Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components Volume 2 241-5701-060


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Page 1: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000

ComponentsVolume 2


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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService(Aal1Ces)

Instance Decimal (1..16383)

Groups "GROUP Aal1Ces CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)""GROUP Aal1Ces Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP Aal1Ces OsiState (State)""GROUP Aal1Ces Operational (Oper)""GROUP Aal1Ces Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Application

Description Aal11CircuitEmulationService/n

An Aal1Ces component identifies an instance of the AAL1Circuit Emulation Service provided by Passport.

A separate instance of this component is required for each logicalchannel of a port which is offering a constant bit rate service to acustomer.

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Instance numbers, which are used to uniquely identifyAal1Cescomponent instances, are arbitrary.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Aal1Ces NailedUpAdaptationPoint (Nap)""COMPONENT Aal1Ces ActiveEndPoint (Aep)""COMPONENT Aal1Ces PassiveEndPoint (Pep)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Aal1Ces LogicalConnection (LCo)""COMPONENT Aal1Ces AtmConnection (AtmCon)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP Aal1Ces CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the attribute for a component’s CustomerIdentifier (CID). Refer to the attribute description for a detailedexplanation of CIDs.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces customerIdentifier (cid)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute holds the Customer Identifier (CID).

Every component has a CID. If a component has acid attribute,the component’s CID is the provisioned value of that attribute;otherwise the component inherits the CID of its parent. The top-level component has a CID of 0.

Every operator session also has a CID, which is the CIDprovisioned for the operator’s user ID. An operator will see onlythe stream data for components having a matching CID. Also, theoperator will be allowed to issue commands for only thosecomponents which have a matching CID.

An operator CID of 0 is used to identify the Network Manager(referred to as “NetMan” in DPN). This CID matches the CID of

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any component. Values 1 to 8191 inclusive (equivalent to “basicCIDs” in DPN) may be assigned to specific customers.

Values Decimal (0; 1..8191)

Default 0

GROUP Aal1Ces Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains basic provisioning data for the AAL1 CircuitEmulation Service.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces serviceType (servType)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the service type for the CES.

In anunstructured service, the entire data stream at the serviceinterface (including any framing bits which may be present) ispassed across the network transparently.

The unstructured service uses the Unstructured Data Transfer(UDT) mode of AAL1.

In a structured service, an Nx64kbit/s fraction of the data streamat the service interface is passed across the network. Two modesof structured service are supported:basicStructured andcasStructured. In acasStructured service, the ChannelAssociated Signalling (CAS) bits are carried in a separate datastructure from the Nx64 payload; in abasicStructured servicethey are not.

The structured service uses the Structured Data Transfer (SDT)mode as defined in ITU-T Recommendation I.363.1.

TheserviceType attributes at both ends of a connection must bethe same.

The4pDS3ChAal1 card does not supportcasStructured services.

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Values unstructuredbasicStructuredcasStructured

Default unstructured

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces bufferSize (bufSize)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description On4pDS1Aal1 and4pE1Aal1 cards, this attribute specifies thesize of the AAL1 receive segment reassembly buffer in bytes. Oninitialization the buffer is filled to a level determined bycellDelayVariationTolerance.Thereafter the buffer is emptied asTDM frames are transmitted, and is filled as ATM cells arereceived. If the buffer overflows, sufficient data is discarded tobring the level down to that set after initialization. The cause of abuffer overflow may be one or a combination of any of thefollowing: cell-arrival-jitter, initialization with delayed ATMcells, or TDM clock difference or wander.

On4pDS1Aal1 and4pE1Aal1 cards, if this attribute isautoConfigure, the buffer size applied is equivalent to two timescellDelayVariationTolerance. A provisioned numeric value ofbufferSize must be higher than the equivalentcellDelayVariationTolerance, plus an allowance of one ATMCell for the quantization of data in cells, and an allowance, ifapplicable, for the ATM overheads of structured CES.

On MSA and4pDS3ChAal1 cards this attribute’s value must beautoConfigure, to acknowledge thatmaximumBufferDelay isprovisioned instead of this attribute.

Setting this attribute too low allows traffic with normal CDV tocause unnecessary loss of data on the service interface. Settingthis attribute too high permits the buffer to introduce anunnecessarily high propagation delay.

Values Decimal (94..15651)autoConfigure

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Units bytes

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces cellLossIntegrationPeriod (lossPeriod)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the cell loss integration period. Thisperiod defines the interval of time (in milliseconds) for which aloss of cells condition must persist before a buffer underflowalarm is raised. A loss of cells condition occurs when the flow ofcells to the AAL1 reassembly buffer stops, causing a bufferunderflow or starvation condition.

The operational attributecellLossStatus will be set tolosswhenthe buffer underflow alarm is raised, andnoLoss when it iscleared.

The minimum value of this attribute is 10 seconds for the4pDS3ChAal1 card.

The valueautoConfigure corresponds to a period of 10 secondson a4pDS3ChAal1 card, and 2 seconds on all other cards.

Values Decimal (1000..60000)autoConfigure

Units msec

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces interfaceName (ifName)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute identifies the instance ofChanto which an instanceof Aal1Ces is linked.

Values Link (Hardware, applicationFramerName)

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces partialFill (partFill)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description A significant source of delay in a structured service is the amountof time it takes to collect enough data to fill a cell. This period oftime can be reduced by sending cells that are only partially filledwith data (idlePattern octets are added to the ATM payloadbeyond the partial fill level).

This attribute specifies the number of payload octets to fill withdata. It is applicable to structured services only, and must be setto 47 for unstructured services.

On a given AAL1 Function Processor, the maximum cell rate thatcan be sustained is dependent upon the combined bandwidths ofthe provisioned services, and (for structured services) the levelsof partialFill . The smaller thepartialFill level, the greater thecell rate and hence the fewer the services that can be sustained atthat fill level.

On the4pDS3ChAal1 card, the only allowed value for thisattribute is47.

Values Decimal (8..47)

Units octets

Default 47

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces idleSuppression (idleSup)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute controls the suppression of idle cells. An idle cell isone in which the bytes of the ATM payload (up to thepartialFilllevel) match theidlePattern.

If idleSuppression is off, idle cells are not suppressed.

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If idleSuppression is on, at least 75% of cells are suppressedunder idle conditions.

The strategy is as follows: the first idle cell after a sequence ofnon-idle cells is always sent; those that follow are suppressed.Note, however, that at least one cell in eight is always sent (toallow the receive end to regenerate the suppressed cells) andmore often than not, two cells are sent (the cell containing theAAL1 pointer, which will almost always fail to match, and theone after that).

This feature is not supported by the4pDS3ChAal1 card. Thus,this attribute must be set tooff for this card type.

Values offon

Default off

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces idlePattern (idlePat)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the pattern which the bytes of an ATMpayload, up to thepartialFill level, must match in order for thecell to be classified as idle. Payload bytes beyond thepartialFilllevel are not checked.

The suppression of idle cells is controlled by the attributeidleSuppression. If idleSuppression is on, at least 75% of cellsare suppressed under idle conditions.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ff)

Default H.7e

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces cellLossRecoveryPeriod (recPeriod)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the cell loss recovery period. This perioddefines the interval of time (in seconds) for which a loss of cells

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condition must desist before the buffer underflow alarm iscleared.

The operational attributecellLossStatus will be set tonoLosswhen the buffer underflow alarm is cleared.

Values Decimal (0..60)

Units seconds

Default 20

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces dummyDataByte

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the pattern which is played out onto theservice interface to maintain bit integrity when data is unavailablefrom the ATM network.

For an unstructured service (serviceType is set tounstructured),dummyDataByte must be set toFF.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ff)

Default H.ff

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces maximumBufferDelay (maxBufDelay)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum delay that a Cell DelayVariation buffer is permitted to add to the egress stream. Thedelay in the buffer is modified in response to variation in theegress cell stream. At the point that the delay would be modifiedin excess of the maximum, sufficient data is discarded that thedelay returns tocellDelayVariationTolerance.

Setting this attribute too low allows traffic with normal CDV tocause unnecessary loss of data on the service interface. Settingthis attribute too high permits the buffer to introduce an

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unnecessarily high propagation delay.

If this attribute isautoConfigure, the maximum delay tolerated inthe buffer is two timescellDelayVariationTolerance.

On MSA cards, “best-effort” applies on a channel with highcellDelayVariationToleranceand low ATM bandwidth. Thevalue applied is the same as the range limit on provisionedmaximumBufferDelay on that channel.

On MSA cards this attribute’s value is rounded up to the nearestmultiple of 0.125 ms when applied to the buffer. The range isnominally 0.12 to 63.62 ms, but the upper limit may be reducedby up to 6 ms one a channel with highcellDelayVariationTolerance and low ATM bandwidth.

On4pDS1Aal1 and4pE1Aal1 cards this attribute’s value isrounded up to the nearest multiple of 1 ms when applied to thebuffer. The upper limit is roughly inverse- proportional to theATM bandwidth of the channel.

On the4pDS3ChAal1 card, this attribute’s value is rounded up tothe nearest multiple of 1 ms when applied to the buffer. The rangeis nominally 1 to 32 ms in steps of 1 ms.

Values Decimal (0.01..655.00)autoConfigure

Units msec

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces cellDelayVariationTolerance (cdvt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum time that a cell may arrivelate, compared to a nominal time established at bufferinitialization, without producing errors on the service interface.The nominal time of a cell’s arrival is predicted according to thetime interval required to transmit a cell’s worth of data on the

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service interface.

This attribute’s value is the delay that the Cell Delay VariationTolerance buffer adds to the egress stream immediately after thebuffer initializes. The buffer absorbs variation in the arrival timeof cells from the network, so that a steady stream of data appearson the service interface. If the buffer underflows, due to a latecell, fill-in data is output on the service interface while the bufferre-initializes. When the buffer has re-initialized, normal data isoutput on the service interface and the delay in the buffer isrestored to the value of this attribute.

This attribute must have a value lower than a numeric value ofmaximumBufferDelay. The relationship between this attribute andbufferSize is described under that attribute.

Setting this attribute too low allows traffic with normal CDV tocause unnecessary loss of data on the service interface. Settingthis attribute too high imposes an unnecessarily high propagationdelay on the egress stream.

On MSA cards this attribute’s provisionable range is 0.01..32msand the value applied is rounded up to the nearest multiple of0.125ms.

On4pDS1Aal1 and4pE1Aal1 cards, this attribute’sprovisionable range is strongly dependent on the bandwidth ofthe channel, and the value applied is rounded up to the nearestwhole number of milliseconds, then rounded down to theequivalent number of cells.

Values Decimal (0.01..655.00)

Units msec

Default 1.00

GROUP Aal1Ces OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes and the six OSIStatus attributes. The descriptions generically indicate what each

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attribute implies about the component. Note that not all the valuesand state combinations described here are supported by everycomponent which reuses this group. For component-specificinformation and the valid state combinations, refer to theappropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, mayprovide more details, qualifying the state of the component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

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The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, mayprovide more details, qualifying the state of the component.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, mayprovide more details, qualifying the state of the component.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces availabilityStatus (osiAvail)

Access Read only

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Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIAvailability status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valueinTest indicates that the resource is undergoing a testprocedure. IfadminState is locked or shuttingDown, the normalusers are precluded from using the resource andcontrolStatus isreservedForTest. Tests that do not exclude additional users canbe present in any operational or administrative state but thereservedForTest condition should not be present.

The valuefailed indicates that the component has an internalfault that prevents it from operating. TheoperationalState isdisabled.

The valuedependency indicates that the component cannotoperate because some other resource on which it depends isunavailable. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valuepowerOff indicates the resource requires power to beapplied and it is not powered on. TheoperationalState isdisabled.

The valueoffLine indicates the resource requires a routineoperation (either manual, automatic, or both) to be performed toplace it on-line and make it available for use. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valueoffDuty indicates the resource is inactive in accordancewith a predetermined time schedule. In the absence of otherdisabling conditions, theoperationalState is enabled or disabled.

The valuedegraded indicates the service provided by thecomponent is degraded in some way, such as in speed oroperating capacity. Usually, the resource remains available forservice. TheoperationalState is almost alwaysenabled. There is

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one exception where anoperationalState of disabled is used inconjunction withdegraded for a component which represents arolled up view of a set of other components.

The valuenotInstalled indicates the resource is not present. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valuelogFull is not used.

The valuemigrating indicates that a software migrationactivation is in progress, making the component unavailable forother activities until the migration is complete.

Set of inTestfaileddependency (depend)powerOff (pwrOff)offLineoffDutydegraded (degrad)notInstalled (notIn)logFullmigrating

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces proceduralStatus (osiProc)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIProcedural status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valueinitializationRequired indicates (for a resource whichdoesn’t initialize autonomously) that initialization is requiredbefore it can perform its normal functions, and this procedure has

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not been initiated. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valuenotInitialized indicates (for a resource which doesinitialize autonomously) that initialization is required before itcan perform its normal functions, and this procedure has not beeninitiated. TheoperationalState may beenabled or disabled.

The valueinitializing indicates that initialization has beeninitiated but is not yet complete. TheoperationalState may beenabled or disabled.

The valuereporting indicates the resource has completed someprocessing operation and is notifying the results. TheoperationalState is enabled.

The valueterminating indicates the component is in atermination phase. If the resource doesn’t reinitializeautonomously,operationalState is disabled; otherwise it isenabled or disabled.

Set of initializationRequired (initRq)notInitialized (notInit)initializing (init)reporting (report)terminating (term)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces controlStatus (osiCntrl)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIControl status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valuesubjectToTest indicates the resource is available but

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tests may be conducted simultaneously at unpredictable times,which may cause it to exhibit unusual characteristics.

The valuepartOfServicesLockedindicates that part of the serviceis restricted from users of a resource. TheadminState isunlocked.

The valuereservedForTest indicates that the component isadministratively unavailable because it is undergoing a testprocedure. TheadminState is locked.

The valuesuspended indicates that the service has beenadministratively suspended.

Set of subjectToTest (subTst)partOfServicesLocked (partLk)reservedForTest (rsrvd)suspended (suspnd)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces alarmStatus (osiAlarm)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIAlarm status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valueunderRepair indicates the component is currentlybeing repaired. TheoperationalState is enabled or disabled.

The valuecritical indicates one or more critical alarms areoutstanding against the component. Other, less severe, alarmsmay also be outstanding. TheoperationalState is enabled ordisabled.

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The valuemajor indicates one or more major alarms areoutstanding against the component. Other, less severe, alarmsmay also be outstanding. TheoperationalState is enabled ordisabled.

The valueminor indicates one or more minor alarms areoutstanding against the component. Other, less severe, alarmsmay also be outstanding. TheoperationalState is enabled ordisabled.

The valuealarmOutstanding generically indicates that an alarmof some severity is outstanding against the component.

Set of underRepair (repair)critical (crit)majorminoralarmOutstanding (outst)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces standbyStatus (osiStby)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIStandby status of the component.

The valuenotSet indicates that either the attribute is notsupported or that none of the status conditions described below ispresent. Note that this is a non-standard value, used because theoriginal specification indicated this attribute was set-valued andthus, did not provide a value to indicate that none of the otherthree are applicable.

The valuehotStandby indicates that the resource is not providingservice but will be immediately able to take over the role of theresource to be backed up, without initialization activity, andcontaining the same information as the resource to be backed up.

The valuecoldStandby indicates the resource is a backup foranother resource but will not be immediately able to take over the

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role of the backed up resource and will require some initializationactivity.

The valueprovidingService indicates that this component, as abackup resource, is currently backing up another resource.

Values hotStandby (hot)coldStandby (cold)providingService (serv)notSet (nSet)

Default notSet

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces unknownStatus (osiUnknw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Unknown status of thecomponent.

The valuefalse indicates that all of the other OSI State and Statusattribute values can be considered accurate.

The valuetrue indicates that the actual state of the component isnot known for sure.

Values falsetrue

Default false

GROUP Aal1Ces Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains status information about the AAL1 CircuitEmulation Service.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces cellLossStatus (cellLoss)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is set toloss when a buffer underflow alarm israised (seecellLossIntegrationPeriod), andnoLoss when it isclear.

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Values noLossloss

Default noLoss

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces aal1LayerLossStatus (aal1Loss)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is set toloss when an AAL1 layer alarm is raised,andnoLoss when it is clear.

This attribute and the AAL1 layer alarm are not supported by the4pDS3ChAal1 card. Thus, this attribute will be set tonoLoss atall times.

Values noLossloss

Default noLoss

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces connectionStatus (connStatus)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether a service is non-operationalbecause of a problem with the service interface side of the service(in which case, it is set tochannelNotReady) or because of aproblem with the ATM side of the service (in which case, it is setto atmNotConfigured or atmNotReady).

When this attribute is set tochannelNotReady, it is an indicationthat the correspondingChan component (as defined by theattributeinterfaceName) or theChan component’s parent portcomponent (Lp/n Ds1/m or Lp/n E1/m) is locked.

When this attribute is set toatmNotConfigured, it is an indicationthat no sub-component has been provisioned, and thus no ATMconnection has been configured for the service.

When this attribute is set toatmNotReady, it is an indication thatthe ATM connection with which the service is associated (asdefined by a sub-component) has been lost or that it is currentlyunable to carry CES data.

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This attribute is set toconnected when a service is operational(that is, the OSI attributeoperationalState is enabled.)

Values connectedchannelNotReadyatmNotReadyatmNotConfigured

Default channelNotReady

GROUP Aal1Ces Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains statistical data for an AAL1 CircuitEmulation Service.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces cellsTransmitted (txCells)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the total number of cells transmitted to thebackplane (ingress direction). This includes cells containing CBRdata, trunk conditioning cells (structured services), and unframedAIS cells (unstructured services).

The counter wraps when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces cellsReceived (rxCells)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the total number of cells received from thebackplane (egress direction). This includes CBR user data cells,cells with AAL1 header errors (correctable and non-correctable)and cells with AAL1 sequencing errors. The counter wraps whenthe maximum value is exceeded.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces lostCells (lostCells)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells declared as neverreceived by the AAL1 protocol layer. The counter wraps whenthe maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces bufferUnderflows (uFlows)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of times the AAL1 reassemblybuffer underflows. In the case of a continuous buffer starvation, asingle buffer underflow event will be counted. The counter wrapswhen the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces bufferOverflows (oFlows)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of times the AAL1 reassemblybuffer overflows. Buffer overflows occur when AAL1 cells arriveat a rate above that which is expected. Occurrences of thiscondition may be reduced by increasing the value of the attributebufferSize or maximumBufferDelay. The buffer overflow counterwraps when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces reassembledCells (reassCells)

Access Read only

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2-24 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the number of received cells whose payloadhas been played out to the service interface. The counter wrapswhen the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces headerErrors (hdrErrors)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received with AAL1header errors. The counter wraps when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces pointerReframes (ptrReframes)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of times that the AAL1reassembly unit found an SDT pointer where it was not expectedto be, and as a result had to reacquire it. Errors of this kind canoccur because of problems at the far end.

This attribute is meaningful for structured services only, and willbe 0 for unstructured services.

This counter wraps when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces pointerParityErrors (ptrParityErrors)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of times that the AAL1reassembly unit detects a parity check failure at the point wherean SDT pointer is expected. Errors of this kind can occur becauseof problems at the far end.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This attribute is meaningful for structured services only, and willbe 0 for unstructured services.

This counter wraps when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces aal1SequenceErrors (seqErrors)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of times that the sequencenumber of an incoming AAL1 Type 1 SAR-PDU gets out ofsynchronisation, as defined by ITU-T Recommendation I.363.1.

This counter wraps when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces misinsertedCells (misinsertCells)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of AAL1 sequence violationswhich the AAL convergence sublayer interprets as misinsertedcells, as defined by ITU-T I.363.1.

This counter wraps when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

COMPONENT Aal1Ces NailedUpAdaptationPoint (Nap)

Groups "GROUP Aal1Ces Nap Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Application

Description Aal1Ces/n NailedUpAdaptationPoint

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2-26 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

A NailedUpAdaptationPoint is a nailed-up point which straddlesthe CBR/ATM domains and which is associated with theadaptation of CBR data to/from ATM cells.

If a NailedUpAdaptationPointcomponent is provisioned under anAal1Ces component, no other components may be provisionedunder the sameAal1Ces component.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP Aal1Ces Nap Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for theNailedUpAdaptationPoint component.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Nap atmConnection (ac)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the identity of the component to which theNailedUpAdaptationPoint is linked. This is anAtmIf VccNailedUpEndPointor an AtmIf Vpt Vcc NailedUpEndPoint(theAAL1 cells are transported off the switch over an ATM UNI,where they are routed to the appropriate AAL1 entity at the otherend by the ATM bearer service).

Values Link (Service, applicationName)

Default No default

COMPONENT Aal1Ces ActiveEndPoint (Aep)

Groups "GROUP Aal1Ces Aep ProvisionedEndPointAddresses(ProvEndPointAddr)""GROUP Aal1Ces Aep Provisioned (Prov)"

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COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces) 2-27

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

"GROUP Aal1Ces Aep EndPointAddressOper (EpOper)""GROUP Aal1Ces Aep ActiveEndPointOper (Out)"

Scope Application

Description Aal1Ces/n ActiveEndPoint

TheActiveEndPoint component attempts to set up a switchedvirtual circuit automatically between two Passport CEScomponents.

TheActiveEndPoint component will make connection setupattempts periodically whenever a connection has not beenestablished. The component will cease connection setup attemptsafter a number of consecutive failed attempts, as specified by theretryLimit attribute.

TheActiveEndPoint component may also accept an incomingsetup request if a connection is not already established. To beaccepted, an incoming connection setup request must haveoriginated fromremoteAddress. Additionally, either connectionattempts must have been ceased due toretryLimit consecutivefailures, or thelocalAddress of the incoming connection setuprequest must be smaller than theremoteAddress of the request.

If an ActiveEndPointcomponent is provisioned under anAal1Cescomponent, no other components may be provisioned under thesameAal1Ces component.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

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2-28 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

VERB Restart Aal1Ces Aep

Impact Service

Description This command is used to restart the automatic connectionsprocedure. The operational attributesretryTimerValue andretryFailures will also be reset.

This command may be used after the connection procedure hasbeen abandoned due to reaching the maximum number of retriesallowed, as specified byretryLimit, or before the limit has beenreached.

This command may also be used when a connection has beenestablished, in which case the connection will first be released.

This command will fail if thechannel associated with the parentAal1Ces component is disabled, or ifsvcStatus has the valueinitialising . If svcStatus has the valuefailed, this command mayfail.

GROUP Aal1Ces Aep ProvisionedEndPointAddresses (ProvEndPointAddr)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains NSAP address provisioning data forcomponents using switched virtual circuits.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep expectedRemoteAddress (expectedAddr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the expected remote address prefix for anincoming connection setup request.

If expectedRemoteAddress is not empty, only matchingconnections will be considered for acceptance. IfexpectedRemoteAddressis 40 characters long, the remote addressmust match exactly to be accepted. IfexpectedRemoteAddress isless than 40 characters long, the remote address must begin withexpectedRemoteAddress to be accepted.

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COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces) 2-29

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

If expectedRemoteAddress is empty, the component will processconnection requests from any remote address.

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default ""

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep localAddress (localAddr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the local NSAP address.

If the switch prefix (thenodePrefix attribute of theModuleDatacomponent) has been provisioned, a default value forlocalAddress based onnodePrefix will be provided.

If ModuleData nodePrefix has not been provisioned and one ormore alternate switch prefixes (thealternatePorsPrefixesattribute of theModuleDatacomponent) have been provisioned, adefault value forlocalAddress based on the first provisionedalternatePorsPrefix value will be provided.

If no switch prefixes have been provisioned,localAddress willdefault to an empty string. To obtain a valid defaultlocalAddressin this case, either or both of theModuleData nodePrefix andModuleData alternatePorsPrefixes attributes must beprovisioned, and this end point component must then be deletedand re-added.

Values String (40, ASCII)

Default No default

GROUP Aal1Ces Aep Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data specific to theActiveEndPoint component.

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2-30 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep addressToCall (addrToCall)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the remote NSAP address which thisActiveEndPoint will call.

Values String (40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep routingOption (routing)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of routing to use for establishingthe connection:

The4pDS3ChAal1 card accepts onlyatmOnly. Multi-ServiceAccess cards accept all four options and have a default value ofporsOnly. All other CES cards accept onlyporsOnly.

porsOnlymeans that only the Path Oriented Routing System maybe used in establishing a connection.

atmOnlymeans that only the native ATM Routing may be used inestablishing a connection.

porsFirst means that the switch tries to establish a connectionusing the Path Oriented Routing System first, and, if theconnection cannot be established, it tries native ATM Routinginstead.

atmFirst means that the switch tries to establish a connectionusing native ATM Routing first, and, if the connection cannot beestablished, it tries the Path Oriented Routing System instead.

Values porsOnlyatmOnly

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep profile (profile)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the PORS routing profile to use for thisconnection.

If profile is empty, PORS will provide a default profile.

Values Link (Service, users)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep firstRetryInterval (int)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the time to wait, in seconds, beforeattempting to establish the connection after the first failedattempt.

The time to wait between subsequent call attempts will generallydiffer due to a backoff scheme.

Values Decimal (1..3600)

Units seconds

Default 10

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep retryLimit (limit)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description retryLimit specifies the maximum number of consecutiveunsuccessful connection setup attempts that may be made before

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

further attempts are abandoned.

If this limit is reached, theRestart verb may be used to restartconnection attempts.

If retryLimit is 0, there is no limit; attempts will continueindefinitely until a successful connection is established.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep activeEndPointType (type)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description activeEndPointType specifies the type of end point:svc orsoftPvc. The default issvc.

WhenactiveEndPointType is svc, calledVpiVci is not relevant.WhenactiveEndPointType is softPVC, routingOptionmust beatmOnly, and profile, firstRetryInterval, andretryLimit are notrelevant.

On the4pDS3ChAal1 card, the only supported value of thisattribute issvc.

Values svcsoftPVC

Default svc

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep calledVpiVci (vc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description calledVpiVcispecifies the identity of the PVC at the remote ATMnode on which the softPVC connection terminates.

calledVpiVciis relevant only whenactiveEndPointTypeis set tosoftPVC.

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COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces) 2-33

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The default value is0.1

Values Integer Sequence (0..4095; 1..65535)

Default No default

GROUP Aal1Ces Aep EndPointAddressOper (EpOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains general operational attributes for componentsusing switched virtual circuits.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep remoteAddress (remoteAddr)

Access Read only

Criticality Component

Description remoteAddress is the address of the remote end point.

If a connection is currently established,remoteAddress willcontain the address of the remote end point.

If a connection is not established,remoteAddress will beUnknown.

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep lastTearDownCause (cause)

Access Read only

Description lastTearDownCause indicates the cause of the last connectiontear down.

The values are as defined in the ATM Forum ATM User-NetworkInterface (UNI) Specification.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

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2-34 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep lastTearDownDiagnostic (diag)

Access Read only

Description lastTearDownDiagnosticprovides a diagnostic to supplement thelastTearDownCause attribute.

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

GROUP Aal1Ces Aep ActiveEndPointOper (Out)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains status information about the AAL1 CircuitEmulation ServiceActiveEndPoint component.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep svcStatus (status)

Access Read only

Description svcStatus indicates the status of the incoming and outgoingconnections.

When this attribute has the valueinitialising , it indicates that thecomponent is initialising when first created; a connection has notbeen established, and no incoming setup requests will beprocessed.

When this attribute has the valueconnecting, it indicates that aconnection has not yet been established, but that incoming setuprequests will be processed.

When this attribute has the valueconnected, it indicates that aconnection has been established.

When this attribute has the valueretriesExhausted, it indicatesthatretryLimit consecutive connection setup attempts have failed,and the connection procedure has been aborted.

When this attribute has the valueidle, it indicates that aconnection has not been established, and that no incoming setuprequests will be processed.

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COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces) 2-35

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

When this attribute has the valuefailed, it indicates that theconnections is in a state other than those described above.

Values initialisingconnectingconnectedidleretriesExhaustedfailed

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep lastSetupFailureCause (failCause)

Access Read only

Description lastSetupFailureCause indicates the cause of the last connectionsetup failure.

The values are as defined in the ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep lastSetupFailureDiagnostic (failDiag)

Access Read only

Description lastSetupFailureDiagnostic provides a diagnostic to supplementthe lastSetupFailureCause attribute.

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep retryTimeRemaining (timer)

Access Read only

Description retryTimerValue is the current value of the retry timer for thisconnection; it indicates the number of seconds before the nextconnection attempt will be made.retryTimerValue is initializedwhen a connection attempt fails.

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2-36 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

WhenretryTimerValue reaches0, an attempt will be made toestablish the connection.

When the timer is not running, for example when the connectionhas been established,retryTimerValue will be 0.

Values Decimal (0..86400)

Units seconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Aep retryFailures (failures)

Access Read only

Description retryFailures counts the number of consecutive failed connectionattempts.

retryFailures is reset to0 whenever a connection is successfullyestablished, or the connection is restarted using theRestart verb.The counter wraps when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Default No default

COMPONENT Aal1Ces PassiveEndPoint (Pep)

Groups "GROUP Aal1Ces Pep ProvisionedEndPointAddresses(ProvEndPointAddr)""GROUP Aal1Ces Pep EndPointAddressOper (EpOper)""GROUP Aal1Ces Pep PassiveEndPointOper (PassiveOper)"

Scope Application

Description Aal1Ces/n PassiveEndPoint

ThePassiveEndPointcomponent provides a passive end point fora switched virtual connection between two applications.

A PassiveEndPointawaits incoming connection setup requests. Asetup request will only be accepted if a connection is not alreadyestablished, and the request originated from

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COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces) 2-37

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


If a PassiveEndPointcomponent is provisioned under anAal1Cescomponent, no other components may be provisioned under thesameAal1Ces component.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP Aal1Ces Pep ProvisionedEndPointAddresses (ProvEndPointAddr)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains NSAP address provisioning data forcomponents using switched virtual circuits.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Pep expectedRemoteAddress (expectedAddr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the expected remote address prefix for anincoming connection setup request.

If expectedRemoteAddress is not empty, only matchingconnections will be considered for acceptance. IfexpectedRemoteAddressis 40 characters long, the remote addressmust match exactly to be accepted. IfexpectedRemoteAddress isless than 40 characters long, the remote address must begin withexpectedRemoteAddress to be accepted.

If expectedRemoteAddress is empty, the component will processconnection requests from any remote address.

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default ""

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2-38 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Pep localAddress (localAddr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the local NSAP address.

If the switch prefix (thenodePrefix attribute of theModuleDatacomponent) has been provisioned, a default value forlocalAddress based onnodePrefix will be provided.

If ModuleData nodePrefix has not been provisioned and one ormore alternate switch prefixes (thealternatePorsPrefixesattribute of theModuleDatacomponent) have been provisioned, adefault value forlocalAddress based on the first provisionedalternatePorsPrefix value will be provided.

If no switch prefixes have been provisioned,localAddress willdefault to an empty string. To obtain a valid defaultlocalAddressin this case, either or both of theModuleData nodePrefix andModuleData alternatePorsPrefixes attributes must beprovisioned, and this end point component must then be deletedand re-added.

Values String (40, ASCII)

Default No default

GROUP Aal1Ces Pep EndPointAddressOper (EpOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains general operational attributes for componentsusing switched virtual circuits.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Pep remoteAddress (remoteAddr)

Access Read only

Criticality Component

Description remoteAddress is the address of the remote end point.

If a connection is currently established,remoteAddress will

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COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces) 2-39

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

contain the address of the remote end point.

If a connection is not established,remoteAddress will beUnknown.

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Pep lastTearDownCause (cause)

Access Read only

Description lastTearDownCause indicates the cause of the last connectiontear down.

The values are as defined in the ATM Forum ATM User-NetworkInterface (UNI) Specification.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Pep lastTearDownDiagnostic (diag)

Access Read only

Description lastTearDownDiagnosticprovides a diagnostic to supplement thelastTearDownCause attribute.

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

GROUP Aal1Ces Pep PassiveEndPointOper (PassiveOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains status information about the AAL1 CircuitEmulation ServicePassiveEndPoint component.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces Pep svcStatus (status)

Access Read only

Description svcStatus indicates the status of the incoming connection.

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2-40 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

When this attribute has the valueinitialising , it indicates that thecomponent is initialising when first created; a connection has notbeen established, and no incoming setup requests will beprocessed.

When this attribute has the valueconnecting, it indicates that aconnection has not yet been establised, but that incoming setuprequests will be processed.

When this attribute has the valueconnected, it indicates that aconnection has been established.

When this attribute has the valueidle, it indicates that aconnection has not been established, and that no incoming setuprequests will be processed.

When this attribute has the valuefailed, it indicates that theconnections is in a state other than those described above.

Values initialisingconnectingconnectedidlefailed

Default No default

COMPONENT Aal1Ces LogicalConnection (LCo)

Groups "GROUP Aal1Ces LCo PathData""GROUP Aal1Ces LCo Statisitics (Stats)"

Scope Application

Description ...LcThis component contains all of the operation attributes for a PathOriented Logical Connection.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

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COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces) 2-41

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

VERB RERoute Aal1Ces LCo

Impact Service

Description RERoute ..LcThis command is used to request aLogical Connection (LCo) toattempt areroute. A new path will be established if it is betterthan the current path. The current path will not be interrupted iftheRERoute is not completely successful. The connection mustnot be attempting rerouting at present. This command is onlyvalid on components with aPLC remoteName specified.This command is intended to be used on thecalling end of aconnection. It may also be used on thecalled end of a connectionif all thePLC parameters match.

When used on an LCo withmanual or forced pathType thiscommand can be used to re-setup the path.If this command is attempted on a connection that is not up but isin statepathDownRetrying an immediate route request is sent.

GROUP Aal1Ces LCo PathData

Properties Operational

Description This group contains all operational attributes for the path orientedLCo.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo state

Access Read only

Description This attribute reflects the current state of the connection. ThepathDown state indicates a connection that has no remote endprovisioned or the application has not yet signalled for a path.TheselectingRoute state occurs when a request has been sent toroute selector and it has not yet responded. TheconnectingStateoccurs while a path is being established. ThepathUp state is thenormal operational state of a path. ThepathDownRetrying stateindicates a path that attempted route selection but received noroute and is now waiting to retry route selection again.

Values pathDownselectingRouteconnecting

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2-42 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo overrideRemoteName (orn)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description If setand the current PLC remoteName is blank this remoteNamewill override the blank PLC remoteName. Usually you would setthis attribute and then lock/unlock the service component whichwill result in this new overrideRemoteName being used as if ithad been provisioned into the PLC remoteName. The advantageof this attribute is that the connection’s remoteName can bechanged immediately without having to “activate prov” but thedisadvantage is that the overrideRemoteName is not permanentand if the card or switch is reset the override will be lost.

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default No default


Access Read only

Description This attribute identifies whether this is the calling or called end ofthe path.

Values callingcalled

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo costMetric (cost)

Access Read only

Description This attribute gives the route’s total cost metric. It is calculated asthe sum of the cost metric of all trunks in the path at the time theconnection was established. The cost metric of a trunk is definedby thetrunkCost attribute of the Trunk component. The

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COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces) 2-43

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

costMetric for an LCo that is originated and terminated on thesame module is 0.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo delayMetric (delay)

Access Read only

Description This attribute gives the total delay of the route as the one waydelay for a 512 byte packet. It is calculated as the sum of thedelays of all trunks in the path stored in topology at the time theconnection was established. The delay for an LCo that isoriginated and terminated on the same module is 0.

Values Decimal (0..100000)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo roundTripDelay (rtd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the time taken for a packet (cell) of 44bytes to be transmitted to the remote LCo and return to this LCo.The number reported is given in milliseconds to the nearestmillisecond. A value of one millisecond is reported if the time isless than 1 millisecond even though the delay may be less than 1Millisecond when the LCo is originated and terminated on thesame module.

Values Decimal (0..200000)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo setupPriority (spri)

Access Read only

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2-44 COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute gives the priority at which the current path isestablished. Zero is the highest priority and four is the lowest.TheholdingPriority, a complementary attribute of thiscomponent, indicates the priority a path maintains once it isestablished.

Values Decimal (0..4)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read only

Description This attribute gives the priority at which a path holds its currentpath once the path is established. Zero is the highest priority andfour is the lowest. ThesetupPriority, a complementary attribute,indicates the priority of a path at establishment time.

Values Decimal (0..4)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo requiredTxBandwidth (tbw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute gives the actual bandwidth (in bits per second)reserved by this path on each of the trunks of its route. Thisattribute represents the bandwidth for traffic outgoing to theremote end point. The originating end of the connectiondetermines this value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units bit/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo requiredRxBandwidth (rbw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute gives the actual bandwidth (in bits per second)reserved by this path on each of trunks of its route. This attributerepresents the bandwidth for traffic incoming from the remote

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COMPONENT Aal1CircuitEmulationService (Aal1Ces) 2-45

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

end point. The originating end of the connection determines thisvalue

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units bit/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo requiredTrafficType (rttyp)

Access Read only

Description This operational attribute indicates the type of traffic transmittedover the path. There are eight possible traffic types, and the pathcan transmit only one of them. The originating end of theconnection determines the type. These are arbitrary designationsfor traffic type. Thevoice, data andvideo traffic types aredefined, and five other arbitrary traffic types can be defined by thenetwork administration. This attribute is used in the routeselection process to restrict the route to trunks that support thistraffic type. ThesupportedTrafficType trunk attribute lists all thetypes of traffic allowed on the trunk. For example, ifrequiredTrafficTypeis specified astrafficType1then only trunksthat includetrafficType1 in supportedTrafficType, will becandidates for this connection.

Values voicedatavideotrafficType1 (tt1)trafficType2 (tt2)trafficType3 (tt3)trafficType4 (tt4)trafficType5 (tt5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo permittedTrunkTypes (pttyp)

Access Read only

Description This operational attribute lists up to eight types of trunk that canbe used on the route. The originating end of the connection

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determines the types. Theterrestrial andsatellite trunk typeshave been defined, leaving six remaining arbitrary types that canbe defined by the network administration. The trunk’s type isindicated in thetrunkType attribute of the Trunk component.When selecting a route, PORS only chooses trunks whosetrunkType are in thepermittedTrunkTypes for the path.

Set of terrestrialsatellitetrunkType1 (tt1)trunkType2 (tt2)trunkType3 (tt3)trunkType4 (tt4)trunkType5 (tt5)trunkType6 (tt6)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo requiredSecurity (rsec)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the required minimum level of security ofthe trunks on the route. Zero represents the most secure and sevenrepresents the least secure. The trunk’s security is indicated bythetrunkSecurity attribute of the Trunk component, and hasvalues identical in range and meaning to therequiredSecurityattribute. PORS ensures that any route selected does not contain atrunk whosetrunkSecurity attribute is numerically greater thantherequiredSecurity.

Values Decimal (0..7)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo requiredCustomerParameter (rcparm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the allowed customer defined parameterof the trunks on the route.The originating end of the connectiondetermines the customer defined parameter. Its value, a numberfrom zero to seven, is chosen by a network administration to havea meaning specific to their network, thus allowing them to

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customize the use of their trunks. A complementary trunkattribute,customerParameter, also has a value from zero toseven. The route selection process does not consider trunkswhosecustomerParameter is greater than therequiredCustomerParameter of the path.

Values Decimal (0..7)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo emissionPriority (epri)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the urgency with which packets on thepath are emitted by the trunks on the route. The originating endof the connection selects theemissionPriority. EmissionPriorityof zero indicates the highest emission priority, while twoindicates the lowest emission priority. Packets with a higheremissionPriority (or numerically less) are serviced and sent outbefore the packets of loweremissionPriority (or numericallyhigher).

Values Decimal (0..2)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo discardPriority (dpri)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the importance of the packets on thepath.The originating end of the connection setsdiscardPriority.One is used for paths carrying the most important traffic, andthree is used for paths carrying the least important traffic. Packetswith lowerdiscardPriority(numerically lower) are discarded afterpackets with a higherdiscardPriority(numerically higher).

Values Decimal (1..3)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo pathType (pType)

Access Read only

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Description This attribute indicates whether the path for this PLC wasdetermined automatically or by static provisioning.NormalpathTypesare selected automatically by Route Selector.The otherpathTypes are both manualpathTypes where the operator mustspecify, through provisioning, a static route termed themanualPath. A manualpathTypeconnection is nearly identical toa normal path type connection with the exception that the route ispre-provisioned. For a manualpathType, bandwidth reservationsare respected along the path exactly as in a normal path. The lasttype, theforcedpathType, is also a manual path but regardless ofthe bandwidth available the route is granted provided the trunksare operational and there are sufficient Logical Channels (LChs).

TheforcedpathTypecould result in over committing the reservedbandwidth allowed on a trunk. A better way to achieve the effectsof a forcedpathType is to use amanualpathType withsetupPriority= 0 andholdingPriority= 0. In this manner the pathwill reserve correct bandwidth and it will bump other paths ifrequired while not being bumped itself.

Values normalmanualforced

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo retryCount (rcount)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is the count of the number of times the path chosenduring route selection could not be instantiated. This countshould be three or below if the network is performing adequately.A high value indicates that the route selection is often performedusing an out-of-date view of available network bandwidth and/ortopology.This attribute will only increase at the calling end of theconnection.This attribute is reset each time a path reconnects and stopscounting when it reaches its maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..255)

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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo pathFailureCount (pfcount)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is the count of the number of times the path hassuccessfully connected. It is set to zero the first time the path isup. If a path fails anytime after connecting this count will beincremented when the path is up again. Failed route requests donot count in this statistic. SeeretryCount above. This attributestops counting at its maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo reasonForNoRoute (rnr)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is the route selection’sreasonForNoRoute andprovides a brief reason for which a route was not selected. Thereasons are essentially self-explanatory. Perhaps two reasons forno route require some explanation. The reasonunknownRemoteNodeNameis issued when the remote nodename is not in the topological database. The reasonplcAttributesNotMet is issued when there is no networkconnectivity at a level specified by the PLC attributes. Thisreason is also issued when there is no physical connectivitybetween two end nodes.

Values nonedestinationNameTooLongdestinationNotSpecifiedunknownDestinationNameincorrectDestinationincorrectDestinationEndPointunknownSourceunknownDestinationsameNoderouteCostTooMuchroutesDelayTooLongattributesNotMet

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Default none

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo lastTearDownReason

Access Read only

Description This attribute reflects the last tear down reason for a connection(LCo). In many cases this displays the reason for a momentaryservice interruption. This attribute applies to the last path failureonly. If a path is no longer up, this may give an indication to thereason that the path has failed. In many cases an alarm will alsobe generated with more specific information. The following is abrief description of the reasons:none - This path has no information for the teardown this istypical of a path provisioned with noremoteName that has notbeen up.normalShutDown - This path has gone down due to normal calltermination.insufficientTxLcOrBandwidth - At present there is either noavailable bandwidth or logical channel numbers available on oneor more of the trunks for this path in the transmit direction.insufficientRxLcOrBandwidth - At present there is either noavailable bandwidth or logical channel numbers available on oneor more of the trunks for this path in the receive direction.trunkFailure - A trunk on the path has failed or has gone downdue to a provisioning change of a critical attribute.trunkCardFailure- A trunk FP card has failed along the path.accessCardFailure- The FP on which the peer access service wasrunning has failed.operatorForced- The path has terminated due to the operatorlocking a trunk along the path.lostLcnClash- The path has terminated because the PA’s at bothends of an intermediate trunk have allocated the same LC todifferent calls. When this happens both calls must go down andthen try to come up again a fraction of a second later (effectivelyensuring that they will now be assigned different LC’s). It isnormal to get the odd clash especially when the PA’s usedLC isapproaching the PA’s maxLC.

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networkCongestion - The path has failed due to controlinformation being lost and not recoverable.trunkNotFound - Occurs on amanualpath usually. Check fortrunks not up or names provisioned incorrectly.farEndNotFound - The far end is not provisioned or is not up.Check remote Name.wrongModuleReached - This may occur on amanualpath.Check provisioning for correct trunk and service names. For anormal path, the network Topology may be changing checkremoteName.farEndBusy - The far end has been reached but it is busy. CheckremoteName and remote end provisioning.callLoopedBack - This LCo is provisioned to call itself. Re-provision since this is invalid.unknownReason - The failure was not resolved.farEndNotReady - The remote end was reached but theconnection was refused due to the remote end not being enabled.remoteNameMismatch - The remote end has alarmed andrejected this setup due to remoteName provisioning.serviceTypeMismatch - The remote Service Type does not matchthis service type. Check provisioning.reconnectFromFarEnd- The remote end re-established thisconnection. Check the remote endlastTearDownReason todetermine the real reason.bumped - Another call bumped this path from a trunk to getbandwidth (or an LC) which it required to come up. This otherpath had a highersetupPrioritythan this path’sholdingPriorityhence it was allowed to steal the bandwidth (or LC) from thispath.optimized - This call has been rerouted due to the optimizationfeature. The call is still active this just indicates why the pathchanged.trunkOrFarEndDidNotSupportMode - This call was unable tocomplete because a mode required by the service was notsupported by one of the trunks the route went through or by thefar end service it connected to. Currently the only mode that thisapplies to is the map/mux mode on TRUNK PA ATM component.Map mode was required by the application (CES/FrAtm etc.) butwas not available on the TRUNK PA ATM component throughwhich the call was routed or the far end CES/FrAtm component

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did not specify the same mode.

Values nonenormalShutDowninsufficientTxLcOrBandwidthinsufficientRxLcOrBandwidthtrunkFailuretrunkCardFailureoperatorForcedlostLcnClashnetworkCongestiontrunkNotFoundfarEndNotFoundwrongModuleReachedfarEndBusycallLoopedBackunknownReasonfarEndNotReadyremoteNameMismatchserviceTypeMismatchreconnectFromFarEndbumpedaccessCardFailureoptimizedoverrideRemoteNametrunkOrFarEndDidNotSupportMode

Default none

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo pathFailureAction

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays whether the application is set to toleratemomentary interruption of a path while a new path is selected. IfdisconnectConnection is displayed, the application is informedas soon as possible about a failure by disconnection. If theattribute displaysreRoutePath, the path may attempt animmediate reroute, provided the failure is a recoverable failure. Ifrerouting fails the application is informed of the failure.With this option set toreRoutePath the LCo may wait up to 30

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seconds before informing the service of complete disconnectionin order to allow both ends to attempt to reconnect. Note that ifPLC components are different at both ends only the calling end isallowed to reconnect.

All pathTypesrespect this attribute. Also on a manualPath withboth ends provisioned with independent paths (at least withrespect to the failure) this option will have the desired effect thatthe path is rerouted without complete disconnection at both ends

Values reRoutePathdisconnectConnection

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo bumpPreference (bpref)

Access Read only

Description This attribute specifies when bumping will occur during routeselection process. Bumping may occur when necessary or always.It will be necessary for a connection to bump if there is notenough resources for the connection to be established and theseresources are occupied by a connection whosesetupPriority islower (numerically higher) than the connection’ssetupPriority.Aconnection may also always bump in order to obtain the bestroute.

Values bumpWhenNecessarybumpToObtainBestRoute

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo optimization (opt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is used to specify whether this connection shouldattempt to optimize its path when requested by the routing PORScomponent. Every path is as optimal as it can be when it isestablished, but as network traffic patterns and configurationschange this path may no longer be as optimal as it could be. ThePORS connection manager on a module requests circuits tooptimize at the optimization interval.

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Values disabledenabled

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo pathUpDateTime

Access Read: ServiceWrite: Illegal

Description This is the time stamp when the current path was established orreestablished.

Values Time (DHMS)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo path

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the trunk component names over whichthe path has been instantiated and the remote end point nameterminating the path.

List of String (0..40, ASCII)

List Size 21

Default No default

GROUP Aal1Ces LCo Statisitics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational statistics attributes for thepath oriented LCo.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo pktsToNetwork

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of packets transmitted to thenetwork over this Logical Connection.

Values Long Integer

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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo bytesToNetwork

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of bytes sent to the network overthis Logical Connection.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo pktsFromNetwork

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of packets received from theremote LCo via the network.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces LCo bytesFromNetwork

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of bytes received from theremote LCo via the network.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

COMPONENT Aal1Ces AtmConnection (AtmCon)

Groups "GROUP Aal1Ces AtmCon Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

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Description An AtmConnection component is created for each ATMconnection established by an application. It shows where the datatraffic for this connection is directed.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP Aal1Ces AtmCon Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theNapAtmConnection component.

ATTRIBUTE Aal1Ces AtmCon nextHop

Access Read only

Description This attribute shows the component name of theAtmIf Vcc EporAtmCon component to which this switched connection isestablished.

Values The name of the component

Default No default

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AccessControl (Ac)

Groups "GROUP Ac Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AccessControlThe AccessControl component performs security validation torestrict access to a Passport module. AccessControl ensures thatonly authorized remote devices can log in to the NetworkManagement Interfaces for management purposes.The AccessControl component is a placeholder to collect all theUserid and IpAccess components below it.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Ac Userid""COMPONENT Ac IpAccess"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP Ac Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

DescriptionThis group contains the provisionable attributes which apply tothe overall access of the node.

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ATTRIBUTE Ac publicKeyAuth (keyAuth)

Access Read: System_adminWrite: System_admin

DescriptionThis attribute indicates whether Telnet sessions require a publickey exchange in order to log in to the node. FMIP sessionsalways require a public key exchange for login authentication.

Set of telnet

Default No default


Instance String (1..8, ASCII)

Groups "GROUP Ac Userid Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Application

Description AccessControl Userid/<string>The Userid component holds all provisionable attributes for auserid. Every Network Management Interface requires a user tosupply a valid userid and password to log in, like most computersystems.The instance value must be the userid string itself, consisting of1-8 alphanumeric (letters and numbers) characters. Letters in theuserid string are case-insensitive.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common" : System_admin"VERB DELete Common" : System_admin

GROUP Ac Userid Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

DescriptionThis group contains the provisionable attributes for a userid.

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ATTRIBUTE Ac Userid password (passwd)

Access Read: IllegalWrite: System_admin

DescriptionThis attribute holds the password for the userid. This is a write-only attribute to provide additional security for passwords. Thepassword string consists of 5-8 characters, which may be anyprintable ASCII characters. If the password string includes anynon-alphanumeric character, such as $ or *, the entire string mustbe enclosed in double quotes. Letters in the password string arecase-sensitive.

Values String (5..8, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Ac Userid customerIdentifier (cid)

Access Read: System_adminWrite: System_admin

DescriptionThis attribute indicates the Customer Identifier (CID) assigned tothe userid. The CID is used in Customer Network Management(CNM). A CNM operator may only send commands tocomponents provisioned with the same CID as the operator. ACNM operator will only receive event data, such as alarms, whichis generated by components provisioned with the same CID asthe operator.The special CID of 0 is reserved for the network owner, known asthe Netman.The Passport CID attribute is compatible with DPN-100 Netmanand Basic CIDs.

Values Decimal (0..8191)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Ac Userid commandScope (scope)

Access Read: System_adminWrite: System_admin

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DescriptionThis attribute indicates the command scope assigned to theuserid. The scope determines the importance of the componentson which the userid will be allowed to execute commands. Scopehas three levels:

1) Network scope implies the userid can manage components thataffect the operation of the entire network, such as trunks.2) Device scope implies the userid can manage components thataffect the operation of the entire Passport module, such asprocessors or the file system.3) Application scope implies the userid can manage componentsthat affect the operation of a single application.

Note that scope is hierarchical: A userid provisioned withnetwork scope can also manage components with a scope ofdevice or application.

Values networkdeviceapplication

Default application

ATTRIBUTE Ac Userid commandImpact (impact)

Access Read: System_adminWrite: System_admin

DescriptionThis attribute indicates the command impact assigned to theuserid. The impact determines the importance of the commandswhich the userid will be allowed to execute. Impact has fivelevels:

1) Debug impact implies the userid can issue all debuggingcommands. Debug is the highest impact level.2) System Administration impact implies the userid can issueprovisioning commands on security components. This means theuserid canAdd, Delete, Display, orSet the Userid and IpAccesssubcomponents of AccessControl.3) Configuration impact implies the userid can issue provisioning

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commands to alter the provisioned configuration of the Passportmodule, such asStart Prov, Add, Delete, andSet.4) Service impact implies the userid can issue operationalcommands which may affect the service of running components,such asLock andUnlock.5) Passive impact implies the userid can only issue querycommands which display unrestricted information but otherwisedo not affect the operation or configuration of the Passportmodule. Commands such asList andDisplay. Passive is thelowest impact level.

Note that impact is hierarchical: A userid provisioned with debugimpact can also issue all other commands at lower impact levels.

Values debugsystemAdministrationconfigurationservicepassive

Default passive

ATTRIBUTE Ac Userid allowedAccess (nmifs)

Access Read: System_adminWrite: System_admin

DescriptionThis attribute indicates the set of network management interfacesthrough which the userid will be allowed incoming access to thePassport. TheallowedAccess attribute can be used to restrict auserid to a desired subset of the network management interfacesprovided.

Set of localtelnetfmipftp

Default (local)

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ATTRIBUTE Ac Userid loginDirectory (dir)

Access Read: System_adminWrite: System_admin

DescriptionThis attribute is the login directory for file system commands orFTP commands. The userid will initially be placed in thisdirectory upon logging in to Telnet, FMIP, Local or FTP.The default value of “/” is the root of the /sfs/ shadowed filesystem.

Values String (1..128, ASCII)

Default /

ATTRIBUTE Ac Userid allowedOutAccess (outAccess)

Access Read: System_adminWrite: System_admin

DescriptionThis attribute indicates whether or not the userid will be allowedoutgoing Telnet access from the Passport.

Set of telnet

Default No default


Instance IP address

Groups "GROUP Ac IpAccess Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Application

Description AccessControl IpAccess/<IP address>This component represents a single “friendly” remote IP addresswhich is permitted to call into the Telnet, FTP, or FMIP Interfaceson the Passport. All the friendly IP addresses must be provisionedasIpAccess components. TheIpAccess components, takentogether, form a complete list of all the IP addresses which areallowed access to the Passport’s Network Management Interfaces.This set of friendly IP addresses excludes all other addresses,

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restricting access only to the friendly computers.The instance value is the IP address itself, or an IP subnetworkaddress, entered in Internet nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn notation. An IPsubnetwork address, in combination with theipAddressMaskattribute described below, may be provisioned to include an entireIP subnetwork into the friendly list with a singleIpAccesscomponent.

Note that with the introduction of Telnet client capability, theIpAccess lists must allow for the fact that Telnet access may nowbe from another Passport (or another type of node) in thenetwork, not just management workstations.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common" : System_admin"VERB DELete Common" : System_admin

GROUP Ac IpAccess Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

DescriptionThis group contains the provisionable attributes for anIpAccesscomponent.

ATTRIBUTE Ac IpAccess ipAddressMask (mask)

Access Read: System_adminWrite: System_admin

DescriptionThis attribute indicates the bit mask indicating the significant bitswhich are used in the comparison of an incoming IP addressagainst the “friendly” IP address in the instance value of theIpAccess component. This bit mask is ANDed to the incoming IPaddress, and ANDed to the instance value, before thecomparison.

An IP subnetwork address, in combination with this bit maskattribute, may be provisioned to include an entire IP subnetwork

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into the friendly IP address list with a singleIpAccesscomponent.

Values IP address


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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AutomaticProtectionSwitching(Aps)

Instance Decimal (0..15999)

Groups "GROUP Aps CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)""GROUP Aps Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP Aps OsiState (State)""GROUP Aps Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AutomaticProtectionSwitching/nThis component manages the line protection of a SONE or /SDHinterface. Automatic Protection Switching (APS) can switchtraffic from an active line onto a standby line when a failure ordegradation occurs on the active line.

Note: A Test Component provisioned underLp/n Sonet/m isdynamically deleted when that line is added into an APS group.This is becauseAps has a dynamic test component of its own fortesting the active line.

The migration escape converts anAps component to aLaps

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component in a Passport 15000.Aps component is not convertedin a Passport 7000.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Aps Test (Test)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common""VERB LOCK Common""VERB Unlock Common"


Impact Service

Description ProtectionLockout Aps/nThis command instructs theAps component to lock out theprotection line from being used as the receive active line, usingthenearEndRequestlockoutOfProtection. If the protection line isactive when theProtectionLockout command is entered theworking line is made active, even if there is a failure ordegradation present on the working line.

If the provisionedmode is unidirectional and anearEndRequestof lockoutOfProtection is already in effect then this command isignored. If the provisionedmode is bidirectional and anearEndRequest or farEndRequest of lockoutOfProtection isalready in effect then this command is ignored.

This command can be issued regardless of whether theAps isunlocked or locked. It remains in effect until cancelled with theClear command.

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Impact Service

Description Switch [-force] [-workingToProtection] [-protectionToWorking]Aps/nThis command instructs theAps to switch thenearEndRxActiveLinefrom the working line to the protection line(or vice versa) using thenearEndRequestmanualSwitch.

If the -force option is specified, theAps is instructed to switchusing the higher prioritynearEndRequestforcedSwitch.

If the -workingToProtection option is specified, theAps switchesthenearEndRxActiveLine from the working line to the protectionline.

If the -protectionToWorking option is specified, theAps switchesthenearEndRxActiveLine from the protection line to the workingline.

If a nearEndRequest of equal or higher priority is already ineffect then this command will be ignored. The command will alsobe ignored if the provisionedmode is bidirectional and afarEndRequest of equal or higher priority is already in effect. Forthe list of request priorities refer to the description for theApsnearEndRequest attribute.

If the -force option is specified, this command can be issuedwhen theAps is either unlocked or locked; otherwise it can onlybe issued when theAps is unlocked. It remains in effect untilcancelled with theClearcommand, or until anearEndRequest(orfarEndRequestif the provisionedmodeis bidirectional) of higherpriority goes into effect.

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Impact Service

Description Clear Aps/nThis command clears thenearEndRequests lockoutOfProtection,forcedSwitch, andmanualSwitch.

This command can be issued when theAps is either unlocked orlocked.

GROUP Aps CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the attribute for a component’s CustomerIdentifier (CID). Refer to the attribute description for a detailedexplanation of CIDs.

ATTRIBUTE Aps customerIdentifier (cid)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute holds the Customer Identifier (CID).

Every component has a CID. If a component has acid attribute,the component’s CID is the provisioned value of that attribute;otherwise the component inherits the CID of its parent. The top-level component has a CID of 0.

Every operator session also has a CID, which is the CIDprovisioned for the operator’s user ID. An operator will see onlythe stream data for components having a matching CID. Also, theoperator will be allowed to issue commands for only thosecomponents which have a matching CID.

An operator CID of 0 is used to identify the Network Manager(referred to as “NetMan” in DPN). This CID matches the CID ofany component. Values 1 to 8191 inclusive (equivalent to “basicCIDs” in DPN) may be assigned to specific customers.

Values Decimal (0; 1..8191)

Default 0

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP Aps Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioned attributes for theApscomponent.

ATTRIBUTE Aps applicationFramerName (framer)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute is a link to the service component which utilizes theprotectedSonet or Sdh interface managed by theAps component.

Values Link (Service, interfaceName)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps workingLine (working)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute is a link to thePath component whose parentSonetor Sdh component provides theAps’ working line. A value mustbe defined for this component.

The working line must exist under the sameLp as the protectionline and must link to aPath component under the same type ofport component (Sonet or Sdh) as the protection line.

Valid workingLine andprotectionLine pairs must exist. For the1pOC12SmLrAtm card, theworkingLinemust be lp/n sonet/0path/0. For other APS compatible cards, theworkingLineandprotectionLine pairs must use port 0 with port 1 and port 2 withport 3. For example, if theworkingLineis linked to a path on port0, then theprotectionLine must be linked to a path on port 1.

Sonet APS is available on cards of type2pOC3SmAtm2,2pOC3MmAtm2, 4pOC3SmIrAtm, 4pOC3MmAtm, and1pOC12SmLrAtm.

Values Link (Service, applicationFramerName)

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE Aps protectionLine (protection)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute is a link to thePath component whose parentSonetor Sdhcomponent provides theAps’ protection line. A value mustbe defined for this component. This attribute is critical becausethe APS process runs on the LP associated with theprotectionLine.

The protection line must exist under the sameLp as the workingline, and must link to aPath component under the same type ofport component (Sonet or Sdh) as the protection line.

Valid workingLine andprotectionLine pairs must exist. For the1pOC12SmLrAtm, theprotectionLinemust beLp/n Sonet/1Path/0. For other APS compatible cards, theworkingLineandprotectionLine pairs must use port 0 with port 1 and port 2 withport 3. For example, if theworkingLineis linked to a path on port0, then theprotectionLine must be linked to a path on port 1.

Sonet APS is available on cards of type2pOC3SmAtm2,2pOC3MmAtm2, 4pOC3SmIrAtm, 4pOC3MmAtm, and1pOC12SmLrAtm.

Values Link (Hardware, applicationFramerName)

Default No default


Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the protection mode to use. It has possiblevalues ofunidirectional andbidirectional.

Theunidirectional mode allows theAps to decide independentlyof the far end which channel, either working or protection, isactive for receive. For this value, the transmit and receive may beon different channels. Therefore one end may receive from theprotection line while the other end receives from the active line.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Thebidirectional mode instructs theAps to decide jointly withthe far end which channel, either working or protection, is activefor receive.For this value, the transmit and receive is to be on thesame channel. Therefore both the ends receive from the sameline.

Note that if either end is set tounidirectional, the link operates inunidirectional mode.

Note that while anAps Test is being run, theAps operates inunidirectional mode, regardless of the actual provisioned mode.

Values unidirectionalbidirectional

Default unidirectional

ATTRIBUTE Aps revertive

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies whether revertive switching is to be used.

When this attribute isno, the Aps will not revert the receiveactive line from protection back to working when a working linerequest is cleared.

When this attribute isyes, the Aps will revert the receive activeline from protection back to working when a working line requestis cleared, after the provisionedwaitToRestorePeriod hasexpired.

Note that it is acceptable for the near end and far end to beprovisioned with a mix of revertive and nonrevertive switching;one end can be revertive and the other nonrevertive

Values noyes

Default no

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ATTRIBUTE Aps holdOffTime (hoTime)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies delay between the detection of a SignalFail or Signal Degrade on the active line and the initiation of aswitchover.

Values Decimal (0.0..10.0)

Units seconds

Default 0.0

ATTRIBUTE Aps waitToRestorePeriod (wtrPeriod)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the time during which the protection linewill remain the receive active line after the working line recoversfrom the fault that caused the switch. This attribute is onlyapplicable when the provisionable attributerevertiveis yes.

Values Decimal (5..12)

Units minutes

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE Aps signalDegradeRatio (sdRatio)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the minimum bit error ratio (BER) forwhich a Signal Degrade failure is declared. Its value is theexponent of the BER, with possible values of-5 through-9inclusive, which correspond to a BER range of 10e-5 through10e-9.

The switch initiation time for a Signal Degrade varies dependingon the observed BER (not the provisionedsignalDegradeRatio),as described in the following table.

BER - Switch Initiation Time10e-3 - 10 milliseconds

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10e-4 - 100 milliseconds10e-5 - 1 second10e-6 - 10 seconds10e-7 - 100 seconds10e-8 - 16 minutes 40 seconds10e-9 - 2 hours 46 minutes 40 seconds

The clearing threshold for a Signal Degrade is one-tenth thesignalDegradeRatio; for example, if the provisionedsignalDegradeRatio is -5, the corresponding clearing thresholdwill be 10e-6. The clearing time varies depending on the clearingthreshold (not the observed BER), and can be determined fromthe above table.

Values Signed (-9..-5)

Default -5

GROUP Aps OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes and the six OSIStatus attributes. The descriptions generically indicate what eachattribute implies about the component. Note that not all the valuesand state combinations described here are supported by everycomponent which reuses this group. For component-specificinformation and the valid state combinations, refer to theappropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE Aps adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is

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administratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, mayprovide more details, qualifying the state of the component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Aps operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, mayprovide more details, qualifying the state of the component.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Aps usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

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Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, mayprovide more details, qualifying the state of the component.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

ATTRIBUTE Aps availabilityStatus (osiAvail)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIAvailability status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valueinTest indicates that the resource is undergoing a testprocedure. IfadminState is locked or shuttingDown, the normalusers are precluded from using the resource andcontrolStatus isreservedForTest. Tests that do not exclude additional users canbe present in any operational or administrative state but thereservedForTest condition should not be present.

The valuefailed indicates that the component has an internalfault that prevents it from operating. TheoperationalState is

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The valuedependency indicates that the component cannotoperate because some other resource on which it depends isunavailable. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valuepowerOff indicates the resource requires power to beapplied and it is not powered on. TheoperationalState isdisabled.

The valueoffLine indicates the resource requires a routineoperation (either manual, automatic, or both) to be performed toplace it on-line and make it available for use. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valueoffDuty indicates the resource is inactive in accordancewith a predetermined time schedule. In the absence of otherdisabling conditions, theoperationalState is enabled or disabled.

The valuedegraded indicates the service provided by thecomponent is degraded in some way, such as in speed oroperating capacity. Usually, the resource remains available forservice. TheoperationalState is almost alwaysenabled. There isone exception where anoperationalState of disabled is used inconjunction withdegraded for a component which represents arolled up view of a set of other components.

The valuenotInstalled indicates the resource is not present. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valuelogFull is not used.

The valuemigrating indicates that a software migration

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

activation is in progress, making the component unavailable forother activities until the migration is complete.

Set of inTestfaileddependency (depend)powerOff (pwrOff)offLineoffDutydegraded (degrad)notInstalled (notIn)logFullmigrating

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps proceduralStatus (osiProc)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIProcedural status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valueinitializationRequired indicates (for a resource whichdoesn’t initialize autonomously) that initialization is requiredbefore it can perform its normal functions, and this procedure hasnot been initiated. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valuenotInitialized indicates (for a resource which doesinitialize autonomously) that initialization is required before itcan perform its normal functions, and this procedure has not beeninitiated. TheoperationalState may beenabled or disabled.

The valueinitializing indicates that initialization has beeninitiated but is not yet complete. TheoperationalState may beenabled or disabled.

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The valuereporting indicates the resource has completed someprocessing operation and is notifying the results. TheoperationalState is enabled.

The valueterminating indicates the component is in atermination phase. If the resource doesn’t reinitializeautonomously,operationalState is disabled; otherwise it isenabled or disabled.

Set of initializationRequired (initRq)notInitialized (notInit)initializing (init)reporting (report)terminating (term)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps controlStatus (osiCntrl)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIControl status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valuesubjectToTest indicates the resource is available buttests may be conducted simultaneously at unpredictable times,which may cause it to exhibit unusual characteristics.

The valuepartOfServicesLockedindicates that part of the serviceis restricted from users of a resource. TheadminState isunlocked.

The valuereservedForTest indicates that the component isadministratively unavailable because it is undergoing a testprocedure. TheadminState is locked.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The valuesuspended indicates that the service has beenadministratively suspended.

Set of subjectToTest (subTst)partOfServicesLocked (partLk)reservedForTest (rsrvd)suspended (suspnd)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps alarmStatus (osiAlarm)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIAlarm status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valueunderRepair indicates the component is currentlybeing repaired. TheoperationalState is enabled or disabled.

The valuecritical indicates one or more critical alarms areoutstanding against the component. Other, less severe, alarmsmay also be outstanding. TheoperationalState is enabled ordisabled.

The valuemajor indicates one or more major alarms areoutstanding against the component. Other, less severe, alarmsmay also be outstanding. TheoperationalState is enabled ordisabled.

The valueminor indicates one or more minor alarms areoutstanding against the component. Other, less severe, alarmsmay also be outstanding. TheoperationalState is enabled ordisabled.

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The valuealarmOutstanding generically indicates that an alarmof some severity is outstanding against the component.

Set of underRepair (repair)critical (crit)majorminoralarmOutstanding (outst)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps standbyStatus (osiStby)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIStandby status of the component.

The valuenotSet indicates that either the attribute is notsupported or that none of the status conditions described below ispresent. Note that this is a non-standard value, used because theoriginal specification indicated this attribute was set-valued andthus, did not provide a value to indicate that none of the otherthree are applicable.

The valuehotStandby indicates that the resource is not providingservice but will be immediately able to take over the role of theresource to be backed up, without initialization activity, andcontaining the same information as the resource to be backed up.

The valuecoldStandby indicates the resource is a backup foranother resource but will not be immediately able to take over therole of the backed up resource and will require some initializationactivity.

The valueprovidingService indicates that this component, as abackup resource, is currently backing up another resource.

Values hotStandby (hot)coldStandby (cold)providingService (serv)notSet (nSet)

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default notSet

ATTRIBUTE Aps unknownStatus (osiUnknw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Unknown status of thecomponent.

The valuefalse indicates that all of the other OSI State and Statusattribute values can be considered accurate.

The valuetrue indicates that the actual state of the component isnot known for sure.

Values falsetrue

Default false

GROUP Aps Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for theApscomponent.

ATTRIBUTE Aps nearEndRxActiveLine (neRxLine)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates which near end line is active for receivingdata from the far end.

Values protectionworking

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps nearEndRequest (neReq)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the request currently being transmitted tothe far end in the SONET/SDH line overhead K1 byte of theprotection line. Requests are prioritized so that high priority

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requests pre-empt or block those with a lower priority. Thepossible requests, in order of priority from highest to lowest, areas follows.

lockoutOfProtection— the working line is prevented fromswitching to the protection line under any circumstances due toanProtectionLockout command being in effect.

forcedSwitch— the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel has aSwitch -force command in effectagainst it. Note that asignalFail on the protection line has higherpriority than aforcedSwitch.

signalFail — the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal failure (SF).Failures include LOS, LOF, received AIS-L, a signal BERexceeding 10-3, LOP, received AIS-P, LCD, or a lockedSonet,Sdh, orPath component. Note that asignalFail on the protectionline has higher priority than aforcedSwitch.

signalDegrade— the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal degradation(SD).

manualSwitch— the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel has aSwitchcommand in effect againstit.

waitToRestore— the protection line is active, provisionedattributerevertiveis yes, and the working line has recovered froma Signal Fail or Signal Degrade. After the period defined byattributewaitToRestorePeriod the working line willautomatically revert to being the receive active line and therequest will change tonoRequest.

reverseRequest — the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel is active due to a request from the farend. This request is only applicable when the provisionedmodeisbidirectional.

doNotRevert— the protection line is active, provisioned attribute

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

revertive is no, and either: (1) the working line has recoveredfrom asignalFail or signalDegrade; or (2) aforcedSwitch ormanualSwitch request has been cleared. The receive active linewill not automatically revert to the working line.

noRequest— the working line is active and no other requests arein effect.

Values lockoutOfProtectionforcedSwitchsignalFailsignalDegrademanualSwitchwaitToRestorereverseRequestdoNotRevertnoRequest

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps nearEndRequestChannel (neReqChan)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates to which channel thenearEndRequestapplies.

Values protectionworking

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps farEndRequest (feReq)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the request currently being received fromthe far end in the SONET/SDH line overhead K1 byte of theprotection line. Requests are prioritized so that high priorityrequests preempt or block those with a lower priority. Thepossible requests, in order of priority from highest to lowest, areas follows.

lockoutOfProtection— the working line is prevented from

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switching to the protection line under any circumstances due toanProtectionLockout command being in effect.

forcedSwitch— the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel has aSwitch -force command in effectagainst it. Note that asignalFail on the protection line has higherpriority than aforcedSwitch.

signalFail — the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal failure (SF).Failures include LOS, LOF, received AIS-L, a signal BERexceeding 10-3, LOP, received AIS-P, LCD, or a lockedSonet,Sdh, orPath component. Note that asignalFail on the protectionline has higher priority than aforcedSwitch.

signalDegrade— the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal degradation(SD).

manualSwitch— the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel has aSwitchcommand in effect againstit.

waitToRestore— the protection line is active, provisionedattributerevertiveis yes, and the working line has recovered froma Signal Fail or Signal Degrade. After the period defined byattributewaitToRestorePeriod the working line willautomatically revert to being the receive active line and therequest will change tonoRequest.

reverseRequest — the line indicated by attributenearEndRequestChannel is active due to a request from the farend. This request is only applicable when the provisionedmodeisbidirectional.

doNotRevert— the protection line is active, provisioned attributerevertive is no, and either: (1) the working line has recoveredfrom asignalFail or signalDegrade; or (2) aforcedSwitch ormanualSwitch request has been cleared. The receive active linewill not automatically revert to the working line.

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noRequest— the working line is active and no other requests arein effect.

Values lockoutOfProtectionforcedSwitchsignalFailsignalDegrademanualSwitchwaitToRestorereverseRequestdoNotRevertnoRequest

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps farEndRequestChannel (feReqChan)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates to which channel thefarEndRequestapplies.

Values protectionworking

Default No default


Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates which lines (if any) are currentlyexperiencing a Signal Degrade (SD).

Set of protectionworking

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps switchovers

Access Read only

Description This attributes counts the number of times that a switchover ofthe active line has occurred since theAps component becameactive.

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Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps timeUntilRestore

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the amount of time until the receive activeline is automatically switched back from the protection line to theworking line. It is only applicable for Aps components that areprovisioned to be revertive, and which currently have theprotection line as the receive active line and anearEndRequest ofwaitToRestore.

Values Decimal (0..12)

Units minutes

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps protocolFailureAlarm (pfAlarm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether theAps component isexperiencing an APS protocol failure alarm. Protocol failurealarms include the protection switching byte mismatch alarm(code 7011 5270) and the channel mismatch failure alarm (code7011 5271).

Values onoff

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps modeMismatchAlarm (mmAlarm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether theAps component isexperiencing an APS mode mismatch alarm (code 7011 5272).This alarm indicates either:

(1) that the far end is operating with a 1:n switching architecture(not supported by Passport), as opposed to 1+1; or

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(2) that the far end’s provisionedmode is not the same as thenears end’s provisionedmode.

When a mode mismatch occurs: (1) if the far end is operatingwith a 1:n switching architecture it will operate as 1+1; and (2) ifeither end has a provisionedmode of unidirectional then bothends will operate unidirectionally.

Values onoff

Default No default

COMPONENT Aps Test (Test)

Groups "GROUP Aps Test OsiState (State)""GROUP Aps Test Setup (Setup)""GROUP Aps Test Results (Results)"

Scope Application

DescriptionThe Test component is configured to control a hardware facilitytest on a physical (V35, X21, DS1, E1, DS3, E3 etc.) or a logicalport.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"


Impact Service

DescriptionThis command invokes a test on the hardware component.Note that some test types requires the parent component (thehardware component) to be locked (using theLock command)before a test can be started.

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Impact Service

DescriptionThis command stops a test running on the hardware component.

GROUP Aps Test OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

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ATTRIBUTE Aps Test operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

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GROUP Aps Test Setup (Setup)

Properties Operational

DescriptionThis group contains all of the operational data for aTestcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test purpose (purpose)

Access Read and write

DescriptionThis attribute records the purpose of the test so that the testresults can be associated and properly analyzed.

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test type (type)

Access Read and write

DescriptionThis attribute is the type of test to be run. The available test typesinclude the following:card test sets up an internal loop on the board and runs a bit errorrate test.manual test assumes the line is looped back externally and a biterror rate test is performed.localLooptest loops back the local modem and performs a biterror rate test.remoteLooptest loops back the remote modem (or CSU) andperforms a bit error rate test.externalLooptest loops back the line to the far end.payloadLooptest only loops back the payload data received fromthe incoming line.remoteLoopThisTribloops this particular tributary back at the farend, using services provided by the parent.v54RemoteLoopinitiates a V.54 Remote Loopback test.pn127RemoteLoopinitiates a PN127 Remote Loopback test.lineBIP8Error tests line BIP 8 error generation and detection(B2 byte inverted).

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COMPONENT AutomaticProtectionSwitching (Aps) 2-91

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

sectionBIP8Error tests section BIP 8 error generation anddetection (B1 byte inverted).pathBIP8Error tests path BIP 8 error generation and detection(B3 byte inverted).pathBIP2Error tests path BIP 2 error generation and detection(bit 1-2 of V5 byte inverted).Note that not all test types are not supported by all functionprocessors.

Values cardmanuallocalLoopremoteLoopexternalLooppayloadLoopremoteLoopThisTribv54RemoteLooppn127RemoteLooplineBIP8ErrorsectionBIP8ErrorpathBIP8ErrorpathBIP2Error

Default card

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test frmSize (size)

Access Read and write

DescriptionThis attribute defines the size of the test data frames in number ofbytes.

Values Decimal (4..4096)

Units bytes

Default 1024

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test frmPatternType (fpt)

Access Read and write

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DescriptionThis attribute defines the type of data pattern generation to use.The following lists the available pattern types:ccitt32kBitPattern is a pseudo-random sequence of 32 kbit.ccitt8MBitPattern is a pseudo-random sequence of 8Mbit.customizedPattern is the pattern defined in thecustomizedPattern attribute.

Values ccitt32kBitPatternccitt8MBitPatterncustomizedPattern

Default ccitt32kBitPattern

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test customizedPattern (cp)

Access Read and write

DescriptionThis attribute allows a customized 32 bit pattern to be defined foruse in the test data frames. This attribute is used when theattributefrmPatternTypeis set toCustomizedPattern. Note that a55 hex pattern is an alternating 1 and 0 pattern.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ffffffff)

Units Hex

Default H.55555555

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test dataStartDelay (dsd)

Access Read and write

DescriptionThis attribute specifies the time delay (in seconds) between whenthe test expects the loop to have been set up, to when the test dataactually starts to be transmitted. This attribute is to accommodatesome non-standard equipment that requires extra time for settingup a requested loop.This attribute is ignored when the testtype is set toexternalLoop.

Values Decimal (0..1814400)

Units seconds

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COMPONENT AutomaticProtectionSwitching (Aps) 2-93

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test displayInterval (di)

Access Read and write

DescriptionThis attribute defines the interval (in minutes) between whichinterim test results are to be displayed. Results are displayed atthe operator console at which the test was started. When the testtypeis set toexternalLoop, this attribute is ignored. There will beno display of results ifdisplayInterval is set to 0. This attributecan be changed anytime.

Values Decimal (0..30240)

Units minutes

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test duration

Access Read and write

DescriptionThis attribute is the duration for which the test data will betransmitted. In the case of anexternalLoop, this is the time thatthe loop is in effect. Note thatdataStartDelay does not apply totheexternalLoop test type.

Values Decimal (0.00..30240.00)

Units minutes

Default 1.00

GROUP Aps Test Results (Results)

Properties Operational

DescriptionThis group contains all the statistics related attributes of theTestcomponent.

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ATTRIBUTE Aps Test causeOfTermination

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates either the status of the test or the cause ofthe test’s termination:

neverStartedindicates that the test has not yet been started.

testRunningindicates that the test has been started.

stoppedByOperatorindicates that the operator issued a stopcommand on a test that was running.

testTimeExpiredindicates that the test ran for the time specifiedby the test’sduration.

loopCodeSyncFailedindicates that the local end failed tosynchronize to the loopCode pattern. The local end transmits theloopCode pattern to cause the remote end to apply a loopback,after which the local end should receive the loopCode pattern.The exact pattern used to request loopCode depends on the testtype. This failure indicates a high rate of transmission errors, orthat the remote end has failed to apply the loopback.

patternSyncFailedindicates that the local end failed tosynchronize to thefrmPatternType test pattern, that should havebeen looped back at the remote end. This failure indicates a highrate of transmission errors or the absence of a loopback.

patternSyncLostindicates that the local end gained and then lostsynchronization to the returnedfrmPatternTypetest pattern. Thisfailure indicates a sudden increase in transmission errors, frameslippage, or the removal of an existing loopback.

unknown is set when a reason to terminate other than those listedhere is encountered.

Note: Only MSA cards support recognition of the failuresloopCodeSyncFailed, patternSyncFailed andpatternSyncLost.Other cards will not terminate the test under the conditions

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COMPONENT AutomaticProtectionSwitching (Aps) 2-95

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

described by these values.

Values testTimeExpiredstoppedByOperatorunknownneverStartedtestRunninghardwareReconfiguredloopCodeSyncFailedpatternSyncFailedpatternSyncLost

Default neverStarted

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test bitsTx

Access Read only

DescriptionThis attribute is the total number of bits sent during the testperiod. As long as the line speed of the hardware interface is lessthan70 Mbit/s, this counter is not expected to reach the maximumvalue.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test bytesTx

Access Read only

DescriptionThis attribute is the total number of bytes sent during the testperiod. This counter is not expected to reach its maximum value.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test frmTx

Access Read only

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DescriptionThis attribute is the total number of frames sent during the testperiod. This counter is not expected to reach its maximum value.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test bitsRx

Access Read only

DescriptionThis attribute is the total number of bits received during the testperiod. This counter is not expected to reach its maximum value.The counter will wrap around to 0 if it does reach the maximumvalue.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test bytesRx

Access Read only

DescriptionThis attribute is the total number of bytes received during the testperiod. This counter is not expected to reach its maximum value.The counter will wrap around to 0 if it does reach its maximumvalue.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test frmRx

Access Read only

DescriptionThis attribute is the total number of frames received during thetest period. This counter is not expected to reach its maximumvalue. The counter will wrap around to 0 if it does reach itsmaximum value.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test erroredFrmRx

Access Read only

DescriptionThis attribute is not displayed for ATM cards because thephysical layer drops all errored frames at the controller interface.

For all other card types, this attribute is the total number oferrored frames received during the test period. This counter is notexpected to reach its maximum value. The counter will wraparound to 0 if it does reach its maximum value.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test bitErrorRate

Access Read only

DescriptionThis attribute is not displayed for ATM cards because thephysical layer drops all errored frames at the controller interface.

For all other card types, this attribute is the calculated bit errorrate on the link. Test data are generated and sent in frames of apreset size (frameSize). TheTest component will try to estimatethe number of bit errors in any errored frame which isidentifiable. The statistics will be updated accordingly. A lostframe (may be due to an error on the flag sequence) will bediscarded for the bit error rate calculation. The result is presentedin the form of xEsyy, where x is the mantissa, syy is theexponent, for example 0E+00, 2E-09.Note that thebitErrorRate is an estimate only. For more reliabletest results, the test should be done over a long period. Multipletests would also improve the confidence level of the test results.

Values String (5, ASCII)

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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test elapsedTime

Access Read only

DescriptionThis attribute indicates the time elapsed since the test started foranexternalLoop test. For a data test, it indicates time since testdata was first transmitted.

Values Decimal (0.00..30240.00)

Units minutes

Default 0.00

ATTRIBUTE Aps Test timeRemaining

Access Read only

DescriptionThis attribute specifies the length of time remaining before thetest stops according to theduration attribute.

Values Decimal (0.00..30240.00)

Units minutes

Default 0.00

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmRoutingThis component contains the provisionable and operationalattributes related to ATM routing.

TheDna subcomponents can be listed to view all the provisionedand registered ATM end system addresses and prefixes storedagainst any of theUni, Iisp or Pnni interfaces.

ThePnni subcomponent can be provisioned to identify that thisPassport node participates in a PNNI hierarchy.

ThePhysicalPort subcomponent can be listed to view all thephysical ports usable for ATM routing.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg DataNetworkAddress (Dna)""COMPONENT ARtg PhysicalPort (Port)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

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2-100 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP ARtg Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the statistical operational attributes of anARtgcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg routingAttempts

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the calls routed. The counter wraps to zerowhen it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg failedRoutingAttempts

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the calls which were not successfullyrouted.The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximumvalue.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg DataNetworkAddress (Dna)

Instance String (1..40, ASCII)

Scope Application

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-101

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description ARtg DataNetworkAddress/<ATM address>This component represents an ATM NSAP address that has beenprovisioned or dynamically registered through ILMI.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Dna DestInfo"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"


Instance Decimal (0..50)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Dna DestInfo Operational (Oper)"

Scope Application

Description ARtg Dna/<ATM address> DestInfo/<n>This component represents a destination associated with theparentDna.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Dna DestInfo Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for theDestInfocomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Dna DestInfo type

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the type of the address at the destinationinterface. Provisioned addresses are assigned a type ofprimaryor alternate; ATM routing will try primary routes and then thealternate routes if none of the primary routes succeed. The typeregisteredis used for dynamic addresses registered through

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ILMI. The typedefault is used for Soft PVC addresses. The typeebrindicates addresses used by Edge Based Rerouting.

Values primaryalternateregistereddefaultebr

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Dna DestInfo scope

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the highest level (meaning the lowestnumeric value) in the hierarchy that the address will beadvertised.

A value of -1 indicates that the scope is not applicable becausethis node has not been configured as a PNNI node.

Values Signed (-1..104)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Dna DestInfo componentName

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the component name of the interfacethrough which the address can be reached.

Values The name of the component

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Dna DestInfo reachability (reach)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-103

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates whether the address isinternal or exteriorto this domain.

Values internalexterior

Default No default


Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP ARtg Pnni PglElectionParms (PglParms)""GROUP ARtg Pnni HelloParms (HlParms)""GROUP ARtg Pnni PTSETimerParms (PtseParms)""GROUP ARtg Pnni ChangeThresholds (ThreshParms)""GROUP ARtg Pnni Operational (Oper)""GROUP ARtg Pnni Statistics (Stats)""GROUP ARtg Pnni SvccBasedRccParms (SvccRcc)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg PnniThis component represents the PNNI Routing capability.Provisioning thePnni component under theARtg componentindicates that this switch has PNNI routing capability.ThePnni component must have at least one and no more than 10ConfiguredNode subcomponents.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni LoadBalancing (Lb)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni ConfiguredNode (CfgNode)""COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Cache"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni RouteFinder (Rf)""COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Topology (Top)""COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Port"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

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2-104 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP ARtg Pnni Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the generic provisionable attributes of aPnnicomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni nodeAddressPrefix

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM address prefix of this node for alllevels of the hierarchy. If this attribute is set to the null string,then a default node address prefix is computed as follows: thevalue provisioned for theModuleData component’snodePrefixattribute, followed by a unique MAC address (6 octets).

Values String (0..19, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni defaultScope

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the default PNNI scope for ATMaddresses associated with this node. The PNNI scope determinesthe level to which the address is advertised within the PNNIrouting domain. A provisionedAddrcomponent may override thedefault scope in aPnniInfo subcomponent.

A value of 0 means that all addresses which do not haveprovisioned scopes is advertised globally within the PNNIrouting domain.

The value specified must be numerically smaller than or equal tothat of the lowest level at which this node is configured in thePNNI hierarchy.

Values Decimal (0..104)

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-105

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni domain

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the routing domain name. This attributeshould be set identically for all nodes in the same routing domain.

Values String (1..32, ASCII)

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni maxAlternateRoutesOnCrankback (maxAltRtsOnCrankbck)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the number of rerouting attempts before acall requiring crank-back is rejected.

Values Decimal (0..20)

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni horizontalLinkInactivityTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time a node continues toadvertise a horizontal (logical) link for which it has not receivedan LGN Horizontal Link Information Group. Increasing thistimer allows the link to increase tolerance of Information Grouppacket loses, but also increases the duration of advertising a stalelink. Decreasing the timer has the reverse effect.

Values Decimal (30..3600)

Units seconds

Default 120

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2-106 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni lbMaxPaths

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of paths to be usedfor load balancing.

Setting this attribute to 1 turnsLoadBalancing off.

When theArtg Pnni Cache component is provisioned, thisattribute also specifies the maximum number of paths to be storedin a routeCache entry for each destination node.

Values Decimal (1..3)

Default 2

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni optimizationMetric (optMetric)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute is a vector that specifies the optimization metric foreach ATM service category. The optimization metric is usedduring Generic Connection Admission Control (GCAC) routecomputation.

Setting the value tocdv for a particular service category causesGCAC to optimize for cell delay variation on call setupsrequiring that service category.

Setting the value tomaxCtd for a particular service categorycauses GCAC to optimize for maximum cell transfer delay oncall setups requiring that service category.

Setting the value toaw for a particular service category causes

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GCAC to optimize for administrative weight on call setupsrequiring that service category.

Vector of cdvmaxCtdaw

Index cbrrtVbrnrtVbrubr

Default (aw, aw, aw, aw)

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni uniToPnniScopeMap

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the mapping of the UNI scope into aPNNI routing level. The mapping applies to the membershipscope which is passed across the UNI via ILMI addressregistration. The PNNI routing level is then advertised along withthe corresponding reachable address. The mapping also applies tothe connection scope of an incoming SETUP message forAnycast call requests. The PNNI routing level then specifies therouting range for the call.

The table must be provisioned in descending order.

Vector of Decimal (0..104)

Index Decimal (1..15)

Default ([3] 80, [2] 72, [2] 64, [3] 48, [2] 32, [2] 0, 96)

GROUP ARtg Pnni PglElectionParms (PglParms)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the default provisionable attributes for thepeer group leader election timer parameters of aPnnicomponent.These attributes can be overridden by setting the correspondingattribute incfgnode component.

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2-108 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni pglInitTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies how long this node delays advertising itschoice of preferred peer group leader after having reached the fullpeer state with at least one neighbor in the peer group. Increasingthis timer allows the node to be more informed before choosing aleader, thus fewer rounds of elections are required, but more timeis required for each round of election.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Units seconds

Default 15

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni overrideDelay

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies how long a node waits for itself to bedeclared the preferred peer group leader by unanimous agreementamong its peers. On timeout, if the node receives 2/3 majority, itdeclares itself as leader; otherwise, election enters theHungElection state.

Values Decimal (1..65535)

Units seconds

Default 30

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni reElectionInterval

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies how long this node waits, after losingconnectivity to the current peer group leader, before re-startingthe process of electing a new peer group leader.

Values Decimal (1..65535)

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-109

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Units seconds

Default 15

GROUP ARtg Pnni HelloParms (HlParms)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the default provisionable Hello protocolparameters.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni helloHoldDown (hhd)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the rate at which this node sends out Hellopackets. It specifies the default minimum length of time betweensuccessive Hellos used by routing control channels on this node.A provisioning check is made to ensure that this value cannot begreater thanhelloInterval.The value here can be overridden on a per interface or per VPTbasis by changing theAtmif Pnni Rcc or Atmif Vpt Pnni RcchelloHoldDown attribute.

Values Decimal (0.1..65535.0)

Units seconds

Default 1.0

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni helloInterval (hli)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the default duration of the Hello Timer forrouting control channels on this node. EveryhelloIntervalseconds, this node sends out a Hello packet to the neighbor node,subject to thehelloHoldDown timer having expired at least oncesince the last Hello packet was sent.A provisioning check is made to ensure that this value cannot beless thanhelloHoldDown.The value here can be overridden on a per interface or per VPT

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basis by changing theAtmif Pnni Rcc or Atmif Vpt Pnni RcchelloIntervalattribute.

Values Decimal (1..65535)

Units seconds

Default 15

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni helloInactivityFactor (hif)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the number of Hello intervals allowed topass without receiving a Hello from a neighbor, before an attemptis made to re-stage the RCC to that neighbor. The hello inactivitytimer is enabled if thehelloState of theRCC component isoneWayInside, twoWayInside, oneWayOutside, twoWayOutsideor commonOutside.The value here can be overridden on a per interface or per VPTbasis by changing theAtmif Pnni Rcc or Atmif Vpt Pnni RcchelloInactivityFactorattribute.

Values Decimal (1..65535)

Default 5

GROUP ARtg Pnni PTSETimerParms (PtseParms)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the PTSEtimer values of aPnnicomponent. GroupAtmPnniPtseTimerParmsalso exist underARtg Pnni CfgNode/<n> that can override values specified here.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni ptseHoldDown

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute is used to limit the rate at which this node sends outPTSE packets. It specifies the minimum length of time that thisnode must wait between sending successive PTSE packets.

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-111

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value of this attribute is constraint by the equation:ptseHoldDown * 2 < ptseRefreshInterval * ptseLifetimeFactor.

Values Decimal (0.1..65535.0)

Units seconds

Default 1.0

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni ptseRefreshInterval

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the duration of the PTSE Timer. EveryptseRefreshIntervalseconds, this node sends out a self-originatedPTSE packet to the neighbor node, subject to the ptseHoldDowntimer having expired at least once since the last PTSE packet wassent.The value of this attribute is constraint by the equation:ptseHoldDown * 2 < ptseRefreshInterval * ptseLifetimeFactor.

Values Decimal (300..65535)

Units seconds

Default 1800

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni ptseLifetimeFactor

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the PTSE lifetime multiplier. The result ofmultiplying the ptseRefreshInterval by this value is used as theinitial lifetime that this node places into PTSEs.The value of this attribute is constraint by the equation:ptseHoldDown * 2 < ptseRefreshInterval * ptseLifetimeFactor.

Values Decimal (101..1000)

Units %

Default 200

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2-112 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni requestRxmtInterval

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the period between retransmissions ofunacknowledged Database Summary packets, PTSE Requestpackets and PTSPs.

Values Decimal (1..65535)

Units seconds

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni peerDelayedAckInterval

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the minimum length of time betweentransmissions of delayed PTSE acknowledgment packets.

Values Decimal (0.1..65535.0)

Units seconds

Default 0.1

GROUP ARtg Pnni ChangeThresholds (ThreshParms)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the changethresholds of anARtg Pnnicomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni avcrMt

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute multiplied by the Maximum Cell Rate specifies theminimum threshold used in the algorithms that determinesignificant change for average cell rate parameters.

Values Decimal (1..99)

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-113

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Units %

Default 3

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni avcrPm

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute multiplied by the current Available Cell Ratespecifies the threshold used in the algorithms that determinesignificant change for AvCR parameters. If the resulting thresholdis lower than the minimum threshold, the minimum threshold isused.

Increasing the value of this attribute increases the range ofinsignificance and reduces the amount of PTSP flooding due tochanges in resource availability.

Values Decimal (1..99)

Units %

Default 50


Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the proportional multiplier used in thealgorithms that determine significant change for CDV metrics.Increasing the value of this attribute increases the range ofinsignificance and reduces the amount of PTSP flooding due tochanges in resource availability.

Values Decimal (1..99)

Units %

Default 25


Access Read: AllWrite: All

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2-114 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the proportional multiplier used in thealgorithms that determine significant change for CTD metrics.Increasing the value of the attribute increases the range ofinsignificance and reduces the amount of PTSP flooding due tochanges in resource availability.

Values Decimal (1..99)

Units %

Default 50

GROUP ARtg Pnni Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the generic operational attributes of anARtgPnni component.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni topologyMemoryExhaustion (topMemExhaustion)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates whether the topology database isoverloaded.A node goes into a database overload state when it fails to storethe complete topology database due to insufficient memory in thenode. A node in this state performs resynchronizationperiodically by restarting all its Neighbor Peer Finite StateMachines. The node stays in this state until it synchronizes withall of its neighbors without any overload problems. When thisattribute is set an alarm is issued.

Values falsetrue

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni ptsesInDatabase

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the number of PTSEs stored in this node’stopology database for this level.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP ARtg Pnni Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the statistical operational attributes of anARtg Pnnicomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni successfulRoutingAttempts

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts successful PNNI routing attempts. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni failedRoutingAttempts

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts all calls routed through PNNI which failed.The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni alternateRoutingAttempts

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts successful PNNI alternate routing attempts.The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

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Default No default

GROUP ARtg Pnni SvccBasedRccParms (SvccRcc)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the default attributes of SVCC-based Rcc.GroupAtmPnniDefaultSvccBasedRccParms also exists underARtg Pnni Cfgnode that can override the values specified here.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni svccInitTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the default time this node delays initiatingestablishment of an SVCC to a neighbor after determining thatsuch an SVCC should be established.

Values Decimal (0..120)

Units seconds

Default 4

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni svccRetryTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time this node delays beforeattempting to re-establish the SVCC-base RCC. This conditionoccurs when an RCC cannot be established, either during theinitial setup, or is unexpectedly torn down.

Values Decimal (20..60)

Units seconds

Default 30

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni svccCallingIntegrityTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

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Description This attribute specifies the length of time this node waits for anSVCC to become fully established before giving up and tearing itdown. The condition occurs when the node initiates establishmentof the SVCC as the calling party.

Values Decimal (10..3600)

Units seconds

Default 35

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni svccCalledIntegrityTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time this node waits for anSVCC to become fully established before giving up and tearing itdown. This condition occurs when the node has accepted theSVCC setup as the called party.

Values Decimal (25..3615)

Units seconds

Default 50

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni svccEstablishmentIntegrityTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time this node waits for anSVCC SETUP message from a neighbor, from which a SVCCSETUP message is expected, once the node knows of theexistence of that neighbor. An alarm is raised when thesvccEstablishmentIntegrityTimer expires.

Values Decimal (15..3600)

Units seconds

Default 60

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COMPONENT ARtg Pnni RouteFinder (Rf)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Rf Criteria"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni RouteFinderThis component is used to compute a list of routes to a specifieddestination which satisfy certain traffic and routing requirements.

To display a list of computed routes:- set the route computation criteria- issue theRun command

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

VERB Run ARtg Pnni Rf

Impact Passive

Description Run ARtg Pnni RouteFinderThis verb computes a list of routes according to the specifiedrouting criteria and displays the results.

The results are in the following format:Route 1:node id = <node ID > port id = <port ID>node id = <node ID> port id = <port ID>...node id = <node ID>Route 2:node id = <node ID> port id = <port ID>...node id = <node ID>......Route n:node id = <node ID> port id = <port ID>...node id = <node ID>

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP ARtg Pnni Rf Criteria

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the attributes specifying the routing criteriafor the route computation.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf destinationAddress (destAddr)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the destination NSAP address to be usedfor the computation. If this attribute specifies an invalid addressthen no routes will be found.

Values String (1..20, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf maxRoutes

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of local andPNNI routes to be computed and displayed.

A maximum of 3 PNNI routes are displayed. Only 1 PNNIroute is displayed iflbMethod is set tonone.

Values Decimal (1..15)

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf txTrafficDescType (txTdt)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to the transmit direction as defined in the ATM Forum.ThetxTrafficDescType determines the number and meaning ofthe parameters in thetxTrafficDescParm attribute.

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Values 12345678

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf rxTrafficDescType (rxTdt)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to the receive direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. TherxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in therxTrafficDescParmattribute

WhensameAsTxis selected, therxTrafficDescTypeas well as therxTrafficDescParm are taken from the transmit values.

Values 12345678sameAsTx

Default sameAsTx

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf atmServiceCategory (service)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

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Description This attribute specifies the ATM service category for bothdirections of the connection.

If this attribute is set toderivedFromBBC, the Broadband BearerCapability (BBC) andbestEffort attributes are used to determinetheatmServiceCategory of this connection.

If this attribute is set to other thanderivedFromBBC, the value ofthis attribute is used to override the provisioned BBC IEparameters. In those cases, the BBC attributes are not used.

TheconstantBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. The consistent availability of a fixed quantity ofbandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service. Cellswhich are delayed beyond the value specified by CellTransferDelay are assumed to be of significantly reduce value to theapplication.

ThertVariableBitRateservice category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. Sources are expected to transmit at a rate whichvaries with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as“bursty”. Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified byCTD are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication. VBR real time service may support statisticalmultiplexing of real time sources.

ThenrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-realtime applications which have bursty traffic characteristics andwhich can be characterized in terms of a PCR, SCR, and MBS.For those cells which are transferred within the traffic contract,the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, itexpects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. VBR non-realtime service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

TheunspecifiedBitRateservice is intended for non-real timeapplications; that is, those not requiring tightly constrained delayand delay variation. UBR sources are expected to be bursty. UBR

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service supports a high degree of statistical multiplexing amongsources. UBR service does not specify traffic related serviceguarantees. No numerical commitments are made with respect tothe cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to thecell transfer delay experienced by cells on the connection.

Values unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtvbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtvbr)derivedFromBBC (derived)

Default unspecifiedBitRate

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf fwdQosClass (fwdQos)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for the forwarddirection for this connection.

Class1 supports a QOS that will meet Service Class Aperformance requirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit ratevideo).

Class2 supports a QOS that will meet Service Class Bperformance requirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class3 supports a QOS that will meet Service Class Cperformance requirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class4 supports a QOS that will meet Service Class Dperformance requirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

Values 012

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Default 0

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf bwdQosClass (bwdQos)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for the backwarddirection for this connection.

Class1 supports a QOS that will meet Service Class Aperformance requirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit ratevideo).

Class2 supports a QOS that will meet Service Class Bperformance requirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class3 supports a QOS that will meet Service Class Cperformance requirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class4 supports a QOS that will meet Service Class Dperformance requirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

ThesameAsFwdselection sets the backward quality of service tobe the same as the forward quality of service.

Values 01234sameAsFwd

Default sameAsFwd

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ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf bearerClassBbc (bcBbc)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the bearer capability. It is one of theBroadband Bearer Capability (BBC) attributes. The purpose ofthe BBC information element is to indicate a requestedbroadband connection-oriented bearer service to be provided bythe network.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Classa service is a connection-oriented, constant bit rate ATMtransport service. Classa service has end to end timingrequirements and may require stringent cell loss, cell delay andcell delay variation performance.Whena is set, the user isrequesting more than an ATM only service. The network maylook at the AAL to provide interworking based upon its contents.

Classc service is a connection-oriented, variable bit rate ATMtransport service. Classc service has no end-to-end timingrequirements. Whenc is set, the user is requesting more than anATM only service. The network interworking function may lookat the AAL and provide service based on it.

Classx service is a connection-oriented ATM transport servicewhere the AAL,trafficType (vbr or cbr) and timing requirementsare user defined (that is, transparent to the network).Whenx is setthe user is requesting an ATM only service from the network. Inthis case, the network shall not process any higher layer protocol.

Values acxderivedFromServiceCategory

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Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf transferCapabilityBbc (tcBbc)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the transfer capability for this connection.Uni 3.0/3.1 traffic type and end-to-end timing parameters aremapped into this parameter as follows:<transferCapability : TrafficType, Timing>0 : NoIndication, NoIndication1 : NoIndication, yes2 : NoIndication, no5 : CBR, yes8 : VBR, NoIndication9 : VBR, yes10: VBR, no

NotApplicablespecifies that the user does not want to specify thetransfer capability.

The CBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such as aconstant bit rate video service or a circuit emulation.

The VBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such aspacketized audio and video, or data.

The value NoIndication for traffic type is used if the user has notset the traffic type; this is also the case for end-to-end timing.

The value yes for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is required.

The value no for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is not required.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set to

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derivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Values 01258910notApplicablederivedFromServiceCategory

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf clippingBbc (cBbc)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the value for the clipping susceptibilityparameter in the BBC IE. This attribute is only used for SPVCconnections. It is one of the Broadband Bearer Capabilityattributes.

Clipping is an impairment in which the first fraction of a secondof information to be transferred is lost. It occurs after a call isanswered and before an associated connection is switchedthrough.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf bestEffort

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the value of the best effort parameter inthe ATM Traffic Descriptor IE. It is one of the Broadband BearerCapability attributes.

The valueindicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is not guaranteed.

The valuenotIndicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is guaranteed.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Values indicatednotIndicatedderivedFromServiceCategory (derived)

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf optimizationMetric (optMetric)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the optimization metric to be used in theroute computation; one of cell delay variation (cdv), maximumcell transfer delay (maxCtd), or administrative weight (aw).

Values cdvmaxCtdaw

Default aw

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf routingLevelScope

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the highest PNNI level used for the routecomputation. Routes are not computed beyond this level.

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Values Decimal (0..104)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf lbMinVariance (minVar)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the minimum variance value to be used fortheRouteFinder’s optimization metric and service category.

A larger variance allows more usable paths to be considered forload balancing.

A minimum variance of zero means that only only thelbSlopeVariance attribute is used in determining the acceptablevariance.

The maximum range boundaries for each of the optimizationmetrics are:- cdv: 2147483647 (for cbr and rtVbr only).- maxCtd: 2147483647 (for cbr and rtVbr only).- aw: 4294967295.

The acceptable variance is calculated based on the followingformula:acceptableVariance = lbMinVariance +optM * lbSlopeVariance/100whereoptM represents the optimization metric value of the bestpath.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf lbSlopeVariance (slopeVar)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the slope of the acceptable variance for theRouteFinder’s optimization metric and service category.

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A lbSlopeVariance of zero means that the acceptable variance isgiven only by thelbMinVariance attribute. If bothlbMinVarianceandlbSlopeVariance attributes are zero, means that only the bestpaths of equal value to theoptimizationMetric will be consideredfor load balancing.The acceptable variance is calculated based on the followingformula:acceptableVariance = lbMinVariance + optM * lbSlopeVariance/100whereoptM represents the optimization metric value of the bestpath.

Values Decimal (0..1900)

Units %

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf lbMethod (method)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the load balancing method for the selectedservice category of the call.

maxAvCr. PNNI routing chooses the path that has the maximumavailable cell rate as the routing path.

random. The routing path is chosen randomly from all theacceptable paths.

avCrProb. The routing path is chosen with a probability inproportion to its available cell rate. This method will result in themore frequent selection of a route having a higher available cellrate over that with a lower available cell rate.

optMetricProb. The routing path is chosen with a probabilityinversely proportional to the optimization metric. This methodwill result in the more frequent selection of a route having thelowest value of the optimization metric over that with a higheroptimization metric.

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avCrOptMetricProb. The routing path is chosen with aprobability that is based on both the proportional value of theavailable cell rate and the inverse proportional value of theoptimization metric.

none. The routing path is chosen such that only the best path(s)will be displayed. No load balancing is applied.

Values maxAvCrrandomavCrProboptMetricProbavCrOptMetricProbnone

Default random

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf useRouteCaching (useRc)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether to look in the route cache beforedoing an on-demand route computation.

SettinguseRouteCaching to no causesRouteFinder to use on-demand route computation and displays the resulting list ofcomputed routes. Acceptable paths found in this computation arenot stored in theCache.

SettinguseRouteCachingto yes, and using the same values as theprovisionedLoadBalancing variance attributes, causesRouteFinder to search the cache for an acceptable route beforeperforming an on-demand route computation. The acceptablepaths are displayed and the newly computed routes are stored inthe cache.

SettinguseRouteCaching to yes and applying load balancing onthis iteration of theRouteFinder, uses the regularLoadBalancingminVariance andslopeVariance values since all routes stored inthe cache are within these provisioned multi_path varianceparameters.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Setting theRouteFinder attributes to a different value from theirLoadBalancing counterparts is the same as settinguseRouteCaching to no.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf rxTrafficDescParm (rxTdp)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute is a vector of four traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by therxTrafficDescType attribute. Thevalues of peak cell rate (PCR) and sustained cell rate (SCR) areexpressed incell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS) is expressed in cells. Thevalue of CDVT is expressed in microseconds. The values of PCR,SCR, MBS and CDVT are used for usage parameter control(UPC).

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, all of the parameters must beset to zero (unused).

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic. Parameter 1 must be non-zero. Parameters 2 and3 must be set to zero (unused).

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR for CLP equal to0 traffic with cell discard. Parameters 1 and 2 must be non-zero.Parameter 3 must be set to zero (unused). Parameter 1 must begreater than or equal to parameter 2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR for CLP equal to0 traffic with cell tagging. Parameters 1 and 2 must be non-zero.Parameter 3 must be set to zero (unused). Parameter 1 must begreater than or equal to parameter 2.

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WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis a6, parameter 1 represents the PCRfor CLP0+1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for CLP0+1traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS for CLP0+1 traffic.Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must begreater than or equal to Parameter 2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for CLP equal to0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero.Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for CLP equal to0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameter 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero.Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.

WhenrxTrafficDescType is any value from3 through8,parameter 4 represents the CDVT. If this value is zero, the CDVTis taken from theConnectionAdministrator defaults for theparticularatmServiceCategory of this connection.

WhenrxTrafficDescriptorType is 3 through8, there are certainextreme combinations ofrxTrafficDescParm which are outsidethe capabilities of the UPC hardware.

To calculate the limits, use the following formulae:I1 = 1 000 000 000 / PCRL1 = CDVT * 1000I2 = 1 000 000 000 / SCRL2 = CDVT + (MBS - 1) * (I2 - I1)I1 and I2 must be less than or equal to 335 523 840. I1 + L1 mustbe less than or equal to 1 342 156 800. I2 + L2 must be less thanor equal to 1 342 156 800. Note that I2 and L2 only apply whentherxTrafficDescriptorType is 6 through8.

If the values of I1, L1, I2 or L2 are closer to the limits describedabove, a further restriction applies. Specifically, if either:I1 > 41 940 480 or

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I2 > 41 940 480 orI1 + L1 > 167 769 600 orI2 + L2 > 167 769 600then both I1 and I2 must be greater than 20 480.

Parameter 5 of therxTrafficDescParm is always unused.

If the rxTrafficDescType is sameAsTx, the values in this attributewill be taken from thetxTrafficDescParm.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default ([5] 0)

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf txTrafficDescParm (txTdp)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute is a vector of five traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by thetxTrafficDescType attribute. Thevalues of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR) andrequested shaping rate are expressed in cell/s. Maximum burstsize (MBS) is expressed in cells. CDVT is expressed inmicroseconds. The values of PCR, SCR, MBS and CDVT areused for connection admission control (CAC). The value ofCDVT is only used for connections where theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate. For all other values ofatmServiceCategory, CDVT is ignored. The values of PCR, SCRand requested shaping rate are used to determine the actualshaping rate where traffic shaping is enabled.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, all of the parameters must beset to zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; and parameter5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value inparameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. This result isused as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be non-zero. Parameters 2 and3 must be zero.

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WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic with cell discard; parameter 2 represents the PCRfor CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zerovalue in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be greater than orequal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 must be non-zero.Parameter 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 2 represents the PCRfor CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zerovalue in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be greater than orequal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 must be non-zero.Parameter 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for CLP0+1traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS for CLP0+1 traffic;parameter 4 represents the CDVT; and parameter 5 represents therequested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overridesany value in parameter 1. This result is used as the PCR.Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must begreater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameter 5 must either bezero (unused) or greater than or equal to parameter 2.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP0+1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for CLP equal to0 with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the MBS for CLPequal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zerovalue in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equalto parameter 2.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR for

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CLP0+1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for CLP equal to0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zerovalue in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equalto parameter 2.

Whenever it is valid for PCR to be specified, parameter 5 mayalso be used to specify a requested shaping rate. A non-zero valuein parameter 5 overrides the value in parameter 1 and is used asthe peak cell rate in calculations of CAC and shaping rate.

For txTrafficDescType3, 4 and5, the transmit traffic will beshaped at the next rate less than the PCR.

For txTrafficDescType6, 7 and8, the transmit traffic will beshaped at the highest available rate which is between PCR andSCR. However, if there is no available shaping rate between PCRand SCR, traffic will be shaped at the next rate above the PCR.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default ([5] 0)

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf fwdQosParameters (fqp)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that specify the qualityof service parameters for the forward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC connections.

Thecdvelement specifies the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR, and rt-VBR). Itis signalled through the extended QoS information element.

Thectdspecifies the acceptable maximum Cell Transfer Delay(maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR, and rt-VBR).

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It is signalled through the end to end transit delay informationelement.

Theclr specifies the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) of CBR,rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections. It is signalled through theextended QoS information element.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default (cdv: 16777215, ctd: 255, clr: 16777215)

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Rf bwdQosParameters (bqp)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that specify the qualityof service parameters for the backward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC connections.

Thecdvelement specifies the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR, and rt-VBR).

It is signalled through the extended QoS information element.

Thectd specifies the acceptable maximum Cell Transfer Delay(maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR, and rt-VBR). It issignalled through the end to end transit delay informationelement.

Theclr specifies the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) of CBR,rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections. It is signalled through theextended QoS information element.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default (cdv: 16777215, ctd: 255, clr: 16777215)

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni ConfiguredNode (CfgNode)

Instance Decimal (0..104)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Operational (Oper)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode HelloParms (HlParms)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode PTSETimerParms (PtseParms)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode SvccBasedRccParms (SvccRcc)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode ChangeThresholds (ThreshParms)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni ConfiguredNode/<level>This component specifies the participation of this node at thelevel in the PNNI hierarchy indicated by thelevel.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode SummaryAddress (SAddr)""COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode PeerGroupLeader (Pgl)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode Neighbor (Nbr)""COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode DefSummaryAddress(DefSAddr)""COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode UpLink""COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode RoutingControlChannel(Rcc)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of aConfiguredNodecomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode nodeId

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Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute allows explicit specification of a node ID for thisconfigured node. If a value is assigned in this attribute, itoverrides any system computed node ID for this configured node.If this attribute is empty, then the node ID is computed by thesystem inopNodeId.

Values String (0..22, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode peerGroupId (pgId)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute allows explicit specification of the peer group ID ofthe Logical Group Node (LGN). The peer group ID is specifiedby 14 octets where the first octet specifies the level of the nodeand the remaining 13 octets form the identifier information.The value in the identifier information field must be encoded withthe 104-n right-most bits set to zero, where n is the level.If this value is set to null, then the peer group ID is computed bythe system and displayed under attributeopPeerGroupId.

Values String (0..14, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode restrictTransit

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether theconfigurednode shouldrestrict tandeming of SVCs.

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If this attribute is set totrue, then other nodes in the PNNIhierarchy avoids traversing this node during route computation.

Values falsetrue

Default false

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode horizontalLinkInactivityTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time a node continues toadvertise a horizontal (logical) link for which it has not receivedand processed an LGN Horizontal Link Information Group.If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual valueis taken fromARtg Pnni horizontalLinkInactivityTime.

Values Decimal (30..3600)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the generic operational attributes of aConfiguredNode component.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode nodeAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the address of the node at this level.

At the lowest level, thenodeAddress is determined by the valueof thenodeAddressPrefix attribute (19 octets) for theARtg Pnnicomponent followed by the level of thisCfgNode (1 octet).

For LGNs, thenodeAddress is the same as thenodeAddress of

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the node at the lowest level, with the selector field set to the levelof the peer group containing the LGN.

Values String (20, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode opNodeId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates the node id of the node at this level. Thedefault node id is computed as follows.

If this is the lowest level node, then the default node id iscomputed as the level (one octet), followed by the integer value160 (one octet), followed by the node address (20 octets).

If this is not the lowest level node, then the default node id iscomputed as the level (one octet), followed by the 14 octet peergroup id of the child peer group which the LGN represents,followed by the ESI specified in the node address (6 octets),followed by the integer value 0 (one octet).

Values String (22, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode opPeerGroupId (pgIdOp)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates the peer group id of the node at this level.The value is determined by the provisionedpeerGroupIdattribute. If thepeerGroupIdis a null string then the peer group idis computed as follows:

The peer group id for a lowest level node is computed to be thenode’s level (one octet), followed by the first <level> bits of the

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nodeAddress, followed by zero or more padding 0 bits.

The peer group id for an LGN is computed to be the LGN’s level(one octet), followed by the first <level> bits of the id of the peergroup which this LGN represents, followed by zero or morepadding 0 bits.

Values String (14, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode numNeighbors

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of PNNI nodes which areneighbors of this node at this level.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode pglElectionState

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current state of the peer group leaderelection process. Possible values for this attribute are:

starting: the initial state of the state machine.

awaiting: the node has started the Hello Finite State Machine onat least one link, and no peer has been found yet.

awaitingFull: no database synchronization process has beencompleted yet but at least one neighboring peer has been found.

initialDelay: Database synchronization has been completed withat least one neighboring peer. The node must waitpglInitTimeseconds before it can select and advertise its preferred PeerGroup Leader (PGL).

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calculating: the node is in the process of calculating what its newchoice for preferred PGL.

operNotPgl: a non PGL node is in the process of determiningwhich node has the highest priority to be PGL by examiningPTSEs sent by other nodes.

operPgl: a PGL node is in the process of determining whetheranother node has a higher priority than itself by examiningPTSEs sent by other nodes.

awaitUnanimity:the node has chosen itself as PGL. If the nodehas been elected unanimously, it generates a Unanimity event. Itwaits for unanimity or expiration of the overrideDelay timerbefore declaring itself peer group leader.

hungElection: the node has chosen itself as PGL with less than2/3 of the other nodes advertising it as their preferred PGL. Inthis case either this node should change its choice of preferredPGL, or the other nodes are going to accept it as PGL.

awaitReElection: the node has lost connectivity to the currentPGL. The connectivity must be reestablished before thereElectionInterval timer fires, otherwise the election is doneagain.

Values startingawaitingawaitingFullinitialDelaycalculatingoperNotPgloperPglawaitUnanimityhungElectionawaitReElection

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode lgnState

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Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attributes indicates whether the node has become operationalat that level of the hierarchy. ForCfgNode instances above thelowest level, a value ofActive indicates that the node has beenelected PGL at the next lower level and has instantiated an LGNat this level to represent this peer group. A value ofInactiveindicates that this node has not been elected PGL at the lowerlevel.At the lowest level, the value is set tonotApplicable.

Values inactiveactivenotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode preferredPglNodeId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the Node ID of the node which this nodebelieves should be the peer group leader. This is also the valuethe node is currently advertising in the ‘Preferred Peer GroupLeader Node Id’ field of its nodal information group within thegiven peer group. If this attribute is empty, it indicates thepreferred PGL node id is unknown.

Values String (0..22, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode preferredPglLeadershipPriority

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the leadership priority of the node thatthis node believes should be the peer group leader at this point intime.

Values Decimal (0..255)

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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode opLeadershipPriority

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the leadership priority advertised by thisnode.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode HelloParms (HlParms)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the default provisionable Hello protocolparameters.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode helloHoldDown (hhd)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the rate at which this node sends out Hellopackets. It specifies the default minimum length of time betweensuccessive Hellos used by routing control channels on this nodeat this level. This value cannot be greater thanhelloInterval. Ifthe value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual value istaken fromARtg Pnni helloHoldDown.

Values Decimal (0.1..65535.0)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode helloInterval (hli)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

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Description This attribute specifies the default duration of the Hello Timer forrouting control channels on this node. EveryhelloIntervalseconds, this node sends out a Hello packet to the neighbor node,subject to thehelloHoldDown timer having expired at least oncesince the last Hello packet was sent. This value cannot be lessthanhelloHoldDown. If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni,then the actual value is taken fromARtg Pnni helloInterval.

Values Decimal (1..65535)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode helloInactivityFactor (hif)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the number of Hello intervals allowed topass without receiving a Hello from a neighbor, before an attemptis made to re-stage the RCC to that neighbor. The hello inactivitytimer is enabled when thehelloState is one ofoneWayInside,twoWayInside, oneWayOutside, twoWayOutside orcommonOutside. If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni,then the actual value is taken fromARtg PnnihelloInactivityFactor.

Values Decimal (1..65535)sameAsPnni

Default sameAsPnni

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode PTSETimerParms (PtseParms)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the PTSEtimer values of aCfgNodecomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode ptseHoldDown

Access Read: AllWrite: All

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Description This attribute is used to limit the rate at which this node sends outPTSE packets. It specifies the minimum length of time that thisnode must wait between sending successive PTSE packets.The value of this attribute is constraint by the equation:ptseHoldDown * 2 < ptseRefreshInterval * ptseLifetimeFactor.If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual valueis taken fromARtg Pnni ptseHoldDown.

Values Decimal (0.1..65535.0)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode ptseRefreshInterval

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the duration of the PTSE Timer. EveryptseRefreshIntervalseconds, this node sends out a self-originatedPTSE packet to the neighbor node, subject to the ptseHoldDowntimer having expired at least once since the last PTSE packet wassent.The value of this attribute is constraint by the equation:ptseHoldDown * 2 < ptseRefreshInterval * ptseLifetimeFactor.If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual valueis taken fromARtg Pnni ptseRefreshInterval.

Values Decimal (300..65535)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode ptseLifetimeFactor

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the PTSE lifetime multiplier. The result ofmultiplying the ptseRefreshInterval by this value is used as theinitial lifetime that this node places into PTSEs.

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The value of this attribute is constraint by the equation:ptseHoldDown * 2 < ptseRefreshInterval * ptseLifetimeFactor.If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual valueis taken fromARtg Pnni ptseLifetimeFactor.

Values Decimal (101..1000)sameAsPnni

Units %

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode requestRxmtInterval

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the period between retransmissions ofunacknowledged Database Summary packets, PTSE Requestpackets and PTSPs. If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni,then the actual value is taken fromARtg PnnirequestRxmtInterval.

Values Decimal (1..65535)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode peerDelayedAckInterval

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the minimum length of time betweentransmissions of delayed PTSE acknowledgment packets. If thevalue of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual value istaken fromARtg Pnni peerDelayedAckInterval.

Values Decimal (0.1..65535.0)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

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GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode SvccBasedRccParms (SvccRcc)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the attributes of SVCC-based Rcc for thiscfgnode. A similar group exists underARtg Pnni.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode svccInitTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time this node delaysinitiating establishment of an SVCC to a neighbor afterdetermining that such an SVCC should be established.If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual valueis taken fromARtg Pnni svccInitTime.

Values Decimal (0..120)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode svccRetryTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time this node delays beforeattempting to re-establish the SVCC-base RCC. This conditionoccurs when an RCC cannot be established, either during theinitial setup, or is unexpectedly torn down. If the value of thisattribute issameAsPnni, then the actual value is taken fromARtgPnni svccRetryTime.

Values Decimal (20..60)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode svccCallingIntegrityTime

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time this node waits for anSVCC to become fully established before giving up and tearing itdown. The condition occurs when the node initiates establishmentof the SVCC as the calling party. If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual value is taken fromARtg PnnisvccCallingIntegrityTime.

Values Decimal (10..3600)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode svccCalledIntegrityTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time this node waits for anSVCC to become fully established before giving up and tearing itdown. This condition occurs when the node has decided to acceptthe SVCC setup as the called party. If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual value is taken fromARtg PnnisvccCalledIntegrityTime.

Values Decimal (25..3615)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode svccEstablishmentIntegrityTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time this node waits for anSVCC SETUP message from its neighbor once the node knowsthe existence of the neighbor. An alarm is raised when the timerexpires. If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the

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actual value is taken fromARtg PnnisvccEstablishmentIntegrityTime.

Values Decimal (15..3600)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode ChangeThresholds (ThreshParms)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the changethresholds of aARtg Pnnicomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode avcrMt

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute multiplied by the Maximum Cell Rate specifies theminimum threshold used in the algorithms that determinesignificant change for average cell rate parameters. If the value ofthis attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual value is taken fromARtg Pnni avcrMt.

Values Decimal (1..99)sameAsPnni

Units %

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode avcrPm

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute multiplied by the current Available Cell Ratespecifies the threshold used in the algorithms that determinesignificant change for AvCR parameters. If the resulting thresholdis lower than the minimum threshold, the minimum threshold isused.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Increasing the value of the attribute increases the range ofinsignificance and reduces the amount of PTSP flooding due tochanges in resource availability. If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual value is taken fromARtg PnniavcrPm.

Values Decimal (1..99)sameAsPnni

Units %

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode cdvPm

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the proportional multiplier used in thealgorithms that determine significant change for CDV metrics.Increasing the value of the attribute increases the range ofinsignificance and reduces the amount of PTSP flooding due tochanges in resource availability. If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual value is taken fromARtg PnnicdvPm.

Values Decimal (1..99)sameAsPnni

Units %

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode ctdPm

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the proportional multiplier used in thealgorithms that determine significant change for CTD metrics.Increasing the value of the attribute increases the range ofinsignificance and reduces the amount of PTSP flooding due tochanges in resource availability. If the value of this attribute issameAsPnni, then the actual value is taken fromARtg PnnictdPm.

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Values Decimal (1..99)sameAsPnni

Units %

Default sameAsPnni

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode SummaryAddress (SAddr)

Instance address [String (19, Hex)]prefixLength [Decimal (1..152)]reachability [internal exterior]

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode SAddr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode SAddr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni CfgNode/<level> SummaryAddress/<address>,<prefixLength>, <reachability>A summary address is an abbreviation of a set of addresses,represented by an address prefix that all of the summarizedaddresses have in common.A suppressed summary address is used to suppress theadvertisement of addresses which match this prefix, regardless ofscope.

TheprefixLength specifies the number of bits of thereachabilityspecifies whether the address is to summarize internal or exterioraddresses.

An internal address is an address of a destination that is directlyattached to the logical node. Anexterior address is an address ofa destination that is located outside of the PNNI routing domainbut can be reached through a port attached to the logical node.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode SAddr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of aSummaryAddresscomponent.

A summary address is an abbreviation of a set of addresses,represented by an address prefix that all of the summarizedaddresses have in common.A suppressed summary address is used to suppress theadvertisement of addresses which match this prefix, regardless ofscope.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode SAddr suppress

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether or not the address should besuppressed. If this attribute is set totrue, then all addressesmatching that prefix will not be advertised above this level.

Values falsetrue

Default false

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode SAddr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of aSummaryAddresscomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode SAddr state

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the state of the address: one ofadvertising, suppressing or inactive.inactive: the summary address has been configured but is notsuppressing or summarizing any ATM addresses.suppressing: the summary address has suppressed at least one

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ATM address on the node.advertising: the summary address is summarizing at least oneATM address on the node.

Values advertisingsuppressinginactive

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode SAddr scope

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the scope of the summary address. Thescope corresponds to the scope of the underlying summarizedaddress with the highest advertised scope. A value of -1 meansthe scope is unknown.

Values Signed (-1..104)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode Neighbor (Nbr)

Instance String (22, Hex)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr Operational (Oper)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni CfgNode/n Neighbor/<node id>This component represents a neighbor node at this level.

If this cfgnode is not an LGN and theNeighbor node is not anLGN (in other words, both thecfgnode and itsNeighbor arephysical nodes), therccList attribute indicates the componentnames of all Routing Control Channels (RCC) to thatneighboring node. Under this condition, there is noRCCsubcomponent under thisNeighbor.

If this cfgnode and/or theNeighbor node is a Logical GroupNode (LGN) at this level, theRccsubcomponent indicates the

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SVCC-based RCC to theNeighbor. TherccList attribute, in thiscase, points to theRcc subcomponent.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr HorizontalLink(HLnk)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of aNeighborcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr peerState

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the state of the routing database exchangewith the peer node.

npDown: There are no active links (that is, in thetwoWayInsideHello state) to the neighboring peer.

negotiating: The first step in creating an adjacency between thetwo neighboring peers; this step determines which node is themaster, and what the initial DS sequence number will be.

exchanging: The node describes its topology database by sendingDatabase Summary packets to the neighboring peer.

loading: A full sequence of Database Summary packets has beenexchanged with the neighboring peer. The required PTSEs arerequested and at least one has not yet been received.

full : All PTSEs known to be available have been received fromthe neighboring peer. At this point the all ports leading to theneighbor node are flooded in PTSEs within the peer group.

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Values npDownnegotiatingexchangingloadingfull

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr rccList

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description If thiscfgnode and theNeighbor are not LGN at this level, thevalue is the component names of all Routing Control Channels tothe neighbor PNNI node. Otherwise (thiscfgnode and/or theNeighbor is/are logical group nodes), this attribute indicates thecomponent name of theRcc subcomponent of thisNeighbor.

List of The name of the component

Default No default

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the statistical operational attributes of aNeighborcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr ptspRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the PNNI Topology State Packets receivedfrom the neighbor node. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceedsthe maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr ptspTx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-157

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the PTSPs sent to the neighbor node.Thecounter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr ptseRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the PTSEs received from the neighbor node.The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr ptseTx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the PTSEs sent to the neighbor node. Thecounter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr ptseReqRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the PTSE requests received from theneighbor node. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds themaximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr ptseReqTx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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2-158 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the PTSE requests sent to the neighbor node.The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr ptseAcksRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the PTSE acknowledgments received fromthe neighbor node. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds themaximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr ptseAcksTx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the PTSE acknowledgments sent to theneighbor node. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds themaximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr dbSummariesRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the database summary packets (includingbad summary packets) received from theNeighbor. The counterwraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr dbSummariesTx

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-159

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the database summary packets transmitted tothe neighbor. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds themaximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr badPtspRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the invalid PTSP packets received from theneighbor node. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds themaximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr badPtseRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the invalid PTSE packets received from theneighbor node. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds themaximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr badPtseReqRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the invalid PTSE requests received from theneighbor node. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds themaximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

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2-160 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr badPtseAckRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the invalid PTSE acknowledgments receivedfrom the neighbor node. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceedsthe maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr badDbSummariesRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the bad and invalid database summarypackets received from the neighbor. The counter wraps to 0 whenit exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr HorizontalLink (HLnk)

Instance Decimal (0..4294967295)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr HLnk Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni CfgNode/n Nbr/<node id> Rcc HorizontalLink/<port Id>

TheHorizontalLink component indicates a logical connectionbetween theCfgNode and itsNbr. Links are aggregated togetherto form one Horizontal Link if they have the same aggregationtoken.

This component indicates the operational attributes for the

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-161

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

HorizontalLink component. The index is the unique port Idassociated with the link.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr HLnkInducingUpLink"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr HLnk Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for aHLnkcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr HLnk aggregationToken

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the derived aggregation token used forthis horizontal link. The aggregation tokens at both ends are useto form theAggregationTokenfor the link. The aggregation tokencontrols how links are aggregated together. Except for the lowestlevel nodes, links between two logical nodes are aggregatedtogether if they have the same aggregation token. Linkaggregation is not done at the lowest level node, except in thedegenerate node situation, where the lowest level node is aneighbor to an LGN.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr HLnk state

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the state of the horizontal link Helloprotocol exchange over this link. The following are the possiblevalues for this attribute:

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2-162 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

down: No uplink PTSEs have been received including an uplinkto the neighboring peer LGN with the same aggregation tokenvalue as that indicated in the LGN horizontal link Hello datastructure.

attempt: At least one uplink PTSE has been received including anuplink to the neighboring peer LGN with the same aggregationtoken value as that indicated in the LGN horizontal link Hellodata structure.

oneWay: Hello packets have been recently received from theneighbor. The LGN Horizontal Link Extension IG contains anentry for this horizontal link with the remote port ID set to zero.

twoWay: Hello packets have been recently received from theneighbor. The LGN Horizontal Link Extension IG contains anentry for this horizontal link with the correct remote port ID.When this state is reached, the port IDs at both ends of thehorizontal link are determined. The horizontal link must be in thisstate before the LGN will advertise it.

Values notApplicabledownattemptoneWaytwoWay

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr HLnk remotePortId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the logical group node’s port id at the farend of this horizontal link. If thestateattribute isdownorattempt,the value of this attribute is 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-163

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode Nbr HLnk InducingUpLink

Instance nodeId [String (22, Hex)]portId [Decimal (0..4294967295)]

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni CfgNode/n Nbr/<node id> Rcc HLnk/<port id>InducingUpLink/<node Id>, <port Id>

ARtg Pnni CfgNode/n Nbr/<node id> ULnk/<port id>InducingUpLink/<node Id>, <port Id>

This component represents the underlying link that induces thisuplink or horizontal link. The index is the (node Id, port Id) tuplethat uniquely identifies the port. Thenode Id is the Id of one ofthecfgnodes, and theport Id is the Id that represents anUplinkfrom thatcfgnode.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode DefSummaryAddress (DefSAddr)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode DefSAddr DefaultAddress(DefAddr)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode DefSAddr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni CfgNode/<level> DefSAddrA default summary address is an internal summary addresscomputed for every logical group node as follows:If this is not the lowest configured node, then the defaultsummaryaddress is identical to the peer group id that this logical grouprepresents.If this is the lowest configured node but not at level 104, then thedefault summary address is the 13-octet prefix of the node’s

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2-164 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

address.A node at level 104 has no default summary address.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode DefSAddr DefaultAddress (DefAddr)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of aDefSummaryAddress component.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode DefSAddr address

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the default summary address of the nodeat this level.

Values String (13, Hex)

Default No default

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode DefSAddr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of aSummaryAddresscomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode DefSAddr state

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the state of the address: one ofadvertising, suppressing or inactive.inactive: the summary address has been configured but is notsuppressing or summarizing any ATM addresses.suppressing: the summary address has suppressed at least oneATM address on the node.

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-165

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

advertising: the summary address is summarizing at least oneATM address on the node.

Values advertisingsuppressinginactive

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode DefSAddr scope

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the scope of the summary address. Thescope corresponds to the scope of the underlying summarizedaddress with the highest advertised scope. A value of -1 meansthe scope is unknown.

Values Signed (-1..104)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode UpLink

Instance Decimal (0..4294967295)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode UpLink Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni CfgNode/<n> UpLink/<n>This component describes a logical uplink associated with thenode. The index of this component is the port id of the uplink.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode UpLink InducingUpLink"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode UpLink Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of a logical uplink.

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2-166 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode UpLink aggregationToken

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the derived aggregation token value forthis link. The aggregation token value can be traced back to theaggregation token given to the physical ATM interface inAtmIfPnni Rcc or AtmIf Vpt Pnni Rcc.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode UpLink upnodeId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the the node ID of the upnode at the farend of the uplink.

Values String (22, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode UpLink upnodeAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the node address of the upnode at the farend of the uplink.

Values String (20, Hex)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode UpLink InducingUpLink

Instance nodeId [String (22, Hex)]portId [Decimal (0..4294967295)]

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni CfgNode/n Nbr/<node id> Rcc HLnk/<port id>InducingUpLink/<node Id>, <port Id>

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-167

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ARtg Pnni CfgNode/n Nbr/<node id> ULnk/<port id>InducingUpLink/<node Id>, <port Id>

This component represents the underlying link that induces thisuplink or horizontal link. The index is the (node Id, port Id) tuplethat uniquely identifies the port. Thenode Id is the Id of one ofthecfgnodes, and theport Id is the Id that represents anUplinkfrom thatcfgnode.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode PeerGroupLeader (Pgl)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Pgl Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni CfgNode/<level> PeerGroupLeaderThis component represents the participation of this node as acandidate for Peer Group Leader in the Peer Group Election.If this component is not provisioned, thecfgNode cannot beelected as a Peer Group Leader.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Pgl Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisional attributes of a candidate forPeer Group Leader.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Pgl leadershipPriority (lPrio)

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2-168 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the leadership priority to be advertised bythis node during the election process. Currently, this attributemust be changed manually after provisioning thePGLcomponent.Note: If a node is the Peer Group Leader and itsleadershipPriority is modified such that another node has ahigherleadershipPriority, then a re-election is held immediatelyon activation.

Values Decimal (1..205)

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Pgl initTime

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies how long this node delays advertising itschoice of preferred peer group leader after having initializedoperation and reached the full peer state with at least oneneighbor in the peer group. If the value issameAsPnni, then thisvalue is taken fromARtg Pnni initTime.

Values Signed (0..65534)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Pgl overrideDelay

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies how long a node waits for itself to bedeclared the preferred peer group leader by unanimous agreementamong its peers. If the value issameAsPnni, then this value istaken fromARtg Pnni overrideDelay.

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-169

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Decimal (1..65534)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Pgl reElectionInterval

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies how long this node waits after losingconnectivity to the current peer group leader before re-starting theprocess of electing a new peer group leader. If the value issameAsPnni, then this value is taken fromARtg PnnireElectionInterval.

Values Decimal (1..65534)sameAsPnni

Units seconds

Default sameAsPnni

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode RoutingControlChannel (Rcc)

Instance String (20, Hex)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc OsiState (State)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc Operational (Oper)""GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni CfgNode/n Nbr/<node id> RoutingControlChannelThis component represents the operational attributes for theRoutingControlChannel component to a neighboring node.

If this cfgnode is not an LGN and theNeighbor node is not anLGN (in other words, both thecfgnode and itsNeighbor arephysical nodes), this component is not created.

If this cfgnode and/or theNeighbor node is a Logical Group

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2-170 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Node (LGN) at this level, theRccsubcomponent indicates theSVCC-based RCC to theNeighbor.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc AtmConnection(AtmCon)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-171

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

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2-172 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for anRoutingControlChannelcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc negotiatedVersion

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the PNNI version negotiated with theneighbor node.

Values unsupportedversion1point0

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc neighbor

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the neighbor node id associated with theSvccRcc.

Values String (22, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc helloState

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the state of the Hello protocol exchangeover thisSvcc Rcclink. The following are the possible values forthis attribute:

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-173

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

down: The link is down; no PNNI routing packets will be sent orreceived over such a link. This is the initial state of the HelloFinite State Machine. It can also be reached when lower-levelprotocols have indicated that the link is not usable.

attempt: No Hello packets, or Hello packets with mismatchedinformation, have been received recently from the neighbor.Attempts are made to contact the neighbor node by sending outHello packets everyhelloInterval seconds.

oneWayInside: Hello packets have been recently received fromthe neighbor and it has been established that both nodes aremembers of the same peer group, but the remote node ID andremote port ID in the neighbor’s Hello packets were set to zero.A Hello packet is sent to the neighbor and the Hello timer isrestarted.

twoWayInside: Bidirectional communication over this linkbetween this node and the neighbor node has been achieved.

Values notApplicabledownattemptoneWayInsidetwoWayInside

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc remoteAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the neighboring peer LGN’s address.

Values String (20, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc retryCount

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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2-174 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the attempts to set up this Routing ControlChannel since the last successful attempt.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc lastFailureCauseCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the cause code in the last transmittedsignalling message for this Routing Control Channel thatcontained the CAUSE information element. The cause code isused to describe the reason for generating certain signallingmessages.A value of 0 means that no failure has occurred since the lastsuccessful attempt.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc lastFailureDiagCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last transmittedsignalling message for this Routing Control Channel. Thediagnostic code is contained in the CAUSE information elementand identifies an information element type or timer type. Thediagnostic code is present only if a procedural error is detected bythe signalling protocol. A diagnostic code is always accompaniedby the cause code. If there is no failure, this attribute is empty.

Values String (0..28, ASCII)

Default No default

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-175

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This group contains the statistical attributes for anRcccomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc helloPacketsRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Hello packets received across thisSVCC-based RCC, including bad and mismatched Hello packets.The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc helloPacketsTx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Hello packets transmitted across thisSVCC-based RCC. The counter wraps to zero when it exceedsthe maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc mismatchedHelloPacketsRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the mismatched Hello packets received overthis SVCC-based RCC. The counter wraps to zero when itexceeds the maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc badHelloPacketsRx

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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2-176 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the bad Hello packets received over thisSVCC-based RCC. The counter wraps to zero when it exceedsthe maximum value.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc AtmConnection (AtmCon)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc AtmCon Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description An AtmConnection component is created for each ATMconnection established by an application. It shows where the datatraffic for this connection is directed.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc AtmCon Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theNapAtmConnection component.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni CfgNode Rcc AtmCon nextHop

Access Read only

Description This attribute shows the component name of theAtmIf Vcc EporAtmCon component to which this switched connection isestablished.

Values The name of the component

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Topology (Top)

Instance Decimal (0..104)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Operational (Oper)"

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-177

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni Topology/<level>

TheTopology component provides access to information in thisnode’s PNNI topology database for the level in the PNNIhierarchy specified by the instance value.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of aTopologycomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top pglNodeId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the node ID of the Peer Group Leader(PGL) for this level. If this attribute is empty, it indicates that thePGL node ID is unknown.

Values String (0..22, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top activeParentNodeId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the node identifier of the LGNrepresenting this peer group in the next higher level.

Values String (0..22, Hex)

Default No default

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2-178 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top activeParentNodeAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the node address of the LGN representingthis peer group in the next higher level.

Values String (19, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top peerGroupId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the peer group identifier of the LGNrepresenting this peer group in the next higher level.

Values String (0..14, Hex)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node

Instance String (22, Hex)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni Top/<level> Node/<node ID>This component represents the nodal information stored in thisnode’s topology database at this level.

The reachable ATM end system addresses (both internal andexterior reachable addresses) advertised by the node can be listedthrough theAddr subcomponent instances.

All advertised horizontal links associated with the node can belisted through theHLnksubcomponent instances, which areindexed by their port ID.

All advertised uplinks associated with the node can be listed

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-179

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

through theULnk subcomponent instances, which are indexed bytheir port ID.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node Address (Addr)""COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node HorizontalLink (HLnk)""COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node UpLink (ULnk)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of the Artg PnniTopNode component.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node physicallyReachable (reachable)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates whether there exists a PNNI path thatconnects the node corresponding to this component to the localnode.

Values noyesunknown

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node preferredPglNodeId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the preferred Peer Group Leader (PGL)node ID advertised by the parentNode component. If thisattribute is empty, it indicates the preferred PGL node ID isunknown.

Values String (0..22, Hex)

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2-180 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node pglLeadershipPriority (pglLPrio)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the leadership priority advertised by theparentNode component. If this value is 0, it indicates that thenode cannot be elected as a peer group leader.

Values Decimal (0..205)

Default 0

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (19, Hex)]prefixLength [Decimal (1..152)]reachability [internal exterior]

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node Addr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni Top Node/<node ID> Address/<address>,<prefixLength>, <reachability>This component represents an address advertised by the parentNode component.

TheAddress is a 38 hex digit string.

TheprefixLength specifies the number of significant bits in theaddress.

Thereachabilityspecifies whether the address isinternal orexterior.

An internal reachable address is the address of a destination thatisdirectly attached to the logical node advertising the address. Anexterior reachable address is an address that can be reached

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-181

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

through a PNNI routing domain, but which is not located in thatPNNI routing domain.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node Addr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theAddresscomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node Addr scope

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates the scope of the ATM address, which isthe highest level to which this address will be advertised in thePNNI hierarchy.

Values Decimal (0..104)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node HorizontalLink (HLnk)

Instance Decimal (0..4294967295)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni Top/<level> Node/<node ID> HorizontalLink/<portID>This component represents the horizontal link information storedin this node’s topology database at this level.

All advertised horizontal links associated with the parentNode

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2-182 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

component can be listed through theHorizontalLinksubcomponent instances which are indexed by their port ID.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of aHLnkcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk remoteNodeId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the node ID of the node at the far end ofthis horizontal link.

Values String (22, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk remotePortId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the link’s port ID on the node at the farend of this horizontal link.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-183

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics

Instance ubrcbrrtVBRnrtvbrabr

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics OutRaig"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni Top/<level> Node/<node ID> HLnk/<port ID>Metrics/<service category>This component contains the advertised metrics of a horizontallink associated with the parentNode component for a particularservice category, stored in this node’s topology database for thisPNNI level.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics OutRaig

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the advertised metrics of aUlnk or Hlnk forthe outgoing direction.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics outAdminWeight

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised administrative weight of anuplink or a horizontal link for the specified service category forthe outgoing direction.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to the actual administrative weightattribute for the specified service category provisioned underAtmif Pnni component. The attribute names inAtmif Pnni arecbrWeight, rtVbrWeight, nrtVbrWeight andUbrWeight

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2-184 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

corresponding to the service categorycbr, rtVbr, nrtVbr andUbr.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to the administrativeweight attribute for the specified service category provisionedunder that node’sAtmif Vpt Pnni component.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics outAvailableCellRate

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised available cell rate of anuplink or a horizontal link, in cells per second, for the specifiedservice category for the outgoing direction.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics outMaxCellRate

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised maximum cell rate of anuplink or a horizontal link for the specified service category forthe outgoing direction.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics outMaxCtd

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-185

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the advertised maximum cell transferdelay (maxCtd) of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specifiedservice category for the outgoing direction.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to themaxCtdattribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned underAtmif Cacomponent.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to themaxCtdattribute for the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’texist, this attribute corresponds to themaxCtd attribute for thespecified service category provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent. If this attribute is not applicable for a particularservice category, it is displayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics outCdv

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised peak-to-peak cell delayvariation (CDV) of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specifiedservice category for the outgoing direction.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to thecdv attribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to thecdv attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif VptCacomponent. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’t exist, thisattribute corresponds to thecdv attribute for the specified servicecategory, provisioned under theAtmif Ca component. If this

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2-186 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

attribute is not applicable for a particular service category, it isdisplayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics outClr0

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised cell loss ratio (CLR) forCLP0 of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specified servicecategory for the outgoing direction. CLR is defined as the ratio ofthe number of cells that do not make it across the link or node tothe total number of cells transmitted across the link or node. Thevalue inoutClr0 is encoded as the negative logarithm of thevalue, i.e., the value n indicates a CLR of 10-n.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to theclr attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif VptCacomponent. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’t exist, thisattribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specified servicecategory provisioned under theAtmif Ca component. If thisattribute is not applicable for a particular service category, it isdisplayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics outClr01

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-187

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised cell loss ratio (CLR) forCLP0+1 of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specified servicecategory for the outgoing direction. CLR is defined as the ratio ofthe number of cells that do not make it across the link or node tothe total number of cells transmitted across the link or node. Thevalue inoutClr01 is encoded as the negative logarithm of thevalue, i.e., the value n indicates a CLR of 10-n.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned under theAtmif Ca component.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to theclr attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif VptCa component. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’t exist, thisattribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specified servicecategory provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent. If thisattribute is not applicable for a particular service category, it isdisplayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics outCellRateMargin

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised cell rate margin in cells persecond of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specified servicecategory for the outgoing direction.This attribute is not supportedin passport nodes hence it is displayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Units cell/s

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2-188 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node HLnk Metrics outVarianceFactor

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised variance factor of an uplinkor a horizontal link for the specified service category for theoutgoing direction. The value is display in the power of 2-8. Thisattribute is not supported in passport nodes hence it is displayedasnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node UpLink (ULnk)

Instance Decimal (0..4294967295)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni Top/<level> Node/<node ID> UpLink/<port ID>This component represents the uplink information stored in thisnode’s topology database at this level.

All advertised uplinks associated with the parentNodecomponent can be listed through theUpLinkcomponent instanceswhich are indexed by their port ID.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-189

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This group contains the operational attributes of aULnkcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk upnodeId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the node ID of the node at the far end ofthis uplink.

Values String (22, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk upnodeAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the address of the node at the far end ofthis uplink.

Values String (19, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk upnodePeerGroupId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the peer group identifier of the node at thefar end of this uplink.

Values String (0..14, Hex)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics

Instance ubrcbrrtvbrnrtvbrabr

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2-190 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics OutRaig""GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics InRaig"

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni Top/<level> Node/<node ID> ULnk/<port ID>Metrics/<service category>This component contains the advertised metrics of an uplinkassociated with the parentNode component for a particularservice category, stored in this node’s topology database at thisPNNI level.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics OutRaig

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the advertised metrics of aUlnk or Hlnk forthe outgoing direction.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics outAdminWeight

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised administrative weight of anuplink or a horizontal link for the specified service category forthe outgoing direction.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to the actual administrative weightattribute for the specified service category provisioned underAtmif Pnni component. The attribute names inAtmif Pnni arecbrWeight, rtVbrWeight, nrtVbrWeight andUbrWeightcorresponding to the service categorycbr, rtVbr, nrtVbr andUbr.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to the administrativeweight attribute for the specified service category provisionedunder that node’sAtmif Vpt Pnni component.

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-191

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics outAvailableCellRate

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised available cell rate of anuplink or a horizontal link, in cells per second, for the specifiedservice category for the outgoing direction.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics outMaxCellRate

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised maximum cell rate of anuplink or a horizontal link for the specified service category forthe outgoing direction.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics outMaxCtd

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised maximum cell transferdelay (maxCtd) of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specifiedservice category for the outgoing direction.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to themaxCtdattribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned underAtmif Cacomponent.

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2-192 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to themaxCtdattribute for the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’texist, this attribute corresponds to themaxCtd attribute for thespecified service category provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent. If this attribute is not applicable for a particularservice category, it is displayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics outCdv

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised peak-to-peak cell delayvariation (CDV) of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specifiedservice category for the outgoing direction.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to thecdv attribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to thecdv attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif VptCacomponent. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’t exist, thisattribute corresponds to thecdv attribute for the specified servicecategory, provisioned under theAtmif Ca component. If thisattribute is not applicable for a particular service category, it isdisplayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Units microsec

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-193

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics outClr0

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised cell loss ratio (CLR) forCLP0 of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specified servicecategory for the outgoing direction. CLR is defined as the ratio ofthe number of cells that do not make it across the link or node tothe total number of cells transmitted across the link or node. Thevalue inoutClr0 is encoded as the negative logarithm of thevalue, i.e., the value n indicates a CLR of 10-n.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to theclr attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif VptCacomponent. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’t exist, thisattribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specified servicecategory provisioned under theAtmif Ca component. If thisattribute is not applicable for a particular service category, it isdisplayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics outClr01

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised cell loss ratio (CLR) forCLP0+1 of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specified servicecategory for the outgoing direction. CLR is defined as the ratio ofthe number of cells that do not make it across the link or node tothe total number of cells transmitted across the link or node. Thevalue inoutClr01 is encoded as the negative logarithm of the

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2-194 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

value, i.e., the value n indicates a CLR of 10-n.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned under theAtmif Ca component.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to theclr attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif VptCa component. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’t exist, thisattribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specified servicecategory provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent. If thisattribute is not applicable for a particular service category, it isdisplayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics outCellRateMargin

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised cell rate margin in cells persecond of an uplink or a horizontal link for the specified servicecategory for the outgoing direction.This attribute is not supportedin passport nodes hence it is displayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics outVarianceFactor

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised variance factor of an uplinkor a horizontal link for the specified service category for theoutgoing direction. The value is display in the power of 2-8. This

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-195

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

attribute is not supported in passport nodes hence it is displayedasnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Default No default

GROUP ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics InRaig

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the advertised metrics of aUlnk or Hlnk forthe incoming direction.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics inAdminWeight

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised administrative weight of anuplink for the specified service category for the incomingdirection.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to the administrative weight attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmifPnni component.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to the administrativeweight attribute for the specified service category provisionedunder theAtmif Vpt Pnni component.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics inAvailableCellRate

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised available cell rate of anuplink for the specified service category for the incomingdirection.

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2-196 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics inMaxCellRate

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised maximum cell rate of anuplink for the specified service category for the incomingdirection.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics inMaxCtd

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised maximum cell transferdelay (maxCtd) of an uplink for the specified service category forthe incoming direction.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to themaxCtdattribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned under theAtmif Ca component.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to themaxCtdattribute for the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif Vpt Ca component. If theAtmif Vpt Ca component doesn’texist, this attribute corresponds to themaxCtd attribute for thespecified service category provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent. If this attribute is not applicable for a particularservice category, it is displayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Page 197: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-197

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics inCdv

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised peak-to-peak cell delayvariation (CDV) of an uplink for the specified service categoryfor the incoming direction.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to thecdv attribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned underAtmif Cacomponent.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to thecdv attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif VptCacomponent. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’t exist, thisattribute corresponds to thecdv attribute for the specified servicecategory, provisioned under theAtmif Ca component. If thisattribute is not applicable for a particular service category, it isdisplayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics inClr0

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised cell loss ratio (CLR) forCLP0 of an uplink for the specified service category for theincoming direction. CLR is defined as the ratio of the number ofcells that do not make it across the link or node to the totalnumber of cells transmitted across the link or node. The value ininClr0 is encoded as the negative logarithm of the value, i.e., the

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2-198 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

value n indicates a CLR of 10-n.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to theclr attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif VptCacomponent. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’t exist, thisattribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specified servicecategory provisioned under theAtmif Ca component. If thisattribute is not applicable for a particular service category, it isdisplayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Top Node ULnk Metrics inClr01

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the advertised cell loss ratio (CLR) forCLP0+1 of an uplink for the specified service category for theincoming direction. CLR is defined as the ratio of the number ofcells that do not make it across the link or node to the totalnumber of cells transmitted across the link or node. The value ininClr01 is encoded as the negative logarithm of the value, i.e., thevalue n indicates a CLR of 10-n.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a physical link,this attribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specifiedservice category provisioned under theAtmif Ca component.

If the subject node is a Passport and the link is a virtual pathconnection (VPC), this attribute corresponds to theclr attributefor the specified service category provisioned under theAtmif VptCa component. If theAtmif Vpt Cacomponent doesn’t exist, thisattribute corresponds to theclr attribute for the specified servicecategory provisioned under theAtmif Cacomponent. If this

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-199

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

attribute is not applicable for a particular service category, it isdisplayed asnotApplicable.

Values Decimal (0..4294967294)notApplicable

Default No default


Instance Decimal (0..4294967295)

Scope Device

Description ARtg Pnni Port/<n>This component represents a port advertised within the PNNIrouting domain.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"


Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Cache Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP ARtg Pnni Cache Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description Artg Pnni CacheThis component represents the PNNI Routing Cache. It enhancescall setup performance by providing a call setup request with apreviously computed route from theCache, whenever possible.

TheCache must be populated with previously computed routesbefore it is usable and it reduces the number of on-demand routecomputations once populated.

TheCache stores and maintains entries to several destinationsand uses them to provide suitable routing paths for subsequentcall setup requests. Theclear verb removes allCache entries.

A Cache route entry consists of multiple alternate routes to a

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2-200 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

destination node. The number of alternate routes is set by thelbMaxPaths value under theArtg Pnni component.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

VERB Clear ARtg Pnni Cache

Impact Configuration

Description Clear Artg Pnni CacheThis verb clears all the previously computed route entries storedin the PNNI cache.

GROUP ARtg Pnni Cache Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for theArtg PnniCache component.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache agingPeriod

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum lifetime of aCache entry.

Specifying a lowagingPeriod is useful when many SVCs areexpected to be routed through the network to ensure that theCache is periodically refreshed.

Specifying a highagingPeriod is useful when many permanentconnections are expected to be routed through the network.

As the fluctuations in the available network resources becomemore frequent, the value ofagingPeriod should be decreased toreflect the dynamic nature of the network.

Values Decimal (180..7200)

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-201

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Units seconds

Default 1800

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache maxNumEntries

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of cache entries tobe stored in the routing cache.

Reducing themaxNumEntries below the currentCache sizecauses theCache to shrink by purging the oldest entries.

A larger value ofmaxNumEntries causes more CP memory to beused.

Values Decimal (100..10000)

Default 5000

GROUP ARtg Pnni Cache Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for the routingcache.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache currentNumEntries

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of route entries currentlystored in the cache.

ThecurrentNumEntries value should be used for diagnostic orengineering purposes in conjunction with the other operationalindicators forCache entries:avgLifetime, numReplacements,numCrankbackInvalidations, numTopologyInvalidations, andnumAgedEntries. Together, these attributes indicate the utilizationof the Route Cache.

Values Decimal (0..10000)

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2-202 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache peakNumEntries (pkEntries)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the highest number of entries stored in thecache since the cache was last created or cleared by using theClear command.

ThepeakNumEntriesvalue is a useful diagnostic and engineeringtool in evaluating the memory impacts of theCache. If thepeakNumEntries equals themaxNumEntries for a significantamount of time, then themaxNumEntries may need to beincreased.

Values Decimal (0..10000)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache hitRatio

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the percentage of PNNI routing requestsfulfilled using the routing cache since the time the cache was lastcreated or cleared by using theclear command.

If the cacheHits value is low, then this is an indication that thecache is not engineered properly or is not appropriate for theprofile of the network traffic. A low value ofcacheHits mayindicate that the traffic profiles are constantly changing are notbeing reused. If this is the case, theCache may need to bedisabled on this node.

An equilibrium has to be reached within the network before anaccurate value fromcacheHits is obtained.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-203

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache cacheUptime (uptime)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the time since the routing Cache was lastcreated or cleared.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units minutes

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache avgLifetime

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the average lifetime of the route entries inthe cache.

TheavgLifetime can be used for diagnostic or engineeringpurposes in setting an appropriate value for theagingPeriod.

An avgLifetime value lower than theagingPeriod indicates thatsome fraction of theCache entries are removed before they arenormally aged.

When theavgLifetime equals theagingPeriod, this indicates thattheagingPeriod value might have to be increased. However, notethat other conditions in the network can also cause this condition,such as very stable network topology.

TheavgLifetime value should be used for diagnostic orengineering purposes in conjunction with the other operationalindicators forCache entries:currentNumEntries,numReplacements, numCrankbackInvalidations,numTopologyInvalidations, andnumAgedEntries.

Values Decimal (0..7200)

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2-204 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Units seconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache numReplacements (nRep)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the entries that have been removed from theCache in order to make room for newer entries. It is set to zerowhen theCache is created or cleared using theClear command.

ThenumReplacements value wraps to zero when the maximumvalue is exceeded or when thetotalEntriesRemoved value isexceeded.

If the number of entries removed from theCache due toreplacement operations is high, thelbMaxPaths value may needto be increased.

ThenumReplacements value should be used for diagnostic orengineering purposes in conjunction with the other operationalindicators forCache entries:currentNumEntries, avgLifetime,numCrankbackInvalidations, numTopologyInvalidations, andnumAgedEntries, totalEntriesRemoved.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache numCrankbackInvalidations (nCrank)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the entries removed from theCache due tocrankback purging operations. It is set to zero when theCache iscreated or cleared using theClear command.

ThenumCrankbackInvalidationsvalue wraps to zero when themaximum value is exceeded or when thetotalEntriesRemovedvalue is exceeded.

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-205

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

If this value is high, it suggests that the route entries in theCacheare becoming invalid during their lifetime. This means that theagingPeriod might have to be decreased. Reroutes due tocrankbacks are resource-intensive and add to network latency.ThereforenumCrankbackInvalidations takes precedence over theavgLifetime status.

ThenumCrankbackInvalidationsvalue should be used fordiagnostic or engineering purposes in conjunction with the otheroperational indicators forCache entries:currentNumEntries,avgLifetime, numReplacements, numTopologyInvalidations, andnumAgedEntries, totalEntriesRemoved.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache numTopologyInvalidations (nTopInv)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of entries in theCache thathave replaced older entries due to significant changes in knownresources within the PNNI network. It is set to zero when theCache is created or cleared using theClear command.

ThenumTopologyInvalidationsvalue wraps to zero when themaximum value is exceeded or when thetotalEntriesRemovedwraps to zero.

If this value is high, it indicates that the dynamic nature of thenetwork topology may be decreasing the effectiveness of theCache.

ThenumTopologyInvalidationsvalue must be used for diagnosticor engineering purposes in conjunction with the other operationalindicators forCache entries:currentNumEntries, avgLifetime,numReplacements, numCrankbackInvalidations,numAgedEntries, totalEntriesRemoved.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

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2-206 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache numAgedEntries (nAged)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the entries that have aged out of theCachesince theCache was last created or cleared using theclearcommand. It is set to zero when theCache is created or clearedusing theclear command.

ThenumAgedEntriesvalue wraps to zero when the maximumvalue is exceeded or when thetotalEntriesRemoved wraps tozero.

If this value is low, either theagingPeriodis either too high or theotherCache purging operations occur very frequently.

ThenumAgedEntries value should be used for diagnostic orengineering purposes in conjunction with the other operationalindicators forCache entries:currentNumEntries, avgLifetime,numReplacements, numCrankbackInvalidations,numTopologyInvalidations, andtotalEntriesRemoved.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache totalEntriesRemoved (totRm)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts theCache entries that have been removedfrom theCache. The counter starts from zero when theCache iscreated or cleared using theclear command.

The counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.

This value should be used for diagnostic or engineering purposesin conjunction with other operational indicators forCacheentries:currentNumEntries, avgLifetime, numReplacements,

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-207

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

numCrankbackInvalidations, numTopologyInvalidations, andnumAgedEntries.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Cache numHits

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the actual number of PNNI routingrequests fulfilled using the routing cache since the time the cachewas last created or cleared by using theClear command.

An increase in the value after a call setup request is an indicationthat the call setup request was satisfied using the routing cache.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg Pnni LoadBalancing (Lb)

Instance cbrrtVbrnrtVbrubrabr

Groups "GROUP ARtg Pnni Lb Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP ARtg Pnni Lb Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description Artg Pnni LoadBalancing/<serviceCategory>This component represents the load balancing functionality ofPNNI Routing for the service category specified by the instancevalue.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

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2-208 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP ARtg Pnni Lb Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the loadbalancing functionality of PNNI Routing.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Lb method

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the load balancing method to be used byPNNI routing for the corresponding service category.

maxAvCr. PNNI routing chooses the path that has the maximumavailable cell rate as the routing path.

random. The routing path is chosen randomly from all theacceptable paths.

avCrProb. The routing path is chosen with a probability inproportion to its available cell rate. This method will result in themore frequent selection of a route having a higher available cellrate over that with a lower available cell rate.

optMetricProb. The routing path is chosen with a probabilityinversely proportional to the optimization metric. This methodwill result in the more frequent selection of a route having thelowest value of the optimization metric over that with a higheroptimization metric.

avCrOptMetricProb. The routing path is chosen with aprobability that is based on both the proportional value of theavailable cell rate and the inverse proportional value of theoptimization metric.

Values maxAvCrrandomavCrProboptMetricProbavCrOptMetricProb

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-209

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default random

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Lb minVariance (minVar)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the minimum variance value to be used foreach optimization metric supported by the service category of thisLoadBalancing instance. This attribute is a vector indexed by theoptimization metric. Note that the values of this vector areexplicit values as opposed to the factors required to set theslopeVariance attribute.

A larger variance allows more usable paths to be considered forload balancing.

A low variance of zero means that only only theslopeVarianceattribute is used in determining the acceptable variance.

The maximum range boundaries for each of the optimizationmetrics are:- cdv: 2147483647 (for cbr and rtVbr only).- maxCtd: 2147483647 (for cbr and rtVbr only).- aw: 4294967295.

The acceptable variance is calculated based on the followingformula:acceptableVariance = minVariance + optM * slopeVariance/100whereoptM represents the optimization metric value of the bestpath.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cdvmaxCtdaw

Default (0, 0, 0)

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Lb slopeVariance (slopeVar)

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2-210 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the slope of the acceptable variance, foreach optimization metric supported by the service category of thisLoadBalancing instance. This attribute is a vector indexed byoptimization metric. The values of this vector are factors.

A larger variance allows more usable paths to be considered forload balancing.

A slopeVariance of zero means that only the acceptable varianceis given by theminVariance attribute. If bothminVariance andslopeVariance attributes are zero, means that only the best pathsof equal value to theoptimizationMetric will be considered inload balancing.

The acceptable variance is calculated based on the followingformua:acceptableVariance = minVariance + optM * slopeVariance/100whereoptM represents the optimization metric value of the bestpath.

Vector of Decimal (0..1900)

Units %

Index cdvmaxCtdaw

Default (0, 0, 0)

GROUP ARtg Pnni Lb Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for the loadbalancing functionality of PNNI Routing.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Lb avgNumComputedPaths (avgPaths)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-211

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the average number of computed pathsthat resulted from a Dijkstra calculation using the varianceconstraints provisioned in theminVariance, andslopeVarianceattributes.

This attribute is a vector indexed by the optimization metric:cdv,maxCtd, andaw.

TheavgNumComputedPaths value is a useful diagnostic andengineering tool in determining the most useful variance valuesfor eachoptimizationMetric.

Vector of Decimal (1.0..3.0)

Index cdvmaxCtdaw

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Lb optMetricLoadDistribution (optMLd)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the distribution of the routed path relativeto the acceptable paths sorted by theoptimizationMetric. Itindicates, in percentage, the number of times the best optimizedpath and subsequent sub-optimal paths are chosen as the routingpath. Herepath1 is the best path, andpath2 andpath3 variablesare the subsequent sub-optimal paths.

TheoptMetricLoadDistribution value is a useful diagnostic andengineering tool in determining the most useful load balancingmethod when taken in consideration with:avgNumComputedPaths, avCrLoadDistribution, minVariance,andslopeVariance.

Vector of Decimal (0.0..100.0)

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2-212 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Units %

Index path1path2path3

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Pnni Lb avCrLoadDistribution (avCrLd)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the distribution of the routed path relativeto the acceptable paths sorted by best available cell rate. Itindicates, in percentage, the number of times the widest path,relative to the available cell rate, and subsequent narrower pathsare chosen as the routing path. Herepath1 is the best path, andpath2 andpath3 variables are the subsequent sub-optimal paths.

TheavCrLoadDistributionvalue is a useful diagnostic andengineering tool in determining the most useful load balancingmethod when taken in consideration with:avgNumComputedPaths, optMetricLoadDistribution,minVariance, andslopeVariance.

Vector of Decimal (0.0..100.0)

Units %

Index path1path2path3

Default No default

COMPONENT ARtg PhysicalPort (Port)

Instance Decimal (0..4294967295)

Groups "GROUP ARtg Port Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

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COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg) 2-213

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description ARtg PhysicalPort/<n>This component represents a port on this node within the ATMrouting domain. The index is the port ID used to uniquelyidentify this port.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP ARtg Port Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of aPortcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE ARtg Port componentName

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the component name of the port.

Values The name of the component

Default No default

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2-214 COMPONENT AtmRouting (ARtg)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmCallRouter (AtmCR)

Scope Network

Description AtmCallRouterThis component represents the database that contains all the static(provisioned) DNAs and dynamically registered DNAs (viaILMI) used for source call routing for ATM switched connectionsetups..

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmCR Dna"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"


Instance String (1..40, ASCII)

Scope Application

Description AtmCallRouter AtmDna/<STRING(1..40)>This component represents an ATM NSAP address that has beenprovisioned or dynamically registered via ILMI.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

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216 COMPONENT AtmCallRouter (AtmCR)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

Instance Decimal (1..4095)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)""GROUP AtmIf Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Loopback (Lbk)""GROUP AtmIf OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Statistics (Stats)"


Scope Device

Description AtmInterface/nAn AtmIfcomponent is provisioned for each ATM interface. It

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2-218 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

manages the set of ATM connections that terminate at or traversethe interface.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf ConnectionAdministrator (CA)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf UserNetworkInterface (Uni)""COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp""COMPONENT AtmIf NailedUpAccounting (NAcct)""COMPONENT AtmIf VirtualPathTerminator (Vpt)""COMPONENT AtmIf EmissionPriority (Ep)""COMPONENT AtmIf Pnni"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf ConnectionMapping (ConnMap)""COMPONENT AtmIf VirtualPathConnection (Vpc)""COMPONENT AtmIf VirtualChannelConnection (Vcc)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the attribute for a component’s CustomerIdentifier (CID). Refer to the attribute description for a detailedexplanation of CIDs.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf customerIdentifier (cid)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute holds the Customer Identifier (CID).

Every component has a CID. If a component has acid attribute,the component’s CID is the provisioned value of that attribute;otherwise the component inherits the CID of its parent. The top-level component has a CID of 0.

Every operator session also has a CID, which is the CIDprovisioned for the operator’s user ID. An operator will see only

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-219

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

the stream data for components having a matching CID. Also, theoperator will be allowed to issue commands for only thosecomponents which have a matching CID.

An operator CID of 0 is used to identify the Network Manager(referred to as “NetMan” in DPN). This CID matches the CID ofany component. Values 1 to 8191 inclusive (equivalent to “basicCIDs” in DPN) may be assigned to specific customers.

Values Decimal (0; 1..8191)

Default 0

GROUP AtmIf Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisionable attributes for the AtmIfcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf interfaceName

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute associates theAtmIf component with a specificinterface on a Function Processor—for example,Lp/1 Ds3/0.This implicitly defines the logical processor on which theAtmIf isactivated.

Values Link (Hardware, applicationFramerName)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf oamSegmentBoundary (sb)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies whether the interface is on an OAMsegment boundary.

Whenyes is selected, the interface is on an OAM segmentboundary and all connections passing through the interface

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2-220 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

terminate OAM segment cells.

Whenno is selected, the interface is not on an OAM segmentboundary and the interface permits the segment cells to be passedtransparently.

Values noyes

Default yes

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf maxVpiBits (vpiBits)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of VPI bits thatmay be active for thisAtmIf. These bits start at the leastsignificant bit position and are contiguous. In general, themaximum VPI which may be used on the interface is2** maxVpiBits- 1. The value of the remaining (inactive) VPI bitsis ignored on cells received from the link.

If the AtmIf is linked to aLogicalProcessor of cardType3pOC3MmAtm, 3pOC3SmAtm, 3pE3Atm, 3pDS3Atm,3pE1Atm, 3pDS1Atm, or 2pJ6MAtm, the value of this attributemust be 8. The maximum VPI supported on these card types is255.

If the AtmIf is linked to aLogicalProcessor of any othercardType, the value of this attribute may be8 or 12. Themaximum VPI supported on these card types is 4095. Anexception is thatcardType8pE1Atmand 8pDS1Atmdo notsupport VPI 4095; the maximum VPI on these card types is 4094.

If a Uni or anIisp component is present directly under theAtmIf,the value of this attribute must be 8.

Values Decimal (8; 12)

Default 8

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-221

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf remoteAtmInterfaceLabel (remoteAtmIf)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies a unique indication of the remote ATMservice or interface component connected to this one. The valueof this attribute can be used by network management applicationsto discover the network’s ATM topology from its configurationinformation.

The syntax of the value, such as component ID, address, or othernumerical identifier, must follow the conventions of the networkmanagement platform. In absence of such convention or platform,the value should be left empty.

The value is only stored by the module. It is neither validated norused to perform any form of remote connectivity validation.

Values String (0..60, ASCII)

Default ""

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellMemory

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the percentage of theLp/x Eng Arc Aqm/0txCellMemoryThreshold 0 attribute. This attribute only applies toATM IP FPs. It is ignored on all other card types.

For ATM IP FPs, the cell memory which is displayed inLp/x EngArc Aqm/0 txCellMemoryThreshold 0 is shared across all threeinterfaces for the card. This attribute allows the allocation of aspecific proportion of the transmit cell memory for the use ofconnections under thisAtmIf.

If the value of this attribute is specified as 100, connections underthisAtmIf may use up to 100% of the transmit cell memory. Ifthis attribute is specified as an amount less than 100, then onlythat percentage of the transmit cell memory may be used byconnections under thisAtmIf. By specifying values for this

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2-222 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

attribute under the threeAtmIf’s on a DS3 or E3 card, you canensure that eachAtmIfhas a dedicated pool of transmit cells. Thisis used to guarantee that all cell traffic for anAtmIf will respectthe cell loss priority (CLP) bit settings regardless of theatmServiceCategory for the connection.

Values Decimal (1..100)

Units %

Default 100

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf faultHoldOffTime (faultHOT)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the delay before faults detected at the VPlayer are propagated to the VC layer, and thus to the applicationusing the connection.

If the value is 0 (zero), applications using aVirtualPathTerminator are immediately notified of faultsdetected by the VP. Using this value allows these applications tobe advised of faults without requiring loopbacks on eachVcc.Typically, the application goes out of service when advised of afault.

If the value isinfinity , applications are not notified of VP layerfaults. Using this value allows the applications to survivetransient VP layer fault conditions.

The value chosen applies only toVpts andVccs directly beneath aVpt.

Values 0infinity

Default infinity

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf ctdCalculation (ctdCalc)

Access Read and write

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-223

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies whether cell transfer delay calculationshould be performed on loopback cells for each SPVC and SPVPconnection under this interface.

Cell transfer delay is calculated as half of the measured segmentround trip delay of a loopback cell.

Cell transfer delay calculation is only supported when segmentswitch side loopback is enabled on the source segment endpoint.Cell transfer delay calculation is only performed on supportedconnections when theaccountCollection attribute of theAtmIfUni or AtmIf Iisp component has a non-empty reason. Celltransfer delay calculation is not provided for connections undertheVpt.

Values offon

Default off

GROUP AtmIf Loopback (Lbk)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the default loopback attributevalues for allVcc, Vpcand Vptcomponents. Note that theseattribute values can be overridden by setting different values intheVcdcomponent of the provisionedVccor theVpdcomponentof the provisionedVpcor Vpt.

Certain loopback requests may not be possible on a givenconnection. In such cases, the corresponding operationalloopback attribute in theAtmStatus group of theVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent is set tonotApplicableand the requested loopback isnot performed.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf segLinkSideLoopback (segLkLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the default value for link-side segmentloopback insertion for all connections under this interface. Link-

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side segment loopback is not possible if theoamSegmentBoundaryattribute of theAtmIf component isno.

Values onoff

Default off

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf segSwitchSideLoopback (segSwLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the default value for switch-side segmentloopback insertion for all connections under this interface.Switch-side segment loopback is not possible if theoamSegmentBoundary attribute of theAtmIf component isno.

Values onoff

Default off

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf endToEndLoopback (eeLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the default value for end-to-end loopbackinsertion for all connections under this interface. End-to-endloopback insertion is not possible if theconnectionPointTypeattribute of theVccor Vpc component isconnectingPoint orsegmentEndPoint. End-to-end loopback insertion is possible iftheconnectionPointTypeattribute of theVccor Vpccomponent isconnectionEndPoint. End-to-end loopback insertion is alwayspossible on aVpt component.

Values onoff

Default off

GROUP AtmIf OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes and the six OSIStatus attributes. The descriptions generically indicate what each

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attribute implies about the component. Note that not all the valuesand state combinations described here are supported by everycomponent which reuses this group. For component-specificinformation and the valid state combinations, refer to theappropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, mayprovide more details, qualifying the state of the component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

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The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, mayprovide more details, qualifying the state of the component.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, mayprovide more details, qualifying the state of the component.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf availabilityStatus (osiAvail)

Access Read only

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Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIAvailability status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valueinTest indicates that the resource is undergoing a testprocedure. IfadminState is locked or shuttingDown, the normalusers are precluded from using the resource andcontrolStatus isreservedForTest. Tests that do not exclude additional users canbe present in any operational or administrative state but thereservedForTest condition should not be present.

The valuefailed indicates that the component has an internalfault that prevents it from operating. TheoperationalState isdisabled.

The valuedependency indicates that the component cannotoperate because some other resource on which it depends isunavailable. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valuepowerOff indicates the resource requires power to beapplied and it is not powered on. TheoperationalState isdisabled.

The valueoffLine indicates the resource requires a routineoperation (either manual, automatic, or both) to be performed toplace it on-line and make it available for use. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valueoffDuty indicates the resource is inactive in accordancewith a predetermined time schedule. In the absence of otherdisabling conditions, theoperationalState is enabled or disabled.

The valuedegraded indicates the service provided by thecomponent is degraded in some way, such as in speed oroperating capacity. Usually, the resource remains available forservice. TheoperationalState is almost alwaysenabled. There is

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one exception where anoperationalState of disabled is used inconjunction withdegraded for a component which represents arolled up view of a set of other components.

The valuenotInstalled indicates the resource is not present. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valuelogFull is not used.

The valuemigrating indicates that a software migrationactivation is in progress, making the component unavailable forother activities until the migration is complete.

Set of inTestfaileddependency (depend)powerOff (pwrOff)offLineoffDutydegraded (degrad)notInstalled (notIn)logFullmigrating

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf proceduralStatus (osiProc)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIProcedural status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valueinitializationRequired indicates (for a resource whichdoesn’t initialize autonomously) that initialization is requiredbefore it can perform its normal functions, and this procedure has

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not been initiated. TheoperationalState is disabled.

The valuenotInitialized indicates (for a resource which doesinitialize autonomously) that initialization is required before itcan perform its normal functions, and this procedure has not beeninitiated. TheoperationalState may beenabled or disabled.

The valueinitializing indicates that initialization has beeninitiated but is not yet complete. TheoperationalState may beenabled or disabled.

The valuereporting indicates the resource has completed someprocessing operation and is notifying the results. TheoperationalState is enabled.

The valueterminating indicates the component is in atermination phase. If the resource doesn’t reinitializeautonomously,operationalState is disabled; otherwise it isenabled or disabled.

Set of initializationRequired (initRq)notInitialized (notInit)initializing (init)reporting (report)terminating (term)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf controlStatus (osiCntrl)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIControl status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valuesubjectToTest indicates the resource is available but

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tests may be conducted simultaneously at unpredictable times,which may cause it to exhibit unusual characteristics.

The valuepartOfServicesLockedindicates that part of the serviceis restricted from users of a resource. TheadminState isunlocked.

The valuereservedForTest indicates that the component isadministratively unavailable because it is undergoing a testprocedure. TheadminState is locked.

The valuesuspended indicates that the service has beenadministratively suspended.

Set of subjectToTest (subTst)partOfServicesLocked (partLk)reservedForTest (rsrvd)suspended (suspnd)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf alarmStatus (osiAlarm)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIAlarm status of the component. Note that, even though it isdefined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to theuser.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either theattribute is not supported or that none of the status conditionsdescribed below is present.

The valueunderRepair indicates the component is currentlybeing repaired. TheoperationalState is enabled or disabled.

The valuecritical indicates one or more critical alarms areoutstanding against the component. Other, less severe, alarmsmay also be outstanding. TheoperationalState is enabled ordisabled.

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The valuemajor indicates one or more major alarms areoutstanding against the component. Other, less severe, alarmsmay also be outstanding. TheoperationalState is enabled ordisabled.

The valueminor indicates one or more minor alarms areoutstanding against the component. Other, less severe, alarmsmay also be outstanding. TheoperationalState is enabled ordisabled.

The valuealarmOutstanding generically indicates that an alarmof some severity is outstanding against the component.

Set of underRepair (repair)critical (crit)majorminoralarmOutstanding (outst)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf standbyStatus (osiStby)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSIStandby status of the component.

The valuenotSet indicates that either the attribute is notsupported or that none of the status conditions described below ispresent. Note that this is a non-standard value, used because theoriginal specification indicated this attribute was set-valued andthus, did not provide a value to indicate that none of the otherthree are applicable.

The valuehotStandby indicates that the resource is not providingservice but will be immediately able to take over the role of theresource to be backed up, without initialization activity, andcontaining the same information as the resource to be backed up.

The valuecoldStandby indicates the resource is a backup foranother resource but will not be immediately able to take over the

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role of the backed up resource and will require some initializationactivity.

The valueprovidingService indicates that this component, as abackup resource, is currently backing up another resource.

Values hotStandby (hot)coldStandby (cold)providingService (serv)notSet (nSet)

Default notSet

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf unknownStatus (osiUnknw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Unknown status of thecomponent.

The valuefalse indicates that all of the other OSI State and Statusattribute values can be considered accurate.

The valuetrue indicates that the actual state of the component isnot known for sure.

Values falsetrue

Default false

GROUP AtmIf Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes which show the statusof theAtmIf component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellMemoryAvailable

Access Read only

Description This attribute is only valid forAtmIf’s on ATM IP FPs. It is notdisplayed forAtmIf’s on other card types.

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This attribute indicates the current amount of transmit cellsavailable for thisAtmIf. Transmit cell memory is the memoryavailable for storing ATM cells to be transmitted by connectionsunder thisAtmIf.

Values Decimal (0..163839)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellMemoryCongestionState (txCellCcState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is only valid forAtmIf’s on ATM IP FPs. It is notdisplayed forAtmIf’s on other card types.

This attribute indicates the congestion state of the transmit cellmemory for thisAtmIf. It indicates whichtxCellMemoryThreshold corresponds to the current value oftxCellMemoryAvailable.

The congestion state of memory is indicated by a numeric valueranging from 0 to 3. When memory is in a congested state “x”,only traffic with discard priority (DP) < “x” is definitely stillqueued for transmit. Traffic with DP > “x” is definitely discarded.Traffic with DP = “x” may be either queued or discardeddepending on how close the value oftxCellMemoryAvailableis tothe next threshold as displayed intxCellMemoryThreshold. Forexample, CLP1 traffic is queued until the value indicated bytxCellMemoryAvailable reaches the DP3 threshold. At that point,the CLP1 traffic is discarded.

Values Decimal (0..3)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellMemoryThreshold

Access Read only

Description This attribute is only valid forAtmIf’s on ATM IP FPs. It is notdisplayed forAtmIf’s on other card types.

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This attribute indicates the transmit cell memory size and threediscard thresholds for thisAtmIf. Transmit cell memory is usedfor storing ATM cells to be transmitted by connections under thisAtmIf.

The first value indicates the total transmit cell memory size. Thisis derived based upon thetxCellMemoryThreshold 0attribute oftheLp/x eng arc aqm/0 componentandLp/x eng arc aqm/0 Ov,and on thetxCellMemory attribute of thisAtmIf.

When thetxCellMemoryAvailable attribute decreases to thesecond value, thetxCellMemoryCongestionState changes from 3to 2. In congestion state 2, traffic with discard priority (DP) > 2 isdiscarded. This threshold is set approximately at 25 percent of thefirst value, the transmit cell memory size.

When thetxCellMemoryAvailable attribute decreases to the thirdvalue, thetxCellMemoryCongestionState changes from 2 to 1. Incongestion state 1, traffic with discard priority (DP) > 1 isdiscarded. This threshold is set approximately at 20 percent of thefirst value, the transmit cell memory size.

When thetxCellMemoryAvailable attribute decreases to thefourth value, thetxCellMemoryCongestionState changes from 1to 0. In congestion state 0, traffic with discard priority (DP) > 0 isdiscarded. This threshold is set approximately at 10 percent of thefirst value, the transmit cell memory size.

The opposite effect occurs when thetxCellMemoryAvailableattribute increases (txCellMemoryCongestionState changes from0 to 3 accordingly).

Vector of Decimal (0..163839)

Units cells

Index Decimal (0..3)

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf opShapingRates

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the values of the 31 shaping rates currentlyin use at the interface. It is a vector of 31 elements, eachrepresenting a shaping rate value. A rate entry of “0” means theentry is empty and can be used. This attribute is only valid forAtmIf’s on APC-based FPs. It is not displayed forAtmIf’s onother card types.

Vector of Decimal (0..163839)

Units cells

Index Decimal (0..30)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf shapeUsage

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of VCs that currently use the31 shaping rates. It is a vector of 31 elements each representingthe number of VCs using the particular rate which is displayedwith the same element index in the opShapingRates attribute.This attribute is only valid forAtmIf’s on APC-based FPs. It isnot displayed forAtmIf’s on other card types.

Vector of Decimal (0..163839)

Index Decimal (0..30)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes which keep statisticsabout the behavior of theAtmIf component.


Access Read only

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Description This attribute counts cells transmitted from the ATM interface. Itdoes not include cells discarded due to congestion beforetransmit. The counter is reset to zero when the component isactivated, or when any critical attribute of the component ischanged. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximumvalue of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default


Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts cells transmitted from the ATM interfacewhich have the CLP bit set to 1. This count is included in thetxCell attribute. The counter is reset to zero when the componentis activated, or when any critical attribute of the component ischanged. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximumvalue of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellEfci

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts cells transmitted from the ATM interfacewhich have the EFCI bit set to 1. This count is included in thetxCell attribute. The counter is reset to zero when the componentis activated, or when any critical attribute of the component ischanged. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximumvalue of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellDiscard

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts cells discarded and not transmitted out theATM interface. Since cells are discarded before they aretransmitted, this count is not included in thetxCell attribute. Thiscount is independent of thetxFrameDiscard attribute.

Transmit cells are discarded due to transmit congestion, PartialPacket Discard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), andWeighted Random Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, orwhen the connection’s interface is disabled.

The counter is reset to zero when the component is activated, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellDiscardClp

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts cells discarded and not transmitted out theATM interface which have the CLP bit set to 1. Since cells arediscarded before they are transmitted, this count is not included inthetxCellClpattribute. This count is included in thetxCellDiscard attribute, but it is independent of thetxFrameDiscardClp attribute.

Transmit cells are discarded due to transmit congestion, Partial

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Packet Discard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), andWeighted Random Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, orwhen the connection’s interface is disabled.

The counter is reset to zero when the component is activated, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txFrameDiscard

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts frames discarded and not transmitted out theATM interface. This count is independent oftxCellDiscard.

Transmit frames are discarded due to congestion, Partial PacketDiscard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and WeightedRandom Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when theconnection interface is disabled.

The counter is reset to zero when the component is activated, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txFrameDiscardClp

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

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This attribute counts frames which have at least one cell with theCLP bit set to 1, and have been discarded and not transmitted outthe ATM interface. It is independent of thetxCellDiscardattribute. This count is included in thetxFrameDiscard attribute.

Transmit frames are discarded due to congestion, Partial PacketDiscard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and WeightedRandom Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when theconnection interface is disabled.

The counter is reset to zero when the component is activated, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default


Access Read only

Description This attribute counts valid cells received from the ATM interface.This count includes cells which may be subsequently discarded.The counter is reset to zero when the component is activated, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. On ATMIP FPs valid cells include cells that arrive on a VCC whoseVPI.VCI cannot be identified. These cells are also counted underthe droppedRxCell attribute. The value of this attribute on ATMIP FPs should be greater than or equal to the sum ofdroppedRxCell and all the VCC and VPC rxCell attributes underthis interface. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds itsmaximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default


Access Read only

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Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts valid cells received from the ATM interfacewhich have the CLP bit set to 1. This count includes cells whichmay be subsequently discarded. This count is included in therxCell attribute. The counter is reset to zero when the componentis activated, or when any critical attribute of the component ischanged. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximumvalue of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxCellEfci

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts valid cells received from the ATM interfacewhich have the EFCI bit set to 1. This count includes cells whichmay be subsequently discarded. This count is included in therxCell attribute. The counter is reset to zero when the componentis activated, or when any critical attribute of the component ischanged. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximumvalue of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxCellDiscard

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts cells received from the ATM interface whichhave been discarded. This count is included in therxCellattribute.

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This count includes cells discarded due to non-conformance withUPC, cells which are part of a frame which has been discardeddue to an AAL5 frame reassembly error, cells which arediscarded due to congestion, or cells which are received while thenext hop connection to which the traffic is directed across thebackplane is down. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

The counter is reset to zero when the component is activated, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxCellDiscardClp

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts valid cells received from the ATM interfacewhich have the CLP bit set to 1, which have been discarded. Thiscount is included in therxCell andrxCellDiscard attributes.

This count includes cells discarded due to non-conformance withUPC, cells which are part of a frame which has been discardeddue to an AAL5 frame reassembly error, cells which arediscarded due to congestion, or cells which are received while thenext hop connection to which the traffic is directed across thebackplane is down. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

This counter is reset to zero when the component is activated, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxFrameDiscard

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts frames received from the ATM interfacewhich have been discarded. This count includes the count ofrxFrameDiscardClpandaal5RxErrors. It is independent of therxCellDiscard attribute.

This count includes frames discarded due to an AAL5 framereassembly error, frames discarded due to early packet discard(EPD), and frames discarded due to processor (CPU) congestion.This attribute is applicable only for connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Connections which reassemble cellsinto frames have aconnectionPointTypeof connectionEndPoint.AAL1 connections are an exception to this rule; even though theyhave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do notdo adaptation at this point.

The counter is reset to zero when the component is activated, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxFrameDiscardClp

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

This attribute counts frames received from the ATM interfacewhich have been discarded and which have at least one cell withthe CLP bit set to 1. This count is included in the

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rxFrameDiscard attribute. It is independent of therxCellDiscardClp attribute.

This count includes frames discarded due to an AAL5 framereassembly error, frames discarded due to early packet discard(EPD), and frames discarded due to processor (CPU) congestion.This attribute is applicable only for connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Connections which reassemble cellsinto frames have aconnectionPointTypeof connectionEndPoint.AAL1 connections are an exception to this rule; even though theyhave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do notdo adaptation at this point.

The counter is reset to zero when the component is activated, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf droppedRxCells (drRxCells)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts cells received from the interface that weredropped because they contained invalid VPI or VCI values, ordropped because they had no associated connection for the VPIor VCI. On ATM IP FPs this count is included in the rxCell countfor the interface. Note that this attribute does not keep an exactcount. Idle cells and unassigned cells are ignored without beingcounted as dropped cells. The counter is reset to zero when thecomponent is created, or when any critical attribute of thecomponent is changed. The counter wraps to zero when itexceeds its maximum value of (2**64)-1.

The VPI and VCI of the last dropped cell are indicated in theattributelastDroppedRxCellConnection.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf lastDroppedRxCellConnection (lastDropped)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the VPI and VCI of the last cell that wasdropped. Cells are dropped because they have no associatedconnection for the VPI and VCI.

Dropped cells are counted in the attributedroppedRxCells.

Values Integer Sequence (0..4095; 0..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf aal5RxErrors (aal5Errors)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts AAL5 frame reassembly errors which haveoccurred since the component was activated. These errors areeither CRC errors or length errors, possibly caused by droppedcells.This attribute includes the count of AAL5 aborted frames.This count is included in the rxFrameDiscard count.

The counter is reset to zero when the component is created, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

The VPI and VCI of the last connection which exhibited AAL5reassembly errors are indicated in the attributelastAal5ErrorConnection.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf lastAal5RxErrorConnection (lastAal5)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the VPI and VCI of the last connectionthat exhibited AAL5 reassembly errors.

These errors are counted in the attributeaal5RxErrors.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-245

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Integer Sequence (0..4095; 0..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf lrcFrameErrors (lrcErrs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts egress LRC frame errors on frames receivedacross the bus. The likely cause of this is a hardware fault oneither the sending or receiving card. The counter is reset to zerowhen the component is created, or when any critical attribute ofthe component is changed. The counter wraps to zero when itexceeds its maximum value of (2**64)-1.

The VPI and VCI of the last connection which exhibited LRCerrors are indicated in the attributelastLrcFrameErrorConnection.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf lastLrcFrameErrorConnection (lastLrc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the VPI and VCI of the last connectionthat had LRC frame errors on frames received across the bus.These errors are counted in the attributelrcFrameErrors.

Values Integer Sequence (0..4095; 0..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf aal5RxAborts

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not supported on any card type in Release 6.0 orearlier.

This attribute counts AAL5 frame aborts which have beenreceived since the component was activated. An AAL5 abortedframe is one in which the AAL5 frame length has been set to

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2-246 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

zero. This count is included in aal5RxErrors.

The counter is reset to zero when the component is created, orwhen any critical attribute of the component is changed. Thecounter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

The VPI and VCI of the last connection which received AAL5abort errors are displayed in the attributelastAal5RxAbortConnection.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf lastAal5RxAbortConnection

Access Read only

Description This attribute is not supported on any card type in Release 6.0 orearlier.

This attribute indicates the VPI and VCI of the last connectionthat exhibited AAL5 aborts. These errors are counted in theattributeaal5RxAborts.

Values Integer Sequence (0..4095; 0..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txLinkUtilization (txLink)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current transmit interface utilizationduring the most recent minute, expressed as a percentage of thetotal bandwidth which can be carried by this ATM interface.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-247

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxLinkUtilization (rxLink)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current receive interface utilizationduring the most recent minute, expressed as a percentage of thetotal bandwidth which can be carried by this ATM interface. Thisattribute does not consider cells that are counted by thedroppedRxCells attribute, nor idle cells, nor unassigned cells.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default


Description The statistics record generated by the AtmInterface component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf remoteInstance

Description This attribute indicates the remote ATM interface, as provisionedin theremoteAtmInterfaceLabel.

Values String (0..60, ASCII)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf provRate

Description This attribute indicates the provisioned bandwidth for this ATMinterface.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf actualRate

Description This attribute indicates the actual bandwidth for this ATMinterface. When no errors occur it has a value equal toprovRate.When the link (or IMA group) is down for the entire collectioninterval it has a value of zero. When the link goes down duringthe collection interval it has a value representing the averagebandwidth during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

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2-248 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txUtilization

Description This attribute indicates the average transmit interface utilizationover the collection interval, expressed as a percentage of the totalbandwidth which can be carried by this ATM interface.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxUtilization

Description This attribute indicates the average receive interface utilizationover the collection interval, expressed as a percentage of the totalbandwidth which can be carried by this ATM interface.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txMaxCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the busiest minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txMaxCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the busiest minute of the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-249

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txMinCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the least busy minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txMinCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the least busy minute of the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txAvgCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the average transmitted cell rate(CLP=0+1) during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txAvgCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the average transmitted cell rate(CLP=0+1) during the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

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2-250 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxMaxCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=0+1) duringthe busiest minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxMaxCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=0+1) duringthe busiest minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxMinCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=0+1) duringthe least busy minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxMinCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=0+1) duringthe least busy minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-251

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxAvgCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the average received cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxAvgCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the average received cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the collection interval by ATM service category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txMaxCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=1) duringthe busiest minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txMaxCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=1) duringthe busiest minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

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2-252 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txMinCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=1) duringthe least busy minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txMinCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=1) duringthe least busy minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txAvgCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the average transmitted cell rate (CLP=1)during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txAvgCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the average transmitted cell rate (CLP=1)during the collection interval by ATM service category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-253

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxMaxCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=1) during thebusiest minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxMaxCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=1) during thebusiest minute of the collection interval by ATM service category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxMinCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=1) during theleast busy minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxMinCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=1) during theleast busy minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

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2-254 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxAvgCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the average received cell rate (CLP=1)during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxAvgCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the average received cell rate (CLP=1)during the collection interval by ATM service category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellDiscards

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=0+1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellDiscardsByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=0+1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-255

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxCellDiscards

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=0+1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxCellDiscardsByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=0+1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txFrameDiscards

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=0+1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txFrameDiscardsByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=0+1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxFrameDiscards

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=0+1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval.

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2-256 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxFrameDiscardsByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=0+1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellDiscardsClp

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txCellDiscardsClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxCellDiscardsClp

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=1) which are discarded afterbeing received during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-257

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxCellDiscardsClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=1) which are discarded afterbeing received during the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txFrameDiscardsClp

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf txFrameDiscardsClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxFrameDiscardsClp

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

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2-258 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf rxFrameDiscardsClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

COMPONENT AtmIf ConnectionMapping (ConnMap)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf ConnMap Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n ConnectionMappingThe ConnectionMappingcomponent is used to view the VCCspace supported by an ATM interface on card types3pOC3MmAtm, 3pOC3SmAtm, 3pE3Atm, 3pDS3Atm,3pE1Atm, 3pDS1Atm, and2pJ6MAtm. Only VPI and VCIvalues that lie within the VCC space may be used for VCCconnections.

Any VPI values not assigned to the VCC space are, byimplication, consigned to the VPC space. Only VPI values thatlie within the VPC space may be used to support VPCconnections.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf ConnMap Override (Ov)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-259

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf ConnMap Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes which specify the VCCspace to be supported by an ATM interface. The VCC spaceconsists of an optional “VPI Zero VCC Space” and an optional“Programmable VCC Space”.

The VPI Zero VCC Space is used to support VCCs with a VPI ofzero. The VCI values supported in this space range from 0 to anoptionally provisioned maximum ofnumVccsForVpiZero. Thesize of the VPI Zero VCC Space is either 0 or a multiple of 256.A value of 0 implies that not only can no VCCs be provisioned inthe VPI Zero VCC Space but no Programmable VCCs can beused. In this casenumNonZeroVpisForVccs will also be 0.

The optional Programmable VCC Space supports VCCs with aVPI other than zero. The VPI values supported in this space lie ina single contiguous range which excludes VPI 0. The VCI valuessupported in this space range from 0 to an optionally provisionedmaximum.

The number of connection identifier resources in the VCC andVPC space (not all of which are available for user connections) isthe value reported in theLp/n Eng ArctotalConnectionPoolAvailable attribute divided by the number ofphysical ports on the card, and can be determined as follows:

IF (numNonZeroVpisForVccs = 0) THEN number of connection ID resources = 256 + numVccsForVpiZeroOTHERWISE IF (firstNonZeroVpiForVccs = 1) THEN number of connection ID resources =

256 + numVccsForVpiZero + (numNonZeroVpisForVccs + 1) * numVccsPerNonZeroVpiOTHERWISE number of connection ID resources = 256 +numVccsForVpiZero + (numNonZeroVpisForVccs * numVccsPerNonZeroVpi)

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2-260 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf ConnMap numVccsForVpiZero (nZVccs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of VCCs supported for theVPI Zero VCC Space. The VCI values of these VCCs range from0 to (numVccsForVpiZero - 1).

To override the system default, see theAtmIf ConnMap OvattributenumVccsForVpiZero.

Values Decimal (0..16128)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf ConnMap numNonZeroVpisForVccs (nVpis)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of contiguous VPIs supportedin the optional Programmable VCC Space.

If numNonZeroVpisForVccs is 0 the Programmable VCC Spacedoes not exist. IfnumNonZeroVpisForVccs is greater than 0 theProgrammable VCC Space exists and covers the VPI valuesranging fromfirstNonZeroVpiForVccs to(firstNonZeroVpiForVccs + numNonZeroVpisForVccs - 1).

To override the system default, see theAtmIf ConnMap OvattributenumNonZeroVpisForVccs.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf ConnMap firstNonZeroVpiForVccs (firstVpi)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the initial VPI of the optionalProgrammable VCC Space.

If numNonZeroVpisForVccs is 0 the Programmable VCC Spacedoes not exist. IfnumNonZeroVpisForVccs is greater than 0 theProgrammable VCC Space exists and covers the VPI values

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-261

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ranging fromfirstNonZeroVpiForVccs to(firstNonZeroVpiForVccs + numNonZeroVpisForVccs - 1).

To override the system default, see theAtmIf ConnMap OvattributefirstNonZeroVpiForVccs.

Values Decimal (1; 16; 32; 48; 64; 80; 96; 112; 128; 144; 160; 176; 192;208; 224; 240)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf ConnMap numVccsPerNonZeroVpi (nVccs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of VCCs supported for eachVPI in the Programmable VCC Space. The VCI values of theseVCCs range from 0 to(numVccsPerNonZeroVpi - 1) for eachVPI in this space.

To override the system default, see theAtmIf ConnMap OvattributenumVccsPerNonZeroVpi.

Values Decimal (2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256; 512; 1024; 2048)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf ConnMap Override (Ov)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf ConnMap Ov Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n ConnMap OverrideThe Overridecomponent is used to specify the VCC space to besupported on an ATM interface on card types3pOC3MmAtm,3pOC3SmAtm, 3pE3Atm, 3pDS3Atm, 3pE1Atm, 3pDS1Atm,and2pJ6MAtm. Only VPI and VCI values that lie within theVCC space may be used for VCC connections.

Any VPI values not assigned to the VCC space are, byimplication, consigned to the VPC space. Only VPI values thatlie within the VPC space may be used to support VPCconnections.

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2-262 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This component is used to override the default values used for theparentConnectionMapping component.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf ConnMap Ov Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisionable attributes which specify theVCC space to be supported by this ATM interface. The VCCspace consists of an optional “VPI Zero VCC Space” and anoptional “Programmable VCC Space”. If not specified otherwise,the semantic checks described below are applicable only for theCQC-based cards.

The VPI Zero VCC Space is used to support VCCs with a VPI ofzero. The VCI values supported in this space range from 0 to aprovisioned maximum. The size of the VPI Zero VCC Spacemust either be 0 or a multiple of 256. A value of 0 implies that noprogrammable VCCs can be used. In this casenumNonZeroVpisForVccs must also be 0.

The optional Programmable VCC Space is used to support VCCswith a VPI other than zero. The VPI values supported in thisspace must lie in a single contiguous range which excludes VPI0. The VCI values supported in this space range from 0 to aprovisioned maximum. The size of the Programmable VCCSpace (should it exist) must adhere to the following rules:

If (firstNonZeroVpiForVccs = 1) THEN (numNonZeroVpisForVccs + 1) * numVccsPerNonZeroVpi must be a multiple of 256OTHERWISE

numNonZeroVpisForVccs * numVccsPerNonZeroVpi must be a multiple of 256

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-263

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The number of connection identifier resources in the VCC andVPC space can be determined as follows:

The number of connection identifier resources in the VCC andVPC space (not all of which are available for user connections) isreported in theLp/n Eng Arc totalConnectionPoolAvailableattribute, and can be determined as follows:

IF (numNonZeroVpisForVccs = 0) THEN number of connection ID resources = 256 + numVccsForVpiZeroOTHERWISE IF (firstNonZeroVpiForVccs = 1) THEN number of connection ID resources =

256 + numVccsForVpiZero + (numNonZeroVpisForVccs + 1) * numVccsPerNonZeroVpiOTHERWISE number of connection ID resources = 256 +numVccsForVpiZero + (numNonZeroVpisForVccs * numVccsPerNonZeroVpi)

The number of connection identifier resources must not exceedthe capacity of the port to which the interface is linked. If theLphas anEng Arc Cqc Ov component provisioned with a non-zeroconnectionPoolCapacity the port’s capacity is specified by thisattribute. Otherwise the port’s capacity is indicated by theLp/nEng Arc totalConnectionPoolAvailabledivided by the number ofphysical ports on the card.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf ConnMap Ov numVccsForVpiZero (nZVccs)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description For Apc-based cards, the maximum value of this attribute is16384, and the default value is 1024. The allowed values areeither 1 or powers of 2. ForCQC-based cards the followingconstraints apply: The maximum value is 16128, and the defaultis 768. This attribute specifies the number of VCCs supported forthe VPI Zero VCC Space. The VCI values of these VCCs rangefrom 0 to(numVccsForVpiZero - 1).

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2-264 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The size of the VPI Zero VCC Space must either be 0 or amultipleof 256. A value of 0 implies that no programmable VCCs can beused. In this casenumNonZeroVpisForVccs must alsobe 0.

The values of all attributes provisioned in this group must adhereto the guidelines laid down in the description of theProvisionedgroup.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default 768

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf ConnMap Ov numNonZeroVpisForVccs (nVpis)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the number of contiguous VPIs supportedin the optional Programmable VCC Space.

For Apc-based cards, the maximum value of this attribute is 127for UNI applications and 2047 for NNI applications. ForCQC-based cardsthe following constraints apply: The maximum valueis 255. IfnumNonZeroVpisForVccs is 0 the Programmable VCCSpace does not exist. IfnumNonZeroVpisForVccs is greater than0 the Programmable VCC Space exists and covers the VPI valuesranging fromfirstNonZeroVpiForVccs to(firstNonZeroVpiForVccs + numNonZeroVpisForVccs - 1).

The values of all attributes provisioned in this group must adhereto the guidelines laid down in the description of theProvisionedgroup.

Values Decimal (0..2047)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf ConnMap Ov firstNonZeroVpiForVccs (firstVpi)

Page 265: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-265

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the initial VPI of the optionalProgrammable VCC Space.

If numNonZeroVpisForVccs is 0 then the Programmable VCCSpace does not exist and the value of this attribute is ignored. IfnumNonZeroVpisForVccs is greater than 0 the ProgrammableVCC Space exists and covers the VPI values ranging fromfirstNonZeroVpiForVccs to (firstNonZeroVpiForVccs +numNonZeroVpisForVccs - 1).

For Apc-based cards, this value can be any integer numberbetween 1 and 127 for UNI applications and between 1 and 2047for NNI applications. ForCQC-based cards the initial VPI of theProgrammable VCC Space must be no greater than 240, andeither 1 or a non-zero multiple of 16. The values of all attributesprovisioned in this group must adhere to the guidelines laid downin the description of theProvisioned group.

Values Decimal (1..2047)

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf ConnMap Ov numVccsPerNonZeroVpi (nVccs)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the number of VCCs supported for eachVPI in the Programmable VCC Space. The VCI values of theseVCCs range from 0 to(numVccsPerNonZeroVpi - 1) for eachVPI in this space. For allCQC-basedcards the maximum value is2048.

The values of all attributes provisioned in this group must adhereto the guidelines laid down in the description of theProvisionedgroup.

Values Decimal (2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256; 512; 1024; 2048; 4096;8192; 16384)

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2-266 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default 64

COMPONENT AtmIf ConnectionAdministrator (CA)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf CA Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf CA Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n ConnectionAdministratorThis component controls connection admission, and reportsstatistics about the ATM connections which have been admittedon this ATM interface.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf CA ConstantBitRate (Cbr)""COMPONENT AtmIf CA RealTimeVariableBitRate (RtVbr)""COMPONENT AtmIf CA NonRealTimeVariableBitRate(NrtVbr)""COMPONENT AtmIf CA AvailableBitRate (Abr)""COMPONENT AtmIf CA UnspecifiedBitRate (Ubr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf CA Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which specify thebehavior of Connection Admission Control (CAC) for the ATMconnections configured on an ATM interface. Note that the namesof some of the attributes follow the conventions of UNI 4.0 forforward compatibility reasons. This does not imply conformancein general with the UNI 4.0 specification.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA maxVpcs (vpcs)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number ofVpcs that can beactivated on thisAtmIf.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

If the AtmIf is linked to aLogicalProcessor of cardType otherthan3pE3Atm, 3pDS3Atm, 3pOC3MmAtm, 3pOC3SmAtm,3pE1Atm, 3pDS1Atm, 2pJ6MAtm, the sum of(maxVccs +maxVpcs +1) across all sparedAtmIfs linked to thatLp must notexceed theprotectedConnectionPoolCapacity attribute of theArccomponent. The sum of(maxVpts * 3) across all sparedAtmIfsand(maxVccs + maxVpcs + (maxVpts * 3) + 1)across allunsparedAtmIfs linked to thatLp must not exceedconnectionPoolCapacity attribute of theArc component. Notethat 3 connections are used for every standardVpt and 2 for eachbasicVpt. Vpts on a sparedAtmIf are considered unspared, theirresources are allocated fromconnectionPoolCapacity. If theArccomponent doesn’t exist, the default value of theArcconnectionPoolCapacity andprotectedConnectionPoolCapacityattribute is used as the limit.

Values Decimal (0..4096)

Default 128

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA maxVccs (vccs)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of usableVccs(andVpt Vccs) that can be configured on thisAtmIf. The value mustnot exceed the number of non-reservedVcc identifiers in theVccspace supported by thisAtmIf (which is specified by theConnectionMapping component).

Furthermore, if theAtmIf is linked to aLogicalProcessor ofcardType other than3pE3Atm, 3pDS3Atm, 3pOC3MmAtm,3pOC3SmAtm, 3pE1Atm, 3pDS1Atm, 2pJ6MAtm, the sum of(maxVccs + maxVpcs +1) across all sparedAtmIfs linked to thatLp must not exceed theprotectedConnectionPoolCapacityattribute of theArc component. The sum of(maxVpts * 3) acrossall sparedAtmIfs and(maxVccs + maxVpcs + (maxVpts * 3) + 1)across all unsparedAtmIfs linked to thatLp must not exceedconnectionPoolCapacity attribute of theArc component. Notethat 3 connections are used for every standardVpt and 2 for each

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basicVpt. If the Arc component doesn’t exist, the default value oftheArc connectionPoolCapacity andprotectedConnectionPoolCapacity attribute is used as the limit.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default 255

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA minMulticastBranches (minMcast)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the guaranteed number of switchedmulticast branches that can be activated on thisAtmIf, includingthose activated beneath aVpt.

The sum ofminMulticastBranchesand the number of provisionedbranches listed in thenextHop attribute of allMnrps across allsparedAtmIfs linked to that Lp must not exceed theprotectedMcstBranchesCapacityattribute of theArc component.The sum ofminMulticastBranchesand the number of provisionedbranches listed in thenextHop attribute of allMnrps across allunsparedAtmIfs linked to thatLp must not exceedmulticastBranchesCapacity attribute of theArc component.

For CQC-based ATM cards, the value of the attribute can notexceed 10752.

If this value is non zero, theArc component must exist and havemulticastBranchesCapacity set to a value greater than or equal tothis attribute.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA maxMulticastBranches (maxMcast)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of provisionablemulticast branches that can be activated on thisAtmIf, includingthose activated beneath aVpt.

If this attribute is set to a value other thanautoConfigure, it mustbe greater than or equal to the value ofminMulticastBranches ofthis AtmIf.

For CQC-based ATM cards, the value of the attribute can notexceed 10752.

When this attribute is set toautoConfigure, an appropriate valueis selected based on the card type. It is set to 10752 for all CQC-based ATM cards, and to 16384 for ATM IP cards.

Values Decimal (1..16384)autoConfigure

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA maxVpts (vpts)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number ofVpts that can beactivated on thisAtmIf.

If the AtmIf is linked to aLogicalProcessor of cardType otherthan3pE3Atm, 3pDS3Atm, 3pOC3MmAtm, 3pOC3SmAtm,3pE1Atm, 3pDS1Atm, 2pJ6MAtm, the sum of(maxVccs +maxVpcs +1) across all sparedAtmIfs linked to thatLp must notexceed theprotectedConnectionPoolCapacity attribute of theArccomponent. The sum of(maxVpts * 3) across all sparedAtmIfsand(maxVccs + maxVpcs + (maxVpts * 3) + 1)across allunsparedAtmIfs linked to thatLp must not exceedconnectionPoolCapacity attribute of theArc component. Notethat 3 connections are used for every standardVpt and 2 for eachbasicVpt. Vpts on a sparedAtmIf are considered unspared, theirresources are allocated fromconnectionPoolCapacity. If theArccomponent doesn’t exist, the default value of theArc

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connectionPoolCapacity andprotectedConnectionPoolCapacityattribute is used as the limit.

Values Decimal (0..4096)

Default 128

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA minAutoSelectedVciForVpiZero (minVciVpiZero)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the minimum VCI value which isautomatically allocated for a switchedVcc with VPI value ofzero. A VCI number is automatically allocated when a switchedVcc does not request a specific VCI number. This value alsoapplies to switchedVccs created beneathVpt/0.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 32

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA minAutoSelectedVciForNonZeroVpi (minVciNonZeroVpi)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the minimum VCI value which isautomatically allocated for a switchedVcc with a non-zero VPIvalue. A VCI number is automatically allocated when a switchedVcc does not request a specific VCI number. This value alsoapplies to switchedVccs created beneath aVpt.

Values Decimal (5..65535)

Default 32

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA minAutoSelectedVpi (minVpi)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the minimum VPI value which will beautomatically allocated for a switchedVpc. A VPI number is

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automatically allocated when a switchedVpc does not request aspecific VPI number.

Values Decimal (1..4095)

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA permittedAtmServiceCategories (permitCat)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies which ATM service categories arepermitted on this interface for SVPs and SVCs. The value of thisattribute does not affect control VCCs, such as signalling andILMI channels. If the value is empty, no non-control SVPs orSVCs will use this interface. This attribute is ignored for theadmission of provisioned VCCs, VPCs, VPTs, S-PVCs, and S-PVPs.

The value of thepermittedAtmServiceCategories in a VPT CAoverrides this AtmIf CA setting for all the given VPT’s VCCs.

Set of unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtVbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtVbr)

Default (unspecifiedBitRate, constantBitRate, rtVariableBitRate,nrtVariableBitRate)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA maxAutoSelectedVpi (maxVpi)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the maximumVPI value which will beautomatically allocated for a switchedVpc or Vcc. A VPI numberisautomatically allocated when a switchedVpc or Vcc does notrequest a specific VPI number.

Values Decimal (1..4095)

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Default 128

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA maxAutoSelectedVciForVpiZero (maxVciVpiZero)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the maximum VCI value which isautomatically allocated for a switchedVcc. A VCI number isautomatically allocated when a switchedVcc does not request aspecific VCI number. This value also applies to switchedVccscreated beneathVpt/0.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 767

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA maxAutoSelectedVciForNonZeroVpi (maxVciNonZeroVpi)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the maximum VCI value which isautomatically allocated for a switchedVcc. A VCI number isautomatically allocated when a switchedVcc does not request aspecific VCI number. This value also applies to switchedVccscreated beneath non zeroVpts.

Values Decimal (5..65535)

Default 63

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA bandwidthPool (bwPool)

Access Read and write

Description Link capacity is partitioned into five bandwidth pools. Thisattribute specifies the percentage of link bandwidth that isallowed for each pool. The percentage for each pool ranges from0% to 12,800%. This allows for both under and over subscriptionof the link. Under subscription occurs when the sum of thepercentages assigned to the five pools is less than 100%. Over

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subscription occurs when the sum of the percentages for the fivepools exceeds 100%.

Vector of Decimal (0..12800)

Units %

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default (100, 0, 0, 0, 0)

GROUP AtmIf CA Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes giving statistics aboutthe ATM connections configured on an ATM interface.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA permanentVpcs (pVpcs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of permanentVpcs that arecurrently provisioned on this interface.

Values Decimal (0..4096)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA permanentVpts (pVpts)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of permanentVpts that arecurrently provisioned on this interface.

Values Decimal (0..4096)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA permanentVccs (pVccs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of permanentVccs that arecurrently provisioned on this interface (this includesVccs havingSrcPvc subcomponents).Vpt Vccs are also included in this count.

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Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA switchedVccs (sVccs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of switchedVccs that arecurrently active on this interface.Vpt Vccs are also included inthis count.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA switchedMulticastBranches (sMcastBranches)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of multicast branches used inswitchedVccs, includingVpt Vccs, that are currently active onthis interface.The sum of this attribute for allAtmIfcomponents linked to anLpadded to the sum ofpermanentMulticastBranches for all AtmIfcomponents linked to the sameLp gives the value ofmultiCastBranchesUsage in theArc component.

Values Decimal (0..10752)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA permanentMulticastBranches (pMcastBranches)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of multicast branches used inpermanentVccsandVpcs that are currently active on thisinterface.The sum of this attribute for allAtmIfcomponents linked to anLpadded to the sum ofswitchedMulticastBranches for all AtmIfcomponents linked to the sameLp gives the value ofmultiCastBranchesUsage in theArc component.

Values Decimal (0..10752)

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA troubledVpcs (trVpcs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of troubledVpcs on thisinterface. AVpc is “troubled” if its operationaltroubled attributehas the valueyes.

Values Decimal (0..4096)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA troubledVpts (trVpts)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of troubledVpts on thisinterface. AVpt is “troubled” if its operationaltroubled attributehas the valueyes.

Values Decimal (0.4096)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA troubledVccs (trVccs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of troubledVccs on thisinterface. AVcc is “troubled” if its operationaltroubled attributehas the valueyes.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA connectionPoolUsage (connUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of enabled VCCs, VPCs, andVPTs in thisAtmIf. An example of a VCC not in the enabled stateis aVcc with aTest subcomponent where the test is not started.

EachVcc or Vpc is counted as 1 connection. Each basicVpt is

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counted as 2 connections and each standardVpt is counted as 3connections.

Each connection appropriately reduces the number ofconnections indicated inArc totalConnectionPoolAvailable andincreases the number of connections indicated inArctotalConnectionPoolUsage.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA switchedVpcs (sVpcs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of switched Vpcs that arecurrently active on this interface.

Values Decimal (0..4095)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA poolRequestedBandwidth (poolRequBw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total requested bandwidth frombandwidthPool.This attribute does not include bandwidth forATM networking signalling connections, or bandwidth forconnections managed by aVpt CA.Its value is the sum of theequivalent cell rates (ECR) for connections which are admitted,and for connections which are requesting admission but have notyet been admitted.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA poolAdmittedBandwidth (poolAdmitBw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total admitted bandwidth inbandwidthPool.This attribute does not include bandwidth forATM networking signalling connections, or bandwidth forconnections managed by aVpt CA.Its value is the sum of theequivalent cell rates (ECR) of the admitted connections.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA poolProvisionedBandwidth (poolProvBw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total bandwidth frombandwidthPoolwhich is specified by provisioned connections except for thosemanaged by aVpt CA. Its value is the sum of the equivalent cellrates (ECR) of the provisioned connections. Provisionedconnections include provisionedAtmIf Vccs,AtmIf Vpcs,AtmIfVpts,Vpt Vccs, andVccs orVpcs with aSrc component underthem.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA poolWaitAdmitConnections (poolWaitAdmConns)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total number of connections whichhave currently requested admission inbandwidthPool but are not

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yet admitted. This attribute does not include ATM networkingsignalling connections, or connections managed by aVpt CA.

Vector of Decimal (0..16384)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA poolAdmittedConnections (poolAdmConns)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total number of connections which arecurrently admitted inbandwidthPool.This attribute does notinclude ATM networking signalling connections, or connectionsmanaged by aVpt CA.

Vector of Decimal (0..16384)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA poolAvailableBandwidth (poolAvailBw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total available bandwidth inbandwidthPool. A positive number indicates that there is stillbandwidth available in the pool which has not been allocated. Anegative value indicates that some bandwidth-elastic provisionedconnections are running in reduced mode, where their allocatedbandwidth is below their originally allocated ECR. The negativeamount is equal to the sum of thebwReduction attribute for allconnections under thisbandwidthPool.

Vector of Signed (-2147483648..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf CA ConstantBitRate (Cbr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf CA Cbr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf CA Cbr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n CA ConstantBitRate/nThis component manages the default characteristics of theconstant bit rate (CBR) service category.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf CA Cbr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which control the CBRservice category for this interface.


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the constant bit rate (CBR) service category except forconnections managed by aVpt CA. The percentage of linkcapacity reserved for the given bandwidth pool is the maximumbandwidth that can be allocated to CBR traffic. The percentageallocated to each bandwidth pool can be provisioned through thebandwidthPool attribute under theCA.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

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Default pool1


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default cell delay variation tolerance(CDVT) for all connections of the CBR service category exceptthose managed by aVpt CA. An override to this default may bespecified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tm or VpdTm component.

This attribute is used by the CAC function to compute theequivalent cell rate (ECR) required by a given CBR connection.The larger the value of CDVT, the larger is its ECR.

If Usage Parameter Control (UPC) is enabled for a connection,CDVT is used by the UPC function to decide whether a cell isconforming or non-conforming based on the connection’s trafficdescriptor type. The larger the CDVT value, the more tolerant isthe UPC of bandwidth usage beyond the traffic contract.

Values Decimal (1..10000)

Units microsec

Default 250


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the peak-to-peak cell delay variation(CDV) which is contributed to the entire ATM Interface for CBRtraffic.

The CDV is a measure of the delay jitter introduced mostly bytraffic buffering and cell scheduling. The worst case value of thisattribute can be computed as thetxQueueLimitdivided by the linkrate of this ATM Interface.

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The value of this attribute is used by PNNI in the ResourceAvailability Information Group (RAIG) topology updates androute selection. It is also used by CAC at connection set-up timeto determine whether this ATM Interface can meet the CDVrequirements of the connection. If so, the value of this attribute isadded to the cumulative CDV field of the extended QoSinformation element.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units microsec

Default 250


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the maximum cell transfer delay(MaxCTD) which is applied to the entire ATM Interface for CBRtraffic.

MaxCTD is the sum of the fixed delay and the CDV. Thecomponents of the fixed delay include propagation delay throughthe physical media, delays induced by the transmission system,and fixed components of switch processing delay.

This attribute is used by PNNI in the Resource AvailabilityInformation Group (RAIG) topology updates and route selection.It is also used by CAC at connection set-up time to determinewhether this ATM Interface can meet the ATM connection’sMaxCTD requirement.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units microsec

Default 1000

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr cellLossRatio (clr)

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Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the tolerable cell loss ratio (CLR) for CBRtraffic except for connections managed by aVpt CA. The numberis the negative logarithm (base 10) of the CLR. For example, ifthe target CLR = 1E-10 thenCbr cellLossRatio = 10. Thisnumber must be the same as theRtVbr cellLossRatio since CBRand rt-VBR traffic have the same discard priority. TheCbrcellLossRatio is used by the Connection Admission Control(CAC) algorithm to compute the required (equivalent) cell ratefor CBR connections.

There is a trade-off between the service category CLR and theachievable link utilization. To guarantee an excellent servicecategory, the CLR should be as small as possible (e.g., 1E-10).However, a smaller CLR results in a larger equivalent cell rate fora given connection and hence a lower link utilization.

Setting this attribute to 0 means that a CLR of 1 can be tolerated.In this case, no bandwidth is reserved for CBR connections, andCAC is effectively turned off. All CBR connections are admitted.

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default 10

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr txQueueLimit (txql)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default maximum queue length for theemission queues used to buffer the traffic of the CBR servicecategory. It is used as the basis for setting the discard thresholdson both common and per-VC queues. For the common queue, thediscard thresholds are set at approximately 35, 75, and 90 percentof the value of this attribute for traffic at discard priority 3(DP=3), DP=2 and DP=1 respectively.

For a per-VC queue, the actual limit may be reduced depending

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on the shaping rate of the connection (for standardVpt Vccs, thisis the shaping rate of theVpt). The discard thresholds are set atapproximately 35, 75 and 90 percent of the scaled queue limit fortraffic at discard priority 3 (DP=3), DP=2 and DP=1 respectively.However, a reduction will never result in a value that is less thanthe value set for theminPerVcQueueLimit attribute. CQC-basedATM cards and 1pOC12SmLrAtm cards do not support per-VCqueues at the CBR service category.

When this attribute is set toautoConfigure, an appropriate valueis selected based on the card type. It is set to 96 for all PassportATM cards (DS1, E1, IMA, JT2, DS3, E3, OC3, both CQC- andATM IP-based), except 1pOC12SmLrAtm. For the1pOC12SmLrAtm card, the value is set to 350.

For ATM IP FPs, the per-VC queue limit may be overridden for apermanent connection by specifying a value in theVcd Tmor VpdTm txQueueLimit attribute.

The operational value of the maximum length of a queue(common or per-VC) is indicated by theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or VptTm txQueueThresholds attribute.

For standardVpts, this attribute does not apply when using per-VC queuing and only applies when using common queueing.When using per-VC queueing, regardless of theVpt’s servicecategory, standardVpts use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbr txQueueLimitvalue as their default.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Values Decimal (5..63488)autoConfigure

Units cells

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute specifies the holding priority which applies to SVPand SVC CBR connections. It takes a value from 0 (highestpriority) to 4 (lowest priority). In a situation where the linkbandwidth fluctuates, such as over an IMA link, holding priorityis used to determine which connections are held and which arereleased. Holding priority 4 connections are the first to bereleased. Holding priority 0 connections are the last to bereleased.

This attribute does not apply toVpt Vccs. When bandwidthfluctuates, the entireVpt, along with allVpt Vccs is released as aunit, according to theVpt’s holdingPriority.

Values 01234

Default 3

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr svcMpHoldingPriority (svcMpHpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default holding priority which appliesto SVC CBR point-to-multipoint connections. It takes a valuefrom 0 (highest priority) to 4 (lowest priority). In a situationwhere the link bandwidth fluctuates, such as over an IMA link,holding priority is used to determine which connections are heldand which are released. Holding priority 4 connections are thefirst to be released. Holding priority 0 connections are the last tobe released.

This attribute does not apply toVpt Vccs. When bandwidthfluctuates, the entireVpt, along with allVpt Vccs is released as aunit, according to theVpt’s holdingPriority.

Values 012

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Default 3

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr minPerVcQueueLimit (minpervcql)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the minimum queue limit for the per-VCqueues of connections of the CBR service category.

This attribute is ignored on CQC-based ATM cards,1pOC48SmSrAtm, and 1pOC12SmLrAtm cards, because they donot support per-VC queues at the CBR service category.

The queue limit of a per-VC queue is obtained by scaling downthetxQueueLimit based on the shaping rate of that queue(shaping rate for the connection, and for standardVpt Vccs, theshaping rate of theVpt). This produces a constant delay forvarious queue lengths. ThetxQueueLimit provides an upperbound whileminPerVcQueueLimit provides the lower bound.The value of this attribute must not be greater than the value ofthetxQueueLimit attribute. If this service category is used byTrunks the value ofminPerVcQueueLimit must be at least 88.

For Vpts, this attribute does not apply. Regardless ofVpt servicecategory, standardVpts always use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbrminPerVcQueueLimitvalue as their default. To determine thequeue limit of a standardVpt Vcc, thetxQueueLimit is scaleddown by theVpt shaping rate.

Values Decimal (5..12000)

Units cells

Default 88

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr perVcQueueLimitReferenceRate (refrate)

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Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the shaping rate to be used in computingthe tolerable delay for per-VC queues of connections of the CBRservice category. The delay is computed as thetxQueueLimitdivided by the value of this attribute.

This attribute is ignored on CQC-based ATM cards and1pOC12SmLrAtm cards, because they do not support per-VCqueues at the CBR service category.

When the value of this attribute isautoConfigure, an appropriatedefault is selected based on the card type. It is set to 80000 for allcards which support per-VC queuing at the CBR service category(3pDS3Atm2, 3pE3Atm2, 2pOC3SmAtm2, 2pOC3MmAtm2).

For Vpts, this attribute does not apply. Regardless ofVpt servicecategory, standardVpts always use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbrperVcQueueLimitReferenceRate value as their default.

Values Decimal (1..943396)autoConfigure

Units cell/s

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr emissionPriority (ep)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute is not applicable and is ignored for CQC-basedATM cards.

This attribute specifies the emission priority (EP) which is used totransmit traffic of the CBR service category. A lower numericalvalue for this attribute specifies a higher emission priority. 0 is thehighest EP and 7 is the lowest. Cells at a higher emission priorityreceive higher preference for link bandwidth. EPs 0 and 1 are inthe absolute priority range, and are unaffected by any minimum

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

bandwidth guarantees. EPs 2 through 7 are in the guaranteedbandwidth range. Minimum bandwidth guarantee is specified intheAtmIf/n Ep/m component.

Emission priority setting must comply with all of the followingconstraints:1. The emission priority numbers must be in the following order:CBR <= rt-VBR <= nrt-VBR <= ABR <= UBR2. Two different ATM service categories may share the same EPonly if they are both shaped.3. CBR and rt-VBR may be placed either in the absolute priorityrange (EP 0 or 1) or in the guaranteed bandwidth range (EP 2through 7).4. If both CBR and rt-VBR are shaped, rt-VBR must share thesame EP with CBR or ABR. If either one of CBR or rt-VBR arenot shaped, then they cannot share the same EP.5. ABR service category is always deemed to be shaped. If nrt-VBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. If nrt-VBRis not shaped it must have a higher EP than ABR.6. If UBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. IfUBR is not shaped, it must have a lower EP than ABR.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values Decimal (0..7)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr trafficShaping (trShaping)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default traffic shaping option forconnections of the CBR service category. An override to thisdefault may be specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

When this attribute is set todisabled, traffic shaping cannot beenabled for any CBR connections.

For CQC-based ATM FPs and 1pOC12SmLrAtm FPs, this

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attribute must be set todisabled. Traffic shaping is not supportedfor CBR connections on CQC-based ATM FPs.

If the Vcc Tm, Vpc Tm, orVpt Tm, txTrafficDescType indicatestype 1 or 2, this attribute is ignored, and traffic shaping is notapplicable for that connection.

When this attribute is set toinverseUpc, traffic shaping for aconnection is enabled according to the value of theVcc Tm, VpcTm,or Vpt Tm txTrafficDescType.

If this attribute is set toinverseUpc, and thetxTrafficDescType is3, 4, or 5, linear traffic shaping is enabled. Linear traffic shapinguses a single static traffic shaping rate.

If this attribute is set toinverseUpc, and thetxTrafficDescType is6, 7, or 8, inverse-UPC (also referred to as VBR or dual leakybucket) traffic shaping is enabled. Inverse-UPC traffic shapingcan burst above the sustained cell rate to the peak cell rate for theduration defined by maximum burst size. Inverse-UPC trafficshaping exactly conforms to the requirements of a dual leakybucket UPC enforcer.

When this attribute is set toenabledand thetxTrafficDescType is3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, traffic shaping for a connection is enabled usinglinear shaping.

Enabling or disabling traffic shaping may require a matchingchange to theemissionPriority attribute andunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute for this service category.Refer to those attributes for the complete description of theinteractions.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values enableddisabledinverseUpc

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr shapeRecoupPolicy (recoup)

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the shaping recoup policy for the CBRservice category. This is the policy which is used to recoupshaping opportunities which are lost when more than oneconnection schedules a cell for the same transmit opportunity. Inthis case, one connection is scheduled, and the cell from the otherconnection is delayed by one cell time. This attribute affects howthe transmit time is calculated for the next cell on the delayedconnection. This attribute is ignored if this service category is notshaped.

When the connection which was delayed schedules the next cellto transmit, it may calculate the time as a difference from eitherthe previous actual cell transmit time, or the time when theprevious cell should have been transmitted.

Setting this attribute tomaximumEfficiency results in eachconnection trying to recoup or regain any delays in scheduling.The transmit time from the next cell is calculated from the timewhen the cell should originally have been sent. Cell delayvariation (CDV) occurs in this case since the cells are sent withless than the shaping delay between them. However, in generalthe shaper recovers (recoups) lost opportunities and improvesefficiency.

Setting this attribute tominimumCdv results in connections nottrying to recoup or regain any delays in scheduling. The transmittime for the next cell is calculated from the time when theprevious cell was actually transmitted. This minimizes CDV, butresults in missed cell opportunities.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values minimumCdvmaximumEfficiency

Default minimumCdv

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

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Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default queuing option for unshapedconnections of the CBR service category. On ATM IP cards, thisattribute controls whether common or per-VC queueing is used.

Per-VC queueing means that each connection has its ownbuffering and queue limits.

Common queueing means that cells are queued in First In FirstOut order on a common queue for this service category. Thecommon queue has one set of congestion control levels for allcells enqueued on it.

For 1pOC12SmLrAtm cards this attribute must be set tocommonor autoConfigure. This attribute cannot be set toperVc sinceperVc queueing is not available on the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card.The valueautoConfigure is interpreted to meancommonqueueing.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set tocommon.CQC-based ATM cards do not support per-VC queueing for theCBR service category.

For ATM IP cards, if traffic shaping for this service category isnot disabled, this attribute must be set toperVc.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values perVccommon

Default common

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr weightPolicy

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute specifies the default policy which is applied whencalculating the fairness weight for unshaped connections of theCBR service category. The fairness weight for a connectiondetermines the relative amount of bandwidth which thatconnection obtains, compared to other connections in the sameservice category. Connections with equal weight get equaltransmit opportunities. Connections with higher weights get moretransmit opportunities compared with connections that havelower weights. An override to this default may be specified for aprovisioned connection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

The fairness weight for a connection is directly proportional tothe value of one of the traffic descriptor parameters for thatconnection. This attribute specifies which traffic descriptorparameter is used for connections of the CBR service category.

This attribute is ignored on CQC-based ATM cards. This attributeis also ignored on ATM IP cards ifunshapedTransmitQueueingisset for common queuing.

If this attribute is set toscr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe transmit sustained cell rate (SCR) of a connection.Connections with a higher SCR have a higher fairness weight.For connections withtxTrafficDescType 3, which have no SCR,the sustained cell rate is assumed to be equal to the peak cell rate.

If this attribute is set topcr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe transmit peak cell rate (PCR) of a connection. Connectionswith a higher PCR have a higher fairness weight. Connectionswith txTrafficDescType 1 or 2 get a minimum weight, which is 1.

If this attribute is set toecr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe equivalent cell rate (ECR) of a connection as calculated byconnection admission control (CAC). Connections with a higherECR have a higher fairness weight. Connections with an ECR of0 get a minimum weight, which is 1.

The weight of a connection is visible in theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,orVpt Tm weight attribute.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

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Values scrpcrecr

Default ecr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr forceTagging (tag)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default of whether to force tagging(CLP=1) of all cells for all CBR connections. An override to thisdefault may be specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

When this attribute is set toenabled, CLP is set to 1 for all cellsin the transmit direction. Force tagging is only supported on ATMIP FPs.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, this attribute must be set todisabled.When this attribute is set todisabled, CLP is unchanged for allcells in the transmit direction.

This attribute never applies to any type ofVpt.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default usage parameter control (UPC)option for connections of the CBR service category. This attributeis ignored if therxTrafficDescriptorType indicates 1 or 2. Anoverride to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

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When this attribute is set toenforced, UPC is enforced by defaultfor each connection. When UPC is enforced, non-conformingcells are either tagged or discarded depending on therxTrafficDescriptorType.

On ATM IP FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored, UPCconformance checking is performed, except, instead of the non-conforming cells being tagged or discarded, they are merelycounted in the UPC violations counts, and passed on unchanged.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored,it has the same effect as setting it todisabled.

When this attribute is set todisabled, UPC is disabled on thereceive path for all CBR connections.

This attribute never applies to any type ofVpt.

Values enforceddisabledmonitored

Default disabled

GROUP AtmIf CA Cbr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes for the CBR servicecategory.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Cbr epdOffset (epdO)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Early Packet Discard (EPD) offsetwhich is currently in use for this service category. The EPD offsetis used to derive the EPD thresholds for each CC level.

Any connection under this service category which requires thetxPacketWiseDiscard feature must specify a transmit queue limitwhich is at least 5.71 times this offset. This ensures that thederived Epd threshold will never be less than 17.5% of the

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transmit queue limit. If this is not done, txPacketWiseDiscard forthe connection will be automatically disabled.

The value of this EPD offset is specified under the lp/x eng arcaqm ov component.

Values Decimal (0; 5..1024)

Units cells

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf CA RealTimeVariableBitRate (RtVbr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf CA RtVbr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf CA RtVbr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n CA RealTimeVariableBitRate/nThis component manages the default characteristics of the real-time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) service category.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf CA RtVbr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which control the rt-VBR service category for this interface.


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the real-time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) service category

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except for connections managed by aVpt CA. The percentage oflink capacity reserved for the given bandwidth pool is themaximum bandwidth that can be allocated to rt-VBR traffic. Thepercentage allocated to each bandwidth pool can be provisionedthrough thebandwidthPool attribute under theCA.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

Default pool1


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default cell delay variation tolerance(CDVT) for all connections of the rt-VBR service category. Anoverride to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

If Usage Parameter Control (UPC) is enabled for a connection,CDVT is used by the UPC function to decide whether a cell isconforming or non-conforming based on the connection’s trafficdescriptor type. The larger the CDVT value, the more tolerant isthe UPC to bandwidth usage beyond the traffic contract.

Values Decimal (1..1200000)

Units microsec

Default 250


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the peak-to-peak cell delay variation(CDV) which is contributed to the entire ATM Interface for rt-

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VBR traffic.

The CDV is a measure of the delay jitter introduced mostly bytraffic buffering and cell scheduling. The worst case value of thisattribute can be computed as thetxQueueLimitdivided by the linkrate of this ATM Interface.

The value of this attribute is used by PNNI in the ResourceAvailability Information Group (RAIG) topology updates androute selection. It is also used by CAC at connection set-up timeto determine whether this ATM Interface can meet the CDVrequirement for that connection. If so, the value of this attribute isadded to the cumulative CDV field of the extended QoSinformation element.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units microsec

Default 1268


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the maximum cell transfer delay(MaxCTD) which is applied to the entire ATM Interface for rt-VBR traffic.

MaxCTD is the sum of the fixed delay and the CDV. Thecomponents of the fixed delay include propagation delay throughthe physical media, delays induced by the transmission system,and fixed components of switch processing delay.

This attribute is used by PNNI in the Resource AvailabilityInformation Group (RAIG) topology updates and route selection.It is also used by CAC at connection set-up time to determinewhether this ATM Interface can meet the ATM connection’sMaxCTD requirement.

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Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units microsec

Default 2000

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr cellLossRatio (clr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the tolerable cell loss ratio (CLR) for rt-VBR traffic except for connections managed by aVpt CA. Thenumber is the negative logarithm (base 10) of the CLR. Forexample, if the target CLR = 1E-10 thenRtVbr cellLossRatio =10. This number must be the same as theCbr cellLossRatio sinceCBR and rt-VBR traffic have the same discard priority. TheRtVbr cellLossRatio is used by the Connection AdmissionControl (CAC) algorithm to compute the required (equivalent)cell rate for rt-VBR connections. This number must be less thanor equal to theNrtVbr cellLossRatio, since rt-VBR traffic has ahigher discard priority.

There is a trade-off between the service category CLR and theachievable link utilization. To guarantee an excellent servicecategory, the CLR should be as small as possible (e.g., 1E-10).However, a smaller CLR results in a larger equivalent cell rate fora given connection and hence a lower link utilization.

Setting this attribute to 0 means that a CLR of 1 can be tolerated.In this case, no bandwidth is reserved for rt-VBR connections,and CAC is effectively turned off. All rt-VBR are admitted.

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default 10

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr txQueueLimit (txql)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute specifies the default maximum queue length for theemission queues used to buffer the traffic of the rt-VBR servicecategory. It is used as the basis for setting the discard thresholdson both common and per-VC queues. For the common queue, thediscard thresholds are set at approximately 35, 75, and 90 percentof the value of this attribute for traffic at discard priority 3(DP=3), DP=2, and DP=1 respectively.

For a per-VC queue, the actual limit may be reduced dependingon the shaping rate of the connection (for standardVpt Vccs, thisis the shaping rate of theVpt). The discard thresholds are set atapproximately 35, 75, and 90 percent of the scaled queue limitfor traffic at discard priority 3 (DP=3), DP=2, and DP=1,respectively. However, a reduction will never result in a value thatis less than the value set for theminPerVcQueueLimit attribute.

When the value of this attribute isautoConfigure, an appropriatevalue is selected based on the card type. It is set to 288 for lowspeed cards such as DS1, E1 and IMA, and set to 480 for highspeed cards such as JT2, DS3, E3 and OC3 (including ATM IPFPs). For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, the value is set to 2048.For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, the value is set to 12288.

For ATM IP FPs, the per-VC queue limit may be overridden for apermanent connection by specifying a value in theVcd Tmor VpdTm txQueueLimit attribute.

For 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards, the value of this attribute is used toset the maximum size of the link-class queue for buffering thistraffic type on the egress path.

The operational value of the maximum length of a queue(common or per-VC) is indicated by theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or VptTm txQueueThresholds attribute.

For standardVpts, this attribute does not apply when using per-VC queuing and only applies when using common queueing.When using per-VC queueing, regardless of theVpt’s servicecategory, standardVpts use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbr txQueueLimitvalue as their default.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Decimal (5..160000)autoConfigure

Units cells

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr minPerVcQueueLimit (minpervcql)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the minimum queue limit for the per-VCqueues of connections of the rt-VBR service category.

The queue limit of a per-VC queue is obtained by scaling downthetxQueueLimitbased on the shaping rate of that queue(shaping rate for the connection, and for standardVpt Vccs, theshaping rate of theVpt). This produces a constant delay forvarious queue lengths. ThetxQueueLimit provides an upperbound whileminPerVcQueueLimitprovides the lower bound.The value of this attribute must not be greater than the value ofthetxQueueLimit attribute. If this service category is used byTrunks the value ofminPerVcQueueLimit must be at least 88.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards, thisattribute does not apply since per-VC queueing is not available.

For Vpts, this attribute does not apply. Regardless ofVpt servicecategory, standardVpts always use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbrminPerVcQueueLimitvalue as their default. To determine thequeue limit of a standardVpt Vcc, thetxQueueLimit is scaleddown by theVpt shaping rate.

Values Decimal (5..160000)

Units cells

Default 88

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr perVcQueueLimitReferenceRate (refrate)

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Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the shaping rate to be used in computingthe tolerable delay for per-VC queues of connections of the rt-VBR service category. The delay is computed as thetxQueueLimit divided by the value of this attribute.

When the value of this attribute isautoConfigure, an appropriatedefault is selected based on the card type. It is set to 3685 for lowspeed cards such as DS1, E1, and IMA, and set to 14740 for highspeed cards such as JT2, DS3, E3 and OC3.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards, thisattribute does not apply since per-VC queueing is not available.

For Vpts, this attribute does not apply. Regardless ofVpt servicecategory, standardVpts always use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbrperVcQueueLimitReferenceRate value as their default.

Values Decimal (1..943396)autoConfigure

Units cell/s

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default holding priority which appliesto SVP and SVC rt-VBR connections. It takes a value from 0(highest priority) to 4 (lowest priority). In a situation where thelink bandwidth fluctuates, such as over an IMA link, holdingpriority is used to determine which connections are held andwhich are released. Holding priority 4 connections are the first tobe released. Holding priority 0 connections are the last to bereleased.

This attribute does not apply toVpt Vccs. When bandwidth

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fluctuates, the entireVpt, along with allVpt Vccs are released as aunit, according to theVpt’s holdingPriority.

Values 01234

Default 3

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr svcMpHoldingPriority (svcMpHpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default holding priority which appliesto SVC rt-VBR point-to-multipoint connections. It takes a valuefrom 0 (highest priority) to 4 (lowest priority). In a situationwhere the link bandwidth fluctuates, such as over an IMA link,holding priority is used to determine which connections are heldand which are released. Holding priority 4 connections are thefirst to be released. Holding priority 0 connections are the last tobe released.

This attribute does not apply toVpt Vccs. When bandwidthfluctuates, the entireVpt, along with allVpt Vccs is released as aunit, according to theVpt’s holdingPriority.

Values 01234

Default 3

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr emissionPriority (ep)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute is not applicable and is ignored for CQC-basedATM cards.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, only the default value issupported.

This attribute specifies the emission priority (EP) which is used totransmit traffic of the rt-VBR service category. A lower numericalvalue for this attribute specifies a higher emission priority. 0 is thehighest EP and 7 is the lowest. Cells at a higher emission priorityreceive higher preference for link bandwidth. EPs 0 and 1 are inthe absolute priority range, and are unaffected by any minimumbandwidth guarantees. EPs 2 through 7 are in the guaranteedbandwidth range. Minimum bandwidth guarantee is specified intheAtmIf/n Ep/m component.

Emission priority setting must comply with all of the followingconstraints:1. The emission priority numbers must be in the following order:CBR <= rt-VBR <= nrt-VBR <= ABR <= UBR2. Two different ATM service categories may share the same EPonly if they are both shaped.3. CBR and rt-VBR may be placed either in the absolute priorityrange (EP 0 or 1) or in the guaranteed bandwidth range (EP 2through 7).4. If both CBR and rt-VBR are shaped, rt-VBR must share thesame EP with CBR or ABR. If either one of CBR or rt-VBR arenot shaped, then they cannot share the same EP.5. ABR service category is always deemed to be shaped. If nrt-VBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. If nrt-VBRis not shaped it must have a higher EP than ABR.6. If UBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. IfUBR is not shaped, it must have a lower EP than ABR.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values Decimal (0..7)

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr trafficShaping (trShaping)

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-303

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default traffic shaping option forconnections of the rt-VBR service category. An override to thisdefault may be specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

When this attribute is set todisabled, traffic shaping cannot beenabled for any rt-VBR connections. On 1pOC12SmLrAtmcards, this attribute must be set todisabled.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute may be set toenabledonly if the interface supports shaping, as defined by theperVcQueueInterfaces attribute in theAtmResourceControl CqcOverride component. If that component does not exist, thisattribute must be set todisabled.

If the Vcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or Vpt Tm txTrafficDescType indicatestype 1 or 2, this attribute is ignored, and traffic shaping is notapplicable for that connection.

When this attribute is set toinverseUpc, traffic shaping for aconnection is enabled according to card type and the value of theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or Vpt Tm txTrafficDescType.

If this attribute is set toinverseUpc, and thetxTrafficDescType is3, 4, or 5, linear traffic shaping is enabled. Linear traffic shapinguses a single static traffic shaping rate.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, if this attribute is set toinverseUpc,and thetxTrafficDescType is 6, 7, or 8, linear traffic shaping isenabled.

On ATM IP FPs, if this attribute is set toinverseUpc, and thetxTrafficDescType is 6, 7, or 8, inverse-UPC (also referred to asVBR or dual leaky bucket) traffic shaping is enabled. Inverse-UPC traffic shaping can burst above the sustained cell rate to thepeak cell rate for the duration defined by maximum burst size.Inverse-UPC traffic shaping exactly conforms to the requirements

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of a dual leaky bucket UPC enforcer.

When this attribute is set toenabledand thetxTrafficDescType is3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, traffic shaping for a connection is enabled usinglinear shaping.

Enabling or disabling traffic shaping may require a matchingchange to theemissionPriority attribute andunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute for this service category.Refer to those attributes for the complete description of theinteractions.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values enableddisabledinverseUpc

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr shapeRecoupPolicy (recoup)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the shaping recoup policy for the rt-VBRservice category. This is the policy which is used to recoupshaping opportunities which are lost when more than oneconnection schedules a cell for the same transmit opportunity. Inthis case, one connection is scheduled, and the cell from anotherconnection is delayed by one cell time. This attribute affects howthe transmit time is calculated for the next cell on the delayedconnection. This attribute is ignored if this service category is notshaped.

When the connection which was delayed schedules the next cellto transmit, it may calculate the time as a difference from eitherthe previous actual cell transmit time, or the time when theprevious cell should have been transmitted.

Setting this attribute tomaximumEfficiency results in eachconnection trying to recoup or regain delays in scheduling. The

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transmit time from the next cell is calculated from the time whenthe cell should originally have been sent. Cell delay variation(CDV) occurs in this case since the cells are sent with less thanthe shaping delay between them. However, in general the shaperrecovers (recoups) lost opportunities and improves efficiency.

Setting this attribute tominimumCdv results in connections nottrying to recoup or regain any delays in scheduling. The transmittime for the next cell is calculated from the time when theprevious cell was actually transmitted. This minimizes CDV, butresults in missed cell opportunities.

Values minimumCdvmaximumEfficiency

Default minimumCdv

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default queuing option for unshapedconnections of the rt-VBR service category. This attributecontrols whether common or per-VC queueing is used.

Per-VC queueing means that each connection has its ownbuffering and queue limits.

Common queueing means that cells are queued in First In FirstOut order on a common queue for this service category. Thecommon queue has one set of congestion control levels for allcells enqueued on it.

For 1pOC12SmLrAtm and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards this attributemust be set tocommon or autoConfigure. This attribute cannotbe set toperVc since per-Vc queueing is not available on the1pOC12SmLrAtm and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards. The valueautoConfigure is interpreted to meancommon queueing.

For ATM IP cards, if traffic shaping for this service category isdisabled, this attribute may take any of the three values. In this

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case, the valueautoConfigure is interpreted to mean per-VCqueueing.

For ATM IP cards, if traffic shaping for this service category isnot disabled, the only permitted values areperVc andautoConfigure. In this case, the result is that all connections useper-VC queueing.

For CQC-based ATM cards, if theperVcQueueInterfacesattribute of theLp Eng Arc Cqc component permits shaping forthis interface, then this attribute may take any of the three values.In this case, the valueautoConfigure is interpreted to mean per-VC queueing.

For CQC-based ATM cards, if theperVcQueueInterfacesattribute of theLp Eng Arc Cqc component does not permitshaping for this interface, then this attribute may take valuescommonor autoConfigure. In this case, the valueautoConfigureis interpreted to mean common queueing.

If this attribute is set toautoConfigure, an override to this defaultmay be specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

TheopUnshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of this componentindicates whether the transmit queueing isperVc or common.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values perVccommonautoConfigure

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default usage parameter control (UPC)option for connections of the rt-VBR service category. This

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attribute is ignored if therxTrafficDescriptorType indicates 1 or2. An override to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

When this attribute is set toenforced, UPC is enforced for eachconnection. When UPC is enforced, non-conforming cells areeither tagged or discarded depending on therxTrafficDescriptorType.

On ATM IP FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored, UPCconformance checking is performed, except, instead of the non-conforming cells being tagged or discarded, they are merelycounted in the UPC violations counts, and passed on unchanged.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored,it has the same effect as setting it todisabled.

When this attribute is set todisabled, UPC is disabled on thereceive path for all rt-VBR connections.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values enforceddisabledmonitored

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr weightPolicy

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the policy which is applied whencalculating the fairness weight for unshaped connections of thert-VBR service category. The fairness weight for a connectiondetermines the relative amount of bandwidth which thatconnection obtains, compared to other connections in the sameservice category. Connections with equal weight get equaltransmit opportunities. Connections with higher weights get moretransmit opportunities compared with connections that havelower weights. An override to this default may be specified for a

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provisioned connection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

The fairness weight for a connection is directly proportional tothe value of one of the traffic descriptor parameters for thatconnection. This attribute specifies which traffic descriptorparameter is used for connections of the rt-VBR service category.

This attribute is ignored on CQC-based ATM cards and the1pOC48SmSrAtm card. This attribute is also ignored on ATM IPcards ifunshapedTransmitQueueing is set for common queuing.

If this attribute is set toscr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe transmit sustained cell rate (SCR) of a connection.Connections with a higher SCR have a higher fairness weight.For connections withtxTrafficDescType 3, which have no SCR,the sustained cell rate is assumed to be equal to the peak cell rate.

If this attribute is set topcr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe transmit peak cell rate (PCR) of a connection. Connectionswith a higher PCR have a higher fairness weight. Connectionswith txTrafficDescType 1 or 2 get a minimum weight, which is 1.

If this attribute is set toecr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe equivalent cell rate (ECR) of a connection as calculated byconnection admission control (CAC). Connections with a higherECR have a higher fairness weight. Connections with an ECR of0 get a minimum weight, which is 1.

The weight of a connection is visible in theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,orVpt Tm weight attribute.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values scrpcrecr

Default ecr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr forceTagging (tag)

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Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default of whether to force tagging(CLP=1) of all cells for all rt-VBR connections. An override tothis default may be specified for a provisioned connection undertheVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

When this attribute is set toenabled, CLP is set to 1 for all cellsin the transmit direction. Force tagging is only supported on ATMIP FPs.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, this attribute must be set todisabled.When this attribute is set todisabled, CLP is unchanged for allcells in the transmit direction.

This attribute never applies to any type ofVpt.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled

GROUP AtmIf CA RtVbr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes for the rt-VBR servicecategory.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr opUnshapedTransmitQueueing (opUnshap)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the state of transmit queueing forunshaped rt-VBR connections.

A value ofperVc indicates that any unshaped connections useper-VC queueing. A value ofcommon indicates that traffic forunshaped connections uses the common queue whichcorresponds to the EP for this service category.

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Values perVccommon

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA RtVbr epdOffset (epdO)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Early Packet Discard (EPD) offsetwhich is currently in use for this service category. The EPD offsetis used to derive the EPD thresholds for each CC level.

Any connection under this service category which requires thetxPacketWiseDiscard feature must specify a transmit queue limitwhich is at least 5.71 times this offset. This ensures that thederived Epd threshold will never be less than 17.5% of thetransmit queue limit. If this is not done, txPacketWiseDiscard forthe connection will be automatically disabled.

The value of this EPD offset is specified under the lp/x eng arcaqm ov component.

Values Decimal (0; 5..1024)

Units cells

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf CA NonRealTimeVariableBitRate (NrtVbr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf CA NrtVbr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf CA NrtVbr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

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Description AtmIf/n CA NonRealTimeVariableBitRate/nThis component manages the default characteristics of the non-real-time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) service category.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf CA NrtVbr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which control the nrt-VBR service category for this interface.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr pool

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the non-real-time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) servicecategory except for connections managed by aVpt CA. Thepercentage of link capacity reserved for the given bandwidth poolis the maximum bandwidth that can be allocated to nrt-VBRtraffic. The percentage allocated to each bandwidth pool can beprovisioned through thebandwidthPool attribute under theCA.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

Default pool1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr cdvt

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute specifies the default cell delay variation tolerance(CDVT) for all connections of the nrt-VBR service category. Anoverride to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

If Usage Parameter Control (UPC) is enabled for a connection,CDVT is used by the UPC function to decide whether a cell isconforming or non-conforming based on the connection’s trafficdescriptor type. The larger the CDVT value, the more tolerant isthe UPC of bandwidth usage beyond the traffic contract.

Values Decimal (1..1200000)

Units microsec

Default 250

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr cellLossRatio (clr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the tolerable cell loss ratio (CLR) for nrt-VBR traffic except for connections managed by aVpt CA. Thenumber is the negative logarithm (base 10) of the CLR. In otherwords if the target CLR = 1E-10 thenNrtVbr cellLossRatio = 10.This number must be greater than or equal toRtVbr cellLossRatiosince rt-VBR traffic has a higher discard priority. TheNrtVbrcellLossRatio is used by the Connection Admission Control(CAC) algorithm to compute the required (equivalent) cell ratefor nrt-VBR connections.

There is a trade-off between the service category CLR and theachievable link utilization. To guarantee an excellent servicecategory, the CLR should be as small as possible (e.g., 1E-10).However, a smaller CLR results in a larger equivalent cell rate fora given connection and hence a lower link utilization.

Setting this attribute to 0 means that a CLR of 1 can be tolerated.In this case no bandwidth is reserved for nrt-VBR connections,and CAC is effectively turned off. All nrt-VBR connections areadmitted.

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Values Decimal (0..15)

Default 7

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr txQueueLimit (txql)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default maximum queue length for theemission queues used to buffer the traffic of the nrt-VBR servicecategory. It is used as the basis for setting the discard thresholdson both common and per-VC queues. For the common queue, thediscard thresholds are set at approximately 35, 75, and 90 percentof the value of this attribute for traffic at discard priority 3(DP=3), DP=2, and DP=1 respectively.

For per-VC queue, the actual limit may be reduced depending onthe shaping rate of the connection (for standardVpt Vccs, this isthe shaping rate of theVpt). The discard thresholds are set atapproximately 35, 75, and 90 percent of the scaled queue limitfor traffic at discard priority 3 (DP=3), DP=2, and DP=1respectively. However, a reduction will never result in a value thatis less than the value set for theminPerVcQueueLimitattribute.

When the value of this attribute isautoConfigure, an appropriatevalue is selected based on the card type. It is set to 1792 for lowspeed cards such as DS1, E1, and IMA, set to 2304 for highspeed CQC-based ATM cards such as JT2, DS3, E3 and OC3,and set to 10240 for high speed ATM IP cards such as3pDS3Atm2, 3pE3Atm2, 2pOC3SmAtm2 and 2pOC3MmAtm2.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, ifautoConfigure is selected forthis attribute then the value is set to 7680.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, ifautoConfigure is selected forthis attribute the value is set to 122880.

For ATM IP FPs, the per-VC queue limit may be overridden for apermanent connection by specifying a value in theVcd Tmor VpdTm txQueueLimit attribute.

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For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, the value of this attribute is usedto set the maximum size of the link-class queue for buffering thenrt-VBR traffic on the egress path.

On CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set to the samevalue forCA NrtVbr, Abr andUbr components.

The operational value of the maximum length of a queue(common or per-VC) is indicated by theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or VptTm txQueueThresholds attribute.

When using per-VC queueing, this attribute is used as the defaulttxQueueLimit for all standardVpts, regardless of theiratmServiceCategory.

Values Decimal (5..160000)autoConfigure

Units cells

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr minPerVcQueueLimit (minpervcql)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the minimum queue limit for the per-VCqueues of connections of the nrt-VBR service category.

The queue limit of a per-VC queue is obtained by scaling downthetxQueueLimitbased on the shaping rate of that queue(shaping rate for the connection, and for standardVpt Vccs, theshaping rate of theVpt). This produces a constant delay forvarious queue lengths. ThetxQueueLimit provides an upperbound whileminPerVcQueueLimitprovides the lower bound.The value of this attribute must not be greater than the value ofthetxQueueLimit attribute. If this service category is used byTrunks the value ofminPerVcQueueLimit must be at least 88.

On CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set to the same

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value forCA NrtVbr, Abr andUbr components.

This attribute does not apply for the 1pOC12SmLrAtm and1pOC48SmSrAtm cards, since per-VC queueing is not available.

This attribute is used as the defaultminPerVcQueueLimit for allstandardVpts, regardless of theiratmServiceCategory.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Values Decimal (5..160000)

Units cells

Default 88

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr perVcQueueLimitReferenceRate (refrate)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the shaping rate to be used in computingthe tolerable delay for per-VC queues of connections of the nrt-VBR service category. The delay is computed as thetxQueueLimit divided by the value of this attribute.

When the value of this attribute isautoConfigure, an appropriatedefault is selected based on the card type. It is set to 3685 for lowspeed cards such as DS1, E1 and IMA, set to 14740 for highspeed CQC-based ATM cards such as JT2, DS3, E3 and OC3,and set to 65511 for high speed ATM IP cards such as3pDS3Atm2, 3pE3Atm2, 2pOC3SmAtm2 and 2pOC3MmAtm2.

On CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set to the samevalue forCA NrtVbr, Abr andUbr components.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards, thisattribute does not apply since per-VC queueing is not available.

This attribute is used as the defaultperVcQueueLimitReferenceRate for all standardVpts, regardlessof theiratmServiceCategory.

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This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Values Decimal (1..943396)autoConfigure

Units cell/s

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr svcMpHoldingPriority (svcMpHpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default holding priority which appliesto SVC nrt-VBR point-to-multipoint connections. It takes a valuefrom 0 (highest priority) to 4 (lowest priority). In a situationwhere the link bandwidth fluctuates, such as over an IMA link,holding priority is used to determine which connections are heldand which are released. Holding priority 4 connections are thefirst to be released. Holding priority 0 connections are the last tobe released.

This attribute does not apply toVpt Vccs. When bandwidthfluctuates, the entireVpt, along with allVpt Vccs is released as aunit, according to theVpt’s holdingPriority.

Values 01234

Default 3

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the holding priority which applies to SVPand SVC nrt-VBR connections. It takes a value from 0 (highest

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priority) to 4 (lowest priority). In a situation where the linkbandwidth fluctuates, such as over an IMA link, holding priorityis used to determine which connections are held and which arereleased. Holding priority 4 connections are the first to bereleased. Holding priority 0 connections are the last to bereleased.

This attribute does not apply toVpt Vccs. When bandwidthfluctuates, the entireVpt, along with allVpt Vccs is released as aunit, according to theVpt’s holdingPriority.

Values 01234

Default 3

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr emissionPriority (ep)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute is not applicable and is ignored for CQC-basedATM cards.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, only the default value issupported.

This attribute specifies the emission priority (EP) which is used totransmit traffic of the nrt-VBR service category. A lowernumerical value for this attribute specifies a higher emissionpriority. 0 is the highest EP and 7 is the lowest. Cells at a higheremission priority receive higher preference for link bandwidth.EPs 0 and 1 are in the absolute priority range, and are unaffectedby any minimum bandwidth guarantees. EPs 2 through 7 are inthe guaranteed bandwidth range. Minimum bandwidth guaranteeis specified in theAtmIf/n Ep/m component.

Emission priority setting must comply with all of the followingconstraints:

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1. The emission priority numbers must be in the following order:CBR <= rt-VBR <= nrt-VBR <= ABR <= UBR2. Two different ATM service categories may share the same EPonly if they are both shaped.3. CBR and rt-VBR may be placed either in the absolute priorityrange (EP 0 or 1) or in the guaranteed bandwidth range (EP 2through 7).4. If both CBR and rt-VBR are shaped, rt-VBR must share thesame EP with CBR or ABR. If either one of CBR or rt-VBR arenot shaped, then they cannot share the same EP.5. ABR service category is always deemed to be shaped. If nrt-VBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. If nrt-VBRis not shaped it must have a higher EP than ABR.6. If UBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. IfUBR is not shaped, it must have a lower EP than ABR.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values Decimal (0..7)

Default 4

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr trafficShaping (trShaping)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default traffic shaping option forconnections of the nrt-VBR service category. An override to thisdefault may be specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

When this attribute is set todisabled, traffic shaping cannot beenabled for any nrt-VBR connections. On 1pOC12SmLrAtm and1pOC48SmSrAtm cards, this attribute must be set todisabled.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute may be set toenabledonly if the interface supports shaping, as defined by theperVcQueueInterfaces attribute in theAtmResourceControl CqcOverride component. If that component does not exist, thisattribute must be set todisabled.

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If the Vcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or Vpt Tm txTrafficDescType indicatestype 1 or 2, this attribute is ignored, and traffic shaping is notapplicable for that connection.

When this attribute is set toinverseUpc, traffic shaping for aconnection is enabled according to card type and the value of theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or Vpt Tm txTrafficDescType.

If this attribute is set toinverseUpc, and thetxTrafficDescType is3, 4, or 5, linear traffic shaping is enabled. Linear traffic shapinguses a single static traffic shaping rate.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, if this attribute is set toinverseUpc,and thetxTrafficDescType is 6, 7, or 8, linear traffic shaping isenabled.

On ATM IP FPs, if this attribute is set toinverseUpc, and thetxTrafficDescType is 6, 7, or 8, inverse-UPC (also referred to asVBR or dual leaky bucket) traffic shaping is enabled. Inverse-UPC traffic shaping can burst above the sustained cell rate to thepeak cell rate for the duration defined by maximum burst size.Inverse-UPC traffic shaping exactly conforms to the requirementsof a dual leaky bucket UPC enforcer.

When this attribute is set toenabledand thetxTrafficDescType is3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, traffic shaping for a connection is enabled usinglinear shaping.

Enabling or disabling traffic shaping may require a matchingchange to theemissionPriority attribute andunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute for this service category.Refer to those attributes for the complete description of theinteractions.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values enableddisabledinverseUpc

Default disabled

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr shapeRecoupPolicy (recoup)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the shaping recoup policy for the nrt-VBRservice category. This is the policy which is used to recoupshaping opportunities which are lost when more than oneconnection schedules a cell for the same transmit opportunity. Inthis case, one connection is scheduled, and the cell from the otherconnection is delayed by one cell time. This attribute affects howthe transmit time is calculated for the next cell on the delayedconnection. This attribute is ignored if this service category is notshaped.

When the connection which was delayed schedules the next cellto transmit, it may calculate the time as a difference from eitherthe previous actual cell transmit time, or the time when theprevious cell should have been transmitted.

Setting this attribute tomaximumEfficiency results in eachconnection trying to recoup or regain any delays in scheduling.The transmit time from the next cell is calculated from the timewhen the cell should originally have been sent. Cell delayvariation (CDV) occurs in this case since the cells are sent withless than the shaping delay between them. However, in generalthe shaper recovers (recoups) lost opportunities and improvesefficiency.

Setting this attribute tominimumCdv results in connections nottrying to recoup or regain any delays in scheduling. The transmittime for the next cell is calculated from the time when theprevious cell was actually transmitted. This minimizes CDV, butresults in missed cell opportunities.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values minimumCdvmaximumEfficiency

Default maximumEfficiency

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default queuing option for unshapedconnections of the nrt-VBR service category. This attributecontrols whether common or per-VC queueing is used.

Per-VC queueing means that each connection has its ownbuffering and queue limits.

Common queueing means that cells are queued in First In FirstOut order on a common queue. The common queue has one set ofcongestion control levels for all cells enqueued on it. For ATM IPcards, there is one common queue for the nrt-VBR servicecategory. For CQC-based ATM cards, there is one common queuewhich is shared by the nrt-VBR, ABR and UBR servicecategories.

For ATM IP cards, if traffic shaping for this service category isdisabled, this attribute may take any of the three values. In thiscase, the valueautoConfigure is interpreted to mean per-VCqueueing.

For 1pOC12SmLrAtm and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards this attributemust be set tocommon or autoConfigure. This attribute cannotbe set toperVc since per-Vc queueing is not available on the1pOC12SmLrAtm and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards. The valueautoConfigure is interpreted to meancommon queueing.

For ATM IP cards, if traffic shaping for this service category isnot disabled, the only permitted values areperVc andautoConfigure. In this case, the result is that all connections useper-VC queueing.

For CQC-based ATM cards, if theperVcQueueInterfacesattribute of theLp Eng Arc Cqc component permits shaping forthis interface, then this attribute may take any of the three values.In this case, the valueautoConfigure is interpreted to mean per-VC queueing.

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For CQC-based ATM cards, if theperVcQueueInterfacesattribute of theLp Eng Arc Cqc component does not permitshaping for this interface, then this attribute may take the valuescommonor autoConfigure. In this case, the valueautoConfigureis interpreted to mean common queueing.

If this attribute is set toautoConfigure, an override to this defaultmay be specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

TheopUnshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of this componentindicates whether the transmit queueing isperVc or common.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values perVccommonautoConfigure

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default usage parameter control (UPC)option for connections of the nrt-VBR service category. Thisattribute is ignored if therxTrafficDescriptorType indicates 1 or2. An override to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

When this attribute is set toenforced, UPC is enabled for eachconnection. When UPC is enforced, non-conforming cells areeither tagged or discarded depending on therxTrafficDescriptorType.

On ATM IP FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored, UPCconformance checking is performed, except, instead of the non-conforming cells being tagged or discarded, they are merelycounted in the UPC violations counts, and passed on unchanged.

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On CQC-based ATM FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored,it has the same effect as setting it todisabled.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, the value of this attribute must beset todisabled. When this attribute is set todisabled, UPC isdisabled on the receive path for all nrt-VBR connections.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values enforceddisabledmonitored

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr weightPolicy

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the policy which is applied whencalculating the fairness weight for unshaped connections of thenrt-VBR service category. The fairness weight for a connectiondetermines the relative amount of bandwidth which thatconnection obtains, compared to other connections in the sameservice category. Connections with equal weight get equaltransmit opportunities. Connections with higher weights get moretransmit opportunities compared with connections that havelower weights. An override to this default may be specified for aprovisioned connection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

The fairness weight for a connection is directly proportional tothe value of one of the traffic descriptor parameters for thatconnection. This attribute specifies which traffic descriptorparameter is used for connections of the nrt-VBR servicecategory.

This attribute is ignored on CQC-based ATM cards. This attributeis also ignored on ATM IP cards ifunshapedTransmitQueueingisset for common queuing.

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This attribute is also ignored for 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards.

If this attribute is set toscr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe transmit sustained cell rate (SCR) of a connection.Connections with a higher SCR have a higher fairness weight.For connections withtxTrafficDescType 3, which have no SCR,the sustained cell rate is assumed to be equal to the peak cell rate.

If this attribute is set topcr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe transmit peak cell rate (PCR) of a connection. Connectionswith a higher PCR have a higher fairness weight. Connectionswith txTrafficDescType 1 or 2 get a minimum weight, which is 1.

If this attribute is set toecr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe equivalent cell rate (ECR) of a connection as calculated byconnection admission control (CAC). Connections with a higherECR have a higher fairness weight. Connections with an ECR of0 get a minimum weight, which is 1.

The weight of a connection is visible in theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,orVpt Tm weight attribute.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values scrpcrecr

Default ecr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr forceTagging (tag)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default of whether to force tagging(CLP=1) of all cells for all nrt-VBR connections. An override tothis default may be specified for a provisioned connection undertheVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

When this attribute is set toenabled, CLP is set to 1 for all cellsin the transmit direction. Force tagging is only supported on ATM

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On CQC-based ATM FPs, this attribute must be set todisabled.When this attribute is set todisabled, CLP is unchanged for allcells in the transmit direction.

This attribute never applies to any type ofVpt.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled

GROUP AtmIf CA NrtVbr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes for the nrt-VBR servicecategory.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr opUnshapedTransmitQueueing (opUnshap)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the state of transmit queueing forunshaped nrt-VBR connections.

A value ofperVc indicates that any unshaped connections useper-VC queueing. A value ofcommon indicates that traffic forunshaped connections uses the common queue whichcorresponds to the EP for this service category.

Values perVccommon

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA NrtVbr epdOffset (epdO)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Early Packet Discard (EPD) offsetwhich is currently in use for this service category. The EPD offsetis used to derive the EPD thresholds for each CC level.

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Any connection under this service category which requires thetxPacketWiseDiscard feature must specify a transmit queue limitwhich is at least 5.71 times this offset. This ensures that thederived Epd threshold will never be less than 17.5% of thetransmit queue limit. If this is not done, txPacketWiseDiscard forthe connection will be automatically disabled.

The value of this EPD offset is specified under the lp/x eng arcaqm ov component.

Values Decimal (0; 5..1024)

Units cells

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf CA AvailableBitRate (Abr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf CA Abr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf CA Abr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n CA AvailableBitRate/nThis component manages the default characteristics of theavailable bit rate (ABR) service category. There is full support forABR connections on ATM IP cards except the 1pOC12SmLrAtmcard. On CQC-based ATM cards and the 1pOC12SmLrAtm cardthere is limited support for ABR connections.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf CA Abr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which control theABR service category for this interface.

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Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the available bit rate (ABR) service category except forconnections managed by aVpt CA. The percentage of linkcapacity reserved for the given bandwidth pool is the maximumbandwidth that can be allocated to ABR traffic. The percentageallocated to each bandwidth pool can be provisioned through thebandwidthPool attribute under theCA.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

Default pool1


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default cell delay variation tolerance(CDVT) for all connections of the ABR service category. Anoverride to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent, or signalledin the SVC Traffic Descriptor Information Element.

This attribute is used by dynamic generic cell rate algorithm(DGCRA) policer on ATM IP cards. On CQC-based ATM cardsABR UPC is enforced using PCR and CDVT.

Values Decimal (1..1200000)

Units microsec

Default 250

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr txQueueLimit (txql)

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Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default maximum queue length for theemission queues used to buffer the traffic of the ABR servicecategory. It is used as the basis for setting the discard thresholdson ABR per-VC queues.

For per-VC queue, the actual limit may be reduced depending onthe peak cell rate. The discard thresholds are set at approximately35, 75 and 90 percent of the scaled queue limit for traffic atdiscard priority 3 (DP=3), DP=2 and DP=1 respectively.However, a reduction will never result in a value that is less thanthe value set for theminPerVcQueueLimitattribute.

When the value of this attribute isautoConfigure, an appropriatevalue is selected based on the card type. It is set to 1792 for lowspeed cards such as DS1, E1 and IMA, set to 2304 for high speedCQC-based ATM cards such as JT2, DS3, E3 and OC3, and set to10240 for high speed ATM IP cards such as 3pDS3Atm2,3pE3Atm2, 2pOC3SmAtm2 and 2pOC3MmAtm2. For the1pOC12SmLrAtm card, the value is set to 6144.

On CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set to the samevalue forCA NrtVbr, Abr andUbr components.

For ATM IP FPs, the per-VC queue limit may be overridden for apermanent connection by specifying a value in theVcd Tmor VpdTm txQueueLimit attribute.

The operational value of the maximum length of a queue(common or per-VC) is indicated by theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or VptTm txQueueThresholds attribute.

For standardVpts, this attribute does not apply when using per-VC queuing and only applies when using common queueing.When using per-VC queueing, regardless of theVpt’s servicecategory, standardVpts use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbr txQueueLimitvalue as their default.

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This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Values Decimal (5..63488)autoConfigure

Units cells

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr minPerVcQueueLimit (minpervcql)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the minimum queue limit for the per-VCqueues of connections of the ABR service category.

The queue limit of a per-VC queue is obtained by scaling downthetxQueueLimit based on the peak cell rate of that queue. Thisproduces a constant delay for various queue lengths. ThetxQueueLimit provides an upper bound whileminPerVcQueueLimitprovides the lower bound. The value of thisattribute must not be greater than the value of thetxQueueLimitattribute. If this service category is used by Trunks the value ofminPerVcQueueLimit must be at least 88.

On CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set to the samevalue forCA NrtVbr, Abr andUbr components.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, this attribute does not applysince per-VC queueing is not available.

For Vpts, this attribute does not apply. Regardless ofVpt servicecategory, standardVpts always use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbrminPerVcQueueLimitvalue as their default. To determine thequeue limit of a standardVpt Vcc, thetxQueueLimit is scaleddown by theVpt shaping rate.

Values Decimal (5..30000)

Units cells

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Default 88

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr perVcQueueLimitReferenceRate (refrate)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the shaping rate to be used in computingthe tolerable delay for per-VC queues of connections of the ABRservice category. The delay is computed as thetxQueueLimitdivided by the value of this attribute.

When the value of this attribute isautoConfigure, an appropriatedefault is selected based on the card type. It is set to 3685 for lowspeed cards such as DS1, E1 and IMA, set to 14740 for highspeed CQC-based ATM cards such as JT2, DS3, E3 and OC3,and set to 65511 for high speed ATM IP cards such as3pDS3Atm2, 3pE3Atm2, 2pOC3SmAtm2 and 2pOC3MmAtm2.

On CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set to the samevalue forCA NrtVbr, Abr andUbr components.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, this attribute does not applysince per-VC queueing is not available.

For Vpts, this attribute does not apply. Regardless ofVpt servicecategory, standardVpts always use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbrperVcQueueLimitReferenceRate value as their default.

Values Decimal (1..943396)autoConfigure

Units cell/s

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr emissionPriority (ep)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute is not applicable and is ignored for CQC-basedATM cards.

This attribute specifies the emission priority (EP) which is used totransmit traffic of the ABR service category. A lower numericalvalue for this attribute specifies a higher emission priority. 0 is thehighest EP and 7 is the lowest. Cells at a higher emission priorityreceive higher preference for link bandwidth. EPs 0 and 1 are inthe absolute priority range, and are unaffected by any minimumbandwidth guarantees. EPs 2 through 7 are in the guaranteedbandwidth range. Minimum bandwidth guarantee is specified intheAtmIf/n Ep/m component.

Emission priority setting must comply with all of the followingconstraints:1. The emission priority numbers must be in the following order:CBR <= rt-VBR <= nrt-VBR <= ABR <= UBR2. Two different ATM service categories may share the same EPonly if they are both shaped.3. CBR and rt-VBR may be placed either in the absolute priorityrange (EP 0 or 1) or in the guaranteed bandwidth range (EP 2through 7).4. If both CBR and rt-VBR are shaped, rt-VBR must share thesame EP with CBR or ABR. If either one of CBR or rt-VBR arenot shaped, then they cannot share the same EP.5. ABR service category is always deemed to be shaped. If nrt-VBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. If nrt-VBRis not shaped it must have a higher EP than ABR.6. If UBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. IfUBR is not shaped, it must have a lower EP than ABR.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values Decimal (0..7)

Default 6

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr fairnessPolicy

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute specifies the fairness policy which is applied toavailable bandwidth when performing the ER calculation in theABR service category. This applies to any connection pointperforming explicit rate calculations. Each ABR connection isassigned a weight. Connections with a higher weight get a greaterproportion of the available ABR bandwidth compared withconnections that have lower weights. This attribute is ignored onCQC-based ATM cards.

If the value ismcr, the congestion fairness weight is based on theMinimum Cell Rate (MCR) of the connection.

If the value ispcr, the congestion fairness weight is based on thePeak Cell Rate (PCR) of the connection.

If the value ispcrMinusMcr, the congestion fairness weight isbased on the difference between the Peak Cell Rate and theMinimum Cell Rate (PCR - MCR) of the connection.

Values mcrpcrpcrMinusMcr

Default pcrMinusMcr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr frttPortion

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the portion of the Fixed Round Trip Time(FRTT) which is added to each ABR call setup which traversesthis interface. The FRTT for the entire call is the sum of theFRTT portions for each interface traversed by the call. FRTT isused by the ABR Source or Virtual Source to adjust the value ofICR according to the rules specified in the ATM Forum TMVersion 4.0 specification.

ThefrttPortion includes propagation delay through the physicalmedia, plus delays included by the transmission system, plusfixed components of switch processing delay.

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This attribute is used by ATM Networking at call set-up time forABR connections directed over this interface.

Values Decimal (0..10000)

Units msec

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr abrConnectionType (abrType)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default type for ABR connections. Itmay be overridden by theabrConnectionType attribute under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent, or by other configuration options.For example, for ABR end point connections originating at thisswitch, theVcc Tm abrConnectionType will showsourceDestregardless of the setting of this attribute.

If this attribute is set toabrSwitch, traversing ABR connectionsdefault to typeabrSwitchEror abrSwitchEfci, depending on thecard type. If the interface to which traffic is directed across thebackplane is configured as typevirtualSourceDest and this is aATM IP FP, then connection points under thisAtmIf are activatedas typevirtualSourceDest.

If this attribute is set tovirtualSourceDest, traversing ABRconnections may be instantiated as one of the following types:abrSwitchEr, abrSwitchEfci, orvirtualSourceDest. A VirtualSource-Virtual Destination (VS/VD) boundary forms a break inthe end to end flow of RM cells as defined in the ATM ForumSpecification for Traffic Management Version 4.0. On ATM IPcards, a VS/VD boundary can be configured for a connectionproviding all of the following conditions are met:1. the ABR connection is traversing (not terminating at) thisinterface;2. both this interface and next hop interface to which traffic isdirected across the backplane are located on ATM IP cards;3. one or both connecting points are configured asvirtualSourceDest,

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4. the next hop interface to which traffic is directed across thebackplane is not configured asnonAbrInterworking.

If this attribute is set tononAbrInterworking, this interface isdefined as a point of interworking between an ABR and a non-ABR connection. In this case the next hop interface to whichtraffic is directed across the backplane is activated as typesourceDest.

TheVcc Tmor Vpc Tm abrConnectionTypeoperational attributeindicates what type of ABR connection was activated.

Values abrSwitchvirtualSourceDestnonAbrInterworking

Default abrSwitch

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default usage parameter control (UPC)option for connections of the ABR service category. An overrideto this default may be specified for a provisioned connectionunder theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

For ATM IP cards, if this attribute is set toenforced, UPC forABR connection is enforced as a Dynamic Generic Cell RateAlgorithm (DGCRA) based on the connection traffic descriptor.

For CQC-based ATM cards, if this attribute is set toenforced, theconnection enforces a single GCRA policer at the defined PCRand CDVT for this connection.

When UPC is enforced on an ABR connection, non-conformingcells are discarded.

On ATM IP FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored, UPCconformance checking is performed, except, instead of the non-conforming cells being discarded, they are merely counted in the

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UPC violations counts, and passed on unchanged.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored,it has the same effect as setting it todisabled.

When this attribute is set todisabled, UPC is disabled on thereceive path for all ABR connections.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values enforceddisabledmonitored

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr initialCellRate (icr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default Initial Cell Rate (ICR)parameter for ABR connections. An override to this default maybe specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tm Abror Vpd Tm Abr component, or signalled in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

ICR is the rate at which a source should send initially and after anidle period.

When this attribute is set touseMcr, ICR is set to the same valueas the Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) for the connection.

When this attribute is set tousePcr, ICR is set to the same valueas the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) for the connection.

When this attribute is set to some explicit number, that number isused as the ICR, provided it is between MCR and PCR. If theexplicit number is below MCR, then MCR is used as ICR. If theexplicit number is above PCR, then PCR is used as ICR.

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Values Decimal (0..16777215)useMcrusePcr

Units cell/s

Default usePcr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr rateDecreaseFactor (rdf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default Rate Decrease Factor (RDF)for ABR connections. An override to this default may bespecified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tm AbrorVpd Tm Abr component, or signalled in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

The RDF value is computed by using the provisioned value ofthis attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example, if thevalue of this attribute is8, RDF is 2E-8 = 1/256.

RDF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate maydecrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management (B-RM) cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received withthe Congestion Indication (CI) field set to 1, the Allowed CellRate (ACR) value would be reduced by the amount (RDF*ACR).The ACR is not allowed to fall below the Minimum Cell Rate(MCR), in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default 15

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr rateIncreaseFactor (rif)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default Rate Increase Factor (RIF) forABR connections. An override to this default may be specifiedfor a provisioned connection under theVcd Tm Abror Vpd Tm

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Abr component, or signalled in the ABR Setup ParametersInformation Element.

The RIF value is computed by using the provisioned value of thisattribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example, if the valueof this attribute is6, RIF is 2E-6 = 1/64.

RIF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate mayincrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management (B-RM) cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received withthe Congestion Indication (CI) and the No Increase (NI) fieldsboth set to 0, the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) value would beincreased by the amount (RIF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed toexceed the Peak Cell Rate (PCR), in which case the ACR is set toPCR.

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr maxCellPerRmCell (nrm)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default number of user cells perResource Management cell (NRM) for ABR connections. Anoverride to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tm Abror Vpd Tm Abr component, orsignalled as the NRM parameter in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

NRM is the maximum number of cells an ABR source maytransmit for each forward Resource Management (F-RM) cell.The count of the cells transmitted includes user cells, OAM cells,backward RM cells, and the forward RM cell.

Note that a value of 2 is not recommended even though it ispermitted according to the ATM Forum standard. When thisattribute is set to a value of 2, it is possible that only one forwardand one backward RM cell are repeatedly transmitted, and alldata traffic is queued up indefinitely.

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This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theVcc TmorVpc Tm operational attributeabrConnectionType indicatesexplicitRateMarking.

Values Decimal (2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256)

Units cells

Default 256

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr maxTimeBetweenRmCell (trm)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default time between ResourceManagement cells (TRM) for ABR connections. An override tothis default may be specified for a provisioned connection undertheVcd Tm Abror Vpd Tm Abr component, or signalled in theABR Additional Parameters Information Element.

TRM provides an upper bound on the time interval betweenforward Resource Management (F-RM) cells for an ABR source.Since the last F-RM cell was sent, if at least TRM time haselapsed and at least 2 other cells have been sent, the next cell tobe transmitted would be a forward RM cell.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theVcc TmorVcd Tm operational attributeabrConnectionType is displayed asexplicitRateMarking.

The provisioned value of 781 is signalled in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element as 0.1563 is signalled as 1.3125 is signalled as 2.6250 is signalled as 3.12500 is signalled as 4.25000 is signalled as 5.50000 is signalled as 6.100000 is signalled as 7.

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Values Decimal (781; 1563; 3125; 6250; 12500; 25000; 50000; 100000)

Units microsec

Default 100000

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr cutoffDecreaseFactor (cdf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default Cutoff Decrease Factor (CDF)parameter for ABR connections. An override to this default maybe specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tm Abror Vpd Tm Abr component, or signalled in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

When the value of this attribute is non-zero, CDF is computed asthe inverse of the value. For example, if the value is 32, the valueof CDF is 1/32. When the value of this attribute is 0, CDF is alsozero.

CDF controls the decrease in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR)associated with the CRM parameter. CRM is the limit of thenumber of forward Resource Management (F-RM) cells whichmay be sent in the absence of received backward RM cells. Whenthis limit is crossed, the ACR value would be decreased by theamount (CDF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to fall below theMCR, in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

Values Decimal (0; 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64)

Default 16

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr acrDecreaseTimeFactor (adtf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default Allowed Cell Rate DecreaseTime Factor (ADTF) parameter for ABR connections. Anoverride to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tm Abror Vpd Tm Abr component, or

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signalled in the ABR Additional Parameters InformationElement.

ADTF is the time interval permitted between sending forwardResource Management (F-RM) cells before the Allowed CellRate (ACR) is decreased to the Initial Cell Rate (ICR). In otherwords, if the source does not transmit a forward RM cell for aperiod of ADTF centi-seconds (hundredths of a second), it willreduce its ACR to the value of its ICR. If ACR is already at orbelow ICR, further rate reductions are defined by the CRM ABRparameter.

Values Decimal (0..1023)

Units centiseconds

Default 50

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr dgcraMaximumDelay (dgcraMaxDelay)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default maximum delay for DynamicGeneral Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA) rate changes for ABRconnections. An override to this default may be specified for aprovisioned connection under theVcd Tm Abror Vpd Tm Abrcomponent.

This attribute specifies an upper bound on the delay after whichthe rate change induced by a backward Resource Management(B-RM) cell departing from this interface (in the backwarddirection) is expected to be observed at the interface (in theforward connection).

This upper bound may be approximated as the round trip sum ofthe fixed and propagation delays and the maximum queueingdelays between the ABR source and this interface.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the DGCRA. A larger value for this attribute implies amore lenient policer. When there is a decrease in the Allowed

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Cell Rate (ACR), the policer waits a correspondingly longerperiod of time before it enforces the new cell rate.

The value of this attribute must be greater than or equal todgcraMinimumDelay, since the maximum delay must be greaterthan or equal to the minimum delay.

Values Decimal (1..16700000)

Units microsec

Default 10000

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr dgcraMinimumDelay (dgcraMinDelay)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default minimum delay for DynamicGeneral Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA) rate changes for ABRconnections. An override to this default may be specified for aprovisioned connection under theVcd Tm Abror Vpd Tm Abrcomponent.

This attribute specifies a lower bound on the delay after which therate change induced by a backward Resource Management (B-RM) cell departing from this interface (in the backward direction)is expected to be observed at the interface (in the forwardconnection).

This lower bound may be approximated as the round trip sum ofthe fixed and propagation delays between the ABR source andthis interface.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the DGCRA. A smaller value for this attribute implies amore lenient policer. When there is an increase in the AllowedCell Rate (ACR), the policer waits for a correspondingly shorterperiod of time before it enforces the new cell rate.

The value of this attribute must be less than or equal to

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dgcraMaximumDelay, since the maximum delay must be greaterthan or equal to the minimum delay.

Values Decimal (1..16700000)

Units microsec

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default holding priority which appliesto SVP and SVC ABR connections. It takes a value from 0(highest priority) to 4 (lowest priority). In a situation where thelink bandwidth fluctuates, such as over an IMA link, holdingpriority is used to determine which connections are held andwhich are released. Holding priority 4 connections are the first tobe released. Holding priority 0 connections are the last to bereleased.

This attribute does not apply toVpt Vccs. When bandwidthfluctuates, the entireVpt, along with allVpt Vccs is released as aunit, according to theVpt’s holdingPriority.

Values 01234

Default 3

GROUP AtmIf CA Abr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes for the ABR servicecategory.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Abr epdOffset (epdO)

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Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Early Packet Discard (EPD) offsetwhich is currently in use for this service category. The EPD offsetis used to derive the EPD thresholds for each CC level.

Any connection under this service category which requires thetxPacketWiseDiscard feature must specify a transmit queue limitwhich is at least 5.71 times this offset. This ensures that thederived Epd threshold will never be less than 17.5% of thetransmit queue limit. If this is not done, txPacketWiseDiscard forthe connection will be automatically disabled.

The value of this EPD offset is specified under the lp/x eng arcaqm ov component.

Values Decimal (0; 5..1024)

Units cells

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf CA UnspecifiedBitRate (Ubr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf CA Ubr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf CA Ubr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n CA UnspecifiedBitRate/nThis component manages the default characteristics of theunspecified bit rate (UBR) service category.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf CA Ubr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

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Description This group contains provisioned attributes for the UBR servicecategory.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr maxVpcs (vpcs)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of UBRVpcs thatcan be activated on thisAtmIf. The value must not exceed themaxVpcs attribute of the parent CAcomponent.

If this attribute is specified assameAsCa, the maximum numberof Vpcs is defined by theAtmIf/n CA maxVpcs attribute.

Changes to this attribute do not affect existingVpcs. If the valueis changed to a number smaller than the current number of activeUBR VPCs, no new UBR VPCs are admitted until the number ofactive UBR VPCs drops below the value of this attribute. Thecurrent number of active UBR VPCs is indicated by theUbr/0vpcUsage operational attribute.

Values Decimal (0..4096)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr maxVccs (vccs)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of UBRVccs thatcan be activated on thisAtmIf, including UBRVpt Vccs. Thevalue must not exceed themaxVccs attribute of the parent CAcomponent.

If this attribute is specified assameAsCa, the maximum numberof Vccs is defined by theAtmIf/n CA maxVccs attribute.

Changes to this attribute do not affect existingVccs. If the valueis changed to a number smaller than the current number of activeUBR VCCs, no new UBR VCCs are admitted until the number ofactive UBR VCCs drops below the value of this attribute. The

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current number of active UBR VCCs is indicated by theUbr/0vccUsage operational attribute.

Values Decimal (0..16384)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr maxVpts (vpts)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of UBRVpts thatcan be activated on thisAtmIf. The value must not exceed themaxVpts attribute of the parent CAcomponent.

If this attribute is specified assameAsCa, the maximum numberof Vpts is defined by theAtmIf/n CA maxVpts attribute.

Changes to this attribute do not affect existingVpts. If the value ischanged to a number smaller than the current number of activeUBR VPTs, no new UBR VPTs are admitted until the number ofactive UBR VPTs drops below the value of this attribute. Thecurrent number of active UBR VPTs is indicated by theUbr/0vptUsage operational attribute.

Values Decimal (0..4096)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the unspecified bit rate (UBR) service category except forconnections managed by aVpt CA. The percentage of linkcapacity reserved for the given bandwidth pool is the maximumbandwidth that can be allocated to UBR traffic. The percentageallocated to each bandwidth pool can be provisioned through thebandwidthPool attribute under theCA.

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The amount of bandwidth reserved for each UBR connection isspecified in theminimumCellRateattribute.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

Default pool1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr minimumCellRate (mcr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the minimum cell rate (MCR) which isallocated from the UBR bandwidth pool for each UBRconnection which is admitted using Connection AdmissionControl (CAC) except for connections managed by aVpt CA.UBR connections normally are serviced on a best effort basis, butthis attribute allows allocation of a default minimum bandwidthfor each connection.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr txQueueLimit (txql)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default maximum queue length for theemission queues used to buffer the traffic of the UBR servicecategory. It is used as the basis for setting the discard thresholdson both common and per-VC queues. For the common queue, thediscard thresholds are set at approximately 35, 75 and 90 percentof the value of this attribute for traffic at discard priority 3(DP=3), DP=2 and DP=1 respectively.

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For per-VC queue, the actual limit may be reduced depending onthe shaping rate of the connection (for standardVpt Vccs, this isthe shaping rate of theVpt). The discard thresholds are set atapproximately 35, 75 and 90 percent of the scaled queue limit fortraffic at discard priority 3 (DP=3), DP=2 and DP=1 respectively.However, a reduction will never result in a value that is less thanthe value set for theminPerVcQueueLimitattribute.

When the value of this attribute isautoConfigure, an appropriatevalue is selected based on the card type. It is set to 1792 for lowspeed cards such as DS1, E1 and IMA, set to 2304 for high speedCQC-based ATM cards such as JT2, DS3, E3 and OC3, and set to10240 for high speed ATM IP cards such as 3pDS3Atm2,3pE3Atm2, 2pOC3SmAtm2 and 2pOC3MmAtm2. For the1pOC12SmLrAtm card, the value is set to 4096.

On CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set to the samevalue forCA NrtVbr, Abr andUbr components.

For ATM IP FPs, the per-VC queue limit may be overridden for apermanent connection by specifying a value in theVcd Tmor VpdTm txQueueLimit attribute.

The operational value of the maximum length of a queue(common or per-VC) is indicated by theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or VptTm txQueueThresholds attribute.

For standardVpts, this attribute does not apply when using per-VC queuing and only applies when using common queueing.When using per-VC queueing, regardless of theVpt’s servicecategory, standardVpts use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbr txQueueLimitvalue as their default.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Values Decimal (5..63488)autoConfigure

Units cells

Default autoConfigure

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr minPerVcQueueLimit (minpervcql)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the minimum queue limit for the per-VCqueues of connections of the UBR service category.

The queue limit of a per-VC queue is obtained by scaling downthetxQueueLimit based on the shaping rate of that queue(shaping rate for the connection, and for standardVpt Vccs, theshaping rate of theVpt). This produces a constant delay forvarious queue lengths. ThetxQueueLimit provides an upperbound whileminPerVcQueueLimitprovides the lower bound.The value of this attribute must not be greater than the value ofthetxQueueLimit attribute. If this service category is used byTrunks the value ofminPerVcQueueLimit must be at least 88.

On CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set to the samevalue forCA NrtVbr, Abr andUbr components.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, this attribute does not applysince per-VC queueing is not available.

For Vpts, this attribute does not apply. Regardless ofVpt servicecategory, standardVpts always use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbrminPerVcQueueLimitvalue as their default. To determine thequeue limit of a standardVpt Vcc, thetxQueueLimit is scaleddown by theVpt shaping rate.

Values Decimal (5..30000)

Units cells

Default 88

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr perVcQueueLimitReferenceRate (refrate)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute specifies the shaping rate to be used in computingthe tolerable delay for per-VC queues of connections of the UBRservice category. The delay is computed as thetxQueueLimitdivided by the value of this attribute.

When the value of this attribute isautoConfigure, an appropriatedefault is selected based on the card type. It is set to 3685 for lowspeed cards such as DS1, E1 and IMA, set to 14740 for highspeed cards such as JT2, DS3, E3 and OC3, and set to 65511 forhigh speed ATM IP cards such as 3pDS3Atm2, 3pE3Atm2,2pOC3SmAtm2 and 2pOC3MmAtm2.

On CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute must be set to the samevalue forCA NrtVbr, Abr andUbr components.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, this attribute does not applysince per-VC queueing is not available.

For Vpts, this attribute does not apply. Regardless ofVpt servicecategory, standardVpts always use theAtmIf Ca NrtVbrperVcQueueLimitReferenceRate value as their default.

Values Decimal (1..943396)autoConfigure

Units cell/s

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr emissionPriority (ep)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute is not applicable and is ignored for CQC-basedATM cards.

This attribute specifies the emission priority (EP) which is used totransmit traffic of the UBR service category. A lower numericalvalue for this attribute specifies a higher emission priority. 0 is thehighest EP and 7 is the lowest. Cells at a higher emission priorityreceive higher preference for link bandwidth. EPs 0 and 1 are in

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the absolute priority range, and are unaffected by any minimumbandwidth guarantees. EPs 2 through 7 are in the guaranteedbandwidth range. Minimum bandwidth guarantee is specified intheAtmIf/n Ep/m component.

Emission priority setting must comply with all of the followingconstraints:1. The emission priority numbers must be in the following order:CBR <= rt-VBR <= nrt-VBR <= ABR <= UBR2. Two different ATM service categories may share the same EPonly if they are both shaped.3. CBR and rt-VBR may be placed either in the absolute priorityrange (EP 0 or 1) or in the guaranteed bandwidth range (EP 2through 7).4. If both CBR and rt-VBR are shaped, rt-VBR must share thesame EP with CBR or ABR. If either one of CBR or rt-VBR arenot shaped, then they cannot share the same EP.5. ABR service category is always deemed to be shaped. If nrt-VBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. If nrt-VBRis not shaped it must have a higher EP than ABR.6. If UBR is shaped, it must share the same EP with ABR. IfUBR is not shaped, it must have a lower EP than ABR.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values Decimal (0..7)

Default 7

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr trafficShaping (trShaping)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default traffic shaping option forconnections of the UBR service category. An override to thisdefault may be specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

When this attribute is set todisabled, traffic shaping cannot beenabled for any UBR connection. On 1pOC12SmLrAtm cards,this attribute must be set todisabled.

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For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute may be set toenabledonly if the interface supports shaping, as defined by theperVcQueueInterfaces attribute in theAtmResourceControl CqcOverride component. If that component does not exist, thisattribute must be set todisabled.

If the Vcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or Vpt Tm txTrafficDescType indicatestype 1 or 2, this attribute is ignored, and traffic shaping is notapplicable for that connection.

When this attribute is set toinverseUpc, traffic shaping for aconnection is enabled according to card type and the value of theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or Vpt Tm txTrafficDescType.

If this attribute is set toinverseUpc, and thetxTrafficDescType is3, 4, or 5, linear traffic shaping is enabled. Linear traffic shapinguses a single static traffic shaping rate.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, if this attribute is set toinverseUpc,and thetxTrafficDescType is 6, 7, or 8, linear traffic shaping isenabled.

On ATM IP FPs, if this attribute is set toinverseUpc, and thetxTrafficDescType is 6, 7, or 8, inverse-UPC (also referred to asVBR or dual leaky bucket) traffic shaping is enabled. Inverse-UPC traffic shaping can burst above the sustained cell rate to thepeak cell rate for the duration defined by maximum burst size.Inverse-UPC traffic shaping exactly conforms to the requirementsof a dual leaky bucket UPC enforcer.

When this attribute is set toenabledand thetxTrafficDescType is3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, traffic shaping for a connection is enabled usinglinear shaping.

Enabling or disabling traffic shaping may require a matchingchange to theemissionPriority attribute andunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute for this service category.Refer to those attributes for the complete description of theinteractions.

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This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values enableddisabledinverseUpc

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr shapeRecoupPolicy (recoup)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the shaping recoup policy for the UBRservice category. This is the policy which is used to recoupshaping opportunities which are lost when more than oneconnection schedules a cell for the same transmit opportunity. Inthis case, one connection is scheduled, and the cell from the otherconnection is delayed by one cell time. This attribute affects howthe transmit time is calculated for the next cell on the delayedconnection. This attribute is ignored if this service category is notshaped.

When the connection which was delayed schedules the next cellto transmit, it may calculate the time as a difference from eitherthe previous actual cell transmit time, or the time when theprevious cell should have been transmitted.

Setting this attribute tomaximumEfficiency results in eachconnection trying to recoup or regain any delays in scheduling.The transmit time from the next cell is calculated from the timewhen the cell should originally have been sent. Cell delayvariation (CDV) occurs in this case since the cells are sent withless than the shaping delay between them. However, in generalthe shaper recovers (recoups) lost opportunities and improvesefficiency.

Setting this attribute tominimumCdv results in connections nottrying to recoup or regain any delays in scheduling. The transmittime for the next cell is calculated from the time when theprevious cell was actually transmitted. This minimizes CDV, but

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results in missed cell opportunities.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values minimumCdvmaximumEfficiency

Default maximumEfficiency

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default queuing option for unshapedconnections of the UBR service category. This attribute controlswhether common or per-VC queueing is used.

Per-VC queueing means that each connection has its ownbuffering and queue limits.

Common queueing means that cells are queued in First In FirstOut order on a common queue. The common queue has one set ofcongestion control levels for all cells enqueued on it. For ATM IPcards, there is one common queue for the UBR service category.For CQC-based ATM cards, there is one common queue which isshared by the nrt-VBR, ABR and UBR service categories.

For 1pOC12SmLrAtm cards this attribute must be set tocommonor autoConfigure. This attribute cannot be set toperVc since per-Vc queueing is not available on the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card. ThevalueautoConfigure is interpreted to meancommon queueing.

For ATM IP cards, if traffic shaping for this service category isdisabled, this attribute may take any of the three values. In thiscase, the valueautoConfigure is interpreted to mean per-VCqueueing.

For ATM IP cards, if traffic shaping for this service category isnot disabled, the only permitted values areperVc andautoConfigure. In this case, the result is that all connections useper-VC queueing.

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For CQC-based ATM cards, if theperVcQueueInterfacesattribute of theLp Eng Arc Cqc component permits shaping forthis interface, then this attribute may take any of the three values.In this case, the valueautoConfigure is interpreted to mean per-VC queueing.

For CQC-based ATM cards, if theperVcQueueInterfacesattribute of theLp Eng Arc Cqc component does not permitshaping for this interface, then this attribute may take the valuescommonor autoConfigure. In this case, the valueautoConfigureis interpreted to mean common queueing.

If this attribute is set toautoConfigure, an override to this defaultmay be specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

TheopUnshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of this componentindicates whether the transmit queueing isperVc or common.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values perVccommonautoConfigure

Default autoConfigure

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default usage parameter control (UPC)option for connections of the UBR service category. This attributeis ignored if therxTrafficDescriptorType indicates 1 or 2. Anoverride to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

When this attribute is set toenforced, UPC is enforced for eachconnection. When UPC is enforced, non-conforming cells areeither tagged or discarded depending on the

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On ATM IP FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored, UPCconformance checking is performed, except, instead of the non-conforming cells being tagged or discarded, they are merelycounted in the UPC violations counts, and passed on unchanged.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, when this attribute is set tomonitored,it has the same effect as setting it todisabled.

When this attribute is set todisabled, UPC is disabled on thereceive path for all UBR connections.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values enforceddisabledmonitored

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr weightPolicy

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the policy which is applied whencalculating the fairness weight for unshaped connections of theUBR service category. The fairness weight for a connectiondetermines the relative amount of bandwidth which thatconnection obtains, compared to other connections in the sameservice category. Connections with equal weight get equaltransmit opportunities. Connections with higher weights get moretransmit opportunities compared with connections that havelower weights. An override to this default may be specified for aprovisioned connection under theVcd Tm or Vpd Tm component.

The fairness weight for a connection is directly proportional tothe value of one of the traffic descriptor parameters for thatconnection. This attribute specifies which traffic descriptorparameter is used for connections of the UBR service category.

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This attribute is ignored on CQC-based ATM cards. This attributeis also ignored on ATM IP cards ifunshapedTransmitQueueingisset for common queuing.

If this attribute is set tomcr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe default minimum cell rate (MCR) for UBR connections. If thedefault minimum cell rate is 0, all UBR connections get aminimum weight, which is 1.

If this attribute is set topcr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe transmit peak cell rate (PCR) of a connection. Connectionswith a higher PCR have a higher fairness weight. Connectionswith txTrafficDescType 1 or 2 get a minimum weight, which is 1.

If this attribute is set toecr, the fairness weight is proportional tothe equivalent cell rate (ECR) of a connection as calculated byconnection admission control (CAC). Connections with a higherECR have a higher fairness weight. Connections with an ECR of0 get a minimum weight, which is 1.

The weight of a connection is visible in theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,orVpt Tm weight attribute.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts, and standardVpt Vccs.

Values mcrpcrecr

Default pcr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr forceTagging (tag)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default of whether to force tagging(CLP=1) of all cells for all UBR connections. An override to thisdefault may be specified for a provisioned connection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

When this attribute is set toenabled, CLP is set to 1 for all cells

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in the transmit direction. This is in conformance with the ATMForum TM4.0 UBR.2 service definition. Force tagging is onlysupported on ATM IP FPs.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, this attribute must be set todisabled.When this attribute is set todisabled, CLP is unchanged for allcells in the transmit direction. This is in conformance with theATM Forum TM4.0 UBR.1 service definition.

This attribute never applies to any type ofVpt.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled


Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default cell delay variation tolerance(CDVT) for all connections of the UBR service category. Anoverride to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

If Usage Parameter Control (UPC) is enabled for a connection,CDVT is used by the UPC function to decide whether a cell isconforming or non-conforming based on the connection’s trafficdescriptor type. The larger the CDVT value, the more tolerant isthe UPC of bandwidth usage beyond the traffic contract.

Values Decimal (1..1200000)

Units microsec

Default 250

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Description This attribute specifies the default holding priority which appliesto SVP and SVC UBR connections. It takes a value from 0(highest priority) to 4 (lowest priority). In a situation where thelink bandwidth fluctuates, such as over an IMA link, holdingpriority is used to determine which connections are held andwhich are released. Holding priority 4 connections are the first tobe released. Holding priority 0 connections are the last to bereleased.

This attribute does not apply toVpt Vccs. When bandwidthfluctuates, the entireVpt, along with allVpt Vccs is released as aunit, according to theVpt’s holdingPriority.

Values 01234

Default 3

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr svcMpHoldingPriority (svcMpHpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the default holding priority which appliesto SVC UBR point-to-multipoint connections. It takes a valuefrom 0 (highest priority) to 4 (lowest priority). In a situationwhere the link bandwidth fluctuates, such as over an IMA link,holding priority is used to determine which connections are heldand which are released. Holding priority 4 connections are thefirst to be released. Holding priority 0 connections are the last tobe released.

This attribute does not apply toVpt Vccs. When bandwidthfluctuates, the entireVpt, along with allVpt Vccs is released as aunit, according to theVpt’s holdingPriority.

Values 012

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Default 3

GROUP AtmIf CA Ubr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes for the UBR servicecategory.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr opUnshapedTransmitQueueing (opUnshap)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the state of transmit queueing forunshaped UBR connections.

A value ofperVc indicates that any unshaped connections useper-VC queueing. A value ofcommon indicates that traffic forunshaped connections uses the common queue whichcorresponds to the EP for this service category.

Values perVccommon

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr vpcUsage

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of active UBRVpcs under thisinterface. It includes switched and permanent connections.

Values Decimal (0..4096)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr vccUsage

Access Read only

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Description This attribute indicates the number of active UBRVccs under thisinterface. It includes switched and permanent connections, andVpt Vccs.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr vptUsage

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of active UBRVpts under thisinterface.

Values Decimal (0..4096)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf CA Ubr epdOffset (epdO)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Early Packet Discard (EPD) offsetwhich is currently in use for this service category. The EPD offsetis used to derive the EPD thresholds for each CC level.

Any connection under this service category which requires thetxPacketWiseDiscard feature must specify a transmit queue limitwhich is at least 5.71 times this offset. This ensures that thederived Epd threshold will never be less than 17.5% of thetransmit queue limit. If this is not done, txPacketWiseDiscard forthe connection will be automatically disabled.

The value of this EPD offset is specified under the lp/x eng arcaqm ov component.

Values Decimal (0; 5..1024)

Units cells

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf VirtualPathConnection (Vpc)

Instance Decimal (0..4095)

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-361

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Vpc Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Vpc ConnectionInfo (ConnInfo)""GROUP AtmIf Vpc Status""GROUP AtmIf Vpc Statistics (Stats)""GROUP AtmIf Vpc Performance (Perf)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n VirtualPathConnection/vpiThis component represents a virtual path connection (VPC). Theinstance value defines the VPI value for this connection—forexample,Vpc/120 defines a path with a VPI of 120.

A VPC is always a relay point. and as such can only have a eitheraNRP or aLoop subcomponent.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc VirtualPathDescriptor (Vpd)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Loop (Loop)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc NailedUpRelayPoint (Nrp)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc SourcePvp (Src)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc MulticastNailedUpRelayPoint(Mnrp)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc RelayPoint (Rp)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc DestinationPvp (Dst)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc TrafficManagement (Tm)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc EdgeBasedReroutingInformation(EbrInfo)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


Impact Service

Description TRACE AtmIf/n Vpc/vpiThis command traces the path of an intra-network segment of aconnection. It displays the names of interface and connectioncomponents found along this segment of a connection path. Thetrace output also includes theVirtual Path Terminator (VPT) atthe end of the path, should one exist.


Impact Service

Description CLEAR AtmIf/n Vpc/vpiTheClear command applies to a dynamicAtmIf/n Vpc/vpicreated for an SVP, or for the SVP segments of an SPVP. It doesnot apply to a provisionedAtmIf/n Vpc/vpi.This means that an SPVP can be cleared from its destination endor at any intermediate point, but not from the source end.

GROUP AtmIf Vpc OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently in

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The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational information for aVcc, Vpc,orVptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc connectionPointType (cpt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute reflects the role of the connection component at thisinterface.

A value ofconnectionEndPoint indicates that user cells, end-to-end OAM cells, and segment OAM cells are processed by theconnection component.

A value ofsegmentEndPoint indicates that user cells and end-to-end OAM cells are relayed by the connection component, whilesegment OAM cells are processed by the connection component.

A value ofconnectingPoint indicates that user cells, end-to-endOAM cells, and segment OAM cells are relayed by theconnection component.

A value ofunknown indicates that the connection component isinactive.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values connectionEndPointsegmentEndPointconnectingPointunknown

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpc ConnectionInfo (ConnInfo)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational connection characteristicsinformation for aVcccomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc distributionType (distrbt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the way data is distributed in theconnection.

A value ofpointToPoint indicates this connection point is part ofa point-to-point connection.

A value ofpointToMultipoint indicates this connection point ispart of a point-to-multipoint connection.

Values pointToPointpointToMultipoint

Default pointToPoint

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc numLeaves (nlvs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of destination leaves of theconnection. If thedistributionType is pointToPoint the value ofthis attribute is 0.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Default 0

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc callDirection (cdir)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the direction of the call setup request foran SVC.

A value offromLink means that the call setup originated fromthe link.

A value oftoLink means that the call setup was directed to thelink.

For PVC connections, the value of this attribute isnotApplicable.

For SPVC connections, the value of this attribute isnotApplicablefor Vccswith theSourcePVCandDestinationPVCsubcomponents.

For Signalling channels, the value of this attribute isnotApplicable.

Values fromLinktoLinknotApplicable

Default notApplicable

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Status

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational status information for aVcc, Vpcor Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc operStatus (opStat)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the present operational status of theVcc,Vpcor Vptcomponent. Its value is dependent upon the currentstate of thesegLinkSideLoopbackState andendToEndLoopbackState attributes.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value isend2endUp when theendToEndLoopbackState isgood and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is eithergood orunknown.

The value isend2endDownwhen theendToEndLoopbackStateisbad and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is eithergood orunknown.

The value islocalUpEnd2endUnknown when theendToEndLoopbackState is unknown and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is good.

The value islocalDown whensegLinkSideLoopbackState is bad.

The value islocalUpEnd2endUnknown when theendToEndLoopbackState is notApplicable and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is good.

The value isunknown when theendToEndLoopbackState iseitherunknown or notApplicable and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is unknown.

Values unknownend2endUpend2endDownlocalUpEnd2endUnknownlocalDown

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc localFailureCause

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the failure cause of theVcc, Vpcor Vptcomponent.noFailure indicates that there is currently nobandwidth related failure for this connection.

portDown indicates that the interface corresponding to the parentAtmIf is down.

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localBwLoss indicates that theIma corresponding to thisAtmIfhas lost some, but not all bandwidth, and as a result, thisconnection has been released.

notAdmitted indicates that this connection has failed to beadmitted by the Connection Admission Control (CAC) algorithm.

appNotRegisteredindicates that there is no application registeredto use this connection. This may be the case, for example whenthere is aVcc Test application, but the test has not been started.Check the status of the application to determine why it is notfunctional.

disabledByApp indicates that the application using thisconnection has requested that the connection be disabled. Anexample is a connection used by a trunk application where thetrunk has timed out on an attempt to stage. Check the applicationto determine why it is not fully functional.

bwReduced indicates that this connection is operating in areduced bandwidth state. It is a bandwidth elastic connectionwhich currently has been allocated less than the requested(equivalent) bandwidth.

vpDownindicates that this connection has been notified of a faultdetected at the associated VP-layer.vpDownis applicable forVptVccs only.

Values noFailurelocalBwLossportDownnotAdmittedappNotRegistereddisabledByAppbwReducedvpDown

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc troubled

Access Read only

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates whether or not the connection is in atroubled state. Connections become troubled because of OAMfailures; when one of the attributessegLinkSideLoopbackState,segSwitchSideLoopbackState, endToEndLoopbackState, aisState(when receiving AIS cells only) orrdiState go bad, this attributeis set toyes; otherwise it is set tono.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc segLinkSideLoopbackState (segLkLbkState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the link-side segmentloopback for this connection. Link-side segment loopback cellsare transmitted (inserted) by a connection component in thedirection of the link (port). The value of this attribute isdependent upon the current setting of thesegLinkSideLoopbackprovisionable attribute, the connection point type as specified bytheconnectionPointType attribute, and the current loopback state(if applicable).

The value isnotApplicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectingPoint.

The value isnotApplicable when thedistributionType ispointToMultipoint.

The value isgood when thesegLinkSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint or aconnectionEndPoint, and the segment link side loopback isworking.

The value isbad when thesegLinkSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint or aconnectionEndPoint, and the link side segment loopback is notworking.

The value isunknownwhen thesegLinkSideLoopback is off.

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The value isunknownwhen thesegLinkSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the segmentswitch side loopback has not yet been determined.

The state of this attribute determines, in part, the value of theoperStatus attribute.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc segSwitchSideLoopbackState (segSwLbkState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the switch-sidesegment loopback for this connection. Switch-side segmentloopback cells are transmitted (inserted) by a connectioncomponent in the direction of the bus. The value of this attributeis dependent upon the current setting of thesegSwitchSideLoopback provisionable attribute, the connectionpoint type as specified by theconnectionPointType attribute, andthe current loopback state (if applicable).

The value is only applicable when theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint. The value isnotApplicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectingPoint orconnectionEndPoint. The value isnotApplicable when thedistributionType is pointToMultipoint.

The value isgood when thesegSwitchSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the segmentswitch side loopback is working.

The value isbad when thesegSwitchSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the switch sidesegment loopback is not working.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-371

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value isunknownwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopback is off.

The value isunknownwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopback is on,theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the segmentswitch side loopback has not been determined.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc endToEndLoopbackState (eeLbkState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the end-to-endloopback for this connection. Its value is dependent upon thecurrent setting of theendToEndLoopback provisionable attributeand the connection point type as specified by theconnectionPointType attribute.

The value is only applicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint. The value isnotApplicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectingPoint or segmentEndPoint.The value isnotApplicable when thedistributionType is apointToMultipoint.

The value isgood when theendToEndLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint and the end-to-end loopback is working.

The value isbad when theendToEndLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint and the end-to-end loopback is not working.

The value isunknownwhen theendToEndLoopback is off.

The value isunknownwhen theendToEndLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint and the end-to-end loopback status has not been determined.

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The state of this attribute determines, in part, the value of theoperStatus attribute.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxOamCellCongestionState (rxOamCongState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the receive side OAMcell congestion for this connection. Its value reflects whether therate of received OAM cells for this connection is below aspecified threshold. The connection maintains a count of thenumber of OAM cells which are terminated per second. Once thatcount exceeds the specified threshold, extraction of all OAM cellsfor this connection is disabled for a period of one minute. This isa congestion management mechanism to prevent the processorfrom being overloaded with handling OAM cells for a particularconnection. This mechanism ensures that tasks, such as trunksobtain enough processor cycles to remain in service, and are notadversely affected by excessive rate of OAM cells on a particularconnection.

The value isgood when the rate of received OAM cells is lessthan the allowed threshold.

The value isbad when the arrival rate has exceeded the allowedthreshold. It remainsbadfor one minute, before returning togoodagain. During this timeout, extraction of all OAM cells isdisabled for this connection. As a result, other loopback failureconditions may occur.

The value isunknownwhen the application has not yet begun touse this connection. An example is theTest component before atest has been started.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Each type of OAM cell is counted separately. The threshold forAIS cells is three cells per second. If more than three AIS cellsare received within a one second interval, this attribute is set tobad. The threshold for RDI cells and each loopback type is alsothree, but the threshold for trace cells is 250 per second.

The state of this attribute has no direct effect on the value of theoperStatus attribute or on the number of troubled connections.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc aisState

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the Alarm IndicationSignal for this connection.

A value ofgood indicates that the connection’s application isactive and no alarm has occurred.

A value ofbad indicates that the connection’s application isactive and an alarm has occurred.

A value ofunknown indicates that the connection’s application isinactive.

A value ofnotApplicable occurs when theconnectionPointTypeis either asegmentEndPoint or aconnectingPoint.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rdiState

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current state of the Remote DefectIndication for this connection.

A value ofgood indicates that the connection’s application isactive and no alarm has occurred.

A value ofbad indicates that the connection’s application isactive and an alarm has occurred.

A value ofunknown indicates that the connection’s application isinactive.

A value ofnotApplicable occurs when theconnectionPointTypeis either asegmentEndPoint or aconnectingPoint.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains traffic statistics for aVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc txCell

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have beentransmitted from the interface on this connection. The counterwraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-375

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc txCellClp (txClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have beentransmitted from the interface on this connection with the CLP=1.The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc txCellDiscard (txcd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from the bus onthis connection that have been discarded.

Discarded cells are not counted in thetxCell attribute.

Cells are discarded due to transmit congestion, Partial PacketDiscard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and WeightedRandom Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when theconnection’s interface is disabled.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionsusually have aconnectionPointType of segmentEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of alltxCellDiscard values for all such connections associated with theVpt.

For Vccs on CQC-based ATM cards, if the connection segmentsframes into cells, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

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Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc txCellDiscardClp (txcdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from the bus onthis connection with CLP=1 that have been discarded.

This count is included in thetxCellDiscard attribute. Discardedcells are not counted in thetxCellClp attribute.

Cells are discarded due to transmit congestion, Partial PacketDiscard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and WeightedRandom Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when theconnection’s interface is disabled.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of segmentEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of alltxCellDiscardClp values for all such connections associated withtheVpt.

For Vccs on CQC-based ATM cards, if the connection segmentsframes into cells, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc txFrameDiscard (txfd)

Access Read only

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-377

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from the buson this connection that have been discarded.

Frames are discarded due to congestion, Partial Packet Discard(PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and Weighted Random EarlyDetection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when the connectioninterface is disabled.

This count is independent of thetxCell or txCellDiscard attribute.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that segment frames into cells. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of alltxFrameDiscard values for all suchconnections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs, andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

Discards due to EPD, PPD, and W-RED for a standardVpt Vccare not included in this attribute. These discards are counted intheVcc’s parentVpt txFrameDiscardattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc txFrameDiscardClp (txfdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of discarded frames on thisconnection that were received from the bus and composed of oneor more CLP=1 cells.

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Frames are discarded due to congestion, Partial Packet Discard(PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and Weighted Random EarlyDetection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when the connectioninterface is disabled.

This count is included in thetxFrameDiscard attribute.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that segment frames into cells. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of alltxFrameDiscardClp values for all suchconnections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

Discards due to EPD, PPD, and W-RED for a standardVpt Vccare not included in this attribute. These discards are counted intheVcc’s parentVpt txFrameDiscardClpattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxCell

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have been receivedfrom the interface on this connection. The counter wraps to zeroif it exceeds its maximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxCellClp (rxClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have been receivedfrom the interface on this connection with the CLP=1. Thecounter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxCellDiscard (rxcd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from theinterface on this connection that have been discarded. This countis included in therxCell attribute.

This count includes cells discarded due to non-conformance withUPC, cells which are part of a frame which has been discardeddue to an AAL5 frame reassembly error, cells which arediscarded due to congestion, or cells which are received while thenext hop connection to which the traffic is directed across thebackplane is down. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxCellDiscard values for all such connections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs, andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

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Discards due to non-conformance with UPC at the VP layer, for astandardVpt Vcc, are not included in this attribute. Thesediscards are counted in theVcc’s parentVpt rxCellDiscardattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxCellDiscardClp (rxcdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from theinterface on this connection with CLP=1 that have beendiscarded. This count is included in therxCell andrxCellDiscardattributes.

This count includes cells discarded due to non-conformance withUPC, cells which are part of a frame which has been discardeddue to an AAL5 frame reassembly error, cells which arediscarded due to congestion, or cells which are received while thenext hop connection to which the traffic is directed across thebackplane is down. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxCellDiscard values for all such connections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs, andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-381

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Discards due to non-conformance with UPC at the VP layer, for astandardVpt Vcc, are not included in this attribute. Thesediscards are counted in theVcc’s parentVpt rxCellDiscardattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxFrameDiscard (rxfd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from theinterface on this connection that have been discarded. This countis independent of therxCellDiscardattribute.

This count includes frames discarded due to an AAL5 framereassembly error, frames discarded due to early packet discard(EPD), and frames discarded due to processor (CPU) congestion.This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Connections which reassemble cellsinto frames have aconnectionPointTypeof connectionEndPoint.AAL1 connections are an exception to this rule; even though theyhave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do notdo adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxFrameDiscard values for all applicableconnections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxFrameDiscardClp (rxfdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of discarded frames on thisconnection that were received from the interface and composedof one or more CLP1 cells. This count is included in therxFrameDiscard attribute. It is independent of therxCellDiscardattribute.

This count includes frames discarded due to an AAL5 framereassembly error, frames discarded due to early packet discard(EPD), and frames discarded due to processor (CPU) congestion.This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Such connections have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxFrameDiscardClp values for allapplicable connections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxUpcViolationOnEnforcer1 (rxEnforcer1)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of UPC violations observed bythe Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (GCRA) Enforcer 1. Thisattribute is only applicable if UPC is enforced or monitored. Thisattribute is not applicable for standardVpt Vccs. This attribute isnot applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType for this connection is 3, 4,

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5, 6, 7 or 8, Enforcer 1 enforces conformance of traffic receivedfrom the interface to PCR CLP0+1.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType for this connection is 9,Enforcer 1 performs the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm(DGCRA) used for the Available Bit Rate (ABR) servicecategory.

If UPC is enforced all non-conforming cells are discarded by thisenforcer. These discarded cells are included in rxCellDiscard.

For basicVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxUpcViolationOnEnforcer1 values for theVccs associated withtheVpt.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxUpcViolationOnEnforcer2 (rxEnforcer2)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of UPC violations observed bythe Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (GCRA) Enforcer 2. Thisattribute is only applicable if UPC is enforced or monitored. Thisattribute is not applicable for standard Vpt Vccs. This attribute isnot applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

Enforcer2 is applicable only if therxTrafficDescType for thisconnection is 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType 4 or 5, Enforcer 2 enforcesconformance of traffic received from the interface to PCR CLP0.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType 6, Enforcer 2 enforcesconformance of traffic received from the interface to SCRCLP0+1.

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When the value ofrxTrafficDescType 7 or 8, Enforcer 2 enforcesconformance of traffic received from the interface to SCR CLP0.

If UPC is enforced, enforcer 2 discards non-conforming cells forrxTrafficDescType values of 4, 6 and 7. It tags non-conformingcells forrxTrafficDescTypevalues of 5 and 8. Discarded cells arecounted in the rxCellDiscard attribute.

For basic Vpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxUpcViolationOnEnforcer2 values for the Vccs associated withthe Vpt.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxAal5FrameError (rxfer)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from theinterface on this connection that have AAL5 length errors orAAL5 CRC errors.

This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

AAL5 length or CRC errors typically occur because of celldiscards due to congestion, UPC, or due to corruption of databetween the AAL5 segmentation and reassembly end points.

This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Such connections have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an

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aggregated total of allrxAal5FrameError values for allapplicable connections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc rxAal5FrameAbort (rxfa)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from theinterface on this connection that have the AAL5 length field set tozero.

This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed for CQC-based ATM cards.

An AAL5 length of zero is an indication by the far endsegmentation point to this reassembly point that the frame is to bediscarded without reassembly. This mechanism is typically usedby a segmentation point if it detects an error in a frame after someof the cells belonging to that frame have already beentransmitted.

This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Such connections have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxAal5FrameAbort values for allapplicable connections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

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The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Performance (Perf)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes which keepperformance statistics about the behavior of theAtmIfcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc lastMinimumCtd (lastminctd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the minimum calculated cell transferdelay value for this connection from the previous TODA (time ofday accounting) interval if TODA is enabled; or for the previous12 hour interval if TODA is disabled. Cell transfer delay iscalculated as half of the measured segment round trip delay of aloopback cell.

The value isnoMeasurement when thectdCalculationattributeof theAtmIf component isoff.

The value isnoMeasurement when theaccountCollectionattribute of theAtmIf Uni or AtmIf Iisp component has a non-empty reason.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute value isoff for the connection.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopback isnot working.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopbackstatus cannot be determined.

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)noMeasurement

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Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc lastMaximumCtd (lastmaxctd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the maximum calculated cell transferdelay value for this connection from the previous TODA (time ofday accounting) interval if TODA is enabled; or for the previous12 hour interval if TODA is disabled. Cell transfer delay iscalculated as half of the measured segment round trip delay of aloopback cell.

The value isnoMeasurement when thectdCalculationattributeof theAtmIf component isoff.

The value isnoMeasurement when theaccountCollectionattribute of theAtmIf Uni or AtmIf Iisp component has a non-empty reason.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute value isoff for the connection.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopback isnot working.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopbackstatus cannot be determined.

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)noMeasurement

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc lastAverageCtd (lastavectd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the average of all calculated cell transferdelay values for this connection from the previous TODA (time

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of day accounting) interval if TODA is enabled; or for theprevious 12 hour interval if TODA is disabled. Cell transfer delayis calculated as half of the measured segment round trip delay ofa loopback cell.

The value isnoMeasurement when thectdCalculationattributeof theAtmIf component isoff.

The value isnoMeasurement when theaccountCollectionattribute of theAtmIf Uni or AtmIf Iisp component has a non-empty reason.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute value isoff for the connection.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopback isnot working.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopbackstatus cannot be determined.

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)noMeasurement

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc currentCtd (currctd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the most recent cell transfer delay valuecalculated for this connection. Cell transfer delay is calculated ashalf of the measured segment round trip delay of a loopback cell.

The value isnoMeasurement when thectdCalculationattributeof theAtmIf component isoff.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute value isoff for the connection.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopback is

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not working.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopbackstatus cannot be determined.

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)noMeasurement

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc lastCtdSampleSize (lastsamplectd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of loopback cells sampled forcell transfer delay calculations during the previous TODA (timeof day accounting) interval if TODA is enabled; or for theprevious 12 hour interval of TODA is disabled.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc VirtualPathDescriptor (Vpd)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Vpd Loopback (Lbk)""GROUP AtmIf Vpc Vpd Accounting (Acct)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpc/vpi VirtualPathDescriptorThe Vpdcomponent contains provisioning information about itsparentVpc component.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Vpd TrafficManagement (Tm)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Vpd Loopback (Lbk)

Properties Provisioned

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Description This group contains the provisionable loopback attributes for aVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

Note that certain loopback requests may not be possible on agiven connection. In such cases, the corresponding operationalloopback attribute in theStatus group of theVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent is set tonotApplicable and the requested loopback isnot performed.

If loopbacks are provisioned to be on, and for any reason thesegment or end-to-end OAM loopback cells are not relayed, theconnection component becomes troubled, and user cell trafficmay be discarded. If loopbacks are provisioned to be on, all ofthe nodes in the segment, and external networks which are in theend-to-end connection must relay the OAM loopback cells.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd segLinkSideLoopback (segLkLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies whether link-side segment loopbackinsertion should be performed on this connection.

WhensameAsInterface is selected, the link-side segmentloopback insertion for the connection is based on thesegLinkSideLoopback attribute of the connection’s parentAtmIfcomponent—if the ATM interface has link-side segmentloopback insertion turned on, then link-side segment loopbackinsertion is also on for the connection.

Whenon or off is selected, link-side segment loopback insertionis turned on or off respectively for the connection regardless ofthe provisioning of the parentAtmIf component.

Note that link-side segment loopback insertion is not possible iftheconnectionPointTypeattribute of theVccor Vpccomponent isconnectingPoint. Link-side segment loopback insertion is alsonot possible if thedistributionType of theVcc ispointToMultipoint. In such cases, the associatedsegLinkSideLoopbackState attribute indicatesnotApplicable andlink-side segment loopback insertion is not performed. Link-sidesegment loopback insertion is always possible on aVpt.

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Values onoffsameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd segSwitchSideLoopback (segSwLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies whether switch-side segment loopbackinsertion should be performed on this connection.

WhensameAsInterface is selected, the switch-side segmentloopback for the connection is based on thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute of the connection’s parentAtmIfcomponent—if the ATM interface has switch-side segmentloopback insertion turned on, then switch-side segment loopbackinsertion is also on for the connection.

Whenon or off is selected, switch-side segment loopbackinsertion is turned on or off respectively for the connectionregardless of the provisioning of the parentAtmIf component.

Note that switch-side segment loopback insertion is not possibleif the connectionPointTypeattribute of theVccor Vpccomponentis connectingPointor connectionEndPoint. Switch-side segmentloopback insertion is also not possible if thedistributionType oftheVcc is pointToMultipoint In such cases, the associatedsegSwitchSideLoopbackState attribute indicatesnotApplicableand switch-side segment loopback insertion is not performed.Switch-side segment loopback is never possible on aVpt.

Values onoffsameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd endToEndLoopback (eeLbk)

Access Read and write

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Description This attribute specifies whether end-to-end loopback insertionshould be performed on this connection.

WhensameAsInterface is selected, the end-to-end loopback forthe connection is based on theendToEndLoopbackattribute of theconnection’s parentAtmIf component—if the ATM interface hasend-to-end loopback insertion turned on, then end-to-endloopback insertion is also on for the connection.

Whenon or off is selected, end-to-end loopback insertion isturned on or off respectively for the connection regardless of theprovisioning of the parentAtmIf component.

Note that end-to-end loopback insertion is not possible if theconnectionPointType attribute of theVccor Vpc component isconnectingPoint or segmentEndPoint. End-to-end loopbackinsertion is also not possible if thedistributionType of theVcc ispointToMultipoint. In such cases, the associatedendToEndLoopbackState attribute indicatesnotApplicable andend-to-end loopback insertion is not performed. End-to-endloopback insertion is always possible on aVpt.

Values onoffsameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd mCastConnectionType (connType)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is introduced to exist temporarily to pass toAtmIfthe connection type defined underVcc or Vpc. This attribute willbe obsoleted once a more elegant solution is available.

Values pointToPointpointToMultipointRootpointToMultipointLeaf

Default pointToPoint

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GROUP AtmIf Vpc Vpd Accounting (Acct)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable ATM accounting attributesfor aVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd correlationTag (tag)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies a unique indentifier for each end of aPVC. It that may be used by downstream processing systems tocorrelate accounting records issued at different nodes in thenetwork. The attribute can be up to 32 bytes long. If it is less than32 bytes, it is zero filled on the right to create a 32 byte value.The resulting value is recorded in the attributecallConnIdfor thisPVC’s ATM accounting records.If the attribute is a null string then this PVC does not have anyaccounting records generated for it.

Values String (0..32, ASCII)

Default ""

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Vpd TrafficManagement (Tm)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci Vcd TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpc/vci Vpd TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vpd TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Vcd TrafficManagementThis component contains provisioned traffic managementattributes of a connection. It is added automatically when aVcc,

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Vpc,or Vpt is added in provisioning mode. It is a mandatorysubcomponent of theVcd or Vpd component.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains traffic related provisionable attributes for theVcc, Vpc,andVptcomponents. Changing any of the attributes inthis group causes a service interruption on theVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm txTrafficDescType (txTdt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to the transmit direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. ThetxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in thetxTrafficDescParmattribute.

This attribute can have a value of 9 if and only if theatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate.

Values 123456789

Default 1

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm fwdQosClass (fwdQos)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for the forwarddirection for this connection. This attribute is only used for SPVCconnections.

Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (variable bit rate audio and video).

Class 3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class 0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

Values 01234

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm txQueueLimit (txQlim)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies an override to the default transmit queuelimit for this connection. An value other thansameAsCa may bespecified only for ATM IP and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards. Thisattribute is not applicable for basicVpts.

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A value ofsameAsCa means to use the default common or per-VC transmit queue limit as defined by the CA service categoryfor this connection.

A value from 5 to 63,488 indicates that a specific transmit queuelimit is requested which differs from the default which is definedunder the CA component for this service category. A specificvalue is ignored for connections where common queuing isspecified for the service category.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, this attribute is used to set the perVC utilization limit.

The actual transmit queue limit for a connection is visible in theVcc Tm, Vpc Tmor Vpt txQueueThresholds attribute.

Values Decimal (5..63488)sameAsCa

Units cells

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the holding priority of this connection. Ina situation where the link bandwidth fluctuates, such as over anIMA link, holding priority is used to determine whichconnections are held and which are released. Holding priority 4connections are the first to be released. Holding priority 0connections are the last to be released. This value provisioned intheVcd or Vpd may be overridden by certain applications, forexampleVcc Test, which run over this connection. The defaultholding priority for a provisioned connection is higher thendefault holding priorities for dynamic (SVC) connections.

This attribute is not applicable forVpt Vccs.

Values 01

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Default 2

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm rxTrafficDescType (rxTdt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to the receive direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. TherxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in therxTrafficDescParmattribute.

When this attribute is set tosameAsTx, therxTrafficDescType aswell as therxTrafficDescParm are taken from thetxTrafficDescType andtxTrafficDescParm values.

Values 123456789sameAsTx

Default sameAsTx

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm bwdQosClass (bwdQos)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for the backwarddirection for this connection. This attribute is only used for SPVCconnections.

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Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class 3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class 0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

ThesameAsFwdselection sets the backward quality of service tobe the same as the forward quality of service.

Values 01234sameAsFwd

Default sameAsFwd

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm atmServiceCategory (service)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM service category for bothdirections of the connection.

The valuederivedFromBBC may only be used if theSrcPvccomponent is provisioned under this Vcc. Otherwise a specificATM service category must be specified.

If this attribute is set toderivedFromBBC, the Broadband BearerCapability (BBC) andbestEffort attributes are used to determinetheatmServiceCategory of this connection.

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If this attribute is set to other thanderivedFromBBC, the value ofthis attribute is used to override the provisioned BBC InformationElement parameters. In those cases, the BBC attributes are notused.

TheconstantBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. The consistent availability of a fixed quantity ofbandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service. Cellswhich are delayed beyond the value specified by Cell TransferDelay are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication.

ThertVariableBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. Sources are expected to transmit at a rate whichvaries with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as“bursty”. Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified byCTD are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication. Real time VBR service may support statisticalmultiplexing of real time sources.

ThenrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-realtime applications which have bursty traffic characteristics andwhich can be characterized in terms of a PCR, SCR, and MBS.For those cells which are transferred within the traffic contract,the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, itexpects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. Non-real timeVBR service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

TheavailableBitRate service is an ATM layer service categoryfor which the limiting ATM layer transfer characteristicsprovided by the network may change subsequent to connectionestablishment. ABR service has a flow control mechanism whichsupports several types of feedback to control the source rate inresponse to changing ATM layer transfer characteristics. ABRservice is not intended to support real-time applications.

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TheunspecifiedBitRateservice is intended for non-real timeapplications; that is, those not requiring tightly constrained delayand delay variation. UBR sources are expected to be bursty. UBRservice supports a high degree of statistical multiplexing amongsources. UBR service does not specify traffic related serviceguarantees. No numerical commitments are made with respect tothe cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to thecell transfer delay experienced by cells on the connection.

Values unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtvbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtvbr)availableBitRate (abr)derivedFromBBC (derived)

Default unspecifiedBitRate

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm trafficShaping (trShaping)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection uses trafficshaping when transmitting traffic to the ATM interface.

This attribute is ignored if theatmServiceCategory isavailableBitRate.

Traffic shaping is not available on the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card,therefore this attribute is ignored.

WhensameAsCa is selected, traffic shaping for the connection isbased on thetrafficShaping attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theCA. If the service category hastrafficShaping set toenabled or inverseUpc, then traffic shapingis enabled for the connection. Note that enabling traffic shapingmay have no effect under certain cases. These cases are listed inthe description of thetrafficShaping operational attribute, whichis under theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or Vpt Tmcomponents.

Whendisabled is selected, traffic shaping for this connection is

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disabled regardless of the provisioning of the connection’sservice category component.

Values disabledsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute only applies when this connection is unshaped.This attribute specifies the transmit queueing method for thisconnection if it is unshaped. The two possible methods are per-VC queuing and common queuing.

On ATM IP FPs, this attribute must be set tosameAsCa.

This attribute is ignored in the following situations:- if the connection hastrafficShapingenabled or inverseUpc, or- if theatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate, or- if theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate and this is aCQC-based ATM FP.- for basicVpts and standardVpt Vccs

When this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the transmit queueingmethod for the connection is based on theunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theCA.

When this attribute is set tocommon, transmit traffic on thisunshaped connection is destined for the common queue.

Values commonsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm weight

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Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies an override for the weight of thisunshaped connection. This attribute is ignored for shapedconnections, for ABR connections, for connections on a CQC-based ATM FP and basic Vpts.

When the value is set tosameAsCa, the weight is determined bythefairnessWeight attribute under theCA service categorycomponent for all but standardVpt Vccs. For standardVpt Vccs,the weight is determined by theVcc’s service category, when thevalue is set tosameAsCa.

When this attribute is set to a value from 1 to 4095, that value isused for the fairness weight of this connection relative to otherconnections. For all but standardVpt Vccs, fairness weightdetermines the proportion of transmit cell opportunities which areallocated to this connection, compared to other connections in thesame service category. For standardVpt Vccs, fairness weightdetermines the proportion of transmit cell opportunities which areallocated to this connection, compared to other connectionsassociated with theVpt.

When the value is set toupToQueueLimit, the fairness weight islimited only by thetxQueueLimit.

Values Decimal (1..4095)sameAsCaupToQueueLimit

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm forceTagging (tagging)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether force tagging is enforced for thisconnection for cells in the transmit direction.

On CQC-based ATM cards and for Vpts, this attribute is not

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applicable and is ignored.

When the value is set tosameAsCa, the force taggingfunctionality is determined by theforceTagging attribute undertheCA service category component.

When the value is set toenabled, force tagging is enabled forcells in the transmit direction on this connection. When thisoption is selected, the CLP bit is set to 1 for all cells in thetransmit direction. Cells which are tagged are counted in thetxCellClp attribute.

When the value is set todisabled, force tagging is disabled forcells in the transmit direction on this connection. When thisoption is selected, the CLP bit is unchanged for cells in thetransmit direction.

Values sameAsCaenableddisabled

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection enforces usageparameter control when receiving traffic from the ATM interface.

WhensameAsCa is selected, UPC for the connection is based ontheusageParameterControl attribute of the service categorycomponent under theAtmIf CA.If the service category has UPCenforced or monitored, then UPC is set to that value for theconnection.

Whendisabled is selected, UPC for this connection is disabledregardless of the provisioning of the service category.

Whenenforcedis selected, UPC for this connection is enforcedregardless of the provisioning of the service category.

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Note that setting UPC toenforced or monitored may have noeffect under certain cases. These cases are listed in thedescription of theusageParameterControl operational attribute,which is under theVcc, Vpc,andVpt components.

Values enforceddisabledsameAsCamonitored

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm bearerClassBbc (bcBbc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the bearer capability. This attribute is onlyused for SPVC and SPVP connections. It is one of the BroadbandBearer Capability (BBC) attributes. The purpose of the BBCinformation element is to indicate a requested broadbandconnection-oriented bearer service to be provided by the network.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Classa service is a connection-oriented, constant bit rate ATMtransport service. Classa service has end to end timingrequirements and may require stringent cell loss, cell delay andcell delay variation performance.Whena is set, the user isrequesting more than an ATM only service. The network maylook at the AAL to provide interworking based upon its contents.

Classc service is a connection-oriented, variable bit rate ATMtransport service. Classc service has no end-to-end timingrequirements. Whenc is set, the user is requesting more than anATM only service. The network interworking function may lookat the AAL and provide service based on it.

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Classx service is a connection-oriented ATM transport servicewhere the AAL,trafficType (vbr or cbr) and timing requirementsare user defined (that is, transparent to the network).Whenx is setthe user is requesting an ATM only service from the network. Inthis case, the network shall not process any higher layer protocol.

Classvp service is used to specify a transparent VP service.When the value of this attribute is vp, the user is requesting anATM only service from the network. In this case, the networkshall not process any higher layer protocol. This service differsfrom class x service in that with the class vp service both the VCIfield (except or VCI values 0, 3, 4, and 6 through 15) and PayloadType field are transported transparently by the network. Thisattribute value is only applicable to SPVP connections.

Values acxvpderivedFromServiceCategory

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm transferCapabilityBbc (tcBbc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the transfer capability for this connection.Uni 3.0/3.1 traffic type and end-to-end timing parameters aremapped into this parameter as follows:<transferCapability: TrafficType, Timing>0: NoIndication, NoIndication1: NoIndication, yes2: NoIndication, no5: CBR, yes8: VBR, NoIndication9: VBR, yes10: VBR, no

notApplicable specifies that the user does not want to specify the

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transfer capability.

The CBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such as aconstant bit rate video service or a circuit emulation.The VBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such aspacketized audio and video, or data.

The value no indication for traffic type is used if the user has notset the traffic type; similarly for end-to-end timing.

The value yes for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is required.

The value no for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is not required.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Values 01258910notApplicablederivedFromServiceCategory

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm clippingBbc (cBbc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the value for the clipping susceptibilityparameter in the BBC Information Element. This attribute is onlyused for SPVC connections. It is one of the Broadband Bearer

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Capability attributes.

Clipping is an impairment in which the first fraction of a secondof information to be transferred is lost. It occurs after a call isanswered and before an associated connection is switchedthrough.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm bestEffort

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the value of the best effort parameter inthe ATM Traffic Descriptor Information Element. This attribute isonly used for Soft PVC connections. It is one of the BroadbandBearer Capability attributes.

The valueindicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is not guaranteed.

The valuenotIndicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is guaranteed.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Values indicatednotIndicatedderivedFromServiceCategory (derived)

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm txPacketWiseDiscard (txpd)

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Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether packet-wise discard functions areto be enabled or disabled in the transmit data direction for thisconnection. Packet-wise discard functions should only berequested if this connection is transferring AAL5 frame traffic.This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Packet-wise functions increase the “goodput” of the link. Thetransmit packet-wise functions are Early Packet Discard (EPD)and Partial Packet Discard (PPD).

EPD allows the connection to discard an entire frame once thetransmit queue has reached the EPD threshold. EPD increases the“goodput” of a link, since discarding an entire frame means thatsome queue capacity is guarded for some other frame which isalready partially transmitted. All cells of the frame are discardedfrom the Beginning of Message (BOM) cell up to and includingthe End of Message (EOM) cell.

PPD allows the connection to discard the remainder of a cell-forwarded AAL5 frame if one cell of this frame has beendiscarded. All cells are discarded up to but not including theEOM cell. The PPD function increases the “goodput” of the link,since cells which are only going to be discarded at the AAL5reassembly point are not transmitted.

On CQC-based ATM cards, the packet-wise discard functions arePPD and EPD. PPD is available at VCC cell-transfer points. PPDis not applicable at frame-cell conversion points, and is notapplicable forVpcs. PPD is configured by this attribute. Packet-wise discard should only be enabled for connections carryingAAL5 segmentation traffic. Setting the value toenabledfor anyother traffic type may result in all traffic being discarded. OnCQC-based ATM FPs, EPD is automatically enabled at frame-to-cell conversion points, independent of the setting of this attribute.

On CQC-based ATM cards, at a permanent VCC connectionendpoint, this attribute is not applicable and is ignored. If AAL5

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segmentation and reassembly has been requested, PPD and EarlyPacket Discard (EPD) are automaticallyenabled.

On ATM IP cards, packet-wise discard functions include EPDand PPD. PPD and EPD apply to individual VCCs and VCCswithin VPCs at all connection points, including tandem VPCconnections. Both PPD and EPD are controlled by this attribute.This attribute may safely be set toenabled for any connection(Vcc or Vpc) on ATM IP FPs since they have the ability toautomatically detect AAL5-segmented traffic on a connection,and only enable packet-wise discards if AAL5-segmented trafficis detected.

When this attribute is set toenabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are applied to transmit traffic at this connection point.When this attribute is set todisabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are not applied to transmit traffic at this connectionpoint.

At a SPVC origin on a PNNI interface, a value ofenabledspecifies that frame discard is requested in the backwarddirection. When this attribute is set todisabled, backward framediscard is not requested in the SPVC call setup.

The transmit packet-wise discard functions that are active arevisible in theVcc/Vpc Tm txPacketWiseDiscard operationalattribute.

Values disabledenabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm rxPacketWiseDiscard (rxpd)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether packet-wise discard functions areto be enabled or disabled in the receive data direction for thisconnection. Packet-wise discard functions should only berequested if this connection is transferring AAL5 frame traffic.

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This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Packet-wise functions increase the “goodput” of the link. Thereceive packet-wise function is Partial Packet Discard (PPD).

PPD allows the connection to discard the remainder of a cell-forwarded AAL5 frame if one cell of this frame has beendiscarded, for example due to UPC. All cells are discarded up tobut not including the EOM cell. The PPD function increases the“goodput” of the link, since cells which are only going to bediscarded at the AAL5 reassembly point are not transmitted.

PPD is available at all VCC connection points where UPC maybe activated. PPD is not applicable forVpcs.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, packet-wise discards should only beenabled for connections carrying AAL5 segmentation traffic.Setting the value toenabledfor any other traffic type may resultin traffic being discarded.

On CQC-based ATM cards, at a permanent VCC connectionendpoint, this attribute is not applicable and is ignored. If AAL5segmentation and reassembly has been requested, PPD and EarlyPacket Discard (EPD) are automaticallyenabled.

On ATM IP cards, this attribute may safely be set toenabled forany connection (Vcc or Vpc) since they have the ability toautomatically detect AAL5-segmented traffic on a connection,and only enables packet-wise discards if AAL5-segmented trafficis detected.

When this attribute is set toenabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are applied to receive traffic at this connection point.When this attribute is set todisabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are not applied to receive traffic at this connectionpoint.

At a SPVC origin on a PNNI interface, a value ofenabledspecifies that frame discard is requested in the forward direction.When this attribute is set todisabled, forward frame discard isnot requested in the SPVC call setup.

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The receive packet-wise discard functions that are active arevisible in theVcc/Vpc Tm rxPacketWiseDiscard operationalattribute.

Values disabledenabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm abrConnectionType (abrType)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of ABR behavior which is to beenforced at this connection. This attribute is only applicable if theatmServiceCategory attribute isavailableBitRate. If theatmServicecategory attribute is notavailableBitRate, thisattribute value is ignored.

The actual ABR functionality which is in effect is visible in theVcc/Vpc/Vpt TmabrConnectionType operational attribute.

For CQC-based ATM cards, the only allowable values aresameAsCa, nonAbrInterworking or abrSwitch. If abrSwitch isselected, the CQC implements EFCI marking behavior.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, the only allowable values aresameAsCa or abrSwitch.If abrSwitch is selected, EFCI markingbehavior is implemented.

sameAsCa is used to request the default behavior as specified intheCA Abr component for thisVcc. Otherwise, this attributeoverrides the default behavior.

virtualSourceDest is used to request that this connection pointfunction as a virtual source/virtual destination. VS/VDfunctionality is only supported on ATM IP FPs.

sourceDest requires that this connection point function as a S/Dfor RM cells. S/D mode is automatically invoked at this

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connection point either if this is a connection end point, or if thenext hop connection point is configured asnonAbrInterworking.

nonAbrInterworking is used to request that this connection pointfunction as an interworking between ABR and non-ABR servicecategories. This means that there are no RM cells on the link sideof this connection, and that the next hop connection point isperforming as an ABRsourceDest.

abrSwitch is used to request ABR switch behavior for thisconnection point. The ABR switch behavior is first, to confirm tovirtualSourceDest or nonAbrInterworking setting on the nexthop, and otherwise to implement ABR ER switch behavior. ForCQC-based FPs, ABR switch behavior is implemented as EFCImarking.

Values abrSwitchvirtualSourceDestsourceDestnonAbrInterworkingsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm txTrafficDescParm (txTdp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of five traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by thetxTrafficDescType attribute.

The values of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR),Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) and requested shaping rate areexpressed in cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS) is expressed incells. CDVT is expressed in microseconds. The values of PCR,SCR, MCR, MBS and CDVT are used for connection admissioncontrol (CAC). The value of CDVT is only used for connectionswhere theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate. For all othervalues ofatmServiceCategory, CDVT is ignored. The values ofPCR, SCR, MCR and requested shaping rate are used todetermine the actual shaping rate where traffic shaping is

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WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, all of the parameters must beset to zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.Parameters 2 and 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic with cell discard; parameter 2represents the PCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4represents the CDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requestedshaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any valuein parameter 1. This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 mustbe greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 2represents the PCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4represents the CDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requestedshaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any valuein parameter 1. This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 mustbe greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

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WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the MBSfor CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zerovalue in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.Parameter 5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equalto parameter 2.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. Anon-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents the CDVT; parameter 3 represents theMCR; parameter 4 and parameter 5 represent are not used andmust be zero. Parameter 1 must be non-zero and must be greaterthan or equal to parameter 3. Parameter 3 may be optionally zero.

Whenever it is valid for PCR to be specified, parameter 5 mayalso be used to specify a requested shaping rate. A non-zero valuein parameter 5 overrides the value in parameter 1 and is used asthe peak cell rate in calculations of CAC and shaping rate. WhentheatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate (ABR), the shapingrate is dynamically chosen, based on the ABR flow controlmechanism, as a value between the MCR and the PCR or therequested shaping rate if applicable.

For txTrafficDescType 3, 4 and 5, the transmit traffic is shaped atthe next available shaping rate less than the PCR.

For txTrafficDescType 6, 7 and 8 if linear traffic shaping is

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selected, the transmit traffic is shaped at the highest available ratewhich is between PCR and SCR. However, if there is no availableshaping rate between PCR and SCR, traffic is shaped at the nextrate above the PCR.

For txTrafficDescType6, 7 and 8 if inverse-UPC traffic shaping isselected, the transmit traffic is shaped at a variable rate whichconforms to the PCR, SCR and MBS of the connection trafficdescriptor. Inverse-UPC traffic shaping is available only on ATMIP cards.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default ([5] 0)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm rxTrafficDescParm (rxTdp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of four traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by therxTrafficDescType attribute. Thevalues of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR) andMinimum Cell Rate (MCR) are expressed in cell/s. Maximumburst size (MBS) is expressed in cells. The value of CDVT isexpressed in microseconds. The values of PCR, SCR, MCR,MBS and CDVT are used for usage parameter control (UPC).

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, all of the parameters must beset to zero (unused).

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.Parameters 2 and 3 must be set to zero (unused).

WhenrxTrafficDescType is 4, parameter 1 represents thePCR for CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents thePCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard. Parameters 1and 2 must be non-zero. Parameter 3 must be set to zero(unused). Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter

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WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging. Parameters 1 and 2 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 3 must be set to zero (unused). Parameter1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis a 6, parameter 1 represents the PCRfor CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCRfor CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBSfor CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to Parameter2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal toparameter 2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameter 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2.

WhenrxTrafficDescType is 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents the CDVT; parameter 3 represents theMCR. Parameter 4 is not used and must be zero. Parameter1,must be non-zero and must be greater than or equal toparameter 3. Parameter 3 may optionally be zero.

WhenrxTrafficDescType is any value from 3 through 8,parameter 4 represents the CDVT.

If the value of CDVT either in parameter 2 or in parameter 4 iszero, the CDVT is taken from theCAdefaults for the particularatmServiceCategory of this connection.

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On a CQC-based ATM card, whenrxTrafficDescriptorType is 3through 8, there are certain extreme combinations ofrxTrafficDescParm which are outside the capabilities of the UPChardware. Thecheck prov command detects such cases andgenerates an error message. If this happens, adjust the parametersuntil they fall within the supported limits.

To calculate the limits, use the following formulae:I1 = 1 000 000 000 / PCRL1 = CDVT * 1000I2 = 1,000,000,000 / SCRL2 = CDVT + (MBS - 1) * (I2 - I1)I1 and I2 must be less than or equal to 335,523,840. I1 + L1 mustbe less than or equal to 1,342,156,800. I2 + L2 must be less thanor equal to 1,342,156,800. Note that I2 and L2 only apply whentherxTrafficDescriptorType is 6 through 8.

If the values of I1, L1, I2 or L2 are closer to the limits describedabove, a further restriction applies. Specifically, if either:I1 > 41,940,480 orI2 > 41,940,480 orI1 + L1 > 167,769,600 orI2 + L2 > 167,769,600then both I1 and I2 must be greater than 20,480.

Parameter 5 of therxTrafficDescParm is always unused.

If the rxTrafficDescType is sameAsTx, the values provisioned inthis attribute are ignored. The traffic parameters for the receivedirection are taken from thetxTrafficDescParm.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default ([5] 0)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm fwdQosParameters (fqp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that specify the qualityof service parameters for the forward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC connections.

Thecdvelement specifies the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR). Itis signalled through the extended QoS information element.

Thectdspecifies the acceptable maximum Cell Transfer Delay(maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).It is signalled through the end to end transit delay informationelement.

Theclr specifies the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) of CBR,rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections. It is signalled through theextended QoS information element.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default (cdv: 16777215, ctd: 255, clr: 16777215)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm bwdQosParameters (bqp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that specify the qualityof service parameters for the backward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC connections.

Thecdvelement specifies the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).It is signalled through the extended QoS information element.

Thectd specifies the acceptable maximum Cell Transfer Delay(maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR). It issignalled through the end to end transit delay informationelement.

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Theclr specifies the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) of CBR,rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections. It is signalled through theextended QoS information element.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default (cdv: 16777215, ctd: 255, clr: 16777215)

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci Vcd Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpc/vci Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Vcd Tm AvailableBitRateThis component contains provisioned ABR-related attributes of aconnection. It is an optional subcomponent of theVcd TmandVpd Tmcomponent. It is used to override DGCRA-relateddefaults in theCA Abr component. It contains the specificconfiguration for the ABR connection at this connection point. Ifthis is the source of an SPVC connection, this component alsocontains the ABR parameters required for the SPVC call request.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes for the ABR ATMconnections configured on an ATM interface.

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr initialCellRate (icr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Initial Cell Rate (ICR) parameter forthis connection. ICR is the rate at which a source should sendinitially and after an idle period.

When this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the initial cell rate isdetermined by theAtmIf CA Abr/0 icr attribute. When the valueof this attribute is set touseMcr, ICR is set to the same value asthe Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) for the connection.

When the value of this attribute is set tousePcr, ICR is set to thesame value as the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) for the connection.

If this attribute is specified less than the MCR of the connection,then the MCR is used as the ICR. If this attribute is specifiedmore than PCR of the connection, then PCR is used as the ICR.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)sameAsCauseMcrusePcr

Units cell/s

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr transientBufferExposure (tbe)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Transient Buffer Exposure (TBE) forthis connection. TBE is the negotiated number of cells that thenetwork would like to limit the source to send during start-upperiods, before the first Resource Management (RM) cell returns.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-421

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

TBE divided byfixedRoundTripTime determines an upper boundfor the operational value ofinitialCellRate, the rate at which asource should send initially and after an idle period.

TBE divided bymaxCellsPerRmCell specifies the operationalvalue offorwardRmCellLimit, the limit of the number of forwardResource Management (RM) cells which may be sent in theabsence of received backward RM cells.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType is set toerSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

Units cells

Default 16777215

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr fixedRoundTripTime (frtt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Fixed Round-Trip Time (FRTT)parameter for this connection. FRTT is the sum of the fixed andpropagation delays from the source to a destination and back.

The value oftransientBufferExposure divided by the value ofFRTT (in seconds) determines an upper bound for the operationalvalue ofinitialCellRate, the rate at which a source should sendinitially and after an idle period.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..16700000)

Units microsec

Default 5000000

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr rateDecreaseFactor (rdf)

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2-422 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Rate Decrease Factor (RDF) for thisconnection. The RDF value is computed by using the provisionedvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 8, RDF is 2E-8 = 1/256.

RDF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate maydecrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management(RM) cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received withthe Congestion Indication (CI) field set to 1, the Allowed CellRate (ACR) value would be reduced by the amount (RDF*ACR).The ACR is not allowed to fall below the Minimum Cell Rate(MCR), in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..15)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr rateIncreaseFactor (rif)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Rate Increase Factor (RIF) for thisconnection. The RIF value is computed by using the provisionedvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 6, RIF is 2E-6 = 1/64.

RIF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate mayincrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management (RM)cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received with theCongestion Indication (CI) and the No Increase (NI) fields bothset to 0, the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) value would be increasedby the amount (RIF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to exceed thePeak Cell Rate (PCR), in which case the ACR is set to PCR.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-423

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..15)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr maxCellPerRmCell (nrm)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of cells an ABRsource may transmit for each forward Resource Management(RM) cell. The count of the cells transmitted includes data cells,OAM cells, backward RM cells, and the forward RM cell.

A value of 2 is not recommended although it is permittedaccording to the ATM Forum standard. When this attribute is setto a value of 2, it is possible that only one forward and onebackward RM cell are repeatedly transmitted, and all data trafficis queued up indefinitely.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

Values Decimal (2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256)sameAsCa

Units cells

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr maxTimeBetweenRmCells (trm)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the TRM parameter for this connection.

TRM provides an lower bound on the time interval betweenforward Resource Management (RM) cells for an ABR source.Since the last forward RM cell was sent, if at least TRM time has

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2-424 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

elapsed since and at least two other cells have been sent, then thenext cell to be transmitted would be a forward RM cell.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

The provisioned value of 781 is signalled as TRM = 0, in theABR Additional Parameters Information Element.1563 is signalled as TRM = 1.3125 is signalled as TRM = 2.6250 is signalled as TRM = 3.12500 is signalled as TRM = 425000 is signalled as TRM = 5.50000 is signalled as TRM = 6.100000 is signalled as TRM = 7.

Values Decimal (781; 1563; 3125; 6250; 12500; 25000; 50000; 100000)sameAsCa

Units microsec

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr cutoffDecreaseFactor (cdf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Cutoff Decrease Factor (CDF)parameter for this connection. When the value of this attribute isnon-zero, CDF is computed as the inverse of the value. Forexample, if the value is 32, the value of CDF is 1/32. When thevalue of this attribute is 0, CDF is also zero.

CDF controls the decrease in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR)associated with the CRM parameter, the limit of the number offorward Resource Management (RM) cells which may be sent inthe absence of received backward RM cells. When this limit iscrossed, the ACR value would be decreased by the amount(CDF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to fall below the MinimumCell Rate (MCR), in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-425

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value of CRM is indicated by theforwardRmCellLimitattribute.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0; 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr acrDecreaseTimeFactor (adtf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Allowed Cell Rate Decrease TimeFactor (ADTF) parameter for this connection.

ADTF is the maximum time interval permitted between sendingforward Resource Management (RM) cells before the AllowedCell Rate (ACR) is decreased toinitialCellRate. In other words, ifthe source does not transit a forward RM cell for the periodspecified byadtf, it reduces its ACR to the value of itsinitialCellRate.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..1023)sameAsCa

Units centiseconds

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr dgcraMaximumDelay (dgcraMaxDelay)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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2-426 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies an upper bound on the delay after whichthe rate change induced by a backward Resource Management(RM) cell departing from this connection point (in the backwarddirection) is expected to be observed at this connection point (inthe forward direction).

This upper bound may be approximated as the sum of the roundtrip fixed and propagation delays and the maximum queuingdelays between the ABR source and this interface.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic General Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Alarger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When there is a reduction in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR), thepolicer waits for a correspondingly longer period of time before itenforces at the new cell rate.

The value of this attribute must not be less than thedgcraMinimumDelay attribute.

Values Decimal (1..16700000)sameAsCa

Units microsec

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr dgcraMinimumDelay (dgcraMinDelay)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies a lower bound on the delay after which therate change induced by a backward Resource Management (RM)cell departing from this connection point (in the backwarddirection) is expected to be observed at this connection point (inthe forward connection).

This lower bound may be approximated as the sum of the roundtrip fixed and propagation delays between the ABR source andthis interface.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-427

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic General Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Asmaller value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When there is a increase in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR), thepolicer waits for a correspondingly shorter period of time beforeit enforces at the new cell rate.

Values Decimal (1..16700000)sameAsCa

Units microsec

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr farEndAcrDecreaseTimeFactor (feAdtf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Allowed Cell Rate Decrease TimeFactor (ADTF) of the far end ABR source. The value specifiedshould be the same as the ADTF parameter at the far end of thisABR connection.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Alarger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When the delay between two consecutive forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells received at this interface corresponds toa value greater than the value of this attribute, the policer beginsto limit enforce the incoming traffic at the initial cell rate (ICR)of the far end, as specified by thefarEndInitialCellRate attribute.

Values Decimal (0..1023)

Units centiseconds

Default 50

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Vpd Tm Abr farEndInitialCellRate (feIcr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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2-428 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the Initial Cell Rate (ICR) of the far endABR source. The value specified should be the same as the ICRparameter at the far end of this ABR connection.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Alarger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When the delay between two consecutive forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells received at this interface corresponds toa value greater than thefarEndAcrDecreaseTimeFactor attribute,the policer begins to enforce the incoming traffic at the value ofthis attribute.

If this attribute is specified less than the MCR of the connection,then the MCR is used as thefeIcr. If this attribute is more than thePCR of the connection, then PCR is used as thefeIcr.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

Units cell/s

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Loop (Loop)

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci LoopTheLoop component configures an ATM connection so that cellsreceived from the ATM interface are retransmitted back to theinterface through that connection. TheLoop component requiresexclusive use of its parentVcc or Vpc and cannot co-exist withother ATM service components (such asNep, Nrp, andTest).

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc NailedUpRelayPoint (Nrp)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Nrp Provisioned (Prov)"

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-429

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci NrpThis component is used to establish a single hop of a nailed-upATM Bearer Service (ABS) connection. By linking together twoNrps within a module, the associated connections are configuredto relay ATM cells to one another. TheNrp component requiresexclusive use of its parentVcc or Vpc and cannot co-exist withother ATM service components (such asNep, Test, andLoop).

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Nrp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for theNrpcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Nrp nextHop (nextHop)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies theNrp component with which thisNrp isassociated. A sample value isAtmIf/31 Vcc/0.32 Nrp.

Values Link (Service, nextHop)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Nrp oamSegmentBoundary (sb)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the OAM segment boundary desired for aNrp component. It affects the connection point type value visiblein the parent component’sconnectionPointType attribute.

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2-430 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The desired OAM segment boundary can be specified directly asyes, no or sameAsInterface. If sameAsInterface is specified, theOAM segment boundary is same as theoamSegmentBoundaryattribute of the associatedAtmIf and the switch will set theconnectionPointType, choosingsegmentEndPoint for a segment-boundary ATM interface andconnectingPoint for a non-segment-boundary ATM interface.

Values noyessameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Nrp bandwidthElastic (bwElastic)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is only of importance for connections which arecarried on a link with a variable bandwidth. For example, thebandwidth may be reduced in the event that one or more physicallinks in the IMA group fail, such that the originally requestedbandwidth cannot be maintained. This attribute shows whetherthe application running on this connection can continue tooperate if the bandwidth is reduced. If the bandwidth is reduced,the amount by which it is reduced will be displayed in thebandwidthReduction attribute.

A value ofyes, indicates that this connection is elastic, and thebandwidth may be reduced but the connection will not bereleased. Currently, this attribute should only be set toyes forsituations where thisNrp is functioning as a loopback on one sideof an IMA link. There are no other situations where this setting isvalid.

A value ofno indicates that the bandwidth for this connectionwill not be reduced in the event of link bandwidth reduction.However, this connection may be released based on itsholdingPriority.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-431

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Nrp overrideHoldingPriority (ohpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the holding priority of this connection.Holding priority is used when there is an IMA group where somephysical links have failed. Holding priority determines the orderin which connections are released. 4 is the lowest holding priorityand is released first. 0 is a higher priority and is released last. Thevalue specified in this attribute will override whateverholdingPriority that has been provisioned at theVcd (or Vpd). Ifthe value is left at the default ofnoOverride, theholdingPriorityprovisioned at theVcd (or Vpd) will be used.

Values 01234noOverride

Default noOverride

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc SourcePvp (Src)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Src Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpc Src Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

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2-432 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n Vpc/vpi SourcePvpThis component represents the source end of a soft PVP.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Src EdgeBasedReroutingOverride(EbrOv)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Src Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes of theAtmIf/n Vpc/vpi SrcPvp component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Src callingAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the calling address of the soft PVP. If it isa null string, then the calling address is the address of the currentinterface (that is, where the soft PVC originates).

Values String (0..20, Hex)

Default ""

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Src calledAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the called (remote) address of the softPVP.

Values String (20, Hex)

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-433

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Src calledVpi

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the called VPI of the soft PVP.

Values Decimal (1..4095)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Src Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes associatedwith theSrcPvpor SrcPvc component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Src state

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the state of the soft PVP or soft PVC.

Values activeinactive

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Src retryCount

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of failed attempts to set up thesoft PVP or soft PVC since the last time the connection failed.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Src lastFailureCauseCode

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2-434 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the cause code in the last transmittedsignalling message that contains the CAUSE informationelement. The cause code is used to describe the reason forgenerating certain signalling messages.The default value for this attribute is set to 0.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Src lastFailureDiagCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last transmittedsignalling message. The diagnostic code is contained in theCAUSE information element and identifies an informationelement type or timer type. The diagnostic code is present only ifa procedural error is detected by the signalling protocol. Adiagnostic code is always accompanied by the cause code. Ifthere is no failure, this attribute is set to NULL.

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Src EdgeBasedReroutingOverride (EbrOv)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Src EbrOv Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci SrcPvc EdgeBasedReroutingOverrideAtmIf/n Vpc/vpi SrcPvp EdgeBasedReroutingOverrideAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci SrcPvc EdgeBasedReroutingOverride

This component represents the ability to override Edge BasedRerouting capabilities on a per connection basis for provisionedSPVC and SPVP connections.

The addition of this component and changes to the attributes

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-435

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

contained in this component are critical to the parent SPVC orSPVP. The deletion of this component is not a critical change forthe connection. If this component is deleted, the connectionremains active with the current subscription options until itrestages.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Src EbrOv Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the EdgeBased Rerouting subscription options for provisionedconnections.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Src EbrOv recoverySubscribed (recSub)

Access Read and write

Description This attributes specifies whether connection recovery issubscribed for this connection.

Values noyes

Default yes

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Src EbrOv optimizationSubscribed (optSub)

Access Read and write

Description This attributes specifies whether path optimization is subscribedfor this connection.

Values noyes

Default yes

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2-436 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc RelayPoint (Rp)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Rp Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpc/vpi RpAtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci RpAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Rp

The RelayPointcomponent is used to establish a single hop of aSwitched connection. When linked together, twoRps within amodule, the associated connections are configured to relay ATMcells to one another.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Rp Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theAtmRelayPoint component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Rp nextHop

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the component name(s) of theRpcomponent(s) with which thisRp component is associated. Thisattribute can have more than one component name only when theVcc distributionType is pointToMultipoint and thecallDirectionis fromLink .

List of The name of the component

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc DestinationPvp (Dst)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Dst Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-437

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n Vpc/vpi DestinationPvpThis component represents the destination end of a soft PVP.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Dst Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theAtmIf/n Vpc/vpi DstPvp component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Dst calledAddress

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the called address of the soft PVP.

Values String (20, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Dst callingAddress

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the calling (remote) address of the softPVP. If the address in not known, then the value of this address isUnknown.

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Dst callingVpi

Access Read only

Description This attribute represents the calling (remote) VPI of the soft PVP.If the VPI value is not known, the attribute value is set toUnknown.

Values String (1..7, ASCII)

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2-438 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc TrafficManagement (Tm)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Tm Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpc/vpi TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci TrafficManagementTheTm subcomponent contains the operational trafficmanagement attributes of a connection. It is created dynamicallyfor each activatedVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Tm Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes for theTmcomponent to reflectoperational traffic attributes.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm txTrafficDescType (txTdt)

Access Read only

Description T his attribute indicates the type of traffic management which isapplied to the transmit direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. ThetxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in thetxTrafficDescParmattribute.

Values 12345

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-439

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm txQosClass (txQos)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the quality of service for the calling tocalled direction for this connection. This is only applicable toSoft PVC and SVC connections.

Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class 0 is the unspecified QOS class; no objective is specified forthe performance parameters.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values 01234notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm txQueueLength (txQLen)

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2-440 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current number of cells in the transmitqueue for this connection.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed ascommon, this attribute displays the length of thecommon queue which is used for this atm service category.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed asfifo , this attribute indicates the number of cells forthis connection which are enqueued in a first-in-first-out queuingmethod for this atm service category. This will only occur forconnections on ATM IP cards withatmServiceCategory ofnrtVbr or ubr.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed asperVcor asnotApplicable, this attribute displays thelength of the per-VC queue.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, this attribute displays the currentnumber of cells in the link class queue used by this connection tobuffer its traffic.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Values Decimal (0..30720)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm txQueueCongestionState (txQCong)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the congestion state of the transmit queuefor this connection.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed ascommon, this attribute displays the congestion stateof the common queue. If this connection has

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-441

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

unshapedTransmitQueueing attribute displayed asperVc or asnotApplicable, this attribute displays the congestion state of theper-VC queue.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, this attribute displays the currentcongestion state of the link class queue used by this connection tobuffer its traffic.

The congestion state of a queue is indicated by a numeric valueranging from 0 to 3. When a queue is in a congested state x, onlytraffic with discard priority (DP) 0 to x are enqueued. Traffic withDP > x is discarded.

For example, if the congestion state is 3, there is no congestionand all traffic is enqueued. Likewise, when the congestion state is0, there is maximum congestion and only traffic with DP=0 isenqueued on that queue.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Values Decimal (0..3)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the actual holding priority in effect forthis connection. In a situation where the link bandwidthfluctuates, such as over an IMA link, holding priority is used todetermine which connections are held and which are released.Holding priority 4 connections are the first to be released.Holding priority 0 connections are the last to be released. Someapplications, for exampleVcc Test, may override the provisionedholding priority.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed when this is an elasticconnection. Holding priority does not apply to bandwidth elasticconnections.

Holding priority has no effect if the equivalent cell rate (ECR) for

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a connection is zero.

This attribute does not apply to Vpt Vccs.

Values 01234notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm rxTrafficDescType (rxTdt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the type of traffic management which isapplied to the receive direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. TherxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in therxTrafficDescParmattribute.

Values 123456789

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm rxQosClass (rxQos)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the quality of service for the called tocalling direction for this connection. This is only applicable toSoft PVC and SVC connections.

Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performance

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requirements (circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (variable bit rate audio and video).

Class 3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class 0 is the unspecified QOS class; no objective is specified forthe performance parameters.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values 01234notApplicablesameAsFwd

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm atmServiceCategory (service)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the ATM service category used for trafficin both directions of the connection.

TheconstantBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is, those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. The consistent availability of a fixed quantity ofbandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service. Cellswhich are delayed beyond the value specified by Cell TransferDelay are assumed to have significantly reduced value for theapplication.

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ThertVariableBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications; that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. Sources are expected to transmit at a rate whichvaries with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as“bursty”. Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified byCell Transfer Delay are assumed to be of significantly reducedvalue to the application. Real time VBR service may supportstatistical multiplexing of real time sources.

ThenrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-realtime applications which have bursty traffic characteristics andwhich can be characterized in terms of a PCR, SCR, and MBS.For those cells which are transferred within the traffic contract,the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, itexpects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. Non-real timeVBR service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

TheavailableBitRate service is an ATM layer service categoryfor which the limiting ATM layer transfer characteristicsprovided by the network may change subsequent to connectionestablishment. ABR service has a flow control mechanism whichsupports several types of feedback to control the source rate inresponse to changing ATM layer transfer characteristics. ABRservice is not intended to support real-time applications.

TheunspecifiedBitRateservice is intended for non-real timeapplications, that is those not requiring tightly constrained delayand delay variation. UBR sources are expected to be bursty. UBRservice supports a high degree of statistical multiplexing amongsources. UBR service does not specify traffic related serviceguarantees. No numerical commitments are made with respect tothe cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to thecell transfer delay experienced by cells on the connection.

Values unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtVbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtVbr)availableBitRate (abr)

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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm trafficShaping (trShaping)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the traffic shaping state of the connection.

A value ofnotApplicable indicates that traffic shaping is notapplicable or not supported for this connection. This is the case:- when thetxTrafficDescType is 1 or 2.- for standardVpt Vccs and basicVpts.- for CQC-based ATM cards, when theatmServiceCategory isconstantBitRate.

In these cases, the value ofnotApplicable is set regardless ofwhether traffic shaping is enabled or disabled in the provisioningdata.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, traffic shaping is not available,therefore this attribute is alwaysnotApplicable.

A value ofdisabledindicates that traffic shaping is applicable andsupported for the type of connection but has been turned off inthe provisioning data.

A value oflinear or inverseUpcindicates that traffic shaping isapplicable and supported for the type of connection and has beenturned on in the provisioning data. This is the only case thatindicates that traffic shaping is performed on the connection. Inthis case, the actual shaping rate is reflected in thetxTrafficDescParm attribute, parameter number 4. A value oflinear indicates that traffic is being shaped at the constant rateindicated intxTrafficDescParm 4.

A value ofinverseUpc is possible only on ATM IP cards. Thisvalue indicates that the shaper strictly conforms to therequirements of a dual leaky bucket UPC enforcer. This value isindicated if traffic shaping is enabled, and thetxTrafficDescTypefor this connection is 6, 7 or 8.

Traffic shaping for connections withatmServiceCategory as

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availableBitRate(txTrafficDescType 9) depends upon theabrConnectionType attribute. IfabrConnectionType issourceDest or virtualSourceDest, the value of this attribute islinear. If abrConnectionType is erSwitchor efciSwitch, thisattribute isnotApplicable.

Values disabledlinearinverseUpcnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm bearerClassBbc (bcBbc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the bearer capability for this connection.

Classa service is a connection-oriented, constant bit rate ATMtransport service. Classa service has end to end timingrequirements and may require stringent cell loss, cell delay andcell delay variation performance.Whena is displayed, the user isrequesting more than an ATM only service. The network maylook at the AAL to provide interworking based upon its contents.

Classc service is a connection-oriented, variable bit rate ATMtransport service. Classc service has no end-to-end timingrequirements.Whenc is displayed, the user is requesting morethan an ATM only service. The network interworking functionmay look at the AAL and provide service based on it.

Classx service is a connection-oriented ATM transport servicewhere the AAL,trafficType(cbr or vbr), and timing requirementsare user defined (that is, transparent to the network). When thevalue of this attribute isx, the user is requesting an ATM onlyservice from the network. In this case, the network shall notprocess any higher layer protocol.

Class vp service is used to indicate a transparent VP service whenthe user is requesting an ATM only service from the network. Inthis case, the network does not process any higher layer protocol.

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This service differs from class x service in that with the class vpservice both the VCI field (except for VCI values 0, 3, 4, and 6through 15) and Payload Type field are transported transparentlyby the network. This attribute value is only applicable to SPVPand SVP connections.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values acxvpnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm transferCapabilityBbc (tcBbc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the transfer capability for this connection.Uni 3.0/3.1 traffic type and end-to-end timing parameters aremapped into this parameter as follows:<transferCapability: TrafficType, Timing>0: NoIndication, NoIndication1: NoIndication, yes2: NoIndication, no5: CBR, yes8: VBR, NoIndication9: VBR, yes10: VBR, no

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance, or in the casethat the transfer capability in the call request was set toNoIndication.

The CBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such as aconstant bit rate video service or a circuit emulation.

The VBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such as

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packetized audio and video, or data.

The value NoIndication for traffic type is used if the user has notset the traffic type; similarly for end-to-end timing.

The value yes for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is required for the connection.

The value no for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is not required for the connection.

Values 01258910notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm clippingBbc (cBbc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the value of the clipping susceptibilityparameter in the broadband bearer capability (BBC) InformationElement.

Clipping is an impairment in which the first fraction of a secondof information to be transferred is lost. It occurs after a call isanswered and before an associated connection is switchedthrough.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values noyesnotApplicable

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the unshaped transmit queuing state of theconnection.

A value ofcommon indicates that transmit traffic is beingenqueued onto the common transmit queue for this servicecategory.ThetxQueueLength attribute indicates the current length of thecommon transmit queue.

A value offifo indicates that transmit traffic is being queued in afirst-in-first-out basis for this service category. This is similar tocommon queueing, but thetxQueueLength attribute indicates thenumber of cells in this connection queue. A value offifo willonly be indicated for connections on ATM IP cards withatmServiceCategory of nrtVbr or ubr.

A value ofperVc indicates that transmit traffic is being enqueuedonto a per-VC queue for this connection.

A value ofnotApplicable indicates that transmit traffic is beingshaped for this connection, or that unshaped transmit queuing isnot applicable for this type of connection. Transmit traffic for ashaped connection is enqueued onto a per-VC queue, but thisattribute is only applicable for unshaped connections. Unshapedtransmit queuing is not applicable for basicVpts.

For 1pOC12SmLrAtm cards, perVc queueing is not availablethus this attribute only indicatescommon or notApplicable.

Values perVccommonnotApplicablefifo

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm bestEffort

Access Read only

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Description This attribute indicates value of best effort parameter in the ATMTraffic Descriptor Information Element.

The valueindicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is not guaranteed.

The valuenotIndicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is guaranteed.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values indicatednotIndicatednotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm forceTagging (tagging)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the state of force tagging option for thisconnection. Force tagging refers to setting the CLP bit for allcells on a connection.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is not applicable and isnot displayed.

A value ofenabled indicates that the CLP bit is being set to 1 forall cells in the transmit direction on this connection.

A value ofdisabled indicates that the CLP bit is unchanged forcells in the transmit direction on this connection.disabled isalways displayed forVpts since forced tagging is applied on a perVpt Vcc basis.

Values disabledenabled

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm weight

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Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the relative weight of this unshapedconnection. Connections with a larger weight get a largerproportion of the link bandwidth or in the case of standardVptVccs, theVpt bandwidth.

For all but standardVpt Vccs, the default connection weight isdetermined by the weight policy for a service category and thetraffic descriptor for a connection. For standardVpt Vccs, thedefault connection weight is determined by theVcc’s servicecategory.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is not applicable and isnot displayed.

A value from 1 to 4095 indicates an actual weight. The valueupToQueueLimit indicates that the weight of a connection is upto the transmit queue limit for this connection.upToQueueLimitis used with common (first-in-first-out) queueing.

This attribute is displayed asnotApplicable if:- this connection hastrafficShaping displayed aslinear orinverseUpc.- this is a basicVpt.

Values Decimal (1..4095)upToQueueLimitnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the UPC state of the connection.

A value ofnotApplicable indicates that UPC is not applicable ornot supported for the connection. This is the case:- when the connection’srxTrafficDescType is 1 or 2.- for standardVpt Vccs and basicVpts.

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A value ofnotApplicable is set regardless of whether UPC isdisabled or enabled in provisioning data.

A value ofdisabled indicates that UPC is applicable andsupported for the type of connection but has been turned off inthe provisioning data.

A value ofenforced indicates that UPC is actively checkingconformance for the connection and is discarding or tagging cellswhich do not conform to the connection traffic contract. Thetraffic descriptor parameters used for UPC conformance arereflected in therxTrafficDescParms of the connection. On ATMIP cards, the counts of UPC violations are visible in theVcc, Vpcor Vpt rxUpcViolationsOnEnforcer1 orrxUpcViolationsOnEnforcer2 attributes.

ATM IP cards provide the ability to monitor UPC violationswithout tagging or discarding. A value ofmonitored indicatesthat UPC is actively checking conformance for the connectionand counting the violations, but is not discarding or tagging cellswhich do not conform to the connection traffic contract. Thetraffic descriptor parameters used for UPC conformance arereflected in therxTrafficDescParms of the connection. Thecounts of UPC violations are visible in theVcc, Vpc or Vpt.rxUpcViolationsOnEnforcer1 or rxUpcViolationsOnEnforcer2attributes. The value ofmonitoredappears only on ATM IP cards.

If the atmServiceCategory for this connection isavailableBitRate, a value ofenforced indicates that DynamicGeneric Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA) is active for theconnection. The traffic descriptor parameters used for DGCRAenforcement are reflected in therxTrafficDescParm of theconnection.

Values enforceddisabledmonitorednotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm txPacketWiseDiscard (txpd)

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Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current set of packet-wise discardfunctions in effect in the transmit data direction at this connectionpoint.

A value ofppd indicates that the Partial Packet Discard (PPD)function is in effect. PPD may be applied at an intermediateconnecting point for a connection which is transporting frametraffic (AAL5 at the endpoint). PPD is controlled by provisioningfor PVCs and SPVCs, and by call setup parameters in the AALand Traffic Descriptor Information Elements.

A value ofepd indicates that the Early Packet Discard (EPD)function is in effect at this connection endpoint. On CQC-basedATM cards, PPD and EPD are enabled by default at a connectionendpoint which is performing AAL5 segmentation and assembly.

A value ofwred indicates that Weighted Random Early Detectionis in effect at this connection point. W-RED can be enabled byprovisioning for PVCs and SPVCs.

On ATM IP cards, all packet-wise discard functions also apply toprovisioned virtual path connections (VPCs). On CQC-basedATM cards, packet-wise functions are not applicable for VPCs.

This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Set of ppdepdwred

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm rxPacketWiseDiscard (rxpd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current set of packet-wise discardfunctions in effect in the receive data direction at this connectionpoint.

A value ofppd indicates that the Partial Packet Discard (PPD)

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function is in effect. PPD may be applied at an intermediateconnecting point for a connection which is transporting frametraffic (AAL5 at the endpoint). PPD is controlled by provisioningfor PVCs and SPVCs, and by call setup parameters in the AALand Traffic Descriptor Information Elements.

A value ofepd indicates that the Early Packet Discard (EPD)function is in effect at this connection endpoint. PPD and EPDare enabled by default at a connection endpoint which isperforming AAL5 segmentation and assembly.

On ATM IP cards, all packet-wise discard functions also apply toprovisioned virtual path connections (VPCs). On CQC-basedATM cards, packet-wise functions are not applicable for VPCs.

This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Set of ppdepd

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm bandwidthElastic (bwElastic)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is only of importance for connections which arecarried on a link with a variable bandwidth. For example, thebandwidth may be reduced in the event that one or more physicallinks in the IMA group fail, such that the originally requestedbandwidth cannot be maintained. This attribute shows whetherthe application (for example,Trunk) running on this connectioncan continue to operate if the bandwidth is reduced. If thebandwidth is reduced, the amount by which it is reduced isdisplayed in thebandwidthReduction attribute.

A value ofyes, indicates that this connection is elastic, and thebandwidth may be reduced but the connection is not released.

A value ofno indicates that the bandwidth for this connection isnot reduced in the event of link bandwidth reduction. However,this connection may be released based on itsholdingPriority.

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Bandwidth elasticity has no effect for connections which have anequivalent cell rate (ECR) of zero.

This attribute is not applicable forVpts andVpt Vccs.

Values noyes

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm bandwidthReduction (bwReduction)

Access Read only

Description This attribute shows the amount by which the bandwidth has beenreduced for this connection. This value is non-zero only forconnections which havebandwidthElastic displayed asyes, andwhich are also operating in a reduced bandwidth mode. This istypically the case for selected connections running over an IMAlink. This attribute takes a value from 0 (no reduction) up to theECR. For all connections which are running at their full allocatedbandwidth,bwReduction has the value 0. Connections whichhave been reduced in allocated bandwidth have a positive numberfor this attribute. ThebwReduction may be subtracted from theECR (which is displayed astxTrafficDescParm 5) to determinethe actual bandwidth allocated to this connection.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm abrConnectionType (abrType)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the type of ABR behavior which is ineffect at this connection. This attribute is only applicable if theatmServiceCategory attribute isavailableBitRate. If theatmServiceCategory attribute is notavailableBitRate, thisattribute value is set tonotApplicable.

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For CQC-based ATM cards and the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, thenotApplicable, efciSwitch or nonAbrInterworking. In EFCImarking mode, the Explicit Forward Congestion Indication(EFCI) field in the data cell headers is used to indicate transmitqueue congestion.

For ATM IP cards other than 1pOC12SmLrAtm, if the displayedasconnectionEndPoint, this attribute has the valuesourceDest.In this mode, the ABR Source and Destination behavior is ineffect at this connection. This attribute is alsosourceDest in thecase where the next hop connection is specified asnonAbrInterworking. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

If the connectionPointTypeis notconnectionEndPoint, the valueof this attribute depends upon theabrConnectionTypeprovisioning and the card type to which the traffic is forwardedon the backplane. The defaultabrConnectionType is provisionedat theCA Abr abrConnectionType attribute, and may beoverridden for a provisioned connection in theVcd TmabrConnectionType or Vpd Tm abrConnectionType attribute. IftheCA Abr abrConnectionType attribute isvirtualSourceDest ateither one of the two connection points, and if both theconnection points are defined on ATM IP cards, virtual sourceand destination behavior is applied to the connection. In thisinstance, the attribute displays the valuevirtualSourceDest.

This attribute has the valueerSwitch if ABR explicit ratefunctionality is in effect at this connection. In this mode, theswitch may modify the Explicit Rate (ER) field of backwardResource Management (RM) cells to indicate the status ofcongestion at this connection point.

This attribute has the valuenonAbrInterworking in the casewhere this connection point is functioning as an SPVC origin foran ABR connection where the link side of this connection isconfigured as a non-ABR ATM service category. This means thatthere are no RM cells on the link side of this connection, and thatthe next hop connection point is performing as an ABRsourceDest.

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Values erSwitchefciSwitchvirtualSourceDestsourceDestnonAbrInterworkingnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm txTrafficDescParm (txTdp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is a vector of five transmit traffic parameters whosemapping is defined by thetxTrafficDescType attribute.

The values of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR),Minimum Cell Rate (MCR), actual cell rate (ACR), explicit rate(ER), equivalent cell rate (ECR), and actual shaping rate areexpressed in cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS) is expressed incells. CDVT is expressed in microseconds.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, parameters 1 through 5 areunused.

In this description, PCR is the greater of either the PCR or therequested shaping rate (parameter 1 or parameter 5) specified inthetxTrafficDescParm attribute under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 or 1 traffic; parameters 2 and 3 are unused.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR for

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CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, parameter 4 reflectsthe actual shaping rate in cell/s for this connection. For CQC-based ATM cards, the set of available shaping rates is based onthe number of interfaces doing shaping (attributeperVcQueueInterfaces), and theshapingScalingFactor attributeof theArc Cqc Override component. A rate of zero (0) indicatesthat shaping is not performed, or that the interface is down.

WhentxTrafficDescType is 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents the Cell Delay Variation Toleration(CDVT); parameter 3 represents the Minimum Cell Rate (MCR);the meaning of parameter 4 depends upon the value of theabrConnectionType attribute. ifabrConnectionType issourceDest or virtualSourceDest, parameter 4 represents theAllowed Cell Rate (ACR); IfabrConnectionType is erSwitch,parameter 4 represents the Explicit Rate (ER); and ifabrConnectionType is efciSwitch, parameter 4 reflects the actualshaping rate in cell/s for this connection.

WhentxTrafficDescType is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, parameter 5reflects the equivalent cell rate in cell/s for this connection asdetermined by the Connection Admission Control (CAC)

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algorithm. The equivalent cell rate is useful in determining theadmission characteristics of this connection.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm txQueueThresholds (txQThresh)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the queue limit and the discard thresholdsfor the transmit queue of this connection.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed ascommon, this attribute displays the thresholds of thecommon queue. If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute displayed asperVcor asnotApplicable, this attribute displays the thresholds of the per-VCqueue.

The first element indicates the queue limit. The provisioned valueof the transmit queue limit is derived from thetxQueueLimitattribute under the service category subcomponents of theCAcomponent for the service category of this connection.

The second element is the threshold that marks the transitionfrom congestion state 1 to congestion state 0. This is thethreshold at which traffic with discard priority (DP) = 1 isdiscarded. This threshold is set at approximately 90 percent of thefirst parameter, the operational queue limit.

The third element is the threshold that marks the transition fromcongestion state 2 to congestion state 1. This is the threshold atwhich traffic with DP = 2 is discarded. This threshold is set atapproximately 75 percent of the first parameter, the operationalqueue limit.

The fourth element is the threshold that marks the transition fromcongestion state 3 to congestion state 2. This is the threshold atwhich traffic with DP = 3 is discarded. This threshold is set at

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approximately 35 percent of the first parameter, the operationalqueue limit.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Vector of Decimal (0..30720)

Units cells

Index Decimal (0..3)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm rxTrafficDescParm (rxTdp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is a vector of four traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by therxTrafficDescType attribute. Thevalues of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR),minimum cell rate (MCR) are expressed in cell/s. Maximumburst size (MBS) is expressed in cells. Cell delay variationtolerance (CDVT) is expressed in microseconds.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, none of the parameters areused.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 4 representsthe CDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 4 representsthe CDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS for

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescType is 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents CDVT; parameter 3 represents the MCR;parameter 4 is not used.

If upc is disabled for this connection, the values of PCR, SCR,MBS and CDVT are the provisioned parameters.

If upc is enabled, the values of PCR, SCR, MBS, and CDVT areexactly the values used by the usage parameter control hardwarein policing the arriving traffic. These may vary slightly from theprovisioned values due to granularity of the hardware. In the casewhere the PCR is equal to the SCR, the effective MBS is zero.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..4)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm txQosParameters (tqp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that indicate thequality of service parameters for the forward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC and SVC connectionson a PNNI interface.

Thecdvelement indicates the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell Delay

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Variation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).

The ctd element indicates the acceptable maximum Cell TransferDelay (maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).

Theclr element indicates the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR)of CBR, rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm rxQosParameters (rqp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that indicate thequality of service parameters for the backward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC and SVC connectionson a PNNI interface.

Thecdvelement indicates the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).

Thectd element indicates the acceptable maximum Cell TransferDelay (maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).

Theclr element indicates the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR)of CBR, rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-463

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpc/vpi Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Tm AvailableBitRateThis component contains ABR-related operational attributes of aconnection. It is dynamically created for connections where theatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate, and whereabrConnectionType is sourceDest or virtualSourceDest.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes for connections usingABR service category.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr initialCellRate (icr)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Initial Cell Rate (ICR) parameter forthis connection. ICR is the rate at which a source should sendinitially and after an idle period.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of theinitialCellRate attribute. For signalledconnections, it is indicated in the ABR Setup ParametersInformation Element.

The ICR for a connection is a value between the MCR and thePCR. Furthermore, ICR has an upper bound determined by thetransientBufferExposure divided byfixedRoundTripTime.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

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Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr transientBufferExposure (tbe)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Transient Buffer Exposure (TBE) forthis connection. TBE is the negotiated number of cells that thenetwork would like to limit the resource to send during start-upperiods, before the first Resource Management (RM) cell returns.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of thetransientBufferExposure attribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr fixedRoundTripTime (frtt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Fixed Round-Trip Time (FRTT)parameter for this connection. FRTT is the sum of the fixed andpropagation delays from the source to a destination and back.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of thefixedRoundTripTime attribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0..16700000)

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr rateDecreaseFactor (rdf)

Access Read only

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the Rate Decrease Factor (RDF) for thisconnection. The RDF value is computed by using the operationalvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 8, RDF is 2E-8 = 1/256.

RDF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate maydecrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management(RM) cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received withthe Congestion Indication (CI) field set to 1, the Allowed CellRate (ACR) value would be reduced by the amount (RDF*ACR).The ACR is not allowed to fall below the Minimum Cell Rate(MCR), in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of therateDecreaseFactorattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr rateIncreaseFactor (rif)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Rate Increase Factor (RIF) for thisconnection. The RIF value is computed by using the operationalvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 6, RIF is 2E-6 = 1/64.

RIF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate mayincrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management (RM)cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received with theCongestion Indication (CI) and the No Increase (NI) fields bothset to 0, the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) value would be increasedby the amount (RIF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to exceed thePeak Cell Rate (PCR), in which case the ACR is set to PCR.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of therateIncreaseFactorattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

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Values Decimal (0..15)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr maxCellPerRmCell (nrm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the maximum number of cells an ABRsource may transmit for each forward Resource Management(RM) cell. The count of the cells transmitted includes data cells,OAM cells, backward RM cells, and the forward RM cell.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of themaxCellsPerRmCellattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr maxTimeBetweenRmCell (trm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the TRM parameter for this connection.

TRM provides an upper bound on the time interval betweenforward Resource Management (RM) cells for an ABR source.Since the last forward RM cell was sent, if at least TRM time haselapsed since and at least 2 other cells have been sent, the nextcell to be transmitted would be a forward RM cell.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of themaxTimeBetweenRmCellattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (781; 1563; 3125; 6250; 12500; 25000; 50000; 100000)

Units microsec

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr cutoffDecreaseFactor (cdf)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Cutoff Decrease Factor (CDF)parameter for this connection. When the value of this attribute isnon-zero, CDF is computed as the inverse of the value. Forexample, if the value is 32, the value of CDF is 1/32. When thevalue of this attribute is 0, CDF is also zero.

CDF controls the decrease in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR)associated with theforwardRmCellLimitattribute, the limit of thenumber of forward Resource Management (RM) cells which maybe sent in the absence of received backward RM cells. When thislimit is crossed, the ACR value would be decreased by theamount (CDF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to fall below theMinimum Cell Rate (MCR), in which case the ACR is set toMCR.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of thecutoffDecreaseFactorattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0; 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr acrDecreaseTimeFactor (adtf)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Allowed Cell Rate Decrease TimeFactor (ADTF) parameter for this connection.

ADTF is the time interval permitted between sending forwardResource Management (RM) cells before the Allowed Cell Rate(ACR) is decreased toinitialCellRate. In other words, if thesource does not transit a forward RM cell for the period specifiedby adtf, it reduces its ACR to the value of itsinitialCellRate.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by the

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

provisioned value of theacrDecreaseTimeFactorattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0..1023)

Units centiseconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr forwardRmCellLimit (crm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the CRM parameter for this connection.

CRM is the limit of the number of forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells which may be sent in the absence ofreceived backward RM cells. When this limit is crossed, theAllowed Cell Rate (ACR) value would be decreased by theamount (CDF*ACR), where CDF is determined by thecutoffDecreaseFactor. The ACR is not allowed to fall below theMinimum Cell Rate (MCR), in which case the ACR is set toMCR.

The value of CRM is obtained astransientBufferExposuredivided bymaxCellsPerRmCell.

Values Decimal (1; 3; 7; 15; 31; 63; 127; 255; 511; 1023; 2047; 4095)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr txRateChangeInfo (txrci)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the rate change information put into thelast forward Resource Management (RM) cell turned around as abackward-RM cell. For connections configured as an ABRSource or Destination, the turned around backward-RM cell issent over the interface. For connections configured as an ABRVirtual Source or Virtual Destination, the turned aroundbackward-RM cell is sent over the backplane.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values congestionIndicatednoIncreaseIndicatedexplicitRateIndicated

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr acrRateChangeInfo (arci)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the type of change in the Allowed CellRate (ACR) as a result of the information in the last backwardResource Management (B-RM) cell received from the interface.

This attribute value is only applicable when theVcc Tmor VpcTm abrConnectionType attribute issourceDest orVirtualSourceDest. In all other cases, this attribute value isnotApplicable.

A value ofnoChange indicates that the rate did not change as aresult of the last backward RM cell received.

A value ofdecreasedByRdf or increasedByRif indicates that theACR was increased or decreased by the corresponding factor.This change is as a result of the CI or NI bit setting in the lastbackward RM cell, or an ADTF timeout.

A value ofsetToExplicitRate indicates that the ACR was set tothe ER value in the last backward RM cell.

Values noChangedecreasedByRdfincreasedByRifsetToExplicitRatenotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr txFwdRmCells

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells sent over the interface since the last

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

backward RM-cell was received from the interface. If the value ofthis attribute is greater than or equal to the value offorwardRmCellLimit, the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) value wouldbe decreased by the amount (CDF*ACR), where CDF isdetermined by thecutoffDecreaseFactor.

This counter is reset to zero each time a backward-RM cell isreceived.

This counter does not wrap to zero if it reaches its maximumvalue of 4095 in order to indicate that no backward RM cell hasbeen received.

Values Decimal (0..4095)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Tm Abr rxEfci

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the value of the Explicit ForwardCongestion Indication (EFCI) bit of the last data cell receivedfrom the interface.

When a forward Resource Management (RM) cell is turnedaround as a backward-RM cell, the Congestion Indication (CI)field of the backward-RM cell is set to 1, if the value of thisattribute isindicated.

This attribute is set tonotIndicated each time a backward-RMcell is transmitted.

Values notIndicatedindicated

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc EdgeBasedReroutingInformation (EbrInfo)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc EbrInfo Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Vpc EbrInfo Statistics (Stats)"

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-471

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci EdgeBasedReroutingInformationAtmIf/n Vpc/vpi EdgeBasedReroutingInformationAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci EdgeBasedReroutingInformation

This component represents the Edge Based Rerouting capabilitiesof a connection.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc EbrInfo Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the attributes that indicates the Edge BasedRerouting characteristics of a connection.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc EbrInfo recoverySubscribed (recSub)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether the connection is subscribed toconnection recovery.

Values noyes

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc EbrInfo optimizationSubscribed (optSub)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether the connection is subscribed topath optimization.

Values noyes

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc EbrInfo connectionRecovered (connRec)

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Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether the connection has beenrecovered since the last optimization occurred. The value is resetto no by theOptimize command.

Values noyes

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpc EbrInfo Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the statistics related to Edge BasedRerouting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc EbrInfo totalConnectionRecoveries (ttlConnRec)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts connection recovery, or hard reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc EbrInfo totalPathOptimizations (ttlPathOpt)

Access Read only

Description This attributes counts path optimization, or soft reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpc MulticastNailedUpRelayPoint (Mnrp)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpc Mnrp Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-473

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci MnrpThis component is used to establish a root of a multicast nailed-up ATM Bearer Service (ABS) connection. By linking aMnrp toaNrp, the associated connections are configured to relay ATMcells fromMnrp to Nrp. TheMnrp component requires exclusiveuse of its parentVcc or Vpc and cannot co-exist with other ATMservice components (such asNep, Test, Nrp andLoop). Thiscomponent is supported only on 4pOC3SmIrAtm and4pOC3MmAtm cards.This component is not supported underVptVcc andVpt Vpc.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpc Mnrp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for theMnrpcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Mnrp oamSegmentBoundary (sb)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the OAM segment boundary desired for aMnrp component. It affects the connection point type valuevisible in the parent component’sconnectionPointType attribute.The desired OAM segment boundary can be specified directly asyes, no or sameAsInterface. If sameAsInterface is specified, theOAM segment boundary is same as theoamSegmentBoundaryattribute of the associatedAtmIf and the switch will set theconnectionPointType, choosingsegmentEndPoint for a segment-boundary ATM interface andconnectingPoint for a non-segment-boundary ATM interface.

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Values noyessameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Mnrp bandwidthElastic (bwElastic)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is only of importance for connections which arecarried on a link with a variable bandwidth. For example, thebandwidth may be reduced in the event that one or more physicallinks in the IMA group fail, such that the originally requestedbandwidth cannot be maintained. This attribute shows whetherthe application running on this connection can continue tooperate if the bandwidth is reduced. If the bandwidth is reduced,the amount by which it is reduced will be displayed in thebandwidthReduction attribute.A value ofyes, indicates that this connection is elastic, and thebandwidth may be reduced but the connection will not bereleased. Currently, this attribute should only be set toyes forsituations where thisMnrp is functioning as a loopback on oneside of an IMA link. There are no other situations where thissetting is valid.A value ofno indicates that the bandwidth for this connectionwill not be reduced in the event of link bandwidth reduction.However, this connection may be released based on itsholdingPriority.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Mnrp overrideHoldingPriority (ohpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the holding priority of this connection.Holding priority is used when there is an IMA group where somephysical links have failed. Holding priority determines the orderin which connections are released. 4 is the lowest holding priorityand is released first. 0 is a higher priority and is released last. Thevalue specified in this attribute will override whateverholdingPriority that has been provisioned at theVcd (or Vpd). Ifthe value is left at the default ofnoOverride, theholdingPriorityprovisioned at theVcd (or Vpd) will be used.

Values 01234noOverride

Default noOverride

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpc Mnrp nextHop (nextHop)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the list ofNrp components with which thisMnrp is associated. A sample value isAtmIf/31 Vcc/0.32 Nrp.This attribute must be provisioned with at least one Nrpcomponent under a compatible connection type.

List of Link (Service, nextHop)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf VirtualChannelConnection (Vcc)

Instance String (3..10, ASCII)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Vcc Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Vcc ConnectionInfo (ConnInfo)""GROUP AtmIf Vcc Status""GROUP AtmIf Vcc Statistics (Stats)""GROUP AtmIf Vcc Performance (Perf)"

Scope Device

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2-476 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n VirtualChannelConnection/vpi.vciThis component represents a virtual channel connection (VCC).

ForVccsdirectly beneath theAtmIf, the instance value defines theVPI and VCI values for this connection—for example,Vcc/16.32would define a connection with a VPI of 16 and a VCI of 32.

The VPI can be in the range of 0 to 4095 and the VCI can be inthe range of 0 to 65535. Note that aVcc instance of 0.0 is invalidas defined in the ATM Forum.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc VirtualChannelDescriptor (Vcd)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Loop (Loop)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc NailedUpRelayPoint (Nrp)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc NailedUpEndPoint (Nep)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Test (Test)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc SourcePvc (Src)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc MulticastNailedUpRelayPoint(Mnrp)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc TrafficManagement (Tm)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc EndPoint (Ep)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc RelayPoint (Rp)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc DestinationPvc (Dst)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc EdgeBasedReroutingInformation(EbrInfo)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-477

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


Impact Service

Description TRACE AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vciThis command traces the path of an intra-network segment of aconnection. It displays the names of interface and connectioncomponents along this segment of a connection.

The Trace response for aVcc does not show any hops of a VCCwhich are conveyed on a path connection (VPC). In this case theTrace command only shows the VCC hop points. Note however,that if the connection traverses aVccwhich resides beneath aVpt,theVpt/vpi Vcc/vci hierarchy is displayed in the trace results.


Impact Service

Description CLEAR AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vciThis command is used to clear a switched connection.

GROUP AtmIf Vcc OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

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The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently in

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational information for aVcc, Vpc,orVptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc connectionPointType (cpt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute reflects the role of the connection component at thisinterface.

A value ofconnectionEndPoint indicates that user cells, end-to-end OAM cells, and segment OAM cells are processed by theconnection component.

A value ofsegmentEndPoint indicates that user cells and end-to-end OAM cells are relayed by the connection component, whilesegment OAM cells are processed by the connection component.

A value ofconnectingPoint indicates that user cells, end-to-endOAM cells, and segment OAM cells are relayed by theconnection component.

A value ofunknown indicates that the connection component isinactive.

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values connectionEndPointsegmentEndPointconnectingPointunknown

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vcc ConnectionInfo (ConnInfo)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational connection characteristicsinformation for aVcccomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc distributionType (distrbt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the way data is distributed in theconnection.

A value ofpointToPoint indicates this connection point is part ofa point-to-point connection.

A value ofpointToMultipoint indicates this connection point ispart of a point-to-multipoint connection.

Values pointToPointpointToMultipoint

Default pointToPoint

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc numLeaves (nlvs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of destination leaves of theconnection. If thedistributionType is pointToPoint the value ofthis attribute is 0.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Default 0

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-481

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc callDirection (cdir)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the direction of the call setup request foran SVC.

A value offromLink means that the call setup originated fromthe link.

A value oftoLink means that the call setup was directed to thelink.

For PVC connections, the value of this attribute isnotApplicable.

For SPVC connections, the value of this attribute isnotApplicablefor Vccswith theSourcePVCandDestinationPVCsubcomponents.

For Signalling channels, the value of this attribute isnotApplicable.

Values fromLinktoLinknotApplicable

Default notApplicable

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Status

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational status information for aVcc, Vpcor Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc operStatus (opStat)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the present operational status of theVcc,Vpcor Vptcomponent. Its value is dependent upon the currentstate of thesegLinkSideLoopbackState andendToEndLoopbackState attributes.

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value isend2endUp when theendToEndLoopbackState isgood and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is eithergood orunknown.

The value isend2endDownwhen theendToEndLoopbackStateisbad and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is eithergood orunknown.

The value islocalUpEnd2endUnknown when theendToEndLoopbackState is unknown and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is good.

The value islocalDown whensegLinkSideLoopbackState is bad.

The value islocalUpEnd2endUnknown when theendToEndLoopbackState is notApplicable and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is good.

The value isunknown when theendToEndLoopbackState iseitherunknown or notApplicable and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is unknown.

Values unknownend2endUpend2endDownlocalUpEnd2endUnknownlocalDown

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc localFailureCause

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the failure cause of theVcc, Vpcor Vptcomponent.noFailure indicates that there is currently nobandwidth related failure for this connection.

portDown indicates that the interface corresponding to the parentAtmIf is down.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

localBwLoss indicates that theIma corresponding to thisAtmIfhas lost some, but not all bandwidth, and as a result, thisconnection has been released.

notAdmitted indicates that this connection has failed to beadmitted by the Connection Admission Control (CAC) algorithm.

appNotRegisteredindicates that there is no application registeredto use this connection. This may be the case, for example whenthere is aVcc Test application, but the test has not been started.Check the status of the application to determine why it is notfunctional.

disabledByApp indicates that the application using thisconnection has requested that the connection be disabled. Anexample is a connection used by a trunk application where thetrunk has timed out on an attempt to stage. Check the applicationto determine why it is not fully functional.

bwReduced indicates that this connection is operating in areduced bandwidth state. It is a bandwidth elastic connectionwhich currently has been allocated less than the requested(equivalent) bandwidth.

vpDownindicates that this connection has been notified of a faultdetected at the associated VP-layer.vpDownis applicable forVptVccs only.

Values noFailurelocalBwLossportDownnotAdmittedappNotRegistereddisabledByAppbwReducedvpDown

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc troubled

Access Read only

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Description This attribute indicates whether or not the connection is in atroubled state. Connections become troubled because of OAMfailures; when one of the attributessegLinkSideLoopbackState,segSwitchSideLoopbackState, endToEndLoopbackState, aisState(when receiving AIS cells only) orrdiState go bad, this attributeis set toyes; otherwise it is set tono.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc segLinkSideLoopbackState (segLkLbkState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the link-side segmentloopback for this connection. Link-side segment loopback cellsare transmitted (inserted) by a connection component in thedirection of the link (port). The value of this attribute isdependent upon the current setting of thesegLinkSideLoopbackprovisionable attribute, the connection point type as specified bytheconnectionPointType attribute, and the current loopback state(if applicable).

The value isnotApplicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectingPoint.

The value isnotApplicable when thedistributionType ispointToMultipoint.

The value isgood when thesegLinkSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint or aconnectionEndPoint, and the segment link side loopback isworking.

The value isbad when thesegLinkSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint or aconnectionEndPoint, and the link side segment loopback is notworking.

The value isunknownwhen thesegLinkSideLoopback is off.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value isunknownwhen thesegLinkSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the segmentswitch side loopback has not yet been determined.

The state of this attribute determines, in part, the value of theoperStatus attribute.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc segSwitchSideLoopbackState (segSwLbkState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the switch-sidesegment loopback for this connection. Switch-side segmentloopback cells are transmitted (inserted) by a connectioncomponent in the direction of the bus. The value of this attributeis dependent upon the current setting of thesegSwitchSideLoopback provisionable attribute, the connectionpoint type as specified by theconnectionPointType attribute, andthe current loopback state (if applicable).

The value is only applicable when theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint. The value isnotApplicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectingPoint orconnectionEndPoint. The value isnotApplicable when thedistributionType is pointToMultipoint.

The value isgood when thesegSwitchSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the segmentswitch side loopback is working.

The value isbad when thesegSwitchSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the switch sidesegment loopback is not working.

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The value isunknownwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopback is off.

The value isunknownwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopback is on,theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the segmentswitch side loopback has not been determined.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc endToEndLoopbackState (eeLbkState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the end-to-endloopback for this connection. Its value is dependent upon thecurrent setting of theendToEndLoopback provisionable attributeand the connection point type as specified by theconnectionPointType attribute.

The value is only applicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint. The value isnotApplicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectingPoint or segmentEndPoint.The value isnotApplicable when thedistributionType is apointToMultipoint.

The value isgood when theendToEndLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint and the end-to-end loopback is working.

The value isbad when theendToEndLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint and the end-to-end loopback is not working.

The value isunknownwhen theendToEndLoopback is off.

The value isunknownwhen theendToEndLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint and the end-to-end loopback status has not been determined.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The state of this attribute determines, in part, the value of theoperStatus attribute.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxOamCellCongestionState (rxOamCongState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the receive side OAMcell congestion for this connection. Its value reflects whether therate of received OAM cells for this connection is below aspecified threshold. The connection maintains a count of thenumber of OAM cells which are terminated per second. Once thatcount exceeds the specified threshold, extraction of all OAM cellsfor this connection is disabled for a period of one minute. This isa congestion management mechanism to prevent the processorfrom being overloaded with handling OAM cells for a particularconnection. This mechanism ensures that tasks, such as trunksobtain enough processor cycles to remain in service, and are notadversely affected by excessive rate of OAM cells on a particularconnection.

The value isgood when the rate of received OAM cells is lessthan the allowed threshold.

The value isbad when the arrival rate has exceeded the allowedthreshold. It remainsbadfor one minute, before returning togoodagain. During this timeout, extraction of all OAM cells isdisabled for this connection. As a result, other loopback failureconditions may occur.

The value isunknownwhen the application has not yet begun touse this connection. An example is theTest component before atest has been started.

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Each type of OAM cell is counted separately. The threshold forAIS cells is three cells per second. If more than three AIS cellsare received within a one second interval, this attribute is set tobad. The threshold for RDI cells and each loopback type is alsothree, but the threshold for trace cells is 250 per second.

The state of this attribute has no direct effect on the value of theoperStatus attribute or on the number of troubled connections.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc aisState

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the Alarm IndicationSignal for this connection.

A value ofgood indicates that the connection’s application isactive and no alarm has occurred.

A value ofbad indicates that the connection’s application isactive and an alarm has occurred.

A value ofunknown indicates that the connection’s application isinactive.

A value ofnotApplicable occurs when theconnectionPointTypeis either asegmentEndPoint or aconnectingPoint.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-489

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rdiState

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current state of the Remote DefectIndication for this connection.

A value ofgood indicates that the connection’s application isactive and no alarm has occurred.

A value ofbad indicates that the connection’s application isactive and an alarm has occurred.

A value ofunknown indicates that the connection’s application isinactive.

A value ofnotApplicable occurs when theconnectionPointTypeis either asegmentEndPoint or aconnectingPoint.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains traffic statistics for aVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc txCell

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have beentransmitted from the interface on this connection. The counterwraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc txCellClp (txClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have beentransmitted from the interface on this connection with the CLP=1.The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc txCellDiscard (txcd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from the bus onthis connection that have been discarded.

Discarded cells are not counted in thetxCell attribute.

Cells are discarded due to transmit congestion, Partial PacketDiscard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and WeightedRandom Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when theconnection’s interface is disabled.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionsusually have aconnectionPointType of segmentEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of alltxCellDiscard values for all such connections associated with theVpt.

For Vccs on CQC-based ATM cards, if the connection segmentsframes into cells, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-491

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc txCellDiscardClp (txcdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from the bus onthis connection with CLP=1 that have been discarded.

This count is included in thetxCellDiscard attribute. Discardedcells are not counted in thetxCellClp attribute.

Cells are discarded due to transmit congestion, Partial PacketDiscard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and WeightedRandom Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when theconnection’s interface is disabled.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of segmentEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of alltxCellDiscardClp values for all such connections associated withtheVpt.

For Vccs on CQC-based ATM cards, if the connection segmentsframes into cells, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc txFrameDiscard (txfd)

Access Read only

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2-492 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from the buson this connection that have been discarded.

Frames are discarded due to congestion, Partial Packet Discard(PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and Weighted Random EarlyDetection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when the connectioninterface is disabled.

This count is independent of thetxCell or txCellDiscard attribute.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that segment frames into cells. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of alltxFrameDiscard values for all suchconnections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs, andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

Discards due to EPD, PPD, and W-RED for a standardVpt Vccare not included in this attribute. These discards are counted intheVcc’s parentVpt txFrameDiscardattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc txFrameDiscardClp (txfdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of discarded frames on thisconnection that were received from the bus and composed of oneor more CLP=1 cells.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-493

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Frames are discarded due to congestion, Partial Packet Discard(PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and Weighted Random EarlyDetection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when the connectioninterface is disabled.

This count is included in thetxFrameDiscard attribute.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that segment frames into cells. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of alltxFrameDiscardClp values for all suchconnections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

Discards due to EPD, PPD, and W-RED for a standardVpt Vccare not included in this attribute. These discards are counted intheVcc’s parentVpt txFrameDiscardClpattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxCell

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have been receivedfrom the interface on this connection. The counter wraps to zeroif it exceeds its maximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxCellClp (rxClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have been receivedfrom the interface on this connection with the CLP=1. Thecounter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxCellDiscard (rxcd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from theinterface on this connection that have been discarded. This countis included in therxCell attribute.

This count includes cells discarded due to non-conformance withUPC, cells which are part of a frame which has been discardeddue to an AAL5 frame reassembly error, cells which arediscarded due to congestion, or cells which are received while thenext hop connection to which the traffic is directed across thebackplane is down. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxCellDiscard values for all such connections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs, andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-495

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Discards due to non-conformance with UPC at the VP layer, for astandardVpt Vcc, are not included in this attribute. Thesediscards are counted in theVcc’s parentVpt rxCellDiscardattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxCellDiscardClp (rxcdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from theinterface on this connection with CLP=1 that have beendiscarded. This count is included in therxCell andrxCellDiscardattributes.

This count includes cells discarded due to non-conformance withUPC, cells which are part of a frame which has been discardeddue to an AAL5 frame reassembly error, cells which arediscarded due to congestion, or cells which are received while thenext hop connection to which the traffic is directed across thebackplane is down. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxCellDiscard values for all such connections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs, andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Discards due to non-conformance with UPC at the VP layer, for astandardVpt Vcc, are not included in this attribute. Thesediscards are counted in theVcc’s parentVpt rxCellDiscardattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxFrameDiscard (rxfd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from theinterface on this connection that have been discarded. This countis independent of therxCellDiscardattribute.

This count includes frames discarded due to an AAL5 framereassembly error, frames discarded due to early packet discard(EPD), and frames discarded due to processor (CPU) congestion.This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Connections which reassemble cellsinto frames have aconnectionPointTypeof connectionEndPoint.AAL1 connections are an exception to this rule; even though theyhave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do notdo adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxFrameDiscard values for all applicableconnections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-497

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxFrameDiscardClp (rxfdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of discarded frames on thisconnection that were received from the interface and composedof one or more CLP1 cells. This count is included in therxFrameDiscard attribute. It is independent of therxCellDiscardattribute.

This count includes frames discarded due to an AAL5 framereassembly error, frames discarded due to early packet discard(EPD), and frames discarded due to processor (CPU) congestion.This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Such connections have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxFrameDiscardClp values for allapplicable connections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxUpcViolationOnEnforcer1 (rxEnforcer1)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of UPC violations observed bythe Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (GCRA) Enforcer 1. Thisattribute is only applicable if UPC is enforced or monitored. Thisattribute is not applicable for standardVpt Vccs. This attribute isnot applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType for this connection is 3, 4,

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2-498 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

5, 6, 7 or 8, Enforcer 1 enforces conformance of traffic receivedfrom the interface to PCR CLP0+1.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType for this connection is 9,Enforcer 1 performs the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm(DGCRA) used for the Available Bit Rate (ABR) servicecategory.

If UPC is enforced all non-conforming cells are discarded by thisenforcer. These discarded cells are included in rxCellDiscard.

For basicVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxUpcViolationOnEnforcer1 values for theVccs associated withtheVpt.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxUpcViolationOnEnforcer2 (rxEnforcer2)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of UPC violations observed bythe Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (GCRA) Enforcer 2. Thisattribute is only applicable if UPC is enforced or monitored. Thisattribute is not applicable for standard Vpt Vccs. This attribute isnot applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

Enforcer2 is applicable only if therxTrafficDescType for thisconnection is 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType 4 or 5, Enforcer 2 enforcesconformance of traffic received from the interface to PCR CLP0.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType 6, Enforcer 2 enforcesconformance of traffic received from the interface to SCRCLP0+1.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-499

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType 7 or 8, Enforcer 2 enforcesconformance of traffic received from the interface to SCR CLP0.

If UPC is enforced, enforcer 2 discards non-conforming cells forrxTrafficDescType values of 4, 6 and 7. It tags non-conformingcells forrxTrafficDescTypevalues of 5 and 8. Discarded cells arecounted in the rxCellDiscard attribute.

For basic Vpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxUpcViolationOnEnforcer2 values for the Vccs associated withthe Vpt.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxAal5FrameError (rxfer)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from theinterface on this connection that have AAL5 length errors orAAL5 CRC errors.

This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

AAL5 length or CRC errors typically occur because of celldiscards due to congestion, UPC, or due to corruption of databetween the AAL5 segmentation and reassembly end points.

This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Such connections have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an

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2-500 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

aggregated total of allrxAal5FrameError values for allapplicable connections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc rxAal5FrameAbort (rxfa)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from theinterface on this connection that have the AAL5 length field set tozero.

This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed for CQC-based ATM cards.

An AAL5 length of zero is an indication by the far endsegmentation point to this reassembly point that the frame is to bediscarded without reassembly. This mechanism is typically usedby a segmentation point if it detects an error in a frame after someof the cells belonging to that frame have already beentransmitted.

This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Such connections have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxAal5FrameAbort values for allapplicable connections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-501

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Performance (Perf)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes which keepperformance statistics about the behavior of theAtmIfcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc lastMinimumCtd (lastminctd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the minimum calculated cell transferdelay value for this connection from the previous TODA (time ofday accounting) interval if TODA is enabled; or for the previous12 hour interval if TODA is disabled. Cell transfer delay iscalculated as half of the measured segment round trip delay of aloopback cell.

The value isnoMeasurement when thectdCalculationattributeof theAtmIf component isoff.

The value isnoMeasurement when theaccountCollectionattribute of theAtmIf Uni or AtmIf Iisp component has a non-empty reason.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute value isoff for the connection.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopback isnot working.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopbackstatus cannot be determined.

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)noMeasurement

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Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc lastMaximumCtd (lastmaxctd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the maximum calculated cell transferdelay value for this connection from the previous TODA (time ofday accounting) interval if TODA is enabled; or for the previous12 hour interval if TODA is disabled. Cell transfer delay iscalculated as half of the measured segment round trip delay of aloopback cell.

The value isnoMeasurement when thectdCalculationattributeof theAtmIf component isoff.

The value isnoMeasurement when theaccountCollectionattribute of theAtmIf Uni or AtmIf Iisp component has a non-empty reason.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute value isoff for the connection.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopback isnot working.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopbackstatus cannot be determined.

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)noMeasurement

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc lastAverageCtd (lastavectd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the average of all calculated cell transferdelay values for this connection from the previous TODA (time

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

of day accounting) interval if TODA is enabled; or for theprevious 12 hour interval if TODA is disabled. Cell transfer delayis calculated as half of the measured segment round trip delay ofa loopback cell.

The value isnoMeasurement when thectdCalculationattributeof theAtmIf component isoff.

The value isnoMeasurement when theaccountCollectionattribute of theAtmIf Uni or AtmIf Iisp component has a non-empty reason.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute value isoff for the connection.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopback isnot working.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopbackstatus cannot be determined.

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)noMeasurement

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc currentCtd (currctd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the most recent cell transfer delay valuecalculated for this connection. Cell transfer delay is calculated ashalf of the measured segment round trip delay of a loopback cell.

The value isnoMeasurement when thectdCalculationattributeof theAtmIf component isoff.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute value isoff for the connection.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopback is

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not working.

The value isnoMeasurementwhen the switch-side loopbackstatus cannot be determined.

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)noMeasurement

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc lastCtdSampleSize (lastsamplectd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of loopback cells sampled forcell transfer delay calculations during the previous TODA (timeof day accounting) interval if TODA is enabled; or for theprevious 12 hour interval of TODA is disabled.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc VirtualChannelDescriptor (Vcd)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Vcd Loopback (Lbk)""GROUP AtmIf Vcc Vcd Accounting (Acct)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci VirtualChannelDescriptor,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci VirtualChannelDescriptorThe Vcdcomponent contains provisioning information about itsparentVcc component.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Vcd TrafficManagement (Tm)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Vcd Loopback (Lbk)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable loopback attributes for aVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

Note that certain loopback requests may not be possible on agiven connection. In such cases, the corresponding operationalloopback attribute in theStatus group of theVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent is set tonotApplicable and the requested loopback isnot performed.

If loopbacks are provisioned to be on, and for any reason thesegment or end-to-end OAM loopback cells are not relayed, theconnection component becomes troubled, and user cell trafficmay be discarded. If loopbacks are provisioned to be on, all ofthe nodes in the segment, and external networks which are in theend-to-end connection must relay the OAM loopback cells.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd segLinkSideLoopback (segLkLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies whether link-side segment loopbackinsertion should be performed on this connection.

WhensameAsInterface is selected, the link-side segmentloopback insertion for the connection is based on thesegLinkSideLoopback attribute of the connection’s parentAtmIfcomponent—if the ATM interface has link-side segmentloopback insertion turned on, then link-side segment loopbackinsertion is also on for the connection.

Whenon or off is selected, link-side segment loopback insertionis turned on or off respectively for the connection regardless ofthe provisioning of the parentAtmIf component.

Note that link-side segment loopback insertion is not possible iftheconnectionPointTypeattribute of theVccor Vpccomponent isconnectingPoint. Link-side segment loopback insertion is alsonot possible if thedistributionType of theVcc is

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pointToMultipoint. In such cases, the associatedsegLinkSideLoopbackState attribute indicatesnotApplicable andlink-side segment loopback insertion is not performed. Link-sidesegment loopback insertion is always possible on aVpt.

Values onoffsameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd segSwitchSideLoopback (segSwLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies whether switch-side segment loopbackinsertion should be performed on this connection.

WhensameAsInterface is selected, the switch-side segmentloopback for the connection is based on thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute of the connection’s parentAtmIfcomponent—if the ATM interface has switch-side segmentloopback insertion turned on, then switch-side segment loopbackinsertion is also on for the connection.

Whenon or off is selected, switch-side segment loopbackinsertion is turned on or off respectively for the connectionregardless of the provisioning of the parentAtmIf component.

Note that switch-side segment loopback insertion is not possibleif the connectionPointTypeattribute of theVccor Vpccomponentis connectingPointor connectionEndPoint. Switch-side segmentloopback insertion is also not possible if thedistributionType oftheVcc is pointToMultipoint In such cases, the associatedsegSwitchSideLoopbackState attribute indicatesnotApplicableand switch-side segment loopback insertion is not performed.Switch-side segment loopback is never possible on aVpt.

Values onoffsameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd endToEndLoopback (eeLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies whether end-to-end loopback insertionshould be performed on this connection.

WhensameAsInterface is selected, the end-to-end loopback forthe connection is based on theendToEndLoopbackattribute of theconnection’s parentAtmIf component—if the ATM interface hasend-to-end loopback insertion turned on, then end-to-endloopback insertion is also on for the connection.

Whenon or off is selected, end-to-end loopback insertion isturned on or off respectively for the connection regardless of theprovisioning of the parentAtmIf component.

Note that end-to-end loopback insertion is not possible if theconnectionPointType attribute of theVccor Vpc component isconnectingPoint or segmentEndPoint. End-to-end loopbackinsertion is also not possible if thedistributionType of theVcc ispointToMultipoint. In such cases, the associatedendToEndLoopbackState attribute indicatesnotApplicable andend-to-end loopback insertion is not performed. End-to-endloopback insertion is always possible on aVpt.

Values onoffsameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd mCastConnectionType (connType)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is introduced to exist temporarily to pass toAtmIfthe connection type defined underVcc or Vpc. This attribute willbe obsoleted once a more elegant solution is available.

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Values pointToPointpointToMultipointRootpointToMultipointLeaf

Default pointToPoint

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Vcd Accounting (Acct)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable ATM accounting attributesfor aVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd correlationTag (tag)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies a unique indentifier for each end of aPVC. It that may be used by downstream processing systems tocorrelate accounting records issued at different nodes in thenetwork. The attribute can be up to 32 bytes long. If it is less than32 bytes, it is zero filled on the right to create a 32 byte value.The resulting value is recorded in the attributecallConnIdfor thisPVC’s ATM accounting records.If the attribute is a null string then this PVC does not have anyaccounting records generated for it.

Values String (0..32, ASCII)

Default ""

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Vcd TrafficManagement (Tm)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci Vcd TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpc/vci Vpd TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vpd TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Vcd TrafficManagementThis component contains provisioned traffic managementattributes of a connection. It is added automatically when aVcc,

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Vpc,or Vpt is added in provisioning mode. It is a mandatorysubcomponent of theVcd or Vpd component.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains traffic related provisionable attributes for theVcc, Vpc,andVptcomponents. Changing any of the attributes inthis group causes a service interruption on theVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm txTrafficDescType (txTdt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to the transmit direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. ThetxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in thetxTrafficDescParmattribute.

This attribute can have a value of 9 if and only if theatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate.

Values 123456789

Default 1

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm fwdQosClass (fwdQos)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for the forwarddirection for this connection. This attribute is only used for SPVCconnections.

Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (variable bit rate audio and video).

Class 3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class 0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

Values 01234

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm txQueueLimit (txQlim)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies an override to the default transmit queuelimit for this connection. An value other thansameAsCa may bespecified only for ATM IP and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards. Thisattribute is not applicable for basicVpts.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

A value ofsameAsCa means to use the default common or per-VC transmit queue limit as defined by the CA service categoryfor this connection.

A value from 5 to 63,488 indicates that a specific transmit queuelimit is requested which differs from the default which is definedunder the CA component for this service category. A specificvalue is ignored for connections where common queuing isspecified for the service category.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, this attribute is used to set the perVC utilization limit.

The actual transmit queue limit for a connection is visible in theVcc Tm, Vpc Tmor Vpt txQueueThresholds attribute.

Values Decimal (5..63488)sameAsCa

Units cells

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the holding priority of this connection. Ina situation where the link bandwidth fluctuates, such as over anIMA link, holding priority is used to determine whichconnections are held and which are released. Holding priority 4connections are the first to be released. Holding priority 0connections are the last to be released. This value provisioned intheVcd or Vpd may be overridden by certain applications, forexampleVcc Test, which run over this connection. The defaultholding priority for a provisioned connection is higher thendefault holding priorities for dynamic (SVC) connections.

This attribute is not applicable forVpt Vccs.

Values 01

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Default 2

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm rxTrafficDescType (rxTdt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to the receive direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. TherxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in therxTrafficDescParmattribute.

When this attribute is set tosameAsTx, therxTrafficDescType aswell as therxTrafficDescParm are taken from thetxTrafficDescType andtxTrafficDescParm values.

Values 123456789sameAsTx

Default sameAsTx

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm bwdQosClass (bwdQos)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for the backwarddirection for this connection. This attribute is only used for SPVCconnections.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class 3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class 0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

ThesameAsFwdselection sets the backward quality of service tobe the same as the forward quality of service.

Values 01234sameAsFwd

Default sameAsFwd

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm atmServiceCategory (service)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM service category for bothdirections of the connection.

The valuederivedFromBBC may only be used if theSrcPvccomponent is provisioned under this Vcc. Otherwise a specificATM service category must be specified.

If this attribute is set toderivedFromBBC, the Broadband BearerCapability (BBC) andbestEffort attributes are used to determinetheatmServiceCategory of this connection.

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If this attribute is set to other thanderivedFromBBC, the value ofthis attribute is used to override the provisioned BBC InformationElement parameters. In those cases, the BBC attributes are notused.

TheconstantBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. The consistent availability of a fixed quantity ofbandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service. Cellswhich are delayed beyond the value specified by Cell TransferDelay are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication.

ThertVariableBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. Sources are expected to transmit at a rate whichvaries with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as“bursty”. Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified byCTD are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication. Real time VBR service may support statisticalmultiplexing of real time sources.

ThenrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-realtime applications which have bursty traffic characteristics andwhich can be characterized in terms of a PCR, SCR, and MBS.For those cells which are transferred within the traffic contract,the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, itexpects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. Non-real timeVBR service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

TheavailableBitRate service is an ATM layer service categoryfor which the limiting ATM layer transfer characteristicsprovided by the network may change subsequent to connectionestablishment. ABR service has a flow control mechanism whichsupports several types of feedback to control the source rate inresponse to changing ATM layer transfer characteristics. ABRservice is not intended to support real-time applications.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

TheunspecifiedBitRateservice is intended for non-real timeapplications; that is, those not requiring tightly constrained delayand delay variation. UBR sources are expected to be bursty. UBRservice supports a high degree of statistical multiplexing amongsources. UBR service does not specify traffic related serviceguarantees. No numerical commitments are made with respect tothe cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to thecell transfer delay experienced by cells on the connection.

Values unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtvbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtvbr)availableBitRate (abr)derivedFromBBC (derived)

Default unspecifiedBitRate

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm trafficShaping (trShaping)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection uses trafficshaping when transmitting traffic to the ATM interface.

This attribute is ignored if theatmServiceCategory isavailableBitRate.

Traffic shaping is not available on the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card,therefore this attribute is ignored.

WhensameAsCa is selected, traffic shaping for the connection isbased on thetrafficShaping attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theCA. If the service category hastrafficShaping set toenabled or inverseUpc, then traffic shapingis enabled for the connection. Note that enabling traffic shapingmay have no effect under certain cases. These cases are listed inthe description of thetrafficShaping operational attribute, whichis under theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or Vpt Tmcomponents.

Whendisabled is selected, traffic shaping for this connection is

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disabled regardless of the provisioning of the connection’sservice category component.

Values disabledsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute only applies when this connection is unshaped.This attribute specifies the transmit queueing method for thisconnection if it is unshaped. The two possible methods are per-VC queuing and common queuing.

On ATM IP FPs, this attribute must be set tosameAsCa.

This attribute is ignored in the following situations:- if the connection hastrafficShapingenabled or inverseUpc, or- if theatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate, or- if theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate and this is aCQC-based ATM FP.- for basicVpts and standardVpt Vccs

When this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the transmit queueingmethod for the connection is based on theunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theCA.

When this attribute is set tocommon, transmit traffic on thisunshaped connection is destined for the common queue.

Values commonsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm weight

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies an override for the weight of thisunshaped connection. This attribute is ignored for shapedconnections, for ABR connections, for connections on a CQC-based ATM FP and basic Vpts.

When the value is set tosameAsCa, the weight is determined bythefairnessWeight attribute under theCA service categorycomponent for all but standardVpt Vccs. For standardVpt Vccs,the weight is determined by theVcc’s service category, when thevalue is set tosameAsCa.

When this attribute is set to a value from 1 to 4095, that value isused for the fairness weight of this connection relative to otherconnections. For all but standardVpt Vccs, fairness weightdetermines the proportion of transmit cell opportunities which areallocated to this connection, compared to other connections in thesame service category. For standardVpt Vccs, fairness weightdetermines the proportion of transmit cell opportunities which areallocated to this connection, compared to other connectionsassociated with theVpt.

When the value is set toupToQueueLimit, the fairness weight islimited only by thetxQueueLimit.

Values Decimal (1..4095)sameAsCaupToQueueLimit

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm forceTagging (tagging)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether force tagging is enforced for thisconnection for cells in the transmit direction.

On CQC-based ATM cards and for Vpts, this attribute is not

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applicable and is ignored.

When the value is set tosameAsCa, the force taggingfunctionality is determined by theforceTagging attribute undertheCA service category component.

When the value is set toenabled, force tagging is enabled forcells in the transmit direction on this connection. When thisoption is selected, the CLP bit is set to 1 for all cells in thetransmit direction. Cells which are tagged are counted in thetxCellClp attribute.

When the value is set todisabled, force tagging is disabled forcells in the transmit direction on this connection. When thisoption is selected, the CLP bit is unchanged for cells in thetransmit direction.

Values sameAsCaenableddisabled

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection enforces usageparameter control when receiving traffic from the ATM interface.

WhensameAsCa is selected, UPC for the connection is based ontheusageParameterControl attribute of the service categorycomponent under theAtmIf CA.If the service category has UPCenforced or monitored, then UPC is set to that value for theconnection.

Whendisabled is selected, UPC for this connection is disabledregardless of the provisioning of the service category.

Whenenforcedis selected, UPC for this connection is enforcedregardless of the provisioning of the service category.

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Note that setting UPC toenforced or monitored may have noeffect under certain cases. These cases are listed in thedescription of theusageParameterControl operational attribute,which is under theVcc, Vpc,andVpt components.

Values enforceddisabledsameAsCamonitored

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm bearerClassBbc (bcBbc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the bearer capability. This attribute is onlyused for SPVC and SPVP connections. It is one of the BroadbandBearer Capability (BBC) attributes. The purpose of the BBCinformation element is to indicate a requested broadbandconnection-oriented bearer service to be provided by the network.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Classa service is a connection-oriented, constant bit rate ATMtransport service. Classa service has end to end timingrequirements and may require stringent cell loss, cell delay andcell delay variation performance.Whena is set, the user isrequesting more than an ATM only service. The network maylook at the AAL to provide interworking based upon its contents.

Classc service is a connection-oriented, variable bit rate ATMtransport service. Classc service has no end-to-end timingrequirements. Whenc is set, the user is requesting more than anATM only service. The network interworking function may lookat the AAL and provide service based on it.

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Classx service is a connection-oriented ATM transport servicewhere the AAL,trafficType (vbr or cbr) and timing requirementsare user defined (that is, transparent to the network).Whenx is setthe user is requesting an ATM only service from the network. Inthis case, the network shall not process any higher layer protocol.

Classvp service is used to specify a transparent VP service.When the value of this attribute is vp, the user is requesting anATM only service from the network. In this case, the networkshall not process any higher layer protocol. This service differsfrom class x service in that with the class vp service both the VCIfield (except or VCI values 0, 3, 4, and 6 through 15) and PayloadType field are transported transparently by the network. Thisattribute value is only applicable to SPVP connections.

Values acxvpderivedFromServiceCategory

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm transferCapabilityBbc (tcBbc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the transfer capability for this connection.Uni 3.0/3.1 traffic type and end-to-end timing parameters aremapped into this parameter as follows:<transferCapability: TrafficType, Timing>0: NoIndication, NoIndication1: NoIndication, yes2: NoIndication, no5: CBR, yes8: VBR, NoIndication9: VBR, yes10: VBR, no

notApplicable specifies that the user does not want to specify the

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transfer capability.

The CBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such as aconstant bit rate video service or a circuit emulation.The VBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such aspacketized audio and video, or data.

The value no indication for traffic type is used if the user has notset the traffic type; similarly for end-to-end timing.

The value yes for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is required.

The value no for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is not required.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Values 01258910notApplicablederivedFromServiceCategory

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm clippingBbc (cBbc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the value for the clipping susceptibilityparameter in the BBC Information Element. This attribute is onlyused for SPVC connections. It is one of the Broadband Bearer

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Capability attributes.

Clipping is an impairment in which the first fraction of a secondof information to be transferred is lost. It occurs after a call isanswered and before an associated connection is switchedthrough.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm bestEffort

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the value of the best effort parameter inthe ATM Traffic Descriptor Information Element. This attribute isonly used for Soft PVC connections. It is one of the BroadbandBearer Capability attributes.

The valueindicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is not guaranteed.

The valuenotIndicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is guaranteed.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Values indicatednotIndicatedderivedFromServiceCategory (derived)

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm txPacketWiseDiscard (txpd)

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Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether packet-wise discard functions areto be enabled or disabled in the transmit data direction for thisconnection. Packet-wise discard functions should only berequested if this connection is transferring AAL5 frame traffic.This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Packet-wise functions increase the “goodput” of the link. Thetransmit packet-wise functions are Early Packet Discard (EPD)and Partial Packet Discard (PPD).

EPD allows the connection to discard an entire frame once thetransmit queue has reached the EPD threshold. EPD increases the“goodput” of a link, since discarding an entire frame means thatsome queue capacity is guarded for some other frame which isalready partially transmitted. All cells of the frame are discardedfrom the Beginning of Message (BOM) cell up to and includingthe End of Message (EOM) cell.

PPD allows the connection to discard the remainder of a cell-forwarded AAL5 frame if one cell of this frame has beendiscarded. All cells are discarded up to but not including theEOM cell. The PPD function increases the “goodput” of the link,since cells which are only going to be discarded at the AAL5reassembly point are not transmitted.

On CQC-based ATM cards, the packet-wise discard functions arePPD and EPD. PPD is available at VCC cell-transfer points. PPDis not applicable at frame-cell conversion points, and is notapplicable forVpcs. PPD is configured by this attribute. Packet-wise discard should only be enabled for connections carryingAAL5 segmentation traffic. Setting the value toenabledfor anyother traffic type may result in all traffic being discarded. OnCQC-based ATM FPs, EPD is automatically enabled at frame-to-cell conversion points, independent of the setting of this attribute.

On CQC-based ATM cards, at a permanent VCC connectionendpoint, this attribute is not applicable and is ignored. If AAL5

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segmentation and reassembly has been requested, PPD and EarlyPacket Discard (EPD) are automaticallyenabled.

On ATM IP cards, packet-wise discard functions include EPDand PPD. PPD and EPD apply to individual VCCs and VCCswithin VPCs at all connection points, including tandem VPCconnections. Both PPD and EPD are controlled by this attribute.This attribute may safely be set toenabled for any connection(Vcc or Vpc) on ATM IP FPs since they have the ability toautomatically detect AAL5-segmented traffic on a connection,and only enable packet-wise discards if AAL5-segmented trafficis detected.

When this attribute is set toenabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are applied to transmit traffic at this connection point.When this attribute is set todisabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are not applied to transmit traffic at this connectionpoint.

At a SPVC origin on a PNNI interface, a value ofenabledspecifies that frame discard is requested in the backwarddirection. When this attribute is set todisabled, backward framediscard is not requested in the SPVC call setup.

The transmit packet-wise discard functions that are active arevisible in theVcc/Vpc Tm txPacketWiseDiscard operationalattribute.

Values disabledenabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm rxPacketWiseDiscard (rxpd)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether packet-wise discard functions areto be enabled or disabled in the receive data direction for thisconnection. Packet-wise discard functions should only berequested if this connection is transferring AAL5 frame traffic.

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This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Packet-wise functions increase the “goodput” of the link. Thereceive packet-wise function is Partial Packet Discard (PPD).

PPD allows the connection to discard the remainder of a cell-forwarded AAL5 frame if one cell of this frame has beendiscarded, for example due to UPC. All cells are discarded up tobut not including the EOM cell. The PPD function increases the“goodput” of the link, since cells which are only going to bediscarded at the AAL5 reassembly point are not transmitted.

PPD is available at all VCC connection points where UPC maybe activated. PPD is not applicable forVpcs.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, packet-wise discards should only beenabled for connections carrying AAL5 segmentation traffic.Setting the value toenabledfor any other traffic type may resultin traffic being discarded.

On CQC-based ATM cards, at a permanent VCC connectionendpoint, this attribute is not applicable and is ignored. If AAL5segmentation and reassembly has been requested, PPD and EarlyPacket Discard (EPD) are automaticallyenabled.

On ATM IP cards, this attribute may safely be set toenabled forany connection (Vcc or Vpc) since they have the ability toautomatically detect AAL5-segmented traffic on a connection,and only enables packet-wise discards if AAL5-segmented trafficis detected.

When this attribute is set toenabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are applied to receive traffic at this connection point.When this attribute is set todisabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are not applied to receive traffic at this connectionpoint.

At a SPVC origin on a PNNI interface, a value ofenabledspecifies that frame discard is requested in the forward direction.When this attribute is set todisabled, forward frame discard isnot requested in the SPVC call setup.

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The receive packet-wise discard functions that are active arevisible in theVcc/Vpc Tm rxPacketWiseDiscard operationalattribute.

Values disabledenabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm abrConnectionType (abrType)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of ABR behavior which is to beenforced at this connection. This attribute is only applicable if theatmServiceCategory attribute isavailableBitRate. If theatmServicecategory attribute is notavailableBitRate, thisattribute value is ignored.

The actual ABR functionality which is in effect is visible in theVcc/Vpc/Vpt TmabrConnectionType operational attribute.

For CQC-based ATM cards, the only allowable values aresameAsCa, nonAbrInterworking or abrSwitch. If abrSwitch isselected, the CQC implements EFCI marking behavior.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, the only allowable values aresameAsCa or abrSwitch.If abrSwitch is selected, EFCI markingbehavior is implemented.

sameAsCa is used to request the default behavior as specified intheCA Abr component for thisVcc. Otherwise, this attributeoverrides the default behavior.

virtualSourceDest is used to request that this connection pointfunction as a virtual source/virtual destination. VS/VDfunctionality is only supported on ATM IP FPs.

sourceDest requires that this connection point function as a S/Dfor RM cells. S/D mode is automatically invoked at this

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connection point either if this is a connection end point, or if thenext hop connection point is configured asnonAbrInterworking.

nonAbrInterworking is used to request that this connection pointfunction as an interworking between ABR and non-ABR servicecategories. This means that there are no RM cells on the link sideof this connection, and that the next hop connection point isperforming as an ABRsourceDest.

abrSwitch is used to request ABR switch behavior for thisconnection point. The ABR switch behavior is first, to confirm tovirtualSourceDest or nonAbrInterworking setting on the nexthop, and otherwise to implement ABR ER switch behavior. ForCQC-based FPs, ABR switch behavior is implemented as EFCImarking.

Values abrSwitchvirtualSourceDestsourceDestnonAbrInterworkingsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm txTrafficDescParm (txTdp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of five traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by thetxTrafficDescType attribute.

The values of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR),Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) and requested shaping rate areexpressed in cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS) is expressed incells. CDVT is expressed in microseconds. The values of PCR,SCR, MCR, MBS and CDVT are used for connection admissioncontrol (CAC). The value of CDVT is only used for connectionswhere theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate. For all othervalues ofatmServiceCategory, CDVT is ignored. The values ofPCR, SCR, MCR and requested shaping rate are used todetermine the actual shaping rate where traffic shaping is

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WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, all of the parameters must beset to zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.Parameters 2 and 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic with cell discard; parameter 2represents the PCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4represents the CDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requestedshaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any valuein parameter 1. This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 mustbe greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 2represents the PCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4represents the CDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requestedshaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any valuein parameter 1. This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 mustbe greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

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WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the MBSfor CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zerovalue in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.Parameter 5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equalto parameter 2.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. Anon-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents the CDVT; parameter 3 represents theMCR; parameter 4 and parameter 5 represent are not used andmust be zero. Parameter 1 must be non-zero and must be greaterthan or equal to parameter 3. Parameter 3 may be optionally zero.

Whenever it is valid for PCR to be specified, parameter 5 mayalso be used to specify a requested shaping rate. A non-zero valuein parameter 5 overrides the value in parameter 1 and is used asthe peak cell rate in calculations of CAC and shaping rate. WhentheatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate (ABR), the shapingrate is dynamically chosen, based on the ABR flow controlmechanism, as a value between the MCR and the PCR or therequested shaping rate if applicable.

For txTrafficDescType 3, 4 and 5, the transmit traffic is shaped atthe next available shaping rate less than the PCR.

For txTrafficDescType 6, 7 and 8 if linear traffic shaping is

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selected, the transmit traffic is shaped at the highest available ratewhich is between PCR and SCR. However, if there is no availableshaping rate between PCR and SCR, traffic is shaped at the nextrate above the PCR.

For txTrafficDescType6, 7 and 8 if inverse-UPC traffic shaping isselected, the transmit traffic is shaped at a variable rate whichconforms to the PCR, SCR and MBS of the connection trafficdescriptor. Inverse-UPC traffic shaping is available only on ATMIP cards.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default ([5] 0)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm rxTrafficDescParm (rxTdp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of four traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by therxTrafficDescType attribute. Thevalues of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR) andMinimum Cell Rate (MCR) are expressed in cell/s. Maximumburst size (MBS) is expressed in cells. The value of CDVT isexpressed in microseconds. The values of PCR, SCR, MCR,MBS and CDVT are used for usage parameter control (UPC).

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, all of the parameters must beset to zero (unused).

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.Parameters 2 and 3 must be set to zero (unused).

WhenrxTrafficDescType is 4, parameter 1 represents thePCR for CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents thePCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard. Parameters 1and 2 must be non-zero. Parameter 3 must be set to zero(unused). Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter

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WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging. Parameters 1 and 2 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 3 must be set to zero (unused). Parameter1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis a 6, parameter 1 represents the PCRfor CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCRfor CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBSfor CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to Parameter2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal toparameter 2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameter 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2.

WhenrxTrafficDescType is 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents the CDVT; parameter 3 represents theMCR. Parameter 4 is not used and must be zero. Parameter1,must be non-zero and must be greater than or equal toparameter 3. Parameter 3 may optionally be zero.

WhenrxTrafficDescType is any value from 3 through 8,parameter 4 represents the CDVT.

If the value of CDVT either in parameter 2 or in parameter 4 iszero, the CDVT is taken from theCAdefaults for the particularatmServiceCategory of this connection.

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On a CQC-based ATM card, whenrxTrafficDescriptorType is 3through 8, there are certain extreme combinations ofrxTrafficDescParm which are outside the capabilities of the UPChardware. Thecheck prov command detects such cases andgenerates an error message. If this happens, adjust the parametersuntil they fall within the supported limits.

To calculate the limits, use the following formulae:I1 = 1 000 000 000 / PCRL1 = CDVT * 1000I2 = 1,000,000,000 / SCRL2 = CDVT + (MBS - 1) * (I2 - I1)I1 and I2 must be less than or equal to 335,523,840. I1 + L1 mustbe less than or equal to 1,342,156,800. I2 + L2 must be less thanor equal to 1,342,156,800. Note that I2 and L2 only apply whentherxTrafficDescriptorType is 6 through 8.

If the values of I1, L1, I2 or L2 are closer to the limits describedabove, a further restriction applies. Specifically, if either:I1 > 41,940,480 orI2 > 41,940,480 orI1 + L1 > 167,769,600 orI2 + L2 > 167,769,600then both I1 and I2 must be greater than 20,480.

Parameter 5 of therxTrafficDescParm is always unused.

If the rxTrafficDescType is sameAsTx, the values provisioned inthis attribute are ignored. The traffic parameters for the receivedirection are taken from thetxTrafficDescParm.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default ([5] 0)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm fwdQosParameters (fqp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that specify the qualityof service parameters for the forward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC connections.

Thecdvelement specifies the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR). Itis signalled through the extended QoS information element.

Thectdspecifies the acceptable maximum Cell Transfer Delay(maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).It is signalled through the end to end transit delay informationelement.

Theclr specifies the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) of CBR,rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections. It is signalled through theextended QoS information element.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default (cdv: 16777215, ctd: 255, clr: 16777215)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm bwdQosParameters (bqp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that specify the qualityof service parameters for the backward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC connections.

Thecdvelement specifies the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).It is signalled through the extended QoS information element.

Thectd specifies the acceptable maximum Cell Transfer Delay(maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR). It issignalled through the end to end transit delay informationelement.

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Theclr specifies the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) of CBR,rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections. It is signalled through theextended QoS information element.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default (cdv: 16777215, ctd: 255, clr: 16777215)

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci Vcd Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpc/vci Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Vcd Tm AvailableBitRateThis component contains provisioned ABR-related attributes of aconnection. It is an optional subcomponent of theVcd TmandVpd Tmcomponent. It is used to override DGCRA-relateddefaults in theCA Abr component. It contains the specificconfiguration for the ABR connection at this connection point. Ifthis is the source of an SPVC connection, this component alsocontains the ABR parameters required for the SPVC call request.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes for the ABR ATMconnections configured on an ATM interface.

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr initialCellRate (icr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Initial Cell Rate (ICR) parameter forthis connection. ICR is the rate at which a source should sendinitially and after an idle period.

When this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the initial cell rate isdetermined by theAtmIf CA Abr/0 icr attribute. When the valueof this attribute is set touseMcr, ICR is set to the same value asthe Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) for the connection.

When the value of this attribute is set tousePcr, ICR is set to thesame value as the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) for the connection.

If this attribute is specified less than the MCR of the connection,then the MCR is used as the ICR. If this attribute is specifiedmore than PCR of the connection, then PCR is used as the ICR.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)sameAsCauseMcrusePcr

Units cell/s

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr transientBufferExposure (tbe)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Transient Buffer Exposure (TBE) forthis connection. TBE is the negotiated number of cells that thenetwork would like to limit the source to send during start-upperiods, before the first Resource Management (RM) cell returns.

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TBE divided byfixedRoundTripTime determines an upper boundfor the operational value ofinitialCellRate, the rate at which asource should send initially and after an idle period.

TBE divided bymaxCellsPerRmCell specifies the operationalvalue offorwardRmCellLimit, the limit of the number of forwardResource Management (RM) cells which may be sent in theabsence of received backward RM cells.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType is set toerSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

Units cells

Default 16777215

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr fixedRoundTripTime (frtt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Fixed Round-Trip Time (FRTT)parameter for this connection. FRTT is the sum of the fixed andpropagation delays from the source to a destination and back.

The value oftransientBufferExposure divided by the value ofFRTT (in seconds) determines an upper bound for the operationalvalue ofinitialCellRate, the rate at which a source should sendinitially and after an idle period.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..16700000)

Units microsec

Default 5000000

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr rateDecreaseFactor (rdf)

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Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Rate Decrease Factor (RDF) for thisconnection. The RDF value is computed by using the provisionedvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 8, RDF is 2E-8 = 1/256.

RDF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate maydecrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management(RM) cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received withthe Congestion Indication (CI) field set to 1, the Allowed CellRate (ACR) value would be reduced by the amount (RDF*ACR).The ACR is not allowed to fall below the Minimum Cell Rate(MCR), in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..15)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr rateIncreaseFactor (rif)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Rate Increase Factor (RIF) for thisconnection. The RIF value is computed by using the provisionedvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 6, RIF is 2E-6 = 1/64.

RIF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate mayincrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management (RM)cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received with theCongestion Indication (CI) and the No Increase (NI) fields bothset to 0, the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) value would be increasedby the amount (RIF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to exceed thePeak Cell Rate (PCR), in which case the ACR is set to PCR.

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This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..15)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr maxCellPerRmCell (nrm)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of cells an ABRsource may transmit for each forward Resource Management(RM) cell. The count of the cells transmitted includes data cells,OAM cells, backward RM cells, and the forward RM cell.

A value of 2 is not recommended although it is permittedaccording to the ATM Forum standard. When this attribute is setto a value of 2, it is possible that only one forward and onebackward RM cell are repeatedly transmitted, and all data trafficis queued up indefinitely.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

Values Decimal (2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256)sameAsCa

Units cells

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr maxTimeBetweenRmCells (trm)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the TRM parameter for this connection.

TRM provides an lower bound on the time interval betweenforward Resource Management (RM) cells for an ABR source.Since the last forward RM cell was sent, if at least TRM time has

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elapsed since and at least two other cells have been sent, then thenext cell to be transmitted would be a forward RM cell.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

The provisioned value of 781 is signalled as TRM = 0, in theABR Additional Parameters Information Element.1563 is signalled as TRM = 1.3125 is signalled as TRM = 2.6250 is signalled as TRM = 3.12500 is signalled as TRM = 425000 is signalled as TRM = 5.50000 is signalled as TRM = 6.100000 is signalled as TRM = 7.

Values Decimal (781; 1563; 3125; 6250; 12500; 25000; 50000; 100000)sameAsCa

Units microsec

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr cutoffDecreaseFactor (cdf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Cutoff Decrease Factor (CDF)parameter for this connection. When the value of this attribute isnon-zero, CDF is computed as the inverse of the value. Forexample, if the value is 32, the value of CDF is 1/32. When thevalue of this attribute is 0, CDF is also zero.

CDF controls the decrease in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR)associated with the CRM parameter, the limit of the number offorward Resource Management (RM) cells which may be sent inthe absence of received backward RM cells. When this limit iscrossed, the ACR value would be decreased by the amount(CDF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to fall below the MinimumCell Rate (MCR), in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value of CRM is indicated by theforwardRmCellLimitattribute.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0; 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr acrDecreaseTimeFactor (adtf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Allowed Cell Rate Decrease TimeFactor (ADTF) parameter for this connection.

ADTF is the maximum time interval permitted between sendingforward Resource Management (RM) cells before the AllowedCell Rate (ACR) is decreased toinitialCellRate. In other words, ifthe source does not transit a forward RM cell for the periodspecified byadtf, it reduces its ACR to the value of itsinitialCellRate.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..1023)sameAsCa

Units centiseconds

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr dgcraMaximumDelay (dgcraMaxDelay)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-541

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies an upper bound on the delay after whichthe rate change induced by a backward Resource Management(RM) cell departing from this connection point (in the backwarddirection) is expected to be observed at this connection point (inthe forward direction).

This upper bound may be approximated as the sum of the roundtrip fixed and propagation delays and the maximum queuingdelays between the ABR source and this interface.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic General Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Alarger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When there is a reduction in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR), thepolicer waits for a correspondingly longer period of time before itenforces at the new cell rate.

The value of this attribute must not be less than thedgcraMinimumDelay attribute.

Values Decimal (1..16700000)sameAsCa

Units microsec

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr dgcraMinimumDelay (dgcraMinDelay)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies a lower bound on the delay after which therate change induced by a backward Resource Management (RM)cell departing from this connection point (in the backwarddirection) is expected to be observed at this connection point (inthe forward connection).

This lower bound may be approximated as the sum of the roundtrip fixed and propagation delays between the ABR source andthis interface.

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2-542 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic General Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Asmaller value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When there is a increase in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR), thepolicer waits for a correspondingly shorter period of time beforeit enforces at the new cell rate.

Values Decimal (1..16700000)sameAsCa

Units microsec

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr farEndAcrDecreaseTimeFactor (feAdtf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Allowed Cell Rate Decrease TimeFactor (ADTF) of the far end ABR source. The value specifiedshould be the same as the ADTF parameter at the far end of thisABR connection.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Alarger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When the delay between two consecutive forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells received at this interface corresponds toa value greater than the value of this attribute, the policer beginsto limit enforce the incoming traffic at the initial cell rate (ICR)of the far end, as specified by thefarEndInitialCellRate attribute.

Values Decimal (0..1023)

Units centiseconds

Default 50

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Vcd Tm Abr farEndInitialCellRate (feIcr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-543

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the Initial Cell Rate (ICR) of the far endABR source. The value specified should be the same as the ICRparameter at the far end of this ABR connection.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Alarger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When the delay between two consecutive forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells received at this interface corresponds toa value greater than thefarEndAcrDecreaseTimeFactor attribute,the policer begins to enforce the incoming traffic at the value ofthis attribute.

If this attribute is specified less than the MCR of the connection,then the MCR is used as thefeIcr. If this attribute is more than thePCR of the connection, then PCR is used as thefeIcr.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

Units cell/s

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Loop (Loop)

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci LoopTheLoop component configures an ATM connection so that cellsreceived from the ATM interface are retransmitted back to theinterface through that connection. TheLoop component requiresexclusive use of its parentVcc or Vpc and cannot co-exist withother ATM service components (such asNep, Nrp, andTest).

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc NailedUpRelayPoint (Nrp)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Nrp Provisioned (Prov)"

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2-544 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci NrpThis component is used to establish a single hop of a nailed-upATM Bearer Service (ABS) connection. By linking together twoNrps within a module, the associated connections are configuredto relay ATM cells to one another. TheNrp component requiresexclusive use of its parentVcc or Vpc and cannot co-exist withother ATM service components (such asNep, Test, andLoop).

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Nrp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for theNrpcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Nrp nextHop (nextHop)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies theNrp component with which thisNrp isassociated. A sample value isAtmIf/31 Vcc/0.32 Nrp.

Values Link (Service, nextHop)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Nrp oamSegmentBoundary (sb)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the OAM segment boundary desired for aNrp component. It affects the connection point type value visiblein the parent component’sconnectionPointType attribute.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-545

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The desired OAM segment boundary can be specified directly asyes, no or sameAsInterface. If sameAsInterface is specified, theOAM segment boundary is same as theoamSegmentBoundaryattribute of the associatedAtmIf and the switch will set theconnectionPointType, choosingsegmentEndPoint for a segment-boundary ATM interface andconnectingPoint for a non-segment-boundary ATM interface.

Values noyessameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Nrp bandwidthElastic (bwElastic)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is only of importance for connections which arecarried on a link with a variable bandwidth. For example, thebandwidth may be reduced in the event that one or more physicallinks in the IMA group fail, such that the originally requestedbandwidth cannot be maintained. This attribute shows whetherthe application running on this connection can continue tooperate if the bandwidth is reduced. If the bandwidth is reduced,the amount by which it is reduced will be displayed in thebandwidthReduction attribute.

A value ofyes, indicates that this connection is elastic, and thebandwidth may be reduced but the connection will not bereleased. Currently, this attribute should only be set toyes forsituations where thisNrp is functioning as a loopback on one sideof an IMA link. There are no other situations where this setting isvalid.

A value ofno indicates that the bandwidth for this connectionwill not be reduced in the event of link bandwidth reduction.However, this connection may be released based on itsholdingPriority.

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2-546 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Nrp overrideHoldingPriority (ohpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the holding priority of this connection.Holding priority is used when there is an IMA group where somephysical links have failed. Holding priority determines the orderin which connections are released. 4 is the lowest holding priorityand is released first. 0 is a higher priority and is released last. Thevalue specified in this attribute will override whateverholdingPriority that has been provisioned at theVcd (or Vpd). Ifthe value is left at the default ofnoOverride, theholdingPriorityprovisioned at theVcd (or Vpd) will be used.

Values 01234noOverride

Default noOverride

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc NailedUpEndPoint (Nep)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Nep Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci NepThe NailedUpEndPointcomponent is used to link a VCC to anapplication that sends and receives frames using the connection.TheNep component requires exclusive use of its parentVcc and

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-547

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

cannot co-exist with other ATM service components (such asNrp, Test, andLoop).

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Nep Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisionable attributes for theNepcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Nep applicationName (appName)

Access Read only

Description This attribute specifies the application that sends and receivesframes using the VCC. This attribute is set, for example, byprovisioning theTrunk AtmAccess AtmConnection attribute. If itis properly configured, this attribute will show a value such as“Trk/22 AtmAccess”.

Values Link (Service, atmConnection)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Test (Test)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Test OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Vcc Test Setup (Setup)""GROUP AtmIf Vcc Test Results (Results)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci TestTheTest component allows test traffic to be sent over an ATMconnection. It is used to verify the integrity of hardware carryingATM traffic, and provides test capabilities similar to thoseprovided by non-ATM port and line tests. TheTest componentrequires exclusive use of its parentVcc and cannot co-exist with

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2-548 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

other ATM service components (such asNep, Nrp, andLoop).

An ATM connection test circulates traffic through a VCC havingaTestcomponent at one end and the other end configured to loopback ATM cells. TheTest component generates test frames,transforms them into ATM cells using AAL5 segmentation, andtransmits them through the VCC; the returned cells are receivedby theTest component, reassembled back into frames, and theframes are consumed.

The test frames generated by the test are grouped into twoindependent streams.1) The loading frame stream circulates a set of “loading frames”through the connection as rapidly as possible. The intent of thisstream is to verify the operation of the connection under acontrolled load.2) The verification stream transmits a series of “verificationframes” through the connection; as each frame is returned, theTest component verifies its contents and the next verificationframe in the series is transmitted. The intent of this stream is toverify that frames are not being corrupted.The test can be configured to send frames from either or bothstreams. The size and content of the test frames can also becontrolled.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"


Impact Service

Description START AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci TestThis verb invokes an ATM connection test. It has no effect whenthe test is already running.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-549

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

VERB STOP AtmIf Vcc Test

Impact Service

Description STOP AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci TestThis verb stops an ATM connection test. It has no effect when thetest is not running.

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Test OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

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2-550 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-551

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Test Setup (Setup)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes that govern the operation of anATM connection test. These attributes cannot be changed whilethe test is running.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test frmTypes (types)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the types of the test frames to betransmitted during the ATM connection test. It must contain atleast one of the following:loading: A set of “loading frames” is circulated over the link asrapidly as possible. This frame type should be selected when thetest is intended to verify the operation of the connection under aspecified load. These frames are not checked for bit errors.verification: A single “verification frame” is transmitted over thelink; when the frame is returned, its contents are verified and thenext verification frame in the series is transmitted. This frametype should be selected when the test is intended to verify thatframes are not being corrupted as they pass over the connection.

Set of loadingverification

Default (loading, verification)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test frmSize (size)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute defines the size of the test frames used in an ATMconnection test.

Values Decimal (4..4096)

Units bytes

Default 1024

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test frmPatternType (fpt)

Access Read and write

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2-552 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the bit sequence used to fill the framesused in the ATM connection test. It must contain one of thefollowing values:ccitt32kBitPattern: a pseudo-random sequence of 32 Kbit is usedccitt8MBitPattern: a pseudo-random sequence of 8Mbit is usedcustomizedPattern: the pattern defined in thecustomizedPatternattribute is used

Values ccitt32kBitPatternccitt8MBitPatterncustomizedPattern

Default ccitt32kBitPattern

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test customizedPattern (cp)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies a 32 bit sequence to be used to fill frameswhen theframePatternType attribute is set tocustomizedPattern.The default value gives a pattern of alternating 0 and 1 bits.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ffffffff)

Units Hex

Default H.55555555

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test duration

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of minutes that theATM connection test is allowed to run. The maximum allowedvalue permits the test to be run for up to 21 days.

Values Decimal (1..30240)

Units minutes

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test bandwidthElastic (bwElastic)

Access Read and write

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-553

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies whether the connection (VCC) should beconfigured with elastic bandwidth or not. Elastic bandwidth is ofimportance in conjuction with IMA links, where some links failand the resulting bandwidth is less than the requested bandwidthfor all connections. In that case, some connections may bereduced in bandwidth based on the setting of thebwElasticattribute.

If this attribute is set toyes, the Test application signals to theconnection that the bandwidth for this connection is elastic, andmay be reduced in the case of IMA link failures. If the bandwidthis reduced, the rate of test cells which can be handled by theconnection will also be reduced.

If this attribute is set tono, the Test application signals to theconnection that the bandwidth for this connection must bemaintained at the requested level. If the connection cannotmaintain the full bandwidth, the connection may be released(cleared) based on the holding priority of the connection.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test overrideHoldingPriority (ohpri)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the override holding priority which shouldbe signalled to theVCC connection at the start of the test.Holding priority is of importance in conjuction with IMA links,where some links fail and the resulting bandwidth is less than therequested bandwidth for all connections. In that case, someconnections may be released based on the connection’s holdingpriority.

Zero (0) is the highest holding priority, andfour (4) is the lowestpriority. A setting ofzero to four overrides whatever holdingpriority that has been configured at the connection (VCC). Asetting ofnoOverride means that the connection should use itsinternally configured holding priority.

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2-554 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values 01234noOverride

Default noOverride

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Test Results (Results)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes that show the result of an ATMconnection test; if no test is running, the attribute group containsthe results of the most recently completed test. The attributes oftheResultsgroup are reset to their initial values whenever a test isstarted or any attribute of theSetup group is set.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test elapsedTime

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of minutes that the test hasbeen running.

Values Decimal (0..30240)

Units minutes

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test timeRemaining

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of minutes that the test willcontinue to run before stopping automatically.

Values Decimal (0..30240)

Units minutes

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test causeOfTermination

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-555

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the reason the test ended. It contains oneof the following values.testTimeExpired: the test ran for the specified durationstoppedByOperator: aSTOP command was issuedneverStarted: the test has not been startedtestRunning: the test is currently running

Values testTimeExpiredstoppedByOperatorneverStartedtestRunning

Default neverStarted

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test bytesTx

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of bytes sent during the test.The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test bytesRx

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of bytes received during thetest. The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test loadingFrmTx

Access Read only

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2-556 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute displays the number of loading frames sent duringthe test. The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximumvalue of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test loadingFrmRx

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of loading frames receivedduring the test. The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds itsmaximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test loadingFrmLost

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of loading frames that werelost during the test. The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds itsmaximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test verificationFrmTx

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of verification frames sentduring the test. The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds itsmaximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test verificationFrmRx

Access Read only

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-557

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute displays the number of verification frames receivedduring the test (including errored verification frames). Thecounter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Note that the number of verification frames lost during the testcan be computed by the expressionverificationFrmTx -verificationFrmRx.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test verificationFrmBad

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of errored verification framesreceived during the test. A verification frame is considered to beerrored if it contains a recognizable verification frame header, butdoes not match the transmitted frame bit for bit. (Thus, averification frame that returns after the succeeding verificationframe has been transmitted is considered to be errored.) Thecounter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Note that the number of correct verification frames receivedduring the test can be computed by the expressionverificationFrmRx - verificationFrmBad.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Test unrecognizableFrmRx

Access Read only

Description This attribute displays the number of frames received during thetest which do not contain a valid loading frame header orverification frame header. The counter wraps to zero if it exceedsits maximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

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2-558 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc TrafficManagement (Tm)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Tm Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpc/vpi TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci TrafficManagementTheTm subcomponent contains the operational trafficmanagement attributes of a connection. It is created dynamicallyfor each activatedVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Tm Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes for theTmcomponent to reflectoperational traffic attributes.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm txTrafficDescType (txTdt)

Access Read only

Description T his attribute indicates the type of traffic management which isapplied to the transmit direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. ThetxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in thetxTrafficDescParmattribute.

Values 12345

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-559

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm txQosClass (txQos)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the quality of service for the calling tocalled direction for this connection. This is only applicable toSoft PVC and SVC connections.

Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class 0 is the unspecified QOS class; no objective is specified forthe performance parameters.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values 01234notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm txQueueLength (txQLen)

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2-560 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current number of cells in the transmitqueue for this connection.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed ascommon, this attribute displays the length of thecommon queue which is used for this atm service category.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed asfifo , this attribute indicates the number of cells forthis connection which are enqueued in a first-in-first-out queuingmethod for this atm service category. This will only occur forconnections on ATM IP cards withatmServiceCategory ofnrtVbr or ubr.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed asperVcor asnotApplicable, this attribute displays thelength of the per-VC queue.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, this attribute displays the currentnumber of cells in the link class queue used by this connection tobuffer its traffic.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Values Decimal (0..30720)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm txQueueCongestionState (txQCong)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the congestion state of the transmit queuefor this connection.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed ascommon, this attribute displays the congestion stateof the common queue. If this connection has

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-561

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

unshapedTransmitQueueing attribute displayed asperVc or asnotApplicable, this attribute displays the congestion state of theper-VC queue.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, this attribute displays the currentcongestion state of the link class queue used by this connection tobuffer its traffic.

The congestion state of a queue is indicated by a numeric valueranging from 0 to 3. When a queue is in a congested state x, onlytraffic with discard priority (DP) 0 to x are enqueued. Traffic withDP > x is discarded.

For example, if the congestion state is 3, there is no congestionand all traffic is enqueued. Likewise, when the congestion state is0, there is maximum congestion and only traffic with DP=0 isenqueued on that queue.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Values Decimal (0..3)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the actual holding priority in effect forthis connection. In a situation where the link bandwidthfluctuates, such as over an IMA link, holding priority is used todetermine which connections are held and which are released.Holding priority 4 connections are the first to be released.Holding priority 0 connections are the last to be released. Someapplications, for exampleVcc Test, may override the provisionedholding priority.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed when this is an elasticconnection. Holding priority does not apply to bandwidth elasticconnections.

Holding priority has no effect if the equivalent cell rate (ECR) for

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a connection is zero.

This attribute does not apply to Vpt Vccs.

Values 01234notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm rxTrafficDescType (rxTdt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the type of traffic management which isapplied to the receive direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. TherxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in therxTrafficDescParmattribute.

Values 123456789

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm rxQosClass (rxQos)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the quality of service for the called tocalling direction for this connection. This is only applicable toSoft PVC and SVC connections.

Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performance

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requirements (circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (variable bit rate audio and video).

Class 3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class 0 is the unspecified QOS class; no objective is specified forthe performance parameters.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values 01234notApplicablesameAsFwd

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm atmServiceCategory (service)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the ATM service category used for trafficin both directions of the connection.

TheconstantBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is, those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. The consistent availability of a fixed quantity ofbandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service. Cellswhich are delayed beyond the value specified by Cell TransferDelay are assumed to have significantly reduced value for theapplication.

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ThertVariableBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications; that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. Sources are expected to transmit at a rate whichvaries with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as“bursty”. Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified byCell Transfer Delay are assumed to be of significantly reducedvalue to the application. Real time VBR service may supportstatistical multiplexing of real time sources.

ThenrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-realtime applications which have bursty traffic characteristics andwhich can be characterized in terms of a PCR, SCR, and MBS.For those cells which are transferred within the traffic contract,the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, itexpects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. Non-real timeVBR service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

TheavailableBitRate service is an ATM layer service categoryfor which the limiting ATM layer transfer characteristicsprovided by the network may change subsequent to connectionestablishment. ABR service has a flow control mechanism whichsupports several types of feedback to control the source rate inresponse to changing ATM layer transfer characteristics. ABRservice is not intended to support real-time applications.

TheunspecifiedBitRateservice is intended for non-real timeapplications, that is those not requiring tightly constrained delayand delay variation. UBR sources are expected to be bursty. UBRservice supports a high degree of statistical multiplexing amongsources. UBR service does not specify traffic related serviceguarantees. No numerical commitments are made with respect tothe cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to thecell transfer delay experienced by cells on the connection.

Values unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtVbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtVbr)availableBitRate (abr)

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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm trafficShaping (trShaping)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the traffic shaping state of the connection.

A value ofnotApplicable indicates that traffic shaping is notapplicable or not supported for this connection. This is the case:- when thetxTrafficDescType is 1 or 2.- for standardVpt Vccs and basicVpts.- for CQC-based ATM cards, when theatmServiceCategory isconstantBitRate.

In these cases, the value ofnotApplicable is set regardless ofwhether traffic shaping is enabled or disabled in the provisioningdata.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, traffic shaping is not available,therefore this attribute is alwaysnotApplicable.

A value ofdisabledindicates that traffic shaping is applicable andsupported for the type of connection but has been turned off inthe provisioning data.

A value oflinear or inverseUpcindicates that traffic shaping isapplicable and supported for the type of connection and has beenturned on in the provisioning data. This is the only case thatindicates that traffic shaping is performed on the connection. Inthis case, the actual shaping rate is reflected in thetxTrafficDescParm attribute, parameter number 4. A value oflinear indicates that traffic is being shaped at the constant rateindicated intxTrafficDescParm 4.

A value ofinverseUpc is possible only on ATM IP cards. Thisvalue indicates that the shaper strictly conforms to therequirements of a dual leaky bucket UPC enforcer. This value isindicated if traffic shaping is enabled, and thetxTrafficDescTypefor this connection is 6, 7 or 8.

Traffic shaping for connections withatmServiceCategory as

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availableBitRate(txTrafficDescType 9) depends upon theabrConnectionType attribute. IfabrConnectionType issourceDest or virtualSourceDest, the value of this attribute islinear. If abrConnectionType is erSwitchor efciSwitch, thisattribute isnotApplicable.

Values disabledlinearinverseUpcnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm bearerClassBbc (bcBbc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the bearer capability for this connection.

Classa service is a connection-oriented, constant bit rate ATMtransport service. Classa service has end to end timingrequirements and may require stringent cell loss, cell delay andcell delay variation performance.Whena is displayed, the user isrequesting more than an ATM only service. The network maylook at the AAL to provide interworking based upon its contents.

Classc service is a connection-oriented, variable bit rate ATMtransport service. Classc service has no end-to-end timingrequirements.Whenc is displayed, the user is requesting morethan an ATM only service. The network interworking functionmay look at the AAL and provide service based on it.

Classx service is a connection-oriented ATM transport servicewhere the AAL,trafficType(cbr or vbr), and timing requirementsare user defined (that is, transparent to the network). When thevalue of this attribute isx, the user is requesting an ATM onlyservice from the network. In this case, the network shall notprocess any higher layer protocol.

Class vp service is used to indicate a transparent VP service whenthe user is requesting an ATM only service from the network. Inthis case, the network does not process any higher layer protocol.

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This service differs from class x service in that with the class vpservice both the VCI field (except for VCI values 0, 3, 4, and 6through 15) and Payload Type field are transported transparentlyby the network. This attribute value is only applicable to SPVPand SVP connections.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values acxvpnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm transferCapabilityBbc (tcBbc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the transfer capability for this connection.Uni 3.0/3.1 traffic type and end-to-end timing parameters aremapped into this parameter as follows:<transferCapability: TrafficType, Timing>0: NoIndication, NoIndication1: NoIndication, yes2: NoIndication, no5: CBR, yes8: VBR, NoIndication9: VBR, yes10: VBR, no

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance, or in the casethat the transfer capability in the call request was set toNoIndication.

The CBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such as aconstant bit rate video service or a circuit emulation.

The VBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such as

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packetized audio and video, or data.

The value NoIndication for traffic type is used if the user has notset the traffic type; similarly for end-to-end timing.

The value yes for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is required for the connection.

The value no for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is not required for the connection.

Values 01258910notApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm clippingBbc (cBbc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the value of the clipping susceptibilityparameter in the broadband bearer capability (BBC) InformationElement.

Clipping is an impairment in which the first fraction of a secondof information to be transferred is lost. It occurs after a call isanswered and before an associated connection is switchedthrough.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values noyesnotApplicable

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the unshaped transmit queuing state of theconnection.

A value ofcommon indicates that transmit traffic is beingenqueued onto the common transmit queue for this servicecategory.ThetxQueueLength attribute indicates the current length of thecommon transmit queue.

A value offifo indicates that transmit traffic is being queued in afirst-in-first-out basis for this service category. This is similar tocommon queueing, but thetxQueueLength attribute indicates thenumber of cells in this connection queue. A value offifo willonly be indicated for connections on ATM IP cards withatmServiceCategory of nrtVbr or ubr.

A value ofperVc indicates that transmit traffic is being enqueuedonto a per-VC queue for this connection.

A value ofnotApplicable indicates that transmit traffic is beingshaped for this connection, or that unshaped transmit queuing isnot applicable for this type of connection. Transmit traffic for ashaped connection is enqueued onto a per-VC queue, but thisattribute is only applicable for unshaped connections. Unshapedtransmit queuing is not applicable for basicVpts.

For 1pOC12SmLrAtm cards, perVc queueing is not availablethus this attribute only indicatescommon or notApplicable.

Values perVccommonnotApplicablefifo

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm bestEffort

Access Read only

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Description This attribute indicates value of best effort parameter in the ATMTraffic Descriptor Information Element.

The valueindicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is not guaranteed.

The valuenotIndicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is guaranteed.

A value ofnotApplicable is displayed in the case of nailed-upPVCs for which this attribute has no significance.

Values indicatednotIndicatednotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm forceTagging (tagging)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the state of force tagging option for thisconnection. Force tagging refers to setting the CLP bit for allcells on a connection.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is not applicable and isnot displayed.

A value ofenabled indicates that the CLP bit is being set to 1 forall cells in the transmit direction on this connection.

A value ofdisabled indicates that the CLP bit is unchanged forcells in the transmit direction on this connection.disabled isalways displayed forVpts since forced tagging is applied on a perVpt Vcc basis.

Values disabledenabled

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm weight

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Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the relative weight of this unshapedconnection. Connections with a larger weight get a largerproportion of the link bandwidth or in the case of standardVptVccs, theVpt bandwidth.

For all but standardVpt Vccs, the default connection weight isdetermined by the weight policy for a service category and thetraffic descriptor for a connection. For standardVpt Vccs, thedefault connection weight is determined by theVcc’s servicecategory.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is not applicable and isnot displayed.

A value from 1 to 4095 indicates an actual weight. The valueupToQueueLimit indicates that the weight of a connection is upto the transmit queue limit for this connection.upToQueueLimitis used with common (first-in-first-out) queueing.

This attribute is displayed asnotApplicable if:- this connection hastrafficShaping displayed aslinear orinverseUpc.- this is a basicVpt.

Values Decimal (1..4095)upToQueueLimitnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the UPC state of the connection.

A value ofnotApplicable indicates that UPC is not applicable ornot supported for the connection. This is the case:- when the connection’srxTrafficDescType is 1 or 2.- for standardVpt Vccs and basicVpts.

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A value ofnotApplicable is set regardless of whether UPC isdisabled or enabled in provisioning data.

A value ofdisabled indicates that UPC is applicable andsupported for the type of connection but has been turned off inthe provisioning data.

A value ofenforced indicates that UPC is actively checkingconformance for the connection and is discarding or tagging cellswhich do not conform to the connection traffic contract. Thetraffic descriptor parameters used for UPC conformance arereflected in therxTrafficDescParms of the connection. On ATMIP cards, the counts of UPC violations are visible in theVcc, Vpcor Vpt rxUpcViolationsOnEnforcer1 orrxUpcViolationsOnEnforcer2 attributes.

ATM IP cards provide the ability to monitor UPC violationswithout tagging or discarding. A value ofmonitored indicatesthat UPC is actively checking conformance for the connectionand counting the violations, but is not discarding or tagging cellswhich do not conform to the connection traffic contract. Thetraffic descriptor parameters used for UPC conformance arereflected in therxTrafficDescParms of the connection. Thecounts of UPC violations are visible in theVcc, Vpc or Vpt.rxUpcViolationsOnEnforcer1 or rxUpcViolationsOnEnforcer2attributes. The value ofmonitoredappears only on ATM IP cards.

If the atmServiceCategory for this connection isavailableBitRate, a value ofenforced indicates that DynamicGeneric Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA) is active for theconnection. The traffic descriptor parameters used for DGCRAenforcement are reflected in therxTrafficDescParm of theconnection.

Values enforceddisabledmonitorednotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm txPacketWiseDiscard (txpd)

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Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current set of packet-wise discardfunctions in effect in the transmit data direction at this connectionpoint.

A value ofppd indicates that the Partial Packet Discard (PPD)function is in effect. PPD may be applied at an intermediateconnecting point for a connection which is transporting frametraffic (AAL5 at the endpoint). PPD is controlled by provisioningfor PVCs and SPVCs, and by call setup parameters in the AALand Traffic Descriptor Information Elements.

A value ofepd indicates that the Early Packet Discard (EPD)function is in effect at this connection endpoint. On CQC-basedATM cards, PPD and EPD are enabled by default at a connectionendpoint which is performing AAL5 segmentation and assembly.

A value ofwred indicates that Weighted Random Early Detectionis in effect at this connection point. W-RED can be enabled byprovisioning for PVCs and SPVCs.

On ATM IP cards, all packet-wise discard functions also apply toprovisioned virtual path connections (VPCs). On CQC-basedATM cards, packet-wise functions are not applicable for VPCs.

This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Set of ppdepdwred

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm rxPacketWiseDiscard (rxpd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current set of packet-wise discardfunctions in effect in the receive data direction at this connectionpoint.

A value ofppd indicates that the Partial Packet Discard (PPD)

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function is in effect. PPD may be applied at an intermediateconnecting point for a connection which is transporting frametraffic (AAL5 at the endpoint). PPD is controlled by provisioningfor PVCs and SPVCs, and by call setup parameters in the AALand Traffic Descriptor Information Elements.

A value ofepd indicates that the Early Packet Discard (EPD)function is in effect at this connection endpoint. PPD and EPDare enabled by default at a connection endpoint which isperforming AAL5 segmentation and assembly.

On ATM IP cards, all packet-wise discard functions also apply toprovisioned virtual path connections (VPCs). On CQC-basedATM cards, packet-wise functions are not applicable for VPCs.

This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Set of ppdepd

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm bandwidthElastic (bwElastic)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is only of importance for connections which arecarried on a link with a variable bandwidth. For example, thebandwidth may be reduced in the event that one or more physicallinks in the IMA group fail, such that the originally requestedbandwidth cannot be maintained. This attribute shows whetherthe application (for example,Trunk) running on this connectioncan continue to operate if the bandwidth is reduced. If thebandwidth is reduced, the amount by which it is reduced isdisplayed in thebandwidthReduction attribute.

A value ofyes, indicates that this connection is elastic, and thebandwidth may be reduced but the connection is not released.

A value ofno indicates that the bandwidth for this connection isnot reduced in the event of link bandwidth reduction. However,this connection may be released based on itsholdingPriority.

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Bandwidth elasticity has no effect for connections which have anequivalent cell rate (ECR) of zero.

This attribute is not applicable forVpts andVpt Vccs.

Values noyes

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm bandwidthReduction (bwReduction)

Access Read only

Description This attribute shows the amount by which the bandwidth has beenreduced for this connection. This value is non-zero only forconnections which havebandwidthElastic displayed asyes, andwhich are also operating in a reduced bandwidth mode. This istypically the case for selected connections running over an IMAlink. This attribute takes a value from 0 (no reduction) up to theECR. For all connections which are running at their full allocatedbandwidth,bwReduction has the value 0. Connections whichhave been reduced in allocated bandwidth have a positive numberfor this attribute. ThebwReduction may be subtracted from theECR (which is displayed astxTrafficDescParm 5) to determinethe actual bandwidth allocated to this connection.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm abrConnectionType (abrType)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the type of ABR behavior which is ineffect at this connection. This attribute is only applicable if theatmServiceCategory attribute isavailableBitRate. If theatmServiceCategory attribute is notavailableBitRate, thisattribute value is set tonotApplicable.

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For CQC-based ATM cards and the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, thenotApplicable, efciSwitch or nonAbrInterworking. In EFCImarking mode, the Explicit Forward Congestion Indication(EFCI) field in the data cell headers is used to indicate transmitqueue congestion.

For ATM IP cards other than 1pOC12SmLrAtm, if the displayedasconnectionEndPoint, this attribute has the valuesourceDest.In this mode, the ABR Source and Destination behavior is ineffect at this connection. This attribute is alsosourceDest in thecase where the next hop connection is specified asnonAbrInterworking. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

If the connectionPointTypeis notconnectionEndPoint, the valueof this attribute depends upon theabrConnectionTypeprovisioning and the card type to which the traffic is forwardedon the backplane. The defaultabrConnectionType is provisionedat theCA Abr abrConnectionType attribute, and may beoverridden for a provisioned connection in theVcd TmabrConnectionType or Vpd Tm abrConnectionType attribute. IftheCA Abr abrConnectionType attribute isvirtualSourceDest ateither one of the two connection points, and if both theconnection points are defined on ATM IP cards, virtual sourceand destination behavior is applied to the connection. In thisinstance, the attribute displays the valuevirtualSourceDest.

This attribute has the valueerSwitch if ABR explicit ratefunctionality is in effect at this connection. In this mode, theswitch may modify the Explicit Rate (ER) field of backwardResource Management (RM) cells to indicate the status ofcongestion at this connection point.

This attribute has the valuenonAbrInterworking in the casewhere this connection point is functioning as an SPVC origin foran ABR connection where the link side of this connection isconfigured as a non-ABR ATM service category. This means thatthere are no RM cells on the link side of this connection, and thatthe next hop connection point is performing as an ABRsourceDest.

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Values erSwitchefciSwitchvirtualSourceDestsourceDestnonAbrInterworkingnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm txTrafficDescParm (txTdp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is a vector of five transmit traffic parameters whosemapping is defined by thetxTrafficDescType attribute.

The values of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR),Minimum Cell Rate (MCR), actual cell rate (ACR), explicit rate(ER), equivalent cell rate (ECR), and actual shaping rate areexpressed in cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS) is expressed incells. CDVT is expressed in microseconds.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, parameters 1 through 5 areunused.

In this description, PCR is the greater of either the PCR or therequested shaping rate (parameter 1 or parameter 5) specified inthetxTrafficDescParm attribute under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tmcomponent.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 or 1 traffic; parameters 2 and 3 are unused.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR for

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CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, parameter 4 reflectsthe actual shaping rate in cell/s for this connection. For CQC-based ATM cards, the set of available shaping rates is based onthe number of interfaces doing shaping (attributeperVcQueueInterfaces), and theshapingScalingFactor attributeof theArc Cqc Override component. A rate of zero (0) indicatesthat shaping is not performed, or that the interface is down.

WhentxTrafficDescType is 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents the Cell Delay Variation Toleration(CDVT); parameter 3 represents the Minimum Cell Rate (MCR);the meaning of parameter 4 depends upon the value of theabrConnectionType attribute. ifabrConnectionType issourceDest or virtualSourceDest, parameter 4 represents theAllowed Cell Rate (ACR); IfabrConnectionType is erSwitch,parameter 4 represents the Explicit Rate (ER); and ifabrConnectionType is efciSwitch, parameter 4 reflects the actualshaping rate in cell/s for this connection.

WhentxTrafficDescType is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, parameter 5reflects the equivalent cell rate in cell/s for this connection asdetermined by the Connection Admission Control (CAC)

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algorithm. The equivalent cell rate is useful in determining theadmission characteristics of this connection.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm txQueueThresholds (txQThresh)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the queue limit and the discard thresholdsfor the transmit queue of this connection.

If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attributedisplayed ascommon, this attribute displays the thresholds of thecommon queue. If this connection hasunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute displayed asperVcor asnotApplicable, this attribute displays the thresholds of the per-VCqueue.

The first element indicates the queue limit. The provisioned valueof the transmit queue limit is derived from thetxQueueLimitattribute under the service category subcomponents of theCAcomponent for the service category of this connection.

The second element is the threshold that marks the transitionfrom congestion state 1 to congestion state 0. This is thethreshold at which traffic with discard priority (DP) = 1 isdiscarded. This threshold is set at approximately 90 percent of thefirst parameter, the operational queue limit.

The third element is the threshold that marks the transition fromcongestion state 2 to congestion state 1. This is the threshold atwhich traffic with DP = 2 is discarded. This threshold is set atapproximately 75 percent of the first parameter, the operationalqueue limit.

The fourth element is the threshold that marks the transition fromcongestion state 3 to congestion state 2. This is the threshold atwhich traffic with DP = 3 is discarded. This threshold is set at

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approximately 35 percent of the first parameter, the operationalqueue limit.

This attribute does not apply to basicVpts.

Vector of Decimal (0..30720)

Units cells

Index Decimal (0..3)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm rxTrafficDescParm (rxTdp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is a vector of four traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by therxTrafficDescType attribute. Thevalues of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR),minimum cell rate (MCR) are expressed in cell/s. Maximumburst size (MBS) is expressed in cells. Cell delay variationtolerance (CDVT) is expressed in microseconds.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, none of the parameters areused.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 4 representsthe CDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 4 representsthe CDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS for

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT.

WhenrxTrafficDescType is 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents CDVT; parameter 3 represents the MCR;parameter 4 is not used.

If upc is disabled for this connection, the values of PCR, SCR,MBS and CDVT are the provisioned parameters.

If upc is enabled, the values of PCR, SCR, MBS, and CDVT areexactly the values used by the usage parameter control hardwarein policing the arriving traffic. These may vary slightly from theprovisioned values due to granularity of the hardware. In the casewhere the PCR is equal to the SCR, the effective MBS is zero.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..4)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm txQosParameters (tqp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that indicate thequality of service parameters for the forward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC and SVC connectionson a PNNI interface.

Thecdvelement indicates the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell Delay

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2-582 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Variation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).

The ctd element indicates the acceptable maximum Cell TransferDelay (maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).

Theclr element indicates the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR)of CBR, rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm rxQosParameters (rqp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that indicate thequality of service parameters for the backward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC and SVC connectionson a PNNI interface.

Thecdvelement indicates the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).

Thectd element indicates the acceptable maximum Cell TransferDelay (maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).

Theclr element indicates the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR)of CBR, rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-583

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpc/vpi Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Tm AvailableBitRateThis component contains ABR-related operational attributes of aconnection. It is dynamically created for connections where theatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate, and whereabrConnectionType is sourceDest or virtualSourceDest.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes for connections usingABR service category.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr initialCellRate (icr)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Initial Cell Rate (ICR) parameter forthis connection. ICR is the rate at which a source should sendinitially and after an idle period.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of theinitialCellRate attribute. For signalledconnections, it is indicated in the ABR Setup ParametersInformation Element.

The ICR for a connection is a value between the MCR and thePCR. Furthermore, ICR has an upper bound determined by thetransientBufferExposure divided byfixedRoundTripTime.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

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2-584 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr transientBufferExposure (tbe)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Transient Buffer Exposure (TBE) forthis connection. TBE is the negotiated number of cells that thenetwork would like to limit the resource to send during start-upperiods, before the first Resource Management (RM) cell returns.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of thetransientBufferExposure attribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr fixedRoundTripTime (frtt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Fixed Round-Trip Time (FRTT)parameter for this connection. FRTT is the sum of the fixed andpropagation delays from the source to a destination and back.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of thefixedRoundTripTime attribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0..16700000)

Units microsec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr rateDecreaseFactor (rdf)

Access Read only

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-585

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the Rate Decrease Factor (RDF) for thisconnection. The RDF value is computed by using the operationalvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 8, RDF is 2E-8 = 1/256.

RDF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate maydecrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management(RM) cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received withthe Congestion Indication (CI) field set to 1, the Allowed CellRate (ACR) value would be reduced by the amount (RDF*ACR).The ACR is not allowed to fall below the Minimum Cell Rate(MCR), in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of therateDecreaseFactorattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr rateIncreaseFactor (rif)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Rate Increase Factor (RIF) for thisconnection. The RIF value is computed by using the operationalvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 6, RIF is 2E-6 = 1/64.

RIF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate mayincrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management (RM)cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received with theCongestion Indication (CI) and the No Increase (NI) fields bothset to 0, the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) value would be increasedby the amount (RIF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to exceed thePeak Cell Rate (PCR), in which case the ACR is set to PCR.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of therateIncreaseFactorattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR SetupParameters Information Element.

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2-586 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr maxCellPerRmCell (nrm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the maximum number of cells an ABRsource may transmit for each forward Resource Management(RM) cell. The count of the cells transmitted includes data cells,OAM cells, backward RM cells, and the forward RM cell.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of themaxCellsPerRmCellattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr maxTimeBetweenRmCell (trm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the TRM parameter for this connection.

TRM provides an upper bound on the time interval betweenforward Resource Management (RM) cells for an ABR source.Since the last forward RM cell was sent, if at least TRM time haselapsed since and at least 2 other cells have been sent, the nextcell to be transmitted would be a forward RM cell.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of themaxTimeBetweenRmCellattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (781; 1563; 3125; 6250; 12500; 25000; 50000; 100000)

Units microsec

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-587

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr cutoffDecreaseFactor (cdf)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Cutoff Decrease Factor (CDF)parameter for this connection. When the value of this attribute isnon-zero, CDF is computed as the inverse of the value. Forexample, if the value is 32, the value of CDF is 1/32. When thevalue of this attribute is 0, CDF is also zero.

CDF controls the decrease in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR)associated with theforwardRmCellLimitattribute, the limit of thenumber of forward Resource Management (RM) cells which maybe sent in the absence of received backward RM cells. When thislimit is crossed, the ACR value would be decreased by theamount (CDF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to fall below theMinimum Cell Rate (MCR), in which case the ACR is set toMCR.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by theprovisioned value of thecutoffDecreaseFactorattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0; 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr acrDecreaseTimeFactor (adtf)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Allowed Cell Rate Decrease TimeFactor (ADTF) parameter for this connection.

ADTF is the time interval permitted between sending forwardResource Management (RM) cells before the Allowed Cell Rate(ACR) is decreased toinitialCellRate. In other words, if thesource does not transit a forward RM cell for the period specifiedby adtf, it reduces its ACR to the value of itsinitialCellRate.

For nailed-up connections, this attribute is determined by the

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2-588 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

provisioned value of theacrDecreaseTimeFactorattribute. Forsignalled connections, it is indicated in the ABR AdditionalParameters Information Element.

Values Decimal (0..1023)

Units centiseconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr forwardRmCellLimit (crm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the CRM parameter for this connection.

CRM is the limit of the number of forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells which may be sent in the absence ofreceived backward RM cells. When this limit is crossed, theAllowed Cell Rate (ACR) value would be decreased by theamount (CDF*ACR), where CDF is determined by thecutoffDecreaseFactor. The ACR is not allowed to fall below theMinimum Cell Rate (MCR), in which case the ACR is set toMCR.

The value of CRM is obtained astransientBufferExposuredivided bymaxCellsPerRmCell.

Values Decimal (1; 3; 7; 15; 31; 63; 127; 255; 511; 1023; 2047; 4095)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr txRateChangeInfo (txrci)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the rate change information put into thelast forward Resource Management (RM) cell turned around as abackward-RM cell. For connections configured as an ABRSource or Destination, the turned around backward-RM cell issent over the interface. For connections configured as an ABRVirtual Source or Virtual Destination, the turned aroundbackward-RM cell is sent over the backplane.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-589

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values congestionIndicatednoIncreaseIndicatedexplicitRateIndicated

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr acrRateChangeInfo (arci)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the type of change in the Allowed CellRate (ACR) as a result of the information in the last backwardResource Management (B-RM) cell received from the interface.

This attribute value is only applicable when theVcc Tmor VpcTm abrConnectionType attribute issourceDest orVirtualSourceDest. In all other cases, this attribute value isnotApplicable.

A value ofnoChange indicates that the rate did not change as aresult of the last backward RM cell received.

A value ofdecreasedByRdf or increasedByRif indicates that theACR was increased or decreased by the corresponding factor.This change is as a result of the CI or NI bit setting in the lastbackward RM cell, or an ADTF timeout.

A value ofsetToExplicitRate indicates that the ACR was set tothe ER value in the last backward RM cell.

Values noChangedecreasedByRdfincreasedByRifsetToExplicitRatenotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr txFwdRmCells

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells sent over the interface since the last

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2-590 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

backward RM-cell was received from the interface. If the value ofthis attribute is greater than or equal to the value offorwardRmCellLimit, the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) value wouldbe decreased by the amount (CDF*ACR), where CDF isdetermined by thecutoffDecreaseFactor.

This counter is reset to zero each time a backward-RM cell isreceived.

This counter does not wrap to zero if it reaches its maximumvalue of 4095 in order to indicate that no backward RM cell hasbeen received.

Values Decimal (0..4095)

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Tm Abr rxEfci

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the value of the Explicit ForwardCongestion Indication (EFCI) bit of the last data cell receivedfrom the interface.

When a forward Resource Management (RM) cell is turnedaround as a backward-RM cell, the Congestion Indication (CI)field of the backward-RM cell is set to 1, if the value of thisattribute isindicated.

This attribute is set tonotIndicated each time a backward-RMcell is transmitted.

Values notIndicatedindicated

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc SourcePvc (Src)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Src Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vcc Src Operational (Oper)"

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-591

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci SrcPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci SrcPvc

This component represents the source end of a soft PVC.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Src EdgeBasedReroutingOverride(EbrOv)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Src Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes of theSourcePvc component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Src callingAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute represents the calling address of the soft PVC. If itisa null string, then the calling address is the address of the currentinterface (that is, where the soft PVC originates).

Values String (0..20, Hex)

Default ""

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Src calledAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

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2-592 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute represents the called (remote) address of the softPVC.

Values String (20, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Src calledVpiVci

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute represents the remote VPI and VCI of the softPVC.

Values Integer Sequence (0..4095; 1..65535)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Src Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes associatedwith theSrcPvpor SrcPvc component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Src state

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the state of the soft PVP or soft PVC.

Values activeinactive

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Src retryCount

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of failed attempts to set up thesoft PVP or soft PVC since the last time the connection failed.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-593

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Src lastFailureCauseCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the cause code in the last transmittedsignalling message that contains the CAUSE informationelement. The cause code is used to describe the reason forgenerating certain signalling messages.The default value for this attribute is set to 0.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Src lastFailureDiagCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last transmittedsignalling message. The diagnostic code is contained in theCAUSE information element and identifies an informationelement type or timer type. The diagnostic code is present only ifa procedural error is detected by the signalling protocol. Adiagnostic code is always accompanied by the cause code. Ifthere is no failure, this attribute is set to NULL.

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc Src EdgeBasedReroutingOverride (EbrOv)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Src EbrOv Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci SrcPvc EdgeBasedReroutingOverrideAtmIf/n Vpc/vpi SrcPvp EdgeBasedReroutingOverrideAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci SrcPvc EdgeBasedReroutingOverride

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2-594 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This component represents the ability to override Edge BasedRerouting capabilities on a per connection basis for provisionedSPVC and SPVP connections.

The addition of this component and changes to the attributescontained in this component are critical to the parent SPVC orSPVP. The deletion of this component is not a critical change forthe connection. If this component is deleted, the connectionremains active with the current subscription options until itrestages.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Src EbrOv Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the EdgeBased Rerouting subscription options for provisionedconnections.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Src EbrOv recoverySubscribed (recSub)

Access Read and write

Description This attributes specifies whether connection recovery issubscribed for this connection.

Values noyes

Default yes

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Src EbrOv optimizationSubscribed (optSub)

Access Read and write

Description This attributes specifies whether path optimization is subscribedfor this connection.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-595

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values noyes

Default yes

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc EndPoint (Ep)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Ep Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci EpAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Ep

The EndPointcomponent of the application associated with theVCC is used to link a switched VCC to an application that sendsand receives frames using the connection.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Ep Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theAtmEndPoint component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Ep applicationName

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the component name associated with theapplication associated with the switched VCC.

Values The name of the component

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc RelayPoint (Rp)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Rp Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

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2-596 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n Vpc/vpi RpAtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci RpAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Rp

The RelayPointcomponent is used to establish a single hop of aSwitched connection. When linked together, twoRps within amodule, the associated connections are configured to relay ATMcells to one another.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Rp Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theAtmRelayPoint component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Rp nextHop

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the component name(s) of theRpcomponent(s) with which thisRp component is associated. Thisattribute can have more than one component name only when theVcc distributionType is pointToMultipoint and thecallDirectionis fromLink .

List of The name of the component

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc DestinationPvc (Dst)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Dst Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci DstPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci DstPvc

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-597

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This component represents the destination end of a soft PVC.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Dst Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theDestinationPvccomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Dst calledAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute represents the called address of the soft PVC.

Values String (20, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Dst callingAddress

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute represents the remote address of the soft PVC. Ifthe address in not known, then the value of this address isUnknown.

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Dst callingVpiVci

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Criticality Component

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2-598 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute represents the remote VPI and VCI of the softPVC. If the VPI and VCI values are not known, this attribute isset toUnknown.

Values String (7..9, ASCII)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc EdgeBasedReroutingInformation (EbrInfo)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc EbrInfo Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Vcc EbrInfo Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci EdgeBasedReroutingInformationAtmIf/n Vpc/vpi EdgeBasedReroutingInformationAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci EdgeBasedReroutingInformation

This component represents the Edge Based Rerouting capabilitiesof a connection.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc EbrInfo Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the attributes that indicates the Edge BasedRerouting characteristics of a connection.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc EbrInfo recoverySubscribed (recSub)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether the connection is subscribed toconnection recovery.

Values noyes

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-599

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc EbrInfo optimizationSubscribed (optSub)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether the connection is subscribed topath optimization.

Values noyes

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc EbrInfo connectionRecovered (connRec)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether the connection has beenrecovered since the last optimization occurred. The value is resetto no by theOptimize command.

Values noyes

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vcc EbrInfo Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the statistics related to Edge BasedRerouting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc EbrInfo totalConnectionRecoveries (ttlConnRec)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts connection recovery, or hard reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc EbrInfo totalPathOptimizations (ttlPathOpt)

Access Read only

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2-600 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attributes counts path optimization, or soft reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vcc MulticastNailedUpRelayPoint (Mnrp)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vcc Mnrp Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci MnrpThis component is used to establish a root of a multicast nailed-up ATM Bearer Service (ABS) connection. By linking aMnrp toaNrp, the associated connections are configured to relay ATMcells fromMnrp to Nrp. TheMnrp component requires exclusiveuse of its parentVcc or Vpc and cannot co-exist with other ATMservice components (such asNep, Test, Nrp andLoop). Thiscomponent is supported only on 4pOC3SmIrAtm and4pOC3MmAtm cards.This component is not supported underVptVcc andVpt Vpc.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vcc Mnrp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for theMnrpcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Mnrp oamSegmentBoundary (sb)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-601

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the OAM segment boundary desired for aMnrp component. It affects the connection point type valuevisible in the parent component’sconnectionPointType attribute.The desired OAM segment boundary can be specified directly asyes, no or sameAsInterface. If sameAsInterface is specified, theOAM segment boundary is same as theoamSegmentBoundaryattribute of the associatedAtmIf and the switch will set theconnectionPointType, choosingsegmentEndPoint for a segment-boundary ATM interface andconnectingPoint for a non-segment-boundary ATM interface.

Values noyessameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Mnrp bandwidthElastic (bwElastic)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is only of importance for connections which arecarried on a link with a variable bandwidth. For example, thebandwidth may be reduced in the event that one or more physicallinks in the IMA group fail, such that the originally requestedbandwidth cannot be maintained. This attribute shows whetherthe application running on this connection can continue tooperate if the bandwidth is reduced. If the bandwidth is reduced,the amount by which it is reduced will be displayed in thebandwidthReduction attribute.A value ofyes, indicates that this connection is elastic, and thebandwidth may be reduced but the connection will not bereleased. Currently, this attribute should only be set toyes forsituations where thisMnrp is functioning as a loopback on oneside of an IMA link. There are no other situations where thissetting is valid.A value ofno indicates that the bandwidth for this connectionwill not be reduced in the event of link bandwidth reduction.However, this connection may be released based on itsholdingPriority.

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2-602 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Mnrp overrideHoldingPriority (ohpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the holding priority of this connection.Holding priority is used when there is an IMA group where somephysical links have failed. Holding priority determines the orderin which connections are released. 4 is the lowest holding priorityand is released first. 0 is a higher priority and is released last. Thevalue specified in this attribute will override whateverholdingPriority that has been provisioned at theVcd (or Vpd). Ifthe value is left at the default ofnoOverride, theholdingPriorityprovisioned at theVcd (or Vpd) will be used.

Values 01234noOverride

Default noOverride

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vcc Mnrp nextHop (nextHop)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the list ofNrp components with which thisMnrp is associated. A sample value isAtmIf/31 Vcc/0.32 Nrp.This attribute must be provisioned with at least one Nrpcomponent under a compatible connection type.

List of Link (Service, nextHop)

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-603

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf UserNetworkInterface (Uni)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Uni Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Uni AccountingOptions (AcctOpt)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n UniThis component represents an ATM UNI interface. If thiscomponent is provisioned theIisp component can not beprovisioned under thatAtmIf component. If this component isdeleted, then all associatedVcc components are deleted.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Ilmi""COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Signalling (Sig)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Uni CallingAddressScreening(CallingAScr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Uni CalledAddressScreening(CalledAScr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Uni EdgeBasedRerouting (Ebr)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Uni Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for theUnicomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni version

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

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2-604 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies which specification the UNI complieswith. The options are ATM FORUM 3.0, ATM FORUM 3.1 orATM FORUM 4.0. If this attribute is changed then all switchedVcc components in this interface are cleared due to the fact thatthe two versions are incompatible.

Values atmForum30atmForum31atmForum40

Default atmForum40

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni side

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates which side the interface is, user ornetwork.

Values networkuser

Default network

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni softPvpAndPvcRetryPeriod

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute represents the time in seconds to wait between softPVP or soft PVC call setup retries. The resolution is to thenearest 10 seconds.

Values Decimal (20..999999)

Units seconds

Default 60

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni softPvpAndPvcHoldOffTime (sHoldOffTime)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-605

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies how long to hold off retries following arelease or the connection. The resolution is to the nearest 50 ms.

Values Decimal (0; 50..20000)

Units msec

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni loopPrevention

Access Read: AllWrite: Configuration

Description This attribute specifies whether loop prevention is in effect onthis interface.

When the value isenabled, incoming calls on this interfacecannot be routed back out the same interface. When the value isdisabled, routing of incoming calls back out the same interface ispermitted.

The recommended value isenabled. The valuedisabled shouldonly be used if routing of incoming calls back out over thisinterface is actually required. As an example, the valuedisabledmight be needed if the interface is connected to an end-usermultiplexing device which has no routing capability.

Note that setting the value toenabledprevents only routing loopswhich involve two network nodes.

Values disabledenabled

Default enabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni interfaceType

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute represents theType of the interface,private orpublic.

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2-606 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values publicprivate

Default private

GROUP AtmIf Uni Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theUnicomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni macAddress

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the MAC address of the port, which isused for address registration of the user side as the default ESI.

Values String (12, ASCII)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Uni AccountingOptions (AcctOpt)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for accounting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni accountCollection (aco)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute is used to turn accounting on or off for SVC andSPVC connections. It also specifies the reason(s) for whichaccounting data is collected:billing , test, study, audit or force.

If the set of reasons is not empty then accounting records will begenerated by this interface in the following situations:- on a TODA changeover if TODA is enabled;- every 12 hours (per connection) if TODA is disabled;- on every call clear (a call record with final cell counts).

If none of the reasons is present, then accounting will besuppressed.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-607

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The reason for collection is recorded in the accounting record, inthe attributecallingCollectReason or calledCollectReason asappropriate.

Set of billteststudyauditforce

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni accountConnectionType (act)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether accounting records generated bythis interface should be marked as originating, terminating orintermediate. This attribute, in combination with the direction ofthe call, determines the value of attributeconnPointType of theaccounting record and may be used by downstream accountingprocesses to correlate the records.

If the value isorigTerm then records generated for incomingcalls will be marked asoriginating and records generated foroutgoing calls will be marked asterminating.

If the value isintermediate then records generated for all callswill be marked asintermediate.

Values origTermintermediate

Default origTerm

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni accountClass (acl)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the accounting class associated with theinterface. Its meaning is determined by the network operator.

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2-608 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Its value is simply recorded in the accounting records generatedby this interface, in the attributecallingServiceType orcalledServiceType as appropriate.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni serviceExchange (sre)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the data service exchange associated withthis interface. Its meaning is determined by the network operator.

Its value is simply recorded in the accounting records generatedby this interface, in the attributecallingDse or calledDse asappropriate.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0


Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni Ilmi OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Uni Ilmi Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Uni Ilmi Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni IlmiThis component represents the Interim Local ManagementInterface (ILMI) protocol on the interface.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Ilmi Esi"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-609

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf Uni Ilmi OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

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2-610 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

GROUP AtmIf Uni Ilmi Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theIlmi component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi vci

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-611

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute identifies the ILMI channel number.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 16

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi operatingMode

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is used to enable/disable the ILMI protocol.addressRegEnabledindicates that the ILMI address registrationprotocol is enabled.addressRegDisabled indicates that the ILMIaddress registration protocol is disabled.ilmiDisabled indicatesthat all of ILMI is disabled.

Values addressRegEnabledaddressRegDisabledilmiDisabled

Default addressRegEnabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi prefixToRegister

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute is a list of zero or more addresses. If thesideattribute in theUni component is set touser, then this attributemust be empty; if theside attribute is set tonetwork, then thisattribute is a list of prefixes.This attribute represents a list ofprefix addresses (26 digits) that are sent to the user side. If noprefixes are entered, then thenodeAddress attribute in theAtmCallRouter component is used for address registration.

List of String (26, ASCII)

List Size 10

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2-612 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Uni Ilmi Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the statistics for theAtmIlmicomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi txPdus

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of transmitted ILMI PDUs. Thecounter wraps to 0 when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi rxPdus

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total number of received ILMIPDUs.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi rxBadPdusDiscarded

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of received ILMI PDUs thatwere discarded due to invalid SNMP format. The counter wrapsto 0 when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-613

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Ilmi Esi

Instance String (6, Hex)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni Ilmi Esi Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni Ilmi EsiThis attribute represents the End System Identifier (ESI)associated with this UNI. If theside attribute of theUnicomponent is set tonetwork then there should be noEsicomponents provisioned. If theside attribute is set touser, thenthe instance of theEsi component is a 12 hex-digit user-partaddress, used to compose full ATM addresses that are registeredwith the network side.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Uni Ilmi Esi Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theEsi component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ilmi Esi uniScope

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute defines the UNI address membership scope for alladdresses created using this ESI. It specifies the inclusive routinghierarchy in which the address is to be known. This scope is usedduring ILMI dynamic address registration procedures.

TheuseDefaultScope value maps tolocalNetwork for ATMgroup

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2-614 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

addresses, and toglobal for individual addresses.

The value of this attribute is ignored for UNI 3.x interfaces.

Values useDefaultScope (def)localNetwork (ln)localPlusOne (lpo)localPlusTwo (lpt)siteMinusOne (smo)intraSite (is)intraSitePlusOne (ispo)organizationMinusOne (omo)intraOrganization (io)organizationPlusOne (opo)communityMinusOne (cmo)intraCommunity (ic)communityPlusOne (cpo)regional (r)interRegional (ir)global (g)

Default useDefaultScope

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Signalling (Sig)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp SignallingAtmIf/n Uni SignallingAtmIf/n Pnni SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Signalling

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-615

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This component represents the signalling entities for theinterface.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptor (Vcd)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig vci

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the signalling channel number.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig addressConversion

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the address conversion on the outgoingsignalling PDUs. The options arenone, nativeE164, or nsap. Thenone option is the default and if this option is chosen thennothing is done to the address information element (IE) in theoutgoing signalling message. IfnativeE164 option is chosen,then only NSAP encapsulated E.164 addresses with zeros in theESI are converted to native E.164 format in the outgoingsignalling message. If the NSAP address is not encapsulatedE.164 or the ESI field is not zeros and thenativeE164 option ischosen, then the call is cleared. If thensapoption is chosen, then

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2-616 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

native E.164 addresses are converted to NSAP E.164 with zerosin the ESI field; otherwise the address is in NSAP format and isnot changed.

Values nonenativeE164nsap

Default none

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig operatingMode

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the operating mode of the signalingchannelprovisionedOnly indicates that only SPVCs and SPVPsare supported on the interface and SVCs are not supported. Thisvalue is permitted only on UNI interfaces.normal indicates that SVCs, SPVCs, and SPVPs are supportedon the interface.

Values normalprovisionedOnly

Default normal

GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-617

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

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2-618 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute contains the operational attributes for theAtmSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig lastTxCauseCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last transmittedsignalling message that contains the CAUSE informationelement. The cause code is used to describe the reason forgenerating certain signalling messages.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig lastTxDiagCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last transmittedsignalling message. The diagnostic code is contained in the

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-619

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

CAUSE information element and identifies an informationelement type or timer type. The diagnostic code is present only ifa procedural error is detected by the signalling protocol. Adiagnostic code is always accompanied by the cause code. Ifthere is no failure, this attribute is set to 0.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ff)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig lastRxCauseCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the cause code in the last receivedsignalling message that contains the CAUSE informationelement. The cause code is used to describe the reason forgenerating certain signalling messages.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig lastRxDiagCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last receivedsignalling message. The diagnostic code is contained in theCAUSE information element and identifies an informationelement type or timer type. The diagnostic code is present only ifa procedural error is detected by the signalling protocol. Adiagnostic code is always accompanied by the cause code. Ifthere is no failure, this attribute is set to 0.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ff)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

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2-620 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute group contains the statistics associated with theAtmSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig peakConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the high water mark of active point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig successfulConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total number of switched point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections that were successfullyestablished. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig failedConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total number of switched connectionsthat were not successfully established.The counter wraps to 0when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig txPdus

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-621

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the number of transmitted signallingPDUs.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig rxPdus

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of received signalling PDUs.Thecounter wraps to 0 when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig currentPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of currently active point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig peakPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the high water mark of active point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig successfulPmpConnections

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2-622 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total number of switched point-to-multipoint connections that were successfully established.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig failedPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of switched point-to-multipoint connections that were not successfullyestablished.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum valueis exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig currentConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the total number of currently active point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptor (Vcd)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig Vcd Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Page 623: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-623

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n Uni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Uni Ilmi VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Pnni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Pnni Rcc VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Rcc VirtualChannelDescriptor

This component contains the provisionable traffic parameters fora control channel (Sig,Ilmi or Rcc component).

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Uni Sig Vcd Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable traffic attributes for acontrol channel.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig Vcd trafficDescType (tdt)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to both the transmit and receive direction of thisconnection as defined in the ATM Forum. The trafficDescTypedetermines the number and meaning of the parameters in thetrafficDescParm attribute.

Values 3678

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2-624 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default 6

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig Vcd atmServiceCategory (service)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM service category for bothdirections of the connection.

TheconstantBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. The consistent availability of a fixed quantity ofbandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service. Cellswhich are delayed beyond the value specified by CellTransferDelay are assumed to be of significantly reduce value to theapplication.

ThertVariableBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. Sources are expected to transmit at a rate whichvaries with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as“bursty”. Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified byCTD are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication. Real time VBR service may support statisticalmultiplexing of real time sources.

ThenrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-realtime applications which have bursty traffic characteristics andwhich can be characterized in terms of a PCR, SCR, and MBS.For those cells which are transferred within the traffic contract,the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, itexpects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. Non-real timeVBR service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

TheunspecifiedBitRateservice is intended for non-real timeapplications; that is, those not requiring tightly constrained delayand delay variation. UBR sources are expected to be bursty. UBR

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-625

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

service supports a high degree of statistical multiplexing amongsources. UBR service does not specify traffic related serviceguarantees. No numerical commitments are made with respect tothe cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to thecell transfer delay experienced by cells on the connection.

Values unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtvbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtvbr)

Default rtVariableBitRate

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig Vcd qosClass (qos)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for both the forwardand backward direction for this connection.

Class1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

Values 01234

Default 2

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2-626 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig Vcd trafficShaping (trShaping)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection uses trafficshaping when transmitting traffic to the ATM interface.

WhensameAsCais selected, traffic shaping for this connection isbased on thetrafficShaping attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theAtmIf CA. If the service categoryhas traffic shaping enabled, then traffic shaping is enabled for theconnection. Note that enabling traffic shaping may have no effectunder certain cases. These cases are listed in the description ofthetrafficShaping operational attribute, which is under theVccTm andVpc Tmcomponents.

Whendisabled is selected, traffic shaping for this connection isdisabled.

Values disabledsameAsCa

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig Vcd unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute only applies when this connection is unshaped.This attribute specifies the transmit queueing method for thisconnection if it is unshaped. Refer to theunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute under theAtmIf CA servicecategory subcomponent for more details on the meaning of thisattribute.

When this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the transmit queueingmethod for the connection is based on theunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theConnectionAdministrator.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-627

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

When this attribute is set tocommon, transmit traffic on thisunshaped connection is destined for the common queue.

The valuesameAsInterface is for migration from previoussoftware releases, but should no longer be used

Values commonsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig Vcd usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection enforces usageparameter control when receiving traffic from the ATM interface.

WhensameAsCa is selected, UPC for the connection is based ontheusageParameterControl attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theConnectionAdministrator. If theservice category has UPC enabled, then UPC is enabled for theconnection. Note that enabling UPC may have no effect undercertain cases. These cases are listed in the description of theusageParameterControl operational attribute, which is under theVcc Tmor Vpc Tmcomponent.

Whendisabled is selected, UPC for this connection is disabled.

The valuesameAsInterface is for migration from previoussoftware releases, but should no longer be used

Values disabledsameAsCa

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Sig Vcd trafficDescParm (tdp)

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2-628 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of five traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by thetrafficDescTypeattribute. The valuesof peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR) and requestedshaping rate are expressed in cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS)is expressed in cells. CDVT is expressed in microseconds. Thevalues of PCR, SCR, MBS and CDVT are used for connectionadmission control (CAC). The value of CDVT is only used forconnections where theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate.For all other values ofatmServiceCategory, CDVT is ignored.The values of PCR, SCR and requested shaping rate are used todetermine the actual shaping rate where traffic shaping isenabled.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.Parameters 2 and 3 must be zero.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2, and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the MBSfor CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-629

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2, and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equalto parameter 2.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. Anon-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2, and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

Whenever it is valid for PCR to be specified, parameter 5 mayalso be used to specify a requested shaping rate. A non-zero valuein parameter 5 overrides the value in parameter 1 and is used asthe peak cell rate in calculations of CAC and shaping rate.

For trafficDescType3 the traffic is shaped at the next rate lessthan the PCR.

For trafficDescType6, 7, and8, the traffic is shaped at the highestavailable rate which is between PCR and SCR. However, if thereis no available shaping rate between PCR and SCR, traffic isshaped at the next rate above the PCR.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default (160, 5, 0, 0, 250)

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2-630 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (1..40, ASCII)]addressType [primary alternate registered default]

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni Addr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Address/address,type

This component represents an address (dynamic or static)associated with the interface. The index is a string of 1 to 40 hexdigits or a single wildcard (‘?’), and a type. The type identifieswhether the Address component is for aprimary, alternate,registered, ordefault address.

The typesprimary andalternate are used for provisionedaddresses. The typeregistered is used for dynamic addressesthrough ILMI. The typedefault is used for Soft PVP andSoftPVC addresses. Virtual interfaces do not have addresses oftypedefault.

The wildcard is only valid for provisioned addresses. If theaddress is a single wildcard, then that indicates that the interfacesupports all addresses. If there is no better match, then thisinterface may be chosen in the routing. If there is more than oneinterface with a single wildcard static address, then the choice ismade using a round robin algorithm.

The round robin algorithm first tries the primary routes. If noneof the primary routes succeed, then the alternate routes are tried.

Note that theUniInfo andPnniInfo sub-components are

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-631

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

mutually exclusive. Only one of these may be added under theAtmIf Uni Addr component.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Addr TerminateSPvpAndSPvc(TermSP)""COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Addr PnniInfo""COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Addr UniInfo"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Uni Addr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theAtmIf/n Uni Addresscomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Addr reachability (reach)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates whether the address is internal or exterior.An internal reachable address is an address of a destination that isdirectly attached to the logical node advertising the address. Anexterior reachable address is an address that can be reachedthrough a PNNI routing domain, but which is not located in thatPNNI routing domain.

Values internalexterior

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Addr pnniScope

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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2-632 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the PNNI scope of the ATM address,which is the highest level to which this address will be advertisedin the PNNI hierarchy. If noPnniInfo subcomponent has beenprovisioned, then the scope will default to the level of this nodein the PNNI hierarchy.

This attribute will have the value of -1 if this node does notparticipate in a PNNI hierarchy, or if this address was provisionedwith a UNI membership scope, rather than a PNNI routing level.

Values Signed (-1..104)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Addr uniScope

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the UNI membership scope of the ATMaddress. It specifies the inclusive routing hierarchy in which theaddress is known.

This attribute will have the value 0 if the address was provisionedwith a PNNI routing level rather than a UNI membership scope.

Values scopeNotAvailablelocalNetworklocalPlusOnelocalPlusTwositeMinusOneintraSiteintraSitePlusOneorganizationMinusOneintraOrganizationorganizationPlusOnecommunityMinusOneintraCommunitycommunityPlusOneregionalinterRegionalglobal

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-633

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Addr TerminateSPvpAndSPvc (TermSP)

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Uni Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Pnni Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Address/address,typeTerminateSPvpAndSPvc

The presence of this subcomponent indicates that SPvp and SPvccall setups terminate at this node if the destination address of theSPVP or SPVC matches theAddress instance.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Addr PnniInfo

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni Addr PnniInfo Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Uni Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Pnni Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Addr/address,type PnniInfo

This component contains provisioned information associated with

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2-634 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

the ATM address related to PNNI. This component appears onlyunder provisionedAddress components.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Uni Addr PnniInfo Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisioned attributes relating toPNNI for aPnniInfo component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Addr PnniInfo scope

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the scope of the ATM address, which isthe highest level up to which this address will be advertised in thePNNI hierarchy. The scope must be set to a value numericallyless than or equal to the level of the lowest level peer groupcontaining this node. Setting the scope to 0 will cause the addressto be advertised globally within this PNNI routing domain.

Values Signed (-1..104)

Default -1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Addr PnniInfo reachability (reach)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates whether the address is internal or exterior.An internal reachable address is an address of a destination that isdirectly attached to the logical node advertising the address. Anexterior reachable address is an address that can be reached

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-635

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

through a PNNI routing domain, but which is not located in thatPNNI routing domain.

Values internalexterior

Default internal

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni Addr UniInfo

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni Addr UniInfo Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni Addr/address,type UniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Addr/address,type UniInfo

This component contains the provisioned information associatedwith the ATM address and related to the UNI. This componentappears only under provisionedUni Address components.

This component may not appear together with theAtmif Uni AddrPnniInfo component, they are mutually exclusive.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Uni Addr UniInfo Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisioned attributes relating toa UNI address for aUniInfo component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Addr UniInfo scope

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

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2-636 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the address UNI membership scope. Itspecifies the inclusive routing hierarchy in which the address willbe known.

TheuseDefaultScope value maps tolocalNetwork for ATMgroup addresses, and toglobal for individual addresses.

Note that this value is ignored for UNI 3.x interfaces.

Values useDefaultScope (def)localNetwork (ln)localPlusOne (lpo)localPlusTwo (lpt)siteMinusOne (smo)intraSite (is)intraSitePlusOne (ispo)organizationMinusOne (omo)intraOrganization (io)organizationPlusOne (opo)communityMinusOne (cmo)intraCommunity (ic)communityPlusOne (cpo)regional (r)interRegional (ir)global (g)

Default useDefaultScope

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Addr UniInfo pnniReachability (reach)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates whether the address is internal or exterior.An internal reachable address is an address of a destination that isdirectly attached to the logical node advertising the address. Anexterior reachable address is an address that can be reachedthrougha PNNI routing domain, but which is not located in that PNNIrouting domain.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-637

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values internalexterior

Default internal

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni CallingAddressScreening (CallingAScr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni CallingAScr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Uni CallingAScr Statistics (Stat)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CallingAddressScreeningAtmIf/n Iisp CallingAddressScreeningThis component represents the screening of incoming ATM SVCcall requests against provisioned ATM calling addresses (that is,screening SVC calls coming from specific addresses). If thiscomponent is not provisioned, all call requests are accepted andno calling address screening takes place.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Uni CallingAScr Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Uni CallingAScr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theCallingAScr component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni CallingAScr adminStatus

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether the calling address screeningfeature isenabled or disabled.

If enabled, incoming SVC calls are screened against provisioned

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2-638 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

addresses. Ifenabled and the calling address in the ATM SVCcall request is provisioned to be accepted, the call is accepted orrejected according to the action specified for that address. If thevalue isenabled, and the calling address in the address request isnot provisioned, the call is rejected

If the value isdisabled, no calling address screening isperformed.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni CallingAScr defaultInsertionAddress (defInsAddr)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the address to be inserted into the SVCconnection request ifadminStatusis enabled and the connectionrequest does not contain a calling address. If theadminStatusattribute isenabledand this attribute is empty, all incoming SVCcalls which do not contain a calling address are rejected.

Values String (0..20, Hex)

Default ""

GROUP AtmIf Uni CallingAScr Statistics (Stat)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains statistics related to the incomingSVC call requests received while theadminStatusattribute is setto enabled.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni CallingAScr acceptedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which wereaccepted because the address specified in the call requestmatched a provisioned ATM address and the associated action

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-639

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

wasaccept.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni CallingAScr rejectedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause the address specified in the call request matched aprovisioned ATM address, but the associated action wasreject.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni CallingAScr unmatchedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause none of the provisioned ATM addresses matched theapplicable address in the incoming SVC call request.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni CallingAScr Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (1..40, ASCII)]addressAction [accept reject]

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Uni CalledAScr Address/addr,action

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2-640 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

AtmIf/n Iisp CalledAScr Address/addr,actionThis component specifies a calling (or called) address with anaction to accept or reject a connection request which contains amatching calling (or called) address.For the Calling Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose calling address matches that address isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose callingaddress matches that address is rejected.For the Called Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose called address matches that address, isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose calledaddress matches that address is rejected.For both features, the incoming SVC call request is rejected if theaddress is not provisioned and the feature isenabled.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni CalledAddressScreening (CalledAScr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni CalledAScr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Uni CalledAScr Statistics (Stat)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CalledAddressScreeningAtmIf/n Iisp CalledAddressScreeningThis component represents the screening of incoming ATM SVCcall requests against provisioned ATM called addresses (that is,going to specific destinations). If this component is not

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-641

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

provisioned, all call requests are accepted and no called addressscreening takes place.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Uni CalledAScr Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Uni CalledAScr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theCalledAScr component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni CalledAScr adminStatus

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether the called address screeningfeature isenabled or disabled.If the value isenabled, incoming SVC calls will be screenedagainst provisioned called addresses. If the value isenabled andthe called address in the ATM SVC call request has beenprovisioned, the call is accepted or rejected according to theaction specified for that address. If the value isenabledand thecalled address in the call request is not provisioned, the call isrejected.If the value isdisabled, no called address screening is performed.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled

GROUP AtmIf Uni CalledAScr Statistics (Stat)

Properties Operational

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2-642 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute group contains statistics related to the incomingSVC call requests received while theadminStatusattribute is setto enabled.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni CalledAScr acceptedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which wereaccepted because the address specified in the call requestmatched a provisioned ATM address and the associated actionwasaccept.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni CalledAScr rejectedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause the address specified in the call request matched aprovisioned ATM address, but the associated action wasreject.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni CalledAScr unmatchedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause none of the provisioned ATM addresses matched theapplicable address in the incoming SVC call request.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-643

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni CalledAScr Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (1..40, ASCII)]addressAction [accept reject]

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Uni CalledAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CalledAScr Address/addr,actionThis component specifies a calling (or called) address with anaction to accept or reject a connection request which contains amatching calling (or called) address.For the Calling Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose calling address matches that address isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose callingaddress matches that address is rejected.For the Called Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose called address matches that address, isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose calledaddress matches that address is rejected.For both features, the incoming SVC call request is rejected if theaddress is not provisioned and the feature isenabled.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Uni EdgeBasedRerouting (Ebr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Uni Ebr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Uni Ebr Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Uni Ebr Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Uni EdgeBasedRerouting

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2-644 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

AtmIf/n Pnni EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Iisp EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Uni EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Pnni EdgeBasedRerouting

This component represents the Edge Based Rerouting capabilitiesof the ATM Signaling interface. If this component is provisioned,theArtg Pnni component must already exist. The addition ordeletion of this component, or changes to the provisionedsubscription options, does not affect existing connections.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"


Impact Service

Description Optimize [-all] AtmIf/n Uni EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Iisp EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Pnni EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Uni EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Iisp EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Pnni Ebr

This command triggers path optimization events for theconnections managed by thisEbr component. By default, onlyconnections that have been recovered since the last optimizationevent occurred are considered for optimization.

The-all option causes all connections subscribed to pathoptimization to be considered for optimization.

GROUP AtmIf Uni Ebr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for Edge BasedRerouting at the ATM Signaling interface.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-645

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ebr connectionRecovery (connRec)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the subscription of connections to hardrerouting.dynamic: Connections that are transiting through this interface.provisioned: SPVC and SPVP connections that are provisioned atthis interface.

Set of dynamic (dyn)provisioned (prov)

Default (dynamic, provisioned)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ebr pathOptimization (pathOpt)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the subscription of connections to softrerouting.dynamic: Connections that are transiting through this interface.provisioned: SPVC and SPVP connections that are provisioned atthis interface.

Set of dynamic (dyn)provisioned (prov)

Default (dynamic, provisioned)

GROUP AtmIf Uni Ebr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes that indicate thererouting activities for an ATM Signaling interface.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ebr subscribedConnections (subscribed)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of connections subscribed torerouting capabilities.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

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2-646 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ebr eligibleRecoveredConnections (erc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of connections that have beenrecovered and are eligible for path optimization. The count isreset to zero when theOptimize command is executed on thiscomponent.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ebr ineligibleRecoveredConnections (irc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of connections that have beenrecovered but are not eligible for path optimization. The valuedecreases as counted connections are released. The count is notreset by theOptimize command.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Uni Ebr Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the statistics related to Edge BasedRerouting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ebr totalConnectionRecoveries (ttlConnRec)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts connection recovery, or hard reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-647

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Uni Ebr totalPathOptimizations (ttlPathOpt)

Access Read only

Description This attributes counts path optimization, or soft reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


Groups "GROUP AtmIf Iisp Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Iisp AccountingOptions (AcctOpt)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n IispThis component represents an ATM Interim Inter-switchSignaling Protocol (IISP) interface. If this component isprovisioned, theUni component can not be provisioned under thesameAtmIf component. If this component is deleted, then allassociatedVcc components are deleted.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Signalling (Sig)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp CallingAddressScreening(CallingAScr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp CalledAddressScreening(CalledAScr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp EdgeBasedRerouting (Ebr)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

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2-648 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for theIispcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp version

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates which specification the IISP interfacecomplies with. The options areiisp10Sig30 which refers to IISPversion 1.0 with 3.0 signalling andiisp10Sig31 which refers toIISP version 1.0 with 3.1 signalling. If this attribute is changed,all switchedVcc components in this interface are cleared due tothe fact that the two versions are incompatible.

Values iisp10Sig30iisp10Sig31

Default iisp10Sig31

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp side

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates which side the interface is, user ornetwork.

Values networkSideuserSide

Default networkSide

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp softPvpAndPvcRetryPeriod (sRetryPeriod)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-649

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the time to wait between soft PVP or softPVC call setup retries. The resolution is to the nearest 10seconds.

Values Decimal (20..999999)

Units seconds

Default 60

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp softPvpAndPvcHoldOffTime (sHoldOffTime)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies how long to hold off retries following arelease or the connection. The resolution is to the nearest 50 ms.

Values Decimal (0; 50..20000)

Units msec

Default 0

GROUP AtmIf Iisp AccountingOptions (AcctOpt)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for accounting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp accountCollection (aco)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute is used to turn accounting on or off for SVC andSPVC connections. It also specifies the reason(s) for whichaccounting data is collected:billing , test, study, audit, or force.

If the set of reasons is not empty then accounting records will begenerated by this interface in the following situations:- on a TODA changeover if TODA is enabled;- every 12 hours (per connection) if TODA is disabled;- on every call clear (a call record with final cell counts).

If none of the reasons is present, then accounting will be

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


The reason for collection is recorded in the accounting record, inthe attributecallingCollectReason or calledCollectReason asappropriate.

Set of billteststudyauditforce

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp accountConnectionType (act)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether accounting records generated bythis interface should be marked as originating, terminating orintermediate. This attribute, in combination with the direction ofthe call, determines the value of attributeconnPointType of theaccounting record and may be used by downstream accountingprocesses to correlate the records.

If the value isorigTerm then records generated for incomingcalls will be marked asoriginating and records generated foroutgoing calls will be marked asterminating.

If the value isintermediate then records generated for all callswill be marked asintermediate.

Values origTermintermediate

Default intermediate

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp accountClass (acl)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-651

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the accounting class associated with theinterface. Its meaning is determined by the network operator.

Its value is simply recorded in the accounting records generatedby this interface, in the attributecallingServiceType orcalledServiceType as appropriate.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp serviceExchange (sre)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the data service exchange associated withthis interface. Its meaning is determined by the network operator.

Its value is simply recorded in the accounting records generatedby this interface, in the attributecallingDse or calledDseasappropriate.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Signalling (Sig)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp SignallingAtmIf/n Uni SignallingAtmIf/n Pnni SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Signalling

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2-652 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This component represents the signalling entities for theinterface.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptor (Vcd)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig vci

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the signalling channel number.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig addressConversion

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the address conversion on the outgoingsignalling PDUs. The options arenone, nativeE164, or nsap. Thenone option is the default and if this option is chosen thennothing is done to the address information element (IE) in theoutgoing signalling message. IfnativeE164 option is chosen,then only NSAP encapsulated E.164 addresses with zeros in theESI are converted to native E.164 format in the outgoingsignalling message. If the NSAP address is not encapsulatedE.164 or the ESI field is not zeros and thenativeE164 option ischosen, then the call is cleared. If thensapoption is chosen, then

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-653

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

native E.164 addresses are converted to NSAP E.164 with zerosin the ESI field; otherwise the address is in NSAP format and isnot changed.

Values nonenativeE164nsap

Default none

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig operatingMode

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the operating mode of the signalingchannelprovisionedOnly indicates that only SPVCs and SPVPsare supported on the interface and SVCs are not supported. Thisvalue is permitted only on UNI interfaces.normal indicates that SVCs, SPVCs, and SPVPs are supportedon the interface.

Values normalprovisionedOnly

Default normal

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

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2-654 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-655

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute contains the operational attributes for theAtmSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig lastTxCauseCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last transmittedsignalling message that contains the CAUSE informationelement. The cause code is used to describe the reason forgenerating certain signalling messages.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig lastTxDiagCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last transmittedsignalling message. The diagnostic code is contained in the

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2-656 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

CAUSE information element and identifies an informationelement type or timer type. The diagnostic code is present only ifa procedural error is detected by the signalling protocol. Adiagnostic code is always accompanied by the cause code. Ifthere is no failure, this attribute is set to 0.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ff)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig lastRxCauseCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the cause code in the last receivedsignalling message that contains the CAUSE informationelement. The cause code is used to describe the reason forgenerating certain signalling messages.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig lastRxDiagCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last receivedsignalling message. The diagnostic code is contained in theCAUSE information element and identifies an informationelement type or timer type. The diagnostic code is present only ifa procedural error is detected by the signalling protocol. Adiagnostic code is always accompanied by the cause code. Ifthere is no failure, this attribute is set to 0.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ff)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-657

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute group contains the statistics associated with theAtmSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig peakConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the high water mark of active point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig successfulConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total number of switched point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections that were successfullyestablished. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig failedConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total number of switched connectionsthat were not successfully established.The counter wraps to 0when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig txPdus

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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2-658 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the number of transmitted signallingPDUs.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig rxPdus

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of received signalling PDUs.Thecounter wraps to 0 when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig currentPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of currently active point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig peakPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the high water mark of active point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig successfulPmpConnections

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-659

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total number of switched point-to-multipoint connections that were successfully established.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig failedPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of switched point-to-multipoint connections that were not successfullyestablished.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum valueis exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig currentConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the total number of currently active point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptor (Vcd)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig Vcd Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

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2-660 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n Uni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Uni Ilmi VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Pnni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Pnni Rcc VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Rcc VirtualChannelDescriptor

This component contains the provisionable traffic parameters fora control channel (Sig,Ilmi or Rcc component).

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Sig Vcd Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable traffic attributes for acontrol channel.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig Vcd trafficDescType (tdt)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to both the transmit and receive direction of thisconnection as defined in the ATM Forum. The trafficDescTypedetermines the number and meaning of the parameters in thetrafficDescParm attribute.

Values 3678

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-661

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default 6

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig Vcd atmServiceCategory (service)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM service category for bothdirections of the connection.

TheconstantBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. The consistent availability of a fixed quantity ofbandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service. Cellswhich are delayed beyond the value specified by CellTransferDelay are assumed to be of significantly reduce value to theapplication.

ThertVariableBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. Sources are expected to transmit at a rate whichvaries with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as“bursty”. Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified byCTD are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication. Real time VBR service may support statisticalmultiplexing of real time sources.

ThenrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-realtime applications which have bursty traffic characteristics andwhich can be characterized in terms of a PCR, SCR, and MBS.For those cells which are transferred within the traffic contract,the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, itexpects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. Non-real timeVBR service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

TheunspecifiedBitRateservice is intended for non-real timeapplications; that is, those not requiring tightly constrained delayand delay variation. UBR sources are expected to be bursty. UBR

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2-662 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

service supports a high degree of statistical multiplexing amongsources. UBR service does not specify traffic related serviceguarantees. No numerical commitments are made with respect tothe cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to thecell transfer delay experienced by cells on the connection.

Values unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtvbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtvbr)

Default rtVariableBitRate

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig Vcd qosClass (qos)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for both the forwardand backward direction for this connection.

Class1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

Values 01234

Default 2

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-663

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig Vcd trafficShaping (trShaping)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection uses trafficshaping when transmitting traffic to the ATM interface.

WhensameAsCais selected, traffic shaping for this connection isbased on thetrafficShaping attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theAtmIf CA. If the service categoryhas traffic shaping enabled, then traffic shaping is enabled for theconnection. Note that enabling traffic shaping may have no effectunder certain cases. These cases are listed in the description ofthetrafficShaping operational attribute, which is under theVccTm andVpc Tmcomponents.

Whendisabled is selected, traffic shaping for this connection isdisabled.

Values disabledsameAsCa

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig Vcd unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute only applies when this connection is unshaped.This attribute specifies the transmit queueing method for thisconnection if it is unshaped. Refer to theunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute under theAtmIf CA servicecategory subcomponent for more details on the meaning of thisattribute.

When this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the transmit queueingmethod for the connection is based on theunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theConnectionAdministrator.

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2-664 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

When this attribute is set tocommon, transmit traffic on thisunshaped connection is destined for the common queue.

The valuesameAsInterface is for migration from previoussoftware releases, but should no longer be used

Values commonsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig Vcd usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection enforces usageparameter control when receiving traffic from the ATM interface.

WhensameAsCa is selected, UPC for the connection is based ontheusageParameterControl attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theConnectionAdministrator. If theservice category has UPC enabled, then UPC is enabled for theconnection. Note that enabling UPC may have no effect undercertain cases. These cases are listed in the description of theusageParameterControl operational attribute, which is under theVcc Tmor Vpc Tmcomponent.

Whendisabled is selected, UPC for this connection is disabled.

The valuesameAsInterface is for migration from previoussoftware releases, but should no longer be used

Values disabledsameAsCa

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Sig Vcd trafficDescParm (tdp)

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-665

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of five traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by thetrafficDescTypeattribute. The valuesof peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR) and requestedshaping rate are expressed in cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS)is expressed in cells. CDVT is expressed in microseconds. Thevalues of PCR, SCR, MBS and CDVT are used for connectionadmission control (CAC). The value of CDVT is only used forconnections where theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate.For all other values ofatmServiceCategory, CDVT is ignored.The values of PCR, SCR and requested shaping rate are used todetermine the actual shaping rate where traffic shaping isenabled.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.Parameters 2 and 3 must be zero.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2, and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the MBSfor CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero

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2-666 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2, and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equalto parameter 2.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. Anon-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2, and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

Whenever it is valid for PCR to be specified, parameter 5 mayalso be used to specify a requested shaping rate. A non-zero valuein parameter 5 overrides the value in parameter 1 and is used asthe peak cell rate in calculations of CAC and shaping rate.

For trafficDescType3 the traffic is shaped at the next rate lessthan the PCR.

For trafficDescType6, 7, and8, the traffic is shaped at the highestavailable rate which is between PCR and SCR. However, if thereis no available shaping rate between PCR and SCR, traffic isshaped at the next rate above the PCR.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default (160, 5, 0, 0, 250)

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (1..40, ASCII)]addressType [primary alternate default]

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-667

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Iisp Addr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Uni Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Pnni Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Address/address,type

This component represents an address (dynamic or static)associated with the interface. The index is a string of 1 to 40 hexdigits or a single wildcard (‘?’), and a type. The type identifieswhether the Address component is for aprimary, alternate,registered, ordefaultaddress.

The typesprimary andalternate are used for provisionedaddresses. The typeregisteredis used for dynamic addressesregistered through ILMI. The typedefault is used for Soft PVPand Soft PVC addresses.Virtual interfaces do not have addressesoftypedefault.

The wildcard is only valid for provisioned addresses. If theaddress is a single wildcard, then that indicates that the interfacesupports all addresses. If there is no better match, then thisinterface may be chosen in the routing. If there is more than oneinterface with a single wildcard static address, then the choice isdriven through a round robin algorithm.

The round robin algorithm tries the primary routes and then thealternate routes if none of the primary routes succeed.If this node participates in a PNNI hierarchy, then aPnniInfosubcomponent can be provisioned under theAtmAddress

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2-668 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

component to specify the level to which this address will beadvertised.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Addr TerminateSPvpAndSPvc(TermSP)""COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Addr PnniInfo"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Addr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theAddresscomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Addr scope

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the scope of the ATM address, which isthe highest level to which this address will be advertised in thePNNI hierarchy. If noPnniInfosubcomponent has beenprovisioned, then the scope will default to the level of this nodein the PNNI hierarchy. If this node does not participate in a PNNIhierarchy, then this attribute will have the value of -1.

Values Signed (-1..104)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Addr reachability (reach)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates whether the address is internal or exterior.An internal reachable address is an address of a destination that isdirectly attached to the logical node advertising the address. An

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-669

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

exterior reachable address is an address that can be reachedthrough a PNNI routing domain, but which is not located in thatPNNI routing domain.

Values internalexterior

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Addr TerminateSPvpAndSPvc (TermSP)

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Uni Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Pnni Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Address/address,typeTerminateSPvpAndSPvc

The presence of this subcomponent indicates that SPvp and SPvccall setups terminate at this node if the destination address of theSPVP or SPVC matches theAddress instance.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp Addr PnniInfo

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Iisp Addr PnniInfo Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Uni Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Pnni Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Addr/address,type PnniInfo

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2-670 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This component contains provisioned information associated withthe ATM address related to PNNI. This component appears onlyunder provisionedAddress components.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Addr PnniInfo Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisioned attributes relating toPNNI for aPnniInfo component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Addr PnniInfo scope

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the scope of the ATM address, which isthe highest level up to which this address will be advertised in thePNNI hierarchy. The scope must be set to a value numericallyless than or equal to the level of the lowest level peer groupcontaining this node. Setting the scope to 0 will cause the addressto be advertised globally within this PNNI routing domain.

Values Signed (-1..104)

Default -1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Addr PnniInfo reachability (reach)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates whether the address is internal or exterior.An internal reachable address is an address of a destination that is

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-671

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

directly attached to the logical node advertising the address. Anexterior reachable address is an address that can be reachedthrough a PNNI routing domain, but which is not located in thatPNNI routing domain.

Values internalexterior

Default internal

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp CallingAddressScreening (CallingAScr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr Statistics (Stat)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CallingAddressScreeningAtmIf/n Iisp CallingAddressScreeningThis component represents the screening of incoming ATM SVCcall requests against provisioned ATM calling addresses (that is,screening SVC calls coming from specific addresses). If thiscomponent is not provisioned, all call requests are accepted andno calling address screening takes place.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theCallingAScr component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr adminStatus

Access Read: AllWrite: All

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2-672 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies whether the calling address screeningfeature isenabled or disabled.

If enabled, incoming SVC calls are screened against provisionedaddresses. Ifenabled and the calling address in the ATM SVCcall request is provisioned to be accepted, the call is accepted orrejected according to the action specified for that address. If thevalue isenabled, and the calling address in the address request isnot provisioned, the call is rejected

If the value isdisabled, no calling address screening isperformed.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr defaultInsertionAddress (defInsAddr)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the address to be inserted into the SVCconnection request ifadminStatusis enabled and the connectionrequest does not contain a calling address. If theadminStatusattribute isenabledand this attribute is empty, all incoming SVCcalls which do not contain a calling address are rejected.

Values String (0..20, Hex)

Default ""

GROUP AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr Statistics (Stat)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains statistics related to the incomingSVC call requests received while theadminStatusattribute is setto enabled.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr acceptedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-673

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which wereaccepted because the address specified in the call requestmatched a provisioned ATM address and the associated actionwasaccept.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr rejectedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause the address specified in the call request matched aprovisioned ATM address, but the associated action wasreject.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr unmatchedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause none of the provisioned ATM addresses matched theapplicable address in the incoming SVC call request.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp CallingAScr Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (1..40, ASCII)]addressAction [accept reject]

Scope Device

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2-674 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n Uni CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Uni CalledAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CalledAScr Address/addr,actionThis component specifies a calling (or called) address with anaction to accept or reject a connection request which contains amatching calling (or called) address.For the Calling Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose calling address matches that address isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose callingaddress matches that address is rejected.For the Called Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose called address matches that address, isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose calledaddress matches that address is rejected.For both features, the incoming SVC call request is rejected if theaddress is not provisioned and the feature isenabled.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp CalledAddressScreening (CalledAScr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr Statistics (Stat)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CalledAddressScreeningAtmIf/n Iisp CalledAddressScreeningThis component represents the screening of incoming ATM SVCcall requests against provisioned ATM called addresses (that is,going to specific destinations). If this component is not

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-675

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

provisioned, all call requests are accepted and no called addressscreening takes place.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theCalledAScr component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr adminStatus

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether the called address screeningfeature isenabled or disabled.If the value isenabled, incoming SVC calls will be screenedagainst provisioned called addresses. If the value isenabled andthe called address in the ATM SVC call request has beenprovisioned, the call is accepted or rejected according to theaction specified for that address. If the value isenabledand thecalled address in the call request is not provisioned, the call isrejected.If the value isdisabled, no called address screening is performed.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled

GROUP AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr Statistics (Stat)

Properties Operational

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2-676 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute group contains statistics related to the incomingSVC call requests received while theadminStatusattribute is setto enabled.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr acceptedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which wereaccepted because the address specified in the call requestmatched a provisioned ATM address and the associated actionwasaccept.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr rejectedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause the address specified in the call request matched aprovisioned ATM address, but the associated action wasreject.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr unmatchedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause none of the provisioned ATM addresses matched theapplicable address in the incoming SVC call request.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-677

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp CalledAScr Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (1..40, ASCII)]addressAction [accept reject]

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Uni CalledAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CalledAScr Address/addr,actionThis component specifies a calling (or called) address with anaction to accept or reject a connection request which contains amatching calling (or called) address.For the Calling Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose calling address matches that address isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose callingaddress matches that address is rejected.For the Called Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose called address matches that address, isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose calledaddress matches that address is rejected.For both features, the incoming SVC call request is rejected if theaddress is not provisioned and the feature isenabled.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Iisp EdgeBasedRerouting (Ebr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Iisp Ebr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Iisp Ebr Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Iisp Ebr Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Uni EdgeBasedRerouting

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2-678 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

AtmIf/n Pnni EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Iisp EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Uni EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Pnni EdgeBasedRerouting

This component represents the Edge Based Rerouting capabilitiesof the ATM Signaling interface. If this component is provisioned,theArtg Pnni component must already exist. The addition ordeletion of this component, or changes to the provisionedsubscription options, does not affect existing connections.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"


Impact Service

Description Optimize [-all] AtmIf/n Uni EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Iisp EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Pnni EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Uni EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Iisp EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Pnni Ebr

This command triggers path optimization events for theconnections managed by thisEbr component. By default, onlyconnections that have been recovered since the last optimizationevent occurred are considered for optimization.

The-all option causes all connections subscribed to pathoptimization to be considered for optimization.

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Ebr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for Edge BasedRerouting at the ATM Signaling interface.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-679

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Ebr connectionRecovery (connRec)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the subscription of connections to hardrerouting.dynamic: Connections that are transiting through this interface.provisioned: SPVC and SPVP connections that are provisioned atthis interface.

Set of dynamic (dyn)provisioned (prov)

Default (dynamic, provisioned)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Ebr pathOptimization (pathOpt)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the subscription of connections to softrerouting.dynamic: Connections that are transiting through this interface.provisioned: SPVC and SPVP connections that are provisioned atthis interface.

Set of dynamic (dyn)provisioned (prov)

Default (dynamic, provisioned)

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Ebr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes that indicate thererouting activities for an ATM Signaling interface.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Ebr subscribedConnections (subscribed)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of connections subscribed torerouting capabilities.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

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2-680 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Ebr eligibleRecoveredConnections (erc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of connections that have beenrecovered and are eligible for path optimization. The count isreset to zero when theOptimize command is executed on thiscomponent.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Ebr ineligibleRecoveredConnections (irc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of connections that have beenrecovered but are not eligible for path optimization. The valuedecreases as counted connections are released. The count is notreset by theOptimize command.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Iisp Ebr Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the statistics related to Edge BasedRerouting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Ebr totalConnectionRecoveries (ttlConnRec)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts connection recovery, or hard reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-681

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Iisp Ebr totalPathOptimizations (ttlPathOpt)

Access Read only

Description This attributes counts path optimization, or soft reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf NailedUpAccounting (NAcct)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf NAcct Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n NailedUpAccountingThis component represents the ATM accounting options for allnailed up connections (PVCs) on this ATM interface. Thecomponent must be provisioned in order to perform PVC ATMaccounting on this ATM interface.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf NAcct Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for PVCaccounting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf NAcct accountCollection (aco)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the reason(s) for which accounting data iscollected:billing , test, study, audit or force.

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2-682 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

If the set of reasons is not empty then accounting records will begenerated by this interface in the following situations:- on a TODA (time of day accounting) changeover if TODA isenabled;- every 12 hours (per connection) if TODA is disabled;- when the PVC is deleted (a call record is generated with finalcell counts).

If none of the reasons is present, then accounting will besuppressed for all PVCs on this interface. Accounting can besuppressed on individual PVCs by specifying a nullcorrelationTagattribute in theAtmIf NAcct component.

The reason for collection is recorded in the accounting record, inthe attributecallingCollectReason or calledCollectReason, asappropriate.

Set of billteststudyauditforce

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf NAcct accountConnectionType (act)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether accounting records generated forthe PVCs on this interface should be marked as originating,terminating or intermediate. This attribute, in combination withthe direction of the call, determines the value of attributeconnPointType of the accounting record. It may be used bydownstream accounting processing to correlate the records.

If the value isorigTerm then the value of attributeconnPointTypein the accounting records generated for incoming calls will beoriginating and records generated for outgoing calls will beterminating.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-683

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

If the value isintermediate then the value of attributeconnPointType in the accounting records generated for all callswill be intermediate.

Values origTermintermediate

Default origTerm

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf NAcct accountClass (acl)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the accounting class associated with thePVCs on this interface. Its meaning is determined by the networkoperator.

Its value is recorded in the accounting records generated by thisinterface, in the attributes,callingServiceType andcalledServiceType.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf NAcct serviceExchange (sre)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the data service exchange associated withthis interface. Its meaning is determined by the network operator.

Its value is recorded in the accounting records generated by thisinterface, in the attributes,callingDse andcalledDse.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf VirtualPathTerminator (Vpt)

Instance Decimal (0..4095)

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2-684 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Status""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Statistics (Stats)"

"COLLECTED STATS AtmInterface VirtualPathTerminator"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n VirtualPathTerminator/vpiThis component represents a virtual path terminator (VPT). Theinstance value defines the VPI value for this connection—forexample,Vpt/120 defines a terminator with a VPI of 120.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt VirtualPathDescriptor (Vpd)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt ConnectionAdministrator (CA)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Pnni""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt UserNetworkInterface (Uni)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt TrafficManagement (Tm)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt VirtualChannelConnection (Vcc)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"


Impact Service

Description TRACE AtmIf/n Vpt/vpiThis command traces the path of an intra-network segment of aconnection. It displays the names of interface and connectioncomponents found along this segment of a connection path. Thetrace output also includes theVirtual Path Terminator (VPT) atthe end of the path, should one exist.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-685

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf Vpt OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

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2-686 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational information for aVcc, Vpc,orVptcomponent.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-687

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt connectionPointType (cpt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute reflects the role of the connection component at thisinterface.

A value ofconnectionEndPoint indicates that user cells, end-to-end OAM cells, and segment OAM cells are processed by theconnection component.

A value ofsegmentEndPoint indicates that user cells and end-to-end OAM cells are relayed by the connection component, whilesegment OAM cells are processed by the connection component.

A value ofconnectingPoint indicates that user cells, end-to-endOAM cells, and segment OAM cells are relayed by theconnection component.

A value ofunknown indicates that the connection component isinactive.

Values connectionEndPointsegmentEndPointconnectingPointunknown

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Status

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational status information for aVcc, Vpcor Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt operStatus (opStat)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the present operational status of theVcc,Vpcor Vptcomponent. Its value is dependent upon the currentstate of thesegLinkSideLoopbackState andendToEndLoopbackState attributes.

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2-688 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value isend2endUp when theendToEndLoopbackState isgood and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is eithergood orunknown.

The value isend2endDownwhen theendToEndLoopbackStateisbad and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is eithergood orunknown.

The value islocalUpEnd2endUnknown when theendToEndLoopbackState is unknown and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is good.

The value islocalDown whensegLinkSideLoopbackState is bad.

The value islocalUpEnd2endUnknown when theendToEndLoopbackState is notApplicable and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is good.

The value isunknown when theendToEndLoopbackState iseitherunknown or notApplicable and thesegLinkSideLoopbackState is unknown.

Values unknownend2endUpend2endDownlocalUpEnd2endUnknownlocalDown

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt localFailureCause

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the failure cause of theVcc, Vpcor Vptcomponent.noFailure indicates that there is currently nobandwidth related failure for this connection.

portDown indicates that the interface corresponding to the parentAtmIf is down.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

localBwLoss indicates that theIma corresponding to thisAtmIfhas lost some, but not all bandwidth, and as a result, thisconnection has been released.

notAdmitted indicates that this connection has failed to beadmitted by the Connection Admission Control (CAC) algorithm.

appNotRegisteredindicates that there is no application registeredto use this connection. This may be the case, for example whenthere is aVcc Test application, but the test has not been started.Check the status of the application to determine why it is notfunctional.

disabledByApp indicates that the application using thisconnection has requested that the connection be disabled. Anexample is a connection used by a trunk application where thetrunk has timed out on an attempt to stage. Check the applicationto determine why it is not fully functional.

bwReduced indicates that this connection is operating in areduced bandwidth state. It is a bandwidth elastic connectionwhich currently has been allocated less than the requested(equivalent) bandwidth.

vpDownindicates that this connection has been notified of a faultdetected at the associated VP-layer.vpDownis applicable forVptVccs only.

Values noFailurelocalBwLossportDownnotAdmittedappNotRegistereddisabledByAppbwReducedvpDown

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt troubled

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether or not the connection is in atroubled state. Connections become troubled because of OAMfailures; when one of the attributessegLinkSideLoopbackState,segSwitchSideLoopbackState, endToEndLoopbackState, aisState(when receiving AIS cells only) orrdiState go bad, this attributeis set toyes; otherwise it is set tono.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt segLinkSideLoopbackState (segLkLbkState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the link-side segmentloopback for this connection. Link-side segment loopback cellsare transmitted (inserted) by a connection component in thedirection of the link (port). The value of this attribute isdependent upon the current setting of thesegLinkSideLoopbackprovisionable attribute, the connection point type as specified bytheconnectionPointType attribute, and the current loopback state(if applicable).

The value isnotApplicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectingPoint.

The value isnotApplicable when thedistributionType ispointToMultipoint.

The value isgood when thesegLinkSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint or aconnectionEndPoint, and the segment link side loopback isworking.

The value isbad when thesegLinkSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint or aconnectionEndPoint, and the link side segment loopback is not

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The value isunknownwhen thesegLinkSideLoopback is off.

The value isunknownwhen thesegLinkSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the segmentswitch side loopback has not yet been determined.

The state of this attribute determines, in part, the value of theoperStatus attribute.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt segSwitchSideLoopbackState (segSwLbkState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the switch-sidesegment loopback for this connection. Switch-side segmentloopback cells are transmitted (inserted) by a connectioncomponent in the direction of the bus. The value of this attributeis dependent upon the current setting of thesegSwitchSideLoopback provisionable attribute, the connectionpoint type as specified by theconnectionPointType attribute, andthe current loopback state (if applicable).

The value is only applicable when theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint. The value isnotApplicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectingPoint orconnectionEndPoint. The value isnotApplicable when thedistributionType is pointToMultipoint.

The value isgood when thesegSwitchSideLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the segmentswitch side loopback is working.

The value isbad when thesegSwitchSideLoopback is on, the

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

connectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the switch sidesegment loopback is not working.

The value isunknownwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopback is off.

The value isunknownwhen thesegSwitchSideLoopback is on,theconnectionPointType is asegmentEndPoint and the segmentswitch side loopback has not been determined.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt endToEndLoopbackState (eeLbkState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the end-to-endloopback for this connection. Its value is dependent upon thecurrent setting of theendToEndLoopback provisionable attributeand the connection point type as specified by theconnectionPointType attribute.

The value is only applicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint. The value isnotApplicable when theconnectionPointType is aconnectingPoint or segmentEndPoint.The value isnotApplicable when thedistributionType is apointToMultipoint.

The value isgood when theendToEndLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint and the end-to-end loopback is working.

The value isbad when theendToEndLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint and the end-to-end loopback is not working.

The value isunknownwhen theendToEndLoopback is off.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The value isunknownwhen theendToEndLoopback is on, theconnectionPointType is aconnectionEndPoint and the end-to-end loopback status has not been determined.

The state of this attribute determines, in part, the value of theoperStatus attribute.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxOamCellCongestionState (rxOamCongState)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the receive side OAMcell congestion for this connection. Its value reflects whether therate of received OAM cells for this connection is below aspecified threshold. The connection maintains a count of thenumber of OAM cells which are terminated per second. Once thatcount exceeds the specified threshold, extraction of all OAM cellsfor this connection is disabled for a period of one minute. This isa congestion management mechanism to prevent the processorfrom being overloaded with handling OAM cells for a particularconnection. This mechanism ensures that tasks, such as trunksobtain enough processor cycles to remain in service, and are notadversely affected by excessive rate of OAM cells on a particularconnection.

The value isgood when the rate of received OAM cells is lessthan the allowed threshold.

The value isbad when the arrival rate has exceeded the allowedthreshold. It remainsbadfor one minute, before returning togoodagain. During this timeout, extraction of all OAM cells isdisabled for this connection. As a result, other loopback failureconditions may occur.

The value isunknownwhen the application has not yet begun to

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use this connection. An example is theTest component before atest has been started.

Each type of OAM cell is counted separately. The threshold forAIS cells is three cells per second. If more than three AIS cellsare received within a one second interval, this attribute is set tobad. The threshold for RDI cells and each loopback type is alsothree, but the threshold for trace cells is 250 per second.

The state of this attribute has no direct effect on the value of theoperStatus attribute or on the number of troubled connections.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt aisState

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the current state of the Alarm IndicationSignal for this connection.

A value ofgood indicates that the connection’s application isactive and no alarm has occurred.

A value ofbad indicates that the connection’s application isactive and an alarm has occurred.

A value ofunknown indicates that the connection’s application isinactive.

A value ofnotApplicable occurs when theconnectionPointTypeis either asegmentEndPoint or aconnectingPoint.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rdiState

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current state of the Remote DefectIndication for this connection.

A value ofgood indicates that the connection’s application isactive and no alarm has occurred.

A value ofbad indicates that the connection’s application isactive and an alarm has occurred.

A value ofunknown indicates that the connection’s application isinactive.

A value ofnotApplicable occurs when theconnectionPointTypeis either asegmentEndPoint or aconnectingPoint.

Values goodbadunknownnotApplicable

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains traffic statistics for aVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txCell

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have beentransmitted from the interface on this connection. The counterwraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txCellClp (txClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have beentransmitted from the interface on this connection with the CLP=1.The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txCellDiscard (txcd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from the bus onthis connection that have been discarded.

Discarded cells are not counted in thetxCell attribute.

Cells are discarded due to transmit congestion, Partial PacketDiscard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and WeightedRandom Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when theconnection’s interface is disabled.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionsusually have aconnectionPointType of segmentEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of alltxCellDiscard values for all such connections associated with theVpt.

For Vccs on CQC-based ATM cards, if the connection segmentsframes into cells, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txCellDiscardClp (txcdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from the bus onthis connection with CLP=1 that have been discarded.

This count is included in thetxCellDiscard attribute. Discardedcells are not counted in thetxCellClp attribute.

Cells are discarded due to transmit congestion, Partial PacketDiscard (PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and WeightedRandom Early Detection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when theconnection’s interface is disabled.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of segmentEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of alltxCellDiscardClp values for all such connections associated withtheVpt.

For Vccs on CQC-based ATM cards, if the connection segmentsframes into cells, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txFrameDiscard (txfd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from the buson this connection that have been discarded.

Frames are discarded due to congestion, Partial Packet Discard(PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and Weighted Random EarlyDetection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when the connectioninterface is disabled.

This count is independent of thetxCell or txCellDiscard attribute.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that segment frames into cells. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of alltxFrameDiscard values for all suchconnections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs, andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

Discards due to EPD, PPD, and W-RED for a standardVpt Vccare not included in this attribute. These discards are counted intheVcc’s parentVpt txFrameDiscardattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txFrameDiscardClp (txfdClp)

Access Read only

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the number of discarded frames on thisconnection that were received from the bus and composed of oneor more CLP=1 cells.

Frames are discarded due to congestion, Partial Packet Discard(PPD), Early Packet Discard (EPD), and Weighted Random EarlyDetection (W-RED) mechanisms, or when the connectioninterface is disabled.

This count is included in thetxFrameDiscard attribute.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that segment frames into cells. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of alltxFrameDiscardClp values for all suchconnections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

Discards due to EPD, PPD, and W-RED for a standardVpt Vccare not included in this attribute. These discards are counted intheVcc’s parentVpt txFrameDiscardClpattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxCell

Access Read only

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Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have been receivedfrom the interface on this connection. The counter wraps to zeroif it exceeds its maximum value of (2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxCellClp (rxClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells that have been receivedfrom the interface on this connection with the CLP=1. Thecounter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxCellDiscard (rxcd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from theinterface on this connection that have been discarded. This countis included in therxCell attribute.

This count includes cells discarded due to non-conformance withUPC, cells which are part of a frame which has been discardeddue to an AAL5 frame reassembly error, cells which arediscarded due to congestion, or cells which are received while thenext hop connection to which the traffic is directed across thebackplane is down. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of all

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

rxCellDiscard values for all such connections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs, andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

Discards due to non-conformance with UPC at the VP layer, for astandardVpt Vcc, are not included in this attribute. Thesediscards are counted in theVcc’s parentVpt rxCellDiscardattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxCellDiscardClp (rxcdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received from theinterface on this connection with CLP=1 that have beendiscarded. This count is included in therxCell andrxCellDiscardattributes.

This count includes cells discarded due to non-conformance withUPC, cells which are part of a frame which has been discardeddue to an AAL5 frame reassembly error, cells which arediscarded due to congestion, or cells which are received while thenext hop connection to which the traffic is directed across thebackplane is down. The next hop connection is theVcc or Vpcidentified by thenextHop attribute of theNrp or Rp component.

For CQC-based ATM cards, this attribute is applicable only toconnections that relay cells without adaptation. Such connectionshave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPointorconnectingPoint. AAL1 connections are an exception to thisrule; although they have aconnectionPointType ofconnectionEndPoint, they do not do adaptation at this point. For

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Vpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxCellDiscard values for all such connections associated with theVpt.

For CQC-based ATM cards, forVpcs, andVccs that relay cellswithout adaptation, this attribute is not applicable and is notdisplayed.

Discards due to non-conformance with UPC at the VP layer, for astandardVpt Vcc, are not included in this attribute. Thesediscards are counted in theVcc’s parentVpt rxCellDiscardattribute.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxFrameDiscard (rxfd)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from theinterface on this connection that have been discarded. This countis independent of therxCellDiscardattribute.

This count includes frames discarded due to an AAL5 framereassembly error, frames discarded due to early packet discard(EPD), and frames discarded due to processor (CPU) congestion.This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Connections which reassemble cellsinto frames have aconnectionPointTypeof connectionEndPoint.AAL1 connections are an exception to this rule; even though theyhave aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do notdo adaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxFrameDiscard values for all applicableconnections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxFrameDiscardClp (rxfdClp)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of discarded frames on thisconnection that were received from the interface and composedof one or more CLP1 cells. This count is included in therxFrameDiscard attribute. It is independent of therxCellDiscardattribute.

This count includes frames discarded due to an AAL5 framereassembly error, frames discarded due to early packet discard(EPD), and frames discarded due to processor (CPU) congestion.This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Such connections have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxFrameDiscardClp values for allapplicable connections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxUpcViolationOnEnforcer1 (rxEnforcer1)

Access Read only

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Description This attribute counts the number of UPC violations observed bythe Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (GCRA) Enforcer 1. Thisattribute is only applicable if UPC is enforced or monitored. Thisattribute is not applicable for standardVpt Vccs. This attribute isnot applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType for this connection is 3, 4,5, 6, 7 or 8, Enforcer 1 enforces conformance of traffic receivedfrom the interface to PCR CLP0+1.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType for this connection is 9,Enforcer 1 performs the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm(DGCRA) used for the Available Bit Rate (ABR) servicecategory.

If UPC is enforced all non-conforming cells are discarded by thisenforcer. These discarded cells are included in rxCellDiscard.

For basicVpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxUpcViolationOnEnforcer1 values for theVccs associated withtheVpt.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxUpcViolationOnEnforcer2 (rxEnforcer2)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of UPC violations observed bythe Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (GCRA) Enforcer 2. Thisattribute is only applicable if UPC is enforced or monitored. Thisattribute is not applicable for standard Vpt Vccs. This attribute isnot applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

Enforcer2 is applicable only if therxTrafficDescType for thisconnection is 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType 4 or 5, Enforcer 2 enforcesconformance of traffic received from the interface to PCR CLP0.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType 6, Enforcer 2 enforcesconformance of traffic received from the interface to SCRCLP0+1.

When the value ofrxTrafficDescType 7 or 8, Enforcer 2 enforcesconformance of traffic received from the interface to SCR CLP0.

If UPC is enforced, enforcer 2 discards non-conforming cells forrxTrafficDescType values of 4, 6 and 7. It tags non-conformingcells forrxTrafficDescTypevalues of 5 and 8. Discarded cells arecounted in the rxCellDiscard attribute.

For basic Vpts, this attribute provides an aggregated total of allrxUpcViolationOnEnforcer2 values for the Vccs associated withthe Vpt.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Units cells

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxAal5FrameError (rxfer)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from theinterface on this connection that have AAL5 length errors orAAL5 CRC errors.

This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed on CQC-based ATM cards.

AAL5 length or CRC errors typically occur because of celldiscards due to congestion, UPC, or due to corruption of databetween the AAL5 segmentation and reassembly end points.

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This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Such connections have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxAal5FrameError values for allapplicable connections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxAal5FrameAbort (rxfa)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of frames received from theinterface on this connection that have the AAL5 length field set tozero.

This attribute is not applicable and is not displayed for CQC-based ATM cards.

An AAL5 length of zero is an indication by the far endsegmentation point to this reassembly point that the frame is to bediscarded without reassembly. This mechanism is typically usedby a segmentation point if it detects an error in a frame after someof the cells belonging to that frame have already beentransmitted.

This attribute is applicable only to connections that reassembleincoming cells into frames. Such connections have aconnectionPointType of connectionEndPoint. AAL1connections are an exception to this rule; although they have a

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

connectionPointType of connectionEndPoint, they do not doadaptation at this point. ForVpts, this attribute provides anaggregated total of allrxAal5FrameAbort values for allapplicable connections associated with theVpt.

For Vpcs and forVccs that relay cells without adaptation, thisattribute is not applicable and is not displayed.

The counter wraps to zero if it exceeds its maximum value of(2**64)-1.

Values Long Integer

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS AtmInterface VirtualPathTerminator

Description The statistics record generated by the AtmInterfaceVirtualPathTerminator component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt remoteInstance

Description This attribute indicates the remote ATM interface, as provisionedin theremoteAtmInterfaceLabel.

Values String (0..60, ASCII)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt provRate

Description This attribute indicates the provisioned bandwidth for this ATMinterface.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt actualRate

Description This attribute indicates the actual bandwidth for this ATMinterface. When no errors occur it has a value equal toprovRate.When the link (or IMA group) is down for the entire collectioninterval it has a value of zero. When the link goes down duringthe collection interval it has a value representing the averagebandwidth during the collection interval.

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Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txUtilization

Description This attribute indicates the average transmit interface utilizationover the collection interval, expressed as a percentage of the totalbandwidth which can be carried by this ATM interface.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxUtilization

Description This attribute indicates the average receive interface utilizationover the collection interval, expressed as a percentage of the totalbandwidth which can be carried by this ATM interface.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txMaxCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the busiest minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txMaxCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the busiest minute of the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

Page 709: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-709

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txMinCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the least busy minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txMinCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the least busy minute of the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txAvgCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the average transmitted cell rate(CLP=0+1) during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txAvgCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the average transmitted cell rate(CLP=0+1) during the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

Page 710: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

2-710 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxMaxCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=0+1) duringthe busiest minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxMaxCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=0+1) duringthe busiest minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxMinCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=0+1) duringthe least busy minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxMinCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=0+1) duringthe least busy minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

Page 711: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-711

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxAvgCellRate

Description This attribute indicates the average received cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxAvgCellRateByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the average received cell rate (CLP=0+1)during the collection interval by ATM service category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txMaxCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=1) duringthe busiest minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txMaxCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=1) duringthe busiest minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

Page 712: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

2-712 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txMinCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=1) duringthe least busy minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txMinCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the transmitted cell rate (CLP=1) duringthe least busy minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txAvgCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the average transmitted cell rate (CLP=1)during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txAvgCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the average transmitted cell rate (CLP=1)during the collection interval by ATM service category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

Page 713: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-713

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxMaxCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=1) during thebusiest minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxMaxCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=1) during thebusiest minute of the collection interval by ATM service category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxMinCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=1) during theleast busy minute of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxMinCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the received cell rate (CLP=1) during theleast busy minute of the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

Page 714: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

2-714 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxAvgCellRateClp

Description This attribute indicates the average received cell rate (CLP=1)during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units cell/s

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxAvgCellRateClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute indicates the average received cell rate (CLP=1)during the collection interval by ATM service category.

Vector of Decimal (0..4294967295)

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txCellDiscards

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=0+1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txCellDiscardsByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=0+1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

Page 715: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-715

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxCellDiscards

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=0+1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxCellDiscardsByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=0+1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txFrameDiscards

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=0+1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txFrameDiscardsByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=0+1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxFrameDiscards

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=0+1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval.

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2-716 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxFrameDiscardsByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=0+1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txCellDiscardsClp

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txCellDiscardsClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxCellDiscardsClp

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=1) which are discarded afterbeing received during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

Page 717: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-717

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxCellDiscardsClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the cells (CLP=1) which are discarded afterbeing received during the collection interval by ATM servicecategory.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txFrameDiscardsClp

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt txFrameDiscardsClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=1) which are discardedbefore being transmitted during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxFrameDiscardsClp

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval.

Values Long Integer

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2-718 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt rxFrameDiscardsClpByServiceCat

Description This attribute counts the frames (CLP=1) which are discardedafter being received during the collection interval by ATMservice category.

Vector of Long Integer

Index cbrrtvbrnrtvbrabrubr

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt VirtualPathDescriptor (Vpd)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Loopback (Lbk)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Accounting (Acct)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi VpdThe VptVpdcomponent contains provisioning information aboutits parentVpt component.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Vpd TrafficManagement (Tm)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Loopback (Lbk)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable loopback attributes for aVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

Note that certain loopback requests may not be possible on agiven connection. In such cases, the corresponding operationalloopback attribute in theStatus group of theVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent is set tonotApplicable and the requested loopback isnot performed.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-719

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

If loopbacks are provisioned to be on, and for any reason thesegment or end-to-end OAM loopback cells are not relayed, theconnection component becomes troubled, and user cell trafficmay be discarded. If loopbacks are provisioned to be on, all ofthe nodes in the segment, and external networks which are in theend-to-end connection must relay the OAM loopback cells.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd segLinkSideLoopback (segLkLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies whether link-side segment loopbackinsertion should be performed on this connection.

WhensameAsInterface is selected, the link-side segmentloopback insertion for the connection is based on thesegLinkSideLoopback attribute of the connection’s parentAtmIfcomponent—if the ATM interface has link-side segmentloopback insertion turned on, then link-side segment loopbackinsertion is also on for the connection.

Whenon or off is selected, link-side segment loopback insertionis turned on or off respectively for the connection regardless ofthe provisioning of the parentAtmIf component.

Note that link-side segment loopback insertion is not possible iftheconnectionPointTypeattribute of theVccor Vpccomponent isconnectingPoint. Link-side segment loopback insertion is alsonot possible if thedistributionType of theVcc ispointToMultipoint. In such cases, the associatedsegLinkSideLoopbackState attribute indicatesnotApplicable andlink-side segment loopback insertion is not performed. Link-sidesegment loopback insertion is always possible on aVpt.

Values onoffsameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd segSwitchSideLoopback (segSwLbk)

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2-720 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies whether switch-side segment loopbackinsertion should be performed on this connection.

WhensameAsInterface is selected, the switch-side segmentloopback for the connection is based on thesegSwitchSideLoopbackattribute of the connection’s parentAtmIfcomponent—if the ATM interface has switch-side segmentloopback insertion turned on, then switch-side segment loopbackinsertion is also on for the connection.

Whenon or off is selected, switch-side segment loopbackinsertion is turned on or off respectively for the connectionregardless of the provisioning of the parentAtmIf component.

Note that switch-side segment loopback insertion is not possibleif the connectionPointTypeattribute of theVccor Vpccomponentis connectingPointor connectionEndPoint. Switch-side segmentloopback insertion is also not possible if thedistributionType oftheVcc is pointToMultipoint In such cases, the associatedsegSwitchSideLoopbackState attribute indicatesnotApplicableand switch-side segment loopback insertion is not performed.Switch-side segment loopback is never possible on aVpt.

Values onoffsameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd endToEndLoopback (eeLbk)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies whether end-to-end loopback insertionshould be performed on this connection.

WhensameAsInterface is selected, the end-to-end loopback forthe connection is based on theendToEndLoopbackattribute of theconnection’s parentAtmIf component—if the ATM interface hasend-to-end loopback insertion turned on, then end-to-endloopback insertion is also on for the connection.

Page 721: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-721

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Whenon or off is selected, end-to-end loopback insertion isturned on or off respectively for the connection regardless of theprovisioning of the parentAtmIf component.

Note that end-to-end loopback insertion is not possible if theconnectionPointType attribute of theVccor Vpc component isconnectingPoint or segmentEndPoint. End-to-end loopbackinsertion is also not possible if thedistributionType of theVcc ispointToMultipoint. In such cases, the associatedendToEndLoopbackState attribute indicatesnotApplicable andend-to-end loopback insertion is not performed. End-to-endloopback insertion is always possible on aVpt.

Values onoffsameAsInterface

Default sameAsInterface

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd mCastConnectionType (connType)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is introduced to exist temporarily to pass toAtmIfthe connection type defined underVcc or Vpc. This attribute willbe obsoleted once a more elegant solution is available.

Values pointToPointpointToMultipointRootpointToMultipointLeaf

Default pointToPoint

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Accounting (Acct)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable ATM accounting attributesfor aVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd correlationTag (tag)

Page 722: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

2-722 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies a unique indentifier for each end of aPVC. It that may be used by downstream processing systems tocorrelate accounting records issued at different nodes in thenetwork. The attribute can be up to 32 bytes long. If it is less than32 bytes, it is zero filled on the right to create a 32 byte value.The resulting value is recorded in the attributecallConnIdfor thisPVC’s ATM accounting records.If the attribute is a null string then this PVC does not have anyaccounting records generated for it.

Values String (0..32, ASCII)

Default ""

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable ATM Virtual PathDescriptor attributes for aVptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd vptType

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the type of theVpt.

On CQC-based ATM FPs allVptsmust bebasic. Vptson ATM IPFPs may be of any type.

A value ofbasicconfigures one level of traffic management (TM)for the VPT, at the VC level. VCs within the VP are treated likeindependent VCC connections, and thus, are scheduled the sameas other VCs under theAtmIf, with no scheduling done for the VPitself.

A value ofstandard configures two levels of TM for the VPT,one level for VP TM and one level for VC level TM. VCs withinthe VP use weighted fair queueing (standard VPT VCCscheduling) to schedule VCs within the VPT, with VCsdifferentiated as either real-time (CBR, rt-VBR) or non-real-time(nrt-VBR, UBR) connections. The VP itself has a full range of

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-723

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

emission scheduling and service category differentiation availablebetween itself and the other connections under theAtmIf.

Values basicstandard

Default basic

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Vpd TrafficManagement (Tm)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci Vcd TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpc/vci Vpd TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vpd TrafficManagement,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Vcd TrafficManagementThis component contains provisioned traffic managementattributes of a connection. It is added automatically when aVcc,Vpc,or Vpt is added in provisioning mode. It is a mandatorysubcomponent of theVcd or Vpd component.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains traffic related provisionable attributes for theVcc, Vpc,andVptcomponents. Changing any of the attributes inthis group causes a service interruption on theVcc, Vpc,or Vptcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm txTrafficDescType (txTdt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Page 724: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

2-724 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to the transmit direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. ThetxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in thetxTrafficDescParmattribute.

This attribute can have a value of 9 if and only if theatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate.

Values 123456789

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm fwdQosClass (fwdQos)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for the forwarddirection for this connection. This attribute is only used for SPVCconnections.

Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (variable bit rate audio and video).

Class 3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Page 725: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-725

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Class 0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

Values 01234

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm txQueueLimit (txQlim)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies an override to the default transmit queuelimit for this connection. An value other thansameAsCa may bespecified only for ATM IP and 1pOC48SmSrAtm cards. Thisattribute is not applicable for basicVpts.

A value ofsameAsCa means to use the default common or per-VC transmit queue limit as defined by the CA service categoryfor this connection.

A value from 5 to 63,488 indicates that a specific transmit queuelimit is requested which differs from the default which is definedunder the CA component for this service category. A specificvalue is ignored for connections where common queuing isspecified for the service category.

For the 1pOC48SmSrAtm card, this attribute is used to set the perVC utilization limit.

The actual transmit queue limit for a connection is visible in theVcc Tm, Vpc Tmor Vpt txQueueThresholds attribute.

Values Decimal (5..63488)sameAsCa

Units cells

Default sameAsCa

Page 726: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

2-726 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm holdingPriority (hpri)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the holding priority of this connection. Ina situation where the link bandwidth fluctuates, such as over anIMA link, holding priority is used to determine whichconnections are held and which are released. Holding priority 4connections are the first to be released. Holding priority 0connections are the last to be released. This value provisioned intheVcd or Vpd may be overridden by certain applications, forexampleVcc Test, which run over this connection. The defaultholding priority for a provisioned connection is higher thendefault holding priorities for dynamic (SVC) connections.

This attribute is not applicable forVpt Vccs.

Values 01234

Default 2

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm rxTrafficDescType (rxTdt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to the receive direction of this connection as defined inthe ATM Forum. TherxTrafficDescType determines the numberand meaning of the parameters in therxTrafficDescParmattribute.

When this attribute is set tosameAsTx, therxTrafficDescType aswell as therxTrafficDescParm are taken from thetxTrafficDescType andtxTrafficDescParm values.

Page 727: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-727

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values 123456789sameAsTx

Default sameAsTx

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm bwdQosClass (bwdQos)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for the backwarddirection for this connection. This attribute is only used for SPVCconnections.

Class 1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class 2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class 3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class 4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class 0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

ThesameAsFwdselection sets the backward quality of service tobe the same as the forward quality of service.

Values 01

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2-728 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30


Default sameAsFwd

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm atmServiceCategory (service)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM service category for bothdirections of the connection.

The valuederivedFromBBC may only be used if theSrcPvccomponent is provisioned under this Vcc. Otherwise a specificATM service category must be specified.

If this attribute is set toderivedFromBBC, the Broadband BearerCapability (BBC) andbestEffort attributes are used to determinetheatmServiceCategory of this connection.

If this attribute is set to other thanderivedFromBBC, the value ofthis attribute is used to override the provisioned BBC InformationElement parameters. In those cases, the BBC attributes are notused.

TheconstantBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. The consistent availability of a fixed quantity ofbandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service. Cellswhich are delayed beyond the value specified by Cell TransferDelay are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication.

ThertVariableBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. Sources are expected to transmit at a rate whichvaries with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as

Page 729: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-729

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

“bursty”. Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified byCTD are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication. Real time VBR service may support statisticalmultiplexing of real time sources.

ThenrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-realtime applications which have bursty traffic characteristics andwhich can be characterized in terms of a PCR, SCR, and MBS.For those cells which are transferred within the traffic contract,the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, itexpects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. Non-real timeVBR service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

TheavailableBitRate service is an ATM layer service categoryfor which the limiting ATM layer transfer characteristicsprovided by the network may change subsequent to connectionestablishment. ABR service has a flow control mechanism whichsupports several types of feedback to control the source rate inresponse to changing ATM layer transfer characteristics. ABRservice is not intended to support real-time applications.

TheunspecifiedBitRateservice is intended for non-real timeapplications; that is, those not requiring tightly constrained delayand delay variation. UBR sources are expected to be bursty. UBRservice supports a high degree of statistical multiplexing amongsources. UBR service does not specify traffic related serviceguarantees. No numerical commitments are made with respect tothe cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to thecell transfer delay experienced by cells on the connection.

Values unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtvbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtvbr)availableBitRate (abr)derivedFromBBC (derived)

Default unspecifiedBitRate

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm trafficShaping (trShaping)

Page 730: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

2-730 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection uses trafficshaping when transmitting traffic to the ATM interface.

This attribute is ignored if theatmServiceCategory isavailableBitRate.

Traffic shaping is not available on the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card,therefore this attribute is ignored.

WhensameAsCa is selected, traffic shaping for the connection isbased on thetrafficShaping attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theCA. If the service category hastrafficShaping set toenabled or inverseUpc, then traffic shapingis enabled for the connection. Note that enabling traffic shapingmay have no effect under certain cases. These cases are listed inthe description of thetrafficShaping operational attribute, whichis under theVcc Tm, Vpc Tm,or Vpt Tmcomponents.

Whendisabled is selected, traffic shaping for this connection isdisabled regardless of the provisioning of the connection’sservice category component.

Values disabledsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute only applies when this connection is unshaped.This attribute specifies the transmit queueing method for thisconnection if it is unshaped. The two possible methods are per-VC queuing and common queuing.

On ATM IP FPs, this attribute must be set tosameAsCa.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-731

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This attribute is ignored in the following situations:- if the connection hastrafficShapingenabled or inverseUpc, or- if theatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate, or- if theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate and this is aCQC-based ATM FP.- for basicVpts and standardVpt Vccs

When this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the transmit queueingmethod for the connection is based on theunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theCA.

When this attribute is set tocommon, transmit traffic on thisunshaped connection is destined for the common queue.

Values commonsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm weight

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies an override for the weight of thisunshaped connection. This attribute is ignored for shapedconnections, for ABR connections, for connections on a CQC-based ATM FP and basic Vpts.

When the value is set tosameAsCa, the weight is determined bythefairnessWeight attribute under theCA service categorycomponent for all but standardVpt Vccs. For standardVpt Vccs,the weight is determined by theVcc’s service category, when thevalue is set tosameAsCa.

When this attribute is set to a value from 1 to 4095, that value isused for the fairness weight of this connection relative to otherconnections. For all but standardVpt Vccs, fairness weightdetermines the proportion of transmit cell opportunities which areallocated to this connection, compared to other connections in thesame service category. For standardVpt Vccs, fairness weight

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determines the proportion of transmit cell opportunities which areallocated to this connection, compared to other connectionsassociated with theVpt.

When the value is set toupToQueueLimit, the fairness weight islimited only by thetxQueueLimit.

Values Decimal (1..4095)sameAsCaupToQueueLimit

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm forceTagging (tagging)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether force tagging is enforced for thisconnection for cells in the transmit direction.

On CQC-based ATM cards and for Vpts, this attribute is notapplicable and is ignored.

When the value is set tosameAsCa, the force taggingfunctionality is determined by theforceTagging attribute undertheCA service category component.

When the value is set toenabled, force tagging is enabled forcells in the transmit direction on this connection. When thisoption is selected, the CLP bit is set to 1 for all cells in thetransmit direction. Cells which are tagged are counted in thetxCellClp attribute.

When the value is set todisabled, force tagging is disabled forcells in the transmit direction on this connection. When thisoption is selected, the CLP bit is unchanged for cells in thetransmit direction.

Values sameAsCaenableddisabled

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Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection enforces usageparameter control when receiving traffic from the ATM interface.

WhensameAsCa is selected, UPC for the connection is based ontheusageParameterControl attribute of the service categorycomponent under theAtmIf CA.If the service category has UPCenforced or monitored, then UPC is set to that value for theconnection.

Whendisabled is selected, UPC for this connection is disabledregardless of the provisioning of the service category.

Whenenforcedis selected, UPC for this connection is enforcedregardless of the provisioning of the service category.

Note that setting UPC toenforced or monitored may have noeffect under certain cases. These cases are listed in thedescription of theusageParameterControl operational attribute,which is under theVcc, Vpc,andVpt components.

Values enforceddisabledsameAsCamonitored

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm bearerClassBbc (bcBbc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the bearer capability. This attribute is onlyused for SPVC and SPVP connections. It is one of the BroadbandBearer Capability (BBC) attributes. The purpose of the BBC

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information element is to indicate a requested broadbandconnection-oriented bearer service to be provided by the network.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Classa service is a connection-oriented, constant bit rate ATMtransport service. Classa service has end to end timingrequirements and may require stringent cell loss, cell delay andcell delay variation performance.Whena is set, the user isrequesting more than an ATM only service. The network maylook at the AAL to provide interworking based upon its contents.

Classc service is a connection-oriented, variable bit rate ATMtransport service. Classc service has no end-to-end timingrequirements. Whenc is set, the user is requesting more than anATM only service. The network interworking function may lookat the AAL and provide service based on it.

Classx service is a connection-oriented ATM transport servicewhere the AAL,trafficType (vbr or cbr) and timing requirementsare user defined (that is, transparent to the network).Whenx is setthe user is requesting an ATM only service from the network. Inthis case, the network shall not process any higher layer protocol.

Classvp service is used to specify a transparent VP service.When the value of this attribute is vp, the user is requesting anATM only service from the network. In this case, the networkshall not process any higher layer protocol. This service differsfrom class x service in that with the class vp service both the VCIfield (except or VCI values 0, 3, 4, and 6 through 15) and PayloadType field are transported transparently by the network. Thisattribute value is only applicable to SPVP connections.

Values acx

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Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm transferCapabilityBbc (tcBbc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the transfer capability for this connection.Uni 3.0/3.1 traffic type and end-to-end timing parameters aremapped into this parameter as follows:<transferCapability: TrafficType, Timing>0: NoIndication, NoIndication1: NoIndication, yes2: NoIndication, no5: CBR, yes8: VBR, NoIndication9: VBR, yes10: VBR, no

notApplicable specifies that the user does not want to specify thetransfer capability.

The CBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such as aconstant bit rate video service or a circuit emulation.The VBR traffic type refers to traffic offered on services such aspacketized audio and video, or data.

The value no indication for traffic type is used if the user has notset the traffic type; similarly for end-to-end timing.

The value yes for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is required.

The value no for end-to-end timing indicates that end-to-endtiming is not required.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set to

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derivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Values 01258910notApplicablederivedFromServiceCategory

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm clippingBbc (cBbc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the value for the clipping susceptibilityparameter in the BBC Information Element. This attribute is onlyused for SPVC connections. It is one of the Broadband BearerCapability attributes.

Clipping is an impairment in which the first fraction of a secondof information to be transferred is lost. It occurs after a call isanswered and before an associated connection is switchedthrough.

Values noyes

Default no

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm bestEffort

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the value of the best effort parameter inthe ATM Traffic Descriptor Information Element. This attribute isonly used for Soft PVC connections. It is one of the Broadband

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Bearer Capability attributes.

The valueindicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is not guaranteed.

The valuenotIndicated implies that the quality of service for thisconnection is guaranteed.

The valuederivedFromServiceCategory specifies that the actualvalue which is used for this connection is derived from the valueof theatmServiceCategory. Either, this attribute must be set toderivedFromServiceCategory, or theatmServiceCategoryattribute must be set toderivedFromBBC, but not both.

Values indicatednotIndicatedderivedFromServiceCategory (derived)

Default derivedFromServiceCategory

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm txPacketWiseDiscard (txpd)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether packet-wise discard functions areto be enabled or disabled in the transmit data direction for thisconnection. Packet-wise discard functions should only berequested if this connection is transferring AAL5 frame traffic.This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Packet-wise functions increase the “goodput” of the link. Thetransmit packet-wise functions are Early Packet Discard (EPD)and Partial Packet Discard (PPD).

EPD allows the connection to discard an entire frame once thetransmit queue has reached the EPD threshold. EPD increases the“goodput” of a link, since discarding an entire frame means thatsome queue capacity is guarded for some other frame which isalready partially transmitted. All cells of the frame are discardedfrom the Beginning of Message (BOM) cell up to and includingthe End of Message (EOM) cell.

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PPD allows the connection to discard the remainder of a cell-forwarded AAL5 frame if one cell of this frame has beendiscarded. All cells are discarded up to but not including theEOM cell. The PPD function increases the “goodput” of the link,since cells which are only going to be discarded at the AAL5reassembly point are not transmitted.

On CQC-based ATM cards, the packet-wise discard functions arePPD and EPD. PPD is available at VCC cell-transfer points. PPDis not applicable at frame-cell conversion points, and is notapplicable forVpcs. PPD is configured by this attribute. Packet-wise discard should only be enabled for connections carryingAAL5 segmentation traffic. Setting the value toenabledfor anyother traffic type may result in all traffic being discarded. OnCQC-based ATM FPs, EPD is automatically enabled at frame-to-cell conversion points, independent of the setting of this attribute.

On CQC-based ATM cards, at a permanent VCC connectionendpoint, this attribute is not applicable and is ignored. If AAL5segmentation and reassembly has been requested, PPD and EarlyPacket Discard (EPD) are automaticallyenabled.

On ATM IP cards, packet-wise discard functions include EPDand PPD. PPD and EPD apply to individual VCCs and VCCswithin VPCs at all connection points, including tandem VPCconnections. Both PPD and EPD are controlled by this attribute.This attribute may safely be set toenabled for any connection(Vcc or Vpc) on ATM IP FPs since they have the ability toautomatically detect AAL5-segmented traffic on a connection,and only enable packet-wise discards if AAL5-segmented trafficis detected.

When this attribute is set toenabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are applied to transmit traffic at this connection point.When this attribute is set todisabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are not applied to transmit traffic at this connectionpoint.

At a SPVC origin on a PNNI interface, a value ofenabledspecifies that frame discard is requested in the backward

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direction. When this attribute is set todisabled, backward framediscard is not requested in the SPVC call setup.

The transmit packet-wise discard functions that are active arevisible in theVcc/Vpc Tm txPacketWiseDiscard operationalattribute.

Values disabledenabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm rxPacketWiseDiscard (rxpd)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether packet-wise discard functions areto be enabled or disabled in the receive data direction for thisconnection. Packet-wise discard functions should only berequested if this connection is transferring AAL5 frame traffic.This attribute is not applicable forVpts.

Packet-wise functions increase the “goodput” of the link. Thereceive packet-wise function is Partial Packet Discard (PPD).

PPD allows the connection to discard the remainder of a cell-forwarded AAL5 frame if one cell of this frame has beendiscarded, for example due to UPC. All cells are discarded up tobut not including the EOM cell. The PPD function increases the“goodput” of the link, since cells which are only going to bediscarded at the AAL5 reassembly point are not transmitted.

PPD is available at all VCC connection points where UPC maybe activated. PPD is not applicable forVpcs.

On CQC-based ATM FPs, packet-wise discards should only beenabled for connections carrying AAL5 segmentation traffic.Setting the value toenabledfor any other traffic type may resultin traffic being discarded.

On CQC-based ATM cards, at a permanent VCC connection

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endpoint, this attribute is not applicable and is ignored. If AAL5segmentation and reassembly has been requested, PPD and EarlyPacket Discard (EPD) are automaticallyenabled.

On ATM IP cards, this attribute may safely be set toenabled forany connection (Vcc or Vpc) since they have the ability toautomatically detect AAL5-segmented traffic on a connection,and only enables packet-wise discards if AAL5-segmented trafficis detected.

When this attribute is set toenabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are applied to receive traffic at this connection point.When this attribute is set todisabled, packet-wise discardfunctions are not applied to receive traffic at this connectionpoint.

At a SPVC origin on a PNNI interface, a value ofenabledspecifies that frame discard is requested in the forward direction.When this attribute is set todisabled, forward frame discard isnot requested in the SPVC call setup.

The receive packet-wise discard functions that are active arevisible in theVcc/Vpc Tm rxPacketWiseDiscard operationalattribute.

Values disabledenabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm abrConnectionType (abrType)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of ABR behavior which is to beenforced at this connection. This attribute is only applicable if theatmServiceCategory attribute isavailableBitRate. If theatmServicecategory attribute is notavailableBitRate, thisattribute value is ignored.

The actual ABR functionality which is in effect is visible in the

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Vcc/Vpc/Vpt TmabrConnectionType operational attribute.

For CQC-based ATM cards, the only allowable values aresameAsCa, nonAbrInterworking or abrSwitch. If abrSwitch isselected, the CQC implements EFCI marking behavior.

For the 1pOC12SmLrAtm card, the only allowable values aresameAsCa or abrSwitch.If abrSwitch is selected, EFCI markingbehavior is implemented.

sameAsCa is used to request the default behavior as specified intheCA Abr component for thisVcc. Otherwise, this attributeoverrides the default behavior.

virtualSourceDest is used to request that this connection pointfunction as a virtual source/virtual destination. VS/VDfunctionality is only supported on ATM IP FPs.

sourceDest requires that this connection point function as a S/Dfor RM cells. S/D mode is automatically invoked at thisconnection point either if this is a connection end point, or if thenext hop connection point is configured asnonAbrInterworking.

nonAbrInterworking is used to request that this connection pointfunction as an interworking between ABR and non-ABR servicecategories. This means that there are no RM cells on the link sideof this connection, and that the next hop connection point isperforming as an ABRsourceDest.

abrSwitch is used to request ABR switch behavior for thisconnection point. The ABR switch behavior is first, to confirm tovirtualSourceDest or nonAbrInterworking setting on the nexthop, and otherwise to implement ABR ER switch behavior. ForCQC-based FPs, ABR switch behavior is implemented as EFCImarking.

Values abrSwitchvirtualSourceDestsourceDestnonAbrInterworkingsameAsCa

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Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm txTrafficDescParm (txTdp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of five traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by thetxTrafficDescType attribute.

The values of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR),Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) and requested shaping rate areexpressed in cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS) is expressed incells. CDVT is expressed in microseconds. The values of PCR,SCR, MCR, MBS and CDVT are used for connection admissioncontrol (CAC). The value of CDVT is only used for connectionswhere theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate. For all othervalues ofatmServiceCategory, CDVT is ignored. The values ofPCR, SCR, MCR and requested shaping rate are used todetermine the actual shaping rate where traffic shaping isenabled.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, all of the parameters must beset to zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.Parameters 2 and 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic with cell discard; parameter 2represents the PCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4represents the CDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requestedshaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any valuein parameter 1. This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 mustbe greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 3 must be zero.

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WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 2represents the PCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4represents the CDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requestedshaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any valuein parameter 1. This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 mustbe greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 3 must be zero.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the MBSfor CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zerovalue in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.Parameter 5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equalto parameter 2.

WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. Anon-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

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WhentxTrafficDescTypeis 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents the CDVT; parameter 3 represents theMCR; parameter 4 and parameter 5 represent are not used andmust be zero. Parameter 1 must be non-zero and must be greaterthan or equal to parameter 3. Parameter 3 may be optionally zero.

Whenever it is valid for PCR to be specified, parameter 5 mayalso be used to specify a requested shaping rate. A non-zero valuein parameter 5 overrides the value in parameter 1 and is used asthe peak cell rate in calculations of CAC and shaping rate. WhentheatmServiceCategory is availableBitRate (ABR), the shapingrate is dynamically chosen, based on the ABR flow controlmechanism, as a value between the MCR and the PCR or therequested shaping rate if applicable.

For txTrafficDescType 3, 4 and 5, the transmit traffic is shaped atthe next available shaping rate less than the PCR.

For txTrafficDescType 6, 7 and 8 if linear traffic shaping isselected, the transmit traffic is shaped at the highest available ratewhich is between PCR and SCR. However, if there is no availableshaping rate between PCR and SCR, traffic is shaped at the nextrate above the PCR.

For txTrafficDescType6, 7 and 8 if inverse-UPC traffic shaping isselected, the transmit traffic is shaped at a variable rate whichconforms to the PCR, SCR and MBS of the connection trafficdescriptor. Inverse-UPC traffic shaping is available only on ATMIP cards.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default ([5] 0)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm rxTrafficDescParm (rxTdp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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Description This attribute is a vector of four traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by therxTrafficDescType attribute. Thevalues of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR) andMinimum Cell Rate (MCR) are expressed in cell/s. Maximumburst size (MBS) is expressed in cells. The value of CDVT isexpressed in microseconds. The values of PCR, SCR, MCR,MBS and CDVT are used for usage parameter control (UPC).

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 1 or 2, all of the parameters must beset to zero (unused).

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.Parameters 2 and 3 must be set to zero (unused).

WhenrxTrafficDescType is 4, parameter 1 represents thePCR for CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents thePCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard. Parameters 1and 2 must be non-zero. Parameter 3 must be set to zero(unused). Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging. Parameters 1 and 2 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 3 must be set to zero (unused). Parameter1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis a 6, parameter 1 represents the PCRfor CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCRfor CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBSfor CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to Parameter2.

WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 mustbe non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal toparameter 2.

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WhenrxTrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameter 1, 2 and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2.

WhenrxTrafficDescType is 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;parameter 2 represents the CDVT; parameter 3 represents theMCR. Parameter 4 is not used and must be zero. Parameter1,must be non-zero and must be greater than or equal toparameter 3. Parameter 3 may optionally be zero.

WhenrxTrafficDescType is any value from 3 through 8,parameter 4 represents the CDVT.

If the value of CDVT either in parameter 2 or in parameter 4 iszero, the CDVT is taken from theCAdefaults for the particularatmServiceCategory of this connection.

On a CQC-based ATM card, whenrxTrafficDescriptorType is 3through 8, there are certain extreme combinations ofrxTrafficDescParm which are outside the capabilities of the UPChardware. Thecheck prov command detects such cases andgenerates an error message. If this happens, adjust the parametersuntil they fall within the supported limits.

To calculate the limits, use the following formulae:I1 = 1 000 000 000 / PCRL1 = CDVT * 1000I2 = 1,000,000,000 / SCRL2 = CDVT + (MBS - 1) * (I2 - I1)I1 and I2 must be less than or equal to 335,523,840. I1 + L1 mustbe less than or equal to 1,342,156,800. I2 + L2 must be less thanor equal to 1,342,156,800. Note that I2 and L2 only apply whentherxTrafficDescriptorType is 6 through 8.

If the values of I1, L1, I2 or L2 are closer to the limits describedabove, a further restriction applies. Specifically, if either:I1 > 41,940,480 or

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I2 > 41,940,480 orI1 + L1 > 167,769,600 orI2 + L2 > 167,769,600then both I1 and I2 must be greater than 20,480.

Parameter 5 of therxTrafficDescParm is always unused.

If the rxTrafficDescType is sameAsTx, the values provisioned inthis attribute are ignored. The traffic parameters for the receivedirection are taken from thetxTrafficDescParm.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default ([5] 0)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm fwdQosParameters (fqp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that specify the qualityof service parameters for the forward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC connections.

Thecdvelement specifies the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR). Itis signalled through the extended QoS information element.

Thectdspecifies the acceptable maximum Cell Transfer Delay(maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).It is signalled through the end to end transit delay informationelement.

Theclr specifies the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) of CBR,

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rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections. It is signalled through theextended QoS information element.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default (cdv: 16777215, ctd: 255, clr: 16777215)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm bwdQosParameters (bqp)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute is a vector of three elements that specify the qualityof service parameters for the backward direction for thisconnection. This attribute is used for SPVC connections.

Thecdvelement specifies the acceptable peak-to-peak Cell DelayVariation (CDV) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR).It is signalled through the extended QoS information element.

Thectd specifies the acceptable maximum Cell Transfer Delay(maxCtd) of real-time connections (CBR and rt-VBR). It issignalled through the end to end transit delay informationelement.

Theclr specifies the acceptable Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) of CBR,rt-VBR, and nrt-VBR connections. It is signalled through theextended QoS information element.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index cdvctdclr

Default (cdv: 16777215, ctd: 255, clr: 16777215)

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate (Abr)

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Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vcc/vpi.vci Vcd Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpc/vci Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vpd Tm AvailableBitRate,AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Vcc/vci Vcd Tm AvailableBitRateThis component contains provisioned ABR-related attributes of aconnection. It is an optional subcomponent of theVcd TmandVpd Tmcomponent. It is used to override DGCRA-relateddefaults in theCA Abr component. It contains the specificconfiguration for the ABR connection at this connection point. Ifthis is the source of an SPVC connection, this component alsocontains the ABR parameters required for the SPVC call request.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes for the ABR ATMconnections configured on an ATM interface.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr initialCellRate (icr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Initial Cell Rate (ICR) parameter forthis connection. ICR is the rate at which a source should sendinitially and after an idle period.

When this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the initial cell rate isdetermined by theAtmIf CA Abr/0 icr attribute. When the valueof this attribute is set touseMcr, ICR is set to the same value asthe Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) for the connection.

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2-750 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

When the value of this attribute is set tousePcr, ICR is set to thesame value as the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) for the connection.

If this attribute is specified less than the MCR of the connection,then the MCR is used as the ICR. If this attribute is specifiedmore than PCR of the connection, then PCR is used as the ICR.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)sameAsCauseMcrusePcr

Units cell/s

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr transientBufferExposure (tbe)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Transient Buffer Exposure (TBE) forthis connection. TBE is the negotiated number of cells that thenetwork would like to limit the source to send during start-upperiods, before the first Resource Management (RM) cell returns.

TBE divided byfixedRoundTripTime determines an upper boundfor the operational value ofinitialCellRate, the rate at which asource should send initially and after an idle period.

TBE divided bymaxCellsPerRmCell specifies the operationalvalue offorwardRmCellLimit, the limit of the number of forwardResource Management (RM) cells which may be sent in theabsence of received backward RM cells.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType is set toerSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-751

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Units cells

Default 16777215

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr fixedRoundTripTime (frtt)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Fixed Round-Trip Time (FRTT)parameter for this connection. FRTT is the sum of the fixed andpropagation delays from the source to a destination and back.

The value oftransientBufferExposure divided by the value ofFRTT (in seconds) determines an upper bound for the operationalvalue ofinitialCellRate, the rate at which a source should sendinitially and after an idle period.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..16700000)

Units microsec

Default 5000000

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr rateDecreaseFactor (rdf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Rate Decrease Factor (RDF) for thisconnection. The RDF value is computed by using the provisionedvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 8, RDF is 2E-8 = 1/256.

RDF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate maydecrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management(RM) cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received withthe Congestion Indication (CI) field set to 1, the Allowed CellRate (ACR) value would be reduced by the amount (RDF*ACR).

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2-752 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The ACR is not allowed to fall below the Minimum Cell Rate(MCR), in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..15)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr rateIncreaseFactor (rif)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Rate Increase Factor (RIF) for thisconnection. The RIF value is computed by using the provisionedvalue of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example,if the value of this attribute is 6, RIF is 2E-6 = 1/64.

RIF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate mayincrease upon receipt of a backward Resource Management (RM)cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received with theCongestion Indication (CI) and the No Increase (NI) fields bothset to 0, the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) value would be increasedby the amount (RIF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to exceed thePeak Cell Rate (PCR), in which case the ACR is set to PCR.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..15)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr maxCellPerRmCell (nrm)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-753

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of cells an ABRsource may transmit for each forward Resource Management(RM) cell. The count of the cells transmitted includes data cells,OAM cells, backward RM cells, and the forward RM cell.

A value of 2 is not recommended although it is permittedaccording to the ATM Forum standard. When this attribute is setto a value of 2, it is possible that only one forward and onebackward RM cell are repeatedly transmitted, and all data trafficis queued up indefinitely.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

Values Decimal (2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256)sameAsCa

Units cells

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr maxTimeBetweenRmCells (trm)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the TRM parameter for this connection.

TRM provides an lower bound on the time interval betweenforward Resource Management (RM) cells for an ABR source.Since the last forward RM cell was sent, if at least TRM time haselapsed since and at least two other cells have been sent, then thenext cell to be transmitted would be a forward RM cell.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType has the valueerSwitch.

The provisioned value of 781 is signalled as TRM = 0, in theABR Additional Parameters Information Element.1563 is signalled as TRM = 1.3125 is signalled as TRM = 2.6250 is signalled as TRM = 3.

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

12500 is signalled as TRM = 425000 is signalled as TRM = 5.50000 is signalled as TRM = 6.100000 is signalled as TRM = 7.

Values Decimal (781; 1563; 3125; 6250; 12500; 25000; 50000; 100000)sameAsCa

Units microsec

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr cutoffDecreaseFactor (cdf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Cutoff Decrease Factor (CDF)parameter for this connection. When the value of this attribute isnon-zero, CDF is computed as the inverse of the value. Forexample, if the value is 32, the value of CDF is 1/32. When thevalue of this attribute is 0, CDF is also zero.

CDF controls the decrease in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR)associated with the CRM parameter, the limit of the number offorward Resource Management (RM) cells which may be sent inthe absence of received backward RM cells. When this limit iscrossed, the ACR value would be decreased by the amount(CDF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to fall below the MinimumCell Rate (MCR), in which case the ACR is set to MCR.

The value of CRM is indicated by theforwardRmCellLimitattribute.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0; 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-755

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr acrDecreaseTimeFactor (adtf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Allowed Cell Rate Decrease TimeFactor (ADTF) parameter for this connection.

ADTF is the maximum time interval permitted between sendingforward Resource Management (RM) cells before the AllowedCell Rate (ACR) is decreased toinitialCellRate. In other words, ifthe source does not transit a forward RM cell for the periodspecified byadtf, it reduces its ACR to the value of itsinitialCellRate.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where theoperational attributeabrConnectionType indicateserSwitch orefciSwitch.

Values Decimal (0..1023)sameAsCa

Units centiseconds

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr dgcraMaximumDelay (dgcraMaxDelay)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies an upper bound on the delay after whichthe rate change induced by a backward Resource Management(RM) cell departing from this connection point (in the backwarddirection) is expected to be observed at this connection point (inthe forward direction).

This upper bound may be approximated as the sum of the roundtrip fixed and propagation delays and the maximum queuingdelays between the ABR source and this interface.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic General Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). A

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2-756 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

larger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When there is a reduction in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR), thepolicer waits for a correspondingly longer period of time before itenforces at the new cell rate.

The value of this attribute must not be less than thedgcraMinimumDelay attribute.

Values Decimal (1..16700000)sameAsCa

Units microsec

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr dgcraMinimumDelay (dgcraMinDelay)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies a lower bound on the delay after which therate change induced by a backward Resource Management (RM)cell departing from this connection point (in the backwarddirection) is expected to be observed at this connection point (inthe forward connection).

This lower bound may be approximated as the sum of the roundtrip fixed and propagation delays between the ABR source andthis interface.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic General Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Asmaller value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When there is a increase in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR), thepolicer waits for a correspondingly shorter period of time beforeit enforces at the new cell rate.

Values Decimal (1..16700000)sameAsCa

Units microsec

Default sameAsCa

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-757

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr farEndAcrDecreaseTimeFactor (feAdtf)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Allowed Cell Rate Decrease TimeFactor (ADTF) of the far end ABR source. The value specifiedshould be the same as the ADTF parameter at the far end of thisABR connection.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Alarger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When the delay between two consecutive forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells received at this interface corresponds toa value greater than the value of this attribute, the policer beginsto limit enforce the incoming traffic at the initial cell rate (ICR)of the far end, as specified by thefarEndInitialCellRate attribute.

Values Decimal (0..1023)

Units centiseconds

Default 50

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Vpd Tm Abr farEndInitialCellRate (feIcr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Initial Cell Rate (ICR) of the far endABR source. The value specified should be the same as the ICRparameter at the far end of this ABR connection.

The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connectionusing the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). Alarger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer.When the delay between two consecutive forward ResourceManagement (RM) cells received at this interface corresponds toa value greater than thefarEndAcrDecreaseTimeFactor attribute,the policer begins to enforce the incoming traffic at the value ofthis attribute.

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2-758 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

If this attribute is specified less than the MCR of the connection,then the MCR is used as thefeIcr. If this attribute is more than thePCR of the connection, then PCR is used as thefeIcr.

Values Decimal (0..16777215)

Units cell/s

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt ConnectionAdministrator (CA)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpt/n ConnectionAdministratorThis component controls connection admission, and reportsstatistics about the ATM connections which have been admittedon this Virtual Path Terminator (VPT).

If the VPT does not have the optional CAcomponent, allconnections associated with the givenVPT attempt theiradmission through theAtmIf CA.

The provisionable attributes of thisConnectionAdministratoroverride those of theAtmIf CA,for all connections associatedwith this Vpt. Any attributes of theAtmIf CA that cannot be

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-759

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

overridden in theVpt CA affect all connections, includingVptVccs.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA ConstantBitRate (Cbr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA RealTimeVariableBitRate(RtVbr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA NonRealTimeVariableBitRate(NrtVbr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA AvailableBitRate (Abr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA UnspecifiedBitRate (Ubr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which controlConnection Admission Control (CAC) attributes for the ATMconnections associated with a Virtual Path Terminator. Note thatthe names of some of the attributes follow the conventions ofUNI 4.0 for forward compatibility reasons. This does not implyconformance in general with the UNI 4.0 specification.

The provisioned attributes of thisConnectionAdministrator willoverride those of theAtmIf CA,for all connections associatedwith this Vpt. Any attributes of theAtmIf CA that cannot beoverridden in theVpt CA affect all connections, includingVptVccs.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA maxVccs (vccs)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number ofVccs that can beassociated with thisVpt. The value must not exceed themaxVccsattribute of theAtmif CA.

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2-760 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default 255

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA permittedAtmServiceCategories (permitAtm)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies which ATM service categories arepermitted on thisVpt for SVCs. The value of this attribute doesnot affect controlVccs, such as signalling and ILMI channels. Ifthe value is empty, no SVCs are permitted to use thisVpt.

Set of unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtVbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtVbr)

Default (unspecifiedBitRate, constantBitRate, rtVariableBitRate,nrtVariableBitRate)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA bandwidthPool (bwPool)

Access Read and write

Description Total bandwidth capacity is partitioned into five bandwidth pools.This attribute specifies the percentage ofVpt bandwidth that isallowed for each pool. The percentage for each pool ranges from0% to 12,800%. This allows for both under and over subscriptionof the VPT bandwidth. Under subscription occurs when the sumof the percentages assigned to the five pools is less than 100%.Over subscription occurs when the sum of the percentages for thefive pools exceeds 100%.

Vector of Decimal (0..12800)

Units %

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default (100, 0, 0, 0, 0)

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-761

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes giving statistics aboutthe ATM connections associated with aVirtual Path Terminator(VPT).

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA permanentVccs (pVccs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of permanentVccs that arecurrently associated with thisVpt.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA switchedVccs (sVccs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of switchedVccs that arecurrently associated with thisVpt.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA troubledVccs (trVccs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of troubledVccs associatedwith thisVpt. A Vcc is “troubled” if its operationaltroubledattribute has the valueyes.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA connectionPoolUsage (connUsage)

Access Read only

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2-762 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the number of allocated VCCs associatedwith this VPT.

Each of these VCCs uses a connection out of the pool defined bytheArc totalConnectionPoolAvailable attribute.

Values Decimal (0..10752)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA poolAvailableBandwidth (poolAvailBw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total available bandwidth in thecorrespondingbandwidthPool. A non-zero number indicates thatthere is still bandwidth available in the pool which has not beenallocated.

Vector of Signed (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA poolProvisionedBandwidth (poolProvBw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total provisioned bandwidth from thecorrespondingbandwidthPool. Its value is the sum of theequivalent cell rates (ECR) of the provisioned connections.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA poolRequestedBandwidth (poolRequBw)

Access Read only

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-763

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the total requested bandwidth from thecorrespondingbandwidthPool. This attribute does not include thebandwidth for ATM networking signalling connections. Its valueis the sum of the equivalent cell rates (ECR) for connectionswhich are admitted and connections which are requestingadmission, but have not yet been admitted.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA poolAdmittedBandwidth (poolAdmitBw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total admitted bandwidth in thecorrespondingbandwidthPool. Its value is the sum of theequivalent cell rates (ECR) of the admitted connections. Thisattribute does not include the bandwidth for ATM networkingsignalling connections.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA poolAdmittedConnections (poolAdmConns)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total number of connections which arecurrently admitted in the correspondingbandwidthPool. Thisattribute does not include ATM networking signallingconnections.

Vector of Decimal (0..16384)

Index Decimal (1..5)

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2-764 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA poolWaitAdmitConnections (poolWaitAdmConns)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the total number of connections which arecurrently admitted in the correspondingbandwidthPool. Thisattribute does not include ATM networking signallingconnections.

Vector of Decimal (0..16384)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA ConstantBitRate (Cbr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Cbr Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpt/n CA ConstantBitRate/nThis component controls default characteristics of the constant bitrate (CBR) service category, forVccs administered by thisCA.Any attributes of theAtmIf CA Cbrthat cannot be overridden intheVpt CA Cbraffect all connections, includingVpt Vccs.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Cbr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which controlConnection Admission Control (CAC) and Usage ParameterControl (UPC) attributes for the CBR ATM connections managedby thisVpt. Any attributes of theAtmIf CA Cbr that cannot be

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-765

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

overridden in theVpt CA Cbr affect all connections, includingVpt Vccs.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Cbr pool

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the constant bit rate (CBR) service category. Thepercentage ofVpt bandwidth capacity reserved for the givenbandwidth pool is the maximum bandwidth that can be allocatedto CBR traffic. The percentage allocated to each bandwidth poolcan be provisioned through thebandwidthPoolattribute under theCA.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

Default pool1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Cbr cdvt

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the default cell delay variation tolerance(CDVT) for connections of the CBR service category. Anoverride to this default may be specified for a provisionedconnection under theVcd Tmor Vpd Tm component.

This attribute is used by the CAC function to compute theequivalent cell rate (ECR) required by a given CBR connection.The larger the value of CDVT, the larger is its ECR.

If Usage Parameter Control (UPC) is enabled for a connection,CDVT is used by the UPC function on the ingress to decidewhether a cell is conforming or non-conforming based on theconnection’s traffic descriptor type. The larger the CDVT value,

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2-766 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

the more tolerant is the UPC of bandwidth usage beyond thetraffic contract.

Values Decimal (1..10000)

Units microsec

Default 250

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Cbr cdv

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the peak-to-peak cell delay variation(CDV) which is contributed to connections associated with thisVpt for CBR traffic.

The CDV is a measure of the delay jitter introduced mostly bytraffic buffering and cell scheduling.

The value of this attribute is used by PNNI in the ResourceAvailability Information Group (RAIG) topology updates androute selection. It is also used by CAC at connection set-up timeto determine whether thisVpt can meet the ATM connection’sCDV requirement. If so, the value of this attribute is added to thecumulative CDV field of the extended QoS information element.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units microsec

Default 250

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Cbr maxCtd

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum cell transfer delay(MaxCTD) which is applied to all connections associated withthisVpt for CBR traffic.

MaxCTD is the sum of the fixed delay and the CDV. The

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-767

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

components of the fixed delay include propagation delay throughthe physical media, delays induced by the transmission system,and fixed components of switch processing delay.

This attribute is used by PNNI in the Resource AvailabilityInformation Group (RAIG) topology updates and route selection.It is also used by CAC at connection set-up time to determinewhether thisVpt can meet the ATM connection’s MaxCTDrequirement.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units microsec

Default 1000

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Cbr cellLossRatio (clr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the tolerable cell loss ratio (CLR) for CBRtraffic. The number is the negative logarithm (base 10) of theCLR. For example, if the target CLR = 1E-10 thenCbrcellLossRatio = 10. This number must be the same as theRtVbrcellLossRatio since CBR and rt-VBR traffic have the samediscard priority. TheCbr cellLossRatiois used by the ConnectionAdmission Control (CAC) algorithm to compute the required(equivalent) cell rate for CBR connections.

There is a trade-off between the service category CLR and theachievableVpt bandwidth utilization. To guarantee an excellentservice category, the CLR should be as small as possible (e.g.,1E-10). However, a smaller CLR results in a larger equivalent cellrate for a given connection and hence a lowerVpt bandwidthutilization.

Setting this attribute to 0 means that a CLR of 1 can be tolerated.In this case, no bandwidth is reserved for CBR connections, andCAC is effectively turned off. All CBR connections are admitted.

Values Decimal (0..15)

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2-768 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Default 10

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA RealTimeVariableBitRate (RtVbr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA RtVbr Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpt/n CA RealTimeVariableBitRate/nThis component controls default characteristics of the real-timevariable bit rate (rt-VBR) service category, forVccs administeredby thisCA. Any attributes of theAtmIf CA RtVbrthat cannot beoverridden in theVpt CA RtVbraffect all connections, includingVpt Vccs.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA RtVbr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which controlConnection Admission Control (CAC) and UPC attributes for thert-VBR ATM connections associated with thisVpt. Any attributesof theAtmIf CA RtVbrthat cannot be overridden in theVpt CARtVbraffect all connections, includingVpt Vccs.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA RtVbr pool

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the real-time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) service category.The percentage ofVpt capacity reserved for the given bandwidthpool is the maximum bandwidth that can be allocated to rt-VBRtraffic. The percentage allocated to each bandwidth pool can be

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-769

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

provisioned through thebandwidthPool attribute under theVptCA.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

Default pool1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA RtVbr cdv

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the peak-to-peak cell delay variation(CDV) which is contributed to all rt-VBR connections associatedwith thisVpt.

The CDV is a measure of the delay jitter introduced mostly bytraffic buffering and cell scheduling.

The value of this attribute is used by PNNI in the ResourceAvailability Information Group (RAIG) topology updates androute selection. It is also used by CAC at connection set-up timeto determine whether thisVpt can meet the CDV requirement forthat connection. If so, the value of this attribute is added to thecumulative CDV field of the extended QoS information element.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units microsec

Default 1268

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA RtVbr maxCtd

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum cell transfer delay(MaxCTD) which is applied to all rt-VBR connections associated

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2-770 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

with thisVpt.

MaxCTD is the sum of the fixed delay and the CDV. Thecomponents of the fixed delay include propagation delay throughthe physical media, delays induced by the transmission system,and fixed components of switch processing delay.

This attribute is used by PNNI in the Resource AvailabilityInformation Group (RAIG) topology updates and route selection.It is also used by CAC at connection set-up time to determinewhether thisVpt can meet the ATM connection’s MaxCTDrequirement.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units microsec

Default 2000

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA RtVbr cellLossRatio (clr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the tolerable cell loss ratio (CLR) for rt-VBR traffic. The number is the negative logarithm (base 10) ofthe CLR. For example, if the target CLR = 1E-10 thenRtVbrcellLossRatio = 10. This number must be the same as theCbrcellLossRatio since CBR and rt-VBR traffic have the samediscard priority. TheRtVbr cellLossRatio is used by theConnection Admission Control (CAC) algorithm to compute therequired (equivalent) cell rate for rt-VBR connections. Thisnumber must be less than or equal to theNrtVbr cellLossRatio,since rt-VBR traffic has a higher discard priority.

There is a trade-off between the service category CLR and theachievableVpt bandwidth utilization. To guarantee an excellentservice category, the CLR should be as small as possible (e.g.,1E-10). However, a smaller CLR results in a larger equivalent cellrate for a given connection and hence a lowerVpt bandwidthutilization.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-771

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Setting this attribute to 0 means that a CLR of 1 can be tolerated.In this case, no bandwidth is reserved for rt-VBR connections andCAC is effectively turned off. All rt-VBR connections areadmitted.

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default 10

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA NonRealTimeVariableBitRate (NrtVbr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA NrtVbr Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpt/n CA NonRealTimeVariableBitRate/nThis component controls default characteristics of the non-real-time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) service category, forVccsadministered by thisCA. Any attributes of theAtmIf CA NrtVbrthat cannot be overridden in theVpt CA NrtVbraffect allconnections, includingVpt Vccs.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA NrtVbr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which controlConnection Admission Control (CAC) and UPC attributes for thenrt-VBR ATM connections associated with thisVpt. Anyattributes of theAtmIf CA NrtVbrthat cannot be overridden in theVpt CA NrtVbraffect all connections, includingVpt Vccs.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA NrtVbr pool

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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2-772 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the non-real time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) servicecategory. The percentage ofVpt bandwidth capacity reserved forthe given bandwidth pool is the maximum bandwidth that can beallocated to nrt-VBR traffic. The percentage allocated to eachbandwidth pool can be provisioned through thebandwidthPoolattribute under theCA.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

Default pool1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA NrtVbr cellLossRatio (clr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the tolerable cell loss ratio (CLR) for nrt-VBR traffic. The number is the negative logarithm (base 10) ofthe CLR. In other words if the target CLR = 1E-10 thenNrtVbrcellLossRatio = 10. This number must be greater than or equal toRtVbr cellLossRatio since rt-VBR traffic has a higher discardpriority. TheNrtVbr cellLossRatio is used by the ConnectionAdmission Control (CAC) algorithm to compute the required(equivalent) cell rate for nrt-VBR connections.

There is a trade-off between the service category CLR and theachievableVpt bandwidth utilization. To guarantee an excellentservice category, the CLR should be as small as possible (e.g.,1E-10). However, a smaller CLR results in a larger equivalent cellrate for a given connection and hence a lowerVpt bandwidthutilization.

Setting this attribute to 0 means that a CLR of 1 can be tolerated.In this case, no bandwidth is reserved for nrt-VBR connections,and CAC is effectively turned off. All nrt-VBR connections areadmitted.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-773

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default 7

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA AvailableBitRate (Abr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Abr Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpt/n CA AvailableBitRate/nThis component controls default characteristics of the availablebit rate (ABR) service category, forVccs administered by thisCA. Any attributes of theAtmIf CA Abrthat cannot be overriddenin theVpt CA Abraffect all connections, includingVpt Vccs.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Abr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which controlConnection Admission Control (CAC) attributes for ABRconnections associated with this Vpt. Any attributes of theAtmIfCA Abrthat cannot be overridden in theVpt CA Abraffect allconnections, includingVpt Vccs.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Abr pool

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the available bit rate (ABR) service category. Thepercentage ofVpt bandwidth capacity reserved for the givenbandwidth pool is the maximum bandwidth that can be allocatedto ABR traffic. The percentage allocated to each bandwidth pool

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241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

can be provisioned through thebandwidthPoolattribute under theCA.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

Default pool1

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt CA UnspecifiedBitRate (Ubr)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Ubr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Ubr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Vpt/n CA UnspecifiedBitRate/nThis component controls default characteristics of the unspecifiedbit rate (UBR) service category, forVccs administered by thisCA. Any attributes of theAtmIf CA Ubrthat cannot be overriddenin theVpt CA Ubraffect all connections, includingVpt Vccs.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Ubr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioned attributes which controlConnection Admission Control (CAC) attributes for UBRconnections associated with thisVpt. Any attributes of theAtmIfCA Ubr that cannot be overridden in theVpt CA Ubraffect allconnections, includingVpt Vccs.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Ubr maxVccs (vccs)

Access Read and write

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-775

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of UBRVccs thatcan be configured associated with thisVpt. The value must notexceed themaxVccs attribute of the parent Vpt CAcomponent.

If this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the maximum number ofUBR Vccs is the same as specified by themaxVccs attribute oftheVpt CA.

Changes to this attribute are not critical to theVpt. If the value ischanged to a number smaller than the current number of activeVCCs, no newVCCs can be admitted until the number of activeVCCs drops below the value of this attribute. The current numberof activeVCCsis indicated by the sum of thepermanentVccsandswitchedVccs operational attribute under theVpt CAcomponent.

Values Decimal (0..16384)sameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Ubr pool

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the bandwidth pool which is to be used tosupport the unspecified bit rate (UBR) service category. Thepercentage ofVpt bandwidth capacity reserved for the givenbandwidth pool is the maximum bandwidth that can be allocatedto UBR traffic. The percentage allocated to each bandwidth poolcan be provisioned through thebandwidthPoolattribute under theCA.

Values pool1pool2pool3pool4pool5

Default pool1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Ubr minimumCellRate (mcr)

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2-776 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the default minimum cell rate (MCR)which is allocated from the UBR pool bandwidth for each UBRconnection which is admitted. UBR connections normally areserviced on a best effort basis, but this attribute allows allocationof a default minimum bandwidth for each connection.

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Default 0

GROUP AtmIf Vpt CA Ubr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes which showoperational attributes for UBR connections associated with thisVpt.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt CA Ubr vccUsage

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of active UBRVccsunder thisVpt. It includes switched and permanent connections.

Values Decimal (0..16384)

Default No default


Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp AccountingOptions (AcctOpt)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp VIispProvisioned (VProv)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n VirtualPathTerminator/m IispThis component represents a virtual ATM Interim Inter-switchSignaling Protocol (IISP) interface. If this component isprovisioned, neither aUni component nor aPnni component can

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-777

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

be provisioned under the sameVptcomponent. If this componentis deleted, then all associatedVcc components are deleted.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Signalling (Sig)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAddressScreening(CallingAScr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAddressScreening(CalledAScr)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp EdgeBasedRerouting (Ebr)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for theIispcomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp version

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates which specification the IISP interfacecomplies with. The options areiisp10Sig30 which refers to IISPversion 1.0 with 3.0 signalling andiisp10Sig31 which refers toIISP version 1.0 with 3.1 signalling. If this attribute is changed,all switchedVcc components in this interface are cleared due tothe fact that the two versions are incompatible.

Values iisp10Sig30iisp10Sig31

Default iisp10Sig31

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2-778 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp side

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates which side the interface is, user ornetwork.

Values networkSideuserSide

Default networkSide

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp softPvpAndPvcRetryPeriod (sRetryPeriod)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the time to wait between soft PVP or softPVC call setup retries. The resolution is to the nearest 10seconds.

Values Decimal (20..999999)

Units seconds

Default 60

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp softPvpAndPvcHoldOffTime (sHoldOffTime)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies how long to hold off retries following arelease or the connection. The resolution is to the nearest 50 ms.

Values Decimal (0; 50..20000)

Units msec

Default 0

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp AccountingOptions (AcctOpt)

Properties Provisioned

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-779

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for accounting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp accountCollection (aco)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute is used to turn accounting on or off for SVC andSPVC connections. It also specifies the reason(s) for whichaccounting data is collected:billing , test, study, audit, or force.

If the set of reasons is not empty then accounting records will begenerated by this interface in the following situations:- on a TODA changeover if TODA is enabled;- every 12 hours (per connection) if TODA is disabled;- on every call clear (a call record with final cell counts).

If none of the reasons is present, then accounting will besuppressed.

The reason for collection is recorded in the accounting record, inthe attributecallingCollectReason or calledCollectReason asappropriate.

Set of billteststudyauditforce

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp accountConnectionType (act)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether accounting records generated bythis interface should be marked as originating, terminating orintermediate. This attribute, in combination with the direction ofthe call, determines the value of attributeconnPointType of theaccounting record and may be used by downstream accountingprocesses to correlate the records.

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2-780 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

If the value isorigTerm then records generated for incomingcalls will be marked asoriginating and records generated foroutgoing calls will be marked asterminating.

If the value isintermediate then records generated for all callswill be marked asintermediate.

Values origTermintermediate

Default intermediate

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp accountClass (acl)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the accounting class associated with theinterface. Its meaning is determined by the network operator.

Its value is simply recorded in the accounting records generatedby this interface, in the attributecallingServiceType orcalledServiceType as appropriate.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp serviceExchange (sre)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the data service exchange associated withthis interface. Its meaning is determined by the network operator.

Its value is simply recorded in the accounting records generatedby this interface, in the attributecallingDse or calledDseasappropriate.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-781

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp VIispProvisioned (VProv)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for theIispcomponent which are specific to virtual IISP interfaces.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp vpci

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Virtual Path Connection Identifier(VPCI) to be used between this signalling entity and its peer. TheVPCI of the peer virtual IISP must have the same value forswitched connections to be set up across the interface.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Signalling (Sig)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp SignallingAtmIf/n Uni SignallingAtmIf/n Pnni SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Signalling

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2-782 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This component represents the signalling entities for theinterface.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptor(Vcd)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig vci

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the signalling channel number.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig addressConversion

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the address conversion on the outgoingsignalling PDUs. The options arenone, nativeE164, or nsap. Thenone option is the default and if this option is chosen thennothing is done to the address information element (IE) in theoutgoing signalling message. IfnativeE164 option is chosen,then only NSAP encapsulated E.164 addresses with zeros in theESI are converted to native E.164 format in the outgoingsignalling message. If the NSAP address is not encapsulatedE.164 or the ESI field is not zeros and thenativeE164 option ischosen, then the call is cleared. If thensapoption is chosen, then

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-783

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

native E.164 addresses are converted to NSAP E.164 with zerosin the ESI field; otherwise the address is in NSAP format and isnot changed.

Values nonenativeE164nsap

Default none

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig operatingMode

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the operating mode of the signalingchannelprovisionedOnly indicates that only SPVCs and SPVPsare supported on the interface and SVCs are not supported. Thisvalue is permitted only on UNI interfaces.normal indicates that SVCs, SPVCs, and SPVPs are supportedon the interface.

Values normalprovisionedOnly

Default normal

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. Thedescriptions generically indicate what each state attribute impliesabout the component. Note that not all the values and statecombinations described here are supported by every componentwhich reuses this group. For component-specific information andthe valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of thecomponent.

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2-784 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The valuelockedindicates that the component is administrativelyprohibited from providing services for its users. ALock -forceorLock command has been previously issued for this component.When the value islocked, the value ofusageState must beidle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide service to its existing usersonly. A Lock command was issued against the component and itis in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component isadministratively permitted to provide services for its users. Toenter this state, issue anUnlock command to this component.

Values locked (lck)unlocked (unlck)shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of thecomponent.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available foroperation. Note that ifadminState is locked, it would still not beproviding service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not availablefor operation. For example, something is wrong with thecomponent itself, or with another component on which this onedepends. If the value isdisabled, theusageState must beidle.

Values enabled (ena)disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-785

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The valueidle indicates that the component is not currently inuse.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and hasspare capacity to provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has nospare operating capacity for additional users at this time.

Values idleactive (activ)busy

Default idle

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute contains the operational attributes for theAtmSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig lastTxCauseCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last transmittedsignalling message that contains the CAUSE informationelement. The cause code is used to describe the reason forgenerating certain signalling messages.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig lastTxDiagCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last transmittedsignalling message. The diagnostic code is contained in the

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2-786 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

CAUSE information element and identifies an informationelement type or timer type. The diagnostic code is present only ifa procedural error is detected by the signalling protocol. Adiagnostic code is always accompanied by the cause code. Ifthere is no failure, this attribute is set to 0.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ff)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig lastRxCauseCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the cause code in the last receivedsignalling message that contains the CAUSE informationelement. The cause code is used to describe the reason forgenerating certain signalling messages.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig lastRxDiagCode

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last receivedsignalling message. The diagnostic code is contained in theCAUSE information element and identifies an informationelement type or timer type. The diagnostic code is present only ifa procedural error is detected by the signalling protocol. Adiagnostic code is always accompanied by the cause code. Ifthere is no failure, this attribute is set to 0.

Values Hex (H.0..H.ff)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-787

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute group contains the statistics associated with theAtmSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig peakConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the high water mark of active point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig successfulConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total number of switched point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections that were successfullyestablished. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig failedConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total number of switched connectionsthat were not successfully established.The counter wraps to 0when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig txPdus

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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2-788 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the number of transmitted signallingPDUs.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig rxPdus

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of received signalling PDUs.Thecounter wraps to 0 when the maximum value is exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig currentPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of currently active point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig peakPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the high water mark of active point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig successfulPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-789

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the total number of switched point-to-multipoint connections that were successfully established.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig failedPmpConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of switched point-to-multipoint connections that were not successfullyestablished.The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum valueis exceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig currentConnections

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the total number of currently active point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptor (Vcd)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Vcd Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Uni Ilmi VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Pnni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptor

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2-790 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

AtmIf/n Pnni Rcc VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptorAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Rcc VirtualChannelDescriptor

This component contains the provisionable traffic parameters fora control channel (Sig,Ilmi or Rcc component).

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Vcd Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable traffic attributes for acontrol channel.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Vcd trafficDescType (tdt)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the type of traffic management which isapplied to both the transmit and receive direction of thisconnection as defined in the ATM Forum. The trafficDescTypedetermines the number and meaning of the parameters in thetrafficDescParm attribute.

Values 3678

Default 6

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Vcd atmServiceCategory (service)

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-791

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM service category for bothdirections of the connection.

TheconstantBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. The consistent availability of a fixed quantity ofbandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service. Cellswhich are delayed beyond the value specified by CellTransferDelay are assumed to be of significantly reduce value to theapplication.

ThertVariableBitRate service category is intended for real timeapplications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay anddelay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and videoapplications. Sources are expected to transmit at a rate whichvaries with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as“bursty”. Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified byCTD are assumed to be of significantly reduced value to theapplication. Real time VBR service may support statisticalmultiplexing of real time sources.

ThenrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-realtime applications which have bursty traffic characteristics andwhich can be characterized in terms of a PCR, SCR, and MBS.For those cells which are transferred within the traffic contract,the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, itexpects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. Non-real timeVBR service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

TheunspecifiedBitRateservice is intended for non-real timeapplications; that is, those not requiring tightly constrained delayand delay variation. UBR sources are expected to be bursty. UBRservice supports a high degree of statistical multiplexing amongsources. UBR service does not specify traffic related serviceguarantees. No numerical commitments are made with respect to

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2-792 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

the cell loss ratio experienced by a UBR connection, or as to thecell transfer delay experienced by cells on the connection.

Values unspecifiedBitRate (ubr)constantBitRate (cbr)rtVariableBitRate (rtvbr)nrtVariableBitRate (nrtvbr)

Default rtVariableBitRate

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Vcd qosClass (qos)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the quality of service for both the forwardand backward direction for this connection.

Class1 supports a QOS that meets Service Class A performancerequirements (Circuit emulation, constant bit rate video).

Class2 supports a QOS that meets Service Class B performancerequirements (Variable bit rate audio and video).

Class3 supports a QOS that meets Service Class C performancerequirements (Connection-Oriented Data Transfer).

Class4 supports a QOS that meets Service Class D performancerequirements (Connectionless Data Transfer).

Class0 is the unspecified bit rate QOS class; no objective isspecified for the performance parameters.

Values 01234

Default 2

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Vcd trafficShaping (trShaping)

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-793

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection uses trafficshaping when transmitting traffic to the ATM interface.

WhensameAsCais selected, traffic shaping for this connection isbased on thetrafficShaping attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theAtmIf CA. If the service categoryhas traffic shaping enabled, then traffic shaping is enabled for theconnection. Note that enabling traffic shaping may have no effectunder certain cases. These cases are listed in the description ofthetrafficShaping operational attribute, which is under theVccTm andVpc Tmcomponents.

Whendisabled is selected, traffic shaping for this connection isdisabled.

Values disabledsameAsCa

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Vcd unshapedTransmitQueueing (unshap)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute only applies when this connection is unshaped.This attribute specifies the transmit queueing method for thisconnection if it is unshaped. Refer to theunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute under theAtmIf CA servicecategory subcomponent for more details on the meaning of thisattribute.

When this attribute is set tosameAsCa, the transmit queueingmethod for the connection is based on theunshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theConnectionAdministrator.

When this attribute is set tocommon, transmit traffic on thisunshaped connection is destined for the common queue.

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2-794 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The valuesameAsInterface is for migration from previoussoftware releases, but should no longer be used

Values commonsameAsCa

Default sameAsCa

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Vcd usageParameterControl (upc)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies whether this connection enforces usageparameter control when receiving traffic from the ATM interface.

WhensameAsCa is selected, UPC for the connection is based ontheusageParameterControl attribute of the connection’s servicecategory component under theConnectionAdministrator. If theservice category has UPC enabled, then UPC is enabled for theconnection. Note that enabling UPC may have no effect undercertain cases. These cases are listed in the description of theusageParameterControl operational attribute, which is under theVcc Tmor Vpc Tmcomponent.

Whendisabled is selected, UPC for this connection is disabled.

The valuesameAsInterface is for migration from previoussoftware releases, but should no longer be used

Values disabledsameAsCa

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Sig Vcd trafficDescParm (tdp)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-795

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute is a vector of five traffic parameters whosemeanings are defined by thetrafficDescTypeattribute. The valuesof peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR) and requestedshaping rate are expressed in cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS)is expressed in cells. CDVT is expressed in microseconds. Thevalues of PCR, SCR, MBS and CDVT are used for connectionadmission control (CAC). The value of CDVT is only used forconnections where theatmServiceCategory is constantBitRate.For all other values ofatmServiceCategory, CDVT is ignored.The values of PCR, SCR and requested shaping rate are used todetermine the actual shaping rate where traffic shaping isenabled.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.Parameters 2 and 3 must be zero.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2, and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

WhentrafficDescTypeis 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the MBSfor CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; andparameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zerovalue in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. Thisresult is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2, and 3 must be non-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equalto parameter 2.

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2-796 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

WhentrafficDescTypeis 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR forCLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR forCLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 representsthe MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents theCDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. Anon-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1.This result is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2, and 3 must benon-zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter2. Parameter 5 must either be zero (unused) or greater than orequal to parameter 2.

Whenever it is valid for PCR to be specified, parameter 5 mayalso be used to specify a requested shaping rate. A non-zero valuein parameter 5 overrides the value in parameter 1 and is used asthe peak cell rate in calculations of CAC and shaping rate.

For trafficDescType3 the traffic is shaped at the next rate lessthan the PCR.

For trafficDescType6, 7, and8, the traffic is shaped at the highestavailable rate which is between PCR and SCR. However, if thereis no available shaping rate between PCR and SCR, traffic isshaped at the next rate above the PCR.

Vector of Decimal (0..2147483647)

Index Decimal (1..5)

Default (160, 5, 0, 0, 250)

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (1..40, ASCII)]addressType [primary alternate default]

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-797

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n Iisp Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Uni Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Pnni Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Address/address,typeAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Address/address,type

This component represents an address (dynamic or static)associated with the interface. The index is a string of 1 to 40 hexdigits or a single wildcard (‘?’), and a type. The type identifieswhether the Address component is for aprimary, alternate,registered, ordefaultaddress.

The typesprimary andalternate are used for provisionedaddresses. The typeregisteredis used for dynamic addressesregistered through ILMI. The typedefault is used for Soft PVPand Soft PVC addresses.Virtual interfaces do not have addressesoftypedefault.

The wildcard is only valid for provisioned addresses. If theaddress is a single wildcard, then that indicates that the interfacesupports all addresses. If there is no better match, then thisinterface may be chosen in the routing. If there is more than oneinterface with a single wildcard static address, then the choice isdriven through a round robin algorithm.

The round robin algorithm tries the primary routes and then thealternate routes if none of the primary routes succeed.If this node participates in a PNNI hierarchy, then aPnniInfosubcomponent can be provisioned under theAtmAddress

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2-798 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

component to specify the level to which this address will beadvertised.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr TerminateSPvpAndSPvc(TermSP)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr PnniInfo"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for theAddresscomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr scope

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the scope of the ATM address, which isthe highest level to which this address will be advertised in thePNNI hierarchy. If noPnniInfosubcomponent has beenprovisioned, then the scope will default to the level of this nodein the PNNI hierarchy. If this node does not participate in a PNNIhierarchy, then this attribute will have the value of -1.

Values Signed (-1..104)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr reachability (reach)

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates whether the address is internal or exterior.An internal reachable address is an address of a destination that isdirectly attached to the logical node advertising the address. An

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-799

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

exterior reachable address is an address that can be reachedthrough a PNNI routing domain, but which is not located in thatPNNI routing domain.

Values internalexterior

Default No default

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr TerminateSPvpAndSPvc (TermSP)

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Uni Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Pnni Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Address/address,type TerminateSPvpAndSPvcAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Address/address,typeTerminateSPvpAndSPvc

The presence of this subcomponent indicates that SPvp and SPvccall setups terminate at this node if the destination address of theSPVP or SPVC matches theAddress instance.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr PnniInfo

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr PnniInfo Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Uni Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Pnni Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni Addr/address,type PnniInfoAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Addr/address,type PnniInfo

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2-800 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

This component contains provisioned information associated withthe ATM address related to PNNI. This component appears onlyunder provisionedAddress components.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr PnniInfo Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisioned attributes relating toPNNI for aPnniInfo component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr PnniInfo scope

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the scope of the ATM address, which isthe highest level up to which this address will be advertised in thePNNI hierarchy. The scope must be set to a value numericallyless than or equal to the level of the lowest level peer groupcontaining this node. Setting the scope to 0 will cause the addressto be advertised globally within this PNNI routing domain.

Values Signed (-1..104)

Default -1

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Addr PnniInfo reachability (reach)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates whether the address is internal or exterior.An internal reachable address is an address of a destination that is

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-801

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

directly attached to the logical node advertising the address. Anexterior reachable address is an address that can be reachedthrough a PNNI routing domain, but which is not located in thatPNNI routing domain.

Values internalexterior

Default internal

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAddressScreening (CallingAScr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr Statistics (Stat)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CallingAddressScreeningAtmIf/n Iisp CallingAddressScreeningThis component represents the screening of incoming ATM SVCcall requests against provisioned ATM calling addresses (that is,screening SVC calls coming from specific addresses). If thiscomponent is not provisioned, all call requests are accepted andno calling address screening takes place.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theCallingAScr component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr adminStatus

Access Read: AllWrite: All

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2-802 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute specifies whether the calling address screeningfeature isenabled or disabled.

If enabled, incoming SVC calls are screened against provisionedaddresses. Ifenabled and the calling address in the ATM SVCcall request is provisioned to be accepted, the call is accepted orrejected according to the action specified for that address. If thevalue isenabled, and the calling address in the address request isnot provisioned, the call is rejected

If the value isdisabled, no calling address screening isperformed.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr defaultInsertionAddress (defInsAddr)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the address to be inserted into the SVCconnection request ifadminStatusis enabled and the connectionrequest does not contain a calling address. If theadminStatusattribute isenabledand this attribute is empty, all incoming SVCcalls which do not contain a calling address are rejected.

Values String (0..20, Hex)

Default ""

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr Statistics (Stat)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains statistics related to the incomingSVC call requests received while theadminStatusattribute is setto enabled.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr acceptedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-803

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which wereaccepted because the address specified in the call requestmatched a provisioned ATM address and the associated actionwasaccept.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr rejectedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause the address specified in the call request matched aprovisioned ATM address, but the associated action wasreject.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr unmatchedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause none of the provisioned ATM addresses matched theapplicable address in the incoming SVC call request.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp CallingAScr Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (1..40, ASCII)]addressAction [accept reject]

Scope Device

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2-804 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description AtmIf/n Uni CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Uni CalledAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CalledAScr Address/addr,actionThis component specifies a calling (or called) address with anaction to accept or reject a connection request which contains amatching calling (or called) address.For the Calling Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose calling address matches that address isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose callingaddress matches that address is rejected.For the Called Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose called address matches that address, isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose calledaddress matches that address is rejected.For both features, the incoming SVC call request is rejected if theaddress is not provisioned and the feature isenabled.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAddressScreening (CalledAScr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr Statistics (Stat)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CalledAddressScreeningAtmIf/n Iisp CalledAddressScreeningThis component represents the screening of incoming ATM SVCcall requests against provisioned ATM called addresses (that is,going to specific destinations). If this component is not

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-805

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

provisioned, all call requests are accepted and no called addressscreening takes place.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theCalledAScr component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr adminStatus

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether the called address screeningfeature isenabled or disabled.If the value isenabled, incoming SVC calls will be screenedagainst provisioned called addresses. If the value isenabled andthe called address in the ATM SVC call request has beenprovisioned, the call is accepted or rejected according to theaction specified for that address. If the value isenabledand thecalled address in the call request is not provisioned, the call isrejected.If the value isdisabled, no called address screening is performed.

Values enableddisabled

Default disabled

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr Statistics (Stat)

Properties Operational

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2-806 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attribute group contains statistics related to the incomingSVC call requests received while theadminStatusattribute is setto enabled.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr acceptedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which wereaccepted because the address specified in the call requestmatched a provisioned ATM address and the associated actionwasaccept.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr rejectedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause the address specified in the call request matched aprovisioned ATM address, but the associated action wasreject.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr unmatchedCalls

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the incoming SVC calls which were rejectedbecause none of the provisioned ATM addresses matched theapplicable address in the incoming SVC call request.When the counter exceeds the maximum, it wraps to 0.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 0

Page 807: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-807

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp CalledAScr Address (Addr)

Instance address [String (1..40, ASCII)]addressAction [accept reject]

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Uni CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CallingAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Uni CalledAScr Address/addr,actionAtmIf/n Iisp CalledAScr Address/addr,actionThis component specifies a calling (or called) address with anaction to accept or reject a connection request which contains amatching calling (or called) address.For the Calling Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose calling address matches that address isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose callingaddress matches that address is rejected.For the Called Address Screening feature, if the specified actionis accept, any call whose called address matches that address, isaccepted. If the specified action isreject, any call whose calledaddress matches that address is rejected.For both features, the incoming SVC call request is rejected if theaddress is not provisioned and the feature isenabled.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Iisp EdgeBasedRerouting (Ebr)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Uni EdgeBasedRerouting

Page 808: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

2-808 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

AtmIf/n Pnni EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Iisp EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Uni EdgeBasedReroutingAtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Pnni EdgeBasedRerouting

This component represents the Edge Based Rerouting capabilitiesof the ATM Signaling interface. If this component is provisioned,theArtg Pnni component must already exist. The addition ordeletion of this component, or changes to the provisionedsubscription options, does not affect existing connections.

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"


Impact Service

Description Optimize [-all] AtmIf/n Uni EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Iisp EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Pnni EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Uni EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Iisp EbrOptimize [-all] AtmIf/n Vpt/vpi Pnni Ebr

This command triggers path optimization events for theconnections managed by thisEbr component. By default, onlyconnections that have been recovered since the last optimizationevent occurred are considered for optimization.

The-all option causes all connections subscribed to pathoptimization to be considered for optimization.

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for Edge BasedRerouting at the ATM Signaling interface.

Page 809: 241-5701-060v2_Aal1Ces-Atmlf

COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-809

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr connectionRecovery (connRec)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the subscription of connections to hardrerouting.dynamic: Connections that are transiting through this interface.provisioned: SPVC and SPVP connections that are provisioned atthis interface.

Set of dynamic (dyn)provisioned (prov)

Default (dynamic, provisioned)

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr pathOptimization (pathOpt)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the subscription of connections to softrerouting.dynamic: Connections that are transiting through this interface.provisioned: SPVC and SPVP connections that are provisioned atthis interface.

Set of dynamic (dyn)provisioned (prov)

Default (dynamic, provisioned)

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes that indicate thererouting activities for an ATM Signaling interface.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr subscribedConnections (subscribed)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of connections subscribed torerouting capabilities.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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2-810 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr eligibleRecoveredConnections (erc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of connections that have beenrecovered and are eligible for path optimization. The count isreset to zero when theOptimize command is executed on thiscomponent.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr ineligibleRecoveredConnections (irc)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of connections that have beenrecovered but are not eligible for path optimization. The valuedecreases as counted connections are released. The count is notreset by theOptimize command.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the statistics related to Edge BasedRerouting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr totalConnectionRecoveries (ttlConnRec)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts connection recovery, or hard reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Iisp Ebr totalPathOptimizations (ttlPathOpt)

Access Read only

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-811

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This attributes counts path optimization, or soft reroute, eventsthat occur. The counter wraps to 0 when the maximum value isexceeded.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni AdminWeights""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni AccountingOptions (AcctOpt)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni Operational""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni VPnniProvisioned (VProv)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n VirtualPathTerminator/m PnniThis component represents a virtual ATM Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI) interface. If this component isprovisioned, neither aUni nor aIisp component can beprovisioned under the sameVpt component. Also, theARtg Pnnicomponent and theConfiguredNodecomponent corresponding tothe participation of this node in a lowest level peer group mustboth exist if aPnni component is to be provisioned under aVptcomponent. If this component is deleted, then all associatedVcccomponents are deleted.

Subcomponents "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Pnni Signalling (Sig)""COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Pnni RoutingControlChannel (Rcc)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Pnni EdgeBasedRerouting (Ebr)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Pnni Address (Addr)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common""VERB Add (A) Common""VERB DELete Common"

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2-812 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the Pnnicomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni softPvpAndPvcRetryPeriod

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute represents the time in seconds to wait between softPVP or soft PVC call setup retries. The resolution is to thenearest 10 seconds.

Values Decimal (20..999999)

Units seconds

Default 60

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni softPvpAndPvcHoldOffTime (sHoldOffTime)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies how long to hold off retries following arelease or the connection. The resolution is to the nearest 50 ms.

Values Decimal (0; 50..20000)

Units msec

Default 0

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni AdminWeights

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable administrative weights forthe Pnni component. These weights will be used by GenericConnection Admission Control (GCAC) if administrative weightis the selected optimization criterion.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni cbrWeight (cbrWt)

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-813

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the administrative weight assigned forsetting up switched calls with a service category of Constant BitRate (CBR) for this PNNI interface. The value specified will beused by Generic Connection Admission Control (GCAC) ifadministrative weight is the selected optimization criterion; thehigher the value, the less desirable the link will be in pathselection.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 5040

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni rtVbrWeight (rtVbrWt)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the administrative weight assigned forsetting up switched calls with a service category of Real-TimeVariable Bit Rate (RT-VBR) for this PNNI interface. The valuespecified will be used by Generic Connection Admission Control(GCAC) if administrative weight is the selected optimizationcriterion; the higher the value, the less desirable the link will bein path selection.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 5040

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni nrtVbrWeight (nrtVbrWt)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the administrative weight assigned forsetting up switched calls with a service category of Non Real-Time Variable Bit Rate (NRT-VBR) for this PNNI interface. Thevalue specified will be used by Generic Connection AdmissionControl (GCAC) if administrative weight is the selectedoptimization criterion; the higher the value, the less desirable thelink will be in path selection.

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2-814 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 5040

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni ubrWeight (ubrWt)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the administrative weight assigned forsetting up switched calls with a service category of UnspecifiedBit Rate (UBR) for this PNNI interface. The value specified willbe used by Generic Connection Admission Control (GCAC) ifadministrative weight is the selected optimization criterion; thehigher the value, the less desirable the link will be in pathselection.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default 5040

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni AccountingOptions (AcctOpt)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for accounting.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni accountCollection (aco)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute is used to turn accounting on or off for SVC andSPVC connections. It also specifies the reason(s) for whichaccounting data is collected:billing , test, study, audit, or force.

If the set of reasons is not empty then accounting records will begenerated by this interface in the following situations:- on a TODA changeover if TODA is enabled;- every 12 hours (per connection) if TODA is disabled;- on every call clear (a call record with final cell counts).

If none of the reasons is present, then accounting will besuppressed.

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-815

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

The reason for collection is recorded in the accounting record, inthe attributecallingCollectReason or calledCollectReason asappropriate.

Set of billteststudyauditforce

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni accountConnectionType (act)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies whether accounting records generated bythis interface should be marked as originating, terminating orintermediate. This attribute, in combination with the direction ofthe call, determines the value of attributeconnPointType of theaccounting record and may be used by downstream accountingprocesses to correlate the records.

If the value isorigTerm then records generated for incomingcalls will be marked asoriginating and records generated foroutgoing calls will be marked asterminating.

If the value isintermediate then records generated for all callswill be marked asintermediate.

Values origTermintermediate

Default intermediate

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni accountClass (acl)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the accounting class associated with theinterface. Its meaning is determined by the network operator.

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2-816 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Its value is simply recorded in the accounting records generatedby this interface, in the attributecallingServiceType orcalledServiceType as appropriate.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni serviceExchange (sre)

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the data service exchange associated withthis interface. Its meaning is determined by the network operator.

Its value is simply recorded in the accounting records generatedby this interface, in the attributecallingDse or calledDseasappropriate.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni Operational

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for aPnnicomponent.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni portId

Access Read: AllWrite: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the port id of the PNNI interface, which isthe parentAtmIf’s instance number.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni VPnniProvisioned (VProv)

Properties Provisioned

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COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf) 2-817

Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000 Components 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for thePnnicomponent which are specific to virtual PNNI interfaces.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni vpci

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Virtual Path Connection Identifier(VPCI) to be used between this signalling entity and its peer. TheVPCI of the peer virtual PNNI must have the same value forswitched connections to be set up across the interface.

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 0

COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Pnni Signalling (Sig)

Groups "GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni Sig Provisioned (Prov)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni Sig OsiState (State)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni Sig Operational (Oper)""GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni Sig Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description AtmIf/n Iisp SignallingAtmIf/n Uni SignallingAtmIf/n Pnni SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Iisp SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Uni SignallingAtmIf/n Vpt/m Pnni Signalling

This component represents the signalling entities for theinterface.

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT AtmIf Vpt Pnni Sig VirtualChannelDescriptor(Vcd)"

Common Verbs "VERB Help (H) Common""VERB List (L) Common""VERB Display (D) Common"

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2-818 COMPONENT AtmInterface (AtmIf)

241-5701-060 2.0S1 Load 2.0.30

GROUP AtmIf Vpt Pnni Sig Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This attribute group contains the provisionable attributes for theSignalling component.

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni Sig vci

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the signalling channel number.

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE AtmIf Vpt Pnni Sig addressConversion

Access Read: AllWrite: All

Description This attribute specifies the address conversion on the outgoingsignalling PDUs. The options arenone, nativeE164, or nsap. Thenone option is the default and if this option is chosen thennothing is done to the address information element (IE) in theoutgoing signalling message. IfnativeE164 option is chosen,then only NSAP encapsulated E.164 addresses with zeros in theESI are converted to native E.164 format in the outgoingsignalling message. If the NSAP address is not encapsulatedE.164 or the ESI field is not zeros and thenativeE164 option ischosen, then the call is cleared. If thensapoption is chosen, thennative E.164 addresses are converted to NSAP E.164 with zerosin the ESI field; otherwise the address is in NSAP format and isnot changed.

Values nonenativeE164nsap

Default none

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Passport 6400, 7400, 8700, 15000

ComponentsVolume 2

Release 2.0

Copyright © 2000 Nortel NetworksAll Rights Reserved.

Passport, DPN, DPN-100, the globemark design, and the NORTELNETWORKS corporate logo are trademarks of Nortel Networks.VT100 is a trademark of Digital Equipment.

Publication: 241-5701-060Document status: StandardDocument version: 2.0S1Document date: July 2000Printed in Canada