JHESSAy CALL. SUNDAY, 1 1909 Helen Campbell, Who \u25a0Appears in Stanford Play DEMAND THAT MACHINE MAN BECOME MAYOR STANFORD ACTORS TO PRESENT FARCE '•V -\u25a0•.\u25a0\u25a0'' : -W. E. Colby of: San Francisco, ex- pert mining lawyer, \gave" his "first lec- ture of a series before the students of the . law and mining - departments , yes- terday. He outlined ; the importance. of a " familiarity of V mining lav/ I to Lbotb.' thc en glneer and Ith c young attorney. 1 ; jg Following 'the-^ success which at- tended" the 'last smoker given ; the faculty of the' economics:. department by ; the I students a similar \ affair will-be given? this semester by', the undergrad-" uates-f taking.Vwork .in this ; branch ; of the university. of Stanford/ : In an" editorial last "night the: Dally Palo Alto\advocates the step/ echoing t the*, expressed statements :': at several U: prominent ' among whom V are President \u25a0C. C. "Coonan*; of the", class 'and- student \u25a0 body A--E. Roth. "/\u25a0-•-. : Senior singing, a custom- which' has been tried to advantage- in many of the larger, universities of the east and which' has been adopted on this coast at the University of California, may be taken up by the graduating class In pursuance of the adopted policy of, the chaplain df the university and in accordance with the expressed wish of the founders >of the. university that the Sunday services here be non- sectarian, Rabbi Bernard M.; Kaplan of the congregation Ohabai Shelome of San Francisco will occupy the - pulpit tomorrow morning at the regular services as . the annual- representative of the faith he preaches. He ; has chosen as his topic "Judaism in the World's Progress." Speciar music will be rendered by.the university student- choir and by-the student vocalists. \. The-, junior class of Stanford" univer- sity ia fating the most unique situation which has been heard of in recent years at this university. The .trouble which looms ahead 6f the third, year men is the surprising lack of interest -In the big formal dance of the semester, the junior .prom. The matter was brought up In a recent meeting of the third year, class and it was decided that a campaign to raise- "queeners" would be started. .. ,- . ; . The musical numbers will be rendered by P. F. Petti grew and H. B. Post, two vocalists; Miss Ruby A. Roberts, who Is well.known as a singer; W. Fergue- son, a freshman, in" a violin solo; and H. D. Owen, the cornet. '" i G. F. Morgan, a junior, registering' from Los Angeles, will take a lead: in the farce and superintend the perform- ance. His part in the show is "Bram- bleton," a country gentleman. He will be assisted by P. M. Ogllvie/ a sopho-" more who held a part in the recent pro- duction of "7-20-8," a-ndH. A.; Lewis, a freshman. Among the women who will assist. Miss H. Campbell - and Miss F. Wendling, two university 'girls, will be prominent. - \u25a0 ' . . "Who's Who," a short farce, which, is said to be extremely funny, is the" vi- hicle. ' - \u25a0 ' ' STANFORD UNIVERSITY, March 13. The next event- "on the" student dramatic calendar at Stanford university Is a combined conceut and farce, which is to be given March: 23 by a score of. the musicians- arid: amateur actors. The re- ceipts'of. this performance are to be. de- voted (o the building fund of a Palo Alto church. ; - University Effort WillBe in Be= half of Church Building UKIAH.March 13. The well known Behrend residence, bordering. on Blue lake, " where many summer tourists throughout the state spend their vaca- tions, was destroyed by fire this after- noon. The loss will reach $18,000, with no insurance. The house was furnished with antique furniture 300 years old, besides valuable silverware, all of \u25a0which was a total loss. The fire was \u25a0caused by a defective flue. Lake Is Destroyed Behrend Residence on Blue FAMOUS HOME AND OLD FURNITURE BURN Great Russian Pianist Makes Last Appearance, Today, Josef Lhevinne's farewell' concert will be given this afternoon at Chris- tian Science "hall. The opinion which the public has registered regarding this Russian pianist is unanimous in his favor. No player has ever appeared in San Francisco and won more instant recog- nition than has he. The program for this afternoon's recital is of more than ordinary interest. He will play the* following selections: Senate, F minor ..Brahms Sonate in F. .. Scarlatti "Pastolale Varle" .".'.... Mozart \u25a0'Momenio Capriccloso" Weber (at Nocturne, C major; <b) polonaise, F sharp \> minor ;........ .Chopin Nocturne, C major '. Grieg "Marche Miguonne" ; .Poldinl "En Eoute" God&rd LHEVINNE WILL GIVE ;\u25a0 FAREWELL CONCERT From Santa Barbara comes the news that former : Mayor. Harper passed through that Itown today in a big touring car bound north.; ber of the park commission and some members, possibly all, of the fire com- mission. Chief of Police Broadhead has ; not tendered his resignation and, stoutly maintaining, that' he Is not Implicated in the scandal which has overthrown the Harper administration, says that he will not be willing to resign until a new mayor has been named and it Is certain that he *s not wanted In the position. Southern Pacific "Push" Make Final Stand on Harper's Successor LOS AXGELES. March 13. Five councilmen lined up to pyt throbgh the .program of the Southern Pacific bosses ' that calls for U.e appointment of ' George A. Smith as mayor, four mem- bers of the council pledged to carry out the wishes of the good government forces, and vrith the recall threatened against one or more councilmen if they, persist in listening- to the. dictates of the machine, is the situation tonight in mayorless L^as Angeles. Walter Parker and his followers are making their final stand in an effort to force the council to select a machine man to fill the unexp'red term of A. C. Harper, whose sudden resignation caused a municipal sensation. WANT AiEXAADEIt APPCIVTKD The municipal league, -which has been leading the recall fight and con- ducting the campaign of George Alex- ander, selected to oppose Harper in the » election, declares in v statement issued tonight that the Southern Pacific ma- chine is endeavoring to thwart the wishes of the people as expressed in the rccs.ll petition, and that nothing ishort of the appointment by the council of George Alexander to succeed Har- per will suffice. The appointment of Alexander, it is urged, and his subse- I tjuent" election March 26 will do away \u25a0with any legal entanglements that might arise as to who is mayor, and will permit the city to proceed with consolidation, the building of the Owens' river aqueduct and other big public works. The anti-recall forces are threatening to take the fight into the courts and jj He up the siuation indefinitely unless - Smith is appointed. The final struggle in this phase of the fight is expected \u25a0when the council meets Monday morn- IUESIGXATIONS EXPECTED No 'resignations of city official* ap- pointed by former Mayor Harper were sent In today, but it is said that sev- eral have been ,mad<?~ out and will be presented to the* city council Monday morning. Since the resignation of Harper Thursday, after tremendous pressure' had been brought to bear to force him to resign or withdraw as a candidate in the recall election it has been known that several of the men whom he ap- pointed during the latter days 'of his administration, after cnarges of cor- ruption had been made against him, are ready to leave their positions. These Include three or four members of the police commission, at least one mem- Five Councilmen Who Favor Bosses' Program May Face Recall {Special Dhpaich io The Cell] 22 Spring Millinery :'--.\u25a0 . - .' ' \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ...\u25a0\u25a0 Our exhibit rs ready and over a Thousand fosS^Stt Trimmed Hats and Patterns will show the latest ideas from New York and Paris. Tar^S^w^S&BlS? All the correct shapes are here broad '4W"~^^lli! drooping effects, dome crowns, the' new tur- l).-ins, Cordays, etc., trimmed with flowers, '2i^^"~ *^^w I wings', quiil-. silks, jet and many novelties. <<^\£\ j*^^^^ It will pay you to come al ong distance to vV MISSION WOJ^DEIi 2530 Mission St., near 21st \'' We deliver free. ' \u25a0 ' ; : AU cars transfer. BBh^ iT^^^ display of new spring styles / S ll BrHp^*^- V>^ s^ongly emphasizes the supe- / r*^^^, %- . riority of Rosenthal's footwear / : For beautiful designs, for A \u25a0W ,-m^^ 7 4 variety of styles, for makes of high -fc \M^SL ® "^^^^B3% A est grade, our assortment /' .^^^B"^' Perfection U ° G^^^^^^^ erfection one of the beau- StOreS at CLUy price. S*|9lB*^ Wing-Tip Tie. fashions— We are selling all the elegant y^\ spring's' most pelted jole, Cuban heel. Comes , new styles in all OUr Stores, in nobby models—veiled sols. in: patent leather, tan Russian .• **L D 1 Cuban hcel t all leathers. Both 1 calf rivhite/gras. black or bror»n Connection With OUr Removal are'bdng'M at buck. : ;,: Sale, at prices . reduced prices in all our stores. Ranging From than thes actual value of ., these fine shoes. The high grade of our goods and the decisive manner in which we have reduced prices on everything in all our* stores make this sale a most exceptional opportunity for shoe bargains. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Goods exchanged or money refunded . ~ ' . on any which do not please. % THE LARGEST AND BEST SHOE STORES - (lac.) 1100 VAN NESS AYE. ]\u25a0 > . 1518-1530 FILLMORE STy ßv^ 135 MONTGOMERY ST. x Corner Geary Street Xear (JTarrell Street Near Softer Street OAKLAND STORE— 469-471 12TH STREET, BACON BLOCK, OAKLAND..- Then they/ carry off the waste poi- sons and decay through the bowels. There is no need for months and years 'of. treatment. :. Calcium Sulphide. is ; so powerful, yet v so -harmless, that- the blood feels its beneficial influence Im- mediately. . ' . . . ) Printed iwords are cold praise, espe- cially when 'you praise your own prod- uct and offer it for sale, but here is an opportunity of proving this praise by your. own. judgment without cost. Send us your name and address, no .matter how serious your skin trouble may be, and we will send you a trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers by mail; free. It is wholly a matter for your approval. Thousands of peo- ple have used these little hvafers with success, and their praise is our testi- monial. Every druggist carries them in stock. Every- physician knows what Calcium Sulphide -will- do. He will prescribe it as a blood purifier and charge for the prescription. Here is the best method. of using Calcium Sul- phide, and you may test it free. Go to your drugerist today and buy a pack- age of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, price 50c, or write us and we will send you a. trial package free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 175- Stuart Bldg.. Marshall, Mich. .\u25a0\u25a0"•\u25a0- ' \u25a0 Boils, Pimples and Blackheads Are Caused by Blood Impurity Which 3lay Be RemoTed in a Few r Days by Stuart's Cal- cium iWafers - Trial Package Sent- Free. , 'Why suffer bolls, pimples, black-! heads, . tetter, eczema, rash, scabby! skin -and eruptions of \u25a0 all sorts, when j .you may :by. the simple act of letter -writing bring to you proof that blood may be purified in a few days or weeks at the -latest? ', - |i Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain the most powerful blood purifier known to science Calcium Sulphide. „. They con- tain" oth«r- known purifiers, -each hav- ing •; a "distinct and peculiar office to petfprm. \u25a0••_\u25a0\u25a0 -\u0084.. . . r of a'face full of pimples, or a body which ,1s 'assailed,. with boils; or .eruptions, you may enjoy, if you will, a skin normally clean and clear by the simple . use of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. /They act almost like magic, so rapid >is theu; work of purity done. . You know . the blood is . pumped through the lungs every breath. The air purifies it. ' , \u25a0 Stuart's Calcium Wafers help the lun-««.-,do their work by segregating the impurities so that the. lungs may enrich, the, blood. - . : \u25a0 Slfpp 1 COSGRAVE'S Styles Are. Models , M^^^^^p^ of Fashion W /$Wy$3&W FOR YOUR. SPRING % '1-MliwSSi suits V , mWW 'M '* cfeßy '" W\ Hundreds of garments to », \u25a0 m^/Ill'ilm / O/ i H\ ' r *^ e l e S t rom tne simplest tai- ' «\ \¥^w!iflttii r^f- I I I lor-made to the most elaborate HI v^frmu O?l I \ creat^ on - Three-piece suits are. § £Tf 1 a- W the rage now * Tlie illustra ~ Si A/w'tyM r^t \ on oPPos^teo PP 0s^ te gi ye s you a fairjf/ tL '/- y / 'I OPfl \ idea of 'their grace and ele- Ml «k //o^j^^r/ j/ gance. We have them as B Complete Line of M' WJMlliill-- n Suits for Misses and Jy $* I //// fi> o\ I Small Women . SUIT AND CLQAK HOIRE 902-9 14 O'FarreU Street Tomorrow marks the climax of a movement in which the Greater San Francisco Cloak Co. was the pioneer— the returning of the retail business houses/to the downtown district for permanent location. The Greater San Francisco Cloak Co. was the first of the larger houses to leave their temporary locations. Tomorrow San Francisco will be genuinely/ downtown./ In commemoration of this signal day the Greater San Francisco Cioak.Co. offers the public this '; Unheard of Not Only at This Time of the Year, But Never '^^^^^^^^^ Equaled During a Season Anywhere in the United States ' l he Same Abound in.Regular ; /r^^^-^^^^^^^^ t*® I vSi--WR-' These new Spring models arc found in Panamas 1 , mixtures and checks, ' /)S -_ IjlSl Si§f§ \u25a0 ; S^fe;^^^s^^^^^r^\S^-|\li spleVd/^y^iiored—a^valueiof^uch.de^ee.-thatUve confidently -say. they can-- '£& 5 ; J^^^^^^^^^^S^li\^ :^W''' : M\\ not be, duplicated^ at this.price. ;See them and you'll know that 1 every word V^y fffi^^^^^^H ' J^^^^^^^^p^^y l»m .Jl^^i of ttts^dfcres'strictly.to tlie. truth. It is, indeed, a phenomenal > offering.'" ft^? 'ffi^ P^^^^\ p.:^— ~v^^^fefl^v \u25a0 , ' '\u25a0.-."• ' i- "^ W'\ .m \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0•'\u25a0 -- \u25a0'-"• f lAF/*rnir ' ('I wl fl^ETii^^f^^^^l*" * -: ;—-;^;-- ;:.;-••\u25a0•\u25a0 : "-'\u25a0 LOStUW^S LlwGtßlt \ Iw^^^^«\ A model of LINGERIE' DRESS .at: $5.90;- <- VV^IMIULJ , \u0084,. .- .: -^ —_ - - . fro^OTM also model of COSTUME CI7TC D^r.,,l^ 1 C j * ' OI?FSSFN \u25a0 Mi'f ,f MJ^HZOS^ \ at,......... .. i .....;..v..... ...... O!pT3»TS0 !pT3»TS '-' Regularly Sold at \u0084. ... sJi\L.^OL.^ '\u25a0 GOaiC— Ppthm •*-..:/:' - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- T : >.'•.\u25a0. \u25a0•\u25a0.';. . \'j - : .O^^ffls3t^ra.\l ' V".* 1 *?/ " \u25a0 " ";\u25a0V* \u25a0 \u25a0 "\u25a0 . / Another sensational; value. They '-' | These] Dresses .are exactly- as ..'iilus-. ' V jSmfff 3=f={t= ps^^^\\p 5^^^\\ > : , , are.tliejnewestmodels in^^^ - : ;^f m =^E =j= * =3^^E.S\' i^3 Mtf f ff\>^'t* 1 ' mg shades of foulards; black and Lingerie Dress. There 'are only 50 of ~~t 7 ' \Vd-H.C3.?:i : Ct/wliS ; >hite and navy and 1 white' striped > .- these Dresses and "we "advise; an "early.. ; . : "'''-|K |ft \u25a0 | TriKEßn " V*" ,'4.'• " ] - : ..- '--, taffeta; ''messalinc , and .satins; in .-"all shopping. To, appreciate f the' fineness of 'j^j^ I W\ui^ :^^^^^\\ less variety. ', : * .'.., ' •pnAT^^ ° ne ° f the thr ° c piece Cl 7 7C -• ''-;' •' "-\u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 '- : -' ''\u25a0\u25a0 .:\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0- '. \u25a0-/ ... .-.; '•.;;•..; y :. /\u25a0-: : ' '[ i y^0 r &-TT .'•\u25a0':. .":"\u25a0 "".'.' IT/^Y^L OR : ' models at- V..... ";.'.. \u25a0 plD.lj

22 MACHINEMAN TO PRESENT FARCE BECOME …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1909-03-14/ed...JHESSAy CALL. SUNDAY, 1 1909 Helen Campbell, Who \u25a0Appears inStanford Play MACHINEDEMAND

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Helen Campbell, Who\u25a0Appears in Stanford Play




•'•V -\u25a0•.\u25a0\u25a0''

•:-W. E. Colby of:San Francisco, ex-pert mining lawyer,\gave"his "first lec-ture of a series before the students ofthe .law and mining-departments ,yes-terday. He outlined ;the importance. ofa

"familiarity of Vmining lav/Ito Lbotb.'

thc en glneer and Ithc young attorney.1;jg

Following 'the-^ success which at-tended" the 'last smoker given ;thefaculty of the' economics:. departmentby;the Istudents a similar \affair will-begiven? this semester by', the undergrad-"

uates-f taking.Vwork .in this ;branch ;ofthe university. •

of Stanford/ :Inan"editorial last "nightthe:DallyPalo Alto\advocates the step/echoing t the*, expressed statements :':atseveral U: prominent


whom Vare President \u25a0C. C. "Coonan*;ofthe", class 'and- student \u25a0 bodyA--E. Roth."/\u25a0-•-. :

Senior singing, a custom- which' hasbeen tried to advantage- in many ofthe larger, universities of the east andwhich' has been adopted on this coastat the University of California, maybe taken up by the graduating class

In pursuance of the adopted policyof, the chaplain df the university andin accordance with the expressedwish of the founders >of the. universitythat the Sunday services here be non-sectarian, Rabbi Bernard M.;Kaplanof the congregation Ohabai Shelome ofSan Francisco will occupy the -pulpittomorrow morning at the regularservices as .the annual- representativeof the faith he preaches. He;haschosen as his topic "Judaism in theWorld's Progress." Speciar music willbe rendered by.the university student-choir and by-the student vocalists. \.

The-, junior class of Stanford" univer-sity ia fating the most unique situationwhich has been heard of in recent yearsat this university. The .trouble whichlooms ahead 6f the third, year men isthe surprising lack of interest -In thebig formal dance of the semester, thejunior.prom. The matter was broughtup In a recent meeting of the thirdyear, class and it was decided that acampaign to raise- "queeners" wouldbe started. .. ,- . ; • .

The musical numbers will be renderedby P. F. Pettigrew and H. B. Post, twovocalists; Miss Ruby A. Roberts, • whoIs well.known as a singer; W. Fergue-son, a freshman, in"a violin solo; andH. D. Owen, the cornet.


G. F. Morgan, a junior, registering'from Los Angeles, will take a lead: inthe farce and superintend the perform-ance. His part in the show is "Bram-bleton," a country gentleman. He willbe assisted by P. M. Ogllvie/ a sopho-"more who held a part in the recent pro-duction of "7-20-8," a-ndH. A.;Lewis, afreshman. Among the women who willassist. Miss H. Campbell -

and Miss F.Wendling, two university 'girls, will beprominent. - \u25a0


. "Who's Who," a short farce, which,issaid to be extremely funny, is the" vi-hicle.

' -\u25a0

' '

STANFORD UNIVERSITY, March 13.The next event- "on the" student dramaticcalendar at Stanford university Is acombined conceut and farce, which isto be given March: 23 by a score of.themusicians- arid: amateur actors. The re-ceipts'of. this performance are to be. de-voted (o the building fund of a PaloAlto church. ; -

University Effort WillBe in Be=half of Church Building

UKIAH.March 13.—

The well knownBehrend residence, bordering. on Bluelake, " where many summer touriststhroughout the state spend their vaca-tions, was destroyed by fire this after-noon. The loss willreach $18,000, withno insurance. The house was furnishedwith antique furniture 300 years old,besides valuable silverware, all of\u25a0which was a total loss. The fire was\u25a0caused by a defective flue.

Lake Is DestroyedBehrend Residence on Blue


Great Russian Pianist MakesLast Appearance, Today,

Josef Lhevinne's farewell' concertwill be given this afternoon at Chris-tian Science "hall. The opinion whichthe public has registered regarding

this Russian pianist is unanimous inhis favor.

No player has ever appeared in SanFrancisco and won more instant recog-nition than has he. The program forthis afternoon's recital is of more thanordinary interest. He will play the*following selections:Senate, F minor ..BrahmsSonate in F... Scarlatti"Pastolale Varle" .".'.... Mozart\u25a0'Momenio Capriccloso"


(at Nocturne, C major; <b) polonaise, F sharp \>minor ;........ .Chopin

Nocturne, C major '. Grieg"Marche Miguonne" ;.Poldinl"En Eoute" God&rd



From Santa Barbara comes the newsthat former :Mayor. Harper passedthrough that Itown today in a bigtouring car bound north.;

ber of the park commission and somemembers, possibly all, of the fire com-mission.

Chief of Police Broadhead has ;nottendered his resignation and, stoutlymaintaining, that' he Is not Implicatedin the scandal which has overthrownthe Harper administration, says that hewill not be willing to resign until anew mayor has been named and it Iscertain that he *s not wanted In theposition.

Southern Pacific "Push" MakeFinal Stand on Harper's


LOS AXGELES. March 13.—

Fivecouncilmen lined up to pyt throbgh the

.program of the Southern Pacific bosses'

that calls for U.e appointment of'

George A. Smith as mayor, four mem-

bers of the council pledged to carry

out the wishes ofthe good government

forces, and vrith the recall threatenedagainst one or more councilmen if they,persist in listening- to the. dictates ofthe machine, is the situation tonight inmayorless L^as Angeles.

Walter Parker and his followers aremaking their final stand in an effortto force the council to select a machineman to fillthe unexp'red term of A. C.Harper, whose sudden resignationcaused a municipal sensation.WANT AiEXAADEItAPPCIVTKD

The municipal league, -which hasbeen leading the recall fight and con-ducting the campaign of George Alex-ander, selected to oppose Harper in the» election, declares in v statement issuedtonight that the Southern Pacific ma-chine is endeavoring to thwart thewishes of the people as expressed inthe rccs.ll petition, and that nothing

ishort of the appointment by the councilof George Alexander to succeed Har-per will suffice. The appointment ofAlexander, it is urged, and his subse-Itjuent" election March 26 will do away

\u25a0with any legal entanglements thatmight arise as to who is mayor, andwill permit the city to proceed withconsolidation, the building of theOwens' river aqueduct and other bigpublic works.

The anti-recall forces are threateningto take the fight into the courts and

jj He up the siuation indefinitely unless-Smith is appointed. The final strugglein this phase of the fight is expected\u25a0when the council meets Monday morn-

IUESIGXATIONS EXPECTEDNo 'resignations of city official* ap-

pointed by former Mayor Harper weresent In today, but it is said that sev-eral have been ,mad<?~ out and will bepresented to the* city council Mondaymorning.

Since the resignation of HarperThursday, after tremendous pressure'had been brought to bear to force himto resign or withdraw as a candidate inthe recall election it has been knownthat several of the men whom he ap-pointed during the latter days 'of hisadministration, after cnarges of cor-ruption had been made against him, areready to leave their positions. TheseInclude three or four members of thepolice commission, at least one mem-

Five Councilmen Who FavorBosses' Program May

Face Recall

{Special Dhpaich io The Cell]


Spring Millinery:'--.\u25a0 . - .'





Our exhibit rs ready and over a Thousand fosS^SttTrimmed Hats and Patterns will show thelatest ideas from New York and Paris. Tar^S^w^S&BlS?

All the correct shapes are here—

broad '4W"~^^lli!drooping effects, dome crowns, the' new tur-l).-ins, Cordays, etc., trimmed with flowers, '2i^^"~*^^wIwings', quiil-. silks, jet and many novelties. <<^\£\ j*^^^^

It willpay you to come al ong distance to vV

MISSION WOJ^DEIi2530 Mission St., near 21st \''

We deliver free.'


' ;:AU cars transfer.

BBh^ iT^^ display of new spring styles • / SllBrHp^*^- V>^ s^ongly emphasizes the supe- /r*^^^, %- . riority of Rosenthal's footwear /

: For beautiful designs, for A\u25a0W ,-m^^ 74 variety of styles, for makes of high-fc \M^SL ®

"^^^^B3% A est grade, our assortment /' .^^^B"^'

Perfection U° G^^^^^^^ erfection

one of the beau- StOreS at CLUy price. S*|9lB*^ Wing-Tip Tie.

fashions— We are selling all the elegant y^\ spring's' mostpelted jole, Cuban heel. Comes ,new styles in all OUr Stores, in nobby models—veiled sols.in:patent leather, tan Russian .• **L D 1 Cuban hcelt all leathers. Both1calfrivhite/gras. black or bror»n Connection With OUr Removal are'bdng'M at

buck. : ;,: Sale, at prices . reduced prices in all our stores.

Ranging From

than thes actual value of., these fine shoes. The high grade of our goods and thedecisive manner in which we have reduced prices on everything in all our* storesmake this sale a most exceptional opportunity for shoe bargains.

Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Goods exchanged or money refunded.

~ ' . on any which do not please. %


x Corner Geary Street Xear (JTarrell Street Near Softer Street


Then they/ carry off the waste poi-sons and decay through the bowels.There is no need for months and years'of. treatment. :.Calcium Sulphide. is;sopowerful, yet vso -harmless, that- theblood feels its beneficial influence Im-mediately. . '. . .) Printed iwords are cold praise, espe-cially when 'you praise your own prod-uct and offer it for sale, but here isan opportunity of proving this praiseby your. own. judgment without cost.Send us your name and address, no.matter how serious your skin troublemay be, and we will send you a trialpackage of Stuart's Calcium Wafersby mail; free. It is wholly a matterfor your approval. Thousands of peo-ple have used these little hvafers withsuccess, and their praise is our testi-monial. Every druggist carries themin stock. Every- physician knows whatCalcium Sulphide -will- do. He willprescribe it as a blood purifier andcharge for the prescription. Here isthe best method. of using Calcium Sul-phide, and you may test it free. Go toyour drugerist today and buy a pack-age of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, price50c, or write us and we will send youa. trial package free. Address F. A.Stuart Co., 175- Stuart Bldg..Marshall,Mich. .\u25a0\u25a0"•\u25a0-

' \u25a0

Boils, Pimplesand Blackheads

Are Caused by Blood Impurity Which3lay Be RemoTed in a Few r

Days by Stuart's Cal-cium iWafers

-Trial Package Sent- Free.

, 'Why suffer bolls, pimples, black-!heads, . tetter, eczema, rash, scabby!skin -and eruptions of \u25a0 all sorts, when j

.you may :by. the simple act of letter-writing bring to you proof that bloodmay be purified in a few days or weeksat the -latest? ',

-|i Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain themost powerful blood purifier known toscience

—Calcium Sulphide. „.They con-

tain" oth«r- known purifiers, -each hav-ing •;a"distinct and peculiar office topetfprm. \u25a0••_\u25a0\u25a0 -\u0084.. . .r of a'face fullof pimples, or abody which ,1s 'assailed,. with boils;or.eruptions, you may enjoy, if you will,a skin normally clean and clear by thesimple .use of Stuart's Calcium Wafers./They act almost like magic, so rapid>is theu; work of purity done. .

You know . the blood is. pumpedthrough the lungs every breath. Theair purifies it.

', \u25a0

Stuart's Calcium Wafers help thelun-««.-,do their work by segregatingthe impurities so that the. lungs mayenrich, the, blood. - . : \u25a0

Slfpp 1 COSGRAVE'SStyles Are.Models

,M^^^^^p^ ofFashion

W /$Wy$3&W FOR YOUR. SPRING %'1-MliwSSi suits W§ V ,mWW 'M '* cfeßy

'"W\ Hundreds of garments to », \u25a0

m^/Ill'ilm / O/ i H\'r* eleSt rom

—tne simplest tai-

' «\\¥^w!iflttii r^f- III lor-made to the most elaborate HI

v^frmu O?l I \ creat^ on- Three-piece suits are. §£Tf 1 a-W the rage now* Tlie illustra~ SiA/w'tyM r^t \ on oPPos^teoPP0s^ te giyes you a fairjf/

tL '/- y / 'I OPfl \ idea of'their grace and ele- Ml«k //o^j^^r/ j/ gance. We have them as B

Complete Line of M'WJMlliill--n Suits for Misses and Jy$*I//// fi> o\ I Small Women .

SUIT AND CLQAKHOIRE902-9 14 O'FarreU Street

Tomorrow marks the climax of a movement in which the Greater San Francisco Cloak Co. was the pioneer— the returning of the retail business houses/to thedowntown district for permanent location. The Greater San Francisco Cloak Co. was the first of the larger houses to leave their temporary locations. Tomorrow SanFrancisco willbe genuinely/ downtown./ In commemoration of this signal day the Greater San Francisco Cioak.Co. offers the public this ';

Unheard of Not Only at This Time of the Year, But Never'^^^^^^^^^ Equaled During a Season Anywhere in the United States


lhe Same Abound in.Regular ;

/r^^^-^^^^^^^^ t*® IvSi--WR-' These new Spring models arc found in Panamas 1, mixtures and checks,' /)S -_ IjlSlSi§f§

\u25a0;S^fe;^^^s^^^^^r^\S^-|\li spleVd/^y^iiored—a^valueiof^uch.de^ee.-thatUve confidently -say. they can-- '£& 5;J^^^^^^^^^^S^li\ :^W''':M\\ not be,duplicated^ at this.price. ;See them and you'll know that 1

every word V^y fffi^^^^^^H '

J^^^^^^^^p^^yl»m.Jl^^i of ttts^dfcres'strictly.to tlie.truth. Itis, indeed, a phenomenal >offering.'" ft^? 'ffi^P^^^^\p.:^—~v^^^fefl^v \u25a0,


'•i-"^W'\ .m \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0•'\u25a0

--\u25a0'-"• f lAF/*rnir

' ('I wlfl^ETii^^f^^^^l*"*-: ;—-;^;-- ;:.;-••\u25a0•\u25a0 : "-'\u25a0 LOStUW^S LlwGtßlt \ Iw^^^^«\A model of LINGERIE' DRESS .at: $5.90;- <- VV^IMIULJ, \u0084,. .- .: -^ —_

- - . fro^OTMalso model of COSTUME CI7TC D^r.,,l^ 1 C j * ' OI?FSSFN \u25a0 Mi'f,fMJ^HZOS^ \at,......... .. i.....;..v..... ...... O!pT3»TS0!pT3»TS '-' Regularly Sold at \u0084. ... sJi\L.^OL.^ '\u25a0

GOaiC— Ppthm •*-..:/:'-

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- T:>.'•.\u25a0. \u25a0•\u25a0.';. . \'j - : .O^^ffls3t^ra.\l' V".*1*?/ "\u25a0

" ";\u25a0V* \u25a0 \u25a0 "\u25a0 . / Another sensational; value. They '-' |These] Dresses .are exactly- as ..'iilus-. '

V jSmfff3=f={t= ps^^^\\p5^^^\\ >

: , , are.tliejnewestmodels in^^^ -:;^fm=^E =j= * =3^^E.S\'i^3Mtff ff\>^'t*1' mg shades of foulards; black and Lingerie Dress. There 'are only 50 of ~~t 7'

\Vd-H.C3.?:i: Ct/wliS ; >hite and navy and 1 white' striped > .- these Dresses and "we "advise; an "early.. ; .:"'''-|K|ft \u25a0|TriKEßn "

V*" ,'4.'• " ] - : ..- '--, taffeta; ''messalinc ,and .satins; in.-"all shopping. To, appreciatef the' fineness of 'j^j I W\ui^:^^^^^\\

less variety. ', :*

.'.., ' •pnAT^^ °ne °f the thr°c piece Cl77C-• ''-;' •' "-\u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 '-: -' ''\u25a0\u25a0 .:\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0- '. \u25a0-/ ... .-.; '•.;;•..; y:. /\u25a0-: :'

'[iy^0r&-TT.'•\u25a0':. .":"\u25a0 "".'.' IT/^Y^LOR : ' models at-V.....";.'.. \u25a0 plD.lj