*** *** *** October 26th: LifeTeen—TOB Session #2 We are starng Session #2 of Theology of the Body!! It is not to late to join and learn about who we are created to be, and proper and true love. There is a small textbook fee of $14, but it is definitely worth it!! There will be snacks, small group discussions and so much more! See you there on October 26th, aſter the 5pm Mass unl 8pm. For those in Gr. 8-12 *** *** *** S S SCREENAGERS CREENAGERS CREENAGERS - Oct. 24th @ 7pm Oct. 24th @ 7pm Oct. 24th @ 7pm - St. John Brebeuf High School Screenagers is an award-winning film that probes into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games and academics. The film offers soluons on how we can help our kids navigate the digital world. Join the family group and our school communies for this special viewing opportunity! Parents, grandparents and all teens are welcome. Admission is by donaon. Kindly rsvp by emailing [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] if you know you will aend, so we can ancipate numbers. Childcare is available for children ages 5 and up - please email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] by October 22nd by October 22nd by October 22nd if you require childcare. For more informaon, visit screenagers.com/synopsis. screenagers.com/synopsis. screenagers.com/synopsis. *** *** *** Project Advance is a diocesan-wide appeal which seeks to provide resources for both diocesan and individual parish needs. A single Parish has no power or authority to redirect the funds. Donaons are processed at the main Office. When our goal is reached, a rebate will be sent to each Parish, which may be used for various parish needs. Thank you very much to the 195 families who already contributed! God bless you all! I also take advantage to movate other St Ann’s families to parcipate. We are sll low. It would be great if we all pitch in. Remember, no contribuon is too low! Welcome to St. Ann’s Parish Welcome to St. Ann’s Parish Welcome to St. Ann’s Parish Our Vision Statement: Our Vision Statement: Our Vision Statement: to be a Christ-centered community of missionary disciples. Our Mission Statement: Our Mission Statement: Our Mission Statement: to work and pray to be a welcoming, Eucharistic community that spreads the good news of Christ. We each strive to share our gifts within and beyond the parish for the glory of God. Mass Intentions for Mass Intentions for Mass Intentions for Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019 Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019 Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019 Monday 8:00am Boyd Morris, int. Tuesday 7:00 pm Catherine Evere, int. Wednesday 8:00am Lise O’Reilly, int. 7:00pm Aloysia Wensman, int. Thursday 8:00am Iona Celien, int. Friday 8:00am Mike & Angie Legal, int. Saturday 9:00am Iris Wilson, int. 5:00pm Henry Jelinski, rip. Sunday 8:00am Marven & Shirley Bushbuy, rip. 10:00am For all parishioners Noon Lucrezia & Antoniea, rip. 1:30pm Maria Fitzgerald, rip. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 20th, 2019 October 20th, 2019 October 20th, 2019 Feast Days & Readings Feast Days & Readings Feast Days & Readings Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019 Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019 Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019 Monday Romans 4:20-25; Luke 12:13-21 Tuesday Romans 5:12,15b,17-21; Luke 12:35-38 Wednesday Romans 6:12-18; Luke 12:39-48 Thursday Romans 6:19-23; Luke 12:49-53 Friday Romans 7:18-25a; Luke 12:54-59 Saturday Romans 8:1-11; Luke 13:1-9 Sunday–30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sirach 35:15-17, 20-22; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14 K K KNIGHTS NIGHTS NIGHTS OF OF OF C C COLUMBUS OLUMBUS OLUMBUS F F FAMILY AMILY AMILY B B BOWLING OWLING OWLING Sunday, November 3rd from 1:15 Sunday, November 3rd from 1:15 Sunday, November 3rd from 1:15-3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. at Galaxy Bowl on Simon Avenue. Bowling & shoe rental is free. RSVP to John Galay at 604-853- 0746 by October 31st. Limited space so reserve early. Please bring a non perishable food item for St. Vincent de Paul Society. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus *** *** *** St. Ann’s Catholic Community welcomes K K KADE ADE ADE J J J ILLIAN ILLIAN ILLIAN P P PLACIDES LACIDES LACIDES who was received into the Catholic Faith through the Sacrament of Baptism on Saturday, October 12th. Saturday, October 12th. Saturday, October 12th. *** *** *** SCHOOL EVENTS: SCHOOL EVENTS: SCHOOL EVENTS: St. John Brebeuf's first of two School School School Fundraisers Fundraisers Fundraisers is coming up soon and we'd like to invite all parishioners to aend. Our 3rd annual Trivia Night takes place Saturday, October 26th Saturday, October 26th Saturday, October 26th at SJB and is sure to be a fun night of head-scratching trivia, delicious food and great company. Dinner is at 6pm and trivia starts at 7pm 7pm 7pm. Tickets are $30 and are available on SJB's website or by calling the school office. *** *** *** St. Mary's School, Chilliwack is looking to expand its roster of T T TEACHERS EACHERS EACHERS AND AND AND E E EDUCATION DUCATION DUCATION A A ASSISTANTS SSISTANTS SSISTANTS on call. If you are someone, or know someone, with teaching or EA experience who would enjoy casual work, please contact the Acting Principal, Jeanine Sallos, at 604-792-7715 or [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. Being a practicing Catholic is an asset, but not a requirement. *** *** *** P P PARISH ARISH ARISH O O OUTREACH UTREACH UTREACH M M MINISTRY INISTRY INISTRY: If you or a family member would like a visit or to receive the sacraments while in the hospital or at home, please contact the Parish Office at 604-852-5602. Dear Parishioner, There will be a secon for business ads in our Photo Directory. Let me respecully propose having your business announced there. It may be done in three ways: a page for $500, half a page for $300 or quarter of a page for $150. If interested, please contact the Parish Office. *** *** *** World Mission Sunday World Mission Sunday World Mission Sunday Pope Pius XI began celebrang World Mission Sunday in 1926. Catholics throughout the world are invited to pray for and give to the missions. I encourage you all, dear parishioners, to ignite your missionary spirt, a seed that was planted in our hearts on our bapsmal day. It is also a great occasion to promote vocaons and to support both spiritually and materially this Church’s pastoral mission. Iniaves like this echo in us that Biblical Passage from Mahew: Therefore go and make disciples of all naons, bapzing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. It is a call to Evangelizaon, that is, the teaching and witnessing of faith. May we all be vital instruments in bringing Jesus to people’s lives. We all at mes get caught up in the business of life that we let the seed of faith die or the passion of God’s Holy Spirit dry in us. By this celebraon, may we all pray for Chrisans and communies that suffer persecuon, as well as those areas where God’s Word has not arrived yet. *** *** *** A A ADULT DULT DULT F F FAITH AITH AITH: Oremus: Learn how to pray in the tradion of the Church and the saints! Thursday evenings 7 Thursday evenings 7 Thursday evenings 7-9 pm November 7 9 pm November 7 9 pm November 7 (8 weeks) at St. Ann’s Parish Centre. $20 for the course and workbook. Limited spots available for the small groups. Suitable for beginners to experts. We will learn how to pray when our lives are busy. What should we do with dryness? How can we discern God’s voice vs. other input. Email Jody [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] T T THIS HIS HIS W W WEEK EEK EEK AT AT AT S S ST T T. A . A . ANN NN NNS S S C C CHRISTMAS HRISTMAS HRISTMAS M M MARKET ARKET ARKET: TORTIERE PIES will be made on Monday, October 21st starng at 9am Monday, October 21st starng at 9am Monday, October 21st starng at 9am in the Parish Centre in the Parish Centre in the Parish Centre Kitchen. 10 or more volunteers would help make it go faster. Kitchen. 10 or more volunteers would help make it go faster. Kitchen. 10 or more volunteers would help make it go faster. Please bring your rolling pin. S S ST T T. J . J . JOHN OHN OHN P P PAUL AUL AUL II M II M II MEMORIAL EMORIAL EMORIAL D D DAY AY AY - Abbotsford hosted St. John Paul II in September 1984. He celebrated Mass at the airport. To commemorate his visit come and share your experience on that day he was here, and watch the film “The Life and Teachings of Pope John Paul II and aend Mass. We gather in St. Monica’s lounge on Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday evening, October 22nd, 5:00pm sharing, 5:15 film and at 7:00pm evening, October 22nd, 5:00pm sharing, 5:15 film and at 7:00pm evening, October 22nd, 5:00pm sharing, 5:15 film and at 7:00pm Mass. Mass. Mass. M M MIGRANT IGRANT IGRANT M M MINISTRY INISTRY INISTRY M M MEETING EETING EETING: Wednesday, October 23rd in Life in the Spirit Seminar: Life in the Spirit Seminar: Life in the Spirit Seminar: Thursdays, 7:30 Thursdays, 7:30 Thursdays, 7:30-9:00pm 9:00pm 9:00pm in the gym only for those who have already registered. M M MASS ASS ASS will be celebrated at the Menno Hospital Chapel on Friday, October 25th, 10:00 a.m. Friday, October 25th, 10:00 a.m. Friday, October 25th, 10:00 a.m. K4J K4J K4J(KIDS FOR JESUS): (KIDS FOR JESUS): (KIDS FOR JESUS): Saturday, October 26th from 10:00am Saturday, October 26th from 10:00am Saturday, October 26th from 10:00am to Noon to Noon to Noon in St. Joachim room. M M MASS ASS ASS will be celebrated, Sunday, October 27th at 4:00 p.m. Sunday, October 27th at 4:00 p.m. Sunday, October 27th at 4:00 p.m. in the Sacred Space at Abbotsford Regional Hospital. ST. ANN’S CHRISTMAS MARKET ST. ANN’S CHRISTMAS MARKET ST. ANN’S CHRISTMAS MARKET NOVEMBER 1ST & 2ND NOVEMBER 1ST & 2ND NOVEMBER 1ST & 2ND Items requested for Items requested for Items requested for Basket Raffle Basket Raffle Basket Raffle: : : Please have your Please have your Please have your donation items for basket raffle dropped off by donation items for basket raffle dropped off by donation items for basket raffle dropped off by OCTOBER 21ST OCTOBER 21ST OCTOBER 21ST to the Parish Office. to the Parish Office. to the Parish Office. Set Set Set-up up up of the tables will begin on Wednesday, October 30th at of the tables will begin on Wednesday, October 30th at of the tables will begin on Wednesday, October 30th at 7:45pm following PREP. Many hands make light work! Will 7:45pm following PREP. Many hands make light work! Will 7:45pm following PREP. Many hands make light work! Will only take an hour or so depending on how many volunteers only take an hour or so depending on how many volunteers only take an hour or so depending on how many volunteers come. come. come. Clean up Clean up Clean up is another big job. We begin right at 4pm. Again the is another big job. We begin right at 4pm. Again the is another big job. We begin right at 4pm. Again the more help the quicker the job is done. more help the quicker the job is done. more help the quicker the job is done. Sign-up Boards for Volunteers are set up in the Church & Parish Centre foyers. Please be generous with your time. Christmas Baking: Pick up containers for your cookies, tarts, muffins, cupcakes and squares at the Parish Office. Baking can be dropped off on Thursday or Friday (Oct. 31st or Nov. 1st). For more information about the Christmas Market, contact Juana [email protected] or call / text 1-306-313-0664 or call the Parish Office. $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $59,380 Project Advance Migrant dinner Fundraiser INCOME: $6195 Ticket Sales-$5170 Bar income to come Silent Aucon: $850 Donaon: $175 EXPENSES: $3268.00 PROFIT: Food: $2037 $2927.00 $2927.00 $2927.00 Decoraons: $379 Entertainment: $680 Misc.: $172 The annual Men’s Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignaus has only a few spots leſt. March 6 March 6 March 6-8, 2020 8, 2020 8, 2020 at the Abbey in Mission with the priests of Miles Chris. Contact Jody to register [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time C October 20th, 2019 · Sundayin St. Joachim room. 8:00am Marven & Shirley ushbuy, rip. 10:00am For all parishioners Noon Lucrezia & Antonietta, rip

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Page 1: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time C October 20th, 2019 · Sundayin St. Joachim room. 8:00am Marven & Shirley ushbuy, rip. 10:00am For all parishioners Noon Lucrezia & Antonietta, rip

********* October 26th: LifeTeen—TOB Session #2

We are starting Session #2 of Theology of the Body!! It is not to late to join and learn about who we are created to be, and proper and true love. There is a small textbook fee of $14, but it is definitely worth it!!

There will be snacks, small group discussions and so much more! See you there on October 26th, after the 5pm Mass until 8pm. For those in Gr. 8-12


SSSCREENAGERSCREENAGERSCREENAGERS - Oct. 24th @ 7pm Oct. 24th @ 7pm Oct. 24th @ 7pm - St. John Brebeuf High School

Screenagers is an award-winning film that probes into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games and academics. The film offers solutions on how we can help our kids navigate the digital world. Join the family group and our school communities for this special viewing opportunity! Parents, grandparents and all teens are welcome. Admission is by donation. Kindly rsvp by emailing [email protected]@[email protected] if you know you will attend, so we can anticipate numbers. Childcare is available for children ages 5 and up - please email [email protected]@[email protected] by October 22nd by October 22nd by October 22nd if you require childcare. For more information, visit screenagers.com/synopsis.screenagers.com/synopsis.screenagers.com/synopsis.


Project Advance is a diocesan-wide appeal which seeks to provide resources for both diocesan and individual parish needs.

A single Parish has no power or authority to redirect the funds. Donations are processed at the main Office. When our goal is reached, a rebate will be sent to each Parish, which may be used for various parish needs.

Thank you very much to the 195 families who already contributed! God bless you all! I also take advantage to motivate other St Ann’s families to participate. We are still low. It would be great if we all pitch in. Remember, no contribution is too low!

Welcome to St. Ann’s Parish Welcome to St. Ann’s Parish Welcome to St. Ann’s Parish

Our Vision Statement: Our Vision Statement: Our Vision Statement: to be a Christ-centered community of missionary disciples.

Our Mission Statement: Our Mission Statement: Our Mission Statement: to work and pray to be a

welcoming, Eucharistic community that spreads the good

news of Christ. We each strive to share our gifts within and

beyond the parish for the glory of God.


Mass Intentions for Mass Intentions for Mass Intentions for Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019

Monday 8:00am Boyd Morris, int.

Tuesday 7:00 pm Catherine Everett, int.

Wednesday 8:00am Lise O’Reilly, int. 7:00pm Aloysia Wensman, int.

Thursday 8:00am Iona Celien, int.

Friday 8:00am Mike & Angie Legal, int.

Saturday 9:00am Iris Wilson, int. 5:00pm Henry Jelinski, rip.

Sunday 8:00am Marven & Shirley Bushbuy, rip.

10:00am For all parishioners Noon Lucrezia & Antonietta, rip. 1:30pm Maria Fitzgerald, rip.

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time29th Sunday in Ordinary Time29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 20th, 2019October 20th, 2019October 20th, 2019

Feast Days & ReadingsFeast Days & ReadingsFeast Days & Readings Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019Oct 21st to Oct 27th, 2019


Romans 4:20-25; Luke 12:13-21

Tuesday Romans 5:12,15b,17-21; Luke 12:35-38

Wednesday Romans 6:12-18; Luke 12:39-48

Thursday Romans 6:19-23; Luke 12:49-53

Friday Romans 7:18-25a; Luke 12:54-59

Saturday Romans 8:1-11; Luke 13:1-9

Sunday–30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sirach 35:15-17, 20-22; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14


Sunday, November 3rd from 1:15Sunday, November 3rd from 1:15Sunday, November 3rd from 1:15---3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. at

Galaxy Bowl on Simon Avenue. Bowling & shoe

rental is free. RSVP to John Galay at 604-853-

0746 by October 31st. Limited space so

reserve early. Please bring a non

perishable food item for St. Vincent de

Paul Society. Sponsored by the Knights

of Columbus



into the Catholic Faith through the Sacrament of Baptism on Saturday, October 12th. Saturday, October 12th. Saturday, October 12th.

********* SCHOOL EVENTS:SCHOOL EVENTS:SCHOOL EVENTS: St. John Brebeuf's first of two School School School Fundraisers Fundraisers Fundraisers is coming up soon and we'd like to

invite all parishioners to attend. Our 3rd annual Trivia Night takes place Saturday, October 26th Saturday, October 26th Saturday, October 26th at SJB and is sure to be a fun night of head-scratching trivia, delicious food and great company. Dinner is at 6pm and trivia starts at 7pm7pm7pm. Tickets are $30 and are available on SJB's website or by calling the school office.


call. If you are someone, or know someone, with teaching or EA experience who would enjoy casual work, please contact the Acting Principal, Jeanine Sallos, at 604-792-7715 or [email protected]@[email protected]... Being a practicing Catholic is an asset, but not a requirement.



member would like a visit or to receive the sacraments while in the hospital or at home, please contact the Parish Office at 604-852-5602.

Dear Parishioner,

There will be a section for business ads in our Photo Directory. Let me respectfully propose having your business announced there. It may be done in three ways: a page for $500, half a page for $300 or quarter of a page for $150. If interested, please contact the Parish Office.


World Mission SundayWorld Mission SundayWorld Mission Sunday

Pope Pius XI began celebrating World Mission Sunday in 1926. Catholics throughout the world are invited to pray for and give to the missions.

I encourage you all, dear parishioners, to ignite your missionary spirt, a seed that was planted in our hearts on our baptismal day. It is also a great occasion to promote vocations and to support both spiritually and materially this Church’s pastoral mission.

Initiatives like this echo in us that Biblical Passage from Matthew: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. It is a call to Evangelization, that is, the teaching and witnessing of faith. May we all be vital instruments in bringing Jesus to people’s lives.

We all at times get caught up in the business of life that we let the seed of faith die or the passion of God’s Holy Spirit dry in us. By this celebration, may we all pray for Christians and communities that suffer persecution, as well as those areas where God’s Word has not arrived yet.



Oremus: Learn how to pray in the tradition of the Church and the saints! Thursday evenings 7Thursday evenings 7Thursday evenings 7---9 pm November 7 9 pm November 7 9 pm November 7 (8 weeks) at St. Ann’s Parish Centre. $20 for the course and workbook. Limited spots available for the small groups. Suitable for beginners to experts. We will learn how to pray when our lives are busy. What should we do with dryness? How can we discern God’s voice vs. other input. Email Jody [email protected]@[email protected]



Monday, October 21st starting at 9am Monday, October 21st starting at 9am Monday, October 21st starting at 9am in the Parish Centre in the Parish Centre in the Parish Centre Kitchen. 10 or more volunteers would help make it go faster. Kitchen. 10 or more volunteers would help make it go faster. Kitchen. 10 or more volunteers would help make it go faster. Please bring your rolling pin.


Paul II in September 1984. He celebrated Mass at the airport. To commemorate his visit come and share your experience on that day he was here, and watch the film “The Life and Teachings of Pope John Paul II and attend Mass. We gather in St. Monica’s lounge on Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday evening, October 22nd, 5:00pm sharing, 5:15 film and at 7:00pm evening, October 22nd, 5:00pm sharing, 5:15 film and at 7:00pm evening, October 22nd, 5:00pm sharing, 5:15 film and at 7:00pm Mass.Mass.Mass.


Life in the Spirit Seminar: Life in the Spirit Seminar: Life in the Spirit Seminar: Thursdays, 7:30Thursdays, 7:30Thursdays, 7:30---9:00pm9:00pm9:00pm in

the gym only for those who have already registered.

MMMASSASSASS will be celebrated at the Menno Hospital Chapel on

Friday, October 25th, 10:00 a.m.Friday, October 25th, 10:00 a.m.Friday, October 25th, 10:00 a.m.

K4JK4JK4J(KIDS FOR JESUS): (KIDS FOR JESUS): (KIDS FOR JESUS): Saturday, October 26th from 10:00am Saturday, October 26th from 10:00am Saturday, October 26th from 10:00am

to Noonto Noonto Noon in St. Joachim room.

MMMASSASSASS will be celebrated, Sunday, October 27th at 4:00 p.m. Sunday, October 27th at 4:00 p.m. Sunday, October 27th at 4:00 p.m. in

the Sacred Space at Abbotsford Regional Hospital.



Items requested for Items requested for Items requested for Basket RaffleBasket RaffleBasket Raffle: : : Please have your Please have your Please have your

donation items for basket raffle dropped off by donation items for basket raffle dropped off by donation items for basket raffle dropped off by

OCTOBER 21ST OCTOBER 21ST OCTOBER 21ST to the Parish Office.to the Parish Office.to the Parish Office.

SetSetSet---up up up of the tables will begin on Wednesday, October 30th at of the tables will begin on Wednesday, October 30th at of the tables will begin on Wednesday, October 30th at

7:45pm following PREP. Many hands make light work! Will 7:45pm following PREP. Many hands make light work! Will 7:45pm following PREP. Many hands make light work! Will

only take an hour or so depending on how many volunteers only take an hour or so depending on how many volunteers only take an hour or so depending on how many volunteers


Clean up Clean up Clean up is another big job. We begin right at 4pm. Again the is another big job. We begin right at 4pm. Again the is another big job. We begin right at 4pm. Again the

more help the quicker the job is done.more help the quicker the job is done.more help the quicker the job is done.

Sign-up Boards for Volunteers are set up in the Church &

Parish Centre foyers. Please be generous with your time.

Christmas Baking: Pick up containers for your cookies, tarts, muffins, cupcakes and squares at the Parish Office. Baking can be dropped off on Thursday or Friday (Oct. 31st or Nov. 1st).

For more information about the Christmas

Market, contact Juana

[email protected] or call / text

1-306-313-0664 or call the Parish Office.





Migrant dinner Fundraiser

INCOME: $6195

Ticket Sales-$5170 Bar income to come

Silent Auction: $850

Donation: $175


Food: $2037 $2927.00$2927.00$2927.00

Decorations: $379

Entertainment: $680

Misc.: $172

The annual Men’s Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius has only a few spots left. March 6March 6March 6---8, 2020 8, 2020 8, 2020 at the Abbey in Mission with the priests of Miles Christi. Contact Jody to register [email protected]@[email protected]

Page 2: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time C October 20th, 2019 · Sundayin St. Joachim room. 8:00am Marven & Shirley ushbuy, rip. 10:00am For all parishioners Noon Lucrezia & Antonietta, rip

Associate Pastor: Rev. Rosemond Sylvestre, C.S.

Pastor: Rev. Eduardo Quintero, C.S.

[email protected]

32555 Simon Ave. Abbotsford BC V2T 4Y2

St. Ann’s Parishworking together withSt. John Brebeuf School.

See what sets ourhigh school apart.


Call or email today for a tour.

[email protected]

Gianni Bittante, [email protected] www.stjohnbrebauf.ca

Baptisms usually take place on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at 11:15am. A baptism course is required for parents and Godparents. Registration is required. Teenagers & adults are asked to contact the RCIA coordinator.


[email protected] Committee Chairperson



Mike Cecil

Parish Office

Miercoles-Espanol 7:00pm~

SandraSingle RoseErin Pilla

If you are new in our parish, registration forms can be found on the table in front of the Sacristy when you enter from the outside doors. You may place your completed form in the collection basket at the weekend Masses or drop it off at the Parish Office. Donation envelopes will be left on that same table for the next weekend, if they are requested. Please join us for refreshments after the 8:00am & 10:00am Sunday Morning Masses in St. Joachim’s Room of the Parish Centre. Please notify the Parish Office if you are moving from the parish.

Please contact one of the priests through the Parish Office before making any plans for your wedding. We require at least 6 months advance notice before your wedding date, since a marriage preparation course & paperwork are required.

Please contact the Vocations Office at:rcav.org/vocations, or forScalabrinians at: [email protected]

Monday - Friday 20 min. before MassSaturdays 10:00am - 11:00am & 4:00pm - 4:35pm

John Clark

A Step AheadNursing Foot Care

Alexandra TopacioLicensed Practical Nurse, Foot Care Nurse

(604) 556-6172 [email protected]