25620205 Mahmoud Darwish Poems

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  • 8/11/2019 25620205 Mahmoud Darwish Poems


    Mahmoud DarwishPalestine

    2004 Principal Prince Claus Award

    Translated by:Ferial Ghazoul,Sar on !oulos,"usain "addawi,A#ira $l%&ein,Sinan Antoon,Clarissa !urt,'unir A(ash,Carolyn Forch)*

    Prince Claus Fund +S+' C-. !A/ or Culture and -e1elop#ent +nternational institute basis 1oor

    or the study o isla# actuele (unst +n the #odern world

  • 8/11/2019 25620205 Mahmoud Darwish Poems



    ere it up to #e to be in a ain 2

    e tra1el li(e all people 3

    + tal( too #uch 4

    They would lo1e to see #e dead

    The (indhearted 1illa ers 5

    The owl6s ni ht 7

    A rhy#e or the odes 8 #u6alla9at ;0

    The well ;2

    As he wal(s away ;5

    . "elen, what a rain ;ile? 2

    Four personal addresses

    .ne s9uare #eter o prison 2@

    A seat on a train 27An intensi1e care roo# 2act their sad re1en e*

    =iolins hunt #e down to (ill #e where1er they ind #e*

    =iolins weep with Arabs lea1in Andalusia*

    =iolins weep with Gypsies on their way to Andalusia*


  • 8/11/2019 25620205 Mahmoud Darwish Poems



    Stran er on the ri1er ban(,

    li(e the ri1er, water binds #e to your na#e*

    othin brin s #e bac( ro# this distance

    to the oasis: neither war nor peace*

    othin rants #e entry into the ospels*

    othin * othin shines ro# the shores

    o ebb and low between the Ti ris and the ile*

    othin li ts #e down ro# the Pharaoh6s chariots*

    othin carries #e, or loads #e with an idea:

    neither nostal ia, nor pro#ise*hat shall + do? hat shall + do without e>ile

    and a lon ni ht o azin at the water?

    ater binds #e to your na#e*

    othin ta(es #e away ro# the butter lies o drea#*

    othin i1es #e reality: neither dust, nor ire*

    hat shall + do without the roses o Sa#ar(and?

    hat shall + do in a s9uare, where sin ers are

    worn s#ooth by #oonstones?

    e ha1e beco#e wei htless,

    as li ht as our dwellin s in distant winds*

    e ha1e, both o us, be riended the stran e bein s in the clouds*

    e ha1e both been reed ro# the ra1ity o the land o identity*

    hat shall we do?

    hat shall we do without e>ile

    and lon ni hts o azin at the water?

    ater binds #e to your na#e*


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    othin is le t o #e e>cept you*

    othin is le t o you e>cept #e

    a stran er caressin the thi hs o a stran er*

    . stran er, what will we do with what is le t

    o the stillness and the brie sleep between two #yths?

    othin carries us: neither path nor ho#e*

    as this the sa#e path ro# the be innin ?

    .r did our drea#s ind a 'on olian horse on a hill

    and e>chan e us or hi#?

    hat shall we do?

    hat shall we do without e>ile?


  • 8/11/2019 25620205 Mahmoud Darwish Poems



    .( O+) s2uar) m)*)r o3 4riso+

    +t6s the door, and beyond it is the paradise o the heart* .ur thin s and

    e1erythin is ours are interchan eable* And the door is a door, the door o

    #etony#y, the door o le end* A door to (eep Septe#ber entle* A door that

    in1ites ields to be in their wheat* The door has no door, yet + can o into #y

    outside and lo1e both what + see and what + do not see* All o these wonders and

    beauty are on earth there and yet the door has no door? 'y prison cell accepts

    no li ht e>cept into #ysel * Peace be unto #e* Peace be unto the sound barrier* +

    wrote ten poe#s to eulo ize #y reedo#, here and there* + lo1e the particles os(y that slip throu h the s(yli ht a #eter o li ht where horses swi#* And + lo1e

    #y #other6s little thin s, the aro#a o co ee in her dress when she opens the

    door o day to her loc(s o hens* + lo1e the ields between Autu#n and inter,

    the children o our prison uard, and the #a azines displayed on a distant

    sidewal(* + also wrote twenty satiric poe#s about the place in which we ha1e no

    plate* 'y reedo# is not to be as they want #e to be, but to enlar e #y prison

    cell, and carry on #y son o the door* A door is a door, yet + can wal( out within

    #e, and so on and so orth*


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    5( A s)a* o+ a *rai+

    Scar1es that don6t belon to us* o1ers at the last #inute* The li ht o the station*

    Boses that decei1e a heart in search o tenderness* Treacherous tears on the

    plat or#* 'yths that don6t belon to us* They tra1eled ro# here * -o we ha1e a

    certain there , so that we #i ht re oice when we arri1e? Tulips are not or us, so

    why should we lo1e the railway? e tra1el in search o nothin , but we don6t li(e

    trains when new stations are new places o e>ile* anterns, but not or us, to see

    our lo1e waitin in the s#o(e* An e>press train to cross the la(es* +n e1ery

    poc(et, (eys to a house and a a#ily photo raph* All the passen ers return to their

    a#ilies, but we do not return to any ho#e* e tra1el in search o nothin , so that

    we #ay achie1e the ri htness o butter lies* indows, but not or us, to e>chan ereetin s in e1ery lan ua e* as the earth any clearer when we rode the horses o

    the past? here are these horses? here are the #aidens o the son s? And when

    in us are the son s o nature? + a# distant e1en ro# #y own distance* "ow

    distant, then, is o1e? Fast irls, li(e robbers, hunt us* e or et addresses

    scrawled on train windows* e, who all in lo1e or ten #inutes, cannot enter a

    house twice* e cannot beco#e an echo twice*


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    6( A+ i+*)+si7) 8ar) room

    hen the earth presses a ainst #e, the wind spins #e around* + ha1e to ly, to

    bridle the wind, but + a# a hu#an bein * +n #y heart, #any lutes are tearin #y

    breast* 'y sweat is li(e allin snow, so picture #y ra1e in the pal# o #y hand,

    + was, little by little, tossed into bed, + threw up and lost consciousness or a

    while, and then + died* At the ate o that hurried death, + called out: I love you,

    may I enter death in your feet? And + died, + died utterly* "ow tran9uil and

    peace ul is death without your cryin ? "ow tran9uil and peace ul is death without

    your hands poundin on #y chest to brin #e bac(? !e ore and a ter death +

    lo1ed you, and between + saw nothin but #y #other6s ace*

    +t6s the heart, set loose or a while, that has returned* + as(ed #y belo1ed: In

    which heart was I struc#? She leaned on #y heart and answered with tears* .

    heart, how could you lie to #e and let #e tu#ble ro# #y nei hin horse? e

    still ha1e considerable ti#e, so hold out with #e until a hoopoe ro# the Iueen o

    Sheba6s land co#es to you*

    e #ailed letters* e crossed thirty seas and si>ty coasts and yet we still ha1e

    ti#e to wander*

    . heart, how could you ool a horse who lo1es the wind? Ta(e your ti#e until we

    inish this last e#brace and all to the earth in prayer*

    Ta(e your ti#e that + #ay (now whether you are #y heart or her 1oice when she

    cried out: "a#e me.


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    9( A room i+ a ho*)/

    Peace be unto lo1e when it co#es, when it dies and chan es lo1ers in hotels* -oes

    it ha1e anythin to lose? e6ll drin( the e1enin co ee in the arden* e6ll tell

    stories o e>ile in the ni ht* Then we6ll o to a roo# two stran ers searchin or

    a ni ht o co#passion and so on and so orth*

    e6ll lea1e a ew words on our two seats* e6ll or et our ci arettes, so others

    #ay continue with the e1enin and the s#o(in * e6ll or et so#e o our sleep

    on our pillows, so others #ay co#e and rest in our sleep and so on and so orth*

    "ow was it that we put aith in our bodies in those hotels? "ow could we depend

    on our secrets in those hotels? +n the dar(ness that has oined our bodies, others#ay continue our cry and so on and so orth* e are only two o those who sleep

    in a public bed, a bed that belon s to all* e say only what transient lo1ers also

    said a while a o* Goodbye co#es soon* as this hasty encounter only so as to

    or et those who lo1ed us in other hotels? "a1e you not said these wanton words

    to so#eone else? "a1e + not said these wanton words to so#eone else in another

    hotel, or ha1e + said the# in this 1ery bed? e6ll ollow the sa#e steps, so that

    others #ay co#e and ollow the sa#e steps and so on and so orth*


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    ait or her with an azure cup*

    ait or her in the e1enin at the sprin , a#on per u#ed roses*

    ait or her with the patience o a horse trained or #ountains*

    ait or her with the distincti1e, aesthetic taste o a prince*

    ait or her with se1en pillows o cloud*

    ait or her with strands o wo#anly incense wa tin *

    ait or her with the #anly scent o sandalwood on horsebac(*

    ait or her and do not rush*

    + she arri1es late, wait or her*

    + she arri1es early, wait or her*-o not ri hten the birds in her braided hair*

    ait or her to sit in a arden at the pea( o its lowerin *

    ait or her so that she #ay breathe this air, so stran e to her heart*

    ait or her to li t her ar#ent ro# her le , cloud by cloud*

    And wait or her*

    Ta(e her to the balcony to watch the #oon drownin in #il(*

    ait or her and o er her water be ore wine*

    -o not lance at the twin partrid es sleepin on her chest*

    ait and ently touch her hand as she sets a cup on #arble*

    As i you are carryin the dew or her, wait*

    Spea( to her as a lute would to a ri htened 1iolin strin ,

    as i you (new what to#orrow would brin *

    ait, and polish the ni ht or her rin by rin *

    ait or her until i ht spea(s to you thus:

    "here is no one alive but the two of you.

    %o ta#e her gently to the death you so desire,

    and wait.