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28 DAY

Welcome to the 28 Days of Money Mastery Now, this next 28 days are going to be life changing. I know it's easy to say, my truth is that's absolutely what's going to happen. You're going to become a master of your money instead of the money being a master of you. The next 90 days, the next 180 days, this next 12 months will be a major, major shift. It's been that way for the last few years as the world is changing. I want to invite you into my world, the world where money works for me, that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is not easy, just very simple. I'm going to go through the 12 magical steps with you. I've been using these principles for many years. These principles have strategies and these strategies have tactics. So it's not just a feel good mythical program. This is real time, real action. We're going to be using three basic areas of Property, Business and that includes a e-business and as well as bricks and mortar businesses and Shares. But right now as you're looking at this and you're thinking, "Oh well it's all right to talk about property Roy, I don't have the $200,000, $300,000, 4$00,000 deposit," it depending where you live, "I don't have the $120,000 income." I'm going to show you a way to do this with $1. There's a money mastery in this and there's a mindset mastery for yourself, I can tell you absolutely this is financial intelligence of course, and it's things that you may not have been taught. However, I can really say to you 80% is financial intelligence and 20% is emotional intelligence to even do it. The very fact you're here right now means that you're curious enough or interested enough to do something about this because you swapping your life for a job on a hourly basis has the truth of the matter be that the money is the master and you are the servant. What I want to do is change that whole dynamics to you be the master and the money be the servant of you. My first question to you is what is your strategy? What is your plan? What I'm going to ask you to do is think seriously about what are you going to do? What are you going to do with the rest of your life? What's your strategy? What are you going to put in place? There definitely been three groups that have always been present. There are people who panic and we've had times where people have fought over toilet paper in shops, hold things, they're so frightened, they're just in that category and they don't feel they have any future and they're unsure of that they have any control over that future. They are so overwhelmed that they can think. There's another group, we call them the Cavaliers. These are the people who don't care, they just go off and spend and have parties and just have fun and their whole life is fun, they have kind of, let's call it to some degree at different levels, irresponsible.

Then there's a group who I want to work with who are the people who are very decisive, very clear about their outcome. They make decisions and they're in action and precise action is what we're all about. Now I believe that anyone can do this. I came from a situation, I came out of school and I couldn't read or write. I'm not saying the education department failed me, they taught as they teach, but I had some issues at home. My brothers and sisters were really successful at school and I was the "dummy" if you like. There are four steps, Make A Decision to Have Abundance in All Areas of Your Life. Take Absolute Responsibility Learn to Become a True Investor Implement What you Know Condition Your Life to Abundance We're going to show you how to become the leader in your life, in your family, in your team. Now I'm going to suggest to you that's one of the biggest issues we're going to teach you and around time management is the discipline of precise action steps. When I show you the three year plan, we start with zero money and increase your money by $1,000 in 90 days per month and then take that $1000 dollars and increase it to $2000 in another 90 days and take that 2000 increase that to $3,000 a month and take that $3000 a month income and increase it to $4,000 a month. So the end of one year, you got $4,000 a month coming in on a 10 month year, that's $40,000 coming in. I get you to do one little real estate flip. Most of the real estate flips are somewhere between $25- $50,000. They are the smaller versions. We've got ones who do $100,000 and more as we've spoken. However, we're going to choose $12,000 just a smallest amount of that. So our plan will show you more than $50,000 income after 12 months, $100,000 the second year and $150,000 the third year. Now, am I saying this is easy? Am I saying it... No, I'm saying it's simple. Am I saying you are going to do exactly that? No, I'm not saying that at all. I've had people who have done that faster, done it slower. I've actually never seen a person do it exactly to the penny that way or to those dates and those amounts. It's a bit like going to the gym. The gym works, you just got to work the gym. The gym works because you turn up three times a week and you might have a goal to lose, I don't know, two kilos a month or whatever, but some months you might lose three and some months you lose four and some months you only lose one and so it goes on. So, that will be like that with the money, there will be different amounts. It's not that accurate. So it's intention and I guess that intentional living is part of this whole 28 days of Money Mastery. Intention and Attention - intention being what do you want?

And attention is Alert Stillness. It's being still in that moment and watching that. So those things, we're going to get you make a decision and today you made it even coming to this program, but we need to make it continually become absolute responsible for all of your events. Give up the blame stories. Take absolute responsibility. Learn to become a true investor. Apply what you know and condition your life to abundance. The next group of things that I want touch on during the 28 days - 4 Steps

1. Increase your Income 2. Get Real about your Expenses and Debt 3. Assets to Income 4. Build Your Financial Fortress

My Intention It would be valuable for you to take some time out now and write you intention for this program:


The 12 Magic Steps to Success I want to go through them briefly with you. If you can tick the boxes for the following 12 steps and maintain these steps consistently for a year – formulating a habit for life, you should be well on the way to successfully achieving your 7 year plan. 1. Wealth Account The creation of a Wealth Account is the first single most important step for the accumulation of wealth to act as a money magnet. It is vital that it is set up correctly and used consistently in order to operate effectively. 2. Strategic Spending. Strategic Spending is the process of strategically planning the next 12 months in advance for your commitments. Ultimately your plan would be to break it down to a monthly basis to confirm that your figures are reasonable and accurate. Your Strategic Spending should be updated monthly. 3. Your 1-31 Goal Card This card is to be read every day. Once a month send it to the support team at OneLife. You can do this via email [email protected]. Reviewing your card it is the most powerful tool in the whole arsenal of activities. 4. Vision for Your Future - Review your Vision for Your Future every day. Record yourself reading it and replay this daily. This will be a voice you can trust. Walk yourself through it using all of your senses. Feeling what it feels like, hearing what it sounds like, seeing what it looks like etc. 5. Benchmark – Where Are You Now, Where Do You Want To Go Your Benchmark should be updated and when any significant changes occur. 6. Blue Form Your Blue Form should be updated and when any significant changes occur. 7. Your Seven Year Plan Is to be upgraded every 6 months and sent to your consultant.

8. 3 Certain Steps to Prosperity In All Areas of Your Life 1. Build the Image. 2. Turn it over to spirit, Let Go and Let God. 3. Expect with all your heart and soul spirit will reward you openly for your faith. Remember - 1. Be in state. (Focus) 2. Have a strategy 3. Absolute Commitment 9. Read or listen to Books that educate, empower & assist you in moving towards your Page 30. Being effective with your time and listening to Audio Books whilst you are commuting, cleaning and during personal care time. 10. Check in With the Internal Support Team if you require assistance with implementing any of the above. 11. OneLife Community Join the OneLife community on Facebook and in person. Build your Dream Team. 12. Under New Management You are now under new management. You need to declutter your life and create a clean office space and work area, so you can focus. Remember your magical name __________________________. Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure Remember you are responsible for your thoughts, your feelings and all the results that you get.

Your Wealth Account System Now the wealth account is a very simple process. I started this maybe 50 years ago, with a dollar. It is really about your intention. There's four steps to a wealth account. 1 Wealth Account is a Money Magnet 2 Is to Create an Investment Vehicle 3 Pay Down Bad Debt. 4 Invest in Yourself

Strategic Spending Plan Your strategic spending is focusing on your intention for spending during the next 12 months. You can use last year as a guide, however, it's a forward projection, looking at the next year We often have people do a second strategic spending. The first one is what we call survival or your current position. The second one is, what would I do if I started putting in the three year plan that Roy's been talking about and add in the extra income and a property flip or something like that. You will need to open the Strategic Spending document in excel on your computer and save it with your name and date in the filename. Read the instructions on Tab 1 and watch the video tutorial. Tips for completing the form: Ensure you are using Microsoft Excel Remember there are 52 weeks in the year. Eg) if you have a weekly expense of $200 then you should multiply by 52 then divide by 12 to get your monthly figure. If you use credits to pay for utilities or food etc, then you should only include this cost once (this will mean you are not double counting). Once you have completed your Strategic Spending please email it to [email protected] and cc your coach.

Blue Form Why is it called the blue form? Because it's printed on blue paper. It's really a Data Collection Form - Where Am I in detail. It is the most important part of the whole process. Where am I? Where do I want to go? And our job, of course, is how best to get there. If you're a single person it's very simple, you just fill it in yourself. If you're in relationship, then you need fill it in with your partner and we call it partnership in money. Whether you are single or in a relationship, it is important to fill in all the spaces on the sheet, if something is not applicable then please enter a 0 or NA. This is especially important to have your after tax income on tab 2. You will need to open the Blue Form in excel on your computer and save it with you name and date in the filename. Watch the video tutorial on tab 1 please also remember to enter the date in that tab. Tips for completing the form: C/S/J/T the explanation for that is C = Client (if you are single), S= Spouse, J = Joint both you and your spouse, T= trust. Mortgages should be entered in Assets & Liabilities on tab 3 (not in the liquid assets section) Once you have completed your Strategic Spending please email it to [email protected] and cc your coach.

3 Year Plan to Leverage Your Life This is an incredible step-by-step process that gives you a guideline for you to work and to really focus on an outcome. The three-year plan is dealt with on the basis of starting with each quarter and ending with an end result in three years' time. You will use this as a guide to create your second strategic spending plan. You will see in the diagram below, we also have a Fast Track of the 3 Year Game Plan.

How to Become a Goal Setting Machine

Now, some people are great with goals setting and achieving, some are not so good. Goals are the most important. I am a goal setting machine. In fact, all of the properties I own, all of the leverage of I've got and my assets that I call my most important assets, my team, are all about goals, even my health and of course my beautiful wife, my children, everything, really, when you look at look at things, are basically goals. Goals start with desire, desire of things that we want. Lets look at a goal to be healthy, you want to be fit, you want to be. So, we have a general goal, lets look at how we can make it a S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S. goal. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Tangible, Inspirational, Emotional, Leading to Success. Lets say you want to be 70kgs, and you are currently 84 kgs. We decide that 2kgs a month would be a good plan to start with so we would write the goal with the S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S principals. I am so happy I am (84kg-2kg=82kg) 82kgs on or before date (within the month) at 6pm. We have a 1-31 Goal card and we read it twice a day. 1-31 is because each month we write a new card and break down our long term goals to achievable outcomes for the month. Our card has space for goals in all areas of your life, your number one goal for the month, health, family, financial, business/career, intellectual, social, spiritual and finally your long term goals.

Success is a progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. Earl Nightingale

Credit – Good Debt Bad Debt It's about your credit worthiness. Money doesn't come to chaos, it's got nowhere to go, your credit worthiness is a mirror to the universe. Banks do not lend to people who need money. Banks lend to people who don't need it and banks are not asset lenders, they are income lenders. A credit card is an unsecured loan that the bank is trusting you with for a fee and then interest for the period of time you have the money. My belief is that it won't be long before you won't be able to stay in a hotel. They're not going to give you their $100,000, $200,000 room, a million dollar room with your little debit card. In fact, the first thing you walk in, "Can we scan your credit card?" That's the first question they ask. No credit card is like having no luggage. So your credit worthiness is going to be a passport to your future and if you've had a history of bad credit, we need to get that fixed.

Good Debt is debt on an item that is tax deductible and is an asset that is growing in value.

Bad Debt is debt on an item that is not tax deductible and the asset is not growing in value.

Reviewing your strategic spending plan with this idea in mind will give you some areas to consider in how effect you are in managing your debt position. Now let's assume that you accept my ideas that properly managed, carefully handled, it maybe have valuable to have three cards, one for personal, one for business, and on you put in the fridge and why do we put in the fridge in the freezer?

Your Credit Rating It will also be valuable to go online and get your credit score. There are a number of free sites and some with small fees that offer a credit reference check for you. Your credit rating gives us a snapshot of where we are beginning, it will helps us to move forward. Remembering I have worked with many people who have been bankrupt and had bad credit scores so remember this is just a guide for us to use. However if you cant look after a $5,000 credit card, how are you going to look after a $350,000 mortgage on your home. Relationship Banking Building relationships with multiple banks is important as you become an investor. Remember always go into the bank and meet with them, never go online. Banks want a relationship with you, when you meet them personally and they can see you and hear your story they can override things and put notes in the system. Balance Transfers If you do have a balance outstanding on your credit cards and you plan to take advantage of the offers of a balance transfer to another card or bank it is important that you need to understand the rules of the bank offering the balance transfer. There are conditions that you must meet to maintain the reduced interest rate offerings that are part of most balance transfers.

Team Building your Dream Team gives you leverage in your life your money and everything that you do., about building leverage, and really getting leverage in your time, in your money and in your life. Understanding your different personality traits and the profiles of people in your team helps you to create leverage. Your success in life depends on you giving up the Lone Wolf status. The 95%er vs the 5%er So let's have a look at this, back to what is it all about in 95% land? 95% of our population are still on the pension and dead, dead broke at age 65. To be in the 5% is why you're doing this programme, it's very, very important. Now, a five percenter is an employee on PAYG wages, and in your country, it could be called another thing, but it's pay-as-you-go or pay-as-you-earn. It's that you're being taxed before you receive your own money, which is very difficult. You have a J.O.B. - Just-Over-Broke Some even become sole traders and start little businesses and what you've got is a job. So you're actually swapping your life for money on an hourly basis.

Wall of Fear This is the Wall of Fear, to cross the wall, to become, an investor. Being and investor is different to investing.

Your Goal 1 Build 5 Income Streams You will create 2 in the first year and 1 each year following until you replace your J.O.B. You will begin to phase out your J.O.B. 2 Take Control of your Expenses and Minimise ALL Bad Debt (Strategic

Spending) 3 Build Assets that Create Income Property Flipping, Ecommerce, Business 4 Build Your Financial Fortress

$1- $2Million in Residential Property, $1- $2Million in Commercial Property, $1- $2Million in Superannuation Creating $200-$300,000 income each year

Wealth Formula

W= V x L + CC Wealth = Value x Leverage + Conscious Control

People do certain things and get a result, and others do certain things and get a very different result.

Wallace D. Wattles

Check In As part of the 28 Day Money Mastery you would be starting to really get that there's a different way of being in this. Leaders lead, follow, or get out of the way. Where is your team? Here at OneLife we help people build dream teams. So the first part we're going to talk is the gifts and talents of the people in your team. The HOTS, the hares, the owls, the tortoises and squirrels. Then there is the DISC profiling. D's, the high dominant, I’s Influential, S’s Steady and Supportive and C’s Compliant So it's all important and it's not one's better than the other. They're all, all important. Please take the time now to complete your DISC Profile. Please read the instructions. Please scan it once you have completed and email to [email protected] Lastly, we have the Marine Animals, here we have the sharks, the dolphins, the whales and the urchins. Please take the time now to complete your DISC Profile. Please read the instructions. Please scan it once you have completed and email to [email protected]

Checklist By now you would have set up and completed and sent to us: Your Wealth Account Your Strategic Spending Plan – 2 versions Your Blue Form Your Three Year Plan Your 1-31 Goal Card Your Credit Assessment Your DISC Profile, Marine Assessment Meeting with Coach Graduation Meeting with Senior Coach Your Next Steps We are looking forward to setting up a time for you to meet with our Senior Coaches so please send us an email to confirm you are ready. Our best email is [email protected] From there we will look at the next steps for you and your family and together we will work on how best to achieve your goals.


You've made it! I want you to be really honest with yourself, were able to check off all the items on the above checklist then you will be in a position to truly master your money. If you're 80% in, 50% in, 20% in, you need to get this dealt with. Now that you are on your way to Mastery your Money, you now need to consider the next steps, you should decide whether property is your thing, whether business is your thing, shares, whether coaching is your thing, whether network marketing's your thing, whatever your thing is, we're here to help you on your journey, whatever that is. You may well be choose to go further with Property or Business and adding more income streams. Some of you may have choose to work 1 on 1 with Roy at a Diamond Mentoring level. For some of you, you would like us to help you with your retirement plan or your superfund or tax minimisation and we will do that privately with in our meeting. Now, the next stages, basically, after you've starting to increase your income, starting to get your debts under control and your expenses, at least have a plan, a strategy, if you will, is we're now really getting into assets to income. This is so, so important. So, that's your next step, and remember our goal, here. Our goal is financial fortress, and many of you are doing residential, many are doing commercial, many you're doing your super fund, your 401k, your E Kiwi super, and two, $300,000 income, or whatever the number is for you. This is important to focus on and that's my journey with you to get that done. It's a step-by-step process, first year, second year, third year in the seven year plan. So, I'm excited. I hope you are, as well. And let's get into this next stage. Remember to email [email protected] to set up your Graduation meeting with our Senior Coach.