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  • 8/13/2019 213000


    NL Master Specification Guidefor Public Funded Buildings

    Issued 2008/03/8 Section 21 30 00 Fire Pumps and Controllers Page 1 of 9

    P!"# G$N$"!L

    1.1 SUMMARY

    .1 Section Includes:

    .1 Materials and installation for pacaged fire pumps for use !"en !ater pressureser#ing facilit$ is inade%uate.


    .1 Section 01 &' 21 Construction()emolition *aste Management and )isposal.

    .2 Section 21 12 01 Standpipe and +ose ,ssem-l$.

    .3 Section 21 13 13 *et Pipe Sprinler S$stems.

    .' Section 21 13 1 )r$ Pipe Sprinler S$stems.

    ./ Section 23 0/ 0/ Installation of Pipe *or.

    . Section 23 0/ 19.01 "ermometers and Pressure auges Piping S$stems.


    .1 ,merican ational Standards Institute(ational Fire Protection ,ssociation4,SI(FP,5

    .1 ,SI(FP, 206 Standard for t"e Installation of Stationar$ Pumps for FireProtection.

    .2 +ealt" Canada(*orplace +a7ardous Materials Information S$stem 4*+MIS5

    .1 Material Safet$ )ata S"eets 4MS)S5.


    .1 )esign 8e%uirements:

    .1 Select fire pump to satisf$ fire protection s$stem re%uirements and ,SI(FP,20.

    .2 *ater suppl$:

    .1 Conduct flo! and pressure test of !ater suppl$ in #icinit$ of proect too-tain criteria for -asis of design including PS+ a#aila-le6 and inaccordance !it" ,SI(FP, 20.

    .2 ase design on ,SI(FP, 20.


    .1 Product )ata:

    .1 Su-mit manufacturer;s printed product literature6 specifications and datas"eet inaccordance !it" Section 01 33 00 Su-mittal Procedures.

    .1 Su-mit t!o copies of *orplace +a7ardous Materials InformationS$stem 4*+MIS5 Material Safet$ )ata S"eets 4MS)S5 in accordance!it" Section 01 33 00 Su-mittal Procedures.

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    NL Master Specification Guidefor Public Funded Buildings

    Issued 2008/03/8 Section 21 30 00 Fire Pumps and Controllers Page 2 of 9

    .2 S"op )ra!ings:

    .1 Su-mit s"op dra!ings in accordance !it" Section 01 33 00 Su-mittalProcedures

    .1 S"op dra!ings. Indicate:

    .1 Materials.

    .2 Finis"es.

    .3 Met"od of anc"orage

    .' um-er of anc"ors.

    ./ Supports.

    . 8einforcement.

    .& ,ssem-l$ details.

    .< ,ccessories.

    .9 Indicate "$draulic and electrical c"aracteristics including etPositi#e Suction +ead 4PS+5 re%uired6 mae and model

    num-er..2 Pro#ide po!er and control diagrams.


    .1 =ualit$ assurance su-mittals: su-mit follo!ing in accordance !it" Section 01 33 00 Su-mittal Procedures.

    .1 est reports:

    .1 Su-mit certified test reports for pacaged fire pumps from appro#edindependent testing la-oratories6 indicating compliance !it" specificationsfor specified performance c"aracteristics and p"$sical properties.

    .2 est eac" pump(dri#er pacage at factor$ to pro#ide detailed performancedata and to demonstrate compliance !it" ,SI(FP, and specification.Su-mit certified test cur#es for appro#al of >!ner?s 8epresentati#e.

    .3 est "$drostaticall$ to meet re%uirements of fire protection s$stem to!"ic" it !ill -e connected.

    .2 Certificates: su-mit certificates signed -$ manufacturer certif$ing t"at materialscompl$ !it" specified performance c"aracteristics and p"$sical properties.

    .3 Instructions: su-mit manufacturer;s installation instructions.

    .' Manufacturer;s Field 8eports: manufacturer;s field reports specified.

    .2 Closeout Su-mittals:

    .1 Su-mit maintenance and engineering data for incorporation into manual specified

    in Section 01 &< 00 Closeout Su-mittals in accordance !it" ,SI(FP, 20.


    .1 =ualifications:

    .1 Installer: certified ourne$person in pacaged fire pump installations !it"documented e@perience appro#ed -$ manufacturer.

    .2 +ealt" and Safet$:

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    NL Master Specification Guidefor Public Funded Buildings

    Issued 2008/03/8 Section 21 30 00 Fire Pumps and Controllers Page 3 of 9

    .1 )o construction occupational "ealt" and safet$ in accordance !it" Section01 3/ 29.0 +ealt" and Safet$ 8e%uirements.


    .1 A@tra Materials:

    .1 Furnis" spare parts for eac" pump in accordance !it" Section 01 &< 00 CloseoutSu-mittals and as follo!s:

    .1 >ne set of pacing.

    .2 >ne casing oint gaset.


    .1 Pacing6 s"ipping6 "andling and unloading:

    .1 )eli#er6 store and "andle in accordance !it" Section 01 1 00 Common Product8e%uirements.

    .2 )eli#er6 store and "andle materials in accordance !it" manufacturer;s !ritteninstructions.

    .2 *aste Management and )isposal:

    .1 Construction()emolition *aste Management and )isposal: separate !astematerials for reuse and rec$cling in accordance !it" Section 01 &' 21 Construction()emolition *aste Management and )isposal.

    P!"# 2 P"%&'(#S

    2.1 FIRE PUMP

    .1 Pacaged6 BC listed and la-eled #ertical s"aft tur-ine or "ori7ontal s"aft centrifugal firepump and controller.

    .2 )ri#er: electric6 totall$ enclosed6 fan cooled motor or diesel internal com-ustion enginecomplete !it" storage -atteries6 starting e%uipment and controls.

    .3 Mounting: install pump and dri#er on common -ase.

    .' Materials and construction: to ,SI(FP, 20.

    ./ Capacit$: as indicated to satisf$ fire protection s$stem re%uirements and FP,:

    .1 Flo! rate: as indicated.

    .2 Pressure: as indicated.

    .3 PS+: as indicated.

    .' Speed: as indicated.

    . ,ccessories to ,SI(FP, 20 re%uirements and in addition:

    .1 Fire pump -$pass fitted !it" s"ut off #al#es and c"ec #al#es.

    .2 ,udi-le and #isual suction side alarm.

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    NL Master Specification Guidefor Public Funded Buildings

    Issued 2008/03/8 Section 21 30 00 Fire Pumps and Controllers Page ' of 9

    .3 >SDE #al#es on suction and s"ut off #al#es on disc"arge6 electricall$ super#ised.

    .& ,nc"or -olts and templates:

    .1 Suppl$ for installation -$ ot"ers.

    .2 Si7e anc"or -olts to !it"stand seismic 7one acceleration and #elocit$ forces.


    .1 eneral: "ori7ontal6 tur-ine closecoupled6 or multistage electricall$ dri#en centrifugalpump and controller.

    .2 Capacit$: as indicated to satisf$ fire protection s$stem re%uirements and FP,:

    .1 Flo! rate: as indicated.

    .2 Pressure: as indicated.

    .3 Speed: as indicated.

    .3 ,ccessories: to ,SI(FP, 20.


    .1 Main com-ined manual and automatic controller for s%uirrel cage induction motordri#enfire pump6 full #oltage or reduced #oltage6 autotransformer6 closed transition or softstart(stop. Starting6 accommodated in dripproof CS, enclosure 36 completel$ !ired andtested -$ manufacturer -efore s"ipment from factor$6 for pumps o#er 2/ "p use reduced#oltage or soft start(stop.

    .2 o FP, o. 206 and BC listed for fire pump control.

    .3 8ating: +orsepo!er as indicated 00 6 3 p"ase6 0 +7.

    .' Controller microprocessor -ased capa-le of -eing energi7ed automaticall$ t"roug"pressure s!itc" or manuall$ -$ e@ternall$ opera-le "andle. Pressure s!itc" set to cut inand out as determined on site. Minimum running period timer set to eep motor inoperation !"en started automaticall$6 for minimum period of 1 minute for eac" 10 "p ofmotor rating6 -ut not to e@ceed & min.6 automatic !eel$ test.

    ./ Pilot lamp to indicate circuit -reaer closed and po!er a#aila-le.

    . Indi#idual alarm contacts rela$ to energi7e audi-le and #isi-le alarm t"roug" independentsource of po!er to indicate circuit -reaer open 6 po!er failure and p"ase re#ersal.

    .& ,larm and signal de#ices in controller and in remote location to indicate trou-le oncontroller and pumping unit.

    .< ,mmeter test lin and #oltmeter test studs.

    .9 Manual selector station6 t!o positions6 mared G,utomaticG and Gon,utomaticG.

    .10 Means on controller to operate alarm signal continuousl$ !"ile pump is running.

    .11 Mar GFI8A PBMP C>8>A8G.

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    NL Master Specification Guidefor Public Funded Buildings

    Issued 2008/03/8 Section 21 30 00 Fire Pumps and Controllers Page / of 9

    .12 *"ere multiple pumps are pro#ided6 indicate area or 7one ser#ed -$ eac" pump controller.

    .13 )igital )ispla$ for

    .1 S$stem fre%uenc$

    .2 inetoline #oltages

    .3 inetoline amperages

    .' Alapsed run time

    ./ Pressure s$stem settings

    . Pump starting failure

    .& >#er current pro-lem

    .< Bnder current pro-lem

    .9 Pressure transmitter pro-lem

    .1' ,nnciator for

    .1 Po!er a#aila-le

    .2 S$stem trou-le

    .3 P"ase re#ersal

    .' o! s$stem pressure


    .1 ,utomatic enginedri#en microprocessor -ased fire pump controller: to FP, o. 20 ande%uipped as follo!s:

    .1 Pressures!itc" transducer start.

    .2 Fire protection e%uipment start.

    .3 Main ac po!er failure rela$ connected eit"er to start engine or to actuate remotetrou-le alarm.

    .' Common local alarm -ell and indi#idual trou-le lamps or annuciator to indicate:

    .1 o! oil pressure.

    .2 +ig" cooling !ater temperature.

    .3 Angine failure to start.

    .' S"ut do!n from o#er speed.

    ./ S"ut do!n from pump operation.

    . S"ut do!n from trou-le on controller or engine.

    .& S"ut do!n from loss of ac po!er.

    .< atter$ failure for eac" -atter$.

    .9 atter$ c"arger failure.

    .10 o! suction

    .11 o! fuel le#el

    .12 *ater reser#oir lo!

    .13 *ater reser#oir empt$

    .1' o! pump room temperature

    .1/ +ig" fuel le#el

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    NL Master Specification Guidefor Public Funded Buildings

    Issued 2008/03/8 Section 21 30 00 Fire Pumps and Controllers Page of 9

    .1 Main s!itc" in auto

    .1& Angine run

    .1< Failure !"en running

    ./ Pro#ision for selecta-le automatic alternate use of t!o separate storage -atteries.

    *it" alarm if -atter$ fails and pre#ention of use of defecti#e -atter$ on startup.. Intermittent craning of engine !it" locout if engine fails to start on cran

    periods of appro@imatel$ 1/ s duration separated -$ / rest periods ofappro@imatel$ 1/ s duration.

    .& Pro#ision for locout alarm if a -atter$ is disconnected or -ecomes inoperati#e.

    .< Selector s!itc" to -$pass rela$ circuits and pro#ide for manual starting.

    .9 Pro#ision for 10 s dela$ed start.

    .10 Se%uential timing de#ice.

    .11 Circuits for #arious engine mounted de#ices suc" as automatic c"oes6 antidieseling solenoid #al#e6 cooling !ater line solenoid #al#e.

    .12 iming rela$ for automatic stop.

    .13 *eel$ timer for automatic !eel$ test run.

    .1' 8emote start s!itc" rela$.

    .1/ ,utomanual6 selector.

    .1 G,utoG position indicating lamp.

    .1& Manual6 startstop pus"-uttons.

    .1< 8ecording pressure gauge !it" & da$ c"art.

    .19 !o -uiltin automatic -atter$ c"argers.

    .20 ransformer to feed 11/ panel.

    .21 Control ca-inet strip "eater.

    .22 AM, 38 enclosure.

    .23 Mar GFI8A PBMP C>8>A8G.

    .2' *"ere multiple pumps are pro#ided6 indicate area or 7one ser#ed -$ eac" pumpcontroller.

    .2/ 8emote alarm contacts rated at 10 amp6 12/ ,C for:

    .1 >#erspeed

    .2 Fail to start

    .3 o! oil pressure

    .' +ig" coolant temperature

    ./ Failure !"en running

    .2 Pro#ision for deluge #al#e6 start6 remote.

    .2& >perator control panel and annunciator to incorporate

    .1 Indi#idual c"arger #oltmeter and ammeter readout6 c"arger modeindication.

    .2 Indi#idual cutin6 cutout and s$stem pressure.

    .3 amp test(silence6 run test6 print and paper feed test -uttons.

    .' Indi#idual -atter$ manual cran pus" -utton.

    .2< Controller to s"ut do!n engine for lo! oil pressure or "ig" coolant temperatureduring e@ercise c$cle -ut restart in case of !ater pressure drop.

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    NL Master Specification Guidefor Public Funded Buildings

    Issued 2008/03/8 Section 21 30 00 Fire Pumps and Controllers Page & of 9

    .29 Angine o#erspeed s"utdo!n !it"out time dela$ and locout until manuall$ reset.

    .30 Include lo! fuel le#el float s!itc"6 "ig" fuel le#el float s!itc"6 lo! pump roomtemperature t"ermostat6 lo! suction pressure s!itc" mounted inside controller.


    .1 *"en automatic transfer s!itc" is re%uired include in AM, 3 enclosure mec"anicall$attac"ed to full ser#ice fire pump control enclosure.

    .2 Indi#idual dr$ alarm contacts for

    .1 enerator start.

    .2 Isolating s!itc" in off position.

    .3 ,utomatic transfer s!itc" in normal position.

    .' ,utomatic transfer s!itc" in emergenc$ po!er position.

    .3 ransfer s!itc" to -e pro#ided !it"

    .1 oltage sensing eac" p"ase of normal po!er suppl$ for generator start contact.

    .2 oltage and fre%uenc$ of emergenc$ po!er source to transfer to emergenc$po!er.

    .3 iming function to o#erride momentar$ normal outages.

    .' iming function to dela$ transfer to normal po!er suppl$.

    ./ iming function to allo! generator cool do!n after retransfer to normal po!er.

    . oltage sensing on all p"ases of normal po!er to retransfer to normal po!er.


    .1 Consists of lead and stand-$ fire pump controllers complete !it" automatic transfers!itc"es in AM, 3 enclosure.

    .2 A%uip !it" separate normal and emergenc$ po!er feeders si7ed for one pump.

    .3 Pressure sensing de#ice for eac" controller onl$. >ne pump allo!ed to start and run at atime.

    .' Controllers and transfer s!itc"es to -e complete !it" features specified in 2.3 and 2.'.


    .1 Fire pump remote alarm panel: to FP, o. 206 s"eet steel6 !all mounting6 finis"ed red6

    "inged front access door. ,udi-le and #isual alarm e%uipment indicating pump po!erfailure6 pump operating6 super#isor$ po!er failure6 controller engine trou-le. Colouredindicating lamps6 pus"-uttons6 gong6 control rela$s6 terminals6 completel$ factor$ installedand !ired.

    .2 Aac" a-normal pump condition to lig"t appropriate lamp and to sound audi-le gong alarm.ong to -e pus" -utton silenced6 lig"t to remain on until a-normal condition remo#ed6e@cept t"at in e#ent of super#isor$ po!er suppl$ failure6 gong cannot -e silenced untilsuppl$ restored.

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    NL Master Specification Guidefor Public Funded Buildings

    Issued 2008/03/8 Section 21 30 00 Fire Pumps and Controllers Page < of 9

    P!"# 3 $)$('#I%N


    .1 Compliance: compl$ !it" manufacturer;s !ritten recommendations or specifications6

    including product tec"nical -ulletins6 "andling6 storage and installation instructions6 anddatas"eet.


    .1 Install in accordance !it" BC listing6 ,SI(FP, 206 manufacturer;s instructions andappro#ed s"op dra!ings.

    .2 Install engine cooling s$stem.

    .3 Insulate e@"aust s$stem6 cooling s$stem muffler in accordance !it" Section 21 0& 19 "ermal Insulation for Piping.

    .' ,lign pump and motor s"afts to !it"in manufacturer;s recommended clearances prior tostartup.

    ./ *iring to perform in accordance !it" manufacturer;s instructions and applica-le codes.


    .1 Manufacturer;s Field Ser#ices:

    .1 >-tain !ritten report from manufacturer #erif$ing compliance of *or6 in"andling6 installing6 appl$ing6 protecting and cleaning of product and su-mitManufacturer;s Field 8eports as descri-ed in P,8 1 SBMI,S.

    .2 Pro#ide manufacturer;s field ser#ices consisting of product use recommendationsand periodic site #isits for inspection of product installation in accordance !it"manufacturer;s instructions.

    .3 Sc"edule site #isits6 to re#ie! *or6 as directed in P,8 1 =B,IE,SSB8,CA.

    .2 Site ests:

    .1 Field test eac" fire pump6 dri#er and controllers in accordance !it" ,SI(FP,20. esting s"all include:

    .1 erification of proper installation s$stem initiation adustment and finetuning.

    .2 erification of t"e se%uence of operations and alarm s$stems.

    .2 esting to -e !itnessed -$ aut"orit$ "a#ing urisdiction.

    .3 )e#elop6 !it" >!ner?s 8epresentati#e?s assistance6 detailed instructions for > DM of t"is installation.

    3.4 CLEANIN

    .1 Proceed in accordance !it" Section 01 &' 11 Cleaning.

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    NL Master Specification Guidefor Public Funded Buildings

    Issued 2008/03/8 Section 21 30 00 Fire Pumps and Controllers Page 9 of 9

    .2 Bpon completion and #erification of performance of installation6 remo#e surplus materials6e@cess materials6 ru--is"6 tools and e%uipment.


    .1 Field test eac" fire pump6 dri#er and controllers in accordance !it" ,SI(FP, 20.

    .2 esting to -e !itnessed -$ aut"orit$ "a#ing urisdiction.

    .3 Pro#ide >!ner assistance6 detailed instructions for > D M of t"is installation.

    $N& %F S$(#I%N