299-302 Wishology Hour 3 Acts 1-4 ABS 4 22 09

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The Fairly Oddparents script / teleplay / screenplay Created by Butch Hartman A Frederator Studios/Nickelodeon Production

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A Star Wars-like title crawl heads to infinity: "Wishology: Episode III. When we last left Timmy Turner he jumped into the Darkness. Okay! Now let's move on with the story..."

PAN DOWN from the star field as the sky turns to morning light and we settle on TIMMY'S HOUSE.


TIMMY is <SNORING> away and talking in his sleep.


He wakes up with a <SNORT> and a jolt. HIS FAIRIES poof in.

WANDALook Cosmo, Timmy's okay!

COSMOLet's celebrate!

Poof! Cosmo wishes up a huge party. Big speakers <THUMP!> A DISCO BALL shines, a DJ spins, ABE LINCOLN dances (Britney Britney, Pink Elephants, etc.). Wanda covers Poof's ears.


Cosmo poofs away the party.

TIMMYCosmo, Wanda, Poof! I just had an awesome dream! I was on some blue moon with my friends, parents and you guys, and I kissed Trixie and jumped into the Darkness. And I kissed Trixie. Good dream.

WANDAThat wasn't a dream, Timmy! You did jump into the Darkness and defeated it once and for all.

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TIMMYI defeated the Darkness? But I don't remember anything after kissing Trixie. I did kiss Trixie, didn't I?

COSMOI'll say! A big squishy one! It was kinda gross.

WANDAThen you jumped into the Darkness and your Chosen One powers caused it to explode.

COSMOOr maybe it was your body odor. Here, I'll show you.

Cosmo sniffs Timmy's pits and then <EXPLODES HIMSELF!>

(NOTE: Throughout this scene there are small pzzaps and skips with characters and props that are not Timmy. It's not too noticeable. Timmy doesn't really pick up on anything.)

WANDAEither way, you're a hero, Timmy! Jorgen erased everyone's memory, and the universe is back to normal.

TIMMYAnd that's how I want it. "Normal." No more magic. No more super action double danger super wishes.

COSMOHa ha! I get it! A little Chosen One humor. Good one. But seriously - what is your next super action wish -- king of your own ape island?!

POOF! Timmy's room is now A JUNGLE FILLED APE ISLAND with APES. An ape <PUMMELS> Timmy into his bed.

COSMO (CONT'D)Too bumpin'?

Wanda poofs it all away.

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TIMMYNo. I'm serious! Guys, after this whole adventure all I want is a typical normal day. Where evil robots don't try and eliminate me when someone shouts TIMMY TURNER!

Timmy jumps under the bed and peeks out. Nothing.

WANDAYour wish is our command!

Timmy jumps out from under the bed.

TIMMYI wish I had the most normal day ever!

"Normal" Poof to -


Timmy busts in the door.

TIMMYNow I'm looking forward to a nice normal breakfast from my Mom.

Mom turns from the stove - she looks horrifyingly tired.



Cosmo, Wanda and Poof, as SALT/PEPPER/NAPKIN HOLDERS, all react. Mom shuffles to the MICROWAVE.

COSMOWell, that's what your Mom "normally" looks like in the morning.

WANDAYou had an automatic 7AM "Maternal Make-Over Wish" wish because you're mom is not a morning person.

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Mom places a steaming pile of GOD KNOWS WHAT on the table.

MOMSlarbar, blobbin...

Cosmo smells it and <EXPLODES!>

WANDAWant some eggs and sausage, Sweetie? Just say the word.

TIMMYNope. I can do this. I love my "normal" day.

Timmy scoops up some of the bile and <EATS.>

TIMMY (CONT'D)(through gritted teeth)

Mmm... normal.

DAD (O.S.)Oh Timmy!

Dad barges in. He waves TWO GOLDEN TICKETS in the air.

DAD (CONT'D)Guess what?! I just got two golden tickets for the Father/Son Crimson Chin convention!


(realizing, to Wanda)Wait a minute, this is normal Dad, right?

DADBut you have school today, so your Mom and I are going to have a blast without you!

(sees Mom; girlish scream)Ahhhhhh!

(back to Timmy)Meanwhile you'll need somebody to watch you until the bus gets here.

TIMMY(scared) Oh no.

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He opens the door. VICKY arrives and Mom and Dad exit.

VICKYReady to play dodge ball, Twerp! I couldn't find a ball, so we'll play with these flesh eating wolverines!

Vicky holds out TWO WOLVERINES and <LAUGHS!>


Timmy is a scarred, chewed up mess with two wolverines still stuck to his butt and upper arm. KIDS point and <LAUGH!>

Timmy opens his locker. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof are a book, a ruler and a purple baseball.

WANDAHad enough "normal?"

TIMMYNope. I'm loving it! 'Cuz nurturing two wolverines on my body and getting laughed at at school is still better than battling the Darkness.

Timmy closes his locker and sees an angry FRANCIS.

TIMMY (CONT'D)(nervous) Francis...hey.

KAPOW! Timmy is punched o.s.

<AHHHH!> CRASH! Timmy hits a LOCKER next to TRIXIE.

TIMMY (CONT'D)(flirty) Trixie, heeeeyy. You don't perchance remember a sweet lip lock with me on a Blue Moon in space, do you?

TRIXIEHelp! Police!

She runs away.


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That would be a no.

Timmy turns. He bumps into Francis, who punches him. Timmy lands in -


WHAM! Timmy lands in a chair. It locks on his arms and ankles. CROCKER turns - is he a dentist with a drill? Close.

CROCKERTurner! I've completed my on-line tattoo diploma! Now I can give you F's that only LASER SURGERY CAN REMOVE! Ah-hahahaha!!!

He fires up his INK DRILL.


Timmy sits alone, with "F's" tattooed all over him, and wolverines still growling and attached. PULL WIDE to see nobody is sitting next to him in. ON: Timmy's lunch - it poofs into Cosmo (jell-o), Poof (cookie) and Wanda (milk).


TIMMYNo...still loving my non-Darkness filled normal day.

Francis arrives and punches Timmy o.s.


<AAAAAHHH!> WHAM! Timmy hits a TREE upside down. POOF! Our fairy squirrels arrive.

TIMMYI GIVE UP! Forget normal. I was wrong - waaaay wrong. I wanna start this day over. I don't want the most normal day ever. I wish I had the best day ever!


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Now that's more like it!

PZZAP! Wanda and Cosmo raise their wands. POOF!

SFX: REWIND - we run backwards at hyperspeed through much of what we've just seen and end up back in Timmy's bedroom.


We join the first scene already in progress. Timmy sleeps.

TIMMYDarkness...Francis...F-tats. Gah!

Timmy jumps out of bed and sees a WATER SLIDE in his room.

TIMMY (CONT'D)Water slide! Cooool.

WANDAWelcome Timmy to your best day ever!

COSMOI don't think you'll ever want to leave it! L...l...leave it.

PZZAP! Cosmo skips a little bit? Timmy jumps down the slide!



The water slide ends in the kitchen flinging Timmy into the air and into his chair. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof poof up as hair dryers and blow Timmy dry.

Mom turns around and she's GORGEOUS.

MOMGood morning, best son ever!

Mom leans in, places a plate of TIMMY SHAPED WAFFLES, EGGS, BACON, a MILK SHAKE and CUPCAKES in front of him.

MOM (CONT'D)And here's the best breakfast ever!

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POOF! Cosmo, Wanda and Poof are the CUPCAKES.

TIMMYOh, Timmy like!

BOOM! Dad arrives holding TWO GOLDEN TICKETS.

DAD (O.S.)Oh Timmy! I've got two tickets to the Father/Son Crimson Chin convention!


DADAnd why go to the convention when you can have the convention come to you?!

Dad pulls out a REMOTE, presses it and the kitchen becomes a COMIC BOOK CONVENTION with CHIN COMICS and GOODIES galore.

TIMMYAwesome! This is the best day ever!

<BAM!> The door is kicked open by VICKY! She's holding two wolverines!

VICKYNot for long, 'cuz it's time to play wolverine ball!

Vicky whips her wolverines at Timmy but a TRAMPOLINE rises in front of him from the table and <BOING> the wolverines head back at Vicky. They knock her out the door.

VICKY (O.S.) (CONT'D)Ahhh! Flesh eating Wolverines hurt!


Timmy walks to school and smiles. KIDS love him.

KID WALLAHey Timmy!/Looking good!

Timmy runs into Francis. Beat.

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TIMMY(nervous) Francis...hey...

Francis winds up to punch but <WHAPING!> A SAFE falls from the sky <CRUSHING HIM!>

Timmy opens his locker and Trixie pops out of it!

TRIXIEHi best boyfriend ever! I moved in! I'll always be with you Timmy!

She hugs Timmy. Timmy smiles. PUSH IN.


PULL OUT as Crocker finishes tattoo'ing the same picture of Timmy on Trixie's arm.

CROCKERNow get outta here you kooky love birds before something falls on me from the sky!

WHAM! Francis falls from the sky and hits Crocker. Timmy looks at his FAIRY PENCILS in his pocket.

WANDAWait. There's more.

WHAM! A GIANT CRATE OF "IMPORTED WOLVERINES" lands next to them. The door opens. The wolverines <GROWL!>


Crocker and Francis run away as the wolverines chase.

TRIXIEAnd now for the best musical number ever!


INSERT MUSICAL PRODUCTION NUMBER HERE. It's "Best Wish Ever" song that crescendoes like the Lion King's "Can't wait to be king" with

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Timmy and Trixie lifted high above the playground on top of an animal pyramid (happy wolverines in the last layer). Cosmo, Wanda and Poof doves flutter above them.

TRIXIEThis is the part in the song when we kiss.

TIMMYI love this part!

Trixie puckers up. Timmy puckers up. They move in for a kiss and KABLAM! Just before their lips meet, three ELIMINATOR WARRIORS crash the party on HOVER CHOPPERS! Trixie is startled and they fall off the animal pyramid.

<AAAAHHHH-OOF!> Timmy hits the ground hard. ANIMALS run for cover. It's chaos. Timmy looks at his bird fairies.

TIMMY (CONT'D)Uh, guys? I never wished for ELIMINATORS!

Cosmo, Wanda and Poof poof normal.

WANDABut Timmy. Neither did we!

The Eliminators pull out BLASTERS and aim!

ELIMINATORGet the Chosen One.

Timmy grabs two wolverines and Jedi flips in front of our dark intruders.

TIMMYThat's right, I'm the Chosen One, who is in the middle of his best day ever and already defeated the mighty Darkness twice and I'll do it again.

ELIMINATORTimmy Turner, you did not defeat the Darkness....

Eliminator #1 takes off his HELMET to reveal IT'S JORGEN!!


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...you're in the Darkness!

The other two Eliminators take off their HELMETS. It's COSMO and WANDA!!! POOF pops up from behind Wanda. He's in a BACKPACK.

COSMO/WANDA/POOFHi, Timmy!!!/Poof!

THE CAMERA does a classic "Hitchcockian" PUSH IN/PULL OUT on Timmy's face. He turns and looks at the other Cosmo, Wanda and Poof. PZZAP! They short out a little.

WANDADon't believe them...d'd'don't believe them Timmy.

POW! Jorgen, Cosmo and Wanda blast the Cosmo, Wanda and Poof doves with a magic blast.

JORGENTurner! This is all an illusion designed to keep you distracted so you won't fulfill your Chosen One duties and destroy the Darkness once and for all!

TIMMYNo. It's not true. I've been in Dimmsdale having the best day ever. And I was about to kiss Trixie!

Suddenly the scene PZZAPS and begins to short out. Timmy looks and sees Trixie morph into THE LEAD ELIMINATOR (LE).

TIMMY (CONT'D)Oh, I'm really glad I didn't kiss Trixie.



Jorgen grabs Timmy and WHOOSH! Jorgen, Cosmo and Wanda zoom away. Francis and other kids transform into Eliminators.

ELIMINATORSThe Chosen One must not escape.

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They transform into HOVER-CRAFTS and pursue.

ON TIMMY AND JORGEN - speeding through the streets. The world around them suddenly flickers and the Dimmsdale background goes away and becomes A DARK RED PULSATING VORTEX.

TIMMYWhat's going on? Where are we?!

JORGENYou have been taken to the heart of the Darkness, and I'm getting you out!

Jorgen revs the bike and they zoom upwards into the sky! The red background gradually becomes black.

THE GROUP OF ELIMINATORS suddenly catches up with them.

LEAD ELIMINATORTimmy Turner must stay!!

ON THE SPINNING DARKNESS - its colors reversed from Hour 2 - it's light on the inside and dark on the outside. But now it starts to close.

COSMOHurry up! The portal is closing.

The Eliminators all morph their arms into WEAPONS. The gang heads for the exit, but the Darkness starts closing. Here come the Eliminators.

JORGENHang on to your chosen butt as I hit warp speed!

Jorgen, Cosmo and Wanda press buttons marked LIGHT SPEED and <PZZAP!> Their bikes zoom out of the tiniest of holes in the Darkness.


REVERSE ANGLE ON REAL SPACE: WHOOOSH! The fairy hover bikes zoom out. Fire streaks through the sky and into infinity. Beat. Our heroes are gone! Whoosh! The Darkness opens again and Lead Eliminator exits with his minions. LE stops as he sees the flickering trail of Timmy's escape.

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Get Timmy Turner.

LEAD ELIMINATORWhy? So you can keep him close to your heart and expose your one weakness?

DARKNESSDo not question your creator.

LEAD ELIMINATORThe Chosen One is not to be played with. He is to be eliminated or he will destroy us all. And if you won't destroy him, I will.

DARKNESSReturn to me now. Do as I say.

The wind starts whipping. The Darkness tries to suck LE back.

LEAD ELIMINATORYou are being foolish. I will not return! You cannot make me!

He forms mega blasters on his arms and blasts at the Darkness. The black hole <SCREECHES AND REACTS TO THE PAIN!>

LEAD ELIMINATOR (CONT'D)Timmy Turner must be eliminated!

Suddenly a PLASMA BLAST shoots out of the Darkness and KAPOW! The Lead Eliminator is blasted into A MILLION PIECES! They sparkle and float off into space. ON: Eliminator's #1 and #2.

DARKNESSTimmy Turner is not to be Eliminated.

ELIMINATOR #1No, no - we're cool.

ELIMINATOR #2Totally clear.

DARKNESSSearch every planet in the galaxy and find Timmy Turner.

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The Darkness opens up wider and dozens of ELIMINATORS soar out from the it and scatter into space.

ELIMINATORSFind Timmy Turner./Find Timmy Turner./Find Timmy Turner...


PAZHOOM! Timmy and his fairies arrive through a portal. Timmy hops off. Everyone's faces are stretched from the warp speed.

TIMMYI wish our faces were normal.

POOF! Everyone is normal. Timmy remains surprisingly calm.

TIMMY (CONT'D)So. I never destroyed the Darkness; I was inside it living a fantasy.


TIMMYAnd now that I'm out it's probably going to come back to get me.

COSMOI'd put money on that.

(to Wanda)Can I borrow some money?

TIMMYAnd we're off to the Timmy cave, where my army is assembled and ready to battle the Darkness.


Jorgen pulls on the mailbox and they fall into a steep slide.


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The rest of Timmy's pals are there manning the WAR ROOM: CHESTER, AJ, TRIXIE, DARK LASER, VICKY, MARK, MOM, DAD and Crocker.

ALLWelcome back Timmy!

CHESTERThanks for saving us dude.

DARK LASERWe stand beside you in your quest to defeat the Darkness. Isn't that right Flipsie?

(FLIPS - then laughs)WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?

Trixie arrives on her UNICORN.

TRIXIETimmy! I knew we'd be together again...

Timmy puckers up and leans in for a kiss but...

DAD (O.S.)Timmy!

Dad picks him up and takes the kiss.

MOMThere's nothing wrong with giving your dad a man smooch, and we're glad to see you're safe, Chosen Son!

Mom hugs and holds Timmy.

TIMMYMom, If you could gimme a second...

Timmy gets out of the hug and goes to kiss Trixie, but Mark steps in - SMOOCH!

MARK CHANGNice man-smooch, but dude we have a lot of work to do - like you must help me get my planet back!


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And help us free Fairyworld from the Eliminators and oh, yeah, stop the Darkness!

TIMMYAnd that's what we're gonna do. Together. AJ, status report.


AJNo sign of the Darkness in our galaxy yet. Just a harmless meteor shower.

ON THE MONITOR: we see a METEOR SHOWER heading toward Earth.

TIMMYGood. This will give us time to prepare, because nothing is going to stop us from stopping the Darkness.


LE is the meteor shower and the flaming meteor parts land in the water. They FIZZLE and release steam. The water bubbles and bubbles, and then LE rises from the water. He cracks his neck. <MUSIC SWELLS> as he walks toward camera.



Act II


In the distance, it's all dark on the white frozen planet (think Hoth). WHOOSH - the Darkness appears.

DARKNESSWhere's Timmy Turner?


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Eliminators #5 & #6 land on the Blue Moon. In the distance we see the SECOND WAND in its CRYSTAL SCABBARD. #5 scans the area with a scanner.

ELIMINATOR #1The Chosen One has not returned to the Blue Moon of Vegon.

They zoom away.


BARBED WIRE surrounds the area, and all the color has been removed from it. ELIMINATORS #7 and #8 scan the area. CLOSE ON THE WHITE WAND GUITAR being held by the TIMMY STATUE. It's now gray and war-torn.

ELIMINATOR #7He has not returned to Fairyworld.

ELIMINATOR #8Which is still totally under our control.

PAN OVER to see FAIRIES, dressed in drab black and white striped outfits. They march through Fairy World by the Eliminators, chanting (like the monkey army in Wizard of Oz).

ALL FAIRIESOh-wee-oh - yoh-oh....


CUPIDBoy this song is really depressing!

BINKYEverything's depressing since the Eliminators took over and shredded our wands.

ON: Eliminators. They shred the last of the wands.

JUANDISSIMOYes, but there is one good thing to come out of all of this.


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That nothing can crush our fairy spirit?

JUANDISSIMONo. The fact that this poly-cotton blend cannot conceal my hotness.

BOINK! His striped shirt rips open.


Two scanners lie discarded in the sand. PAN TO: Eliminator #1 and #2 sunning themselves under a palm tree sipping DRINKS.

ELIMINATOR #1We have not located the Chosen One on Earth yet -

ELIMINATOR #2But we are looking hard.


Timmy marches through the war room like a leader.

TIMMYOkay, as Chosen One I'm open to all ideas on how to stop the Darkness. But first....

Timmy zips next to Trixie on her unicorn. Timmy closes his eyes and goes in for a kiss, but the unicorn lifts its head and Timmy kisses the unicorn.

TIMMY (CONT'D)Okay. I'm gonna put getting that kiss on hold for a while. Now, we have to focus, get tough and get on our battle cry.

EVERYONE (O.S.)Goochy-goochy-gooo..

TIMMYNot the best cry guys.

ON: the gang. They are all watching Poof smile. He's in a CRIB looking up and smiling.

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WANDAOh, Timmy, Poof just woke up from his nap smiling.

CROCKERAh, Is there anything more joyous than the sweet semi-circle located right below a child's nose.

VICKYIf I was baby sitting that kid, I would never sic flesh eating wolverines on it.

TIMMYGuys, we have to defeat the large spinning portal of death.


They turn and <AWWWWW.>

DARK LASERThat kid's smile is even cuter than Flipsie!

(Flipsie flips)He is too. Look at that smile!

AJ jumps in the COMMAND CHAIR. We see the locations of the first two wands. A Timmy Statue holds the first white wand, and the second wand stands lonely on the Blue Moon of Vegon.

AJOkay if you recall, the white wand blasted the Darkness with white fire but it came back, and the second wand just puffed a big wind and did nothing...


JORGENThat's all we got.

Timmy <SLAPS> his head.


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WANDAEasy Timmy because this time we're going to stay right by your side...

COSMO...so you always have magic with you to help stop the Darkness!

POOF! Cosmo, Wanda and Poof poof on Timmy as his pink Wanda HAT (only bigger), a Cosmo BACKPACK and a Poof PINWHEEL. Suddenly CRASH! Lead Eliminator drops into the Timmy cave.

LEAD ELIMINATORBut it is I who will destroy the Darkness after I finally destroy you and your pathetic army, Timmy Turner.

JORGENThink again metal mouth!

Jorgen raises his wand...

TIMMYNo, Jorgen don't because....

Lead Eliminator uses his vortex mouth and sucks up the wand.

TIMMY (CONT'D)(bummed) ...they capture any weapon used against them...

Suddenly the Lead Eliminator's hands transform into wands.

TIMMY (CONT'D)And use it against us.

JORGENEven with your new power, I am not afraid of you.

POOF! LE poofs a giant ICBM MISSILE onto Jorgen's back.

JORGEN (CONT'D)Okay, maybe a little afraid.

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ZOOOM! Jorgen blasts off and is gone.

CROCKEROh this is bad 'cuz he's bad and now he has fairy powers, and this is not going to end well.

Lead Eliminator magic blasts most of Timmy's army: Mom, Dad, Vicky, Crocker, DL, Chester, AJ, and Trixie are gone.


LE turns to Timmy.

LEAD ELIMINATORYour army is eliminated. That just leaves you and the Darkness on my "things to Eliminate" list.

Lead Eliminator points the wand at Timmy (but remember, Timmy's wearing Cosmo and Wanda).

TIMMYI wish I was outta here!

POOF! Timmy's gone!

LEAD ELIMINATORMan that kid's hard to destroy!

(looks at wand hands)But, let's see what else these babies can do.


CRASH! LE blasts from the mailbox hole and lands with a SLAM on the ground. His arms transform into METAL DETECTORS that BEEP.

LEAD ELIMINATOR Destroy Timmy Turner.

He stomps down the road following the signal from his hands.


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Poof! Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof arrive at the mall. (They are still in disguise mode).

TIMMYWe're at the mall?

COSMOWell, you didn't say where you wanted go, and who doesn't love the mall? There's slacks, snacks, the TV Shack.

In the window of "TV SHACK," we see footage of the Lead Eliminator walking through town (think Terminator), destroying it and blasting cars out of the way.

CHETThis is Chet U. Bethca saying a magic alien space robot is attacking Dimmsdale! And even though the world is in a panic...

QUICK CUT TO: Shot of PEOPLE screaming in a panic. Chyron reads: "World in a panic!"

PEOPLEAhhhh! We're in a panic!


CHET...the Military Extraterrestrial Research facility assures us it's nothing to worry about.

CUT TO - Talking heads of MERF AGENTS #1 AND #2.

AGENT #1There's nothing to be worried about. The robot is just a...

AGENT #2 ...street sweeper.

Behind them PEOPLE <RUN AND SCREAM!> LE walks through frame. Blasting cars away.

AGENT #1Ooh, good one.

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AGENT #2Yes it's a new "hi-tech" street sweeper - But MERF is quickly assembling a task force to come up with better lies. Bye.

They dash out of frame. BACK ON: Chet.

CHETWell whatever that thing is...this is Chet U. Betcha saying if you're near the mall, get ready to be street sweeped to your doom!

BACK ON - Timmy with a nervous look on his face.

TIMMYDid he say - mall?

PZZZAP! The mall disappears leaving Timmy feeling exposed. The Lead Eliminator lands.

LE holds out his metal detector arms. They <beep super fast> - he's found his target.

LEAD ELIMINATORGuess who wished up a Timmy Turner Tracker? I love having magic.

WHOOSH! His Timmy Trackers transform back into hands.

TIMMYYeah, but I defeated you once before and I'll defeat you again with my mighty Chosen One hand shake of death!

Timmy jumps up and shakes his hand. Nothing. He shakes again.

TIMMY (CONT'D)I'm shaking your hand. It's the hand shake of death. And you're not exploding. WHY NO YOU GO BOOM?!

The Eliminator flings Timmy off - <SPLAT!> Timmy lands hard on the ground knocking off Cosmo, Wanda and Poof who transform into their normal selves when they hit the floor.


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That may have worked when I was controlled by the Darkness, but now I control myself. With even more awesome power!

LE's hands transform into wands. He aims them at Timmy.

COSMOThat's it! You hurt my baby, my wife and my god-child and most importantly me! You have awakened a giant, my friend! So face my awesome powers!

POOF! Cosmo poofs into a 20 FT BRIGHT GREEN GODZILLA!

COSMO (CONT'D)I can wish myself into Cos-zilla! Or...taste the destructive might of the mighty Cosmo-Bot!

SLAM! Cosmo smashes down the Lead Eliminator. He's crushed like a tin can, except for the two wand hands sticking up.

WANDAIs it me, or is that kinda hot?

COSMOAnd two wands? That's nothing! The mighty Cosmo-bot can wish up a million wands!

POOF! Cosmo is covered in wands! He's on a roll.

COSMO (CONT'D)And you make one mall disappear. Ha! I can make a million wands disappear.

POOF! All the wands are gone. Cosmo shrinks back to normal, next to Wanda. Wanda's wand is gone too.

COSMO (CONT'D)Wow, that could be my biggest screw up ever.

Wanda <SMASHES COSMO> like a tin can.


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POOF! The Lead Eliminator rises again from his crushed state.

TIMMYMan, I hate being the Chosen One.

LEAD ELIMINATORI know I've said this before, and frankly I'm getting tired of saying it but - finally - I will eliminate the Chosen One.

His wands glow strong and...KAPOW! Lead Eliminator is blasted backward! He crashes into a building.


Timmy looks behind him.

DOWN THE ROAD stands MERF with a complete MOBILE ARMY arsenal behind them (tons of Rockets, Mobile Missile Trucks, Tanks, etc.). MERF Agent #2 talks into a mega-phone.

MERF #2Okay Alien street sweeper thing. Taste the destructive might of MERF!

MERF #1Ready, Aim...

Timmy runs in.


MERF #2(angry)

Well, well if it isn't Timmy Turner. (not angry)

Okay, now stand back. We have to destroy this thing.

Lead Eliminator shakes off the rubble and rises.

TIMMYBut if you blast him, he'll just absorb the weapons and use them against you!


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You're saying that thing is a sentient being that converts any negative stimuli it encounters into its own destructive conscription?

TIMMYUm, yes?

AGENT #2What do you know? You're just a stupid kid. We're totally cool top secret agents with a totally cool Escape Probe in case this goes horribly wrong.

He holds up the KEYS to the Escape Probe. The ESCAPE PROBE is next to them.

AGENT #1But it won't 'cuz we're gonna launch every weapon, missile and kitchen sink we've built since 1952 and blast it back to wherever it came from.


AGENT #2We call it "Operation: Blow that thing up." It's gonna be awesome.

Agent #2 starts eating POPCORN.

TIMMYI'm telling you, you can't fire.

AGENT #1Fire!

Agent #1 presses a BUTTON and the bombs and missiles fly at the Lead Eliminator. It's a blitz!

Lead Eliminator opens his mouth wide and sucks in all the weapons. LE begins to shake. Electric sparks fly inside LE.

AGENT #1 (CONT'D)Okay, here comes the blowy-uppy part.

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<SWALLOW!> Then LE begins to morph and grow into a gigantic DESTRUCTONATOR! Missile legs, truck parts for arms and tanks for feet, etc. He grows like a big ol' Transformer - 50 ft tall. Agent #1 and #2 look up. Agent #2 drops his popcorn.

AGENT #2Huh. The kid was right.

AGENT #1We should probably get to the Escape Probe - and where are the keys?

They turn and Timmy is already inside the MERF escape probe. Timmy smiles and waves. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof are in it. Agents #1 and #2 bang on the glass.

AGENT #2No fair! No fair!


Timmy's in the pilot seat.

WANDATimmy what are you doing?

ON: the Giant Eliminator. His hands transform into the Timmy Trackers. They BEEP and he turns.

LE POV - Timmy is located in its Terminator-like eyesight.


He starts taking giant loud steps toward the escape probe. The BEEPS are getting quicker and louder.

TIMMYI call this "Operation: Save Our Butts!"

Timmy hits a LAUNCH BUTTON. WHOOSH! Timmy zooms away and right between LE's legs. LE turns and his Timmy Tracker <starts beeping slower and slower then doesn't beep.>

LEAD ELIMINATORHA! The Chosen One has fled your world allowing it to become MY WORLD!

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Lead Eliminator forms his wand hands, holds them up then shoves them into the ground. Suddenly the ground starts turning metallic and robotic. It spreads out in a circle. The street and trees become shiny metal.

AGENT #1 Okay, time for "Operation: Run!"

All the agents and soldiers run, but the metal virus catches them and turns them into robots too!

ROBO-AGENT #2We are at your command, oh great street sweeper of doom.



WHOOSH! The metal virus sweeps down Timmy's street. Beat.


Eliminators #1 and #2 are still relaxing on the beach, but a giant metal wave is coming toward them.

ELIMINATOR #1I hear Fairyworld is nice this time o' year.

ELIMINATOR #2Let's go.

WHOOSH! They take off and the metal wave splashes down. The beach is metal. SPLAT! Finally, Jorgen lands from his rocket excursion just missing the metal wave so he's not turned into a robot.

JORGENThat is what I call heavy metal. And where are you, Chosen One?


The metal finishes covering the Earth - turning it into a Lead Eliminator world (even his face appears on the planet).

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CLOSE ON: Timmy.


WANDATimmy, there's no going back...

COSMOAnd there's no going forward! Oh wait, yes there is. But we don't have wands.

Poof gives Timmy a hug and a smile.


TIMMYDon't worry, there's still magic left in the universe!

WANDAYou mean the magic of a warm friendly smile?

TIMMYEh, no. Operation "Get the wand on the Blue Moon of Vegon" is under way!

Poof smiles and looks at Timmy.

TIMMY (CONT'D)But Poof's smile is pretty magical.

Timmy types in "Vegon system." Timmy punches a THRUST BUTTON.


WHOOSH! The MERF PROBE shoots across space and warps into a LIGHT SPEED PORTAL.


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ON: a frozen planet. BOOM! BOOM! Two eliminators land, and their scanners <bleep and blip.> They talk into wrist-coms.

ELIMINATOR #9No sign of Timmy Turner on the Iced Planet of Hoth.


The Darkness spins in the voice of space.

DARKNESSWhere are you Timmy?


Suddenly...<CRASH!> The MERF Probe crashes. The door plops open and our heroes roll out dazed and confused.

WANDAGreat landing, Tex.

TIMMYHey I'm the Chosen One not a pilot!

COSMOBut look! Magic....

ON: the Second Wand still stuck in the crystal scabbard.

TIMMYAnd here's the plan: we're gonna grab that wand, head back to Earth, use it's magic to crush the Destructonator and then show the Darkness the way to the lightness.

VOICE (O.S.)The plan won't work...

The gang turns. Suddenly out of the shadows of a ridge comes TURBO THUNDER. He's a bit beaten down by the elements.

TURBO THUNDERThat's not what that wand is for.

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TURBO THUNDERAnd if you want to know it's true purpose, we must work together.

TIMMYWell Forget it. You had your chance and you left me on Thunder World to get sucked up by the Darkness! So stand back - I'm taking this puppy with me!

Timmy grabs the shaft of the wand and pulls - <HUMPH!>

TIMMY (CONT'D)It won't budge.

TURBO THUNDERIt's not supposed to budge; it's supposed to light our way.

Turbo Thunder takes Timmy's hand off the wand.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)Being on this moon with nobody to talk to but that rock over there -

ON A ROCK: it looks like WILSON from "Castaway."

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)-- gave me time to think about humility, honor, lunch and how that stupid wand works - and I realize it doesn't work for me.

He grabs Timmy, walks away from the wand and places him on two "T's" in front of the wand.

TIMMYWhat's with the two T's?

The two "T's" sink slightly into the ground. The ground <RUMBLES!>

TURBO THUNDERDon't question - just smile.

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We see the dark side of the moon rotate to the light side of the moon.


Suddenly the moon starts to turn and the glowing beginnings of a sunrise appear on the rocky horizon.

WANDAThe sun is rising! The dark side of the moon is becoming light!

It gets brighter. ON TIMMY: his face is getting brighter. His eyes get wider. Suddenly...

ON the horizon a bright ray of sunlight bursts through a crevasse in the rock.

ON TIMMY: The beam shines off his buck teeth and back at the wand. Suddenly the Star Crater lowers like a platform elevator (the wand remains outside like a big flag pole).

COSMOAhh we're moving! I hope this is a good thing!

ON TIMMY: he stands next to Turbo Thunder. TT puts a hand on Timmy's shoulder as a yellow glow comes over Timmy.

REVERSE ON: the crater lowers into an Oz type wonderland with FAIRY WAND FIELDS, LUSH FORESTS, VINES and a TRAINING DOME. Birds fly and streams gurgle. It's paradise.

WANDAOh it's a very good thing.

Turbo Thunder points Timmy toward a ROCK WALL. It's a wall not unlike the cave prophecy. It has some VINES on it. We see a CAVE DRAWING of the Chosen One standing in the middle of a triangle formation of THREE WANDS. The first Guitar wand, the second Blue Wand and now a crystal-like wand.

TIMMYI have to find another wand!

Push into the image of TT in the middle of the three wands.

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Timmy looks at the new prophecy.


TURBO THUNDER And you have to find it. Because seeing your teeth open the cave, I realize now I have been replaced as the Chosen One.

Cosmo rolls in the FIELD OF WANDS and grabs one.

COSMOBut look, there's thousands of wands. We're magical again! I have awesome powers again. Stand back!

With an explosive POOF - Cosmo poofs up - AN ICE CREAM SANDWICH.

WANDAAn ice cream sandwich?

Cosmo grabs and eats.

COSMOYeah, you want one?

WANDAGimme that.

Wanda grabs the wand from Cosmo and POOF! She poofs away all the ivy from the wall revealing THE FINAL PROPHECY.

TURBO THUNDERIt's the final prophecy.

MYSTIC WORDS are scribbled on the wall. It reads...


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"To end the dark with the power thrice - the last wand lies inside Earth's ice."

ON: the drawing. The first wand has flames, the second spins with wind and the Ice Wand is below the drawing of Timmy.

TURBO THUNDERThe Ice Wand completes the magic triad, and when combined with the White Fire Wand on Fairy World and the Wind Wand here on Vegon...

ON THE WALL: we see a drawing of the three wands blasting their magic together into the Darkness.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)It will emit a gazillion mega-ton burst of magic that will destroy the Darkness, ridding it from the universe forever.

TIMMYGreat. But how do we find a wand "in the ice," when the Earth is covered in metal?!

ON THE WALL: we see cryptic drawings of Turbo Thunder and Timmy (smaller than TT) together for the first time.

TURBO THUNDERBecause I'm going to train you Timmy, then we will head back to Earth, and...what do you mean the Earth is covered in metal? It doesn't show that here. Do you see metal Earth on the wall!?

Suddenly the cave prophecy glows and burns with the image of the Destructonator/Earth with his face on it.

TIMMYThe Prophecy changes!

TURBO THUNDERLooks that way. So we must change. "Operation: Train Timmy to defeat the Robot Dude then Melt the Metal of Earth, (inhales) So We Can Find the Ice Wand to

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COSMOAnd if it means saving the universe, I, Cosmo, will eat every ice cream sandwich in the world to find the final wand.

He poofs up a ton of ICE CREAM SANDWICHES and unwraps one.

WANDAIt says the wand is hidden in "ice" not ice cream sandwich.

COSMOYes it does. Seeeeee, it changed...

ON THE WALL - We see scribbled "...crem sammich" after "ice."

WANDAYou just wrote that. And you spelled it wrong.

Cosmo is caught CHALK handed.

COSMOOkay, busted, but I'll never give up my ice crem sammiches!

POOF! Cosmo dives into a PILE OF ICE CREAM SANDWICHES. Turbo Thunder puts his arm around Timmy.

TURBO THUNDERI can see why you were mistaken for me as the Chosen One, Timmy. You and I have a lot in common. My world, like yours, was destroyed by the Darkness.

WANDAYou want me to wish you up some wavy lines?

TURBO THUNDERThat would be great.


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It's a great big Earth meets Fairy World type world.

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.)I was just a boy loving life on my home planet of WonderWorld.

PEOPLE float, run and frolic. We find a YOUNG TURBO THUNDER in the park with his PARENTS (MOM & DAD).

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)It was a magical place full of wonders not unlike your Fairy World. We had powers, some strong, some not so strong.

Turbo Thunder's Dad lights the PICNIC CANDLE with a small thunder pit.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)It was a peaceful life, until the day...the Darkness arrived.

Turbo Thunder narrates his parents dialogue. Dad points up at the Darkness. It arrives on the horizon.

TURBO THUNDER (AS DAD) (CONT'D)What is that? It's dark and scary.

TURBO THUNDER (AS MOM) (CONT'D)It must want to eat us!

Suddenly BOMBS AND MISSILES from the side of the screen shoot up toward the Darkness. Kaboom! Kapow! Kawow!

TURBO THUNDER (AS DAD) (CONT'D)Thank goodness our wondrous planet is blasting the snot out of it.

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.) (CONT'D)But it didn't work. Soon the Eliminators arrived - and took the only love I knew.

Young Turbo Thunder hides behind a TREE and sees his parents get sucked into the Eliminator's vortex mouths.


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The Darkness then starts eating WonderWorld. The ground starts shaking. Young Turbo thunder starts to shake.

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.) (CONT'D)The force of the Darkness swallowing my planet caused it to break apart...

FROM OUTER SPACE: WonderWorld breaks apart (like Krypton).

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.) (CONT'D)...hurtling me through space.

A chunk of land with Young TT on it flies in outer space.

CUT TO - A PINK PLANET. WHOOSH, TT's chunk of rock heads toward the planet.

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.) (CONT'D)Then I landed on a deserted pink planet...


The young turbo thunder gets off his piece of WonderWorld.

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.)...where I swore I would train myself, perfect my wonder-powers...

WHAM! A young TT flips in the air and chops down a tree.

KAPOW! He releases small thunder pits and smashes a rock.

WHOOSH! He swings on vines and swoops out of frame.

He lands - but this time as a MAN.

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.) (CONT'D)And get my revenge on the Darkness.

He then claps his hands together creating a "THUNDER CLAP!"


Timmy looks mesmerized.


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And when you seized nature's sonic powers, you dubbed yourself Turbo Thunder.

TURBO THUNDERHang on. I'm not done.


Turbo Thunder catches a FLIER falling from the sky.

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.)Then I received an invitation to a "Chosen One Competition" in a land called Fairy World.

ON THE FLYER: In American Idol font it says, "Chosen One."


OUTSIDE A THEATER: Turbo Thunder waits in a huge line of would-be buff and not so buff HEROES.


AT A TABLE - THE FOUR ELDERS sit like American Idol judges.


ON: Elder #1 with an APPLE on his head. The Ogre shoots and hits Elder #2 (sitting next to Elder #1) right in the chest.

ELDER #2Next!

ON THE STAGE: A CENTAUR tap dances and gives a big finish.

ELDER #1Next!

ON THE STAGE: Turbo Thunder arrives. He seems nervous but whips up some THUNDER PITS and shoots them o.s.

OUTSIDE THE THEATER - BOOM! The theater explodes. Four Elder's hands pop up from the rubble with their "Thumbs Up."

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TURBO THUNDERIt was THERE that I became Turbo Thunder. The Elders wanted me to have a cool actiony name.

CROSS FADE TO - Thunder World - then pan up a huge PINK MTN.

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.) (CONT'D) Then I perched myself on the highest peak of Thunder World and waited for the Darkness to return so I could seek my revenge.

AT THE TOP OF THE PEAK: we see the heroic Turbo Thunder looking up at the STARS.

TURBO THUNDER (V.O.) (CONT'D)And I waited...and waited...



ON: Timmy.

TIMMYAnd then you fell asleep and missed your calling.

Turbo Thunder snaps out of his dream-like reminiscing.

TURBO THUNDERYou would have too if you sat on the highest peak on Thunder World for 12 eons. Do you know how long an eon is?

TIMMYAlright, I'm sorry.

TURBO THUNDERBut I have accepted my fate as the former Chosen One who slept through his destiny, and as the new Chosen One, you must now accept yours. For Timmy Turner, I am...

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Turbo looks to Timmy and holds out his hand.

TIMMYWhoa, you're not going to tell me that you're my father are you?

TURBO THUNDERNo! No. I am going to help you!

Then TT pulls a LEVER on the wall where <MUSIC STARTS.>

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)I will make you stronger, faster and so powerful that you will be able to crush the metal robot dude, and then crush the Darkness.

TIMMYLook out Robo Dork and Darkness - it's time you met Turbo Timmy.

Timmy <RIPS> off his shirt.

TIMMY (CONT'D)I can't believe I did that again.

(to Wanda)I wish I had some clothes.

TURBO THUNDERNo. You wish you had Turbo Clothes.

BOOM! Turbo Thunder pulls out his old TURBO THUNDER SUIT when he was a kid. He slaps it on Timmy.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)Now, let's get to work.


ON: The Lead Eliminator sits between buildings like their a giant throne (note: LE is now the DESTRUCTONATOR).

DESTRUCTONATORI said get to work!

ROBO-AGENT #1 AND #2 direct TRUCKS through the shot.

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ROBO-AGENT #1 AND #2Yes, oh great Destructonator.

DESTRUCTONATORI want my ultimate secret Darkness destroying weapon finished!

ON: Robo agents directing traffic. Suddenly Jorgen arrives. He's made himself into a mock robot (garbage can body, dryer vent arms, foil on his head etc.). He's spying.

JORGEN(robot speak)

Bede-bede-I am a robot just like you. What is our assignment?

ROBO-AGENT #2We are turning the Earth into the Destructonator's surprise weapon.

JORGENI love being a robot - beedee beedee - and what is the surprise?

WHAM! The Destructonator arrives and picks Jorgen up!

DESTRUCTONATOROh just an Earth filled with 20 million gigatons of explosives that the destroy the Darkness.

JORGENExplosives will not destroy the Darkness it will only use the new weapons against you.

DESTRUCTONATORNot when the explosives detonate in the heart of the Darkness. It's one true weak spot.

JORGENBut the Darkness will never let any weapons enter it's heart.


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No, but it will let Timmy Turner! A-ha-ha-ah...


Timmy and Turbo Thunder swing from VINES.

TURBO THUNDERCome on Timmy. You can do it!

Timmy does a flip and catches another vine.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)The Destructonator will be quick. You need to be quicker.

<GAH!> Timmy swings and slams right into a TREE. CRASH!

WHIP PAN TO - Turbo Thunder rolls GIANT BOULDERS down a hill.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)He will be fast, and you need to be faster.

Timmy dodges a few giant boulders (like Mario in a Wii game) but then <GAH!> He's nailed.

WHIP PAN TO - Timmy struggles and climbs up a ROCK WALL with a ROPE. Turbo Thunder is at the top holding it.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)His will is strong, yours must be -

Next to TT Wanda swings Poof in a VINE SWING. Poof is smiling. Turbo Thunder looks and drops the rope.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)Oh, look at that smile.

TIMMY (O.S.)Ahhhhhh!!!!

Turbo Thunder makes smiley faces at the cute Poof.

TURBO THUNDERI could look at that smile all day.

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WANDAI know it's like nothing else in the world matters.

COSMOWhere's Timmy?

CUT TO BOTTOM OF THE RIDGE: SPLAT! Timmy lands hard. POOF! Cosmo, Wanda, Poof and Turbo Thunder arrive.

TURBO THUNDEROooh, sorry there C-1. I kinda got distracted by that smile.


I need a rest.

TURBO THUNDERThere is no resting when your world has been turned to metal and a Destructonator awaits your return. Now get up!

Turbo Thunder pulls Timmy up. His face is flat.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)Now wish your face wasn't flat.

TIMMYI wish my face wasn't flat.

ON: the MERF space probe. It's still smashed up. Turbo Thunder turns Timmy toward it.

TURBO THUNDERNow, finally the Destructonator will be forceful; you need more force.

Timmy tries to go Jedi on the probe but it won't rise. He struggles to try and raise it.


TURBO THUNDERNo! No! Like this! Come on.

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Turbo Thunder closes his eyes. Holds out his hands, raises the ship and even fixes it. It's perfect.

TIMMYWell I can't do that stuff! I don't have "special" powers like you. I'm just a normal Earth boy.

TT snaps out of his trance.


The probe crashes back to the ground.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)You don't have special powers?! How are you going to stop the Darkness?

TIMMYThat's what you're supposed to teach me.

TURBO THUNDERYou can't teach special powers! You are the worst chosen one ever.

TIMMYYeah, I've heard that.

TURBO THUNDEROh I really was hoping I wouldn't have to do this....

Turbo Thunder grabs Timmy's hands and looks right at him.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)Close your eyes.

TIMMYDude, I'm a little uncomfortable with this.

Suddenly, a glowing power surge builds in TT's feet then spreads up his body into his hands.

TURBO THUNDERSuns and storms and flight for hours, I transfer to you - my turbo powers!

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WHOOSH! TT'S POWER SURGES, and Timmy is engulfed in the glow. The two rise in the air. Hold. Timmy then swells up big like TT, and they spin together like a tornado.

When it's done the two fall back to the ground. Timmy is his normal size again. Weakened from the power transfer, TT collapses.

TURBO THUNDER (CONT'D)(weary) I'm really going to miss my thunder pits.

Timmy snaps out of a trance.

WANDATimmy are you okay?

TIMMYI feel kinda weird.

ON: Cosmo looking sick.

COSMOI hear ya. I think I ate too many ice crem sammiches.

TIMMYI can't believe it. You transferred your powers to me?

TURBO THUNDERNow you have the powers of the Chosen One and can defeat the Darkness.

TIMMYTimmy's Turbo Thunder Pits activate!

Timmy holds up his arms and TWO THUNDER BALLS form in his pits and WOOSH into his hands. The Thunder balls shoot away and crush the big rocky tower. BOOM!

TIMMY (CONT'D)Awesome! Now let's do this.

TURBO THUNDERJust a few more things.


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Like wishing Turbo Timmy up some turbo deodorant.



The star platform rises. Timmy and gang are on the surface.

TURBO THUNDERUse your thunder clap to light the wand of wind, Timmy.

Timmy holds up his arms and claps above his head. KABOOM. Thunder balls hit the wand but nothing happens.

WANDAOh no it didn't work!

TURBO THUNDERActually you have to thunder clap twice.

CLAP! CLAP! KABOOM! Suddenly the wand glows and spins like a magic pinwheel. THE WIND IS HUGE.

TIMMY(loud) Now to Earth?

TURBO THUNDERNo. We need to make one little stop and get you an army.

Turbo Thunder holds up TWO GIANT BAGS OF WANDS.


It's still dark and depressing. The Fairies still SING the depressing song and march.

Eliminators #1 and #2 watch from their lounge chairs sipping drinks.

ELIMINATOR #1Man, that song is depressing.


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Yeah but the weather here is great.

PLINK - something falls from the sky.

ELIMINATOR #1Oh no. Is it raining?

PLINK - another thing falls from the sky. And another. He reaches down and picks up a WAND.

ELIMINATOR #2No. Much worse.

They look up. In the sky, Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda with Poof and TT have SACKS OF GOLDEN WANDS (note: Turbo Thunder flies the MERF space probe).

TIMMYHey, you guys haven't seen a world full of imprisoned fairies who could use some magic, have you?

ON: Cupid, Jaundissimo and others.

CUPIDLook up in the sky. It's the Chosen One!

Timmy and company dump WANDS down on Fairy World.

JUANDISSIMOAnd it's raining wands...

WANDS fall. Jaundissimo catches one and looks at his reflection in the golden star.

JUANDISSIMO (CONT'D)...which I admit is the only thing prettier than me!

Timmy lands.

TIMMYRemember, you can't use magic directly on an Eliminator, or they will use it against us.

CUPIDThen we'll just use the magic indirectly.

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Cupid turns and blasts a hole beneath Eliminators #1 and #2! <AHHHH!> They fall in. A BAND OF ELIMINATORS charge into the scene. Their arms turn to BLASTERS.

JUANDISSIMOOh, I see where you are going with this.

POOF! 10 pink elephants poof next to Juandissimo.


Elephants <BLOW THEIR TRUNKS> and STOMP the Eliminators. But suddenly Eliminators land everywhere: 3 more, 4, 8. WIDE ON: the center of Fairyworld. All fairies back into a corner.

COSMOThere's too many of them - they're gonna blast us.

WANDA Timmy, what do we do?

The Eliminators draw their weapons. Timmy grabs poof and...

TIMMYTime to enact "Operation: cootchy-cootchy-cooo.

(to Poof)Cootchy coo. Cootchy-cootchy cooo.

TURBO THUNDERTimmy we need to disarm the enemy, not play with the baby.

Timmy turns Poof and holds him up to the Eliminators. Poof smiles big. The Eliminators drop their blaster arms and melt.


ELIMINATOR #6Who's got the cutest smile in the universe?

TIMMYNow that they are disarmed.

(leans to Wanda)

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I wish there was a giant hole underneath them.

POOF! A hole appears under the Eliminators. They fall.


They are gone.

JUANDISSIMOYes! We are free!

Jaundissimo rips his shirt off.

JUANDISSIMO (CONT'D)I never get tired of that.

CUPIDWell I do.

TURBO THUNDERTimmy, light the white wand of fire!

Timmy <DOUBLE CLAPS> and KABOOM! Timmy lights the wand on the TIMMY STATUE. The warmth from the flame then spreads over Fairy World. It's a happy place again.


CUPIDAnd now Fairyworld is free!

RRRRRIP! Jaundissimo rips off his shirt again.

CUPID (CONT'D)That was completely unnecessary.

Timmy lands in front of HIS NEW ARMY.

JUANDISSIMOTimmy, what's the plan? Will I need my shirt off - like this?

<RRIIIP> - Juandissimo's shirt pops off. Cupid <SIGHS.>


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And now it's annoying.

TIMMYIt's time for "Operation: We-need-to-find-the-Ice-Wand-but-the-Earth-has-been-turned-metal-by-a-rogue-Eliminator-who-must-be-stopped-first."

JUANDISSIMOGood plan. Long but good.

TIMMYWands up!

The fairies hold their wands up and let out a <BATTLE CRY!>


WHOOSH! Timmy's TURBO SUIT IGNITES and he leads all the fairies into space. Wanda and Cosmo follow. Turbo Thunder's Merf Probe ZOOMS away. Cupid, Juandissmio and the other fairies WHOOSH away! Once clearing frame, we see a hole in the ground. Eliminator #2 and #1 climb out.

ELIMINATOR #1This is Eliminator 1. The Chosen One has been spotted...


The Darkness spins alone. It gets a message.

ELIMINATOR #2 (V.O.)He's on his way to Earth....

THE DARKNESSEaaarrrtthhhhh...

ON THE DARKNESS: it's huge! WHOOSH. It's gone.




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The Destructonator holds Jorgen like a rag doll and plucks off his wings.

DESTRUCTONATORThe Fairy flies...the fairy flies not.

He drops the unwinged Jorgen and lands on the metal ground. CLINK!

JORGENWhat are you going to do to me now? Turn me into a robot?

Suddenly the METAL around Jorgen morphs and forms into a CHAIR that locks him in with BRACKETS.

DESTRUCTONATORNo. I'm going to give you a front row seat as the Earth and the Chosen One are swallowed into the heart of the Darkness and then kabloey! No more Darkness and no more Chosen One.

ROBOT-AGENTS #1 and #2 arrive. The last MOBILE ICBM TRUCK drives into the Earth hole. It crashes into other trucks piled up out of it. The Earth is filled with missile trucks.

ROBO-AGENT #2Earth is ready for detonation.

ROBO-AGENT #1Here is your detonator, Destructonator.

Robo-Agent #1 gives the Destructonator the DETONATOR.

ROBO-AGENT #2Hey that rhymes - cool.

JORGENYeah, but your plan has one small problem - the Darkness is not here!

Suddenly - WHOOSH! The Darkness appears on the horizon.

JORGEN (CONT'D)Okay, but you are still without the Chosen One!

WHOOSH! Timmy arrives in his thunder suit.

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TIMMYHey Jorgen.

Jorgen turns to the Destructonator.

JORGENHey, what do you say we just go with the turning me into a robot thing?

DESTRUCTONATORTimmy Turner, I've been waiting for you! And so has the Darkness.


The Darkness speaks.

DARKNESSTimmy Turner...

Back on Jorgen - trapped in the chair.

JORGENTurner! The Earth is filled with explosives, and he's going to use the planet to destroy the Darkness! Which I'm totally on board with, but the part I hate is that I'm strapped to this chair heading toward my own destruction.

TIMMYThe only thing getting destroyed today is you, Destructonator.

Suddenly the METAL GROUND around Timmy GROWS ARMS and captures him. He's immobile and sits next to Jorgen.

DESTRUCTONATORThink again - Chosen One.

JORGENEh, I think you might have walked into a trap.

DESTRUCTONATORNow you both have front row seats to your doom.

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TIMMYOh, don't worry. I can stop this.

DESTRUCTONATOROh yeah, you and what army?

Suddenly BLAST! A laser hits the ground and the metal begins to peel away! We see the green grass of Dimmsdale again.

The Destructonator looks up. CIRCLING THE EARTH (like a ring of Saturn), the fairies blast magic down to Earth.

ON THE FAIRIES: Cupid, Juandissimo and Binky are among them.

CUPIDBlast it loud and proud, fairies!

(To Juandissimo)And don't rip off that shirt.

JUANDISSIMOYou mean like this?!



More Metal goes away, and Timmy and Jorgen's chairs go too. They are free! BOOM! The Destructonator lands next to Timmy.

DESTRUCTONATORYou are forgetting, Chosen One, that I have the power of magic too!

The Destructonator holds up his wand hands and poof! He creates 10 MORE DESTRUCTONATORS.

TIMMYYeah, but do you have Thunder Pits?

Timmy raises his hands. He forms TWO ENERGY BALLS that fly at the Destructonator-Clones and KAPOW! Timmy blasts 'em away.

JORGENDon't take this the wrong way, Turner, but I love you.

Timmy looks up at the Destructonator.

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TIMMYY'know for a guy who was supposed to eliminate me, you stink.

DESTRUCTONATORI will eliminate you, Chosen One.

TIMMYWell then, you have to catch me first.

ROCKETS pop out of Timmy's Turbo Suit, and he takes off. The Destructonator shoots ROCKETS out of his feet and chases Timmy off into space.


Turbo Thunder floats with the fairies. In the distance, we see the fiery streaks of Timmy and the Destructonator.

TURBO THUNDERThe plan is working. Timmy has led the Destructonator off the planet.

WANDANow to find the final wand in the ice!

COSMOFairies! Dive!


STAPLES CENTER - A HOCKEY GAME is playing. Wanda poofs over it. She waves her wand and POOF! The ice disappears.


WANDAIt's not at the ice hockey game!

IN ICELAND - Juandissimo poofs away the ice, the country is now green. NATIVE ICELANDERS are stunned.

JUANDISSIMOIt's not in Iceland!

(to the natives)

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And I don't know if you want to call it Iceland anymore.

He rips off his shirt.


COSMOIt's not at the Ice Crem Sammich factory, but I'll keep looking.

CITY STREET - Wanda reports.

WANDAVanilla Ice doesn't have it.

Pull wide to see VANILLA ICE in coveralls holding an INDUSTRIAL CARPET CLEANER. We see his van with "N'Ice N'Ice Carpets" written on the side.

WANDA (CONT'D)Sooo, you run your own carpet cleaning business now. Cool.


The Destructonator still chases Timmy.

TIMMY(to camera)

Flying is fun.(back to Destructonator)

And you can't catch me!

Suddenly the Destructonator holds out his wand hands and poof he's gone. Then in front of Timmy he appears. Timmy stops.

TIMMY (CONT'D)Heh, whadya know. You can catch me. Thunder Pits Activate!

Timmy blasts Thunder Pits and WHOOSH! The Destructonator opens his mouth and swallows the thunder balls.


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And whaddya know? Now I have thunder pits!

The Destructonator forms Thunder Pits and shoots at Timmy.

TIMMYOh, I shouldn't have done that.

KAPOW! Timmy is nailed and sent back hurtling toward Earth.


<AHHHHH!> CRASH. Timmy lands on the ice hard. He's hurt. Boom! The Destructonator arrives.

DESTRUCTONATORI cannot be stopped Chosen One. Thanks to you I have magic, I have Thunder Pits and I have all the power in the universe.

TIMMYNot all the power. What about all the weapons you've stuffed in the Earth? You don't have those.

The Destructonator poofs a hole in the ground and sucks up all the missiles. He begins to grow even larger, with missiles forming all over his body. He's now 100 FT TALL.


His hands are made of ICBM FINGERS. He aims them at Timmy.

DESTRUCTONATOR (CONT'D)And now at last you will be eliminated. Any last words?


Timmy holds out the DETONATOR.

TIMMY (CONT'D)You forgot to suck up the Detonator.

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The Destructonator's eyes go wide. Timmy presses the BUTTON. ZOOM IN ON: the Destructonator's doomed face.

CUT TO OUTER SPACE - KABOOM! A big explosion is seen at the top of Earth. The fairies watch.



All the ice is gone except a small chunk sticking out of the water, where Timmy lies, lifeless, as flaming pieces of the Destructonator land and float in the water. CLOSE ON: Timmy. He finally rolls over (very Bruce Willis).

TIMMYOne down, one to go.

He looks up at the Darkness still hovering in space. Suddenly a POLAR BEAR blocks his sight.

POLAR BEARYou must be the Chosen One. I've been waiting for you.

TIMMYTalking Polar Bear? You must be the Guardian. Where's the ice wand?

POLAR BEARYou're on it. From outer moons to distant suns the wand of ice belongs to the Chosen One.

PULL WIDE to see Timmy on A SMALL ICEBERG. Then the water ripples and the iceberg rises up. The iceberg was just the tiny tip of a HUGE ICE WAND. Timmy rises into the sky.

POOF! Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, Jorgen, Cupid, Juandissimo and Turbo Thunder arrive with all the fairies.

WANDATimmy, you're okay!

COSMOAnd you found the final wand!

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JORGENQuick Turner! Light the Ice Wand and destroy the Darkness!

TURBO THUNDERTimmy, repeat after me. Unite the wands with the power of three, and destroy the Darkness for eternity.

Timmy looks at the Darkness. It spins. And spins.

THE DARKNESSTimmy Turner....


JORGENWhat do you mean, no? You heard Turbo Thunder! Unite the wands and kabloey! It will be fun!

TURBO THUNDERYou must blast it before it attacks.

The Darkness just spins in space.

TIMMYBut it's not attacking. And when I think of the most fun I've had recently, it was while I was in there.

JORGENOh yeah, fun. That big blob has eaten your friends, and family, and half the galaxy, and it sent robots of doom to eliminate you.

WANDAHey, Timmy's the Chosen One and he knows what he's doing.

(to Timmy)Timmy, what are you doing?


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In ancient times, did the Darkness attack Fairyworld, or did Fairyworld attack the Darkness?

JORGENUh, um, well the Darkness attacked first. (beat) I think.

TIMMYOr, were you so scared by it, you panicked and attacked first?

JORGENUh...could be.

TIMMY(to Turbo Thunder)

Turbo Thunder, when the Darkness arrived at WonderWorld, what did it do?

TURBO THUNDERWell, it was uh, really scary. And big. Yeah. It was big and scary.


TURBO THUNDER(realizing) And we were afraid and blasted it with wonder rockets.

Timmy picks up a PIECE OF THE DESTRUCTONATOR. The letters "Wonder-roc" are seen.

TIMMYLike this?

WANDAWhat about the prophecy? It says you're supposed to unite the wands and destroy it.

TIMMYThe prophecy can change. We saw it.

JORGENNo you must destroy it. I command you! There is no other choice and--

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(sees Poof smiling)Oh look, Poof is smiling again. Man that makes me forget all my troubles. Uh, where was I?

TIMMYYou said there was no other choice. But I think there is.

He holds up Poof and looks at his sweet smile.


Timmy looks up at the large black hole spinning above Earth.

TIMMYI wish there were ice wands on all the planets in the solar system!


ON MERCURY - POOF! Wanda and Poof arrive and she waves her wand and POOF! A giant ICE WAND appears.

ON VENUS - Cosmo waves his wand. A giant ICE WAND appears.

ON MARS - POW! Jorgen poofs up an ICE WAND on MARS.

ON JUPITER - POOF! Juandissimo poofs up an ICE WAND.

Saturn! CUPID arrives on the rings of SATURN. POOF!

URANUS - Binky arrives. POOF!


POOF! The fairies poof back.


JORGENTurner, whatever stupid Chosen One plan this is...if it doesn't work and we all perish, I'm going to destroy you.


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Oh it'll work. Time to get rid of the Darkness.

Timmy <THUNDER CLAPS> and sends a hand ball of energy outward, and the Ice Wand illuminates.

BOOM! ON FAIRY WORLD: KAPOW! The FIRE WAND stops burning and suddenly it glows bright yellow. Its burst wipes frame.

ON THE BLUE MOON: KAPOW! The WIND WAND stops spinning and simply glows bright yellow. Its burst wipes frame.


SUPER WIDE SHOT OF SPACE: to a frontal shot of the elliptical Darkness coming toward the star field. The bright burst of light from the VEGON WAND resembles a right eye and matches the left eye from Fairy World (the Darkness has two eyes?).


Then the Ice Wand glows brighter and brighter and louder...

JORGENIt's gonna blow!

TIMMYI wish we were in Dimmsdale!

POOF! The Fairies are gone. Then KAPOW! The Ice Wand shoots a giant YELLOW LASER in both directions.

THEN ON MARS: <KAPOW!> The yellow laser hits the Red Planet's Wand - which shoots another laser to -

THE VENUS WAND! It hits and sends a blast to MERCURY.


More wands connect in space to basically make a HUGE SMILE in the face of the Darkness. IT's a MAGICAL SMILE FORMATION OF WANDS. <WHOOSH!> Then the power of the "smile" light shoots into the Darkness (like a rock and roll laser light show)!


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Timmy and everyone look up and WHOOSH! They shield their eyes from a burst of light. Then it's gone. They look up and see the smile is now on the face of the Darkness! Only it's not dark anymore. It's yellow. It's a happy face.

COSMOIs it me, or does the Darkness not seem so scary now?

DARKNESSTimmy Turner....

Suddenly on Earth, a portal opens in front of the gang.

COSMOOkay, now I'm scared again.

Suddenly, Timmy's old army exits. MARK CHANG is first.

MARK CHANGTurner! You saved us! You rock! Wicked suit, bra!


DARK LASER Man was it dark in there.

CROCKERI am officially giving up chasing fairies and taking up needlepoint.

Vicky walks over to Timmy.

VICKYWhere's my 20 bucks?!

Timmy hands $20 to her. TRIXIE comes out of the portal.



Timmy runs to her, puckered up. DAD pops in and intercepts the smooch!

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DADWe're saved! Another good man smooch, son.

MOM arrives and gives Timmy a hug.

MOM Hey, how about a mom smooch?!

Timmy hugs and kisses Mom. Then Agent's #1 and #2 pop up.

AGENTS 1 AND 2And how about a...

TIMMYForget it.


MARKMother! Father!

KING AND QUEENOh Mark! We love you.

Mark hugs them.

KING GRIPPULONOkay, you can let go now.

TURBO THUNDER'S PARENTS exit. They're lost and a bit older.

TURBO THUNDERMother? Father?

TURBO DADGimme a man smooch, son.

Turbo Thunder hugs them

Suddenly the portal closes. Timmy looks up.

TIMMYThe Darkness was never looking for trouble in the universe -

TURBO THUNDERIt was just looking for friends.

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FLOWERS rain down out of the Darkness onto Earth. Suddenly we hear a big CRASH - two giant feet land.

TIMMYOh, what now?

Timmy turns to see all the WAND GUARDIANS together. THE HUGE VEGON ROCK BEAST, the talking polar bear, KISS and ELDERS!

THE ELDERSWe should, like, party.

The flowers stop raining. Timmy looks up.

TIMMYBefore you go, can you please give all the stars back? We miss them.

THE DARKNESSShpingoooo...

Then the smile reappears in the sky. The Darkness expands for a moment, but then explodes with a starburst releasing all the stars back into the sky.



Timmy watches from the CHOSEN ONE BOX. He's with Jorgen and his parents and the Elders.

JORGENTurner - thank you again for saving Fairyworld and showing us the way to light the Darkness was with a smile, not with weapons.


MARK CHANGAnd for saving Yugopotamia, bra.

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KING GRIPPULONOnce again you have proven yourself the greatest warrior in the universe.

TURBO THUNDERAnd thank you for showing me that understanding and compassion are far better than revenge. You are truly the Chosen One.

TIMMYNo problem, dude.

TURBO THUNDERNow. Can I have my thunder pits back?

TIMMYSorry. I need them for one last killer light show!

Timmy raises his arms and VOOOOM! He shoots thunder pits up into the sky and FIREWORKS fill the sky.

PAN PAST - the fireworks and past our universe and galaxy to see the YELLOW LIGHTNESS OF SPACE (no longer the Darkness) and ANOTHER GLOWING FACE appears - a big smile forms and winks at camera.


Burned in the wall of the cave is THE FINAL PROPHECY - it flames then settles into black writing. A picture of the CHOSEN ONE with his arms out and the smiling Darkness above him. Then we pan over as the MUSIC GETS OMINOUS to a new drawing. It's the Destructonator - he's coming back! PULL WIDE to see Cosmo with the chalk.

COSMOJust kidding. Ha-ha.


The End!