21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 Year 7 Gala Day Calendar 24th October Police Liaison Visit 25th October Southern Cross University Senior Schools Day 26th October Inter School Theatre Sports 5.15pm School Performance Space 27th October Year 8 Science in the Bush 28th October Visit to Jetty High School Musical 31st October - 3rd November Year 10 Exams 3rd November Year 9 PASS & Marine Excursion 9th November P&C Meeting School Library 5pm 14th - 18th November Year 10 WRALS Years 7 - 9 Exams 21st November - December 2nd Year 10 Work Experience 14th December Presentation Day On the 15th September most of Year 7 travelled to Kempsey for a Sports Gala Day. We had a choice of Netball, Soccer, Baseball or Touch Footy. Each team played about four games against other schools from our area. We also got to meet new people and play a sport that we enjoyed. Overall, it was a good day for all. Thank you to Miss Barnett for driving the school bus. Also a big thank you to Miss Patu and Mr Hocking for supervising and supporting us throughout the day. Some older students also came along to help out with refereeing on the day. Thank you to Maleeka Darcy, Beau Langford and Jacob Fidirikkos. Belle Elphick Ttooulou and Jamison Rigby Miss Patu and Mr Hocking would like to congratulate all students who attended the Gala Day and thank all students for their great behaviour. It was a fantastic day and although the day is not about winning, it’s always good to come away with a win, which we did.

21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 - Scappoose High …...21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 Year 7 Gala Day Calendar 24th October Police Liaison Visit Gala Day. We had a choice of Netball,

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Page 1: 21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 - Scappoose High …...21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 Year 7 Gala Day Calendar 24th October Police Liaison Visit Gala Day. We had a choice of Netball,

21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16

Year 7 Gala Day Calendar

24th October Police Liaison Visit

25th October

Southern Cross University Senior Schools Day

26th October

Inter School Theatre Sports 5.15pm School Performance Space

27th October

Year 8 Science in the Bush

28th October Visit to Jetty High School Musical

31st October - 3rd November

Year 10 Exams

3rd November Year 9 PASS & Marine Excursion

9th November

P&C Meeting School Library 5pm

14th - 18th November Year 10 WRALS

Years 7 - 9 Exams

21st November - December 2nd Year 10 Work Experience

14th December

Presentation Day

On the 15th September most of Year 7 travelled to Kempsey for a Sports

Gala Day. We had a choice of Netball, Soccer, Baseball or Touch Footy.

Each team played about four games against other schools from our area.

We also got to meet new people and play a sport that we enjoyed. Overall,

it was a good day for all. Thank you to Miss Barnett for driving the school

bus. Also a big thank you to Miss Patu and Mr Hocking for supervising and

supporting us throughout the day. Some older students also came along to

help out with refereeing on the day. Thank you to Maleeka Darcy, Beau

Langford and Jacob Fidirikkos.

Belle Elphick Ttooulou and Jamison Rigby

Miss Patu and Mr Hocking would like to congratulate all students who

attended the Gala Day and thank all students for their great behaviour. It

was a fantastic day and although the day is not about winning, it’s always

good to come away with a win, which we did.

Page 2: 21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 - Scappoose High …...21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 Year 7 Gala Day Calendar 24th October Police Liaison Visit Gala Day. We had a choice of Netball,

The Great NHHS Spelling Bee

Principal’s Report Dear Parents and Community

Welcome back to another busy term at NHHS. Yearly examinations will be held in the following

weeks: Year 10 in Week 4, Years 7 and 9 in Week 6 and Year 8 in Week 7. Students will receive

information as to what they have to study for as we get closer to these dates.

Year 10 will participate in WRALS from Week 6 to Week 9. WRALS is a program that all Year 10

students at NHHS participate in after their final exams. During this program Year 10 students will

complete two weeks work experience and also be given the opportunity to obtain credentials that

assist them in finding employment once they leave school. The WRALS program would be one of

the best programs in NSW for Year 10 students in providing them with the opportunity to both

engage with the workforce and to learn some of the skills required for when they officially join the

workforce. I would like to thank Mr Horan for the work he does in organising this exceptional program.

Our gold level excursion to Dreamworld will run on Friday 2nd December.

As I constantly say to all NHHS students your education is what you make of it. I have been recently informed about one of

our ex-students, Alex Blair. Alex finished Year 12 in 2013 and has been studying journalism at University of Technology,

Sydney. This year, whilst still at university, Alex has been employed by news.com.au as a journalist. He regularly gets his

stories published on the website. Just recently he has also been published in the New York Post. Just on three years ago

Alex was writing his last HSC exam and now he is an internationally published journalist. Students from NHHS can do

anything as Alex Blair is proving as he begins his career as a journalist.

As always please contact me at the school if you have any queries

as to your child’s education.

Highlight of the fortnight:

This fortnight I have two. The first was the school assembly on Tuesday

where our Year 12 student representatives were welcomed to office by

the school and their parents or guardians who pinned the badges on.

Well done to Georgia Dent, Thomas Barbour, Anne Gilbert, Max Galo,

Olivia Langley and Joeshua Bromley and I look forward to working with

you all in 2017. The second highlight was the information night we held

on Thursday evening for Year 7 2017 or the Year 12 class of 2022! It

was wonderful to meet the students, parents and carers of next year’s

Year 7 and I look forward to working with you all as you begin your high

school journey next year.

Simon McKinney


Max, Olivia, Joeshua,

Anne, Thomas, Georgia

Late last term students competed in the Great NHHS Spelling

Bee again. The competition began with a class by class round.

The whole class had to spell a word letter by letter. If you

answered incorrectly you were out. When the class was down to

the final 10 each student had to spell the whole word. When

there were three from the class left they went to the final against

their peers. Staff also got involved, with Mr Glen Davidson being

the eventual winner. Comperes for the event were Deklan

Cutmore and Ethan Hocking, doing a fabulous job. The eventual

champions were: Year 7 - Freya Locke, Year 8 - Thomas

Robertson, Year 9 - Peka Wikaira-Pehiriri, Year 10 - Flynn

Franklin-Baker, Year 11 - Joeshua Bromley, Staff - Mr Glen


Congratulations to students and staff members who had a go and enjoyed the competition.

Flynn, Thomas, Joeshua

Peka, Mr Davidson, Freya

Page 3: 21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 - Scappoose High …...21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 Year 7 Gala Day Calendar 24th October Police Liaison Visit Gala Day. We had a choice of Netball,

Former Student Alex Blair

Year 6 - 7 Transition Day

I graduated in 2013 from Nambucca High and have since moved to Sydney. I have been studying journalism at UTS, playing in bands and having an all-round great time living in the heart of the biggest city in Australia. Earlier in the year I got the opportunity of a lifetime. I was offered a job as a sports journalist at news.com.au, the most read news website in the country.

In my four months and counting at the news desk, I've reached hundreds of thousands of people which is absolutely insane - it still baffles me when I see the analytics figures at the end of the week which detail your articles' performance. One of the highlights of working as a journalist at Newscorp is having the opportunity to be published overseas. Two articles I wrote, one on a hilarious Irish boxer betting on himself to lose at the Olympics (and then, ironically, winning), and another on Tiger Woods' comeback to golf were featured on the New York Post, one of the widest read news sites in America. The Tiger Woods article did particularly well with over 35,000 constant readers for the entire day. Another highlight was interviewing Barry Hall, an ex-captain of the Sydney Swans. My favourite part of sports journalism is live blogging an event. It's great to be paid to watch cricket, footy or F1 racing and write about it for thousands of viewers to follow, ball by ball, goal by goal and crash by crash. As of this week I have completed my degree. It feels like only yesterday I moved out of home into my room in Ultimo, but time flies. My advice to you youngins' is to enjoy your time at school because it disappears quicker than you think. Savour your parents'

cooking and get used to being a poor uni student. As for uni and schoolwork - keep relaxed.

On Wednesday 12th and 19th October 45 students from various primary schools in

the area attended Forensic Science transition days, CSI:Nambucca, with Ms. Louise

Lockyer and Mrs. Mel Waters. Forensic testing involved chromatography, powder

analysis and tinkle testing (don’t worry, it wasn’t real urine, looked pretty good

though). Completing these tests gave the students the skills to come back the second

week to analyse a crime scene. On arrival for the second week the students were met

with a true to life crime scene (with police tape, evidence indicators, furniture turned

over). They then broke into their groups and, armed with their new found skills, set

about analysing the evidence to determine (“who dunnit”) who murdered Myra

Mains. It was pleasing to see that the students had remembered what they were

shown on their first week and worked fantastically with each other. Detective

Dunham Wright had three persons of interest: Ida Dunnett, Rollen Baker and Carver

Mupp. At the end of the day the culprit was discovered and apprehended. Thank

you to all the students for attending the transition days and to the Year 9 helpers,

Ellie Gooch, Kawana Crowe, Isaac Jones and Jasmine Smith. The experiments the

students were involved in are fun and very hands on and gives them an introduction

into what awaits them next year.

Page 4: 21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 - Scappoose High …...21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 Year 7 Gala Day Calendar 24th October Police Liaison Visit Gala Day. We had a choice of Netball,

Aboriginal Education

At the moment there are a number of scholarships available for Aboriginal students who will be in Years 11 and 12 next year.


Transport for NSW (TfNSW) are offering an exciting opportunity for Aboriginal students; the Aboriginal HSC Scholarship Program. Successful applicants will receive a $5000 scholarship and gain work experience within the Transport for NSW cluster to start their career. To be eligible you must be:

Studying Year 11 or 12 in 2017 and working towards a NSW High School Certificate (HSC)

Interested in career and development opportunities within the Transport for NSW cluster

Studying a minimum of English Standard and General Mathematics

Studying subjects which align to relevant TfNSW career options such as Aboriginal Studies, Accounting, Business

Studies, Economics, Engineering Studies, Information Processes and Technology or Computing Applications, Legal Studies,


For more information please go to http://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/careers/aboriginal-hsc-scholarship-program


Norman SH Catts is best known as the co-founder of the successful Catts-Patterson Advertising Agency, which began

operation in 1915. He subsequently held executive positions in several chemical firms and corporations. Following his death

in 1968, a major part of his estate was bequeathed to the education of Aboriginal Children in New South Wales. The Norman

Catts Trust Fund aims to support the schools and organisations involved in educating Aboriginal children. In particular, the

Trust seeks to support Aboriginal people up to the age of 18 years in their educational activities (part funding can be provided

for pre-school children). Applications close 5pm 30th November, 2016.

More information and application details contact: 1800 989 185 or 02 9699 2299 or email [email protected].



The Board of Management of Gaagal Wanggaan National Park resolved to offer one Year 12 Aboriginal student, at each of

the three high schools in the Nambucca Valley, a scholarship of $2000 to support an Aboriginal student to successfully

complete Year 12. The aim of the scholarship is to support a student who is interested in a career in Aboriginal heritage and

environment protection. The range of studies the Board wishes to support include, but are not limited to, Aboriginal culture

and heritage, environmental science and law and public advocacy and communications. If you would like to apply for this

scholarship complete an Expression of Interest (available from Felicia) and return it to Mr McKinney by Tuesday November

1st. Please also understand that interviews will take place for all applicants who submit an Expression of Interest.


In addition to our general recruitment, we offer the Directions Program Traineeship as a targeted entry-level pathway for

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australians. Applications for next year's intake for the Directions Program Traineeship

will open on Thursday 20th October and close Thursday 24th November 2016. We value diversity and are committed to

facilitating employment pathway opportunities for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australians into the AFP.

The requirements to apply for the Traineeship are:

Of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australian descent

18 years of age or older (no upper limit)

An Australian citizen

Applications are open from 20th October to 24th November 2016. For more information email AFP-Entry-Level-

[email protected]

If you would like to speak to someone about any of these scholarships/traineeships please ring the school and speak

with Felicia Jarrett, Mr Declan Horan or your child’s Year Advisor.

There are some wonderful opportunities for students.

Austnews, who supply our covers for the newsletter are currently looking for people to

advertise next year. This is a great way to get your business out to the general public. Cost

includes your advertisement on the printed as well as the electronic copy of the newsletter.

For more details please contact Julie at Austnews on 07 3330 1634

Page 5: 21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 - Scappoose High …...21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 Year 7 Gala Day Calendar 24th October Police Liaison Visit Gala Day. We had a choice of Netball,

School, Sporting and Community Notices

In the last week of Term 3, the Under 14s and Under 16s Boys Futsal squads travelled to Port Macquarie for a Futsal gala day. The first match for both sides was against West Port and was to be the first round of the State-Wide Knockout Cup.

The 16s started the first half well and looked a chance to upset their rivals. Ethan Hocking and Jacob Fidirikkos scored early on and they were unlucky to go to half-time 3-2 down.

Isaac Hodnett-Daly came on to great effect in the second half, scoring a wonderful solo goal to level the scores. But a flurry of goals in the final few minutes gave West Port a 6-3 win which knocked Nambucca out of the cup.

The 14s game was a see-sawing affair with Llogan Greenup-Stokes bagging a double and Zac Mackenzie scoring the third. The final minutes of the match were tense but West Port held on for a slim 4-3 victory. Again, knocking Nambucca out of the cup.

There was more Futsal for the boys, however, as both teams played a consolation match to complete the day. The 16s played out an entertaining 4-4 draw against Melville High. Buster Faulkner opened the scoring while Isaac and Ethan both bagged their second for the day. Riley Hayden got on the scoresheet as well.

The 14s took on Port City in their final match and with Llogan scoring a hat trick and Deklan Cutmore scoring the goal of the day, they won 4-2.

It was a great experience for the lads. They can hold their heads high with the way they represented Nambucca High.

Clay Urquhart

Boys Futsal

The Dreamworld excursion for students who

reach gold and silver level is on again this

year. The excursion will be running on

Friday 2nd December.

Cost of the excursion is $80 for gold level

students and $100 for silver. Numbers are

limited so get your note in early.

2017 bcu Bill Ussher scholarships - Fund your studies

The bcu Bill Ussher Scholarships support students across our region and continue the

legacy of bcu’s founding Chairman, Bill Ussher, who dedicated much of his life to ensuring local

communities prosper. The bcu is offering students, trainees and apprentices who are

motivated, driven and committed to reaching their career goals, the chance to receive a bcu

student scholarship of up to $1,000. For applications please go to:


NHHS U/14s and U/16’s Futsal Teams

Page 6: 21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 - Scappoose High …...21st October 2016, ISSUE NO. 16 Year 7 Gala Day Calendar 24th October Police Liaison Visit Gala Day. We had a choice of Netball,

NHHS would like to congratulate the former Miss

Laura Newman-Dempster, maths teacher, who is

now Mrs Donnelly having been married in the last

school holidays. Laura and her new husband, Frazer

Donnelly, celebrated their wedding on their property

at Thumb Creek on an absolutely beautiful day.

Fellow teachers Ms Ellie Dennis was a bridesmaid

and Mr Brock Janssen was the DJ for the night.

Students, Olivia Langley, Xanthe Ronan and

Annabelle McCullagh helped with serving the food.

Congratulations and best wishes to Laura and
