THE BATH CHRONICLE visit our website:www.thisisbath.co.uk 26 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2009 open days Learning in a caring environment Writhlington School is recognised as a high performing school by the Academic Trust. Examination results are consistently above national figures and in 2008 Writhlington was placed in the top one per cent of schools nationally. Academic achievement is central to the school’s purpose and staff have high expectations of the students. Every student receives a broad, balanced curriculum. They are encouraged to work hard, to be well organised and to learn self-motivation. The school also offers an extensive range of opportunities which enable every student to experience success. Major developments include: ICT-rich environment with extensive online resources A Business and Enterprise Learning Centre with conference facilities Sports centre, fitness suite and indoor tennis centre New Astro Turf facilities for school and community use Somerset County Cricket Centre of Excellence £25.6 million Pathfinder School (March 2010) £3.75 million Applied Learning Centre (January 2011) Please telephone the Headteacher’s PA on 01761 433581 to arrange a visit during the school day. St Mark’s also offers a unique and caring learning environment for all children. The staff want their young people to aspire for more, to approach every challenge with vigour and enthusiasm and for their time at school to be enjoyable. As a Church of England school, linked to the Bath and Wells Diocese, the education of students reflects the values and moral guidance given to them as part of their wider experience within the school. To achieve a balanced education, staff believe that all students should be inspired and encouraged in a warm and caring environment, nurturing individuals for their talents both academically and spiritually. LESSONS IN LIFE: students receive this year’s examination results at Writhlington School Advertisement feature ������ �������������� ���� ������������ ���� ��

26 THEBATHCHRONICLE opendays Learninginacaringenvironmenti.thisis.co.uk/274156/binaries/opendays.pdf · 2016-07-07 · 26 THURSDAYSEPTEMBER102009 THEBATHCHRONICLE visitourwebsite:

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Page 1: 26 THEBATHCHRONICLE opendays Learninginacaringenvironmenti.thisis.co.uk/274156/binaries/opendays.pdf · 2016-07-07 · 26 THURSDAYSEPTEMBER102009 THEBATHCHRONICLE visitourwebsite:

THE BATH CHRONICLE visit our website:www.thisisbath.co.uk26 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2009

open days

Learning in a caring environmentWrithlington School isrecognised as a highperforming school by theAcademic Trust. Examinationresults are consistently abovenational figures and in 2008Writhlington was placed in thetop one per cent of schoolsnationally.Academic achievement is

central to the school’s purpose

and staff have highexpectations of the students.Every student receives a broad,balanced curriculum. They areencouraged to work hard, to be

well organised and to learnself-motivation. The school alsooffers an extensive range ofopportunities which enableevery student to experiencesuccess.Major developments include:

■ICT-rich environment withextensive online resources■A Business and EnterpriseLearning Centre with

conference facilities■ Sports centre, fitness suiteand indoor tennis centre■New Astro Turf facilities forschool and community use■Somerset County CricketCentre of Excellence■ £25.6 million PathfinderSchool (March 2010)■ £3.75 million AppliedLearning Centre (January 2011)Please telephone the

Headteacher’s PA on 01761

433581 to arrange a visit duringthe school day.

St Mark’s also offers aunique and caring learningenvironment for all children.The staff want their youngpeople to aspire for more, toapproach every challenge withvigour and enthusiasm and fortheir time at school to beenjoyable.As a Church of England

school, linked to the Bath and

Wells Diocese, the education ofstudents reflects the values andmoral guidance given to themas part of their widerexperience within the school.To achieve a balancededucation, staff believe that allstudents should be inspired andencouraged in a warm andcaring environment, nurturingindividuals for their talentsboth academically andspiritually.

LESSONS IN LIFE: students receive this year’s examination results at Writhlington School


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Page 2: 26 THEBATHCHRONICLE opendays Learninginacaringenvironmenti.thisis.co.uk/274156/binaries/opendays.pdf · 2016-07-07 · 26 THURSDAYSEPTEMBER102009 THEBATHCHRONICLE visitourwebsite:

27THE BATH CHRONICLEvisit our website:www.thisisbath.co.uk THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2009

Go and see school thatis right for your childAt Beechen Cliff the missionis to provide the besteducation for each pupil, toprepare each one effectivelyfor adulthood and to achievethe highest standard in allareas of school life.The staff at Beechen Cliff

achieve this by ensuring thatboys give their maximumacademic performancethrough a programme ofworthwhile activities;insisting on high standards ofconduct and presentation,while ensuring a regime ofacknowledgement, praise,reward and status. BeechenCliff also has an outstandingacademic record regardingexam results.The Prospective Parents’

Evening will be held onTuesday September 22 from6pm and parents andchildren are also welcome atthe open morning onWednesday, September 30from 9am to 1pm. For moreinformation call 01225 480466.

Hayesfield Girls’ School isa school for girls with aco-educational sixth formcombining an impressiveacademic record withexcellent extra-curricularand enrichmentopportunities.The school was delighted

with its recent Ofstedinspection which identifiedHayesfield as an outstandingschool with the inspectorscommending the school for

its outstanding teaching,excellent curriculum andcare, guidance and support.The £10m new building at

Upper Oldfield Park willprovide the school withimpressive sports andperforming arts facilitiesincluding a sports centre,upgraded outdoor gamesareas and 350-seat theatre.The Prospective Parents’

Evening will be held onTuesday September 22 from6pm to 8.30pm and the openmorning with be held fromFriday September 25 from9am to noon. Call 01225 426151or visit www.hayesfield.comfor more information.In the Ofsted Report of 2009,

Culverhay School receivedpraise for every aspect ofschool life:■ High standards: ‘CulverhaySchool provides its studentswith a good standard ofeducation’ Ofsted 2009■ All learners achieve theirpotential: ‘The excellentprogress made by studentsrelative to their startingpoints placed the school inthe top six per cent of schoolsnationally in 2008’ Ofsted 2009■ Top-quality lessons: ‘Thequality of teaching is goodacross the school’ Ofsted 2009

■ Every child genuinelymatters: ‘There is a high levelof personal care and goodteaching. Every student ispushed and well supported toachieve’ Ofsted 2009■ The quality ofrelationships: ‘The ethos ofthe school is one which iscaring and supportive.Students enjoy school andrespond positively’ Ofsted2009■ All aspects of learningcount: ‘The innovativeenrichment programme is anoutstanding example ofenhancing learning andprovides excellentopportunities for personaldevelopment’ Ofsted 2009

King Edward’s School isone of the top academicindependent day schools inthe UK for girls and boysaged three to 18 years.The recent Independent

School Inspectorate reportjudged King Edward’s Schoolto be ‘outstanding’ with oneof the best reports in thecountry.The school provides a

distinctive and stimulatingenvironment for childrenfrom a variety ofbackgrounds, in which eachindividual is encouraged to

strive for excellence and toacquire a lifelong passion forknowledge, discovery andadventure.Pupils achieve outstanding

success in many areas.The facilities are excellent,

with a state-of-the-artacademic centre for science,geography, modern foreignlanguages and IT, a stylishsixth form learning andsocial centre, a new sciencelaboratory at the JuniorSchool and a LearningDiscovery IT Suite andsensory garden at thePre-Prep.What makes the school so

special is passionate teachingand pupils who are motivatedlearners with adetermination to achievetheir goals and pursue theirinterests.The Sixth Form Open

Evening is on Friday October9, from 6pm to 8pm, with theSenior, Junior and Pre-Prepopen morning on Saturday,October 10 at 9am to noon.For further informationplease contact the registraron 01225 464313 [email protected].

Advertisement feature

Boys 11-18 School 1080 pupilsPopular Co-Educational Sixth Form of 280

Technology College

Excellent Academic StandardsExceptional A Level Results

Many students proceeding to university each year includingOxbridge

GCSE 2009:80% achieving 5 or more A*-C grades75% achieving 5 or more A*-C grades including Maths and English100% achieving 5 or more A*-G grades

Outstanding achievements in the Arts and Sport:Regular Saturday sports fixtures in all age groups throughout the year.Music, Drama, Public Speaking and Fine Art very strong.

Prospective Parents’ EveningTuesday 22nd September 6.00 pm.

Open MorningWednesday 30th September 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.

Alexandra Park, Bath BA2 4RE Telephone: 01225 480466Fax: 01225 314025 Email: [email protected]

B E E C H E N C L I F F S C H O O LHeadmaster:A Davies




Headteacher’s Presentation at 7.30pmCulverhay School, Rush Hill, Bath, BA2 2QL TEL: 01225 426268


Page 3: 26 THEBATHCHRONICLE opendays Learninginacaringenvironmenti.thisis.co.uk/274156/binaries/opendays.pdf · 2016-07-07 · 26 THURSDAYSEPTEMBER102009 THEBATHCHRONICLE visitourwebsite:

THE BATH CHRONICLE visit our website:www.thisisbath.co.uk28 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2009

Page 4: 26 THEBATHCHRONICLE opendays Learninginacaringenvironmenti.thisis.co.uk/274156/binaries/opendays.pdf · 2016-07-07 · 26 THURSDAYSEPTEMBER102009 THEBATHCHRONICLE visitourwebsite:

29THE BATH CHRONICLEvisit our website:www.thisisbath.co.uk THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2009

High standards are common theme

Oldfield School has areputation for highstandards and Ofstedgave the school the topaccolade: “This is anoutstanding school inwhich the academicachievement of thestudents is excellent.”Students regularlyachieve highly and in2009 86 per cent of Year11 students gained atleast 5 A* to C gradesat GCSE, while half ofthe students gained atleast ten A* to Cgrades, in subjectsranging from Germanand physics to danceand statistics.The staff are proud tohave been one of thefirst schools in thecountry designated asa High PerformingSpecialist School bythe DCSF in 2004,which means thatadditional funding forarts, science and sportbrings in an extra£236,000 each year.The staff at OldfieldSchool warmly inviteyou to the Sixth FormInformation Eveningon September 16, theOpen Evening onSeptember 23 and theOpen Morning onSeptember 2. For moreinformation call 01225423582 or visitwww.oldfield.bathnes.sch.uk

Monkton CombeSchool is anindependentco-educationalboarding and dayschool with a livelyChristian ethos,situated in thebeautiful MidfordValley just outside ofBath.The new £4.1 millionmaths and sciencecentre at the seniorschool is proving to bean exceptional facilityfor teaching, learningand research for pupilsat all levels and in

September astate-of-the-art “allweather” hockey pitchwill open at the prepschool.This first-classfacility will be one ofthe best in the southwest and will help tomaintain the prepschool’s reputation asone of the leadinghockey schools in thecountry.Contact the registrar,Patricia Neaverson on01225 721133 or visitwww.monktoncombeschool.com for moreinformation.

Prior Park College(pictured right) is acaring CatholicChristian communitywith an open,ecumenical spirit.Academic achievementis a vital foundation,although ‘success’ isdefined in the broadestand most inclusiveway.The college isrenowned forexceptionally highstandards in music,drama, art, dance andcreative writing andmore than 120 publicperformances areundertakenthroughout the year,held in the JulianSlade Theatre,Mackintosh dancestudio, the John WoodChapel and schoolchapel as well asbeyond the college.Strong teams are inevidence at all ages inthe major sports ofrugby, hockey, netball,tennis, cricket androunders.As well as the indoorheated swimming pool,gymnasium/fitnesscentre, Astro Turf andextensive playingfields, the college hasaccess to the superbathletics facilities atthe University of Bathnearby.

Advertisement feature

LEARNING FOR LIFE: a student at MonktonCombe School

We are extremely proud that Ofsted graded us outstanding. We insiston high standards and expect that our young people work to the best of

their ability. In 2009 86% of Year 11 gained 5+ A* - C at GCSE.

We warmly invite you to our


OPEN EVENING - 23rd September

OPEN MORNING - 25th September

For details please telephone 01225 423582or visit www.oldfield.bathnes.sch.uk

“An Outstanding School”Ofsted

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Page 5: 26 THEBATHCHRONICLE opendays Learninginacaringenvironmenti.thisis.co.uk/274156/binaries/opendays.pdf · 2016-07-07 · 26 THURSDAYSEPTEMBER102009 THEBATHCHRONICLE visitourwebsite:

29THE BATH CHRONICLEvisit our website:www.thisisbath.co.uk THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2009

High standards are common theme

Oldfield School has areputation for highstandards and Ofstedgave the school the topaccolade: “This is anoutstanding school inwhich the academicachievement of thestudents is excellent.”Students regularlyachieve highly and in2009 86 per cent of Year11 students gained atleast 5 A* to C gradesat GCSE, while half ofthe students gained atleast ten A* to Cgrades, in subjectsranging from Germanand physics to danceand statistics.The staff are proud tohave been one of thefirst schools in thecountry designated asa High PerformingSpecialist School bythe DCSF in 2004,which means thatadditional funding forarts, science and sportbrings in an extra£236,000 each year.The staff at OldfieldSchool warmly inviteyou to the Sixth FormInformation Eveningon September 16, theOpen Evening onSeptember 23 and theOpen Morning onSeptember 2. For moreinformation call 01225423582 or visitwww.oldfield.bathnes.sch.uk

Monkton CombeSchool is anindependentco-educationalboarding and dayschool with a livelyChristian ethos,situated in thebeautiful MidfordValley just outside ofBath.The new £4.1 millionmaths and sciencecentre at the seniorschool is proving to bean exceptional facilityfor teaching, learningand research for pupilsat all levels and in

September astate-of-the-art “allweather” hockey pitchwill open at the prepschool.This first-classfacility will be one ofthe best in the southwest and will help tomaintain the prepschool’s reputation asone of the leadinghockey schools in thecountry.Contact the registrar,Patricia Neaverson on01225 721133 or visitwww.monktoncombeschool.com for moreinformation.

Prior Park College(pictured right) is acaring CatholicChristian communitywith an open,ecumenical spirit.Academic achievementis a vital foundation,although ‘success’ isdefined in the broadestand most inclusiveway.The college isrenowned forexceptionally highstandards in music,drama, art, dance andcreative writing andmore than 120 publicperformances areundertakenthroughout the year,held in the JulianSlade Theatre,Mackintosh dancestudio, the John WoodChapel and schoolchapel as well asbeyond the college.Strong teams are inevidence at all ages inthe major sports ofrugby, hockey, netball,tennis, cricket androunders.As well as the indoorheated swimming pool,gymnasium/fitnesscentre, Astro Turf andextensive playingfields, the college hasaccess to the superbathletics facilities atthe University of Bathnearby.

Advertisement feature

LEARNING FOR LIFE: a student at MonktonCombe School

We are extremely proud that Ofsted graded us outstanding. We insiston high standards and expect that our young people work to the best of

their ability. In 2009 86% of Year 11 gained 5+ A* - C at GCSE.

We warmly invite you to our


OPEN EVENING - 23rd September

OPEN MORNING - 25th September

For details please telephone 01225 423582or visit www.oldfield.bathnes.sch.uk

“An Outstanding School”Ofsted

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THE BATH CHRONICLE visit our website:www.thisisbath.co.uk30 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2009

Schools havereputationsfor academicexcellenceSt Gregory’s, in the words of itsmost recent Oftsed report in 2008, is‘an outstanding college wherestudents thrive’. In fact, theinspectors judged every aspect ofthe school’s provision asoutstanding.

The Good Schools Guide 2008 saidthat St Gregory’s was ‘a muchsought after and dynamic 11-16Catholic comprehensive whichcombines creativity with academicsuccess’. This success is built on theexplicitly Christian ethos and thestaff ’s commitment to the higheststandards.

The college’s well deservedreputation for academic excellenceis based on consistently excellentperformance in publicexaminations, with most pupilsgoing on to further education.

This year, the school is embarkingon a consultation to have its ownsixth form.

In the meantime, the GCSE resultsare among the best in the country.

This year’s Open Evening willtake place on Thursday, September24 from 6.30 to 9pm and the OpenMorning on Thursday, October 1from 9.15am to 12.15pm.

Looking back on a year marked byoutstanding individualachievements and sharedenjoyment, The Royal High Schoolis now looking forward to another

year of successes.The Junior and Senior Schools

continue to build on the expertisegained from over a century ofteaching young women.

Free from the ‘gender agenda’which can snuff out the aspirationsof young female physicists,chemists and engineers, girlseducated at The Royal High Seniorand Junior Schools enter the co-edcollege confident in their belief thatall routes are open to them.

Offering superb pastoral supportfor day and boarding students andwith a profound commitment tonurturing talents and confidence ineach individual, The RHS is alsoproud to be a member of the GDST,the largest group ofindependent schools in thecountry.

The hallmark of a GDST educationsees quality linked to a determinedcommitment to accessibility andvalue for money and more than20 per cent of GDST studentsachieve some kind of financialsupport.

Couple this to outstandingfacilities, examination results andregard throughout HigherEducation, the attraction of TheRoyal High is clear.

With Open Days this term for allphases of its education, The RoyalHigh School looks forward towelcoming you and your family tomeet its team of experts andenthusiasts.

Ralph Allen School is anon-denominational 11-18 mixedcommunity school with excellentfacilities, situated on the southernside of Bath, with approximately1,080 students.

The headteacher, Libby Lee (MACantab) has been at the school for14 years.

The school has consistentlyachieved excellent results in GCSEand A-Level over the past sevenyears and as a Specialist ScienceCollege has been awarded ArtsmarkSilver as testimony to the strengthof its arts education.

Its Sportsmark award is evidenceof excellent sport provision andHealthy Schools Plus showsthat good health is ofparamount importance in theschool.

The B&NES School ImprovementPartner commented in December2008 on the school’s exemplaryleadership, and said it was‘outstanding for equalities andinclusion’.

Ralph Allen is a school whereyoung people are able to enjoytheir learning and achieve verywell.

Advertisement featureTOP OF THECLASS:students atRalph Allencelebratingtheir examresults

Headteacher Libby Lee

WrithlingtonBusiness & Enterprise Specialist School

Writhlington, Radstock, BA3 3NQ Tel: 01761 433581 Email: [email protected]

Open EveningTuesday 15 September 2009 at 7.00pm in the Main School Hall

Ofsted Report 2007:“The curriculum is outstanding in very way”“The most enterprising school in England”“An exemplary array of enrichment activities”

“The achievement of many students is outstanding”• Examination results in the top 1% of schools nationally • A strong partnership with parents and Primary schools• 25.6 million of new buildings scheduled for 2010 • ICT-rich environment with extensive online resources• New indoor Tennis Courts • Somerset CC Cricket Centre

Excellence for all and from all

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