i V '-or- mgcxmsHam •SEAT. OF TOR M-UfiRS.: m m , u Wf '«*; ^ beeuTHlevyed witn oiitwto^ to®?e0f.e v . : • • thp fiffo4»Y3?»*6tiy> io'vbe‘ycar«f'b& L&’foforeY v»e iSih d|cy of p#y, oy oicj}ije» utimmmgu, we not seen it prodticiog py Ifo divisions /t^bnpad' eighv/haudjceC and: by Ambrose " pm?|eb'ufo^ knowat anddiHinY suck enmities aaci raticors, m were hartllf fo&f a'adaix/teds of land known & ftfisffed^s r# N&Vf^in'. foff-ifobfovh&m of s M . “pwwua* tii 4 t|}oittt wheie :tW east and west road, so called, .rofiiVof .lw^sref:f o P d ^ 'viidne| to out- vfoicJh runs by thg i»TMSJ^yi'toJet^cttfo.• •pelide awdIts ih¥i6feSt-4'Notice is fo'eVefozd'. fodfoWl: ' Tez©. : Fb^foa«.tWft^dl’MvN«*'ddiwlll:.W fetgo gm te.lrrSM iSg^l M p** J ThatiBcfcg^^ aioda tiame/Jovboae genws $exq%ssifed worlds conshlencies have existed, experieoe©; Jind; zveyed by jdhd Clark, to Nathaniel BakEr,’-thence , sulKcVent deeds of fenveyatyfo to foe purchaser wfo ■■2S^^SSS^is£=^l^d^S2^g5%S->B^r'-*w '‘ . *«•«**coa*«, ' mfoenfoonld rbaa la'thr. January 7« )ad/ thence .easf on *“ - 'said first mentioned road to the place of beginning THE PASSIONATE SHEPHERD. ' TFVot Sajrn&z&m.'l .. . . tTh= **«* .HI **h b?W . f s ,he ' * * £ * « Y ^ ®f ,« ** V*&* i to.YYkr ^»JS-lfiSa"'1X8*w»VK'mip«1 * tifottlicitv Avhich tiTQOUced thein, rind not the detects £«cts the said'Chenango'-iio'atl;'• thence « otarms of a ltlm toys w .th ra.o l S>®P1,CI/ o f that g0spel , to which they were utterly :s lid 6 ,,. o,e,«l,»edroad to , l * Pl/e of .._ . _ Aik©: w r h ^ h . Earned, The etiorinkies which f e e '.-tattowe- the payment o f tyio hwndiced fo^?hs ahd Assignee to Riehardw^Wil^ , - ~ ,. . y EFAULT iavytg been made fn the nnyinefoof ‘ the monies due an (follow HJg MsjTgage^ degrees; till the r sturdiest trees yy, de^ree^i ftofeens into a jinld zepfoyf* ' l%toh i n thfeu.g,aixleii o f S., '; ’ /' £ /a* -.-f 1 f4 ) w !/ 5’ -I k ' ibato^T ' Y :; ; y “~-v Y':-'/ ' . ■« ,l‘;6oitte tlvCwk^lns atidhe-ttif lfo% ■And we will 'all th.e plcisufea prove, ~ Thai hills.aRd vallies, dale.And ileid, » .; , . . ... come aown to us in the gospekof .Cfo^isT . EPA^HlioiJITUS.BMMOKS. is pure; peaceabto aiid geBtle. I f aity tjheu By his Attorney, have used its ftacred uame, as a cov r" “ their names, they have shown that PeTwastry 18,1809^— l^-6ra W alter W?bn. raeiT Hamev uicviwvc suuw» u.»v ...... ........................................ Mortg-tgcexecutedoaUbefifhrfoy of Aplrd, im tn T 7 bdrl to its nnwer & iS & E A S ^oati Hribb»rd did, on the rtyanfy*- by Isaac P Qa.se on fpw ttdred ef land, to*' heapts are top iiaa-d to^^yieid tc?its ppwer, oc YV; seventh day qf Deuemi?sr, lathe year iT o w ing ' " J ' h a y ^ \\rre?ted. i t s . h e a y e n iy .spnrst t o ! o p r Aowdptie thattsandrei^Jt hundred and four; for se- ?% it* ft: n ^ wc, ing the west end o f Jot jfp \4Ji» fierstown aforevMj fi from the i.ake^cdntaihmg 127 aer^s, more or less, tod secure the pbym.ent o f fifty ponnda sixteen abhJmgl oitd ita «®t<ti>AOf'-.vne*o«ivt>,ni'»Wri^A»sivi *i. r ... r vi own desfritctiou. curipg the payment ^ fiv b hundred and thirteen. said, to secure the pajment o f forty-eight pound* three shdhngs and u§ interest--JSpt^e jsl;e«hy giv*>t Melodignsbiards ain^>niftH5’I^ Sy •.'Tfoero'W%l/iBP!^fo%^^bT-rci8 ies, Andfoifi posies. •' f^fyeV8.‘»nd' . kritbrbidered all with spwgft of mj ^ A-gbwrnanaM of. the s* V°®K- li^hich?froro dur;pr?i tylaihhs ’dffol lined -With buclI'ci.of tlie.purest.gold; Albeit o£.s‘tna.w, dnddvf btidai ‘ ;• , Wttii coral clasps, and amber suids.. . , I f these pleasures foould th;ee move, ' - Come.live vsr i'tli me and be ray. love. ; ; 1 The shepherctswrno Yball dafiice and stP&- For tny delight each evening* .. ^ H these del ghts thy mind. suo«ld’move, Come live with me a.nd b,e my iove,!* : 'lilR 'N Y M P a ?S;/ It i; ro foe urcat and mifihtv o f foe %W -United; en tfiat thesaid tvu-o tracts o f Jaftd ^til be pold by , i U b $ j tate?(ffAmmea^foeyMJdbrtgage untofster virtne .of powers contained m foe9fttd Mortgages, i iaf: we must look lor the ^purest £t- jBoy 4 fod j^hhlv 14 yd, * that certar- - - - ’ - -- fc 5 4 foat; We must *ook ror xms^pqrBsi tfs- Boy4 ahd l^bhl.'B^yd, all that cefoim piece or public vendue on the 12th day of Jhnie’n%t' "at fects of foe gospel- It oftenfodirishes in parcel oi Land situate;lying foM beingl» the north Court House in Cooperstown to the highest fodder, outward show blit in ihwatd holiaess* It tewolta creek on the south ifoe of ldt..Ho, twenty, 'd-wrolk' in ttio soul, to hidden ia the secret >uhtMng due East op *thevsbid line to foe tfonpfoe 1 J u. baying been made»»thepaymentof lift* nf the Chrisriin and manv of its chcic- road—thenoe north fortynhVes rods and five links— tJie on lhe following- kortgage?, hfe of ^..Lhltotti^aiiom fo^rot ite OIWSp. . fo tob:to*^V,ofifoe4aH-.ereck-*thence i-^aeof tbg^mcuted on the $Qih d?y of mfiaence v/e^shall never know till we meet a I T-’ltovia.ntti oltoll vsrrtn- AnthJH?titi'etofol^ittBertt^Bay^i:a'nd^^ Boyd did on rhe second day of February, 1807, eonvev, « ! .................. PamelTirestont, bn a tract, town o f fiurhngjtob, beglnrankaQ; hejRp o f st ones corner to jonathsn Soles* and Davfo Gofl's Jpafo thence north, twenty sail chains and ten lmks to Ephraim Campbelj’s Taftd, If all the vvorkfan&love *.vece young; ; Aad tvu^b cm v^firy sitepfteM*3; tongfo?, , iSiiJ 'Tlt/fovver.'s do.fadb. and w.anYn fields tky-^hoto; foy-fif 8 d'oi»'s§a, • Tfif-cftpith^giTfobr-andfoypoH r-;v •■ /’ ‘Bboii'tVrtiak; 3 d 0 rt#lfherr soOn forgotten;. ' tn folly rtpfr, in 1reison rotwn . ; «. • 'ffhy belt ot straw and tVj'budn, ThyCoraf clasps, and amber scuds. > ^ AH the^elnTneno wish can move, : ',- To live with, thee and be thy love* > > '. £Fbt Altoald you h last- and love succeed; ' • ... Had joya no date, and age no need, i/ Then these dfoghts my nrntd might move •■ ’* • To live with.thee, and be thy love ODE TO MAY. < .. . Born rtt yon blaze of orient sky. /' ' SWeetfolay I thyTadSant Jorm unfold ; - i. ^ fftb io s e thiyblne^^Vohiptuous eye, " ' , Fbffthn fifogfontzepUyfo blow*. , -*•• 'Tor descends-thesunny sho\v*T;' . v, : The rWflh Softer murmurs flfov, r . Aiid bnjglvtetblfo39 ms;gemthe bmv'tv , ; Light graces dreM^ in feow.'fy wreafh?, I v-.' An)G|'flHP®>l'6f i tb^trbauds cdmbitw j. - _ "Andjp-Ve HU sweefcbniagibii bfeatfiesr; Y Anet,'!aui,biiig dunces roci id thy shrine , : W.arrnr vfitb new hfe, the ghtt'rrng throngs, '’ ; G nfquty-’i tng fin and rusth g wing, 1 ' LeiightadE j m tbcb votive nongs , -‘ -Afi,d,hi.it thee, Gcddessof rhe^Spirng 1 MONIlOiaAL, Christian, who had walked with trembling steps through poverty and suf- jferitog, and had Lnown no o*her comforts thao/what his trod had sent hrro, will be elothecl with immortal glory. The mon arch ivho had eojoj eil the applause o f foe world may then be cast ipto darkness, while a crovn^ imorc glorious than that in which he boasted, may be bestowed on the meanest of his bttbjects^ in t he county of Otsego, on the second Monday tn June neatt/arbne o'etoek 4ft the afterbbon of. that 26, -tfiOS. / / L^RA/fo ;L)A-Y, Asngnee pf 'v .; ;; c . ^©yd'atid' fib ft’ti- fioyfo- ’■ ' Y ‘ J- jDbwsE'te ELbEftk'fN'... .iSKtoember'&'i' _ \ v;7*--6ntv . T lT ltE li|lA S El^'Lyilbur, of Sargersfield, m VV?. the county of Oneidaand Stateof }?ew, Yorki and-liticy bis wfej for sjsfoliftg ih?§ufitiii}x:o£ two bundr^d tiudfafoteenvdollars , fod fbrtyYiwci.. cents wifo'inters?*. bf' al,d »h£}Sbrfoer sumbC tY,0 Yftd Yoitrtectv dol- Jaja^OR the fimt day of^’ Mafcb. isOSj with interest, of MarceHus, in andSiate of Jfew- :R-rst day o f Npvember, in the y ear of out Lo'rddSOi, for securing The payment o f one hundredand fifty,dollars, wuh lawful iuterest, Mint- gage, andebnvev unco WTaher, Wood; of Stipio, -in . ^ ... p the Goanty of Cayuga, and Martin Cossit; o f Mir- © r ^ s o f Landsawate and bmng m San .. v yu-*_ ^ v tf_ , Rr.:.: a * ^arcfiALrf aforesaid, to wit-^beffinniTif? on the>floutJ of one hundied and thirty pounds’five shillings aud its interest * One other Mortgage, executed on the I?th day of June, ^808, by Trueman Bristol pnl 100 seres of fond m the town of©ekalb in the Coyn- ty of St Lawrence, known on the k a p by the u&jro of the Gowdeh Jot, bounded nv lands oFRufps W&ih? turn on the State Hoad and rtow in foe posseSs\oti tf said Washburn, to secure the pljtfient 6f£lC0— Notice is therefore herob) given, that ifie trv# tracts of lMnd will be sold on foe fi^st Monday nt- September nett, the first tract at foS Court-House nx Cooj erstown, the second tract at thellOfel in Coop- er’s Village ifuhe totd town ofiUDbkalb, at three o clock m thfe afterndon to the highest bidder,s when goodijdd suficient depd^^iH’be'll’tde to the* pnrchaersby WILLJAM COOPWL For hinnY f and as assignee to A, Q, Febniary 25 1809 —19-^6m.' and. the further suith bflbne hitndfed and-sixty dol lars and. serehty One cents' with interest on fthe1 : first- >* day ofMfoch I8l 0 ,;didv:convey bY'Merfgage-unfo Y -rx pirATtT rr’ t, ^ * JRDjnmihMorto;??f foe'tbwh.dfabeaang^ePutVcy ;of j s.: m,j-,a havm^ been made m the ppyipoi^t o* ‘ Brocnte add State aforesaid, all those-certain pieces , . .,.f, l'e - '•.•*. tviJ oneof them e \eetutldmtfije 8f o o f K»iriri?90 '* .* i,t k *fct* j .. v tar.— ._!!• o/ hi Iii :-in y ty ' 0n tie iliii #3t fX -JtK U *0 al -dol m po an tra th xngi tfh| »tv natl ‘tion H mol In the me lit Uc Lo K'%:“'P^; ? ^ S p ^ , s S , a-smi^.he.ce i.™n«d«»-«'.i,«*i)r of cSj„ga rt»»< * m c ^ 'o f - « * > * » * l b* « Ti jo." i;„s«d K . M X ;Onood^,=If«e5W . kuw a Wd; ^«nEoi*ed■ 1 ^ - sSioh” fe ' <“ WSyxocutod on ,!* 2id d ., of |H qi 179J Daiuel Connely on Lotlto J.4 jn the BalUw ^art of lot number s«ven in foe tOwnship c f Marcel* lus.. and is.botinded as follows* to.wit—Beginning at foe*north west cdrned ?fi said feYftnd; running from >•; thence e f t s t ^ ‘ ‘ . chains an ” . aand:lbrfy*ifolf)iniis*, tHseuri^wesi! forty-‘five chn*hs land of Ichabud Stafford?, dbceisetl,’ fin’d Elisha Plank, to a hemlock tree, thenCe ElRst five chajns and?t«« aty seve? hru^jfojYhe-Jahd of r$bpi| Rub* t ' ' "■ ^ thirty-nine tVoYpdart Abnsr'FoivD'feyi- t o . the FebrOhry tff, M4RT.LN COSSIT. id- Thefeoie mOialny ot the gospel arid its hatipy mfijt-nte upon tfre cbirfotei 7 of itiea _,... .. _________ _________ I14 .VV been.justly viewed as strong iutci- ifi „al evidence of ttbd.v.ut oothoutv. And ,f ©A} SJfttem cstti .claifo ledepxitjff r»© this of fqUr huuJrt d doHarsyMortgageTo the subscriber grouotl it surely is Chu^tiaaiL,. The re- $;.*!«!•' ,Jr;'nS* ^nd being in foe ' ’Jation it forms, the spirit ie-ii?©ijlqates, Yhe , ls^ r d'jnten)*" j ,. . - * L . y_ • /v ; gtante4k tftL^\s.9^A<TOchardv the It I£c|inr 6 fe^ the Y^btT/lint ^t in>^cnses south moiety or halXTTftofX cer/Uiin lot of LariJ . are aUtfittu3, to prSduce the Bos'- hipjjliness Kowa and di-tingQisnetf w afbdp- or survey rf the Ot i»an*w(Ji£sU'unei!iens out uniou ivith* 3^*d . p h arlCb’/l 1&\ o-saidpatent. eont uin Mt,l, rtfo*,, fnr t*fn, m^rblittnm. mihirh one. Stfoihu^foed asres; fceifoe.J^m% apit jdfTtesd^IHA eacti otliei, for tt ioiros-raations wtach cah _ haring befo .made lnfo^payt«eafofp*rt qffoe;. toptuaf in- pifohU*»kand.fotttestjD#ilaB. witN ^etcr- . ^ i!*‘Ye L \itfpby :gfcvtenL^it tfi«.totd/ftoufoyinvr^/ ft'IpcOBms* tp.wn jpiircbase m foie towp payttieat’Bf Hlvtiify-nine. pbjittodl anu' sijifofoXshfiY ling?^Dme;ofoefJ4rtpftgfige- eEfiffitdavpn ifie i&yi o f •Sejdember 1/904;' /by TyilliainYi^ctivdar-,': oii ,’oiidf andfifi|u.nGtto«h«:we3 t;iinYp£ said lot, foebec’ htghv^foenccwejQfoy <m ^-soufo north sixteen chains and fortymine l i r t k s m pi^^- countv ^ Broom, to secuto the paynfem J twlUd beMb^g/ConWagsevenry-fipe acre? oDand.a^.d ' ^tthsofaeS fond£S 1 und,ed aiid *ner>ty threiS pOunfo-hliPotice i»here* defaiilw having.been made,in foe pa>‘mIotoF said , J | 0^i in k JIlS rtY h ! by given, that the above desVfri bed Lots of Lhnd vralV «d-tonto.%soi* ond fiftoJn - M S IW .S “ "><= « « ♦ * — » Cocp««»« « sati&fyjthe said deni and* at the Hotel in the Village toit,? deeds of conveyance w,M be made to the nut* at ore o ’clock in tJxea&erncon ofsaiiJday. ten voas*«vesacu soum thirty ^vo aegre^mid t|wty , chasers, bj WILLIAM COOPlG degiees.aiia nftCen mtnures, -svest teii roas, thence northtfitr t/- five degfoe s-andfirty* ng Youth fifty-seVen 'degrees and 'fifteen « xhe House n\ . minntes, e 3 t trieive 'fods' i nd Yobr l»«ks,: ' fofefiCe'J »« ^ *“ « at lhree YclopUn foe . scWh^r^lvenYfigrees- and' fif.^ afte\vtOon, to the highest bidder whfcn goOd tut cl . ... . , . H by ember 26,180S • ..^.tjfifive d^eebndofiirty^jnifiutb^H^ T*Ys rAULT having been made itTthe pavfhdfiTofi’ tc^rodstb thefirEfrhehth ned bohnas.con’StinirigTen AjK foe monies fo e on a Mortgage executed on tltd afogfe'eod tfirfo.fbftvfoe- ln’h day of October 1801, by Bitei ^todwells tffit0r' 3tes ft noutaal m- a?mg. dfVide atiX etrtf>kter society? fo* it directs us tolabofffbfi ti'ftltufe VcO-16;^eie all is haoripny anti los c. It ejqfoars tft?^con nexions wh ich-riatijte,* fngodslnp and piety formfon eariii, hy the ^delightful Iit>pe, that jeliglfoi will 1ene^ atid sanct thun in heaves, EL/urgts frOtn(^veiyvjinJ1pqj}e af- fectiofi, for ,it tsftohes us that nona Uat the pure infoeart shall st^e God*^ It excites e&t^bujee^foet.efoto'.b£te'by:._ a pfover cdnmihe.d m the said.Mcttgage ai)oe ^ fo^ S^anpe)^^u^i;c^CHiTi;r Sj. proy ided.foe described pY/ 0*5®3 ^’0] be spld/at/public ven- diifi, 10 ihe e 13fo dftv 0f blovcltfoqfinext at theCcuit-llatise ift Co<>|.erstosvn, ihrihv tilltogO» air bne^O’clcck in the aftcr- np wit / Begintii ng at af stakCafid slbnen ttaijiaTn^ pft/ the south- lingiof said, lot foumbef (10J it foe 6P»t®|1 cast tfie/parjy^f/ the second part to ttenr/y ,bt ud\i ciU a n d ^ Y u i f o - thence Xoiih thirty TOhe chaiijS aiia sixty•s|avnfiks/ on .nt Last line ofsdid B'hdwcSl Y jarsd, thence.Efisb'; ‘ ■ ; '■ Benjaifiiln Y /Doi^E.Sc;tpiE>ftfi&iH,fois: Attorhies. afiidUt'fi^effchftitfo aihl , , 226) 11 . . pfecefflf b^nmngr-fo ^eopm. foe blfof^j .S ^ ^ ct N. -Shdve,-fihopmaker,o f . b^^red foUfos. a-hd ifo' J 'jre^t*^—rlsd'ice foeloWH o f GqoperYfbwjn; iff the COuntv o f fore fierefov givgrilhat the above dekerlbedl.pi emtsesi -VI71 . - ’J - ■- j .-a. CL - 1- i<-,k . ..-7 jJMlS-? in I •<3:c .lias n 4l« C’C CEt m CC re! cm tfit tvt 0L OC in tic nil an ok py *9 oT 2 LA 4.: us tOjfoj iPUk fpk^v^ry ftcrLctiaa,,-!)^ the a- nt mating prpr^ise^thaA ii\ prupujtion to out attainments nere, shall be our glorj and joy hercitiltifT* lA^shqit, con^tcla’? ^ in fluence wRit b foe go?pel already has, ivliich it migh £haye !& cherworf^ atxd'icom- nGying it'v^itRTHe absurditit % f .-^1^ Upiii r*f L'ur •h|£.*Sisbiri'*y: fofipfy*06^ jstohtfe^ -©kifefck fo'foe? Af-: foe 25fo;d ^ of ^ e ^ e ^ in’fo^ wfil beYojd ^the twfofy first fey o fAv-vst p l de^dxVUMfr w -■»■< year of our Lord one fooasand eight foundreiftjid at ape o. clncL m the afotrftoaoic atthfi BsteixJtTthe ; .... :. ifoAY-IB- sewefi* fcr securip^tfie/pfivfoeitt o f #:»hirfe.'bfindrefo to the highest fi}dder4wh*.fjjgoo^ ttnfoA* «*’ ■;****■****■ *dSL, - - - - rf- , to4fe«7rtiiree4m%*%a9^'^i^tefe*citotg./,cbfoiftjr- and Sufficient deeds o f convey anee to foe purchaser; ^ v“ A-. to will blm^fe by waltek woo i>.f r> :VFebruafy08; £809^1|tobfiV : .;■ . ,*i ''Vf- H ERE AS I saRC F«.Thcmas, bi Oxfyrti/foffl'fi/* ' stiFi (Sitoiitotgo;' faftri::-&tai6i 'Ydrky.^ysrcifiu^'dflir.dh' jbe/ifl^fo- in the year o f our Lord, due thousand etghr and fieven, forseenfiftg tbe'/p^ihe^ dred and sevihry-B?* borivey. by; Htort^age DDto .Qdtefo-ttich^fdsefovbf, Burlington, ifo the Couory^-of Dtsego, andvJSts^te#- foresaid, Fhysician, aUjfoat^eefoainYjiieee, parcefe. or lot of.litnd, sriuaw, lyiitg and"'being ifijhe fowftv of Oxford aforesaid, boohded and dbfieri%dfostfbTR to ^ lL E k E 4lfi.Ih£K'i Shaw o f the: County Jpf towfoifof v.^ -tf.^ trL a« d'-<^e- tBodsfigd .^gbt. aiith ^ a ibff fopretdfore sold; td tW33 ’firrYfecbringfihe payrhehtof Fotif tttmdredbAid: N.nety-mne.Dhllfcsand four cents, lawful money :1__ _ Ta.„f.t, of-1 C e Uittted States, convey by Mdrtgage unto John • nathan Gfoorn’s 1iouse an«ot, and on the south by -that certairi piece Secqff 4 s«rtiti>fyr<?said.foeing in front and rear tlfir- oripafi^,D®»%bd ^tbatte, /lrii^_aMfoeing in- the* ty-five feet, aptidt^Sfepfo .ofo hundred.and fifty feet, Gdurtisopi.Gttogb afiforesfiidi, it Being on thrWesterly. ^ wfieretofl^ftblvbasli^pn tfiade ift foe payment epfo uft Lre nuhibe*f9 rjy-o«e.tn a j r a ^ t Fpriaeily , of the above Efti®Rf,^noneyt;wrth tfos in ter^ thereon kitowA ariddistmgaish^iby the name of Springfield. j-j^otice is thereffprfe hereby given that by virtue of Fttent>and is houixdeij asf fallows, viz— i-Be^ginning ft power contained in said Mortgage,,and in pursu- anan.Elnl stump which: Was heretofore marked'ante ofthe sfo'ftiteinsuchcasemafeand provided; or \ jx iorearores^ia, o< v , JlXUX-I standing on the northwest corper a f s.aid. the above deScribad premises will be.sold at public ^°ws, to wit, southeVly on the street m the ^-il agS ' vesiddb's«.thu.'to«*t' Hfese in said county o f Gfoegp of Uxford, crossing the Oxford bridge westerly p» J find sixtyltrtks-*o a raapte tree marked bm .op‘foe/sfeoi® Saturday in jtlly next, at txvo o'clock* a I® - owned by Doctor George Morey; rriinte, degrees/east-ofte .hoVtheriy on lands owned by Jonathan Baldwin, of i chainsufsaij boti - EICHAKD F. C0OPEIR. festejdy on^ lanfo ©wned by Theodores Bum oif to-titoiiin*tely;.«|ife' Deeembft/33, I t o Y- , jwto. fit* *$$mi ■t£»- -r IA* « » ..t o if c iz*f* oIUwmms, uc ^ --- —.-- : . - -—^ :—■ -?■ --■■■■■■ -.■■? j..’. contaimng one quarter and a half-V'-©barter of acre m land^am^ «rfoeVeas defairit foas beffi /madb/ ml M fttii fie Ofj *cej i^ i t mify he a s k e d i s to*.Ji>«»^tth s ix ^ f o ^ es,w*stfothe . . ,: . > plaoe afibegihnmg^ comammgfifty acres o f Laud, .'TTY-order ©? foe Honoilrdble Josepfi W«ite, Ee- ; , . .... .... . ivrf ^ t ^ CnTlsttauuy • .. fae sattife jnoifc or- ieds^-Anti ,w%eid, default JOf 'quire,‘first Judge of the Qourt of Common l» fob payment o f the above sum of fooiiey, vvith/t W here <lo 'we fiafo tj^ t haypiiony ftncl lOVC, has been niade in the pavment of the .above PiOas of the County of Otsego-LiJotifce ia hereby interest dtle thereDii— -Roticd is therefore heTe progression ia holiness, mentjdmed sum bf nreney and interest* bYgivest to ail foe ctedhbrs fif Cftsj>?1? ; -Wwhivad* . pi ' gftmhrtite* ^H'-V>-£toe.«i3» . pwUer tonttitHd itt#s it<4iich LflvY he-fon -talk/nndrrYe ? t f . therefiate hereby gjkea. foat by . virtbe ©f i power 1 Cbetry Vdlley;in the Qofety Of Owfigd, an IfiSol- Mortgage, and ?n pbtstiaHce Of the statjjtfi, «J su. , ; . , . ., , *Y , - ’ contained ia^the.sfodJVlnrtgage and in pursuance of vent Debtor, to SlVetv^cftijse* if any they, have, befofe case f&ade a*d provided, the abdve foscHbb'd fire# '■ <• ' « • u. •_*- . -* . .s.1 . LwIUd.k'iivtt- 'fi“6 v *»« |aU( £RUCtlltov« v » y . . . . n-, ,.¥ _. ^ . . ^- v « j s. tOvipaiVldaalS or t0j3®H0I»S,; the Siatuteia sttchi casemadeand provided; the a- the said Judge, at hj|,oi|ce itvthe tovyn. Of Clierty ’isbs wilfbe _sold St publicvendue* at t'hVdVelW{£ tin (of . these lidppy eflfepts* fiato’da^b^dpmmiiafe-#Bl, . I m - : • to'frnididvtii’*' Y&iey iforesaid. on fob s«tohieuabth-day of June house^'dfj&lipVtE z Afoicanfler/ in tlie' town c^f y/e > rie seek: iii vain Flaxfo tvrri.nfot niafi|haiitpas' ftioijff cl; anti the .most .tietesteNe crim es -<bmm1t£eti;Undef the sanction ofljts" Attfhortef -H»a -mvotlveti; vtiolfe m* , lift- .wa-rs-tv pprfi'etithe.Gro--- 'eltoGf every fegtoii. due t» the highest b:ddety on Saturday the Ilth day ne^t, at pine o'chidk id tWe fbreaobn, why dn as- lifigtoft,.3n tjib Countyi of Gtse^S-, addState afot^f ', o f Ocfobar nex^ae.foe Qburt-hoase ibCDopeetpwn* sigpatnentnfskid fosoIvent^ Estatb^houldhotfoe sftia, on tbb 4th day of HdVembernext, at two w ;? ijt the Gounty of Pisfigb, at Ode o’clbick in the after- tttade, and, he be .dischmfged^‘pursuant id the acts irjt the clack ^ foeaftefnoon. • ; ! / nOdnOf that day, " • /. , --'i,;T i j; " such cafoafofide aad /p rbyrded, Casper 'Vtiahlrad;* ' ■ - ; •'•;•' >•’- " j - ; -GALE® .RI'CHARDSG^Y;-;! 'JOflSf’ WWjflL ,. I«ablvert*/-,Ffetierick^afott^,nfoeD’fforpeti;4bh»' \ Y ;j|y hia-AttOfoY}’-*/... : -i . , ’ y’-L •' By his Attovaies,. . "/ *- ' ' in'gtredjfors*-'*DYtedMftreb,l9rt^V' ' .'.' v. , V. ^ '/::. KT'fh»b?.EtVE«!«W,tfYi , Apfti^lSGS.^SS'to-foiB'April '" '.'v - ' ' EpiWfO, t8{|9to|§^%T '*-Y;|| , I -- ■■ mi ■'M i tol

2S^^SSS^is£=^l^d^S2^g5%S->B^r'- *«•«**coa*«, ynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85035505/1809-05-27/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · i V '-or-mgcxmsHam •SEA T. O F T O R M-UfiRS.: m m, u

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Page 1: 2S^^SSS^is£=^l^d^S2^g5%S->B^r'- *«•«**coa*«, ynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85035505/1809-05-27/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · i V '-or-mgcxmsHam •SEA T. O F T O R M-UfiRS.: m m, u

i V'-or-

mgcxmsHam•S E A T . O F T O R M-UfiRS.:

m m , u W f '« * ; ^beeuTHlevyed w itn oiitwto^ to®?e0f.e v . : • • thp fiffo4»Y3?»*6tiy> io'vbe‘ycar«f'b& L&’foforeY v»e iSih d|cy o f p#y, oy oicj}ije» utimmmgu,w e not see n i t prodticiog py Ifo divisions /t^bnpad' eighv/haudjceC and: by Ambrose " pm ?|eb'ufo^ knowat anddiHinYsu ck enm ities aaci raticors, m w ere hartllf fo&f a'adaix/teds of land known & ftfisffed^s r# N&Vf^in'. foff-ifobfovh&m of s M .

“pwwua* tii4t|}oittt wheie :tW east and west road, so called, .rofiiVof .lw^sref:foP d^ 'viidne|to out- vfoicJh runs by thg i» TMSJ^yi'toJet^cttfo.• •pelide awdIts ih¥i6feSt-4'Notice is fo'eVefozd'. fodfoWl:

' Tez©. : Fb^foa«.tWft^dl’MvN«*'ddiwlll:.Wf e t g o g m t e . l r r S M i S g ^ l M p * * J T h a t i B c f c g ^ ^aioda tiame/Jovboae genws $exq%ssifed worlds conshlencies have existed , experieoe©; Jind; zveyed by jdhd Clark, to Nathaniel BakEr,’-thence , sulKcVent deeds of fenveyatyfo to foe purchaser wfo

■■2S^^SSS is£= l d S2 g5%S->B r'-*w '‘ . *«•«**coa*«, 'm foenfoonld rbaa la'thr. January 7«)ad/ thence .easf on *“ -

'said first mentioned road to the place of beginning

T H E P A S S I O N A T E S H E P H E R D .' T FV ot Sa jrn& z& m .'l . . . .

tT h= * * « * .HI * * h b?W . f s

,he ' * * £ * « Y ^ ®f , « * * V * & *i to.YYkr »JS-lfiSa"'1X8*w»VK'mip«1 * tifottlicitv • Avhich tiTQOUced thein, rind not the detects £«cts the said'Chenango'-iio'atl;'• thence « otarms of altlm toys w.thra.ol S>®P1,CI/ of that g0spel, to which they were utterly :s lid 6,,. o,e,«l,»edroad to , l* Pl/e of .._ . _

Aik©: w r h ^ h . E a r n e d , T h e etiorinkies w hich f e e '.-tattowe- the payment o f tyio hwndiced fo^?hs ahd

Assignee to R iehardw ^W il^, - ~ ,. . y

EFAULT iavytg been made fn the nnyinefoof ‘ the monies due an (follow HJg MsjTgage^

degrees; till the rsturdiest trees yy, de ree i ftofeens into a jinld zepfoyf* ' l%toh

in thfeu.g,aixleii of

S., '; ’ /'£ /a* - .-f 1f4 ) w

!/ 5’-I k '

ib a to ^ T ' ■ Y :; ; y “~-v Y ':- '/ ' . ■«,l‘;6oitte tlvCwk^lns atidhe-ttif lfo%

■And we will 'all th.e plcisufea prove,~ Thai hills.aRd vallies, dale.And ileid,

» . ; , . . ...

come aown to us in the gospekof .Cfo^isT . EPA^HlioiJITUS.BMMOKS.is pure; peaceabto aiid geBtle. I f aity tjheu By his Attorney, have used its ftacred uame, as a cov r" “ their names, they have shown that

PeTwastry 18,1809^— l^-6raWalter W?bn.

raeiT H am ev u ic v iw v c suuw » u.»v .... .. .......................................— . Mortg-tgcexecutedoaUbefifhrfoy of Aplrd, i m \tn T7bdrl to its nnwer & iS& EAS ^oati Hribb»rd did, on the rtyanfy*- by Isaac P Qa.se on fpw ttdred ef land, to*'heapts are top iiaa-d to^^yieid tc?its ppwer, oc YV; seventh dayqf Deuemi?sr, lathe year iT o w ing ' " J ' “ ‘

hay^ \\rre?ted. i t s . heayeniy .spnrst to ! o p r Aowdptie thattsandrei^Jt hundred and four; for se-


i t *f t :

n w c ,

ing the west end o f Jot jfp \4Ji» fierstown aforevMj f i

from the i.ake^cdntaihmg 127 aer^s, more or less, tod secure the pbym.ent o f fifty ponnda sixteen abhJmgloitd ita «®t<ti>AOf'-.vne*o«ivt>,ni'»Wri A»sivi *i. r ... r vi

own desfritctiou. curipg the payment ^ fivb hundred and thirteen.said, to secure the pajment of forty-eight pound* three shdhngs and u§ interest--JSpt^e jsl;e«hy giv*>t

Melodignsbiards ain^>niftH5’I Sy •.'Tfoero'W%l/iBP!^fo%^^bT-rci8ies,

Andfoifi posies.•' f fyeV8.‘»nd' ■. kritbrbidered all with spwgft of mj A-gbwrnanaM of. the s* V°®K-li^hich?froro dur;pr?i tylaihhs ’dffol

lined-With buclI'ci.of tlie.purest.gold;Albeit o£.s‘tna.w, dnddvf btidai ‘ ;• ,Wttii coral clasps, and amber suids.. . ,I f these pleasures foould th;ee move, ' -Come.live vsr i'tli me and be ray. love. ; ; 1

The shepherctswrno Yball dafiice and stP&- For tny delight each evening* .. ^H these del ghts thy mind. suo«ld’ move, Come live with me a.nd b,e my iove,!* :

' l i lR 'N Y M P a ?S;/

I t i; ro foe urcat and mifihtv o f fo e %W -United; en tfiat thesaid tvu-o tracts o f Jaftd ^til be pold by, i U b $ j tat e?( f f Ammea^f oeyMJdbrt gage untofster virtne .of powers contained m foe9fttd Mortgages, i

iaf: we must look lo r the purest £ t- jBoy4 fod j^hhlv 1 4 yd, * that certar- - - - ’ - - - fc 5 4foat; We must *ook ror xms pqrBsi tfs- Boy4 ahd l^bhl.'B^yd, all that cefoim piece or public vendue on the 12th day of Jhnie’ n%t' "at fects o f foe gospel- I t oftenfodirishes in parcel o i Land situate;lying foM beingl» the north Court House in Cooperstown to the highest fodder,

outward show blit in ihw atd holiaess* I t tewolta creek on the south ifoe o f ldt..Ho, twenty, •'d-wrolk' in ttio soul, to hidden ia the secret >uhtMng due East op *thevsbid line to foe tfonpfoe 1 J u. baying been made»»thepaymentoflift* nf the Chrisriin and manv o f its ch c ic- road—thenoe north fortynhVes rods and five links— tJie on lhe following- kortgage?,hfe o f ^ ..L h lto t t i^ a iio m fo ^ r o t ite OIWSp. . fo tob:to*^V,ofifoe4aH-.ereck-*thence i-^ a e o f tbg^m cuted on the $Qih d?y of

m fiaence v/e^shall never know till we m eetaI T-’ltovia.ntti oltoll vsrrtn-

AnthJH?titi'etofol^ittBertt^Bay^i:a'nd Boyddid on rhe second day of February, 1807, eonvev,

«■! ..................PamelTirestont, bn a tract,

town of fiurhngjtob, beglnrankaQ; hejRp o f st ones corner to jonathsn Soles*

and Davfo Gofl's Jpafo thence north, twenty sail chains and ten lmks to Ephraim Campbelj’s Taftd,

‘ If all the vvorkfan&love *.vece young; ; Aad tvu b cm v firy sitepfteM*3; tongfo?,

, iSiiJ

'Tlt/fovver.'s do.fadb. and w.anYn fields

tky-^hoto; foy-fif8d'oi»'s§a, • ■ • Tfif-cftpith^giTfobr-andfoypoH r-;v •■ / ’

‘Bboii'tVrtiak; 3d0rt#lfherr soOn forgotten;. '’ tn folly rtpfr, in1 reison rotwn . ; «.• 'ffhy belt ot straw and tVj'budn,

ThyCoraf clasps, and amber scuds. > ^AH the^elnTneno wish can move, :

',- To live with, thee and be thy love* > >'. £Fbt Altoald you h last- and love succeed; ' •... Had joy a no date, and age no need, i/

Then these dfoghts my nrntd might move •■’*• To live with.thee, and be thy love

ODE TO M A Y . < .. .Born rtt yon blaze of orient sky.

• / ' ' SWeetfolay I thyTadSant Jorm unfold ; - i. ^fftb iose thiyblne ^Vohiptuous eye, " '

, Fbffthn fifogfontzepUyfo blow*. ,-*•• 'Tor descends-thesunny sho\v*T;' . v,: The rWflh Softer murmurs flfov, r .

Aiid bnjglvtet blfo39ms;gemthe bmv'tv, ; Light graces dreM^ in feow.'fy wreafh?,I v-.' An)G|'flHP®>l'6f i tb trbauds cdmbitw j. - _

"Andjp-Ve HU sw e e fc b n ia g ib ii b f e a t f ie s r ; Y Anet,'!aui,biiig dunces roci id thy shrine

, : W.arrnr vfitb new hfe, the ghtt'rrng throngs,'’ ; Gnfquty-’i tng fin and rusth g wing,1 ' LeiightadE j m tbcb votive nongs , -‘ -Afi,d,hi.it thee, Gcddessof rhe Spirng1


Christian, w ho had walked with trem bling steps through poverty and suf- jferitog, and had Lnow n no o*her com forts thao/what his trod had sent hrro, w ill b e elothecl with immortal glory. T h e m on ­arch ivho had eojoj eil the applause o f foe world may then be cast ipto darkness, w hile a crovn^ imorc glorious than that in which he boasted, may be bestow ed o n the m eanest of h is bttbjects^

in t he county of Otsego, on the second Monday tn June neatt/arbne o'etoek 4ft the afterbbon of. that

26, -tfiOS. / /L^RA/fo ;L)A-Y, Asngnee pf 'v

.; ;; c . ^©yd'atid' fibft’ti- fioyfo-

’■' Y ‘ J- jDbwsE'te ELbEftk'fN'....iSKtoember'&'i' _ \ v;7*--6ntv .

T lT ltE li|lA S El^'Lyilbur, of Sargersfield, m V V?. the county of Oneidaand Stateof }?ew, Yorki

and-liticy bis wfej for sjsfoliftg ih?§ufitiii}x:o£ two bundr^d tiudfafoteenvdollars , fod fbrtyYiwci.. centswifo'inters?*. bf' al,d»h£}Sbrfoer sumbC tY,0 Yftd Yoitrtectv dol-Jaja OR the fimt day of ’ Mafcb. isOSj with interest,of MarceHus, in

andSiate o f Jfew- : R-rst day of Npvember, in the y ear

of out Lo'rddSOi, for securing The payment of one hundredand fifty,dollars, wuh lawful iuterest, Mint-gage, andebnvev unco WTaher, Wood; of Stipio, - in . . . . pthe Goanty of Cayuga, and Martin Cossit; o f Mir- © r ^ s o f Landsawate and bmng m San.. v yu-*_ ^ v tf_ , Rr.:.: a * arcfiALrf aforesaid, to wit- beffinniTif? on the>floutJ

of one hundied and thirty pounds’five shillings aud­its interest * One other Mortgage, executed onthe I?th day of June, 808, by Trueman Bristol pnl 100 seres of fond m the town of©ekalb in the Coyn- ty of St Lawrence, known on the kap by the u&jro of the Gowdeh Jot, bounded nv lands oFRufps W&ih? turn on the State Hoad and rtow in foe posseSs\oti t f said Washburn, to secure the pljtfient 6f£lC0— Notice is therefore herob) given, that ifie trv# tracts of lMnd will be sold on foe fi st Monday nt- September nett, the first tract at foS Court-House nx Cooj erstown, the second tract at thellOfel in Coop- er’s Village ifuhe totd town ofiUDbkalb, at three o clock m thfe afterndon to the highest bidder, s when goodijdd suficient depd^^iH’be'll’tde to the* pnrchaersby WILLJAM COOPWL

For hinnY f and as assignee to A, Q, Febniary 25 1809 —19-^6m.'

and. the further suith bflbne hitndfed and-sixty dol lars and. serehty One cents' with interest on fthe1: first- >*day ofMfoch I8l0 ,;didv:convey bY'Merfgage-unfo Y-rx pirATtT rr’ t, *JRDjnmihMorto;??f foe'tbwh.dfabeaang^ePutVcy ;of j s.: m,j-,a havm^ been made m the ppyipoi t o*

‘ Brocnte add State aforesaid, all those-certain pieces , . .,.f, l'e- '•.•*. tviJ oneof them e \eetutldmtfije8fo o f K»iriri?90'*.* i,t k* fct* j..v tar.— ._!!• o/

hi Iii

:- inyty

' 0n


U *0


-dolmpoantrathxngitfh|» tvnatl‘tion

Hmol In the melit Uc

■ Lo

K '% :“ 'P ^ ; ? ^ S p ^ , s S , a-smi^.he.ce i . ™ n « d « » - « ' . i , « * i ) r of c Sj„ga rt»»<* m c ^ ' o f - « * > * » * l b*« T i j o . " i ; „ s « d K . M X

;O n ood ^ ,= If« e 5W . k u w a Wd; ^ « n E o i* e d ■ 1 ^ - sSioh” “ f e ' <“ W S y x o c u to d on , ! * 2i d d . , o f | H q i179J Daiuel Connely on Lotlto J.4 jn the BalUw^art of lot number s«ven in foe tOwnship cf Marcel*

lus.. and is.botinded as follows* to.wit—Beginning at foe* north west cdrned ?fi said feYftnd; running from

>•; thence eftst^ ‘ ‘. chains an ”. aand:lbrfy*ifolf)iniis*, tHseuri^wesi! forty-‘five chn*hs

land of Ichabud Stafford?, dbceisetl,’ fin’d Elisha Plank, to a hemlock tree, thenCe ElRst five chajns and?t«« aty seve? hru^jfojYhe-Jahd of r$bpi| Rub* t

' ' "■ thirty-ninetVoYpdart

Abnsr'FoivD'feyi- to . the

FebrOhry tff,M 4RT.LN C O S S IT .

id-Thefeoie mOialny ot the gospel arid its

hatipy mfijt-nte upon tfre cbirfotei 7 of itiea _,... . . _________ _________I14.VV been.justly v iew ed as strong iu tc i- i f i„al ev id e n c e o f ttbd.v .u t oothoutv. And , f©A} SJfttem cstti .claifo ledepxitjff r»© this of fqUr huuJrt d doHarsy MortgageTo the subscribergrouotl i t surely is Chu^tiaaiL,. T he re- $;.*!«!•' ,Jr;'nS* nd being in foe

' ’Jation it forms, the spirit ie-ii?©ijlqates, Yhe , ls ’ r d'jnten)*"j ,. . - * L . y_ • /v ; gtante4ktftL \s.9 A<TOchardv theIt I£c|inr6fe the Y btT/lint t in> cnses south moiety or halXTTftof X cer/Uiin lot of LariJ. are aUtfittu3, to prSduce the Bos'- hipjjliness Kowa and di-tingQisnetf w afbdp- or survey rf the

Ot i»an*w(Ji£sU'unei!iens out uniou ivith* 3*d . p h arlCb’/l 1&\o-saidpatent. eontuinMt,l, rtfo*,, fnr t* fn, m^rblittnm. mihirh one. Stfoihu foed asres; fceifoe.J m% apit jdfTtesd IHA eacti otliei, for tt ioiros-raations wtach cah _ haring befo .made lnfo^payt«eafofp*rt qffoe;.

toptuaf in- pifohU*»kand.fotttestjD#ilaB. witN etcr-. ^ i!*‘Ye L \itfpby:gfcvtenL it tfi«.totd/ftoufoyinvr^/

“ • ft 'Ip cO B m s*

tp.wn jpiircbase m foie towp payttieat’Bf Hlvtiify-nine. pbjittodl anu' sijifofoXshfiY ling?^Dme;ofoefJ4rtpf tgfige- eEfiffitdavpn ifie i&yi of • Sejdember 1/904;' /by TyilliainYi ctivdar-,': oii,’oiidf

andfifi|u.nGtto«h«:we3t;iinYp£ said lot, foebec’ htghv^foenccw ejQ foy <m ^ -s o u fonorth sixteen chains and fortymine lir tk sm p i^ ^ - countv ^ Broom, to secuto the paynfem J twlUdbeMb^g/ConWagsevenry-fipe acre? oDand.a .d ' ^ t t h s o f a e S f o n d £ S 1 und,ed aiid *ner>ty threiS pOunfo-hliPotice i»here* defaiilw having.been made,in foe pa>‘mIotoF said , J | 0^ i in k J I l S r t Y h ! by given, that the above desVfri bed Lots of Lhnd vralV

«d-tonto.%soi* ond fiftoJn - M S IW .S “ "><= « « ♦ * — » C o cp « « » « «sati&fyjthe said deni and* at the Hotel in the Village

to it ,? deeds of conveyance w,M be made to the nut*at ore o ’clock in tJxea&erncon ofsaiiJday. ten voas*«vesacu soum thirty vo aegre^mid t|wty , chasers, bj WILLIAM COOPlGdegiees.aiia nftCen mtnures, -svest teii roas, thence northtfitr t/- five degfoe s-andfirty*

ng Youth fifty-seVen 'degrees and 'fifteen « xhe House n\ .minntes, e3t trieive 'fods' i nd Yobr l»«ks,: ' fofefiCe'J »« ^ *“ « at lhree YclopUn foe

. scWh^r^lvenYfigrees- and' fif.^ afte\vtOon, to the highest bidder whfcn goOd tut

c l . . . . . , .H by ember 26,180S •

„ ..^.tjfifive d^eebndofiirty^jn ifiu tb^H ^ T*Ys rAULT having been made itTthe pavfhdfiTofi’ tc^rodstb thefirEfrhehth ned bohnas.con’StinirigTen AjK foe monies foe on a Mortgage executed on tltd afogfe'eod tfirfo.fbftvfoe- ln’h day of October 1801, by Bitei ^todwells tffit0r'

3tes ft noutaal m- a?mg.

dfVide atiX etrtf>kter society? fo* it directs us tolabofffbfi ti'ftltufe VcO-16;^eie all is haoripny anti los c. I t ejqfoars tft?^con­nexions wh ich-riatijte,* fngodslnp and piety formfon eariii, hy the ^delightful Iit>pe, that jeliglfoi will 1 ene^ atid sanct thun in heaves, EL/urgts frOtn( veiyvjinJ1pqj}e af- fectiofi, for , it tsftohes us that nona Uat the pure infoeart shall st e God*^ It excites

e&t^bujee^foet.efoto'.b£te'by:._ a pfover cdnmihe.d m the said.M cttgage ai)oe ^ fo^ S^anpe)^^u^i;c^CHiTi;r Sj. proy ided.foe

described pY/ 0*5®3 ^ ’0] b e spld/at/public ven- diifi, 10 ihe e 13fo dftv 0 fblovcltfoqfinext at theC cuit-llatise ift Co<>|.erstosvn, ihrihv tilltogO» air bne^O’clcck in the aftcr-np

wit / Begintii ng at af stakCafid slbnen ttaijiaTn pft/ the south- lingiof said, lot foumbef (10J it foe 6P»t®|1 cast tfie/parjy^f/the second part to ttenr/y ,bt ud\i ciU a n d ^ Y u ifo - thence Xoiih thirty TOhe chaiijS aiia sixty•s|avnfiks/on .nt Last line ofsdid B'hdwcSl Y jarsd, thence.Efisb';

‘ ■;'■ BenjaifiilnY /Doi^E.Sc;tpiE>ftfi&iH,fois: Attorhies. afiidUt'fi^effchftitfo aihl

, , 22—6)11. . pfecefflf b^nmngr-fo^eopm. foe b lfo f^ j.S^^ct N. - Shdve,- fihopmaker, of . b^^red foUfos. a-hd ifo' J 'jre t* —rlsd'ice

foeloWH of GqoperYfbwjn; iff the COuntv of fore fierefov givgrilhat the above dekerlbedl.pi emtsesi-VI71 . - ’J - ■- j .-a. CL- 1- i<-,k . ..-7 jJMlS-?






py* 9



us tOjfojiPUk fpk^v^ry ftcrLctiaa,,-!)^ the a-n t mating prpr ise^thaA ii\ prupujtion to out attainments nere, shall be our glorj and joy hercitiltifT* lA^shqit, con^tcla’? ^ i n ­fluence wRit b foe go?pel already has, ivliich it migh £ haye !& cherworf^ atxd'icom-nGying it'v itRTHe absurditit% f .- 1 Upiii r*f L'ur

•h|£.*Sisbiri'*y: fofipfy*06 jstohtfe -©kifefck fo'foe? Af-:foe 25fo;d ^ o f ^ e ^ e ^ in’fo ^ wfil beYojd the twfofy first fey o fAv-vst p l

de dxVUMfr w ‘ -■»■< year of our Lord one fooasand eight foundreiftjid at ape o. clncL m the afotrftoaoic atthfi BsteixJtTthe;....:. i f o A Y - I B - sewefi* fcr securip^tfie/pfivfoeitt o f#:»hirfe.'bfindrefo to the highest fi}dder4 wh*.fjjgoo^ttnfoA* «*’ ■;****■****■ * dSL, - - - - r f - , to4fe«7rtiiree4m%*%a9^'^i^tefe*citotg./,cbfoiftjr- and Sufficient deeds of convey a nee to foe purchaser;

^ v“ A-. to will blm^fe by w a l t e k w o o i>.f r>:VFebruafy08; £809^1|tobfiV : .; ■. ,*i ''Vf-

H E RE AS I saRC F«. Thcmas, bi Oxfyrti/foffl'fi/* ' stiFi (Sitoiitotgo;' faftri::-&tai6i

'Ydrky.^ysrcifiu 'dflir.dh' jbe/ifl^fo- in the year of our Lord, due thousand etghr and fieven, forseenfiftg tbe'/p^ihe^ dred and sevihry-B?*borivey. by; Htort^age DDto .Qdtefo-ttich^fdsefovbf, Burlington, ifo the Couory -of Dtsego, andvJSts te#- foresaid, Fhysician, aUjfoat^eefoainYjiieee, parcefe. or lot of.litnd, sriuaw, lyiitg and"'being ifijhe fowftv of Oxford aforesaid, boohded and dbfieri%dfostfbTR

to ^ lL E k E 4lfi.Ih£K'i Shaw o f the: County Jpf towfoifof

v.^ -tf.^ trL a« d'-< e- tBodsfigd .^gbt. aiith ^ a ibff fopretdfore sold; tdtW33 ’firrYfecbringfihe payrhehtof Fotif tttmdredbAid:N.nety-mne.Dhllfcsand four cents, lawful money :1__ _ Ta.„f.t,of-1C e Uittted States, convey by Mdrtgage unto John • nathan Gfoorn’s 1iouse an«ot, and on the south by

- that certairi piece Secqff4 s«rtiti>fyr<?said.foeing in front and rear tlfir-oripafi ,D®»%bd ^tbatte, /lrii^_aMfoeing in - the* ty-five feet, aptidt^Sfepfo .ofo hundred.and fifty feet,Gdurtisopi.Gttogb afiforesfiidi, it Being on thrWesterly. wfieretofl^ftblvbasli^pn tfiade ift foe paymentepfo uft Lre nuhibe*f9rjy-o«e.tn a jr a ^ t Fpriaeily , of the above Efti®Rf , noneyt;wrth tfos inter^ thereonkitowA ariddistmgaish^iby the name of Springfield. j-j^otice is thereffprfe hereby given that by virtue ofFttent>and is houixdeij asf fallows, viz—i-Be ginning ft power contained in said Mortgage,,and in pursu-anan.Elnl stump which: Was heretofore marked' ante ofthe sfo'ftiteinsuchcasemafeand provided; or \ jx iorearores^ia, o< v ,JlXUX-I standing on the northwest corper af s.aid. the above deScribad premises will be.sold at public ^°ws, to wit, southeVly on the street m the -il agS

' vesiddb's«.thu.'to«*t' Hfese in said county of Gfoegp of Uxford, crossing the Oxford bridge westerly p»’ J find sixtyltrtks-*o a raapte tree marked bm .op‘foe/sfeoi® Saturday in jtlly next, at txvo o'clock* a I® - owned by Doctor George Morey;

rriinte, degrees/east-ofte ■ .hoVtheriy on lands owned by Jonathan Baldwin,of i chainsufsaij boti - EICHAKD F. C0OPEIR. festejdy on lanfo ©wned by Theodores Bum oif

to-titoiiin*tely;.«|ife' Deeembft/33, I t o Y- , jwto. f i t* * $ $ m i■t£»- -r IA* « » ..to ifc iz*f* oIUwmms, uc --- — .-- : . - -—^ :— ■-?■--■ ■■■■■-.■■? j..’. contaimng one quarter and a half-V'-©barter of

acre m land^am^ «rfoeVeas defairit foas beffi /madb/

m lMfttii



i ^ i t mify he a s k e d i s to*.Ji>«»^tth s i x ^ f o ^ es,w*stfothe . . , : .> plaoe afibegihnmg^ comammgfifty acres o f Laud, .'TTY-order ©? foe Honoilrdble Josepfi W«ite, Ee- ; , . .... .... .

ivrf ^ t ^ ♦ CnTlsttauuy • ■.. fae sattife jnoifc or- ieds^-Anti ,w%eid, default JOf 'quire,‘first Judge of the Qourt of Common l» fob payment o f the above sum of fooiiey, vvith/tW here <lo 'we fiafo tj^ t haypiiony ftncl lOVC, has been niade in the pavment of the .above PiOas of the County of Otsego-LiJotifce ia hereby interest dtle thereDii—-Roticd is therefore heTe

progression ia holiness, mentjdmed sum b f nreney and interest* bYgivest to ail foe ctedhbrs fif Cftsj>?1?; -Wwhivad*. ’p i ' gftmhrtite* H'-V>-£toe.«i3». pwUer tonttitHd itt#sit<4iich LflvY he-fon -talk/nndrrYe ? t f . therefiate hereby gjkea. foat by . virtbe ©f i power 1 Cbetry Vdlley;in the Qofety Of Owfigd, an IfiSol- Mortgage, and ?n pbtstiaHce Of the statjjtfi, «J su.

• , ; . , . . , , *Y , - ’ contained ia the.sfodJVlnrtgage and in pursuance of vent Debtor, to SlVetv cftijse* if any they, have, befofe case f&ade a*d provided, the abdve foscHbb'd fire#'■ <•' « • u. •_*- . -* . . s.1 . LwIUd.k'iivtt- ' f i “ 6 v *»« |aU( £RUCtlltov« v» y . . . . n -, ,.¥ _. ^ . . - v « j s.tOvipaiVldaalS or t0j3®H0I»S,; the Siatuteia sttchi casemadeand provided; the a- the said Judge, at hj|,oi|ce itvthe tovyn. Of Clierty ’isbs wilfbe _sold St publicvendue* at t'hVdVelW{£

tin (of . these lidppy eflfepts* fiato’da^b^dpmmiiafe-#Bl, . I m - : • to'frnididvtii’*' Y&iey iforesaid. on fob s«tohieuabth-day of June house 'dfj&lipVtE z Afoicanfler/ in tlie' town c fy/e

> rie seek: iii vain Flaxfo tvrri.nfot niafi|haiitpas'ftioijff cl; anti the .most .tietesteNecrim es -<bmm1t£eti;Undef the sanction ofljts"

•• Attfhortef -H»a -mvotlveti; vtiolfe m *, lift - .wa-rs-tv pprfi'etithe.Gro---'eltoG f ev ery fegtoii.

due t» the highest b:ddety on Saturday the Ilth day ne^t, at pine o'chidk id tWe fbreaobn, why dn as- lifigtoft,.3n tjib Countyi of Gtse^S-, add State afot^f ' ,o f Ocfobar nex^ae.foe Qburt-hoase ibCDopeetpwn* sigpatnentnfskid fosoIvent^ Estatb^houldhotfoe sftia, on tbb 4th day of HdVembernext, at two w ;?ijt the Gounty of Pisfigb, at Ode o’clbick in the after- tttade, and, he be .dischmfged ‘pursuant id the acts irjt the clack foeaftefnoon. • ; ! /nOdnOf that day, " • /. , --'i,;T i j; " such cafoafofide aad /p rbyrded, Casper 'Vtiahlrad;* ' ■ - ; •'•;•' >•’- "j - ; -GALE® .RI'CHARDSG^Y;-;!

'JOflSf’ WWjflL ,. I«ablvert*/-,Ffetierick^afott^,nfoeD’fforpeti;4bh»'\ Y;j|y hia-AttOfoY}’-*/... : -i . , ’ y’-L•' By his Attovaies,. . " / *- ' ' in'gtredjfors*-'*DYtedMftreb,l9rt^V' ' .'.' v. , V. ^ ' / : :. KT'fh»b?.EtVE«!«W,tfYi, A p f t i ^ l S G S . ^ S S ' t o - f o i B ' A p r i l '" '.'v - ' ' EpiWfO, t8{|9to|§^%T '*-Y;||

, I -- ■■



to l