Effort Cups for this week Caterpillars Dragonflies Buerflies Ladybirds Busy Bees Grasshoppers Crickets Turtles Jellyfish Lawrence C Sophie L Flynn W Olivia B Charlie M Mai K Dexter H Paris G Megan T Seahorses Dolphins Lions Leopards Tigers Jaguars Pumas Panthers George L Casey H Alfie A Harrison W Hayden W Summer N Poppy H Charlie C Augusne Becket Marlowe Chaucer 264 267 261 245 Housepoints for this week Weekly E-Mail Bullen This Week’s Aendance Data Caterpillars Dragonflies Buerflies Ladybirds Busy Bees Grasshoppers Crickets 95.7% 95.4% 86.9% 88.3% 94.4% 88.8% 99.2% Turtles Jellyfish Seahorses Dolphins Lions NO 100% aendance this week 94.5% 95.5% 93.9% 93.2% 97.1% Leopards Tigers Jaguars Pumas Panthers Whole school 94.5% 98.2% 95.0% 94.7% 99.3% 98.5% Week to date Year to date Target Whole school data 94.5% 97.1% 96.7% or more! Friday 19th October 2018 Aendance for this week is well below our target at 94.5%! ONLY 9 out of 17 classes received a Registraon on Time cerficate this week—well done to Buerflies, Crickets, Busy Bees, Dolphins, Seahorses, Turtles, Jellyfish, Tigers and Pumas! REMINDER REGISTRATION CLOSES AT 9AM

264 267 261 245 - Reculver Church of England Primary School

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Effort Cups for this week

Caterpillars Dragonflies Butterflies Ladybirds Busy Bees Grasshoppers Crickets Turtles


Lawrence C Sophie L Flynn W Olivia B Charlie M Mai K Dexter H Paris G Megan T

Seahorses Dolphins Lions Leopards Tigers Jaguars Pumas Panthers

George L Casey H Alfie A Harrison W Hayden W Summer N Poppy H Charlie C

Augustine Becket Marlowe Chaucer

264 267 261 245

Housepoints for this week

Weekly E-Mail Bulletin

This Week’s Attendance Data

Caterpillars Dragonflies Butterflies Ladybirds Busy Bees Grasshoppers Crickets

95.7% 95.4% 86.9% 88.3% 94.4% 88.8% 99.2%

Turtles Jellyfish Seahorses Dolphins Lions NO

100% attendance this week






Leopards Tigers Jaguars Pumas Panthers Whole school

94.5% 98.2% 95.0% 94.7%

99.3% 98.5%

Week to date Year to date Target

Whole school data 94.5% 97.1% 96.7% or more!

Friday 19th October 2018

Attendance for this week is well below our target at 94.5%!

ONLY 9 out of 17 classes received a Registration on Time certificate this week—well

done to Butterflies, Crickets, Busy Bees, Dolphins, Seahorses,

Turtles, Jellyfish, Tigers and Pumas!


How did we reach the end of Term 1 so quickly? The weeks have simply whizzed by and this week was no

exception. Firstly, we held our Parent Consultations and I have to say that it was great to see so many familiar

families and to welcome those of you who are new to the school. There was a real buzz to the atmosphere and it

was so good to see lots of happy smiley faces. Your continued support of the school is very much appreciated,

as are the many congratulations we have been receiving on our Ofsted judgement of Outstanding in all areas.

As part of these evenings parents/carers were asked to complete a mini-questionnaire to help us gain your

views on a few issues that we are looking into at school. Thank you very much to everyone who took the time to

complete this and when we have finished collating the responses we will provide you with an update on our


On Thursday a representative from Chartwells visited the school to complete a smoothie making sessions with

our Year 2 children. The fruity aroma that permeated the hall afterwards made everyone feel hungry and the

children thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I have a feeling that there may be lots of children asking to make

smoothies during the half term break.

There have been a growing number of children coming to school with long hair that has not been tied back. In

the last couple of weeks there have been a few reported incidents of head lice and it is very difficult to prevent

head lice from spreading to others if long hair is being worn loose. Ideally long hair is best plaited or even put up

in a bun. Please also remember that only simple hairbands and Alice bands are permitted to be worn to school.

Thank you for your support with this.



Road Crossing Patrol – Update

We are now in a position to advise you that we have 2 people interested in taking on this

role. We are bound by KCC regulations with regard to training and appointment of a RCP so it

will be a few weeks before we will have a firm start date. We will keep you posted of any

subsequent news and updates.

Congratulations to Our Buster Book Club class trophy

winners this week



Accelerated Reader

This term the children have read

an incredible

9,267,125 words!

That is I million more than at the same point last

year. Well done!

Herne Bay High School Intake for September 2019 – Year 6 pupils

Just a reminder that if you are putting Herne Bay High School as any of your choices of schools

for September, that your child must be registered for the banding assessment test.

To register for the test, please contact Herne Bay High School directly.

The test will take place here at Reculver on 1st November 2018.

Secondary Online Applications

Also, a reminder that applications for transfer to secondary school for September 2019 close at

midnight on Wednesday 31st October 2018.

A message from National Online Safety

National Online Safety has teamed up with MusicAlternative to launch a Fortnite online safety song for schools to share with their

whole school community!

The song encourages parents and carers to "stay switched on" to online dangers when their children are playing Fortnite. We hope

you find this video helpful.

Please help us spread the message far and wide by retweeting our Fortnite song for parents & carers here:

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j150BqInjnY

Download link: https://we.tl/t-wa4OjQ2jPu


The National Online Safety Team

National Online Safety

T: 0800 368 8061

E: [email protected]

W: www.nationalonlinesafety.com

Here we are in worship on Thursday celebrating together

saying ‘THANK YOU’ to our lovely Rev Sue. She brings so

much love and kindness to our school and is always there

for us so it was good to make her feel special.

Diary Dates for Term 1

Friday 19th October Parent Council Meeting 1.30 pm

Friday 19th October END OF TERM – Normal finish time

Saturday 20th October PTFA Quiz Night 7.30 pm

Diary Dates for Term 2

Monday 29th October First day of term 2

Wednesday 31st October KS1 & Early Years Phonics Information

session for parents 2.30 pm

Saturday 3rd November PTFA Fireworks

Tuesday 6th November EYs 2019 Open Day 9.15 am - 11.15 am

Tuesday 6th November EYs 2019 Open Evening for parents only

6.15 pm—7.15 pm

Saturday 10th November EYs 2019 Family Fun Session 10.00—12 noon

Week of the 12th November Anti-Bullying Week

Tuesday 13th November Messy Church

Friday 30th November PTFA Wreaths and Wine evening 7.30 pm

It’s time to get nominating again! Last year we received several staff awards thanks to the nominations that were made. Let’s

hope we have some more successful staff again this year. Simply complete the online form

at www.kentteacheroftheyear,co,uk

YEAR 1: This week in English we have been looking at the story of Titch. We have been thinking about how he felt, using adjectives to describe his feelings. During our maths sessions we have been continuing to look at addition and thought about counting on from the biggest number. We enjoyed learning a new song during music and clapping along to the rhythm. In science this week we thought about animals that hibernate during the winter months and how the daylight hours we have in a day are shorter in the winter and longer in the summer. We hope all the children have a wonderful half term holiday and come back ready for our exciting Christmas term!

EARLY YEARS: This week the children have been exploring their Topic

of “Titch”. The children have thoroughly enjoyed

growing their own cress and watching it grow. They

have also enjoyed using mixed media resources to create

a class giant which the children have used to discuss our

magic Maths words ‘taller than’ and ‘shorter than’. Well

done to all the Early Years children for a Fantastic last

week of term!

YEAR 2: Year 2 have had another busy week. In English, the children enjoyed using alliteration to create tongue twisters and to create their own marvellous menus. The children came up with some very exciting meal options and delicious desserts. Year 2 have impressed us with their fantastic subtraction skills, using jottings and a 100 square to subtract 2-digit numbers. On Thursday, all of the children enjoyed a smoothie workshop, tying together our instruction writing and science topic on healthy eating. The children thought it was brilliant riding the smoothie bike and seeing the blender whizz around. In art, the children used pictures of fruit and vegetables to create wonderful Arcimboldo inspired collaged faces. Well done, Year 2!

YEAR 6: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” This quote from Ghandi has been our motivation this week as we have been exploring the topical issue of climate change. The children have learnt about the causes and effects of global warming and then been thinking about what they could do to make a change. The children have been very motivated and have thought about how they can take action, from the small changes they could make at home, how we as a school and a community can help as well as contacting our local MP. It has been wonderful to see their passion and know that these children want to take responsibility for their own actions to help protect our planet. We have set two homework tasks for over half term. These a designed to keep the children’s brains ticking over until we return. They should be done in short bursts, not all in one go. The tasks will be due in on the 6th November so they have 2 weeks to complete them. Thank you for your support this term.

YEAR 3/4: It was lovely to be able to meet the parents at parents’ evening this week! In English this week the children have written a recount of the time the dragon landed in our car park. They focussed on using past tense verbs, descriptive language and accurately punctuating sentences with full stops and capital letters. In RE this week the children created a piece of art about what Christians learn from the Creation Story. In Science the children finished their experiments involving eggs and sugary drinks! You may like to ask them what they discovered.


By exploring Aesop’s Fables, the children have been inspired with their moralistic story telling. Not only have the children had the opportunity to participate in drama activities to convey a moral message using their theatrical skills, they have written their very own fables. In RE this week we have explored the wider impact of Christianity on not only our local area but the world as a whole, through exploring Christian charities and non-Christian charities alike. We have very much enjoyed seeing how creative year 5 can be in our DT junk modelling project this term and have some wonderfully creative rocket ship models as a result. We wish you all a great half term and look forward to seeing all the children again in the new term.

In the final week of term we have been taking part in the Thank You Vicar week. We are incredibly lucky to have Rev Sue as part of our Reculver family and we are extremely grateful for all that she does for us. All the children took part in a special worship to say thank you and tell Rev Sue how much she means to them. “Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything” Ephesians 5:20