THE PEOPLE'S RECORDER || A Journal-Of News And Opinion. Pu ol i shed livery Saturday Prom Our U*u liuilding ut Orauíí'jburtr, s. (J S UI .senn "J*ION ltATKS S AOVANCH Oil« Your. SI.Ml: Six Monllis. ueilUtt Tim-.- Morn hs. iVunmls. il) ..KlviilKM'. City Subscription i:»t;<-i:*,K iH-riiionLli.l'nyuulo al cud ul Munni. COMMUNICATIONS TUB UKCOltniSIt will imi iisli lin.-f :ii}<! rn lioiml «¡oiniuuiilonLloiis un nul>j«!Ols ol Krui inlurttsl wlHiti tlioy uro oocoiii|»anit;«l . y thu numus and uiMruaKus »I Mus auiliors, lied un.» inti or u .li-futnulory nalur«, und wl.tiii :<iitll<:lei!l nash is snit lo |HI>" tut riui-up" im i-liurriu Tor muieo. Aiuioiiy. mons cimiiiiiiin.-.ii'oiis will nm I"' nolUu-u, W«- «.lo liol roiuin rojuuiuil v umisur.pts- uiK'-s-. slumps »Vii st::it lor sun..-. NOIIIM-S Ol inuniU!:i s. linUi*. il< ;il1is. Lo>l. lounil. -nr.. «. o»:uia i-u .>. inserliou ul ulalu HM«« Mu Kigali postal umi express money orders l.uyuDlu lu C b\ uol.MKS KdilorandI'ubllxlior. urauttui»ui'K> »">« c. DR. E. D. WHITE, - State Agent, R, E. RICHARDSON, Business manager, SAT-UK DAY SKPTK.M I > IO It ll ALL aboard for Columbus, (>. to attend the National Baptist Convention. Aro you going'i IT should be entirely out ol' order for any citizen, while or colored to knock Orangeburg. TN pulling, let us pull alto go th ei- to ina Ive this one of the best places on earth for both white and colored -thc industri¬ ous and progressive classes. THE North Pole discovered by Dr. Cook ten days ago and then conies the news that eight or ten days later the same North Pole was discovered hy commander, Peary. Who next? IT always pays to ae^ortiso. lt will pay better if the advertise¬ ment is where it can bo seen by all the people, in while pa pei's for white people and Negro pa¬ pers for Negro people, ISyery' merchant in Orangeburg who wishes colored patronage should put a card in this paper and let our people know that their trade is wanted and wi H he appreciat¬ ed. Try it and watch results. THE more than one column ac¬ count ol' the North Carolina Mu¬ tual meeting at Colombia some little time ago, to be found in this'issue of the Recorder speaks roi itself. The N. C. Mutuals are a great concern, they do not do things by halves. We com¬ mend this great institution to our people everywhere. The men at the head ol it are among the business giants ol the Negro World. Mourns COLLEGE Notes and the large two column advertise¬ ment of the college, both to be seen in this issue of the Record¬ er will bo refreshing information to the thousands ol' friends to this institution over the State. The college opens this year on Sept. J'.lih. The I 'resident states that the prospect, for a large at tendance, is assured, Sixteen instructors in the faculty, men .and women all of whom aro grad¬ uates from prominent/colleges ol thc country. Many useful industries are to be taught this year which, in our opinion, is a step in the right direction. Let the friends to Nc oro educa¬ tion rally to the support ol' Mor¬ ris College and to every other institution of learning for the POR more than sixteen years this paper has made its weekly visits to thousands of South Car¬ olinians, some have showed theil appreciation for it by paying al¬ ways in advance, and regularly, while others equally ¡is aide owe us from year to year. Thanks to Heaven ! we are beginning to know our friends as the days and years go and come; thanks Î also because we are getting to \ And We Are Glad to See lt. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Dres; Good Homespuns, checks Í Outing, Hie best ever offer Good Bleaching at Taille Liincns at A Pretty line of colored li 10-1 bleached and Unble 100 pieces of good Percal, (¡¡ood Spool Cotton, guara.! A Cood Sea Island Homes Baby's Shoes Irom 25 cents Boys' " " $1.00 tc 1 could go on and men L ask ONE and AL^L just t and be Convinced. G 19 W. Russell Stre PHONE 1402. the place .where we are not obliged to credit subscribers who promise but never pay. We aro going to "Imo Lo the line" this fall and winter in sending the People's Recorder to only those who can trust us by pay¬ ing for the paper in advance. Others who promise and ne.vei p;iy can get their reading matter else where. We are at our books now and as soon as accounts are /ully made up they will be sent to subscribers. Thc Coming City Election. Every citizen of Orangeburg I who wishes to see the municipal-, ¡ty go forward and not backward is expected to take aw interest in the election of Mayor and Al¬ dermen next Tuesday. With the spii itoi progress and advancement to be seen in al¬ most every hamlet in South Carolina it would be a pity ifithis proud city should take any back¬ ward steps. There are two good men named for Mayor and severall sale men, as lawmakers named J as lit for Aldermen.. We can on¬ ly hope that economical business men will be chosen to preside over the destinies of the city. Pick out the best and safest men who arc interested in the true welfare of the city and vote for them without bartering off your vote, is the ad vice we give our reader.s. School Openings. Voofhees Industrial School at Denmark, S. C., wiil throw open its doors for students on Oct 4th. Benedict College, Columbia, will open this year on Sept. "JOth. Schofield Normal and Industrial School, Aiken, begins its this year's session on Oct 5th. Mor¬ ris College, Sumter, opens for its .second year on Sept. 29th. Arc you ready y If not, get ready and have your sons and daughters enter on time. Morris College Notes, 1st, All old students and those intending to enter for the first time are notified that the coming session will begin on Wednes¬ day, Sept. L»i)th. Classes will be immediately .formed and work begun without delay. lind, We have a strong faculty ol' sixteen instructors, who are graduates of eleven different colleges. 3rd, Attention is directed lo the following new departments ind courses of instruction: Dressmaking, Millinery Work, i looking. Shorthand and Type¬ writing and Agriculture. The School, of. Music has been strengthened, and much atten-.- bion will be given to Voice Cul- Lure. / 12 y2 Cts. COTTC 5 LO I Have Something That Looks B The Largest and Cheapest Lot 5 Suit Cases, Hats and Caps Ever S SOME OF THE BARGAINS WE OFFER md yellow, at ed Cor the money, at - 5, 0, 7 20c, 2")c, ilOe. 3')c, opts, just the thing for Early Kail ached Sheeting at - 20c, 30 inches wide, at ntced to sew on any Machine, at pun itt - Lace Certains from 33 to *l.f>0 a pair. Ladies' Shoes fr )S:U>0. Men's lion Goods and Prices that would \ o CALL and SEE thelinmense St< YOURS FOR HONEST AND SQUAB iEO. V. ZEIG t, ORA 4th, All students are required to bring their own sheets, pillow cases, comforts or blankets, tow¬ els and table napkins, f>th, All young women will wear a uniform suit, both on Sun¬ days and in the class room. These dj esses will be neat and pretty but not expensive. As all these uniforms will be made at tin; College, parents are urg¬ ed not to prepare dresses for their daughters before sending thom. Uth, The great increase ill the number of students calls for ad dittonal expenditure for bed rooui flU'Diture and dining room and kitchen .nop)iunces. Now is the time to send in any" aRd all moneys for the College. 7th, As there will be a very large attendance, all students are notified tocóme promptly. IlT. M.' BrawTgfT T .' "-W President. Calored State Fair To" Meet At Hates- barg, S. C. The next Colored State Fair will occur at Batesburg, S. C., November eighth to twelfth, nineteen hundred and nine. WHAT THE COLORED STATE FAIR HAS DONE FOR THE PEOPLE, 1st-It has giveu the best ex¬ hibition of the thrift and pro¬ gress among the Negroes ever shown in South Carolina. lind -It has afforded them the ¡ jest opportunity to meet their "rionds and acquaintances from ill parts of the State. ¿lid- it has convinced all the >oople thal the Colored people .an get together from all parts j >f the State and hu ve a good ime without tights and fusses. 4th-lt has demonstrated the act that Colored men are capa- )le of eonduotiong a great En- erprisc. 5th-It has lifted the colored >eople in the estimation of them¬ ed vos and the white people of he State. Get ready, prepare your exhi- >its, and attend the Colored >tate Fair at Batesburg, S. C., November Uth to 12th, 1909. mportant Notice To The Col¬ ored Teachers Of Or- . angebnrg County. AU teachers who attended the Summer Institute from August th, to Augst 20th, anti hold first r second grade certificates, can ;et them renewed by applying r> the Supt. of Education with n endorsement from me. r Yours fraternally, N. C. Nix, President of Color- d - Teachers' Association of h'angeburg Co. OKS GOOD etter. of Dry-Goods, Clothing, »old in Orangburg, S C, 5c. por yard. J&] 5c , 8 and 9c 40e, and 50c. Drosses, at ino. .Juc, «Wo, 85c 8 1-3C--" 2c. per spools 5c. per yaad. cents to $1.00 per pair, ?ni SI 00 to $5.00 ' $1.25 to $6.00 Lake up the whole paper. Dck that I am Showing :K DEALINGS, iLER, NGEBURG, S. C. Old Familiar Things, Only the other day thè papers told the story of a man who trav¬ eled all the way from Indiana bo Massachusetts to trace and buy back an old family horse that he had sold a few months before. Ever since the horse liad been gone, the man's wife had grieved. Her condition had finally become such that her husband gladly paid a larger price than he had received, and cheerfully bore the cost of an expensive trip besides, to get ihe horse back. In the same week New Eng¬ land newspapers recorded the tragic death of un old man who was .uvlug comfortably with a ¿amed daughter in a town near Boston. The cause ascribed waa l4s^pQtfing for the farm where lie had spent most of his days^ itnd which he had left for a pre¬ sumably easier existence. There also appeared lately in °£ the magazines, a descrip¬ tion of t.'ie pathetic last act which marks thé í.ual abandon¬ nent of an old farm-the auction by which the homely household utensils that have borne so infci- nate a relation to the home are listributed among neighbors to whom they have no special sig- liticance. Similar things are constantly K'curring. To any one with in¬ sight, they disclose the depth of leutimcnt which lies hidden even n the most unemotional of Jives. For young people, especially, hey are full of significances. Nothing is more natural than bat a son should sny: "Father s getting too old to live alone my longer. The land is all run >nt, anyway. TVe might as well ell the old place and bring him lown here with us, where he ;an be more comfortable." It is the beginning of tragedy. lo land is ever so run out that it loes not produce a harvest of nemories more precious than the »est crop of corn it ever raised. Ton can make the old man coin- ortable, but yon can rarely lake him happy. The roots of an old tree go eep, and the real sustenance hey draw comes not through uch obvious tap-roots as food nd shelter and clothing, but y little threadlike fibers hidden rom sight, twined about every tone and penetrating every loud. It is ill transplanting uch. a tree.-Youth's Com pan- in. A Friend To Teachers, Ministers arni Students. Orders Sent Anywhere. LEEVY LATEST LEADING TAILOR, 1213 Taylor Street. Columbia. 'S. C. 1ST - Phone «10. Court Proceedings. Thc Fall Session of the Goner- ^ il Sessions convened on Monday norning, with Judge Earnest jfivy presiding. Solicitor P. T. j » iilderbrand and Court Stenogra- 1 mer C. H. Glaze were at theil-'j .espeetive posts and the jury-! nen were in their places, Monday was Labor Day and a ¡ egal holiday and so the court lidn't do much oa that day. The grand jury, however, did not fail ,o remain at work, passing on several bills handed out lo them jy the solicitor, so as the iou rt would lose no time in get¬ ing to work Tuesday morning. The cases taken ui> and tried Tuesday wen; as follows: J. P. Graydon, housebreaking ind larceny, guilty, six months JU the public works of Orange- burg county. The case agaisnt! Dr: W. H. Brown, (white) who1 was charged with storing liquor] in violation of the law, was found guilty and sentenced to serve thiee months in jail or pay a tine ot' $1UU. There are two more cases pending against Brown for violating the dispen¬ sary laws. Hattie Neal was next tried for grand larceny, she pleaded guil¬ ty and begged the court's mercy and was sentenced to two years in the State penitentiary, liosa Cobb was acquitted of the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill on her cousin, Jane Cobb. John Morton and Eugene Smith two small boys, pleaded guilty to housebreaking and larceny, on se perate counts, and were (riven four and live months re¬ spectively, on the obalngang. Alfred Middleton, assult and >attery with intent to kill, five rears on the cha ingang. Annie Iones, violating dispensary law, iliree months in jail or pay $100. Humbert .Teams, violating dis- lensary law, sentenced three nontlis or $100. The next CUMI was that of Muller Fnrtiek and Solomon [ii pps. indicted for violation of Lhe dispensary law. The jury found a verdict of not guilty as Lo Furtick and guilty as to Solo¬ mon liipps." and a .sentence of tour months or a fine of $150. WANTED-bwond hand bugs and hiirlap: any kind: any quantity, anywhere. RICHMOND BAG COM¬ PANY, ttk'hraond, Va. MERCHANT TAILORING, Now is the time to have your Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats made to order. We carry the LATEST Styles apd most choice selection of Samples that can be had in the United States. Reasonable Prices have been arranged to suit each one according to his selec¬ tion. "FIT" Guaranteed. We solicit your patronage, one and ALL. J.W.DANIELS, Prop. 'Phono 330. 9 S. Church St. Orangeburg, S. C. 3 & Morris College | ANNOUNCEMENT._* Wi 1 EDWARD MACKNIGHT BRAWLEY, A. M., D. D., President. SESSION OF 1909-1010. Fall Torin will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 29. Students, old and new, are urged to be on hand ¡it thu opening. DEPARTMENTS AND (OURSES OK STUDY. The Divinity School, Academy, Grammar Sshool, School of Music Commercial School and School of Do¬ mestic Science will he operatod. Among the nev features will be Dressmaking, Millinery Work, Cooking Shorthand and Typewriting aqd AgricuN turo. Special attention will be given to the courses leading to Teaching, Business and Industrial Arts. Young ladies will wear a uniform suit in the class room art» on Sundays. Tins rule is in the interest of gooil tiiste and eeoi.omy, and will be strictly enforced. Parents are requested not to prepare dresses for their daughters before eending them to school. The uniforms will be made at the College, and will cost less than similar clothing bought and made at home. EXPENSES FOR BOARDING STUDENTS. Board, per month.$15 00 Room rent, heat and light. 1,00 Tuition. 1.00 Laundry work.75 fi fi fi ft fi Jg $8.75 aYoung women can dos their own laundry work, and save 75 cents; but they must provide their own soap and starch. A discount of ten per cent will be made for cash pay- yjtf merit for four months in advance and to ministers' ehil- Sj^ dren. Special charges for instruction in Shorthand and %-U Typewriting will be two dollars a month. Jj EXPENSES FOR DAV STUDENTS. SM Tuition in the Academy.$1 50 Tuition in the Grammar School 1.00 ]M yM Music.-Instruction on the piai.o or organ will cost $2 yjjje^ for eight lessons. jfa 4gj THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. SM The Ave upper grades will be maintained. In th?H de» Uá. partinent the student will complete Arithmetic, Grammar, tiüography and United States History. S GENERAL INFORMATION. Booms ore furnished with bureau and looking glass, iron bedstead, mattress, spring, pillows, howland pitcher, table, chairs and rugs. Eacli student must provide two sheets, two pillow slips, comforts or blankets and two table napkins. Each young ludy should provide herself with two dark wash dresses, dark aprons, substantial shoes, a waterproof umbrella and rubbers. Every article should be distinctly marked with the owner's name. NOTE CAREFULLY. ^hh A CoHejfe Month is four weeks AU bills ate payable Mri g£T In Advance. For further information address the President, Box 328, Sumter, S. C. * ft w Ik * * fi fi fi 1 ft fi fi * *

3 Morris College€¦ · THE PEOPLE'S RECORDER|| A Journal-Of NewsAnd Opinion. Puoli shed livery Saturday Prom Our U*u liuilding ut Orauíí'jburtr, s. (J SUI.senn"J*IONltATKS S AOVANCH

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Page 1: 3 Morris College€¦ · THE PEOPLE'S RECORDER|| A Journal-Of NewsAnd Opinion. Puoli shed livery Saturday Prom Our U*u liuilding ut Orauíí'jburtr, s. (J SUI.senn"J*IONltATKS S AOVANCH

THE PEOPLE'S RECORDER ||A Journal-Of News And Opinion.Pu ol i shed livery Saturday Prom OurU*u liuilding ut Orauíí'jburtr, s. (J

SUI.senn"J*ION ltATKSS AOVANCH Oil« Your. SI.Ml: Six Monllis.

ueilUtt Tim-.- Morn hs. iVunmls. il) ..KlviilKM'.City Subscription i:»t;<-i:*,K iH-riiionLli.l'nyuuloal cud ul Munni.

COMMUNICATIONSTUB UKCOltniSIt will imi iisli lin.-f :ii}<! rn

lioiml «¡oiniuuiilonLloiis un nul>j«!Ols olKrui inlurttsl wlHiti tlioy uro oocoiii|»anit;«l. y thu numus and uiMruaKus »I Mus auiliors,lied un.» inti or u .li-futnulory nalur«, undwl.tiii :<iitll<:lei!l nash is snit lo |HI>" tutriui-up" im i-liurriu Tor muieo. Aiuioiiy.mons cimiiiiiiin.-.ii'oiis will nm I"' nolUu-u,W«- «.lo liol roiuin rojuuiuil v umisur.pts-uiK'-s-. slumps »Vii st::it lor sun..-. NOIIIM-SOl inuniU!:i s. linUi*. il< ;il1is. Lo>l. lounil.-nr.. «. o»:uia i-u .>. inserliou ul ulalu HM««

MuKigali postal umi express money ordersl.uyuDlu luC b\ uol.MKS KdilorandI'ubllxlior.

urauttui»ui'K> »">« c.

DR. E. D. WHITE, - State Agent,R, E. RICHARDSON, Business manager,


ALL aboard for Columbus, (>.to attend the National BaptistConvention. Aro you going'i

IT should be entirely out ol'order for any citizen, while or

colored to knock Orangeburg.

TN pulling, let us pull altogo th ei- to ina Ive this one of thebest places on earth for bothwhite and colored -thc industri¬ous and progressive classes.

THE North Pole discovered byDr. Cook ten days ago and thenconies the news that eight or tendays later the same North Polewas discovered hy commander,Peary. Who next?

IT always pays to ae^ortiso. ltwill pay better if the advertise¬ment is where it can bo seen byall the people, in while pa pei'sfor white people and Negro pa¬pers for Negro people, ISyery'merchant in Orangeburg whowishes colored patronage shouldput a card in this paper and letour people know that their tradeis wanted and wi H he appreciat¬ed. Try it and watch results.

THE more than one column ac¬count ol' the North Carolina Mu¬tual meeting at Colombia somelittle time ago, to be found inthis'issue of the Recorder speaksroi itself. The N. C. Mutualsare a great concern, they do notdo things by halves. We com¬mend this great institution toour people everywhere. Themen at the head ol it are amongthe business giants ol the NegroWorld.

Mourns COLLEGE Notes andthe large two column advertise¬ment of the college, both to beseen in this issue of the Record¬er will bo refreshing informationto the thousands ol' friends tothis institution over the State.The college opens this year on

Sept. J'.lih. The I 'resident statesthat the prospect, for a large attendance, is assured, Sixteeninstructors in the faculty, men.and women all of whom aro grad¬uates from prominent/colleges olthc country. Many usefulindustries are to be taughtthis year which, in our opinion,is a step in the right direction.Let the friends to Ncoro educa¬tion rally to the support ol' Mor¬ris College and to every otherinstitution of learning for the

POR more than sixteen yearsthis paper has made its weeklyvisits to thousands of South Car¬olinians, some have showed theilappreciation for it by paying al¬ways in advance, and regularly,while others equally ¡is aide oweus from year to year. Thanksto Heaven ! we are beginning toknow our friends as the daysand years go and come; thanks Îalso because we are getting to

\And We Are Glad to See lt.

Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Dres;

Good Homespuns, checks Í

Outing, Hie best ever offerGood Bleaching atTaille Liincns atA Pretty line of colored li10-1 bleached and Unble100 pieces of good Percal,(¡¡ood Spool Cotton, guara.!A Cood Sea Island Homes

Baby's Shoes Irom 25 centsBoys' " " $1.00 tc

1 could go on and men

L ask ONE and AL^L just tand be Convinced.

G19 W. Russell Stre

PHONE 1402.

the place .where we are notobliged to credit subscriberswho promise but never pay. Wearo going to "Imo Lo the line"this fall and winter in sendingthe People's Recorder to onlythose who can trust us by pay¬ing for the paper in advance.Others who promise and ne.vei

p;iy can get their reading matterelse where. We are at our booksnow and as soon as accounts are

/ully made up they will be sentto subscribers.

Thc Coming City Election.

Every citizen of Orangeburg Iwho wishes to see the municipal-,¡ty go forward and not backwardis expected to take aw interestin the election of Mayor and Al¬dermen next Tuesday.

With the spii itoi progress andadvancement to be seen in al¬most every hamlet in SouthCarolina it would be a pity ifithisproud city should take any back¬ward steps.There are two good men

named for Mayor and severallsale men, as lawmakers named Jas lit for Aldermen.. We can on¬

ly hope that economical businessmen will be chosen to presideover the destinies of the city.Pick out the best and safest menwho arc interested in the truewelfare of the city and vote forthem without bartering off yourvote, is the ad vice we give our


School Openings.Voofhees Industrial School at

Denmark, S. C., wiil throw openits doors for students on Oct 4th.Benedict College, Columbia, willopen this year on Sept. "JOth.Schofield Normal and IndustrialSchool, Aiken, begins its thisyear's session on Oct 5th. Mor¬ris College, Sumter, opens forits .second year on Sept. 29th.Arc you ready y If not, getready and have your sons anddaughters enter on time.

Morris College Notes,

1st, All old students and thoseintending to enter for the firsttime are notified that the comingsession will begin on Wednes¬day, Sept. L»i)th. Classes will beimmediately .formed and workbegun without delay.

lind, We have a strong facultyol' sixteen instructors, who are

graduates of eleven differentcolleges.

3rd, Attention is directed lothe following new departmentsind courses of instruction:Dressmaking, Millinery Work,i looking. Shorthand and Type¬writing and Agriculture. TheSchool, of. Music has beenstrengthened, and much atten-.-bion will be given to Voice Cul-Lure.


12 y2 Cts. COTTC5 LO

I Have Something That Looks BThe Largest and Cheapest Lot

5 Suit Cases, Hats and Caps Ever SSOME OF THE BARGAINS WE OFFER

md yellow, ated Cor the money, at -

5, 0, 720c, 2")c, ilOe. 3')c,

opts, just the thing for Early Kailached Sheeting at - 20c,30 inches wide, at

ntced to sew on any Machine, atpun itt -

Lace Certains from 33to *l.f>0 a pair. Ladies' Shoes fr)S:U>0. Men'slion Goods and Prices that would \o CALL and SEE thelinmense St<YOURS FOR HONEST AND SQUAB


4th, All students are requiredto bring their own sheets, pillowcases, comforts or blankets, tow¬els and table napkins,

f>th, All young women willwear a uniform suit, both on Sun¬days and in the class room.These dj esses will be neat andpretty but not expensive. Asall these uniforms will be madeat tin; College, parents are urg¬ed not to prepare dresses fortheir daughters before sendingthom.

Uth, The great increase ill thenumber of students calls for addittonal expenditure for bedrooui flU'Diture and dining room

and kitchen .nop)iunces. Now isthe time to send in any" aRd allmoneys for the College.

7th, As there will be a verylarge attendance, all studentsare notified tocóme promptly.

IlT. M.' BrawTgfT T .' "-WPresident.

Calored State Fair To" Meet At Hates-barg, S. C.

The next Colored State Fairwill occur at Batesburg, S. C.,November eighth to twelfth,nineteen hundred and nine.WHAT THE COLORED STATEFAIR HAS DONE FOR

THE PEOPLE,1st-It has giveu the best ex¬

hibition of the thrift and pro¬gress among the Negroes evershown in South Carolina.lind -It has afforded them the ¡

jest opportunity to meet their"rionds and acquaintances fromill parts of the State.¿lid- it has convinced all the

>oople thal the Colored people.an get together from all parts j>f the State and hu ve a goodime without tights and fusses.4th-lt has demonstrated the

act that Colored men are capa-)le of eonduotiong a great En-erprisc.5th-It has lifted the colored

>eople in the estimation of them¬ed vos and the white people ofhe State.Get ready, prepare your exhi-

>its, and attend the Colored>tate Fair at Batesburg, S. C.,November Uth to 12th, 1909.

mportant Notice To The Col¬ored Teachers Of Or-. angebnrg County.

AU teachers who attended theSummer Institute from Augustth, to Augst 20th, anti hold firstr second grade certificates, can

;et them renewed by applyingr> the Supt. of Education withn endorsement from me. r

Yours fraternally,N. C. Nix, President of Color-

d - Teachers' Association ofh'angeburg Co.

OKS GOODetter.of Dry-Goods, Clothing,»old in Orangburg, S C,

5c. por yard.J&] 5c

, 8 and 9c40e, and 50c.Drosses, at ino..Juc, «Wo, 85c

8 1-3C--"2c. per spools5c. per yaad.

cents to $1.00 per pair,?ni SI 00 to $5.00' $1.25 to $6.00Lake up the whole paper.Dck that I am Showing:K DEALINGS,


Old Familiar Things,Only the other day thè papers

told the story of a man who trav¬eled all the way from Indianabo Massachusetts to trace andbuy back an old family horsethat he had sold a few monthsbefore. Ever since the horseliad been gone, the man's wifehad grieved. Her condition hadfinally become such that herhusband gladly paid a largerprice than he had received, andcheerfully bore the cost of anexpensive trip besides, to getihe horse back.

In the same week New Eng¬land newspapers recorded thetragic death of un old man whowas .uvlug comfortably with a

¿amed daughter in a town nearBoston. The cause ascribed waal4s^pQtfing for the farm wherelie had spent most of his days^itnd which he had left for a pre¬sumably easier existence.There also appeared lately in

mé °£ the magazines, a descrip¬tion of t.'ie pathetic last actwhich marks thé í.ual abandon¬nent of an old farm-the auctionby which the homely householdutensils that have borne so infci-nate a relation to the home arelistributed among neighbors towhom they have no special sig-liticance.Similar things are constantly

K'curring. To any one with in¬sight, they disclose the depth ofleutimcnt which lies hidden evenn the most unemotional of Jives.For young people, especially,

hey are full of significances.Nothing is more natural thanbat a son should sny: "Fathers getting too old to live alonemy longer. The land is all run>nt, anyway. TVe might as wellell the old place and bring himlown here with us, where he;an be more comfortable."It is the beginning of tragedy.

lo land is ever so run out that itloes not produce a harvest ofnemories more precious than the»est crop of corn it ever raised.Ton can make the old man coin-ortable, but yon can rarelylake him happy.The roots of an old tree goeep, and the real sustenancehey draw comes not throughuch obvious tap-roots as foodnd shelter and clothing, buty little threadlike fibers hiddenrom sight, twined about everytone and penetrating everyloud. It is ill transplantinguch. a tree.-Youth's Compan-in.

A Friend ToTeachers, Ministers arniStudents. Orders SentAnywhere.LEEVY LATEST

LEADING TAILOR,1213 Taylor Street. Columbia. 'S. C.1ST - Phone «10.

Court Proceedings.Thc Fall Session of the Goner- ^il Sessions convened on Monday

norning, with Judge Earnestjfivy presiding. Solicitor P. T. j »

iilderbrand and Court Stenogra- 1mer C. H. Glaze were at theil-'j.espeetive posts and the jury-!nen were in their places,Monday was Labor Day and a ¡

egal holiday and so the courtlidn't do much oa that day. Thegrand jury, however, did not fail,o remain at work, passing on

several bills handed out lo themjy the solicitor, so as theiourt would lose no time in get¬ing to work Tuesday morning.The cases taken ui> and tried

Tuesday wen; as follows:J. P. Graydon, housebreaking

ind larceny, guilty, six monthsJU the public works of Orange-burg county. The case agaisnt!Dr: W. H. Brown, (white) who1was charged with storing liquor]in violation of the law, wasfound guilty and sentenced toserve thiee months in jail or paya tine ot' $1UU. There are twomore cases pending againstBrown for violating the dispen¬sary laws.

Hattie Neal was next tried forgrand larceny, she pleaded guil¬ty and begged the court's mercyand was sentenced to two yearsin the State penitentiary, liosaCobb was acquitted of the chargeof assault and battery with intentto kill on her cousin, Jane Cobb.John Morton and Eugene Smithtwo small boys, pleaded guiltyto housebreaking and larceny,on seperate counts, and were

(riven four and live months re¬

spectively, on the obalngang.

Alfred Middleton, assult and>attery with intent to kill, fiverears on the cha ingang. AnnieIones, violating dispensary law,iliree months in jail or pay $100.Humbert .Teams, violating dis-lensary law, sentenced threenontlis or $100.The next CUMI was that of

Muller Fnrtiek and Solomon[ii pps. indicted for violation ofLhe dispensary law. The juryfound a verdict of not guilty as

Lo Furtick and guilty as to Solo¬mon liipps." and a .sentence oftour months or a fine of $150.

WANTED-bwond hand bugsand hiirlap: any kind: any quantity,anywhere. RICHMOND BAG COM¬PANY, ttk'hraond, Va.


Now is the time to have yourFall and Winter Suits andOvercoats made to order.We carry the LATEST Stylesapd most choice selection ofSamples that can be had inthe United States.

Reasonable Prices havebeen arranged to suit eachone according to his selec¬tion. "FIT" Guaranteed.We solicit your patronage,one and ALL.


'Phono 330. 9 S. Church St.Orangeburg, S. C.

3 &Morris College |ANNOUNCEMENT._*




SESSION OF 1909-1010.Fall Torin will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 29. Students,

old and new, are urged to be on hand ¡it thu opening.DEPARTMENTS AND (OURSES OK STUDY.

The Divinity School, Academy, Grammar Sshool,School of Music Commercial School and School of Do¬mestic Science will he operatod.Among the nev features will be Dressmaking, Millinery

Work, Cooking Shorthand and Typewriting aqd AgricuNturo. Special attention will be given to the courses

leading to Teaching, Business and Industrial Arts.Young ladies will wear a uniform suit in the class room

art» on Sundays. Tins rule is in the interest of gooiltiiste and eeoi.omy, and will be strictly enforced. Parentsare requested not to prepare dresses for their daughtersbefore eending them to school. The uniforms will be madeat the College, and will cost less than similar clothingbought and made at home.


Board, permonth.$15 00Room rent, heat and light. 1,00Tuition. 1.00Laundry work.75


Jg $8.75aYoung women can dos their own laundry work, and save

75 cents; but they must provide their own soap and starch.A discount of ten per cent will be made for cash pay-

yjtf merit for four months in advance and to ministers' ehil-

Sj^ dren. Special charges for instruction in Shorthand and%-U Typewriting will be two dollars a month.

Jj EXPENSES FOR DAV STUDENTS.SM Tuition in the Academy.$1 50

Tuition in the Grammar School 1.00 ]MyM Music.-Instruction on the piai.o or organ will cost $2yjjje^ for eight lessons. jfa4gj THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL.SM The Ave upper grades will be maintained. In th?H de» Uá.

partinent the student will complete Arithmetic, Grammar,tiüography and United States History.

S GENERAL INFORMATION.Booms ore furnished with bureau and looking glass,

iron bedstead, mattress, spring, pillows, howland pitcher,table, chairs and rugs. Eacli student must provide twosheets, two pillow slips, comforts or blankets and twotable napkins. Each young ludy should provide herselfwith two dark wash dresses, dark aprons, substantialshoes, a waterproof umbrella and rubbers. Every articleshould be distinctly marked with the owner's name.

NOTE CAREFULLY.^hh A CoHejfe Month is four weeks AU bills ate payable

Mri g£T In Advance.For further information address the President,

Box 328, Sumter, S. C.* ftw Ik* *

