246911 Fiddler Program - Bishop Chatard High School · 2019-04-16 · culture and traditions full circle. This year both of our plays allowed students to understand the persecution

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Page 1: 246911 Fiddler Program - Bishop Chatard High School · 2019-04-16 · culture and traditions full circle. This year both of our plays allowed students to understand the persecution

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Page 2: 246911 Fiddler Program - Bishop Chatard High School · 2019-04-16 · culture and traditions full circle. This year both of our plays allowed students to understand the persecution

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Page 3: 246911 Fiddler Program - Bishop Chatard High School · 2019-04-16 · culture and traditions full circle. This year both of our plays allowed students to understand the persecution


�A fiddler on the roof, sounds crazy, no? But in our little village of Anatevka, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof, trying to scratch out a pleasant,

simple tune without breaking his neck.�

Tevye�s opening line is something all of us can relate to as we persevere through daily struggles. In our ever-changing world full of negative influences, it is sometimes difficult for us to stay true to our traditions. It is through community with one another and maintaining positive attitudes that we realize how blessed we truly are. Knowing we are part of the Bishop Chatard family, a community rooted in our Catholic values, is what helps us keep our balance. Having a sense of humor always helps too.

Each year we hope to teach our students about different time periods, cultures, and dramatic genres. Fiddler on the Roof brings our study of Jewish culture and traditions full circle. This year both of our plays allowed students to understand the persecution the Jewish people faced. The hope is that it allowed our students to have greater appreciation for their own families and communities of faith.

I hope you are reminded of these sentiments as you watch Fiddler on the

Roof. We have had a lot of fun bringing this musical to life. Enjoy the show! Director

Abby (Haler) Funk �05

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Mazel Tov Trojan Theater!

Could these be signs that Ben Abbett is going to be a Boilermaker?

Congratulations on the Regional Drama competition WIN @ Purdue and on going to state! Ben, we are so very proud of you being part of the crew for four years and being Stage Manager for 3 productions! Love, Mom, Dad, and Demi

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John Atha

Paula Beals

Joe Boarini Denise Fischer

Mike Ford

Bob and Sheila Bates

Fr. Jeff Godecker

Bob and Brenda Gore

Dan Haag

Mike Harmon

Meg Horcher

Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre

Indiana Repertory Theatre

Landes Costumes

Footlite Musicals Indianapolis Stage Sales and Rentals

A Pots and Pans Production

Christian McKinney of Anderson University

Rick Leppert and Crew

Tyler Mayer

Kim Monger

Andy Mundell Jeannine Murray

John Noble

Dan Mitchell Annie Plesner

Jennifer Rea

Ben Reilly

Maureen Rumer

Bill Sahm Kelly Toetz

Joe Valentine

LaTanya Washington and Housekeeping Crew

Bishop Chatard Faculty and Staff

All of our Drama Boosters and supportive parents!

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