
24389-02A L3-SE '02 spreads - Tanning-Bed-Parts.com Tan... · of ‘sunless tanning’ lotions is not a new one, technology has finally caught up. The Sunless Express™ Spray Spa

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Come in from the sunWelcome to a new generation of tanning products. While the concept

of ‘sunless tanning’ lotions is not a new one, technology has finally caughtup. The Sunless Express™ Spray Spa is the culmination of countless hours of

research on methods of applying sunless tanning lotion.

Sunless tanning products work by creating a response with the top two layersof your skin. Dihydroxyacetone, or DHA, reacts naturally with the protein inyour skin. A brown “tan” forms within approximately two to three hours afteryour session, and continues to darken for up to 24 hours. The result is a sub-stantive tan. It is absolutely water-resistant and diminishes only as the dead cellsof the skin flake off - usually one to two weeks.

DHA is a common chemical used in multiple ways throughout our normaleveryday lives. For example, DHA is often used as an additive in food andcosmetics.

Please take the time to read through this guide to familiarize yourself with theconcept of sunless tanning and the proper usage of your new equipment.

Thank you, and Welcome once again!

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Introduction - contents

Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii

Getting to Know the Sunless Express™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Before you tan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

During the tanning session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Safety features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

After the tan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Advanced controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Setting the clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Care and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Cleaning after use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Before you turn out the lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Thorough periodic cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Changing/refilling solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Mechanical inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Component maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Remote Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Warranty information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .back cover

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DANGERShock hazard.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.If the supply cord isdamaged, it must bereplaced by a specialcord available from themanufacturer or itsservice agent.

WARNINGThis product does not contain a sun-screen and does not protect againstsunburn. Repeated exposure ofunprotected skin while tanning mayincrease the risk of skin aging, skincancer, and other harmful effects tothe skin even if you do not burn.Avoid spraying directly into eyes.

Safety Information

This product is in compliance with applicable requirements ofUL 60335-1, IEC 335-2-23, and CAN/CSA-E335-1/3E-94.

CAUTIONRead and follow all instructionsregarding use and operation of theSunless Express.

IMPORTANTPress the Stop button at any timeto stop operations immediately.

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Safety Information


DANGERRisque de chocs électriques.

Débrancher l’alimentation électriqueavant de procéder à la réparation ouà l’entretien de l’appareil.

Un cordon d’alimentation endommagé doit être remplacé par uncordon particulier pouvant être achetédu fabricant ou d’un technicien.

AVERTISSEMENTCe produit ne contient pas d’écransolaire et ne protège pas contre lescoups de soleil. L’exposition répétéed’une peau non protégée aux rayonsultraviolets peut accroître les risquesde vieillissement et de cancer cutanéet produirent d’autres effets nocifsmême en l’absence de coups desoleil. Éviter de pulvériser le produitdans les yeux.

Ce produit est conforme aux normes de rendement dans le documentsUL 60335-1 , IEC 335-2-23 , CAN/CSA-E335-1/3E-94.

MISE EN GARDELire et suivre toutes les directivesd’utilisation et de fonctionnementdu spa Sunless Express.

IMPORTANTPour que l’appareil cesse immédiatement de fonctionner,appuyer en tout temps sur le boutonStop (Arrêt).

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(The tanning area)



Getting to Know the Sunless Express™




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Getting to Know...

(Upper section of Control Cabinet)

CONTROL MODULE(see page 4)







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Getting to Know...






(Lower section of Control Cabinet)

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Getting to Know...






(Control Module)

REMOTE PORTS(not currently used)

RS-232 PORT(not currently used)

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Operation of the sunless tanning boothrequires just two buttons. The first is the“Start/Stop” button on the SunlessExpress™ Remote Control (SERC) sup-plied with the booth (see illustration 1).Pressing this button sends a signal to thebooth to allow a single session to run.After the session is complete the displayon the SERC will indicate a “..” meaningthe room needs to be sanitized. Aftercleaning the unit press the up (!) buttonon the SERC until a “0” appears.

Once the “Start/Stop” button (on the SERC)is pressed the booth receives the signaland is ready for the session. Enter thebooth, close the door and an automatedvoice will explain the sunless tanningexperience. Press the green “Start” buttonon the wall to begin (see illustration 2).

The SERC is also capable of telling thebooth to run two back-to-back sessionswithout resetting. To do this, press the up(!) button until the display shows a “4”(signifying the Spray Manifold will makefour passes over your body).

Read on for tanning instructions as well asa complete script of the tanning session.Refer to Remote Connections - Operationwith remote for operation while connect-ed to a T-Max® remote system.

Illustration 2

Illustration 1 (SERC)


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Operation - the tanning session

Before you tanFor best results, exfoliate before using thetanning unit.

Do not use lotion on your body beforeyou tan. This may act as a barrier and pre-vent some areas from getting tan.

Remove any makeup from face.

Remove contacts.

Remove all jewelry.

Women: Place the shower cap right at thehairline. This will prevent any unneces-sary tan lines on your forehead.

Men: If you have a receding hair-line orbalding - to prevent tan-line, do not wearthe shower cap unless your hair is natu-rally very light or is chemically lightened.

Apply neutralizing lotion to hands andtoes with special attention to cuticle cov-erage. Be careful not to apply neutraliz-ing lotion to areas you want tan as whitespots will result. You may remove anymisplaced blocker with a moisture wipe.

During the tanning sessionUpon closing the door you will hear thefollowing instructions...

“Welcome to the Sunless Express™spray spa! For best results, follow theinstructions exactly. Please place yourfeet in the boxes and stand as close tothe door as possible. Point your toestoward the sides. Place your armsabove your head and bend elbowsslightly. Palms should be facing for-ward. Raise your chin upward. To hearthe instructions again open the doorand close it one time. Press the greenstart button to begin your session andagain, place your hands above yourhead, palms facing forward.”

See the chart located on the rear wall ofthe booth for complete positioninginstructions. Pressing the “Start” buttonwill begin the tanning session.

“At the end of the countdown, closeyour eyes and hold your breath as thespray passes your upper body. 3,2,1.”

The spray mist will coat the front of yourbody.

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Operation - the tanning session


Safety featuresPanic Stop Button - Pressing the “Stop”button will immediately end the session atany time.

Gantry Safety Mechanism - If there is anypressure placed on the spray manifold dur-ing operation, the unit will stop and thesession will end. Check the mechanism forany obstructions before using again.

After the tanAfter your session, you will notice a lightmist on your body. First, wipe your handswith the moisture wipes. Next, gentlywipe the rest of your body, as if gettingout of the shower. When you are com-pletely dry, wipe your hands again withthe moisture wipes in case your handscame in contact with the solution whiledrying off. Be sure you are completely drybefore getting dressed. This will eliminatemost of the bronzer residue on the insideof your clothing.

You will not notice a lot of immediatecolor from your session. The tan will beginto develop within 2 to 3 hours after thesession and continue to darken for up to24 hours. Wait 4-6 hours before showeringor engaging in activities which encourageperspiration as this will wash the bronzeroff your body before it has enough time toaffect the color of your skin.

“You may open your eyes and breathefreely. Please turn around and face thedoor. Please place your feet in theboxes and stand as close to the dooras possible. Point your toes toward thesides. Place your arms above yourhead and bend elbows slightly. Palmsshould be facing the door. Press thegreen start button to begin your ses-sion and again, place your handsabove your head, palms facing thedoor.”

“At the end of the countdown, closeyour eyes and hold your breath as thespray passes your upper body. 3,2,1”

The spray will now coat the back side ofyour body.

“Thank you for using the SunlessExpress™ spray spa. At this time youmay open your eyes and breathefreely. Upon exiting the spa, pleasedry off with the towels provided.Enjoy your tan.”

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Operation - advanced controls

The Control Pad, located on the Control Module, offersadditional controls for the salon owner. The illustrationat right shows the “Home” screen, with the time and ascrolling message. After making adjustments, waiting10 seconds will return the screen to “Home”.

Execute ["] - press to enter modes and selectoptions

Up [!] - scrolls options upwardDown [#] - scrolls options downward

Home ["]

Controls ["]

Status ["]

Settings ["]

Cycle Count ["]

Tanning Booth ["]

Software Vers ["]

Displays number of complete sessionsperformed

Door Status (open/closed)

Light Status (on/off)

Displays software version number

Tanning Cycle ["]

Washdown Cycle["]

Panic ["]

Booth Lights ["]

Clock ["]

Volume ["]

Calibrate ["]

Set time (see next page)

[!]/[#] to adjust volume

Starts a tanning cycle. Press ["] againto finish the cycle

Starts a washdown cycle

Interrupts the tanning session

Turns lights on and off







Sound Version ["] Displays voice version number

Resets position of spray manifold

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Operation - advanced controls


Setting the clockFrom the “Home” screen, press Execute["] to enter the option mode. Scrollthrough the three options using the Up[!] or Down [#] buttons, until you reachthe Settings option. Press ["] again toenter the Settings menu.

Scroll to the Clock option and press ["].The hours digit on the time will blink.Press [!] or [#] until the desired hour isdisplayed. Press ["]. The minutes blink.Set the minutes and press ["] and then[!] or [#] to set am or pm. Wait a fewseconds or press ["] one more time toexit the setting mode.

Home ["]

Settings ["]

Hours blink[!]/[#] to adjust hours.



Clock ["]

Minutes blink[!]/[#] to adjust minutes.

am or pm blinks[!]/[#] to select.

["]to set

["]to set

["]to set

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Your Sunless Express™ spray spa has beendesigned and engineered for years of serv-ice. However, much like changing the oilin your car, there are some care and main-tenance issues to keep in mind. The nextfew pages outline the various periodicduties you need to perform, broken downby frequency. Refer to the pictures inGetting to Know the Sunless Express™.





WARNINGShock hazard.Disconnect power before servicing.

Before you turn out the lightsAt the end of each day of usage there area few things to check to make sure theunit continues to function satisfactorily.

1. Wipe the length of the Linear Slideand inspect the Hose Track.

2. Stand the inside mat up on edge toallow it to dry and encourage airmovement within the base cavity.

3. Be sure to leave the door open.4. Check the level of tanning and disin-

fectant solution. Try not to let the lev-els drop below about 1 1/2 inches toavoid running dry.

5. Inspect all hoses and connections forleaks. Pay attention to any large airbubbles in the solution hoses. Thismay be a malfunction of the smallcheck valves installed in the hoses.

6. Inspect all wire harnesses for secureconnections.

Care and Maintenance

Cleaning after useAfter each use it is necessary to clean anddisinfect the booth by activating theWashdown cycle.

1. Close the door and press theWashdown button on the ControlModule located in the ControlCabinet.

2. After the Washdown cycle is com-plete, wipe the internal walls. You mayuse the squeegee provided or a softtowel.

3. Disinfect and dry the step and doorhandles.

4. Reset the remote control unit by hold-ing the up button until the displayreads “0”.

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Thorough periodic cleaningOn a monthly basis a little extra care isneeded.

1. Thoroughly clean the internal walls,rubber seals and spray manifold toremove any solution residue.

2. Remove the Floor Mat and Floor MatPlate and use a hose to spray them off.

3. Clean the outside of the unit as need-ed using non-ammonia cleaners.

4. Replace the solution bottle with onecontaining only water and run theunit for a complete cycle to purge thesystem.

5. While the solution bottle is removed,rinse the solution filters in warm water.

6. Check all inline water filters for debris.Shut off water at the source and run awashdown cycle to release water pres-sure. Unscrew the caps from the filtersas shown and cleanthe wire strainers ifnecessary (do notremove the filterbody from the waterlines).


Care and Maintenance




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Care and Maintenance

Mechanical inspectionAlong with the monthly thorough clean-ing, inspect the unit’s mechanical integrity.

1. Inspect all bolts, nuts, screws andother fasteners to make sure all aresecure.

2. Check door hinges for signs of wear.3. Pay special attention to the Spray

Manifold track system for smoothoperation. This is the heart of the unit.Run a session while watching theHose Track and Counterweight. Theyshould run freely over the pulleys.

4. Check all hose connections, pumps,valves and water heater for leaks.

5. Make sure all cords are in good shapeand firmly plugged in at both ends.

6. Clean the spray nozzles carefully. Thesolution nozzles screw off. Clean theFootwash Nozzles with a non-ammo-nia deposit remover, such as CLR®Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaner.

7. Check all filters and clean or replacethose which appear dirty.

8. Check proper operation of the gantrysafety system...With the solution system off, turn uniton. Press down on the Spray Manifoldas it rises. It should stop without muchforce.

Component maintenance1. Purge the water heater per manufac-

turers requirements.2. Maintain Evacuation Pump per manu-

facturers requirements.3. The Evacuation Fan needs no regular

maintenance, however check forproper airflow periodically.

4. Clean unit as described in Thoroughperiodic cleaning.

Changing/refilling solutionsFor best results, the level of tanning solu-tion and disinfectant should not be lessthan 1 1/2 inches. When changing solu-tions you may pour any remaining liquidfrom the used bottle into the new one ifthere is enough room in the new bottle.

1. Lift the tanning solution and/or disin-fectant container out of the Spill Trayand place on the floor.

2. Remove the cap, complete with thehose, from the used container.

3. Remove the cap from the replacementcontainer and screw onto the usedcontainer to save any unused solution.

4. Insert the solution filter hose into thenew container and secure the cap.

5. Place new bottle into Spill Tray.6. Check to verify the solution filter hose

touches the bottom of the container.

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Remote Connections


T-Max® ProductsYour Sunless Express™ remote controlunit incorporates advanced circuitryallowing it to connect and communicatewith the popular T-Max® remote controlsystems. The booth can be connected toany T-Max Manager or 1A or 3A. Refer tothe appropriate section that follows.

T-Max® Manager Remote System This system is ideal for multiple sunbedinstallations, including the SunlessExpress™. Simply connect the RJ-22 mod-ular cable(s), described in the T-Max®Manager manual, into the remote port(s)located on the back of the SunlessExpress™ Remote Control (SERC) and fol-low the instructions that came with yourremote system. If you have an older T-Max® Manager that does not support autoaddressing, set the address of the SERCmanually as described in Setting theaddress manually. You can place yourbooth at any location in the series (seeillustration below).

T-Max® 1A and 3A Remote SystemsThe T-Max® 1A and 3A can offer thesame control as the T-Max® Manager insingle unit installations. If you’re using a1A, it must have a chip labelled “master”installed on its circuit board.

After you have set the T-Max® 1A’s, or3A’s, address to “0” (refer to your T-Max®user’s guide) and the SERC’s address to

“1”, simply connect the RJ-22 modu-lar cables, described in the T-Max®

user’s guide, directly intoeither port located on theback of the SERC andeither port on the backof the T-Max® 1A or 3A.

Setting the address manuallyBefore connecting the SERC to the T-Max® Manager or T-Max® 1A or 3A, theaddress must first be set. Set the addressmanually as described below.

1. Remove power from the T-Max®Manager or 1A or 3A.

2. Plug in the SERC. It should show “9.9”on the display and sound an alarm. Ifit just shows “0” go to step 4.

3. Press and release the Start/Stop button.The display will flash “8.8” and thealarm will stop. Press the Up buttonuntil the display stops flashing andshows a “0”.

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Remote Connections

4. Press and hold the Start/Stop and Upbuttons simultaneously until a “.1”appears. This may take about 5-6 sec-onds. Release the buttons.

5. Press the Start/Stop button. A flashingnumber will appear. This is the addressthat the SERC is set to.

6. Press the Up or Down button until thedesired address is displayed.

Note: When setting the addresses,remember these three rules;

• Each tanning unit in the salon(including the SERC) needs a uniqueaddress.

• Do not set the SERC to “00”.

• If the period is flashing, you are overaddress 100.

7. Once the desired address is displayed,press and release the Start/Stop button.A steady “.1” will be displayed.

8. Press and hold both the Up and Downbuttons until a “0” is displayed.

9. Connect the SERC into the remoteseries.

Operation with remoteWhen connected to a T-Max® system theunit operates differently than explained inOperation. The session is activated fromthe Manager, 1A or 3A. To activate a sin-gle session send a two (2) from the remote(refer to your T-Max® manual). For a dou-ble session, send a four (4). This will acti-vate the unit and the session starts whenthe tanner enters the booth and pressesthe Start button inside the unit. The use oftwo and four correspond to the number ofpasses the Spray Manifold will make overyour body during the session.

After the session is complete the SERCwill display “..” indicating the room needscleaning. Refer to Care and Maintenance- Cleaning after use for cleaning instruc-tions. After cleaning, press the Up buttonon the SERC to clear the “..” indicationand ready the unit for the next session.

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1. Check power supply to unit2. Check light power cord to control module3. Press lights button on control module4. Replace light(s)

1. Is the SERC displaying a flashing decimal afterthe 0? If not, press the “Start/Stop” button

2. Check supply cord to switch

1. Check gantry/belt for interference2. Check counterweight for interference3. Check gantry/belt for clip disconnection4. Manifold may have tripped the safety


1. Check gantry/belt for interference2. Check counterweight for interference3. Check gantry/belt for clip disconnection4. Manifold may have tripped the safety

switch - Safety signal will be voiced

1. Check all connections2. Make sure each unit has a unique address3. Has the T-Max® Manager been disconnected4. Has the T-Max® system been set-up correctly

1. Check solution level2. Check peristaltic pump for proper action3. Check solution hoses and connections for

leaks or disconnection

Overhead lights not working

Unit will not start session once thegreen button is on

Unit stops in mid session

Manifold is not moving during session

Unit will not work with T-Max®

Solution is not coming through nozzles , air only

Problem Solution

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Air is not coming through nozzles,solution only

Manifold making loud poundingnoise at the top

Nothing comes on

Footwash feels cold

Footwash not working

Washdown not working

Users are consistently darker on oneside

The unit is overly foggy during session

1. Check air hoses for disconnection2. Check air pump for proper function

Unit has not made contact with limit switchor bottom of cycle. Adjust switch.

1. Check main power and connection2. Check Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter

(GFCI) on main power cord3. Check control Module fuse

1. Check heater setting2. Check power cord connection

Check solenoid and/or harness connection

Check solenoid and/or harness connection

Check nozzles for clogs

1. Check ventilation fan power supply2. Check duct connections3. Replace ceiling filter

Problem Solution

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The manufacturer of your Sunless Express™ spray unit warrants your spray unit to be free of structural defects inits material and workmanship, under normal use, for its lifetime. The manufacturer will, at its discretion, repairany structural defect which materially affects the performance of the spray unit, or replace the spray unit.

For six (6) months from the date of purchase, the manufacturer will provide replacements for parts that proveto be defective in material or workmanship. Labor costs associated with repair or replacement work covered bythis Sunless Express™ Limited Lifetime Warranty will be reimbursed for repair or replacement work requiredto be performed during the thirty (30) day period following the shipping date of your spray unit. Normal wearand tear, damage from misuse or abuse, damage incurred in transit or damages resulting from unauthorizedrepairs or modifications, or the use of unauthorized spray solutions, are not covered by this warranty. Warrantycoverage does not include cosmetic abnormalities such as scratches, nicks or dents that do not materially inter-fere with the function of the spray unit.


IN NO EVENT SHALL THE MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR OF YOUR SPRAY UNIT BE LIABLE ATLAW OR IN EQUITY FOR ANY LOSS, LIABILITY, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESSOF THE PURCHASE PRICE RECEIVED, OR FOR LOSS OF USE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF TIME, INCONVE-NIENCE, RENTAL OR SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF INCOME, OR ANYOTHER INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states do not allowthe exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion maynot apply to you. This Sunless Express™ Limited Lifetime Warranty gives you specific, legal rights and you mayhave other rights which may vary from state to state.

All warranty service must be performed by an authorized Sunless Express™ service person. All labor chargesmust be authorized by the manufacturer prior to the start of repairs and must not exceed the established ratesand time allotment policies established by the manufacturer. If your spray unit must be returned for service, allfreight charges shall be at your expense. This warranty is extended to the individual or legal entity whose nameappears on the original sales document and may not be transferred to any other individual or legal entity. Thiswarranty is void if the spray unit is modified in any manner from its original design or if the spray unit is usedwith a spray solution other than one supplied by ETS, Inc.

To file a Warranty Claim, please follow these steps:

1. Locate the serial number on the spray unit, found below the Control Module hinged panel.2. Proof of purchase must be provided before any claim will be considered.3. Contact the Sunless Express™ Service Hotline at 877-783-8368.

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CALL FOR SERVICE OR QUESTIONS: 1•877•783•83686270 Corporate Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46278-2900

Sunless Express™ Spray SpaSize

Weight (Pounds) 950

Minimum Room Size 7’ wide x 9’ long x 10’ tall

Electrical -

Voltage (AC) 110

Amperage 12

Outlet (NEMA standard) 5-15R

Remote Capability T-Max® compatible