2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx

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  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx




    Lesson 2 for April 11, 2015

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx


    HISTORICAL CONTEXT“Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor ofJudea, Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and the regionof Trachonitis, and ysanias tetrarch of !bilene, while !nnas and Caiaphas were high priests,the word of God ca"e to John the son of #acharias in the wilderness$% &u'e ()*+-

    e !n" si# $is%ori&'l f'&%s in %$e (oo) of L*)e %$'% $elp *s%o i"en%if+ $en -o$n 'n" -es*s (e.'n $is /inis%r+

    1 T$e 15%$ +e'r of %$e rei.n of Ti(eri*s C'es'rHe 's "esi.n'%e" Ro/'n E/peror on

    Sep%e/(er 1, 1 T$e -es &o*n%e" %$e+e'rs of rei.ns fro/ '*%*/n T$erefore, %$e!rs% +e'r of %$e rei.n of Ti(eri*s (e.'n'ro*n" '*%*/n 1 T$e 15%$ +e'r (e.'n'ro*n" '*%*/n 23

    2 4oernor of -*"e'6 Pon%i*s Pil'%e Be%een27 'n" 87 AD

    8 Te%r'r&$ of 4'lilee6 Hero" 9ro/ BC %o 8:AD

    Te%r'r&$ of I%*re'6 P$ilip 9ro/ BC %o 8

    AD5 Te%r'r&$ of A(ilene6 L+s'ni's A&&or"in. %o

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx


    THE BAPTISM O9 -OHN“!nd he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptis"of repentance for the re"ission of sins$% &u'e ()(-

     -o$n;s ('p%is/ (+ i//ersionen% %$ro*.$ %o p$'ses6

    1 4oin. "on in%o %$e '%er A p*(li& si.n of

    repen%'n&e2 Co/in. o*% of %$e '%er Bein. (orn '.'in An inner

    &$'n.e %$'% is ree'le" (+"oin. 1?As %$e+ &'/e o*% of %$e '%er,

    He *r.e" %$e/ %o @(e'r fr*i%sor%$+ of repen%'n&e He s'i"%$'% ' .re'%er ('p%is/ 's'(o*% %o &o/e6 @(*% One/i.$%ier %$'n I is &o/in. He

    ill ('p%ie +o* i%$ %$e Hol+Spiri% 'n" !re

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx





    “!nd He said to the", ./hy did you see'0e1 2id you not 'now that I "ust be about

    0y 3ather4s business14% &u'e )56-

    “For the frst time the child Jesus looked uponthe temple… He beheld the bleeding victimupon the altar o sacrifce… Day by day He sawtheir meaning more clearly… The mystery o

    His mission was opening to the aviour!"E4 =T$e Desire of A.es, &p , p. 53?

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx



    A(o*% 20 +e'rs l'%er, -es*s en% %o %$e -or"'n rier %o (e('p%ie" (+ -o$n

     -es*s 's sinless,(*% He 'n%e" %o (e

    'n e#'/ple for *s

    He 's%$e

    @L'/( of4o",

    S'io*rof %$e


    He 's%$e


    (+ %$eHol+


    He 's%$e Sonof 4o" in




    “!nd the Holy 7pirit descended in bodily for" li'e a dove uponHi", and a voice ca"e fro" heaven which said, .8ou are 0ybeloved 7on9 in 8ou I a" well pleased$4% &u'e ()-

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx


    @I9 FO ARE THE SON O94OD“Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy 7pirit, returned fro" the Jordan and was led bythe 7pirit into the wilderness, being te"pted for forty days by the devil$ !nd in those

    days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry$% &u'e 5)*+-

    T$e 9'%$er

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx


    HO SHALL E ORSHIP“Then the devil, ta'ing Hi" up on a high "ountain, showed Hi" all the 'ingdo"s of theworld in a "o"ent of ti"e$ !nd the devil said to Hi", .!ll this authority I will give

     8ou, and their glory9 for this has been delivered to "e, and I give it to who"ever Iwish$ Therefore, if 8ou will worship before "e, all will be 8ours$4% &u'e 5);+

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx


    GICTORF OGERTEMPTATION“Now when the devil had ended every te"ptation,

    he departed fro" Hi" until an opportune ti"e$%&u'e 5)*(-

    In %$e l's% %e/p%'%ion in L*)e , -es*s isi%s %$e %e/ple of -er*s'le/ for %$e se&on" %i/e inHis life

     -es*s is %$en %e/p%e" (+ %$e "eil'.'in T$is %i/e, %$e "eil *se"%$e or" of 4o" He 's)e" -es*s%o proe He 's '&%*'ll+ %$e Sonof 4o" =L*)e 6:>12?

    If -es*s $'" "one so, Heo*l" $'e '&&ep%e" He"o*(%e" His on "iini%+ 'n"/ission B*% -es*s $'" no/is.iin.s '% 'll He %r*s%e"His 9'%$er, 'n" He fel% no

    nee" %o proe He 's %$e Sonof 4o" in %$'% /o/en%

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx


    -ESS OGERCAME, FO ILL ALSODOLe%;s reie fo*r /'in %e'&$in.s fro/ %$e


    1No(o"+ is free fro/%e/p%'%ion2$en 4o" 'llos %$e

    "eil %o %e/p% *s, He 'lso.ies *s .r'&e 'n" poer

    %o oer&o/e %e/p%'%ion8No %o %e/p%'%ions 're

    'li)ee on;% (e %e/p%e"

    (e+on" o*r '(ili%ies“No te"ptation has overta'en youe=cept such as is co""on to "an9 butGod is faithful, who will not allow youto be te"pted beyond what you areable, but with the te"ptation will also"a'e the way of escape, that you "aybe able to bear it$% &* Corinthians *>)*(-

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    “#very one o us will be sorely

    tempted$ our aith will be tried tothe uttermost! %e must have aliving connection with &od$ we mustbe partakers o the divine nature$

    then we shall not be deceived by thedevices o the enemy' and shallescape the corruption that is in theworld through lust!

    %e need to be anchored in (hrist'rooted and grounded in the aith!"

    E4 =Sele&%e" Mess'.es, (oo) 2, &p 5, p. 50?