“Overcoming an Inferiority Complex,” Sermon Delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church Thls sermon was the first of a senes concerning “Probk of Personnlity Integration’’ thaf Kmgpeached dunng tht summer if 1957 He uses the stwy ofJesusk Inter- action with hcchaeus, a dtminulive taA-collectq as a means of encouragmg hls lrsienc7.s to accept t h s e l u e s , to dvotc tttar lives to a greaterpurposi: and to &vel@ an abcctzngfaith “It k so easy fw tu toJiel that we don’t count, that we are not stg- nzjcant, that we are kss than, ”ktng tt’lls the congregation ‘We stand emy day bejbre a system which says that to us But I say to you t h s mornzng, you should go out wilh the assurance that you belong and that you count and thal you are some body btzause God loves you ”In dtvehprnng the sermon, Ktng zncwpwates t&as /ound tn Hany Emerson Fosdtckk essay “The mnnpk of Self-Acceptance ”2 Thls transinption ts taken from an audio recording of the service I ’Members Enjoymg Sermon Senes,” DtxterEcho, 7 August I 957 2 Fosdick, On Banga Realferson, pp 52-78 Kmg annotated his copy of thls book and kept it in his personal library Benjamin Mays also dealt wth this theme of Afncan Amencan infenonty in a similar way (“lnfenonty Among Negroes,” hfhburgh Cou~ IO May 1947) 303 The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project

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Page 1: 3 I 8,16 “Overcoming an Inferiority Complex,” Sermon bonum ...mlk-kpp01.stanford.edu/primarydocuments/Vol6/14... · 3 I John ,{ 8,16 “Overcoming an Inferiority Complex,” Sermon

children from a permanent life of psychologcal death, then nothing could be more Chnshan

I shll believe that standing up for the truth of God is the greatest thing in the world This is the end of life The end of Me is not to be happy The end of llfe is not to achieve pleasure and avoid pain The end of llfe is to do the ~ 1 1 of God, come what may

I still believe that love is the most durable power in the world Over the centunes men have sought to discover the highest good This has been the chief quest of eth- ical philosophy This was one of the big questions of Greek philosophy The Epicureans and the Stoics sought to answer it; Plato and Anstotle sought to answer it What is the summum bonum of life>2 I think I have discovered the highest good It IS love This pnnciple stands at the center of the cosmos As John says, “God is love ’3 He who loves is a partlcipant in the being of God He who hates does not know God From a sermon preached in Montgomery, Alabama, November 6, 1956

14July 1957

PD Chnstzan Century 74 (5 June 1957) 708-709

2 Summum bonum IS Lam for “highest good ” 3 I John ,{ 8,16

“Overcoming an Inferiority Complex,” Sermon Delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church

Thls sermon was the first of a senes concerning “ P r o b k of Personnlity Integration’’ thaf Kmgpeached dunng tht summer i f 1957 ‘ He uses the stwy ofJesusk Inter- action with hcchaeus, a dtminulive taA-collectq as a means of encouragmg hls lrsienc7.s to accept thselues , to d v o t c tttar lives to a greaterpurposi: and to &vel@ an abcctzngfaith “It k so easy fw tu toJiel that we don’t count, that we are not stg- nzjcant, that we are kss than, ” k t n g tt’lls the congregation ‘We stand emy day bejbre a system which says that to us But I say to you t h s mornzng, you should go out wilh the assurance that you belong and that you count and thal you are some body btzause God loves you ” I n dtvehprnng the sermon, Ktng zncwpwates t&as /ound tn Hany Emerson Fosdtckk essay “The mnnpk of Self-Acceptance ”2 Thls transinption ts taken from an audio recording of the service

I ’Members Enjoymg Sermon Senes,” DtxterEcho, 7 August I 957 2 Fosdick, On Banga Realferson, pp 52-78 Kmg annotated his copy of thls book and kept it in his

personal library Benjamin Mays also dealt wth this theme of Afncan Amencan infenonty in a similar way (“lnfenonty Among Negroes,” hfhburgh C o u ~ I O May 1947) 303

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14July 1957 This morning I want to discuss wth you a very prachcal problem, and I want to try to deal wth it in a prachcal manner We’re using as the subject “Overcoming an Infenonty Complex ” “Overcoming an Infenonty Complex ” There is hardly any- one here this morning who has not at some hme expenenced a deep feeling of inadequacy How many of us have been almost overwhelmed by an appalling sense of infenonty> This is one of those expenences that seems to run the whole gamut of human llfe Some years ago a survey was taken, a psychologcal survey on the hun- dreds of college students, and it was revealed that more than ninety percent of those students suffered from a n a g p g , frustrated feeling of infenonty

Certainly many of the great men of history have been dogged wth this feeling of inadequacy. Take, for example, Sir Walter Scott Many of us feel that his Ivanhoe is one of the greatest tales ever told But there were bmes in the early Me of Sir Walter Scott that he was discouraged because he wanted to be a poet And he used to look and read the works of Lord Byron, and he would become envlous and felt greatly inadequate because he couldn’t do what Byron was doing And in the early years of his life, Sir Walter Scott was so overwhelmed wth a sense of inadequacy that he was ashamed of his first wntings and had most of them published anonymously

It is probably true that the inferionty complex is one of the most stagnahng and strangulahng and crushing conditions of the human personality It distorts the per- sonality and plunges it into the abyss of inner conflicts And so one of the first things that indiwduals must do to integrate themselves and to be sure that their personal- ities are integrated is to seek to overcome a feeling of infenonty This is one of the first and basic conditions of life

Now there are several ways that we do this, and one of the most beauthl examples in all scnpture of an individual who was plagued wth a sense of infenonty and who later overcame that sense of infenonty because of his devohon and allegance to Jesus Chnst is found in the passage that I read this morning for our scnpture lesson You wll remember that Zacchaeus was a man who felt a deep sense of infenonty because of his size. He was small, he was a very little man And because of this he felt infenor He felt that he did not belong He felt that he was not accepted And so he decided to get back at society, to pay society back by turning to some method of gaming attenhon, and this was to become a tax collector He turned to Roman culture and became a tax collector And after becoming a tax collector he made big money, and he tned to live a Me foreign to his actual nature You wll remember also that in the midst of this con- dihon he had an expenence wth Jesus But he tned to get away from his sense of infenonty by paylng society back and being something that he wasn’t.

3 Fosdick, On Bmnga Real P m , p 61 ”One study of 275 college men and women revealed that over go% of them suffered from gnawng, frustrated feelings of deficiency” In his copy of Fosdick’s hook, Kmg bracketed this secuon and wrote “imp” in the margn This study was cited in psychologst Gordon Allport’s book Personalzfy A Psycholog2cul Inferpretafzm (New York Henry Holt, 1945). p i 74 Allport’s book was included on George W Dams’s bibliography for his course Religous Development of Person- ality (Dams, “Selected bibliography, Rehgous Development of Personality,” I z September-22 November

1950) 4 Sir Walter Scott, Scottlsh novelist and poet, published Iuunhoein 1 7 9 1 5 George Gordon, Lord Byron, was a nineteenthcentury Engllsh Romantlc poet

304 6 Cf Luke i g 1 - 1 0

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Now throughout life we see these conditions quite similar to that of Zacchaeus Many people express it in different forms, and this sense of infenonty is caused by many ddf'erent things Some people feel a sense of infenonty because they are physically handicapped And some people feel a sense of infenonty because of i l l

health. Other people feel a sense of infenonty because they lack social charm Others feel a sense of infenonty because they are not attrachve externally And oth- ers feel a sense of infenonty because of love failures and because of moral failures There are many things and manifold reasons why indiwduals fall down under the load of an infenonty complex And one of the great challenges of life is to properly overcome a sense of infenonty

Now people try many methods to overcome infenonty, like Zacchaeus they try different things which are not construchve For instance, some people try to over- come their infenonty complex by turning to or fleeing to a world of fantasy and day- dreaming and the world of illusion And you wll find a lot of people doing that They attempt to get away from the realihes of llfe by daydreaming or by turning to a world of illusion And so the things that they cannot do in actual life they believe that they are doing it anyway through daydreaming And so they find themselves the wctims of endless and meaningless and cnppling daydreams * That is one of the rea- sons that many people become drunkards They start out tryng to get away from an inferionty complex, and that's the way they try to drowned it out And so in the midst of their infenonty complex, they turn to drunkardness, and they become what they are not when they are sober They get drunk in order to escape the feel- ing of limitation, the feeling of handicap And this is a way, a method, they feel, of gethng away from the condihons of actual life

Now we all know the dangers of this method of overcoming infenonty complex It is dangerous in the sense that it leads to diwsions wthin one's personality Psychologsts tell us that the more indiwduals attempt to escape the realihes of life through daydreaming and drunkardness the thinner and thinner their personali- hes become una1 ultimately they split And they have a big word, they call it the schizophrenic personality This is the split personality Indiwduals become so accus- tomed and absorbed in running away from the condihons of life, in trylng to escape their actual selves, that their personalihes actually become so thin that they split and the real self recedes into the background

I remember very wwdly, when I was in school in Boston, one of my very dear fnends had a nervous breakdown And he had to be taken away to a mental inshtu- hon, and I wsited him on several [ o c c ~ z o m ~ ] [wcordzng tnterrupted] overcome an infenonty complex by using the method of the fox in AesqbS Fables That is by call- ing all grapes sour that they can't reach You find a lot of people who live Me by

14 July 1957

7 Fosdick, On Bang a Real Person, p 61 "The areas of their conscious infenonty were manifold- phpical incompetence, il l health, unpleasant appearance, lack of social charm, failure in love, low- grade intellectual ability, moral failure, and guilt ''

8 Fosdick, On Bang a Real Pmon, p 63 "Others deal wth this tension between the actual and the desired self by fantasy Unable in the real world to secure their longed-for eminence, they retreat into the world of daydream

g Fosdick, On Banga RealPmon, p 62 "Others, like the fox in Aesop's fable, handle the problem of bitterly felt infenonty by calling sour all grapes they cannot reach " 305

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1957 belittling other people. They get a sort of inner samfachon and a sense of supen- onty by pulling everybody else down That is how they live; that is how they over- come their sense of infenonty They belittle everybody else, and their lives are based on a negahve They live a life of cnncism and a life of negahvlsm They find some- thing wrong wth everybody else who lives in the universe Now, when you see peo- ple like that, these are persons ncumized wth an infenonty complex, and they are V n g to overcome that infenonty complex in the wrong way

And so often you wll find a young fellow who is weak and frail condemning all athlehcs And so often you wll find the indiwdual who has no selfcontrol calling everybody who has self-control a prude or something like that And so often you w11 find a person who could not finish school or who did not have opportunlty to get an educahon calling everybody wth educahon a person who’s t v n g to be a big shot or a person who’s stuck up So often you wll find an unattrachve young lady calling every beautiful young lady supercilious and selfish and stuck up So often people find wthin other people belittling elements because they are q n g tojustlfy their sense of inadequacy and their infenor feelings l o This is one of the ways that people use to overcome an infenonty complex That, too, is a destructwe way

There’s another way-I call this the “smoke-screen” method People try to over- come a sense of infenonty by gvlng the impression that they are supenor And you see people, you think they have a supenonty complex It isn’t that They have basi- cally an infenonty complex, and they try to gwe the world the impression that they are really supenor, so they boast all the time They talk about how much they have They talk about how much money they have, how much education they have, how much they can do They brag and boast, and they are cocky all of the ume.” Occasionally you wl1 find a husband in the home who is dictatonal, and he has to convlnce his wrfe all the hme that he’s the boss, and he’s going to run things and he knows more than she knows Now he isn’t supenor, he’s really infenor, and he is try- ing to overcome his infenonty through the impression that he is supenor These are the methods that people so often use in an attempt to overcome an infenonty com- plex But as I said, these are the unhealthy methods

Now let us turn for the few moments left to what I would call the healthy ways of overcoming a sense of infenonty, using as our basis the situahon of Zacchaeus as he confronted Jesus That passage says that Jesus went home wth Zacchaeus, and I can imagme thatJesus said several things to him As I knowJesus, I can about think of the things that he said to Zacchaeus Zacchaeus, in his feeling of littleness, in his physi-

10 Fosdick, On Rnng a Rpnl Persun, pp 62-63 “The frail youth discounts athletics, the debauchee, really suffenng from a sense of guilt , scoffs at the self-controlled as prudes, the failure at school or col- lege, deeply humiliated, scorns intellectuals as ‘high-brows’, the grl wthout charm exaggerates her Iia- bility, dresses crudely, adopts rough manners, deliberately looks her worst, professing lofty disdain of charm as tnwality A major amount of cynicism spnngs from this source Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack, and subconsciously, beneath their touchy condescen- sion, deeplywlsh they had ”

Fosdick, On Bang a Real Person, p 62 “Some deal w~th it by the smokescreen method Feeling miserably infenor, and not wanting others to know it, the shy become aggressive, the embarrassed effu- sive, and the timid bluster and brag The boastful, cocky, pushing man may seem f i i c t e d w ~ t h an exag- gerated sense of hls supenonty, whereas in fact he is covenng under a masquerade of aggressiveness a wretched feeling of inadequacy”

i i


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tal littleness, in his lack of physical stature, developed this deep sense of infenonty And Jesus went home wth him that day, and I can imagne the first thing Jesus sad to Zacchaeus “ Zacchaeus, come down from that tree, and accept yourself as you actually are Don’t try to be anybody else except yourself And If you wll do that, Zacchaeus, you wll be able to face every condihon of life wth a healthy athtude ” Now it seems to me that that is the first way to overcome an infenonty complex-

the pnnciple of self-acceptance That’s a prayer that every indimdual should pray “Lord, help me to accept myself Every man should somehow say, “I, John Doe, accept myself wth all of my inhented abilihes and handicaps I accept those condi- nons wthin my enmronment which cannot be altered or which I cannot control And after accephng these I go back to myself and see what I can do wth myself” And this is a healthy athtude of Me S o many people are busy trymg to be somebody else, and that is what accounts for their frustration There is wthin every man a bit of latent creativlty seeking to break forth, and it is often blocked because we are busy trymg to be somebody else So this is the first way to overcome an infenonty complex accept yourself That means accept your looks It means accept your lim- itations in every area It means what it says “Accept your actual self” And where the conflict really comes is that indimduals find a sort of impassable gulf between their actual selves and their desired selves And that is when an infenonty complex breaks out in morbid proporhons-when indiwduals come to see that there is such a tremendous gap between their actual selves and their desired selves And the thing that every indimdual should pray to the Almighty God for is to g v e them that sense of acceptance of the actual self wth all limitatlons and wth all of the endowments that come as the results of our being born in this world

We should ask God to help us to accept ourselves and to use our tools no matter how dull they are I’ve used this example quite often I remember when I was in col- lege, I was taking a very dficult course, that many of you have taken I’m sure, called statistics, and I’ve never been a great mathematman And we had the job, you know, of finding the mead, mode, and medium, and standard dewahon And I remember that I had a classmate who is now the bursar, I mean the regstrar, of Morehouse College, and he had a tremendous faculty for taking up things in the mathematical realm and doing them injust a few minutes And I thought that I was to do itjust like he did it He could do it in just a few minutes And I was going to do this thing like Leif Cain I was gonna do this thingjust like he did it I knew I had the capacity of Leif Cain, and he would turn it out And I discovered that I would try to do it in the same length of hme, and I didn’t get it And I finally had to accept the fact, and it was h n d of dficult at first, but I had to come to see that Leif Cain had a better mind than I had He had a better capacity for grasping this parhcular thing And so while he could do it in one hour, I had to spend three hours in doing it l 3 I had tojust come down to the point of accepting myself and my dull tools and doing it the best that I could, and this is the thing that every indiwdual must do

We must come to see that we can accept ourselves and live life in a healthy manner

i4July 1957

I z Kmg received an incomplete in Stausucs at Morehouse in the fall of I 947 and earned a C in Pnn-

I 3 k i f Cain graduated in I 948 from Morehouse College, where he later served as bursar and assis-

ciples and Methods of Stausocs in the spnng of 1948

tant treasurer 307

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14 July 1957 A Ford q n g to be a Cadillac 1s absurd. But If a Ford accepts itself, it can be just as durable as a Cadillac, and it can turn many curves that a Cadillac can’t even make, and park in many places that a Cadillac could never get in and can take off wth a speed that a Cadillac can never take off mth And in llfe some people are Cadillacs, and other people are Fords And when the Ford learns to accept itself as a Ford, it can do things that the Cadillac could never do This is the thing that Jesus told Zacchaeus “Zacchaeus, accept yourself and you wll be able to overcome any sense of infenonty ”

Now along wth that point, I’m sure Jesus added this “That you must remember, Zacchaeus, that anything that you do for the upbuilding of humanity is significant no matter how small you think it is Don’t consider your work insignificant Consider it of cosmic significance.” All of the people of the world cannot do the s e called big things Some of us wll have to be content to do the so-called little things, but we must do the little things in a big way We must do the ordinary things in an extraordinary manner And we overcome our sense of infenority by doing just this-by somehow acceptmg what we have to do and doing that thing well No mat- ter how small you consider it, you can dignify anything I have a fnend around on Hall Street, Urelee Gordon who shines shoes occasionally l 4 And Ijust love to go there to get a shoeshine He can do more wthjust shining shoes than most people can do mth their Ph D ’s He can get more music out of a rag shining shoes than Louis Armstrong can get out of a trumpet And Ijust love to see him shine shoes He has dignified shoeshining And that is what men and women must come to see-that anything can be dignified if the way that you do it and the enthusiasm that you put in it As I like to say, if it falls your lot to be a street sweeper in life, sweep streets like Raphael painted pictures l 5 Sweep streets like Michelangelo carved mar- ble Sweep streets like Beethoven composed music Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth wll have to pause and say, “Here lived a great street sweeper who swept hisjob well ” I 6 And then you come to see the meaning of Douglas Malloch’s words

If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill Be a shrub in the valley-but be The best shrub on the side of the nll, Be a bush if you can’t be a tree

If you can’t be a highway,just b e a trail, If you can’t be the sun be a star, It isn’t by size that you wn or you fail- Be the best of whatever you are!’’

And when you do that you overcome this sense of infenonty. You become like the squirrel who stood before the mountain one day He looked up and nohced its ggantic peaks and its curvaceous slopes. He stood back and said, “Talents dd€er; all

14 Urelee Gordon was the propnetor of the Gordon Shoe Shine Parlor in Montgomery i j Raphaello Sanzio (1483- 1520) was a prominent Italian Renaissance painter 16 At an Atlanta NAACP rally on 1 January 1957, Kmg attnbuted this illusmuon to Benjamin Mays

17 Kmg paraphrases Douglas Malloch’s poem “Be the Best of Whatever You Are” (1926) (Kmg, “Facing the Challenge of a New Age,” In Pupem4 79)


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is well and wsely put If I cannot take a forest on my back neither can you crack a nut ” I 8 When you see that, the squirrel gwes us a philosophy to live by, that all of us can do something that somebody else can’t do You take that and do it well And when you do that all of the eternity stnkes silent, and the angels shout forjoy, say- ing that this is an indiwdual who has discovered the way to live life

I imagine Jesus said another thing to Nicodemus, I mean, to Zacchaeus He proh ably said, “ Zacchaeus, you must master, to put it in our modem psychologcal terms, subshtuhonary compensahon You must learn that even though you are inadequate at certain points, you can take those inadequate points and transform them into something adequate You can compensate, to use another modem psychologcal phrase, you can sublimate and take these inadequacies and somehow transform them into something meaningfbl and something construchve ” So the young lady who is unattrachve, who is homely, can develop a charm and an inner beauty and a personality that all of the world wll have to respect l 9 And haven’t you seen indiwd- uals who are not blessed wth the beauty of human nature, who are not blessed wth external beauty, but they developed a sort of soul beauty? And when you looked at them, you did not look at their external countenance, but you looked wthin, and you saw there a beauty that even the person wth external beauty could never com- prehend This is the thing that is so signlficant and so wtal substituhonary compen- sauon Here is a young man who’s shy and who’s all but diffident Because of that maybe he feels that he has no place in life He can’t get over his shyness But maybe he can take that shyness and direct it into the channel of great scienhfic research and great arfishc development and leave a lashng contnbution to humanity that all men must be proud of There are ways that even indiwduals wth inadequacies can trans- form them into amazingly adequate points And I’m sure Zacchaeus heard these words from the Master “Zacchaeus you may be short, you may be little, your stature may be unequal to that of other men, but you have wthin you the possibilities of an equality that the world can always respect You can subshtute You can compensate.”

There is another mtal thing which I am sure Jesus said to Zacchaeus He proba- bly said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down out of the tree, and gve yourself to some ideal and some purpose greater than yourself And by absorbing yourself in some cause, in some pnnciple, in some ideal greater than yourself, you overcome your sense of infenonty So many people feel infenor because they have their egos on their hands 21 The ego stands out as a sore thumb, oversensihve and easily hurt The thing that indimduals must do somehow is push the ego in the background by becoming absorbed in great causes and in great ideals and in great pnnciples I

14 July 1957

18 Fosdick, MeanzngofFra)’er (NewYork Association Press, 1g4g), p 80 “As In Emerson’s parable of the mountain and the squirrel, he can he undismayed by the special excellence of another, and can say as the squirrel did to the mountain, ‘If 1 cannot carry forests on my back, Neither can you crack a nut ”’ Fosdick referred to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem “Fable” (1847)

19 Fosdick, On Beznga Real Person, pp 65-66 “Even so, however, a substltutionary compensation is almost always possible The homely grl may develop the more wt and charm because she is homely”

20 Reinhold Niebuhr, Moral Man and Immoral Society (New York Charles Scnbner’s Sons, ig32), p 257 ”The indimdual must stnve to realise hls llfe by losing and finding himselfin something greater than himself”

21 Fosdickwroteanessaytltled “GethngOneselfOffOne’sHands” (OnEezngaRealPmon, pp 79-107) 309

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i4July 1957 think that is whatJesus meant when he said, “He who seeks to find his life shall lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake shall find it ’w In other words, he who seeks to find his ego wll lose his ego, but he who loses his ego in some great cause greater than his ego shall find his ego This is the thing that challenges us

We look back across the years, and we see a great man like Abraham Lincoln We see the great contnbubon that he made to humanity and to history You must never forget that up uno1 he was forty-five years old Abraham Lincoln was one of the most discouraged men that ever lived. He felt a sense of insignlficance He ran for the state legdature and was defeated there He went into business and faled there and spent seventeen years of his llfe paylng off the debt of a worthless partner He met the p - 1 that he so passionately loved and wanted to marry, and she died In 1846 he ran for Congress and was elected, and two years later he was defeated He ran for the United States Senate, was defeated there In 1856 he ran for the vlce presidency of the United States and was defeated there And two years later Douglas defeated him again Lincoln was about to feel that he was insignlficant, that he did not count, that he did not belong Then Lincoln, one day, became interested in the slavery issue, and he gave his llfe to this cause He became embedded in this cause And because of his being embedded in this cause, in g a n g himself to this cause and losing himself into this cause, he became a great man He was finally elected the president of the United States, and today all history adores him as one of its most noble cihzens There stands a monument to him in Washington no one can hardly enter wthout shedding tears 23

When H G Wells was called upon to list the seven great men of history, he’d look back and picked Jesus of Nazareth 24 He’d look back to Greece and pick Socrates He had looked over to India and picked Mahatma Gandhi, but he said, “Before I stop, I must turn my eyes to Amenca and pick Abraham Lincoln ” This man became great because he absorbed himself in a cause greater than himself And so many people have a sense of infenonty today because they aren’t doing any- thing They aren’t doing anything but going to work and coming home and sitbng down thinking of themselves, and their llfe is lived in a mirror room where every- where they look they see themselves And so they live a life of infenonty which leads to morbid and tragc ends This is so important This is so wtal, to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself and pve yourself to it

2 2 Cf Matthew i o 39, 16 25 23 Fosdick, “A Man Is What He Proves to Be in an Emergency,” in On BmngAl lo Ltue Wzlh, pp i 55-

156 “Once there was a man in Spnngfield, Illinois, who ran for the legslature and was defeated Then he entered business, and failed, and spent seventeen years paymg the debts o f a worthless partner He fell passionately in love wth the grl of his choice who loved him in return, and then she died He was elected to Congress in 1846 and served one term but was defeated when he ran for re-election Next, he tned to get an appointment to the United States Land Office and failed Then, becoming a candidate for the United States Senate, he was defeated In i 856 as a candidate for the wce presidency he was beaten, and two years later Douglas defeated him again And when at last he became President, the first thing that happened was a great war that he would have p e n his life to prevent What a lifetime of testing! But in Washington there is a Memonal to him that some of us can hardly enter wthout tears ”

24 Benjamin Mays, “Non-Violence,” Athburgh Counet; 28 February 1948 “Some years ago, H G Wells named six great men of history They were Buddha, Asoka, Anstotle, Jesus, Roger Bacon and Abra- ham Lincoln”, see also Bruce Barton, “H G M’ells on the Six Greatest Men in History,” Sfrand Maguzzne

314 (September 1922) 214

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There is a final point I’m sure Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “If you really want to over- come this sense of infenonty, develop an abiding religous faith ” Because there is something about religon that gves you a sense of belonpng I’m sure you’ve read of the great psychoanalyst Carl Jung Jung said some years ago, “Of all of the hun- dreds and thousands of pahents that have come to me for treatment and counsel over the past few years, I think I can truly say that all of them past the middle of llfe had conditlons which could be cured by the proper religous faith ”25 That isn’t a preacher talkmg. That’s a psychoanalyst talkmg Irreligon somehow leaves us stand- ing in a blind universe It says to us somehow that human llfe is nothing but a cos- mic accident on a minor planet, a sort of haphazard by-product of blind forces 26

Says to us somehow that man is nothing but a tlny vagary of whirling electrons, a wsp of smoke from a limitless smoldenng But then religon comes over and says, “Oh no,” that this universe has meaning and that every indiwdual in this universe counts and every indiwdual in this universe has significance because there is a God who guides the desuny of life There is a God who stands at the center of the uni- verse, and he who discovers this pnnciple bepns to live

And I would say to you this morning that you have an opportunity to feel that you’re somebody If you develop early the proper religous faith In our society, in which It’s so easy for us to feel that we don’t count, in which it’s so easy to feel that we are sort of depersonalized cogs in a vast industnal machine, this has wtal signlficance And this has a lot of significance for the race problem and for every Negro who stands in Amenca It’s so easy for us to feel infenor because we have lived so long amid the tragc midnight of injushce and oppression This is one thing that the great social psy- chologsts have been saylng across the past few years-that segregahon generates a feeling of infenonty, that it gves the indiwduals under the system an infenonty com- plex We can hear it nngng from Dr Gordon Allport of Harvard and Dr Gardner Murphy of Columbia, from Dr Kenneth Clark of NewYork University, that these infe- nor feelings develop because of the system of segregahon 27 And it’s so easy for us to feel that we don’t count, that we are not signlficant, that we are less than We stand every day before a system which says that to us But I say to you this morning, you should go out wth the assurance that you belong and that you count and that you are somebody because God loves you And that becomes a hope That is the wtal point When men can see the true meaning of the great religon of the ages, they can find a new sense of dignity and a new sense of belongng And they can walk through llfe wth a self-respect, wth a sense of dignity that nothing can take from them

14 July 1957

25 Kmg paraphrases C G Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, p 264, see also Fosdick, On Bang a

26 C S Lewls, A m e m f o Questions on Chmtzantty, p 1 o 27 Hanard professor Gordon Willard Allport wrote The N Q ~ Z ofPrgudtce (Cambndge Addison-

Wesley Publishing, 1954) Columbia University psychology professor Edgar Gardner Murphy wrote Pmb lemr of thePresent South, which considered the emouonal, intellectual, and social bamers that keep Afncan Amencans and whites from seeing themselves and each other as they are (NewYork Macmillan, I 904) Kenneth Bancroft Clark was a social psychologst who taught at the Clty College of New York and whose 1950 study on the effects of racial segregauon on children was used by the Legal Defense Fund of the Nauonal Assoclanon for the Ad\ancement of Colored People (NAACP) in its case, E m us Board ofEdu- caftm (1954) In an 1989 oral history, Clark reminisced about his “wonderful debates” wth Kmg on the

RealPmon, p 74

3 15

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i4July 1957 That was what happened around slavery People lived amid the dark days of slav- ery So many things stood there to discourage them, but the old preacher would come up wth his broken language He would look out to them and said, “Fnends, you ain’t no nigger You ain’t no slave, but you God’s chillun ”2sAnd that gave them something to make another week They knew in many instances that they had to go out into the field and work all day from camp to camp. They knew that they would be beaten and trampled over and lucked about Somebmes the women knew that they had to gve up their bodies to sausfy the biologcal urges of the old, mean, white boss They knew that as soon as their children were born they would be snatched from their hands like a hungry dog snatches a bone from a human hand They lived amid the darkness and the anger and the anguish of slavery, and some- umes I’m sure they felt like gmng up. Then they got something wthin their soul, their religon began to nng out to them They did not know anything about the last- ing traditions of intellectual systems They had probably never heard of Plato or Anstotle They could have never understood Einstein’s theory of relatmty They knew nothing about a compound or complex sentence They didn’t know the dif- ference between “you does” and “you don’t,’’ but they knew God They knew that the God that they had heard about in the New Testament was not a God that would subject some of his children and exalt the others And so although they knew that some days they had to go out into the field in their bare feet, that didn’t stop them And they could sing in their broken language

I got shoes, you got shoes, All of God’s chillun got shoes When I get to heaven gonna put on my shoes hd jus t walk all over God’s heaven I got a robe, you got a robe, All of God’s chillun got a robe When I get to heaven gonna put on my robe hd jus t g o n n a shout all over God’s heaven 29

They had something that kept them going And I say to you this morning go out of this church wth a new faith in yourself, wth a new selfconfidence, wth a new sense of dignity, knowng that there is a God in this universe who loves all of his chil- dren And although [recordzng zn tmpted ]


philosophy of nonwolence and “about telling the masses of blacks that they should ‘love the oppressor ’ ” He reflected further, sayng, “No matter how you define it, no matter how many of the Greek words you use to differenuate the mnous lunds of love, let’s face the fact that oppressed human beings do not react to oppression by philosophy” (Clark, “Reminiscences of Kenneth Bancroft Clark,” internew by Ed Edwm, Oral History Research Office, Columbia University, New York, 1989, pp 282-283)

28 Thurman,Jesuc and fhhtnhenled, p jo ‘When I was a youngster, this was dnlled into me by my grandmother The idea was gven to her by a certain slave minister who, on occasion, held secret reli- gous meetings wth his fellow slaves How everything in me quivered wth the pulsing tremor of raw energy when, in her recital, she would come to the tnumphant climax of the minfiter ‘You-you are not niggers You-you are not slaves You are God’s children ’ “ 3 16

29 Kmg quotes the spintual “All God’s Chillun Got Wings

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project