We are Called to be Forgiving People and Not Revenging or Retaliating People In the gospel of this weekend, Peter asks Jesus “How often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus answers, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.” Jesus’ answer to this question suggests that forgiveness is not a quantifiable act. It is a way of life; a way of living. Christians have no options of who to forgive, what to forgive and when to forgive. To forgive is to be Christ-like who even as he was hanging on the cross in an excruciating pain prayed “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” Some people confuse forgiveness with justifying the wrong or denying the other person’s responsibility for the pain they have caused. That is not true, forgiveness does not excuse any act of injustice or cruelty. It is simply an action of love from the heart that lets go of the feelings of resentment towards another person. Almost everyone likes and talks about forgiveness. The truth is that forgiveness could be “a big ask” sometimes. “Every one,” C.S. Lewis writes, “says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until there is something to forgive.” That is why we need God’s grace to forgive. However, not to forgive is to enslave ourselves in the life of the past and to live in the past is a rejection of healing. Healing of any wound caused by another person begins with forgiveness. Without forgiveness, healing of past wounds and hurts is slow or impossible. It is the healing of our soul and life and the refusal to let our future be determined by the past. It may not change the one who hurts us but it might make our lives more grace-filled, more whole, and more God-like. Forgiveness is an act of hopefulness and resurrection for the one who forgives. Forgiveness takes us out of darkness into light, from death to life. It disentangles us from the evil of another. It is the letting go of the thoughts, the hatred, and the fear that fill us so that we might live and love again. We live in a society where vengeance or retaliation is seen as strength. But that’s not how Jesus sees it. To carry out vengeance is actually an act of weakness. The energy it takes to forgive is far bigger than the energy it takes to carryout revenge. It takes enormous amount of strength and courage to forgive. Unforgiving spirit is like a cancer; it eats us up slowly and shortens our lives. Thus, the one who bears grudges is more likely to suffer most. Forgiveness is a gain to the one who forgives. Forgiveness creates space for new life. When we look inwardly, we will find broken promises, hurt feelings, betrayals, harsh words, physical and emotional wounds. Every one of us could tell stories of being hurt or victimized by another. Beneath the pain, the wounds, the losses, and the memories lay the voice of resentment and retaliation but may we remember Jesus’ answer to Peter’s question that we are to forgive “Not seven times, but, seventy-seven times.” God’s choicest blessing, Fr Nicholas Okafor WEEKEND MASS TIMES WEEKDAY MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil Church Location Monday, 18th September - Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 7.00am St Joseph’s, North Ipswich 7.00pm Mater Dei, Sadliers Crossing Tuesday, 19th September - Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 9.00am Immaculate Heart of Mary, Leichhardt Wednesday, 20th September - St Andrew Kim Tae-gon 9.00am St Mary’s, Woodend 9.30am St Brigid’s, Rosewood 7.00am St Mary’s Adoraon Thursday, 21st September - St Mahew 9:00am St. Mary’s, Woodend 9.00am St Joseph’s, North Ipswich Friday, 22nd September - Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 8.30am OLMM Reconciliaon 9:00am OLMM, Eastern Heights Saturday, 23rd September - St Pius of Pietrelcina 8.00am St Michael’s, Pine Mountain 4:30pm Immaculate Heart Leichhardt 5:30pm OLMM Eastern Heights 6:00pm St. Mary’s Woodend Sunday Mass Church Location 7:30am St. Joseph’s North Ipswich 8:00am St. Brigid’s Rosewood 8:30am St. Mary’s Woodend 6:00pm St. Mary’s Woodend SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Day Time Church Saturday Saturday 4.15pm –4.25pm 5:00pm - 5:30pm Leichhardt St. Mary’s OUR CHURCHES St. Mary’s - Elizabeth Street, Woodend St. Brigid’s - Matthew Street, Rosewood Mater Dei - Cnr Ferrett Street and Roland Tce, Sadliers Crossing St. Joseph’s - 42 Pine Mountain Road, North Ipswich Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - Robertson Rd, Eastern Heights Immaculate Heart of Mary - 22 Old Toowoomba Road, Leichhardt 24th Sunday in ordinary time Year A 17th September

24th Sunday in ordinary time Year A 17th September · Saturday Vigil Church Location Monday, 18th September-Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 7.00am St Josephs, North Ipswich 7.00pm Mater

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Page 1: 24th Sunday in ordinary time Year A 17th September · Saturday Vigil Church Location Monday, 18th September-Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 7.00am St Josephs, North Ipswich 7.00pm Mater

We are Called to be Forgiving People and Not Revenging or Retaliating People

In the gospel of this weekend, Peter asks Jesus “How often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus answers, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.” Jesus’ answer to this question suggests that forgiveness is not a quantifiable act. It is a way of life; a way of living. Christians have no options of who to forgive, what to forgive and when to forgive. To forgive is to be Christ-like who even as he was hanging on the cross in an excruciating pain prayed “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”

Some people confuse forgiveness with justifying the wrong or denying the other person’s responsibility for the pain they have caused. That is not true, forgiveness does not excuse any act of injustice or cruelty. It is simply an action of love from the heart that lets go of the feelings of resentment towards another person.

Almost everyone likes and talks about forgiveness. The truth is that forgiveness could be “a big ask” sometimes. “Every one,” C.S. Lewis writes, “says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until there is something to forgive.” That is why we need God’s grace to forgive.

However, not to forgive is to enslave ourselves in the life of the past and to live in the past is a rejection of healing. Healing of any wound caused by another person begins with forgiveness. Without forgiveness, healing of past wounds and hurts is slow or impossible. It is the healing of our soul and life and the refusal to let our future be determined by the past. It may not change the one who hurts us but it might

make our lives more grace-filled, more whole, and more God-like.

Forgiveness is an act of hopefulness and resurrection for the one who forgives. Forgiveness takes us out of darkness into light, from death to life. It disentangles us from the evil of another. It is the letting go of the thoughts, the hatred, and the fear that fill us so that we might live and love again.

We live in a society where vengeance or retaliation is seen as strength. But that’s not how Jesus sees it. To carry out vengeance is actually an act of weakness. The energy it takes to forgive is far bigger than the energy it takes to carryout revenge. It takes enormous amount of strength and courage to forgive. Unforgiving spirit is like a cancer; it eats us up slowly and shortens our lives. Thus, the one who bears grudges is more likely to suffer most. Forgiveness is a gain to the one who forgives. Forgiveness creates space for new life.

When we look inwardly, we will find broken promises, hurt feelings, betrayals, harsh words, physical and emotional wounds. Every one of us could tell stories of being hurt or victimized by another. Beneath the pain, the wounds, the losses, and the memories lay the voice of resentment and retaliation but may we remember Jesus’ answer to Peter’s question that we are to forgive “Not seven times, but, seventy-seven times.” God’s choicest blessing, Fr Nicholas Okafor


Saturday Vigil Church Location Monday, 18th September - Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 7.00am St Joseph’s, North Ipswich 7.00pm Mater Dei, Sadliers Crossing Tuesday, 19th September - Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 9.00am Immaculate Heart of Mary, Leichhardt Wednesday, 20th September - St Andrew Kim Tae-gon 9.00am St Mary’s, Woodend 9.30am St Brigid’s, Rosewood 7.00am St Mary’s Adoration Thursday, 21st September - St Matthew 9:00am St. Mary’s, Woodend 9.00am St Joseph’s, North Ipswich Friday, 22nd September - Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 8.30am OLMM Reconciliation 9:00am OLMM, Eastern Heights

Saturday, 23rd September - St Pius of Pietrelcina 8.00am St Michael’s, Pine Mountain

4:30pm Immaculate Heart Leichhardt

5:30pm OLMM Eastern Heights

6:00pm St. Mary’s Woodend

Sunday Mass Church Location

7:30am St. Joseph’s North Ipswich

8:00am St. Brigid’s Rosewood

8:30am St. Mary’s Woodend

6:00pm St. Mary’s Woodend


Day Time Church



4.15pm –4.25pm

5:00pm - 5:30pm


St. Mary’s


St. Mary’s - Elizabeth Street, Woodend St. Brigid’s - Matthew Street, Rosewood

Mater Dei - Cnr Ferrett Street and Roland Tce, Sadliers Crossing St. Joseph’s - 42 Pine Mountain Road, North Ipswich

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - Robertson Rd, Eastern Heights Immaculate Heart of Mary - 22 Old Toowoomba Road, Leichhardt

24th Sunday in ordinary time Year A 17th September

Page 2: 24th Sunday in ordinary time Year A 17th September · Saturday Vigil Church Location Monday, 18th September-Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 7.00am St Josephs, North Ipswich 7.00pm Mater


Administrator Fr. Stephen Bliss ofm

Parish Ministers Fr. John Hong

Fr Nicholas Okafor

Pastoral Associate Bernadette McAndrew

Administration Staff

Mrs Janelle Van De Weyer

Mrs Maree Coyne

Mrs Kathy Lund

Mrs Bernadette Lenihan

Office Hours Monday


10am - 3.30pm

8.30am - 3.30pm

Ipswich Catholic Community Contact Information

Telephone 07 3281 2133

Email [email protected]

Fax 07 3812 3911

Post PO Box 23, Ipswich 4305.

Mass Times 07 3281 0707

New Media - Evangelisation

Website www.ipswichcatholic.com

Find us by searching for ‘ipswichcatholic’ on

Facebook YouTube Twitter iTunes

Schools and Colleges in our Community

St. Mary’s Primary School Woodend 07 3281 1998

Immaculate Heart School Leichhardt 07 3812 1077

St. Joseph’s School North Ipswich 07 3201 6188

St. Brigid’s School Rosewood 07 5464 1563

St. Mary’s College Woodend 07 3432 5444

St. Edmund's College Woodend 07 3810 4400


RECENTLY DECEASED: Marie Tonner, Peggy Johnston, Graham Brown, Mary Scanlan, Agnes Acutt, John Byrne, Dalphine Marsh, Carmel McCarthy, Mary Doreen Ross(nee Carmody), David McCarthy, Ronald Murphy, Gerelyn Andalanao.

FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Vince Elmore, Carolyn Burt, Margaret Long, Craig Hannam, Peter Baker, Robin(Bob) Green, Elaine James.

St. Brigid’s Church - Sunday 8.00am Mass 1st October, 5th November, 3rd December.

St. Mary’s Church - Sunday 8.30am Mass 17th September, 8th October, 15th October.

Are you concerned that your child is not so enthusiastic about

coming along to Mass? If this is the case, then please consider encouraging your child to attend Children’s Liturgy of the Word which is offered during Masses in the Ipswich Catholic Community on the

dates listed above. . A VOCATION VIEW: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Make a stand for mercy, empathy, forgiveness and selflessness!

READINGS FOR MASS 16/17 September: Sirach 27: 30-28:7;

Rom 14: 7-9; Mt 18: 21-35

23/24 September: Is 55: 6-9; Phil 1: 20-24, 27;

Mt 20: 1-16

‘TOWARDS THE MARRIAGE VOTE’ by Archbishop Mark Coleridge: This weekend a copy of a letter from Archbishop Mark Coleridge is enclosed with the newsletter. Copies also available at the front door of the church. Other resources are available on the website.


We are pleased to announce that we have three courageous fathers from the parish who have accepted our invitation to speak on ‘Faith and Fatherhood in Today’s Secular World’ at the Men’s Breakfast this year. Each of these men will bring different perspectives on faith, parenting and their hopes for their sons, daughters and grandchildren. Some of you will know these men as all three are members of the Ipswich Catholic Community.

Tom Hutton a father of three sons as well as enjoying the company of his grandchildren in his spare time.

Anthony Elmore who is Deputy Principal of St Peter Claver College who brings the perspective of working in a high school environment and balancing his time with his wife, two daughters and a son.

Benjamin Leschke will brings to us his experience of balancing his faith while working in the secular world and meeting the needs of his two teenage children and a five year old boy. We hope you will join us for breakfast on the 21st October from 7-00am in St Mary’s Primary School Hall, Mary Street, Ipswich where

you will enjoy a cooked breakfast, juice, a hot cuppa and endless conversation. The cost for the breakfast is $15-00per person and excess monies from the breakfast will go towards children’s and youth activities conducted in the Ipswich Catholic Community.

For bookings please phone the parish office by the 17th October.


— Saturday 21st October 2017 at 7.00am —

Mark your calendars now — at St Mary’s Primary School Hall

Our online events calendar is located at the following address: www.ipswichcatholic.com/event

Page 3: 24th Sunday in ordinary time Year A 17th September · Saturday Vigil Church Location Monday, 18th September-Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 7.00am St Josephs, North Ipswich 7.00pm Mater

GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS: Couples celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary (or longer) and their family and friends, are invited to the annual Mass with Bishop Brian V. Finnigan at the Cathedral of St

Stephen. The Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 7th October, commencing at 10.00am. Light refreshments will be served in the Hanly Room, following the Mass and for catering purposes you are asked to RSVP to [email protected] or telephone 3324 3030 by Friday 29 September. The Cathedral car park will be available.



The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated during the 9:00am Mass on Friday 22 September 2017 at Eastern Heights.

Some people call this a “healing Mass” – that is a misnomer. All Masses are healing Masses, for God wants to heal us through the powerful sacrament of the Eucharist. All the Sacraments find their source and power in the person of Jesus Christ. The apostle James wrote, “Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven.” (James 5:14-15) The name Jesus means “God saves.” The name emphasizes that Jesus is the one who has come to save all. Christ means “anointed.” Jesus’ whole life was aimed at saving people. His words and actions are the foundation of the saving grace we now received in the Sacraments. In all Sacraments we encounter Christ, but especially in the Eucharist when we received Holy Communion, Christ himself.

So you are welcome to approach the priests after the Homily, to be anointed. If you are sick, frail, aged, and or feel the need to receive this Sacrament, please come forward! Two priests will celebrate the anointings.

CWL FASHION PARADE: Fashion Parade Saturday 7th October at CWL House 35 Waghorn Street, 12.30 for 1pm.Spring/Summer Fashions from Saba’s on Grange, Delicious Afternoon Tea, Multi-draw Raffle, Lucky Door Prizes galore. Admission $10. Early bookings essential to Pat 3812 2758, Colleen 3288 6962, Agnes 3281 4568 0r email [email protected]

What’s happening in our Parishes ...


The Interview Panel met during the week to interview candidates for the position of Principal of St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School Rosewood from the commencement

of 2018. I am pleased to announce the appointment of Duane Wann as Principal.

Duane is currently Principal of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School Springsure. Prior to this appointment Duane has had teaching and leadership experience in both the Toowoomba and Rockhampton Dioceses.

This appointment follows public advertising and a selection process.

I take this opportunity of acknowledging and thanking Sharon Olsen, outgoing Princi-pal of St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School and wishing her well in retirement. I also acknowledge and thank Sue Carpenter who has been Acting Principal this year.

This is an exciting time for St Brigid’s and I ask you hold the community in prayer at this time of transition. I look forward to welcoming Duane into our Community. Stephen ofm

Page 4: 24th Sunday in ordinary time Year A 17th September · Saturday Vigil Church Location Monday, 18th September-Weekday, Ordinary Time 24 7.00am St Josephs, North Ipswich 7.00pm Mater


In 2015 St Mary’s College Parents & Friends Association Gala Dinner Committee, in conjunction with St Mary’s College,

instigated the St Mary’s College Mercy Medallion. The Medallion is awarded annually at the College’s Gala Dinner. The

Mercy Medallion aims to recognize a former student, or current/former member of the St Mary’s College Community who

has displayed and acted with a commitment, duty or personal ethos that epitomizes the Mercy Tradition. The Mercy

charism is the particular way the Gospel values were lived and espoused by Catherine McAuley and her Sisters. At St

Mary’s College the Mercy Tradition is built upon the core principles of spirituality, education, community, hospitality and

mission as founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1863. It is considered that the award winner’s efforts and qualities will

inspire and empower the current and future College community. Nomination guidelines including details of eligibility and

selection criteria and nomination forms are available from St Mary’s College reception. Nomination forms can also be down-

loaded at http://www.stmarys.qld.edu.au/upcoming-events The award is presented at the annual Gala Dinner which this

year is on 7th October. Tickets are available at http://www.stmarys.qld.edu.au/payments

BREAST CARE BAGS HELP! If you can sew a straight line and would like to brighten the lives of women following breast cancer surgery come along on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month to the COUNTRY QUILT CO. 2 PINE MOUNTAIN ROAD NORTH IPSWICH (Old Post Office) 10am-12.30pm or 1pm-2pm. Bring sewing machine, scissors, any pieces of bright cotton or cotton mix material, also ric rac, lace, trimmings etc to decorate bags, or just yourself. Tea, coffee, and tim tams provided. Enquiries: Carol Skele 0408196146