1 Table of Contents Acknowledgement 2 1. Introduction & Two-factor theory of Herzberg (MOTIVATION ) -----------------------3 1.1 Mas low’s hierarchy of needs theory (MOTIVATION) ---------------------------------4 1.2 Motivation Theory X and Theory Y --------------------------------------------------------5 1.3 Assumptions of theory X . -------------------------------- -----------------------------------6 1.4 Advantages of Motivation -------------------------------------------------------------------7 2. ‘Open Space’ meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------7, 8 Recommendations---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------8 References and bibliography --------------------------------------------------------------------------8 1

21688116 Motivation Case Study the Motivational Monk

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgement 2

1. Introduction & Two-factor theory of Herzberg (MOTIVATION ) -----------------------3

1.1 Mas low’s hierarchy of needs theory (MOTIVATION) ---------------------------------4

1.2 Motivation Theory X and Theory Y--------------------------------------------------------5

1.3 Assumptions of theory X. -------------------------------- -----------------------------------6

1.4 Advantages of Motivation -------------------------------------------------------------------7

2. ‘Open Space’ meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------7, 8

Recommendations---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------8

References and bibliography --------------------------------------------------------------------------8


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This is a final report for the module INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT-1101, LECTURER- Mrs. JAENETTE ONG and to be submitted by 23rd

October 2009.

Our thanks to Mrs. Jaenette Ong, to whom our work is dedicated for giving us the opportunity to prepare a final report of the case study “THE MOTIVATIONAL MONK,” and we are also grateful to her for the nature of work requirement, as she gave no restrictions on number of pages for the

report writing. We hope our work is well contributed and meet your requirements.

Thank you,

Group Members.

23rd Oct. 2009


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“The Motivational Monk”

Ans. 1) The word “motivation” is coined from the Latin word "movere", which means to

move. Motivation is defined as an internal drive that activates behaviour and gives it

direction. The term motivation theory is concerned with the processes that describe why

and how human behaviour is activated and directed.

Two-factor theory of Herzberg :

Herzberg took a different approach to examining motivation. He simply asked workers

to report the times they felt exceptionally good about their jobs and the times they felt

exceptionally bad about them. This theory is also known as the motivator-hygiene

theory, which portrays different factors as primary causes of job satisfaction and job

dissatisfaction. To improve job satisfaction, this theory focuses on the motivator

factors like Organizational policies, Quality of supervision, Working conditions,

Base wage or salary, Relationships with peers, Relationships with subordinates,

Security, Achievement, Recognition, Work itself, Responsibility, Advancement

and Growth.

These factors are related to job content, what people actually do in their work. Adding

these satisfiers or motivators to people’s jobs is Herzberg’s link to performance.

Relating to the given case, it is found that the motivational monk Kenny Moore is

concerned with the employee behaviors, he tries to understand their needs and

problems and puts forward an ‘open space’ meeting to overcome the problems aroused

due to the merging of Brooklyn Gas to Keyspan. All these policies and theories Moore

applied towards the employees also surrounds two-factor theory of Herzberg where the

monk is focused about the employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction while merging. As

a result the case study showed that these motivational theories applied by the monk are

one of the top factors for better performance, motivation.


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Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory:

Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, there are five distinct levels of

individual needs: from self-actualization and esteem, at the top, to social, safety,

and physiological at the bottom. Maslow assumes that some needs are more

important than others and must be satisfied before the other needs can serve as

motivators. For example, physiological needs must be satisfied before safety needs

are activated, safety needs must be satisfied before social needs are activated. In the

given case study, the monk emphasizes on the physiological needs of the employees

who were facing problems and gone through a change due to the merger.


Why people should be motivated?

Motivation is one of the most traditional topics in a company’s management and it has

become more important in contemporary companies as a result for increased

productivity, to be globally competitive and the rapid changes that companies are



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Motivation Theory X and Theory Y:

These theory states that people inside a company can be managed in two ways. The

first is basically negative, which falls under the category X and the other is basically

positive, which falls under the category Y. After viewing the way in which the Kenny

Moore-the HRM professional and ombudsman of Keyspan manages and deals with

employees and customer, it can be concluded that his view of the nature of human

beings is based under the assumptions of theory Y. Some of the key features of theory

Y abstracted from empirical study are:

• Physical and mental effort at work is as natural as rest or play.

• People do exercise self-control and self-direction and if they are committed to

those goals.

• Average human beings are willing to take responsibility and exercise imagination,

ingenuity and creativity in solving the problems of the organization.

• That the way the things are organized, the average human being’s brainpower is

only partly used.


Under the assumptions of theory X:


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• Employees inherently do not like work and whenever possible, will attempt to avoid it.

• Because employees dislike work, they have to be forced, coerced or threatened with punishment to achieve goals.

• Employees avoid responsibilities and do not work fill formal directions are issued.

• Most workers place a greater importance on security over all other factors and display little ambition.

On analysis of the assumptions it can be detected that theory X assumes that lower-

order needs dominate individuals and theory Y assumes that higher-order needs

dominate individuals. An organization that is run on Theory X lines tends to be

authoritarian in nature, such ideas as the “power to enforce obedience” and the “right to

command.” In contrast Theory Y organizations can be described as “participative”,

where the aims of the organization and the individuals in it are combined; individuals

can achieve their own goals best by directing their efforts towards the success of the


achieve goals

gain a positive perspective

create the power to change

build self-esteem and capability


Advantages of Motivation

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manage their own development and help others with theirs

‘Open Space’ meeting

Ans. 2) ‘Open Space’ meeting, offers a insight into people’s problems in an

organization and looks at the ways in spaces and places meets people’s needs and

desires in the twenty-first century. Embracing issues of social inclusion, recreation and

environmental quality, it explores innovative ways to develop an understanding of how

to solve existing problems of people in an organization. Open space meeting is of value

to policy makers, planners, managers, staff, etc.

In the case given, Kenny suggested to the chief of Keyspan (CIO) to try and arrange an

‘open space’ meeting for the two company’s I.T departments to get together. Moore

believed that this meeting is related to self-organizing, where every attendant in the

meeting are given the opportunity to leap forward in the microphone and speak about

their problems in the organization. Though in the beginning the event did not seem to

work out as Moore expected, but after a while one of the person from the meeting came

forward and spaced himself in the event about his problems and complications with a

topic. Soon after this, more people came forward to speak boldly, concluding the event

with 50 topics break-out session!

This break-out indeed proves the synergy between the coordinated bodies in the

organization and their freedom in business. Moore stated that “singularly we are stupid,

but collectively we are smart,” and this saying did prove right after this event. Moore’s

idea of this meeting was very helpful and bought a good output for the two companies to

get along together. The ‘invitation’ was actually sealed from this meeting and everyone

seemed contended. Yes! The human souls were longing to respond these invitations.

Today’s organizations in this fast world should arrange a meeting like ‘open space’ to

develop more.


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The whole report concludes stating that empirical study by authors and theories are

playing a vital role in the business world today. The whole report is based on Motivation,

and the theories only mentioned in this report are applicable for the case study. In

reality, these theories, like Theory Y is very essential to carry out in order to achieve

better performance.

References and bibliography

Organizational Behavior- by Stephen P. Robbins




