Copyright 2014 Simple Smart Science All Rights Reserved 3 Habits That Are Ruining Your Brain And How To Repair The Damage Read This Report to Find Out What These 3 Things Are and How to Repair the Damage You've Already Done to Your Brain... If you’re over 40 and are afraid your memory isn’t as good as it used to be, you need to stop and read this report. Have you noticing your memory slipping and finding it harder and harder to recall words or names? You’re not alone. If you are 40 years old or older, you may already feel the frustrations of forgetting where you left your keys or repeatedly forgetting why you walked into a room. You may know the embarrassment of forgetting a thought in the middle of a sentence or the aggravation of not being able to focus for more than 30 seconds at a time.

3 Habits That Are Ruining Your Brain And How To Repair The ... · after experts in brain health and performance in America. I work with a team of doctors and scientists with over

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3 Habits That Are Ruining Your

Brain And How To Repair The


Read This Report to Find Out What These 3 Things Are

and How to Repair the Damage You've Already Done to

Your Brain...

If you’re over 40 and are afraid your memory isn’t as good as it used to be,

you need to stop and read this report.

Have you noticing your memory slipping and finding it harder and

harder to recall words or names?

You’re not alone.

If you are 40 years old or older, you may already feel the frustrations of

forgetting where you left your keys or repeatedly forgetting why you

walked into a room. You may know the embarrassment of forgetting a

thought in the middle of a sentence or the aggravation of not being able

to focus for more than 30 seconds at a time.

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You probably ask yourself is this normal, age related memory loss... or

something much more serious?

Unfortunately, the terrifying symptoms of dementia start with mild

memory loss.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

You do NOT have to accept a failing memory as a natural part of getting


There are 3 things you may be doing every day that are accelerating

your memory loss and possibly setting you down the path towards


In the next few minutes I’m going to share with you those 3 things are that

you need to stop doing TODAY.

Then I’m going to tell you how to help repair the damage you’ve already

done to your memory and how to decrease your risk of getting


Hi, I’m Russell and I’m one of the most sought

after experts in brain health and performance

in America. I work with a team of doctors and

scientists with over 80 years combined clinical

expertise working to improve brain health. Our

goal is to help you get a healthy brain and

reverse your memory damage, but I’ll get to that in a minute.

Did you know there are currently over 36 million people worldwide with

dementia? With the aging baby boomer population, that number is only

going to explode.

The scariest statistic I have heard is according to the World Health

Organization, if you’re over the age of 40, you personally have an

almost 1 in 2 chance of getting dementia.

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And if your memory is already starting to fail you, you need to take action

today or you risk it getting worse and worse as you age.

The esteemed director at the UCLA Memory Clinic, Dr. Gary

Small says, “The only cure for Alzheimer’s is prevention.”

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Let me repeat that –

“The only known cure for Alzheimer’s is PREVENTION!”

There is more money spent on brain research than on cancer research

today. There are literally thousands of scientific studies that prove what I’m

about to share with you. Thousands of clinical studies on how to improve

your memory, reduce your risk of getting dementia and how to get a better

life, today.

It all starts with getting a healthy brain.

Everything you do from thinking to moving, to the way you look, to the way

you feel is affected by how healthy your brain is. Taking care of your brain

should come before everything else in your life. Your relationships, your

work and your physical health all depend on your brain functioning at its


Why do you get the flu? It isn’t because you don’t have enough vitamin C.

It’s because your immune system has been compromised by a virus.

What controls your immune system? Your BRAIN.

Why do you feel anxiety and stress? It’s because your endocrine system is

producing too much adrenaline into your body.

What controls your endocrine system? Your BRAIN.

Why is your memory worse as you get older? It’s because your central

nervous system is decaying from a lack of nutrients and oxygen.

What controls central nervous system?

Starting to get the picture?

Your BRAIN Does.

Listen: Your brain is the control center for every function in your

body. Having a healthy brain will make your entire body healthier.

One of the primary reasons your memory is failing and you have no energy

is that your brain is full of toxins.

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And, believe me I know how a toxic brain can

affect your life.

A few years ago my dad called to tell me that our

beloved aunt, his sister, was diagnosed with

Alzheimer’s disease.

If you have dementia or Alzheimer’s in your

family, I’m sure you know how devastating this

news can be. The toll it takes on family members

can be just as tough as or sometimes even tougher than it does on the

actual person with the disease.

My dad said he had been noticing more frequently that his sister would get

stories or names wrong. She would drift off in the middle of conversations.

One time, she didn’t even recognize his voice when he called. He was

heartbroken which crushed me.

He recommended we all fly over to Sweden that summer where she lived

because it was advancing quickly. He was afraid if we waited any longer that

she wouldn’t remember us or worse, she’d be dead.

I couldn’t believe it.

We had never had dementia or Alzheimer’s in our family and I always felt

very fortunate around that.

I reached out to my cousins, her kids, and heard about the real

devastation. It made me so sad to hear this calm gentle woman was now

lashing out at her kids. She needed them around most of the time now and

especially when she wanted out of the house because she would often

forget how to return home. They were looking at hiring full time help to make

sure she didn’t leave the stove on or do any harm to herself. It was going to

cost more than they could afford, and depression was setting in on the

whole family.

Everyone was angry and stressed financially and emotionally.

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Afraid of what this meant for me and my family I decided to do some

research on my own around Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory problems.

What I found shocked me.

With Alzheimer’s in my family, my risk of getting it skyrocketed. There is a

gene that gets passed from parents to kids that plays a part in the

development of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Not only that, I had recently noticed I

was having my own memory lapses. I

was finding it harder and harder to

recall words and I often found myself

forgetting appointments.

Worse, my friends and family kept

telling me that I didn’t listen… the

truth is I didn’t remember what they


The more I got into the research, the

more I realized that my lifestyle played just as an important role as my

genetic code.

I became increasingly alarmed.

You see, this was at a time when I was living under constant stress. I never

exercised and a diet of hamburgers, pizza and beer was the norm.

So with Alzheimer’s diagnosed in my family, not only was my risk of getting

it high, I was increasing the risk with my toxic lifestyle.

The thought of my aunt losing her memories of her own children, her

confusion and emotional rollercoaster made me never want to put my own

family through the same heart break.

But what could I do about it?

Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything I could do for my aunt. Once you have

dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, there is no cure. There are supplements

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and drugs you can take to reduce the rate of decay, but you can’t stop the


Yes, I was scared of getting dementia, but it was way more than that.

My memory was shot. I was under so much pressure with work and family

that I could barely remember what day it was. I wanted my old, smart, happy

self back. My brain was screaming at me and I had to start listening to it or

risk dying.

So far, I am lucky and I don’t have dementia.

But how could I help my failing memory?

As luck would have it, a friend of mine introduced me to an incredible group

of scientists that changed the entire course of my life. This team of scientists

had years of brain health research behind them and after just one phone call

with them, I made brain health my life’s work.

Brain health became my passion.

And that is when I learned there were 3 things I was doing EVERY DAY that

was making me so forgetful and launching me down the path towards


And they had to STOP.

After making these simple changes, I started to feel alive again. In just

about 14 days… My friends started noticing I looked and acted younger.

Work became easier.

My attention span was laser focused.

I could feel this elevated energy throughout my body all day.

In short, not only was I back, I felt better than ever.

Yes, I know what it feels like to have a toxic, failing brain. But I also know

how easily it can be reversed and how it feels to live in an energized and

focused state every day.

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I have become so passionate about brain health that I brought these

scientists on to my team permanently. Together, we teach people what they

are doing that is harming their brains.

If you stop doing the 3 things I’m about to share with you, you can start

changing your life in as short as 14 days.

But none of this will make sense unless you first have an understanding of

how your brain functions.

The Problem Inside Your Brain

Stress, Age, Processed Foods, Prescription

Drugs, Pollution....

All of these contribute to a toxic brain.

Your brain produces a chemical cocktail every day to keep your mind and

your body running… everything from

endorphins making you happy to adrenaline

helping you perform under stress.

When your brain either over or under produces

the chemicals it needs, it gets out of balance.

Most of the time, you simple get tired, irritable

and emotionally withdrawn. Sometimes, this

chemical imbalance can lead to illness and

even death.

Your brain gets slower and slower due to this toxic build up.

The first question to ask:

Is it possible to give your brain exactly what it needs, naturally, so that it can

clear itself of toxins and perform at its best?

The answer is, thankfully, YES!

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Dr. Small insists that you can create new neural pathways and alter your

brain activity at a biochemical level.

A healthy brain = a healthy body.

Now, let’s cut to the chase.

Here are 3 little known destructive habits that are eating

away at your brain and leading you down the path to more

memory loss.

#1 Toxic Offender Damaging Your Brain:

Not getting enough


How much sleep did you get last

night? Did you wake up feeling like a

kid this morning like I did?

How about those nights where you

toss and turn all night?

You are slowly killing your brain if you

are not getting enough sleep.

The average person needs 7-8 hours

of sleep a night. The average

American gets 6.

There is NO WAY your brain will be

healthy enough to fight off disease if you are lacking in sleep.

Sleep is critical to your health. Our nervous systems need a good night’s

sleep to heal and work properly.

While you sleep, those neurons that send and receive signals in your brain

have a chance to shut down and repair themselves [1].

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If you don’t sleep, your brain may become so depleted in energy, and so

polluted with the trash produced by normal cellular activities that it begins to


You owe it to yourself to make sleep just as important as eating the right

foods and exercising. It is actually more important than both of those put


So the next time you want to stay up watching a TV show or reading the

next chapter in your book, ask yourself if it is worth it. You might as well go

out and get drunk. Not getting enough sleep has the exact same effect on

your brain.

The Harvard Women’s Health Watch says if you don’t get enough sleep, you

may: [2]

1. Make learning more difficult and your memory will start to fail. 2. Gain weight 3. Have more accidents 4. Become depressed 5. Have cardiovascular problems 6. Be more likely to get a disease

Sleep is the #1 most critical factor to your health.

Now, remember that secret I mentioned before? Well it also helps

repair the damage in your brain much like sleeping does.

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#2 Toxic Offender Damaging Your Brain:

You Don’t Exercise


I know you may not want to hear

this from yet another person, but it

really does matter.

You have to exercise at least 150

minutes a week.

You see, “Physical exercise

increases oxygen to your brain and

reduces the risk for disorders that

lead to memory loss, such as

diabetes and cardiovascular

disease. Exercise may also

enhance the effects of helpful brain

chemicals and protect brain


In fact, one study from the University Of Maryland School Of

Public Health found that,

“Exercising for 150 minutes each week may be the best

treatment for Alzheimer's."

They go on to say, we found that after 12 weeks of being on a moderate

exercise program, study participants improved their neural efficiency -

basically they were using fewer neural resources to perform the same

memory task.”[4]

So what are you waiting for??

Get out from behind your computer and go for a walk!

Well, maybe after you finish this report.

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That secret tip I mentioned earlier, well, it also helps boost your energy

throughout the entire day.

#3 Toxic Offender Damaging Your Brain:

Eating Toxic Foods.

French Fries. Chocolate Cake. Coke.


You are killing your brain with these


For example, drinking a can of soda

increases the plaque deposits in your

brain and greater plaque deposits

are one of the precursors to

Alzheimer’s disease and



All of the sugar.

WebMD even asks the

question: “Is sugar worse for you than say, cocaine?”

A 2012 article in the journal Nature points to studies that show that too much

sugar not only makes us fat, it impairs brain function[6].

How about beer?

Have you ever had a few drinks and woke up the next morning not

remembering the night before?

Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times,

impaired memory… You KNOW alcohol effects your brain. It can kill the

communication between brain cells and in the long term, this lack of

communication becomes permanent.

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But you CAN eat certain foods that will not only reverse some of the damage

you have already done, but will actually help nourish your brain so you can

live the best life possible.

There is an array of brain healthy foods that you need to eat every day, but

to make it easy for you, I’ve put together a list:

Brain Super Foods:

· Vitamin B-12

· Olive Oil · Garlic · Peas · Green Tea · Kale

· Blueberries · Nuts and seeds · Avocados · Oily fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines and kippers. · Tomatoes · Pumpkin Seeds

· Blackcurrant · Broccoli · Sage

So to recap:

1. Get 8-9 hours of sleep a night. 2. Exercise for at least 150 minutes a week. 3. Eat everything on that list daily.

To your brain health.


Simple Smart Science