MMUN TODAY 2nd Intra MMUN ’15 – First Edition International Press Corps. 2015

2nd Intra MMUN ’15 – First Editionmariasmun.org/intraMUN/downloads/MMUN TODAY - First...friends, is why we have the United Nations." Good luck to the entire MUN community of Maria's!

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TODAY 2nd Intra MMUN ’15 – First Edition

International Press Corps.


2 MMUN TODAY                                                                                                            

Intra MMUN ‘15


FROM THE FOUNDER & MANAGING TRUSTEE’S DESK The 21st century has witnessed a paradigm shift in education in keeping with the global village we are living in today. Hence the motto of the school "Learning beyond the Classroom" was given a new direction-that of creating global citizens. Participating in MUNs gives you, the members of the next generation, an opportunity to formulate, present, debate, revise positions on current issues that are affecting people around the world. Taking on their ambassadorial roles in a Model United Nations simulation, students you not only develop an understanding of the needs and rights of others, but also learn to respect the cultures, political views and the belief system of others. As the former Secretary General of the United Nations stated, "More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that, my friends, is why we have the United Nations." Good luck to the entire MUN community of Maria's! Nellie Ahmed Tanveer

Founder & Managing Trustee

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK I am delighted to learn that the MUN club of Maria's is back in action with the holding of the intra school event among its members, in the last week of November. It is indeed a pleasure to observe the zeal and hard work of the MUN Delegates. What pleases me doubly is the enthusiasm generated by the delegates of the junior classes in the MUN club. I can see them in no time, as promising delegates, (considering their eagerness to be part of the event, and rightly so,) representing various committees and nations of the world. This in house event will more so, be of immense help to the senior MUN members to gain enough experience to hold the second Inter School MUN, on a larger scale, sometime in May next year. The effort put in by our seasoned members and teachers-in -charge has been commendable. I believe it is extremely important for students to take part in stimulated sessions of such kind. MUN is the need of the hour in all schools, especially in the Northeast. It is here in this platform that students learn and hone the art of researching, public speaking, debating and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, team work and leadership, important aspects of every 21st century student. One gets to become aware of diplomacy and international relationships, hitherto unknown or not interested. Participating in MUNs builds skills that are useful in a variety of areas. Delegates taking part in such sessions from a young age have gone on to become leaders in diplomacy, politics and the media. So, make MUN one of your core activities in school.

Alpana K Phukan


MMUN TODAY       3

Intra MMUN ‘15



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the

world. Indeed that is the only thing that ever has.”

-Margaret Mead The world we are living in has changed dramatically. It has augured in great technological development on one hand but has also unleashed forces that are repugnant to civil society. However change is constant and all great changes are preceded by chaos… But chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. A ladder, whose climb may not be easy, but we must remember that great changes require great efforts. Model United Nation seeks to be a platform, or a ladder, where student delegates dream of a world they would like to create together, a world free from want, hunger, disease and terror. And that's exactly what you delegates are setting out to do today. Believe in yourself first, and only then will the rest believe in you.

Mausumi Mahanta

Coordinator, MMUN

MESSAGE FROM THE TEACHER’S DESK “A genuine leader is not searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”

- Martin Luther King, Jr. In these turbulent times, it is essential that dialogue becomes the medium for finding long lasting solutions to conflicts rather than through the power of the gun. There are many issues, which require cooperation from many countries of the world. International institutions like United Nations (UN) help all the member countries to build consensus on contentious issues. At this learning period in school, MUN provides an interesting platform to future leaders like you who need to learn the art of negotiation through mutual respect and reaching an agreement through team effort. Conflicts around the issues of religious and ethnic minorities; crisis in capitalism (here economic crisis in Greece) and issues and conflicts around climate changes are some of the areas on which people of the world and the earth are reeling through. These are pertinent issues, which will be thoroughly deliberated by all delegates in different committees of MUN. I am sure that the hard work put by you as delegates and MUN executive members will help you to learn different aspects of reaching common grounds on the above-mentioned issues. My best wishes to all the delegates and organizing committee members for exciting time at MUN. Best wishes,

Rajib Das

Teacher (Senior Secondary Division)

4 MMUN TODAY                                                                                                            

Intra MMUN ‘15


THE SECRETARY GENERAL’S ADDRESS Dear Delegates, A difference is what the world today needs. A difference is what the world today desires for. And that difference is in our hands to create. The world has been believed to be a dynamic phenomenon, one which has been known to make and unmake itself time and again. History reveals that every story marked by shadows of genocide, moral corruptness, and economic downfall has been followed by stories where human rights are encouraged and protected, and thriving economies are commonplace. The world was close to being unravelled but it was made whole again. In the present day and age, the world is again on the brink of toppling over. Humanity is being torn apart into shreds; nations are being turned into wastelands as countries continue to fight among themselves for sovereign supremacy; international peace and security has been turned into a utopian vision as nuclear arsenals are being built and missiles are being blown like firecrackers; people are caught in a maze of poverty and helplessness and the resources of the world are close to being wiped out along with the existence of life itself as the environment continues being threatened by human forces more and more every day. Everything the world has been through and is going through is an outcome of our actions. The world doesn’t make and unmake itself. We do. And now we have reached an epoch where it is time to change the sails and move towards a new world, to make whole all that we have unmade. And this responsibility has been handed over to none other than you delegates and I wish you the very best in fulfilling this endeavour of MMUN 2015 . Yours Sincerely, Asmaani Kumar

Secretary General.

THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS Dear Delegates, Today I would like to write to you about something, which I really feel passionate about, and that is participating in MUNs. People always talk about how MUNs are good for you, but it is often confusing to understand how given the fact that all things good in India particularly has to do with the marks you get in your exams. Speaking from my personal experience, I strongly believe that MUNs empower you. They push you, to become better and better, not only as a speaker, but also as a diplomat. There is a dire need for good diplomacy today. And MUNs teach you in the littlest of ways, how to be one, and a good one. MUNs unlike exams actually challenge you. They put you in somebody else’s shoes, in unforeseen waters and make you talk about things, which you might have not even known a few weeks back. The thrill of it, not only makes your personality grow, but it opens up your of the entire world. It makes your vision go from Full HD to 4K, to simply put it; it makes your vision or outlook more detailed. But there is always the fear of public speaking... Hence, I would like to end by quoting Rocky Balboa: “Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” Akashneel Sarma

President of the General Assembly

MMUN TODAY       5

Intra MMUN ‘15



Risaal Shaan: Ask him what were the first words spoken by Severus Snape to Harry Potter; or ask him to describe the despair Harry felt when Dobby died; or anything remotely related to the Magical World. He’ll tell you everything. With a quirky sense of humor, he has the power to slay futile arguments to rest. Delegates, be prepared, even though he may appear as a cute gummy bear, he may just ‘Avada Kedavra’ or ‘Stupefy’ your diplomatic charm if your research is not on point. Because you see, he’s definitely more than just a Muggle. He’s co-chairing SOCHUM.

Arijita Sinha Roy: The mother hen of the MUN club, she’s so sweet that you might just get diabetic. The chair of SOCHUM will guide you through the whole journey of MUN, and nuture you to turn into one of the best delegates (Read: Mother hen). Don’t mistake her for her caring instincts, for she may just go strict on you if you don’t do your job! Albeit if you’re looking for gossip and a good laugh, she’s the one. With a diplomatic smile like hers, who won’t blossom into a soaring delegate?

Anurag Baruah: The Hulk of the MUN Club, he’s the chair of ECOFIN. No, he’s not the strong-smashing-scientist, but he is surely short-tempered. So beware delegates because he’s going to ‘Avenge(r)’ all wrongs done in the committee and save the world. He’s very supportive, sweet and a self-proclaimed comedian (Funny? Not so sure). But we assure you, a call for help from lands far far away will never go unheard, because he’s extremely talented.

Jagritee Senapati: Tomato cheeks. Komola. The co-chair of ECOFIN is quite synonymous with the Fruit Kingdom. But don’t take her “fruity-ness” for granted because she’s a very fierce person who won’t have mercy if you’ve not prepared well. Cheekily smart, she’s someone who you’d want as a friend, and never as a foe. Nevertheless, her spot on singing can blow your socks off. Even though she denies that. We suggest that one should not challenge her. Both in Music and MUN.

6 MMUN TODAY                                                                                                            

Intra MMUN ‘15


Kapish Kashyap: He is the nicest, most helpful rude person one can ever come across. His jokes filled with sarcasm, wit and innaproriate everything, is quite inspired from Russell Peters (He’s actually obsessed ). He’ll be on to you if you’re not quick enough in providing results. Ironically he’s chairing UNEP, the committee filled with beginners. That definitely tells us that he loves a challenge! You may also find him ocassionally aiding the IPC Heads, since he has a way with electronics.

Richa Kakati:

A.k.a The Fab Riku. She is so cute that she could pass of as a Panda. But being our Logistics Head, she is swift like a Ninja. This unsung heroine will stare at the mystifying abyss (She stares out the window, a lot), maybe wondering about the deprivied souls who haven’t received their files, chit-pads, note-pads, pens. She’s the going to supply resources and be the saviour. She's the hero MUN deserves, but not the one it needs right now. Because she's not our hero. She's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

Vedika Goswami: Since time immemorial, she’s been providing us with delicious food (We’re reffering to the amazing pasta she brings in her tiffin!) This makes her perfectly cut out for the job of Co-Logistics Head and handling the food department. On top of that, she’s a big foodie. She’s super cute and her warm hugs can brighten your day, nevertheless don’t underestimate her because she’ll confuse you with her sarcasm and sass.

Reported by : IPC Heads

MMUN TODAY       7

Intra MMUN ‘15



“The growing intolerance around the world

suggests that the world is going back to the

colonial days where minorities were

suppressed and ill treated.” – The delegate

of China.

The Social Humanitarian And

Cultural Committee with new delegates,

both nervous and confident, turned into a

boxing ring soon after the start of the first

committee session. SOCHUM witnessed the

active participation of many delegates. None of the delegates refrained from

criticizing each other and the governments of the countries they represented.

“The delegate of Ukraine is very confused whether the delegate of Nigeria is

actually the delegate of Nigeria or the delegate of Boko Haram.” - The delegate of

Ukraine on the delegate of Nigeria while discussing boko haram, a group infamous in

causing terror among minorities in Nigeria. The committee surely sizzled with these

mjor accusations.

SOCHUM, while discussing the atrocities committed against the ethnic and

religious minorities around the world, saw quite a few challenges. First one was from

the delegate of China to the delegate of USA. The main questioned raised was

whether the election of one African American president can solve all the problems

related to minorities. The second one was for the delegate of Ukraine from the guest

delegate of China. The delegate of Ukraine was criticized on the delegate’s remarks

that the government of Ukraine has no role to play in the actions taken by hooligans

in their country against Indian students. The third challenge completely favored the

guest delegate of France who caught the delegate of Syria’s hypocritical comment

regarding the President of Syria. “The delegate of Syria just mentioned that the

president of Syria was not elected, but now the delegate again said that the

president of their country came into power through procedural means. How is that

even possible?” The very baffled delegate of France said. The last and the most

fearsome challenge was between the guest delegates of China and UK. This

challenge, if lasted any longer, might have turned into a boxing match between the

two delegates. The delegates passed heated words on NATO’s invasion into Iraq and

the instability in the country, which followed after that.

The delegates of SOCHUM were a mixed batch. Some were witty and willing to

participate while others required some pushing from their ever enthusiastic chairs.

The topic given to the delegates is very vast and has received growing importance

due to the recent violent activities around the globe. The delegates were successful

in covering some bits but there’s still a long way to go, but the potential that exists

in the delegates reflect a bright future.

REPORTED BY: Ali Afrina Shaheen

8 MMUN TODAY                                                                                                            

Intra MMUN ‘15



The Economic and Financial Committee

has shown to be one of those committees, which

have made a great effort to indulge in fruitful

debates and discussions. The delegates in the

committee have been enthusiastic, confident and

have been successful in providing strong and

meaningful speeches. However, there has been a slight reluctance of the delegates

when it comes to voting procedures and lobbying.

The topic was discussed in the committee with full participation and dedication

of the delegates. GSL started with the delegate of Ireland, followed by other delegates.

The delegate of UK was quite confident during his speech and so were the delegate of

China, Germany, Russia, Greece, Turkey and Spain.

Well, here we go the one-liners in the GSL, which will give you a slight insight

of how the session was. Quoting quotes now, we have the delegate of UK: “This issue

should be solved like the urgency of a man whose head is on fire.”

The delegate of Canada: “What comes up definitely goes down.” (Regarding the


The delegate of Portugal: “If Greece falls, Europe falls.”

The delegate of Spain: “What has UK done to Greece so that it overcomes the crisis?” ,

to which the delegate of Spain replied by saying that it hasn’t done anything yet, but

ensured that his methods would be a real help. The delegate of Syria avoided giving

any suggestions by saying that Syria cannot provide any solutions since the country is

already in a massacre and terrorists are ruling half of it.

And then, the much awaited delegate of Greece arrives at 10:17 when the

committee began at 9:45, even though the agenda was about the delegate’s coutry

itself. Yes, till now the committee was discussing about “The Greek Financial Crisis”

with the absence of the delegate of Greece. After 15 minutes of heated discussions and

the GSL going on, the delegate of Greece was found with her phone ringing on high

volume and distracting all the delegates for the moment. Sources say she was busy

with a drama competition in the morning. The financial crisis? We guess not.

There were all in all, eight moderated caucuses out of which, only three were

passed. The first moderated caucus on “turning back to the use of drachma” was

raised by the delegate of Germany. To which the delegate of China expressed his

creativity by saying, “Greece is not a fairytale where drachmas will come the

economy.” Soon after that, the delegate of Brazil, a global citizen, challenged the

delegate of China, about the earlier remarks on the issue where the delegate of the

Brazil made the delegate of China look like a helpless mouse caught in a trap. The

second moderated caucus was raised by the delegate of Spain on “2004 Olympics as

the addition to the destruction of Greek economy”. The delegate of China started with

questioning the committee, “Does the committee even realize the cost of hosting the

Olympic games?”. But the delegate of China must’ve clearly forgotten the importance

and significance that Olympics holds in Greece. The third motion raised by the

delegate of India on introduction of complimentary currency where the delegate

showed the enthusiasm and the Russian delegate quoting, “If you mess with Athens,

you mess with Moscow.”

But now, the question is, will Greece be free from the current economic crisis?

Will Greek citizens be able to enjoy their livelihoods or Greece will have to come out of

the Euro zone? That is yet to be decided, because “Greek-onomics” is a very complex

subject now.

REPORTED BY : Gargee L. Kashyap & Mana Mehta

MMUN TODAY       9

Intra MMUN ‘15


UNEP : Mankind vs. or for Mother-Nature?

The first session of the

United Nations Environment

Programme started off after the

Chair revisited the committee

procedures about writing clauses

and preparing resolutions, with

the delegates diligently following

up with the Chair. With the

agenda on “Climate Change

Control” at hand and

nervousness at heart, the

delegates braced themselves for

the first time experience of MUN.

With a very strict “I’m not going to be your friend anymore,” from the Chair;

UNEP started off with the committee procedures. Now here, the Press Delegates were

truly amused to see that nobody was willing to raise motions at all! And as the

committee sat around in an awkward silence, the very brave delegate of Indonesia

took up the initiative to finally raise a motion to set the agenda. The committee’s

nervousness was very evident, and at one point the Chair stated, very solemnly, “This

is just an informal debate guys... You all are taking it far too seriously!”

Taking encouragement from these words, the delegate of USA took the

committee by storm, with her strong speech on the agenda. But the Press Delegates’

were very particular to note that the initial composure of the delegate died down after

the arrival of the way too vocal delegate of Japan.

During the Moderated Caucus raised by Bangladesh on ‘Country Policies on

Climate Change’, Japan cried out – “Oh wait! But isn’t Bangladesh still struggling to

protect their draining rivers?!” The delegate of Japan, despite having arrived an hour

after committee had started, immediately started to launch attacks on Bangladesh.

The Press Delegates’ heartfelt sympathies went out to poor Bangladesh (literally and

figuratively!), whose example was used as a comparison to the more developed

nations. The constant blame-games further urged the Chair to allow both the delegates

of Japan and Bangladesh to a one-on-one debate!

What further interested the Press Delegates was the constant exchange of

chits between the delegates of Japan and the US, the two most vocal delegates up until

now. (Two enemies, too interactive. Really?!). The arrival of Saudi Arabia sparked

some heated arguments, who started by saying, “Everyone here is just taking personal

stands! This is the United Nations, not your country’s Parliament! We need to come

together, to come to a consensus to solve the crisis of Climate Change!”

Taking these words to heart, the delegates came up with suggestions on how to

tackle this Global threat and means to control Climate Change. But the question still

remains – Will the countries ever come together to embark upon the challenge of

Global Climate Change and successfully tackle it? But by anaylsing the actions of the

Human race, one simply wonders : Is the Mankind against or for Mother-Nature?

REPORTED BY : Meghna Bhattacharyya & Shrutaswini Borkakoty

10 MMUN TODAY                                                                                                            

Intra MMUN ‘15