High performance, high accuracy, high functionality in an I/O system that provides cost effective access to a wide range of advanced functions including PID control with auto tuning and gain scheduling. Designed to communicate with any Modbus™ or Profibus™ master, it can be used for signal conditioning, alarm monitoring, remote data acquisition or devolved control for systems such as the Eurotherm Visual Supervisor, PC based SCADA packages and PLC's. Eight high stability PID blocks, provide an extensive range of control strategies. Each PID block offers one-shot auto tuning to optimise control performance without the need for specialist knowledge. Every PID block may be a Single PID, Cascade, Ratio or Override controller, each providing the choice of analogue, time proportioned or valve position output. Three base sizes are available taking 4, 8 or 16 I/O modules each. Up to 16 bases may be daisy chained to provide acquisition and multiloop control solutions with up to 128 loops. DIN rail mounting allows the 2500 to be located where the control action is required, minimising the cost of the cable used, as only the communications need be taken to the User Interface. The 2500 may also be mounted on part of the machine saving the cost of centralised control cubicles. A friendly Windows configurator package, 'iTools' is used to set up the 2500. 'iTools' parameterises and commissions the I/O points, the Toolkit and PID function blocks and interconnects the different variables, alarms, function blocks and I/O. 'Toolkit blocks' provide local combinational logic and mathematical calculation. 2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit Ideal for: Remote I/O Alarm Monitoring Signal Conditioning Multi-loop PID Single loop Cascade control Ratio control Override control Furnaces Environmental Chambers Baking Conveyor Ovens Packing Lines Conveyor Furnaces MODEL 2500 abc Benefits: Advanced PID control Accurate control, independent of PLC scan times Single loop integrity Greater fault tolerance. Simple fault finding Physical distribution Reduces wiring cost Local processing Minimises communications to the master Direct interface to More accuracy less cost temperature sensors Plug-in modules Reduces downtime Expandable Only pay for the I/O required Three-year warranty Low ownership cost

2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit

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Page 1: 2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit

High performance, high accuracy, high functionality in an I/Osystem that provides cost effective access to a wide range ofadvanced functions including PID control with auto tuning andgain scheduling.

Designed to communicate with any Modbus™ or Profibus™master, it can be used for signal conditioning, alarm monitoring,remote data acquisition or devolved control for systems such asthe Eurotherm Visual Supervisor, PC based SCADA packagesand PLC's.

Eight high stability PID blocks, provide an extensive range ofcontrol strategies. Each PID block offers one-shot auto tuning tooptimise control performance without the need for specialistknowledge. Every PID block may be a Single PID, Cascade, Ratioor Override controller, each providing the choice of analogue,time proportioned or valve position output.

Three base sizes are available taking 4, 8 or 16 I/O modules each.Up to 16 bases may be daisy chained to provide acquisition andmultiloop control solutions with up to 128 loops.

DIN rail mounting allows the 2500 to be located where thecontrol action is required, minimising the cost of the cable used,as only the communications need be taken to the User Interface.The 2500 may also be mounted on part of the machine saving thecost of centralised control cubicles.

A friendly Windows configurator package, 'iTools' is used to setup the 2500. 'iTools' parameterises and commissions the I/Opoints, the Toolkit and PID function blocks and interconnectsthe different variables, alarms, function blocks and I/O. 'Toolkitblocks' provide local combinational logic and mathematicalcalculation.

2500 Data Acquisition andMulti loop PID Control Unit

Ideal for: Remote I/O

Alarm Monitoring

Signal Conditioning

Multi-loop PID

Single loop

Cascade control

Ratio control

Override control


Environmental Chambers

Baking Conveyor Ovens

Packing Lines

Conveyor Furnaces




Benefits: Advanced PID control Accurate control, independent of PLC scan times

Single loop integrity Greater fault tolerance. Simple fault finding

Physical distribution Reduces wiring cost

Local processing Minimises communications to the master

Direct interface to More accuracy less cost

temperature sensors

Plug-in modules Reduces downtime

Expandable Only pay for the I/O required

Three-year warranty Low ownership cost

Page 2: 2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit


2500 Signal Conditioning

Toolkit Block FunctionsAdd


Absolute differenceMaximum Minimum

Hot swapSample and hold

PowerSquare root

Log LnExponential



Not equalGreater than

Less thanGreater than, or equal

Less than or equal

The 2500 signal conditioning“solution provider” formultiple signal inputs offersthe answer to complex signalconditioning challenges. Thedifferent base sizes and I/Ostructure enables users tomatch I/O modules to suitthe precise needs ofindividual applications.

Used as a signal-conditioningunit the 2500 can beconfigured to solve complexsignal conditioningproblems. It enables easylink access to analogue anddigital inputs and outputswhile still offering highspeed industrial standardserial communication, tosuit your data acquisitionrequirements. Custom linearisation Signal conditioning Ramp function High Low signal select First Order Filter Combinational Logic Mathematical functions

Analogue modulesEach input module4 x Absolute High4 x Absolute Low

Digital modulesEach input module


Change of state

PID and User alarmsUp to 4 per block

Absolute HighAbsolute Low

Deviation BandDeviation HighDeviation LowRate of Change

2500 Remote I/O (Modbus™ or Profibus)

The modularity of the 2500 makes it easier to create I/Oblocks with just the correct mix of Inputs and Outputs,enabling you to distribute the acquisition equipmentgeographically saving the cost of expensive multi-core orcompensation cables. Up to sixteen 2500 base units may bedaisy chained, to provide complex distributed multiloopcontrol or acquisition applications. Those are easily linked toan operator interface unit, SCADA package or supervisoryPLC. They can also share the communications bus withother external devices such as discrete controllers,indicators, chart recorders, drives...

Alarm Outputs (contact trips)may be triggered, based onsensed or calculated values.Calculated values can bederived from a comprehensivelibrary of maths and Booleanfunctions.

Alarms can be triggered uponviolation of high or lowthreshold, deviation from aconstant or sensed input andfrom calculated values. Ratesof change alarms are alsoavailable.

2500 Intelligent Alarm Monitor

Executes control loops locally @ 110m SecUser Soft Wiring and Toolkit blocks

ControlUp to 8 fully featured PID blocksSingle loop, Cascade,ratio or OverrideControl

I/O NetworkMODBUSProfibus-DP

Process AlarmingThreshold, Deviation or rate of change

I/O BasesFrom 4 to 16 Modules

Plug-in I/O ModulesHot SwapCost effectiveOptional fusesSoftware configured

2. Ch. universal analogue input3. Ch. high level analogue input2. Ch. analogue output4. Ch. digital input8. Ch. digital input4. Ch. logic out4. Ch. relay output

Modbus orProfibus-DP

Page 3: 2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit


2500C - Control module for a base unitThe Input Output Controller (IOC) is the CentralProcessing Unit of the 2500 DIN rail controller.Each 2500 base has an IOC module mounted inthe extreme left-hand position. The controlmodule communicates with its I/O moduleswhich are connected to an internal IO bus, via apassive Module Interconnection printed circuitboard. This also provides the internal powerrequired by the I/O modules.

Control BlocksControl Loops Up to 8 control blocksControl modes On/Off, single PID, Cascaded PID,

Ratio Control or Override ControlControl outputs Analogue, Time Proportioned or

Motorised Valve control with or without feedback potentiometer

Cooling algorithms Linear, Water, Fan, OilTuning One-shot Auto tune or Manual.Number of PID sets Three Auto / Manual control Bumpless transfer or forced manual

output availableSetpoint rate limit Ramp in units per sec, per min or

per hour

PID and User AlarmsAll Analogue inputs and outputs share a common,comprehensive alarm capability in addition to the I/Oalarms.

Number of user alarms 4 per PID block plus 4 additional user alarms

Alarm types High absolute, Low absolute, Deviation high, Deviation low, Deviation band, Rate of change All with separate hysteresis

Alarm modes Latching or non-latching. Blocking.Energised or de-energised in alarm

CommunicationsThe IOC module optionally supports MODBUS or PROFIBUScommunications.

MODBUS RTU 3-wire RS232, RJ11 (Normally used for configuration)

MODBUS RTU: Jumper selectable 2 or 4-wire RS485 (Field comms/configuration)

Connectors 2 x RJ45

PROFIBUS DP High speed RS485. Up to 12Mb/s

Connectors 9 pin D connector or 2 x RJ45

Humidity Function BlockA special Humidity function block calculates the relativehumidity or dew point (Process Value) using the wet and drybulb measurement technique. Pressure compensation can bemeasured via a transmitter and soft wired to the block froman input or can be set as a fixed parameter.

Zirconia Function BlockThis feature is used to measure carbon potential, furnace dewpoint or oxygen concentration. Temperature Control Carbon Potential Control Sooting Alarm Automatic Probe Cleaning Endothermic Gas Correction

Supported probes:Probe mV, Bosch Carbon, AACC, Drayton, Accucarb, SSI,MacDhui, Oxygen, Log Oxygen, Bosch, Dewpoint.

Toolkit block User variables 8 real values per base:Analogue function blocks 16 function blocks per base

Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Absolute difference, Maximum, Minimum, Hot swap, Sample and hold, Power, Square root, Log, Ln, Exponential.

Digital function blocks 16 function blocks per base:AND, OR, XOR, Latch, Equal, Not equal, Greater than, Less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to.

Analogue Output




Loop 1 Loop 2 Loop 3 Loop 4 Loop 5 Loop 6 Loop 7 Loop 8

Single Loop


PV PIDValve Position



Wet bulbTemperature

Dry bulbTemperature Humidity


Wet Bulb Offset

Pressure Compensation

Psychometric Constant

% RH

Dew Point

Sensor Failure


BlockProbe mV

Enrichment Gas

Probe Clean



Gas Reference

Gas Ref

Sooting Alarm

Probe Health

°C CarbonControlLoop Dilution Air

% Carbon SP

Page 4: 2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit


‘iTools’ the configurator

On-line and off-lineconfiguration

Cloning, File Load, Save and Copy

User Wiring Editor

Simple Recipes

Watch Window


HTML or CSV format

DownloadUser Linearisations

OPC client/server

OPC Scopecommissioning utility

Trending and Logging

What does it do?'iTools' is used to set up thetype, range, linearisationand scaling of analogueinputs, the PID control typeand parameters and all otherfunctions and featureswithin the 2500.

Trending How do I use it?Simply plug theconfiguration cable into theRJ11 socket on the 2500Cmodule. Let 'iTools' scan forthe device. The module canthen be put intoconfiguration mode.Simply click on the explorer'folder' to select a parameterpage, then click theparameter you wish to edit.A select list will appear forthe variable, either a helpfulmulti choice, pick list ornumeric data entry box willpop up.

How many values can I select?Every parameter can be selected and may be set as required.

How do I save and document my configuration?Once the 2500 configuration has been completed then theapplication can be saved as a 'clone' file for repeat application.Clone files can be loaded, copied, saved and edited both on andoff line.

Soft wiringAvailable on all 2500's, soft wiring enables interconnectionbetween Inputs, Alarms, Maths and Logic 'Toolkit Blocks', PIDand Outputs, in fact it links the control application.

Toolkit Blocks'Toolkit blocks' provide the mathematical or logicalexpressions required in creating an application . Thefunctions are wired together using 'drag and drop' techniquessimplifying creating complex application. The Toolkit blockvariables are parameterised using pull down lists or by directdata entry.

Parameter Find Search function:With just over 8500 parameters in each 2500, 'iTools' provides ahelpful search and find utility. A search can be made onParameter name, descriptions, address or a user comment.

Simple RecipesProcesses often produce a range of products requiringdifferent settings to be entered into the control system. Atcommissioning time, if these 'parameter sets' can be held in aseries of recipes, a rapid and accurate way of setting up theprocess can be easily achieved.'iTools' stores recipes in customised sets of parameters thatcan be named, stored and downloaded to the control. A simplesystem 'Snap-Shot' feature allows easy capture of thecurrently set-up data in the system.

'iTools' Open Connectivity'iTools' is a powerful configuration tool and incommunications support of this functionality is Eurotherm'sOPC compliant 'EuroMBus' MODBUS driver. The 'EuroMBus'OPC server provides a client/server relationship between theModbus communications port and 'iTools' and allows otherOPC compliant clients to simultaneously link to the driver.'EuroMBus' OPC provides access for: SCADA integration, e.g. Wonderware, without additional

drivers. OPC Scope - 'iTools' Commissioning Utility

OPC Scope - 'iTools' Commissioning UtilityProvides a simple but effective commissioning interfacepowerful enough for analysing and tuning the most complexcontrol loops. Trending - multi pen real time trends for Loop Tuning

10000 point buffer with variable sample rate. Data Logging - CSV file format Support for DDE included in 'OPC Scope' for linking to

other windows applications e.g. Excel, Word, etc.

What does it run on?Minimum specification Windows 95, 98 Pentium 90 with 16Mb of RAM

(32Mb recommended). Windows NT 4.0 Pentium 166 with 24Mb of RAM

(48Mb recommended). Windows 2000 Pentium II 266 with 64Mb of RAM. Disk space 40Mb free required on all systems.

For additional information on iTools please ask for Data SheetHA026177.

Page 5: 2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit


GeneralSample rate 110mSec / Nominal 9Hz.Supply voltage range 18.0 to 28.8Vdc.VA requirements < 80W max. for fully loaded rackNon Replaceable Fuse 4A time lagRating IOC power MODBUS 1.5W max consumption PROFIBUS 2W Max.

Module power consumption See module specification below.

EMCEmissions EN50081-2: 1994Immunity EN50082-2: 1992Vibration EN60068-2, test FC

SafetyEN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995 Installation cat II, Pollution degree 2

Safety earth and screen Are made to clearly marked earth connections terminals at the bottom of the base.

EnvironmentalOperating Temperature 0 to 55°CStorage Temperature -20 to 70°CRelative Humidity 5 to 95 % non-condensing

Live plug-inLive plug-in feature means that I/O modules can be replacedunder power without any disturbance to the field wiring orother inputs and outputs, reducing downtime and minimisingdisturbance to other signal conditioning strategies.

Diagnostic LED'sDiagnostic LED's indicate module diagnostic status.

All modules A green LED at the top indicates the module is powered and operating correctly

2500C Controller module 3 Yellow LED's show configurationor standby status, and communications activity. A red LED indicates failure of the internal self-diagnostic routines.

2500M Analogue module Red LED's for each channel to indicate channel failure

2500M Digital module Yellow LED's for each channel to indicate the channel state.

UL ApprovalProcessor I0C/MODBUS, IOC/PROFIBUSModules AI2/TC, AI2/DC, A02

DI4, D04/24V, D04/LOGIC, RLY4

2500B - Base unitThe base consists of an aluminium extrusion, the internalI/O bus and mounting supports. The base is designed to beDIN rail mounted, within an enclosure. If preferred, however,it can be directly fixed to a bulkhead or mounting plate. Bothbase and modules can be fixed horizontally or vertically.Bases are available in three standard sizes to suit the numberof modules required in a particular system. The dimensionsand weights of the three standard bases are detailed in tablebelow.

MechanicalModule capacity 4 module 8 module 16 moduleWidth 137 mm 239 mm 442 mmWeight no modules 0.6 Kg 1.1 Kg 2.1 Kgall modules 1.0 Kg 1.7 Kg 2.7 Kg

Height 104 mm134mm with retaining lever raised

Depth 180 mmMounting DIN rail or Bulkhead, can be

mounted horizontally or vertically DIN rail use symmetrical DIN rail to

EN50022-35 X 7.5 or 35 X 15Casing Without additional protection IP20Ventilation Space 25mm free space above and below

Termination assemblies The I/O modules are mounted on the base using terminalassemblies. Terminal assemblies provide the interfacebetween the input and output signals and the I/O modules.Terminal assemblies and I/O modules are keyed to inhibitinsertion of the incorrect module; this prevents damage toboth equipment and plant.

Test Disconnect UnitsTerminal assemblies have an optional fuse or a link(isolator or disconnect). This provides a series ofconnections between the customer terminals andthe I/O module, permitting pluggable fuse or linkunits to be placed in series with the signal. Fuse andlink units are not interchangeable Terminal assemblies that do not have "disconnect",have a dummy cover in the same position, providingspace for a label to indicate the circuit or cable tagname.

General Specification

Handle usedto securemodule

16 module 442mm

8 module as shown 239mm total length

4 module 137mm

Terminal Unitfor 2500C

Terminal Unitfor 2500MI/O module

2500 Terminal Units click into placeto suit the IO module required

Position for2500C, the I/OController

Passive backplane

Any type of I/Omodules may beplaced at any slotposition

Module side view





Page 6: 2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit


Analogue Modules2500M/AI2 Dual analogue input module

with channel to channel isolationThis universal analogue input module is used tomeasure analogue signals from a wide range ofplant sensors. Thermocouples, Pyrometer, Direct Zirconia

probe Platinum Resistance Thermometers (2, 3 & 4

wire) Potentiometric, Resistance Voltage ±10V and ±100mV Current ±20mA, and 4-20mA

Low level range -100mV to + 100mVHigh level range -20mA to +20mA or -10V to +10VdcResolution <2µV for low level inputs,

<0.2mV for high level inputsLinearity Better than 0.2°CCalibration accuracy ± 1°C or ± 0.2% of reading,

whichever is the greaterUser calibration Low and high off-sets can be appliedInput filtering OFF to 999.9 secondsLinearisation types J, K, L, R, B, N, T, S, PL, C, Pt100,

SqRoot + 3 custom linearisationsCold junction In automatic mode, >30 to 1 compensation rejection of ambient temperature

change OR external 0°C, 45°C, 50°C external reference. Measured by a RTD sensor fitted to the terminal assembly

Common mode rejection > 160dBSeries Mode rejection > 90 dBInput impedance (mV) > 100 MΩ

(V) > 220KΩ

2, 3 or 4-wire RTD input Bulb current: 0.3mA. Up to 22Ω in each lead without error

Potentiometer input 100Ω to 5kΩInsulation to system Reinforced, 264Vac maxInsulation between Reinforced, 264Vac max. channels between thermocouple channels.

Functional, 264Vac max. between RTD, Volts and mA

Module power 2W max.consumption

Analogue AlarmsAll Analogue inputs and outputs share a common,comprehensive alarm capability.

Number of user alarms 4 High and 4 low per inputper module assignable to any channel

Alarm types High absolute, Low absolute, All with separate hysteresis

Alarm modes Latching or non-latching. Blocking.Energised or de-energised in alarm

2500M/AI3 Triple analogue input moduleThe AI3 provides 3 isolated current input channelsspecifically designed to meet the requirements of modern twowire transmitters. The module hardware provides fixedrange capable of ±20mA at high resolution; configurationprovides applications scaling. Each channel has an internalburden resistor requiring less than 1-volt drop and in mostapplications, the inputs will be used for 4-20mA signals.

Each channel has its own isolated 24V supply for externaltransmitter excitation, if the power supply becomes shortedan automatic trip and try circuit (25mA) switches off thecurrent for 16 seconds before re-testing the external circuit.

High level range -20mA to +20mAResolution 16 bits with 1.6 second filter timeLinearity Better than 10µACalibration accuracy ±0.2% of readingUser calibration Low and high off-sets can be appliedInput resistance 100Ω max, 50mA max current.Channel PSU 25V max. 50mA max with current

limit over 25mAInsulation between Functional, 50Vac max channels

Insulation to system Reinforced, 264Vac maxModule power 1.7W nominal (no power suppliesconsumption used)

3.8W nominal (all power supplies used)

2500M/AO2Dual analogue output moduleThe analogue output module provides two analogue outputchannels, isolated from each other and isolated from thesystem electronics. Each output may be configured as eithervoltage or current.

Current output 0-20mA, at 12VdcVoltage output 0Vdc to 10Vdc at 5mAMaximum voltage 0VMaximum current 40mAResolution 1 part in 10,000Analogue output Selectable using 'User Wiring'functions

Insulation between Functional, 264Vac max. channels

Insulation to system Reinforced, 264Vac maxModule power 2.2W max. consumption

CalibrationOff-set calibrationA simple zero off-set calibration is available, this process off-set is stored in the IOC module.

Module Reference calibrationAnalogue Inputs are Factory calibrated for life, however a fullUser reference calibration of the modules is available ifrequired. The User and Factory calibration data is stored inflash memory in the module.

Page 7: 2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit


Digital Modules2500M/DI4 Quad digital input moduleThe Quad Digital Input module accepts four logic inputswhich may be either from a voltage source or a contactclosure. For voltage source inputs, the ON state requiresbetween +10.8V and +30V, and the OFF state requires 0V to+5V. For contact sensing, a transient current of 100mA for1ms is provided at the point of switching for enhancedsensing of contact closure.

Digital input 4 On/Off, pulse or de-bouncefunctions inputs with input invert,

Voltage supply (external) 18 to 30Vdcto plant devicesPlant side power rating 1.2W max.Contact closure inputs On state: <100Ω input resistance

Off state: >10kΩ input resistanceWetting current >8mALogic inputs Off state: -5 to 5Vdc @ < -1.5mA

(current Sinking)On state: +10.8 to 30Vdc @ < 2.5mA (input impedance approx. 4kΩ)

Insulation between Channels share a common connectionchannels

Insulation to system Reinforced, 264Vac maxModule power 450mW max. consumption

2500M/DI8 Octal digital input moduleThe Octal Digital Input module accepts up to eight digitalinputs and is available in two factory options formats forvoltage (DI8 LOGIC) or contact closure (DI8 CONTACT)inputs.

The inputs are arranged as 4 pairs of 2 inputs, each pairsharing a common terminal and having basic isolation (50Vmax) from the other pairs of inputs.

Digital input functions 8 On/Off, pulse or de-bounce inputs with input invert,

Contact closure inputs On state: <100( input resistanceOff state: >10k( input resistance

Wetting current 4mAOpen circuit wetting > 9Vvoltage

Logic inputs Off state: < 5V (current Sinking)On state 10.8 to 30Vdc

Input impedance 5kΩ approx.Insulation between Functional isolation between channels 4 pairs of channels (50V)

Insulation to system Reinforced, 264Vac maxModule power 0.9W at 24V nominal (logic input) consumption 2.34W at 24 V nominal (contact

closure input)

Digital Alarm FunctionsAll digital inputs and outputs share a common,comprehensive alarm capability.

Digital alarms 8 assignable alarm channels per module

Digital alarm functions IStrue, ISfalse, GOtrue, GOfalse, and Change alarmsAlarm mask, Inhibit and Blocking

2500M/DO4 - Quad digital output moduleThe Quad Digital Output module provides four logic outputs,which are typically control, alarms or events. There are twomodule variants: A logic output with 10mA capability, used for driving

thyristor units or single phase Solid State Relays (SSRs). A 24V output with 100mA capability, used for driving

solenoids, relays, lamps, fans or some three phase SSRs.

Logic output Voltage supply (external) 18 to 30Vdc to plant devices

Plant side power rating 2.5W max.Current output 8mA (each channel) minimum, 16mA maximumOutput voltage >Voltage supply (Vs) less 3VInsulation between Channels share a common channels connection

Insulation to system Reinforced, 264Vac maxModule power 500mW max. consumption

24V outputVoltage supply (external) 12 to 30Vdc to plant devices

Plant side power rating 15W max.Current output 100mA, (each channel) maximumOutput voltage >Voltage supply (Vs) less 3VInsulation between Channels share a common channels connection

Insulation to system Reinforced, 264Vac maxModule power 500mW max. consumption

2500M/RLY4 - Quad relay output moduleThe relay module provides four relay outputs, one relay withchangeover contacts, and three with normally open contacts.The relay contacts are all fitted with removable snubbercircuits to reduce contact arcing and prolong the contact life.

Number of contacts 3 normally open, 1 changeoverMaximum current 2A resistive at 240Vac or rating 120Vdc nominal

Minimum ratings 100mA, 12Vdc resistiveFuse 3.15A, 20mm ceramic, time-lag (T)Insulation between Functional, 264Vac max. channels

Insulation to system Reinforced, 264Vac maxModule power 1.5W max. consumption

Digital Output FunctionsAll Digital and Relay output module types provide userselectable output actions. For Time Proportioned and Valveposition outputs, intelligence in the output modules enable the2500 to calculate the output timing with a higher resolutionthan the nominal 110 milli second input scan rate.

Digital output functions 4 On/Off, Time proportioned, Valve Raise/Lower outputs with output invert,

Time proportioned 10 ms resolution

Valve Raise/Lower 55 ms resolution

Page 8: 2500 Data Acquisition and Multi loop PID Control Unit

Printed in England 06.00

EUROTHERM LIMITED www.mcgoff-bethune .com [email protected]

© Copyright Eurotherm Limited 2000All rights strictly reserved. No part of this document may be stored in a retrieval system, or any form or by any means without prior written permission from Eurotherm Limited.Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this specification. However in order to maintain our technological lead we are continuously improving our products whichcould, without notice, result in amendments or omissions to this specification. We cannot accept responsibility for damage, injury loss or expenses resulting therefrom.

Part No. HA026175 Issue 2

Order codesBase unit2500B Base for the 2500 DIN Rail Controller

S04 Single IOC base, 4 module positionsS08 Single IOC base, 8 module positionsS016 Single IOC base, 16 module positions

NONE Two Earthing clampsENG English manualFRA French manualGER German manualXXX No manuals

IO Controller2500C I/O Controller for the 2500 DIN Rail Units

S Simplex IO Controller for up to Two loops2LOOPUW Two local PID blocks + Toolkit &

acquisitionMODBUS Modbus commsPROFIBUS Profibus DP commsPBUS DPv1 Eurotherm ‘E’Suite

communicationsProfibus DPv1 communications

2500E 8 Loop I/O Controller for the 2500 DIN Rail UnitsS Simplex IO Controller

ACQIO Remote IO acquisitionUW Toolkit Block + acquisition functions

4LOOP Four local PID blocks + acquisition4LOOPUW Four local PID blocks + Toolkit &

acquisition8LOOP Eight local blocks + acquisition

8LOOPUW Eight local PID Blocks + Toolkit & acquisition

MODBUS Modbus commsPROFIBUS Profibus DP comms

Terminal Units for 2500 IO Controller2500TTerminal Unit for the modules on the 2500 DIN Rail Controller

IOC Terminal Unit for the I/O ControllerS For the Single Controller

MODBUS Modbus commsPROFIBUS Profibus DP comms

RJ45 RJ45 comms9Dtype 9 pin D type

connector for Profibus comms

Accessories for 2500 DIN Rail Controllers2500A Accessories for 2500

CABLE Communications cableCONFIG Used for configuration of 2500C

RJ11 Termination for 2500C is RJ119PIND Termination for PC

is 9 PIN RS232

MODBUS Modbus screened cable (Base to basemulti-drop connection)

PROFIBUS Profibus DP screened cable (Base to base multi-drop connection)

RJ45 RJ45 JRJ45 connection both ends0M5 0.5m long3M0 3.0m long

CFGPSU 24vdc Power supply for use with configuration leadNONE No mains lead supplied

UKLEAD UK 5A Mains leadTERM Terminator for end of RS 885 multi-dropped link

MODBUS Terminator for Modbus linkPROFIBUS Terminator for Profibus DP link

RJ45 RJ45 connector

Analogue Modules for 2500 DIN Rail Controller2500M I/O modules for the 2500 DIN Rail Controller

A12 UNIV Dual isolated universal analogue input module

A13 Three channel isolated 4-20mA analogue input module+ 3 x isolated 24v Tx PSU

A02 UNIV Dual isolated analogue input module, mA orVolts

Terminal Units for 2500 Analogue I/O Modules2500T Terminal Unit for the modules on the 2500 DIN rail

ControllerA12 Terminal Unit for the Dual analogue

input moduleTC Unit with CJC for t/c, or dc

inputs (no options)DC Unit for dc inputs with options

NONE Unit for dc (no options)Voltage±10V and ±100mV, RTD, Potentiometric,Resistance, HiZ inputs,

SHUNT 5RO shunt resistor for mA inputs

A13 Terminal Unit for Three channel isolated 4-20mA analogue input module with 24v Tx PSU

A02 Terminal Unit for Dual analogue output moduleUNIV For all types

NONE Dummy cover fittedDCONNECT Disconnects

Digital Modules for 2500 DIN Rail Controller2500M I/O modules for the 2500 DIN Rail Controller

D14 24V Quad digital inputEXTPWR External Power required

D18 logic Octal isolated input (Logic input only)D18contact Octal isolated digital input (Contact only)

RLY4 4 relay module (3 off n/o, 1 change over)

D04 logic Quad digital output module Logic O/P 10mA max

D04 24V Quad digital output module 24V switched O/P

EXTPWR External Power require

Terminal Units for 2500 Digital I/O Modules2500T Terminal Units for the modules on the 2500 DIN rail

ControllerD14 Terminal Unit for Quad digital input moduleD18 Terminal Unit for Octal digital input module D04 Terminal Unit for Quad digital output

moduleUNIV For all types

NONE Dummy cover fittedDCONNECT Disconnects

RLY4 Terminal Unit for Quad relay moduleNOFUSE No fusesFUSE2A 4 off 2A fuses

Power Supplies for 2500 DIN Rail Controllers2500P DIN Rail mounting 24V PSU for 2500, fully protected

2A5 60 watt, 2.5 amp5A0 120 watt, 5 amp10A 240watt, 10 amp

ENG English manuals

2500P / 2A5 / ENG Typical order code

UK SALES OFFICEEurotherm LtdFaraday Close Durrington Worthing BN13 3PL United Kingdom

Distributed Worldwide ByMcGoff-Bethune, Inc.5970 Unity Drive Suite ANorcross, GA USA 30071Tel. +1-770-840-9811 Fax +1-770-840-7514