3. Investigating, Reporting, Records

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  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


    and Records

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Reporting of Accident

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Reporting Of Accidents

    Whether accidents in factories are to bereported?

    Accident means an event leading to damage to man, machine,material, time or environment.

    Every accident wherein, as a result of injury, a worker is likelyto absent himself from work for more than 48 hours, shall bereported within 24 hours to the Inspectorate;

    Any of the specified dangerous occurrences shall be reportedwithin four hours, in the prescribed form.

    Fatal accidents have to be reported within four hours either bytelephone, special messenger or telegram.

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Safety Committee

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Safety Committee

    Is it necessary to have a safety committee?

    As per rule 41G (1) The occupier should set up

    a safety committee consisting of equal no. of

    representatives of workers and management topromote cooperation and maintain safety and

    health at work place & review periodically the

    measures taken in that behalf provided it is not

    exempted by state Govt. in writing.

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Medical Examination Of WorkersSection 41C

    Is it compulsory that all workers in a factory are to bemedically examined?

    The Factories Act prescribes for pre-employment andperiodical medical examinations of workers employed in

    certain hazardous processes. The periodicity and thenature of medical examinations vary according to thenature of process to which an individual worker isexposed to.

    All the workers are subjected to pre-employment andperiodical medical examinations.

    Tests w.r.t.schedule-1 industries

    Diseases as per schedule-3

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    Accident reporting

    Minor injuries occur in more numbers than serious injuries andrecord of these are helpful in attending the problem.

    This attention prevents the serious injury to take place.

    For effective, accident preventive measures identification.

    Why Accidents are to be Reported ?

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    Prompt report of accidents & dangerous occurrences

    To comply the requirements / obligations underdifferent statutes

    To inform the concerned authorities with in theorganisations

    To keep complete information of accidents for record

    and analysis, which help in taking preventivemeasures

    To obtain information on injuries

    Why reporting Accidents

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    Reporting Procedure of Accidents

    Section in-charge

    1. Refer the injured person to dispensary / first aidcentre with a preliminary report on Form I;

    1. Inform to HoD, Head of HR, Head of safety overtelephone with full description of accident

    2. In case of injury to contractors employee, thecontractor will immediately inform to NTPC officer

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    Chief Medical Officer,

    Sub:- Accident to Shri/Smt XXXXXX

    Shri/Smt XXXXX is referred to hospital for treatment.

    The details of the injured and incident are as below:

    1. Designation of injured:

    2. Employee No:

    3. Department:

    4. Date & time of accident:

    5. Details of accident:

    6. Cause of the accident:

    Date: Signature

    Name :


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    In case the injured person is taken directly hospital,

    the in-charge of hospital will inform about the injuryto HoD in Form-II with a copy to Head of HR, headof safety or inform over phone in case of seriousinjury

    The HoD will prepare a detailed report of accidentwith 4 hours of the accident in Form-III with a copyto GM (Station) and Head of HR, third & fourth

    copies to Head of Safety and fifth copy will beretained by the HoD.

    Reporting Procedure of Accidents

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    Shri XXXX Employee No. YYYY Designation ZZZ of your dept/

    Section has reported to First Aid Post/Hospital for treatment of

    work injury without Form-I. He has been made fit / unfit to workfor less than/more than 48 hours.

    Please expedite Form-I, if it is a work accident.

    Medical Officer/Dispensary Incharge

    Incharge/First Aid Post

    Copy to:

    Personnel Head

    Safety Dept.

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    1. Injured Persons full name and address:

    2. Employed by:

    3. a) Sex:

    b) Age on last birth day :

    c) Designation of injured person:

    4. Date and hour of accident:

    5. Full address of the place, where accident happened.

    6. Branch or Dept., and exact place where accident happened:

    7. Hour at which he started work on the day of occurrence:

    8. a) Cause or nature of accident:

    b) Is it caused by machinery if yes,:

    i) Give name of the machine and part causing the accident.

    ii) State whether it was moved by mechanical power at that time.

    c) State exactly what injured person was doing at the time.

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    9. Nature and extent of injuries (e.g. fatal, loss of finger, fracture ofleg, scaled scratch followed by sepsis).

    a) Location of injury (right leg, left hand or left eye etc).10. Number of days for which the injured person is likely to be off

    the work.a) i) If the accident is not fatal, state whether the injured

    has returned to work.ii) If so, date & hour of return to work

    b) i) Has the injured person died:ii) If so, date & time of death:

    11.Was the injured person wearing proper personal protectiveequipment.

    a) Safety belt :Yes / Nob) Safety helmet :Yes / Noc) Safety shoe :Yes / Nod) Safety goggles :Yes / Noe) Hand gloves :Yes / Nof) Any other personal protective equipment provided by

    Management (specify) :

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    12. Whether any safety guard/system is by passed:

    13. Name of Doctor/hospital from where the injured personreceived or is receiving treatment. :14. Name of person, who saw the accident and can give important

    evidence.15. In your opinion was the accident directly attributable to

    i) the injured person having been at that time under the

    influence of drink or drug.OR

    ii) the willful disobedience of the injured person to an orderexpressly given to a rule expressly framed for the purpose ofsecuring the safety of employee.


    iii) the willful removal or disregard by the injured person of anysafety guard or other devices which he knows to have beenprovided for the purpose of securing employees safety

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    16. Describe briefly how accident occurred:

    Date:Section Incharge :

    Time: Name :Designation :

    Distribution:1st Copy of GM thro HOD.2nd & 3rd Copies to Safety Dept.4th Copy to Personal Head.

    5th Copy for office record.

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    In case the injured person is disabled for 48 hrsor more from the time of the accident, theconcerned HoD will fill up Form-18/22 and willsubmit to Head of Safety after obtaining

    signature of the manager of factory for onwardsubmission to Statutory authorities.

    Head of Safety will send the Form-18 to statutory

    authorities with in 72 hours from the time ofaccident

    Reporting Procedure of Accidents

    Notice of Accident or Dangerous Occurrences

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Notice of Accident or Dangerous OccurrencesResulting in Death or Bodily Injury

    1.Name of the Occupier (or Factory)

    2.Address of works

    3.Nature of Industry

    4.Branch or Department and exact place where the accident or

    dangerous occurrence happened5.Injured persons name and address

    6.a. Sex.

    b. Age.

    c. Occupation of Injured persons

    7. Date and hours of accident or dangerous occurrence

    8.Hour at which he started work on day of accident

    Form 18 (Delhi factories rules)/ Form 22 (MP factories rules)

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    9.a. Causes or nature of accident or dangerous occurrence

    b. If caused by machinery

    (i) Give name of the machine and parts causing the accident ordangerous occurrence and

    (ii) State whether it was moved by mechanical power at the time.c. State exactly what injured person was doing at the time.

    10.Nature or extent of injuries (e.g. Fatal loss of fingers,fracture of leg, scald, scratch followed by sepsis)

    11.If accident or dangerous occurrence is not Fatal statewhether injured person who disabled for 48 hours or more.

    12.Name of Medical Officer in attendance on injured person.

    Form 18 (Delhi factories rules)/ Form 22 (MP factories rules)

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief the aboveparticulars are correct in every respect.

    Signature of Occupier or Manager

    Date of dispatch of report District.

    Date of receipt.

    Form 18 (Delhi factories rules)/ Form 22 (MP factories rules)

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Number of Accidents or Dangerous Occurrences Industry No

    Causation No.

    Sex (Man)




    Form 18 (Delhi factories rules)/ Form 22 (MP factories rules)

    Other Particulars e.g. (fatal)

    (leg injury)(arm injury)


    Date of investigation..

    Result of Investigation

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    In case of fatal accident, information of the accident will be

    immediately intimated to corporate centre and statutoryauthorities by quickest mode of communication

    Form-18 is to be submitted to statutory authoritiesimmediately.

    In case of dangerous occurrence, section in-charge willinform to Head of Safety, Head of HR, Head of Department inForm-VII with in 4 hours

    Head of Safety will intimate such dangerous occurrences tostatutory authorities in Form -18a

    Reporting Procedure of Accidents

    FORM 18

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


    (Prescribed under Rule 96 and under regulation 68 of

    Employees State Insurance Act 1948)



    1. Name of occupier (Factory/Employer) :

    Employees State Insurance Employees : N.A

    Code No.

    2. Address of works/premises where accident or dangerous occurrence took place

    3. Nature of Industry :

    4. Branch or Department and exact place where the accident or dangerousoccurrence took place.

    5. Employees State Insurance number : N.A

    (if covered)

    6. Name and address of the injured person :7. (a) Sex :

    (b) Age (last birth day) :

    (c) Occupation of the injured person :

    (d) Monthly wages of the person injured :

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    8. Local Employees State Insurance office : N.A.to which the injured person is attached.

    9. Date, shift and hour of accident or dangerous occurrence10. (a) Hour at which the injured person started work on the day of accident or

    dangerous occurrence.

    (b) Whether wages in full or part are payable to him for the day of the accident

    or dangerous occurrence.

    11. Cause or nature of accident or dangerous occurrence.

    ( a) If cause is by machinery(i) give name of the machine and the part which involved in the accident or

    dangerous occurrence. :

    (ii) State whether it was moved by Mechanical power at that time.

    (b) State exactly what the injured person was doing at that time.

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


    (c) In your opinion, was the injured person at that time of accident or dangerousoccurrence

    (i) Acting in contravention of provision of any law applicable to him, or

    (ii) Acting in contravention of any orders given by or on behalf of his employer,or

    (iii) Acting without instructions from his employer:

    (d) In case reply to , (i), (ii) or (iii) is in the affirmative, state whether the act wasdone for the purpose of and in connection with the employee trade or business.

    12. In case the accident or dangerous occurrence happened while traveling in theemployers transport, state whether

    (i) the injured person was traveling as a passenger to or from his place of work.

    (ii) the injured person was traveling with the express or implied permission of hisemployer.

    (iii) the transport is being operated by or on behalf of the employer or some otherperson by whom it is provided in pursuance or arrangements made with theemployer, and

    (iv) the vehicle being/not being operated in the ordinary course of publictransport service.

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


    13. In case the accident or dangerous occurrence happened while meeting anemergency state.

    (i) Its nature :(ii) Whether the injured person at the time of accident or dangerous occurrence

    was employed for the purpose of his employers trade or business in or about thepremises at which the accident or dangerous occurrence took place.

    14. Describe briefly how the accident or dangerous occurrence occurred.

    15. Name and address of witnesses : 1.

    2.16.a) Nature and extent of injury (e.g., fatal, loss of of fingers, fracture of leg, scald or

    scratch and followed by sepsis)

    b) Location of injury is (right leg, left hand or left eye etc.)

    17. a) If the accident is not dangerous occurrence and is not fatal state whether theinjured person was disabled for more than 48 hrs.

    b) date and hour of return of work :

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


    18. a) Physician, dispensary or hospital, from whom or in which, the injured person received or is

    receiving treatment.

    b) Name of dispensary /panel doctor elected by the injured person.

    19. i) Has the injured person died :

    ii) If so, date of death :

    I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above particulars are correct in

    every respect.



    OCCUPIER OR MANAGER/EMPLOYERDate of dispatch of Report.

    Employers address and

    Code No.

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    FORM-18-A (Prescribed under Rule 96)

    Notice of dangerous occurrence which does not result indeath or bodily injury

    1. Name and address of the Factory :2. Name of the Occupier :

    3. Name of the Manager :

    4. Nature of Industry : Power Generation

    5. Branch or Department and exact place :

    where the dangerous occurrence took place

    6. Date and hour of occurrence :7. Nature of Dangerous Occurrence :

    (state exactly what happened)

    I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above particulars are correct inevery respect.


    Date of dispatch of report:

    NOTE: To be completed in legible handwriting or preferably typewriting .


    (This space is to be completed by the Inspector of Factories)


    D. No.

    Causation No. Date of receipt:

    Result of investigation Date of investigation:

    A id t/d O R ti P d

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


    Nature of injury

    Type of


    Due time



    1. For minor or major Form-I Immediate Any Executive

    Of the


    Head of DepartmentHead of Hospital,Head of SafetyHead of Personnel


    For minor or major (if

    Form-I is not receivedby doctor)



    Attending Doctor

    Concerned Head of DeptHead of SafetyHead of personnel

    3. For minor or major Form-III Within 4 hours Section In-charge

    General ManagerHead of Safety (2 copies)Head of Personnel

    4. Fatal Accident Form-18 Immediate Factory Mgr

    ie. AGM(O&M)

    Head of Safety(3 copies)

    5. Accident that disable the

    injured for attending duties48 hrs., or more.

    Form-18 Within 48 hrs from

    the time ofoccurrence of


    Factory Manageri.e., AGM(O&M)

    Head of Safety(3 copies)

    6. For dangerous occurrence Form-18A Within 12 hours Factory manageri.e., AGM(O&M)

    Head of Safety (4 copies)

    Note:- However, irrespective of the nature & severity of accident whether minor or major,should be informed to Safety Dept., immediately on telephone.

    Accident/dangerous Occurrence Reporting Procedure

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Reporting of Accident

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Reporting of Accident

    Sub Rule -2;

    Once the notice is received by the authority theyhave to inquire into the occurrence with in onemonth of the receipt of the notice.

    Sub Rule -3;

    The state Government may make rules for

    regulating the procedure for inquiries under thissection.

    N ti f C t i D O

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Notice for Certain Dangerous Occurrences

    According to Section (88-A),of The Factories Act 1948;

    The dangerous occurrence causing any bodily injuryor disability or not, the manager of the factory shallsend notice there of to appropriate authority in a

    prescribed form.

    Notice for Certain Diseases

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Notice for Certain Diseases

    According to Section (89) ,of The Factories Act 1948

    Sub Rule (1) ;

    Where any worker in a factory contracts any diseasespecified in the third Schedule the manager of thefactory shall send notice such authorities in aprescribed form.

    Notice for Certain Diseases

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Sub Rule (2) ;

    If any medical practitioner confirms any diseasespecified in the Third Schedule the medicalpractitioner shall without delay send a report inwriting to the office of the Chief Inspector stating.

    The name and full postal address of the patient.

    The disease from which he believes the patient to besuffering and

    The name and address of the factory in which thepatient is, or was last employed.

    Notice for Certain Diseases

    Notice for Certain Diseases

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Sub Rule (3) ;

    If Chief Inspector is satisfied with the certificate ofa certifying surgeon that the person is sufferingfrom a disease specified in the Third Schedule he

    shall pay to the medical practitioner such fee asmay be prescribed and the fee so paid shall berecoverable as an arrear of land-revenue from theoccupier of the factory in which the person

    contracted the disease.

    Notice for Certain Diseases

    Notice for Certain Diseases

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Sub Rule (4) ; If any medical practitioner fails to comply with the

    provisions of sub section he shall be punishablewith fine which may extend to one thousandrupees.

    Sub Rule (5) ; The Central Government may, by notification in

    the Official Gazette, add to or alter the Third

    Schedule and any such addition or alternationshall have effect as if it had been made by thisAct.

    Notice for Certain Diseases

    Power to direct inquiry into cases of accident or disease

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Power to direct inquiry into cases of accident or disease

    According to Section (90), of The Factories Act 1948;

    Sub Rule (1) ; The State Government may appoint a competent person to

    inquire into the causes of any accident or disease specified inthe Third Schedule.

    Sub Rule (2);

    The person appointed to hold an inquiry under this sectionshall have all the powers of a Civil Court under the Code ofCivil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) for the purpose of enforcingthe attendance of witness and compelling the production ofdocuments and material objects, and may also so far as maybe necessary for the purpose of the inquiry exercise the

    powers of an Inspector under this Act, and every person required by the person making the inquiry tofurnish and information shall be deemed to be legally bound soto do within the meaning of section 176 of the Indian PenalCode (45 of 1860).

    Power to direct inquiry into cases of accident or disease

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Sub Rule (3);

    The person holding an inquiry under this section shallmake a report to the State Government stating thecauses of the accident, or occupational disease.

    Sub Rule (4);

    The State Government may, if it thinks fit, cause tobe published any report make under this section orany extracts there from.

    Sub Rule (5);

    The State Government may make rules for regulatingthe procedure at inquires under this section.

    Power to direct inquiry into cases of accident or disease

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

    According to Section (108), of The M.P. Factory Rules1962;

    Sub rules (1);

    When any accident which result in the death of anyperson or which result in such bodily injury to anyperson as is likely to cause his death or any dangerousoccurrence specified in the Schedule takes place in afactory.

    the manager of the factory shall forthwith send anotice thereof by telephone, special messenger or

    telegram to the Inspector and the Chief Inspector.

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Sub rules (2);

    When any accident or any dangerous occurrencespecified in the Schedule, which result in thedeath of any person or which result in such bodilyinjury to any person as is likely to cause his deathtakes place in a factory notice as mentioned in

    sub-rule (1) shall be sent also to

    The District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Officer.

    The officer in charge of the nearest Police Station, and

    The relatives of injured or deceased person as notifiedby him to the Manager.

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Sub rules (3);

    The notice so given shall be confirmed by themanager of the factory to the above mentionedauthorities within 12 hours of the occurrence bysending to them a written report in the prescribed

    Form No. 22 in case of a bodily injury

    Form No. 23, if it is a case of fire or explosion and

    Form No. 24 if it is any dangerous occurrence

    From No. 23 and 24 shall be submitted in addition to FormNo. 22 if there are bodily injuries.

    Report in Form No. 22 shall be submitted separately foreach person injured.

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Sub rules (4);

    When any accident or dangerous occurrence specified in the

    Schedule takes place in a factory and it causes bodily injury toany person as to prevent the person injured from working for aperiod of 48 hours or more immediately following the accident orthe dangerous occurrence as the case may be the Manager ofthe factory shall send a report thereof to the Inspector in FormNo. 22 within 24 hours after the expiry of 48 hours from the

    time of the accident or the dangerous occurrence

    Provided that if in the case of an accident or dangerousoccurrence death occurred of any person injured by accident ordangerous occurrences, after the notices and reports referred toin the foregoing sub-rules have been sent the manager of the

    factory shall forthwith send a notice thereof by telephone specialmessenger or telegram to the authorities and persons mentionedin sub-rules (1) and (2)

    And also have this information confirmed in writing 12 hours ofthe death.

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Provided further that, if the period of disability from working for

    48 hours or more referred to in sub-rule (4) does not occurimmediately following the accident, or the dangerousoccurrence but later on, or occurs in more than one spell, thereport referred to shall be sent to the Inspector in theprescribed Form No. 22 within 24 hours immediately following

    the occurrence when the actual total period of disability fromworking resulting from the accident or the dangerousoccurrence becomes 48 hours.

    Notification of accident and dangerous occurrences

    FORM 23O C i Fi E l i

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Occurrence Causing Fire or Explosion


    1. Name of Occupier or (or factory)

    2. Address of Works.................3. Nature of Industry.

    4. Branch of Department and exact place where the fire broke out

    5. On what day and at what time did the fire occur?

    6. What caused the fire?

    7. What material was burninng8. Was the fire notice at once, or had, it when discovered,

    apparently been burning for some time?

    9. How was the fire extinguished?

    (Give details of appliances maintained and used)

    10. By whom were they used?11. Was the alarm sent to the Fire Brigade?

    12. Give an estimate of loss of the property.

    13. By which Insurance Company or companies are the objects inquestion insured and for what value?

    Signature of Occupier or ManagerAddress of

    FORM 24

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    FORM 24Notice of Dangerous occurrence which does not result in death or bodily injury

    1. Name of Occupier (or factory)

    2. Address of works where the occurrence occurred.3. Exact place, branch or department where the occurrence


    4. Date and hour of occurrence.

    5. Full description indicating the circumstances under which the

    occurrence took place.6. Extent of damage or loss involved

    7. Estimated loss in money.

    8. Whether the parts/part involved were insured; if so, give theamount for which insured and the name of the insurance

    company?9. When where the machines or structures involved inspected

    tested, required or Certified and by whom?

    10. Name of the eye witness, if any, who witnessed the occurrence.

    11. Possible reason which may have to be occurrence.

    Signature of ManagerDate of Posting

    FORM 25

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    FORM 25Notice of Poisoning or Disease

    1. Name of Factory

    2. Address of Factory

    3. Address of office or private residence of Occupier

    4. Nature of Industry

    5. Name of works number of Patient

    6. Address of Patient

    7. Sex and age of Patient

    8. Precise occupation of Patient

    8A. Date from which employed on his occupation

    9. Nature of poisoning or disease from which Patient issuffering.

    10. Has the case been reported to the Certifying Surgeon?

    Date the..19.. Signature ..


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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Investigation of Accident

    When accident is investigated

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    1. Who was injured?

    2. Where did the accident happen ?

    3. When did the accident happen ?

    4. What was the immediate cause and what were thecontributing factors ?

    5. Why was the unsafe act or condition permitted?6. How can this type of accident be prevented ?

    When accident is investigated..

    Following basic questions to be answered

    Accident investigation

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


    To examine in detail and deep to find out thecauses of accident

    To find out the extent of loss due to accident

    The circumstances that lead to the accident

    To obtain recommendations for prevention ofrecurrences of similar accidents.

    Accident investigation

    Accident Investigation- steps

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    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    1. Form an investigation team2. Draw the flow process chart of the work

    3. Identify the critical activity

    4. Identify the agency5. Identify the type of accident

    6. Identify the nature of work performing

    7. Draw the cause effect diagram and Identify theeffect from agency, type Of accident and natureof work

    Accident Investigation steps

    Accident Investigation- steps

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    8. Brainstorm for the probable causes of the

    identified work9. Identify the likely causes

    10.Confirm likely causes

    11.Brainstorm for corrective measures to eliminatethe likely causes

    12. Decide the most appropriate solution

    13.Implement the solution

    14.Make necessary changes in the flow process chartof the work

    Accident Investigation steps

    Investigation format

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    1. Age2. Category of employee3. Skill4. Sex5. Marital status

    6. Wages7. Educational qualifications8. No. Of children9. Total experience

    10.Employment11.Overtime12.PPE status13.Language understood

    Investigation format


    15.Accident deportability

    16.Time of accident

    17.Hours of accident

    18.Nature of injury19.Part of body injured

    20.Type of accident

    21.Unsafe act

    22.Unsafe conditions

    Accident Investigation

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Guidelines for Constituting Enquiry Committees


    Type ofAccident

    EnquiryCommittee to

    be appointedby

    Enquirycommittee to be

    headed by

    Othermembers of



    1 In case of a

    non-reportableinjury to oneperson

    -- Head of Safety /

    Safety officer ofthe project/station


    2 Non-

    reportableinjuries upto 5persons

    AGM-O&M for


    AGM (Proj) forprojects

    Not below E-6

    not connectedwith theaccident

    Head of


    Report to

    besubmittedwithin 7days

    Accident Investigation

    Accident Investigation

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007



    Type of



    Committeeto beappointedby


    committeeto beheaded by


    members ofthecommittee


    3 Non-reportableinjury to more

    than 5 persons

    AGM (O&M)for Stations.

    AGM (Proj)for Projects.

    Not belowDGM not

    connectedwith theaccident

    Head ofSafety /


    4 All reportable

    accidentsexceptamputation /Disablement

    AGM (O&M)

    for Stations.AGM (Proj)

    for Projects.

    Not below

    DGM notconnectedwith theaccident

    Head of


    Report to be

    submittedwithin 15days

    Guidelines for Constituting Enquiry Committees

    Accident Investigation

    Accident Investigation

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007



    Type of



    Committeeto beappointedby


    committeeto beheaded by

    Other members

    of thecommittee


    5 All reportableaccidents

    causingmajorinjuries likeamputation

    Head ofProject/


    Not belowDGM not

    connectedwith theaccident

    1. OneExecutive at E-

    6 level fromother Project

    2. Head ofSafety/ SafetyOfficer

    Report tobe

    submittedwithin 15

    6 Accidentcausing Fatalinjury to Oneperson

    Head ofProject/Station

    Not belowAGM fromotherproject/station ofthe region

    1. One Exec. atE-6 level fromother Project

    2. Head ofSafety/ SafetyOfficer

    Report tobesubmittedwithin onemonth

    Guidelines for Constituting Enquiry Committees

    Accident Investigation

    Accident Investigation

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007



    Type of



    Committee tobe appointedby


    committee tobe headedby


    members ofthecommittee


    7 Accidentcausing

    Fatal injuryto Oneperson butcausinginjuries tonumber of


    ED- Region Not belowAGM from

    otherproject/station of theregion /RegionalHQs.

    1. One DGMfrom the

    Project /Station

    2. Head ofSafety/SafetyOfficer

    3.SM(Safety)Corp. Centre.

    Report to besubmitted

    within onemonth

    Guidelines for Constituting Enquiry Committees

    Accident Investigation

    Accident Investigation

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007



    Type of



    Committeeto beappointedby


    committee tobe headedby

    Other members

    of thecommittee


    8 AccidentcausingFatalinjuries tomore thanOne person

    D (HR) /CMD

    GM of otherproject/station /Region /Corp. Centre

    1. One Exec. atAGM/DGM levelfrom theProject

    2. Head ofSafety/ SafetyOfficer

    3. GM(R&R andSafety)

    4. Any otherexpert/member if


    Report to besubmittedwithin onemonth

    Guidelines for Constituting Enquiry Committees

    Accident Investigation

    Calculation Of Accident Rate

  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records


    Safety Module: Accidents, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    1.FREQUENCY RATE NO.OF INJURIES106F=----------------------------------------------------------






  • 7/31/2019 3. Investigating, Reporting, Records

