Planning Board City o f ' , , ~ .. - · Pensacola America's First Settlement And Most Historic City CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY PLANNING BOARD The regular meeting of the City Planning Board will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2012, at 3:00 P.M. in the Mason Conference Room, Mezzanine Level, City Hall, 180 Governmental Center. AGENDA 1. Quorum/Call to Order. 2. Approval of Prior Minutes. 3. Public Hearings a. Request for Zoning and Futur e Land Use Map Amendment- 3206 East DeSoto Street. b . Request to Vacate a Pmtion of the Bayou Blvd. Right of Way 4 . Recommendation for City Council Quasi-Judicial Hearing a. Request for Conditional Use Approval- Mobile Restaurant Uni ts-5 01 S. Palafox Place. 5. Waterfront Redevelopment District Signag e Re quest- Crab Tr ap Changing to Nic k's Boathouse 6. New Business. 7 . Old Business . Your presence will be greatly apprecia ted. Please advise Planning staf f of your absence / attendance. Sincerely, Sherry H . MolTis , Secretary to the Planning Board Community Development Department 436-5655

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Planning Board

City of..-·

PensacolaAmerica's First Settlement

And Most Historic City


The regular meeting of the City Planning Board will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2012, at 3:00

P.M. in the Mason Conference Room, Mezzanine Level, City Hall, 180 Governmental Center.


1. Quorum/Call to Order.

2. Approval ofPrior Minutes.

3. Public Hearings

a. Request for Zoning and Future Land Use Map Amendment- 3206 East DeSoto


b. Request to Vacate a Pmtion of the Bayou Blvd. Right ofWay

4. Recommendation for City Council Quasi-Judicial Hearing

a. Request for Conditional Use Approval- Mobile Restaurant Units-501 S. Palafox


5. Waterfront Redevelopment District Signage Request- Crab Trap Changing to Nick's


6. New Business.

7. Old Business.

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February 14, 2012


MEMBERS PRESENT: Nina Campbell, Chips Kirschenfeld, Kurt Larson, Paul Ritz, Clay

Roesch, Scott Sallis, James Pate






Sherry Morris

Ryan Winterberg-Lipp

Cynthia WilliamsDavid Hill

Bill Weeks

Blakely Ward

Diane Mack

Dolores Curry

Dante Van-Orton

Jim Shirley

Ryan Thomas

David Alsop

Brian Spencer

1. Quorum/Call to Order.

2.Approval ofPrior Minutes.

Planning Services Administrator

Community Development

Office of Sustainability AdministratorCity Surveyor

Building Inspector

Dave Hemphill

Ann Hill

Joe Abston

Aimee Wilson

Mary Prise

Jim Holler

Nick Zangari

Walter Brown

3. Public Hearing Request for amendment to the Land Development Code- Conditional Uses-

Mobile Restaurant Units.

4. Request for License to Use Right ofWay- 509 S. Palafox Place.

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Planning Board


February 14, 2012

Page 3

stated the development concept they would be proposing is called AlFresco. It ' s designed to create a

unique high quality dining experience and it will feature the best in class chefs and owners . He

explained it ' s a walk up food vendor that promotes pedestrian traffic which they believe will reactivate

this location. He continued with his power point presentation to include site plan , infrastructure and

architectural details.

Mr. Ritz stated Seaside is more touristy than downtown Pensacola which is an urban environment. He

stated the concept reminds him of a kitschy feels and he doesn't think downtown Pensacola wants

kitschy but rather quality. He stated Palafox Place and Main Street is a prime location in Pensacola.

Mr. Ritz reminded the board to change the Land Development Code would be more than this one

location. He said it would not be isolated to this one address but would apply to anywhere this is in the

designated boundary. He asked for input from the board. The board opted to hear from the public

before commenting.

Mr. Ritz called upon Mr. Jim Holler. Mr. Holler asked about other areas it would encompass such as

North on Palafox and would other vendors who would like to become apart require approval throughthe board.

Mr. Ritz stated the north side would require another amendment to the code beyond the present

proposal and dming the public hearing they would discuss changes the board sees necessary. Ms.

Morris stated north of Main to Garden on Palafox is the historic theme area of the Palafox Historic

Business District.

Mr. Holler asked if this would encompass the CRA Development from A St. to 111

Ave. He stated hehas a hot dog cart which he would like to put in front of their store for late night events. He asked if

this would be something they could present and obtain a permit.

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Planning Board


February 14, 2012


as the Fish House) and they would have to retum there nightly. You catmot plumb or power up a food

truck directly into any municipal services. He stated this is not a mobile cmi but a structure and he

believes it adds vibrancy to the city.

Mr. Ritz called on Mr. Dante Van-Orton. He stated he is the owner of Blimpie Restaurant and he

suppmis the idea. He said more movement is needed in the downtown area and believes this idea

could bring more traffic to the area.

Mr. Ritz called on Ms. Diane Mack. She stated it looks like a good quality project. She read a review

statement from a small business owner in Detroit which explained how food trucks are not new, but

newly popular. Ms. Mack asked the question if they would want to see more than one vendor on a

three block stretch of street and asked the board to consider limiting this request to the one application


Mr. Ritz called on Mr. Brian Spencer. He stated his perspective comes as a resident of downtown

Pensacola. He said he is excited about having additional occupants, users and traffic. He stated theproject invites a level of participation because of the focus on downtown. He said this comer lot is not

being utilized and when there is a vacant building it is discussed how to reactivate it. He said this

project does bring activity to that area. He stated the environment is an outdoor plaza which invites

social interaction and crosses many lines of demographics. He stated Mr. & Mrs. Quint Studer is

major investments in that area sends their support about this idea.

Mr. Ritz recognized Mr. Walter Brown. He stated he is a direct neighbor to this project and his

business is a special event building. He asked is the mobile food vendor is supplementary to therestaurant plan.

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Planning Board


Febmary 14, 2012

Page 5

Mr. Ritz stated he's been working in the downtown area since 1990 and are aware of the food and

retail scenes that have come and gone. He said as he listened to the discussion today he as become

wanned to the idea. He asked for the boards comments.

Ms. Campbell commented that Mr. Carro 's presentation was impressive and she appreciated the

information. She stated she is excited about what has been presented today. She thinks it's stimulates

pedestrian activity which will effect businesses. She asked if a specific variance could be done on this


Ms. Morris replied that you can not approve a variance to a land use. Ms. Morris stated variance

request requires you demonstrate some sort ofhardship of why you need an exception to the mle and if

you want to make it a specific use and not a building type that mobile commercial stmctures were ok

for other type of business or jus t for food sales. She explained in an effort to be more specific to what

was allowed and not create unintended consequences, the goal was to put it in a specific section of the

code that addressed that land use and building type connected together.

Mr. Sallis stated the board is here to make a decision on whether to amend the land development code

to in turn allow this idea. He said the language discussed to be voted on is written in such a way that

has restrictive guidelines in a positive way. He pointed out its also written so restrictively this idea

could only happen on this propetiy. He stated he completely supports the idea but not in support of

amending the entire code for this restrictive idea. Mr. Sallis asked staff is there was another way to

grant conditional use for this idea without amending the entire code.

Ms. Morris replied there is not because they have to create the process to allow for a conditional useapproval and that's what this amendment would do. She stated the process is put in place and then the

applicant would come back with his proposal that he has discussed with you today for a conditional

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Planning Board


February 14, 2012

Page 6

Mr. Spencer stated there was considerable deliberation with many departments and city administration.

He stated this idea seems to provide an introduction to this type of venue to our city. He reminded

everyone it ' s a fluid process and the plam1ing board will not be shutting the door to future


After more discussion, Mr. Kirschenfeld made a motion that they support the proposed language and

change the Land Development Code and the motion was seconded by Mr. Pate. Mr. Ritz asked was

there any further discussion on the item.

Mr. Kirschenfeld asked how stonn water retention will be handled, will there be a size limit on trailers,

and how did we come up with dumpsters within 500 feet away.

Ms. Morris replied there's no size limitation on the individual units. She explained there's lot

coverage for the development site and they would have to be limited to the overall percentage they are

allowed. The 500 ft dumpster requirement was allowed for adjacent buildings if they have to sharedumpster with another business or the adjacent restaurant. She stated the storm water will have to go

through the standard pennitting process with the city.

Board members further c01mnented on their support of this idea. With no fmiher discussion, the

motion carried unanimously.

ITEM #4 Request for License to Use Right ofWay- 509 S. Palafox Place

Ms. Morris stated this item concerns the adjacent restaurant and any future conditional use request.

She stated in November the board approved the aesthetics renovations to the building. An awning was

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Planning Board


February 14, 2012

Page 7

license to use with the condition that the pedestrian path is kept clear.

Mr. Ritz commented that he believes the required clearance would be somewhere between 36" and

44". He asked staff doesn' t city code demand 8' dimension of none inte1rupted pedestrian clearance in

the right of way. Ms. Morris stated the Engineeling Department requires 5' and that's what their

recommendation is to counsel on the sidewalk segment where license agreements are allowed. She

explained 8' would be the minimum width but for a license to use area they generally make sure 5' is

clear which is beyond what is required by law.

Mr. Ritz stated the way the building is design and because of the wide light-of-way, He feels there will

be plenty of pedestrian walkway space.

Mr . Kirschenfeld made a motion to approve the request for license to use light-of-way as long as City

Staff and Engineering make sure there 's a minimum of 5' right-of-way for pedestrian traffic. The

motion was seconded by Mr. Pate. No further discussion, the motion was earned unanimously.

ITEM #6 New Business

Mr. Ritz recognized Ms. Diane Mack. She commented owners who know what the ADA requirements

are need to train employees who set out the sidewalk tables because there is no wheelchair access in

such places as Hopjacks, Leisure Club and others. She further stated her concern about the board

agenda not getting on the website until late Friday afternoon. She asked the board to consider speaking

with staff to give greater notice on the city website for website users. She stated more notice of public

healings need to be visible.

Mr. Ritz replied the Hopjacks issue has come up before. He stated they have asked staff to look into

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TO: Planning Board Members

FROM: Shen·y Morris, Planning Services Administrator

DATE: March 13,2012

SUBJECT: Request for Zoning and Future Land Use Map Amendment- 3206 EastDeSoto Street.


That the Planning Board conduct a public hearing to consider the request to amend

the City's future land use map from MDR (medium density residential) to RNC (residential

neighborhood commercial) and the City's zoning map from R-lAA (one and two family

residential) to R-NC (residential neighborhood commercial) for property located at 3206 EastDeSoto Street.


The City has received a request from Nancy Silivos for approval to amend the City's

future land use map from MDR (medium density residential) to RNC (residential

neighborhood commercial) and the City's zoning map from R-lAA (one and two family

residential) to R-NC (residential neighborhood commercial) for property located at 3206 East

DeSoto Street. The purpose of the request is to convert the existing residential structure to an


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TO: Planning Board Members

FROM: Sherry Morris, Planning Services Administrator

DATE: March 13 , 2012

SUBJECT: Request to Vacate Right ofWay- Portions ofBay Boulevard and BayBoulevard.


That the Planning Board conduct a public hearing to consider the request vacate

portions of the Bayou Boulevard and Bay Boulevard rights ofway.


The City has received a request from Dan Gilmore requesting approval to vacate a

portion of the Bay Boulevard and Bayou Boulevard rights of way. The applicant has

indicated that the intent is to secure the adjacent private property from trespassers with the

installation of a fence at the tenninus ofBayou Boulevard.

Should the request be approved, utility easements would be required in the vacated

right ofway. The Plmming Board recommendation will be forwarded to City Council.

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'----------::....1....--.....L.-_ _ l _ _ _ _ J ~CHIPLEY AVE ~~ ~ - - - ~ ~




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Fee . $1,000. ~J?ehearing/ Reschedu/ing Planning Board: $250. 00

Rehearing/ Rescheduling City Council: $500.00


Anol cant Information:

Pronertv Information:

Owner Name: /[.S-1!1-fr:.. Y f L 'To ,!JO r R.<""'\ 1//:) - · . ('" ~ /., f"'J. . ) •';)

Local ion/Address: - ~ ~ _ _ _ _ , { 3 1 ' - J - - . L f l - \ . V : : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L B " " - Y { . . . r D ~ . , _ _ _ _ : : _ _ . . : : . . . : . . : : . _ : - . . : _ , . . , - = - - = - _ _ _ _ , ' - - - . : . . . _ _ - - - - "J " - " - . . . : : _ _ _ __

ILegal Description: Please attach a full lega l description (from deed or survey) _ ~ th f A

Purnose of vacation of city right of way/comments:

[, the undersigned applicant, understand that submittal of thi s application does not entitle me to approval of this vacation request and that no

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Dear Members of the City Council:

Please accept this application for vacation of a ROW at the request of the Estate ofCalvinL. Todd, Jr., the City of Pensacola staff and the community which surrounds the subject

property. I have been hired as an agent for the Estate with regard to this matter by the co-

personal representative, Robeti Hurst.

I have attached to this application some of the letters we have received from the property

neighbors. There is a great community concern regarding the ongoing criminal activity

on the property, some ofwhich is caused by the resident homeless population. We

recently held a meeting on the property with the neighbors and City staff, which includedthe city manager. At this meeting the Estate agreed to secure and fence the area of about

5 acres at the tenninus end ofBayou Blvd in an effmi to provide better security in the

area. In order to do this the ROW must be vacated. The Estate has agreed to a utility

easement over the vacated ROW and access to the railroad ROW can still be achieved via

the terminus end ofPerry St.


J.Dan Gilmore

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Bayou Blvd. southof

the southern right-of-way lineof

Chipley Street, subject to a utilityeasement along the west side of the right of way which is 1Oft of either side of the

existing 30" force main line in favor of the Escambia County Utility Authority and also

all of Bay Blvd. west of the western lot line of Lot 13/Block 1, East Pensacola Heights

Plat to the intersection with the southern terminus of Bayou Blvd.

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Dan Gilmore

From: Blaise Adams [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 11:48 AM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Unpaved portion of Bayou Boulevard


This message will serve as a follow-up to the meeting held on December 14 at the subject

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site. As I mentioned at that meeting, I fully support the effort to vacate the unpaved portion of

Bayou Boulevard that lies between its intersection with Chipley A venue at it's northern end and

the gate leading to the CSX railroad tracks at its southern terminus. As you are aware, the areahas served as a well-known "lover's lane" for many years and the illicit activities that occur there

are well documented in the records of the Pensacola Police Department. In addition, the subject

area is the site of frequent illegal dumping as can be verified by the city's Sanitation

Department. I firmly believe that the activities taking place at the site run contrary to the efforts

of our Mayor to improve and strengthen the neighborhoods ofour city.

I support the efforts ofMr. Hurst to remedy this situation and fully appreciate his frustrations

with the illicit activities on this site and the issues with trespassers on his adjoining privateproperty.



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TO: Planning Board Members

FROM: Sherry Morris, Planning Services Administrator

DATE: March 13, 2012

SUBJECT: Request for Conditional Use Approval- Mobile Restaurant Unit Development

"Al Fresco"


That the Planning Board conduct a hearing to consider the request for Conditional

Use Approval, and forward a recommendation to City Council.


The City has received a request from Michael Carro for conditional use approval for

the placement of mobile restaurant units on property located at the southwest comer of

Palafox Place and Main Street. At the February 14, 2012 Planning Board meeting, the

Board unanimously recommended approval of Mr. Carro's request to amend the Land

Development Code to allow for conditional use approval of this type of mobile restaurant

unit. The draft amendment will be going to City Council for consideration at the March 22,

2012 Council meeting. Planning Board can recommend approval of the conditional use

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(b) Storage areas and mechanical equipment shall be screened from view.

The applicant has indicated that all mechanical equipment will be

screenedfrom view as shown on the development plan, and this

requirement shall be enforced via the permit approval process.

(c) Mobile restaurant units shall be connected to the sewer system and

utilize a grease trap.

Issuance ofa permit will require sewer connection for the units. The

grease trap location is illustrated on the development plan.

(d) Mobile restaurant units shall have permanent restrooms provided for

customers via the adjacent principal restaurant use.

The development plan shows restroom facilities located at the adjacent

proposed restaurant location.

(e) Mobile restaurant development sites shall provide one (1) customer

seats per linear foot ofmobile unit on site.

The applicant has indicated that adequate seating shall be provided

for the maximum length ofunit utilized.

(f) In addition to minimum landscaping requirements, mobile restaurant

development sites shall provide both hardscape and landscape details

with sufficient quality of design to create a fonnalized outdoor plaza

environment. This shall be accomplished through the incorporation ofgrated tree wells for the planting of shade and canopy trees within

outdoor seating areas. Outdoor seating areas shall be constructed with

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(i) There will be a maximum of 4 mobile restaurant units per development site. If a

mobile restaurant development site has more than one mobile restaurant unit on the

parcel then all mobile restaurant units will be of a consistent design, size, and

color. Mobile restaurant units and associated developments shall comply with the

regulations and reflect the character of the district in which they are located. Accentfeatures to distinguish unique culinary concepts are encouraged.

The applicant has indicated that no more than four units shall be located on the

proposed development site. The property is located in the South Palafox Business

District, which requires Planning Board approval. Approval of his development

plan shall be considered a concurrent review per the SPBD. Additional detail for

individual units can be required as a condition of he SPBD, and signage, etc shall

comply with typical SPBD review and approval processes prior to permitting.

(j) Mobile restaurant units shall not occupy more than 25% of the overall development

site area.

The development plan complies with this requirement.

(k) Underground utilities shall be required for each mobile restaurant unit. Generatorsare not pennitted with the exception of during the course of emergencies and power


The development shall comply with this requirement and it shall be enforced via the

permitting process.

(1) A designated screened dumpster area shall be located within 500' of a mobile

restaurant unit.

The development plan shows a trash access area within 500' of he unit locations.

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Fee: $2,000.00

Rehearing/Rescheduling Planning Board: $100.00Rehearing/Rescheduling City Council: $250.00

Applicant Information:

P e n s c ~ ~ C h ~America's First Settlement

AndMost Historic City

Name: S 0 G0 5(?4 .i- L-C.. /J11 &?!Ht!L Ctt(l.JLO

Address: 2L/ A). lAfl'4f; t!r' l ?T1

f ~ s ~ c v / l t , f& 32-502_

Phone: ~ ? b - l( ?0-/1!?07 Fax: < ; J ~ ( g ·?-fiJv-I'IS:1 Email: ~ C - 4 - # U J @ #+-::J;._Ift1-L-Po(l..(), Ll>f<-t.

Property Information:

Owner Name: ~ iJ6 () ?p..q 1- l- (_ Phone: ~ 5 0 - t1 3 ) - I ~ ( ) 7Location/Address : 50 { /50 3 $ • P14/A (o <

P a r c e l ! D a a-_{}_$ -_/)_ Q -!l__j__Q_t)_ -j_l_(}_-_!L z_ c;-

/ ? 0 - 0 ~ - 0 0 - Cj I o o - I ?.-0 o 2-- ~Square FeeT!Acres: Iq 7TJ, 1U 1"1£-.

Legal Description: Please attach a full lega l description (from deed or survey)

Purpose of conditional use: ------------------------------

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!General InformationReference:





Use Code:



!Legal Description






501 S PALAFOX ST 32502



LT 11 BLK 25 WATERFRONT OR 6790 P 702 CA 73


General Information

Reference: OOOS009100120025

Account: 154345000



PENSACOLA, FL 32504Situs: 503 S PALAFOX ST 32502


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tWH;ID HARDSCAPES USj(~ · · ! J . ' Outdoor Living Def ined & Refined

Visit JJardscapesusa.com for project ideas and product information.

Plazastone 6 8 u 6x12

Paver Size 60mm 60mm 60mm 60mm

Sq. ft. per cube 105 101 120 108

Pieces per cube 420 240 120 216

Weight per cube 291 1 2802 3320 3000



Product Ct1mposition:,'·

Hardscapes USA paYers are made

··with zero-slump concrete, which

is then hydraulically pressed while

befug .subjected to extremely high

. frequency vibrario.ns. This processresults in Hardscapes USA pavers

having a compressive strength

of 8.,000 psi or greater {ASTI1

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For more P.roduct information and P,roject ideas online, P,lease visit v w w . h a r

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~ HARDSCAPES US4'~ · ! ! J ' Outdoor Living Defined & Refined

Visi t www.hardscapesusa.com for project ideas and product information.

SF-RimanfPaver Size ................... ......................... ........... ............................. 80mm

Sq. ft. per cube................... ........................ ..................... ...................71

Pieces per cube ............................ ........................... ......................... 160

Weight per cube (approx.) ................. ......... ...... ..... .. ................. 1800 lbs

R i m a ~ iJ a tradnnark ofSFConcrttt Ttchnology Inc., U.S. Pattnt 5,224.792


t]3 /4"


Drainage-Grid Drainage-Offser .

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r- ~r o = ~ ~ ~ .. - - - ~ ~ -...

.. rr----"'>

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Airstream- always saje, fast and easy to tow


$4 3a5


Overall length - 26 ft .

Body length- 23 ft .

Overall height- 8' 4"

Inside height- 6' 4"

Overall width - 7' 1"

Inside width - 6' 10"

Overall weight- 3280 lbs.

Hitch weight- 300 lbs.


Double or twin beds, airfoam mattressesand box springs

Airfoam sofa in front, convertible.single, double bed

Hot water heater

Shower and toileton or butane heat

Built-in de l11.xe oven an d broiler withseparate 4:..burner stov e top

Double sinks

Combination elecb·ic-ice refrigerator

Formica galley top

Beautifully gt·ainedwood cabinets

Vinyl linoleum

4 closets, 11 drawers, 5 roof lockers

Medicine cabinet

10 opening windows, 3 roof vents

Curtains and textured draw shades

8" power fa n ovoer ..tove

Double butane tanks

Weatherproof electric outlet

16-:ft. awning rail

Porch light

Trunk compartment

Steel bumpers

Shock absorbers

Electric brakes

Truck wheels

700-15 8-ply tires

Esca,Pe-type rear window

SleMard Dooo 1.1Qif"• M•tn Coor¥ Are Hlneed

Oo for•ard Edtt -- Standard ln:tallat•oa,


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lN 'T E RJ O ft C O L OI \ S BY D O RTII E A O F T U E :UA tN L tN E

3 0 FOOT





TIIUW( 0001 f WlNOOW




r___ .J


- g




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• Patented Air-Flow contoured shape.

• Inert gas electro-welded high-strengthsteel undercarriage.

• Dura-Torque ru bber torsion bar axles.

Shock absorbers on all wheels.

• Tandem wheels on 24', 27', and 30' .

• 12 volt electric brakes on all wheels- c an be coordinated with foot brakepedal in car.

15" truck type extra strength wheelswith 7:00 x 15 nylon tubeless t ires(C-rated on double axle models).

Hand riveted seml-monocoque shel l.

Exterior protection: Automotive typeacrylic enamel.

• Ribs of stretch-formed structural alloyaluminum.

• Interior walls of wear-resistant vinylcovered aluminum.

One piece stretch-formed extrudedaluminum window frames rivetedto body.

• Exclusive contoured Jet-Seal awningtype Hercuiite safe ty glass windows.

• Panoramic front windows using superstrength Herculite safety glass.

• Corrosion proof screens in all windows.

Exclusive touch control fold awayaluminum entrance step.

Awning rail.

Double walled fiberglass insulated

Extra capacity 72 amperes hour 12 voltbattery; built In sealed and ventedbattery compartment.

Three position Unlvolt 4 bulb ceilinglights.

• One knob variable position ceiling

vents.• Exclusive ferro resonant Univolt to

convert 110 volt city power to 12 voltdirect current power and automaticallycharge battery.

Overload safety fuse cartridges InUnlvolt wiring system.

• High Intensity adjustable reading lights.

• Circuit breakers on 110 volt wiringsystem.

Polarity warning light.


A.N.S.I., D.O.H. and C.S.A. (optional)code approved plumbing system.

• High volume water pressure regulatorin water inlet line.

Unlvolt water pump.

30 gallon polyethylene water tank.

Swing faucet at galley sinks.

Stainless steel ga lley sinks.

• Exclusive all thermo formed bathroom

with bathtub in rear bath, shower roomin 24' and 30' c enter bath.

• Built in medicine chest and mirror.

• Telephone shower head.

Automatic heater thermostat.

• Unlvolt sealed combustion system withforced air circulating ducts.

Gas/electric combination refrigerator:6.0 cubic foot in 24', 27' and 30' .

• Gas range with oven and broiler.

Range vent hood.

6 gallon gas water heater.


• Exclusive Perma-Tech furnitureconstruction featuring heat treatedanodized aluminum framework withtextured vinyl panels.

Lightweight warp free hollowcoredoors.

• Tambour doors in all roof lockers.

• Tambour cabinet doors.

• Pos!-Lok latches on all cabinet doors.

• Lightweight injection molded galleyand vanity drawers.

Credenza table in all models with fronttravel lounge.

• Bedroom wall comfort covers.

• Foam mattresses in bedroom withzippered covers.

Nylon plush carpet.All upholstery treated withSCOTCHGARD repe ller to resistsoiling.

• All draperies fade resistant.

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27 'REAR 50 gal. 20gal. 20gal.ATH


50 gal. 25gal. 25gal.

3 1 ' ~ ~ 50 gal. 20gal. 20gat.34 'S IOE

BATH50 gal. 25gat. 25gal.


Hitch Ball Height 18.75"

Exterior Width 95.5"-

Exterior HeightI W. A/C 115.5":W/0. A/C 103N

Interior Height w. A/C 75.25";W/0. A/C 78.75"

Tire Size 7.00-15

AIRSTREAMAlrsfreom. Inc. • Jackson Cenfer. Ohio 45334

Ph: (513) 596-6111

L-.l.>JioladJn..IL •..




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34Foot ·LIMITED - -

- - - - ~ = - = - ~ - ; ~ f r , - M " \-··-- \ \FLOORPLAN : - ~ v (:::,, \;, -•-..

~ ~ ' ~... y ---

I ,,--o-_ I ~ ' .\ - . - -c:.>__.- \1:<:-::

Double or twinbeds available InExcello and


- • ~ ~ > • 1ddl'

l Front lounge

Optional ,;io

on Umlted Only c.e<l".


Length: I 34'7" I 34'7"




8300 lbs.

700 lbs.

Additional 1 2800 lbs. IWelght2

'For oddlllonallnfonnollonsee charts p 12·16

8900 lbs.

770 lbs.

'Weights ore rounded otr ftgures. not to be used as exact'Allowable additional weight. optional/ personal cargo


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side-ubathY" ' ' l ' / " \ . / " \ . nn ' I 'A1 l .Y a _ _ . . . ~ ~ ~ . - ~ : . . . -

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\ ;. \ Front or. _\ \o ~ " a o Side lounge...,.... \\

· - a ~ ~ \>J\0""'0"'


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'- - ~;:.:..-

Double or twinbeds availableIn International.Excello andLimited.

(:}""' ) \

•~ . . . , r . Q • ~ Q

- -< . 'l>

\ ,.wo'e ' \

\ 1 0 1 ~ · ~ " ~ ) 0

\_....--- .) - - ~ - - - -

Specifications·DESCRIPTION I INT. I EXC. I LT--Length: 31'2" 31'2" 31'2"

w ~ z y w i t 68001bs. 68001bs. 83001bs.

Hitch 580 lbs. 600 lbs. 7251bs.Weight

Additional 2120 lbs. 18501bs. 28001bs.Welght2

For addHionollnformallon see charts p.12·16

'Weigh s are roundedott

ngures, not tobe

used as exact~ A l l o w a b l e additional weight, optional/personal cargo


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.3 ~ ~ ~ t = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T I O N A L~ roo •LIMITED

rear-·bathF L O O R P L A N ~ - - - ~ - =: : ( · : - c ~ : o : ! . \ ',_ (' ,' ' ' . .~ ~ - \ <d't \e,.! j ~ \ \.., \,., _ . c f o n t or

p , I 0 I , _ - · ~ · ; ' ,,... ' elounge

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\ - u"et'~ ' r ' P " ' __ i ,, · - - ~ ~r - .,.:)-- - -- - ; : : ' ~ · \," '~ ' l < > o ' W \\ \

t \ .\\ \ ' ~ -

Double'or twin \\. _l \

beds available·\ \

In International.Excello and


\\ _,..,,,Qu;•;J,.\, ~ _ , t J I O ~ . , . . .\\ V " ' " • . . . ~ ".-~ .-_-;::;---' -- ...-

'Double Bed NA 31' umned

ti"P \ \y,'dl" \1. ' \ 'i, '

.( fq.o ~ . ; ~ ~ " ' T > ' o 'c: 'f'\.. - I I

' .~~

Specifications·INT. t EXC.1 LTD.ESCRIPTION I

Length: 31'2" 31'2" 31'2"~ ~ - ~ 1-----

w ~ ~ : r 1 6800 lbs. 68001bs. 8300 lbs.

Hitch600 lbs. 6501bs. 720 lbs.


Additional 2170 lbs. 19001bs. 2800 lbs.Welghf2

·For oddHionollnformot lon see charts p. 12·16

'Weights ore rounded oil ftgures. not to be used as exact.2Niowcble additional weight, optional/personalcargo


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27Foot bathrear-·




Double or twinbeds available InInternational and



Front orSide Lounge


Length: 27'8" 27'8"

W e ~ t s :G R

6000 lbs. 6000 lbs.

Hitch490 lbs. 590 lbs.Weight

Additional1770 lbs. 1500 lbs.Weighf2

- -- -'For oddHionollnformollon see charts p. 12·16

'W91ghls ore rounded oil ftgures , no! lo be used as excel2Allowable additional weight, opllonol/personol cargo


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1982AIRSTREAM Uavellrailers

The accompanying features, speciflca·tlons an d Information Is provided only asa guide. If and when new material and

production techniques are developedwhich con Improve the quality of theproduct or It material substitutions are

necessary due to availability, AirstreamreseJVes the right to make such changes.See your dealer for the latest offerings.






2-7-!.:.3]':.34,FABRIC SELECTIONS lWedgewood 1







Highland BlueChocolate


ENGINERING EVOLUTIONFor over half a century, Airstream has

been evolving the flnest desi gn moneycon buy. For 1982, Airstream engineershave mode the best even better. Inaddition to a more aerodynamic frontaldesign, striking new fabrics and graphics,Airstream now offers a new 34' troller.


Airstream's lntematlonalls the traveltroller that's right for your budget. It Is theperfect blend of comfort an d offordabillly.

EXCELLAThe Incomparable Excello can open up aluxurious new world of travel experiencesfor you. It Is fllled with all the affordableluxuries you would ever desire.

LIMITEDThe Airstream Limited Is the ultimate Intravel troller luxury. It is truly the luxurystandard of the Industry, the best money

can buy.



2 7 ' ~3 1 ' ~ ~3l





'Twin Bed ONLY


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ability and cost aspects enter the picture. This contrasts wiU1 most othertrailer manufacturers, who tend tothink about livability and cost first,

then consider how well the unit willtow. In other words, Airstream putsthe emphasis on the "travel" in traveltrailer, :and it shows-both in there

sults of the design and in the price(base $23,744, test trailer $26,262).

The floorplan is basically designedfor two people, but its spacious interior makes good use·of its rather modest overall size. The layout in front is

classic Airstream, with a sofa acrossthe front and a folding table hinged atthe wall between the sofa and thecurbside do.or. The table is.a two-pieceone, with hinges in the middle, so itcan be used for two when folded, oropened to provide room for four. Weused a wooden folding chair that webrought along to make dining morecomfortable. Folding chairs -are re

quired to take full advantage of thetable's seating capacity. One or twopeople can sit·on the sofa on one sideof the table for meals, but a third person will need ·a chair to sit on theother side. We left the table up fortravel and the folding chair in place.

Like everything else in the trailer, thechair was always in place after a daynf driving, which confirms howsmoofuly this trailer rides.

The kitchen counter, with its stainless-steel sinks, four-burner stove and

oven, is on the streetside just behindthe sofa. The generous counter spaceis further increased by a_lip-up extension. Galley storage is ample, well-positioned and nicely finished. In addition to the storage overhead- plusstorage under the sink, stove and refrigerator- four good-size drawers

are positioned between the sink andstove. The 6-cubic-foot refrigerator isacross the aisle from the counter,making for a compact but very workable galley area.

Loss of vertical storage space in theoverhead cabinets is a drawback ofAirstream's rounded exterior s h ~ p e .This is most noticeable in the galley.As one former Airstream owner

pointed 01,1t when looking at the -testtrailer, "You can't even pu t a box ofcereal upright up there." But my wifeworked around this by putting thosefoods -that come in tall boxes into different containers.

The couch, table and galley make


Ext length 21 '10"

Ext width 8'Ext height 9'6"Int width 7'7"Int height 6'6"Freshwater cap 50 galBlack-water cap 23 galGray-wattor cap 35 galLP-gas cap 15 galHot-wa ter cap 6 galConstruction AluminumInsulation FiberglassRefri_gerator 6 cu ft

Furnace 30,000 BTU

Toilet FreshwaterAir-condition-er 13,500 BTUWa ter-system type Demand

Converter 50 am p

Battery (2) 105 amp-hrs

Tire size ST215/l5R14Tire rating _ _ C, 1870 lbs (g 50 psiBrakes Drum

Suspension Independent

rubber torsion

Wet Weights(Watrr and propane lank.< full; 110 SUI>plies or pas

~ n g t r s )Thtal _______ 230 lbs

Hitch 620 lbsAxle(s) 3610 lbsGvwr• 5500 lbsGawr40 5200 lbs

OwMr rllll!J add up to 1270 pounds in wtigill ofsupplii!S to tmiltr t!tfllippcd as test un it withoutviolating trailrr mamJfacturas ma.Timum gvwr.

PricingBase sugg. retail price ___ $23,744Price as tested $261262


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TO: Planning Board Members

FROM: Sherry Morris, Planning Services Administrator

DATE: March 13, 2012

SUBJECT: Request for WRD Approval- Signage- Nick's Boathouse Restaurant.


That the Planning Board consider approval of the proposed signage request.


The owners of the Crab Trap restaurant have submitted a request to replace theexisting signage with the new restaurant name and logo for Nick's Boathouse. The

previous signage exceeded the maximum height and area allowed per the Waterfront

Redevelopment District regulations with Planning Board approval (pennitting records

attached). The applicant is requesting to add additional height to the freestanding sign to

alleviate a visibility obstruction caused by trees along Main Street.

Due to the deviation from the typical signage standards, the request was referred to

the full Board for approval rather than an abbreviated review.

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Sherry Morris



Good Morning,

Markham and Sons Signs [signs@markhamsigns .com]Wednesday, March 07, 2012 9:10AM

Sherry Morris

Nicks Boathouse at the old Crab TrapNicks Boathouse pylon change Layout.jpg; Nicks Boathouse Wall change Layout.jpg

Attached are the sign changes for the old Crab Trap to Nick's Boathouse. I also would like to see if I could raise the pylon

sign to the maxium height of 25' . The sign now 16' with the crab sticking up about a foot over the sign .

Thank you

Cameron Clark

George Markham & Sons Signs

Tel 850.433.3032

Fax 850.438.4529

Toll Free 1.800 .303 .8957


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This drawing is a n original. It must not be copied, a lte red

or tran sferre d by a ny method a nd remains the sole prope rty

of George Markham & Sons Signs.



The boat is a digital prin t on a routed peace of 0.063 Aluminum

Nick 's letters are open face channel te llers with clear texan faces and

the illumation wi ll be circle bulbs.

Boathouse letters are open face channel letters with clear lexan faces and

the illumation will be red neon. Gust like the arrow that is there)

The square lootage or the sign is 93 sq ft


433-3032 + ·o'ilR lDaYEAA.S Of KHOWHOW' + 438-4529

L401 f>AQRANCAS AVE A'l, c P l!:t\SACOLA. fL 32501

APPROVAL SIGNATURE----------------APPROVAL DATE _________________

Nick's letters are open face channel letters with clear texan faces and

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This drawing is an original. It must not be copied , altered

or tran sferred by any method and remains the sole prop erty

of George Markham & Sons Signs.


the illumation will be circle bulbs.

Boathouse letters are open face channel letters with clear texan faces and

the illumation will be red neon.

The square footage of the sign is 150 sq ft


433-3032 + ·o'ilRlDaYEAASOfKHOWHOW'+ 438-4529

L401 f>AQRANCAS AVE A'l, ~ c - . Pl!:t\SACOLA. fL 32501