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  • American Journal ofPathology, Vol. 152, No. 6, June 1998Copyright ) American Societyfor Investigative Patbology

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor MediatesAngiogenic Activity during the Proliferative Phase ofWound Healing

    Nicholas N. Nissen,* Peter J. Polverini,tAlisa E. Koch,* Michael V. Volin,*Richard L. Gamelli,* and Luisa A. DiPietro*From the Department of Surgery,* Burn and Shock TraumaInstitute, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois, theLaboratory ofMolecular Pathology,t University ofMichigan, AnnArbor, Michigan, the Department ofMedicine,* NorthwesternUniversity Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, and the Veteran'sAdministration Chicago Health Care System,5 Lakeside Division,Chicago, Illinois

    Angiogenesis is an essential component of normalwound repair, yet the primary mediators of woundangiogenesis have not been well described. The cur-rent study characterizes the contribution of vascularendothelial cell growth factor (VEGF) to the angio-genic environment of human surgical wounds. Surgi-cal wound fluid samples (n = 70) were collected dailyfor up to 7 postoperative days (POD) from 14 patientsundergoing mastectomy or neck dissection. VEGF lev-els in surgical wound fluid were lowest on POD 0,approximating values of serum, but increasedsteadily through POD 7. An opposite pattern wasnoted for basic fibroblast growth factor-2. Fibroblastgrowth factor-2, which has been previously describedas awound angiogenic factor, exhibited highest levelsat POD 0, declining to near serum levels by POD 3.Surgical wound fluid from all time points stimulatedmarked endothelial cell chemotaxis and induced abrisk neovascular response in the rat corneal micro-pocket angiogenesis assay. Antibody neutralization ofVEGF did not affect the in vitro chemotactic or the invivo angiogenic activity early wound samples (POD0). In contrast, VEGF neutralization significantly at-tenuated both chemotactic activity (mean decrease76 + 13%, P < 0.01) and angiogenic activity (5 of 5samples affected) of later wound samples (POD 3 and6). The results suggest a model ofwound angiogenesisin which an initial angiogenic stimulus is supplied byfibroblast growth factor-2, followed by a subsequentand more prolonged angiogenic stimulus mediated byVEGF. (AmJ Pathol l998, 152:1445-1452)

    Normal wound repair includes a vigorous angiogenicresponse that delivers nutrients and inflammatory cells toinjured tissue. This angiogenic response facilitates theremoval of debris and assists in the development of agranulation tissue framework for wound closure.' Themediators of wound angiogenesis are thought to includenumerous soluble factors that have been identified invarious wound models.2'3 Both angiogenic agonists andantagonists have been identified at various times duringrepair,45 suggesting that the net angiogenic stimulusmay change as the balance of factors alternatively favorseither vessel growth or regression.6'7 Despite a largebody of literature describing the production of angio-genic growth factors in wounds, few previous studieshave attempted to determine which factors are criticalmediators in healing wounds or to understand their tem-poral relationship to one another.To better understand the mechanism of wound angio-

    genesis, recent efforts in our laboratory have been di-rected at identifying the soluble proangiogenic factorsthat are important to normal wound healing. As part of thisundertaking, the angiogenic profile of fluid collected fromhuman surgical wound drains placed at the time of vari-ous operations has been characterized.6 These studiesare based on the premise that wound fluid would begenerally representative of the growth environment of thewound, as it would be expected to contain soluble proan-giogenic growth factors at levels similar to that of thewound bed itself. While the proliferative capacity ofwound fluid has been previously reported, studies of thenet angiogenic stimulus in this fluid9 and of the specificmediators responsible for this stimulus are incomplete.

    In a previous report from our laboratory, surgicalwound fluid (SWF) collected within just a few hours ofoperation was found to be potently angiogenic. This fluidstimulates endothelial cell migration and proliferation invitro and new vessel formation in the in vivo rat cornealassay.8 The angiogenic activity of early wound fluid was

    Supported by NIH Grants GM50875 (L. A. DiPietro), HL39926 (P. J.Polverini), CA 64416 (P. J. Polverini) AR30692 (A. E. Koch), and AR41492(A. E. Koch), Funds from the Veteran's Administration Research Service(A. E. Koch), and the Ralph and Marion Falk Foundation (A. E. Koch, N. N.Nissen, and L. A. DiPietro).Accepted for publication March 11, 1998.Address reprint requests to Dr. Luisa A. DiPietro, Burn and Shock

    Trauma Institute, Loyola University Medical Center, 2160 S. First Avenue,Maywood, IL 60153. E-mail: [email protected].


  • 1446 Nissen et alAJPJune 1998, Vol. 152, No. 6

    found to be largely because of basic fibroblast growthfactor (FGF-2). FGF-2 levels in SWF peaked immediatelyafter surgery and then fell to near-serum levels by thesecond postoperative day. Thus FGF-2, stored eitherwithin cells or sequestered in the extracellular matrix, isreleased shortly after tissue injury. This quick release ofFGF-2 appears to function to initiate wound angiogene-sis. The current study was designed to identify the pri-mary angiogenic mediators in later wounds during theproliferative phase. To accomplish this, wound fluid wascollected from surgical wounds for up to 7 days postop-eratively. This fluid was used to assess the role of partic-ular growth factors as critical angiogenic mediators inhuman wounds. Among the many mediators in the laterwound fluid, our studies quickly focused on vascularendothelial cell growth factor (VEGF) for two specificreasons. First, like FGF-2, VEGF is a potent direct angio-genic factor that stimulates endothelial cell migration andactivation in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo.10'11 Secondly,an up-regulation of VEGF production in wound repair hasbeen demonstrated in keratinocytes in skin wounds in rat,guinea pig, and mouse models.12'13 The current studydescribes the contribution of VEGF to the angiogenicactivity within wounds and establishes an important rolefor VEGF as a predominate angiogenic mediator in hu-man surgical wounds.

    Materials and Methods


    Surgical wound fluid was collected from 14 patients un-dergoing modified radical mastectomy (n = 8) or neckdissection (n = 6). This group consisted of 11 femalesand 3 males and averaged 60 14 years of age. A totalof 70 samples were collected between postoperativedays 0 and 7. Most samples collected beyond 4 dayswere from neck dissections because of the tendency toremove drains earlier from mastectomy sites as com-pared with neck procedures. No wounds were compli-cated by hematoma formation, infection, or flap necrosis.Breast biopsy specimens were obtained from 4 patientsundergoing mastectomy 7, 8, 10, and 22 days after initialbiopsy. No patient had received heparin, corticosteroids,or preoperative chemotherapy or radiation therapy be-fore or during the time of sample collection. No patientshad complicating disease processes that might affectwound healing, such as diabetes mellitus.

    Wound Fluid SamplesSurgical wound fluid was collected from closed suctiondrains of patients undergoing either modified radicalmastectomy or neck dissections. Neck dissections wereusually performed in combination with a pharyngectomyor laryngectomy. On Postoperative day (POD) 0, fluidwas collected within 6 hours of surgery. Subsequentsamples were obtained daily until patients were dis-charged or drains were removed. Occasionally patientswere unavailable during the collection period and a daily

    sample was not obtained. Fluid samples were processedimmediately after collection by centrifuging at 1300 x gfor 10 minutes and then freezing at -700C. Normal serumwas obtained from volunteers and was processed asdescribed for SWF samples. When subsets of patientsamples were used in additional assays, samples wereselected randomly. The average total protein content ofthe wound fluids was 17 4 mg/mi.

    VEGF and FGF-2 Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbent AssayThe level of VEGF in SWF samples was determined usinga commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay (ELISA) that detects the soluble isoforms (VEGF121 and VEGF 165) of human VEGF (R & D Systems,Minneapolis, MN). To directly compare the profile ofVEGF with that of FGF-2, which is known to contribute tothe angiogenic activity of SWF, we also measured FGF-2levels using an ELISA directed at recombinant humanFGF-2145 (R & D Systems). Each sample was tested induplicate, and results were averaged. Samples fromeach POD are presented as a group mean SD. Resultswere analyzed for significance by a one-way analysis ofvariance followed by Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisonstest.

    Endothelial Cell MigrationEndothelial cell chemotactic activity in response to SWFwas measured as previously described.14 Human dermalmicrovascular endothelial cells and growth medium wereobtained from Cell Systems (Kirkland, WA). Endothelialcells in suspension were placed in the bottom wells of a48-well blind well microchemotaxis chamber (Neuro-probe, Cabin John, MD) and overlaid with a gelatinized5-p,m pore membrane. The top portion of the chamberwas secured in place, and 50 g.l of test or control mediumwas dispensed into the top wells. The test medium con-tained recombinant VEGF or FGF-2 in amounts rangingfrom 1 to 50 ng/ml or wound fluid samples containing 1p.g of total protein. Chambers were inverted and incu-bated for 2 hours at 37C, after which the membraneswere stained with Wright's Giemsa stain (Leukostat;Fisher Scientific, Chicago, IL). The number of endothelialcells that had migrated to the opposite surface of themembrane was counted in 10 random high-power fields.Each sample was tested in triplicate. Results are ex-pressed as a mean number of endothelial cells migratedper 10 high-powered fields SD. Chemotactic activity ofindividual samples was compared with control mediumusing a Student's t-test and Bonferroni postcomparisontesting. P values less than 0.05 were considered signifi-cant.

    Bioassay for Angiogenic ActivityAssays of angiogenic activity were performed in theavascular cornea of the rat eye as previously de-

  • VEGF and Wound Angiogenesis 1447AJPJune 1998, Vol. 152, No. 6

    scribed.15 Briefly, wound fluids containing approximately5 ,ug of total protein were incorporated 1:1 into noninflam-matory Hydron polymer (Interferon Sciences, New Bruns-wick, NJ), and 5-,ul pellets were implanted into the cor-neal stroma 1 to 1.5 mm from the limbus. Corneas wereexamined daily with a stereomicroscope to monitor cap-illary growth by blinded observers. Responses showingsustained ingrowth of a brush-like network of capillarysprouts were judged to be positive, whereas responsesshowing no growth or only occasional sprouts were con-sidered negative. Individual wound fluid samples weretested in multiple corneas and were considered angio-genic if more than 50% of the corneas showed a positiveangiogenic response. Positive controls included VEGF(25 ng) and FGF-2 (50 ng). Dulbecco's modified Eagle'smedium was used as a negative control. Five to 7 daysafter implantation some rats underwent intra-arterial per-fusion with colloidal carbon to provide a permanentrecord of individual responses. Corneas were then ex-cised, fixed in 2% glutarald6hyde-2.5% paraformalde-hyde, flattened, and photographed.

    Neutralization of VEGFTo determine the contribution of VEGF to the angiogenicactivity of SWF, neutralizing antibody to VEGF was com-bined with SWF before addition to in vitro and in vivoassays. Antibody directed against recombinant humanVEGF165 was obtained from R & D Systems. 250 ng ofanti-VEGF antibody was incubated with SWF or 25 ng ofhuman recombinant VEGF (R & D Systems) for 30 min-utes at 370C before testing.

    ImmunohistochemistrySamples of healing wounds were obtained by excisingold biopsy sites from the pathological specimens of fourpatients undergoing mastectomy. Each patient had un-dergone an excisional biopsy before mastectomy, andeach biopsy specimen had been determined to havetumor-free margins. Full thickness skin and subcutane-ous tissue samples were embedded in OCT and sec-tioned perpendicular to the healing incision line. Immu-nostaining was performed using an avidin-biotintechnique (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). Slideswere fixed in cold acetone for 20 minutes followed bytreatment with 3% peroxide in 0.1 mol/L Tris for 5 minutesto block endogenous peroxidase activity. All subsequentincubations were performed at 370C in a humidifiedchamber unless otherwise noted. Tissue were pretreatedwith 3% horse serum in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)for 30 minutes, incubated with anti-human VEGF mAb(gift of Dr. Napoleone Ferrara, Genentech, South SanFrancisco, CA), anti-human Leu-M5 (CD1 1c) (BectonDickinson, San Jose, CA), or mouse IgGl control for 45minutes, and washed twice in PBS. Slides were thenincubated with a 1:200 dilution of anti-mouse biotinylatedantibody in PBS containing 3% horse serum, washedtwice with PBS, incubated with avidin-conjugated horse-radish peroxidase complex at room temperature for 20







    Normal 0Serum

    I51 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Post-operative DayFigure 1. VEGF levels in surgical drain fluid. Surgical drain fluid was col-lected as described in the text and VEGF levels determined by ELISA. VEGFlevels were lowest on postoperative day 0 and rose steadily to peak onpostoperative day 7. The sample sizes are as follows: day 0, n = 8; day 1, n =10; day 2, n = 10; day 3, n = 8; day 4, n = 8; day 5, n = 5; day 6, n = 6;and day 7, n = 2. On days 4, 6, and 7, fluids contained significantly moreVEGF than fluids on day 0 (P < 0.05).

    minutes, and washed twice with PBS. Slides were thenincubated with diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride sub-strate for 5 minutes at room temperature, rinsed in tapwater, counterstained with Harris' hematoxylin, anddipped in saturated lithium carbonate solution for bluing.Serial sections were examined to assess the cell typesexpressing antigenic VEGF.


    VEGF Levels in SWFThe level of VEGF in 57 SWF samples was measured byELISA (Figure 1). Normal serum contained on average0.4 0.2 ng/ml VEGF. SWF levels on POD 0 were slightlyhigher than serum averaging 1.0 1.0 ng/ml. VEGFlevels increased to 3.9 2.7 ng/ml on POD 3 and werehighest by POD 7 at 6.9 1.3 ng/ml. This steady rise inVEGF levels over time was similar in both mastectomyand neck wounds and was unchanged when sampleswere corrected for total protein content. Although tumorshave been shown to produce VEGF, residual tumor isunlikely to be the source of the VEGF for two reasons.First, the margins on all sites were determined to be freeof tumor by a surgical pathologist. Second, the VEGF didnot appear in the fluid until several days after surgery,suggesting that new synthesis was initiated at the site ofinjury.

    FGF-2 Levels in SWFTo directly compare the profile of VEGF and FGF-2 insurgical wounds, the level of FGF-2 in 25 SWF sampleswas also measured. While VEGF is lowest on POD 0 andthen rises over several days, FGF-2 levels were higheston POD 0 at 765 436 pg/ml and then fell rapidly overthe next 1 to 2 days (Figure 2). Both mastectomy and


  • 1448 Nissen et alAJPJune 1998, Vol. 152, No. 6

    4 nnn-


    Elm 600-IL



    a 400-U.


    Normal 0Serum

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Post-operative Day

    Figure 2. FGF-2 levels in surgical drain fluid. Surgical drain fluid FGF-2 levelswere measured by ELISA. In contrast to VEGF, the level of FGF-2 in surgicaldrain fluid is highest on postoperative day 0 and then falls quickly tonear-serum levels by postoperative day 2. The sample sizes are as follows:day 0, n = 8; day 1, n = 8; day 2, n = 7; day 3, n = 7; day 4, n = 5; day 5,n = 4; day 6, n = 4; and day 7, n = 1. On day 0, fluid contained significantlymore FGF-2 than all other days (P < 0.001).

    neck dissection wounds demonstrated similar FGF-2 pro-files. These results are similar to our previous report.'

    VEGF-Mediated Activity in Surgical Wound Fluid- Endothelial Cell MigrationThe endothelial cell chemotactic activity of seven randomSWF samples from postoperative days 0, 3, and 6 wasdetermined using a modified Boyden chamber. SWFsamples from all 3 days stimulated marked endothelialcell chemotaxis compared with basal media (Figure 3;P < 0.01 for all samples). The addition of anti-VEGFneutralizing antibody did not affect the chemotactic ac-tivity of two SWF samples from POD 0 (average decreasein activity 12 6%). Anti-VEGF antibody lowered the


    -a 300



    - 150


    X 50


    nUntridedi + Anti-VEGF Aby

    J IL]fL It4

    04,?.PODo POD 3 POD 6(n=2) (n=2) (n=3)

    Figure 3. VEGF-mediated endothelial cell chemotactic activity of surgicaldrain fluid. Fluid from surgical wounds was tested for endothelial cell che-motactic activity in a modified Boyden chamber as described in the text.Random samples from POD 0 through 6 consistently demonstrated markedchemotactic activity compared with control media (P < 0.01 for each).Anti-VEGF antibody markedly diminished the chemotactic activity of recom-binant VEGF (25 ng) and of five samples from POD 3 and 6 but did not alterthe activity of two samples from POD 0.

    Table 1. Effect of Anti-VEGF Antibody on AngiogenicActivity of Wound Fluid

    Rat corneal neovascularization:proportion of positive responses (%)

    Surgical wound +Anti-VEGFfluid sample No treatment antibody

    Postoperative day 0Mastectomy 1 2 of 2 (100) 2 of 2 (100)Neck dissection 2 2 of 2 (100) 2 of 2 (100)

    Postoperative day 3Mastectomy 3 3 of 3 (100) 0 of 3 (0)Mastectomy 4 2 of 2 (100) 1 of 3 (33)Mastectomy 5 3 of 3 (100) ndMastectomy 6 2 of 2 (100) nd

    Postoperative day 4Mastectomy 7 3 of 3 (100) nd

    Postoperative day 6Neck dissection 2 3 of 3 (100) 0 of 3 (0)Neck dissection 3 3 of 3 (100) 0 of 2 (0)Mastectomy 4 2 of 2 (100) 1 of 4 (25)

    ControlsDMEM* 0 of 3 (0) 0 of 3 (0)VEGF (25 ng) 3 of 3 (100) 1 of 4 (25)

    *DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; nd, not done.

    chemotactic activity of five samples from POD 3 and 6 byan average of 76 13% (Figure 3). VEGF-mediatedendothelial cell chemotactic activity therefore parallelsVEGF protein levels in SWF. While VEGF appears to bethe primary chemotactic agent by the third postoperativeday, it does not contribute significantly to the activity ofPOD 0 SWF.

    VEGF-Mediated Activity in Surgical Wound Fluid- In Vivo Angiogenic ActivitySWF samples from POD 0, 1, 3, and 6 stimulated angio-genesis in the avascular rat cornea assay (Table 1, Fig-ure 4A). The neovascular response was uniform acrossdifferent postoperative days, generally occurring rapidlyand without an excessive inflammatory response. Similarto the results reported above, anti-VEGF antibody did notaffect the in vivo angiogenic response to two POD 0samples but significantly reduced the angiogenic activityof five of five SWF samples from POD 3 and 6 (Table 1,Figure 4B). VEGF therefore mediates in large part thechemotactic and angiogenic activity of SWF from post-operative days 3 and 6 but not of fluid from postoperativeday 0.

    Source of VEGF in Wound BiopsiesHealing breast biopsy sites were analyzed with immuno-histochemical staining to identify the source of woundVEGF. Four samples were obtained from 7 to 22 daysafter initial biopsy. Compared with control skin, stainingfor VEGF was substantially increased at wound sites. Inwounds, VEGF staining was mainly localized to fibro-blasts and macrophages (Figure 5). Normal skin fromadjacent uninjured areas of the breast demonstrated min-imal staining for VEGF. This staining was localized to



    I vvvwI

  • VEGF and Wound Angiogenesis 1449AJPJune 1998, Vol. 152, No. 6


    .+., ,, , tR


    Figure 4. Rat comeal neovascularization in response to mastectomy drainfluid from postoperative day 6. Dense new vessel ingrowth from the comeallimbus toward a pellet containing drain fluid is demonstrated (A). Addition ofneutralizing anti-VEGF antibody (B) dramatically diminished the response towound fluid.

    fibroblasts. Normal skin macrophages were generallynegative for VEGF. Neutrophils, lymphocytes, endothelialcells, and mast cells were generally immunonegative forVEGF in both wounds and normal skin.

    DiscussionVEGF has been associated with angiogenesis in numer-ous pathological situations, including tumor growth, pro-liferative retinopathy, and rheumatoid arthritis. 16-18 Inparticular, a great amount of interest has centered on therole of VEGF in the growth and metastasis of severaltumor types and on the potential role of inhibitors of VEGFin antitumor therapy.16 19 This interest was borne in partfrom the original description of VEGF as a potent vascularpermeability factor, a property that was thought to con-tribute to tumor metastases.20'21

    Increased vascular permeability has since beenshown to occur during the early phases of wound repair,theoretically allowing deposition of the fibrin-rich matrixnecessary for cellular migration.22'23 The identification ofincreased vascular permeability concomitant with in-creased VEGF production in skin wounds provided evi-dence for a role for VEGF in wound repair.12 However,VEGF-mediated angiogenic activity in wounds had re-mained speculative.

    Our results provide two lines of evidence to support acentral role for VEGF in mediating angiogenesis in surgi-cal wounds. First, VEGF is produced or released locally inwounds during a time when new vessel growth is initiatedand maintained. Second, neutralization of VEGF greatlydecreases the angiogenic and endothelial cell chemo-tactic activity of surgical wound fluid. In the current study,VEGF levels in wound fluid rose steadily through the firstweek after injury. New vessel formation in healing woundsfollows a similar time course with newly formed vesselsfirst evident 2 to 3 days after injury with maximal evidenceat 1 to 2 weeks.24 By postoperative day 3, VEGF appearsto be the primary angiogenic mediator in SWF as additionof neutralizing antibody eliminated most of the chemotac-tic and angiogenic activity of all samples tested. Thecurrent study does not examine how wound proteasesmay influence the levels of bioactive FGF-2 and VEGF.Wound fluid has been described to contain high levels ofproteases, such as metalloproteinases.25 Although wedid not examine the levels of protease activity in oursamples, our results suggest that the protease activity inwound fluid is not sufficient to eliminate bioactive growthfactors such as FGF-2 and VEGF.

    To our knowledge this report is the first direct evidenceof VEGF-mediated angiogenic activity in human surgicalwounds. VEGF may contribute to the angiogenic stimulusin wounds either by direct effects on proliferating andmigrating endothelial cells or indirectly by effecting per-sistent vascular permeability at the level of existing mi-crovessels. Mitigation of endothelial cell chemotactic ac-tivity of SWF by anti-VEGF antibody suggests that at leastpart of the stimulus provided by VEGF in the surgicalwound is direct.

    Our results demonstrate that the primary sources ofsurgical wound VEGF are the fibroblast and the macro-phage. Both cell types have been described to produceVEGF in vitro.26'27 Previous studies by Brown et al2 alsoidentified macrophage-like cells as a source of VEGF inmouse skin wounds but found keratinocytes to be themajor source of VEGF. Keratinocytes in healing breastbiopsy sites did not stain for VEGF in our hands. Thisdiscrepancy between our results and those of Brown et alprobably reflects the inherent differences between skinand deep surgical wounds. Keratinocytes would not beexpected to contribute much to VEGF levels in deepsurgical wounds because of the relatively small area ofepidermal injury in these wounds.

    While VEGF appears to be a primary angiogenic me-diator in surgical wounds by several days postopera-tively, it does not appear to participate in the initiationphase of angiogenesis. SWF obtained immediately afterinjury (POD 0) stimulates angiogenesis and chemotaxisbut contains low levels of VEGF and is not affected byneutralizing anti-VEGF antibody. We have previously re-ported that FGF-2 accounts for a large part of the imme-diate angiogenic stimulus in SWF based on similar neu-tralization experiments.8 FGF-2 levels peak within hoursof injury and fall as VEGF levels start to rise. This patternsuggests that FGF-2 and VEGF act in concert to providea sustained angiogenic stimulus in surgical wounds, as

  • 1450 Nissen et alAJPJune 1998, Vol. 152, No. 6

    r% .)

    Figure 5. Immunoperoxidase detection of antigenic VEGF in frozen human breast tissue. A: Breast biopsy site showing strong staining of both fibroblasts andmacrophages. Magnification, X264. B: Higher power image of A, showing fibroblast staining. Magnification, X528. C Higher power image of A, showingmacrophage staining (arrows). Magnification, X1056. D: Normal breast skin showing minimal fibroblast staining. Magnification, X264. E: Higher power imageof tissue in D, showing minimal fibroblast staining. Magnification, x528. F: Immunoperoxidase detection of Leu-M5 (CD11c), a macrophage marker, in a serialsection to the tissue in C, showing staining in a similar pattern as the VEGF staining. Magnification, X 1056.

    the angiogenic stimulus initiated by FGF-2 is subse-quently maintained by VEGF.

    The FGF-2 and VEGF-mediated angiogenic responsesin wounds may represent two components of an angio-genic cascade. FGF-2 is well suited to initiate angiogen-esis because it is available immediately after injury andbecause it affects numerous cell types. Preformed FGF-2that is sequestered in uninjured tissue is likely released atthe time of surgery either by cell damage or by enzymes

    such as thrombin.28-31 Because multiple cell types carrythe FGF receptor, soluble FGF-2 stimulates multiple earlywound events, including the proliferation and migration ofboth endothelial cells and fibroblasts.32 In this way an-giogenesis and collagen deposition may be initiatedwhile synthesis of mediators such as VEGF is beginning.Unlike the broadly distributed FGF-receptors, VEGF-re-ceptors are almost exclusive to endothelium.33 Transitionto a predominantly VEGF-mediated angiogenic stimulus


  • VEGF and Wound Angiogenesis 1451AJPJune 1998, Vol. 152, No. 6

    VEGF CapillaryVEGF densityFGF-2 (

    \ /%

    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

    Days after injury

    Proliferation .... Migration.....Capillary formation.........ResolutionFigure 6. A model of angiogenesis in the healing wound. Immediately afterinjury, FGF-2 is quickly released, providing an early stimulus for endothelialcell proliferation. As FGF-2 levels decline, VEGF is produced. VEGF providesa sustained stimulus for endothelial cell migration and differentiation intonew capillary tubes. Capillary density reaches a maximum shortly after peakVEGF levels are observed. Capillary regression then begins either because ofa lack of continued stimulus or through the direct effect of antiangiogenicmediators. The indicated time period for each event (provided in days) isrepresentative of the sequence observed in both human wounds and inmurine models of tissue repair.

    might therefore allow more specific regulation of vesselgrowth and regression during proliferative and matura-tion phases of wound repair. Our results support a modelof wound angiogenesis in which early endothelial prolif-eration is supported by FGF-2 and later capillary growthand differentiation is directed by VEGF (Figure 6). Such amodel has support in in vitro systems as well, such as therat aorta model of angiogenesis.34 Whether or not VEGFpersists as the primary mediator throughout the remain-der of the repair process remains to be determined.

    Regulation of the VEGF-mediated response in woundsmay take many forms. FGF-2 appears to have a directrole in the VEGF response based on observations thatFGF-2 can up-regulate VEGF production35 and thatFGF-2 and VEGF act synergistically in stimulating angio-genesis in some models.3637 Several other growth fac-tors such as platelet derived growth factor and trans-forming growth factor-3 may also regulate VEGFproduction.3839 One interesting possible mediator ofVEGF activity in wounds is local hypoxia. VEGF has awell-described hypoxia-inducible element that is thoughtto account for its increased production in ischemic reti-nopathy, myocardial ischemia, and in areas of tumornecrosis.' 1,16 Extensive work by Hunt and others4041 hasdemonstrated that wounds are characteristically hypoxicduring early phases of repair and that angiogenic activityin wounds varies inversely with wound oxygen levels.VEGF has been proposed as a mediator of this ef-fect.42'43 In theory, VEGF production and VEGF-mediatedangiogenic activity would rise in the early hypoxic woundand then fall when neovascularization is complete andwound perfusion is restored.

    While our results describe the initiation of a VEGF-mediated response, additional work is required to under-stand the regression of the vasculature that is seen inresolving wounds. Taken together, the elucidation of the

    mechanisms responsible for initiating and driving theangiogenic response in wounds might find broad appli-cation in areas such as the augmentation of wound re-pair, improving collateralization of ischemic limbs andmyocardium, and understanding tumor growth.

    AcknowledgmentWe thank Dr. George K. Haines Ill for his review of theimmunohistochemical staining.


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