AT . NOVEMBER 25 , MM (THE pQRPORATED ONLY 4 YEARS AGO £ ' NORTH FORT WORTH HAS 10,000 FOBT "vypRfH TELEQBj&M ..... r.~ ^ , *~ww. "tg^^a®^"*?^?^^^ "Tfinest of Opportunities for H •"';" Factories Here [PACKING HOUSES | fcamected by Many Railways i - and Two Electric Lines. '; New Industries I P RHA PS His re u I municipality la i or tor thai matte, time south * est. that Is makin g such rapid strides In commercial Impo rtan ce as *Cor th Fort Worth . Fro m a smal l hamlet fcstlins In the hills to the nor th of 'fort Worth, a few year* ago. that ''aiming community has grown to a elf of perhaps more th an twelve thousand people, tak ing In that c om- J. W. Moore. J. B- Collier. J. D. Far m er and J. W. Strain, trustees. The school faculty Is compo sed of •J~ _**• Moore, superinten dent; A. H. .F1n.cD.er. principal; J. F. Wharton, os - slstant principal, and H. C Sanders, second assistant principal, and Misses Mu le Erilclnc, Florence McFadden later Doyd. Julia Christian. Sadie Moore. N'annye Ozee. Mary Itogan . Maggie Moore. Crace Iiurkett. Mc- MUlan and Mrs. Eva Williams. The colored schools are In charge of Kmm.« J. Gulnn. principal, and Mary Poe, as sistant principal- Schools Are Growing The schools »r» nuki ng most sat isfactory progress, and the school board is now planning to extend school facilities to meet the increasing de mand for another year and perhaps be fore the end of the win ter session. At present every available portion of the buildin g U being used, two class r ooms han ng recently been fitted up In the basement. Every detail pertaining to the publtc school Inter ests is being closely looked after, an d It Is safe to say that t he public schools will keep pace with the adv ance of the eliy In •ver y way. The educational advan t ages, especially in the public schools there, are all tha t could be desir ed. The public schools of any commu nity fore definite action Is taken . The gen eral expens e of the city Is cut to t he minimum, and there Is no probability of financi al difficulties. About the Churches North Fort Worth has many good church*buildings, and a large numl^er of the various religious denomination s are represented. At present the li ip- tlsts. Christians, the two Methodist churches. Presb)t erians. Kpiscopalians. and Catholics, comprising twelve dif ferent church organizations. Most of these organizations have buildings of their own and the other s are active In their efforts to erect buildings In the near future. All the churc hes have a number of churc h societi es and look a fter the work of their respective churches in a most thoro manner. Many Lodges North Fort Worth Is also a fraterral City. Many of the principal lodges have subordinate organizations and nowhere are they, as a whole, more flouris hing. Follo wing Is a list of the lodges, wit h their officers and times of meetinr. United Benevolent Association—This is one of the oldest fraternal orga ni zations In North Fort Worth- It was planted in that community when it wa s only an isolated suburban vil lage. It has made steady progress ever Xorlh Fort Worth no w population of ten thousand. M A model stock sards of immtnse capacity. ... Two of the largest p acking plan ts In the south, employing rve tho usand people at fair wat.es. with ^ * weekl y pay roll of mor e th an J6O.CO0. •> Two national banks with ample capital. - -T - Two electric street railway lines, giving abo ut, a five-minute service to the city of Port Worth, ami * the union rail way stati on, exte ndi ng to all the princip al s-.burb*. -> Eleven steam railways ent er the corporate limits of the c.'y. having many miles of trackage, ani fau- * tory sites can have ampl e rai' road facilities. « fr Thee grain elevators. •> Large st crea mery In the southw est—i ce crea m factor y. * •> Overall factory . •> Steam laundry. —. <• <* Electri c light plan t. 9 Horse and mule mark et. « •: •> Ice and cold stor age pla nt, <• A 135.000 school buildi ng. •> if A 1103. 000 sys tem of wate r worke. furni shing an In etha usti ble suppl y of water for domes tic and •> t> commerci al purpo ses. •> .^ Paid fire dep artme nt- •> -> Seven church es, and ma ny churc h societies . •> The p retti est resid ence location of any city in Tex as or elsewh ere. High, delightful an d sanit ary. •> Many of the usual retai l busi ness concerns, and unlimited opportuni ties for any legiti mate bran ch •> of business. Anything that can succeed anywhere, can succeed in North lVrl Worth, and many enter- •> . prises that ctn not succeed elsewhere can succeed there- nnialty to the n-*rtlivvc3t, know n as Rosen Heights. The buildi ng of the Swift and Ar mour packing plants In North Fort •--Worth has added many hundre d souls Isfto the popul ation of the t^wn. but the [Vpopulatlon did not sto p with Hint, ff New and varied manufac turi ng e nte r prises are constantly being Installed and new cottage s and fine residence s ere springing up In all directions. With the coming of new manufa ctur ing en terprises conies more people, and as more people moved Into t he tow n. th e demand for more 'merc anti le conce rn* became greater. Therefore new mer cantile houses are constantly being opened and m anv of them would do iJotilt to a much la rger city. Tl>» people of North For t Worth are p ro gressive and enter prisi ng and are ever ready to aid 1n advan cing t he int er act;, of the town. r - Incorporated Four Years The city bega n Its era of commer cial advancement with the Incori>or.i- tkm of the town for municipa l pur poses four years ago The first clt> council meeti ng was Held on Dec. 3. INS. The first set or officers we re. James l>- Farme r, mayo r: ald ermen . Wm. Mink. B . C. Smith. J. S. Gra nt, J. J. L>don and John McCarty; t reas urer. N. Hard ing ; atto rney . W. P. Mc lean Jr.: marshal. It. r> Howell: city secretary. Jno. F. Grant ; city phv- •li-Un. Dr. M. E. Gilmore. The city government began its labors for the advancement of the city, and lai d the found rtion stone upon which tho pres ent- 'success ful munic ipal ity now" stands. Property Is steadily advanc ing in values, and the conti nued activ ity In ; the exchange of real estate pres ages a most pros pero us fut ure. There are many handsome resi dences in Jv'orlb. Fort Wor t*, as well t> modern busin ess and office bui ld- irs, and the city council ha s wisely " i •*-•> *••— —election of the buildings 1 building ordi- B Bought Water Wo rks The reins of gove rnmen t have twi ce seen changed since the city b ecame tn Incorporated municipality. I* G- rrRchard luccee ded Mr. Far mer to tte mavoralty . and unde r his able a d- S lalstration I he town made wo nder ' I progress. Among the Important Jteps taken under the Prltchard ad ministration was to vote bonds to the amount of »100.00» for the purpose of providing for a wate r works s yste m, supplying all the needs of the ci ty »fth an abundan ce of pure artes ian >ater for all purposes . The cost of instruction of this system was about SM5.000. and the wat er supp ly is o b tained from two artesi an wells. The deepest well has been able to supp ly an'demand* for water so far. and n ot- ^tthstanJlns: the two packing plants Sate been usin g for the past thre e or four month-, many hund reds of ga l lon* from the city, th e supp ly from tali one well has b»en inex hausti ble. This well IS abo ut one tho usand feet .In depth, and the pu mpin g capac ity 19 IMAM gallon s eve ry twelve hours . The normal wate r pressur e from tne luge re«ervo!r for fire protectio n is I about ninety -five poun ds. A larg e 'steel reservoir on an eighty-foot ele- (rrvted tower with a. capacity of on- honored thous and gallo ns Is kept ccm- mtans the wat er supp ly Is at all lim es aatple for fire protecti on. Besides the larg e quan tit ies of water used by the packing house s, there a re about five or six hundred pr ivat e re si dence s that are no w suppl ied w Ith cit y water, as well as practic ally all t he baauiess houses. While the meter nit-J ' very che.ip. the monthl y rece ipts constitute a very Important single in terest . Texa s has made in Its laws liberal provisions for the suppo rt of the public schools, both by state an d local taxation, and the tendency t oward lett er schools Is increasing with each year. T he public mind Is steadily grow ing more friendly and liberal to ward popular education, and every citi zen Is Interest ed In the ultima te re sult, an d willingly lends all possible aid to an y movemen t that Is for the benefit of the schools. Ther efore, the school board and teacher s have the co operati on of the school'^ patr ons In bringing the Nonh Fort Worth ^choois up to the popular stan dard. Thes e os well as many oth er publ ic improvements of minor Importance, are the fruits of the ener gy and zealous ef- foit* of 11r. Pntc hard and hie cabi net of enterprising councilnien. Davis Elected Mayor At Ihe lar- city election held In April of the pre- ent year. W. D. Davi s was elected mayor to succeed Mr. Prltc hard. Mr. Davis Is a man of strong capabi li ties and business energy, and has en tered int o the duties of hi- office with all the zeal of his predecess or, and a brilliant administ ratio n of the affairs of the city govern ment is assu red. The presen t members nf the city council are awake to every interest of the city. and ent er heartily Into all matt ers i>er- taimng loathe city's welfare, and work harmon iousl y with the executi ve of ficers for the advan cemen t of the city' s intere sts. They ore all men fujly Iden tified in a commercial way wit h the city, and comprise the following gen tlemen : H- It. Daniel and T. Thanis ch. First ward . Louis Ttlanke and F. G. Coffey. Second ward: Joe Mulholland and It- H. Kelly. Third wa rd: P at Con way and B. M. Frazuer. Fourth ward. The other cl»y officers are: If. L. Proctor, city secretary: J. W. Baskln. city attorney: O. It. Montgomery, cltv mart-hal: J. B. Collier, city trea sure r: W. K. Sandsbe rry. assessor and col lector. Jo hn W. Buckl.i nJ, chief of fi. e depart ment: Dr. Frazier. city physi cian ; T. J- Cl .nrdy. san itar y officer. The futur e has In store wonderful achievements for North Fort Worth. and the citizens are proud of the progress they have made within the past few years. Eve ryd ay brings new- settl ers who are soon Identified witn the advancing throngs. The people lend thei r aid In every way to the city council and Uie commerci al org aniz a tion, and have the spirit that always brings success. Want Sewerage System Amons the needed enterprises that the clt> Is after no w is a se werage •>• and both the city council an d the Commercial Club are actively at work to secure It. Withi n the |W>t month propositions of this character have at different times been before the city council, but up to the presen t tiit u no franchi se has been grant ed. The Commercial Club Worki rg In conjunction with the city council for Ihe benefit of Nort h F ort Wort h, is the Commerci al Club. This organ izati on Is compose d of man y of the basin*** men of the city. The of ficers and directors are as follows: I* n. Pntchard. president: J- W. Condon, first vice president: V. S. Whrdlaw. second vice p'csi.lent: Rochester Hart- away. secretary: P. P. Hopkins, treas urer. Direc tors —W. D. Davis . W. H. Grove. J. D. Farmer. T. M. Thanisch. Dr. J. R» Frezl er and P. J. Conwa y. Regular meetings of this club are held in the directo r's room of ti n , Exchange National Bank each Tuesday aftern oon at 4 o'clock. The club is at this time actively Interested « • £ « " - Ing more manufacturing enterprises, an d the Individ ual members at all times are ready to show the prospector around . The re are many ™J desir able faclorj sit e. In North Fort Worth, and Inducements commensurate with tho Importance of the enterprise will at all times be extended. City la Prosperous The city is in sple ndi d fina ncia l co n dition. Notwithstanding the two bond issues previously mentioned, it can not be c-cnsldered that the city is in volved . The reven ue from the clt.. wa - terrvoiic ind.cat-s that that enterprise t more than's aif-ust ai.-in g. The c.ty from rcceints over and above the city s needs and for fir- purpose s, .s more Than aSle to pay all accr ued Int eres t on the bonds and provide for a sin k ing fund suffUlenf to take up each coupon as It c«m « due. The tax^r atc voted to provide for the payment of The interest on th. M £ > l M g «£ flclent to meet the payments and also to keep the school propert y Id prop er "T he " affairs of the cit y W ffMOnJ- cally administered, aaid every mat ter coming before the city counc lMsJho ro- I ly discus Its organ izati on and is a very popula r oidc r. The preseut officers are as fol lows: J. M. Burkett. president; T. M. Calloway , vice pres iden t. Mrs. L. M. Dills, secretary and treasure r; Mrs I.ula Carde nhler . chaplai n. T he lodfeC meets at Frazuer's hall on the third Saturd ay night In each month. Woodmen Circle—II. A. Thomas Grove No. 278 was organized and char tered Nov. 7. 1903. with t he following officers: Guardian. H attie H art; ad Sloan; banker. Sallie Nevlns; attend ant. Laura Hummel: magician. Tommle Eastha m; inner guard. OHie Mack: outer guard. Eva Nichols; managers. Alma Ray and Elizabeth Hensley; p!.y- siclan. Dr. James Hart. At that tune there were only a small number int er ested In this woma n* auxiliary to th e Woodmen of the World. Now the me m bersh ip 13 larg e and steadil y growmj. under the guidance of the present li*t of officers, who a re: Guard ian. Mrs. Gra Pittm anx advi ser. Mrs. Mollis Claypool: clerk. Mrs. Mary Galloway; banker. Mrs. Nettie Towns; attenda nt. Mrs. Estes: magician. Mattie Randall ii ner guard. Mrs. Phillips; outer g uard. Mrs. Claypool; managers. Mrs. Hunker. Mrs Mitchell and Dr. Hick man, phy sician. Regular meeti ngs are held edth Tuesday afternoon at PHtchard's hall. Nort h Fort Worth Lodge No 103. I. O. O. F_ was organized May 10. ISM. It holds a regular meeting ever Sa'ur- day night at Pntchard - * halL Th e membership Is steadily giowulg an d the degree staff, under the leadership of L. O. Miller has plen ty of work to do at every meet ing. A new lot of ad ditional regalia has recently been pui- chased at a cost of mora than $10" and the degree staff meets every Wedn es day night for drill. The presen t offi cers are: C. Halemberg. sitting past gr and: D. It. Smith, noble gran d: W. T. An derson , vice gran d: T. P.. Quavle. sec retary, and R. P. Stokes, treasurer. Th e present mem bersh ip Is now almost 100. North Fort Worth Lodge No. 1191S. Modern Woodmen of America. wa« or ganized Oct. 15. 1905. The memb eish ip i> now about two hundred Regul ar meeting s are held at Frlt chard 's Halt everj Monday night. The ofluers arc: Fust co nsul. William J. O Urieii, co n sul. J. E. Buchan: adviser. Mr. Al'en: clerk. R. Hadaw ay; banker. I t. V. 1'razuer; escort. L. W. Orp ent er; mana gers . F. H. Clajp ool; C. R Bu.-h- man and R- B- Slalkes; musician. Dr. M E. Tadlock; examining physicians. Drs. M. E. Ollmore. M. C. Tadlock and A. D. Lions . This camp bears the dis tincti on or havin g been Ihe first camp Instit uted in Texa s, and now holds th e state banne r for having the largest membership of any one camp in the slat e. The membe rshi p at large is o.-«r nine hundre d thousa nd, but is Just en- tenn g Texas. It Is growing at the rat e of about twenty members a month. It also has a flourishing lodge of Bojal Neighbors, the ladies' auxlhaiv . The lodge of Knights of r>t hia s B one of the popular fraternal or gaiuza liens. The list of o fficers compri se those among the very best business men in th e city and the lodge Is in a flourishing condition. The Rathbone Sisters.- the ladies' auxil iary, is In a most flouris hing con - il.tinn. The officers are nil alive to the interests of the order and Ihe uuet- uigs ar e all harmonious and prof.ta- ble. The Fire Department North Fort Wor th cla:ms to have one Of the best paid fire depart ment s of an \ ci ty in the sla te of Its size. It has been organized about two tears, and duri ng that time has done - efficient service. The fire fighting apparat us cons ists of a hose reel, w ith ladde r attachmen t, and a chemical engine There are about two thous and feet of hose, and so far the equipment has liecn ample lo meet even- emergency, but the growth of the city will soon call for a more modern outfit. Th e departmen t was organized mainly by the present chief. J. W. Bucklan d and former chief. Arch Carp. At that t une Mr. Buckland was assistant chief and he and Mr. Carp not only traine d t he three horses, but even constructe d the prese nt firs hall. Duri ng the time since the organi zation ma ny fires have been handled and as jet there has never been a serious accident - The rresent members of the department nre: J. W. Buckland. chief; B. Hill, assistant chief- and Messrs. D. B . Smith. Harry Smit h. Charley Crause and Puddy. At no far distant day it Is the hope of the firemen that a new hall, more centra lly located, will be erected. The North Fort Worth Kindergarten Assoc ioto n is an org anization -xhat Is: ncro mplls hlmj much for the cause of educating the little folks. The kinder gart en Is In charg e of Miss Sara CarC and Miss Eulalee Punber. with two as - fully unders tood be- ALL READY FOR THE CARNIVAL Celebration Will Open on the North Side Monday PBOGBAM'OF THE WEEK Citizens of North Fort Worth Hoping for Good Weather During Cele bration of Birthday Notwithstanding the unfavorable conditi on of the weather, the North Fort Worth Commercial Club con tinued to make extensive prep arations for the gran d fourth Annive rsary cele bration, which begins tomorrow aft ernoon, and will continue thruout the week. It la the desire of the Co m mercial Club to make the opening da y. which has been appropriately desig nated Nor th Fort Wor th day. one of the feature days of the week's cele bration. To this end various state a nd nation al officials have been Invited *o make addresses on the occasion. There w 1 1 1 als o be lo cal s pea ker s, wh o wi ll point out to the asse mbly the unp rece dented growth and prosperity of North Fort Worth, and incidentally mention the fact that the city Is after mor e fac tories and commercial industries, and prese nt the claims of the Commercial Club that the city has more and bet ter desirable factor}' sites than a ny other city in the southwest. In tact, the prime object In brin ging to the city at this time a grea t multitu de of people is for the purpose of Interest ing tiiem in these inatters. In older to provide e ntertainment for .the thousan ds of people who are expected to be In the city dally, t he Commercia l Club is bring ing a great aggregation of carnival attractions to tho city. A.I thes e attr acti ons are to lie appro ved and exhibited under t he supervi sion of the Commerci al Club committee, and that organization has the least objectionable character will be tolerated. In fact, the street attra c tions have all been approved by people who have Investigated them, and no one need fear that any attempt will be made to evade the expresse d wishes or the Commercial Club and the citizens of North Fort Wort h. The trains bringing the attractions of the Cosmopolitan Amusement Company will arrive Sunday Crom Lawton, Okla. The y will bs unloade d at once In tho Rock Island jar ds I n North Fort Worth, and by 7:30 Monday Uie streets of North For t Wort h will be a blaze of fun. gall)' decorat ed with flags and buntl i«. and the festive bark of the speller will be heard ami d the din of the men y voices, mingled with the strains fi.im the' hand s and the shrill note s of the ste am calloiie. It will be a week of Jolly fun makin g for all- Week's Program The prog ram for the week has been arranged as follows: Monday . 7:30 p. m.—Opening of the celebration, when Mayor Davis cf Nort h Fort Worth will welcome th e \i-itor.s to the city, and promine nt speake rs will make addresses. The opening day has been designated as Nort h IMrt Wot th Day. Tuesday afternoon—Children's day. Special features will be arra nged at all a.tractions for the entertainment cf the children. Tuesday night—Fort Worth day. Wednesday afternoon—Orphans' day. The orphan child ren will be the g uests of the Commercia l Club and the man agement of the amusement company. Wednesday night—Dallas day. The Inte rurba n will make a rate of $1 for the round trip for the occasion, and many people from Dallas will attend. The Texas Heal Estate and Indust rial Associati on will also be enter tain ed as the gue~ts of the Commercial Club. Thur sda y afternoon— Specia l day for Woodme n Circle. Royal Neighbo rs. Rathbone Sisters and Royal Achates. Thursd ay night—The crowning cf priate ceremonies. T he regalia to be worn by the queen-elec t at the c oron a tion ma y be se en in the w indow at B. X. Friedman'!, jowelrv store, on Hous ton street, near Eighth. It consists of n beautiful robe, a crown with beau tiful settings and a hand some scep ter. Friday afternoon—Will be announced latar. Friday night—Public marriage of a popular jo ung couple on the back of the big elepha nt. This Is also special day for the Knights of Pythi as. Gran d Fraternity and Odd Fellows Saturda y afternoon — Commission men's and cattle men's day. Saturda y night — Modern Woodmen of America's special day. and the clos ing of the carnival MISS SMITH NOW LEADS IN CONTEST Chance in Positions of All Candidates The interest In th e e lection of a queen of the carniv al was almost at fever heat Saturda y. All the cont est ant s for the honor received very s tron g support and the opening or the cam paign again Monday means that there will be renewed interes t in the conte st. Wlien Ihe votes were counted at S o'clock Saturday night Miss Oertrude Smith was the leading candidate, with 1.820 votes to her credit. The voti ng was rpin ted late in the afternoo n an.l It is state d that many votes were placed la the ballot boxes after the votes had been taken out and counted for anno unceme nt In toda>*s pai-er. Jus t how many to tes are coming Is a .luestlmi that all the candi dates and their friends are deeply Interested In. The announcement of the standing on Monday afternoon is expected to bring on the expected b attle of ballots for th e uueen of the carnival, which will eon- t.nue to grow more interesti ng s t he time approaches . The contes t will dos e Wednesday night, the hour for receiving the last ballots will be an nounced later. The robe, crowo and scepter to be worn by the queen on the night of the coronation have already been secured. The relative standing of the con testants is as follows: Miss Gertru de Smith I.S5H Miss Mamie KIper 1.5«o Miss Rhoda Hanglln J.«S Miss Bessie Maurice *.*» Miss Clara Huddle ston 1.0 6S Miss Mabel Daniels "••'• . U N It is one of the most wonderful tonics for developing tho figure, m ik ing bright eyes, red lips and rosy cheeks , ever offered to the Amer ican girl. Hollister's Bocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents . J. P. Bra- RIVEKSID The retiring pastor. Rer. Mr. Wln- fteld, has been appoin ted to Joshua . Texas, and will leave with his family for that place soon. Mr. W'lnuel of Riversi de, who has been quite sick at his home for the past week. Is reported some:i mproved on Saturday nighL Joe Wynne of Primrose. Texas, ar rived In Riversi de Satu rday night an d will spend the next few days with his son. A. E. Wynn e. Rev. Mr. Bickley..the.newly.appo int ed pastor of the Riversi de M. E. church.' will occupy the pulpit Sunday mornl n* and night, preaching his initial sermon at 11 a. m. corner opposi te the new school building. Considerable'Improve men t has been planned for the build ing and new seats will ' be orde red A number of Riverside young people, twenty In all. pleasantly surprised the family of Grant Rutter last Thursday nigh t. A good time was reported as the arrangemen ts had been completed witho ut the knowledge of Lillian and Charles and Annie Hogue, of the But ter residence. The Riverside school trust ees held the regular bi-monthly neetln g Satur day morning In the office of J. B . Ba ker on Hous ton. street and passed on some build ing estimat es for the new- school building. The salaries for the school teachers were also allowed and the session closed with the usual rou tine work. T here were five member s GLE NWOOD J. M. Young and family are spe nding Sund ay In Glen wood with fr an k Ru*!. and family cm Cromwell st reet, Mrs. Witt is much improved Salur- da> at her reside nce, 408 Duncan street. Glennood, and her physician expresses orient prospects for the aged lady' s speedy recovery after a three week's illness. Brick work on the new mattres s fac tor y buildlna; is now practically c om pleted and manufacturing operation* will be commenced soon. The factory buildi ng is located In Kast Vickery boulevar d and adds one more good In dustry to the enterprising suburb on th© east of Fort Wort h. Thanksgiving day Is to be celebrated In royal fashion by the Junior Ord er of United American Mechanics in Glen- wood. Already a number of turk ejs have been purchased and are being fat tened in a coop safely guarded . A reg ular turkey dinner, with all Thanksgi v ing accessories , will be served In the Juni or hall In Bessie street, and t he American Daughters order has been m\lte d with many outside friends. BRO OKLY N HEIGHTS Miss Mary Bentley of Wharton. Tex a s . Is spend ing a few days In Brook lyn Heights at the home of Miss Maude Craig. The Re\s. Wright and Money are holding a protracted revival mjet lnj In the Brooklyn Heights Baptist church an d e.ich service Is exceedingly well atte nded for the time of the yea r. The Baptist church, which was re- centl> completed, will be formally ded icated Sunday. Nov. 25 , at the morning service hour of 11 o'clock. Church service s ha. e been held in the n*»\r buildin g for some time past, but he re tofore no dedication ser\i«.e had been arranged. E. E. B*ildridge and family have re moved from Brooklyn Heights to Ar lington Heights. Next summer their new Arlingt on Heights residence w-i ll be completed, after which they »\ill move permanent ly. Mr. Baldri dge wii: retain his cattle interests at Brooklyn Heights. POLYTECHNIC IL B . Young has returned to his du ties at Polyte chnic college aft er a week's visit to friends In Ryan. I. T. J. A. cimI.™ 1 of Gainesville. Texas . Is spending Sunday In Polytechnic Heig hts v ii ii hla famlly_Mr. Gilllland 's children are attending the college, hav ing started last September. A basket ball game has been r ranged for Thursday morning Iietwe*-n the Polytechnic team and the Texa s Eaptlst univ ersity team. The game will be played on the camp us, making t wo Interest ing features for Thanksg lv tag Stude nts at Polytechnic college are anxiously awaiting Thanksgi ving day. when the prep football eleven will bat tle with the first team for honors on the college campus . Ea ch team has done considerab le practice work an J a s the prep men are above the average this year in weight much speculation surr ound s the outco me of the game. GOES ACID ROUTE Man Takes Poison in Presence of Wife and Promptly Dies Special tit T»e Telegram. HOUSTON'. Texas. Nov. 21.—Josepa Mann ler took his life tonight at 10 o'clock by drinkin g a bottle of carbolic acid In the presen ce of his wife. He sent his wife for a bucket of beer and upon her ret urn he said- *I am tired of living and 1 am goin g to Quit It: I am going now." With these words he swallowed the contents of a small vial and expired on the floor. No cause is kno wn for the deed excent t!>..t-n w deceased had been drinking heavily for the past three days. Tn Philade lphia the prohibition ca n didate for governor got about 600 votes out of a total of nearl y 250.000. It is painfully eviden t that the booze chariot Is more popular tha n the water wagon In that sinful city. liver. The greates t regulato r ever of fered to suffering hum anit y. If you suffer from liver complain t. I f you are bilious and fretful, it's your liver, and Heroine will put it in its proper con ditio n. A positive cure for Constipa tion B iliousness. Dyspepsia and all lib due 't o a torpid liver. Try a bottle and you will never use anything else. Sold by Covey * Martin.- CARD OP THANKS . We wish to expres s our hea rtfelt sympat hy to all our many friends for their many acts of kindness and beau- tifal floral offerings, and especi ally do we" apprec iate the kind word s of Rev; Mr. Daniel to us during the sickness and Illnes s of our beloved wife an d C. X PCfJH, PERRY PUG IX. 811 WestrBel knap. Nov. M.-UOfc LINER ADS Bring, Raw Us STREET IS NAMED "PROSPERITY PIKE" On e Suggestion Waa Accom panied.-With-Verses At a special meeting of the commit tee of the Commercial Club neld yes terday afternoon, the name for the carnival atre et' was selected 'from a large number suggested by various ladles. The name selected was "Prosp erity Pike." and was suggested by Miss Ithoda Hanglln. one of the contestant s for carniv al queen. There were many very appropriate names suggested, and one Uiat came In second choice wa s "Rubber Way." and was accompanied by the following note: -RUBB ER WAT." When strolling down the street On hsppy carni val day. - II your fnend s yoi n.-.-t. Take them down the "Rubber Way." And as you pass along. See what you may. Don't be surprised a bit. For It's on the -Rubbe r Way." Then rubber, rubber, rubber. Don't miss a single show; ^ Tben rubber, rubber, rubber* As into them you go . And don't forget your mone y. As down the "Rubbe r Way " You're strolling with your honey, pay. or you'll surely have Be sober, or be Jolly. Eithe r as you may: You'll not call It folly. Wha t you see on the "Rub ber Way ." So rubber, rubber, rubber. Rubber this and that. Then rubber, rubber, rubb er. Just rubber and grow fat. We'll call the street the "Rubber Way." I thin k It's quite c omplete; Don't you think so? Say— On the "Rubber Way" we'll meet home to Coleman after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. James A. Hcnson. City Marshal Montgomery has se lected a number of special officers to be on duty durin g the carnival week. The Tuesday Club will hold regular semi-monthly meeting Tuesday after noon with Mrs. A- C. Chase on Market * avenue. All the members of the #lub are urged to attend. A ball wi ll" be given at Prltc hard' * hall Wednesday night for the enter tainment of out-of-town visitors to the celebration. ~ _ ^ The Odd Fellows held a ..reg ular weekly meeting last night and not withstanding the conditions of the weather a fair attendance of members was presen t. There was work In the North Fort Wor th branc h No. 210. Grand Fra terni ty, will have a big meet ing on Tues day night at Prlt chard 's hall for the purpose of organising the Nor.n Fort Worth band.^ Waples-Pa lnter Co. Central ave. want Phon e 1367, William Cameron A Co . North Ft. Worth , for Drives on l umber. 'JIM CROW" LAW Kditor Telegram: NORTH ~ORT WORTH. Texas. Nov. 13.—I want to use your paper in oi ler to epeak to the law controll ers. We. as colored people, wan t a separ ate roach and we want It according-to the law. and the way It directs . We ore gteatly bothered with white men rush ing Into our coach, usin g it for a s mok ing and whisky roo m. We want It t- > stop thruout the state of Texas. The leading colored people are v erv well satisfied with the separ ation an d the whites ought to be. I have been a citizen of Texas eve r since 1863 and hav e owned a home ever sin ce 187S. I have raise d a family In Texa s and have succeeded In educating them. Out of five children ther e are three graduat es: Maggie I* Stewart, science certifica te: Umeth . cl assics I. and Loui s Be. classical. This makes me feel that I am a citi zen and hav e a right to ask for anyth ing that is right and In accordance with the law. As I was returning from the city of Waco, to my surprise I saw a white man In a negro coach, sitting In a ne gro woman's lap. drinking whisky out of the same bottle with her. This is Imposing on the bett erelas s of_colored people and A Friend in Need—AK ways with Yon. w EN 70a hare Heartburn, Coli c Coated Tonfua, 3a *-' pschrf Breath. Acld-rtslnt-fai tncrpieat Cold, take a'Ca scan t. ". »? . Remembe r, all these ar e net merer/- - Discomforts bat IndtraHoni of a aorkna Nip them In the bod—eat a Candy Caj- thextomsch like "BJle-drlvtnr" They act Uta Exercise oa t h* Bo et . | Muscles that propel Food, and that 1 Indication Dytfefsi* Torpid Live orpid Lrver - Appendicitis Colic Vtrtire Wermt Fimpla Ma Blotctut In inch eases a Utile Cascaret ia flra a la . worth fllty dollars worth cf Treatment later' on. to say nothing o f the sufferlnr. d ljoo m- lort. loss ol Business Energy , end leas-of It saves. Heartburn, Acld-rlsuir s la the throat, and Colicky feel- <;" ; trig are sure signs of bowel trouble from 4 ; -<J food poisons, an d should be dealt .with -> J promptly. . ,^ i One Cascaret will stop the [coming . 'f j trouble, an d mo ve o n Ihe Bowel load, IX :?: I takca at the first signs. ^ J*%}j Don't tall to carry the Vest Pocket Box *^ 5 ol Cascarets with you constantly. All druggists sell boxes a year. Be very careful to gel the made only by t he Sterling Remedy Co m' never sold balk. £<f tablet stamped "CC C " D o w n t o Our Stoa re" 1 GRANULATED SUGAR. \% lba.-.ll.W i -Yellow Clarified Suga r. U lb s. .. . .1.00 • Dark Brown Sugar for cakes. Evaporated Apples. SJ4 lbs. 3-% Cooking Figs. 3 lbs 2S Good Prunes. 3 lbs •»- ........ ••.. .2 5 4T« * 2 Crown Raisins . I lbs -IS ',fv°. Evaporated Peaches. » . " %£fi Evaporated Pears. . * 'r'i Evaporated Apricots. i_„ » J j Seeded Rai sins.- pkg - ,11 -jJjT Cleaned Currants, pkg . .. ... .. . !* - ~.v Citron, pound AS •**• I*mon Peel, pound .2 * ••":. London Layer Raisi ns. *Ei UPPE R CRUST FLOUR _1J» JSP Rewley*s Rest Fl our Worth Flour Hlgli Patent Flour . Anchor Patent Flour .—• ^ Queen of the Pant ry Flour .. LS0 ~S S K.II. kegs Kraut , ...... Ui *ff -x.o» 0 . . Let -S» L2t m LOS ^ $ LOS .-. M . LOS. , .55 SJ S 4.13 S.40 want It stopped. Tours for my race. GEORGE W. STEWART. OSTEOPATHS MET Cemtnitte e Was Appoint ed at Afte r noon Session The Texa s Association of 0>teopa ths met at the Hotel Worth Saturda y aft- ernon. On account of the weather and the shortness of time allowed by the call for the meeting, there were on ly about twenty doctor s present at the meeting which was called to order b y the president of the stat e associati on. Dr Hallovvay of Dallas. The principal action of tne meeting was the appoi nt ment of a committee of taree to act as a legislat ive committe e. T he mem bers of this, committee are Dr . T. L. Ray of Fort Worth. Dr. M. B . Harris of Fort Worth and Dr. Bailey of Waco. 'Financial affairs of the association were also arranged. - THE TEXAS WONDER. Cures all kidne y, bladder and rheu matic troubles: sold by all druggists, or two months' treatment by mall for J100 Dr. E. W. HalL 2»!t Olive rtree't. St. Louis. Mo. Send for Texas testimonials. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RY. Will on Nov. 27 sell tickets to points In Iowa. Minnesota and Illinois at one and one-thi rd fare, good to return thir ty days from date of sale. Fo r fur ther Information apply to George W. Lincoln. T. P. A. 7 West Ninth street , Kansas City,'Mo. S gal. kega Pickles. Mackerel, kit .......... Pigs' Feet, hit ^ ........ Holland Herring;, keg- .. Smnked Her ri og, boa .. Pi-kled Herrin g. J ror .. Holland Herring, dozen Nice fat Mackerel. 3 for Large r fat Mackerel. 2 for AS America n Sardin es. S cans AS Mustard Sardines. 3 cans ........ AS Good Salmon, can - ........ ••••• AO Imported Dill Pickles. Greeley Potatoes , bushel Burbank Potatoes, bushel .. .. A. . lull-lb. sack Sug ar SO-lb. can Comp. Lard ...*••••• SO.Ib can Leaf La rd ....... Fresh Crackers, by box .......... 5-lb. pails Jelly 10-Ib. pails Jelly 5-lb. palls Preserves ..... •••••.. 20-Ib. pall Preserves .... ••••.••. NEW CROP SRYUP- Vi gal. fancy Table Syrup .*.. 1 gal. fancy Table Sy rup Vi gal. Sorghum ....... ••...••••• 1 gal. Sorghum .......... •.••••. H gal. Evapor ated Cane ........ 1 gal. Evaporat ed Cane ........... New crop East Texas Rib bon Cane Syrup. GRANDMA PANCAKE FL OUR. . Eeg-O-See. X pkgs Price's Foo d, 3 pkgs Scotch Oat s. 3 pkg s S-lb pkg. Oats J » Full lin? new Ralston goods. Corn Beef, ca n ........ ...... •• •« -10 Veal Loaf, ca n .......... •• ..... * A0 Beef Loaf, can .10 Ham Loaf.' can At Polted Ham. 3 cans .• .10 3-Ib. Pie Peaches, can AO 3-Ib. Pie Apples, can .10 S-lb. Pumpkin, can ............. A0 3-lb. Lye Homin y, can .10 3-lb. Kraut , can .10 Greeley Potatoe s, peck A0 =^, Burbank Potatoes, peck .......... AS r3 Plum Puddin gs. 13c. 30e .. A0 J. Fruit Cakes, 1-lb. and S-lb. 5 | H. E. SAWYERl 'Both Phones 8. M AS'J 7 & Croup. I Chamberlain's Cbag fc Remedy . j | Is a certain cur e for croup and has never ..-:->' been known to (.til. - "| i Given as «x>n_ a» the .child becomes.' ^? f hoarse, or even after the cro upj co ugh 1 *^ appears, it will present the attack. " * ~r- It Is the sole dependence of many thous-'» •'•.- and* of mothers, and never disappoints .( them. »^g Price 25 cents. 3i Large aize BO rents. * ""lA Gives vigor, strengt h, vital ity to II Mli >T* nerves , stom ach and every part of your..'. " * It's easy to lake; swallow, a-\^vl body. . .-«~v- Ilttle Hollister'a Rock y Mountain Te s: — It does Ihe busine ss. Tea or Tablet s,, ;>i" We are Showing this Season Th'o-handsomest"-line of PUESES however .shown. - ?7& R. A, 70 6 Main. ANDERS! TH E DRUGGIST; «**-^e- 1 -ifefe3&. -~wr*' M5Aa?S*2&SSJsSS ••..ii^ri .

2424 Fort Worth Star-Telegram 1906-11-25 11

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AT . N O V E M B E R 25 , MM

( T H E



FOBT "vypRfH TELEQBj&M ..... r.~ ^ , * ~ w w ." t g ^ ^ a ® ^ " * ? ^ ? ^ ^ ^

of Opportunit ies for

Factories Here

by M a n y R a i l w a y s

L i n e s .

New Industries

RHA PS His re u I

munic ipa l i ty la i

o r t o r t h a i m a t t e ,

t ime sou th * est . that Is

makin g such rapid st r ides

rtan ce as *Corth

. Fro m a smal l hamlet

the hills to the nor th of

ago. t h a t

perhaps more th an twelve

tak ing In that c om-

J. W. Moore. J. B- Collier. J. D. Far mer and J . W. Stra in, t rustees.

The school faculty Is compo sed of•J~ _**• Moore, super inten dent ; A. H..F1n.cD.er. pr inc ipa l ; J . F . Whar ton, os -slstant pr inc ipa l , and H. C Sanders,second assistant pr inc ipa l , and MissesMu le Er i lc lnc , Florence McFaddenlater Doyd. Ju l ia Chr ist ian. SadieMoore. N 'annye Ozee. Mary I togan .Maggie Moore . Crace I iu rket t . Mc-MUlan and Mrs. Eva Wil l iams. Thecolored schools are In charge of Kmm.«J. Gulnn. pr inc ipa l , and Mary Poe, as sistant pr inc ipa l-

Schools Are Growing

The schools » r» nuki ng most sa t isfac tory progress, and the schoolboard is now planning to extend schoolfac i l i t ies to meet the increasing d emand for another year and perhaps before the end of the win ter session. Atpresent every avai lable por t ion of thebuildin g U being used, two class r oomshan ng recent ly been f i t ted up In thebasement . Every deta i l per ta ining to

the publtc school Inter ests is beingclosely looked after, an d It Is safe tosay that t he public schools will keeppace with the adv ance of the eliy In•ver y way. The educat ional advan tages, especially in the public schoolsthere, are all tha t could be desir ed.

The public schools of any commu nity

fore definite action Is taken . The general expens e of the city Is cut to t heminimum, and there I s no probabi l i tyof financi al difficulties.

About the Churches

Nor th For t Wor th has many goodchurch*buildings, and a la rge numl^erof the var ious rel igious denominat ion sare represented. At present the l i ip-t lsts . Chr ist ians, the two Methodistchurches. Presb) t er ians. Kpiscopal ians.and Cathol ics, compr ising twelve different church organiza t ions. Most ofthese organiza t ions have bu i ldings oftheir own and the other s are active Intheir efforts to erect buildings In thenear fu tu re .

All the churc hes have a number ofchurc h societi es and look a fter thework of their respective churches in amost thoro manner .

Many Lodges

North For t Wor th I s a lso a f ra ter ra lCity. Many of the principal lodges havesubordina te organiza t ions and nowhere

are they, as a whole, more flouris hing.Follo wing Is a list of the lodges, wit htheir of f icers and t imes of meet inr .

United Benevolent Associa t ion—Thisis one of the oldest fraternal orga niza t ions In North Fort Worth- It wasplanted in tha t community when i t wa sonly an isolated suburban vil lage. Ithas made steady progress ever

Xor lh For t Wor th no w popula t ion of ten thousand.A model stock sards of i m m t n s e capaci ty. . . .

Two of the la rgest p acking plan ts In the sou th , employing rve tho usand people a t fa ir wat .es. with ^ *y pay roll of mor e th an J6O.CO0. •>

Two na t ional banks with ample capi ta l . - -T-

Two elec tr ic st reet ra i lway l ines, giving abo u t , a f ive-minu te service to the c i ty of Por t Wor th , ami *union rail way stati on, exte ndi ng to all the princip al s-.burb*. ->Eleven steam ra i lways ent er the corpora te l imits of the c . 'y. having many miles of t rackage, ani fau- *sites can have ampl e rai' road facilities. «fr

Thee gra in e leva tors. •>Large st crea mery In the southw est—i ce crea m factor y. * •>Overall factory . •>Steam laundry. —. <•Electri c light plan t. 9Horse and mule mark et. « •:•Ice and cold stor age pla nt, • <•

A 135.000 school buildi ng. • — •>A 1103.000 sys tem of wate r worke. furni shing an In etha usti ble suppl y of water for domes tic and •>

al purpo ses. •>

Paid fire dep artme nt- •>Seven church es, and ma ny churc h societies . •>

The p retti est resid ence location of any city in Tex as or elsewh ere. High, delightful an d sanit ary. •Many of the usual retai l busi ness concerns, and unlimited opportuni ties for any legiti mate bran ch •>

Anyth ing tha t can succeed anywhere , can succeed in Nor th lVr l Wor th , and many enter - •>not succeed e lsewhere can succeed there- *£•

c3t, know n as

ng of the Swift and ArNor th For t

d soulsation of the t^wn. but the

did not sto p with Hint,turi ng e nte r

being Insta l leds and fine residence s

all directions. W ithnew manufa ctur ing en

and ashe tow n. th e

or more 'merc anti le conce rn*grea ter . Therefore new merhouses a re constant ly beingand m anv of them would do

much la rger city. Tl>»t Worth are p ro

and enter prisi ng and are ever1n advan cing t he int er

tow n.

bega n Its era of commer cement with the Incori>or.i-

l purThe first clt>

meeti ng was Held on Dec. 3.officers we re.

- Farme r, mayo r: ald ermen .B . C. Smith. J. S. Gra nt,

reasHard ing ; atto rney . W. P. Mc

Jno. F. Grant ; c i ty phv-Gilmore . The city

and lai d thehich tho pres

ful munic ipal ity now"Proper ty I s steadi ly advanc ing

and the conti nued activ ityrea l esta te pres

pros pero us fut ure.

a re many handsome resirlb. Fort Wor t*, as well

ess and office bui ld-s wisely

*— ••— —elect ion of thebu i ldings 1

bu i lding ordi-

Bought Water Wo rks

gove rnmen t have twi ceecame

pora ted munic ipa l i ty. I* G-luccee ded Mr. Far mer to

. and unde r his able a d-e town made wo nder 'Among the Impor tant


for a wate r works s yste m,all the needs of the ci ty

ce of pure ar tes ianall purposes . The cost of

system was abou tand t he wat er supp ly is o b

two artesi an wells. Theell has been able to supp ly

or water so far . and n ot-the two packing plants

g for the past thre e orreds of ga l

e supp ly fromwell has b»en inex hausti ble.

IS abo ut one tho usand feetmpin g capac ity 19

s eve ry twelve hours .r pressur e from tne

for fire protectio n is-five poun ds. A larg e

on an e igh ty- foot e le-a. capaci ty of on-

thous and gallo ns Is kept ccm-

wat er supp ly Is at all lim eson.

larg e quan tit ies of waters, there a re

or six hundred pr ivat e re siw suppl ied w Ith cit y

ally all t hehouses. While the meter n i t - Jche.ip. the monthl y rece ipts

const i tu te a very Impor tant single interest . Texa s has made in Its lawsl ibera l provisions for the suppo r t of

the public schools, both by state an dloca l taxa t ion, and the tendency t owardle t t er schools I s increasing with eachyear . T he publ ic mind I s steadi lygrow ing more friendly and liberal toward popu lar educat ion, and every c i t i zen Is Interest ed In the ultima te result, an d willingly lends all possibleaid to an y movemen t that Is for thebenefit of the schools. Ther efore, theschool board and teacher s have the cooperati on of the school'^ patr ons Inbr inging the Nonh For t Wor th ^chooisup to the popu lar stan dard.

Thes e os well as many oth er publ icimprovements of minor Impor tance, a rethe fruits of the ener gy and zealous ef-foi t* of 11 r . Pntc hard and h ie cabinet of enterpr ising counci lnien.

Davis Elected MayorAt Ihe lar- city election held In April

of the pre- ent year. W. D. Davi s waselected mayor to succeed Mr. Prltc hard.Mr. Davis Is a man of strong capabi lit ies and business energy, and has entered int o the duties of hi- office wit hall the zeal of his predecess or, and abrilliant administ ratio n of the affairsof the city govern ment is assu red. Thepresen t members nf the city councilare awake to every interest of the city.and ent er heartily Into all matt ers i>er-ta imn g loa the c i ty 's welfare , and workharmon iousl y with the executi ve officers for the advan cemen t of the city' sintere sts. They ore all men fujly Identified in a commercial way wit h thecity, and comprise the following gentlemen : H- It. Daniel and T. Thanis ch.Fir st ward . Lou is T t lanke and F. G.Coffey. Second ward: Jo e Mulhol landand It- H. Kelly. Third wa rd: P at Con way and B. M. Frazuer . Four th ward.

The other cl»y officers are: If. L.Proc tor , c i ty secretary: J . W. Baskln.c i ty a t torney: O. I t . Montgomery, c l tvmart-hal: J. B. Collier, city trea sure r:W. K. Sandsbe r ry. assessor and collector. Jo hn W. Buckl.i nJ, chief of fi. e

depar t ment : Dr . Fraz ier . c i ty physician ; T. J- Cl.nrdy. san itar y officer.

The futur e has In store wonderfulach ievements for Nor th For t Wor th .and the citizens are proud of theprogress they have made with in thepast few years. Eve ryd ay br ings new-settl ers who are soon Identified witnthe advancing th rongs. The peoplelend thei r aid In every way to the citycouncil and Uie commerci al org aniz at ion, and have the spir i t tha t a lwaysbr ings success.

Want Sewerage System

Amons the needed enterpr ises tha tthe clt> Is after no w is a se werage• •>• and both the city council an dthe Commercial Club are actively atwork to secure It. Withi n the |W>tmonth proposi t ions of th is charac terhave at different times been before thecity council, but up to the presen t tiit uno franchi se has been grant ed.

The Commercial ClubWorki rg In conjunct ion with the c i ty

council for Ihe benefit of Nort h F ortWort h, is the Commerci al Club. Thisorgan izati on Is compose d of man y ofthe basin*** men of the city. The officers and directors are as follows: I*n. Pntchard. president : J- W. Condon,f i r st vice president : V. S. Whrdlaw.second vice p'csi . lent : Rochester Har t -away. secretary: P. P. Hopkins, t reasurer. Direc tors —W. D. Davis . W. H.Grove. J . D. Farmer . T . M. Thanisch .

Dr. J. R» Frezl er and P. J. Conwa y.

Regu lar meet ings of th is c lub areheld in the directo r's room of ti n ,Exchange Nat ional Bank each Tuesdayaftern oon at 4 o'clock. The club is att h i s ti m e a c t i vel y I n t e r es t e d « • £ « " -Ing more manufac tu r ing enterpr ises,an d the Individ ual members at all timesare ready to show the prospectoraround . The re are many ™J desir able fac lor j si t e . In Nor th For t Wor th ,and Inducements commensura te withtho Importance of the enterprise willat all times be extended.

C ity la ProsperousThe city is in sple ndi d financial co n

di t ion. Notwithstandin g the two bondissues previously ment ioned, i t cannot be c-cnsldered that the city is involved . The reven ue from the clt.. wa -ter rvoi ic ind.ca t- s tha t tha t enterpr iset more than's a if -ust a i . - in g. The c . tyfrom rcceints over and above the city sneeds and for fir- purpose s, .s moreThan aSle to pay all accr ued Int eres ton the bonds and provide for a sin king fund suffUlenf to take up eachcoupon as I t c«m « due. The tax^r a tcvoted to provide for the payment ofT he i n t er e st o n t h . M £ > l M g « £prov ide a sink ing fund Is entire ly suff lc lent to meet the payments and a lsoto keep the school propert y Id prop er

"T he " affairs of the cit y W ffMOnJ-ca l ly administered, aa id every mat tercoming before the c i ty counc lMsJho ro- I

ly discus

Its organ izati on and is a very popula roidc r. The preseut officers are as follows: J . M. Burket t . president ; T . M.

Calloway , vice pres iden t. Mrs. L. M.Dil ls , secretary and t reasure r ; MrsI .u la Carde nhler . chaplai n. T he lodfeCmeets a t Frazuer 's ha l l on the th irdSatu rd ay nigh t In each month .

Woodmen Circ le—II . A. ThomasGrove No. 278 was organized and char tered No v. 7. 1903. with t he followingoff icers: Guardian. H at t ie H ar t ; adviser. Delia. Wlnc omb: cler k. DelaSloan; banker . Sa l l ie Nevlns; a t tendant . Laura Hummel: magic ian. TommleEastha m; inner guard. OHie Mack:ou ter guard. Eva Nichols; managers.Alma Ray and E l izabeth Hensley; p! .y-sic lan. Dr . James Har t . At tha t tunethere were only a small number int erested In th is woma n* auxi l ia ry to th eWoodme n of the World. Now the me mbersh ip 13 larg e and steadil y g r ow m j .under the guidance of the present li*tof officers, who a re: Guard ian. Mrs.Gra Pi t tm anx advi ser . Mrs. Moll isC laypool : c lerk. Mrs. Mary Gal loway;banker . Mrs. Net t ie Towns; a t tenda nt .M r s . Estes: magic ian. Mat t ie Randal li i ner guard. Mrs. Ph i l l ips; ou ter g uard.M r s . Claypool ; managers. Mrs. Hunker .Mrs Mitchell and Dr. Hick man, phy sician. Regular meeti ngs are held edthTuesday af ternoon a t PHtchard's ha l l .

Nort h Fort Worth Lodge No 1 0 3 . I.O. O. F_ was organized May 10. ISM.It holds a regu lar meet ing ever S a ' u r -day night at P n t c h a r d

-* halL Th e

membersh ip Is steadi ly g i ow u l g an dthe degree staff, under the leadershipof L. O. Miller has plen ty of work todo at every meet ing. A new lot of ad di t iona l rega l ia has recent ly been pu i -chased at a cost of mora t h a n $10" andthe degree sta ff meets every Wedn esday night for drill. The presen t offi cersa r e : C. Halemberg. si t t ing past gr and:

D. It. Smith , noble gran d: W. T . Anderson , vice gran d: T. P.. Quavle. sec re tary, and R. P. Stokes, t reasurer . Th epresent mem bersh ip Is now almost 100.

North Fort Worth Lodge No. 1191S.Modern Woodmen of America. wa« organized Oct. 15. 1905. The memb eish ipi> now about two hundred Regul armeeting s are held at Frlt chard 's Haltever j Monday nigh t . The of luers a rc :Fust co nsul. William J. O Urieii, co ns u l . J . E . Buchan: adviser . Mr . Al 'en:c lerk. R. Hadaw ay; banker . I t. V.1 'razuer ; escor t . L . W. Orp ent er ;mana gers . F. H. Clajp ool; C. R Bu.-h-man and R- B- Sla lkes; music ian. Dr .M E. Tadlock; examining physic ians.D r s . M. E. Ollmore. M. C. Tadlock andA. D. L ions . Th is camp bears the dis tincti on or havin g been Ihe first campInstit uted in Texa s, and now holds th esta te banne r for having the la rgestmembersh ip of any one camp in theslat e. The membe rshi p at large is o.-«rnine hundre d thousa nd, but is Just en-tenn g Texas. I t I s growing a t the ra t eof abou t twenty members a month .

It also has a flourishing lodge ofBoja l Neighbors, the ladies ' auxlha iv .

The lodge of Knights of r>t hia s Bone of the popular fraternal or gaiuzaliens. The list of o fficers compri sethose among the very best businessmen in th e city and the lodge Is in af lour ish ing condit ion.

The Rathbone Sisters.- the ladies 'auxil iary, is In a most flouris hing con -il.tinn. The officers are nil alive to theinterests of the order and Ihe uuet-u igs ar e all harmonious and prof . ta -ble.

The Fire Depar tment

North Fort Wor th cla:ms to have oneOf the best paid fire depart ment s ofan \ ci ty in the sla te of Its size. It hasbeen organized abou t two tears, andduri ng that time has done -efficientservice . The f i re f igh t ing appara t uscons ists of a hose reel, w ith ladde ra t tachmen t , and a chemica l engineThere are about two thous and feet ofhose, and so far the equipment hasliecn ample lo meet even- emergency,but the growth of the city will sooncall for a more modern outfit. Th edepar tmen t was organized mainly bythe present chief. J. W. Bucklan d andformer chief. Arch Carp. At that t uneMr. Buckland was assistant ch ief andhe and Mr. Carp not only traine d t hethree horses, but even constructe d theprese nt firs hall. Duri ng the timesince the organi zation ma ny fires havebeen handled and as je t there hasnever been a serious accident - Ther resent members of the depar tmentn r e : J. W. Buckland. chief; B. Hill,assistant ch ief - and Messrs. D. B .Smith . Har ry Smit h . Char ley Crause

and Puddy. At no far distant dayit Is the hope of the firemen that anew hall, more centra lly located, willbe erec ted.

The Nor th For t Wor th Kindergar tenAssoc ioto n is an org aniza t ion -xhat Is:ncro mplls hlmj much for the cause ofeducat ing the l i t t le folks. The kinder gart en Is In charg e of Miss Sara CarCand Miss Eu la lee Punber . with two as -

fully unders tood be-



Celebration Wil l O pen on the

North Side Monday


Citizens of North Fort Worth Hoping

for Good Weather During Cele

bration of Birthday

Notwithstanding the unfavorableconditi on of the weather, the NorthFor t Wor th Commercia l C lub cont inued to make extensive prep ara t ionsfor the gran d fourth Annive rsary celebra t ion, which begins tomorrow af t ernoon, and wil l cont inue th ruou t theweek. It la the desire of the Co mmercial Club to make the opening da y.which has been appropr ia te ly desig

nated Nor th Fort Wor th day. one ofthe feature days of the week's celebra t ion. To th is end var ious sta te a ndnation al officials have been Invited *omake addresses on the occasion. Therew 111 als o be lo cal s pea ker s, wh o wi llpoint out to the asse mbly the unp rece dented growth and prosper i ty of Nor thFor t Wor th , and inc identa l ly ment ionthe fact that the city Is after mor e factor ies and commercia l industr ies, andprese nt the claims of the CommercialClub that the city has more and better desirable facto r} ' si tes than a nyother city in the southwest. In tact,the prime object In brin ging to thecity at this time a grea t multitu de ofpeople is for the purpose of Interesting t i iem in these ina t ters.

In older to provide e nter ta inmentfor .the thousan ds of people who areexpect ed to be In the city dally, t heCommercia l Club is bring ing a greataggregat ion of carniva l a t t rac t ions totho city. A.I thes e attr acti ons are tolie appro ved and exhibited under t hesupervi sion of the Commerci al Clubcommit tee , and tha t organiza t ion haspromised the c i t izens tha t not h ing ofthe least objec t ionable charac ter will betolera ted. In fact, the st reet a t t ra ctions have all been approved by peoplewho have Invest iga ted them, and noone need fear tha t any a t tempt will bemade to evade the expresse d wishes orthe Commercial Club and the citizensof North Fort Wort h.

The t ra ins br inging the a t t rac t ions ofthe Cosmopol i tan Amusement Compan ywill arrive Sunday Crom Lawton, Okla.

The y will bs unloade d at once In thoRock I sland ja r ds In Nor th For tWorth, and by 7:30 Monday Uie streetsof North For t Wort h will be a blaze offun. gall) ' decorat ed with flags andbunt l i« . and the fest ive bark of thespeller will be heard ami d the din ofthe men y voices, mingled with thest ra ins f i . im the ' hand s and the sh r i l lnote s of the ste am calloiie. It will bea week of Jolly fun makin g for all-

Week's ProgramThe prog ram for the week has been

ar ranged as fol lows:

Monday . 7:30 p. m.—Opening of thecelebration, when Mayor Davis cfNort h Fort Worth will welcome th e\ i - i tor .s to the c i ty, and promine ntspeake rs wil l make addresses. Theopening day has been designated asNort h IMrt Wot th Day.

Tuesday af ternoon—Children's day.Special features will be arra nged ata l l a . t rac t ions for the enter ta inment c fthe ch i ldren.

Tuesday nigh t—For t Wor th day.Wednesday af ternoon—Orphans' day.

The orphan child ren will be the g uestsof the Commercia l Club and the man agement of the amusement company.

Wednesday nigh t—Dallas day. TheInte rurba n will make a rate of $1 forthe round trip for the occasion, andmany people f rom Dal las wil l a t tend.The Texas Heal Esta te and Indust r ia lAssociati on will also be enter tain ed asthe gue~ts of the Commercial Club.

Thur sda y afternoon— Specia l day forWoodme n Circle. Royal Neighbo rs.Rathbone Sisters and Royal Achates.

Thursd ay nigh t—The crowning cfthe >iueen of the carniv al, with ap pro pr ia te ceremonies. T he rega l ia to beworn by the queen-elec t at the c oron ation ma y be se en in the w indow at B.X. Friedman'!, jowelrv store , on Houston st reet , near E igh th . I t consists ofn beautiful robe, a crown with beau tiful settings and a hand some scep ter.

Fr iday af ternoon—Will be announcedla tar .

Fr iday nigh t—Public marr iage of apopu lar jo ung couple on the back ofthe big elepha nt. This Is also specialday for the Knights of Pythi as. Gran dFra terni ty and Odd Fel lows

Saturda y af ternoon — Commissionmen's and cattle men's day.

Satu rda y nigh t — Modern Woodmenof America's special day. and the closing of the carnival



Chance in Posit ions of All


The interest In th e e lection of aqueen of the carniv al was almost atfever heat Saturda y. All the cont estant s for the honor received very s tron gsuppor t and the opening or the campaign again Monday means tha t therewill be renewed interes t in the conte st.

Wlien Ihe votes were counted at So'c lock Satu rday nigh t Miss Oer t rudeSmith was the leading candida te , with1.820 votes to her credit. The voti ngwas rpin ted late in the afternoo n an.lIt is state d that many votes wereplaced la the ballot boxes after thevotes had been taken out and countedfor anno unceme nt In toda>*s pai-er.Jus t how many to tes are coming Is a.luestlmi that all the candi dates andtheir friends are deeply Interested In.The announcement of the standing onMonday afternoon is expected to bringon the expected b attle of ballots for th euueen of the carnival, which will eon-t.nue to grow more interesti ng as t hetime approaches . The contes t willdos e Wednesday nigh t , the hour forreceiving the last ballots will be announced la ter .

The robe, crowo and scepter to beworn by the queen on the night of thecoronat ion have a l ready been secured.

The re la t ive standing of the contestants is as fol lows:Miss Gertru de Smith I.S5H

Miss Mamie KIper 1.5«oMiss Rhoda Hangl ln J . « SMiss Bessie Maur ice * .*»Miss Clara Huddle ston 1.06SMiss Mabel Daniels "••'• . . U N

It is one of the most wonderfultonics for developing tho f igure , m ik ing bright eyes, red lips and rosycheeks , ever offered to the Amer icangir l . Hol l ister 's Bocky Mounta in Tea .Tea or Tablets, 35 cents . J. P. Bra-


The re t i r ing pastor . Rer . Mr . Wln-fteld, has been appoin ted to Joshua .Texas, and will leave with his familyfor that place soon.

Mr. W'lnuel of Riversi de, who hasbeen quite sick at his home for thepast week. I s repor ted some:i mprovedon Satu rday nighL

Joe Wynne of Pr imrose. Texas, a r rived In Riversi de Satu rday night an dwill spend the next few days with hisson. A. E. Wynn e.

Rev. Mr . Bickley. . the .newly.appo inted pastor of the Riversi de M. E. church.'wil l occupy the pu lpi t Sunday mornl n*and nigh t , preach ing h is ini t ia l sermonat 11 a. m.

corner opposi te the newschool bui lding. Considerable ' Impro vemen t has been planned for the building and new seats will ' be orde red

A number of Riverside young people,twenty In a l l . pleasant ly su rpr ised thefamily of Grant Ru t ter last Thursdaynigh t. A good time was reported as thear rangemen ts had been completedwitho ut the knowledge of Lillian and

Charles and Annie Hogue, of the Butter residence.

The Riverside school trust ees heldthe regu lar bi-month ly neet ln g Satu r day morning In the office of J. B . Ba ker on Hous ton. st reet and passed onsome build ing estimat es for the new-school building. The salaries for theschool teachers were also allowed andthe session closed with the usual routine work. T here were five member s


J. M. Young and family are spe ndingSund ay In Glen wood with fr an k Ru*!.and family cm Cromwell st reet,

M r s . Witt is much improved Sal u r -da> at her reside nce, 408 Duncanstreet . Glennood, and her physic ianexpresses or ient prospects for the agedlady' s speedy recovery after a threeweek's illness.

Brick work on the new mattres s factor y buildlna; is now practically c ompleted and manufac tu r ing opera t ion*will be commenced soon. The factorybuildi ng is located In Kast Vickeryboulevar d and adds one more good Industry to the enterpr ising suburb onth© east of Fort Wort h.

Thanksgiving day I s to be celebra tedIn royal fashion by the Junior Ord erof United American Mechanics in Glen-wood. Already a number of tu rk ejshave been purchased and are being fattened in a coop safely guarded . A reg u lar tu rkey dinner , with a l l Thanksgi v

ing accessories , will be served In theJuni or hall In Bessie street, and t heAmer ican Daughters order has beenm\l te d with many ou tside f r iends.


Miss Mary Bent ley of Whar ton. Texa s . Is spend ing a few days In Brook lyn Heights at the home of Miss MaudeCraig.

The Re\s. Wrigh t and Money areholding a protrac ted reviva l mjet lnjIn the Brooklyn Heigh ts Bapt ist churchan d e.ich service Is exceedingly wellatte nded for the time of the yea r.

The Baptist church, which was re-centl> completed, will be formally dedica ted Sunday. Nov. 25 , a t the morningservice hour of 11 o'clock. Churchservice s ha. e been held in the n*»\rbuildin g for some time past, but he retofore no dedication ser\i«.e had beena r r a nge d .

E. E. B*ildridge and family have removed from Brooklyn Heights to Arlington Heights. Next summer theirnew Arlingt on Heights residence w-illbe completed, after which they »\illmove permanent ly. Mr. Baldri dge wii:re ta in h is ca t t le interests a t BrooklynHeigh ts.


IL B . Young has re tu rned to h is duties at Polyte chnic college aft er aweek's visit to friends In Ryan. I. T.

J. A. cimI.™ 1 of Gainesville. Texas .I s spending Sunday In PolytechnicHeig hts v ii ii hla famlly_M r. Gilllland 'sch i ldren are a t tending the col lege, having sta r ted last September .

A basket ball game has been arranged for Thursday morning Iietwe*-nthe Polytechnic team and the Texa sEapt lst univ ersi ty team. The game wil lbe played on the camp us, making t woInterest ing features for Thanksg lv tag

Stude nts at Polytechnic college areanxiously await ing Thanksgi ving day.when the prep football eleven will battle with the first team for honors onthe college campus . Ea ch team hasdone considerab le practice work an J a sthe prep men are above the averagethis year in weight much speculationsurr ound s the outco me of the game.


Man Takes Poison in Presence of Wife

and Promptly DiesSpecial tit T»e Telegram.

HOUSTON'. Texas. Nov. 21.—JosepaMann ler took his life tonight at 10o'clock by drinkin g a bottle of carbolicacid In the presen ce of his wife. Hesent his wife for a bucket of beer andupon her ret urn he said- *I am tiredof living and 1 am goin g to Quit It:I am going now." With these words heswallowed the contents of a small vialand expired on the floor. No cause is

kno wn for the deed excent t!>..t-n wdeceased had been drinking heavily forthe past th ree days.

Tn Philade lphia the prohibition ca ndidate for governor got about 600 votesout of a total of nearl y 250.000. It ispainfully eviden t that the booze chariotIs more popular tha n the water wagonIn that sinful city.

liver. The greates t regulato r ever offered to suffering hum anit y. If yousuffer from liver complain t. If you arebilious and fretful, it's your liver, andHeroine will put it in its proper conditio n. A positive cure for Constipation B iliousness. Dyspepsia and all libdue 't o a torpid liver. Try a bottle andyou will never use anything else. Soldby Covey * Martin.-

CARD OP THANKS .We wish to expres s our hea rtfelt

sympat hy to a l l our many f r iends fortheir many ac ts of kindness and beau-tifal floral offerings, and especi ally dowe" apprec iate the kind word s of Rev;Mr. Daniel to us during the sicknessand Illnes s of our beloved wife an d


811 WestrBel knap. Nov. M.-UOfc

L I N E R ADS B r i n g , R a w Us


" P R O S P E R I T Y P I K E "

On e Suggest ion Waa Accom


At a special meeting of the commit

tee of the Commercial Club neld yes

terday af ternoon, the name for the

carniva l a t re et ' was se lec ted ' f rom a

large number suggested by var ious


The name selec ted was "Prosp er i tyPike." and was suggested by MissI thoda Hangl ln. one of the contestant sfor carniv al queen. There were manyvery appropr ia te names suggested, andone Uiat came In second choice wa s"Rubber Way." and was accompaniedby the following not e:

-RUBB ER WAT."When st rol l ing down the st reet

On hsppy carni val day. -II your fnend s yoi n.-.-t.

Take them down the "Rubber Way."

And as you pass along.

See what you may.Don't be surprised a bit.For It's on the -Rubbe r Way."

Then rubber , rubber , rubber .Don't miss a single show; ^

Tben rubber, rubber, rubber*As into them you go .

And don't forget your mone y.As down the "Rubbe r Way "

You're strolling with your honey,pay.or you'll surely have

Be sober, or be Jolly.Eithe r as you may:

You'll not call It folly.Wha t you see on the "Rub ber Way ."

So rubber , rubber , rubber .Rubber th is and tha t .

Then rubber, rubber, rubb er.Just rubber and grow fa t .

We'l l ca l l the st reet the "Rubber Way."I thin k It's quite c omplete;

Don't you think so? Say—On the "Rubber Way" we ' l l mee t

home to Coleman after a visit to herdaugh ter , Mrs. James A. Hcnson.

City Marshal Montgomery has selected a number of special officers tobe on duty durin g the carnival week.

The Tuesday C lub will hold regularsemi-month ly meet ing Tuesday af ter

noon with Mrs. A- C. Chase on Market *avenue. All the members of the #lubare u rged to a t tend.

A ball will" be given at Prltc hard' *hal l Wednesday nigh t for the enter ta inment of ou t-of - town visi tors to thecelebra t ion. ~ _ ^

The Odd Fellows held a ..reg ularweekly meet ing last nigh t and notwithstanding the condit ions of theweather a fair attendance of memberswas presen t. There was work In the

North Fort Wor th branc h No. 210.Grand Fra terni ty, will have a big meeting on Tues day night at Prlt chard 's hallfor the purpose of organising the Nor.nFor t Wor th band.^

Waples-Pa lnter Co. Centra l ave. wantyour lumber business. Phones 1»07.

Phon e 1367, William Cameron A Co .North Ft. Worth , for Drives on l umber.

' J I M C R O W " LAW

Kditor Telegram:NORTH ~ORT WORTH. Texas. Nov.

13.—I want to use your paper in oi lerto epeak to the law controll ers. We.as colored people, wan t a separ ateroach and we want It according-to thelaw. and the way It directs . We oregtea t ly bothered with white men rushing Into our coach, usin g it for a s moking and whisky roo m. We want It t->stop thruout the state of Texas.

The leading colored people are v ervwell satisfied with the separ ation an d

the whites ought to be.I have been a citizen of Texas eve r

since 1863 and hav e owned a home eversin ce 187S. I have raise d a family InTexa s and have succeeded In educatingthem. Out of five children ther e areth ree graduat es: Maggie I* Stewar t ,science certifica te: Umeth . cl assics I.and Loui s Be. classical. This makes mefeel that I am a citi zen and hav e aright to ask for anyth ing that is rightand In accordance with the law.

As I was returning from the city ofWaco, to my surprise I saw a whiteman In a negro coach, sitting In a negro woman's lap. drinking whisky outof the same bottle with her. This isImposing on the bet t ere las s of_coloredpeople and

A Friendways w EN



tncrpieat Cold, tak

Remembe r, all

Discomforts bat

Nip them In the

thextomsch like "B

They act Uta E

Muscles that prope



Torpid Liveorpid Lrver

- Appendicitis




In inch ea ses a

worth fllty dollars

on. to say nothing

lort. loss ol Busine



Acld-rlsuir s la the

trig are sure signs

food poisons, an d


O ne C a s c a r e t

trouble, an d mo ve

takca at the first s

Don't tall to car

ol Cascarets with y

All druggists sell

boxes a year.

Be very carefu

made only by t he

pany and never

tablet stamped "C

" D o w n t oGRANULATED -Yellow Clarified Dark Brown Sug

Evapora ted AppCooking Figs. 3Good Prunes. 3 2 Crown Raisins

Evapora ted PeEvapora ted PeEvapora ted Ap

Seeded Rai sins.-Cleaned CurrantsCitron, pound I*mon Peel , po

London Layer UPPE R CRUSTRewley*s Rest FWor th FlourHlgl i Pa tent FloAnchor Pa tent FQueen of the PS K . I I . kegs Kra

want It stopped.

Tours for my race.



Cemtnitte e Was Appoint ed at Afte rnoon Session

The Texa s Association of 0>teopa thsmet at the Hotel Worth Saturda y aft-ernon. On account of the weather andthe shortness of time allowed by thecall for the meeting, there were on lyabout twenty doctor s present at themeeting which was called to order b ythe president of the stat e associati on.Dr Hallovvay of Dallas. The principalaction of tne meeting was the appoi ntment of a committee of taree to actas a legislat ive committe e. T he members of this, committee are Dr . T. L.Ray of Fort Worth. Dr. M. B . H a r r i sof Fort Worth and Dr. Bailey of Waco.'Financia l a f fa ir s of the assoc ia t ion

were a lso ar ranged. -

THE TEXAS WONDER.Cures all kidne y, bladder and rheu

mat ic t roubles: sold by al l druggists,or two months ' t rea tment by mall forJ100 Dr . E . W. HalL 2»!t Olivertree't. St. Louis. Mo. Send for Texastest imonia ls.

CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RY.Will on Nov. 27 sell tickets to pointsIn Iowa. Minnesota and Illinois at oneand one-thi rd fare, good to return thir ty days from date of sale. Fo r further Information apply to George W.Lincoln. T. P. A. 7 West Ninth street ,K a ns a s C i t y , ' M o .

S gal . kega PiMackerel, kitPigs' Feet, hitHolland Herring;Smnked Her ri ogPi-kled Herrin g.Holland HerringNice fat Macker

Large r fat MackAmerica n SardinMustard SardineGood Salmon, c

Imported Dill Greeley PotatoesBurbank Pota toelull-lb. sack SugSO-lb. can CompSO.Ib can Leaf LFresh Crackers, b5-lb. pails Jelly10-Ib. pails Jelly5-lb. palls Prese20-Ib. pall Prese


Vi gal. fancy Tab1 gal. fancy TablVi gal . Sorghum1 gal. SorghumH gal. Evapor ate1 gal. Evaporat ed

New crop East Cane Syrup.

GRANDMA PANEeg-O-See. X pkPrice's Foo d, 3 pkScotch Oat s. 3 pkS-lb pkg. Oats

Full l i n? new RCorn Beef, ca n .Veal Loaf, ca n .Beef Loaf, can Ham Loaf . ' can Polted Ham. 3 ca3-Ib. Pie Peaches,3-Ib. Pie Apples,S- lb. Pumpkin, c3-lb. Lye Homin y3-lb. Kraut , can Greeley Potatoe s,Burbank Pota toesPlum Puddin gs. 1

Fru i t Cakes, 1-

H. E. S'Both Phones 8.

C r oChamberlain'

Is a certain cur e f

been known to (.tilGiven as «x>n_

hoarse, or even af

appears, it will pre

It Is the sole depe

and* of mothers,

t h em .

Price 25 cents

Large aize BO

Gives vigor, strenerves , stom ach a" * I t 's easy body . .Ilttle Hollister'a RIt does Ihe busine

We are Showing this STh'o-handsomest"-line of L A D L B S ' P U E S

h o w e v e r . show n. -

R. A,

70 6 Main.

A N D E R S !TH E D R U G G I S T ;

-~wr*' M5Aa?S*2&SSJsSS