20Proverbs Proverbs 001:001 001:001 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel: 001:002 001:002 To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding, 001:003 001:003 to receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgment, and equity; 001:004 001:004 to give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion - 001:005 001:005 A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel, 001:006 001:006 to understand a proverb and an enigma, the words of the wise and their riddles. 001:007 001:007 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 001:008 001:008 My son, hear the instruction of your father , and do not forsake the law of your mother; 001:009 001:009 for they will be graceful ornaments on your head, and chains about your neck. 001:010 001:010 My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent. 001:011 001:011 If they say, "Come with us, let us lie in wait to shed blood; Let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause; 001:012 001:012 let us swallow them alive like Sheol, and whole, like those who go down to the Pit; 001:013 001:013 we shall find all kinds of precious possessions, we shall fill our houses with spoil; 001:014 001:014 cast in your lot among us, let us all have one purse" - 001:015 001:015 my son, do not walk in the way with them, keep your foot from their path; 001:016 001:016 for their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood. 001:017 001:017 Surely, in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird; 001:018 001:018 but they lie in wait for their own blood, They lurk secretly for their own lives. 001:019 001:019 So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain; It takes away the life of its owners. 001:020 001:020 Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares. 001:021 001:021 She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city she speaks her words: 001:022 001:022 "How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge. 001:023 001:023 Turn at my reproof; Surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. 001:024 001:024 Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded, 001:025 001:025 because you disdained all my counsel, and would have none of my reproof, 001:026 001:026 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror Page: 1

20Proverbs Proverbs - Rice Universityme.rice.edu/~ylinrice/download/20Proverbs.CUV.NKJ.pdf · 2004-02-02 · 20Proverbs Proverbs 001:001 01 :T h ep rovb sfS lm nt D aid, ... 17 H

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��� Proverbs

001:001 ���������������� ���� �����001:001 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel:001:002 ���������������� �! �#"�$�%�& � ��'(�001:002 To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of

understanding,001:003 ����)�*�+-,/.����/+-0/1�+�2�3�+�4�5��# �! �001:003 to receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgment, and

equity;001:004 ��6���7�8�+���9�:���;�<�=���>�? �001:004 to give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and

discretion -001:005 ��������@�A�+�B�C�D(E � ��F�8#����G/��> �001:005 A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of

understanding will attain wise counsel,001:006 ����8IH ��� ��J�K/+-L/��������� ��M ��N '(�001:006 to understand a proverb and an enigma, the words of the wise and

their riddles.001:007 O�P�Q���R�S�<�=���T�U � 6�V���W�X������� �! �001:007 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools

despise wisdom and instruction.001:008 Y��+���@�Z�[�\��# �!�+�]�^�_�`�Z�a�\��#b�c �edgf�h�i�j(k001:008 My son, hear the instruction of your father , and do not forsake

the law of your mother;001:009 l�m�n�� h m�Z�o�p��#R�q�+�r�p��#s�t �001:009 for they will be graceful ornaments on your head, and chains

about your neck.001:010 Y��+�u���v�w�x�Z�+�Z�]�^�y�z �001:010 My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.001:011 {�|�v�}�+�Z�~�Y�|��#��+�Y�|���������������+����/����������� �001:011 If they say, "Come with us, let us lie in wait to shed blood; Let

us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause;001:012 Y�|���������+���{�|�������� � {�|����#�����#��+���Y�|����#��� �001:012 let us swallow them alive like Sheol, and whole, like those who

go down to the Pit;001:013 Y�|�������������+-�/�������# �¡�¢�£ �001:013 we shall find all kinds of precious possessions, we shall fill

our houses with spoil;001:014 Z�~�Y�|���¤�� "�� Y�|�¥/¦�§���¨�© �001:014 cast in your lot among us, let us all have one purse" -001:015 Y��+�]���~�{�|��#ª�§�« �#¬�­ Z�®�¯/{�|��#° �001:015 my son, do not walk in the way with them, keep your foot from

their path;001:016 l�m�{�|���®/±�²�ª�u�+�{�|�³�´/�����#� �001:016 for their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood.001:017 ����µ�¶/+�·� �¸�¹�º�»�¼�]�½�¾ �001:017 Surely, in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird;001:018 n�¿�������+�S�mÁÀÂ�(Ã�� � �/��S�mÁÀÂ�(Ã�Ä �001:018 but they lie in wait for their own blood, They lurk secretly for

their own lives.001:019 Å�Æ/Ç�È�É���+���ª���°�+�Ê�S���Ë � n�Æ/Ç���Ì�+�Í�Î�����È�Ï���Ä �001:019 So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain; It takes away

the life of its owners.001:020 ����¹�Ð�Ñ�p�Ò�Ó�+�¹�Ô�Õ#)�Ö�× �001:020 Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open

squares.001:021 ¹�Ø�Ù#Ð�o�Ó�Ú�+�¹�Û(��Ü�+�¹�Û�Ý#Ö�Þ ��'(�001:021 She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the

gates in the city she speaks her words:001:022 }�Z�|�6�ß���à�á�6�ß/+�â�ã/��à�ä�â�ã�+�6�å/��æ�u�<�=�+���ç�è�é�ê �001:022 "How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For

scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge.001:023 Z�|�ë�l#Y��#ì�í�î#ï � Y����/Y��#7�ð�ñ�Z�|�+-�/Y��#ò i�ó Z�| �001:023 Turn at my reproof; Surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I

will make my words known to you.001:024 Y�Ò�ô�Z�|�]�õ�@�z � Y�ö/÷�+�����ø�ù �001:024 Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my

hand and no one regarded,001:025 ú�û�`�Y�§�ü(�#ý�þ�+�]�õ�.�Y��#ì�í �001:025 because you disdained all my counsel, and would have none of my

reproof,001:026 Z�|�ÿ�����+�Y���Ö�������ç�Z�|�+�Y��� �� �001:026 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror

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comes,001:027 ����������� ������ ��������� �������� � ���������� �!��001:027 when your terror comes like a storm, and your destruction comes

like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you.001:028 "�#� �$�% &'�� '()*+���, -/.�01'�� (0)2��001:028 "Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; they will seek

me diligently, but they will not find me.001:029 3 4��5678�� )9:;<�=�>?��001:029 Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the

LORD,001:030 )�@ '�.�AB�� CD'E�-/.�FG��001:030 they would have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof,001:031 H/IJ$�KMLON�.�PQ�� RSTLVU�.�W�X/�001:031 therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be

filled to the full with their own fancies.001:032 YZ�[\�]�� $�^�_` ���Y a�[b�c�� $d/_Je��001:032 For the turning away of the simple will slay them, and the

complacency of fools will destroy them;001:033 f�g�@ h'�.�� $bijk�� lmb�n�� )o��p/�001:033 but whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure,

without fear of evil."

002:001 'q�� �r�s�t'�.�u�v��`w�x'ley��002:001 My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within

you,002:002 z�{�@ |�}�� ~�&����002:002 so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to

understanding;002:003 % &������`����&�����002:003 yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for

understanding,002:004 01��01�Q��`��&�����&�� ��.�����002:004 If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden

treasures;002:005 �������;<�=�>?�� l/IJ�8���002:005 then you will understand the fear of the LORD, and find the

knowledge of God.002:006 3 4=�>?���[|�}���78>����� ������������002:006 For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and

understanding;002:007 ����[�w/���|�}�� ���4� ��.�[¡¢£��002:007 He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to

those who walk uprightly;002:008 4�¤¥�¦§ ¨�[�.�©�� ª«¬;[�.J]/�002:008 He guards the paths of justice, and preserves the way of His

saints.002:009 �­$����O®�¯���§ ¨�� ���� E�-/.�°�]/�002:009 Then you will understand righteousness and justice, equity and

every good path.002:010 |�}�$±�������.�²¤/IJ78�4�³��002:010 When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your

soul,002:011 X�´�$ªµ��������$¥�¦����002:011 discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you,002:012 ¤¶�·¸6�]��º¹»6�]�¼¡6[�.J]�½J·¸¾¿�À�Á�.�[��002:012 to deliver you from the way of evil, from the man who speaks

perverse things,002:013 "�Â[ÃÄ���.�©�� ��Å�ÆÇ�.J]��002:013 from those who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways

of darkness;002:014 9È¡6�� 9:6[�.�¿�É/�002:014 who rejoice in doing evil, and delight in the perversity of the

wicked;002:015 Ê��.J]/Ë�Ì�Í`� Ê��.�©!Î�É/�002:015 whose ways are crooked, and who are devious in their paths;002:016 |�}�¤¶��Ï�¸ÐÑ�� �Ò�"�ÓÔ�ÕÖ�.�×�Ø��002:016 to deliver you from the immoral woman, from the seductress who

flatters with her words,002:017 �¸ÄÙÚ�.�ÛÜ�� Ý�Þ���.�ßà��002:017 who forsakes the companion of her youth, and forgets the covenant

of her God.002:018 ��.�á�â�±ãä�� ��.�©Î/å�æç�002:018 for her house leads down to death, and her paths to the dead;002:019 è�����"�éê�.�)lë�ì�� ­l)�í�î�e�.�©��002:019 none who go to her return, nor do they regain the paths of life -002:020 |�}�$ï��°[�.J]���¦�¯[�.�©��002:020 so you may walk in the way of goodness, and keep to the paths of

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righteousness.002:021 ��������������� ���������������������002:021 For the upright will dwell in the land, and the blameless will

remain in it;002:022 ������������������� �����! "��002:022 but the wicked will be cut off from the earth, and the unfaithful

will be uprooted from it.

003:001 #�$�%'&�(�)�*�# �+�, �.-0/�1�2�3�4�5�6�(�7�89# �:; �003:001 My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my

commands;003:002 <'=9>���?@�A CBED�%�F9; �G�H�%'I�JK�%'L�M�5 �003:002 for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you.003:003 &�N�O�P9Q�RS�T�U95 ��(�V���5�W�X���%'Y���5�6�Z�� �003:003 let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck,

write them on the tablet of your heart,003:004 [�\�%'5�����]�^����_9`�a�b�c�%'��d e��003:004 and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.003:005 5�(�f�6�g�h�i9^�j�%'&�N�k�lnmpo� �d e��003:005 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own

understanding;003:006 ��5�q�rs�t �u���%'v�(�w�x�>�%'>���2�y'5 �z �003:006 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.003:007 &�({mp|p=9��}�~���(�����i9^�j�%p�T���u �003:007 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and depart from

evil.003:008 [������95 �����%p���5 '�'���003:008 It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.003:009 5�(�|�����%'^�q�r����� �����%'����i9^�j �003:009 Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of

all your increase;003:010 [�\�%'5 ����%'���������C%'5 ����C%'��������� �003:010 so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will

overflow with new wine.003:011 #�$�%'5�&�N�����i9^�j ���3�% -0/�1�¡��C4�¢�&�N�£�¤> �¥�¦ �003:011 My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, nor detest His

correction;003:012 <'=�i9^�j�s�Q 9%'>���¥�¦ ����§�¨�©�¥�¦�s�ª�Q �$�D �003:012 for whom the LORD loves He corrects, just as a father the son in

whom he delights.003:013 «�}�~%'«�d e� 9%'[�����=9��¬��003:013 Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains

understanding;003:014 <'=9«�}�~'­®�«�¯�D�%p°±�²�³�§�´�µ �003:014 for her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her

gain than fine gold.003:015 ¶�·�¸¹-0/�1�º�»�¼�4�»�½ ��5�q�rs�ª�Q 9%'v�&�¾¿¶ÁÀ��003:015 She is more precious than rubies, and all the things you may

desire cannot compare with her.003:016 >�Â�Ã���@�Ä ��ÅÃ���Æ9½ �003:016 Length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and

honor.003:017 > �ÇÈ�K�É�%'> �z���È�JK �003:017 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.003:018 >�I�Ê�89> �1�F9;�Ë ��Ê�x�> �Ì�Í���¬��003:018 She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy

are all who retain her.003:019 i9^�j�|�}�~9Î�� �|�d e�x�Ï �003:019 The LORD by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding He

established the heavens;003:020 |�Ð�Ñ�O�Ò�ÓÔ�U%'O�Ï�Õ9Ö�×�ØÙ �003:020 by His knowledge the depths were broken up, and clouds drop down

the dew.003:021 #�$�%'(�7�89Ú�}�~9^�Û�Ü���&�N�O�>�T�U95 '_ÞÝß�003:021 My son, let them not depart from your eyes - keep sound wisdom

and discretion;003:022 [�\�%'>���1�5 'F9;�%'W�X �à�á��003:022 so they will be life to your soul and grace to your neck.003:023 5�â�ã���t�z�%'&�ä�å�æ��003:023 Then you will walk safely in your way, and your foot will not

stumble.003:024 5�ç×�%'��&�èé ��5�çCê�%�ë9«�ì�í �003:024 When you lie down, you will not be afraid; yes, you will lie down

and your sleep will be sweet.003:025 î���ï Áðòñ�%'&�(�ó�é ������ôõ�ö�%'¢�&�(�ñ�è��003:025 Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked

when it comes;

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20Pr over bs

003: 026 ��������������� ���������������������������� �003: 026 f or t he LORD wi l l be your conf i dence, and wi l l keep your f oot

f r om bei ng caught .003: 027 �!�"�#�$�%���&�' (���)�*�+ (�, - .0/�1�2���3�4�$��003: 027 Do not wi t hhol d good f r om t hose t o whom i t i s due, when i t i s i n

t he power of your hand t o do so.003: 028 /�5�"�# 6�7���(���) 8�9�:�; (�< =�(�>�?�@�A (�B���C���003: 028 Do not say t o your nei ghbor , " Go, and come back, and t omor r ow I

wi l l gi ve i t , " when you have i t wi t h you.003: 029 ���9�: (�D�E��F�G�H�I (����)�J�K�L����003: 029 Do not devi se evi l agai nst your nei ghbor , f or he dwel l s by you

f or saf et y ' s sake.003: 030 3�M�N�O�L�P� (���)�Q�R�P���S�T��003: 030 Do not s t r i ve wi t h a man wi t hout cause, i f he has done you no

har m.003: 031 ��) U�V�W�X���3 (�Y���) Z�[����$���\��003: 031 Do not envy t he oppr essor , and choose none of hi s ways;003: 032 ����] ^�3��������� _�`���a�b�3������c�d��003: 032 f or t he per ver se per son i s an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD, but Hi s

secr et counsel i s wi t h t he upr i ght .003: 033 ������e f�`�3���g hi(kj�l�P�m�3���I���003: 033 The cur se of t he LORD i s on t he house of t he wi cked, but He

bl esses t he habi t at i on of t he j ust .003: 034 � n�o /�p n�o���3 (kj�q�C�r�s���3��003: 034 Sur el y He scor ns t he scor nf ul , but gi ves gr ace t o t he humbl e.003: 035 t�u�3���v�w�x�y���z�{�3�|�}�Y�7���~����003: 035 The wi se shal l i nher i t gl or y, but shame shal l be t he l egacy of

f ool s.

004: 001 ������(�� ����c������ (�����2�����>��004: 001 Hear , my chi l dr en, t he i nst r uct i on of a f at her , and gi ve

at t ent i on t o know under st andi ng;004: 002 ��B��C������(���p���������)�����B��������������������004: 002 f or I gi ve you good doct r i ne: do not f or sake my l aw.004: 003 B�E���c���������� (�E���c�� ���������� �¡��004: 003 When I was my f at her ' s son, t ender and t he onl y one i n t he s i ght

of my mot her ,004: 004 ��c�����B�; (����� ¢�£�B���¤ ¥i(k¦ ��B���§�¨ (�©�2 ¢�ª��004: 004 He al so t aught me, and sai d t o me: " Let your hear t r et ai n my

wor ds; keep my commands, and l i ve.004: 005 ��2�t�u�(���2���>�����)�«�£ (�Y���)�¬���B®­k����¤ ¥��004: 005 Get wi sdom! Get under st andi ng! Do not f or get , nor t ur n away f r om

t he wor ds of my mout h.004: 006 ��)�����t�u�(�t�u�,�¯�°������±�� (���,�������004: 006 Do not f or sake her , and she wi l l pr eser ve you; l ove her , and she

wi l l keep you.004: 007 t�u���²����³���2�t�u ��E��� ´��2�µ�¶�(���2���>���������·���

´��2���<�¸���>��004: 007 Wi sdom i s t he pr i nc i pal t hi ng; t her ef or e get wi sdom. And i n al l

your get t i ng, get under st andi ng.004: 008 |�¹�t�u�(���,�º��|�}���»�¼�t�u�(���,�º��x�y��004: 008 Exal t her , and she wi l l pr omot e you; she wi l l br i ng you honor ,

when you embr ace her .004: 009 ��� ½���¾�O�E��¿�À (�Á�y�Â�Ã�C���004: 009 She wi l l pl ace on your head an or nament of gr ace; a cr own of

gl or y she wi l l del i ver t o you. "004: 010 B�¡ (��� ��w�B���¤ ¥i(�,���Ä�Å�Æ�Ç��004: 010 Hear , my son, and r ecei ve my sayi ngs, and t he year s of your l i f e

wi l l be many.004: 011 B�È����� É�t�u ��Êi(�Ë Ì��$�a�b���\��004: 011 I have t aught you i n t he way of wi sdom; I have l ed you i n r i ght

pat hs.004: 012 �$ Éi(k��Í�����Î Ï Ð ���Ñ�Ò (�Y���Î�Ó�Ô��004: 012 When you wal k, your s t eps wi l l not be hi nder ed, and when you r un,

you wi l l not s t umbl e.004: 013 ��Õ�Ö�� ×i(���)�Ø Ù���� -�Ú���(������������Û�§��004: 013 Take f i r m hol d of i nst r uct i on, do not l et go; keep her , f or she

i s your l i f e.004: 014 ��)�$�`�3���\�����) ��3�����004: 014 Do not ent er t he pat h of t he wi cked, and do not wal k i n t he way

of ev i l .004: 015 ��Ý Þi(���)�ß�à�����á�â�ã�<��004: 015 Avoi d i t , do not t r avel on i t ; t ur n away f r om i t and pass on.004: 016 ä�å�3�"���$�` (���2�æ�ç�����º�3�Ó�Ô ( æ�è���H��004: 016 For t hey do not s l eep unl ess t hey have done evi l ; and t hei r s l eep

i s t aken away unl ess t hey make someone f al l .004: 017 ��������³0é�`�ê�ëi( ³�W�X ì�í��

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004:017 For they eat the bread of wicke dness, and drink the wine ofviolence.

004:018 ������������ ���������������������������004:018 But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines

ever brighter unto the perfect day.004:019 �����! ��� �"�#�%$�&!'�(�)!*�+�,�-��004:019 The way of the wicked is like darkness; They do not know what

makes them stumble.004:020 .�/�0�1�23�.���4�5�6�73�.���8�9��004:020 My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my

sayings.004:021 :�'�;�<�=���>@?A��0�B�C�D�=�2�E��004:021 Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of

your heart;004:022 )�F�G�H�I����J�G�K�L�M�N�G�K�O�P�Q��SR�T��004:022 For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their

flesh.004:023 =�0�U�V�=�2�W�X�U�V�Y�Z��\[^]�_�=�0�Z�Z�U�V�=�2�`�)�F�Y�L��ab �c�de2�f�g��004:023 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the

issues of life.004:024 =�0h�i�j�k��Sl!�m�n�o�p���q�004:024 Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far

from you.004:025 =���>@?e�0�r!s�t�u�=���>�vw[yx�z�_�{�`�|r!s���}��004:025 Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right

before you.004:026 0�~���=�������������=�Y�Z��! ��004:026 Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be

established.004:027 '�;���re������0���=��!��<���j����004:027 Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil.

005:001 .�/�0�1�2�.������8�9S�6�73�.�������4�5��005:001 My son, pay attention to my wisdom; lend your ear to my

understanding,005:002 F�0���=���V�����q���U�B�(����005:002 that you may preserve discretion, and that your lips may keep

knowledge.005:003 )�F�������q���������I��Sl����������005:003 For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, and her mouth is

smoother than oil;005:004 ������������ �¡�¢�£�¤���¥��005:004 but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged

sword.005:005 I��!�S���¦�§�¨���I���©�ª�«�¬�­��005:005 Her feet go down to death, her steps lay hold of hell.005:006 ®!¯�I�°�'�HL�M���±��! ���I�����²�³�'���$�&e´�'�(� ��005:006 Lest you ponder her path of life - her ways are unstable; you do

not know them.005:007 µ�¶�·��¸�D�03�¹�.�'�;�<�m�.ºl�E���8��005:007 Therefore hear me now, my children, and do not depart from the

words of my mouth.005:008 =�»�¼��! �0�<�I�½S�'�;�J�¾�I���¿�À��005:008 Remove your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her

house,005:009 Á�Â�Ã�=���Ä�Å�Æ�Ç���Ã�=���È�É�Æ�ÊË�����005:009 lest you give your honor to others, and your years to the cruel

one;005:010 Á�Â�Ì���Í�G�=���Î�Ï�=�Ð�Ñ�G�Ò����Ó�¦�Ì�����Ô��005:010 lest aliens be filled with your wealth , and your labors go to

the house of a foreigner;005:011 ��Õ�=�{�Öe×�Ø�Q�Ù�Ú�=�J�ÛÜ�005:011 and you mourn at last, when your flesh and your body are

consumed,005:012 Ý�.�Þ�+�ß���à�áS�2�E�â�ã�ä�å005:012 and say: "How I have hated instruction, And my heart despised

reproof!005:013 æ�'3�¹�.�ç�è���8�N�'�6�73�é�ê�à�.������005:013 I have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined my ear

to those who instructed me!005:014 .�D�ë�ì�í�î�ï�ð�D�ñ�ò���E��005:014 I was on the verge of total ruin, in the midst of the

congregation and assembly."005:015 =�0ó�$�&!ô�E���õ�ö÷$�&!ø�í���ù�õ��005:015 Drink water from your own cistern, and running water from your

own well.

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005:016 ������������ ��������������������������005:016 Should your fountains be dispersed abroad, streams of water in

the streets?005:017 ����������� �"!��#�����$�%��005:017 Let them be only your own, and not for strangers with you.005:018 &�'���������(�)*��&�+�,���-�.�/�0���1��005:018 Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your

youth.005:019 2�3��4���5�6 �"�+���7�6���8�2���9�:;�"'�� <�<"=�>*��2���4�?;�

'���@�@�A�B��005:019 As a loving deer and a graceful doe, let her breasts satisfy you

at all times; and always be enraptured with her love.005:020 C�D �"��E�F�A�B�G�H ��E�F�I���J ��9�:*�005:020 For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman,

and be embraced in the arms of a seductress?005:021 K"E���/�L��NM;�"O���P�Q�R�S�T���2�U�V�W�����X*��Y��005:021 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He

ponders all his paths.005:022 Z���[�\^]`_���a�b�c�d���2�[�\^]`_���a�Z�3�e�f�g�h��005:022 His own iniquities entrap the wicked man, and he is caught in the

cords of his sin.005:023 2�K�!�i�j�k;�"l�[�m�n���o�K"p�q�r�s �"[�t�u�v�Y��005:023 He shall die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of his

folly he shall go astray.

006:001 C�D �"��w�E"x�y�z�{ �"|�����} ~��006:001 My son, if you become surety for your friend, if you have shaken

hands in pledge for a stranger,006:002 ��l�\��`��������g�d �"\�����������c�d��006:002 you are snared by the words of your own mouth; you are taken by

the words of your mouth.006:003 C�D �"� �`����x�y������"l �"����L �`����^]`_�����&^]�� �"�����

���Nx�y��006:003 So do this, my son, and deliver yourself; for you have come into

the hand of your friend: go and humble yourself; plead with your friend.

006:004 !�&������"S����"�;�"!�&������"S���� ���006:004 Give no sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids.006:005 &��^]`_"�"3�6������������ �"3������� ����������006:005 Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, and

like a bird from the hand of the fowler.006:006 ¡�¢���£��"����¤�¥�¦�§*��¨�z �"l��©�ª�« �006:006 Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise,006:007 ¦�§�¬�­�®�¯ �"¬�­�°�± �"¬�­�²�³ �006:007 which, having no captain, overseer or ruler,006:008 ´Nµ���¶�·�¸�¹�º�» �"��¼�½ <"¾�¿�À�º��006:008 provides her supplies in the summer, and gathers her food in the

harvest.006:009 ¡�¢���£��"��&���Á� <�Ã�����F <���Ä Ã��006:009 How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from

your sleep?006:010 Å���Æ�<��"� ��Æ�<��`I�Ç���È;É�Æ�<��006:010 A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands

to sleep -006:011 ���NÊ Ë�l�[�3�Ì�Í�Î�Ï �"���NÐ�Ñ�Ò�Ó�Ô�Õ�Ö�����Ï�Á �006:011 so shall your poverty come on you like a robber, and your need

like an armed man.006:012 ×�Ø*��Z�Ù �"L�¨�l�%�Ú�Û*�;�`�006:012 A worthless person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth;006:013 %�S"Ü�Ý �"%�Þ�ß�à �"%�á�â"ã*�006:013 he winks with his eyes, he shuffles his feet, he points with his

fingers;006:014 ä���Ú�Û;�"@�å�Z�æ;�"ç�è�é�ê��006:014 perversity is in his heart, he devises evil continually, he sows

discord.006:015 /*ëNì�í�[�î�ï ð�Á�2�ñ ��2�[ ò"ó�ô�õ�×�ö��÷ �006:015 Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; suddenly he shall be

broken without remedy.006:016 P�Q�R�/�ø�Z���­�ù�� �`ú�2�ä�/�û�Z��Nü�­�ý����006:016 These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to

him:006:017 l�þ�ÿ����"S���������� �"��×������� �006:017 A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,006:018 �Næ�Z����ä �� ���L�Z��NÞ;�006:018 a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running

to evil,006:019 �������������;��������ç�è�é�ê������

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20Pr over bs

006: 019 a f al se wi t ness who speaks l i es, and one who sows di scor d amongbr et hr en.

006: 020 �������������� �������������������� ���������� ��!�"�#%$006: 020 My son, keep your f at her ' s command, and do not f or sake t he l aw of

your mot her .006: 021 ��&�'�(��)�*���+�(��,�*��006: 021 Bi nd t hem cont i nual l y upon your hear t ; t i e t hem ar ound your neck.006: 022 �-/.0��1�2�3/4����/506���1�2�7�����8�9���1�2�:�/;�<��006: 022 When you r oam, t hey wi l l l ead you; when you s l eep, t hey wi l l keep

you; and when you awake, t hey wi l l speak wi t h you.006: 023 =�>�����?/@0�����A� ��!�"�#%$�?�B���C/D%��E�F�?G�����H%�006: 023 For t he commandment i s a l amp, and t he l aw i s l i ght ; r epr oof s of

i nst r uct i on ar e t he way of l i f e,006: 024 I�7�/J���K�L��MJ���NO�P�Q���R�S��006: 024 t o keep you f r om t he evi l woman, f r om t he f l at t er i ng t ongue of a

seduct r ess.006: 025 �)�T�����U�V�1���W�X���Y�����Z�1���[�\�]�3�006: 025 Do not l ust af t er her beaut y i n your hear t , nor l et her al l ur e

you wi t h her eyel i ds.006: 026 =�>�^O�I�_�`�a�b�c�d/e0��f�L�g�h�`�i�j���G����006: 026 For by means of a har l ot a man i s r educed t o a cr ust of br ead;

and an adul t er ess wi l l pr ey upon hi s pr eci ous l i f e.006: 027 `�k/l�m/n�o���p�qsrtI��/u0v�006: 027 can a man t ake f i r e t o hi s bosom, and hi s c l ot hes not be bur ned?006: 028 `�k�(�o�w�*/.0�MxyrtI���z�v�006: 028 Can one wal k on hot coal s, and hi s f eet not be sear ed?006: 029 /{�|�}�~�������Y�?����������/{�1�������������006: 029 So i s he who goes i n t o hi s nei ghbor ' s wi f e; whoever t ouches her

shal l not be i nnocent .006: 030 ��=���������������`�������1��006: 030 Peopl e do not despi se a t hi ef i f he st eal s t o sat i s f y hi msel f

when he i s s t ar v i ng.006: 031 k�Z���0��1�2��/��������2/����T������������/���%�006: 031 Yet when he i s f ound, he must r est or e sevenf ol d; he may have t o

gi ve up al l t he subst ance of hi s house.006: 032 :�L�`�-�f�������?�������-��� �����2/¡�¢G����006: 032 Whoever commi t s adul t er y wi t h a woman l acks under st andi ng; he who

does so dest r oys hi s own soul .006: 033 1�2��/£�¤���2�Z�¥�¦���1���§�¨���©/ª�«��006: 033 Wounds and di shonor he wi l l get , and hi s r epr oach wi l l not be

wi ped a way.006: 034 =�>�`���¬�­���®�¯�°�±���²�³���´�µ��/¶���·�¸%�006: 034 For j eal ousy i s a husband' s f ur y; t her ef or e he wi l l not spar e i n

t he day of vengeance.006: 035 ¹�º�»�¼���1����/½%���¾/¿�À�Á�Â�Ã���1�Y���Ä/Å�Æ%�006: 035 He wi l l accept no r ecompense, nor wi l l he be appeased t hough you

gi ve many gi f t s .

007: 001 ��������/Ç�������È/É0�M��������Ê/Ë�Ì�(�)��007: 001 My son, keep my wor ds, and t r easur e my commands wi t hi n you.007: 002 Ç���������Ê���Í�©/Ë�Î���7�����������Ï� ��!�"�#%$�Ð�Ñ�7��[�T��Ò `��007: 002 Keep my commands and l i ve, and my l aw as t he appl e of your eye.007: 003 '�(��"�S�*���Ó�(��)�Ô�*��007: 003 Bi nd t hem on your f i nger s; wr i t e t hem on t he t abl et of your

hear t .007: 004 Õ�Ö×�Ø����?�����Ù�Ú���Û0Ü�Ý�Þ�>���� �`��007: 004 Say t o wi sdom, " You ar e my s i s t er , " and cal l under st andi ng your

near est k i n,007: 005 1�Í�7�/J���f�L��MJ���Ø/P�Q�ß���NO��007: 005 t hat t hey may keep you f r om t he i mmor al woman, f r om t he

seduct r ess who f l at t er s wi t h her wor ds.007: 006 �%à�(���á�â���ã�ä%å���æ��ã�ç�~�è��Mé�N�ê�ë��007: 006 For at t he wi ndow of my house I l ooked t hr ough my l at t i ce,007: 007 ìí�î�`%å���ï�ð�`�T���ñ�Þ���c�ò�������ï�ð�`��007: 007 and saw among t he s i mpl e, I per cei ved among t he yout hs, a young

man devoi d of under st andi ng,007: 008 æ�ó�*�ô�õ��M.�{�f�L���öø÷���ù/é�ú�1�����û�ü��007: 008 passi ng al ong t he st r eet near her cor ner ; and he t ook t he pat h t o

her house007: 009 (/ýsþ�����ÿ�*�����������������~�T��007: 009 i n t he t wi l i ght , i n t he eveni ng, i n t he bl ack and dar k ni ght .007: 010 ë�������c�ò�L�`�����1���?�^O����� �����������)����007: 010 And t her e a woman met hi m, wi t h t he at t i r e of a har l ot , and a

cr af t y hear t .007: 011 ��L�`��������������(���m������/x%�007: 011 She was l oud and r ebel l i ous, her f eet woul d not s t ay at home.

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007:012 ���������������������� �����������������007:012 At times she was outside, at times in the open square, lurking at

every corner.007:013 ���������� ��!�"�#�$�&%�'�(�)�*�"�+�007:013 So she caught him and kissed him; with an impudent face she said

to him:007:014 ,�-�.���/�0�1���2�3�4�576�/�8�97:�;��007:014 "I have peace offerings with me; today I have paid my vows.007:015 <�=��/�>�?�@�A�B��CED�F�B�:�G�&H�I�J�F�6�B��007:015 So I came out to meet you, diligently to seek your face, and I

have found you.007:016 /7KML�N�O�P�Q�R��S�T�U�V�W�:�P�X�Y�&Z76�/�:M[7�007:016 I have spread my bed with tapestry, Colored coverings of Egyptian

linen.007:017 /�\�N�]�^��_�`��a�b��c�6�/�:�d��007:017 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.007:018 B�?��/�e�f7Khg�i�j�kl�m�nEo�p���/�e�f7KMq�=�#�j�r�s��007:018 Come, let us take our fill of love until morning; let us delight

ourselves with love.007:019 <�tE/�u�v�w���x��>�yMz�{�|��007:019 For my husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey;007:020 "�}�~���������n��E��47��x��007:020 He has taken a bag of money with him, and will come home on the

appointed day."007:021 ����N�9���IE����"������N�����:�$���"���z��007:021 With her enticing speech she caused him to yield, with her

flattering lips she seduced him.007:022 ���� ������l��"�������������E�����\������E ������l� �¡�¢�£��007:022 Immediately he went after her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or

as a fool to the correction of the stocks,007:023 m�¤�¥�¦E"�:�§��¨���©�ª�«E¬�­�®��¯�w�°�±³²µ´·¶M¸��007:023 till an arrow struck his liver. As a bird hastens to the snare,

he did not know it would take his life.007:024 ¹�R�º�&»���¼�½���/��¾�¿�½�/��&À�:�Á��007:024 Now therefore, listen to me, my children; pay attention to the

words of my mouth:007:025 B�:�¿��w�f�Â7ÃM����:MÄ7��w�¼�¬�"�:�Å�Æ��007:025 Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways, do not stray into

her paths;007:026 <�tEÇ�"�È�É�ÊEË�:�w�����Ç�"���Ì7:�Í�Î�Ï����007:026 for she has cast down many wounded, and all who were slain by her

were strong men.007:027 "�:�x�±���Ð�Ñ���|��Ò�nEÓ�Ô���Õ��007:027 Her house is the way to hell, descending to the chambers of


008:001 Ö�×ÙØhw�Ú�ÛE�Ü�ÝÞØhw�ß�à��008:001 Does not wisdom cry out, and understanding lift up her voice?008:002 "���Ä�á�âE �:�ã������ä�å�|��çæ����008:002 She takes her stand on the top of the high hill, beside the way,

where the paths meet.008:003 ��è7yMá����è7y��M���è7yMé��ê�àE+�008:003 She cries out by the gates, at the entry of the city, at the

entrance of the doors:008:004 ¹� �ë��/�Ú�Û�B�e���/7Ãhì� �ß�à�008:004 "To you, O men, I call, and my voice is to the sons of men.008:005 +�����E �ë��B�e�¼�í�î�ï�Ý������E �ë��B�e�ð�¿�1�ÝÞñò�008:005 O you simple ones, understand prudence, and you fools, be of an

understanding heart.008:006 B�e�ð�½��<�/�¼�+�ó�ô�:�Á���/�õ�$E¼�ö�÷�m�:�ø��008:006 Listen, for I will speak of excellent things, and from the

opening of my lips will come right things;008:007 /�:l�ç¼�ß�>�ù�ú���/�:�$�û�ü�ý�ü��008:007 for my mouth will speak truth; wickedness is an abomination to my

lips.008:008 /��&À�:���þl�ÿ�±��������'���� �7�008:008 All the words of my mouth are with righteousness; nothing crooked

or perverse is in them.008:009 ��Ü�Ý�:�K&t�Ý������°���:�K&tE÷�m��008:009 They are all plain to him who understands, and right to those who

find knowledge.008:010 B�e�ð�¡�/�:������w�¡·ñh��������°������� �����008:010 Receive my instruction, and not silver, and knowledge rather than

choice gold;008:011 <�tEÖ�×���� �! ��"�#�$�%'&�(�ô���) *�f�+�j�:E�ÿ�w ,�!'��-7�008:011 for wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may

desire cannot be compared with her.

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008:012 ������������ ����������������������008:012 "I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge and

discretion.008:013 ������������ �!�"�#�$%#��&%'�(���)�*���+�#�,����.-%/�021�3���4

������"�#�008:013 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the

evil way and the perverse mouth I hate.008:014 ��5����%����6�����7��8�9��7��5�:�;�008:014 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom; I am understanding, I have

strength.008:015 <�=�>%��?@�A2�7B�=�>%��C�D�E2�008:015 By me kings reign, and rulers decree justice.008:016 =�F���G�H��JI%K�L�M217N�O�P���4�Q�>%��R�S2�008:016 By me princes rule, and nobles, all the judges of the earth.008:017 T��1�����U�T�V��W�M%��X��1���Y�����Z�008:017 I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will

find me.008:018 [�\�]�^� ����_%`17a�+�D�b�U� ���008:018 Riches and honor are with me, enduring riches and righteousness.008:019 �17c�d�e%f�g%h�7i�j�k�h����1�l7m�n%!�o�p�008:019 My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold, and my revenue

than choice silver.008:020 �� �D�b�,%K�q��� �D�E217r�Ks7t�008:020 I traverse the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of

justice,008:021 u�T��17v�w�x�a���+�y�z�V�{1�|%}�008:021 that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, that I may

fill their treasuries.008:022 �������~%�1��%���� ����%��~%������������5�7��008:022 "The LORD possessed me at the beginning of His way, before His

works of old.008:023 ������������������5�I%�2�������2������008:023 I have been established from everlasting, from the beginning,

before there was ever an earth.008:024 ��5���������5����17�������2�J��l��008:024 When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no

fountains abounding with water.008:025 �2���2����C���������5��������2�J��l��008:025 Before the mountains were settled, before the hills, I was

brought forth;008:026 ������ %��5���~%��¡����£¢.¤���+�I%K17¥�¦����2�J��l��008:026 while as yet He had not made the earth or the fields, or the

primeval dust of the world.008:027 V���o�§����� �&%¨�7V� ��%©17ª«��J¬2l�­�®��008:027 When He prepared the heavens, I was there, when He drew a circle

on the face of the deep,008:028 K�u�¯�°�±%²���³�u����%´µ��008:028 when He established the clouds above, when He strengthened the

fountains of the deep,008:029 ��¶�·%Cl7�¸���u���¹�º%f�V17»�¼�����C���¡17½�¾2�008:029 When He assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters would

not transgress His command, when He marked out the foundations of theearth,

008:030 &�¿����� �V�&%¨���À�Á��2Â�Â.��V���Ã�T���Ä�Ä� �V�©���Å%Æ��008:030 Then I was beside Him, as a master craftsman; and I was daily His

delight, rejoicing always before Him,008:031 Å%Æ� �V���Ç�È�É�Ê�Ë���¡���U�Ã�Ì�Ë� �I%Ç��Í��008:031 rejoicing in His inhabited world, and my delight was with the

sons of men.008:032 Î%F�Ï%�JÐ% �Ñ�Ò������Ó���Ô�Õ���,21���Ö���5�×2�008:032 "Now therefore, listen to me, my children, for blessed are those

who keep my ways.008:033 Ñ�Ò�Ø�Ù����������%��¹�Ê�Ú�Û�008:033 Hear instruction and be wise, and do not disdain it.008:034 Ò������2Â�ÂÜ ��2Ý�3ßÞ%à��� ��2Ý.á%â�ã%ä�å1��J&%Ç�Ö���5�×2�008:034 Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates,

waiting at the posts of my doors.008:035 Ó��������1�����������»���U�Y�æ������17ç�è��008:035 For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the LORD;008:036 ��é��1���ê�ë�íìJî�17ï�»�7"�#��1���4�Ã�T�ð�ñ�008:036 but he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; all those who

hate me love death."

009:001 ����ò�~%ó�ô���õ�ö�÷�½�ø�F��009:001 Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars;009:002 ù�ú�û%ü���ý��£þ.ÿ�����������009:002 she has slaughtered her meat, she has mixed her wine, she has

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also furnished her table.009:003 �������������� ����������������009:003 She has sent out her maidens, she cries out from the highest

places of the city,009:004 ����������� �"!$#�%�&�'�(�)�*+-,�.�/�0�1 ���009:004 "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!" As for him who lacks

understanding, she says to him,009:005 2�3�)�-4�5�1�67�8"5�9�:�1;�*009:005 "Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine which I have mixed.009:006 2�3����� �"<�=�>�����"?�@-A�B�*C�<-D�E�F�1�G$*009:006 Forsake foolishness and live, and go in the way of understanding.009:007 H�I�J-K� �1�"L�M�N�O�*P�Q�R� �1�"L�S-T�U�*009:007 "He who reproves a scoffer gets shame for himself, and he who

rebukes a wicked man gets himself a blemish.009:008 V�<�P�Q�J-K� �"W�X�Y�Z�2�*<�P�Q�[�\� �"Y�L�]�2�*009:008 Do not reprove a scoffer, lest he hate you; rebuke a wise man,

and he will love you.009:009 ^�_�[�\� �"Y�?-`���a�[�\�*H�b�c� �"Y�?�d�e�f$g-*009:009 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach

a just man, and he will increase in learning.009:010 h�i�j�:�k�"��[�\�1"l�m�*n�o���p�q�"r���s�F�*009:010 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the

knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.009:011 2-t�u�5�$vxw�L�d�y�"z�{�|�L�}�~�*009:011 For by me your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be

added to you.009:012 2���a�[�\�"������ �a���*2���J-K7"?�L���������*009:012 If you are wise, you are wise for yourself, and if you scoff, you

alone will bear it."009:013 ����1�� �����*Y�������"��/���0�*009:013 A foolish woman is clamorous; she is simple, and knows nothing.009:014 Y������� -1�$����"�������"����1�������009:014 For she sits at the door of her house, on a seat by the highest

places of the city,009:015 �������1�"?������-��G$1 �009:015 to call to those who pass by, who go straight on their way:009:016 ����������� �"!$#�%�&�'�(�)�*+-,�.�/�0�1 ���009:016 "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here"; and as for him who

lacks understanding, she says to him,009:017 ��)�1������1�-��4�1�6�����1�*009:017 "Stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant."009:018 ���V�0�a�� ���Y-.�(�*Y�1¡�����¢�1£���*009:018 But he does not know that the de ad are there, that her guests

are in the depths of hell.

010:001 ��¤7�-1¥�¦�*[�\�§�w�"��¨�©�ª�«�*"����§�w���¬�©���­�*010:001 The Proverbs of Solomon: A wise son makes a glad father, but a

foolish son is the grief of his mother.010:002 V�c�§�®��¯�/�����*�°�a�±�c�-²�³� �´�µ�¶�·�*010:002 treasures of wickedness profit nothing, but righteousness

delivers from death.010:003 j�:�k�V���c� �M�¸�¹�*R� ��-º$1Y�L�»�l�*010:003 The LORD will not allow the righteous soul to famish, but He

casts away the desire of the wicked.010:004 ¼�½�1<�M�¾�¿�*¼�À�1��<�Á"Â$*010:004 He who deals with a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the

diligent makes one rich.010:005 Ã�Ä�Å�Æ�1�"��[�\�§�w�*"Ç�È�É"Ê�Ë�1�"��Ì�Í�§�w�*010:005 He who gathers in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps in

harvest is a son who causes shame.010:006 Î�Ï�Ð-&�c� �1Ñ�*Ò�Ó���Ô�R� �17��*010:006 Blessings are on the head of the righteous, but violence covers

the mouth of the wicked.010:007 c� �1Õ-Ö�S-×�Ø�*R� �1Ù�Ú�L�Û-Ü$*010:007 The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the

wicked will rot.010:008 Ý��[�\�1�"L�M�Þ�ß�*7�x(���à�1�"L�á-â�ã�*010:008 The wise in heart will receive commands, but a prating fool will

fall.010:009 ��ä�����1�"å�å�æ�ç�*�D�è�éêG$1�"L�á�ë�ì�*010:009 He who walks with integrity walks securely, but he who perverts

his ways will become known.010:010 #�í"î�ï�1�"�� �­�ð�*7�x(���à�1�"L�á-â�ã�*010:010 He who winks with the eye causes trouble, but a prating fool will

fall.010:011 c� �17�x��ñ�Þ�1ò-ó$*Ò�Ó���Ô�R� �17��*010:011 The mouth of the righteous is a well of life, but violence covers

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t he mout h of t he wi cked.010: 012 ���������������� �����������010: 012 Hat r ed st i r s up st r i f e, but l ove cover s al l s i ns.010: 013 ����������������� �!���"�#�$�%�&010: 013 Wi sdom i s f ound on t he l i ps of hi m who has under st andi ng, but a

r od i s f or t he back of hi m who i s devoi d of under st andi ng.010: 014 ������'�(�!�)�*�+��,.-0/�1�2�3010: 014 Wi se peopl e st or e up knowl edge, but t he mout h of t he f ool i sh i s

near dest r uct i on.010: 015 4�5,�6�7�8�9�:,<;�=�>��,�?�@�8�9�:,�2�3010: 015 The r i ch man' s weal t h i s hi s s t r ong c i t y ; t he dest r uct i on of t he

poor i s t hei r pover t y .010: 016 A��,�B�C�1�D��E��,<F�G�1�HJIKH�L�M�N�O�P010: 016 The l abor of t he r i ght eous l eads t o l i f e, t he wages of t he wi cked

t o s i n.010: 017 Q�R�S�T�,�8�U�V�D�W,<X�#<Y�Z�[�\,�8�]�^�_`�a010: 017 He who keeps i nst r uct i on i s i n t he way of l i f e, but he who

r ef uses r epr oof goes ast r ay.010: 018 b�c�d��,�8���e�f,���.-hg�i�j,�8�9�*�+,��010: 018 Whoever hi des hat r ed has l y i ng l i ps, and whoever spr eads s l ander

i s a f ool .010: 019 k�l�k�m�n�o�����p�q���r�9�������010: 019 I n t he mul t i t ude of wor ds s i n i s not l ack i ng, but he who

r est r ai ns hi s l i ps i s wi se.010: 020 A��,�s�8�U�t�u�v�E��,�w�8�x�y� �z010: 020 The t ongue of t he r i ght eous i s choi ce s i l ver ; t he hear t of t he

wi cked i s wor t h l i t t l e.010: 021 A��,.-|{�}�k���*�~���� �!���H��010: 021 The l i ps of t he r i ght eous f eed many, but f ool s di e f or l ack of

wi sdom.010: 022 ������x���,<�.8�����4����������#����010: 022 The bl essi ng of t he LORD makes one r i ch, and He adds no sor r ow

wi t h i t .010: 023 *�+����<��E����������������<�������010: 023 To do evi l i s l i ke spor t t o a f ool , but a man of under st andi ng

has wi sdom.010: 024 E���x��,�������:�A���x��,��������010: 024 The f ear of t he wi cked wi l l come upon hi m, and t he desi r e of t he

r i ght eous wi l l be gr ant ed.010: 025 ��������8�E����� � ���A��,�¡�¢���9�£�¤010: 025 When t he whi r l wi nd passes by, t he wi cked i s no mor e, but t he

r i ght eous has an ever l ast i ng f oundat i on.010: 026 ¥�¦��§�¨�:,���8�©�ª�«�¬�8�©�­�®°¯±010: 026 As v i negar t o t he t eet h and smoke t o t he eyes, so i s t he s l uggar d

t o t hose who send hi m.010: 027 ²�³�������8����µ´|¶���k�<·�E��,�¸�¹���º�»�¼010: 027 The f ear of t he LORD pr ol ongs days, but t he year s of t he wi cked

wi l l be shor t ened.010: 028 A��,�½�¾�8���¿�À���E��,�Á�¾�8���Â�Ã�Ä010: 028 The hope of t he r i ght eous wi l l be gl adness, but t he expect at i on

of t he wi cked wi l l per i sh.010: 029 �����,<X.8�9�Å�Æ��,�Ç�È����É`�N�Ê��,�2�3010: 029 The way of t he LORD i s s t r engt h f or t he upr i ght , but dest r uct i on

wi l l come t o t he wor ker s of i ni qui t y .010: 030 A���£���Ë�Ì�E�����¿�Í�V�Î�#010: 030 The r i ght eous wi l l never be r emoved, but t he wi cked wi l l not

i nhabi t t he ear t h.010: 031 A��,.-<8hÏ�D������Ð�Ñ�,�s�8���º�Ò�Ó�010: 031 The mout h of t he r i ght eous br i ngs f or t h wi sdom, but t he per ver se

t ongue wi l l be cut out .010: 032 A��,���8���Ô���À�Õ�E��,.-<8�e�Ð�Ñ�,�Ö010: 032 The l i ps of t he r i ght eous know what i s accept abl e, but t he mout h

of t he wi cked what i s per ver se.

011: 001 ×�Ø,�Ù�Ú.8���������x�Û�E�Ü�Ú�,�Ý�Þ.8���:�x�À�Õ011: 001 A f al se bal ance i s an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD, but a j ust wei ght

i s Hi s del i ght .011: 002 ß�à�á�8�â�ã�ä�á�å�æ�����������011: 002 When pr i de comes, t hen comes shame; but wi t h t he humbl e i s

wi sdom.011: 003 Å�Æ��,�ç�Å�8���è�éëêhì�<í�Ø��,�Ð�î.8���ï�ðêhì�011: 003 The i nt egr i t y of t he upr i ght wi l l gui de t hem, but t he per ver s i t y

of t he unf ai t hf ul wi l l dest r oy t hem.011: 004 ð�ñ,.´|¶�8�ò�6� �ó<ô���Ü�A���õ���ö�÷�H��011: 004 Ri ches do not pr of i t i n t he day of wr at h, but r i ght eousness

del i ver s f r om deat h.011: 005 ø�ù��,�A�8���Á�è�:,�a<·�E�����úêhì�,�E�û�«

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011: 005 The r i ght eousness of t he bl amel ess wi l l di r ect hi s way ar i ght ,but t he wi cked wi l l f al l by hi s own wi ckedness.

011: 006 ����������� ������� ���������������� ���������011: 006 The r i ght eousness of t he upr i ght wi l l del i ver t hem, but t he

unf ai t hf ul wi l l be t aken by t hei r own l ust .011: 007 ��������� ���!�"��#�$���������%&"��'��#�(��011: 007 When a wi cked man di es, hi s expect at i on wi l l per i sh, and t he hope

of t he unj ust per i shes.011: 008 ����)�*�+-,�./��0�����1 2�3� ��011: 008 The r i ght eous i s del i ver ed f r om t r oubl e, and i t comes t o t he

wi cked i nst ead.011: 009 4�5�6�����798;:�< =�>�������?�@�A�B�)����011: 009 The hypocr i t e wi t h hi s mout h dest r oys hi s nei ghbor , but t hr ough

knowl edge t he r i ght eous wi l l be del i ver ed.011: 010 ����C D�E�F�G�H�������#�I����J�KL-�011: 010 When i t goes wel l wi t h t he r i ght eous, t he c i t y r ej oi ces; and when

t he wi cked per i sh, t her e i s shout i ng.011: 011 F�@������ M�D�N-O�PQ��?�@�R������/8;S T�U��011: 011 By t he bl essi ng of t he upr i ght t he c i t y i s exal t ed, but i t i s

over t hr own by t he mout h of t he wi cked.011: 012 V�W =�>��&��X�Y�Z-[��\�]���? ^�_�4�`��011: 012 He who i s devoi d of wi sdom despi ses hi s nei ghbor , but a man of

under st andi ng hol ds hi s peace.011: 013 a�1 b�c��&��d e�f�g���h���i�j��&��k/l�g mQ�011: 013 A t al ebear er r eveal s secr et s, but he who i s of a f ai t hf ul spi r i t

conceal s a mat t er .011: 014 Y�Z n/�o�S�: pQ��n�q-r�����N�s�t��011: 014 Wher e t her e i s no counsel , t he peopl e f al l ; but i n t he mul t i t ude

of counsel or s t her e i s saf et y.011: 015 u���v�w��&���x�y�z���{�� |}�&��?�)�s�~��011: 015 He who i s sur et y f or a st r anger wi l l suf f er f or i t , but one who

hat es bei ng sur et y i s secur e.011: 016 �������-�&)��������������&��)������011: 016 A gr aci ous woman r et ai ns honor , but r ut hl ess men r et ai n r i ches.011: 017 �������������� ������������Q����011: 017 The mer c i f ul man does good f or hi s own soul , but he who i s cr uel

t r oubl es hi s own f l esh.011: 018 ���������)��������������������&��)�j����������011: 018 The wi cked man does decept i ve wor k, but t o hi m who sows

r i ght eousness wi l l be a sur e r ewar d.011: 019 ��h-�&���&���)- &¡���¢�£ R����&���¤���I��011: 019 As r i ght eousness l eads t o l i f e, so he who pur sues evi l pur sues i t

t o hi s own deat h.011: 020 h���¥ ¦Q�&� ��§&¨�©�ª «�����¬�g�­�®��&� �& �ª�G�¯��011: 020 Those who ar e of a per ver se hear t ar e an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD,

but such as ar e bl amel ess i n t hei r ways ar e Hi s del i ght .011: 021 ����°�± ²�³���4�´�x-µ��������¶�·���) �����011: 021 Though t hey j oi n f or ces, t he wi cked wi l l not go unpuni shed; but

t he post er i t y of t he r i ght eous wi l l be del i ver ed.011: 022 �-�&¸ ¹�º�Y�»�B��¼�½�¾�¿�À�� Á�Â�Ã��011: 022 As a r i ng of gol d i n a swi ne' s snout , so i s a l ovel y woman who

l acks di scr et i on.011: 023 ������h�Ä��Å�)�Æ�Ç���������!�"��¤ ÈÉ&Ê��011: 023 The desi r e of t he r i ght eous i s onl y good, but t he expect at i on of

t he wi cked i s wr at h.011: 024 0�Ë�Ì��&��?�Í�Î�Ï���0�Ð Ñ�Ò ÓQ�&� Ô&¤-Õ&Ö��011: 024 Ther e i s one who scat t er s, yet i ncr eases mor e; and t her e i s one

who wi t hhol ds mor e t han i s r i ght , but i t l eads t o pover t y .011: 025 Æ�Ë�>��&���)�× ØQ��Ù�Ú����&���) Ù�Ú��011: 025 The gener ous soul wi l l be made r i ch, and he who wat er s wi l l al so

be wat er ed hi msel f .011: 026 Û&Ü�4 ÝQ�&�o��Þ ß� ���m�Ä�à�ÝQ�&����-�& M�DQ�011: 026 The peopl e wi l l cur se hi m who wi t hhol ds gr ai n, but bl essi ng wi l l

be on t he head of hi m who sel l s i t .011: 027 á�â�£����&��S�£�)��-ã��ä�å�£����&����æ ç& -��011: 027 He who di l i gent l y seeks good f i nds f avor , but t r oubl e wi l l come

t o hi m who seeks evi l .011: 028 è�é�������ê��&���ë�ì��������íî�¼�ïð-�011: 028 He who t r ust s i n hi s r i ches wi l l f al l , but t he r i ght eous wi l l

f l our i sh l i ke f ol i age.011: 029 ���Q��ñ��&���ò�x ó�ô���õ�ö&���v-[&h�����÷&���011: 029 He who t r oubl es hi s own house wi l l i nher i t t he wi nd, and t he f ool

wi l l be ser vant t o t he wi se of hear t .011: 030 ����ª-ø�������S�ù- &¡�ú���0�Z-[��-û&)����011: 030 The f r ui t of t he r i ght eous i s a t r ee of l i f e, and he who wi ns

soul s i s wi se.011: 031 ü-ý�������� þ ÿ � x��/����������¨�����-�011: 031 I f t he r i ght eous wi l l be r ecompensed on t he ear t h, how much mor e

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t he wi cked and t he s i nner .

012: 001 �������������������� �����������������������012: 001 Whoever l oves i nst r uct i on l oves knowl edge, but he who hat es

r epr oof i s s t upi d.012: 002 ������������ ���!�"#��$�%�&����#������ ���'�(�)�*��012: 002 A good man obt ai ns f avor f r om t he LORD, but a man of wi cked

devi ces He wi l l condemn.012: 003 ��+,��-�.�/0,1���2�����3#���.�4�5��012: 003 A man i s not est abl i shed by wi ckedness, but t he r oot of t he

r i ght eous cannot be moved.012: 004 6,7���8��#���9�:���;�<#��=�>���8��#�?�@�A�B,C�(�9�:��ED�F��012: 004 an excel l ent wi f e i s t he cr own of her husband, but she who causes

shame i s l i ke r ot t enness i n hi s bones.012: 005 2����GH,��IJ���������&�K,��%�L��012: 005 The t hought s of t he r i ght eous ar e r i ght , but t he counsel s of t he

wi cked ar e decei t f ul .012: 006 ������M�N#���O�P�Q�����R���S�T����VUE���W,X����012: 006 The wor ds of t he wi cked ar e, " Li e i n wai t f or bl ood, " but t he

mout h of t he upr i ght wi l l del i ver t hem.012: 007 ����Y,Z#��[�\�]�^���2�����_#���`�)�a��012: 007 The wi cked ar e over t hr own and ar e no mor e, but t he house of t he

r i ght eous wi l l s t and.012: 008 ����bdcfe���g�h�i�j,k���l�F�m�n������i�o�p��012: 008 A man wi l l be commended accor di ng t o hi s wi sdom, but he who i s of

a per ver se hear t wi l l be despi sed.012: 009 i���q�r#���^�s��#�t�?dcvu#�fw,x�y�z��012: 009 Bet t er i s t he one who i s s l i ght ed but has a ser vant , t han he who

honor s hi msel f but l acks br ead.012: 010 2���{�|,(�},����~������������#������#�#�012: 010 A r i ght eous man r egar ds t he l i f e of hi s ani mal , but t he t ender

mer c i es of t he wi cked ar e cr uel .012: 011 ���dcfe,���������)��,y����#������������]����012: 011 He who t i l l s hi s l and wi l l be sat i s f i ed wi t h br ead, but he who

f ol l ows f r i vol i t y i s devoi d of under st andi ng.012: 012 ������)���������#��2�����3#�)��f�����012: 012 The wi cked covet t he cat ch of ev i l men, but t he r oot of t he

r i ght eous y i el ds f r ui t .012: 013 �����#F������V��dcfe�����#�E�,2�������������012: 013 The wi cked i s ensnar ed by t he t r ansgr essi on of hi s l i ps, but t he

r i ght eous wi l l come t hr ough t r oubl e.012: 014 ���VU����#�� �¡#����,)�¢�£�����¤���¥������¦§cfe��E¨,©��012: 014 A man wi l l be sat i s i f ed wi t h good by t he f r ui t of hi s mout h, and

t he r ecompense of a man' s hands wi l l be r ender ed t o hi m.012: 015 ª�«�����-����Cdcfe��¬#F�­�¦�S�T��E®,g�h��#�¯#°����±����012: 015 The way of a f ool i s r i ght i n hi s own eyes, but he who heeds

counsel i s wi se.012: 016 ª�«����E²,³#�1#´µ�¶��E·�¸,��/���¹�º�>��012: 016 A f ool ' s wr at h i s known at once, but a pr udent man cover s shame.012: 017 »�¼�½�¾����µ�¿I�2���¥�À,Á�Â����µ�¼�%�L��012: 017 He who speaks t r ut h decl ar es r i ght eousness, but a f al se wi t ness,

decei t .012: 018 »�¾���Ã����?�Ä�Å,����g�h�����Æ�Ç#���¦�È����VÉ�Ê��012: 018 Ther e i s one who speaks l i ke t he pi er c i ngs of a swor d, but t he

t ongue of t he wi se pr omot es heal t h.012: 019 UE˽�M#�Ì�Í�0,1���Æ�»�Î�¾#�Ï�Ð#Ñ,´��012: 019 The t r ut hf ul l i p shal l be est abl i shed f or ever , but a l y i ng t ongue

i s but f or a moment .012: 020 ÒEK,��Ó����l�Ð,%�L���±����#Ô����Õ�)���Ö��012: 020 Decei t i s i n t he hear t of t hose who devi se evi l , but counsel or s

of peace have j oy.012: 021 2���.�×,Ø�Ù�����Ú�Û�Ü#�#�012: 021 No gr ave t r oubl e wi l l over t ake t he r i ght eous, but t he wi cked

shal l be f i l l ed wi t h ev i l .012: 022 »�Î�M���,��¦����� ���Ý,����-�Ó�Þ,������¦�(�����ß��012: 022 Lyi ng l i ps ar e an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD, but t hose who deal

t r ut hf ul l y ar e Hi s del i ght .012: 023 ·�¸,�#àº��� ��ª�á�����l#�â�µ�ª�á#�012: 023 A pr udent man conceal s knowl edge, but t he hear t of f ool s

pr ocl ai ms f ool i shness.012: 024 ã,ä�����¤���åæ���ç�è�������é�ê��012: 024 The hand of t he di l i gent wi l l r ul e, but t he s l ot hf ul wi l l be put

t o f or ced l abor .012: 025 ��l�ë�ì#��í�î�.�ï���ð�ñòÉ�M#�ó�l�ô�Ö��012: 025 Anxi et y i n t he hear t of man causes depr essi on, but a good wor d

makes i t gl ad.012: 026 2��#õ�ö�(��E÷,ø��������EùV��ú���û�ü��

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012: 026 The r i ght eous shoul d choose hi s f r i ends car ef ul l y , f or t he way oft he wi cked l eads t hem ast r ay.

012: 027 ����������� ������������� ����������������������012: 027 The s l ot hf ul man does not r oast what he t ook i n hunt i ng, but

di l i gence i s man' s pr eci ous possessi on.012: 028 ��� ����! "�#�$ %���& '�(�) �*�+�,�-��012: 028 I n t he way of r i ght eousness i s l i f e, and i n i t s pat hway t her e i s

no deat h.

013: 001 .�/ 0�12�3���4�5���6�7 ���18�9��013: 001 A wi se son heeds hi s f at her ' s i nst r uct i on, but a scof f er does not

l i s t en t o r ebuke.013: 002 ��:<;=��>���?�0��@�A�B�C���D E���@�F G�H��013: 002 A man shal l eat wel l by t he f r ui t of hi s mout h, but t he soul of

t he unf ai t hf ul f eeds on v i ol ence.013: 003 I�JK;L� ���M�$ %���N�O�P�� �@�Q�R�-��013: 003 He who guar ds hi s mout h pr eser ves hi s l i f e, but he who opens wi de

hi s l i ps shal l have dest r uct i on.013: 004 ��� ��S�T����+�������� ����@���U�V��013: 004 t he soul of a s l uggar d desi r es, and has not hi ng; but t he soul of

t he di l i gent shal l be made r i ch.013: 005 ����W�X�Y�Z���X���#�[�\��]�Q�^�_��013: 005 A r i ght eous man hat es l y i ng, but a wi cked man i s l oat hsome and

comes t o shame.013: 006 `�a b�c�� �#�� ��M�J���d�e���f�g X�h i��013: 006 Ri ght eousness keeps hi m whose way i s bl amel ess, but wi ckedness

over t hr ows t he s i nner .013: 007 j k�lm�� ���n�+���#���o�k�p q�� ���r�#������013: 007 Ther e i s one who makes hi msel f r i ch, yet has not hi ng; and one who

makes hi msel f poor , yet has gr eat r i ches.013: 008 ����s����t�u�$ %���v�w��p q�����1�x�y�z���{��013: 008 The r ansom of a man' s l i f e i s hi s r i ches, but t he poor does not

hear r ebuke.013: 009 ������|�}�~�����}�~�� ��k�������X������ �������013: 009 The l i ght of t he r i ght eous r ej oi ces, but t he l amp of t he wi cked

wi l l be put out .013: 010 ������������� 1��Z�� ���#�.�/��013: 010 By pr i de comes onl y cont ent i on, but wi t h t he wel l - advi sed i s

wi sdom.013: 011 �� ����(����@���� ������� ����� �@�x������013: 011 Weal t h gai ned by di shonest y wi l l be di mi ni shed, but he who

gat her s by l abor wi l l i ncr ease.013: 012 ��� ������������� ���¡�¢�����£�¤�� ¥�¦ ���t�$ %�§��013: 012 Hope def er r ed makes t he hear t s i ck, but when t he desi r e comes, i t

i s a t r ee of l i f e.013: 013 ¨�©�5�Z�� �Kª¬«���-���­�®�¯ %�� �@���°�±��013: 013 He who despi ses t he wor d wi l l be dest r oyed, but he who f ear s t he

commandment wi l l be r ewar ded.013: 014 .�/ ����²�³��´�¶µ�k�·�4���t�$ %���¸�¹<�º�»�¼���½�¾ ,�-���¿À��013: 014 The l aw of t he wi se i s a f ount ai n of l i f e, t o t ur n one away f r om

t he snar es of deat h.013: 015 B�Á���Â�} �¼���Ã�Ä���D E�����! '���Å�ÆÇ `��013: 015 Good under st andi ng gai ns f avor , but t he way of t he unf ai t hf ul i s

har d.013: 016 È�É�Ê ��Ë�Ì�Í�Î�`�Ï��Ð�Ñ ��O�ÒÓªLÔ��Ð�Ñ��013: 016 Ever y pr udent man act s wi t h knowl edge, but a f ool l ays open hi s

f ol l y .013: 017 D X���¼�Õ��@�Ö���×�Ø Ù���Ú�Û���¼�Ü �Ý�Þ ���<ß=à��013: 017 A wi cked messenger f al l s i nt o t r oubl e, but a f ai t hf ul ambassador

br i ngs heal t h.013: 018 á�â�4�ã�� �@�Q�ä�å�æ���ç å�8�9�� �@���è�é��013: 018 Pover t y and shame wi l l come t o hi m who di sdai ns cor r ect i on, but

he who r egar ds r epr oof wi l l be honor ed.013: 019 ��ê���ë�ì��¡�í�î ï���ð ½�X�Ï���a�Ð�Ñ ����ñ X��013: 019 A desi r e accompl i shed i s sweet t o t he soul , but i t i s an

abomi nat i on t o f ool s t o depar t f r om evi l .013: 020 ò�.�/ ��ó�`�� �@���.�/���ô�Ð�Ñ ��k�õ�� �@�å�ö�÷��013: 020 He who wal ks wi t h wi se men wi l l be wi se, but t he compani on of

f ool s wi l l be dest r oyed.013: 021 ×�Ø ø�ù�e���������@���°�±��013: 021 Evi l pur sues s i nner s, but t o t he r i ght eous, good shal l be r epai d.013: 022 °���ú�0�û�ü�ý�þ�ÿ���e���a ������� s����013: 022 A good man l eaves an i nher i t ance t o hi s chi l dr en' s chi l dr en, but

t he weal t h of t he s i nner i s s t or ed up f or t he r i ght eous.013: 023 p ������� ��������:����#�� �����013: 023 Much f ood i s i n t he f al l ow gr ound of t he poor , and f or l ack of

j ust i ce t her e i s wast e.

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013:024 ���������������� ����������������������������013:024 He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him

disciplines him promptly.013:025 ���������� !������"�#�$&%��013:025 The righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul, but the stomach

of the wicked shall be in want.

014:001 '�(�)��*��+�,�-�.���/�0�)��*��1�2�3&4��014:001 Every wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down

with her hands.014:002 5�6�7�8����9�:�;�<�=���>�?!���@�A�B����014:002 He who walks in his uprightness fears the LORD, but he who is

perverse in his ways despises Him.014:003 /�0��DCFE�G�H*��I���J��!KFL*��'�(����M&��N�O�PRQFK��014:003 In the mouth of a fool is a rod of pride, but the lips of the

wise will preserve them.014:004 -�S�T�U*�FV&W�X�Y���Z�[�\�]&��^�_�U�`��014:004 Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; but much increase comes

by the strength of an ox.014:005 a&b�c�d&�*����e�f�g��ih&c�d&�*��j�k�f�l��014:005 A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness will utter

lies.014:006 m�n&��o�'�(&��@�o���p!��q�r���s���t�u��014:006 A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it, but knowledge is

easy to him who understands.014:007 v�/�w���x�y*����c���M*E�z�t�u��014:007 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when you do not perceive

in him the lips of knowledge.014:008 {�|&���'�(&��}�~�r���K��!��/�w����/�0*��^� �������������Q����014:008 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way, but the folly

of fools is deceit.014:009 /�0������*�*�F��������������������/���/�0��!�i7�8������������014:009 Fools mock at sin, but among the upright there is favor.014:010 ��E�i�*�&��QFKit��!����S���� *��¡���T�¢!�014:010 The heart knows its own bitterness, and a stranger does not share

its joy.014:011 £&�����¤�¥�N�¦&§���7�8����¨�©&N�ª�«��014:011 The house of the wicked will be overthrown, but the tent of the

upright will flourish.014:012 z�¬�­�®��!�F��7���¯�°�±���²�³�´�®��014:012 There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way

of death.014:013 ��}���µ�E�����¶�·�¸���¹� �¯�º*��»�¼�¸��!�014:013 Even in laughter the heart may sorrow, and the end of mirth may

be grief.014:014 ��E�½��!���N�¾���QFK��¿�À���Á���N�Â�QFKÃ�Ä�5��&���!�it� ��014:014 The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, but a

good man will be satisfied from above.014:015 /�Å��� �g�Æ�Ç!�i{�|&��È�È�É�Ê!�014:015 The simple believes every word, but the prudent man considers

well his steps.014:016 '�(���Ë&Ì*��»�Í&Î���Ï���/�0���@�Ð�H�QÒÑ��014:016 A wise man fears and departs from evil, but a fool rages and is

self-confident.014:017 �s������5��/�0����,���������������014:017 He who is quick-tempered acts foolishly, and a man of wicked

intentions is hated.014:018 /�Å�����/�w���[�Ù!�i{�|&����t�u���Ú�Û*�014:018 The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with

knowledge.014:019 Ü���Ý�Þ�}�Á���x�y�������Ý�Þ�}����!ß*CF�014:019 The evil will bow before the good, and the wicked at the gates of

the righteous.014:020 à�á���â�ã&ä�¶�������å� &��æ&ç�è�]*�014:020 The poor man is hated even by his own neighbor, but the rich has

many friends.014:021 A�B�ã&ä����é���z�����ê�ë�à�á*���é���z�ì!�014:021 He who despises his neighbor sins; but he who has mercy on the

poor, happy is he.014:022 í&���î�ï�ð&ñ�ò�ó�ô!�ií&Á��N���õ���<�a&b��014:022 Do they not go astray who devise evil? but mercy and truth belong

to those who devise good.014:023 ö�÷&ø�ù&��Æ�z�ú�È���M�û�]�l*��^�ü�á�ý��014:023 In all labor there is profit, but idle chatter leads only to

poverty.014:024 '�(����þ*���RQFK��Ú�Û*��/�0����/�w&��°� �/�w*�014:024 The crown of the wise is their riches, but the foolishness of

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f ool s i s f ol l y .014: 025 �������������� ������������������������014: 025 A t r ue wi t ness del i ver s soul s, but a decei t f ul wi t ness speaks

l i es.014: 026 ������������ �!�"�#���$���%�&'��(�!�)�*'+��014: 026 I n t he f ear of t he LORD t her e i s s t r ong conf i dence, and Hi s

chi l dr en wi l l have a pl ace of r ef uge.014: 027 ��������,��-�.�/����0�12��3�465���7�89�:���;�<,�014: 027 The f ear of t he LORD i s a f ount ai n of l i f e, t o avoi d t he snar es

of deat h.014: 028 =�>�?�@'A�B�CED,��F�>�G�H�A�B�C6I��014: 028 I n a mul t i t ude of peopl e i s a k i ng' s honor , but i n t he l ack of

peopl e i s t he downf al l of a pr i nce.014: 029 J�K�LM�N���� �!�O�P��� �Q'R�S���� �T�UV��014: 029 He who i s s l ow t o wr at h has gr eat under st andi ng, but he who i s

i mpul s i ve exal t s f ol l y .014: 030 W�X�Y�Z2��.\[^]���/���6_'`�.�a�X���b�c��014: 030 A sound hear t i s l i f e t o t he body, but envy i s r ot t enness t o t he

bones.014: 031 d'e�f�g����.�h�i�j'$���k���l�m�no����p�.�q���k014: 031 He who oppr esses t he poor r epr oaches hi s Maker , but he who honor s

hi m has mer cy on t he needy.014: 032 r���A�+�����r�s,��t�u�v�w���x��,y�9,��!�+�z�#��014: 032 The wi cked i s bani shed i n hi s wi ckedness, but t he r i ght eous has a

r ef uge i n hi s deat h.014: 033 {�|�}'A�O�P���W�X���U�~��W���+�}����T���L���014: 033 Wi sdom r est s qui et l y i n t he hear t of hi m who has under st andi ng,

but what i s i n t he hear t of f ool s i s made known.014: 034 �x�5�������������r�.���C�����h��014: 034 Ri ght eousness exal t s a nat i on, but s i n i s a r epr oach t o any

peopl e.014: 035 {�|,�����,����>����,����������,�E���'��N��014: 035 The k i ng' s f avor i s t owar d a wi se ser vant , but hi s wr at h i s

agai nst hi m who causes shame.

015: 001 �������,��5�N���������'R��,������N����015: 001 A sof t answer t ur ns away wr at h, but a har sh wor d st i r s up anger .015: 002 {�|�����,����M�������U�~���2 6������U�~,�015: 002 The t ongue of t he wi se uses knowl edge r i ght l y , but t he mout h of

f ool s pour s f or t h f ool i shness.015: 003 �������¡£¢^��¤�¥�J�A���r������,��$�¦�§�¨��015: 003 The eyes of t he LORD ar e i n ever y pl ace, keepi ng wat ch on t he

evi l and t he good.015: 004 ©«ªE���,��.�/��¬���­�®���¯'��5���W�°��015: 004 A whol esome t ongue i s a t r ee of l i f e, but per ver seness i n i t

br eaks t he spi r i t .015: 005 UV���±�²�³�´���µ�¶��6·'¸�¹�º����»�¼'�����015: 005 A f ool despi ses hi s f at her ' s i nst r uct i on, but he who r ecei ves

r epr oof i s pr udent .015: 006 x���½�X��D!�¾�¿���r���»�À,��Á¸�Â'Ã��015: 006 I n t he house of t he r i ght eous t her e i s much t r easur e, but i n t he

r evenue of t he wi cked i s t r oubl e.015: 007 {�|����¯'��Ä�Å'������U�~����W,��Æ�J�Ç�È��015: 007 The l i ps of t he wi se di sper se knowl edge, but t he hear t of t he

f ool does not do so.015: 008 r���É'Ê,��Ë������+�Ì'r���Í�Î���Ï�Ð,��Ë$�+�Ñ�Ò��015: 008 The sacr i f i ce of t he wi cked i s an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD, but

t he pr ayer of t he upr i ght i s Hi s del i ght .015: 009 r����6Ó'Ô,��Ë������+�Ì'r���Õ�Ö��x����Ë$�+�Ñ�×��015: 009 The way of t he wi cked i s an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD, but He l oves

hi m who f ol l ows r i ght eousness.015: 010 Ø�Ù�Í�Ô����t�¸�Ú�Û���Ü�r�¹�º����t�Ý�9�:��015: 010 Har sh cor r ect i on i s f or hi m who f or sakes t he way, and he who

hat es r epr oof wi l l di e.015: 011 Þ�ß���9�:,�,à6A������¡á,��â�ã�ä'����W,å��015: 011 Hel l and Dest r uct i on ar e bef or e t he LORD; so how much mor e t he

hear t s of t he sons of men.015: 012 æ�ç'��J�×�¸�¹�º���$�(�J�-�è'{�|���015: 012 A scof f er does not l ove one who r epr oves hi m, nor wi l l he go t o

t he wi se.015: 013 W�X�Ñ�é,��ê�ë�ì�í���W���î�ï,��ð�u�ñ�ò��015: 013 A mer r y hear t makes a cheer f ul count enance, but by sor r ow of t he

hear t t he spi r i t i s br oken.015: 014 O�P���W�Ö�������U�~�ó ^ô�U�~,�015: 014 The hear t of hi m who has under st andi ng seeks knowl edge, but t he

mout h of f ool s f eeds on f ool i shness.015: 015 õ6ö'���2÷ø�,��¦�.�ï�ö���W�X�ù�ú,���û�ü�ý�þ��

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015: 015 Al l t he days of t he af f l i c t ed ar e ev i l , but he who i s of a mer r yhear t has a cont i nual f east .

015: 016 ������������� ����������� �����������������015: 016 Bet t er i s a l i t t l e wi t h t he f ear of t he LORD, t han gr eat t r easur e

wi t h t r oubl e.015: 017 � ������������ �������� !�"���������#��015: 017 Bet t er i s a di nner of her bs wher e l ove i s , t han a f at t ed cal f

wi t h hat r ed.015: 018 $�%�&('���)�*�+�,���- %�&('���.�/ 0�+��015: 018 A wr at hf ul man st i r s up st r i f e, but he who i s s l ow t o anger

al l ays cont ent i on.015: 019 132�'�&546��7�8�9�&(:�;��(<�=�'�&(>���?3@�A�&(B34C�015: 019 The way of t he s l ot hf ul man i s l i ke a hedge of t hor ns, but t he

way of t he upr i ght i s a hi ghway.015: 020 D�E F�G�H�I�J�K���L�M '�N�O�P�I��015: 020 A wi se son makes a f at her gl ad, but a f ool i sh man despi ses hi s

mot her .015: 021 Q�R�&('���S�L T�U K��(V�W�&('���X�<�=�Y�Z��015: 021 Fol l y i s j oy t o hi m who i s dest i t ut e of di scer nment , but a man of

under st andi ng wal ks upr i ght l y .015: 022 ��[�\�]���^3_�Q�`��5_�a3b�����^3_�c�d��015: 022 Wi t hout counsel , pl ans go awr y, but i n t he mul t i t ude of

counsel or s t hey ar e est abl i shed.015: 023 egf�h3i6�kjml�J�K��(n�o3p6q���r�s�t�u��015: 023 A man has j oy by t he answer of hi s mout h, and a wor d spoken i n

due season, how good i t i s !015: 024 D�E '�v�w x�&54�y�z���G�{3|�}�~���&������015: 024 The way of l i f e wi nds upwar d f or t he wi se, t hat he may t ur n away

f r om hel l bel ow.015: 025 �����3��������'�&(���(������������&(�����015: 025 The LORD wi l l dest r oy t he house of t he pr oud, but He wi l l

est abl i sh t he boundar y of t he wi dow.015: 026 �3_�U� ����^3�����6�g��c�U �����015: 026 The t hought s of t he wi cked ar e an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD, but

t he wor ds of t he pur e ar e pl easant .015: 027 ��������& �����C�5���(#��3����& �����3�� ��015: 027 He who i s gr eedy f or gai n t r oubl es hi s own house, but he who

hat es br i bes wi l l l i ve.015: 028 ¡�'�&(¢��3£ ¤���r�¥(¦��(��'�&6e5��§�¨(�����015: 028 The hear t of t he r i ght eous st udi es how t o answer , but t he mout h

of t he wi cked pour s f or t h ev i l .015: 029 ���3|�}���'��(��©�¡�'�&(ª�«��015: 029 The LORD i s f ar f r om t he wi cked, but He hear s t he pr ayer of t he

r i ght eous.015: 030 ¬ ��­�G�¢�J�K��(u3®�/ G3¯�°�±��015: 030 The l i ght of t he eyes r ej oi ces t he hear t , and a good r epor t makes

t he bones heal t hy.015: 031 ©�v�w x�²�³�& ����´�~�D�E '�µ��015: 031 The ear t hat hear s t he r epr oof of l i f e wi l l abi de among t he wi se.015: 032 ¶�·�¸�¹�& ��º�»¼j��3&�w x�� ©�v�²�³�& ������D�E��015: 032 He who di sdai ns i nst r uct i on despi ses hi s own soul , but he who

heeds r epr oof get s under st andi ng.015: 033 ��� ������?�D�E�&(½3¾C�(¿�ÀCS5Á�������Â�Ã��015: 033 The f ear of t he LORD i s t he i nst r uct i on of wi sdom, and bef or e

honor i s humi l i t y .

016: 001 ¢�µ�&5_�Ä�~�Å�'��(Æ�Ç�&(h3i6�6ÈÊÉ� �����016: 001 The pr epar at i ons of t he hear t bel ong t o man, but t he answer of

t he t ongue i s f r om t he LORD.016: 002 '�Ë3Ì�^�Z�& ��~¼j���¬�µ(»�U�Í�Î��5Ï��� ����Ð�¤�'�¢��016: 002 Al l t he ways of a man ar e pur e i n hi s own eyes, but t he LORD

wei ghs t he spi r i t s .016: 003 �^��& ������ �������^3_C& �����d����016: 003 Commi t your wor ks t o t he LORD, and your t hought s wi l l be

est abl i shed.016: 004 ����^3ÖC& ��×�Ø3p�Ù��(Õ�?���'���Ú�U�Û�Ü�&6ÝgF�^3ÖC�016: 004 The LORD has made al l t hi ngs f or Hi msel f , Yes, even t he wi cked

f or t he day of doom.016: 005 Þ�¢�ß�����& �3U� ����^3�����(à�á3â�ã���{�����ä�å�æ��016: 005 Ever yone who i s pr oud i n hear t i s an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD;

t hough t hey j oi n f or ces, none wi l l go unpuni shed.016: 006 ç(è�é3ê�ë���ì�í���î��(��� ����& ��|�}���ï��016: 006 I n mer cy and t r ut h at onement i s pr ovi ded f or i ni qui t y ; and by t he

f ear of t he LORD one depar t s f r om evi l .016: 007 '�^�Z�&(ð�ñ� ����J�ò��3 ����Ú�G�{�&(ó�ô�õ�{���u��016: 007 When a man' s ways pl ease t he LORD, he makes even hi s enemi es t o

be at peace wi t h hi m.

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016: 008 ������������������� ������������������016: 008 Bet t er i s a l i t t l e wi t h r i ght eousness, t han vast r evenues wi t hout

j ust i ce.016: 009 ��������������� ����!�"�#�$�%�&'���( )��016: 009 A man' s hear t pl ans hi s way, but t he LORD di r ect s hi s s t eps.016: 010 *��+�,-��.�/0�-1�2�3�4��'��65��7���8�90�016: 010 Even t hough di v i nat i on i s on t he l i ps of t he k i ng, hi s mout h must

not t r ansgr ess i n j udgment .016: 011 ��0�-:�; #�<6�=�>�"�#�$��-?�,-@�A B�C6�=�D�'�E�F��016: 011 A j ust wei ght and bal ance ar e t he Lor d' s ; al l t he wei ght s i n t he

bag ar e Hi s wor k.016: 012 G�H�D�*�E�I H���J�K�L M�N�����O P��016: 012 I t i s an abomi nat i on f or k i ngs t o commi t wi ckedness, f or a t hr one

i s est abl i shed by r i ght eousness.016: 013 �����+ ��D�*�E�Q�R��-S�T�U�V�����D�*�E�Q�W��016: 013 Ri ght eous l i ps ar e t he del i ght of k i ngs, and t hey l ove hi m who

speaks what i s r i ght .016: 014 *��-X�Y�� �Z����-[�\���] ^�_���`�a�b�*�Y��016: 014 As messenger s of deat h i s t he k i ng' s wr at h, but a wi se man wi l l

appease i t .016: 015 *���c d��[�����e�f��-*��-g�h��i�j�k l�4m��016: 015 I n t he l i ght of t he k i ng' s f ace i s l i f e, and hi s f avor i s l i ke a

c l oud of t he l at t er r ai n.016: 016 n�^�_o�p n�q�r���s t�u-v� �s w�r��016: 016 How much bet t er i t i s t o get wi sdom t han gol d! And t o get

under st andi ng i s t o be chosen r at her t han s i l ver .016: 017 T�U������6�M�x y�H���-z�{6�������M�|�}�~�f��016: 017 The hi ghway of t he upr i ght i s t o depar t f r om evi l ; he who keeps

hi s way pr eser ves hi s soul .016: 018 ���������0���������������3����016: 018 Pr i de goes bef or e dest r uct i on, and a haught y spi r i t bef or e a

f al l .016: 019 �������������������6�v� �� �������������-���016: 019 Bet t er t o be of a humbl e spi r i t wi t h t he l owl y, t han t o di v i de

t he spoi l wi t h t he pr oud.016: 020 z�{��������7�n�i����-��N�"�#�$������D����0�016: 020 He who heeds t he wor d wi sel y wi l l f i nd good, and whoever t r ust s

i n t he LORD, happy i s he.016: 021 ��,-��^�_ �7���D��� ���+�,��- ����¡�¢����-£0¤��016: 021 The wi se i n hear t wi l l be cal l ed pr udent , and sweet ness of t he

l i ps i ncr eases l ear ni ng.016: 022 ����^�_�¥���e�f��-¦�§0�¨�©���7�ª�¨�©�«�¬��016: 022 Under st andi ng i s a wel l spr i ng of l i f e t o hi m who has i t . but t he

cor r ect i on of f ool s i s f ol l y .016: 023 ^�_����-���­���'��65��®�[�'��+ �¢�¯�£0¤��016: 023 The hear t of t he wi se t eaches hi s mout h, and adds l ear ni ng t o hi s

l i ps.016: 024 °±�� ��-²�³��[���´�µ  ��[�¶ n�·�¬��016: 024 Pl easant wor ds ar e l i ke a honeycomb, sweet ness t o t he soul and

heal t h t o t he bones.016: 025 ��@�¸�����0��D�T��¹�º�»�D�¼�½�3����016: 025 Ther e i s a way t hat seems r i ght t o a man, but i t s end i s t he way

of deat h.016: 026 ¾�¿���� À�5��[�'�¾�¿���JD�'��65±Á�Â�à '��016: 026 The per son who l abor s, l abor s f or hi msel f , f or hi s hungr y mout h

dr i ves hi m on.016: 027 ÄÅ�Æ�Ç�È H���+�É�Ê�Ë���Ì Í��-Î��016: 027 An ungodl y man di gs up evi l , and i t i s on hi s l i ps l i ke a bur ni ng

f i r e.016: 028 Ï�Ð ��Ñ�Ò���Ó���Ô Õ��-y�Ö-×�Ø��016: 028 A per ver se man sows st r i f e, and a whi sper er separ at es t he best of

f r i ends.016: 029 v�Ù���Ú�Û�Ü Ý���Þ '�ß ��à�3��0�016: 029 A v i ol ent man ent i ces hi s nei ghbor , and l eads hi m i n a way t hat

i s not good.016: 030 áãâåä�æ�����Æ�Ç Ï�Ð6��+�ç�ä�è����»�¥�é H��016: 030 He wi nks hi s eye t o devi se per ver se t hi ngs; he pur ses hi s l i ps

and br i ngs about ev i l .016: 031 êìë�M�í�î0�-ï�ð��-��������� É��7�`�n�ñ0�016: 031 The s i l ver - hai r ed head i s a cr own of gl or y, i f i t i s f ound i n t he

way of r i ght eousness.016: 032 ��ò�ó�ë�Y�����o ô�õ�ö��¬�÷0�������v� �ø�ù��016: 032 He who i s s l ow t o anger i s bet t er t han t he mi ght y, and he who

r ul es hi s spi r i t t han he who t akes a c i t y .016: 033 ú�û���ü ���-F�þýÿ"�#�$��016: 033 The l ot i s cast i nt o t he l ap, but i t s ever y deci s i on i s f r om t he

l ORD.

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20Pr over bs

017: 001 �������������������� ������������������017: 001 Bet t er i s a dr y mor sel wi t h qui et ness, t han a house f ul l of

f east i ng wi t h st r i f e.017: 002 ������������������ "!�#�$�%���&�'�("%�)��+*-,�.�/0�017: 002 A wi se ser vant wi l l r ul e over a son who causes shame, and wi l l

shar e an i nher i t ance among t he br ot her s.017: 003 1+2�3"4���5+2�3"6��87"�+9�:�;�<�3"��=��017: 003 The r ef i ni ng pot i s f or s i l ver and t he f ur nace f or gol d, but t he

l ORD t est s t he hear t s .017: 004 >�?�@�A-=�BDC"E�$�F��-G�H�@8I"J�BDK"?�$�L0�017: 004 An evi l doer gi ves heed t o f al se l i ps; a l i ar l i s t ens eager l y t o a

spi t ef ul t ongue.017: 005 M�N+O���@���P�Q�R�S"T�@-U��-V�W�X�Y0@�������Z�[+\��017: 005 He who mocks t he poor r epr oaches hi s Maker ; he who i s gl ad at

cal ami t y wi l l not go unpuni shed.017: 006 %�]+2�^���@-_+`��-a�b�P�c+d�@-e�f0�017: 006 Chi l dr en' s chi l dr en ar e t he cr own of ol d men, and t he gl or y of

chi l dr en i s t hei r f at her .017: 007 g�h"��G�i�F�j����k���l�m�n�o�G�H�p�q+�017: 007 Excel l ent speech i s not becomi ng t o a f ool , much l ess l y i ng l i ps

t o a pr i nce.017: 008 r"s�'�t�u"��@�v�)���w+2�x�y���z�{�|"}���~����"���017: 008 A pr esent i s a pr eci ous st one i n t he eyes of i t s possessor ;

wher ever he t ur ns, he pr osper s.017: 009 ���"����@������������-�+�����0@������-�����017: 009 He who cover s a t r ansgr essi on seeks l ove, but he who r epeat s a

mat t er separ at es t he best of f r i ends.017: 010 ��������p����������-��@-=����� ����+g������+�����017: 010 Repr oof i s mor e ef f ect i ve f or a wi se man t han a hundr ed bl ows on

a f ool .017: 011 ?��������������0�8���� �¡�@-¢�£��D¤"¥�¦�§"T��017: 011 An evi l man seeks onl y r ebel l i on; t her ef or e a cr uel messenger

wi l l be sent agai nst hi m.017: 012 ¨�©�ª"«�¬�­�%�@-®+¯"����©�ª"«�°�>+g�±�@�g������017: 012 Let a man meet a bear r obbed of her cubs, r at her t han a f ool i n

hi s f ol l y .017: 013 �8?�²"³�@��DY�´�������T�@-��017: 013 Whoever r ewar ds evi l f or good, ev i l wi l l not depar t f r om hi s

house.017: 014 ,���@8µ"¶��� �·�¸+¹��-�0�8'���º-$�»�����¼�½+¾���¿��017: 014 The begi nni ng of s t r i f e i s l i ke r el easi ng wat er ; t her ef or e st op

cont ent i on bef or e a quar r el s t ar t s .017: 015 À�?��+2�Á�@���À�Á��+2�?�@���Â�~+2�9�:�;���Ã"?��017: 015 He who j ust i f i es t he wi cked, and he who condemns t he j ust , bot h

of t hem al i ke ar e an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD.017: 016 g�����Ä�Å�������2�l�Æ�Ç�È�4+É�Ê+Ë"q+�017: 016 Why i s t her e i n t he hand of a f ool t he pur chase pr i ce of wi sdom,

si nce he has no hear t f or i t ?017: 017 Ì"��Í�Î�Ï�b����-Ð�Ñ+2�´�Ò"Ó+Ô��017: 017 A f r i end l oves at al l t i mes, and a br ot her i s bor n f or adver s i t y .017: 018 '�Õ"Ö�×�Ø�§�Ù�Ú�Û���Í�P�Å�Ü�@-���017: 018 A man devoi d of under st andi ng shakes hands i n a pl edge, and

becomes sur et y f or hi s f r i end.017: 019 Ý�����¿�@���P�Ý�����Þ���ß�à�0á�@���Íãâåä�æ�ç��017: 019 He who l oves t r ansgr essi on l oves st r i f e, and he who exal t s hi s

gat e seeks dest r uct i on.017: 020 =�è�K�é0@�������ê"ë�{��-ì�í�P�î�@��+ï-'�Y�´�)��017: 020 He who has a decei t f ul hear t f i nds no good, and he who has a

per ver se t ongue f al l s i nt o ev i l .017: 021 Ô�g���%�@����ãâåð�ñ0��g�h"��@-a��Dò"Å�Ý�X��017: 021 He who beget s a sc of f er does so t o hi s sor r ow, and t he f at her of

a f ool has no j oy.017: 022 Ý�X�@-=���Í�Pôóöõ��-÷�ø0@-ù���¢�ú"û����017: 022 A mer r y hear t does good, l i ke medi c i ne, but a br oken spi r i t dr i es

t he bones.017: 023 ?��+ü�)-[�r"s���2�ý�þ"ÿ������017: 023 A wi cked man accept s a br i be behi nd t he back t o per ver t t he ways

of j ust i ce.017: 024 �����+v�Ø���Ê+Ë���g����+v�������017: 024 Wi sdom i s i n t he s i ght of hi m who has under st andi ng, but t he eyes

of a f ool ar e on t he ends of t he ear t h.017: 025 g���%�¢�a�b�ð����¢�®�b�÷�ñ0�017: 025 A f ool i sh son i s a gr i ef t o hi s f at her , and bi t t er ness t o her who

bor e hi m.017: 026 �+\�Á��+2���³��-����n�%+2���Á��017: 026 Al so, t o puni sh t he r i ght eous i s not good, nor t o s t r i ke pr i nces

f or t hei r upr i ght ness.

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20Pr over bs

017: 027 ������������� ������������� ���017: 027 He who has knowl edge spar es hi s wor ds, and a man of under st andi ng

i s of a cal m spi r i t .017: 028 ��������������� �"!�#�$&%�'&( ��)+*,��- �"!�#�$&%�� ���017: 028 Even a f ool i s count ed wi se when he hol ds hi s peace; when he

shut s hi s l i ps, he i s consi der ed per cept i ve.

018: 001 .�/���0 ���"1�243�5�6�7 �"8�9�:�;�<�=�'&( �018: 001 A man who i sol at es hi msel f seeks hi s own desi r e; he r ages agai nst

al l wi se j udgment .018: 002 ��������>�? �@ �"A�>�?�B�C�6�D �018: 002 A f ool has no del i ght i n under st andi ng, but i n expr essi ng hi s own

hear t .018: 003 E���F �"G�H I"F �J�K&L��"M&N O"L �018: 003 When t he wi cked comes, cont empt comes al so; and wi t h di shonor

comes r epr oach.018: 004 �P*�Q�����+�"R OS�T �'&( �U�V+�"W�X�Y�Z �[�T �018: 004 The wor ds of a man' s mout h ar e deep wat er s; t he wel l spr i ng of

wi sdom i s a f l owi ng br ook.018: 005 \�]�E�� �^��_ �"`&a�b�� �c�d+�"e&%���f �018: 005 I t i s not good t o show par t i al i t y t o t he wi cked, or t o over t hr ow

t he r i ght eous i n j udgment .018: 006 ������g&h�i�j�k ��lm*,n�o�p �018: 006 A f ool ' s l i ps ent er i nt o cont ent i on, and hi s mout h cal l s f or

bl ows.018: 007 ����� �+*^�m24q�r�s �t �"h��"u�t&v�w ��x"y �018: 007 A f ool ' s mout h i s hi s dest r uct i on, and hi s l i ps ar e t he snar e of

hi s soul .018: 008 z�{�� ����+�"R O|�} �"S�~�� �6�� �018: 008 The wor ds of a t al ebear er ar e l i ke t ast y t r i f l es, and t hey go

down i nt o t he i nmost body.018: 009 ������� ���".�� �"�&%���� �018: 009 He who i s s l ot hf ul i n hi s wor k i s a br ot her t o hi m who i s a gr eat

dest r oyer .018: 010 ����� �� �"u��������b�����~ �"������� �018: 010 The name of t he LORD i s a st r ong t ower ; t he r i ght eous r un t o i t

and ar e saf e.018: 011 �"��� ���� �"u�t �^��� �"��t�6�� ����R&��� �018: 011 The r i ch man' s weal t h i s hi s s t r ong c i t y , and l i ke a hi gh wal l i n

hi s own est eem.018: 012 r�s���� �"��6� �¡ �¢�£�¤^¥ �"¦���§�¨ �018: 012 Bef or e dest r uct i on t he hear t of a man i s haught y, and bef or e

honor i s humi l i t y .018: 013 ©�ª"«"¬�� ­® ���"��u�t �"�����"��J�M �018: 013 He who answer s a mat t er bef or e he hear s i t , i t i s f ol l y and shame

t o hi m.018: 014 ����¯�°+�"6&±�²�³ �6�´�µ�¶+��· ±�¸ ¹�º&�018: 014 The spi r i t of a man wi l l sust ai n hi m i n s i ckness, but who can

bear a br oken spi r i t ?018: 015 � �� �6����� �'&(�� �»�5��� �018: 015 The hear t of t he pr udent acqui r es knowl edge, and t he ear of t he

wi se seeks knowl edge.018: 016 � �¼�� ��%�t&l�½ ��¾"t&L��"¿����_�¥ �018: 016 A man' s gi f t makes r oom f or hi m, and br i ngs hi m bef or e gr eat men.018: 017 ��À��ÂÁÃ����Ä�Å���Æ �^Ç�È�É�F&L��"Ê�Ë ÌÍ����018: 017 The f i r s t one t o pl ead hi s cause seems r i ght , unt i l hi s nei ghbor

comes and exami nes hi m.018: 018 Î�Ï&±�Ð&Ñ�j�Ò �"!&±"Ó�Ô�Õ�Ö��� �018: 018 Cast i ng l ot s causes cont ent i ons t o cease, and keeps t he mi ght y

apar t .018: 019 ���&×�Ø �"Ù�t���W � Ú^q������Û�Ü��Ý�Þ �j�Ò �"R O^��ß ��à�á��018: 019 A br ot her of f ended i s har der t o wi n t han a st r ong c i t y , and

cont ent i ons ar e l i ke t he bar s of a cast l e.018: 020 �P*�Qâ&× �ã�ä �"¦�å�æ�ç�� �t&h�â Ì����"¦�è�t�é����018: 020 A man' s st omach shal l be sat i s f i ed f r om t he f r ui t of hi s mout h,

and f r om t he pr oduce of hi s l i ps he shal l be f i l l ed.018: 021 v�ê���{�ë �^ì�í �>�?�t ���"¦&î�t�â&× �ã�ä �018: 021 Deat h and l i f e ar e i n t he power of t he t ongue, and t hose who l ove

i t wi l l eat i t s f r ui t .018: 022 ��ï�ð�ñ ���"u���ï�W�ò �"!�u�ó ô"����� �õ&ö �018: 022 He who f i nds a wi f e f i nds a good t hi ng, and obt ai ns f avor f r om

t he LORD.018: 023 ÷&ø���-�ù�5 �ú �"�"����û�ü&ý �ú ­® �018: 023 The poor man uses ent r eat i es, but t he r i ch answer s r oughl y.018: 024 þ�ÿ���� ���m24q�r�s �^Ç���;���� � Ú^��������� �018: 024 A man who has f r i ends must hi msel f be f r i endl y, but t her e i s a

f r i end who st i cks c l oser t han a br ot her .

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20Pr over bs

019: 001 �������������� ����������������������019: 001 Bet t er i s t he poor who wal ks i n hi s i nt egr i t y t han one who i s

per ver se i n hi s l i ps, and i s a f ool .019: 002 ���������� � ���!�"��$#�%�&�'��$(�)�*�+��019: 002 Al so i t i s not good f or a soul t o be wi t hout knowl edge, and he

si ns who hast ens wi t h hi s f eet .019: 003 ������,� �-�.�/��$01�/����2�3�4�5�6�7��019: 003 The f ool i shness of a man t wi st s hi s way, and hi s hear t f r et s

agai nst t he LORD.019: 004 8�9�:�;�<�=�>��$?�����;�<�@�A��019: 004 Weal t h makes many f r i ends, but t he poor i s separ at ed f r om hi s

f r i end.019: 005 B�C�D�E1�� �F�!�)�G�H���I�JK�L��� �M�!�N�O�P��019: 005 A f al se wi t ness wi l l not go unpuni shed, and he who speaks l i es

wi l l not escape.019: 006 Q�R�S��� �T�>���U�/��V�W1�X�Y�Z��� ���[���/��$;�<��019: 006 Many ent r eat t he f avor of t he nobi l i t y , and ever y man i s a f r i end

t o one who gi ves gi f t s .019: 007 �����\�]�[�^�/� �_�`�/��$;�<� �a�@�A�/��/�b�L�c�d�e� �/�f�g�hi �019: 007 Al l t he br ot her s of t he poor hat e hi m; how much mor e do hi s

f r i ends go f ar f r om hi m! He may pur sue t hem wi t h wor ds, yet t hey abandon hi m.

019: 008 j�k�l�m��� �X�n�o�p� �q�r�s�t��� �F�j�Q�u��019: 008 He who get s wi sdom l oves hi s own soul ; he who keeps under st andi ng

wi l l f i nd good.019: 009 B�C�D�E1�� �!�)�G�H���I�JK�L��� �2�F�v�w��019: 009 A f al se wi t ness wi l l not go unpuni shed, and he who speaks l i es

shal l per i sh.019: 010 ��,���x�y�z|{$ �}�!�~����� �_�`����������������019: 010 Luxur y i s not f i t t i ng f or a f ool , much l ess f or a ser vant t o r ul e

over pr i nces.019: 011 ��T�D��� ���!���������������������� ���}|��������1�019: 011 The di scr et i on of a man makes hi m s l ow t o anger , and i t i s t o hi s

gl or y t o over l ook a t r ansgr essi on.019: 012 �������� �Q������������/��V��� �g��������$�����019: 012 The k i ng' s wr at h i s l i ke t he r oar i ng of a l i on, but hi s f avor i s

l i ke dew on t he gr ass.019: 013 ��,������ �}��� ��$¡�¢��£����¤�¥� ���¦�§�§�¨�©1�019: 013 A f ool i sh son i s t he r ui n of hi s f at her , and t he cont ent i ons of a

wi f e ar e a cont i nual dr i ppi ng.019: 014 ª�«�¬�8��}�­�®�¯�°1±����$²�T�³�m��£� �}�5�6�7�¯�´1���019: 014 Houses and r i ches ar e an i nher i t ance f r om f at her s, but a pr udent

wi f e i s f r om t he LORD.019: 015 µ�¶�:���·�¸��$¹�º���� �F�G�»�¼��019: 015 Sl ot hf ul ness cast s one i nt o a deep s l eep, and an i dl e per son wi l l

suf f er hunger .019: 016 ½�r�¾�p��� �q�¿�o�p����À1�$Á��� �F�Â�Ã�w��019: 016 He who keeps t he commandment keeps hi s soul , but he who i s

car el ess of hi s ways wi l l di e.019: 017 Ä�Å������ ���}�Æ�Ç�5�6�7��/��"��� �5�6�7�F�È�É1�019: 017 He who has pi t y on t he poor l ends t o t he LORD, and He wi l l pay

back what he has gi ven.019: 018 �T��� ���������������!���/��w��019: 018 Chast en your son whi l e t her e i s hope, and do not set your hear t

on hi s dest r uct i on.019: 019 ������ �F�G��H�����/� �F�����019: 019 A man of gr eat wr at h wi l l suf f er puni shment ; f or i f you del i ver

hi m, you wi l l have t o do i t agai n.019: 020 Î�×�Ø�Ù�Í� �G�Ú�ÛÜ �:�Î�M�Ý�T�l�m��019: 020 Li st en t o counsel and r ecei ve i nst r uct i on, t hat you may be wi se

i n your l at t er days.019: 021 ����>�T�Þ�ß1�$²�T�5�6�7��à�á� �â�N�ã�ä��019: 021 Ther e ar e many pl ans i n a man' s hear t , Never t hel ess t he Lor d' s

counsel - t hat wi l l s t and.019: 022 R���å�æ��� �ç���X�è�������é���ê�K�L����019: 022 What i s desi r ed i n a man i s k i ndness, and a poor man i s bet t er

t han a l i ar .019: 023 ë�ì�5�6�7��� �j�k�o�p��/�F�í�Ý����Ü �!�î�¡�¢��019: 023 The f ear of t he LORD l eads t o l i f e, and he who has i t wi l l abi de

i n sat i s f act i on; he wi l l not be v i s i t ed wi t h ev i l .019: 024 µ�¶���ï�ð�ñ�ò���ó����}1ô�õ÷ö1ø� �/�2�!�ù��019: 024 A s l ot hf ul man bur i es hi s hand i n t he bowl , and wi l l not so much

as br i ng i t t o hi s mout h agai n.019: 025 ú�û�ü�ý��� ���þ���F�ÿ�D���������t����� �/���t�� �����019: 025 St r i ke a scof f er , and t he s i mpl e wi l l become war y; r epr ove one

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who has understanding, and he will discern knowledge.019:026 ���������������� ������������������019:026 He who mistreats his father and chases away his mother is a son

who causes shame and brings reproach.019:027 �������������� �!���"�#�$�%�&�'� �(*)�019:027 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from

the words of knowledge.019:028 +�,�-�.*/10�2�3�4��5�6� 87:9�;�<�=��019:028 A disreputable witness scorns justice, and the mouth of the

wicked devours iniquity.019:029 >�?���@�A*B16�C�D� ���E�F���@�G�H�6� �I�C�D� ��019:029 Judgments are prepared for scoffers, and beatings for the backs

of fools.

020:001 J�K�L�6�A*B8��M�J�L�6�N�O���P�Q�J*R�S ���T�U�V�W��020:001 Wine is a mocker, intoxicating drink arouses brawling, and

whoever is led astray by it is not wise.020:002 X� �Y�Z1��[�\^]1��_�`���a�b�c�d� ����fehgi^j��020:002 The wrath of a king is like the roaring of a lion; whoever

provokes him to anger sins against his own life.020:003 k1%�l�m�����6� �n�o���G�p�6�q�r�m�s��020:003 It is honorable for a man to stop striving, since any fool can

start a quarrel.020:004 t*u16�Q�v�w���x�y�z���{�|�}� �~�����c���������"�U������020:004 The sluggard will not plow because of winter; therefore he will

beg during the harvest and have nothing.020:005 6��*�1�*���1�����������^�����6�����K���������020:005 Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, but a man of

understanding will draw it out.020:006 6����1�fe�i* ^�����^�1�*�16*��K����8 ��020:006 Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a

faithful man?020:007 ¡�@�¢�£� �¤�6���c� ���¥�����¦*§ ��020:007 The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are

blessed after him.020:008 X�¨�©�ª�«� ^¬1­���®�¯±°h²�³*´15��020:008 A king who sits on the throne of judgment scatters all evil with

his eyes.020:009 ��K�������µ�¶����� �������·�¶����� �<��020:009 Who can say, "I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin"?020:010 ¸�¹� �º*»8��¸�¹� �¼�½���q�@�¾�¿�À��*Á15��020:010 Diverse weights and diverse measures, they are both alike, an

abomination to the LORD.020:011 Â1Ã� �b�-����*Ä1µ�����£�Å���q�Æ���c� �Ç�È��020:011 Even a child is known by his deeds, by whether what he does is

pure and right.020:012 K1�� �É��*K�Ê� �¯1��q���¾�¿�À��*Ë ��020:012 The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the LORD has made both of

them.020:013 ��Ì*Í�Î1��Ï���Ð�Ñ���¯�Ì�Ò�Ó1��Ô�T�Õ�Ö�020:013 Do not love sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your eyes, and

you will be satisfied with bread.020:014 ×�Ø� ����������������^Ù1Ú�×�Û���c�ÜfehÝ��020:014 "It is good for nothing," cries the buyer; but when he has gone

his way, then he boasts.020:015 ¦�Þ�����¿*ß���à*á�ãâåä�-�æ�ç�èéê�1¦�&�'� �ë1��ì�@�í�î� �à�ç��020:015 There is gold and a multitude of rubies, but the lips of

knowledge are a precious jewel.020:016 ��@�ï�6�-�ð���T�ñ*� �ò�ó��^��@�ô�6�-�ð����1T�Ì�õ�ö��020:016 Take the garment of one who is surety for a stranger, and hold it

as a pledge when it is for a seductress.020:017 ®^÷�ø�"��� �ù�Ø���6*ú�û1ü��^�1ý���c� 87^����þ�ÿ������020:017 Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth

will be filled with gravel.020:018 �*�1q�������������F�����V*��020:018 Every purpose is established by counsel; by wise counsel wage

war.020:019 1���� � �����������������ë� �������c������020:019 He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets; therefore do

not associate with one who flatters with his lips.020:020 �������� ���c� ��1�� ���!�@�"$#� �#�%��020:020 Whoever curses his father or his mother, his lamp will be put out

in deep darkness.020:021 &�'�(1�� �)�*8��+�,�-���@�§�020:021 An inheritance gained hastily at the beginning will not be

blessed at the end.020:022 Ô���Ì�������Ì®^5�.15���Ì�/���¾�¿�À���c���0�1�Ô��

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20Pr over bs

020: 022 Do not say, " I wi l l r ecompense evi l " ; wai t f or t he LORD, and Hewi l l save you.

020: 023 �������������� ������������������������������020: 023 Di ver se wei ght s ar e an abomi nat i on t o t he LORD, and a f al se

bal ance i s not good.020: 024 ��� ��!"����� �����#����%$'&"(*)"+-,���."/��020: 024 A man' s st eps ar e of t he LORD; how t hen can a man under st and hi s

own way?020: 025 �%0'1�2"�3�4�5�6"-7�8�9�:�;�<>=��?�4@+'A�B�C"�020: 025 I t i s a snar e f or a man t o devot e r ashl y somet hi ng as hol y, and

af t er war d t o r econsi der hi s vows.020: 026 D�E"��F"-G�H����"�I�J�K�L�M�N�O��020: 026 A wi se k i ng s i f t s out t he wi cked, and br i ngs t he t hr eshi ng wheel

over t hem.020: 027 ����P�4��� ���� Q�R�S�����T�U��020: 027 The spi r i t of a man i s t he l amp of t he LORD, sear chi ng al l t he

i nner dept hs of hi s hear t .020: 028 F�V W"X� �Y�Z"�[>\ ]�^�N���_ `���V W"X�a�b��020: 028 Mer cy and t r ut h pr eser ve t he k i ng, and by l ov i ngki ndness he

uphol ds hi s t hr one.020: 029 c�d�e�f�g���h�i>�*)kj���l�g�����m�h��020: 029 The gl or y of young men i s t hei r s t r engt h, and t he spl endor of ol d

men i s t hei r gr ay head.020: 030 n�op�q�����r�����s�t�&�u�����T�U��020: 030 Bl ows t hat hur t c l eanse away evi l , as do st r i pes t he i nner dept hs

of t he hear t .

021: 001 F���T�v��� ���w�x��y�z"{�|���}"�~��������021: 001 The k i ng' s hear t i s i n t he hand of t he LORD, l i ke t he r i ver s of

wat er ; He t ur ns i t wher ever He wi shes.021: 002 ���������v@+-,����"x��������"-������ ���������T��021: 002 Ever y way of a man i s r i ght i n hi s own eyes, but t he LORD wei ghs

t he hear t s .021: 003 ��W������"�k���������� ��������021: 003 To do r i ght eousness and j ust i ce i s mor e accept abl e t o t he LORD

t han sacr i f i ce.021: 004 ����j�������T��"�3�e�4�r�����j��"����4�Q%�021: 004 A haught y l ook, a pr oud hear t , and t he pl owi ng of t he wi cked ar e

si n.021: 005 ������ "��-¡�¢�£�¤>����¥�¦�§������¨�©�ª��021: 005 The pl ans of t he di l i gent l ead sur el y t o pl ent y, but t hose of

ever yone who i s hast y, sur el y t o pover t y .021: 006 I�����9�«�¬�­����?�4@+-, ®�¯�����[�9�­"�e�4"°�±"°�²���³�´��021: 006 Get t i ng t r easur es by a l y i ng t ongue i s t he f l eet i ng f ant asy of

t hose who seek deat h.021: 007 ������c�µ"�¨�¶·+-, ¸"p���V�N�O���¹�º�������¥��021: 007 The v i ol ence of t he wi cked wi l l dest r oy t hem, because t hey r ef use

t o do j ust i ce.021: 008 »�r�9�����."�¼�4�½%¾¿��À�Á�Â�Ã����"�N�������e�4���Ä��021: 008 The way of a gui l t y man i s per ver se; but as f or t he pur e, hi s

wor k i s r i ght .021: 009 Å�Æ�Ç�v�È�É���Ê�Ë"���v�Ì"Í���È�Î"�Ï�Ð�Ñ"��Ò���Ó�Ç��021: 009 I t i s bet t er t o dwel l i n a cor ner of a houset op, t han i n a house

shar ed wi t h a cont ent i ous woman.021: 010 ������T"�Ô���Õ�Ö>��N���×���Ø�Ù�Ú�Û��021: 010 The soul of t he wi cked desi r es ev i l ; hi s nei ghbor f i nds no f avor

i n hi s eyes.021: 011 Ü�Ý>����Õ�Þ�ß��à�������?�[�D�E"��D�E���Õ�á�â�ã�[�ä�å��021: 011 When t he scof f er i s puni shed, t he s i mpl e i s made wi se; but when

t he wi se i s i nst r uct ed, he r ecei ves knowl edge.021: 012 ����æ�ç�������è"�ä�é�����ê�ë"�¨�À�ì�í��021: 012 The r i ght eous God wi sel y consi der s t he house of t he wi cked,

over t hr owi ng t he wi cked f or t hei r wi ckedness.021: 013 î�ï��"ð�ñ���ò�¬����N�¶�±"ó�ô�������õ�ö��021: 013 Whoever shut s hi s ear s t o t he cr y of t he poor wi l l al so cr y

hi msel f and not be hear d.021: 014 ÷"x ø>��ù�6"�ú�û�ü�ý>� þ>x ÿ>�����"�����µ�ü��021: 014 A gi f t i n secr et paci f i es anger , and a br i be behi nd t he back,

st r ong wr at h.021: 015 �������"�������Ô"���� ����������021: 015 I t i s a j oy f or t he j ust t o do j ust i ce, but dest r uct i on wi l l come

t o t he wor ker s of i ni qui t y .021: 016 ��������é�.����¨�Ç�v��������>x��021: 016 A man who wander s f r om t he way of under st andi ng wi l l r est i n t he

congr egat i on of t he dead.021: 017 ����Ô����¨�¢�ñ�ª���y��������"���¨�����¡>�021: 017 He who l oves pl easur e wi l l be a poor man; he who l oves wi ne and

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oil will not be rich.021:018 ����������������� �����������������021:018 The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the

unfaithful for the upright.021:019 ���������������� �!#"�$�%&��'���(����021:019 It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious

and angry woman.021:020 )#*���+�,�-�.�/�0#1�2���3�4���5�6�7�5�8�9��021:020 There is desirable treasure, and oil in the dwelling of the wise,

but a foolish man squanders it.021:021 :�;#<���=�>�����?�@�6#A�B���<�����C�D�E��021:021 He who follows righteousness and mercy finds life, righteousness

and honor.021:022 )#*���F�G#H�I���J�K��ML�N�O�P�Q�R&� S�T��021:022 A wise man scales the city of the mighty, and brings down the

trusted stronghold.021:023 U#VXWY �Z�����?�[#V]\M^ _�`�a�b&�021:023 Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles.021:024 c�d�%�e�������f�g�h�i&��O�j�k�l�m���n�o�p�d�e��021:024 A proud and haughty man -"Scoffer" is his name; he acts with

arrogant pride.021:025 q�r�����c�s��Mt�O#u�v��#w�x�O�y���z���{��021:025 The desire of the slothful kills him, for his hands refuse to

labor.021:026 |�}�~���6������������������������&�021:026 He covets greedily all day long, but the righteous gives and does

not spare.021:027 ��������0������&��������O�������7����#�021:027 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination; how much more when

he brings it with wicked intent!021:028 �������&���������M��|��������������M�������&�021:028 A false witness shall perish, but the man who hears him will

speak endlessly.021:029 ���� ���¡�¢���������j�k�S�£��021:029 A wicked man hardens his face, but as for the upright, he

establishes his way.021:030 ¤�|��#¥�¦ )#*���§�¨��M©�ª���«�¬#­�C�®��021:030 There is no wisdom or understanding or counsel against the LORD.021:031 ¯��#x�°�±�²�~Y³�´�����6�µ�¶���·#­�C�®��021:031 The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance is

of the LORD.

022:001 ¸�f�µ�¹�º�»���¼�½�¾�¿�À�Á��022:001 A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving

favor rather than silver and gold.022:002 Â�Ã#Ä�������Å�Æ�Ç���n#x�­�C�®�P�È&�022:002 The rich and the poor have this in common, the LORD is the maker

of them all.022:003 �����������3������`�v��022:003 A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple

pass on and are punished.022:004 Ñ�Ò#­�C�®�c���Ó�Ô���?�6#Â�|���D�E���A�B���x�Õ�Ö&�022:004 By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and

life.022:005 �������G���|���C�����[#V]\M^MA�B����������022:005 Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse; he who guards

his soul will be far from them.022:006 á�â�ã�ä���$�O�å�æ�j�� ç���?��#è�é�O�ê���ë�à��022:006 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he

will not depart from it.022:007 Â�Ã�ì�í�Ä�����î�ï&����ï�ð���ñ����022:007 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the

lender.022:008 ò�ó�ô������#õ�a�Ë&��O�ö�÷���ø���ê���ù�ú��022:008 He who sows iniquity will reap sorrow, and the rod of his anger

will fail.022:009 û]üý>�þ�����?���Î�ÿ&��w�O�t���0����#Ä����022:009 He who has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he gives of his

bread to the poor.022:010 ��o�h�i�����!���?�������!�C�¡�����ê����� ��022:010 Cast out the scoffer, and contention will leave; yes, strife and

reproach will cease.022:011 ������c������#w�O���G���¼�������� �O#x����022:011 He who loves purity of heart and has grace on his lips, the king

will be his friend.022:012 ­�C�®���û]ü �����§�¨�������L��������������&�022:012 The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, but He overthrows the

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words of the faithless.022:013 �������������� ����������������������022:013 The slothful man says, "There is a lion outside! I shall be slain

in the streets!"022:014 ������� �"!�#���$"%�&�'�(�)��"���*+��,.-��022:014 The mouth of an immoral woman is a deep pit; he who is abhorred

of the LORD will fall there.022:015 /"0�1�2�3�4��+5��6�7�8��+9�:.; <�<�=�>��022:015 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of

correction will drive it far from him.022:016 ?�@�A�B��"C�D.E��"�F�G�H�I�J"K��"�L���M�N��022:016 He who oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he who

gives to the rich, will surely come to poverty.022:017 O�P�Q�R�ST�U�V"���+W�X���Y+5�Z�[����+\�]��022:017 Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your

heart to my knowledge;022:018 O�^�5�-`_�a���b"��c"d��e�f��"g��022:018 for it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you; let them

all be fixed upon your lips,022:019 ��hji;`k�l�l�m�8�O����"C�n�O�o�p�$"%�&��022:019 So that your trust may be in the LORD; I have instructed you

today, even you.022:020 q�r"%�\�]��+g�s���ut v���w�x�O�y.�022:020 Have I not written to you excellent things of counsels and

knowledge,022:021 C�n�O�\�z�{�W��+|�}��O�~���{�W��+��������O����+���022:021 That I may make you know the certainty of the words of truth ,

that you may answer words of truth to those who send to you?022:022 A�B"���O���:��+��A�B�����������+���+����:����.����?�@��`�����022:022 Do not rob the poor because he is poor, nor oppress the afflicted

at the gate;022:023 �$"%�&����"�������`�������"��$"%�&������������+���022:023 for the LORD will plead their cause, and plunder the soul of

those who plunder them.022:024 ~���.�+�����:�I����"���+�����+�����:�I������.�022:024 Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do

not go,022:025 ����O��� ����+¡����u¢£E`��*+��¤¥"¦��022:025 lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul.022:026 ��C�I���§�¨����C��"©�ª.�+«�¬��022:026 Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a pledge, one of those

who is surety for debts;022:027 O�^�v���­�®�¯�°��±���n�����²�O�³�´��`µ�¶��022:027 If you have nothing with which to pay, why should he take away

your bed from under you?022:028 O�·�¸�'�¹��+º�»��O���:�¼�½��022:028 Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set.022:029 O�¾�¿�À�s�Á�Â��+��y������Ã���Ä�Å�Æ�Ç������Ã���È�É���Æ�Ç��022:029 Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before

kings; he will not stand before unknown men.

023:001 O�^�I�Ê�Ë�Ì�Í��C�Y+Î���O�Æ�Ç��+Ï�Ð.�023:001 When you sit down to eat with a ruler, Consider care fully what

is before you;023:002 O�^�Ï�Ñ�Ò��"���ÓÔ�Õ�Ö���×�Ø���023:002 and put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to

appetite.023:003 ��:�Ñ�Ù����+g�Ò�����"Ï�Ú"���+Ò����023:003 Do not desire his delicacies, for they are deceptive food.023:004 ��C�ÛÜ�Ý�J��`Þ�ßࢣE��+á�â��023:004 Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding,

cease!023:005 Out C�d�ã���ä�å��`æ�ç���y.���`æ�ç���Ë�è�é��ê�ë.ì`í�î"²��023:005 Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly

make themselves wings; they fly away like an eagle toward heaven.023:006 ��C�ï")�ð"���+ñ��+����C�Ñ����+g�ò��023:006 Do not eat the bread of a miser, nor desire his delicacies;023:007 ��"��5�ó"ô�õ"ö�����"����Ï�ó"ô��+��÷�ø�O����£ù�ï��£ù�ú��+���+5û I�O.ì`ü��023:007 for as he thinks in his heart, so is he. "Eat and drink!" he says

to you, but his heart is not with you.023:008 O�'�ï��`��ý"Ò������þ�ÿ+���+O�'�������g�W�X�����������023:008 The morsel you have eaten, you will vomit up, and waste your

pleasant words.023:009 O���C�����x�/��"��S����+������O�U�V��+W�X.�023:009 Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the

wisdom of your words.

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023:010 ����������� ����� ��������������������023:010 Do not remove the ancient landmark, nor enter the fields of the

fatherless;023:011 �������� �� �!"�#�$�%�&�� ��')(+*�������,�-�023:011 for their Redeemer is mighty; he will plead their cause against

you.023:012 *�.�/ 0�1�2�3�4)�+5�67�8�9�:� ;�<)�023:012 Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of

knowledge.023:013 ������=�>�?�@"�*�A�B�C��"���'���D�E�F��023:013 Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with

a rod, he will not die.023:014 *�.�A�B�C��"�G��)H+���� I�J�K�L�M�N��023:014 You shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell.023:015 O���*�0�P�Q�R�S�"�O� 0���T�U�V��023:015 My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will rejoice - indeed, I

myself;023:016 *��W�P�X�Y�Z�["�O� 0�\���'�]�^��023:016 Yes, my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak right

things.023:017 *�0�_ ��.�`�a�b�c�� d�.�egfih�j�k�l�m��023:017 Do not let your heart envy sinners, but in the fear of the LORD

continue all day long;023:018 ����D�e�'�$�n�o)� *� p�q�����D�r�s��023:018 For surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut

off.023:019 O��"�*t�7�"�tuQ�R�S�"�v�w�Y�x�yz�{�*� 0��023:019 Hear, my son, and be wise; and guide your heart in the way.023:020 v�|�}��"�v�~����"���.����������)�023:020 Do not mix with winebibbers, or with gluttonous eaters of meat;023:021 ����v�}������"�'�D����� v����)�"�'������������023:021 for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and

drowsiness will clothe a man with rags.023:022 *�.7�8���*� ����� *���������"��������������023:022 Listen to your father who begot you, and do not despise your

mother when she is old.023:023 *t�������� G���R�S�"�3�4�"�l�����"��������� )�023:023 Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction

and understanding.023:024 ¡�c� ���"�'�#�¢�]�^�� c���R�S ��£"�'�� ��U�V��023:024 The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who

begets a wise child will delight in him.023:025 *�.�¤�����U�V�� ¤���*� ]�^��023:025 Let your father and your mother be glad, and let her who bore you

rejoice.023:026 O��"�.�¥�*� 0�¦�O�� *��§©¨�"���.�V�ª�O�+x�«��023:026 My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.023:027 ¬�­���®�¯�� °�­���±�²��023:027 For a harlot is a deep pit, and a seductress is a narrow well.023:028 ��³�´�v�µ�¶�·"���¤�c�_�¸�$�¹�º���023:028 She also lies in wait as for a victim, and increases the

unfaithful among men.023:029 »�$�¼½�"u»�$�¾�¿"u»�$�À�Á"u»�$�ÂÃ�"ÅÄÇÆ�È�É�;)Ê�»�Ë�Ì�2�Í�"

»§©¨ÏÎ�Ð�023:029 Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has contentions? Who has

complaints? Who has wounds without cause? Who has redness of eyes?023:030 G������|�}"������l�}� c��023:030 Those who linger long at the wine, those who go in search of

mixed wine.023:031 }�Ù�Î"�w�Ú)_�Û+Ü�"�*�����Ý�Þ"�ß�à�Lá�â�ã�"�e�ä���å�*�æ�ç"uè

*�æ�é�ç��023:031 Do not look on the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the

cup, when it swirls around smoothly;023:032 [ ê y ]023:032 at the last it bites like a serpent, and stings like a viper.023:033 *�§�'�Þ�ë�ì�í) î��ïÄÇì�í) î�Æ�È�ð�ñ)Ê+*�0�'�Ù�ò ó�ô) [��023:033 Your eyes will see strange things, and your heart will utter

perverse things.023:034 *�'�µ�õ�w�ö)_�"�Æ�µ÷�w�ø�ù�y��023:034 Yes, you will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea,

or like one who lies at the top of the mast, saying:023:035 *�'�X"�c�C�O"�O�ú�û�2�Í�"�c�ü�C�O"�O�ý�����¢"�O�þ�uÿ��"�O� Õ�Ö�}��023:035 "They have struck me, but I was not hurt; They have beaten me,

but I did not feel it. When shall I awake, that I may seek another drink?"

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024:001 ������������� ���������������������024:001 Do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them;024:002 � ������������ ��!�"��������$#&%�'�(����024:002 for their heart devises violence, and their lips talk of

troublemaking.024:003 )�*���+�,�-�.$ /���0�1�2�3��024:003 Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is

established;024:004 465���7�8�9�:�;�<�=�>�?�@���A�B��024:004 by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant

riches.024:005 +�,��C�D�E�F���D�7�8���� F�G�H�F��024:005 A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength;024:006 ��I�J�K� ��L�+��6� ��M�N�O� �P�Q�R6�024:006 for by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a

multitude of counselors there is safety.024:007 +�,�S�T� U�V�W��X�E Y$ X6Z [�\6]�^ ��_�`a#b�024:007 Wisdom is too lofty for a fool; he does not open his mouth in the

gate.024:008 c�d�e����� f�g�� (���024:008 He who plots to do evil will be called a schemer.024:009 V�h��� i j$ k�l�m�����n�o�p����X�q����024:009 The devising of foolishness is sin, and the scoffer is an

abomination to men.024:010 ��[�r s�tvuxw�y�z� ����F�{�|�}�~��024:010 If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.024:011 ����������� ����������������� �����$���024:011 Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those

stumbling to the slaughter.024:012 ��w��� �������6� 7��6� ����{������$����1����6������������$�

��7����6���a������;��X�����b�� �;���6�024:012 If you say, "Surely we did not know this," does not He who weighs

the hearts consider it? he who keeps your soul, does He not know it? and will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

024:013 ��¡� ����¢�£��� ��l�>���� ¢�¤�)�¥�¦���£� §�¨�©�ª��024:013 My son, eat honey because it is good, and the honeycomb which is

sweet to your taste;024:014 ����Q�«�+�,� ��f�¨6��¬�­�����w�® ¯$ °�±�f�D�²��6������³�´� �

��°�µ�¶��024:014 so shall the knowledge of wisdom be to your soul; if you have

found it, there is a prospect, and your hope will not be cut off.024:015 ������� ����·�¸�¹�º�»����¼�������½�¾���¿�À�t�X��024:015 Do not lie in wait, O wicked man, against the dwelling of the

righteous; do not plunder his resting place;024:016 � ��»��Á�Â�Ã�Ä�Å� Æ�f�Ç��6�����È���É�r Ê�Å��024:016 for a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again , but the

wicked shall fall by calamity.024:017 ������ �������������� �����������024:017 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart

be glad when he stumbles;024:018 �������|�����b��������G�����024:018 lest the LORD see it, and it displease Him, and He turn away His

wrath from him.024:019 ������e�������à���á6����������������024:019 Do not fret because of evil doers, nor be envious of the wicked;024:020 � �����±���Q�²��6������ â���f�ã�ä��024:020 for there will be no prospect for the evil man; the lamp of the

wicked will be put out.024:021 ��¡� ����å�æ�Ó�Ô�Õ���ç�è���������é�ê�ë�ì����í�î��024:021 My son, fear the LORD and the king; do not associate with those

given to change;024:022 � ��������ï�s$ f�ð�ñ�ò��6� Ó�Ô�Õ���ç�è�X�ó�����½�ä�bô�E�7��$õ��024:022 for their calamity will rise suddenly, and who knows the ruin

those two can bring?024:023 Z ¥���l�+�,����ö�÷���ø�ù�ú Ö��� û�ü� l���>����024:023 These things also belong to the wise: It is not good to show

partiality in judgment.024:024 ý������ ��l�»���� ���þ6ÿ f����$�����f�q����024:024 He who says to the wicked, "You are righteous," him the people

will curse; nations will abhor him.024:025 ��������� f�Q�����=�>��$ ��f��������024:025 But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and a good

blessing will come upon them.024:026  �ý� ��������¬���������024:026 He who gives a right answer kisses the lips.024:027 ����[������������� [������� �!�"� ñ�#�-�.�)�*��024:027 Prepare your outside work, make it fit for yourself in the field;

and afterward build your house.

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20Pr over bs

024: 028 ���������������� ������������������������024: 028 Do not be a wi t ness agai nst your nei ghbor wi t hout cause, f or

woul d you decei ve wi t h your l i ps?024: 029 ������������� �!�"��"�������!�#��"�$�%�#�&�'�(*)�+�#��024: 029 Do not say, " I wi l l do t o hi m j ust as he has done t o me; I wi l l

r ender t o t he man accor di ng t o hi s wor k. "024: 030 "�,�-�.�/���(1032����4���(�5�6�7��024: 030 I went by t he f i el d of t he s l ot hf ul , and by t he v i neyar d of t he

man devoi d of under st andi ng;024: 031 8�9�:�;�<�2�=�?>�@�A�B�<103C��D�E���F�G�<��024: 031 and t her e i t was, al l over gr own wi t h t hor ns; i t s sur f ace was

cover ed wi t h net t l es; i t s s t one wal l was br oken down.024: 032 "�H���I�J�K�L�M��"�H�N�I�OP<�Q�RP�024: 032 When I saw i t , I consi der ed i t wel l ; I l ooked on i t and r ecei ved

i nst r uct i on:024: 033 S�T�U�V��W�X�U�V�?Y�N�Z�[\�U�V�024: 033 a l i t t l e s l eep, a l i t t l e s l umber , a l i t t l e f ol di ng of t he hands

t o r est ;024: 034 ]�(�^�_��I�$�`�a�b�c�d��]�(*e�f��g�h�i�j�k�(���d�l��024: 034 so your pover t y wi l l come l i ke a pr owl er , and your want l i ke an

ar med man.

025: 001 m*n���o�&�pq�(�r�s���o�t�u�v�w�x�y�(���&�z�{�(��025: 001 These al so ar e pr over bs of Sol omon whi ch t he men of Hezeki ah k i ng

of Judah copi ed:025: 002 |�}�~?������(����P�*|�}���������v�(����P�025: 002 I t i s t he gl or y of God t o conceal a mat t er , but t he gl or y of

k i ngs i s t o sear ch out a mat t er .025: 003 �������2��������v���K��������P�025: 003 As t he heavens f or hei ght and t he ear t h f or dept h, so t he hear t

of k i ngs i s unsear chabl e.025: 004 ��������(*�����I���������d�������m*��k����025: 004 Take away t he dr oss f r om s i l ver , and i t wi l l go t o t he

si l ver smi t h f or j ewel r y.025: 005 ����v�C���(�������*��I��������� ��025: 005 Take away t he wi cked f r om bef or e t he k i ng, and hi s t hr one wi l l be

est abl i shed i n r i ght eousness.025: 006 ��¡�¢�v�C���£¥¤§¦�u�����¡�¢�u���(*��¨�©� ��025: 006 Do not exal t your sel f i n t he pr esence of t he k i ng, and do not

st and i n t he pl ace of gr eat men;025: 007 ª���������?«�]�¨�d��a�`�¢�]�¬���(�v���C����­�]�®�n��025: 007 For i t i s bet t er t hat he say t o you, " Come up her e, " t han t hat

you shoul d be put l ower i n t he pr esence of t he pr i nce, whom your eyes haveseen.

025: 008 ��¡°¯²±�����³���´�µ��¶�·�¸�¹�º�#�»�¼��]�I���4�½�����'�<��025: 008 Do not go hast i l y t o cour t ; f or what wi l l you do i n t he end, when

your nei ghbor has put you t o shame?025: 009 ]�³�����´�¾�¡�³�#�¿���À�Á�������Â�Ã���(�Ä�}��025: 009 Debat e your case wi t h your nei ghbor hi msel f , and do not di sc l ose

t he secr et t o anot her ;025: 010 �����(����]��]�(���I�˰m*���025: 010 l est he who hear s i t expose your shame, and your r eput at i on be

r ui ned.025: 011 ¿�Î�Ï���·�Ð�Ñ��I�`�Ò�Ó�Ô�¢���Õ���Ö��025: 011 A wor d f i t l y spoken i s l i ke appl es of gol d i n set t i ngs of s i l ver .025: 012 ×�Ø���(�Ù�Ú��¢�Û�Ü�(���Ý�Þ��ß�à�Ò�Ý�á��â�ã�Ò�(�ä�åP�025: 012 Li ke an ear r i ng of gol d and an or nament of f i ne gol d i s a wi se

r epr over t o an obedi ent ear .025: 013 æ�çP(�è�é��­�ê�#�(���K�Ö�ë�ì��I�`�¢�í�î�V����ï�ð�(�ñ�òP�025: 013 Li ke t he col d of snow i n t i me of har vest i s a f ai t hf ul messenger

t o t hose who send hi m, f or he r ef r eshes t he soul of hi s mast er s.025: 014 ó�ô�õ�ö�÷�ø�(��ß�à���ù�(�ú�û��025: 014 Whoever f al sel y boast s of gi v i ng i s l i ke c l ouds and wi nd wi t hout

r ai n.025: 015 ü�ý�þ�ÿ���Pm*Ù�����v�����â�(���������������025: 015 By l ong f or bear ance a r ul er i s per suaded, and a gent l e t ongue

br eaks a bone.025: 016 ]�·�<� ����������������Å�Æ�]�-���I�������d��025: 016 Have you f ound honey? Eat onl y as much as you need, l est you be

f i l l ed wi t h i t and vomi t .025: 017 ]�(���¡���������(�y��Å�Æ�#�����]�� ���]��025: 017 Sel dom set f oot i n your nei ghbor ' s house, l est he become wear y of

you and hat e you.025: 018 ��!����P�� �����(��I�o�u�"�o�#�$��o�%�&��025: 018 A man who bear s f al se wi t ness agai nst hi s nei ghbor i s l i ke a

c l ub, a swor d, and a shar p ar r ow.025: 019 '�ËV�(�����æ�)P(����ß�à�*�+�(�,�.-��/�(��P�

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20Pr over bs

025: 019 Conf i dence i n an unf ai t hf ul man i n t i me of t r oubl e i s l i ke a badt oot h and a f oot out of j oi nt .

025: 020 ����������� �������������� ��������������025: 020 Li ke one who t akes away a gar ment i n col d weat her , and l i ke

vi negar on soda, i s one who s i ngs songs t o a heavy hear t .025: 021 ������� ��� �!���"�#�$&%����'�!���"�#�()&�025: 021 I f your enemy i s hungr y, gi ve hi m br ead t o eat ; and i f he i s

t hi r s t y , gi ve hi m wat er t o dr i nk;025: 022 *�+,��-�.�/ ���0�1�2�3�4�5�#���6�����7,8�9�:�;�<�=����025: 022 For so you wi l l heap coal s of f i r e on hi s head, and t he LORD wi l l

r ewar d you.025: 023 >�?&@,A �B�C�����D�6�:&@,E�F��025: 023 The nor t h wi nd br i ngs f or t h r ai n, and a backbi t i ng t ongue an

angr y count enance.025: 024 G,H�I�5�J�K���L�� �M�5&NO���J�P�Q�R&S��T���U�I��025: 024 I t i s bet t er t o dwel l i n a cor ner of a houset op, t han i n a house

shar ed wi t h a cont ent i ous woman.025: 025 V�W&X�Y,Z�[�\�] �����^�_�(�"a`b'����)&�025: 025 As col d wat er t o a wear y soul , so i s good news f r om a f ar

count r y.025: 026 c���5�d���e�f�g�h �W�i�j�k�l�m �n�o�l�p��025: 026 A r i ght eous man who f al t er s bef or e t he wi cked i s l i ke a mur ky

spr i ng and a pol l ut ed wel l .025: 027 %,q�r&s� �0�M�W����ut�vxwzy���{�|} �:�0�H�~����025: 027 I t i s not good t o eat much honey; so t o seek one' s own gl or y i s

not gl or y.025: 028 ��M����xwzy���� �W�i����������z ���V������025: 028 Whoever has no r ul e over hi s own spi r i t i s l i ke a c i t y br oken

down, wi t hout wal l s .

026: 001 ������� ��,�����A ���M����������,������{ �:�0������026: 001 As snow i n summer and r ai n i n har vest , so honor i s not f i t t i ng

f or a f ool .026: 002 ������] �������� �-�. ������� �¡} �:�;�M¢�£�026: 002 Li ke a f l i t t i ng spar r ow, l i ke a f l y i ng swal l ow, so a cur se

wi t hout cause shal l not al i ght .026: 003 ¤���0&+,¥&¦��§�6�0&+,¨�©���ª�«�0&+,¥&���,����¬��026: 003 A whi p f or t he hor se, a br i dl e f or t he donkey, and a r od f or t he

f ool ' s back.026: 004 M�­�®&���,�����,¯�°�±�²�# �³�´���Q�#�µ�.��026: 004 Do not answer a f ool accor di ng t o hi s f ol l y , l est you al so be

l i ke hi m.026: 005 ­�®&���,�����,¯�°�±�²�# �¶���#xwz·z+,V�¸&¹�026: 005 Answer a f ool accor di ng t o hi s f ol l y , l est he be wi se i n hi s own

eyes.026: 006 º���,��»&¼�, �0�½&¾¿wzy��uÀ} �wÂÁ�Ã�Ä��ÆÅÇwÂÁ&È,É)Ê026: 006 He who sends a message by t he hand of a f ool cut s of f hi s own

f eet and dr i nks v i ol ence.026: 007 Ë����uÀ} �Ì�Í���Î���Ï�Ð�5&���,���}`zÑ, �:�0������026: 007 Li ke t he l egs of t he l ame t hat hang l i mp i s a pr over b i n t he

mout h of f ool s .026: 008 Ò���{�"&���,���, �W�i���1�Ó���Ô�5�ÕÖ,×��026: 008 Li ke one who bi nds a st one i n a s l i ng i s he who gi ves honor t o a

f ool .026: 009 Ï�Ð�5&���,���}`zÑ, �W�i�Ø�Ù�Ú�Û�Ü�Ý���»��026: 009 Li ke a t hor n t hat goes i nt o t he hand of a dr unkar d i s a pr over b

i n t he mout h of f ool s .026: 010 Þ&���,���, �Q�Þ�r�ß����, ���i�à���á�����âuã�»��026: 010 The gr eat God who f or med al l t hi ngs gi ves t he f ool hi s hi r e and

t he t r ansgr essor hi s wages.026: 011 ���,��/&�,¯�ä �/�!���/ �����å�æ�r�]&%,#�çè&���026: 011 As a dog r et ur ns t o hi s own vomi t , so a f ool r epeat s hi s f ol l y .026: 012 ��éxwz·z+,V�¸&¹����ê} ����,�ìëu#�í�V�î�ï��026: 012 Do you see a man wi se i n hi s own eyes? Ther e i s mor e hope f or a

f ool t han f or hi m.026: 013 ð�ñ���ò zó���V�ô�õ} �ö���V�÷�õì�026: 013 The s l ot hf ul man says, " Ther e i s a l i on i n t he r oad! A f i er ce

l i on i s i n t he st r eet s! "026: 014 øu5�ù�ú�æ�û �ð�ñ���5�ü���:�0������026: 014 As a door t ur ns on i t s hi nges, so does t he s l ot hf ul t ur n on hi s

bed.026: 015 ð�ñ���ý�»�5�þ���× ���0ìÿ`��ì±, �:ì·z+������026: 015 The s l ot hf ul man bur i es hi s hand i n t he bowl ; i t wear i es hi m t o

br i ng i t back t o hi s mout h.026: 016 ð�ñ����xwzy� ë����������ì����í�V�¸&¹�026: 016 The s l uggar d i s wi ser i n hi s own eyes t han seven men who can

answer sensi bl y .

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20Pr over bs

026: 017 �������������� ����������������������������026: 017 He who passes by and meddl es i n a quar r el not hi s own i s l i ke one

who t akes a dog by t he ear s.026: 018 ���� �!�"�#�$�%�&'��(�)�*�+,��-�.���/�0�����1�2�3�4�5�6798 ����:�;��=< 8 ����:�;9>@?�A�B�C,D026: 018 Li ke a madman who t hr ows f i r ebr ands, ar r ows, and deat h,026: 019 [ E�F ]026: 019 i s t he man who decei ves hi s nei ghbor , and says, " I was onl y

j ok i ng! "026: 020 3�G,H�I�.�J�K�L���M���N�O�����P�Q9R�026: 020 Wher e t her e i s no wood, t he f i r e goes out ; and wher e t her e i s no

t al ebear er , s t r i f e ceases.026: 021 ����������S�T���U�.�V�W�3�X�Y�3�F�X�I�Z�[��026: 021 As char coal i s t o bur ni ng coal s, and wood t o f i r e, so i s a

cont ent i ous man t o k i ndl e st r i f e.026: 022 N�O�����\�]^�V�E�_�`�a�b�����c�d��026: 022 The wor ds of a t al ebear er ar e l i ke t ast y t r i f l es, and t hey go

down i nt o t he i nmost body.026: 023 3�e���f�hg�i���c�����j�k�l���m@;��026: 023 Fer vent l i ps wi t h a wi cked hear t ar e l i ke ear t henwar e cover ed

wi t h s i l ver dr oss.026: 024 n�o�����p9f�q�r^�c�s�#�t�u�v�w��026: 024 He who hat es, di sgui ses i t wi t h hi s l i ps, and l ays up decei t

wi t hi n hi msel f ;026: 025 -�p�x�\�y�]^�z���{�|�-9}�~@-�c�������[�{���i����026: 025 when he speaks k i ndl y, do not bel i eve hi m, f or t her e ar e seven

abomi nat i ons i n hi s hear t ;026: 026 -���p�v�w������h����n�o�-�����i�J����,�������026: 026 t hough hi s hat r ed i s cover ed by decei t , hi s wi ckedness wi l l be

r eveal ed bef or e t he whol e congr egat i on.026: 027 �,�����@��h��J������,�����������@�����J9�@����-9�@F��026: 027 Whoever di gs a pi t wi l l f al l i nt o i t , and he who r ol l s a st one

wi l l have i t r ol l back on hi m.026: 028 ������O�o�-������,�����������^��� �¡��������026: 028 A l y i ng t ongue hat es t hose who ar e cr ushed by i t , and a

f l at t er i ng mout h wor ks r ui n.

027: 001 ��¢9~£^¤��¦¥9}�~@Z§¤¨¢9©@ª���z,«�¬��9­@®�¯,�027: 001 Do not boast about t omor r ow, f or you do not know what a day may

br i ng f or t h.027: 002 ¢�°���¥�±�z���{�p§���¦¥���²�³���´�µ�z���{�p9f¶�·´,�027: 002 Let anot her man pr ai se you, and not your own mout h; a st r anger ,

and not your own l i ps.027: 003 ����¸�¹�º�»�¼@½�����¾�¿À�Á�Â�[�Ã�¸��027: 003 A st one i s heavy and sand i s wei ght y, but a f ool ' s wr at h i s

heavi er t han bot h of t hem.027: 004 Ä@¿9~�ÅÆ��¿�Ç~@0�ÈhÉ���Ê�ËhÌ­@Í�Î��Ï9�027: 004 Wr at h i s cr uel and anger a t or r ent , but who i s abl e t o st and

bef or e j eal ousy?027: 005 Ð�Ñ���Ò�Ó�Ô�V�Õ�Ö���×�Ø,�027: 005 Open r ebuke i s bet t er t han l ove car ef ul l y conceal ed.027: 006 Ù�Ú�X�����Û9Ü�Ý�Þ�ß^�à�Í�á�á�â9f��#�(9ã�W,�027: 006 Fai t hf ul ar e t he wounds of a f r i end, but t he k i sses of an enemy

ar e decei t f ul .027: 007 �9ä�å,H@�æ�i�ç�è���y�����é�ê�H@�Z�ë�ì�í�î�ï�ð�x��027: 007 A sat i s f i ed soul l oat hes t he honeycomb, but t o a hungr y soul

ever y bi t t er t hi ng i s sweet .027: 008 ��ñ�ò�ó�ô�õ�����ö9÷@ñ�ø�ùú�027: 008 Li ke a bi r d t hat wander s f r om i t s nest i s a man who wander s f r om

hi s pl ace.027: 009 û�ü 7�ý�þ �ÿ���c�������Ù�Ú�ß����������(�V��ð�_��027: 009 Oi nt ment and per f ume del i ght t he hear t , and t he sweet ness of a

man' s f r i end does so by hear t y counsel .027: 010 z���Ù�Ú����â���Ù�Ú�z�î���{�ñ� ���z����,�^¤�����¢�F��������� �����,��!�"�Ô�V������������027: 010 Do not f or sake your own f r i end or your f at her ' s f r i end, nor go t o your br ot her ' s house i n t he day of your cal ami t y ; For bet t er i s a nei ghbor near by t han a br ot her f ar away.027: 011 %���z�¢�A����@���! �%���c���"�ÿ�%�{$#�%�&�'�(�)�%������027: 011 My son, be wi se, and make my hear t gl ad, t hat I may answer hi m

who r epr oaches me.027: 012 *�+���,�-�t�.���¼0/���1�2�3�4��027: 012 A pr udent man f or esees evi l and hi des hi msel f ; t he s i mpl e pass on

and ar e puni shed.027: 013 Ì~�©@��A�5�.�6�Ì,��7�8���Ì~@³�9@A�5hÌ�.�:Ð9�027: 013 Take t he gar ment of hi m who i s sur et y f or a st r anger , and hol d i t

i n pl edge when he i s sur et y f or a seduct r ess.

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027: 014 ����������� ����������� ��������������027: 014 He who bl esses hi s f r i end wi t h a l oud voi ce, r i s i ng ear l y i n t he

mor ni ng, i t wi l l be count ed a cur se t o hi m.027: 015 ����� �"!�!�#�$%�&�'�(��*)�+�,�-��027: 015 A cont i nual dr i ppi ng on a ver y r ai ny day and a cont ent i ous woman

ar e al i ke;027: 016 .�/%0��� �1���/%02��3���4�5�6�7��027: 016 whoever r est r ai ns her r est r ai ns t he wi nd, and gr asps oi l wi t h hi s

r i ght hand.027: 017 8�9�8��9�:*;����<����=�>��@?BA C�D�9������<EGF<3���H�I��027: 017 As i r on shar pens i r on, so a man shar pens t he count enance of hi s

f r i end.027: 018 J�K L�M�N�O�� �P�Q O�R��*N�S��*T�U�V�+�� �P�W�X�Y��027: 018 Whoever keeps t he f i g t r ee wi l l eat i t s f r ui t ; so he who wai t s on

hi s mast er wi l l be honor ed.027: 019 Z�[*\�E%�]�I�=�^��*+�_�+��`�3�=�a��027: 019 As i n wat er f ace r eveal s f ace, so a man' s hear t r eveal s t he man.027: 020 b�c*&�d�e��f�g�h�i��*+��jlkm�3���H�I��027: 020 Hel l and Dest r uct i on ar e never f ul l ; so t he eyes of man ar e never

sat i s f i ed.027: 021 n�op�q��r�op�s��+��<t�u�3�v�p�+��027: 021 The r ef i ni ng pot i s f or s i l ver and t he f ur nace f or gol d, and a

man i s val ued by what ot her s say of hi m.027: 022 w�x�y�z��|{�} ~�+�_������*��S�,��<������[ ����} ~�������g��*���027: 022 Though you gr i nd a f ool i n a mor t ar wi t h a pest l e al ong wi t h

cr ushed gr ai n, yet hi s f ool i shness wi l l not depar t f r om hi m.027: 023 w�����������w������*�������*`�����w��*�����027: 023 Be di l i gent t o know t he st at e of your f l ocks, and at t end t o your

her ds;027: 024 �o ����g�� f����*������� �¡ ¢�£��027: 024 f or r i ches ar e not f or ever , nor does a cr own endur e t o al l

gener at i ons.027: 025 ¤�¥�¦�§��|¨�¥�©�ª%��«<R��*¬�­��3�®�¯ °��027: 025 When t he hay i s r emoved, and t he t ender gr ass shows i t sel f , and

t he her bs of t he mount ai ns ar e gat her ed i n,027: 026 ��±���²����o w�D�³�´���«<����o DGµm¶��*·�¸��027: 026 t he l ambs wi l l pr ov i de your c l ot hi ng, and t he goat s t he pr i ce of

a f i el d;027: 027 ��¹�«<��º�»�w�Q��3�»�w��*¼�½�Q��¾�»�¿�w��*À�Á��027: 027 you shal l have enough goat s ' mi l k f or your f ood, f or t he f ood of

your househol d, and t he nour i shment of your mai dser vant s.

028: 001 �+�x�L�+���3�����+������S��028: 001 The wi cked f l ee when no one pur sues, but t he r i ght eous ar e bol d

as a l i on.028: 002 Í�Î��*��Ï�Ð��Ñ�Ò���Ó Ô�Õ����*��Ö�×*��Ø��*+���Î*P�Ù� ��028: 002 Because of t he t r ansgr essi on of a l and, many ar e i t s pr i nces; but

by a man of under st andi ng and knowl edge r i ght wi l l be pr ol onged.028: 003 Ú +�Û�Ü�Ý�Þ�ß�Ë�à���á�â�ã�ä��028: 003 A poor man who oppr esses t he poor i s l i ke a dr i v i ng r ai n whi ch

l eaves no f ood.028: 004 å�æ�ç�è�� �é�ê�Â�+��<ë�K ç�è�� �È�_�Â�+�=�'��028: 004 Those who f or sake t he l aw pr ai se t he wi cked, but such as keep t he

l aw cont end wi t h t hem.028: 005 ì�+�g�×îí�ï Ç��<ð���ñ�ò�ó &�ô�� �L�g�×îíõ�028: 005 Evi l men do not under st and j ust i ce, but t hose who seek t he LORD

under st and al l .028: 006 ö�o ÷�ø��Ú ù�+��|ú�Ð�ö�û�ü�ý��þi�+��028: 006 Bet t er i s t he poor who wal ks i n hi s i nt egr i t y t han one per ver se

i n hi s ways, t hough he be r i ch.028: 007 ÿ�K ç�è��*����� ��S��*_���ä�+�D���� �È��������028: 007 Whoever keeps t he l aw i s a di scer ni ng son, but a compani on of

gl ut t ons shames hi s f at her .028: 008 + �������������������������Ú +����������028: 008 One who i ncr eases hi s possessi ons by usur y and ext or t i on gat her s

i t f or hi m who wi l l pi t y t he poor .028: 009 ����g��ç�è�� ������� �3�o"!�#��028: 009 One who t ur ns away hi s ear f r om hear i ng t he l aw, even hi s pr ayer

shal l be an abomi nat i on.028: 010 $�%�ø�&�+�ö�Â���� �P�'��)(+*���,�-��<ð���.�/�+��P�0�1���2��028: 010 Whoever causes t he upr i ght t o go ast r ay i n an evi l way, he

hi msel f wi l l f al l i nt o hi s own pi t ; But t he bl amel ess wi l l i nher i t goodt hi ngs.

028: 011 þi�+)(+�|o ��������3�Ö�×��*Ý�Ú +����{���4�5��028: 011 The r i ch man i s wi se i n hi s own eyes, but t he poor who has

under st andi ng sear ches hi m out .028: 012 �+�W�6�����Y�7��*�+�8���+���9�:��

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028:012 When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory; but when thewicked arise, men hide themselves.

028:013 ����������� ����������������������� �����������028:013 He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses

and forsakes them will have mercy.028:014 ���! �"� ��#%$ &�'���(��*)�+� ����,�-�.0/ 1��028:014 Happy is the man who is always reverent, but he who hardens his

heart will fall into calamity.028:015 2�3��4�5�6!7�8�9���:�;%<0=��>!?0��@�A��B0�028:015 Like a roaring lion and a charging bear is a wicked ruler over

poor people.028:016 C�D��4%E F�2�3��!GIH!J%$ K�L� ����M�NPORQ��028:016 A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, but he who

hates covetousness will prolong his days.028:017 S%T U�V�W�X��� ����Y!Z�1�[�\0��]!^���K�_*`�a��028:017 A man burdened with bloodshed will flee into a pit; let no one

help him.028:018 F�b�c�d� ������e!f���F�g�hjik ��l0m�n�o��028:018 Whoever walks blamelessly will be saved, but he who is perverse

in his ways will fall at once.028:019 p�qr���!sIt� ����u�v!A���w0x�y�z� ��{!|%} ~��028:019 He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, but he who

follows frivolity will have poverty enough!028:020 �!��V��%E u�'*�����%���!��J� ������|%�0�028:020 A faithful man will abound with blessings, but he who hastens to

be rich will not go unpunished.028:021 ��V���!�0���%$ ��:���V��������!���0��^%$ ��:��028:021 To show partiality is not good, because for a piece of bread a

man will transgress.028:022 V�&��%� ���%���!��J0������D%} ~��0��� a%�0�028:022 A man with an evil eye hastens after riches, and does not

consider that poverty will come upon him.028:023 ����V� ��������V����0��E ���! �¡�¢�£!¤�V���028:023 He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who

flatters with the tongue.028:024 ¥�¦�§�¨� ��©0��ª���«�����¬�V�­�«�®�¯�°�±�²��028:024 Whoever robs his father or his mother, and says, "It is no

transgression," the same is companion to a destroyer.028:025 (�³�H!´� ��µ�¶!·�¸���¹�º0» ¼�½� ����u�¾�¿��028:025 He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife, but he who trusts in

the LORD will be prospered.028:026 (�³À�Á«� ��#�«%Â�à V���Ä�Å%Æ F�g� ������e!f��028:026 He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but whoever walks

wisely will be delivered.028:027 Ç�È�8%}0 ����É�Ê!~���Ë%$ ��Ì� ���%E |�Í�Î��028:027 He who gives to the poor will not lack, but he who hides his eyes

will have many curses.028:028 ��V�Ï�¶*��V�­�Ð�Ñ�����V�Ò�Ó0��Ô�V�Õ%E0�028:028 When the wicked arise, men hide themselves; but when they perish,

the righteous increase.

029:001 V�Ö%× |��%�!��Ø�Ù�+�Ú!Û�Ü0��a��0Ý�Þ�Ò�ß0��C���K%à0�029:001 He who is often reproved, and hardens his neck, will suddenly be

destroyed, and that without remedy.029:002 Ô�V�Õ%E!�09�­���á�����V%â�ã*�09�­0ä�å0�029:002 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when

a wicked man rules, the people groan.029:003 æ�ç�Å%Æ0 ��è�§�é���á���®�ê%ë�ì í� ����î0ï�ð!J��029:003 Whoever loves wisdom makes his father rejoice, but a companion of

harlots wastes his wealth.029:004 5�ñ0ò�ó*��è�ô�õ!ö���÷���ø!ù0��è�ô�ú!Ò��029:004 The king establishes the land by justice, but he who receives

bribes overthrows it.029:005 £!¤�û!ü� ��­�«�ý�þ�ÿ���a�����029:005 A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet.029:006 ��V����0�j� ,�þ�ÿ0������Ô�V0������á��029:006 By transgression an evil man is snared, but the righteous sings

and rejoices.029:007 Ô�V�D� �����} V��������V���&���� ��­���u���D��029:007 The righteous considers the cause of the poor, but the wicked

does not understand such knowledge.029:008 ���!V�����������Å%Æ V��%å�����029:008 Scoffers ensnare a city, but wise men turn away wrath.029:009 Å%Æ V�®%Â���V� �·0�!��0�!�"0��# �%$ è�a��%å0�029:009 If a wise man contends with a foolish man, whether the fool rages

or laughs, there is no peace.029:010 :�U�V�W� ��L���&�'�V���÷�(�c�d�V��)�*��

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029: 010 The bl oodt hi r s t y hat e t he bl amel ess, but t he j ust seek hi swel l - bei ng.

029: 011 �������������� �������������029: 011 A f ool vent s al l hi s f eel i ngs, but a wi se man hol ds t hem back.029: 012 ������������������� ��!�"�#�$%��029: 012 I f a r ul er pays at t ent i on t o l i es, al l hi s ser vant s become

wi cked.029: 013 &�'�����(�)�����*�+,�-.����/�0�1324��"�5�6�7�8�9�:��029: 013 The poor man and t he oppr essor have t hi s i n common: t he LORD

gi ves l i ght t o t he eyes of bot h.029: 014 ����;�<=�>�?�'�������0�@BA.��C�D�E�FG��029: 014 The k i ng who j udges t he poor wi t h t r ut h, hi s t hr one wi l l be

est abl i shed f or ever .029: 015 H�I�7�J�K���L�M�N� �����O�P�0�Q�R���S�T�U�V�W �029: 015 The r od and r epr oof gi ve wi sdom, but a chi l d l ef t t o hi msel f

br i ngs shame t o hi s mot her .029: 016 %���M�X��Y�Z�[�M�X���\���C�]�^���/�_�`��029: 016 When t he wi cked ar e mul t i pl i ed, t r ansgr essi on i ncr eases; but t he

r i ght eous wi l l see t hei r f al l .029: 017 a�b�c�0�Q�R�����d�S�c�e�f�g��[�C�S�c�h�i�j�k��029: 017 Cor r ect your son, and he wi l l gi ve you r est ; yes, he wi l l gi ve

del i ght t o your soul .029: 018 l�m�n�o��qpsr�t�u�v w�xBd�O�y��Bz�{�|�}�~�0�������m�� �029: 018 Wher e t her e i s no r evel at i on, t he peopl e cast of f r est r ai nt ; but

happy i s he who keeps t he l aw.029: 019 �������.��!���������a�b���������������[��������029: 019 A ser vant wi l l not be cor r ect ed by mer e wor ds; f or t hough he

under st ands, he wi l l not r espond.029: 020 c�^���������0���� ������� �B����m������029: 020 Do you see a man hast y i n hi s wor ds? Ther e i s mor e hope f or a

f ool t han f or hi m.029: 021 ����!����������.����!�������C� �¡���0�Q�R��029: 021 He who pamper s hi s ser vant f r om chi l dhood wi l l have hi m as a son

i n t he end.029: 022 ¢�� 0�����£�¤�¥�¦���)���0�����X�X�Z�§��029: 022 An angr y man st i r s up st r i f e, and a f ur i ous man abounds i n

t r ansgr essi on.029: 023 ��0�¨�©���C�S���ª�«���h�i�¬�­ 0���C�e�®�¯��029: 023 A man' s pr i de wi l l br i ng hi m l ow, but t he humbl e i n spi r i t wi l l

r et ai n honor .029: 024 ��°�±�²�³�´���#�µ�%·¶�¸�0�¹�º�������^�»����¼�0�½�¾.��¿������ �029: 024 Whoever i s a par t ner wi t h a t hi ef hat es hi s own l i f e; he swear s

t o t el l t he t r ut h, but r eveal s not hi ng.029: 025 ÀÁ���0�Â�Ã�Ä�Å��Bzm�Æ�Ç�6�7�8�0���C�e�f�È��029: 025 The f ear of man br i ngs a snar e, but whoever t r ust s i n t he LORD

shal l be saf e.029: 026 ����0���X��������*�6�7�8��029: 026 Many seek t he r ul er ' s f avor , but j ust i ce f or man comes f r om t he

l ORD.029: 027 ��Î�t�Ï�0���Ð�\���Ñ�Ò ��Ó�Ì�Ô�Õ�0���Ð�%���Ñ%��029: 027 An unj ust man i s an abomi nat i on t o t he r i ght eous, and he who i s

upr i ght i n t he way i s an abomi nat i on t o t he wi cked.

030: 001 Ö�× 0�Q�R�Ø�Ù�Ú�0����.��d�#�Û����030: 001 The wor ds of Agur t he son of Jakeh, hi s ut t er ance. Thi s man

decl ar ed t o I t hi el - t o I t hi el and Ucal :030: 002 ����ÜÞÝBß�7�àÞá4â���ã �4ä����å�æ���[�l�m���0�ç����030: 002 Sur el y I am mor e st upi d t han any man, and do not have t he

under st andi ng of a man.030: 003 ã�l�m�è�¢� �����[���é�ê�ë�ì�í��030: 003 I nei t her l ear ned wi sdom nor have knowl edge of t he Hol y One.030: 004 îï�ð�ñ�ò�«�ó��Bîô�õ�*�ö�÷��Bîø�ù�*�ú�û�i��BîG�Ë�ü�0�ý�þ����ÿ »���������Q�R�» ÿ »�������c������ �030: 004 Who has ascended i nt o heaven, or descended? Who has gat her ed t he

wi nd i n Hi s f i s t s? Who has bound t he wat er s i n a gar ment ? Who has est abl i shed al l t he ends of t he ear t h? What i s Hi s name, and what i s Hi s son' s name, i f you know?030: 005 ��0����.���"�#�����0��� ���0�������t���/�0������030: 005 Ever y wor d of God i s pur e; He i s a shi el d t o t hose who put t hei r

t r ust i n Hi m.030: 006 ��0����.��c�����M�������Á���J�K�c���c�d�����â�����0��030: 006 Do not add t o Hi s wor ds, l est He r epr ove you, and you be f ound a

l i ar .030: 007 ã�É�c����Ì���*�ã���������������������ã��030: 007 Two t hi ngs I r equest of You ( Depr i ve me not bef or e I di e) :030: 008 É�c�S��� 7�����E�!�ã���S�ã�[���&�'��[��#"$.������ã�%���0�&�'��030: 008 r emove f al sehood and l i es f ar f r om me; gi ve me nei t her pover t y

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nor r i ches - f eed me wi t h t he f ood You pr escr i be f or me;030: 009 ���������������� ������������������������������������� "!�#�$

��%'&�('�030: 009 Lest I be f ul l and deny You, and say, " Who i s t he LORD?" Or l est

i be poor and st eal , and pr of ane t he name of my God.030: 010 ���)+*",�-�.�/�0�-'������1�2�3�����4�5�6�7�8'�030: 010 Do not mal i gn a ser vant t o hi s mast er , l est he cur se you, and you

be f ound gui l t y .030: 011 7�9�:�-��<;=:�>�?�@�A�B'C�D"2�3�E�F�����G�H�F�I�J+�030: 011 Ther e i s a gener at i on t hat cur ses i t s f at her , and does not bl ess

i t s mot her .030: 012 7�9�:�-��LKM M6�N�O���P�Q�7�R�STKMU�&�V�W'�030: 012 Ther e i s a gener at i on t hat i s pur e i n i t s own eyes, yet i s not

washed f r om i t s f i l t hi ness.030: 013 7�9�:�-���XZY\[�]�^�_���X�`�a���^�b+�030: 013 Ther e i s a gener at i on - oh, how l of t y ar e t hei r eyes! And t hei r

eyel i ds ar e l i f t ed up.030: 014 7�9�:�-���c�d�e���f�d�g���)�h�i�j�k'&�l"m�-�����n+o�&���p�-'�030: 014 Ther e i s a gener at i on whose t eet h ar e l i ke swor ds, and whose f angs

ar e l i ke kni ves, t o devour t he poor f r om of f t he ear t h, and t he needy f r om among men.

030: 015 q�r�7�s�t�u�v���w� ���G�x�G�x���7�y�z���{��+&��M|��� �}+&"~�7'��z'�030: 015 The l eech has t wo daught er s, cr y i ng, " Gi ve! Gi ve! " Ther e ar e

t hr ee t hi ngs t hat ar e never sat i s f i ed, f our t hi ngs never say, " I t i senough" :

030: 016 ���'��o������������������+&�j������'�030: 016 The gr ave, t he bar r en womb, t he ear t h t hat i s not sat i s f i ed wi t h

wat er , and t he f i r e t hat never says, " I t i s enough. "030: 017 ����E�F���������������H�F'&���1'&�X�������6��'��&�������������6������� �030: 017 The eye t hat mocks hi s f at her , and scor ns obedi ence t o hi s mot her ,

t he r avens of t he val l ey wi l l pi ck i t out , and t he young eagl eswi l l eat i t .

030: 018 � ��� ���+&�����7�y�z��M|�� � ��{��+&"~�7'��z'�030: 018 Ther e ar e t hr ee t hi ngs whi ch ar e t oo wonder f ul f or me, yes, f our

whi ch I do not under st and:030: 019 ��� �� �¡ ��¢�&"����£  �¤ ��k�¥+&"����¦  �§ ��¨'&"����©�ª�u�«�¬

&"�+�030: 019 t he way of an eagl e i n t he ai r , t he way of a ser pent on a r ock, t he way of a shi p i n t he mi dst of t he sea, and t he way of a man wi t h a v i r gi n.030: 020 ­�®'&"����a���¯�z���1 ��°�±�² 9�³����� �����Q�7�¨�´'�030: 020 Thi s i s t he way of an adul t er ous woman: she eat s and wi pes her

mout h, and says, " I have done no wi ckedness. "030: 021 µ�j�¶�·'&�7�y�z��M|�j�¸���¹+&"~�7'��z'�030: 021 For t hr ee t hi ngs t he ear t h i s per t ur bed, yes, f or f our i t cannot

bear up:030: 022 ����0�-�@�º'��»�¼�- � �+�030: 022 f or a ser vant when he r ei gns, a f ool when he i s f i l l ed wi t h f ood,030: 023 ½�´'&�u�¾'�"¿+��À�u�Á�Â�,�H'�030: 023 a hat ef ul woman when she i s mar r i ed, and a mai dser vant who

succeeds her mi st r ess.030: 024 j�k�7'��z�Ã�Ä���P�Å�Æ'Ç��030: 024 Ther e ar e f our t hi ngs whi ch ar e l i t t l e on t he ear t h, but t hey ar e

exceedi ngl y wi se:030: 025 q�È���É�Ê�Ë�Ì���P  �Í�Î�Ï�Ð�Ñ�Ò �030: 025 t he ant s ar e a peopl e not s t r ong, yet t hey pr epar e t hei r f ood i n

t he summer ;030: 026 Ó�Ô���Õ�Ö�Ë�Ì���P  �¤ �'�"×�Ø'�030: 026 t he r ock badger s ar e a f eebl e f ol k , yet t hey make t hei r homes i n

t he cr ags;030: 027 Ù�Ú�Q�7�Û�º���P�Ü'Ý��'���030: 027 t he l ocust s have no k i ng, yet t hey al l advance i n r anks;030: 028 Þ�ß�à�á�â�ã���P�ä   º�ß��030: 028 t he spi der sk i l l f ul l y gr asps wi t h i t s hands, and i t i s i n k i ngs '

pal aces.030: 029 å�¨�æ�ç'&�7�y�z��M|�¨�è�æ�ç'&"~�7'��z'�030: 029 Ther e ar e t hr ee t hi ngs whi ch ar e maj est i c i n pace, yes, f our

whi ch ar e st at el y i n wal k:030: 030 ����é�¾�ê�ë�ì'��í�6�î�ï���É ��ð�ñ &��030: 030 a l i on, whi ch i s mi ght y among beast s and does not t ur n away f r om

any;030: 031 ò�ó���ô�õ"ö�����É�-�÷�ø'&�Û�º'�030: 031 a gr eyhound, a mal e goat al so, and a k i ng whose t r oops ar e wi t h

hi m.030: 032 �ù�¨�ú�»�¼��LKû^ZK\_���ü���ý ° ´�þ�����ÿ�à������M�030: 032 I f you have been f ool i sh i n exal t i ng your sel f , or i f you have

devi sed evi l , put your hand on your mout h.

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030:033 ������������������ �������������������������������030:033 For as the churning of milk produces butter, and as wringing the

nose produces blood, so the forcing of wrath produces strife.

031:001 ���� �!�"�#�$�%&�('�)�*�+�,�-�)�#�.�$��031:001 The words of King Lemuel, the utterance which his mother taught

him:031:002 /�#�0�1��(/�2�3(4#�0�1��(/�5�6�7�#�0�1��(/8�9:��,�-�;<��031:002 What, my son? And what, son of my womb? And what, son of my vows?031:003 =�>�?�;�#�@�A�B�C�D��(E�=�>�F�G�H�I�"�#�J�K�031:003 Do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to that which

destroys kings.031:004 ���� �!�1��(I�"L(M�(I�"L(M�=�N�O���"� �P�(Q�M�R�S�T�E�=�N�O��031:004 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine,

nor for princes intoxicating drink;031:005 U�VL�W�X�Y�Z�[�\�(]�^�_�`badc�e�#�'�f��031:005 lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the justice of

all the afflicted.031:006 gbhdi�Q�M�B�?�j�#�eL���i�k�M�B�c�l�#�eL��031:006 Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to those who

are bitter of heart.031:007 m�)�nL�W:�(X�Y�Z�)�#�o�p��(=�R�Z�q�)�#dcr�031:007 Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no

more.031:008 ;8�K�s�tvuxw�y�=�z|{~}�#������d��K:_�`�����#d�����031:008 Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are

appointed to die.031:009 ;8��������:��������Kadc���p:��#�}���031:009 Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the

poor and needy.031:010 ����#�C�e���z:7��&<��()�#������������b�031:010 Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.031:011 )�����l�T�����)�(��=������� ��031:011 The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no

lack of gain.031:012 )�_�4:¡�����F� �¢�£��031:012 She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.031:013 )�¤�¥�¦�§���¨��©�l�ª�«�y�¬��031:013 She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands.031:014 )�­�®�¯�°�±�²�³�´�µ�¶��031:014 She is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar.031:015 ·�¸(¹bº�)�X���¶�(i�»�¼�½�B�¾�3�#�e��d?&8(y�#�¬�½�¿�À�D�031:015 She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her

household, and a portion for her maidservants.031:016 )�Á�7�ÂÄÃ�(X�Å:¶���ª�«�Æ�#�Ç���(È�É�Ê�Ë�Ì��031:016 She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a

vineyard.031:017 )bh�z:A�Í�Î&�(¡�Ï�Ð�F�A��031:017 She girds her self with strength, and strengthens her arms.031:018 )�Ñ�7�Æ�Ò�Ó�#�F���()�#dÔ�Õ�Ö�=�×��031:018 She perceives that her merchandise is good, and her lamp does not

go out by night.031:019 )�«�Ø�Ù�Ú�Û���«�i�Ü�Ú�Ý��031:019 She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hand holds

the spindle.031:020 )�Þ�«�ß�à�adc�e����«�á�â�p:��e��031:020 She extends her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her hands

to the needy.031:021 )�=�ã�ä�å�K:¾�T�#�e�æ�l��ã(K:ç�¾�è�é(��ê�ë�ì�í��031:021 She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her

household is clothed with scarlet.031:022 )�K|{�îdï�y�ð�ñ�ò� �()�#�ì�í�('�ó�¨���ô�õ�ö�y�#��031:022 She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and

purple.031:023 )�����R�÷bø��ù�ú�Ã�#�û�ü�ý�þ��K(ÿ�e�Æ������031:023 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders

of the land.031:024 )�y�ó�¨�ì������b����?�Î���ù�¯�¾��031:024 She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies sashes for

the merchants.031:025 z:A�������('�)�#�ì�í���)�Á�¸� ���#�����X������031:025 Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to

come.031:026 )�����X��������)�����F���#������031:026 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of

kindness.031:027 )� �!�¾�"�$#�=�%�&�'��

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031:027 She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat thebread of idleness.

031:028 ������������� ���������������������031:028 Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and

he praises her:031:029 ������������������ !�"�#$�%�&��031:029 "Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all."031:030 '(�)�*�+�����,�-�)�*�.����/ 0�1�2�3�4���5����6�7�����031:030 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the

lORD, she shall be praised.031:031 8���9�:�;<�=�7�����8�����>�<���?�@�A�BDC�E���031:031 Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise

her in the gates.

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