2mm Ancients for DBA based to 15mm sizes When I first started using 2mm blocks for Ancient games I based them individually on 20mm frontage bases. Although this had the advantage of making it possible to play games on a handkerchief-sized battlefield, it did make them awkward to handle and too small for my aged gaming mates to see. Having finally taken the hint after seeing some other gamers' efforts at using 2mm on 15mm bases I decided to re-base. The following photos and notes are the result. Bases The bases are all standard sized 15mm scale DBA bases. The bases are made from a dense and rigid card glued (with PVA) onto magnetic sheet (for ease of storage and transport). The texturing is actually coloured sand (sprinkled onto thinned PVA) over the painted base. Base Layout I have tried to use the same number of blocks per base as there would be 15mm figures but this is modified a bit in some cases (e.g. Elephants). Where possible I have also attempted to make the base into a bit of a diorama so that it actually represents the 'look' of the troop type. Because of the size and relative lack of detail, I have also attempted to make different element types distinguishable from each other. In some cases, notably Blades, I have since thought of better layouts so I will note these in the appropriate places. Generals' elements are distinguished by, well, a general added. I used the ABG5 (Roman) general with blocks painted in one colour and ABG11 (Barbarian) for less regularly painted blocks. Close Order Foot : Blades, Spears & Pikes 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm 1 of 12 Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:31 PM

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

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2mm Ancients for DBA based to 15mm sizes

When I f i rst started using 2mm blocks fo r Ancient games I based them individually on 20mmfrontage bases. Although this had the advantage o f making i t possible to play games on ahandkerchief -sized batt lef ield, i t did make them awkward to handle and too small f o r my agedgaming mates to see.

Having f inally taken the hint af ter seeing some o ther gamers' ef f o rts at using 2mm on 15mmbases I decided to re-base. The f o llowing pho tos and no tes are the result.


The bases are all standard sized 15mm scale DBA bases. The bases are made f rom adense and rigid card glued (with PVA) onto magnetic sheet (fo r ease o f sto rage andtransport).

The texturing is actually co loured sand (sprinkled onto thinned PVA) over the painted base.

Base Layout

I have tried to use the same number o f blocks per base as there would be 15mm f igures butthis is modif ied a bit in some cases (e.g. Elephants).

Where possible I have also attempted to make the base into a bit o f a dio rama so that i tactually represents the ' look' o f the troop type.

Because o f the size and relative lack o f detai l, I have also attempted to make dif ferentelement types distinguishable f rom each o ther. In some cases, no tably Blades, I have sincethought o f better layouts so I wi ll no te these in the appropriate places.

Generals' elements are distinguished by, well, a general added. I used the ABG5 (Roman)general with blocks painted in one co lour and ABG11 (Barbarian) f o r less regularly paintedblocks.

Close Order Foot : Blades, Spears & Pikes

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

1 of 12 Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:31 PM

Page 2: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Above : Bd4 & Bd4 General - Use either ABG1 or ABG2

The General's base has the two sets o f 2 blocks separated, I now think this is a betterarrangement f o r Bd4 - i t makes them distinguishable f rom Sp4. Don't know why I didn't do that inthe f i rst place.

Below : Bd3

Uses the same blocks as the Bd4 but this t ime painted in random co lours and hints o f armour -as dismounted Knights o r Vikings perhaps.

Above & below : Sp4 - Use ABG18

The General in the f ront base would be better placed in f ront o f the so lid 2-ranks o f spearmen.That way Bd & Sp would be more easi ly distinguished f rom each o ther.

The lower picture has irregular spearmen, thei r shields and tunics painted in random co lours.

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

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Page 3: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Above : Pk4 & Pk4 General

The pair o f mounted generals JUST f i ts onto the f ronto f the base. Use ABG16 (as here) or RBG9.

Right : another option fo r Pk using the smaller ABG17.You could also use the RBG33 or 34 blocks.

Loose Order Foot : Warband, Auxilia & Bow

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

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Page 4: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Above : Wb3 & Wb3 General - use ABG8

Place the blocks in ei ther a 2-1 o r 1-2 f o rmation but all touching each o ther. Generals should bein the f ront rank and you could use the 2-ho rse chario t (ABG7) as an alternative general fo r thosearmies, such as Celts, that use them.

Below : Wb4 & Wb4 General

Arrange these as a so lid block, the irregular appearance o f the f igures wi ll dist inguish them f romthe heavy foo t elements.

Above : Ax3 & Ax4 General - use ABG13

Arrange these in a looser fo rmation than Wb, with space between the bases.

Below : Ax or Bw (alternative) - using ABG24

This block has 12 regularly spaced indiv idual f igures and produces a good loose f o rmation. Theproblem is that this block is o f ten rather poorly cast and you can't always rely on gett ing goodblocks. Note the general's element has one block spli t ei ther side o f the general.

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

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Page 5: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Above : Bw3 & Bw3 General - uses ABG20

Possibly the easiest block to paint. Lay out with space between the 2 ranks in a 2-1 fo rmation.

Below : Bw4

Lay out as a so lid block, bowmen should be dist inguishable f rom the o ther close o rder f oo ttypes.

Other Foot : Psiloi, Hordes, Art il lery & War Wagons

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

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Page 6: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Above : Ps - use ABG3 (javel ins) or ABG12 (bows)

Cut the blocks into smaller groups and randomly distribute them over the base.

Below : Hd - use any mix of ABG6 and BG23

In the elements shown the f ront rank is 2 ABG6 and the o ther 3 blocks are all BG23. Anyarrangement with more than 4 blocks would be OK.

Above : Ar - use ABG25 (or RBG30 for Medievals)

Below : WWg - uses RBG31 (armoured wagon), RBG30 (bombard) and some cut up RBG22(dismounted dragoons)

This version represents a Medieval WWg, no t quite sure what I 'd use fo r o ther periods.

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

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Page 7: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Mounted, the Basics : Knights, Cavalry and Light Horse

Above : Kn3 & Kn3 General - use any combination of ABG14 (BG10 similar) & RBG13/14.

Arrange in a 1-2 f o rmation with all bases touching. Generals should be out in f ront

Below : Kn4 - use ABG22

Arrange as two separate lines o f 2 blocks with a small space between them.

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

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Page 8: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Above & below : Cv & Cv Generals - use either ABG4 (regulars) or ABG8 (irregular)

Arrange in ei ther 1-2 or 2-1 f o rmation with the general between the separated lines or wi thin thef ront line. This makes them di f f erent to Kn.

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

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Page 9: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Above & below : Lh - use ABG10 (javel ins) or ABG9 (bows)

As with Ps, cut the bases into smaller groups and arrange on the base. If you use single f iguresthen a passable base o f circulating light ho rse can be modeled (as above).

Mounted, the Rest : Camels, Chariots & Elephants

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

9 of 12 Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:31 PM

Page 10: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Above : Cm3 & Cm2 - use ABG23

The Cm2 are just cut up and randomly distributed. The Cm3 have the 3 blocks arranged in a lessregular f ashion than Cv.

Above : LCh - use ABG7

5 blocks arranged as you wish. I use the 'arrowhead'fo rmation to indicate the general i f I need one.

Below : HCh - use ABG19

4 blocks arranged over the base with a 'square'fo rmation indicating the general, ei ther that o r the whitehorses.

Right : SCh

Just a pair o f ABG19. Looks a bit bare but i t needed tobe dif ferent to o ther chario t bases.

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

10 of 12 Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:31 PM

Page 11: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

Above : El - using ABG15 (Indian, warriors astride)

Use 4 elephant blocks (o r 5 fo r a general). Add a couple o f bases o f light infantry too , i f youfancy i t.

Below : El - using ABG21 (with Howdah)

2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

11 of 12 Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:31 PM

Page 12: 2mm DBA on 15mm Bases

These are no t the only possibi li t ies but they do make a set o f elements that can be distinguishedf rom one another and st i ll look like the armies they are supposed to represent.

Army 2/3 : Classical Indian

Army 2/56 Early Imperial Roman

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2mm DBA on 15mm Bases http://www.gildasfacit.btinternet.co.uk/2mm/2mm_DBA_15mm.htm

12 of 12 Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:31 PM