2_2012-Apr_IGU Environmental Issues and Shale Gas

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  • 7/30/2019 2_2012-Apr_IGU Environmental Issues and Shale Gas



    Environmental Issues Surrounding

    Shale Gas Production

    The U.S. Experience

    A Primer

    The Subcommittee has been struck by the enormous difference in perception about

    the consequences of shale gas activities. Advocates state that fracturing has beenperformed safely without significant incident for over 60 years, although modern shale

    gas fracturing of two mile long laterals has only been done for something less than adecade. Opponents point to failures and accidents and other environmental impacts,

    but these incidents are typically unrelated to hydraulic fracturing per se and sometimes

    lack supporting data about the relationship of shale gas development to incidence andconsequences. An industry response that hydraulic fracturing has been performed

    safely for decades rather than engaging the range of issues concerning the public will

    not succeed. - U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chus Shale Gas Advisory Board, InitialReport, August 11, 2011.

    Terence H. Thorn

    April 2012

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    Environmental Issues Surrounding

    Shale Gas ProductionA Primer

    The shale gas revolution of the last few years has changed the perception of the

    natural gas industryandhas dramatically revitalized natural gas exploration and

    production while unlocking vast new reserves of natural gas. The increasing cost and

    complexity of producing conventional reserves has been countered by new production

    techniques that allow access to an abundance of relatively low cost unconventional


    Shale gas development is receiving a great deal of public scrutiny and the debate over

    the environmental impact of this new technology has raised some genuinely important

    issues. Environmentalists claim the process could contaminate rivers and aquifers and

    pollute the air, while the natural gas companies point out that the fracking method has

    been used safely for decades.

    Industry, regulators and many members of the environmental community believe that

    these concerns can be readily addressed by the employment of best drilling practices,

    research and investment in new technologies, and rigorous regulatory oversight. The

    challenges for everyone will be to both protect the environment, public health and

    safety while realizing the full economic and environmental benefits of expanded shale

    gas development.

    This paper provides an overview of the major environmental issues surrounding shale

    gas development and the regulatory and technical response to identify, prevent and

    mitigate these impacts.

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    matching a nearly 6% hike in demand. Gas production was bolstered by a nearly 30%

    jump in shale play output, according to statistics published in the Energy Information

    Administration's (EIA) Annual Energy Review for 2010 (Released October 19, 2011).

    Shale gas production accounted 23 percent of U.S. production in 2010 and is forecast

    reach 49% of production in 2035 (early release, EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2012,

    January 23, 2012).

    Shale and tight gas now account for almost two thirds of the daily gas produced in the

    United States. In the U.S, there has never been an energy resource that escalated its

    market share from essentially zero to 25 percent in just five years. Bentek Energy, LLC

    estimates natural gas production in West Virginia and Pennsylvania now averages almost

    4 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), more than five times as much as the average from

    2004 through 2008 and accounts for over 85% of total Northeastern U.S. natural gasproduction.

    Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, August 2011

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    How Much Shale Gas Is There?

    A U.S. Geological Report (USGS), released August 25, 2011, estimates that the eight-

    State Marcellus Shale region contains some 84 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered,

    recoverable natural gas. That amount is far higher than the geological service had

    estimated in a 2002 report which estimated 2 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves, but far

    below a 2011 estimate by the Energy Information Administration. EIA in January 2011

    had estimated 410 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of recoverable gas. The conflicting reportsprompted confusion about the extent of natural gas reserves available in the Marcellus


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    The Washington, D.C. based research group Resources For the Future, in an Issue Brief,2

    explained that questions about the differences likely lie in a misunderstanding of the

    definitions of shale gas resource classifications used by the U.S. Energy Information

    Administration (EIA) and USGS. The USGS estimate of 84 trillion cubic feet (tcf)

    measures only undiscovered resources outside known fields in the Marcellus. The EIAs

    410 tcf estimate of inferred reserves is for known but unproven fields. The two estimates

    also differ in their respective analysis of well spacing and estimates of average

    production per well.

    However, the EIA has said they will adopt the undiscovered resource estimate from the

    USG. The new estimate should simply replace the previous estimate of undiscovered

    resources and not the current estimate of inferred reserves.

    In its early release of the Annual Energy Report for 20123, the EIA said it now thinks

    there are about 482 trillion cubic feet of shale gas in the U.S., down from earlier

    estimates of 827 trillion cubic feet. The bulk of the downward revision was the result of

    changing expectations for the Marcellus to 141 trillion cubic feet. The EIA modified its

    estimate based on the USGS latest findings, and on recent well data from the state of

    Pennsylvania. Despite the lower estimates, the agencys report noted that shale gas would

    continue to have a growing impact on the broader energy market. The share of natural gas

    produced by drilling in shale formations is projected to more than double, from 23

    percent in 2010 to 49 percent in 2035.

    At a hearing before the US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on

    January 31, 2012, EIA Acting Administrator Howard Gruenspecht downplayed the

    significance of a 65% reduction in EIA estimates for technically recoverable,

    undiscovered resources in the Marcellus shale, noting that as we gain more and more

    experience with actual drilling, the numbers will always tend to evolve to total

    2Undiscovered Resources and Inferred Reserves, David w. McLaughlin, Issue Brief11-15, October 2011.3

    January 23, 2012. http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/aeo/er/

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    recoverable resource. He also noted that ultimately resource estimates will not be the

    primary driver of US industry activity. It will be lower drilling costs and increased well

    productivity, rather than size of the US resource base.

    Environmental Concerns

    As with any rapidly expanding new technology, several major environmental concerns

    have developed over the effects of shale gas development on air and water quality: the

    large water requirements and the improper disposal of waste water, the possibility that

    underground fracking fluids can migrate into aquifers, and that shale gas operations not

    only contribute to poor air quality near drilling operations but significantly add GHG

    emissions to the atmosphere.

    A. Water Use and Wastewater Disposal

    It can take two to five million gallons (7-19 million liters) of water to frack a well, and a

    well may be fracked multiple times. Even if some of the water can be recycled, the

    process requires a major withdrawal from the aquifer or other water resources. As shale

    development continues to grow in the Marcellus, water usage for well fracking could

    reach 650 million barrels per year in Pennsylvania, New York and West Virginia,

    according to a report done earlier this year for the U.S. Department of Energy and state

    authorities. It sounds like a lot until its compared to the other water uses in the three

    states. Water used in shale development is a fraction of total water usage for agricultural,

    industrial and recreational purposes. In the states In the Marcellus, for example, the total

    volume of water needed to meet estimated peak shale gas development would be about

    0.65 billion barrels per year, which represents about 0.8 percent of the 85 billion barrels

    per year that are currently consumed in the Marcellus basin states. 4

    In Texas, Dan Hardin, the resource planning director for the Texas Water Development

    4 Arthur, D., Uretsky, M, and Wilson, P., Water Resources and Use for HydraulicFracturing in the Marcellus Shale Region, All Consulting, p. 3.http://www.netl.doe.gov/technologies/oil-gas/publications/ENVreports/FE0000797_WaterResourceIssues.pdf.

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    Board, said water use for fracking was not expected to exceed 2 percent of the statewide

    total. But drilling can send water use numbers much higher in rural areas. For example,

    Dr. Hardin projects that in 2020, more than 40 percent of water demand in La Salle

    County, in the Eagle Ford Shale, will go toward fracking. Until recently, no water went

    toward fracking there.

    Coal and nuclear power plants, in particular, draw many times more water and represent

    over 70% of the water used in the three state area. Shale gas producers are quick to point

    out that ten times as much water is required to produce the equivalent amount of energy

    from coal. Ethanol production, where milled grain is mixed with water and enzymes to

    create slurry, can require as much as a thousand times more water to yield the same

    amount of energy from natural gas.5

    Access to sufficient water is critical to shale gas development, but cumulative effects on

    the sources of large water withdrawals must be managed. Industry is making tremendous

    progress in managing water withdrawals and learning to treat and use produced water,

    reducing the water demands of shale gas drilling.

    With each round of fracking, about half of the fracking fluid returns to the surface along

    with the gas, via the collection pipes. The returned fracking fluid, now called wastewater

    or flowback, is either trucked to water treatment plants that may or may not be designed

    to handle fracking chemicals, reinjected into old wells, or stored in large, tarp-lined pits,

    where it is allowed to evaporate. The wastewater often contains a high salt level,

    dissolved solids, oil, chemicals, and added materials (such as sand or ceramic grains).

    Many environmentalists have severely criticized the handling of wastewater, claiming it

    results in toxic waste and surface water contamination. They also argue that fracking

    fluids could migrate from the gas-bearing layers, which are over 5,000 feet below the

    5 The National Renewable Energy laboratory estimates of water usage during ethanolproduction range from 3 to 4 gallons of water used per gallon of ethanol produced or over400,000 gallons per day for a 50 million per year facility.

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    surface, up to water tables often less than 500 feet from the surface and contaminate

    drinking supplies. Environmental community documentaries like "Gasland," assert that

    hydraulic fracturing has been responsible for water pollution and the presence of methane

    in water supplies.

    A key problem is the disposal of the fracking fluid. As described in the Vaughn and

    Purcell study cited below, fracking chemicals and drilling waste are more hazardous

    above ground than several miles underground and pose a more serious environmental

    hazard than potential contamination of groundwater from fracking.

    In the Southwest U.S., producers reinject the fluid into abandoned wells. States like

    Texas have many deep underground injection wells, regulated by the U.S. Environmental

    Protection Agency, where companies dispose of the salty and chemical- and mineral-

    laden shale wastewater. In the northeast United States there is a shortage of injection

    wells for disposal of wastewater and sludge. Some of that waste is being sent to existing

    underground waste dumps, leading to the possibility of spills, or being hauled to waste

    water treatment plants that may or may not be capable of processing the wastewater.

    Since these problems were highlighted, most drilling companies in Pennsylvania have

    stopped sending their wastewater through treatment plants that were unable to remove

    many of the contaminants before the water was discharged into rivers. State regulators

    and drinking water operators are also now testing more regularly for radioactive and

    other toxic elements in the drilling wastewater.

    B. Groundwater Contamination

    Although much of the water used in fracking is collected from the well and processed,

    there are concerns that potentially carcinogenic chemicals can sometimes escape and find

    their way into drinking water sources. Gasland promoted the idea that shale gas leaking

    into drinking supplies allowed tap water to ignite.

    Fluids are used to create the fractures in the formation and to carry a propping agent

    (typically silica sand), which is deposited in the induced fractures to keep them from

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    closing up. Water and sand make up 98 to 99.5 percent of the fluid used in hydraulic

    fracturing. In addition, chemical additives are used. The exact formulation varies

    depending on the well.6

    The chart below taken from Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A

    Primer (April 2009, U.S. DOE)7 demonstrates the volumetric percentages of additives

    that were used for a nine stage hydraulic fracturing treatment of a Fayetteville Shale

    horizontal well. Evaluating the relative volumes of the components of a fracturing fluid

    reveals the relatively small volume of additives that are present. The additives depicted

    on the right side of the pie chart represent less than 0.5% of the total fluid volume.

    Overall the concentration of additives in most slickwater fracturing fluids is a relatively

    consistent 0.5% to 2% with water making up 98% to 99.5%.

    Source: Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States, U.S. DOE, NETL, April 2009.http://www.netl.doe.gov/technologies/oil-gas/publications/epreports/shale_gas_primer_2009.pdf

    Typical shale gas deposits are located several thousand feet below the deepest potential

    sources of underground drinking water. Further, the low permeability of shale rock and

    other intervening formation horizons present additional impediments to the flow of

    6 For a list of chemicals used in fracking fluid see http://fracfocus.org/chemical-use/what-chemicals-are-used7


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    fracking chemicals from target zones upward into aquifers. The likelihood of water

    contamination as a consequence of fluids migration up through several thousand feet of

    strata is extremely unlikely.

    The gas industry asserts there has never been a documented case in the U.S. of

    groundwater contamination caused by fracking. In 2011 EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson

    told the U.S. Congress that there had been no proven cases where the fracking process

    itself has affected water.

    However, in their December 2011 draft report Investigation of Ground Water

    Contamination near Pavillion Wyoming, EPA reported that its investigation of

    groundwater in Pavillion, Wyo., found chemicals consistent with natural gas production

    and hydraulic fracturing fluids. 8 EPA began investigating water-quality concerns in

    private drinking water wells 3 years ago at the residents requests in the West-Central

    Wyoming community, about 20 miles northwest of Riverton. Since that time, EPA said

    it has worked with Wyoming state government officials, local residents, and Encana Oil

    & Gas (USA) Inc., the gas field's owner, to assess groundwater quality and identify

    potential contamination sources. Its Denver regional office released a draft analysis of its

    data for public comment and independent scientific review. Encana representatives have

    questioned the source of some chemicals found by EPA and believe the preliminaryfindings are conjecture, not fact, and only serve to trigger undue alarm. Others have

    questioned the EPA sampling process and have noted this is a very old field and

    contamination could have come from surface spills.

    The EPA initiated a 45-day comment period that was to have ended Jan. 27, 2012. On

    March 29, 2012, EPA extended the public comment period to October 16, 2012.

    EPA also plans a peer review by independent scientists that is expected to take 30 days.

    On January 31, 2012 EPA posted 622 files related to the investigation at its web site.9

    Testifying before Congress on February 1, 2012 James B. Martin, EPAs Region 8

    administrator in Denver, told the House Science, Space and Technology Committees

    8 http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/wy/pavillion/index.html9http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/wy/pavillion/docs.html. For the report and other

    documentation see http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/wy/pavillion/.

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    Energy and Environment Subcommittee that the draft report never implied hydraulic

    fracturing was unsafe and made clear that the causal link to hydraulic fracturing has not

    been demonstrated conclusively, and that our analysis is limited to the particular geologic

    conditions in the Pavillion gas field and should not be assumed to apply to fracturing in

    other geologic settings. Pavillion is unusual in that commercial natural gas is present at

    depths as shallow as 1,100 feet and because there is no cap rock forming a barrier

    between the deeper natural gas and shallow intervals. Therefore, over the geologic ages,

    this has allowed the upward migration of deeper natural gas to shallow depths. The

    agency agreed with Wyoming state regulators on March 8, 2012 to conduct more tests at

    a site in Pavillion.

    Most agree that more likely candidates as sources of possible water contamination

    include improper well design, inadequate surface casing and substandard or improper

    cementing, improper handling of surface chemicals, improper design/performance of

    holding ponds, and improper storage and disposal of wastes and produced water. More

    stringent design standards are being adopted, and more active regulatory oversight is

    being exercised. These steps will reduce the incidence of such problems.

    A study conducted by the Energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin (Fact-

    based Regulation for Environmental protection in Shale Gas Development, February

    2012)), found that many problems attributed to hydraulic fracturing are related to

    processes common to all oil and gas drilling operations, such as drilling pipe

    inadequately cased in concrete. Many reports of contamination can be traced to above-

    ground spills or other mishandling of wastewater produced from shale drilling and not

    from hydraulic fracturing. Others cautioned that although the study didnt confirm any

    cases of drinking water contamination caused by fracking, that does not mean such

    contamination is impossible or that hydraulic fracturing chemicals cant get loose in theenvironment in other ways (such as through spills of produced water).10

    Ann Davis Vaughan and David Pursell, ("Frac Attack: Risks, Hype, and Financial Reality



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    of Hydraulic Fracturing in the Shale Plays." Reservoir Research Partners; and Tudor,

    Pickering, Holt & Co.), summarize the available studies and information on hydraulic

    fracturing and provide an objective look at the debate. The authors confirm that water-

    supply contamination from so-called stray gas occurs more often from failures in well

    design and construction, breaches in spent hydraulic-fracturing water-containment ponds,

    and spills of leftover natural gas liquids used in drilling. In this respect, waste disposal

    and safe materials handling are the biggest challenges to producers.

    The authors analyze incidents of contamination cited by environmental advocates as

    evidence of contamination caused by fracking and conclude that most of those incidents

    are either naturally occurring gas in water sands or problems caused by mistakes in well

    design -- improper cementing -- not related to fracking.

    C. Methane Emissions

    Methane emissions from natural gas extraction, especially shale gas, have been getting a

    lot of attention in recent months. A paper by Cornells Robert Howarth (Methane and

    the greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations, March 13, 2011,

    Climatic Change)11

    argues that natural gas from fracking operations can be worse for the

    atmosphere than coal because of methane seepage into the atmosphere. The Cornell study

    suggests that life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shale gas are 20%-100%

    higher than coal on a 20-year timeframe basis. This contradicts a National Technology

    Energy Laboratory (NETL) study (Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Analysis of Natural Gas

    Extraction & Delivery in the United States, May 2011) which, on an electricity-generation comparison basis, shows that natural gas base load has 50% lower GHG

    emissions than coal on a 20 year timeframe basis.12 Worldwatch Institute and Deutsche

    Bank, (Comparing Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Natural Gas and Coal,

    11 http://www.sustainablefuture.cornell.edu/news/attachments/Howarth-EtAl-2011.pdf12DOE/NETL (2010) Life cycle analysis: natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) powerplant, DOE/NETL-403- 110509, p127. http://www.netl.doe.gov/energy-analyses/pubs/NGCC_LCA_Report_093010.pdf

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    August 25, 2011) 13 concludes that on average, U.S. natural gas-fired electricity

    generation emits 47 percent less GHGs than coal from source to use using the IPCCs

    100-year global warming potential (GWP- see 4 below) for methane of 25.

    The Howarth paper has been criticized in four areas:

    1) First, the data for leakage from well completions and pipelines is very

    incomplete and taken from a few isolated cases reported in industry

    magazines, and numbers for pipeline leakage from long-distance pipelines in


    2) The gas-to-coal comparisons are all done on a per energy unit basis and

    compare the amount of emissions involved in producing a gigajoule of coal

    with the amount involved in producing a gigajoule of gas. Since a gigajoule

    of gas produces a far more electricity than a gigajoule of coal (assuming an

    electricity conversion efficiency of 60% for natural gas and 30% conversion

    efficiency for older coal plants), a per kWh comparison is the correct one.

    3) The technological solutions for methane leakage (better well completion

    techniques, better pipeline integrity) are relatively inexpensive and exist today

    compared to solving the GHG emissions problems of a coal plant (Carbon

    Capture and Storage or CCS).

    4) Howarth uses 20 year GWPs to compare coal with gas, rather than the 100-

    year figure used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. GWP is

    a relative measure of how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere.

    It compares the amount of heat trapped by a certain mass of the gas in

    question to the amount of heat trapped by a similar mass of carbon dioxide. A

    GWP is expressed as a factor of carbon dioxide (whose GWP is standardized

    to 1). For example, the 20 year GWP of methane is 72 which means if the

    same weights of methane and carbon dioxide were introduced into the

    atmosphere, methane will trap 72 more times heat than the carbon dioxide

    over the next twenty years.


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    Although methane is about 21 times more powerful at warming the

    atmosphere than carbon dioxide, methane has much shorter lifespan than

    CO2- approximately 12 years compared to more than a century for

    CO2. Howarth amplified the greenhouse gas footprint of unconventional gas

    development by measuring the global warming potential of leaked methane

    over a 20-year time frame, rather than the 100 years more commonly. Over a

    100-year period the GWP of methane is 25. That choice, critics say, inflates

    methanes global warming footprint unnecessarily, allowing the authors to

    reach their controversial conclusion that unconventional natural gas

    development is worse than burning coal.

    In addition to the Worldwatch Institute and NETL studies cited above, a study performed

    by researchers at Carnegie Mellon, whose work was funded by the Sierra Club,

    concluded that life cycle GHG footprint for shale gas is 20 to 50% lower than that for

    coal. Finally a study by IHS Global Energy Research Associates did not calculate relative

    GHG footprints, but it noted some of the same problems with the Howarth study. A

    second study from Cornell University also concludes that the Horwath study by Howarth

    was "seriously flawed," and that shale gas has a GHG footprint that is only one-third to

    one-half that of coal. The new study was conducted by L.M. Cathles III and others and

    published online in the journal Climatic Change Letters on January 3, 2012.14

    Finally a

    study from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Earth Systems

    Research Laboratory (ESRL) in Boulder, Colorado maintains that fields that rely on

    fracking tend to leak more methane than fields with conventional wells. The study has

    not been released and is currently in press at the Journal of Geophysical Research. The

    study is not a life cycle analysis and is a snapshot of emission events in a specific area

    and is comparing a localized data point with a national estimate for all wells and

    processing plants. For a detailed discussion of this issue and the studies, see Appendix III.

    14A commentary on The greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas in shale formations byR.W. Howarth, R. Santoro, and Anthony Ingraffea, Lawrence M. Cathles III & LarryBrown & Milton Taam & Andrew Hunter.http://www.springerlink.com/content/x001g12t2332462p/

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    The full life cycle impact of natural gas production is attracting increased interest as

    studies such as Horwaths surface and energy policies include an expanded role for

    natural gas. Between its 2010 and 2011 editions of the Inventory, the EPA significantly

    revised its methodology for estimating GHG emissions from natural gas systems,

    resulting in an estimate of methane emissions from Natural Gas Systems in 2008 that was

    120 percent higher than its previous estimate. For the 2011 Inventory, the EPA modified

    its treatment of two emissions sources that had not been widely used at the time of the

    1996 study, but have since become common: gas well completions and workovers with

    hydraulic fracturing. It also significantly modified the estimation methodology for

    emissions from gas well cleanups, condensate storage tanks, and centrifugal compressors.

    Any sources of so-called greenhouse gases are important and every effort to reducing

    those methane emissions should be a priority for the natural gas industry. The Howarth

    study is an important reminder that the whole life cycle is what matters, not just the

    immediate emissions.

    D. Other Air Emissions

    Other air quality impacts from shale gas operations also include emissions of carbon

    dioxide stripped from the gas, sulphur dioxide and/or hydrogen sulphide from treating

    sour water for use as hydraulic fracture fluid, and NOX and other emissions from

    compressors, pollution from diesel engines; and ground level ozone. EPA has identified

    these emissions as one of the largest sources of air pollution from the energy industry.

    DOEs Shale Gas Subcommittee supported rigorous standards for new and existing

    sources of methane, air toxics, ozone precursors and other air pollutants from shale gas

    operations and cites EPAs July 28, 2011 proposed amendments to oil and gas air

    emissions standards as achieving significant benefits in controlling these emissions. The

    proposed rules were finalized on April 17, 2012 (see page 22 below). EPA was under a

    court-ordered deadline to develop the air-quality rules tied to fracking after being sued by

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    environmental groups.

    E. Waste Water Injection Causes Minor Earthquakes

    A 2.7-magnitude earthquake rocked Ohio on Christmas Eve 2011, followed by a 4.0-

    magnitude quake on New Year's Eve. Pumping wastewater from shale gas operations

    deep underground was the likely cause of minor earthquakes recorded recently in Ohio,

    scientists said. All of the quakes were recorded within a 5-mile radius of a wastewater

    injection well run by Northstar Disposal Services. It appears the quakes were triggered by

    wastewater from shale gas operations that acted as a lubricant at a fault located about 1

    mile underground.

    On November 5, an earthquake measuring 5.6 rattled Oklahoma and was felt as far away

    as Illinois. Until two years ago Oklahoma typically had about 50 earthquakes a year, but

    in 2010, 1,047 quakes shook the state. OGS Austin Holland's August 2011 report,

    "Examination of Possibly Induced Seismicity from Hydraulic Fracturing in the Eola Field,

    Garvin County, Oklahoma" Oklahoma Geological Survey OF1-2011, studied 43

    earthquakes that occurred on January 18, ranging in intensity from 1.0 to 2.8 Md

    (milliDarcies.) The report's conclusions state, "Our analysis showed that shortly after

    hydraulic fracturing began small earthquakes started occurring, and more than 50 were

    identified, of which 43 were large enough to be located."

    As part of its ongoing effort to study a variety of potential impacts of U.S. energy

    production, United States Geological Survey (USGS) scientists have been investigating

    the recent increase in the number of magnitude 3 and greater earthquakes in the

    midcontinent of the United States. Beginning in 2001, the average number of earthquakes

    occurring per year of magnitude 3 or greater increased significantly, culminating in a six-

    fold increase in 2011 over 20th century levels. The scientists then took a closer look at

    earthquake rates in regions where energy production activities have changed in recent

    years. The lead researcher in the paper15

    , Mr. Ellsworth, believes the increased number of

    15Are Seismicity Rate Changes In the Midcontinent Natural or Manmade?

    ELLSWORTH, W. L. et al, US Geological Survey. April 2012.

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    government and state governments have long-established experience regulating the oil

    and gas industry.

    Working to develop regulations and protocols that will minimize drillings environmental

    impact, a common focus of industry and regulators has been the importance of a

    continuous improvement in the various aspects of shale gas production that relies on best

    practices and is tied to measurement and disclosure.

    Those states that have seen a dramatic spike in exploration and production activity have

    been quick but deliberate in adjusting their regulations accordingly, and many of the

    stated goals of the environmental groups on hydraulic fracturing, such as chemical

    disclosure and management of water resources, have been or are being addressed by state

    regulation such as the programs taking effect in Texas, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma,

    New York and Pennsylvania. Nine states already have disclosure laws for hydraulic

    fracturing. But only one stateColoradorequires what the BLM would require: the

    names and concentrations of the individual chemicals pumped into each well.

    In June 2011, Texas became the first state to require publicdisclosure of chemicals used

    in hydraulic fracturing operations. Specifically, in 2011 the Texas legislature passed a

    new law (HB 3328) that required chemical ingredients subject to Material Safety Data

    Sheets to be posted to a public website. FracFocus.org is specifically referenced. In

    addition, information about other ingredients must be provided to the Texas Railroad

    Commission and made publicly accessible. Information about the total volume of water

    used in fracturing operations must also be publicly filed with the Commission. Louisiana,

    New Mexico, Colorado, Arkansas, Wyoming and Oklahoma are developing similar

    regulations. The final Texas rule was adopted on December 27, 2011 and went into effect

    February 1, 2012 for wells permitted after on or after this date. Colorado's new regulation,

    effective April 1, 2012, goes further than most in requiring drillers to disclose all the

    chemicals they use in frackingnot just the chemicals considered potentially hazardous.

    The American Petroleum Institute (API) has developed a series of shale development

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    guidance documents that encompass well integrity and production operations. 16 ).

    Historically, API standards have been integrated into state regulatory frameworks. Such

    an approach benefits all parties in shale gas production: regulators will have more

    complete and accurate information; industry will achieve more efficient operations; and

    the public will see continuous, measurable improvement in shale gas activities. The

    Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, the Marcellus Shale Coalition, the State

    Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulation (STRONGER), the

    Groundwater Protection Council, and the Intermountain Oil and Gas Project, are all

    working to identify best practices.

    At the Federal Government level, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)

    has begun a new study of hydraulic fracturing at the direction of Congress and is in the

    early stages of collecting information on the potential environmental impact of fracking.

    The study is a welcomed first step in a scientific analysis of the risks of fracking and in

    potentially developing industry best management practices. The agency recently released

    a proposed Study Plan that lays out a broad approach to its study of hydraulic fracturing

    and the potential impacts on drinking water sources. The initial results will be available at

    end of 2012, with a final report due in 2014.

    On July 28, 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the

    release of a 604-page suite of proposed air emission regulations for oil and gas

    production, processing, transmission, and storage. The new rules will leverage

    operators ability to capture and sell natural gas that currently escapes into the air,

    resulting in more efficient operations while reducing harmful emissions, including

    methane leakage, that can impact air quality in surrounding areas and nearby states.

    The proposed regulations would make green completions17 mandatory and older pipelines

    and processing plants must also be retrofitted with new gear to reduce leaks, something

    16 www.api.org/policy/exploration/hydraulicfracturing/index.cfm#guidance17 A green completion is where gas and liquid hydrocarbons are separated from thewastewater using tanks, gas-liquid-sand separator traps, and gas dehydration equipment.If gathering lines are not available to collect the gas, it can be flared.

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    that can be easily done for low cost and with existing technology. In fact, many drilling

    companies already use green-completion systems. Southwestern Energy Co. and Devon

    Energy Corp. say they already use systems to capture methane and other fumes at wells,

    the key requirement of a rule that may be issued as early as today. Drilling hasnt slowed

    in Colorado or Wyoming where technology to capture emissions has been required by the

    state since 2009 and 2010. Of wells drilled in 2011 by eight members of Americas

    Natural Gas Alliance, 93 percent used systems to capture stray gas, according to Sara

    Banaszak, chief economist with the Washington-based group.

    Covered operations and equipment would include completions and recompletions of

    hydraulically fractured natural gas wells, compressors, pneumatic controllers, various

    storage tanks, and gas processing plants.

    The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, a trade group that represents natural

    gas and oil pipeline companies, in an October 11 letter to Assistant Administrator, Office

    of Air and radiation, Gina McCarthy, stated that the Environmental Protection Agency

    had no defensible reason to include natural gas transmission pipelines in a proposed

    emissions rule for the oil and gas industry. The American Petroleum Institute has also

    criticized the proposed rule and asked EPA to give businesses more time to review the

    rule, which would also cut air pollution from drilling and production activities.

    On April 17, 2012, the EPA announced that companies would now have until January 1,

    2015 (rather than the 60 days in the original proposal) to begin using "green completion"

    equipment that can pare emissions at natural gas wells. It is estimated that 25,000 new

    and existing natural gas wells are fractured or re-fractured each year. API President Jack

    Gerard had warned in earlier that just 300 sets of the emissions-reducing equipment were

    available in the U.S. EPA Assistant Administrator Gina McCarthy said moving back the

    deadline will "provide time for industry to order and manufacture enough equipment as

    well as train personnel to conduct green completions. During the transition period,

    companies can use both green completions and flaring. After Jan. 1, 2015, companies

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    cannot only use flaring. 18

    On October 19, 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency unveiled plans to set

    national standards for wastewater discharges from natural gas drilling amid growing

    concern over water pollution from fracking. The EPA said in a statement that it would

    accept comments for new standards over the coming months for shale gas extraction as

    well as for gas from underground coal beds. Noting that President Obama has made clear

    that natural gas has a central role to play in our energy economy, EPA Administrator Lisa

    Jackson said in a statement that we can protect the health of American families and

    communities at the same time we ensure access to all of the important resources that

    make up our energy economy. The American Petroleum Institute argues that voluntary

    industry standards better deal with the produced water from natural gas drilling in that the

    industry works with state regulators directly to minimize environmental impact during

    the acquisition of water for drilling, water use during fracking operations and treatment

    and disposal of water and other fluids recovered after the well is completed. Industry

    officials further note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing water at

    natural gas sites, because of the wide variations in geology. API has issued its own

    guidelines for water management that apply to hydraulic fracturing.

    In a November 23, 2011 letter to Earthjustice, EPA stated that it will use the Toxic

    Substances Control Act (TSCA) to draft regulations requiring companies to disclose

    information regarding "chemical substances and mixtures used in hydraulic fracturing."

    Although the EPA has not indicated what information will be subject to disclosure, the

    agency stated that it will attempt to avoid duplication of "the well-by-well disclosure

    programs already being implemented in several states," and that it anticipates that its

    regulations will "focus on providing aggregate pictures of the chemical substances and

    mixtures used in hydraulic fracturing."

    18 NRDC documented the savings available from green completions and nine otherpollution control measures in a report calledLeaking Profits (March 2012).http://www.nrdc.org/energy/files/Leaking-Profits-Report.pdf

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    The US Department of the Interior ("DOI") has been working on fracturing regulations

    for federal lands. The draft rules focuses on the disclosure of chemical identities, well-

    bore integrity and management of wastewater disposal. US Sec. of the Interior Ken

    Salazar told the US House Natural Resources Committee I February 2012 that regulations

    covering hydraulic fracturing on federal lands are necessary, and will be developed after

    full consultations with state and Indian tribal governments. Proposals will go through a

    full federal rule-making process and possibly could provide a template for national

    standards, he suggested. Federal onshore fracking regulations are necessary because 99%

    of gas wells now being drilled on public lands use fracking and horizontal drilling. Oil-

    and-gas groups, which called the proposals redundant with what many states and industry

    itself are already doing and saying they would further impede oil-and-gas development

    on federal lands. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management, which is drafting rules for

    natural gas production by hydraulic fracturing on federal property, has said it will use

    industry standards for cementing. The BLM draft proposed fracking rule has not been

    released to the public yet.

    The Natural Gas Subcommittee of the U.S. Secretary of Energys Advisory Board

    published its 90-day interim report on Improving the Safety and Environmental

    Performance of Hydraulic Fracturing. The panel's report pushes several broad themes,

    such as "continuous improvement" and "best practices and it offers ideas that could

    serve as the underpinnings of legislative or regulatory changes. The seven-member

    Natural Gas Subcommittee called for better tracking and more careful disposal of the

    waste that comes up from wells, stricter standards on air pollution and greenhouse gases

    associated with drilling, and the creation of a federal database so the public can better

    monitor drilling operations. While warning that hydraulic fracturing presents real risks to

    the air, water and land that must be addressed by energy companies and federal and state

    regulators, the report also noted that in the great majority of regions where shale gas is

    being produced, large depth separation between drinking water sources and the producing

    zone] exists, and there are few, if any, documented examples of such migration.

    SEAB issued its second 90-day report on Nov. 10 which reviewed progress made on the

    20 recommendations the subcommittee outlined in its Aug. 18 initial report. The new

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    report criticizes federal agencies, state governments, industry and public interest groups

    for not moving quickly enough on its recommendations of increased regulation on

    hydraulic fracturing a critical technology that allow us to access the nations rich shale

    gas resources. The SEAB urges more regulatory action on three areas: reducing air

    emissions at hydraulic fracturing sites, more disclosure of the chemicals used in hydraulic

    fracturing, and reducing the impact of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water and setting

    wastes discharge standards. Specific recommendations included:

    Improve casing and cementing procedures to isolate the gas-producing zone from

    overlaying formations and potable aquifers. Loss of well integrity is simply the

    result of poor well completion or poor production-pressure management.

    Control the entire lifecycle of the water used from acquisition to disposal. Allwater flows should be tracked and reported quantitatively throughout the process.

    Limit water use by controlling vertical fracture growth. Periodic direct

    measurement of earth stresses and the micro-seismic monitoring of water and

    additive needs will eliminate rogue methane migration and save production


    Use multi-well drilling pads to monitor processes and minimize truck traffic and

    surplus road construction. The use of mats, catchments, groundwater monitors,

    and surface water buffers all standard in the oil industry should be industry

    standard in shale gas production as well.

    Declare unique and/or sensitive areas off-limits to drilling. There is such an

    abundance of natural gas reserves that have come from the fracking revolution

    that there is no need to be provocatively drilling beneath protected urban or

    wilderness spaces. This recommendation is also one of the most difficult to apply

    as the owners of the minerals in such areas have the right to produce those

    minerals. Fortunately, with long-reach horizontal drilling, many urban areas can

    be developed from remote pad sites with appropriate controls.

    Mitigate noise, air and visual pollution. Conversion from diesel to natural gas or

    electrical power for equipment fuel is an important first step and can be

    substantially accelerated.

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    API issued its own 10-page update regarding how industry has responded to the

    subcommittees recommendations. API noted that the SEABs draft report outlines

    unrealistic expectations and does little to highlight the efforts that industry and regulators

    had already made to ensure that these activities are conducted safely. It is unreasonable to

    expect that industry and federal, state and local regulators could institute complex new

    regulatory programs in three months. The two reports reflected 6 months of deliberations

    among a group of industry experts, environmental advocates, academics, and former state


    Finally, on April 13, 2012, President Obama issued an executive order establishing an

    interagency working group to coordinate federal policies to support safe and responsibleUS unconventional natural gas resource development. The order established the working

    group and named his domestic policy advisor, Cecilia Munoz, or a designated

    representative as its chair. Its members will include deputy-level representatives or the

    equivalent from the US Departments of the Interior, Energy, Defense, Agriculture,

    Commerce, Health and Human Services, Transportation, and Homeland Security; the US

    Environmental Protection Agency; and the White House Council on Environmental

    Quality, Office of Management and Budget, National Economic Council, and Office of

    Science and Technology Policy. The working group will coordinate agency activities to

    ensure they are efficient and effective, and share scientific, environmental, and related

    information among the agencies where appropriate. It will make long-term plans and

    ensure coordination among federal entities on research, natural resource assessment, and

    infrastructure development; promote interagency communication with stakeholders; and

    consult with other agencies and offices where appropriate.

    Hours after the executive order was issued, DOI, DOE, and EPA announced amemorandum of agreement to coordinate their present and future scientific research and

    scientific studies on unconventional oil and gas resource development. They said a

    primary goal of this effort will be to identify research topics where collaboration among

    the three agencies can be most effectively and efficiently conducted to provide results

    and technologies that support sound policy decisions by the agencies responsible for

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    ensuring the prudent development of energy sources while promoting safe practices and

    human health.


    Fracking fluids will get greener, water use will get down, all because the industry,

    quite frankly, will do it, must do it, and will feel the public pressure -- not the EPA

    pressure -- to do this in a responsible way.- Lisa Jackson, EPA Administrator,

    January 2012.

    No energy produced, whether in or outside of the United States, is produced without risk

    and without some environmental cost. The extraction, processing, and transportation of

    natural gas all affect the environment. However, expansion of the supply of natural gas

    permits the displacement of more polluting forms of energy.

    With the shale gas boom continuing to gather steam, hydraulic fracturing will likely

    remain a focus for environmental and citizen groups concerned about the potential

    environmental impacts associated with shale gas development. Industry is well aware that

    failure to manage some of the attendant impacts surrounding the development of this

    resource such as water use and contamination concerns, the public disclosure of

    the composition of fracking fluids, and fugitive emissions will seriously hamper efforts to

    fully develop this resource.

    Working with industry, federal and state regulators and legislators will continue to

    monitor developments and develop regulations and protocols that will minimize shale gasdevelopments environmental footprint and any long-term impacts that it might have.

    With time, experience, and investment, the technology and practices necessary to

    achieve shale gas potential in a safe and environmentally acceptable manner will become

    the industry standard. The U.S. experience and technology innovations can then be

    carried to the rest of the world.

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    Appendix I

    The Environmental Issues: Water Use and Waste Water Disposal

    With hundreds of wells to be drilled over large shale gas plays, water management

    warrants considerable regulatory attention. The very large volumes of water needed to

    hydraulically fracture shale gas wells with current technology makes water consumption

    a critical issue in shale gas development. And while hydraulic fracturing requires large

    amounts of water, the technology of development is evolving rapidly to lessen the

    amount. Innovations include closed-loop systems that recycle the same water for

    further use.

    Anywhere from 10 to 50 percent of the 2-5 million gallons of injected water is returned to

    the surface. The flowback fluid can contain chemicals used during the fracturing

    operation as well as naturally occurring radioactive, organic and other materials picked

    up from the producing formation. Hydraulic fracturing companies use a variety of

    complex fluids and additives to provide specific viscosities and desired conductivity for

    each well stimulation. Although fracking fluids are more than 99% water and sand, they

    also contain a number of chemicals, including some that are toxic at the parts-per-billion

    level, such as benzene, antimicrobial agents, and corrosion inhibitors. The federal House

    Energy and Commerce Committee released a report in April 2010 that identified 29

    chemicals that are either known or possible carcinogens and are subject to EPA

    regulation under the Clean Water Act. Oil and gas fracking, however, was exempted from

    the act in 2005 by a provision in the Energy Policy Act.

    Shale-gas drillers consider the composition of their fracking fluids to be proprietary.

    Nonetheless, several states have passed laws to mandate disclosure of the fluid

    ingredients. The state legislature in Texas passed a bill in May 2010 that stipulates that

    operators disclose several aspects of the operation, including types and volumes of

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    the fracking fluid; a list of additives used in the operation, such as acid or biocide;

    chemical ingredients contained in the fracking fluid; and concentrations of each chemical

    ingredient and the associated chemical families. Shortly thereafter big Marcellus players

    such as Chesapeake Energy and Devon Energy began to make the ingredients public.

    Devon, along with other oil and gas exploration and development companies, had already

    voluntarily met state reporting requirements by submitting chemical information through

    a website, FracFocus.org, a joint project between the Ground Water Protection Council

    and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. By April 2011 at least 37

    companies had agreed to participate in the project, according to FracFocus. The

    legislation in Texas allows operators to submit their chemical information to this site.

    Many states, including Pennsylvania, require an analysis to ensure that any proposed

    water withdrawals will not harm the watershed by adversely affecting stream flow,

    aquatic life, recreational resources or sensitive environments. Until the second half of last

    year, Pennsylvania had been the only state to allow most of this wastewater to be

    discharged into rivers after only partial treatment.

    The 1974 Clean Water Act, among other things, requires EPA to protect underground

    sources of drinking water and granted EPA the power to regulate injection

    wells. Injection wells are classified into six classes according to the type of fluid they

    inject and where the fluid is injected. Class II wells inject fluids associated with oil and

    natural gas production operations. Most of the injected fluid is brine that is produced

    when oil and gas are extracted from the earth. More than 2 billion gallons of waste,

    mostly brine, from oil and gas drilling and production are injected into those wells each

    day.19 Nationwide, there are more than 151,000 waste-injection wells, also known as

    Class 2 wells.


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    Although the fracking process is essentially the same in the Barnett and Marcellus shales,

    the disposal of wastewater generated in fracking differs greatly between the two areas. In

    Texas, shale-gas drillers can inject their waste into some of the thousands of Class II oil

    and gas waste-injection wells located in and near the Barnett formation. Pennsylvania has

    only a handful of Class 2 wells. New York State has no disposal wells. The lack of

    injection wells has forced Marcellus shale frackers to find other means for disposing of

    the wastewater generated at each well that isnt recycled.

    In recent months, though, the industry has boasted big gains in the amount of well

    wastewater that is reused, rather than trucked to treatment plants that empty into rivers

    and streams. New figures released by Pennsylvania regulators confirm many of those

    claims, showing that for the first time, a majority of well wastewater is now being

    recycled. At least 65 percent was recycled from July to December 2010 according to state

    records. But even with the recycling effort ramping up dramatically, more tainted

    wastewater is being shipped to treatment plants providing evidence that recycling gains

    are being erased by the continuing expansion in drilling.

    Range Resources of Dallas Texas was also the first company in the Marcellus to begin

    recycling wastewater. By filtering the water to remove solids that might interfere with

    equipment and treating the water with antibacterial agents, the company found it could

    get the water clean enough to reuse in fracking. By October 2009, Range was

    successfully recycling 100% of its flow back water in its core operating area in

    southwestern Pennsylvania (because of the large volumes needed, the company still has

    to add fresh water to the mix.) And the company says in the impoundments where it

    stores the wastewater until use, it includes bird netting, security and privacy fencing,

    solar-powered aeration, liner that is six times thicker than that used in landfills, and

    electronic monitoring to notify officials if there is a leak.

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    Appendix II

    The Environmental Issues: Ground Water Contamination

    Perhaps the most publicized environmental risk arises from the possibility that fluids used

    in hydraulic fracturing can contaminate drinking water sources.

    Much of the water used in fracking is collected from the well and processed, but there are

    concerns that potentially carcinogenic chemicals can sometimes escape and find their

    way into drinking water sources. Initially the industry itself was of little help by generally

    refusing to reveal what was contained in their fracking fluids which reinforced fears that

    the natural gas companies were not being honest about potential risks. The movie

    Gasland claimed that shale gas leaking into drinking supplies caused tap water to ignite.

    The gas industry maintains that there has never been a documented case in the US of

    groundwater contamination caused by fracking.

    The New York State Department of Environmental Protection, in its 2009 analysis of the

    potential impacts of natural gas drilling on the New York City watershed, raised the

    possibility that water from hydraulic fracturing could migrate from the gas-bearing layers,

    which are 5,000 feet below the surface, up to water tables less than 500 feet from the


    The presence of 4,500 feet of rock above the hydraulic fractured zone makes such an

    eventuality unlikely. Typical shale gas deposits are located several thousand feet below

    the deepest potential sources of underground drinking water. Fracturing typically takes

    place at a depth of 6,000 to 10,000 feet, while fresh water aquifers are typically less than

    1,000 feet below the surface. Further, the low permeability of shale rock and other

    intervening formation horizons present additional impediments to the flow of fracking

    chemicals from target zones upward into aquifers. Consequently, the likelihood of water

    contamination as a consequence of fluids migration up through several thousand feet of

    strata is extremely unlikely. More likely candidates as sources of possible water

    contamination involve surface activities, including improper well design, inadequate

    surface casing and substandard or improper cementing, improper handling of surface

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    chemicals, improper design/performance of holding ponds, and improper storage and

    disposal of wastes and produced water. In the case of drilling through aquifer formations,

    by regulation, surface casing is generally required to extend at least 50 to 100 feet below

    the deepest potential source of drinking water in order to isolate the aquifer from the

    drilling and production process. In many instances, concentric casing sleeves are utilized

    to provide additional barriers.

    Ann Davis Vaughan and David Pursell, ("Frac Attack: Risks, Hype, and Financial Reality

    of Hydraulic Fracturing in the Shale Plays." Reservoir Research Partners; and Tudor,

    Pickering, Holt & Co.), show that water-supply contamination from so-called stray gas

    occurs more often from failures in well design and construction, breaches in spent

    hydraulic-fracturing water-containment ponds, and spills of leftover natural gas liquids

    used in drilling than from the hydraulic fracturing process. The Manhattan Institute for

    Policy Research in their own report (June 2011) noted that environmental problems that

    have arisen in connection with hydraulic fracturing in no way call into question the

    soundness of that procedure. In reality, they result from improper drilling and well-casing

    technique and defective formulation of cement. Such errors and flaws allow wells to

    penetrate shallow gas deposits, permitting the gas within them to escape and enter

    groundwater supplies. Marcellus gas resides far below these deposits and any aquifers.

    The report goes on to say more stringent design standards should be adopted, and more

    active regulatory oversight should be exercised. These steps would reduce the incidence

    of such problems.

    William Whitsitt, an executive vice president at Devon Energy, in testimony before

    Congress said multiple barriers stand between groundwater and fracking. Each wellbore

    is surrounded by at least two casings with a layer of cement between them and around the

    outside diameter. Further preventing contamination is the layer upon layer of

    impenetrable rock that separates the shale from groundwater,

    While gas migration has not been shown to result from fracking, the natural gas industry

    recognizes that methane migration can occur as a result of ineffective well design and

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    insufficient well casings. There have been incidents where methane from producing and

    shallow formations have impacted surface and well water supplies due to poor cement

    integrity associated with the shallower strings of cemented casings. On Nov. 4, 2009,

    Pennsylvanias Department of Environmental Protection released a statement indicating

    that well integrity issues led to groundwater contamination associated with natural gas

    production activities in Dimock Township, PA: 20

    On December 8, 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a draft

    report Investigation of Groundwater Contamination Near pavilion Wyoming. Under the

    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA),

    residents of Pavillion petitioned EPA, asking the agency to investigate whether

    groundwater contamination exists, its extent, and possible sources. Residents had startedcomplaining that their drinking water has turned brown in the mid 1990s, shortly after

    existing, nearby gas wells were fracked. The problem got worse in 2004, and for a time,

    the gas companies operating in the area trucked in replacement drinking water. This

    practice was stopped in more recent years.

    Following the petition, EPA began its investigation three years ago. The draft report

    indicated that EPA had identified certain constituents in groundwater above the

    production zone of the Pavillion natural gas wells that are consistent with some of the

    constituents used in natural gas well operations, including the process of hydraulic

    fracturing. In its report, EPA claimed that its approach to the investigation best supports

    the explanation that inorganic and organic compounds associated with hydraulic

    fracturing have contaminated the aquifer at or below the depths used for domestic water

    supply in the Pavillion area. EPA did not appear to conclude that there was a definitive

    link to a release from the production wells, nor to the constituents found in domestic

    wells in shallower parts of the aquifer. EPA also plans a peer review by independentscientists. This may be the very first instance that the EPA has linked the fracking to

    water contamination.



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    The EPA sampled residential wells, stock wells, shallow monitoring wells, and two

    municipal wells. The domestic wells range in depth from approximately 20 feet to nearly

    800 feet, and the two municipal wells are 505 and 515 feet deep. The two shallow

    monitoring wells were approximately 15 feet deep. According to the EPA Draft Report,

    the early phases of the investigation detected the presence of methane and diesel-range

    organic chemicals in some of the deeper domestic wells, which prompted EPA to install

    two deep monitoring wells in June 2010. Whether the report clearly links groundwater

    contamination to drilling or hydraulic fracturing activities has been the source of heated

    debate between proponents and opponents of the use of hydraulic fracturing for natural

    gas development.

    EPA acknowledges that the results are specific to Pavillion. In the release of the draftstudy EPA noted that The draft findings announced today are specific to Pavillion,

    where the fracturing is taking place in and below the drinking water aquifer and in close

    proximity to drinking water wells production conditions different from those in many

    other areas of the country. In this respect the pavilion wells were atypical when

    compared to a typical shale gas well

    The Pavillion wells were vertical wells (typical shale wells are horizontal).

    The Pavillion wells lacked surface casing which means almost all of themlacked protection from leakage at depths from which people draw water (typicalwells have cemented casing down past the deepest water levels).

    The Pavillion wells were abnormally shallow with the fractures occurring at 1,200

    feet while the water extended to 800 feet (typical shale wells are a mile and a half

    underground with thick rock between the well and underground water).

    Industry officials pointed out that the EPA announcement didn't focus on those domestic

    water wells but two wells drilled somewhat deeper into the aquifer specifically to test for

    pollution. They argue that the compounds found in the water could have been brought

    about by contamination in their sampling process or construction of their well. The extent

    to which EPA may revise its findings in response to public comments and a forthcoming

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    external scientific review is unclear and will not be known until the agency finalizes its


    A study (Fact-based Regulation for Environmental protection in Shale Gas

    Development, February 2012) conducted by the Energy Institute at the University of

    Texas at Austin found that many problems attributed to hydraulic fracturing are related to

    processes common to all oil and gas drilling operations such as drilling pipe inadequately

    cased in concrete. Many reports of contamination can be traced to above ground spills or

    other mishandling of wastewater produced from shale drilling and not from hydraulic

    fracturing. The institutes research team looked at reports of groundwater contamination

    in three shale plays: the Barnett Shale in North Texas; the Marcellus Shale in

    Pennsylvania, New York and parts of Appalachia; and the Haynesville Shale in western

    Louisiana and northeast Texas. The Environmental Defense Fund, which helped develop

    the scope of work and methodology for the study, noted that, although the study didnt

    confirm any cases of drinking water contamination caused by fracking, that does not

    mean such contamination is impossible or that hydraulic fracturing chemicals cant get

    loose in the environment in other ways (such as through spills of produced water).

    Scott Anderson of the Environmental Defense Fund in his blog added that the study

    shined a light on the fact that there are a number of aspects of natural gas development

    that can pose significant environmental risk. And it highlights the fact that there are a

    number of ways in which current regulatory oversight is inadequate.

    The following conclusions are particularly important:

    Many reports of groundwater contamination occur in conventional oil and gas

    operations (e.g. failure of well-bore casing and cementing) and are not unique to

    hydraulic fracturing.

    Surface spills of fracturing fluids appear to pose greater risks to groundwater than

    hydraulic fracturing itself.

    Blowouts uncontrolled fluid releases during construction and operation are a

    rare occurrence, but subsurface blowouts appear to be under-reported.

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    The lack of baseline studies makes it difficult to evaluate the long-term,

    cumulative effects and risks associated with hydraulic fracturing.

    Most state oil and gas regulations were written well before shale gas development

    became widespread.

    Gaps remain in the regulation of well casing and cementing, water withdrawal

    and usage, and waste storage and disposal.

    Enforcement capacity is highly variable among the states, particularly when measured by

    the ratio of staff to numbers of inspections conducted.

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    Appendix III

    The Environmental Issues: Air Emissions and GHG

    The assumption has been that the increased uses of natural gas can radically reduce the

    GHG footprint of the electric power industry. Natural Gas would also play an important

    role in expanded end use applications and enabling renewables as the world moved to a

    less carbonized energy future.

    It is also understood that the extraction, processing, and transportation of natural gas all

    affect the environment. Air quality impacts mentioned include emissions of carbon

    dioxide stripped from the gas; sulphur dioxide and/or hydrogen sulphide from treating

    sour water for use as hydraulic fracture fluid, and NOX and other emissions from

    compressors; pollution from diesel engines; and ground level ozone.

    However, it is important to remember that the expansion of the supply of natural gas

    permits the displacement of more polluting forms of energy. Natural gas is considered

    clean because, on combustion, it emits roughly half the carbon dioxide of coal and about

    30% that of oil. Estimating the net environmental impacts, therefore, requires comparing

    the upstream negative environmental externalities associated with gas development with

    the downstream positive externalities created by switching to natural gas. Until recently,

    studies estimated that life-cycle emissions from natural gas-fired generation were

    significantly less than those from coal-fired generation on a per MMBtu basis.

    A study out of Cornell University (Robert W. Howarth, et al ., Methane and the

    greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations, Climatic Change, March

    13, 2011)21suggests that the rush to develop Americas unconventional gas resources

    will likely increase the nations carbon emissions rather than decrease them. According toHowarth, combustion is only one part of the natural gas life cycle. During other parts of

    the cycle a lot of methane is lost. It's not that the burning of natural gas itself produces

    more greenhouse gases than the burning of coal. Rather, Howarth looked at the total life


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    cycle of shale natural gas production, including the drilling and fracking of wells and the

    transport of gas, and found that significant amounts of methane in shale gas production

    escape into the atmosphere instead of being captured and used for fuel.

    The study suggests that between 3.6% and 7.9% of the methane escape into the

    atmosphere. The researchers also include data from a recent study from NASA making

    the case that methane can interact with aerosol particles in the atmosphere in a way that

    amplifies methane's warming impact, especially in the short-term. In addition, thousands

    of trucks are driving every minute of every day to bring fracking fluid to drills and to

    remove wastewater. When all is factored in, Howarth and his colleagues conclude the

    greenhouse gas footprint of shale gas is likely 20% greater than coal per unit energy, and

    may be as much as twice as high.

    The study concludes that the production of a unit of shale gas to be more GHG-intensive

    than the production of a unit of conventional natural gas. Consequently, if the upstream

    emissions associated with shale gas production are not mitigated, a growing share of

    shale gas would increase the average life-cycle greenhouse gas footprint of the total U.S.

    natural gas supply. According to Howarth, shale gas has a bigger carbon footprint than

    coal in the short-term, and is comparable over the long-term. That directly contradicts the

    industry position that natural gas has one-half the carbon footprint of coal

    To summarize, the Howarth study maintains that:

    1) Higher emissions from shale gas are released during hydraulic fracturing.

    2) Between 3.6 percent and 7.9 percent of the methane from shale-gas

    production escapes to the atmosphere in venting and leaks over the lifetime of

    a well;

    3) These methane emissions are at least 30 percent more than and perhaps twice

    as great as those from conventional gas;

    4) Compared to coal, the footprint of shale gas is at least 20 percent greater and

    perhaps more than twice as great on the 20-year horizon and is comparable

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    when looked at over 100 years.

    The Howarth study results are challenged in four areas:

    1) First, the data for leakage from well completions and pipelines is very

    incomplete and taken from a few isolated cases reported in industry

    magazines, and numbers for pipeline leakage from long-distance pipelines in

    Russia. Howarth points out that he didnt purposefully avoid certain data.

    There just isnt a lot out there. (MIT, Technology Review, April 15, 2001).

    2) The gas-to-coal comparisons are all done on a per energy unit basis and

    compares the amount of emissions involved in producing a gigajoule of coal

    with the amount involved in producing a gigajoule of gas. Since a gigajoule

    of gas produces a far more electricity than a gigajoule of coal (assuming an

    electricity conversion efficiency of 60% for gas and a 30% conversion

    efficiency for older coal plants), a per kWh comparison is the correct one. If

    modern gas technology replaces old coal technology as it is retired, switching

    from coal to natural gas would dramatically reduce the greenhouse impact of

    electricity generation.

    3) The technological solutions for methane leakage (better well completion

    techniques, better pipeline integrity) are relatively inexpensive and are

    currently available compared to solving the GHG emissions problems of a

    coal plant (CCS).

    4) Howarth uses use 20-year global warming potentials (GWPs) to compare coalwith gas, rather than the customary 100 year figures. Methane decays in the

    atmosphere in decades while carbon dioxide persists in the atmosphere for

    hundreds to thousands of years. If you average the impact of GHG emissions

    over 20 years instead of 100, you amplify the relative influence of methane

    and the downsides to gas. As noted by Michael Wang, senior scientist on life-

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    cycle energy and environmental effects of energy production at Argonne

    National Laboratory, Illinois, although methane is more than 70 times more

    powerful at heating the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period,

    after 100 years it's only 25 times more potent. (Life-cycle emissions for

    natural gas generation using new EPA estimates are 47 percent lower than for

    coal-based generation when using a GWP of 25).

    There is a wealth of information relating to the life cycle emissions of the natural gas

    industry. Key ones include:

    Timothy J. Skone, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Life Cycle

    Greenhouse Gas Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction & Delivery in the United States,

    presentation (Ithaca, NY: 12 May 2011; revised 23 May 2011); Mohan Jiang, et al., Life

    cycle greenhouse gas emissions of Marcellus Shale gas, Environmental Research Letters

    6 (3), 5 August 2011. Industry Challenges Study that Natural Gas 'Fracking' Adds

    Excessively to Greenhouse Effect, Richard Lovett, Nature, April 2011.Five Things to

    Know About the Cornell Gas Study, Energy In Depth, May 4, 2011; and Life Cycle

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Marcellus Shale Gas (Jiang et al, Carnegie Mellon

    University, published Environmental Research Letters, August 5, 2011), IHS CERA,

    "Mismeasuring Methane - Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Upstream Natural

    Gas Development," August 2011, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland , The

    Greenhouse Impact of Unconventional Gas for Electricity Generation, Nathan Hultman,

    Dylan Rebois, Michael Scholten4and Christopher Ramig (October 25, 2011), and Cornell

    University, A Commentary on The Greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas in shale

    formations by R.W. Howarth, R. Santorio and Anthony Ingtaffea, November 2011.

    The NETL study concludes that when used to generate electricity, natural gas

    conventional or not results in far less emissions than coal. Using a 100-year global

    warming potential and assuming an average power plant, unconventional gas results in

    54% less lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions than coal does. Even using a 20-year global

    warming potential, as Howarth argues one should, the savings from substituting

    unconventional gas for coal are almost 50%. Howarth found a large fraction of produced

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    gas from unconventional wells never made it to end users, assumed that all of that gas

    was vented as methane, and thus concluded that the global warming impacts were huge.

    As the NETL work explains, though, 62% of that gas isnt lost at all its used to power


    The NETL study acknowledges and explores a range of uncertainties. But it finds

    nothing close to the problems that Howarth claims.

    The Carnegie Mellon study shows that the development and completion of a typical

    Marcellus shale represents an 11% increase in GHG emissions relative to average

    domestic gas. It also notes that Marcellus shale has generally lower life cycle GHG

    emissions (2050% depending upon plant efficiencies and natural gas emissions

    variability)than coal for production of electricity in the absence of any effective carbon

    capture and storage processes.

    The CERA paper, a private report for ANGA and found on their website, shows that the

    Howarth paper grossly overestimates the quantities of methane that are leaking

    uncontrolled into the atmosphere at the well site. They note that vented emissions of the

    magnitudes estimated by Howarth would be extremely dangerous and subject to ignition.

    In response to the new EPA proposed new source performance standards under the Clean

    Air Act that would regulate air emissions during the completion phase of hydraulically

    fractured gas wells, the CERA report shows that EPA has overstated estimates of gas

    vented during well completion operations and are therefore also overstated in terms of

    reducing air pollution and emissions of GHG.

    The University of Maryland study concludes:

    GHG impacts of shale gas areonly 56% that of coal.

    Methane has the ability to trap large amounts of infrared radiation relative to CO2,

    but it also has a comparatively shorter lifetime in the atmosphere. As a

    result, methanes 100 y GWP is much lower than its 20 y GWP.

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    Two factors lead to an overall carbon intensity advantage for gas during the

    combustion stage. First, gas releases more energy per unit of carbon emitted.

    Second, the technology used for combustion of gas is more thermodynamically

    efficient than that used for coal, enabling a larger amount of chemical potential

    energy in the fuel to be converted to electricity.

    Arguments that shale gas is more polluting than coal are largely unjustified.

    We have demonstrated that the fugitive emissions from the [shale gas] drilling

    process are very likely not substantially higher than for conventional gas.

    Evaluated solely on the criterion of GHG emissions from electricity generation,

    shale gas is not likely to be substantially more polluting than conventional gas.

    The Cathles study from Cornell University also concludes that the Horwath study was

    "seriously flawed" and that shale gas has a GHG footprint that is only one-third to one-

    half that of coal. The new study was conducted by L.M. Cathles III and others, and

    published online in the journal Climatic Change Letters on January 3, 2012. Cathles

    maintains that Howarths arguments fail on four critical points:

    1) Howarth et al.s high end (7.9%) estimate of methane leakage from well drilling

    to gas delivery exceeds a reasonable estimate by about a factor of three and theydocument nothing that indicates that shale wells vent significantly more gas than

    conventional wells. This high-end estimate of 7.9% is unreasonably large and


    2) The data they cite to support their contention that fugitive methane emissions

    from unconventional gas production are significantly greater than that from

    conventional gas production are actually estimates of gas emissions that were

    captured for sale. The authors implicitly assume that capture (or even flaring) is

    rare, and that the gas captured in the references they cite is normally vented

    directly into the atmosphere. There is nothing in their sources to support this


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    3) Howarth seems to dismiss the importance of technical improvements on the GHG

    footprint of shale gas. He downplays ongoing efforts and the opportunity to

    further reduce fugitive gas emissions in the natural gas industry, while at the same

    time citing technical improvements in the coal industry.

    4) The 20-year time horizon for the GHG comparison of natural gas and coal hides

    the critical fact that the lifetime of CO2 in the atmosphere is far longer than that

    of methane. A 100-year timeframe at least captures some of the implications of

    the shorter lifetime of methane in the atmosphere that are important when

    considering swapping gas for coal. The long-term benefits of swapping gas for

    coal are completely missed by the 20-year GWP factor.

    5) Howarth et al. treat the end use of electricity almost as a footnote and a 20-year

    GWP and minimize the efficiency differential between gas and coal by citing a

    broad range for each rather than emphasizing the likelihood that efficient gas

    plants will replace inefficient coal plants. Had they used a 100-year GWP and

    their low-end 3.6% methane leakage rate, shale gas would have about half the

    impact of surface coal when used to generate electricity (assuming an electricity

    conversion efficiency of 60% for gas and their high 37% conversion efficiency for


    Coal is used almost entirely to generate electricity, so comparison on the basis of

    heat content is irrelevant. Gas that is substituted for coal will of necessity be used

    to generate electricity since that is coals almost sole use. The appropriate

    comparison of gas to coal is thus in terms of electricity generation. If the

    comparison is based on the heat content of the fuels, gas becomes twice as bad as

    coal from a greenhouse perspective. The appropriate comparison of gas to coal is

    thus in terms of electricity generation.

    6) Leaking 6% of the gas that will ultimately be produced into the atmosphere

    during on-site handling, transmission through pipelines, and delivery appears to

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    be far too high and at odds with previous studies. The most recent comprehensive

    study (EPA 2011, Table 337, assuming a 2009 U.S. production of natural gas of

    24 TCF)22 shows the emission of methane between source and user is ~2.2% of

    production. Breaking this down, 1.3% occurs at the well site, 0.73% during

    transmission, storage, and distribution, and 0.17% during processing. Howa