.Local mosque move, threatened by erosion. Division of Rangpur.

© Valerio Bispuri.Encerrados – Voyage dans les prisons d’Amérique du Sud #65.Prisoners dancing in the jail courtyard. Lima, Peru, December 2006.

I N F O S C a m p s i t e s

3 Seasons n°119 - 14

Designated as one of the sunniest place of Europe, the Algarve was alreadya selected destination during the coolest months of the year. With its brandnew spa, directly laid out on the terrace of its swimming-pool, the campsiteTuriscampo (Portugal) (p. 628 in the 2011 Site Directory) gives you now onemore incentive to come and visit the extreme South Western part of Europe.

Turiscampo – Algarve (PT)

Spa in Algarve

Visa pour l'Image – Languedoc-Roussillon (F)

Every year for two weeks, Perpignan becomes the capital ofphotojournalism at the festival "Visa pour l'Image, which".This festival is in its 23rd edition, an opportunity for lovers ofphotography, whether beginners or advanced amateur, to admirethe works of great photographers witnesses of their time.

Photographers being honoured during the festival are photographersworking on major topics: war, environment, religion, etc. All providea look at the many faces of the contemporary world and raise ourawareness to the problems of other cultures. All through strong andphotographic works of great beauty. Therefore many exhibitionstake place in the Catalan city throughout the festival from August27th to September 11th.

In addition to these exhibitions, the festival offers evenings ofscreenings at the Campo Santo (August 29 to September 3) and theRepublic Square (from 1 to 3 September). These projections comeback in pictures of the key events of the past year: Arab revolutions,10 September 11, war in Afghanistan, Fukushima, etc.

I you wish o obtain further details on this festival:www.visapourlimage.com. To stay close to Pervignan : Kawan Villagele Haras (p. 133 of guide 2011), Kawan Village Ma Prairie (p. 134)or even l'Oasis (p. 135).

Droompark de Zanding – Veluwe (NL)

New Name and New Look forDe ZandingThe campsite De Zanding (p. 298 in Site Directory2011), gateway to the National Park of the Veluwe,has just had a change of owner. Consequently, thecampsite has changed its name from Vakantiepark deZanding to become Droompark de Zanding. Besideits new name, the campsite has also been given a newlook, which has been focused on flowers, bushes…The occasion to (re)discover this beautiful campsitenestled in the heart of greenery on the banks of a lake.

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3 Seasons n°119 - 15

When we talk about camping we immediately think about barbecue, tomatoes salad and melon.Actually, more and more campsites have lovely restaurants, where the quality gets better and better,time after time. Very often, the restaurant proposes local specialties or dishes made with localproducts. Among all the campsites of the network, we have listed some of our favourite places.

Dinner is ready!

In this issue, we will list a choice of

French, Italian and Spanish campsites’

restaurants. We will then propose to you

a list of restaurants in the other

European campsites in our next issue of

the 3 Seasons.

In the authentic atmosphere ofa wonderful Ardèche buildingmade of stone, Kawan Village LesRanchisses (p. 231) proposes tocampers, an excellent table, withregional products (smoked localham, and Ardèche salad), a choiceof meats (rabbit leg with walnutsand figues, conserve of lamb withhoney or pork fillet) or fishes (plateof three smoked fishes, grilledPollock fillet).

Menu from 22€ to 28,50€

Kawan Village les Ranchisses

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3 Seasons n°119 - 16

Cooking is very important at Le Coin Tranquille (p.216), where Gillesand Martine Vallon, owners of the site and this since the beginning ofCamping Cheque, have organized theme holidays with cooking lessons.The restaurant, a table well-known by the local clients as well as theCamping Cheque customers, offers a large menu of fishes and regionalspecialties. Every Wednesday evening, from mid-June until mid-September, the restaurant proposes a barbecue evening with a giantbuffet in a festive atmosphere.

Menus from 13€ to 36€Open at midday and every evening. Closed on Wednesdays and Tuesdays evenings.

Kawan Village le Coin Tranquille

It is inconceivable to be in Burgundy and not to propose gastronomicfood. The restaurant at Château de l’Epervière is divided between aterrace and an elegant dining room, sheltered by the fortified walls ofthe castle. On the menu, you will find Burgundy specialties like oeufsen moeurette (eggs with wine sauce), or snails, but also a large rangeof fishes and meats; and last but not least: succulent Burgundy wines(in moderation).

Menus from 18,90€ to 31,50€Open every evening. Closed on Wednesdays.

Kawan Village Château de l'Epervière

Gastronomy of the Gers Region is one of the most famous in Francewith dishes made of poultry (duck confit, duck fillet, foie gras…) or alsodigestive drinks like Armagnac. Kawan Village Le Camp de Florencesituated in the heart of the Gers region, in front of La Romieu abbeychurch, wanted to pay a tribute to this beauty. In the picturesqueatmosphere of its restaurant, or on its sheltered terrace, it is possible totaste all the regional specialties and also a succulent cassoulet (dish withharicot beans and duck, goose...)

Menu from 17,9 € to 22,9 €Closed on Tuesdays

Kawan Village Camp de Florence

Nestled on the banks of a pond in theGreen Périgord, the Château Le Verdoyershelters inside its stone walls, an excellentrestaurant proposing local dishes (duckdelicacies: confit, foie gras, gésiers…) and aspecial local dish: buffalo meat, bred in thearea, only a few kilometres from the campsite.And to get your tastebuds going, therestaurant of Château Le Verdoyer invites youto discover its “Menu d’Accueil” (WelcomeMenu) for your first evening on the campsite: (starter, main dish, desert) at a special priceof 12€ (this offer is only valid for your first eve-ning on the campsite and only on booking atyour arrival on the campsite). News 2011:Tabl’grills has been laid out on the pond.

Menus from 12€ to 42€Closed on Wednesdays.

Kawan Village Château le Verdoyer

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3 Seasons n°119 - 17

With a nice terrace overlooking the Champagne’s hills andthe Lac de la Liez, the restaurant of Kawan Village Lac de laLiez is one of the many good tables on our network. Among thevarious specialties of the Chef, you will find , amongst others,a home-made foie gras, dishes cooked with Burgundy truffles(scallop brochettes with truffles, fillet with truffle butter…) butalso specialties of the Region Champagne and Burgundy (BoeufBourguignon, beef roasted with wine sauce), and a large choiceof fishes and seafood (Tagliatelles with crayfishes, pikeperch withchanterelle mushrooms…)

Menu from 18,5 € to 28 €

Kawan Village Lac de la Liez

The campsite Florenz (p. 560 on guide 2011) ownsits restaurant, the « Monnalisa », situated on thebeach and offering a panoramic view on the sea.This restaurant proposes a refined cuisine mainlyprepared with fishes and seafood. However, itproposes several meats and several noodles dishesas well as Italian specialties. All the dishes are madewith regional products such as olive oil or Italianwines.

Kawan Village Florenz

Situated at the entrance of the campsite, the“Auberge” of Domaine de Champé (p. 186 on guide2011) is also the heart of the campsite. This bar-restaurant, offers a warm atmosphere, at theimage of its owners.It is really appreciated by thecampers. You can taste some grilled meats, risotto,veal kidneys, spare ribs or Carpaccio. The place dedi-cated to the restaurant of Domaine de Champé hasbeen developed to offer a new wine bar. In a very elegant atmosphere, you will be invited to taste“Grands Crus” wines coming from all parts of France.

A la carte menu

Kawan Village Domaine de Champé

The campsite Monte Holiday (p. 582 on guide 2011) offers onethe best tables of Spain. Held by Cristina, inspired by thebiggest chefs of Spain’s contemporary kitchen, she likes playingwith savours in order to create complex and creative mixes,between modern and traditional cuisine. On the menu, you willfind a wide variety of original dishes like Ratatouille with eggs andtruffles, mushrooms with iced onions, mille-feuille of capon withtruffles and grilled potatoes and cannelloni with mushrooms andalmonds.

Menus from 17 € to 29 €Closed from Monday to Tuesday in low season

Monte Holiday

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3 Seasons takes you on a discovery ofthe campsite La Fage, a 4 stars smallfamily campsite, located at the heart ofthe Black Perigord.

To open up its own campsite is the dreamof many campers. If you are going to turnthis dream into reality, you might as welldo it in an area that you love. That was thechain of thoughts of Patrick and AgnèsDubois when they decided to leave thearea of Picardie and to come and set upcamp in the Black Périgord, an area thatthey knew well as they use to come cam-ping regularly here for years. So 10 yearsago, they took over a small campsitecreated 15 years earlier in La Fage. ‘It waslove at first sight” admits Patrick. “We wereswept off our feet by the landmark of thecampsite which leaves the upper hand topure camping. » A campsite nested on awooded hill that has, apart from its setting,the advantage of being ideally located,close to the main sites of the Black Péri-gord: Sarlat (17 km), Lascaux (7km) or eventhe gardens of the Eyrignac Castle (12 km).After renovating the swimming pool andbuilding a brand new sanitary block,Patrick and Agnes equipped the site withlevelled pitches to be able to welcome

motor homes as well as « great comfort »pitches (100 m2, 10 A, water, drainagesystem), with special thoughts for offseason periods. With 60 pitches, La Fage isa family campsite where Patrick is at thereception desk and Agnès looks after therestaurant where of course she offersmenus périgourdins with locals specialitiessuch as, confis, duck terrine, or walnut tart.Actually, it is this owners’ involvement, thecampsite human size and the quality ofthe welcome that is voted overwhelminglyin favor by the customers of La Fage. To prove this, check out the excellent gradesreceived by this campsite on the CampingCheque website and the many campersthat keep coming back every summer. n

3 Seasons n° 119 - 18

Z O O M > F r a n c e > D o r d o g n e Pé r i g o r d > La Chapelle Aubareil

At the heart of the Black Perigord


With its elegant medieval buildings ofblond rock and honey, Sarlat is thejewel of Perigord and undoubtedly oneof the prettiest towns in France.www.sarlat-tourisme.com

This cave is the emblem of a regionparticularly rich in prehistoric sites(The National Museum of Prehistory inLes Eyzies is located at the heart ofthe 200 prehistoric sites listed in theDordogne). To preserve it, we no longervisit the original, but the facsimilereproduced very faithfully the spectacularcave paintings in the cave.www.lascaux.culture.fr

These gardens blend the 18th French-style gardens with the topiary art ofTuscany. They make up a beautifulgreen edged maze with yew, hornbeamor cypress. www.eyrignac.com

The Gardens of the Eyrignac Manor House

The Cave of Lascaux


The +- Half nocturnal guided walks from the

campsite every Thursdays in July andAugust

- a campsite on a human scale

Special offer: 6=7 • 2=3 (1/5-31/5)

Gold Card offer 11=14

Camping cheques accepted01/05/2011 - 16/07/2011 20/08/2011 - 30/09/2011

p.102 of the 2011 guide

Camping La FageFR-24290 La Chapelle Aubareil+33 5 53 50 76 [email protected]

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For the past 50 years, the campsite deWildhoeve has welcomed campers inthe heart of the wooden region of theVeluwe. 3 Seasons invites you for a walkin its paths.

Created in 1954, the campsite de Wildhoevehas become a family enterprise in 1971,when bought by the family Van der Kaaden.At that time, the campsite was not ableto offer the comfort of today’s facilitieslike the indoor swimming-pool withwaterslide, the outdoor pool, the modernsanitary facilities with special spaces madefor children, the store, or also the pub.The campsite has been managed, during30 years by Karen Van Der Kaaden’sparents, who passed it on to their daughterin 2000. She is today seconded by RenéZweers and they are working hard to keepon improving the quality of the services, inthe same spirit as always, but they keep aparticular concern about the environment. The numerous awards received are thewitnesses of their success: Golden GreenKey, Superplatz of ADAC, EurotopcampingANWB, etc... Its fame is also due to the

clients who appreciate in particular theswimming-pool with new water games,the greenery environment favourable tocamp in harmony with nature and all thepossibilities of cycling paths offeringwonderful views of wild animals (stags,deers…). And if you still need one morereason to go camping in the region of theVeluwe, the Wildhoeve campsite’s restauranthas just been integrated in the guide“Euro-Toques” which focuses on restaurantspreserving cooking traditions by usinglocal products. n

3 Seasons n° 119 - 19

Z O O M > T h e N e t h e r l a n d s > Ve l u w e > Emst

A Nature Haven in the heart of the Veluwe


This old royal building from the 17th

Century is now open to public. Circledwith beautiful gardens “à la française”,the residence shelters the ChancelleryMuseum that you are invited to visit.

Deventer is one of the oldest townof The Netherlands, which has beendeveloped in the first half of the secondthousand years, specially thanks to itssituation close to Ijssel river. A largenumber of monuments have beenrenovated in the old town in order tokeep the medieval atmosphere of thesite.

A marine mammal park. The Dolfinariumof Harderwijk proposes a one-dayprogramme with 9 shows

Dolfinarium of Harderwijk30 km

Deventer 20 km

Het Loo Palace 14 km

The +- A nature environment, in the heart of the

Veluwe forests.- Numerous cycling paths close to the


Camping cheques accepted01/04/2011 - 26/04/201109/05/2011 - 31/05/201114/06/2011 - 09/07/201121/08/2011 - 30/09/2011

p.297 of the 2011 guide

Hanendorperweg 102NL-8166 JJ Emst+31 578 66 13 [email protected]

Camping de Wildhoeve

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E V E N T We r e l d h a v e n d a g e n

3 Seasons n°119 - 20

Rotterdam honours i When you are the first commercial harbourof Europe, and the third in the world, youcan self celebrate once a year. That is whatRotterdam allows itself to do at the beginningof September with 3 days of feast to honourits harbour. Boat trips, concerts, entertainmentsfor children or demonstrations are part of theprogramme of the event, the Wereldhavendagen,which will be held on September, 2nd, 3rd

and 4th 2011.

For more information about the Wereldhavendagen, youcan check the website www.wereldhavendagen.nl (English and Dutch site).

Where to get lodge during theWereldhavendagen: Kawan Village Recreatiecentrum Koningshof (p.303)Gold Card special offer: Free pre-booking, withoutdown paymentwww.koningshofholland.nlRecreatiecentrum De Noordduinen (p.304)Gold Card special offer: Free pre-booking, withoutdown paymentwww.noordduinen.nlKawan VillageDelfste Hout (p.305)Gold Card special offer: Free pre-booking, withoutdown paymentwww.delftsehout.nl‘t Weergors (p.306)Gold Card special offer: 2-week stay = 1 regional productwww.weergors.nlBiesbosch Marina (p.309)www.campingbiesboschmarina.nl


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3 Seasons n°119 - 21

E V E N T We r e l d h a v e n d a gg e n

s its harbourFor a long time, Rotterdam was the

biggest commercial harbour in theworld. The emergence of Asia, made

Shanghai and Singapore take the first andsecond places. However, with almost 430millions of merchandises treated in 2010,the harbour keeps easily its first placein Europe. Proud of its economic role inthe European scale, thanks to its maritimeactivity, the city of Rotterdam has decidedto celebrate its harbour once a year, at the beginning of September, duringWereldhavendagen (World HarbourDays). During three days, the harbourbecomes a place of festivities withnumerous entertainments such as boat

trips, educative activities, concerts orvisits of places usually closed to public.If the huge harbour area is visible to everybody, from a distance, it is, however,difficult to access and to circulate quietly.Its daily activity remains a mystery toeveryone. The 3 days of the Wereldhaven-dagen is the occasion to invite thepopulation to discover its working way.Demonstrations are set down by differentcompanies, working in the harbour, andseveral boats of the harbour authoritiesare open to inquisitive people. Also,guided visits are organized in English andDutch. If you are passionate or not bythe maritime world and the life in the

commercial harbours, the 3 days of thefeast of the Wereldhavendagen are achance to plunge into a fascinating worldbut also participate to several entertain-ments which are held in Rotterdamduring the whole weekend; punctuatedby fireworks on the Saturday evening. n

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Aurillac Le Puy-en-Velay




Puy de Sancy MurolPuy de Dôme


Lac de ChambonLac Pavin



AurillacLe Puy-en-Velay




Puy de Sancy


Puy de Dôme


Lac de Chambon

Lac Pavin

3 Seasons n°119 - 22

D E S T I N AT I O N A u v e r g n e

Thhose of uus whhossee wwoorrkkk reqquiresss travelling thousands of milesagreeee: Mootorwwwwaaayyysss aaree a woonnderfuull iinveention. However,r,r if theyeenabbllle us to liiinnkk ttwwwoo pppllaaces ffaafaf r apartt iinnn just a fefef w hours, it isssomeettimmees aatt thhe ddeetrrimment off tthe regiions situated on thejournneyy. Thuus, iin seeeekinng to reacch the MMediterranean coast,onnee ofttftf een mmeerreely ddisscooveerr the AAuvergnne as we observe allanndddssscaapppee frroom a ttrraaiinn att high ssspeedd. AAAnd this is a shame.IIttt iiisss nnneceessssaary too kknnoow hhow too leavvee thhe main roads and fromtthhhheee onslaught oofff tthhis piiece oofff frannncce thhat modernity justtrraaavvels throouugggghh,, wwithhoout ssttoppinngg. A reegion which, as an"ollddd ppppiieecccceee ooof fuurniittuure bbaanished iin a maansard, was permeatedwwwith the smmmeeell ooff the aattic, oldd time, annd dream of smoke"aass tthheee wwwrrriiittterr AAlexxaander.Viallaattte1 ddeessccrribed Auvergne 1.

AAuuuvvvveeerrrggggnnnnnnneeeeee,,,sssssooooiiillll ooooffffff wwwwaaaaatteer aannd fire

11 - IIn thee aanntthhoollooogggyy ""Dernrnr ièièi rerer sese nouvevev lllll elel sese deded l'h'h' omme"

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Page 23: 3 Seasons Autumn 2011

The Auvergne gets its appearancefrom the volcanoes that havedesigned much of its landscape.

Unalterable, these mountains with roundedpeaks or cliffs keep watch on the regionfor millions of years. They spread from theWest between Clermont-Ferrand andAurillac. One hundred volcanoes arespread, from north to south, between thePuys, Monts Dore and Monts du Cantal.This spectacular volcanic group makes upthe largest regional park in France. Thelandscapes change according to the age

of volcanoes that range from 100,000years for the youngest to 20 million yearsfor the oldest. Emblematic figure of thepark, Puy de Dome is the highest peak inthe chain of Puys (1465 m). From his bareskull, hikers enjoy an exceptional viewof surrounding volcanoes, sometimesrounded, and sometimes hollowed withhuge craters. When the weather is mild, itis even possible to see the Mont Blanc. A panorama that has nothing to envy tothe one offered from the Puy de Sancy,the highest point in central

D E S T I N AT I O N A u v e r g n e

Vichy, spa townThe variety of spring waters is one of the blessingsof volcanic soil which forms the volcanic ground ofAuvergne. On this richness, the Auvergne has developedsignificant spa tourism around names such as LaBourboule, Chaudes-Aigues or St. Nectaire. However,the most famous spa resort of Auvergne remains,undoubtedly Vichy This small town on the banks ofthe Allier has, through its spa heritage of the late

19th century and its great parks, the quaint charm of thegreat cities of water. Walking through the city one willappreciate the eclecticism of its architecture, a largenumber shops and the wide variety of leisure (casino,horse races, opera, exhibitions, etc.).

Where to stay close to VichyBeau Rivage (p. 161)Take advantage of this charming campsite locatedon the banks of the Allier river to discover the town ofVichy, only 3 km away.Please note, following a mistake, the campsite waswrongly place on the Camping Cheque road map. Don’ttrust it: the campsite is correctly situated close to Vichy,in Bellerive sur Allier.www.camping-beaurivage.com

Camping cheques accepted01/04/2011 – 08/07/201122/08/2011 – 15/10/2011

Special offer: 6=7

n n n

3 Seasons n°119 - 23

It is on rocky peaks, which seem to be onlyreachable by birds, that the Puy en Velay hasbuilt its beautiful cathedral Notre Dame.

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Page 24: 3 Seasons Autumn 2011

D E S T I N AT I O N A u v e r g n e

1 – Situated in the town of MontDore, the lake of Guéry is the

highest lake of Auvergne (1244m.). Like every other lake in the

Monts Dore, its origin comesfrom volcanoes.

2 – Despite a few attractivesuburban area, Clermont-Ferrand,

its old tow and its cathedralmade of black lava stones,

is worth the detour.

2 – Separated between lowerand higher city, Saint-Flour is a

city of character which overlooksthe Ander Valley.

4 – The market fairs in Auvergneare the best places to appreciate

the choice of local regional products:salt meats products, Aubrac or

Salers meat, cheeses (St Nectaire,Cantal, etc…), green lentils

of Puy en Velay…

3 Seasons n°119 - 24

France (1885 m). Associatedwith the fire of volcanoes, ice was alsoinvolved in the shape of Auvergne. It isprobably in the region of Monts Dorethat its impact remains the mostvisible. The thick ice sheet (over 100meters thick) that covered the regionin the Quaternary Period dug deep val-leys and lakes that gave birth to whatstill characterize it today. Thus, aroundeach bend, we discover, in the lushgreen mountains, crystal clear lakeslike the Lake of Chambon or LakePavin which in fine weather, transformthemselves with recreational areaswith bathing beaches and multipleopportunities for water sports If themain attractions of Auvergne are bornfrom nature and the joint work ofwater and fire, mankind also markedthe area of its footprint with severalmajor architectural landmarks first andforemost being the Puy-en-Velay. This city, starting point of one of themost famous roads to St. Jacques de

Compostela, is dominated by rockypeaks where a chapel holds pride ofplace, a monumental virgin and theCathedral of Our Lady, a beautifulRomanesque edifice tinged withByzantine influences legacy of theCrusades. Its framework and therichness of its buildings make thePuy-en-Velay one of the most originallocation of France. Due to a suburb notalways very inviting, Clermont-Ferrandis not necessary as readily accessible inthe eyes of tourists. But one must gofurther and explore an old city full ofsurprises such as the Cathedral ofOur Lady which owes its color to theblack lava of Volvic, which was used inits construction. But it is in small townssuch as Besse, Saint-Flour or Murol thatone can best soak up the rural charmof this region. Especially with thenumerous markets stalls trimmed withmeats and cheeses: Saint Nectaire,Bleu d'Auvergne or Cantal. The oppor-tunity to immerse oneself in the

authentic and timeless Auvergne thatreveals itself only to those who canleave motorway. n

n n n


for more information about Auvergne:To know more about Auvergne, you can visit the websiteof the Comité Départemental du Tourisme de l'Auvergne(Tourist Board of the Auvergne region):www.auvergne-tourisme.info and also the websitesof the Parc Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne(Volcanoes Regional Park of Auvergne):www.parc-volcans-auvergne.comor the Parc Régional du Livradois - Forez (Regional Park ofLivradois - Forez): www.parc-livradois-forez.org

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D E S T I N AT I O N A u v e r g n e

Where to stay in Auvergne: Kawan Village Camping de Vaubarlet (p.160)www.vaubarlet.comLes Chanterelles (p.162)www.revea-vacances.fr/campings/Camping Indigo Royat (p.163)www.camping-indigo.comCamping des Ch’tis de la Siauve (p.164)www.camping-chtis-15.comLe Petit Bois (p.165)www.revea-vacances.fr/campings/Le Val Saint Jean (p.166)www.tourismevalsaintjean.fr

3 Seasons n°119 - 25



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C I R C U I T S w e d e n a n d N o r w a y

3 Seasons n°119 - 26

Countries of endless wilderness where manhas grown respecting the majestic nature:Sweden and Norway stretch over 14 millionsquare km. This huge territory is divided intoa multitude of amazing landscapes that sendan invitation to contemplation. In the North,in the less populated area, awaits the NorthCape: the Grail of the traveller, with its arcticlandscapes bathed in a surreal light. However,the Grail is only the ultimate reward of ajourney already rich in pleasures. 3 Seasons

invites you to ride in our footsteps and attempt the adventure with a journey to theedge of northern Europe.

Biggest city at the North of the Arctic Circle,Tromsø is one of the most famous places

to observe aurora borealis.

© Bård Løken/www.visitnorway.com

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C I R C U I T S w e d e n a n d N o r w a y

3 Seasons n°119 - 27

For those seeking to join theNorth Cape from Denmark, theroad seems endless when one

looks at it on a map. From the firststeps in Sweden to the northern tip ofNorway, it is nearly 4000 kilometreswe have to actually cover. But thebeauties of the landscapes of Sweden

and Norway, which alternate lakes,fjords and mountains, make the tripeven more enjoyable. Around everycorner, there are new reasons to beamazed. Admittedly, these two coun-tries are among the most natureorientated in Europe. With an averagedensity of 17 inhabitants per square

km it is very far away from countrieslike France (112 inhabitant / km²),Germany (230 inhabitants / km²) or theNetherlands (398 inhabitants / km²).Here nature is queen and vast areasremain outside of any human life. Yet,our first kilometres were not a wilddestination: the landscape of n n n

Indian summer in the land of themidnight sun

Mythic destination which invites you to dream,the North Cape remains a unique experience

for all travellers who dared to explore it.

© Terje Rakke/Nordic Life AS/www.visitnorway.com

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Page 28: 3 Seasons Autumn 2011

Skåne, the province which formsthe southern tip of Sweden, is composedof fields stretching to the horizon dottedwith castles that are a reminiscent of thesweetness of Denmark. However, as ourroute takes us further north, it opens usto vast forests, huge lakes, tundra whereorchids bloom on the island of Öland,or carved shores of the archipelago ofBohuslän, Stockholm. Of all the placeswe passed through during our journey itis the Dalarna we liked best. If itslandscapes are lovely, they are nothingmagical. Yet it is the most Swedish of allregions, the cradle of traditions. Thevillages of former times are still intactand customs of the past are still verymuch alive, especially during thefires of St. Jean when people put on theircolourful costumes for the festivities

filled with music and dance.It is at the border between Swedenand Norway as the main mountainranges rising from Scandinavia form asuccession of high plateaus dominatedby several peaks (some of which reachthe 2500 meters). These are covered withglaciers, not because of their height butbecause of their northern latitude. Thesemountains collapse rapidly to form theplains on the eastern slope of Sweden(except in the far north of Sweden), thenthe foothills make up a much morevaried terrain on the Norwegian side.The Winter Olympics of 1994 inLillehammer highlighted the beauty of

the Norwegian mountains. Among themost spectacular sites in this partof Norway, one will retain the ValleyGudbrandsdal which outlines over morethan 200 km the deep furrow from themountains. These territories, home tothe Jotunheimen Massif, the highestpeaks in Norway (over 275 peaks above2000 meters) are propitious to outdoorsports like hiking or mountain biking insummer and winter sports during thecoldest months of the year. The mostcourageous amongst us will launch toconquer the highest point in NorthernEurope (The Galdhøpiggen, 2463 meters)or to play tightrope walkers on the

3 Seasons n°119 - 28

C I R C U I T S w e d e n a n d N o r w a y

© Frithjof Fure/www.visitnorway.com

A shore made of laceFrom Göteborg to the Norwegian border, the westcoast of Sweden is torn in a multitude of small islands and numerous rocks of greater or lesser sizethat make up the archipelago of Bohuslän. The lineof ridges is dotted with colourful fishing villages.The islands (very popular with nesting birds andtherefore birdwatchers) are accessible, for some,by bridges and other by ferries. One of the finest

views on the shores of Bohuslän is accessible fromthe entrance to the island of Tjörn, just after passingthrough the 5 km bridge. The Bohuslän has a superbarchaeological site with rock carvings in Tanum(1500-500 BC).

Where to stay to visit Bohuslän :

Hafsten Camping (p. 351 of the 2011 guide) is nested on a peninsula on the bank of the Bohuslän.It offers a setting of pure beauty with views onthe archipelago and has a sand beach. It is an ideallocation to visit the area. This magnificent campsitealso offers many sport activities: horse riding, canoe,boats hire, sea fishing etc.Camping cheques accepted:02/01/2011 – 14/06/201115/08/2011 – 31/12/2011www.hafsten.se

Lagunen Camping och Stugor(p. 349 du guide 2011) Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011 – 01/07/201101/08/2011 – 31/12/2011www.lagunen.se

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3 © Terje Borud/www.visitnorway.com

© Roine Magnusson

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narrow Ridge Bessegen. In any case, theamazing views we discover are a fantas-tic reward indeed.Abandoning inland Norway, embark ona discovery of its shores. Norway has over2500 km of coastline (83 000 km if onetakes into account the islands!) mostof which is cut out in fjords. Withoutspecificity, Norwegian Fjord is however anational specialty. The word is also ofNorwegian origin and refers to thesearms of the sea: long and narrow whichpenetrate inland. If there are fjords inother parts of the world, their quantityand size make it an emblematiclandscape of the country. If we admiremany over the south coast, particularlyin Oslo which nestles at the bottom ofone of them, the most impressive are onthe Atlantic coast. We remain speechlessindeed in front of the wonders ofnature that are the Sognefjord (thelongest, with its 205 km) and theGeirangerfjord at the bottom of whichlies the town of Geiranger. This isprobably the most beautiful fjordsin the country and the most beautiful

views one can admire lie along theroute of the Eagles, a scenic route thatclimbs to 620 meters. The road istortuous, with several hairpin bends; it isadvisable that owners of very

C I R C U I T S w e d e n a n d N o r w a y

3 Seasons n°119 - 29


1 - Archipelago of 7 floating islandsat the North of the Polar Circle,

Lofoten islands benefit however froma very mild climate, in summer

as well as in winter, thanks tothe Gulf Stream warm airstream.

2 - The Besseggen Crest, in theJotunheimen, is an amazing itinerary

for hiking. From the crest, you wilbenefit from an extraordinary view

on the emerald lake Gjende(984 metres high) and the lake

Bessvatnet (1 373 metres high).

3 - The Rondane plateau offerslarge stretches that can be crossed

over without meeting anyliving things.

A valley with traditional charm This long valley was carved by the river Otra in anarea of high plateaus. Its slopes are traversed bymountain torrents which, from time to time, turninto waterfalls. Strolling around the river widensto become a chain of lakes. A lovely scenic route(Highway 9) runs along the valley and offersbeautiful views. The Setesdal folklore haspreserved an authentic and alive fee to it.

Where to stay to visit the Setesdal:

Neset Camping (p. 351 of 2011 guide )

has settled on a peninsula in the peaceful countrysideof southern Norway, facing the Byglandsfjord.It is the ideal destination to relax in beautifulsurroundings.

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011 – 08/07/201108/08/2011 – 31/12/2011


Moysand Familiecamping (p. 332 du guide 2011)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011 – 15/06/201115/08/2011 – 30/12/2011


Sorlandet Feriecenter (p. 333 du guide 2011)

Camping cheques accepted:01/04/2011 – 01/07/201108/08/2011 – 30/10/2011


© Terje Rakke/Nordic Life AS/www.visitnorway.com

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large motorhomes rent a car forthe day to make the most of this scenicroute. Off the coast, numerous islands,large or small, punctuate the skyline.The most attractive are the Lofotenislands that look like mountains in themiddle of the sea. Here, nature is eitheraustere, or even wilder than in the rest ofthe country.By heading northward, we finally enterLapland. This part of Norway, in thedesert landscape, is the land of the Sami,nomadic people that have settled down.They live mainly from reindeer herding.Even if tourists are becoming mostnumerous, Lapland and the Samis haveretained a surprising authenticity in amodern Europe that is opened to theworld. Long disregarded, the Sami

minority has now acquired some rightswhose visible manifestation is the dualtoponymy on road signs at the entrancesto towns.It would be a shame to rush to theNorth Cape without taking the time toappreciate this colourful culture thatsometimes appears to have stayed awayfrom modernity. The last leg of ourjourney: the North Cape and itsimpressive headland stepping forwardinto the Arctic Ocean await you at thenorthern end of the country. The last fewkilometres, on a road winding amongdesert areas dotted with frozen lakes,plunged you into the atmosphere ofthe place. By becoming a touristattraction over the years, the North Capehas certainly lost some of its aura, but

C I R C U I T S w e d e n a n d N o r w a y

n n n

Where to stay in Norwawaw y with Camping Cheque

OddaCamping (p 335)www.oddacamping.noGol Campingsenter (p 336)www.golcamp.noBeitostølen Camping (p 338)www.beitocamp.noGrimsbuTuristsenter (p 339)www.grimsbu.noTrollveggenCamping (p 340)www.trollveggen.no

Langnes Camping (p 341)[email protected] (p 342)www.ballangen-camping.noSkittenelv Camping (p 343)www.skittenelvcamping.noAlta StrandCamping (p 344)www.altacamp.noBerlevågPensjsjs onat&Camping (p 345)www.berlevag-pensjsjs onat.no

FoFoF r fufuf rththt er inini fofof rmrmr atitit oioi n on NoNoN rwawaw yaya :www.w.w viviv sisi itntnt orwawaw yaya .y.y cococ m

3 Seasons n°119 - 30


The longest fjord in the worldThe Sognefjord is the longest of the Norwegianfjords and the longest in the world (205 km).It is also one of the most impressive. It traces itsjourney from west to east almost to the bottomof the massif of Jotunheimen where one can findthe highest peaks in Norway. In some areas thedepth reaches 1300 meters. If it is as a wholerelatively large, some of its arms such asNaerofjord are particularly narrow. The latter isindeed surrounded by mountains of 1800 metershigh and no wider than 250 meters in someplaces. A unique spectacle..

Where to stay to visit Sognefjord :

Laerdal Ferie-og Fritidspark (p. 337 of the 2011 guide)

The campsite Laerdal Ferie-og Fritidspark (p. 337of the 2011 Site directory), is home, without anydoubt to one of the most beautiful setting of all thecampsites in the network. It is actually bathed in thecristal waters of the Sognefjord and surrounded bymountains. Whatever the length of your stay, theview over these landscapes, each morning, remainsdazzling. The campsite is an excellent address foroutdoors sport lovers : canoe, guided walks organizedby the campsite, cycling path etc.

Camping cheques accepted:01/04/2011- 30/06/201107/08/2011 – 31/10/2011



©Frithjof Fure/www.visitnorway.com

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one still falls under the spell of thisunique site. And if the weather is clear, itis unlikely that you will forget the sight.And, like us, you will leave by saying thatyes, you were there...

3 Seasons n°119 - 31

C I R C U I T S w e d e n a n d N o r w a y

4 - It is in Norway that the highestScandinavian mountains are standing,

in particular the region of Jotunheimenand its beautiful mountain landscapes,

favourable for hiking.

5 -The Northernmost regionof Norway, still inhabited by theSami people who, at the time of

globalization, have managedto preserve its culture.

6 - The Reinefjord and itslandscape where sea and Snowy

Mountains gather altogether.

7 -The midnight sun is particularlypresent in the half part of the North

of Norway offering sometimes amazinglightings (see here in Bodø).

Rally to Cape Northin May 2012 If the North Cape appeals to you but you donot want to embark on the adventure alone,a rally will be held from May 27 to June 12,2012 bound for northern Norway throughSweden, Denmark and finland. Price: € 950per team + nights. You will find the detailedprogram of this particular rally on the internetwww.campingcheque.com this summer andwe will propose it to you in the winter issueof the 3 Seasons magazine.

5 6


Where to stay in Sweeden with Camping ChequeEkekek rumsCamping&Stugor SweCamp (p 347)www.ekerum.nuOrsa Camping (p 348)www.orsacamping.se

Mellerud SweCampVita Sandar (p 350)www.vitasandarscamping.seHafsfsf ten SweCampResort (p 351)www.hafsfsf ten.seVilla BjBjB örkhagen Jönkökök ping (p.352)www.villabjbjb orkhagen.se

Skrea Camping Falkekek nberg (p 353)www.skreacamping.se

FoFoF r fufuf rththt er inini fofof rmrmr atitit oioi n on Swewew deded n: www.w.w viviv sisi itstst wewew deded n.cococ m


© Johan Wildhagen/www.visitnorway.com ©Andrea Giubelli/www.visitnorway.com

© Frithjof Fure/www.visitnorway.com

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C I T Y B R E A K To u l o u s e

Toulouse, the « pink town » owes its name fromthe brick used in most of the buildings in thetown centre. Despite a long history dating backto Roman times and an old town perfectlypreserved, this festive city is one of the youngestand most dynamic of france. Toulouse lookstoward the future with its significant universityand its thriving aerospace industry. 3 Seasonsinvites you on the east bank of the GaronneRiver to discover the extraordinary heritage ofa city bathed in the sweetness of life.














6 7


St Sernin BasilicaSt-Raymond Capitole SquareConvent of the JacobinsFondation BembergTown House of AssezatAugustins Museum Cité de l’Espace

Canal du Midi

Rue de MetzRue de Metz

Rue d


ce Lo


Bd Lazare Carnot

Bd de Strasbourg

Bd d’Arcole

Rue des Salenques

Rue des Lois

Rue Lascrosses

Rue Lafayette

Rue Pargaminières

Pont Neuf

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Toulouse has always, since ancienttimes, held an important place in theregion. Its role was never questioned,

despite the Catharsis episode whichbrought some years of unrest in the southwestern area of France. In the 3rd centuryit was a turntable of wine trading. Thealluvial plain of the Garonne being poorin stone, but capable of providing anabundance of brick, it was then that theRomans taught the inhabitants of Toulouse(Tolosa under the Romans) the techniqueof brick and tile which then gave its seal sospecific to the city. This influence is stillvery present today in the historic city ofToulouse, whose brick facades of Italianinfluence are tinted, depending on thelight of day, red, pink or purple. It isprimarily in districts that stretch aroundthe Capitol Square, the heart of life inToulouse, that this style asserts itself. Theplace takes its name from the Capitol, the

City hall today in Toulouse, which spreadsover the eastern side. This building, 128meters long, wears the colors of the citywith a mixture of brick, stone and pinkmarble. Besides the Capitol, one of theparticularities of Toulouse is the manyprivate town houses dating back to the16th century. They are spread accordingto the pedestrian streets lined with shopsand restaurants and hide, like secrets,beautiful courtyards. Some are open allyear round but others are visible only atcertain occasions such as Heritage Days(17-18th September 2011). The best exampleis undoubtedly the Town House d'Assezatbuilt in the mid-16th century by NicolasBachelier, Toulouse famous architect. It ishowever one of the main jewels of acrown that bears many, Toulouse is actuallythe largest city in France with biggest numbers of private hotels dating back tothe Renaissance.

C I T Y B R E A K To u l o u s e

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3 Seasons n°119 - 33

The Capitol Square is at the heart oflife in Toulouse. The buildings stretchingaround it (including the Capitol, theCity Hall today) wear the colours ofthe city with a mixture of brick, stoneand pink marble.

The banks of the Canal du Midi are abreath of fresh air and greenery in theheart of the city, offering nice walkingpaths by feet or by bicycle.

The refined architecture of theconvent of the Jacobins, entirely madeof bricks in 13th and 14th centuries,reveals a real contrast with the outsideausterity of the monument.

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rToulouseA stroll in the Ville Rose

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C I T Y B R E A K To u l o u s e

3 Seasons n°119 - 34

Besides these breath takingexamples of civil architecture, the eastern

bank of the Garonne is also home to somevery beautiful examples of religiousarchitecture. The Basilica of St Sernin isthe most emblematic of these monuments.It is the largest Roman church in Europeand one of the finest. Following the manygifts of relics from Charlemagne, thischurch became a major stop over on theroad to Santiago de Compostela and hadto expand to accommodate the pilgrims.Other beautiful religious monuments arespread throughout the old town but thefinest are the Cathedral of St. Etienne andthe convent of the Jacobins. The first is anarchitectural wonder, especially comparedwith the unity of St Sernin. It was built overseveral centuries between the 13th and17th centuries, thus mixing highlydisparate styles. It stands in the antiqueand great jewellers districts. Every Saturdaymorning there is a very enjoyable bookmarket taking place. Made entirely ofbricks in the 13th and 14th centuries, the

convent of the Jacobins bears a superbexample of Gothic art typical of Languedocwith a beautiful church, a monastery oreven a chapel. The church now housesthe relics of St Thomas Aquinas, a greatfigure in the monastic world.

Even if the most interesting areas ofToulouse are on the east bank of theGaronne, between St Etienne and St Serninand the Canal du Midi, from the other sideyou can admire the towers which spikethe city and stand out against the blue sky.A sight that is particularly appreciatedwhen the sun goes down and wraps hisglowing light on these brick buildings:once again justifying the nickname of thePink City. n

n n n


To visit in Toulouse:Fondation BembergIn the Town house Assézat you will anexhibition of paintings from ancient art toGauguin, Matisse or Dufy to Flamish art orItalian Renaissance. www.fondation-bemberg.fr

St Raymond’s museumIn the old college of St Raymond anarchaeological and antique arts collectionof the city of Toulouse is exhibited.www.saintraymond.toulouse.fr

The Augustinians’ MuseumLocated in the convent of the Augustinians,a southern gothic style building, thismuseum housed a fine collection ofreligious paintings and sculpture (as well asa paintings section). The wing dedicated toRoman sculptures, coming from churches ofToulouse, is the most exciting with uniquepieces in the world.www.augustins.org

Canal du MidiIn addition to the Garonne, which dividesthe city into two, the Canal du Midi runsthrough Toulouse. This canal links theAtlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean and islisted in the World Heritage of UNESCO. It isthe oldest canal in Europe still running. Itsbanks are equipped for walks.

City of spaceToulouse has taken throughout the 20th

century, an increasing and important sectorof the European aerospace field. With theAirbus factories, the city built the largestairline plane in the world and here areassembled the satellites that the rocketAriane takes in outer space. Thus it is ob-vious that the city would have a museumdedicated to Space. The Space City isorganized around three areas: a planetariumwith 3D simulations including a room devotedto the exploration of Mars, a park with,among other things, a scale model of theAriane rocket and several exhibition roomsdedicated to different themeswww.cite-espace.com


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C I T Y B R E A K To u l o u s e

Where to stay with Camping Cheque: Le Faillal (p.111)www.revea-vacances.fr/campings/Camping Le Rupé (p.114)www.camping-toulouse.comCamping Namasté (p.115)www.namaste.free.frKawan Village Le Talouch (p.116)www.camping-talouch.comLe Bourdieu (p.129)www.lebourdieu.comKawan Village L’Apamée (p.130)www.lapamee.comDu Lac (p.131)www.campingdulac.comLe Pré Lombard (p.132)www.prelombard.com

1 – The City of Space reminds us that Toulouse has taken a strategic place in the worldaerospace sector, thanks to Airbus which helps towards the economic dynamism of the city.

2 – What will be the South-West part of France without its gastronomy? More than anyother dish, it is undoubtedly the “cassoulet”, which symbolizes Toulouse and its region.

3 – Old convent and now museum, the Museum of the Augustins counts more than 4000works, housing beautiful religious sculptures (roman and gothic) and also an area dedicatedto the French art of end of 19th century.

4 – Very recognizable by its church tower, the Basilica of Saint Sernin surprises by itsdimension. It is, indeed, the largest Roman church in Europe.

5 – In the Town house Assézat you will find an exhibition of paintings from ancient art toGauguin, Matisse or Dufy to Flemish art or Italian Renaissance. This is one of these specificTown houses which make the charm of Toulouse.

3 Seasons n°119 - 35

How to get by in Toulouse:City CardTo make easy the visit of Toulouse, the City has set up the"City Card" which offers discounts in over 130 locations in town.The card is nominative: 10 € and valid for one year. For moreinformation visit tourist board website of Toulouse.

Guided toursThe City of Toulouse organised a program of guided tours ondifferent themes (Toulouse and its districts, Toulouse over time,etc.) You can download this program on the official website ofthe Tourist Information Centre of Toulouse.

CruisesOne of the most original alternative way to discover the townand to do so from the waters of the Garonne or the Canal duMidi. You will find on the tourist board website a detailed pre-sentation of the various possibilities for cruises.

The Tourist information center offical website of Toulouse: www.toulouse-tourisme.com




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In the heart of the "Pink Granite Coast"(Côte de Granit Rose), Perros-Guirec offersan exceptionally beautiful protected naturalsite, an unusual, grandiose landscapewhereboth land and sea are strewn with theamazing shapes of pink granite rockscarved by the wind and waves.

Accessible by shuttle, off the Côte de GranitRose, the Ile de Bréhat benefits from a verymild climate, which gives it reputation asone of the most flowery island of France.

Brittany is blessed with a rich religiousheritage with roadside crosses and chapelsall over its countryside, and particularlyparish closes, a regional specificity.

Chapels, roadsidecrosses and parish closes

Ile de Bréhat 40 km

Perros-Guirec 11 km

You can find many reasons to open acampsite. But for Arnaud Blanchard andhis wife, the strong will to leave Parisand their career in the industry field,helped them to make the decision tocome back to Brittany, their birthregion, in order to create a campsite.

They found 4.5 hectares (11119 acres),close to their family farm, on the Côte deGranit Rose (Pink Granit Coast), in thenorthern part of the Brittany peninsula.They fell in love with the site and decidedto begin the adventure of Les Alizés. Theybegan from scratch, building a campsite of56 pitches and added to it, during thesecond year, a very nice indoor swimming-pool. Four years later, the Kawan VillageLes Alizés is proud to propose 120 pitchesand is now graded as a 3-star campsiteaccording to the new French norms. Upcoming next summer, the campsite willbuild a restaurant (proposing snacks, bar,pizzeria…) offering more comfort to thecampers who already enjoy the aquatic

area equipped with waterslides and manyother water games for children. All theingredients are combined to make youspend wonderful holidays on this nicecampsite, whose advantage remains itslocation on the Côte de Granit Rose; only a few minutes from the Perros-Guirecholiday resort. n

3 Seasons n° 119 - 36

Z O O M > F r a n c e > B r e t a g n e > Lannion

A brand new campsite on the coast of Brittany

Kawan Village

Les Alizés

The +- a heated indoor pool- ideally situated to visit the Côte de Granit


Gold Card Special Offer6=711=14Free pre-booking, without down payment

Camping Cheque accepted02/04/2011 - 09/07/2011 27/08/2011 - 01/10/2011

p.54 of the 2011 guide

Keradrivin Bihan (route de Trébeurden)FR-22300 Lannion+33 2 96 47 28 [email protected]

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The campsite Monte Holiday at thefootstep of the Regional Park ofSierra de Guadarrama, an hour drivefrom Madrid, benefits from a verdantlandscape, in the heart of the mountains. Interview with its owner.

3 Seasons : How did the campsite MonteHoliday began?Antonio Gonzalo: The campsite was built in1990. After travelling across all of Europe, myparents decided to open a campsite on an oldfamily site in the North of Madrid. I was over inAfrica, visiting by car for a few months, when myfather announced to me that he wanted toretire, that was 3 years ago. I came back to Spainand began to run the campsite. I made somechanges, for example a very good restaurantand I plan to build a spa and to heat the swimming-pool with a biomass boiler.

3 Seasons: What does the clients like on thecampsite? Antonio Gonzalo: The major point is thelocation. We are one hour away from Madrid ina nature site. From the campsite, the customerscan admire the mountains, enjoy a drink on the

terrace of the bar and reach Madrid in a fewminutes. Our clients also like to visit cities likeBurgos or Segovia.

3 Seasons: What is the best season to come andvisit Monte Holiday?Antonio Gonzalo: It depends on what we comefor. In winter, ski slopes are close to the campsitebut we mainly receive customers in spring,summer and autumn, when people wish to visitthe cities and make hiking or mountain biking.n

3 Seasons n° 119 - 37

ZO O M > S p a i n > Pa rq u e R e g i o n a l d e S i e r ra d e G u a d a r ra m a > Gargantilla del Lozoya

A charming green spot in the North of Madrid


The Spanish capital is one the mostbeautiful cities of Europe with a widechoice of quality museums such as thePrado or the museum of Queen Sofia. www.turismomadrid.es

Burgos is one of the nicest town inSpain, situated along the itinerary ofSantiago de Compostela. In the heartof the medieval district, its gothiccathedral is listed as World HeritageSite.

City listed as World Heritage Site,Segovia offers roman churches and awonderful aqueduct dating fromroman era

Segovia 60 km

Burgos 40 km

Madrid 80 km

The +- situated in a nature site, just one hour

from Madrid

Camping cheques accepted01/01/2011 - 17/04/2011 25/04/2011 - 29/04/2011 03/05/2011 - 04/07/2011 22/08/2011 - 31/12/2011

p.582 of the 2011 guide

CampingMonte Holiday

Carretera M-604 Rascafría-Lozoya km 9 - Gargantilla del LozoyaES-28739 Gargantilladel Lozoya, Madrid+34 918 69 52 [email protected]

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My Camping Cheque

w w w. c a m p i n g c h e q u e . c o m

My Camping Cheque:an easier access to all your detailsCamping Cheque made simple is about holidays, yes, but also about easy access to information. To do so, Camping Cheque is developing its website and simplifies access to your information from your panel in «My Camping Cheque".More functional, here is what you find today:

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Loyality Points : 11

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3 Seasons n°119 - 38

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Check the Camping Chequesbalance on your cards andthe number of Loyalty pointsimmediately

Find the latest subjectsdiscussed on the forum

Sign up for rallies or submit-indirectly from this page.

Follow the ratingof campsites andCamping Chequeuser feedback.

Rate campsites and name the 2011 Top Campsites!Like every year, it is on the 1st of September that the 2011 Top Campsites will be named. Thanks to themarks that you give throughout the year, you are the one designating the campsites offering the best service.They will be awarded the diploma: 2011 Top Campsite.To be Top Campsite, for a member of our network, it is the recognition of its quality, its efforts given to wel-come you, and as such its work throughout the year. You particularly appreciated a campsite? Tell the otherCamping Cheque users by giving it a mark and leaving a comment!Who better than you can decide the best in the Camping Cheque network? Take advantage of themonth of August to rate and comment our campsites. The sites reaching a mark above or equal to 9/10could become the 2011 Top Campsite!

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3 Seasons n°119 - 39


Camping Cheque on your IPhone:Leave with the best of camping in your pocket…

Nearly 45 million Iphone have been sold across theworld, and no less than 2 million in France. Facing thistrend, Camping Cheque innovates and launches a

new application totally free for the iPhone, the Ipad and the IPodTouch; it will be available in the next few weeks.

Faithful to the Camping Cheque spirit, this useful application allows the motorhome owner, caravan owners and other campers to find good addressesamongst the 603 most beautiful campsites of Europe whilst paying the bestprice at all time.

On the road, in Franc or abroad, the Camping Cheque network iswithin reach in all freedom and without an internet connection since oncethe application has been downloaded, it remains accessible in an offconnection mode.

You can situate the closest campsites from wherever you are, or look for acampsite through the search engine and have access to a complete descriptionof each of them : opening dates, services and activities, or even photos to helpin your decision making process…

You can also contact the campsite at the touch of a button on its phone numberor its email

The application also allows you to save your favourite campsites in ‘your favourites’or in your telephone’s address book to be able to find them more easily.

Check and receive all the news from the Camping Cheque network.Further uses still await you…

In 2012, a second version of this application will allow you to buy paper orelectronic Camping Cheques, to check your Gold Card account (for example togain information on your Camping Cheque balance and loyalty points) or evento follow the thread of customers comments on the subject of campsites andalso, the opportunity for you to give your point of view.

In the meantime, to download the Camping Cheque application, nothingto it : meet us on our website or search for « Camping Cheque » on the AppleStore featured on your phone and choose your language amongst the 7 on offer (French, English, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish or Danish).

Save driving in the company of


3 Seasons n°119 - 39




Wi-Fi (total cover) (EC)

internet point (EC)

laundrette with dryer

TV room


barbecue allowed on pitches

international newspapers (1/7-31/8)

large TV screen

DVD film sessions

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3 Seasons n°116 - 303 Seasons n°119 - 40

3 Seasons guides you throughthe traditional Christmasand New year season

JJJiiinnnggglllee BBeelllsss......IItt iiss in December and January,y,y whhenn ttthhheee dddaaayysysy grow shorrtteerr,,r,rr,rthat europe lighhts up wiithh ddecorations during the holidayseason. Christmas fofof r some, St Nicolas or epiphany fofof r others,frfrf om December 6 to January 6, traditional fefef stivavav ls enliventhe calendar throughout the continent. The opportunity totakekek the motorhome out of its over wintering to go and tastethe sweet pleasures of German Christmas markekek ts or tocelebrate the epiphany on the shores of the Costa del Sol.3 Seasons offfff efef rs an overview of the fefef stivities and recommendsome places to stay.y.y

S P E C I A L R E P O R T C h r i s t m a s a n d N e w Ye a r S e a s o n

© LianeM - Stockphoto

© Nadya Lukic - Stockphoto

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3 Seasons n°119 - 41

S P E C I A L R E P O R T C h r i s t m a s a n d N e w Ye a r S e a s o n

Where to stay close to Alcoy:

Eurocamping(p. 612 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011-18/04/201124/04/2011-30/06/201130/08/2001111--3300//1122//22001111

www.w.w euroror ccaammppiinngg-eess.ccoomm

AAllmafrá Ressoort Gran Confofof rrtt(p. 613 of the 2011 guide))

Camping chequeess aacccepttedd::0011//0011//22001111-3311//1122//22001111

www.w.w campingalmafrfrf arar .es


The arrival of the Magi

The Epiphany traditionally takes place on January6th. In Latin culture, the religious holiday celebratesthe visit of the three Magi, Caspar, Melchior andBalthazar to the new-born Jesus. In the Byzantinetradition (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia), itcommemorates Christ's baptism in the Jordan.While in some countries, like France, the Epiphanyis "just" an opportunity to meet with friends overa cake, in other parts of Europe it is a much largerparty. So, January 6th is a holiday in several countries(Italy, Spain, Greece, parts of Germany, Austria, partsof Switzerland, Sweden, and Finland). For a longtime the Epiphany was a very important festivalbefore being gradually supplanted by Christmas,however, it remains very popular in some places.In Spain, it is the Three Kings who bring gifts tochildren for the Epiphany and the evening sees thestreets of Spanish cities gaining colors in variousparades while we relish the cake of the season,Roscón de Reyes.

The most ancient parade of Spain

In Alcoy,y,y near Alicante, the Epiphany is celebratedin the oldest parade of the country (it exists since1885). The Sunday befofof re January 6th, childrendressed as shepherds at the parade of "Pastoretes,"the little shepherds. It then that, a royal speakerreads on January 4th, a proclamation announcingthe arrival of the Magi. He comes with donkeyscarrying mailbox where children post their lettersbeing addressed to them. When night falls, onJanuary 5, the three wise men finally make theirentrance in Alcoy,y,y riding camels. They are precededby a procession of torches and are fofof llowed bythe royal pages going up on the balconies andwiinnddows ooff tthe houusses to deliver giftftf s to children..

© oversnap - iStockphoto

© manuel velasco - iStockphoto

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S P E C I A L R E P O R T C h r i s t m a s a n d N e w Ye a r S e a s o n

3 Seasons n°119 - 42

Christmas and St Nicolas in Alsace

In France that celebrates mainly Christmas, Alsaceand Lorraine are the exception. Here we celebratethe patron saint of schoolchildren as well as Santa.It is with warm milk and mannala (little man inAlsatian), a regional brioche, which is home to thesaint. Dressed as a bishop, cross in hand, and a longwhite beard, he goes from village to village withhis donkey to reward good children with sweets,gingerbread and clementines. He is joined by the"Hans Trapp" that threatens to put the children thatwere not well behaved in his bag. But all childrenare well behaved as we approach Christmas...The St Nicolas is the beginning of end of yearfestivities. For several weeks, towns and villages inthe region lightens up with the colours of Christmasmarkets, whether in large cities (Strasbourg, inparticular, where the market goes back to 1570, hasthe oldest Christmas market in France) or in thevillages. In addition to these markets, variousevents take place during this festival (concerts, winetasting in wine cellars, exhibitions, etc.). One shouldparticularly appreciate the night walks and thetorch or lantern walks that can delve into theChristmas magic. These festivities usually last untilthe Epiphany.

For further details on the end of the year festivitiesin Alsace and Lorraine, as well as more detaileddiaries of events, you can check out the websites ofthe departmental committees of Tourism of Alsaceand Lorraine: www.tourisme-alsace.comwww.tourisme-lorraine.fr


Where to stay in Alsace - Lorraine during theChristmas and New YeYeY ar period:

KawanVillage Club Lac de Bouzey(p. 184 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted :01/01/2011-16/07/201115/08/2011-31/12/2011

www.w.w lacdebouzeyeye .y.y com

KawanVillageVaVaV nnede Pierre(p. 185 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011-03/07/201121/08/2011-31/12/2011

www.w.w vannedepepe ierrrrr erer .com

KawanVViillllaaggeeDDDomaine deChampé((pp. 11886 of the 2011 guide)

Campingg cchheeqqueess aacccepted:0011//0011//201111-10/077//2200111119/08/2011-0011//1111/201120/11/2011-30/12/2011

www.w.w domaine-de-champe.com

© CRTA / Zvardon

© Marilyn Nieves - Stockphoto

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S P E C I A L R E P O R T C h r i s t m a s a n d N e w Ye a r S e a s o n

3 Seasons n°119 - 43

Where to stay during the Christmas New Yearperiod close to Copenhagen:

Absalon Camping (p. 369 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011-11/06/201111/09/2011-31/12/2011


Stevns Camping (p. 370 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011-30/12/2011



Christmas in the gardens

The Christmas market in Copenhagen is one of akind. Indeed it takes in quarters inside the amuse-ment park "Tivoli Gardens" located in the heart ofthe Danish capital. On the occasion of Christmasfestive season, one of the oldest amusement parksin the world becomes a wonderland decorated withover 1000 Christmas trees and 8 km of fairy lights.Besides the usual attractions inspired by the talesof Andersen, the gardens offer in November andDecember, a Christmas market, a parade for chil-dren, an outdoor ice rink, rides extra, etc. A fantasticouting for the whole family.

For further details on the Tivoli Gardens:www.tivoli.dk

Advent dinners on campsite Hampen Sø

While waiting fofof r Christmas, the campsite HampenSø (p. 361 on the guide 2011) organizes traditionalDanish Advent dinners, Julefrokoster,r,r on Fridays,November 25th, December,r,r 2nd and 9th. At the menu,you will find a bufffff efef t of Danish delicacies and theseasonal desert, the Ris a’la’mande. This dinner willcost 99 DK (about 13,50€)/person. During the lastfefef w years, this event has become very popular tothe clients of the campsite that is why; we adviseyou to book your dinner in advance:infofof @hampen-soe-camping.dk,tél. : +45 7577 5255.

© Dorte Krogh / www.visitdenamrk.com

© Kristian Krogh / www.visitdenamrk.com

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S P E C I A L R E P O R T C h r i s t m a s a n d N e w Ye a r S e a s o n

3 Seasons n°119 - 44 24

Christmas under the sun

The Moroccan campsite Manzil la Tortue (p. 622 ofthe 2011 Site Directory) invites those who wish toescape the harsh winter to spend Christmas andNew Year under the gentle sun of North Africa,in Marrakech, with two programs over 4 days.Thefirst program will be organized around ChristmasEve, from December 23rd to 26th, and the secondaround New Year's Eve, December 30th to January2nd. On the menu, a musical jazz and blues eveningalong with petits fours (bar open from 19h to 20h),a guided tour of Marrakech, a special night onChristmas Eve with a hearty meal of six courses, aMoroccan Christmas mechoui served in a nomadictent or in the gardens, a Moroccan breakfast withpancakes, M'smen and Bghir. Price, excludingcamping cheque: 190 € / person for the Christmasholidays and 235 € / person for the stay over theNew Year

For further details or to book your stay (places limi-ted at 40 persons per Christmas Eve and New YearEve’s party – booking starts on the 1st of August),you can get in touch directly with the campsite:[email protected]


Special Gold Card offfff efef r:Camping Cheques will be exceptionally acceptedduring the programs of Christmas and New YeYeY arfofof r all bookings of at least two people. Free WiFithroughout the stay + a voucher fofof r two menus

(worth 360 dirhams - about € 32) to be usedbetween 10th and 20th December 22001111 oor

between January 5th andd JJaannuuary 15th, 20122..These advantaaggeess wwiillllll bbbee ooffffffffff eefeffef rreedd ooonnn ppprrreessentation

of the Goldd CCaarrdd when you arrive attthe reception desk.

© Michel Sidoti

© Michel Sidoti

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S P E C I A L R E P O R T C h r i s t m a s a n d N e w Ye a r S e a s o n

3 Seasons n°119 - 45

Christmas Markets Tradition

The first German Christmas Markets date from 15th

century. We then talk about “St Nicholas Markets”.The first written marks on official documents,mention the Market of Dresden then called“Dresdner Striezelmarkt”. We are in 1434. Backin those days, the markets lasted only 2 to 3 days.This phenomenon has increased year after year andhas been renamed “Christkindlmarkt”, the Marketsof Child Christ. Since this time, the tradition is everlasting and the markets run from the weekendbefore the Advent until the day after Christmas. On these markets decorated with Christmas colours,you will find artworks and seasonal regionalgastronomy. The most famous and the most typicalmarkets of Germany are Berlin, Erfurt, Lübeck, Augsburg and Dresden.

Where to stay in Germany during the Christmas New Year period:

Berlin :Jägerbude (p. 391 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011-30/12/20111

www.lela24.deCountry Camping Tiefensee (p. 392 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011-31/12/2011


Erfurt :Oberhof Camping Lütschesee (p. 399 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:10/01/2011-10/06/201114/06/2011-23/12/2011


Lübeck :Caravanpark am Brahmsee (p. 377 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011-30/12/2011


Klüthseecamp(p. 382 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011-30/06/201101/09/2011-31/12/2011

www.kluethseecamp.deCampingplatz Schwaan (p. 383 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:05/01/2011-01/08/201108/08/2011-20/12/2011


Dresde :Deutschbaselitz(p. 393 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:31/01/2011-30/06/201129/08/2011-30/12/2011


Augsbourg :Elbsee(p. 411 of the 2011 guide)

Camping cheques accepted:01/01/2011-17/04/201115/05/2011-10/06/201104/10/2011-31/12/2011



© Erfurt Tourismus GmbH © Neumann, Barbara

© Messerschmidt, Joachim

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Page 46: 3 Seasons Autumn 2011

R A L LY M o r o c c o

The first Camping Cheque

rally in Morocco took

place in April. It was a

great success, for the

participants, with great

moments amongst the magni-

ficent Moroccan landscapes

and beautiful encounters.

3 Seasons back in a few

pictures on this beautiful


MarrakechRabatOuarzazateEssaouiraAgadirCasablanca FèsTanger FèsTaannngeeerr



Relais Hamada DudraaMhamid

Tifina Caravanséraild’Arfoud - Erfoud

Manzil la TortueMarrakech Amerchich

Terre d’OcéanAgadir

CampingOcéan bleuMohammedia

Camping BellevueZerhouneRabat



Casablanca Fès



Camping ToubkalTaliouine







« It was a great human

and group adventure. »

Interview of Michel Sidoti, directorof customer relations, accompanyingthe rally

3 Seasons : How did the rally of Morocco go?M. Sidoti : It was a great human adventure and group. Ourparticipants were an exact representation of all clients of theCamping Cheque network, and, in the opinion of the owners ofcampsites which have welcomed us, they have formed a perfectgroup, rich of its eight nationalities. We were very involved in thisfirst a success. We are proud and pleased both with the result,but even more, to know that what has been experienced willremain permanently marked in the memories. We are thinkingnow of other adventures, to other territories, but we plan torepeat the experience in Morocco next year.

© Michel Sidoti

© Michel Sidoti

Come back on aMoroccan getaway

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R A L LY M o r o c c o

3 Seasons n°119 - 47

The rally was an opportunity for theparticipants to discover Morocco and itslarge stretches of sand where dromedarieswander in amazing colourful landscapes(see on the left and below).

Besides discovering a country, the rallyhas enabled human interactions, offeringan excellent atmosphere inside thegroup. All the participants have gotthe feeling that they shared preciousmoments (see opposite)

Visits of cities, medina, souks or gardenswere all part of the programme and allactivities proposed by the owners of thedifferent campsites where the rallystopped by (see below).

« The night spent in tents near

the sand dunes will leave us a

unique souvenir. »

What the participants had to say

Jacques and Josette : This rally has given us a very different viewof what we might consider to see through most tour operators. The trip was amazing by the landscapes passed through and the peopleencountered. We especially enjoyed the authentic Morocco villages,souks and meetings with Berbers families and the Tuareg people.The crossing of the Middle Atlas, the stay in Erfoud near the desert,the view of the Atlas, the path in the reg close to Mhamid, the nightspent in the tents near the sand dunes. All this will leave us with aunique souvenir.

Guy B. : We were very pleased with the rally as a whole, whetherthe organization or the guides, Richard and his wife, and Michel.The itinerary, the visits, and the professionalism of guides: everythingwas perfect. Note for this rally: 18. Hats off to the team of CampingCheque. We are ready to go back.

© Michel Sidoti

© Michel Sidoti

© Michel Sidoti

© Michel Sidoti

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Page 48: 3 Seasons Autumn 2011

NeWOffeRSNOThe Gold Card now allows you to benefit from many

advantages: a subscription to the Camping Cheque SiteDirectory and the 3 Seasons magazine, payment facilities, loyaltypoints, special offers in campsites, etc. Since we strive to constantlyincrease our offers, we have compiled a plethora of tourismspecial deals that we hope will satisfy you. You can indeed benefitfrom preferential prices, on our selection by simply showing yourCamping Cheque Gold Card. You will find the details of these touristoffers on these pages… Don't hesitate to go there to take advantageof the new benefits on offer brought to you by your Gold Cardthroughout the low season.

G O L D C A R D L e i s u r e s

3 Seasons n°119 - 48

France - Pyrénées OrientalesDOMAINE DE LA PERDRIX

Nestled in the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains, overlooking thecoastal plains of the Roussillon, the Domaine de la Perdrix estatehas over 110 acres of vines. The vineyard is located in Trouillas, just15 km south of Perpignan, in the heart of the Aspres area of theeastern Pyrenees. Their vines are grown within an A.O.C. area(a French wine classification which guarantees the geographicalorigin of the wine) and produced with grape varieties typicalto the region: Grenache Noir, Grenache Blanc, Carignan, Syrah,Muscat of Alexandria, Muscat petits-grains, Macabeu. Come andtry some of the finest wines the Roussillon has to offer from thevineyard’s selection of Côte du Roussillon reds, Vins de Pays desCôtes Catalanes (white, rosé or red), or taste the famous localfortified wines: Muscat de Rivesaltes and Rivesaltes Ambré.www.domaine-perdrix.com


Kawan Village Le Haras (p.133)Kawan Village Ma Prairie (p.134)L’Oasis (p.135)

Campsites nearbyAndré and Virginie Gil from the Domaine de la Perdrixwill give you a 10% discount on wine purchases fromthe vineyard shop on presentation of your Gold Card.

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G O L D C A R D L e i s u r e s

3 Seasons n°119 - 49

50% off the swimming pool, sauna andexercise machines and 10% off massagesand treatments


Want to enjoy an outing in a horse-drawn carriage as a family or asa couple? The peaceful joys of riding in a carriage, passing by the oldBelyviere manor house (16th century), in front of the Chateau de LaSource or nearby the old mill. 41120 Feings

Horse-drawn carriage rides: Family offer: For every2 adult tickets, get 2 children's tickets for free.Couple/individuals offer: 20% discount for a2-hour outing. Outing on horse-back (or a lesson): €13/hr per person(instead of €15), €25/2hr (instead of €28). Training course: 20% discount for a 2nd person on allthe courses.

France - Val de LoireLES BAINS DOUCHES

At the foot of the royal city of Loches, just a few stepsaway from the chateau de Chenonceau and Amboise,come and take a look at the Bains Douches... that hassomething for everyone, to get back in shape and backto basics. Traditional and genuine care for the bodyand the face, fitness, balneotherapy, coaching,hammam...Les Bains Douches - 37600 Loches


Animal theme park: "Big game animals bred inFrance". You will discover on board a safari-train allthese big game animals bred in the semi-wild: thegreat stag and his doe, the wild boar, the fallow deer, the ostriches, the bison... www.reserve-de-beaumarchais.com

€5,50/person instead of €6.50(for the GC bearer and thoseaccompanying him) + 1 free drinkfor those eating at the inn.

France - Val de Loire DOMAINE DE LA CARTE

At the centre of the Loire chateau region, the Domaine de la Carteis an ideal place to stay for those who want to play golf, tennis,

go swimming or taste the food.www.le-domaine-de-la-carte.abcsalles.com

10% off the Green Fee (week- week-end) / 1 bucketpurchased=1 bucket free / Lessons: Golf for beginners€35/person and member prices for all the otherteaching products.

Campsites nearby

Kawan Village La Grande Tortue (p.75)Les Cochards (p.77)La Citadelle (p.78)

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G O L D C A R D L e i s u r e s

3 Seasons n°119 - 50

France - LorraineSIMSERHOF

8 km west of Bitche, near Siersthal in Moselle (Lorraine) is leSimserhof, which with its 5 km of galleries and eight combatblocks is one of the largest and best-preserved fortificationson the Maginot Line. It was reopened to the public on 14 July2002. You will first see a film on a giant screen telling the storyof the Maginot Line from 1918 to 1940. You then board an au-tomated vehicle with audio commentary, take the munitionsentrance and are taken all the way into the fort. Start yourjourney into the Simserhof galleries.www.simserhof.fr

Adult ticket €10 instead of €12Child ticket €7 instead of €8.

Ohmbachsee (p.402)Camping-freizeitzentrum Sägmühle (p.403)

Campsites nearby

France - MorbihanLA COMPAGNIE DES ILES The Compagnie des Iles invitesyou on a cruise…

Sail between the small islands that populatethe Golfe du Morbihan - Ile aux Moines and Iled'Arz. Enjoy the mellow countryside to beexplored on the Etel River. Explore the islandsin the open sea - Belle-Ile en Mer, Ile de Houatand Ile de Hoëdic, Ile de Groix, etc.The pleasure craft of the Compagnie des Iles(from 140 to 250 passengers) are suitable forcruises for the whole family, with interiorlounge, twin decks, etc.

10% reduction on crossings to alldestinations of the Compagnie desIles and the Compagnie NAVIX(excluding meals) on presentationof your Gold Card. Offer valid onlyat the company's ticket offices andcannot be used in conjunction withany other promotion.

Le Ty Nadan (p.61)Kawan Village Le Moustoir (p.62)Mané Guernehué (p.63)ferme de Lann Hoëdic (p.64)Camping des Iles (p.65)Kawan Village Château du Deffay (p.66)Airotel la Roseraie (p.67)La Tabardière (p.68)

Campsites nearby

Many ports of departure:en Loire-Atlantique: Le Croisic and la TurballeMorbihan:Port-Navalo, Vannes, Locmariaquer,Quiberon, Etel, Locmiquelicfinistère: Doëlan

© Je



e Ka





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GOLD CARD Use r gu ide

3 Seasons n°119 - 51






4 6

1) Gold Card ID number

2) Surname and nameof customer

3) Last balance

4) Cheques of 14 euros ordered in 2009

5) Cheques of 15 euros, ordered in 2010

6) Order number

7) Expiry date of chequesordered

8) New balance

Purchase. I order my digital Camping Cheques from my customary agent, stating that I am a Gold Card holder.My cheques are then credited onto my customer account,waiting to be downloaded onto your Gold Card via the payment terminal. This transaction takes place on the first campsite visited

Downloading. On arrival at a Camping Cheque membercampsite, I request the downloading of my digital CampingCheques. I will be handed a ticket stating my balance; my digital cheques are now ready to be used for payment.

Payment.When it is time to pay for your stay, my Gold Card isinserted in the payment terminal, which will in turn debit thenumber of Camping Cheques due. I will receive a transactionreceipt on which my Camping Cheque balance is indicated.



THE LOYALTY POINTSEarning the loyalty Points. I earn Loyalty Points exclusively with my digital Camping Cheques.

Collecting the Points. They are, in effect, automatically credited with each night spent on a Camping Cheque campsite.

Earning Bonus Points. Two rules apply here: 6 CampingCheques used on the same campsite earns 7 Loyalty Points; 11 cheques earns 14 points (6=7, 11=14).






4 6




TSarn Looyalty Points exclusivelys



On: 11/10/10 a 09:56

Licence id.: 250036002

Card: 0000000000115283



Last balance 10,00

15,00 EUR



Id.pmt: 00508EDCBFA7FDDA

Expire on: 31DEC13

14,00 EUR

Debit :


Id.pmt : 0F7F5BC1496242D7

Expire on: 31DEC12

Debits To


New balance 3,00



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Golden sunshine, a range of activities, the holidays have just begun...

Simply better holidays

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